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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 79-001171 Latest Update: Feb. 19, 1980

Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto, Respondent held Florida Teaching Certificate No. 390436, Provisional Graduate, Rank III, valid through June 30, 1981, covering the areas of Sociology, English, History and Social Studies. On or about October 19, 1978, Respondent while acting within the scope of his employment as a teacher at Robert E. Lee Junior High School in Dade County, Florida, was observed to seize a student, Rodney Canull, by his hair and right arm, lift the student off the ground, and throw the student repeatedly onto a concrete ramp. As soon as the student was able to extricate himself from Respondent, he fled the scene of the altercation. However, later the same day, Respondent was again observed in a confrontation with this same student, in which Respondent had twisted the student's arm behind his back, and the student was doubled over in pain with his head below his knees. On or about April 24, 1978, Respondent was involved in a physical confrontation with another student, Carla Brinson, at Robert E. Lee Junior High School. The confrontation between Ms. Brinson and Respondent occurred in the course of Respondent's attempt to discipline the student. When Respondent requested that the student turn around so that he could administer corporal punishment, she refused. Upon the student's refusal, the Respondent threw her to the floor. The student got up from the floor, and struck Respondent with her fist, whereupon Respondent struck the student in the face with his fist. The student then ran out the front door of the classroom in which the confrontation had occurred, and was pursued by Respondent, who began to strike the student with his belt. Both Respondent and the student ended up on the ground in front of the portable classroom where Respondent again struck the student in the forehead with the heel of his open hand. When another teacher attempted to intervene in the confrontation, he was pushed aside and Respondent continued to strike the student with his belt. On or about May 11, 1977, Respondent was involved in a physical confrontation with a student at Madison Junior High School in Dade County, Florida, named Wesley G. Frater. In the course of Respondent inquiring as to whether the student belonged in a particular room, the student referred to Respondent as "man", whereupon Respondent began shoving the student into a row of standing metal lockers, approximately 25 in number, and then lifted the student upside down from the ground and dropped him onto a concrete floor. On or about May 20, 1977, Respondent was involved in a physical confrontation at Madison Junior High School with a student named Vincent Johnson. Some dispute of an undetermined nature occurred between the student and the Respondent, after which the student attempted to flee from Respondent. Respondent chased the student down in the school parking lot, and threw the student against a parked truck. Respondent then threw the student to the ground, picked him up and attempted to transport him to the principal's office. Once in the corridor of the school building, Respondent picked the student up and repeatedly threw him to the floor. Other teachers at the school, after hearing a disturbance in the hallway, intervened to separate Respondent and the student. As previously indicated in this Recommended Order, Respondent neither appeared in person nor offered any evidence for inclusion in the record in this proceeding through his counsel. As a result, the record in this proceeding contains no explanation or justification for Respondent's conduct. However, it is clear from the record that Respondent's conduct, as outlined above, worked to create an atmosphere of fear among his students, thereby seriously reducing his effectiveness as a teacher.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Nov. 18, 2009 Number: 09-006371TTS Latest Update: Oct. 18, 2019

The Issue Whether Respondent committed the violations alleged in the Administrative Complaint, and, if so, what disciplinary action should be taken against her.

Findings Of Fact Based on the evidence adduced at hearing, and the record as a whole, the following findings of fact are made: The Broward County School Board (School Board) is responsible for the operation, control and supervision of all public schools (grades K through 12) in Broward County, Florida (including, among others, Meadowbrook Elementary School (Meadowbrook), Tropical Elementary School (Tropical), and Everglades Elementary School (Everglades)), and for otherwise providing public instruction to school-aged children in the county. For five years, beginning in 2004, Joseph Tamburino was the area coordinator of student services for the School Board's South Central Office (SCO), overseeing the activities of the office's five-person secretarial staff, as well as the approximately 70 "itinerant" school psychologists and school social workers assigned to work at schools within the SCO's service area. Among these schools were Meadowbrook, Tropical, and Everglades. Respondent has been employed by the School Board as a school social worker since September 2000. She presently holds a professional services contract. From 2004 until August 2009, Respondent worked out of the SCO under the immediate supervision of Mr. Tamburino. During this time, she never received less than a satisfactory annual performance appraisal from Mr. Tamburino; however, in the "comments" section of the last appraisal he gave Respondent (for the 2008-2009 school year), Mr. Tamburino did write, "Jessica should work on improving absenteeism and performance issues such as task completion, timelines and adhering to work hours." During the 2006-2007 school year, Mr. Tamburino "beg[a]n to have problems" with Respondent's being where she was supposed to be during the school day. These "problems" persisted, despite Mr. Tamburino's efforts to address them at meetings with Respondent and in written correspondence he sent her. Following the end of the 2006-2007 school year, Mr. Tamburino issued Respondent a "Letter of Reprimand," dated August 14, 2007, which read as follows: This correspondence is submitted as a formal reprimand for your failure to follow office procedures. This is the second occasion that I have had to meet with you regarding not being present at your assigned schools for the full workday. We met on February 1, 2007 because you were not in your assigned schools for the full workday (7.5 hours) over a period of five days. Furthermore, we met on June 1, 2007, because you were not in your assigned schools during the hours you were required to be present on May 4 and May 24, 2007. Know and understand that this behavior cannot and will not be tolerated by this administration. You are hereby directed from this point forward, to comply with all administrative directives. Failure to comply will result in further disciplinary action such as a referral to Professional Standards and the Special Investigative Unit, suspension or termination. Your signature evidences receipt of and an understanding of this document. This letter of reprimand is being placed in your personnel file within the Records Department of the School Board of Broward County. Ten days after evidence of your knowledge of this correspondence, it will become public record. Respondent signed this "Letter of Reprimand" on August 14, 2007, signifying that she had "read and underst[ood] [its] contents." Less than four months later, Mr. Tamburino issued Respondent another "Letter of Reprimand," which was dated December 7, 2007, and read as follows: This letter is submitted as a formal reprimand for your continued failure to follow office procedure and falsification of records. On November 8, 2007 you were not in your assigned school for 7.5 hours. You called the South Central Student Services office and reported that you were leaving New River Middle School at 4:00 p.m. However, you were seen at a store at a shopping plaza at 3:00 p.m. Although you did not work a full day on November 8, 2007, you falsely reported to a Student Services secretary that you finished your workday after 7.5 hours. This is the second written reprimand that you have received within the last four months for failure to follow office procedures and falsification of records. This behavior cannot and will not be tolerated. You are directed to comply with office procedures, work your full 7.5 hour day, and sign in and out with accurate times. Failure to comply will result in further disciplinary action. Your signature evidences receipt of and an understanding of this document. This letter of reprimand is being placed in your personnel file within the Records Department of the School Board of Broward County. Ten days after evidence of your knowledge of this correspondence, it will become public record. Respondent signed this "Letter of Reprimand" on December 17, 2007, signifying that she had "read and underst[ood] [its] contents." Respondent did not file a grievance "specifically challenging" either the August 14, 2007, "Letter of Reprimand," or the December 7, 2007, "Letter of Reprimand." On March 17, 2008, Dr. Tamburino sent a memorandum to Respondent, which read, in pertinent part, as follows: As you are aware, we have had two recent meetings that have included discussions of following office procedures, the provision of social work services and collaboration with the community liaison and other personnel. On February 1, 2008 we had a meeting with Jerrod Neal from BTU and Ellen Williams, the Social Work BTU Steward. We examined possible discrepancies between dates listed for home visits on a log at New River and your November mileage voucher. Although there were L-panel entries to verify the home visits, there was inconsistent documentation of the addresses on the mileage voucher. However, you decided to withdraw your request for mileage reimbursement. Suggestions to improve your work performance were discussed. These include the following: * * * - Specific time of the home visits, including leaving and returning to campus, need to be documented. During the 2008-2009 school year, Respondent was assigned to provide school social work services at three schools: Meadowbrook, Tropical, and Everglades. She was supposed to be at Meadowbrook on Mondays, Tropical on Wednesdays, and Everglades on Thursdays. On Tuesdays, she went to whichever of the three assigned schools "need[ed] [her]," and she also did "home visits." Fridays were designated as "office days." On these "office days," Respondent was expected to do "paperwork" that needed to be completed. Respondent was allowed to use office space at Meadowbrook as her "Friday office" instead of going to the SCO (which was farther from her residence than was Meadowbrook). Respondent missed a considerable amount of work during the 2008-2009 school year due to her daughter's, as well as her own, health-related issues, "exhaust[ing] her sick leave" before the year was half over. (By December, she "didn't have any sick days" left.) Respondent and the other school social workers and school psychologists working out of the SCO were required to notify the office's secretarial staff, by telephone (or in person, if at the SCO), of their whereabouts whenever they arrived at or left a work-related destination during the school day (Call In Office Procedure). It was the duty and routine practice of the secretarial staff, upon receiving such a call, to enter the information provided by the caller concerning the caller's location (as well as the date and time the call was received) on an "online call-in log" (Call Log) maintained by the SCO so as to have a record of these calls. The Call In Office Procedure and other "[o]ffice [p]rocedures" were discussed in a document entitled, "Office Procedures: 2008-2009 School Year," which Mr. Tamburino provided "[a]ll the South Central Office . . . [p]ersonnel," including Respondent, at the very beginning of the 2008-2009 school year. The document read, in pertinent part, as follows: Attendance is reported daily by Joyce [Doe] (social workers) . . . to the payroll department. You must call Joyce . . . prior to taking any leave (e.g., personal, sick, other.) You must call each day you are taking sick leave (unless otherwise arranged with the Area Coordinator [Mr. Tamburino]). Call the office twice daily, when you arrive at your location and before you leave for the day (for example, for most elementary schools by 7:30 AM, and 3:00 PM). You should call from a school telephone. If you do not call in, you may be considered absent. You are expected to be in your assigned school 7.5 hours (same work hours as the teachers). If you leave a school for another destination, be sure to inform personnel at school and one of the secretaries in our office. When you are at the Area Office, please be sure that our secretaries log you in. A schedule of team meetings is provided at the beginning of each year. Attendance at all scheduled team meetings is mandatory. A planning day is a 7.5 hour workday. * * * Mileage vouchers must be submitted within 30 days after the end of the month per the Superintendent. Use the exact mileage to schools listed in SCA mileage chart. Requests for more than one month may not be approved. * * * You must request and obtain an approved TDA [Temporary Duty Authorization] from the Area Coordinator when performing duties in a different location other than your regular assignment. TDA request forms should be completed 10 days prior to the workshop/event. Return to the office at least once a week to handle office duties. The Area Coordinator monitors the quality of your work and evaluates your performance at least annually. The Area Coordinator makes all school assignments. In addition to having to follow these SCO "[o]ffice [p]rocedures," Respondent and her fellow "itinerant" workers, when they were at their assigned schools, were "under [the] direction" of the school's principal and had to do what the principal "dictated." During the 2008-2009 school year, the principal of Meadowbrook "wanted her ['itinerant'] employees to sign in/sign out when they came on [and when they left] campus," and there was a "sign in/sign out" sheet posted at the school for "itinerant" employees to sign, date, and note their "time in" and "time out." Respondent "knew" of Meadowbrook's "sign in/sign out" "procedure," and routinely complied with it (when she was actually at the school that school year). Respondent was not present, and therefore did not "sign in," at Meadowbrook on any of the following dates: Friday, October 3, 2008; Friday, October 31, 2008; Friday, January 9, 2009; Friday, February 6, 2009; Friday, February 13, 2009; Friday, February 20, 2009; and Monday, February 23, 2009. Nonetheless, she telephonically reported to the SCO secretarial staff that she was at Meadowbrook on each of these days (as reflected by the entries made on the Call Log), obviously knowing this information to be false.4 February 4, 2009, was a Wednesday, the day Respondent was supposed to be at Tropical. On that day, Respondent telephoned the SCO secretarial staff at 8:05 a.m. to report she was at Tropical, and called back at 5:56 p.m. to advise that she was leaving the school (as reflected by the entries made on the Call Log). In fact, Respondent was not at Tropical during the school day on February 4, 2009.5 Her reporting otherwise was a knowingly-made false misrepresentation. March 20, 2009, was a Friday and thus an "office day" for Respondent. Respondent had made arrangements to attend a conference that day. In accordance with the "Office Procedures: 2008-2009 School Year" that Mr. Tamburino had handed out at the start of the school year, Respondent had "request[ed] [on February 25, 2009] and subsequently obtain[ed] [on March 16, 2009] an approved TDA" from Mr. Tamburino to go to the conference (instead of doing the work she was "regular[ly] assign[ed]"). Respondent, however, did not go to the March 20, 2009, conference.6 Nonetheless, at 8:40 a.m. on March 20, 2009, she falsely and deceptively reported to the SCO secretarial staff over the telephone that she was on her "temporary duty" assignment (at the conference). At no time that day did Respondent advise the SCO secretarial staff that she was at her regular "Friday office" location, Meadowbrook,7 or that she was leaving that location (to pick up her sick daughter at school, or for any other reason). Furthermore, Respondent's leave records reveal that she did not take any type of leave that day. (Had she taken leave to care for her sick daughter that day, it would had to have been unpaid leave because she had no paid leave time left.)8 To receive reimbursement for non-commuting "travel expenses [she claimed she incurred] in the performance of [her] official duties" as a school social worker (that is, for mileage in excess of the 22.6 miles from her home to her office (at Meadowbrook) and back, reimbursed at a rate of 55 cents per mile, plus parking and tolls), Respondent had to submit mileage vouchers (on School Board Form 3042, Revised 09/05) to Mr. Tamburino for his approval.9 Respondent certified, by her signature on the forms, that her "claim[s] [were] true and correct" and that the "expenses [claimed] were actually incurred by [her]." Among the mileage vouchers she submitted were those covering the months of January 2009 (January Voucher) and February 2009 (February Voucher). There were entries on both the January and February Vouchers that were inconsistent with what Respondent had telephonically reported to the SCO secretarial staff concerning her whereabouts on the dates for which these entries were made (as reflected by the entries made on the Call Log). On the January Voucher, for Tuesday, January 6, under "Places Visited," Respondent put, "Home to SCAO [SCO] to Home" (a trip of 10.6 "Net [Reimbursable] Miles"); however, on the day in question, January 6, 2009, she had telephonically reported to the SCO secretarial staff that she was first at Meadowbrook, then at the SCO, and finally on a home visit. On the January Voucher, for Friday, January 9, under "Places Visited," Respondent put, "Home to Meadowbrook" (a trip of 0 "Net [Reimbursable] Miles"), "Meadowbrook to KCW [School Board headquarters]" (a trip of 5.3 "Net [Reimbursable] Miles"), "KCW to Everglades" (a trip of 17.7 "Net [Reimbursable] Miles"), and "Everglades to Home (a trip of 14.3 "Net [Reimbursable] Miles"); however, on the day in question, January 9, 2009, she had not reported to the SCO secretarial staff that she was at Everglades any time that day. (She had only reported being at School Board headquarters and at Meadowbrook.) On the January Voucher, for Tuesday, January 20, under "Places Visited," Respondent put, "Home to Everglades to Home" (a trip of 28.6 "Net [Reimbursable] Miles"); however, on the day in question, January 20, 2009, she had reported to the SCO secretarial staff that she was first on a home visit and then at Everglades. On the February Voucher, for Tuesday, February 3, under "Places Visited," Respondent put, "Home to Everglades to Home" (a trip of 28.6 "Net [Reimbursable] Miles"); however, on the day in question, February 3, 2009, she had not reported to the SCO secretarial staff that she was at Everglades any time that day. (She had only reported being at Meadowbrook and on a home visit.) On the February Voucher, for Friday, February 6, under "Places Visited," Respondent put, "Home to SCAO [SCO] to Home" (a trip of 10.6 "Net [Reimbursable] Miles"); however, on the day in question, February 6, 2009, she had reported to the SCO secretarial staff that she was first on a home visit, then at Meadowbrook, and finally at the SCO. On the February Voucher, for Friday, February 13, under "Places Visited," Respondent put, "Home to SCAO [SCO] to Home" (a trip of 10.6 "Net [Reimbursable] Miles"); however, on the day in question, February 13, 2009, she had not reported to the SCO secretarial staff that she was at the SCO any time that day. (She had only reported being on a home visit and at Meadowbrook.10) On the February Voucher, for Wednesday, February 4, under "Places Visited," Respondent put, "Home to Tropical to Home" (a trip of 9.8 "Net [Reimbursable] Miles"). Unlike the other entries on the January and February Vouchers discussed above, this entry was entirely consistent with what Respondent had telephonically reported to the SCO secretarial staff concerning her whereabouts on that day; however, as noted above, she had not been truthful in making such a telephonic report to the SCO secretarial staff. It was Mr. Tamburino's responsibility to check all of his subordinates' mileage vouchers, including Respondent's, "for accuracy" before approving them. Because "there [were] discrepanc[ies] between what was on the [January and February] [V]oucher[s] and what was on the [C]all [L]og," Mr. Tamburino did not approve these vouchers. Instead, he "forward[ed] the mileage voucher issue to the [School Board's Office of Professional Standards and Special Investigative Unit] for investigation."11 On or about April 23, 2009, Respondent was provided a Notice of Investigation (dated April 17, 2008), which read as follows: This correspondence is provided as formal notice of investigation into a complaint received in this office regarding allegations that you falsified records. You will be contacted in the near future for the purpose of giving a statement. You have the right to representation through all phases of this investigation. You are directed not to engage the complainant, or any student witness, or any other witness in any conversation regarding the matter under investigation. A violation of this directive could result in disciplinary action for insubordination. Questions regarding the status of this investigation are to be directed to Joe Melita, Executive Director of Professional Standards & Special Investigative Unit at (754)321-0735. This is your notice pursuant to Florida Statute 1012.31 that the material contained in the investigative file will be part of your personnel file and will be public record and it will become available for inspection by the public ten (10) days after completion of the investigative process. Investigator Johanna Davidson was the School Board employee in the Office of Professional Standards and Special Investigative Unit who conducted the investigation. As part of her investigation, Investigator Davidson took a sworn statement from Respondent on June 4, 2009.12 In her sworn statement, Respondent told Investigator Davidson, among other things, that she arrived at Meadowbrook at "around 8:00" a.m. on March 20, 2009, and stayed there "all day"13; that she "knew that [signing-in] was the procedure" at Meadowbrook; that this "procedure" had been in place for the past year and a half; that she signed in at Meadowbrook "99 percent of the time"; that she "may have missed one or two sign-ins" at Meadowbrook, but she did not "think [she] had"; and that she is "a very procedure and policy oriented person," so it would have been "odd" had she not signed in at Meadowbrook, even during the time, from January to April 2009, when she had been "on crutches."14 When asked by Investigator Davidson "what happened that day, February 4, 2009," Respondent made no mention of having been in the teacher's lounge at Tropical (where, in her testimony at the final hearing, she falsely claimed she had been the entire school day on February 4, 2009, leaving only once to go to the bathroom across the hall). Rather, in response to Investigator Davidson's inquiry, she suggested that this day (February 4, 2009) might have been one of the many days that school year that she had "taken off" because of health-related issues and that she had not "communicated properly" concerning her having "taken off" that day. Investigator Davidson completed her investigation and issued an Investigative Report detailing her findings in late June 2009. Investigator Davidson's Investigative Report contained a section entitled, "Summary of Investigation," the first paragraph of which read as follows: A Personnel Investigation Request pertaining to School Social Worker Jessica Harrison was received in the Office of Professional Standards & Special Investigative Unit. Ms. Harrison was accused of Falsification of Records stemming from the following alleged incidents: Ms. Harrison allegedly submitted a Temporary Duty Authorization (TDA) request to attend a conference but did not attend the conference, and allegedly reported to the South Central Area Student Services office that she was in attendance. Two of Ms. Harrison's assigned schools reported that Ms. Harrison was not in attendance on several days. Ms. Harrison allegedly did not report her absences to the South Central Area Student Services office. Ms. Harrison allegedly falsified mileage vouchers. The information that Investigator Davidson had obtained supporting these allegations was detailed in succeeding paragraphs of this section. (It was this information upon which the "[s]pecific [c]harges" in the instant Administrative Complaint were based.) The School Board's Professional Standards Committee met on September 9, 2009, to consider the results of Investigator Davidson's investigation and "found probable cause of falsification of records" warranting Respondent's termination. On September 16, 2009, Craig Kowalski, the Acting Executive Director of the School Board's Office of Professional Standards and Special Investigative Unit, sent Respondent a letter, which read as follows: The Professional Standards Committee met on September 9, 2009, and found probable cause of falsification of records. The Committee has recommended termination. Please be advised by way of this correspondence that you have been scheduled for a pre-disciplinary conference on Monday, October 5, 2009, at 11:00 a.m. in my office, which is located on the third floor of the Technical Support Services Center, 7720 West Oakland Park Boulevard, Sunrise, Florida. You have the right to representation at this conference. If for some reason you are unable to be present at this conference you must contact my office by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 1, 2009. You have previously been furnished with a full report. You are not to disseminate these documents to the public and/or media since it may contain protected information. If you have a representative, it is your responsibility to furnish him/her with copies of your documentation. Your failure or refusal to appear at this conference will be considered a waiver of this procedural requirement. A copy of the Special Investigative Unit report and this letter are being forwarded to the Professional Practices Department of the State Department of Education to determine if certificate disciplinary action is warranted. This letter of reprimand is being placed in your personnel file within the Records Department of the School Board of Broward County. This is your notice pursuant to Florida Statute 1012.31 that the material contained in the investigative file is now a part of your personnel file and is a public record and it will become available for inspection by the public ten (10) days from receipt of this letter. Any request made by the public for the documentation referred to above will be provided in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. Questions regarding this correspondence are to be directed to my office (754)321-0735. The "pre-disciplinary conference" was held on October 5, 2009, as scheduled. Present at the conference were Mr. Kowalski; Carmen Rodriguez, Esquire (on behalf of the School Board); Respondent; and Jerrod Neal of the Broward Teachers Union, whom Respondent had asked to speak on her behalf. Prior to the conference, Respondent had received, and had had the opportunity to review, Investigator Davidson's Investigative Report. During the conference, Respondent affirmatively adopted the admission made by her representative at the meeting, Mr. Neal, that she had engaged in the "falsification" of which she was being accused (as described in the Investigative Report). The following is a verbatim recitation of what was said at the October 5, 2009, "pre-disciplinary conference": MR. KOWALSKI: This is a pre-disciplinary hearing for School Board employee Jessica Harrison. We are here pursuant to an investigative report dated June 30th, 2009. This investigation was based upon allegations of falsification of records. The Professional Standards Committee has reviewed this matter and has made a recommendation for disciplinary action. The disciplinary action is for termination. Have you received a copy of the investigative report? MS. HARRISON: Yes. MR. KOWALSKI: The purpose of this pre- disciplinary conference is to give you the opportunity to bring forward any additional matters that you believe should be considered before final decision as to disciplinary action is reached. Such matters include any additional evidence, witnesses or any matter that you believe should be considered. This is also an opportunity to say anything which you believe should be considered on your behalf. I am going to ask you if you identify additional witnesses, please identify what you believe the witness knows or would testify to or what the witness can contribute to this investigation. Do you understand the purpose of this meeting? MS. HARRISON: Um-hm. Yes. MR. KOWALSKI: Is there anything you wish to say, do you have any additional matters that you believe should be considered.? MR. NEAL: Let me speak on her behalf, because I think Ms. Harrison has pretty much said a lot of things at the Professional Standards Committee meeting. Since we've talked, since the information that was gathered during the investigation, I have really had a chance to look over it, I was really surprised by the recommendation of termination. Not eliminating what happened, because what happened as far as falsification of records, it was done. But circumstances surrounding it, I don't think it really warrants termination, considering that it is not an easy thing when you're going through a lot of personal problems. Once again, it doesn't justify what was done. But I think under the circumstances, decisions were made with not a lot of clear thought, and I really believe that Ms. Harrison's intention, from what I have known over the last couple of years, have always been good. I just think it's a matter of the things that she was actually going through. She should have brought them to the forefront earlier so there could have been a better understanding of what was going on, not an excuse for it, but a better understanding for what was going on. And you know, I would not be in my duty if I don't mention the fact that there has been so much, or so many other things that have been done through the district that should have warranted termination and people were not terminated. And I just think this is a situation where termination is to the extreme. Whereas some sort of punishment should happen, but termination is just way too much for this situation, because I think in her state of mind as she is now, I don't think these mistakes will be made again. MR. KOWALSKI: Okay. Do you want to add anything Ms. Harrison? MS: HARRISON: I think he summed it up. MR. KOWALSKI: Okay. Thank you. We'll let you know the outcome. MR. Neal: Okay. About how long will that be. And he will let you know, so that means you will have to let me know once they let you know. MR. KOWALSKI: I have to meet with the Superintendent, and so within two weeks. MR. NEAL: Okay. Until then you just go back to doing what you have been doing. MS. HARRISON: Okay. MR. NEAL: All right. Appreciate it. Ms. RODRIGUEZ: Thank you. Mr. NEAL: Thank you. (emphasis supplied).15 The plea for leniency that Mr. Neal made on behalf of Respondent proved to be unsuccessful. On October 30, 2009, Broward County Superintendent of Schools Notter issued an Administrative Complaint recommending that Respondent be terminated for the "falsification" of attendance records and mileage vouchers described in Investigator Davidson's Investigative Report (conduct that Respondent had admitted, at the October 5, 2009, "pre-disciplinary conference," she had engaged in).

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the Broward County School Board issue a final order terminating Respondent's employment as a professional service contract school social worker with the School Board for the reasons set forth above. DONE AND ENTERED this 18th day of November, 2010, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S STUART M. LERNER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 18th day of November, 2010.

Florida Laws (13) 1001.321001.421012.011012.231012.311012.33120.569120.57120.68443.0315447.203447.20990.803
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-004561 Latest Update: Mar. 13, 1987

Findings Of Fact At all times material, Respondent Raimundo Manuel Dante was enrolled as a student at W. R. Thomas Junior High School in Dade County, Florida. During the course of two periods of enrollment at W. R. Thomas Junior High School, Respondent has had numerous disciplinary referrals. On one occasion, Respondent was recommended for assignment to the Dade County opportunity school program, but his mother withdrew him before the formal proceedings could be resolved. He was transferred back to W. R. Thomas Junior High primarily due to failing grades at a private school. During summer school for 1984, Respondent was tardy on six occasions. He earned three "D" grades and one "C" grade out of four academic subjects. He was absent three days in the "C" course, mathematics, and four days in each of the other courses, including homeroom. Because of the short timeframe for summer school (July 9, 1984 through August 17, 1984), the Respondent's absences and tardies are excessive. During the regular 1984-1985 school year, Respondent was assigned to the eighth grade. His absences span a minimum of eleven to a maximum of thirty- nine in various classes during the final grading period alone. This is clearly excessive and not conducive to any learning activity. His final grades were failing in all classes except "vocational basic," in which he obtained a "D." On December 12, 1984, Mrs. Gomez referred Respondent to Mr. Helip, who as assistant principal has primary responsibility for discipline at W. R. Thomas Junior High School. The referral was not only for disruptive behavior on that date, but was a culmination of a number of occasions when Respondent had behaved similarly. The nature of Respondent's disruptive behavior on December 12, 1984, involved coming to the front of the room without permission and "answering back" disrespectfully to Mrs. Gomez when she did not grant him permission to leave the room to conduct business he should have handled prior to the beginning of class. This was repetitive of similar behavior which had gone on the previous day and which had not resulted in a student management referral at that time. On December 12, Mrs. Gomez also gave Respondent a detention assignment for social talking which was disrupting the class and he uttered a disruptive and insulting retort in Spanish to the effect that nothing would happen to him if he did not comply with the detention assignment. Mrs. Gomez, who speaks and understands Spanish, then considered all Respondent's past misbehavior in the referral of December 12, including his consistent failure to come to her class equipped with appropriate books, paper and writing implements. On April 26, 1985, Mrs. Gomez referred Respondent to Mr. Helip due to his ten tardies in the last two-week period, for kissing girls while sitting atop his desk, and for wandering about the room, talking, and being off task on April 26 and on several prior occasions. Respondent's remarks, when reprimanded orally by Mrs. Gomez, were interpreted by her as disrespectful and threatening. All counseling with the parents in the 1984-1985 school year appear to have dead-ended. During the regular 1985-1986 school year, Respondent was assigned to the ninth grade. His absence record was less than the previous school year but still varied from four to eight days' absence during the final grading period, depending upon which class was involved. This is also excessive and not conducive to any formal learning experience. His final grades were four failures and one "C" out of the courses attempted. During the 1986 summer session, Respondent was absent five days, which was again excessive in view of the summer session's abbreviated timeframe (July 7 through August 15, 1986). Out of two ninth grade subjects attempted, Respondent failed one and got a "D" in the other. On September 16, 1986, in the course of the regular 1986-1987 school year, Mrs. Robbie referred Respondent for discipline due to his yawning, talking, and back talk to her which disrupted her class. Mrs. Robbie had referred Respondent a number of times in the previous year. He failed her class in that school year, and, therefore, on September 16, 1986, Mr. Helip reassigned him to another English teacher without taking any punitive action against him. During the first grading period of the regular 1986-1987 school year, Respondent had been absent eleven days before the occurrence of the incident which precipitated his administrative assignment to the Dade County opportunity school system. At that time, he had failing grades in every one of the six subjects attempted. At the end of the first grading period, Respondent's conduct grades were all failing. The incident which precipitated administrative assignment of Respondent to the opportunity program involved Ernie Ortiz, a 17-year old ninth grader. Upon leaving the school grounds at the close of a school day in October 1986, Ortiz was "tailed" by a slow-cruising brown Camaro automobile with at least four young men in it. Ortiz saw Respondent in the car. A B-B gun was fired from the car at Ortiz who was on the sidewalk. Ortiz was hit by the B-B shot fired from the car and was subsequently treated at a hospital. The next day, Ortiz saw the same car at school and reported the incident to Mr. Helip. Although Ortiz was never able to say whether Respondent was driving or who shot him, the school resource officer found a pellet gun and pellets, a knife, and a roach clip in the car identified by Ortiz, and Respondent admitted to Mr. Helip that the gun was his. Mr. Helip recommended expulsion of Respondent because he believed a weapons charge had been made against Respondent. Instead, based upon all the circumstances, the school board made an opportunity school placement. There is no competent substantial evidence to show that any criminal charge was made against Respondent. In the past, counseling, corporal punishment, and outdoor suspensions have been tried with regard to Respondent but to no avail. The regular Dade County school program resources have been exhausted as regards Respondent.

Recommendation Upon consideration of the foregoing, it is, RECOMMENDED that the School Board of Dade County enter its Final Order affirming the assignment of Respondent to the school system's opportunity school program at Douglas MacArthur Senior High School-South. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 13th day of March, 1987, at Tallahassee, Florida. ELLA JANE P. DAVIS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 13th day of March, 1987. COPIES FURNISHED: Leonard Britton, Superintendent School Board of Dade County 1410 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 Phyllis O. Douglas Assistant Board Attorney Dade County Public Schools 1410 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 Frank R. Harder, Esquire Twin Oaks Building, Suite 100 2780 Galloway Road Miami, Florida 33165 Mr. and Mrs. Raimundo Dante 1095 S.W. 134th Court Miami, Florida 33184

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 3
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-001482 Latest Update: Apr. 13, 1984

Findings Of Fact Respondent, Lester Nathaniel Johnson, is the holder of teacher's certificate number 384068 issued by the State Department of Education. It is valid until June 30, 1990. He is a 1975 graduate of Bethune-Cookman College where he majored in history and sociology, and from Nova University in 1981 where he received a master's degree. Johnson first began teaching in the Dade County Public School System in September, 1975 and has taught in the System since that time. During school years 1981-82 and 1982-83 he was an instructor at Miami Lakes Junior High School (MLJHS) teaching social studies and history. During school year 1982-83 first period at MLJHS began at 8:45 a.m. and ended fifty-five minutes later at 9:40 a.m. Classes then changed and "homeroom" activities began at 9:45 a.m. and lasted ten minutes. At 9:55 a.m. a bell rang and students had five minutes to go to second period class which began at 10:00 a.m. The allegations in the notice of charges and administrative complaint relate to an alleged incident which occurred on the morning of March 23, 1983 on the school premises. As clarified by testimony in this cause, the "incident" could not have occurred any earlier than around 9:57 a.m. that morning in respondent's classroom during the break between homeroom and second period. The testimony also shows that after the incident, which took no more than a minute, the complainant would have had to leave the classroom, talk briefly with her girlfriend in the hallway, and still have time to reach a street adjacent to the school building approximately two hundred yards away in a minute or so, or by 9:59 a.m. Michelle Pinson was a thirteen-year-old seventh grader of MLJHS during the 1982-83 school year. According to Pinson, on the morning of March 23, 1983 she left her homeroom after the bell rang at 9:55 a.m. to attend her second period class, English. She related that she had to walk past respondent's classroom to get to her second period class, and that it normally took her around a minute to a minute and a half to reach Johnson's classroom. At the final hearing, Michelle claimed that while walking past his classroom that morning, he pulled her inside the room, which was empty, shut the door and began "kissing all on (her)" including her neck and face, and "feeling on (her)" including her breasts and genital area. However, some two weeks after the "incident", she had told an assistant state attorney under oath that Johnson had kissed her only on the neck and had not touched her in the genital area. When she started to leave the room, Pinson stated Johnson grabbed her right buttocks and told her not to tell anyone. According to Pinson, the whole incident took no more than a minute. Testimony from a non-interested witness, Arthur Diamond, a science teacher at MLJHS, confirmed the fact that Johnson went to the restroom after the 9:55 a.m. bell rang, chatted for a minute or two with Diamond, and could not have returned to his classroom until around 9:57 a.m. Therefore, if such an incident did in fact occur, it could not have happened until after 9:57 a.m. After leaving the classroom, the first person Michelle saw was Natalie Blackwell, a longtime friend and classmate, and related to her what had happened. Natalie attempted to corroborate Michelle's story, and stated that she saw a hand grab Michelle's buttocks as she left the classroom, and as she passed by the classroom she saw the hand belonged to Johnson. Natalie's version of the story must be tempered by several considerations. First she testified the incident occurred after lunch rather than in the morning. Secondly, she was a student in Johnson's class and had just been suspended for ten days for fighting. When she returned Johnson refused to allow her to do makeup work for the time she was suspended and consequently she received a failing grade. For this, Natalie had threatened to "get" Johnson. Finally, Natalie had also received several detentions from Johnson prior to the "incident" and was dating Michelle's brother at the same time. Therefore, her testimony is not found to be credible, and has been disregarded. "A little bit before" 10:00 a.m., Michelle was found walking down Ludlam Avenue by an instructor some two hundred yards or so from the main building. Michelle had walked that distance after she claimed the "incident" had occurred and after she had spoken to Natalie. The undersigned finds it highly unlikely that Michelle could have had an encounter with Johnson after 9:57 a.m., which lasted no more than a minute, then talked briefly with her friend in the hallway, and then walked some two hundred yards from the building, all within a span of a minute or so. After being stopped by the instructor on Ludlamd Avenue, Pinson returned to the main building and was seen by the assistant principal several minutes after 10:00 a.m. wandering in the hallway. He immediately approached her and noted she had tears in her eyes and was sobbing. Pinson told the assistant principal that she had an encounter with Johnson. Both went to the principal's office where an interview was conducted with Pinson, and later with Johnson. After conducting an investigation, school authorities turned the mattter over to petitioners, School Board of Dade County and Education Practices Commission (EPC), who then initiated these proceedings. Respondent denied the incident occurred and that he had not even seen Michelle during the break between homeroom and second period class. On the morning in question, Johnson had supervised a breakfast program for students from 8:00 a.m. to 8:40 a.m. in the cafeteria, taught a first period class form 8:45 a.m. to 9:55 a.m. When the bell rang to change classes, the students departed the classroom and Johnson then left his classroom to visit the restroom down the hall. As noted earlier, this was confirmed by another teacher, Arthur Diamond, who testified that Johnson followed him into the restroom right after the bell rang where they briefly chatted and then both departed, returning to their respective classrooms around 9:57 a.m. The evidence is sharply conflicting in this proceeding but it is found that no encounter between Johnson and Pinson occurred on the morning of March 23, 1983.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that all charges against respondent be DISMISSED and that he be reinstated and given back-pay retroactive to April 20, 1983. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 8th day of February 1984, in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 904/488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of February, 1984. COPIES FURNISHED: Jesse T. McCrary, Jr., Esquire 3000 Executive Plaza, Suite 800 3050 Biscayne Boulevard Miami, Florida 33137 W. Jerry Foster, Esquire 616 Lewis State Bank Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Dr. Leonard Britton Superintendent of Schools Dade County Public Schools 1410 N.E. 2nd Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 Mr. Donald Griesheimer Executive Director Education Practices Commission Knott Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 ================================================================= AGENCY FINAL ORDER =================================================================

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 78-000708 Latest Update: Jul. 31, 1978

The Issue Validity of Respondent's placement decision concerning Petitioner, as set forth in letter of Wylamerle G. Marshall, dated March 28, 1978. This cases arises from Petitioner's request for a hearing to review a decision of the Director, Exceptional Child Education, Dade County Public Schools, that placement of the Petitioner in a learning disabilities program was an appropriate placement in the Dade County School System. The decision was effected by letter of March 28, 1978 from Wylamerle G. Marshall to Mrs. Constance Garrett, the mother of petitioner Thomas Garrett. She-thereafter requested review on behalf of her son by letter from legal counsel dated April 6, 1978. The case was referred to the Division of Administrative Hearings for appointment of Hearing Officer on April 12, 1978. Although the hearing in this matter was originally set for May 11, 1978, the Hearing Officer granted Petitioner's request for a continuance and the case was heard on June 14, 1978.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner Thomas Garrett, a seven year old boy, who is the son of Constance Garrett, Miami, Florida, was enrolled in the first grade at Orchard Villa Elementary School, Miami, Florida, in September, 1977. Several days after school began, Thomas brought home classroom papers indicating that he had failed on certain tests. Mrs. Garrett spoke to his teacher who informed her that Thomas was hyperactive, disruptive and not able to do classroom work properly. She then went to the principal who told her that letter grades should not have been given in the first grade classes and suggested that the child be placed again in kindergarten. Mrs. Garrett asked that Thomas be tested to determine if he had any learning deficiencies and the principal agreed to initiate administrative processing in that respect. (Testimony of C. Garrett) The normal procedure followed in the Dade County Public School System for placement of a child in a learning disabilities program is for the student's teacher to bring the matter to the attention of the local school authorities who refer the case to a school "team." The team assists the teacher in dealing with any problems arising in the classroom. If the team recommends that the child needs evaluation, the school sends a visiting teacher to the home to obtain the social history of the child to prepare for possible psychological testing and evaluation of the particular case. This information, together with routine school hearing and visual tests, and evaluation of the student's teacher are provided to a psychologist in the school system who performs psychological testing at the school to determine the need for special education. The results of testing are thereafter reviewed by a committee of the county area concerned and final approval of any placement is made by the area staff director of student services for special education. Normally, the local schools are reluctant to test a small child early in the year until school personnel have worked with the child for a reasonable period of time. (Testimony of Shkoler) On September 15, 1977, a visiting teacher was sent to the Garrett home where he obtained necessary data as to the child's background and procured the parent's consent for psychological testing. He turned this material over to school authorities on the same day. At the time of his visit, Mrs. Garrett informed him that she intended to have a private psychologist test her son, and also utilize the services of a public school psychologist, after which she would compare the results. (Testimony of Walton) In the middle of September, a school psychologist was assigned to test Thomas but did not actually perform the testing because Mrs. Garrett obtained the services of a private psychologist who tested her son on September 20. It was therefore necessary for him to postpone any testing until he could see what testing had been done by the private psychologist. In the meantime, however, Mrs. Garrett had been urging the area director of student services, Mrs. Betty Shkoler to hasten psychological testing, but had not made her aware of the fact that private testing had been accomplished. It was not until the latter part of October, however, that Mrs. Garrett took the report of the private psychologist to Mrs. Shkoler, although she had shown it to the Orchard Villa principal. The report stated that Thomas had a need for a fully clinical school with emphasis on motor and perceptual skills and academic learning experiences presented with manipulative-associative techniques. The director of student services had the report reviewed by an area psychologist and it was determined that Thomas should be placed in a learning disabilities program. Mrs. Garrett was contacted and agreed to placement at Westview Elementary School after personal visitation there. Thomas was thereafter placed in the first grade class of Martha L. Chinn at that school. The authorization for placement, dated October 27, 1977, stated that the child's primary educational needs were activities to remediate visual motor deficits, visual closure activities, visual association, and visual sequential memory activities, and a program for gross motor development. Mrs. Garrett signed a consent form to the placement on November 4, 1977. (Testimony of Armour, Shkoler, C. Garrett, Exhibits 1, 3 - 4) Normal transportation arrangements were made by area school authorities whereby the parent is responsible for taking the child to the home school -- in this case Orchard Villa -- where school bus transportation would be provided to the new school, Westview Elementary. However, since Mrs. Garrett had specifically asked that Thomas be picked up by bus at his home for delivery to Orchard Villa, a special request was made to the school transportation office for this type of transportation. Pending receipt of information concerning such transportation, Mrs. Garrett personally transported Thomas to and from Westview Elementary on his first two days of class, October 31 and November 1, 1977. Although she anticipated having him picked up by bus on the following school day, November 3, as a result of Information provided in a note sent to her by the school teacher, this was not done because the school bus transportation office had not received a formal written request for such special treatment. Accordingly, Mrs. Garrett took Thomas to school on that day and was thereafter assured by school bus personnel that he would be picked up that afternoon from school. Conflicting testimony was presented at the hearing as to whether or not Mrs. Garrett was informed that the teacher would be notified as to the fact that Thomas would be picked up by bus that afternoon. In any event, Mrs. Chinn was not so informed and Thomas proceeded to wait for his mother outside the school after class. He was observed by his teacher waiting for his parent at the customary place, and she reassured him after some lapse of time that his mother would be there. She had assumed that Mrs. Garrett would pick him up since she had brought him to school that morning. Thomas later wandered off the school grounds and Mrs. Garrett, who had been waiting to meet the bus, became apprehensive when it did not arrive. She was later informed by the school secretary that Thomas had been found by a man some 24 blocks away from the school and returned there. Mrs. Garrett proceeded to school to pick him up and Thomas would not tell her what had happened, but was like a frightened animal." The next day Mrs. Garrett took him back to school, although he had had nightmares and did not want to return. She talked to a new assistant Principal at the school concerning the incident and was upset by what she perceived to be a callous attitude. On the following Monday, November 7, she took Thomas to the Orchard Villa School for bus pickup, but he was frightened and remained on the floor of the car. She thereafter did not let him return to Westview. Several days later, she was informed that bus pickup could be provided at home; however, she enrolled Thomas in Vanguard School, a private school in Coconut Grove in late November. (Testimony of C. Garrett, Chinn, Shkoler, Hart) The class at Westview Elementary School where Thomas attended for several days is a full-time class for students with learning disabilities. It is taught by a teacher certified in that specialized area who is assisted by an aide certified in elementary education. By the end of the 1977-78 school year, there were 19 children in the class. However, individual attention is given by the teacher to each student to deal with their "deficits" and prepare "prescriptions" to assist in improving weak areas. It was found by Mrs. Chinn that Thomas was weakest in the "motor" area and consequently she prepared materials to deal with this problem. Although he had no particular problem in understanding instructions, he possessed a visual motor perceptive defect which causes difficulty for him to process and retain visual and auditory information. His condition results in inconsistent actions in response to auditory commands whereby in some instances he is capable of carrying out instructions but sometimes cannot do so. Although ideally he should be in a class with a low teacher/child ratio of ten or less children, this ratio may be higher in situations where an aide is present to assist the teacher. Thomas's teacher at Westview found that he seemed no different than any other child in her class and when he returned to school on November 4 after the unfortunate bus incident, he did not appear to be upset or pose any difficulty. (Testimony of Chinn, Armour, Cullen, Exhibit 2) The learning disabilities program in the Dade County Public Schools is adequate for most children and Respondent refers children to private schools only in extreme cases involving children who cannot be properly handled in the public school system for unusual reasons. Although Thomas initially could have received a negative image of public schools from his receipt of failing grades at Orchard Villa, this would not necessarily predispose him against public schools. Although the bus incident undoubtedly produced a temporary stress and fear reaction, there is no evidence that it resulted in a phobia or any other permanent adverse result, although Thomas has never told his mother the details of the incident. (Testimony of Cullen, C. Garrett) Mrs. Garrett paid tuition of approximately $350 a month at the Vanguard School, including transportation by van to and from school. (Testimony of C. Garrett)

Recommendation That Petitioner's request for relief be denied by the Dade County School Board. DONE and ENTERED this 7th day of July, 1978, in Tallahassee, Florida. THOMAS C. OLDHAM Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Phyllis O. Douglas, Esquire Dade County School Board Lindsey Hopkins Building 1410 N.E. 2nd Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 Harold Long, Jr., Esquire Suite 2382 - One Biscayne Tower Two South Biscayne Boulevard Miami, Florida 33131

# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Nov. 27, 2012 Number: 12-003855PL Latest Update: Jun. 30, 2024
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-000493 Latest Update: Aug. 26, 1981

The Issue Whether Respondent's teaching certificate should be disciplined on grounds that he fraudulently obtained a higher ranking teaching certificate, and thereby also committed an act of gross immorality and moral turpitude.

Findings Of Fact Respondent is a 46-year-old school teacher who has taught in the public elementary schools of Dade County since 1962. After earning a Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education from Florida A & M University, he applied for and was issued a state teacher's certificate in 1976, he successfully completed several post-graduate courses offered in the Miami area by Florida A & M, the University of Miami, and Dade County Junior College. (Testimony of Scott; P-1, P-3). While teaching at Biscayne Elementary School in 1978, Respondent met Eugene Sutton, a Florida A & M instructor from Tallahassee, Florida. It was Sutton's responsibility to observe and supervise Florida A & M students serving as intern elementary education teachers in various schools throughout the state. In exchange for help with his student teachers, Sutton offered to help Respondent pursue a Master's Degree at Florida A & M. Respondent, beset with financial difficulties, 2/ accepted Sutton's offer. (Testimony of Scott, McAllister; R-2) II. Thereafter, Sutton enrolled Respondent at Florida A & M for the summer and fall quarters of 1978. Sutton, acting as an intermediary, transmitted assignments and course work between Respondent and the various instructors. In this manner, Respondent completed eight courses at Florida A & M; by the end of the 1978 fall quarter, he had legitimately earned 29 hours toward a Master of Education Degree in Elementary Education. To earn the degree, an additional 25 hours was required. (Testimony of Scott; P-3, R-1, R-2.) The course registration fees which Respondent paid Sutton were not, however, deposited with the university. In lieu of the fees-- and without Respondent's knowledge--Sutton filed two "Certificates of Participation" purporting to entitle Respondent to waiver of registration fees. Such certificates are ordinarily issued in recognition of services rendered to the teaching profession. (Testimony of Scott; P-2.) III. Toward the end of 1978, Sutton offered to supply Respondent with a completed Florida A & M Master's Degree transcript--without his having to earn the remaining 25 credit hours--for a fee of $2,500. In December, 1978, Respondent accepted the offer and began making $250 payments--usually in cash-- every two weeks. (Testimony of Scott; P-2, R-2). At hearing, Respondent testified that--at the time of the transaction-- he believed that his other accomplishments would substitute for the course work ordinarily required for a Master's Degree: Based on my experience as a teacher in Dade County, based on the fact that I was successful in the area of teaching reading using the developmental approach, the system approach in reading and math, and based on my ability to manage a classroom and my knowledge of the balanced curriculum for Dade County, these things were taken into consideration. And a lot of the course work I didn't have to pursue, I was given credit for those experiences. (Tr. 97) 3/ * * * I didn't have a degree given to me. I worked and I paid my money. Nobody gave me anything. (Tr. 100.) In sum, Respondent contends that he was entitled to the Master's Degree because of his past achievements and experience as a teacher in Dade County. This contention is expressly rejected as unworthy of belief. It is self-serving and non-specific; it is uncorroborated by any independent evidence and inconsistent with his prior explanations to law enforcement authorities. When interrogated on September 4, 1980, Respondent admitted to authorities that his actions were wrong and improper. His sole defense was that he legitimately completed part of the course work required for the Master's Degree. (Testimony of Scott, McAllister; P-2.) IV. In February, 1979, Sutton sent to Respondent the agreed upon Master's Degree transcript and an application for a state teacher's certificate. The transcript falsely indicated: (1) that Respondent had successfully completed a total of 15 courses at Florida A & M between 1971 and 1978; and (2) that he had successfully completed 63 credit hours and was awarded a Master of Education Degree in Elementary Education on March 16, 1979. In truth, Respondent neither took those courses nor received a Master's Degree: the transcript was a forgery. (Testimony of Scott; P-2.) Thereafter, Respondent completed and filed with the State Department of Education an application for a higher ranking teacher's certificate. After indicating on the application that Florida A & M had awarded him a Master of Education Degree he signed a notarized statement: I understand that Florida Statutes provided for revocation of a teacher's certificate if evidence and proof is established that the certificate has been obtained by fraudulent means. (Section 231.28, Florida Statutes.) I further certify that all information pertaining to this application is true and correct. (P-2). (Testimony of Scott; P-2.) On June 5, 1979, the Florida Department of Education approved Respondent's application and issued a new higher ranking teacher's certificate, No. 122380 (post-graduate level). (Testimony of Scott, Gray; P-2.) V. On April 25, 1979, Respondent completed and filed with his employer, Dade County Public Schools, an "Application for Credential Payment for Advanced Degree(s)." As basis for the credential payment, i.e., increased salary, Respondent represented that he had obtained a Master of Education Degree on March 16, 1979, and attached, as documentation, the false Florida A & M transcript. 4/ (Testimony of Gray, Scott; P-2.) The Dade County School System approved Respondent's application for credential payment based on his purported advanced degree and paid him an increased salary retroactive to the date on which the advanced degree was allegedly conferred: March 16, 1979. During the ensuing months, Respondent was paid--as a result of the claimed post-graduate degree--$2,951.41 in excess of the salary to which he was entitled. (Testimony of Gray; P-8.) On June 25, 1979, Respondent made the last payment on the $2,500 fee owed to Sutton for obtaining the Master's Degree; it consisted of a check in the amount of $452. (Testimony of Scott; P-2.) Respondent falsely represented to the Florida Department of Education and the Dade County Public School System that he had been awarded a Master of Education Degree by Florida A & M on March 16, 1979; as a result, the Department issued him a higher ranking (post-graduate level) teacher's certificate and the school system increased his salary. When he made such representations, he well knew they were false. (Testimony of Scott, McAllister; P-1, P-2.) This ultimate finding of Respondent's guilty knowledge-- notwithstanding his disclaim--is based on his subsequent admission to law enforcement authorities that he had acted wrongfully. Several factors buttress this finding: (1) Respondent paid Sutton $2,500 for the false transcript--a fee disproportionate to its ordinary cost; 5/ (2) most payments were made in cash and hand delivered; and (3) the transcript was replete with entries that Respondent would have easily recognized as false. 6/ (Testimony of Scott, McAllister; P-1, P-2.) By fraudulently obtaining a post-graduate teacher's certificate and a corresponding increase in salary, Respondent's effectiveness as a teacher in the Dade County School System has been seriously reduced. (Testimony of Gray.)

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED: That Respondent be found guilty of violating Section 231.28(1), Florida Statutes (Supp. 1980), and his teacher's certificate, No. 122380, (post-graduate level), be permanently revoked. DONE AND ORDERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 2nd day of July, 1981. R. L. CALEEN, JR. Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of July, 1981.

# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Dec. 10, 2019 Number: 19-006569 Latest Update: Jun. 30, 2024

The Issue Whether just cause exists to sustain Respondent’s dismissal from employment with the Miami-Dade County School Board.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is a duly-constituted district school board charged with the duty to operate, control, and supervise all free public schools within Miami-Dade County, Florida. Article IX, § 4(b), Fla. Const. In 2010, Whitley started working for the School Board as a school security monitor. During the 2016-2017 school year, Whitley was assigned to Thomas Jefferson Middle School (“Thomas Jefferson”) as a security monitor. He remains employed in that role at Thomas Jefferson presently. Whitley’s job duties and responsibilities include, but are not limited to, maintaining the safety of the children, ensuring the children make it to class on time, assisting with any problems that may be going on in the school, and monitoring the security cameras. At all times relevant to the proceeding, Respondent has been employed by the School Board pursuant to a continuing contract. The incident giving rise to this proceeding occurred on February 6, 2017. On February 6, 2017, Whitley was patrolling his assigned hall and noticed that M.G., a 13-year-old sixth grader, was out of class and sitting at Respondent’s desk in the hallway. Whitley requested that M.G. get out of the chair, and M.G. refused to get out of the desk. According to M.G., after M.G. refused, Whitley flipped the desk while he was seated, which caused M.G. to fall and hit his head on the floor. There is conflicting evidence as to what happened when Whitley approached the desk (“incident”). At hearing, M.G. credibly testified that he reported the incident to Principal Robin Atkins the same day and that he also got an ice pack for his head. Almost a month later, the Office of Professional Standards opened an investigation regarding the incident. Afterward, Respondent was notified that M.G. accused him of flipping the desk that he was sitting in and causing him to hit his head as a result. In 2017, law enforcement interviewed Respondent. The matter was ultimately turned over to the School Board's General Investigative Unit (“GIU”). The investigation took approximately two years to conclude. Even though Thomas Jefferson maintained security footage and recorded videos of the hallway where the incident occurred, no video footage existed for anyone to review regarding the incident. Based on its investigation, on or about May 30, 2019, GIU determined that there was probable cause to support the allegation that Respondent had violated School Board Policy 4210, Standards of Ethical Conduct; 4210.01, Code of Ethics; and 4213, Student Supervision and Welfare. Respondent learned about the determination soon thereafter. After summer break, when Respondent returned to work, on or about August 27, 2019, Carlos Diaz, the district director of the School Board's Office of Professional Standards conducted a conference-for-the-record (“CFR”) meeting to discuss the pending allegations from the GIU case. Respondent was present at the CFR with his union representative. Following the CFR, the Disciplinary Review Team (“DRT”) met. DRT considered Respondent’s repeated and similar conduct for inappropriate contact with students and Respondent’s prior directives in its decision to discipline Respondent. DRT recommended that Respondent be terminated. The recommendation was adopted by the School Board. Prior Disciplinary History During his employment with the School Board, Whitley has been disciplined twice regarding inappropriate touching of students prior to the incident. The School Board kept a record of Respondent’s discipline in Whitley’s personnel file. On or about April 16, 2013, Whitley received a written reprimand after an investigation concluded that he shoved and touched a student’s shoulder repeatedly. Whitley’s reprimand directed Respondent to “[r]efrain from any physical touching of students.” In November 2013, Whitley was suspended for 12 workdays without pay after an investigation concluded that Respondent inappropriately picked up and dropped a student to the ground. The CFR memorandum regarding Respondent’s November 2013 occurrence directed Whitley to: “adhere to School Board Policies 4210, Standards of Ethical Conduct; 4210.01, Code of Ethics; and 4213, Student Supervision and Welfare”; “refrain from inappropriate communications with students”; and “refrain from inappropriate physical contact with students.” Hearing At the final hearing, M.G. provided persuasive credible testimony regarding the incident. He testified that he was sitting in Whitley’s chair in the hall. M.G. also admitted that he refused to move and told Respondent “no” when told to move. Whitley testified that M.G. “jumped” out of the chair. The undersigned does not credit Whitley’s testimony based on his contradictory statements about the incident, which diminish the trustworthiness of his testimony.1 Findings of Ultimate Fact Accordingly, the undersigned finds that M.G.’s credible testimony established that Whitley initiated contact with M.G., grabbed the desk to lean in, and flipped M.G., who was seated, out of the desk. As a result of Whitley’s actions, M.G. landed in a manner where his “hand hit the ground,” head hit the concrete floor, and, by doing so, jeopardized M.G.’s health, safety, and welfare.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Miami-Dade County School Board enter a final order: finding Respondent in violation of rules 6A-5.056(2) and (4), 6A-10.081, and School Board Policies 4210, 4210.01, and 4213 as charged; and upholding Respondent's termination from employment for just cause. DONE AND ENTERED this 29th day of October, 2020, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JUNE C. MCKINNEY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29th day of October, 2020. COPIES FURNISHED: Christopher J. La Piano, Esquire Miami-Dade County School Board 1450 Northeast 2nd Avenue, Suite 430 Miami, Florida 33132 (eServed) Branden M. Vicari, Esquire Herdman & Sakellarides, P.A. 29605 U.S. Highway 19 North, Suite 110 Clearwater, Florida 33761 (eServed) Alberto M. Carvalho, Superintendent Miami-Dade County School Board 1450 Northeast Second Avenue, Suite 912 Miami, Florida 33132 Matthew Mears, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed)

Florida Laws (4) 1012.221012.33120.569120.57 Florida Administrative Code (3) 6A-10.0806A-10.0816A-5.056 DOAH Case (1) 19-6569
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 79-000709 Latest Update: Sep. 07, 1979

Findings Of Fact Tracy Tashanna Jackson is a 13-year-old, and Tammy Terrell Jackson is a 12-year-old, who were, until February 7, 1979, assigned respectively to the eighth and seventh grades at Miami Edison Middle School in Miami, Florida. On February 7, 1979, an incident occurred at Miami Edison Middle School which resulted in both students being reassigned to Jan Mann Opportunity School North. At the time of this incident, the two students had been attending Miami Edison Middle School for only approximately one month. On February 6, 1979, one day prior to the incident which gave rise to this proceeding, the students were threatened by another student who allegedly was a member of a group of students popularly known as the "Graveyard Gang." Upon receiving the throat, the students went to the office of the Assistant Principal and advised him that they expected trouble from these other students. The Assistant Principal essentially advised the students to attempt to avoid any confrontation. However, on the afternoon of February 6, 1979, while Tammy and Tracy Jackson were on their way home from school, they encountered the students who had threatened them, and a fight ensued. After the fight, Tracy and Tammy Jackson were advised by the other students that the fight would continue the next day at school, that these other students would have knives, and that Tracy and Tammy Jackson should come prepared. When Tracy and Tammy Jackson and their brother stepped off the city bus in the vicinity of Miami Edison Middle School the next morning, they were met by a large group of other students. Apparently, some member of this group struck Tracy and Tammy Jackson's brother, at which point Tracy and Tammy Jackson first displayed knives which they had brought with them from home. According to the testimony of Tracy and Tammy Jackson, which is not controverted, this was the first and only time that they had attended school armed with knives. The entire group of students apparently began milling around but proceeded generally in the direction of the main school building. At this point, Freddie Robinson, the Assistant Principal at Miami Edison Middle School, noticed the crowd of students, and proceeded into the crowd on the assumption that a fight was occurring. Upon being advised that Tracy and Tammy Jackson were armed with knives, Mr. Robinson managed to direct the students into the main school building, down the hall and into the Counselor's office. At all times during those movements, the Assistant Principal and the students were surrounded by a milling group of hostile students apparently intent on prolonging the confrontation. According to the Assistant Principal, at no time did either of the students display their knives in a threatening or offensive manner, but were instead attempting to defend themselves against attack. At some point in this process, the Assistant Principal was joined by George Thomas, a teacher at the school, who attempted to assist Mr. Robinson in disarming the girls. Mr. Thomas managed to remove the knife from the possession of Tammy Jackson without incident, but when Mr. Robinson grabbed the arm of Tracy Jackson, that student, in attempting to break free, inflicted what appears to have been a minor wound to Mr. Robinson's forearm. Mr. Robinson testified, without contradiction, that it appeared to him that the student did not intentionally stab him, but inflicted the wound accidently in the process of attempting to break free from his hold. On February 22, 1979, both Tammy and Tracy Jackson were reassigned from Miami Edison Middle School to Jan Mann Opportunity School North as a result of this incident. There is nothing in the record to indicate the procedures by which this assignment was accomplished. It is, however, clear that the students never attended Jan Mann Opportunity School North, but were instead held out of school by their mother. As a result, February 7, 1979, was the last day on which these students attended school during the 1978-79 school year. The incident which occurred on February 7, 1979, was the only incident of disruptive behavior in which Tracy and Tammy Jackson have been involved while enrolled in the Dade County Public Schools. The other students involved in the fight with them, however, had been suspended from school on several occasions for fighting and disrupting classes. There is no evidence in the record in this cause concerning Tracy and Tammy Jackson' grades from which any determination could be made that they have been unsuccessful in the normal school environment. Likewise, the record is devoid of any testimony regarding their lack of attendance in the regular school program. Although the students did not attend Jan Mann Opportunity School North after having been assigned to that facility, there appears no evidence of record concerning the programs available at that institution in which the students would have been enrolled had they chosen to attend. In addition, although there exists some testimony concerning a very commendable Dade County School Board policy against the possession of knives on campus at any school in Dade County, no such written policy was offered into evidence at this proceeding.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is, RECOMMENDED: That a final order be entered by the Dade County School Board reassigning the students, Tammy Terrell Jackson and Tracy Tashanna Jackson, to the regular school program in the Dade County School System. Recommended this 17th day of July, 1979, in Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM E. WILLIAMS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 101 Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Mrs. Jerry D. Jackson 2340 NW 73rd Terrace, #12 Miami, Florida 33147 Jesse J. McCrary, Jr., Esquire 3000 Executive Building, Suite 300 3050 Biscayne Boulevard Miami, Florida 33137 Mr. Ludwig J. Gross Executive Director Division of Student Services Dade County Public Schools 5975 East 7th Avenue Hialeah, Florida 33013 Phyllis O. Douglas, Esquire Dade County Public Schools Administrative Office Lindsey Hopkins Building 1410 NE 2nd Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 Michael Neimand, Esquire 3050 Biscayne Boulevard Miami Florida, 33137 ================================================================= AGENCY FINAL ORDER ================================================================= SCHOOL BOARD OF DADE COUNTY CASE NOS. 79-709, 79-710 MRS. JERRY D. JACKSON, on behalf of minor child, TAMMY TERRELL JACKSON, Petitioner, vs. CASE NO. 79-709 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF DADE COUNTY, Respondent. / MRS. JERRY D. JACKSON, on behalf of minor child, TRACY TASHANNA JACKSON, Petitioner, vs. CASE NO. 79-710 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF DADE COUNTY, Respondent. / ORDER OF THE SCHOOL BOARD OF DADE COUNTY FLORIDA THIS CAUSE came on for hearing before The School Board of Dade County, Florida at its regular meeting on August 22, 1979, upon the Hearing Officer's findings of fact, conclusions of law, and recommended order, recommending that Tammy Terrell Jackson and Tracy Tashanna Jackson be reassigned to the regular school program in the Dade County school system. IT IS THEREUPON ORDERED by The School Board of Dade County, Florida that the Hearing Officer's findings of fact, conclusions of law and recommended order are adopted with the following modifications: 1. The Hearing Officer's Conclusions of Law are modified by deleting paragraph 7 and substituting the following therefor: 7. F.A.C. Section 6A-1.994 provides: "6A-1.994 Educational alternative programs. Definition. Educational alternative programs are programs designed to meet the needs of students who are disruptive, dis- interested, or unsuccessful in a normal school environment. The educational alter- native may occur either within the school system or in another agency authorized by the school board. Criteria for eligibility. A student may be eligible for an educational alternative program if the student meets one (1) or more of the criteria prescribed below as deter- mined by grades, achievement test scores, referrals for suspension or other discipli- nary action, and rate of absences. (a) Disruptive. A student who: Displays persistent behavior which inter- feres with the student's own learning or the educational process of others and requires attention and assistance beyond that which the traditional program can provide; or Displays consistent behavior resulting in frequent conflicts of a disruptive nature while the student is under the jurisdiction of the school either in or out of the class- room; or Displays disruptive behavior which severely threatens the general welfare of the student or other members of the school population." (emphasis supplied) 8. The petitioners have both displayed "dis- ruptive behavior which severely threatens the general welfare of the student or other members of the school population." Meeting this criteria is sufficient grounds for placement in an educational alternative program. Accordingly, they are properly, and in their own best interests, assigned to Jan Mann Opportunity School North. There is no evidence that this assignment is punitive rather than positive in nature. 2. The Hearing Officer's recommendation is, therefore, rejected, and the assignment of Tammy Terrell Jackson and Tracy Tashanna Jackson to Jan Mann Opportunity School North is affirmed. DONE AND ORDERED this 22nd day of August, 1979. THE SCHOOL BOARD OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Phyllis Miller, Chairman

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
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