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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Aug. 06, 1996 Number: 96-003683 Latest Update: Oct. 17, 1997

The Issue A notice dated July 2, 1996 and an administrative complaint dated September 30, 1996, charge Respondent with willful neglect of duty. The issue for disposition is whether he committed this violation and if so, whether he should be terminated as a member of the instructional staff of the Palm Beach County School Board.

Findings Of Fact Respondent, Walter Auerbach, has been employed as a classroom teacher with the Palm Beach County school district since the 1976-77 school year and is employed pursuant to a continuing contract from which he may be discharged only in accordance with the terms of section 231.36, Florida Statutes. (Stipulation of the parties) Respondent was administratively placed in the district’s Department of Information Management in the 1994-95 school year pending resolution of allegations of misconduct brought by a female student. He was transferred to the district’s textbook/library media service office for the 1995-96 school year. (Stipulation of the parties) The reassignment was by agreement between Respondent’s representative, Clarence Gunn, Associate Executive Director of the Palm Beach County Classroom Teachers’ Association (CTA) and district staff. In December 1994, Respondent entered into a deferred prosecution agreement in the criminal case related to the student’s allegations. An investigation and proceedings by Professional Practices Services continued, however, and any disposition of that proceeding is not a matter of record here. Respondent satisfied the terms of his deferred prosecution agreement in December 1995. Jane Terwillegar was Respondent’s supervisor in the district’s library media services department. His duties were primarily computer searches for bibliographic records. When he came to work Respondent did his assignments, worked quietly and left; there were no concerns about his performance. However, he attended only sporadically in the fall of 1995, and starting in January 1996 he attended very rarely. At one point Ms. Terwillegar said something to him about showing up to earn his money, but he responded that he had a great deal of sick leave. By early 1996, Respondent had depleted all of his sick leave, but continued to be absent far more than he attended. Vernon Crawford is the district’s director of multimedia services and is Jane Terwillegar’s immediate supervisor. Because of budget cuts in his department, Mr. Crawford has a standing request for assistance from employees with available time. He is happy to take on individuals placed on special or temporary assignment by Dr. Walter Pierce, assistant superintendent for personnel relations. The understanding that he has with the personnel department is that the individuals are assigned on a temporary or day-to-day basis. Mr. Crawford does not question why the individual is assigned and he usually asks his staff not to question the circumstances. From time to time, Ms. Terwillegar advised Mr. Crawford that Respondent was absent; and after the first part of 1996, when the absences were increasing, Mr. Crawford sought the guidance of Dr. Pierce’s office in addressing the problem with Respondent. On the advice of Paul LaChance, an administrative assistant for employee relations, Mr. Crawford sent this letter to Respondent on April 17, 1996: Dear Mr. Auerbach: Since your interim assignment to the Department of Multimedia Services on August 15, 1995, you have taken one hundred twenty five (125) days of sick leave without medical documentation. You have not requested nor received approval for short term or long term leave of absence. Consequently, I am directing you to provide Jane Terwillegar, Specialist for Library/Media Support and your assigned supervisor, with a written, signed statement from your doctor documenting the necessity of your sick leave as well as a date when s/he projects you able to return to work. Your failure to provide this information within ten (10) days of receipt of this letter may result in my recommending disciplinary action for violation of proper reporting procedures and use of sick leave as outlined in School Board Policy 3.80, Leaves of Absence, and leave provisions contained in Article V, Section A.2 and Section B.1(f), and any other pertinent provision of the Agreement between the School Board of Palm Beach County and the Classroom Teachers Association. (Respondent’s exhibit 1) Respondent took the letter to his representative, Mr. Gunn, who told him to take a doctor’s statement to his supervisor, so that he could work out the appropriate leave based on the doctor’s determination. In response, Respondent turned in to Jane Terwillegar a statement from his chiropractor, Dr. Brian Soroka, dated April 26, 1996 stating: This is to certify that Walter Auerbach has recovered sufficiently to be able to return to regular work. Restrictions: none. (Petitioner’s exhibit 1) Instead of returning to work, Respondent continued his practice of calling in every morning early and leaving a message on the office answering machine. Jonathan Leahy, an employee in the Library/Media Services Department at the McKesson Building answered the phone when Respondent called in after 8:00 a.m., but most frequently he took Respondent’s messages from the answering machine. Starting in mid-April, at Mr. Crawford’s instruction, he wrote the messages down, verbatim. The messages were typically brief: “I’m not going to make it today”; or “I’m under the weather”; or, on a couple of occasions, Respondent said that he needed to meet with his lawyer. Between April 16 and June 14, 1996, Respondent was absent forty-two work days. Meanwhile, on May 7, 1996, Mr. Crawford sent another letter to Respondent: Dear Mr. Auerbach: Yesterday, May 6, 1996, Jane Terwillegar, your assigned supervisor, brought me a work release form from the Family Chiropractic Center, dated April 26, 1996, that you were able to return to regular work duty with no restrictions. Be advised that your actions to date remain in noncompliance with my April 17, 1996 letter to you. Further, even though the Family Chiropractic Center cleared you on April 26, 1996, to return to work, you have not done so and have remained continuously absent. At this point, I am directing you to provide me with the information I directed you in my April 17, 1996 letter to provide me: medical verification from your attending physician as to the specific reason(s) and need for your continual absenteeism. Such documentation is to be provided to Jane Terwillegar or to my office within five (5) working days from your receipt of this letter. Failure to provide this information may result in my recommending disciplinary action outlined in my April 17, 1996, letter which you received and signed for on April 18, 1996. (Petitioner’s exhibit 3) There was no response by Respondent to the May 7th letter and a meeting was convened on June 14, 1996 with Respondent, Mr. Gunn, Mr. LaChance and Mr. Crawford. Respondent was given another opportunity to present a physician’s statement justifying his absences. Respondent returned to Dr. Soroka and obtained this statement dated June 18, 1996: Mr. Auerbach has been treating in this office for low back pain and stress related complaints. He treats on a supportive care basis as his symptoms necessitate. On occasion, he is unable to work due to the severity of his symptoms. (Respondent’s exhibit 3) On July 2, 1996, the superintendent, Dr. Kowal, notified Respondent of her recommendation that he be terminated for willful neglect of duties based on his excessive use of sick leave without approved leave and his failure to return to duty after being released by his doctor. There are leave forms indicating that Respondent’s sick leave was “approved”. These forms are ordinarily turned in when an employee returns from an illness. Many of the forms were not completed or signed by Respondent, but rather were signed by someone else, when he never returned during a pay period and the forms needed to go to the payroll office. The leave forms are marked “approved”. Mr. Crawford approved the leave because Respondent called in and because Respondent was only a temporarily-assigned employee. Nevertheless, after the early part of 1996 when the absences increased in frequency, Mr. Crawford appropriately sought advice of the personnel office and he followed that advice regarding a physician’s statement to justify Respondent’s absences. Dr. Soroka was the only medical professional treating Respondent during the relevant period. Based on Respondent’s complaints to him, Dr. Soroka performed chiropractic adjustments to relieve muscle strains and irritations to his nervous system. Nothing in Dr. Soroka’s records indicated that Respondent was incapable of working and he never told Respondent to not return to work. Respondent contends that his absences were justified by the stress that he was suffering from his legal problems. He was the caregiver for aged and ailing parents; and he also suffered from anxiety attacks, headaches and lower back pain. Respondent’s contract with the district was for 196 days in the 1995/96 school year. Of those 196 days, he was absent approximately 167 days. The Collective Bargaining Agreement between Palm Beach County Classroom Teachers Association and the School District of Palm Beach County, Florida, July 1, 1995 - June 30, 1997, governs Respondent’s employment during the relevant period. Paid leave is available for illness of an employee and the employee’s family. All absences from duty must be covered by leave applications which are duly authorized. Leave for sickness or other emergencies will be deemed granted in advance if prompt report is made to the proper authority. When misuse of sick leave is suspected, the superintendent may investigate and require verification of illness. (Respondent’s exhibit 2, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article V, Section A). When employees have used all accumulated leave, but are still qualified for sick leave, they are entitled to sick leave without pay. Except in emergency situations, short or long-term leaves of absences without pay must be approved in advance. As with paid leave, leave for sickness or other emergencies may be deemed granted in advance if prompt report is made to the proper authority. An eligible employee may be granted family medical leave under procedures described in the collective bargaining agreement. (Respondent’s exhibit 2, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article V, Sections C and D) Respondent did not request leave in advance for his own illness or for that of his parents or for his meetings or depositions related to his pending professional practices case. Instead, he apparently relied on the automatic approval process described above when he called in day after day, for weeks at a time. By April it was entirely appropriate for his supervisor and her superiors to require that he provide some evidence of his need for leave. He failed to comply with two requests for that evidence. The collective bargaining agreement describes procedures for discipline of employees, including this: Without the consent of the employee and the Association, disciplinary action may not be taken against an employee except for just cause, and this must be substantiated by clear and convincing evidence which supports the recommended disciplinary action. The collective bargaining agreement also requires progressive discipline (reprimand through dismissal) ...[e]xcept in cases which clearly constitute a real and immediate danger to the district or the actions/inactions of the employee constitute such clearly flagrant and purposeful violations of reasonable school rules and regulations. (Respondent’s exhibit 2, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Section M)

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (1) 6B-4.009
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 79-000905 Latest Update: Jul. 28, 1980

The Issue At issue herein is whether or not the Petitioner's suspension of Respondent on March 6, 1979, 1/ from his employment duties without pay based on conduct set forth hereinafter in detail, was proper.

Findings Of Fact Based upon my observation of the witnesses and their demeanor while testifying, the documentary evidence introduced, the arguments of counsel and the entire record compiled herein the following relevant facts are found. Otha Reddick, Respondent, was employed by the Leon County School Board, Petitioner, as a Systems Analyst during November of 1974, a position he held until his suspension on March 6. His rate of pay at the time of his suspension was $1,326.00 per month. On April 11, Petitioner's superintendent, Dr. N.E. (Ed) Fenn, filed a Notice of Charges against Respondent. At its meeting of April 17, the School Board referred the matter to the Division of Administrative Hearings for a formal hearing pursuant to Section 120.57(1)(a), Florida Statutes. The Notice of Charges alleged in pertinent part that: Respondent, Otha Reddick, was absent from work for the period February 15 through March 2, during which period he willfully neglected his duties at the Data Processing Center. On or about March 1, Respondent committed misconduct in office in that he represented to his supervisor, Ott Carraway, that because of medical reasons he was unable to return to work when, in fact, he was operating a private business, Top Bookkeeping Services, during regular school work hours. The Respondent, Otha R. Reddick, is guilty of willful neglect of duties and misconduct in office in that he operated a private business, Top Bookkeeping Services, during regular school work hours. Based on these charges, the Petitioner seeks to convert its suspension of Respondent into a permanent termination of his employment. Respondent's duties as a Systems Analyst with Petitioner included supervising programmers in the Data Processing Center. His work hours consisted of a normal eight hour day. In addition to his employment by Petitioner, Respondent owned two businesses: Top Bookkeeping Services, a business engaged primarily in the preparation of tax returns and related bookkeeping functions; and Twin Oaks Production, a company involved in the promotion of bands and live burials. Respondent's operation of and duties connected with his ownership of Top Bookkeeping Services occurred after his regular hours of employment by Petitioner. Respondent used what is commonly referred to as seasonal or casual employees on an as needed basis for the operation of Top Bookkeeping Services. According to Respondent, the bookkeeping service has been operating at a loss since its inception. Respondent utilizes a similar employment arrangement in his operation of Twin Oaks Productions. On the morning of February 13, Respondent, while at work, became visibly upset when he was advised by his supervisor, Ott Carraway, that the payroll function of the Data Processing Center would be contracted out to a private agency. Respondent disagreed with this decision and made known his disagreement, since in his opinion, the Data Processing Systems Division was capable of and had in fact been properly carrying out the payroll functions for the School Board. Before leaving for his lunch break on February 13, Respondent Reddick inquired of the production control and leave clerk, Janet Guthrie, the amount of accrued sick and annual leave he had. During his lunch break, Respondent went home, took two Valium pills (one more than his prescribed dosage), laid across his bed and went to sleep. Before doing so, Respondent summoned to his apartment for medical assistance Theresa Fountain, his secretarial assistant at Top Bookkeeping Services. Then Ms. Fountain arrived at Respondent's apartment, she noticed that he was visibly upset, was red in the face, appeared stressed and his speech was slurred. Ms. Fountain, a former hospital employee assigned to a psychiatric ward, related that Respondent exhibited symptoms of a person suffering a nervous breakdown (TR. 208-210). After a few minutes, Ms. Fountain was able to get Respondent calm and they discussed the problem relating to the letting of the payroll function to a private entity. She suggested that the Respondent get some rest. Ms. Fountain was aware of Respondent's ulcer disease and stomach problems and phoned Respondent's daughter-in-law in Bonifay. Ms. Fountain asked Respondent's sons to come to Tallahassee (from Bonifay) to get medical attention for their father. Ms. Fountain phoned Respondent's supervisor, Ott Carraway, and informed him that in view of Respondent's nervous condition, she was of the opinion that he needed medical attention and, therefore, would be unable to return to work. Respondent's sons, Douglas and Ronald Elvin Reddick, drove to Tallahassee the evening of February 13 to pick up their father. Respondent's sons drove to Tallahassee in a van which has a sofa bed in the rear that Respondent used to lie down on for the trip to Bonifay. Upon arrival at Respondent's apartment, his sons assisted him out of the bed to the van. Respondent slept most of the entire trip from Tallahassee to Bonifay. Respondent spent the following day, February 14, lounging around his house in Bonifay, where he remained until approximately 10:00 p.m. the following day. He then drove to the Dallas-Ft. Worth, Texas, area accompanied by Country Bill White, the person used in the live burials. While in the Dalla-Ft. Worth area, Respondent spent the next two evenings enlisting support in the form of pledges from local tavern owners and selling magazine subscriptions and newspaper ads to finance the live burial act. During the next few days, Respondent drove to Houston, Texas, to visit his brother. He remained in Houston two days and returned to the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. The live burial which was then scheduled to take place in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area was postponed due to inclement weather. In this regard, the evidence revealed, and Respondent admitted, that he had planted to request leave to attend the live burial act in Texas on the scheduled dates of February 22 and 23, 1979. Respondent credibly testified that he had no planned (active) role in the scheduling of the live burial act. (Testimony of Respondent and his sons, Douglas and Elvin Reddick. TR. 172-176.) When the live burial act took place, Respondent was not present in Texas. On Sunday, February 25, Respondent drove to New Orleans where he briefly frequented several bars. He later drove to Bonifay, where he arrived at his home at approximately 9:00 p.m. He remained in Bonifay until the following morning, when he returned to Tallahassee. On Monday, February 27, Respondent phoned his supervisor, Cecil "Ott" Carraway, to inquire if he could pick up his paycheck. A lengthy telephone conversation ensued between Respondent and Supervisor Carraway during which conversation Respondent was advised by Carraway that in view of his protracted absence, he (Carraway) would be requiring Respondent to secure a doctor's excuse to substantiate his illness before his paycheck would be released. Chapter 6 GX 37-2, Rule 2.14(7), Florida Administrative Code, Leon County Rules and Regulations. Respondent explained to supervisor Carraway that it was necessary for Respondent to receive his paycheck inasmuch as he had requested and was granted leave by Centel, through the close of business on February 27, to pay his telephone bill or his service would be interrupted. Supervisor Carraway stood fast on his insistence that a doctor's excuse be submitted before releasing Respondent's paycheck. it was not until the following day, February 28, that Respondent was able to obtain a doctor's excuse from his regular physician, Dr. Norbert J. Wegmann, of Chipley, Florida. Respondent's residence phone service was interrupted by Centel on February 27 and was not restored until March 3. During the period when Respondent's phone service was interrupted, he used his office phone at Top Bookkeeping Services. During the conversation between Respondent and Supervisor Carraway on February 28, Respondent requested an additional two days leave. There is a dispute with regard to the type of leave Respondent requested and supervisor Carraway granted February 28. Respondent's version is that he simply requested time off, whereas supervisor Carraway's version is that he explained to Respondent that he had exhausted his sick leave and, therefore, it was necessary for him to use one day of annual leave which he had recently been credited with as of March 1. On February 27, Respondent spent most of the day lounging around his apartment. The next day Respondent went to his office at Top Bookkeeping Services (located at Park Twenty West) to have access to a phone and to begin work on his personal income tax return. On March 1, Respondent, while on what he considered to be annual leave status, prepared an income tax return for Mr. and Mrs. Ward, employees of Petitioner's key punch operations. The return was completed approximately 8:00 p.m. On the afternoon of March 1, Respondent received a telephone call from Charles Johnson and Linda Jordan, employees and agents of Petitioner, who scheduled an appointment to get their tax returns prepared at Top Bookkeeping Services during the afternoon of March 2. Employees Jordan and Johnson used the fictitious name of "Susie Jones" to secure the appointment. On March 2 Linda Jordan, Director of Personnel, and Charles Johnson, the then Director of Employee Relations, for the Leon School District, visited the offices of Top Bookkeeping Services at the agreed upon time. Another employee of Respondent's at Top Bookkeeping Services had been assigned to prepare the tax returns for "Susie Jones", who later turned out to be Petitioner's employees, Jordan and Johnson. The most that can be said about Respondent's presence at Top Bookkeeping Services is that he was in fact present. There were no customers at Top Bookkeeping Services at the time, nor did attorney Johnson, who testified, indicate that the Respondent even appeared to have been preparing tax returns when he and Director Jordan visited the Top Bookkeeping Services office (TR. 117). Attorney Johnson did not see what Respondent was in fact doing other than the fact that he was simply present. Attorney Johnson explained to Respondent that he thought that his job might well be in jeopardy by his presence at Top Bookkeeping Services while he was on leave. Attorney Johnson suggested that Respondent talk to Dr. Fenn about his presence at Top Bookkeeping Services. Respondent, being concerned about his job security expressed reluctance to visit the Superintendent with attorney Johnson and the Personnel Director present without the advice and assistance of his attorney. Respondent, attorney Johnson and Personnel Director Jordan could not come to an acceptable procedure to counsel with Dr. Fenn and Respondent remained at Top Bookkeeping Services. Attorney Johnson discussed the matter with Dr. Fenn and they jointly decided that Respondent should be suspended inasmuch as there was a "breach in Respondent's obligation to the School Board since he was working on other duties during school hours." Respondent was not given a copy of the Notice of Charges prior to the March 6 School Board hearing. The Board suspended Respondent at its March 6 meeting, which suspension remains effective. Norbert Wegmann, M.D., is a General Practitioner in Chipley, Florida, and was received as an expert in medicine for this proceeding. Dr. Wegmann has been treating Respondent for anxiety, tension, fatigue and irritability since approximately 1968. During this period, Respondent has undergone family and marital stresses and Dr. Wegmann has prescribed tranquilizers and analgesics for his (Respondent's) ulcer and stomach disorders. Dr. Wegmann suggested that Respondent work at a slow pace; take time off and generally do things which permit him to put his mind at ease and to remain in a relaxed condition at the onset of anxiety and stress (TR. 149). Dr. Wegmann considered that Respondent's taking time off from work would have been consistent with his prescribed treatment for Respondent. Although Dr. Wegmann last examined Respondent physically (during times material) approximately November of 1977, he sent Petitioner a written excuse to substantiate his authorization of Respondent's absence during the period involved herein based on his knowledge of Respondent's medical condition. (Testimony of Dr. Wegmann, TR 142, 143.) Janet Guthrie, Petitioner's production control clerk, is in charge of maintaining leave records and answering incoming phone calls. Ms. Guthrie reviewed Respondent's leave record before lunch on the morning of February 13, 1979, and advised Respondent that he had approximately ten (10) days of sick leave accrued at that time. At the beginning of March, 1979, Respondent earned an additional day of vacation and sick leave. Employees are permitted to call in to request sick leave. (Testimony of Janet Guthrie and Supervisor Carraway.) Dr. Ed Fenn, Petitioner's Superintendent of Schools, is the administrator and manager of the Leon County School District. He became familiar with Respondent based on conversations with supervisor Ott Carraway, to the effect that Respondent was taking sick leave to take care of his private bookkeeping services. Dr. Fenn considered that Respondent was absent without leave based on information gathered through Ott Carraway and the visits by attorney Johnson and Personnel Director Linda Jordan's visit to Respondent's bookkeeping service. Supervisor Carraway recommended that Respondent be suspended effective Monday with pay until a recommendation could be made to the School Board for a suspension without pay. Attorney Johnson delivered the suspension letter to Respondent. (Petitioner's Exhibit 1). Dr. Fenn acknowledged that Petitioner has no rule which prevents its employees from conducting personal business during non-working hours. Nor is there a rule which prevents employees from doing personal work during their vacation time. Dr. Fenn also made clear that the Board does not concern itself with the activities of its employees while they are on vacation leave. 2/ He also pointed out that when an employee exhausts all accrued sick leave, the leave category is switched to either vacation leave or leave without pay. In this regard, Respondent was not paid for leave taken on March 2, 1979. (Testimony of Dr. Fenn and Supervisor Ott Carraway.) Ott Carraway, Petitioner's Data Processing Director, is in charge of operating the computer center and supervising employees of the computer center. Carraway has known Respondent professionally approximately eight years and recommended that he be hired. Supervisor Carraway, in explaining Petitioner's leave procedures, related that leave requests must be approved in advance, with the exception of sick leave. On February 13 at approximately noon, Theresa Fountain phoned supervisor Carraway and explained that Respondent was suffering from a nervous condition and, therefore, needed time off. This was, of course, the date that supervisor Carraway advised Respondent that the payroll function of the computer center was being transferred to an outside agency. Supervisor Carraway considered the request by Ms. Fountain to be a request from Respondent for sick leave, and the request was granted. According to Carraway, when Respondent, much like other employees, are absent, their work loads are distributed among other employees. Supervisor Carraway received confirmation of Respondent's illness from Dr. Wegmann on March 1, at which time his check was released. Supervisor Carraway considered Respondent's leave request for two additional days on February 28 to be a request for sick leave based on Respondent's discussion of his nervous condition. Respondent, in the usual situation, would have been placed on annual leave when his sick leave was exhausted. Supervisor Carraway surmised that Respondent was abusing his sick leave when he heard that Respondent had filed tax returns for two employees who worked in the Data Processing Center during the evening of March l. At supervisor Carraway's instigation employees Charles Johnson and Linda Jordan made an appointment through a fictitious name to get their tax returns prepared at Top Bookkeeping Services during the afternoon of March 2. After the visit by employees Johnson and Jordan to Respondent's offices at Top Bookkeeping Services, supervisor Carraway was made aware of Respondent's presence at the offices at Top Bookkeeping Services and recommended that he be suspended for misuse of sick leave. This recommendation was acted upon by Superintendent Fenn, which resulted in formal action by the School Board on March 6, 1979. Prior to this incident, supervisor Carraway has never requested employees to bring in a medical excuse to document their sick leave. Supervisor Carraway knew of no rule or regulation promulgated by Petitioner which required that an employee on sick leave be confined to bed.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Leon County School Board reinstate Respondent, Otha Reddick, to his former position as Systems Analyst (or a substantially equivalent position) effective March 2, 1979. That the Respondent be made whole for all losses of earnings he suffered as a result of the suspension less interim earnings, plus interest at the rate of eight (8 percent) percent per annum. 5/ That Respondent's leave records be credited with the appropriate amounts reflective of the leave and other employee benefits he would have earned but for his suspension of March 2, 1979. That Respondent's personnel folder be expunged of all records relative to the suspension. RECOMMENDED this 8th day of May, 1980, in Tallahassee, Florida. JAMES E. BRADWELL, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 101, Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Palatka, Florida Sep. 06, 2018 Number: 18-004664 Latest Update: May 03, 2019

The Issue The issue in this case is whether Petitioner was overpaid in the amount of $809.46; and, if so, whether she should be required to repay that amount to Respondent.

Findings Of Fact At all times material to this matter, Petitioner was a career service employee of Respondent until her separation in October 2018. Petitioner went into labor unexpectedly in December 2017, and as a result, she began maternity leave. Petitioner was not present at work and did not submit a timesheet for the timeframe of December 29, 2017, through July 2, 2018. Petitioner testified that she was unable to submit her timesheets electronically and for this reason, someone else submitted them on her behalf. The evidence presented at hearing did not show who submitted her timesheets. By May 23, 2018, Petitioner had exhausted all of her annual, sick, and donated leave. Once an employee of Respondent no longer has sick leave remaining, annual leave is used to cover any shortages of sick leave. An employee may use donated leave to cover any shortages. Once an employee has exhausted annual, sick, and donated leave, the employee cannot be paid for additional time taken as leave. The additional time during leave is considered “leave without pay” (“LWOP”). Petitioner was placed on LWOP from March 23, 2018, through July 2, 2018, because she had exhausted all of her leave. Although Petitioner was on LWOP during the pay period of May 4, 2018, through May 17, 2018, a pay warrant for 80 hours of work was inadvertently issued on May 25, 2018, for that pay period. Consequently, Petitioner was overpaid $809.46. Petitioner was not responsible for the overpayment. She did not submit her timesheets and, thus, did not falsify them. Petitioner testified that her supervisor verbally advised her that she had received donated leave, but she could not recall the amount. Petitioner also did not offer any written representation from her supervisor or otherwise regarding her leave. The overpayment resulted because Petitioner's timesheet for LWOP for the pay period of May 4, 2018, through May 17, 2018, was not timely approved. Upon discovery of this error, Respondent’s human resources office conducted a manual audit of Petitioner’s leave. Ms. Anderson completed the leave audit and discovered that Petitioner had been overpaid for the May 4, 2018, through May 17, 2018, pay period. On May 30, 2018, the Department sent Petitioner a certified letter requesting the overpaid amount of $809.46. Petitioner became aware of the error when she received the Department’s letter. Petitioner’s pay was transmitted to her bank account electronically via direct deposit. However, she was not monitoring her bank account closely and did not immediately realize that she had been erroneously overpaid. At the time of the final hearing, Petitioner had not paid the overpayment. Petitioner stated she could only pay $40 per month to repay the overpayment.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Health enter a final Order requiring Shanace Isaac to repay Respondent $809.46. DONE AND ENTERED this 7th day of March, 2019, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S YOLONDA Y. GREEN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 7th day of March, 2019. COPIES FURNISHED: Shanace Isaac Post Office Box 101 Hastings, Florida 32145 (eServed) Riley Michelle Landy, Esquire Department of Health Bin A-02 5052 Bald Cypress Way Tallahassee, Florida 32399 (eServed) Shannon Revels, Agency Clerk Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1703 (eServed) Louise Wilhite-St Laurent, Interim General Counsel Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C65 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 (eServed) State Surgeon General Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A00 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 (eServed)

Florida Laws (3) 110.1165110.219120.57 DOAH Case (1) 18-4664
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 84-000179 Latest Update: Apr. 24, 1984

Findings Of Fact At the time Respondent was advised that DHRS was processing his resignation from his position as Social and Rehabilitative Services Counselor II, effective August 31, 1983 (Exhibit 1), Fox had been employed by DHRS for some 12 years. This was termed a "voluntary" resignation by reason of abandonment of position. Fox had been on leave without pay from August 12, 1983, through August 19, 1983 (Exhibit 4). On Monday, August 22, a woman called Fox's supervisor and told him that Fox was in Miami, his sister had been involved in an automobile accident, and he would not be in to work. On August 24 Fox called his supervisor, Gilbertson, to advise that he was still with his sister but would be back to work by noon on Friday, August 26. During this period, Monday through Friday, Fox was placed on family sick leave. At noon on Friday Fox had exhausted all his sick leave. Fox did not report to work until September 2, 1983, at which time he was given a copy of Exhibit 1, the original of which had been sent to his residence by certified mail. Fox gave no explanation for his absence but took the copy of the letter given him and left abruptly. He was not asked to explain his absence, nor did he offer any such explanation. Fox had earlier had differences with his supervisor, Gilbertson, over what Gilbertson considered excessive use of sick leave by Fox. Fox presented no evidence regarding his period of unauthorized absence from August 26 until he returned September 2. The one witness he called had frequently used sick leave without incurring the displeasure of Gilbertson. However, this witness in the recent past has had his gallbladder removed, hemorrhoid problems, and hepatitis; and had given no reason for anyone to suspect he was abusing the use of sick leave.

# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-000161 Latest Update: Mar. 15, 1988

Findings Of Fact Respondent was employed by Petitioner from December, 1982 to December, 1987 as a tariff clerk, a permanent career service position. On September 23, 1987 Respondent became ill and left work without informing her supervisor, Jill Hurd, or her co-workers. Hurd was available on September 23 and 24, 1987 if Respondent had tried to explain her absence or request leave authorization. Respondent presented Health Status Certificates to Petitioner signed by M. R. Grate, Jr., M.D., dated October 30, November 11 and 18, 1987 which certified her inability to return to work from October 27 through November 30, 1987, during which time she was under his care. On the basis of these certificates, Petitioner authorized her sick leave from October 27 to November 30, 1987. Respondent did return to work on December 2, 1987, but was again absent on consecutive work days of December 3, 4 and 7, 1987. On December 3, 1987, Respondent sent a note to Hurd, via her husband, stating she did not feel well and would not be in to work. On December 4, 1987 her husband again brought Hurd a note stating Respondent would not be in because her baby was ill. Respondent's husband called Hurd on December 7, 1987 to state that she was still ill and would not be in to work. Hurd stated that Respondent needed to get back to work. At no time did Respondent request leave for December 3, 4 and 7, 1987, nor was she approved for leave. She simply informed her supervisor, Hurd, through her husband that she was not coming to work each day. Prior to these unauthorized absences in December, 1987, Respondent had received a memorandum from Hurd on January 14, 1987 setting forth specific instructions for calling in sick following a number of unauthorized absences. Respondent was specifically instructed to call her supervisor, Hurd, each morning by 8:30 a.m. when she wanted to take sick leave. Despite this instruction, Respondent never called Hurd on December 3, 4 and 7, 1987, but simply had her husband deliver notes and messages to Hurd on her behalf. This prevented Hurd from discussing with Respondent the extent of her illness and when she expected to return to work. On November 25, 1987 Respondent had an appointment with Dr. Grate, who signed another Health Status Certificate for the period November 30 to December 11, 1987 indicating she remained under his care and was still unable to return to work. However, despite the fact she did report to work on December 2, 1987 and had been given specific instructions about how to apply for sick leave, she never presented Dr. Grate's Health Status Certificate dated November 25, 1987 to Hurd, or anyone else associated with Petitioner, until the hearing in this case. Therefore, Respondent did not present proper medical certification of illness for December 3, 4 and 7, 1987, and instead simply failed to report to work, or to in any way attempt to personally contact her supervisor. A letter dated December 7, 1987 notifying Respondent of her abandonment of position and of her right to a hearing was sent to Respondent from Petitioner's Executive Director by certified mail, return receipt requested. Respondent's husband signed for this letter on December 9, 1987, and Respondent acknowledges receipt.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing, it is recommended that the Department of Administration enter Final Order concluding that Respondent has abandoned her position with Petitioner in the career service due to her failure to report to work, or request leave, for December 3, 4 and 7, 1987. DONE AND ENTERED this 15th day of March, 1988, in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD D. CONN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of March, 1988. APPENDIX (DOAH Case No. 88-0161) Rulings on Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact: Adopted in Finding of Fact 1. Adopted in Findings of Fact 4, 7. Adopted in Findings of Fact 5, 6, 7. Adopted in Findings of Fact 7, 8. Adopted in Findings of Fact 5, 6. Adopted in Findings of Fact 7, 8, 10. Adopted in Finding of Fact 11. Adopted in Finding of Fact 8. Rulings on Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact cannot be made since her post-hearing submission shows no indication that a copy was provided to counsel for Petitioner, despite specific instruction at hearing, and the narrative contained in her letter consists of serial unnumbered paragraphs which primarily present argument on the evidence rather than true proposed findings of fact. COPIES FURNISHED: Adis Vila Secretary Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 Augustus D. Aikens, Jr. General Counsel Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 Larry D. Scott, Esquire Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 William S. Bilenky, Esquire Public Service Commission 212 Fletcher Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0850 Harold McLean, Esquire Public Service Commission Office of General Counsel 101 East Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Norma D. Saabir P. O. Box 5802 Tallahassee, Florida 32314-5802 =================================================================

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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-002596 Latest Update: Oct. 22, 1986

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner, James D. Reeves (Reeves), was employed full time by Respondent, Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (Department), as an Inspector I in Vero Beach, Florida. On February 3, 1986, Reeves met with Mr. Charles E. Knight, Director of the Department's Division of Fruit and Vegetable Inspection. Recognizing that Reeves was suffering severe emotional problems, Mr. Knight authorized him to take sick leave to visit his family physician in Wrens, Georgia. Regarding the duration of that leave, Mr. Knight testified: I told Mr. Reeves as soon as he got into Georgia, he needed to see his doctor, if he had to go there and sit and wait all day and be the last person to see him, because he needed to follow the personnel rules and regulations, and he needed to get a doctor's excuse signed, if he was going to be off for any extended period of time. I told him I'd like to see him back at work within ten days, if he could get back to work by then. But I told him we would abide by whatever the doctor said, if he signed a written excuse, and he got his papers in. I also told him that he needed to stay in contact with me or the personnel office.... Reeves executed an application for sick leave effective February 4, 1986, with an open return date. On February 4, 1986, while enroute to Wrens, Georgia, his automobile broke down on I-95 near Savannah, Georgia. By February 10, 1986 the necessary repairs, including a rebuilt engine, had been competed on his automobile, and Reeves was able to resume his journey. On February 12, 1986, Reeves was finally able to see his physician, who prepared a "written excuse" that provided: Mr. Dixon Reeves was seen by me today in the office. He related his work history and present employment situation to me. Mr. Reeves admits to and is obviously under a great deal of stress concerning this issue. From the standpoint of mental well being, it is inadvisable for him to return to the cannery. I also understand that from the physical standpoint, he had to consult a podiatrist after working in the cannery for a number of years. Mr. Reeves is currently under my care for treatment of anxiety that the present circumstances have created. It is my opinion that a return to his former position in the cannery would worsen his condition and is therefore medically contraindicated. Please feel free t contact me if you need any further information. On February 13, or 14, 1986, Reeves forwarded a copy of his doctor's excuse, as well as a copy of the towing bill and repair bill for his car, to the Department's personnel office. These documents were sent to the Department without benefit of a cover letter and were the first contact the Department received from Reeves after his departure. By certified letter of February 19, 1986, the Department advised Reeves that his absence from work on February 10-12, 1986, was unauthorized and that, pursuant to Rule 22A-7.010(2), F.A.C., he was deemed to have abandoned his position and resigned from the Career Service. The letter further advised Reeves of his right to petition the Department of Administration for a review of the facts, and whether they constitute abandonment. Reeves timely petitioned the Department of Administration for review. On May 15, 1986, the Department accepted Reeves petition and on July 18, 1986 requested the assignment of a Hearing Officer from the Division of Administrative Hearings to conduct the final hearing. While it certainly would have been better practice for Reeve's to have kept his employer informed of the problems he encountered on his journey and the delays occasioned to his return, it cannot be concluded from this record that Reeve's absences of February 10-12, 1986 were unauthorized or that he abandoned his position. While somewhat open ended, Reeves' leave was at least authorized through February 13, 1986.

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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-001657 Latest Update: Sep. 29, 1988

Findings Of Fact At all times relevant, Petitioner was employed as a Clerk Typist with Respondent. Petitioner did not report to work on February 3, 4 and 5, 1988. Respondent's leave policy is that leave should be requested in advance; if an employee gets sick, he or she needs to call in. Petitioner had not requested leave prior to February 3, 1988. On February 3, 1988, Ms. Lester, a co-worker of Petitioner's received a telephone call from a Ms. Williams who stated that Petitioner was in the hospital. Ms. Baker, Petitioner's supervisor, called three hospitals in the area and none had a Ms. Stanyard listed as a patient. Also, she contacted Ms. Stanyard's brother and another person, neither of whom had any knowledge of Petitioner's whereabouts. Finally, Ms. Baker went to Ms. Stanyard's home, but could not find Ms. Stanyard. As of the end of the day on February 5, 1988, Petitioner had not contacted her supervisor or her office.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that Department of Administration issue a final order ruling that Petitioner abandoned her position and resigned from the career service. DONE and ORDERED this 29th day of September, 1988, in Tallahassee, Florida. JOSE A. DIEZ-ARGUELLES Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29th day of September, 1988. COPIES FURNISHED: Ms. Ethelda Stanyard 7855 Wilson Boulevard Apartment 17 Jacksonville, Florida 32210 Scott D. Leemis Assistant District Legal Counsel Post Office Box 2417 Jacksonville, Florida 32231-0083 Larry D. Scott, Esquire Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 Adis Vila, Secretary Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 Agustus D. Aikens, Jr. Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 Gregory L. Coler, Secretary Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700

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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Sep. 25, 2013 Number: 13-003710 Latest Update: Feb. 05, 2014

The Issue Whether Petitioners received salary overpayments from the Agency for Persons with Disabilities.

Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto, Petitioners Ileana Toledo, Norma Pedraza, and Lil Guerrero have been career service employees of Respondent. The Department of Management Services (“DMS”) has a classification and pay system that is used by Respondent, and DMS is responsible for designating employment positions within Respondent. A position is either included for overtime pay or excluded from overtime pay. At issue is whether Petitioners erroneously received monetary compensation for overtime hours worked after their position was reclassified from an included career service position to an excluded career service position. Prior to March 28, 2013, Petitioners held the position of Human Services Counselor III, which was designated by DMS as an included career service position. On March 26, 2013, Respondent proposed to reclassify Petitioners’ position from Human Services Counselor III to Human Service Program Analyst, which is designated by DMS as an excluded career service position. The proposed reclassification resulted from a reorganization of Respondent’s regional offices, and an effort by Respondent to standardize its functions, services, and types of positions in its regional offices. In a letter dated March 26, 2013, Petitioners were advised by Respondent’s Human Resources Director, Dale Sullivan, that if they accepted an offer to reclassify their position from Human Services Counselor III to Human Service Program Analyst, their “current status and salary will remain unchanged.” Notably, the March 26, 2013, letter makes no specific mention of overtime. On March 28, 2013, Petitioners accepted Respondent’s offer of employment to reclassify their position from Human Services Counselor III to Human Service Program Analyst. Typically, employees of Respondent who are appointed to new positions are placed in probationary status, as opposed to permanent status, and are required to review and execute new position descriptions. However, the reclassification of Petitioners’ position by Respondent was not typical. As part of the reclassification of Petitioners’ position to Human Service Program Analyst, Respondent provided Petitioners with a new position description. However, Petitioners’ job duties, salaries, and permanent status remained the same as they had been in their prior position of Human Services Counselor III. Petitioners read and acknowledged their receipt of the new position description on March 28, 2013. On the first page of the position description, there is a heading titled “Position Attributes”. Under this heading, the term “Overtime” is shown, followed by two boxes, “Yes” and “No.” The “No” box is marked, indicating that Petitioners are not eligible to work overtime hours. The position description further indicates that Petitioners would be career service employees. However, the position description does not specifically include the terms included or excluded. Prior to the reclassification, Petitioners were paid bi-weekly based on an 80-hour pay period. If they worked more than 80 hours in a pay period, they received additional monetary compensation for their overtime hours. Payment for Petitioners’ regular and overtime work hours was based on employee timesheets submitted to the People First leave and payroll system. After the reclassification of their position, Petitioners continued to work overtime in excess of their bi-weekly contractual hours, despite the prohibition in the position description. Petitioners were required to obtain approval by their supervisors before being allowed to work overtime. Petitioners’ overtime was approved by their supervisors after the reclassification despite the prohibition on working overtime hours as indicated in the position description. During the pay periods of March 29-April 11, 2013; April 26-May 9, 2013; and May 10-June 23, 2013, Petitioner Ileana Toledo worked a total of 28 hours of overtime, and received monetary compensation in the amount of $464.63 from Respondent for these overtime hours. For the pay periods of March 29-April 11, 2013; April 12-April 25, 2013; April 26-May 9, 2013; and May 10-May 23, 2013, Petitioner Norma Pedraza worked a total of 32.25 hours of overtime, and received monetary compensation in the amount of $624.14 from Respondent for these overtime hours. For the pay periods of March 29-April 11, 2013; April 12-April 25, 2013; April 26-May 9, 2013; and May 10-May 23, 2013, Petitioner Lil Guerrero worked a total of 25.50 hours of overtime, and received monetary compensation in the amount of $426.65 from Respondent for these overtime hours. Respondent’s payment of monetary compensation to Petitioners for the overtime hours worked after the reclassification of their position to Human Service Program Analyst occurred due to an administrative coding error, thereby resulting in the overpayment of monetary compensation to Petitioners by Respondent in the amounts the Respondent seeks to recover from Petitioners. The administrative coding error occurred because of Respondent’s failure to note the change from included to excluded on the People First system following the reclassification of Petitioners’ position. The error occurred due to an honest mistake, and resulted in the overpayments at issue. Petitioners should not have received monetary compensation for their overtime hours in the Human Service Program Analyst position because a Human Service Program Analyst position is an excluded career service position. An excluded career service employee must earn and receive regular compensation leave credits for overtime work, but cannot receive monetary compensation for overtime work. On the other hand, included career service employees, such as those persons in Petitioners’ previous position of Human Services Counselor III, must receive monetary compensation for overtime hours worked, rather than regular compensatory leave credits. Neither Petitioners nor their supervisors were aware at the time that the overpayments were made that Petitioners could not receive monetary compensation for their overtime hours, but must instead receive regular compensatory leave credits. At hearing, Petitioners did not dispute the amounts and hours of overtime worked as set forth in paragraphs 12-14 above. In accordance with the Department of Management Services’ Bureau of Payroll Manual, the amount of salary overpaid, and the amount sought to be repaid, was calculated as set forth in paragraphs 12-14 above. When an agency has determined that a salary overpayment has occurred, it is required to follow procedures set forth in the above-referenced manual, to seek repayment. Respondent followed those procedures in making the calculations relevant in this case.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered by the Agency for Persons with Disabilities determining that: 1) Petitioner Ileana Toledo was erroneously paid salary in the amount of $464.63; 2) Petitioner Norma Pedraza was erroneously paid salary in the amount of $624.13; 3) Petitioner Lil Guerrero was erroneously paid salary in the amount of $426.65; and 4) Petitioners are entitled to be compensated by Respondent through compensatory leave credits for the overtime hours worked as reflected in paragraphs 12-14 above. DONE AND ENTERED this 25th day of November, 2013, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DARREN A. SCHWARTZ Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of November, 2013.

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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-002577 Latest Update: Aug. 08, 1988

The Issue The issue is whether Ms. Khan abandoned her career service position by failing to report for work, or to apply for and obtain leave for three consecutive days.

Findings Of Fact Olwen B. Khan was employed by the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services as a Public Assistance Specialist in the medically needed program in Broward County, Florida. Ms. Khan is Jamaican, and cares for her elderly father. In order to provide for his care, she arranged to go to Jamaica to sell some property there. On March 1, 1988, Ms. Khan requested, and was granted, 32 hours of leave for March 7 through the close of business on March 10, 1988. Ms. Khan had accumulated annual leave and sick leave so that the annual leave requested did not exhaust the leave available to her. Ms. Khan purchased an airline ticket to Jamaica which would have resulted in her return the evening of March 10, 1988. On March 9, 1988, it became clear that Ms. Khan's business could not be concluded by March 10 and she would have to remain in Jamaica a few more days. She was then in Maninbay, Jamaica, where telephone service is not sophisticated. She had to go to the local telephone company office to make an overseas call when a line was available. She did so at approximately 2:45 p.m. on March 9 but when she reached the HRS office, she was placed on hold for an extended period of time. She then terminated the call and attempted to place another call on March 10 but was not able to get through to the HRS office. The evening of the 10th she made a collect call to her home in Fort Lauderdale at about 5:45 p.m., Eastern Standard Time. The purpose of the call was to have her daughter request additional leave so she could conclude her business in Jamaica. Ms. Khan's ex-husband answered the phone, which surprised her. He agreed to make the request to the Department for additional leave. The following Tuesday Ms. Khan spoke with her ex- husband again, and he said that the message had been given and the additional leave had been taken care of. In fact, no one ever contacted the Department on Ms. Khan's behalf to explain her failure to report to work on Friday, March 11; Monday, March 14; or Tuesday, March 15, 1988. Ms. Khan's supervisor, Norma Levine, did ask one of Ms. Khan's coworkers if she knew where Ms. Khan was. The coworker, Judy Fiche, did not know. After three days had passed with no word from Ms. Khan, Ms. Levine discussed the matter with her supervisor, Mr. Moran. Mr. Moran recommended termination for abandonment of position because no one had heard from Ms. Khan since her approved leave had ended on Thursday, March 10, 1988. A memorandum setting out the facts was prepared for the personnel office, and through the personnel office a certified letter was sent to Ms. Khan on March 17, 1988, informing her that as of the close of business on March 15, 1988, her employment had been terminated for abandonment of her position. When Ms. Khan did return on March 16, she was informed that her position had been terminated. She attempted to see Mr. Moran that day but he was unavailable. She eventually did speak with him but was unsatisfied with his response and ultimately spoke with the personnel officer for HRS District X, Mr. Durrett, on March 30, 1988. Mr. Durrett maintained HRS's position that Mr. Khan had abandoned her job and was unmoved by her explanation that she had been out of the country to take care of a family problem and had thought that her message about needing additional leave had been relayed to the Department. When Ms. Khan was first employed by the Department, she signed a receipt for an employee handbook setting out its policies. The policy on absences requires that an employee who does not report to work notify the employee's supervisor by 8:30 a.m., and if that supervisor is not available, the employee is to notify another supervisor that the employee will not be in to work and state why. The employee performance appraisal for Ms. Khan completed in November 1988, was the last appraisal before her termination. It shows that she was regarded as achieving prescribed performance standards.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered finding that under Rule 22A- 7.010(2)(a), Florida Administrative Code, Olwen B. Khan abandoned her position by being absent without authorized leave for three consecutive workdays. DONE AND RECOMMENDED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 8th day of August, 1988. WILLIAM R. DORSEY, JR. Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 (904) 488-9765 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of August, 1988. APPENDIX The burden of all proposed facts contained in Ms. Khan's proposed finding of fact have been adopted. COPIES FURNISHED: Larry Kranert, Jr., Esquire Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 201 West Broward Boulevard Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301-1885 Lawrence D. Zietz, Esquire 8181 West Broward Boulevard #380 Plantation, Florida 33324 Gregory L. Coler, Secretary Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Building One, Room 407 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 John Miller, Esquire Acting General Counsel Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Building One, Room 407 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Adis Vila, Secretary Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 Augustus D. Aikens, Jr., Esquire General Counsel Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550

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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 77-000298 Latest Update: Aug. 12, 1977

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner, Alfred Greenberg, has held the position of a veterinary aide since approximately November, 1967. During October 1974, he was converted from OPS status to a regular career service employee subject to the normal six month probationary period. By letter dated June 24, 1976, from J. Patrick McCann, Division Director, Petitioner was advised that based on "action by the 1976 legislature, we most regretfully inform you that it will be necessary to abolish your position effective the close of business, June 30, 1976. In lieu of two weeks notice, you will receive two weeks termination pay." (See Respondent's Composite Exhibit Number 1). Within a few days, the Petitioner was converted back to an OPS position receiving the same hourly pay and was advised that he would be offered any vacancy which occurred within the department to which he qualified within the following 12 month period. Petitioner, through his attorney, timely appealed the Respondent's actions essentially contesting his conversion from the career service status to the OPS status and thereby losing social security benefits, retirement benefits and the accrual of vacation and sick leave. He further complained about the manner in which he was served his layoff notice. Specifically, he complained that his letter was hand delivered whereas personnel rules and regulations require that layoff notices etc. be sent by certified mail. In this regard, evidence reveals that by letter dated August 3, 1976, by certified mail, return receipt requested, Petitioner was advised that he was then being provided notice in accordance with the requirement in the department's personnel rules and regulations. Pursuant to emergency rules governing the layoff of career service employees, 22AER76-1, the Petitioner was advised that his position was abolished pursuant to action taken by the 1976 legislature. Evidence adduced during the course of the hearing reveals that the Petitioner's layoff was effected via the procedures as outlined in the above referred emergency rule and he was immediately converted to an OPS position, a position he now holds, at the same rate of pay. Evidence clearly reveals that Petitioner's layoff was effected pursuant to and authorized by the foregoing emergency rule. In view thereof, and in the absence of any evidence which would provide basis for a contrary finding, the action of the Department in effecting the Petitioner's layoff was proper and I shall accordingly recommend that such action be sustained. It is therefore recommended that the action of the Division of Pari-Mutuel Wagering, in effecting the layoff of the Petitioner, Alfred Greenberg, pursuant to emergency rule 22AER76-1, as published in the Florida Administrative Weekly on June 11, 1976, and adopted by the Administration Commission that same date, be sustained. RECOMMENDED this 28th day of June, 1977, in Tallahassee, Florida. JAMES E. BRADWELL Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 530 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: William Hatch, Esquire Department of Business Regulation 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32304 James W. Pritchard, Esquire 1038 Alfred I. DuPont Building 169 East Flagler Street Miami, Florida 33131 Mrs. Dorothy B. Roberts Room 443, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304

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