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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-003235 Latest Update: Oct. 14, 1986

The Issue In their Prehearing Stipulation the original parties described the background and general nature of the controversy as follows: In January, 1985, HCR filed an application for certificate of need to develop a new 120 bed nursing home in Collier County, Florida. By notice dated June 28, 1985, HRS stated its intention to deny HCR's application. HCR timely filed a request for formal administrative proceeding, and the proceeding was forwarded to the Division of Administrative Hearings. By application supplement dated May 15, 1986, HCR has reduced this application to a 90-bed new nursing home. The nursing home will provide skilled nursing care to Alzheimer's patients and to patients discharged from hospitals in need of additional intensive nursing care, in addition to the typical nursing home patient. HRS has denied HCR's application because, pursuant to Rule 10-5.11(21), Florida Administrative Code there is insufficient need for the additional nursing home beds proposed by HCR. In the Prehearing Statement the Petitioner described its position as follows: HCR contends that there is an identifiable need for a nursing home in Collier County, Florida, to serve the needs of patients who suffer from Alzheimer's disease and similar disorders and patients who are discharged from hospitals with a continuing need for a high level of intensive care, often provided through sophisticated technical or mechanical means. Existing nursing homes in Collier County do not offer adequate facilities for such patients and refuse admission to such patients. These patients have experienced an inability to obtain such care in Collier County. HCR's proposed nursing home will provide needed care which is otherwise unavailable and inaccessible in Collier County. The application meets all criteria relevant to approval of a certificate of need. HCR further contends that the nursing home formula shows a need for additional nursing home beds in Collier County. Previously, in circumstances where a need for additional nursing home services has been identified, HRS has approved certificates of need even though the nursing home formula showed a need for zero additional beds or a small number of additional beds. In the Prehearing Statement the Respondent described its position as follows: HRS contends, pursuant to the formula contained in Rule 10-5.11(21), Florida Administrative Code, that there is insufficient need in the January, 1988 planning horizon demonstrated for additional nursing home beds in Collier County to warrant approval of a-new nursing home. Therefore, HRS contends that the HCR application should be denied. Further in its original application, HCR did not identify services proposed specially for Alzheimer's disease patients or "sub-acute" patients. HCR did not and has not complied with provision of Chapter 10-5.11(21)(b 10., Florida Administrative Code, regarding mitigated circumstances. The Respondent also identified the following as an issue of fact to be litigated. "HRS contends that it should be determined whether HCR's supplement dated May 15, 1986, is a significant change in scope for which the application was originally submitted." Because of its late intervention into this case, the Intervenor's position is not described in the Prehearing Statement. In general, the Intervenor urges denial of the application on the same grounds as those advanced by the Respondent. The Intervenor did not attempt to become a party to this case until the morning of the second day of the formal hearing. Respondent had no objection to the Petition To Intervene. The original Petitioner objected on the grounds that the effort at intervention was untimely and that the Intervenor was without standing. The objection to intervention was overruled and the Intervenor was granted party status subject to taking the case as it found it. Accordingly, intervention having been granted at the conclusion of the evidentiary presentation of the other parties, the Intervenor was not permitted to call any witnesses or offer any exhibits. Intervenor's participation before the Division of Administrative Hearings was limited to an opportunity to file proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law. Following the hearing a transcript of proceedings was filed on July 8, 1986. Thereafter, all parties filed Proposed Recommended Orders containing proposed findings of fact. Careful consideration has been given to all of the Proposed Recommended Orders in the formulation of this Recommended Order. A specific ruling on all proposed findings of fact proposed by all parties is contained in the Appendix which is attached to and incorporated into this Recommended Order. The Petitioner also filed an unopposed post-hearing motion requesting that its name be corrected in the style of this case. The motion is granted.

Findings Of Fact Based on the stipulations of the parties, on the exhibits received in evidence, and on the testimony of the witnesses at the hearing, I make the following findings of fact. Findings based on admitted facts The parties agree that HCR properly filed a letter of intent and application for certificate of need for a new nursing home to be located in Collier County. The application was reviewed by HRS in the ordinary course of its activities, and HRS initially denied the application. HRS continues to oppose issuance of a CON because (a) there is an insufficient need, pursuant to Rule 10-5.11(21), Florida Administrative Code, for additional nursing home beds to warrant approval of a new nursing home [Section 381.494(6)(c)1., Florida Statutes]; (b) the long term financial feasibility and economic impact of the proposal is questionable because of low occupancy being experienced by existing nursing homes "Section 381.494(6)(c)9., Florida Statutes]. HRS proposes no other basis for denial of the application. The parties agree that HCR meets all criteria for a certificate of need, with the exception of those two criteria listed in the immediately foregoing paragraph relating to need and financial feasibility/economic impact (relevant to low occupancy), which HRS contends have not been met. The parties agree that HCR would provide good quality care to patients, that the project would be financially feasible if the occupancy projections asserted by HCR were obtained, that the costs and methods of proposed construction are appropriate and reasonable, and that the proposed facility would be adequately available to underserved population groups. The rest of the findings In January 1985, HCR filed an application for a certificate of need to develop a new 120-bed nursing home facility in Collier County, Florida. The original application described a traditional approach to nursing home care. By notice dated June 28, 1985, HRS stated its intention to deny HCR's application. HCR timely filed a request for formal administrative proceedings and this proceeding ensued. By application supplement dated May 15, 1986, HCR made certain changes to its original application. These changes included reducing the size of the proposed nursing home from 120 to go beds and changing the-concept of the nursing home from a traditional nursing home to one specifically designed to address the treatment of Alzheimer's disease patients and sub-acute care patients. The supplement specifically provided that 30 of the 90 proposed beds would be "set aside to offer a therapeutic environment for patients with Alzheimer's or similar disorders." The project description in the original application contained no such provision. HCR's proposed facility would consist of 90 nursing home beds, 30 assisted living beds, and an adult day care facility located adjacent to the nursing home portion of the facility. Those portions of the facility relating to assisted living and adult day care do not require certificate of need review. The estimated cost of the portion of the project which requires certificate of need review is $3.5 million. HCR estimates that approximately 33 1/3 per cent of the patients in the facility will be Medicaid reimbursed. It is proposed that 30 of the 90 nursing home beds be designed and staffed specifically to provide care and treatment necessary to meet the special needs of certain patients who suffer from Alzheimer's disease and dementia and exhibit need for care different from that found in the typical nursing home. It is proposed that another 30-bed wing be staffed and equipped to provide sub-acute, high-tech services such as ventilator, I.V. therapy, pulmonary aids, tube feeding, hyperalimentation and other forms of care more intensive than those commonly found in a nursing home and necessary for the care of patients discharged from hospitals and patients in the last stages of Alzheimer's disease. The remaining 30-bed wing would be devoted to traditional nursing home care. HRS has adopted a rule which establishes a methodology for estimating the numeric need for additional nursing home beds within the Department's districts or subdistricts. This methodology is set out in Rule 10-5.11(21), Florida Administrative Code. This rule determines historic bed rates and projects those bed rates to a three-year planning horizon. Allocation to a subdistrict such as Collier County is adjusted by existing occupancy in the subdistrict and the subdistrict's percentage of beds in relationship to the total number of beds in the district. Additional beds normally are not authorized if there is no need for beds as calculated under the rule. HRS calculated need utilizing current population estimates for January 1986 and projected need for the population estimated for January 1988, arriving at a need of approximately 16 additional nursing home beds for the January 1988 planning horizon. HCR projected need to the January 1989 planning horizon and projected a numeric need of approximately 38 additional nursing home beds. There are no applicants for additional nursing home beds in the January 1989 planning horizon (batching cycle). Alzheimer's disease is a primary degenerative disease of the central nervous system which results in a breakdown of the nerve cells in the brain. The disease is progressive, in that it begins subtly, often with forgetfulness or simple personality changes, and ultimately results in death following a phase in which the patient is bedridden and totally dependent upon others for survival. The cause of the disease is not known. The disease is much more common in the older age groups and is very common in the southwest Florida area. (However, nothing in the evidence in this case suggests that Alzheimer's disease is more common in southwest Florida than in other parts of the state.) There is no known cure for Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's disease patients are characterized by such symptoms as memory loss, communication problems, difficulty understanding, confusion, disorientation, inability to recognize care givers, waking at night, wandering, inability to socialize appropriately, and incontinence. The progress of the disease can be divided into stages. During the initial stage, the patients will display forgetfulness and subtle personality changes. As the disease progresses, the patients encounter increasing difficulty performing more than simple tasks, tend to be more emotional, become more confused, encounter difficulty with concentration and retaining thoughts, and often display poor judgment and a denial of the significance of their actions. In the next stage, the patients begin to require assistance to survive. Forgetfulness and disorientation increase and wandering patients are often unable to find their way. The patients become incontinent, experience sleep disturbances, become restless at night, and wander during the day, leading to considerable family distraction and difficulties for the care givers. The patients encounter difficulty recognizing family members and often become paranoid and fearful of those family members within the house. violence and aggressive outbursts may occur. Finally, the patients progress to a stage in which they are totally inattentive to their features physical needs, requiring total care. These Patients are totally incontinent, experience frequent falls, develop seizures, and eventually become bedridden, going into a fetal position and becoming totally unable to provide any care for themselves. Traditionally, most nursing homes offer no special programs for patients who suffer from Alzheimer's disease and mix these patients with other patients in the nursing home. There is no nursing home in Collier County which provides program specifically designed for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease patients. The nearest nursing home where such care can be found is in Venice, some 92 miles from Naples. The total facility proposed by HCR is designed to provide a continum of care for Alzheimer's disease patients and their family care givers. The adult day care portion of the facility would enable family members to place Alzheimer's disease patients in day care for a portion of the day in order for the family care givers to maintain employment, perform normal household chores, and find relief from the extremely demanding task of constantly supervising and caring for an Alzheimer's disease victim. The adult day care portion of the facility would be designed and staffed to provide a therapeutic program for the Alzheimer's disease patient and the patient's family. The assisted living portion of the facility would allow an Alzheimer's disease patient in the early stages of the disease to live in an environment, with his or her spouse if desired, where immediate care and routine supervision at a level lower than that required by a nursing home patient would be provided. Thirty nursing home patient and who do not display those characteristics which are disruptive to non-Alzheimer's patients, such as wandering, combativeness, and incontinence. For those Alzheimer's patients who should not be mixed with other nursing home patients because of their disruptive routines and who require unique programs and facility design features to meet their specific needs, a 30-bed wing would be set aside. Finally, for Alzheimer's patients in the final stages of the disease who require total care and are bedridden, and for patients discharged from local hospitals who require high-tech services, a 30-bed wing designed, staffed and equipped to provide such services would be set aside. The facility would provide a high level of staffing to meet the demanding, personal care needs of Alzheimer's patients and would provide 24-hour nursing supervision in that portion of the facility dedicated to intensive services for the bedridden and high-tech patient. The design and equipment of the proposed facility are particularly addressed to the needs of Alzheimer's disease patients. Physically, the facility would allow patients freedom of movement both inside the facility and in an outside courtyard with porches, but the facility would be sufficiently secure to prevent the patient from wandering away from the facility. There would be amenities such as therapeutic kitchens which would allow patients still able to cook to do so. Fixtures in the facility would be designed so that the Alzheimer's disease patients could easily identify the functions of fixtures such as wastebaskets, toilets, and sinks. Features such as low frequency sound systems, lever door knobs, square instead of round tables, barrier-free doorways, special floor coverings, appropriate labeling, automatic bathroom lighting, and provisions for seating small groups of patients together would all provide the special care required by the Alzheimer's patient. The concept of a separate unit for Alzheimer's disease patients is a new one, growing out of increased medical awareness of the disease. The proposed unit would be a prototype for the Petitioner. There are four nursing homes in Collier County and 413 licensed nursing home beds. There are no approved but unlicensed nursing home beds in Collier County. At the time that HRS initially reviewed the HCR application, Collier County nursing homes were reporting an average occupancy of approximately 70 percent. At the time of the hearing, average occupancy of existing nursing home beds in Collier County was 83.5 per cent. Existing nursing home beds in Collier County are underutilized and there are a number of nursing home beds available to the public. Also there are available alternatives to nursing homes in Collier County. HCR has projected reaching 95 per cent occupancy within one year of opening. This projection seems overly optimistic and unwarranted by prior history, as only one existing facility has an occupancy rate that high. HCR's occupancy projections are based on assumptions that the future growth will be similar to that experienced between 7/1/85 and 12/1/85. But more recent data shows that growth has been decreasing and that there was no growth for the most recent period prior to the hearing. If projected occupancy is not met, projected revenues will not be realized, and projections of financial feasibility will not materialize. The record in this case does not contain evidence of patients' need for nursing home care documented by the attending physicians' plans of care or orders, assessments performed by the staff of the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, or equivalent assessments performed by attending physicians indicating need for nursing home care. The local health plan (Policy 1, priority 4) requires an occupancy level of at least 90 per cent before new nursing homes can be approved. The local health plan (Policy 1, priority 6) also provides, "No new community nursing home facility should be constructed having less than 60 beds. However, less than 60 beds may be approved as part of an established acute care hospital facility."

Recommendation For all of the foregoing reasons, it is recommended that the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services issue a Final Order in this case denying the Petitioner's application for a certificate of need to construct either its original proposal or its supplemented proposal. DONE AND ENTERED this 14th day of October, 1986, at Tallahassee, Florida. MICHAEL M. PARRISH, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of October, 1986.

Florida Laws (2) 105.08120.57
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Inverness, Florida Jan. 04, 1990 Number: 90-000043 Latest Update: Sep. 19, 1990

The Issue The issues under consideration are those associated with applications filed by the aforementioned private parties seeking certificates of need for skilled nursing home beds based on a fixed need pool of May, 1989, which identified 261 beds for the January, 1992 planning horizon. The beds are available in HRS District III. The applications are for: CON Action No. 5987 Inverness--20 beds; CON Action No. 5912 Suwannee--60 beds; CON Action No. 5913 McCoy-- 60 beds; CON Action No. 5962 Starke--120 or 60 beds; and CON Action N. 5905 Regency--120 beds.

Findings Of Fact Related to the May, 1989 batching cycle HRS has identified a need for 261 nursing home beds in District III. The applicants accept that determination of the pool of beds, that is to say no applicant has sought beds over and above the 261 beds identified by HRS. Further, the parties have expressed their agreement to allow Regency to be granted CON 5905 to construct a new nursing home facility in Lake County, Florida, which will have 120 beds. The written stipulation sets out the parties belief that all applicable criteria for obtaining a certificate of need as set out in Section 381.705, Florida Statutes, have been met. That stipulation is accepted, provided the following conditions are met in issuing the certificate of need: The annual resident population of the facility shall include at least 62% of Medicaid patient days. Two beds shall be dedicated to the care of Alzheimer and respite care residents. The facility shall be a one story design consisting of 43,000 square feet in size. Likewise, the parties have agreed to allow the issuance of CON 5987 to Inverness to add 20 community nursing beds to its existing facility in Inverness, Florida. That written stipulation points out the agreement by the parties concerning the Inverness compliance with all applicable criteria set out in Section 381.705, Florida Statutes as well as any implementing rules set forth in Chapter 10-5, Florida Administrative Code. The arrangement is one by which existing ACLF beds are converted to nursing home beds. That stipulation is accepted, upon condition that Inverness commit to provide a minimum of 75.2% of total patient days for Medicaid patients. The Inverness stipulation which reiterates Inverness' lack of opposition to the grant of a certificate of need to Regency also withdraws its opposition to McCoy, Starke and Suwannee. By the terms of the stipulation's 140 of the 261 beds in the pool are spoken for. This leaves for consideration the applications of Suwannee, Starke and McCoy. In the absence of subdistricting, District III is divided into seven planning areas. The planning areas are as established by the North Central Florida Health Planning Council, Inc. Planning Area l is constituted of Hamilton, Suwannee, Lafayette, Columbia, Union and Bradford counties. Suwannee intends to place its facility in Suwannee County. Starke intends to place its facility in Columbia County. The expansion of the McCoy facility would occur in Marion County which is the sole county in Planning Area 4. By resort to the North Central Florida Health Planning Council District III Health Plan preferences can be seen concerning the allocation of beds among the applicants within the various planning areas. A copy of that plan is HRS Exhibit No. 2. Under this scheme the McCoy application to add 60 additional nursing home beds to its existing facility in Marion County, Florida, is considered a third priority. A third priority would allow the addition of at least 60 beds and no more than 120 beds. The Suwannee and Starke applications are a fourth priority under the local plan which allows for an addition of up to 60 beds. The McCoy application as presented at hearing responds adequately to all applicable criteria set out in Section 381.705, Florida Statutes, to include the State Health Plan and District III Health Plan. McCoy holds a superior license rating at present and has a proposed capital expenditure for this project of $1,568,000. Taking into consideration the proposed allocation of beds set forth in the local health plan, the distance between the McCoy facility and the proposed facilities in Suwannee and Columbia counties by the applicants Suwannee and Starke and absent proof which clearly identifies that Suwannee and Starke are meaningful competitors against McCoy and its attempt to gain a certificate of need calling for expansion of its facility, the McCoy application should be granted. That grant should be conditioned upon a willingness to serve Alzheimer patients in the proposed 14 bed unit and the commitment to provide Medicaid at a 60% level as a minimum commitment. This arrangement would bring the total number of nursing home beds at McCoy to 120, a desirable number when considering economies of scale. What must be resolved by comparative analysis of the applications of Suwannee and Starke, is which of those competitors for 60 beds out of the 61 beds remaining in the pool should be granted a certificate of need, if any. Starke had noticed its intention to apply for 120 beds and made application for 120 beds and in the alternative for 60 beds. The decision to notice its intent to apply for 120 beds was not misleading nor inconsistent with HRS policy in a circumstance where the application was stated in the alternative for 120 beds or 60 beds. The significant point is that Starke explained its alternatives of 120 beds or 60 beds in detail in the course of the application. HRS perceives that the 120 bed notice of intent took into account a lesser number of beds being applied for on the due date for applications and that perception is reasonable. Suwannee noticed the intent to apply for 60 beds and applied for that many. Both Suwannee and Starke met all procedural requirements for consideration of their applications for nursing home beds. In determining the disposition of the 60 nursing home beds needed for Planning Area l within District III, it is noted that Suwannee and Columbia counties are contiguous. Columbia is east of Suwannee. While the main emphasis by these applicants is to serve the needs of residents within the two counties where the facilities would be located, given their contiguity there is a potential for either applicant to serve needs within both counties. Columbia county is the more populous county. However, in the two counties the age cohorts in the 65 and over group and 75 and over group are similar, especially in the 75 and over group. Occupancy rates in the existing nursing homes within the two counties are also similar. The J. Ralph Smith Health Center in Suwannee County has 107 existing beds and 54 beds approved. Those additional 54 beds were designated for residents of the Advent Christian Village exclusively; however, the residents of that village constitute part of the population base in Suwannee county. Therefore this limited utilization of that resource still benefits citizens within Suwannee county. Surrey Place in Suwannee county has 60 beds and the Suwannee Health Care Center has 120 beds with 60 more approved. The 60 additional beds may not be constructed in that the applicant failed to proceed to construction in the time contemplated by CON 3746 and may lose the beds. Columbia County has Tanglewood Care Center with 95 beds. It has Lake City Medical Center with 5 beds associated with a hospital. Palm Garden of Columbia has approval for 60 beds. On balance there would not appear to be an advantage to placing the 60 beds at issue in either Suwannee or Columbia counties when considering the population to be served, present occupancy rates for existing nursing bomes and geographic accessibility to the proposed nursing homes. Suwannee is a wholly owned subsidiary of Santa Fe Health Care, Inc. The parent corporation filed the application with the permission of Suwannee. The 60 bed nursing home facility is part of an overall project which includes the replacement of an existing 60 bed acute care hospital with a 30 bed acute care hospital. If the proposals are accepted the hospital and 60 bed nursing home would be located on a common parcel. HRS has granted CON 6179 to decertify 30 beds. The approved cost of the delicensure and establishment of the new hospital is $6,752,824. The nursing home component of this project is stated to cost $3,408,100 in the way of capital expenditures with an operating equity in the amount of $300,000. The overall health care delivery system contemplated in the hospital and nursing home project includes the replacement hospital, the new nursing home, an out patient diagnostic center, home health care, hospice and adult day care services. Suwannee has the financial backing of its parent corporation which owns a number of health care facilities including six hospitals, two health maintenance organizations and six other health related corporations. Both Suwannee and the parent corporation Santa Fe Health Care, Inc. are not for profit. The Santa Fe operations are in Florida and its hospital holdings include other rural hospitals in addition to Suwannee which is a rural hospital. Before filing the application for the 60 bed nursing home neither Suwannee nor the Santa Fe parent corporation had any involvement in long term health care delivery. Suwannee intends to serve the needs of Alzheimer patients and to provide services to persons needing subacute care. In its present hospital facility in Suwannee County it has 24 swing beds with which it serves patients needing subacute care and which beds are seen as an alternative to nursing home beds. That alternative has limited utility. Although swing beds may serve nursing home patients they are not an alternative for long term care in lieu of community nursing home beds. To the extent that Suwannee Hospital has tried to place patients in nursing homes needing a high level of skilled care, described as subacute care, it has experienced problems. Existing nursing homes in Suwannee County have not accepted the placement of those patients. It is unclear from the record what portion of subacute care needed in the service area will continue to be met in the hospital proper with the advent of delicensure of 30 beds. There was testimony to the affect that the hospital has the option to request swing beds in its remaining 30 bed hospital facility, but it has not been shown that the hospital will avail itself of that opportunity and through the use of the swing beds be able to render subacute care. The description by Suwannee of the subacute patients that it is contemplating serving through its nursing home are those who require a shorter stay in nursing facilities, who are said to have fragile medical condition and require intensive licensed nursing care. In the application, it states that the Medicare patients contemplated as being served by this prospective nursing home would be the principal users of the subacute care. There patients would have an average length of stay of 15 days with 12 patients per month being served. The Medicare per diem charge of $130 for the first year of operation is said to include the cost of care given to these patients who are said to be heavy users of subacute care. That per diem charge reflects ancillaries such as the various therapies as well. Having considered the explanation of this application, it is less than apparent what the difference would be between the subacute care services now being provided by the hospital in its swing beds and those contemplated by its nursing home application. In a similar vein, it is unclear what the distinction would be between the subacute care rendered in the proposed nursing home when contrasted with the subacute care being provided in swing beds that might be available in the 30 bed replacement hospital. If granted a certificate of need Suwannee is committed to serving AIDS patients. Suwannee intends to serve Medicaid patients and it projects a percentage of patient days attributable to Medicaid patients in the first two years of operation to approximate 73%. This is contrasted with experience statewide of 62%, within District III of 75% and within the planning area of 81%. Projected per diem rate for Medicaid reimbursement within the first year of operation is $68. The financial expert presented by Suwannee said that the applicant could charge as much as $10 to $12 more, making the Medicaid rate $78 to $80 per day. This increase contemplates raising the present caps on reimbursement. The record does not support increases in the caps of $10 to $12 in the relevant planning period. In the first year of operation the private room, private pay per diem rate at Suwannee reflects $97 as the charge and $80 as the charge for semiprivate room, private pay. This is as compared to $130 for Medicare per diem. Although it is unacceptable to charge more for Medicare than private pay, Schedule 12 within the application shows the inclusion of ancillaries for the Medicare patient and the exclusion of ancillaries for private pay. Under the circumstances it is difficult to tell whether the Medicare per diem charges exceed the private pay per diem charges as has been contended by Starke. The inclusion of the therapies as ancillary costs is shown on page 39 at Schedule 12 of the application of Suwannee. On Schedule 17 in the first operating year the therapies as ancillary costs are not broken out as individual items such as physical therapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy separate and apart from routine services. Instead an aggregate figure is given. That precludes an understanding of what portion of the per diem charge for Medicare patients is attributable to those ancillary costs. The circumstance is made more bewildering in that the financial expert presented by Suwannee stated that the $130 per diem charge had application to residents who were receiving subacute care. What portion of the per diem charge for Medicare residents is attributable to the subacute care component is not revealed in the application. Neither, is it explained in the testimony. Notwithstanding the assurance of the Suwannee financial planner that the Medicare rate projected for the first year of operation is in keeping with the Hospital Cost Containment Board's data on the average rate structure, that comment and his other explanations failed to establish the reasonableness of that charge. This is especially true when considering the fact that the Medicaid charges, even accepting an adjusted rate of $80 per day, are also indicated at Schedule 12 as including therapies and are far less than the Medicare per diem. Schedule 17 shows the Medicaid without reference to the therapies as an aggregate item in the same fashion as described with the Medicare category of reimbursement. Further, evidence of the fact that private room, private pay, does not exceed the Medicare per diem charge is related at Schedule 12 where it describes the subacute private room, private pay patient as paying $150 and the semiprivate, room private pay as paying $130. Again, in the Suwannee application in the first year of operation for both Medicaid and Medicare therapies are said to be included in the basic charges of $68 and $130 respectively shown at Schedule 12 and carried forward in the aggregate on Schedule 17. From the explanations stated by the financial planner, the projected costs for therapies by those two categories of patients is not reflected in the ancillary cost centers for physical therapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy found at lines 11-13 of Schedule 18. Instead, they are reflected at line 39 under other costs centers in the amount of $80,900. Moreover the $80,900 is said to include subacute services as well as the therapies. Having considered Schedules 12, 17 and 18 for the first operating year, together with the other evidence presented in the course of the hearing, the estimate at line 39 of Schedule 18 of $80,900 is unreliable. The Suwannee project contemplates a facility of approximately 24,370 square feet. The construction cost estimate is $62.44 per square foot. The total project cost per bed is $56,802. That far exceeds the caps for the property cost component related to Medicaid residents which is presently $30,350 per bed. Put another way, that translates to a differential of $11.64 per patient day above present reimbursement levels for Medicaid residents. That differential cannot be made up by resort to payments for ancillary services for that category of resident. The shortfall attributable to the costs per bed differential in the application of $56,802 compared to $30,350 per bed plus ancillaries is not expected to be made up by resort to other revenue sources within this proposal either, nor can it be properly be. This is particularly true when approximately 70% of the patient days are expected to be provided by Medicaid residents. Even if Suwannee were able to obtain reimbursement for the per bed cost of $56,802, this is much more than the Starke cost per bed which is approximately $30,000 as built. The cap that has been mentioned is the one effective July 1, 1990. Nothing in the testimony would suggest that the caps would approach $56,802 within the planning horizon for this review cycle. In summary, the financial feasibility of the Suwannee proposal has not been established. While the parent corporation, Santa Fe Health Care, Inc., is strong financially and able to sustain Suwannee in its nursing home operation in the short term, even with expected losses, the losses will be extraordinary and the long term feasibility has not been demonstrated either. Simply stated, too much money is being expended to establish this facility and it may not be recouped by resort to the reimbursement scheme identified in the application. Under the circumstances, the nursing home is not perceived as a means of promoting the financial well being of the overall project constituted of the nursing home, relocated hospital and associated services. It is not accepted that the manner and quality of care proposed to be delivered by Suwannee is so superior that it justifies the inordinate expense in delivering the care. In other particulars Suwannee has shown that it meets all applicable criteria for granting it a certificate of need, but the overall costs are so exorbitant that they preclude financial success in the project. In addition, even if the project met the criteria its costs compared to the Starke proposal are so much more that the Suwannee proposal should be rejected in favor of the Starke proposal. It is not accepted that a hospital based nursing home is superior to a freestanding nursing home as urged by the presentation made by Suwannee. Starke had applied for a 120 bed nursing home, with a separate request explaining its proposal to construct a 60 bed nursing home. It is that latter proposal that fits the need in Planning Area I of District III. The total capital expenditure for that alternative proposal is $1,882,713. The cost per square foot is approximately $60 in the 22,500 square foot facility. The per bed costs is in the neighborhood of $30,000. In the first year of operation the private room, private pay is $89; the semiprivate room, private pay rate is $79; the Medicaid rate is $69.50 and the Medicare rate is $69.50. These rates do not include ancillary charges for therapies. The Starke proposal will include a unit for Alzheimer, subacute care, adult day care and respite care. Starke will provide 80% of its patient days for Medicaid residents and 10% of its patient days for Medicare residents. The Medicaid performance exceeds that of Suwannee. That rate is consistent with the experience which Starke has in the operation of its Whispering Pines Care Center in Starke, Florida, a 120 bed nursing home facility which has held a superior license rating over the three years preceding the application. Starke as a corporation would own both the Starke, Florida facility and the proposed Lake City, Florida facility. The principals in that corporation with 50% ownership are J. D. Griffis and George R. Grosse, Jr. The subacute care that is to be provided is in patient rooms which are directly adjacent to the nursing station. It is the intention of the applicant to build these rooms to allow support for medical equipment needed in the treatment of those residents. Although some criticism has been directed to the architectural design of the proposed nursing home facility, Starke has committed itself to meet all applicable codes. Under the circumstances it does not appear that this application presents significant problems associated with resident safety or inordinate costs in making necessary adjustments to comply with applicable codes. The Starke application was prepared by Jerry L. Keach, the then administrator for University Nursing Care Center in Gainesville, Florida, operated by Covenant Care Corporation. By the comments found in the application it was contemplated that the Covenant Care group would manage the Starke facility in Lake City, Florida, which would do business as Lake City Care Center. No contract has been executed between Starke and Covenant Care Corporation to allow the latter entity to manage the Lake City facility assuming the grant of the certificate of need to that applicant. At hearing the principals for Starke indicated that Covenant Care together with other unnamed organizations would be considered as management for the nursing home in Lake City. Although this issue of management is unresolved, reservations about the project are overcome in recognition of the success of the Starke corporation in the operation of the Whispering Pines Care Center in Starke, Florida. That suffices as an indication that Starke is capable of installing appropriate personnel to operate the Lake City facility, and provide quality care. The assumptions concerning the various aspects of the proposals set forth in the Starke application are sufficiently explained in the course of the final hearing and those explanations are accepted. It is reasonable to expect that the nursing home could be constructed, staffed and operated in a manner consistent with the explanations found in the application and through testimony at hearing. A successful outcome is anticipated whether the Covenant Care Corporation is employed to operate the facility or not. The favorable impression of the Starke proposal is held notwithstanding the criticism directed to the financial feasibility by remarks offered by Suwannee. In particular the Suwannee Exhibit No. 11 admitted into evidence questioning the assumptions of the Starke applicant concerning income projections for the first two years have been taken into account. Whispering Pines Care Center presently offers care for Alzheimer patients and subacute services. Therefore problems are not anticipated in the provision of those services in the proposed facility. With due regard for the criticisms that have been directed to the financial ability of Starke to maintain its Whispering Pines Nursing Center and the proposed project in Lake City, Florida, it is found that the applicant has the ability to conduct those businesses. As with the matter of financial feasibility, Starke has satisfied all other applicable criteria for the grant of a certificate of need to construct the 60 bed nursing home.

Recommendation Based upon consideration of the facts found and the conclusions of law reached, it is, RECOMMENDED: That a Final Order be entered which requires all CONs granted to be consistent with the applications and in keeping with that intention: Grants CON 5987 to Inverness for the addition of 20 community nursing home beds to its existing facility upon condition that those beds be constituted of a minimum of 75.2% total patient days for Medicaid patients; Grants CON 5962 to Starke for construction of a nursing home in Columbia County, Florida, constituted of a minimum of 80% total patient days for Medicaid patients, that provides Alzheimer services, subacute care, day care and respite care; Grants CON 5910 to McCoy for the addition of 60 beds upon condition that 60% of the patient days be devoted to Medicaid patients; Grants CON 5905 to Regency for construction of a 120 nursing home facility with 62% of its patient dads being devoted to Medicaid patients, 2 beds dedicated to Alzheimer patients, provision of respite care and that the facility shall be a one-story design consisting of 43,000 gross square feet in size; and Denies the application for a 60 bed nursing home in Suwannee County made by Suwannee under CON Action No. 5912. DONE and ENTERED this 19th day of September, 1990, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of September, 1990. APPENDIX CASE NOS. 90-0043 and 90-0045 The following discussion is given concerning the proposed facts of the parties: Inverness Paragraphs 1 through 3 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 4 is not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Suwannee Paragraphs 1 through 7 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 8 is contrary to facts found in that the Starke application can be advanced without a resort to an affiliation with Covenant Care Corporation. Paragraph 9 is accepted; however, those facts do not cause the rejection of the Starke proposal. Paragraphs 10 and 11 are not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Paragraph 12 is accepted as factually correct; however, this is not crucial in determining the outcome of this case. Concerning Paragraph 13, while the record reveals that Mr. Keach was responsible at a time moratorium had been placed on admissions into University Nursing Care Center in Gainesville, Florida, the record was not detailed enough to ascertain what influence that might have on his ability to act as an administrator at the Starke facility proposed in this instance or his competence in preparing the application. The representations found in Paragraph 14 do not preclude the consideration of the Starke application. Concerning Paragraph 15, the first sentence is rejected as fact. The second and third sentences are not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Concerning Paragraph 16, those items which are mentioned did not cause the rejection of the Starke application in that Starke is committed to abide by all applicable codes to insure control over the patients. Paragraphs 17 through 21 are contrary to facts found. Concerning Paragraphs 22-24, the Starke proposal is found to be financially feasible. Paragraph 25-27 are subordinate to facts found. Concerning Paragraph 28, notwithstanding economies of scale they will not overcome the inherent extravagance in the costs associated with bringing the Suwannee project on line. Concerning Paragraph 29, while diversification for rural hospitals is desirable, the present attempt by Suwannee is unacceptable. Paragraph 30 is subordinate to facts found. Concerning Paragraph 31 see comment on Paragraph 29. Paragraph 32 is subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 33 is accepted; however, the principal service area would appear to be Suwannee County. The existence of service over to Hamilton, Madison, Lafayette and Columbia Counties does not change the perception of this case. Paragraph 34 is subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 35 is contrary to facts found as are Paragraphs 36 and 37. Concerning Paragraph 38, the affiliation of Suwannee with the Santa Fe Health Care system does not overcome the lack of financial feasibility. Paragraphs 39 and 40 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 41 is contrary to facts found. Paragraph 42 is not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Paragraph 43 is contrary to facts found. Paragraphs 44 and 45 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 46 is contrary to facts found. Paragraphs 47-55 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 56 is not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Paragraphs 57-60 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 61 is contrary to facts found. Paragraph 62 is subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 63 is contrary to facts found. Paragraph 64 is subordinate to facts found. Concerning Paragraph 65, notwithstanding these observations they do not justify the rate structure or per diem charges set out in the Suwannee application. Paragraph 66 is subordinate to facts found as are the first two sentences of Paragraph 67. The last sentence to Paragraph 67 is rejected. Paragraphs 68 and 69 are contrary to facts found. The first sentence of Paragraph 70 is subordinate to facts found. The second sentence is not relevant. Paragraphs 71 through the first sentence of Paragraph 73 is contrary to facts found. Concerning the last sentence of Paragraph 73, Starke is found to be financially feasible and Suwannee is not. Paragraph 74 is subordinate to facts found. Paragraphs 75 and 76 have been taken into account in deciding that there are no particular advantages to placing the 60 beds in Columbia County as opposed to Suwannee County. Paragraph 77 in all sentences save the last is accepted. The last sentence is contrary to facts found in that subacute care will be rendered in the Starke facility. Paragraphs 78 through 80 are contrary to facts found. Paragraph 81 is subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 82 is accepted in the premise, but use of Suwannee as the facility to serve this population is rejected based upon the lack of financial feasibility. Paragraph 83 is subordinate to facts found with the exception that the subacute patients would not be best placed with Suwannee. Paragraph 84 and 85 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 86 is contrary to facts found. Paragraphs 1-5 with the exception of the last sentence in Paragraph 5 are subordinate to facts found. Concerning that latter sentence it is clear that Suwannee would intend to build the nursing home facility together with the hospital or exclusive of the hospital project. Paragraphs 6-8 are not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Paragraph 9 is subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 10 is accepted and it is acknowledged that the applicants can approximate that average. Paragraphs 11 and 12 are subordinate to facts found. Concerning Paragraph 13 Suwannee did establish its percentage of commitment to Medicaid through proof at hearing. Paragraphs 14 through 23 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 24 is contrary to facts found in that Starke offers no greater enhancement than Suwannee in terms of geographic accessibility and is not really a competitor in this criterion with McCoy. Paragraphs 25 through 27 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 28 is contrary to facts found in that Suwannee did identify the programs that it intends to offer. Paragraphs 29 through 36 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 37 in the first sentence is subordinate to facts found. The second sentence is not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Paragraph 38 is subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 39 is not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Concerning Paragraph 40 while it is agreed that swing beds are skilled level of nursing home care they do not constitute reasonable alternatives to long term care. Paragraph 41 is subordinate to facts found in the first sentence. The second sentence in its suggestion that there is no significance to the lack of provision of these types of services under subacute care in area nursing homes is rejected. Paragraph 42 is rejected. Paragraph 43 is subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 44 is contrary to facts found. Paragraphs 45 through 52 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 53 is contrary to facts found. Paragraph 54 is subordinate to facts found with the exception that the reason that the Suwannee project is not found to be financially feasible does not include reference to a higher charge for Medicare patients than the charge to private pay patients. Paragraphs 55 through 60 with the exception of the last sentence in Paragraph 60 are subordinate to facts found. The nursing home is intended to be built whether the replacement hospital is built or not. Paragraphs 61 through 65 are subordinate to facts found. Starke Paragraphs 1 through 5 with the exception of the latter two sentences in Paragraph 5 are subordinate to facts found. Concerning the next to the last sentence, it was made clear that the intentions on the part of Suwannee were to build the nursing home. The last sentence to the extent that it is intended to suggest that this applicant is incapable of offering long term care services is rejected. Paragraphs 6 through 8 are not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Paragraphs 9 through 11 are subordinate to facts found. Concerning Paragraph 12 to the extent that it suggests that Suwannee is not willing to provide services to Medicaid recipients, it is rejected. Paragraphs 13 through 21 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 22 is contrary to facts found in that Starke is not seen as enhancing geographic accessibility to a greater extent than Suwannee its true competitor. Paragraphs 23 and 24 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 25 is contrary to facts found ih that Suwannee has identified its special programs. Paragraphs 26 through 33 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 34 is subordinate to facts found in the first sentence. The second sentence is not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Paragraph 35 is subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 36 is not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Concerning Paragraph 37 while it is agreed that swing beds are skilled level of nursing home care they do not constitute reasonable alternatives to long term care. Paragraph 38 is subordinate to facts found in the first sentence. The second sentence in its suggestion than there is no significance to the lack of provision of these types of services under subacute care in area nursing homes is rejected. Paragraph 39 is rejected. Paragraphs 40 and 41 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 42 is contrary to facts found. Paragraphs 43 through 50 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 51 is contrary to facts found. Paragraph 52 is subordinate to facts found except as it suggests that the difference in rate between Medicaid patients and private pay patients in the Suwannee proposal forms the basis for the criticism that the Suwannee project is not financially sound. Paragraphs 53 through the first two sentence of Paragraph 59 are subordinate to facts found. Related to the latter sentences in Paragraph 59 it is clear that the schematic pertains to the basic design of the Suwannee facility whether attached to a new hospital or free standing. Paragraphs 60 through 64 are subordinate to facts found. McCoy Paragraph 1 is subordinate to facts found. Paragraphs 2 and 3 are not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Paragraph 4 is subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 5 is not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Paragraphs 6 through 83 are subordinate to facts found. Regency Paragraph 1 is subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 2 is not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Paragraphs 3 through 5 are subordinate to facts found. COPIES FURNISHED: Sam Power, Department Clerk Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-0700 Elizabeth McArthur, Esquire Jeffrey Frehn, Esquire Aurell, Radey, Hinkle and Thomas 101 North Monroe Street, Suite 1000 Post Office Drawer 11307 Tallahassee, FL 32302 W. David Watkins, Esquire Oertel, Hoffman, Fernandez and Cole, P.A. Post Office Box 6507 2700 Blair Stone Road Tallahasee, FL 32314-6507 Leslie Mendelson, Esquire Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 2727 Mahan Drive Fort Knox Executive Center Tallahassee, FL 32308 James C. Hauser, Esquire F. Phillip Blank, Esquire R. Terry Rigsby, Esquire Julie Gallagher, Esquire F. Philip Blank, P.A. 204-B South Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32301 Grafton B. Wilson, II, Esquire 711 North 23rd Avenue, Suite 4 Post Office Box 1292 Gainesville, FL 32602 R. Bruce McKibben, Esquire Dempsey and Goldsmith, P.A. 307 West Park Avenue Tallahassee, FL 32301

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-002686 Latest Update: Jul. 30, 1987

Findings Of Fact Each applicant in this proceeding submitted its application in the January, 1986 batching cycle for the January, 1989 planning horizon, each requesting a certificate of need to build a 120-bed nursing home in Brevard County, Florida. The parties have stipulated that each applicant's letter of intent and application was timely filed, that there is a need in the January, 1989 planning horizon for additional community nursing home beds, and that 120 of those beds should be awarded to one of these applicants. They further stipulated that there are sufficient professional staff available in the Brevard County area to completely staff a new nursing home facility and that each of the applicants is able to obtain the funds necessary to construct its project. Maple Leaf of Brevard County Health Care, Inc., a new corporation to be formed as a wholly-owned subsidiary of HCR proposes a 120-bed community nursing home to be located in central Brevard County in the area of Rockledge and Cocoa. In addition to traditional skilled and intermediate care, the nursing home will provide services for sub-acute patients, and a separate wing of the nursing home will be set aside for Alzheimers and related dementia disease patients (hereinafter "Alzheimers patients"). The HCR proposal includes an adult day- care unit for Alzheimers patients and respite care on a bed- availability basis. At final hearing, HCR submitted an application supplement which provided updated calculations, projections and program descriptions to account for changes occurring as a result of the elapse of time between submission of the original application and the final hearing. The application supplement does not include any programmatic changes from the original application and does not add any new concepts or elements to the original HCR proposal. The adult day-care unit will provide care to Alzheimers patients for four to eight hours a day and from one to five days a week, depending upon the needs of the patient and caregiver. The program will be staffed by a nurse director and an assistant. Patients will be provided with various activities of daily living in an environment developed for Alzheimers disease victims. This program provides placement for the patient who does not need inpatient care but whose caregiver needs rest or an opportunity to attend to matters outside of the home, such as employment. Respite care at the HCR facility is intended to provide placement for patients on a 24-hour basis while the family or caregiver attends to needs such as vacation or hospitalization incompatible with overnight care of the patient at home. Respite care provides inpatient nursing home care for short periods of time, typically a week or two. Sub-acute care is a more intensive form of skilled nursing care than typically has been provided in nursing homes. Historically, this care was provided in hospitals, but adoption of the DRG (diagnostically related group) system of acute care reimbursement has resulted in an earlier discharge from hospitals of elderly patients who continue to need an intense level of nursing care. Sub-acute care includes the provision of high-tech services such as ventilator care IV therapy, pulmonary aids, tube feeding, hyperalimentation and short- and long-term rehabilitation. HCR provides a wide variety of these sub- acute care services in its existing facilities. Hospitals in Brevard County report difficulty in placing patients who require sub-acute care and high-tech services. Particularly difficult to place are these patients whose care is reimbursed by Medicaid. The availability of sub-acute care also provides continuity of care for bedridden Alzheimers patients in the later stages of the disease when they require life support systems. HCR proposes to devote a 29-bed wing of the facility to the care of Alzheimers patients. Special design features, patient activities and programs and modified staffing will be provided to meet the special needs of Alzheimers patients. Alzheimers disease, a form of dementia, is a degenerative condition of the brain which results in a progressive dementia and loss of Previously- acquired intellectual functions and memory. Generally, the disease has three or four stages. In the earliest stages, the victims experience some mild memory loss, behavioral changes, loss of interest in previous hobbies, depression, anxiety and increased difficulty handling some routine day-to-day affairs. In the early stages, victims often are in reasonably good physical condition and symptoms tend to be fairly subtle. In stage two memory loss is much more apparent, and victims begin to have problems with the use of language. They may have increased difficulty with spatial relationships and become lost in familiar surroundings. These victims experience more noticeable problems with their memory in terms with dealing with their family and friends; as the disease progresses to stage three, those problems tend to worsen and become apparent even to people who are not otherwise familiar with the patient. The victims may have additional behavioral or psychiatric difficulties associated with depression or severe anxiety. A delusional stage is frequent. These victims experience disruption of their sleeping cycles and sleep during the day and wander during the night. Seizures may become a problem. In stage three, the victims usually require supervision. As the disease progresses through stage three, the victims have difficulty with personal hygiene, difficulty getting dressed and difficulty performing the simplest human task. As the disease progresses into stage four the victim becomes bedridden and requires total nursing care. There is no cure for the disease. It is terminal. Nursing home care is probably appropriate for everyone in stage four of Alzheimers disease. Most patients in stage three require nursing home care. Some patients in stage two may require nursing home care, depending upon the type of care that is available at home. According to some estimations, approximately 2.5 million American adults suffer from Alzheimers disease and approximately one-half of existing nursing home patients, and 15 percent of the population age 75 and over suffer from Alzheimers disease (4 - 5 percent 65 and over, 20 - 30 percent 85 and older). There are eleven nursing homes in Brevard County, but there is only one nursing home in Brevard County which provides a separate unit for Alzheimers patients. This facility is located in West Melbourne in south Brevard County. There is no nursing home which provides a separate Alzheimers program in central or north Brevard County. Historically, Alzheimers patients in nursing homes have been mixed with other patients. The Alzheimers patient in the nursing home has often created management problems because of wandering, incontinence, confusion, loss of cognitive and communicative capabilities, unusual sensitivity to normal environmental stress, and socially, unacceptable behavior. Because of these characteristics, nursing homes have sometimes avoided admitting Alzheimers patients. Often, when such patients were admitted, their behavior was controlled by sedation and physical restraints. Nursing home patients who do not suffer from Alzheimers disease are often agitated and disrupted by the Alzheimers patient. The Alzheimers patient exhibits such unacceptable social behavior as going through other patients' belongings, sleeping in other patients' beds, violent behavior, being unresponsive to attempted communications and continually wandering. A separate unit for the Alzheimers disease victim also accommodates the needs of the non- Alzheimers patient. It is medically appropriate to separate Alzheimers patients from other nursing home patients. Frequently, the Alzheimers patient is suffering from mental problems resulting in confusion and disorientation but is otherwise physically healthy and ambulatory. Other patients in the nursing home often have a variety of medical problems which require more intensive nursing care. Placing Alzheimers patients in the same area with those patients with medical problems requiring more nursing care can be disruptive to the nursing care being provided to the non- Alzheimers patient, The design of the HCR facility is intended to reduce the environmental stress on Alzheimers disease victims and allow them to maintain their cognitive capabilities for as long as possible. Special wall coverings, floor coverings, labeling and color coding features are provided. Separate dining and activities areas are provided. Wandering is permitted. A fenced courtyard is provided. A monitoring system will alert the facility staff when a patient begins to wander out of the facility. Bathrooms are designed to avoid fright and confusion by automatic lighting systems, coloring and distinctly shaped fixtures and waste baskets. Safe dinnerware and tables which enhance the Alzheimers victim's ability to continue to feed himself or herself are provided. Additional staffing in the Alzheimers unit and staff training in Alzheimers care will be provided. The goal of the Alzheimers design and program is to maintain the patient's activities of daily living and assist in the retention of the patient's cognitive capabilities for as long as possible. Separate, specialized Alzheimers care units are beneficial for several reasons. They are safer for the Alzheimers patient. They reduce the agitation and disruption of the Alzheimer's and non-Alzheimer's patient. They provide programs for Alzheimers patients which are within the patient's cognitive abilities. The units are smaller, and each patient receives more individual attention. Sedation and physical restraint is eliminated or reduced. Individual dignity is enhanced. HCR confirmed the need for an Alzheimers program in Brevard County by calculations based upon nationally-accepted statistics and contact in Brevard County with individuals knowledgeable of the availability of care being provided to Alzheimers disease patients. Special units for Alzheimers patients are a fairly new phenomenon. HCR proposes to develop Alzheimers units in other nursing homes in Florida and has submitted applications to add Alzheimers wings to existing nursing homes in Florida. HCR also proposes to convert a wing in an existing facility in Dade County to provide care for Alzheimers patients. HCR will locate its nursing home in the Rockledge- Cocoa area, about thirty miles north of Melbourne and thirty miles south of Titusville, in central Brevard County. All 120 nursing home beds in the HCR nursing home will be certified for Medicaid reimbursement. New equipment for the HCR nursing home is projected to cost $412,079. This represents an increase in cost over the original estimate of $370,000 because of a general increase in equipment cost since the original application and an allocation of approximately $13,800 for equipment for the daycare unit, a cost which was not included in the original estimate. HCR's estimate for purchase of new equipment is reasonable. Projections of payor-mix, facility utilization and revenue and expenses of a nursing home are useful to evaluate the financial feasibility of the project. All projections utilized by HCR to evaluate financial feasibility are conservative projections. The updated projections presented by HCR at final hearing are more conservative than the projections presented in HCR's original application. If the projections found in HCR's original application were realized, the facility simply would be more profitable. HCR's estimate of an 11 percent interest rate for the funds to be borrowed for this project is a reasonable and conservative estimate. HCR's estimate of 50 percent intermediate care patients and 50 percent skilled care patients is a reasonable estimate for the patients expected to be found in this facility and is a conservative estimate. No other applicant provided such an estimate. In computing revenues and expenses, HCR assumed an inflation factor of 3 percent for Medicare and Medicaid revenues, 5 percent for other revenues and 5 percent for expenses. These inflation factors are reasonable. HCR's projections of 22 percent in year one and 25 percent in year two for payroll taxes and fringe benefits are reasonable and consistent with HCR's actual experience. HCR utilized reasonable and appropriate depreciation periods of 40 years for the building and 10 years for equipment. These are the depreciation periods used by HCR in its regular course of business. The patient charges projected by HCR, including Medicaid, Medicare and private room rates and ancillary charges, are reasonable projections. HCR projected that private pay room charges at the nursing home would be $75 for a semi-private room and $85 for a private room in July, 1989. These updated projections are consistent with existing (1987) private pay rates in Brevard County, which range from $59 for a semi-private room to $90 for a private room. The HCR rates, inflated forward to 1989, are reasonable and consistent with the existing private pay charges in Brevard County. Private pay room rates charged at nursing homes tend to reflect the market for private pay rates in the vicinity of the nursing home. HCR's updated projection of payor-mix is consistent with the actual experience in central Brevard County and an open admissions policy for Medicaid patients. HCR projects that the facility will reach 95 percent occupancy within 12 months of operation. This projection is based upon HCR's experience subsequent to filing the original application. This projection is reasonable and more conservative than those of the other applicants. HCR anticipates a loss in the first year of operation of $293,885, but a profit in the second year of Operation of $241,084. These projections reveal that the project proposed by HCR is financially feasible, and these projections are reasonable. Staffing of the HCR nursing home is comprised of an administrator, a director of nursing, an assistant director of nursing, an Alzheimers program director, 8.4 FTE (full time equivalent) registered nurses, 6.3 FTE licensed practical nurses, 39.9 FTE nurse-aides, 1 full time occupational therapy aide, 1 full time recreational therapy aide, a social worker, an activities director, 10 FTE dietary personnel, 3 FTE laundry personnel, 8 FTE housekeeping personnel, a maintenance person, 2 clerical workers, and 1 medical records worker. Physical therapy, occupational therapy, recreational therapy, and speech therapy will be provided by licensed therapists on a contract basis. The updated staffing pattern represents minor changes from the staffing pattern in the original application. These changes are a direct result of HCR's experience in operating an Alzheimers wing within a nursing home. HCR's staffing level for staff who provide direct patient care (RNs, LPNs and Aides) exceeds that of Wuesthoff and Unicare. Staff levels in the HCR nursing home are designed to meet the special needs of the Alzheimers patients. An Alzheimers program director will be responsible for the Alzheimers wing and will be an advisor for the day-care facility. HCR's staffing pattern assumes 15 wandering Alzheimers patients in the Alzheimers wing. Care for Alzheimers patients requires increased staffing. Higher nurse-aides staffing is required in the Alzheimers wing during the evening and night hours than in the remainder of the nursing home because Alzheimers patients tend to wander without regard to the time of day. HCR estimates construction costs to be $2,200,000, not including site preparation, which is estimated to cost $275,000. Construction costs per square foot are estimated at $55 and $61.87 when site preparation is included. The estimates of construction cost and construction cost per square foot include an allocation of 2,000 square feet and $110,000 for the day-care unit. The cost per square foot projected in the updated application differs from that projected in the original application because the original application included site preparation, assumed a facility size of 36,000 square feet and was not changed when the original design was changed to add day- care in the original application supplement. The actual size is approximately 40,000 gross square feet. The original HCR application submitted a blueprint which is somewhat different in shape from that which HCR currently intends to build. When HCR added day-care in its Original application supplement, a change in the shape of the building was required and a new design was submitted, but cost estimates were not changed. The design which HCR will use for this facility is similar to the design being used in four ongoing HCR projects in Florida, and which, therefore, meets HRS' requirements. The design relied upon by HCR at final hearing is not substantially different from the design presented to HRS in the original application supplement. HCR's estimates of construction cost, construction cost per square foot, construction cost per bed, equipment cost per bed and total project costs are reasonable and adequate to accomplish the construction of the proposed facility. HCR's updated construction cost estimates are based upon its construction experience in Florida, its experience in having built the design proposed and its discussions with contractors and subcontractors on the east coast of Florida. HCR is currently building two facilities on the east coast of Florida. HCR does not anticipate any cost overruns on any of the facilities currently under construction. All HCR facilities under construction are being constructed within the certificate of need budgets for those facilities. HCR estimates project development costs, including feasibility studies, surveys, legal and accounting fees, planning and HRS's plan review, to be $55,000, which represents an increase over the estimate in the original application due to the passage of time. HCR estimates professional services required for the construction of the facility to cost $90,000. These services include architectural and engineering fees and a site survey and soil investigation report. These costs are approximate1y $5,000 less than the original estimate. This reduction in cost is a direct result of HCR's new staff of civil engineers. Previously, HCR had contracted for site survey work with outside engineers. Thus, while architectural and engineering fees increase, the costs for site surveys and soil investigation reports decrease. The HCR nursing home will be located on approximately 5 acres. HCR estimates land cost for the facility to be approximately $500,000. This - represents an increase over the original land cost estimate because HCR intends to acquire a site which requires less site preparation, located near a hospital. The HCR estimates for land cost are reasonable and consistent with other applicants' estimates. Site preparation costs are estimated at $275,000, a reduction from the original site preparation cost estimate of $315,000. This change is accounted for by HCR's intention to acquire a more costly site which will require less site preparation. HCR intends to build and operate the nursing home proposed for Brevard County and is willing to accept a condition to that effect on any certificate of need issued. HCR estimates a project completion schedule which will result in its nursing home being occupied and in use in July, 1989, and this project completion forecast is a reasonable forecast. HCR has taken steps to ensure that failure to initiate construction within statutory requirements will not occur. HCR has undertaken numerous nursing home projects since 1983 and has successfully constructed or initiated construction on all of those projects. At this time HCR has approximately six projects under construction, four projects have been completed, and one project is under construction for a third party. The design of the HCR facility incorporates numerous energy conservation measures and efficiencies. The HCR facility will comply with all energy code requirements. HCR owns and operates seven nursing homes in Florida. Three of these facilities have superior licenses, and the remaining facilities have standard licenses. HCR nursing homes adhere to extensive quality assurance standards and guidelines. These standards and guidelines regulate such areas as patients' rights, staff development and orientation, physician and nurses services, pharmacy services and medication administration, social services, patient activities, infection control, patient care planning, safety and the physical environmental, menus, diets, nutritional care and scheduling and staffing of dietary personnel, personal appearance and hygiene for dietary personnel, and food storage, preparation and sanitation. These standards and guidelines will be applicable to this proposed project. The standards and guidelines cover all areas of operations and patient care and incorporate survey tools used by the state of Florida and the Health Care and Finance Administration of the federal government for their annual licensure surveys. Additionally, administrators of HCR facilities have a financial incentive to optimize the performance and the quality of care of their facilities. HCR estimates that approximately 60 percent of the patient days in the facility (53 percent of the revenue) will result from Medicaid patients. This estimate is consistent with the experience in the Rockledge-Cocoa area, where one facility has a very low percentage of Medicaid patients and the remaining facilities have very high Medicaid populations (over 60 percent). HCR's estimate also takes into account HCR's recent experience in staffing a facility which includes an Alzheimers wing. HCR will not restrict the number of Medicaid patients in the Alzheimers wing or the remainder of the home. HCR's original application assumed approximately 45 percent of the patient days (42 percent of the revenues) would be accounted for by Medicaid patients. This assumption was based upon HCR's assumption at that time that, in order to cover the assumed high cost of additional staffing in the Alzheimers wing, a greater percentage of private patients (at a higher daily charge) would be required. Subsequent to submission of the original application, HCR has gained actual experience which has demonstrated that the level of staffing proposed by the original application is not necessary and that the cost of staffing can be reduced. The result is that HCR can reduce its reliance on the additional revenue generated by the private paying patient. HCR's design for its Brevard County Alzheimers unit is based upon a state-of-the-art Alzheimers wing at its facility in Perrysburg, Ohio, and HCR's experience gained there. In addition, HCR operates two other facilities which have separate units for Alzheimers patients. The HCR application is consistent with both state and local health plans. HCR projects a charge for Medicaid patients to be $60.93 and, for Medicare patients to be $76 in July, 1989. The increase in charges between the updated projections and the original projections is due to increases in costs during the passage of time since the original estimates were made. The cost of care for patients who are unable to pay is subsidized by the general revenue of the nursing home. Although HCR and Unicare have not projected a percentage of "charity" patients who will not be paying for their services, there will always be some patients who do not pay for all of their care. Patients who do not qualify for Medicaid but who cannot afford standard private pay rates are charged at lower contract rates. The loan fees projected by HCR of $57,000 for the amount of the project financed by debt are reasonable projections based upon current discussions with lenders. HCR estimates that interest during construction will cost $225,000. This amount represents the interest expense paid during the period of construction. This estimate is reasonable. HCR estimates $50,000 will be required for preopening expenses - those incurred in preparing the facility for the opening day. These expenses include marketing and the hiring of an administrator, a director of nursing, and other employees prior to opening. $50,000 is an adequate amount to cover the pre- opening expenses for the proposed facility. HCR's pro forma assumptions, proposed patient charges, projections of revenue and expense, staffing and projections of salaries are reasonable. Each HCR nursing home provides individual patient care plans for each patient, a statement of patients' rights and a resident council (which is a unit of individuals selected by the patients to afford an opportunity to have a formalized, direct method to state preferences, grievances and other opinions related to the operation of the nursing home), and each HCR nursing home has transfer agreements with local-hospitals. The planning director of the Local Health Council responsible for Brevard County performed an analysis of the need for nursing home beds in Brevard County. The results of the study demonstrate that the central part of Brevard County has a lower number of nursing home beds per thousand population over 65 than the remainder of Brevard County. If additional nursing home beds are to be approved for Brevard County, the beds should be located in the central part of the county because the need for nursing home beds in Brevard County is greatest in central Brevard. The HCR architectural design best accommodates the needs of the nursing home patient. Wuesthoff Health Services, Inc., is a non-profit corporation affiliated with Wuesthoff Hospital, Inc., a 305-bed non-profit hospital serving Brevard County, through a common parent Wuesthoff Health Systems, Inc. Wuesthoff Hospital provides some indigent medical care in central Brevard County, and the Wuesthoff nursing home certificate of need application commits to providing some indigent care at the proposed nursing home facility. Wuesthoff, through its affiliated non-profit companies, operates within Brevard County a home health agency, a hospice, four family practice clinics, Life Line for the elderly or disabled who live alone, and Brevard Medical Transport, a no- cost transportation service for the elderly. It also operates a retail pharmacy through a for-profit affiliated corporation. The hospital has for several years maintained a senior citizens' advisory council which concerns itself with the needs of the elderly in Brevard County. It also intends to compete with other businesses in operating Brevard County's Meals On Wheels due to a recent expansion of the size of the Hospital's kitchen. The proposed nursing home will be located on a tract of land owned by Wuesthoff Hospital which will make the property available to Wuesthoff Health Services, Inc., at either the nominal rental of $1 per year for the useful life of the nursing home or by outright contribution if required by HRS. The land has been owned for several years by Wuesthoff Hospital, but Wuesthoff included $48,000 for land costs in its original certificate of need application. The site for the Wuesthoff nursing home is part of a large tract of land which already has located thereon a 20,000 square feet ambulatory care center, diagnostic testing center, family practice physician, dental facility, and retail pharmacy, all of which are owned by one of the Wuesthoff corporations. The ambulatory care center includes laboratory services, physical therapy services, radiology services, two out-patient surgery suites, and 24- hour physician coverage. The nursing home will be connected to the ambulatory care center by an air conditioned, enclosed corridor through which the nursing home patients will be transported to receive any therapies or services which they require. The farthest distance from any patient room in the nursing home to the ambulatory care center, including physical therapy rooms, is approximately 400 feet. Wuesthoff's nursing home would be located in the area which the Local Health Council recognizes as having the greatest need for nursing home beds, i.e., central Brevard County in the Cocoa/Rockledge area. According to Wuesthoff's updated application the total project cost for its 120-bed nursing home would be $2,901,213, and the facility will consist of 37,500 square feet. The project size actually includes 1,000 square feet for the corridor which connects the nursing home to the ambulatory care center. Therefore, the facility itself consists of only 36,500 square feet. It is unclear whether that figure should be further reduced since Wuesthoff decreased the size of its kitchen in its amended application so that the nursing home would no longer have a full-service kitchen. Similarly, the total project cost was substantially higher in Wuesthoff's original application wherein the total project cost was given as $4,417,884. Wuesthoff made changes from its original to its updated application either because the applications were prepared by different persons or because decisions were made to change Wuesthoff's application, as follows: The original application included a full-service kitchen, while the updated application contemplates meals will be prepared at Wuesthoff Hospital and transported seven miles to the nursing home. The removal of the kitchen affects the square footage of the facility along with equipment costs, staffing costs and other costs associated with the operation of the proposed nursing home, such as the increased costs associated with transporting the food to the nursing home. In its original application, one individual was listed as both the nursing home administrator and director of nursing. In its updated application, Wuesthoff treated these as separate positions. Wuesthoff proposed $376,000 for equipment costs in its original application and projected $187,400 for equipment costs in its updated application. Wuesthoff projected 45 percent Medicaid and 15 percent Medicare in its original application and 50 percent Medicaid and 2 percent Medicare in its updated application without any evidence that the needs in the community had changed. Wuesthoff removed the debt service, in its updated application, thus reducing the financing costs. The underwriter's fees between the original and updated application were reduced based upon a dimunition of the bond size as a result of reduction of square footage in the facility and the elimination of the debt service. Wuesthoff reduced land cost from $48,000 in its original application to no cost in its updated application despite the fact that the land was owned by Wuesthoff at the time the original application was filed. Wuesthoff changed the equity contribution between its original and updated applications without any testimony of extrinsic factors while evidence showed that the funds were available to make the equity contribution at the time of the submittal of the Original certificate of need application. Although Wuesthoff's application' represents that approximately 3 percent of the revenues from private pay patients would be devoted to indigent or charity patients, the 3 percent actually applies to both charity and bad debt. Wuesthoff failed to demonstrate how much of its revenues, if any, would be allocated to charity care alone. Wuesthoff projected charges of $65 for a semi- private room for a private paying patient and $73 for a private room for a private paying patient. These charges, projected for mid-1989, are below existing (1987) charges at nursing homes in Brevard County. The projections of financial feasibility and the pro formas for the Wuesthoff facility are based upon the assumption that the Wuesthoff nursing home will be owned and operated by Wuesthoff Health Services, Inc. The only financial statements provided by Wuesthoff in support of its application are those relating to Wuesthoff Memorial Hospital. Wuesthoff Memorial Hospital is a corporation separate and distinct from Wuesthoff Health Services, Inc. Further, the financial statements of Wuesthoff Memorial Hospital provided by Wuesthoff do not include the "notes" normally appended to those statements. The "notes" to the audited financial statements are typically included in any complete financial statements and are required for a full understanding of the financial statements. The pro formas of Wuesthoff assume that 15 percent of salaries would be allocated to fringe benefits. This assumption is based upon the assumption that the employees of the nursing home will not be unionized and, therefore, their fringe benefits will not be as high as those for unionized employees. The nurses at Wuesthoff Memorial Hospital are unionized and have higher benefits than proposed for the nursing home. Unionization is a decision made by employees and not by management. Wuesthoff's assumptions for fringe benefits do not assume any increase in the fringe benefits from year to year. Wuesthoff agrees that there are required increases in fringe benefits, such as increases in required contributions to social security programs over the next few years. Thus, the amount for fringe benefits assumed by Wuesthoff understates the amount likely to be paid. A participant in the Medicaid reimbursement system is entitled to reimbursement on the basis of fair rental value of the nursing home. Although the fair rental value aspect of the reimbursement plan includes consideration of the value of land upon which a nursing home is situated, and although Wuesthoff assumes that it would receive reimbursement under this element of the plan, Wuesthoff does not include in that reimbursement any value for land value. Wuesthoff would be entitled to that form of reimbursement, but Wuesthoff was unable to specify "how that's going to be done." The Medicaid reimbursement system incorporates certain caps on reimbursement, including caps for patient care costs, operating costs and property costs. Wuesthoff is unable to specify which Medicaid reimbursement caps it utilized when calculating its Medicaid charges. It is not possible to calculate Wuesthoff's Medicaid reimbursement and Medicaid charges based upon the exhibits presented by Wuesthoff, including its applications. The Wuesthoff application does not contain any description of patient care costs or costs of operation of the Wuesthoff facility upon which Medicaid charges can be determined. Wuesthoff represented that certain services would be provided to the Wuesthoff nursing home by Wuesthoff Health Services or Wuesthoff Memorial Hospital at no charge to the nursing home. The exact nature of the services and their value are unspecified. Although Wuesthoff contends fewer staff will be needed at the nursing home, Wuesthoff has not determined how many additional staff would be required at the hospital and has not calculated the cost of transporting food to the nursing home. Ordinarily, a related entity providing services to a nursing home is entitled to reimbursement for the cost of those services under the Medicaid reimbursement system. Wuesthoff has not determined whether the Medicaid statutes and regulations will allow a related entity to waive its entitlement to such reimbursement. Wuesthoff's parent company, Wuesthoff Health Systems, and Wuesthoff Memorial Hospital will incur costs for providing those services to Wuesthoff which Wuesthoff represents will not be reimbursed. These entities' budgets and Medicaid reimbursement are regulated and audited by HRS and the Hospital Cost Containment Board. By providing services to the nursing home and no longer allocating 100 percent of costs to operation of the hospital, the hospital's reimbursement and budget will have to be adjusted. These required adjustments have not been taken into consideration by Wuesthoff. In preparing its budget to be submitted to the Hospital Cost Containment Board, the hospital will be required to allocate a certain amount of time for those persons providing services to the nursing home. The hospital will not be reimbursed for those services by Medicaid or Medicare. The total cost of providing care to nursing home residents must be reported by the nursing home in its Medicaid cost report. If a nursing home does not include allowable Medicaid costs in its cost report, HRS will include those costs when HRS audits the cost report. When those additional costs are included, the nursing home's reimbursement (Medicaid charge) will increase. It is not a generally accepted accounting principle to exclude allowable costs in a Medicaid cost report. By not including certain costs, expenses are understated and profit is overstated. Wuesthoff attempted to present evidence that a hospital-based nursing home facility maintains lower costs which can be passed on to its patients, because of an absence of taxation and the presence of group purchasing. However, this evidence also revealed that the hospital-based nursing home to which Wuesthoff sought comparison had patient care and operating costs which exceed the caps for Medicaid reimbursement. Additionally, Wuesthoff's Medicaid costs are higher than those of HCR. Wuesthoff proposes an architectural plan for its nursing home which has never been built in Florida. Wuesthoff is the only applicant which proposes three nurses' stations for 120 beds. The 120-bed nursing home with two nurses' stations is more efficient to operate than a 120-bed nursing home with three nurses' stations. Three nurses' stations result in a higher cost per patient day than two nurses' stations. Wuesthoff's architect was unable to estimate the cost of site preparation and was unable to specify the exact nature of site preparation required. However, site preparation will be required. There is confusion concerning the cost of equipment for the Wuesthoff project, particularly with regard to food service equipment. Although the Wuesthoff architect testified that Wuesthoff originally had consulted with him concerning the cost of equipment, the witness was unable to identify the equipment costs listed in the application. The equipment list relied upon by Wuesthoff and the list of used equipment and food service equipment was not prepared until the first week of the final hearing. Wuesthoff's projection of construction cost ($57 per square foot) was not prepared by Wuesthoff's architect and the source of the projection is unspecified. The project is not based upon any actual experience of nursing home construction in Florida. The original estimate was provided by the architect to Wuesthoff several years earlier and was lower than $57 per square foot. Wuesthoff proposes to connect its nursing home to a nearby ambulatory surgical center by a corridor. There are no physical therapy or Occupational therapy rooms provided at the nursing home. Although recreational therapy and speech therapy must be provided at the nursing home, only small meeting rooms are available for these purposes. A nursing home patient transported from a nursing home to a location outside the nursing home for therapies must remain in the care of nursing home staff. This mode of operation requires more staff than one in which all therapies are provided within the physical confines of the nursing home. Wuesthoff did not include in its estimate of project development cost any estimate for attorney's fees or consulting fees of the planners and financial consultants retained for the purpose of obtaining a certificate of need. The shared services referred to by Wuesthoff are not free services, and no evidence was offered to show that the sharing of those services would be cost efficient. The corridor between the ambulatory surgical center and the nursing home is estimated by Wuesthoff to be 1,000 square feet. The cost for the corridor is -included in the costs projected for the nursing home, and the corridor is included in the total size (37,500 square feet) of the nursing home. Wuesthoff proposes to equip the nursing home with used equipment and furniture. The used hospital beds which Wuesthoff proposes to use at the nursing home are eight to twelve years old. Although Wuesthoff proposes to provide therapy through professional staff from Wuesthoff Memorial Hospital, Wuesthoff could not estimate how many additional therapists must be hired by the hospital in order to provide therapy for the nursing home patients. Wuesthoff contends that it will provide a high level of charity care in its nursing home at the same level that is provided at the hospital. However, when calculating the percentage of charity care at the hospital, Wuesthoff included care provided within programs where some form of governmental funding was available to pay for care. For instance, Brevard County contributes funding toward the care of patients who are not eligible for Medicaid or Medicare reimbursement. There is also a state fund for indigent care and Wuesthoff expects to receive revenues from that fund. The total allowance for bad debt and charity care proposed by Wuesthoff is 1.1 percent of gross patient revenues. Wuesthoff will require financial screening of patients prior to admission. Unicare proposes as total project cost in both its original and updated applications the amount of $3,360,000. The project cost cannot be relied upon, however, since it will be necessary for Unicare to modify its design. As further set forth below, Unicare's projected revenues and expenses are suspect. Unicare has never constructed a new nursing home in Florida or built the design proposed. When filing a cost report and determining Medicaid reimbursement for a new nursing home, all costs incurred throughout the process of developing and constructing the project, including feasibility studies, attorney's fees, accounting fees, consulting fees and certificate of need fees must be included. Unicare failed to include all project development costs in its application. The pro formas and projections of revenues and expenses for Unicare were prepared solely by Unicare's certificate of need consultants, based upon the consultants' experience in their own nursing homes and not upon any information (other than home office costs) concerning the operation of Unicare nursing homes. Unicare's in-house financial expert agreed that it is difficult to project revenues and expenses for operation of the proposed Unicare nursing home without having knowledge of what Unicare's general costs and expenses are. Two Unicare homes have failed to comply with the isolation room requirements of Rule 10D-29, Florida Administrative Code, which governs the licensure of nursing homes. The Unicare design does not provide any single, licensed isolation room as required by HRS licensure regulations. The Unicare architectural design provides only one toilet room between two patient rooms to meet the needs of four nursing home patients. The company which designed and expects to construct the Unicare facility has not performed any nursing home construction work in Florida since 1983 or 1984 when the company remodeled a nursing home. The last nursing home which this company completed for Unicare was prior to 1985. This company did not prepare the construction cost estimates relied upon by Unicare. Calculation of the size of the Unicare facility did not include a reduction of 9 square feet for each indented, V-shaped window in the facility. There are 23 such windows proposed for the Unicare facility. Accordingly, the Unicare facility is 207 square feet smaller than represented in the application. Licensure regulations require an unobstructed view (vista) of 20 feet from the window of a nursing home resident's room. At least four Unicare patient rooms have an unobstructed view of less than 20 feet. Therefore, the design presented by Unicare at final hearing does not comply with the rules for licensure of a new nursing home, pursuant to Chapter 10D-29, Florida Administrative Code. The Unicare design has never been built, although it was prepared more than five years ago. The design was intended for patient programs not now proposed by Unicare. The original facility design accommodated residents who require a degree of care below and can participate in activities above typical nursing home residents, such as residents found in adult congregate living facilities. The design and location of the sinks in the Unicare patient rooms do not allow sufficient space for a patient in a wheelchair to have access to the sink at the same time that the door to the toilet room is open. Unicare proposes to locate its facility in the Titusville area in north Brevard County. The local health plan shows the greatest need for additional nursing home beds to be in central, not north, Brevard County. Unicare's selection of Titusville as the area for location of its nursing home was not based upon any demographic analysis or determination of need for additional nursing home beds in the Titusville area. Rather, the selection of Titusville would avoid competition with another of Unicare's facilities located in the Rockledge/Cocoa area. In determining equipment needs, Unicare's certificate of need consultants did not refer to the design of the Unicare nursing home. Unicare projects that its facility will reach 97 percent occupancy in the first nine months of operation. However, the last nursing home to open in the Titusville area, Vista Manor, did not reach 97 percent occupancy until after the first year of operation. Unicare will staff at skilled levels. Its proposed staff salaries are reasonable. Unicare has not yet settled on any site in the Titusville area although it has narrowed its search down to four sites which vary between four and seven acres with prices ranging from $25,000 to $90,000 per acre. Its current total project cost of $3,360,000 computes to a project cost per bed of exactly $28,000. Unicare's parent, United Health, Inc., is the entity that must fund this project and has, by resolution, committed to such funding "provided that said expenditure shall not exceed $28,000 per bed." Consequently, it is highly likely that the proposed design, which has never been built anywhere, which must be redone to comply with HRS codes, and which will be built on land that is yet to be acquired but which will likely require a zoning variance, will cost more than $28,000 per bed. The HCR nursing home is larger and provides more area for patient care than the facilities proposed by Wuesthoff and Unicare. The HCR facility will provide more gross square feet per bed and a larger nursing unit area (which includes patient rooms, the nursing support unit and corridor areas). The entire facility proposed by HCR will be 40,000 square feet, 2,000 of which is allocated to day-care; the day-care area will be available to nursing home residents during those hours in which the day-care area is not in use by day- care residents. The Wuesthoff facility is said to be 37,500 square feet, but 1,000 square feet consists of an outside corridor; thus, the net usable space at the Wuesthoff nursing home is only 36,5' 00 square feet. The smallest proposed facility is the Unicare facility, said to be 34,121.5 square feet, but actually less than 34,000 feet when accurately measured. The nursing homes proposed by Wuesthoff and Unicare are at or below the low gross square foot average determined by HRS. Larger patient care areas are desirable. It is not desirable to place only one toilet room between two patient rooms to accommodate four patients, as proposed by Unicare. It is a generally accepted standard for nursing home skilled nursing units to be organized in groups of 60 beds. Units of this size offer the best efficiencies of operation in terms of economics and quality of care. Each nursing unit must include, in addition to patient bedrooms, toilet rooms and bathing facilities, one nurses' station, a clean utility room, a soiled utility room, a medication preparation room, a nourishment room, a janitors closet, an equipment storage room, a stretcher and wheel chair alcove, a clean linen closet and a nurses' toilet and lavatory. By providing three nursing units, Wuesthoff must devote more space to meet these requirements than would be required for two nursing units.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that HRS enter a Final Order: Granting HCR's application for a certificate of need; Denying Unicare's application for a certificate of need; Denying Wuesthoff's application for a certificate of need; and Dismissing the Petition to Intervene of Brevard Medical Investors, Inc. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 30th day of July, 1987, in Tallahassee, Florida. LINDA M. RIGOT Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of July, 1987. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 86-2686, 86-2687, 86-2688 and 86-2690 Unicare's proposed findings of fact numbered 14, 22, and 25 have been adopted either verbatim or in substance in this Recommended Order. The remainder of Unicare's proposed findings of fact have been rejected as follows: 1, 3, 8, 10, 11, and 13 as being contrary to the evidence in this cause; 2, 4-7, 12, 15-17, 19-21, 23, 24, and 26 as not being supported by the weight of the evidence in this cause; 9 and 18 as being subordinate to the issues in this cause; and 27 as not constituting a finding of fact but rather as constituting argument of counsel or a conclusion of law. Wuesthoff's proposed findings of fact numbered 2-6, 36, 39, and 40 have been adopted either verbatim or in substance in this Recommended Order. The remainder of Wuesthoff's proposed findings of fact have been rejected as follows: 31 as being contrary to the evidence in this cause; 1, 7-18, 22-30, 32, 34, and 41 as not being supported by the weight of the evidence in this cause; 19-21, 33, 35, 37 and 38 as being subordinate to the issues in this cause; and 42 - 43 as not constituting a finding of fact but rather as constituting argument of counsel or a conclusion of law. HCR's and HRS' proposed findings of fact numbered 1-66, 68, 70-81, 83, 85- 92, 94, 96-104, and 106-123 have been adopted either verbatim or in substance in this Recommended Order. The remainder of HCR's and HRS' proposed findings of fact have been rejected as follows: 67 as being subordinate to the issues in this cause; 69 as being cumulative; 82 and 95 as being irrelevant; 84 as being unnecessary; 93 as not constituting a finding of fact but rather as constituting argument of counsel or a conclusion of law; and 105 as being not supported by the weight of the evidence in this cause. COPIES FURNISHED: Harold F. X. Purnell, Esquire Kenneth Hoffman, Esquire Post Office Box 6507 Tallahassee, Florida 32314-6507 Richard Patterson, Esquire Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Building One, Room 407 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Alfred W. Clark, Esquire Post Office Box 623 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Frank J. Santry, Esquire Post Office Box 14129 Tallahassee, Florida 3231 Jonathan S. Grout, Esquire Karen L. Goldsmith, Esquire Dempsey & Goldsmith, P.A. Post Office Box 1980 Orlando, Florida 32802 Gregory L. Coler, Secretary Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Building One, Room 407 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 John Miller, Acting General Counsel Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Building One, Room 407 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Sam Power, Clerk Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Building One, Room 407 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 77-002243 Latest Update: Jun. 20, 1978

Findings Of Fact Petitioner proposes to construct a 90 bed long term skilled facility near a hospital complex on University Boulevard in Jacksonville, and to offer beds to medicare patients immediately upon opening the facility Only one of the four existing nursing homes on the east side of the St. Johns River in Jacksonville has medicare certification. The existing nursing home in Jacksonville with the greatest number of vacant beds does not yet have medicare certification. Petitioner submitted its application for certificate of need on July 1, 1977. Between July 1, 1970, and July 1, 1977, overall occupancy of available nursing home beds in Jacksonville was between 95 and 97 percent. In April of 1977, Riverside Nursing Home had made 58 new beds available, 95 percent of which were occupied within two and a half months, in August of 1977, Riverside Nursing Home made an additional 58 now beds available. The following month 94.4 percent of the beds at Riverside Nursing Home were occupied. On September 19, 1977, a new 180-bed nursing home, Turtle Creek, opened its doors. At the time of the hearing, 82 of Turtle Creek's beds were occupied, although Turtle Creek, which is located on the northern periphery of Jacksonville, had not received medicare certification. Notwithstanding the filling of these new beds, the number of patients in other Jacksonville nursing homes did not decline appreciably. At the time of the hearing, 90.3 percent of all nursing home beds in Jacksonville were occupied, and all authorized beds were available for occupancy. It takes approximately 22 months after the start of construction to make a nursing home like petitioner proposes to build ready for occupancy. Stays in hospital beds are three or four times more expensive than stays in nursing home beds. At the time of the hearing, some medicare patients were staying in hospitals up to a week and a half after their physicians had authorized their discharge to a nursing home, because beds in medicare certified nursing homes were unavailable. This situation should be ameliorated, at least temporarily, if Turtle Creek obtains medicare certification before its beds are filled by non-medicare patients. On the other hand, social workers employed by Memorial Hospital and Riverside Hospital testified to recently increased numbers of persons requiring placement in nursing homes, upon discharge from their respective hospitals. In the four to six months next preceding the hearing, the number of persons requiring nursing home care when discharged by Memorial Hospital doubled. At the time of the hearing, persons otherwise ready to be discharged from hospitals remained hospitalized for lack of available beds in medicare certified nursing homes. Proximity of nursing homes to their residents' families and friends facilitates visiting, which has a beneficial effect on the health of persons confined to nursing homes. The southeast section of Jacksonville, in which petitioner proposes to construct a nursing home, has a large and growing population. Turtle Creek, which has the biggest block of vacant nursing home beds in Jacksonville, is 15 miles north of petitioner's proposed site. Relevant portions of the 1977 State Medical Facilities Plan (the Plan) were received in evidence as petitioner's exhibit No. 6. The Plan utilizes projected population increases in Duval County in projecting how many nursing home beds will be necessary in order to accommodate everybody who will need one, at a 90 percent occupancy rate. On this basis, a projected need by 1982, of 1,845 nursing home beds for Duval County was incorporated into the Plan. After adoption of the Plan, but before August 10, 1977, the 1,845 figure was changed to 1,921 at the instance of Lloyd Bulme end Ronald Fehr Floyd, employees 01 the Health Systems Agency of Northeast Florida Area 3, Inc. (HSA). At the time of the hearing, 1,912 or 1,914 nursing home beds, all that had been authorized, were available for occupancy in Duval County. While embodying projections as to how many nursing home beds would be needed in the future so as to assure a 90 percent occupancy rate, the Plan provides for the possibility of error in these projections. Specifically, the Plan allows for the consideration of "extenuating and mitigating circumstances," including "availability": Availability In those instances whereby a capital expenditure/certificate of need proposal is made for a new or expanded facility and whereby it can be demonstrated and documented by the applicant and verified by the HSA and/or OCMF that: similar facilities in the documented service area have been utilized at an optimum rate (85 percent occupancy for acute general hospitals and 90 percent occupancy for nursing homes) for the previous 12 month period; and, there exists a current, unduplicated waiting list within the documented service area for the services to be offered by the new or expanded facility; these factors will be considered in making a determination on the capital expenditure/ certificate of need proposal. Petitioner's exhibit No. 6. In applying the Plan's 90 percent optimum rate formula, the Office of Community Medical Facilities "would certainly consider the open beds, the occupancy during the preceding twelve months of the open, available for use beds, tempered certainly by beds which have been approved but are not yet available." (T1231) Fifty-nine of the nursing home beds in Jacksonville require "[m]odernization," according to the Plan. Petitioner's application for a certificate of need was initially reviewed by a committee" of the HSA. On August 25, 1977, the Health Needs and Priorities Committee voted to recommend approval of petitioner's application, on condition that Jacksonville's nursing homes' occupancy rate not fall below 90 percent for four months once all the authorized nursing home beds became available for occupancy. This consideration was consistent with the local Health Systems Plan's requirement of 90 percent or better occupancy, calculated the basis of all authorized beds, for four months preceding the grant of a certificate of need for additional nursing home beds. Before the Executive Committee of the HSA acted on the Recommendation of the HSA's Health Needs and Priorities Committee, HSA staff were advised by the Office of Community Medical Facilities in Tallahassee that "December 19, 1977 . . . . [was] the latest possible time for a decision Petitioner's exhibit No. 17. Inasmuch as Turtle Creek began operation on September 19, 1977, only three months before "the latest possible time for a decision," there was not to be a four months' trial with all authorized beds available, before HSA's Executive Committee passed on petitioner's application. Instead, HSA staff calculated the occupancy rate by adding all existing nursing home beds in Jacksonville, and all other authorized nursing home beds expected to become available in Jacksonville, and dividing the sum into the number of occupied nursing home beds in Jacksonville less the number of occupied beds in Regency House Center (because the HSA staff did not have Regency House Center "patient data." Petitioner's exhibit No. 6.) This calculation yielded an occupancy rate of 84.4 percent for the four months preceding the date on which petitioner filed its application. Because 84.4 percent was less than 90 percent called for by the Health Systems Plan, the HSA's Executive Committee disapproved petitioner's application. Subsequently, the Office of Community Medical Facilities also acted unfavorably on petitioner's application, for reasons which the evidence adduced at the hearing did not make entirely clear. The foregoing findings of fact should be road in conjunction with the statement required by Stuckey's of Eastmam, Georgia v. Department of Transportation, 340 So.2d 119 (Fla 1st DCA 1976) , which is attached as an appendix to the recommended order.

Recommendation Upon consideration of the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That respondent grant petitioner's application for certificate of need. DONE AND ENTERED this 23rd day of March, 1978, in Tallahassee, Florida. ROBERT T. BENTON, II Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 APPENDIX TO THE RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 77-2243 Paragraphs one, two, five, six, seven, nine, ten, eleven, thirteen, fourteen, sixteen, seventeen and eighteen of petitioner's proposed findings of fact accurately report the evidence adduced at the hearing and have been adopted, in substance, insofar as relevant. Paragraphs three and four and most of paragraph nineteen of petitioner's proposed findings of fact are actually proposed conclusions of law. Paragraph eight of petitioner's proposed findings of fact overstates slightly the number of existing nursing home beds in Jacksonville. The discrepancy between the Health Systems Plan and the State Medical Facilities Plan was 146 beds for the entire area. Paragraph twelve of petitioner's proposed findings or fact has been largely rejected. The evidence did not establish that all 35 beds at Regency House Center were probably full. The charges to the state plan were apparently called to the attention of federal bureaucrats in Atlanta. (T254) Paragraph fifteen of petitioner's proposed findings of fact overstates slightly the number of existing nursing home beds in Jacksonville; end is otherwise supported only by the speculative testimony of one witness. COPIES FURNISHED: Kenneth F. Hoffman, Esq. Rogers, Towers, Dailey, Jones & Gay Post Office Box 1872 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Robert M. Eisenberg, Esquire 5920 Arlington Expressway Post Office Box 2417 F Jacksonville, Florida 32231

# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 84-003336 Latest Update: Aug. 02, 1985

The Issue Whether there is a need for a 120 bed nursing home in Manatee County?

Findings Of Fact HCR is a health care corporation. Its sole business is designing and constructing nursing homes. During the twenty years it has been in the business, HCR has built approximately 180 nursing homes. HCR currently operates approximately 10,000 nursing home beds in twelve states including Florida. HCR filed an application for a certificate of need to construct a 120 bed nursing home in Manatee County. The Department denied this request. The only issue in this case is whether there is a need for a 120 bed nursing home facility in Manatee County. If such a need exists, the Department has agreed that HCR "meets all applicable statutory and rule criteria." The need for nursing home beds is determined under Rule 10-5.11(21), Florida Administrative Code. Rule 10-5.11(21)(a), Florida Administrative Code, contains the following Department goal: The Department will consider applications for community nursing home beds in context with applicable statutory and rule criteria. The Department will not normally approve applications for new or additional community nursing home beds in any departmental service district if approval of an application would cause the number of community nursing home beds in that departmental service district to exceed the number of community nursing home beds calculated by the methodology described in subsections (21)(b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), and (h) of this rule. Rule 10-5.11(21)(b), Florida Administrative Code, provides for a determination of bed need three years into the future "according to the methodology specified under subparagraphs 1 through 10." Under the methodology provided in subparagraphs 1 through 10, need is determined on a subdistrict basis if a departmental service district has been divided into subdistricts. Manatee County is located in District 6. District 6 has been divided into subdistricts for purposes of determining nursing home bed need. Manatee County has been designated as a subdistrict. Rule 10-17.018, Florida Administrative Code. Therefore, nursing home bed need is to be determined under the methodology of Rule 10-5.11(21), Florida Administrative Code, for Manatee County. The parties have agreed and the evidence proves that there is no need for nursing home beds in Manatee County based upon an application of the methodology of Rule 10-5.11(21), Florida Administrative Code (hereinafter referred to as the "Formula"). In fact, an application of the Formula indicates that there will be an excess of 105 nursing home beds in Manatee County three years into the future based upon the following: 876 nursing home beds needed - (765 existing beds + 90 percent of 240 approved beds) = (105). Based upon an application of the Formula, there is clearly no need for any additional nursing home beds in Manatee County. This determination, however, does not totally resolve the issue in this case. Rule 10-5.11(21)(b), Florida Administrative Code, provides that the Department is to determine bed need according to the Formula "[i] n addition to other statutory and rule criteria . . . " Also, Rule 10-5.11(21)(b)10, Florida Administrative Code, provides in relevant part, the following: In the event that the net bed allocation is zero, the applicant may demonstrate that circumstances exist to justify the approval of additional beds under the other relevant criteria specifically contained in the Department's Rule 10-5.11. Based upon these provisions of the Department's rules, it appears clear that if no nursing home bed need is shown to exist based upon an application of the Formula, other statutory and rule criteria should be considered, i.e., are there adequate like and existing services in the subdistrict? Rule 10-5.11(21)(b)10, Florida Administrative Code, however, goes on to provide: Specifically, the applicant may show that persons using existing and like services are in need of nursing home care but will be unable to access nursing home services currently licensed or approved within the subdistrict. Under this provision, the applicant must demonstrate that those persons with a documented need for nursing home services have been denied access to currently licensed but unoccupied beds or that the number of persons with a documented need exceeds the number of licensed, unoccupied and currently approved nursing home beds. Existing and like services shall include the following as defined in statute or rule, adult congregate living facilities, adult foster homes, homes for special services, home health services, adult day health care, adult day care, community care for the elderly, and home care for the elderly. Patients' need for nursing home care must be documented by the attending physicians' plans of care or orders, assessments performed by staff of the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, or equivalent assessments performed by attending physicians indicating need for nursing home care. As discussed under the Conclusions of Law, infra, this portion of the Department's rule (hereinafter referred to as the "Specific Exception") is not the only alternative method of demonstrating a need for nursing home beds when there appears to be no need based upon an application of the Formula. A need for nursing home beds can be demonstrated even if there is no need indicated under the Formula and the Specific Exception is not complied with based upon a consideration of other statutory and rule criteria. The Specific Exception is, however, the only method by which an applicant can demonstrate the need for a new nursing home facility based upon an access problem in the relevant service district. HCR has attempted to prove there is a need for its proposed 120 bed facility based in part upon a consideration of Rule 10-5.11(3)(a)-(d), Florida Administrative Code. This rule provides generally for a consideration of the extent to which all residents of the service area and, in particular, low income persons, the elderly and others, can access existing nursing home beds. In particular, HCR has attempted to prove that there is a need for a 120 bed nursing home because of alleged access problems under Rule 10- 5.11(3)(a)-(d), Florida Administrative Code, during the "peak season" in Manatee County and alleged access problems of Medicaid patients, Alzheimer patients and respite care patients. As discussed under Conclusions of Law, infra, HCR has failed to comply with the Specific Exception in attempting to demonstrate need for its proposal under Rule 10- 5.11(3)(a)-(d), Florida Administrative Code. Therefore, any evidence concerning access problems cannot be considered. HCR has also attempted to demonstrate need for its proposal based upon an application of Rules 10-5.11(4) and (6), Florida Administrative Code. These rules require a consideration of the availability of alternative, less costly, or more effective methods of providing the proposed health services and the availability, quality of care, efficiency, appropriateness, accessibility, extent of utilization and adequacy of like and existing services. In particular, HCR has attempted to prove that like and existing services in Manatee County are not meeting the needs of Alzheimer patients and respite care patients and that there are no alternative, less costly or more effective methods of providing HCR's proposed services. If HCR had succeeded in demonstrating need for its proposal under these rules, a certificate of need would have been recommended even though the Specific Exception was not complied with. HCR has agreed that its proposed facility will meet the alleged need for Medicaid patients, Alzheimer patients and respite care patients in Manatee County by dedicating a thirty- bed wing to the care of Alzheimer patients, a thirty-bed wing to respite care patients and guaranteeing access to fifty percent of its beds to Medicaid patients. The following findings of fact are made with regard to the specific categories of persons allegedly in need of nursing home care. Although HCR's proposed findings of fact concerning access problems of these groups are not relevant because of its failure to comply with the Specific Exception, findings are made in an abundance of caution in case the Department or a Court ultimately determines that need can be demonstrated based upon access problems even when the Specific Exception is not complied with. Medicaid Patients. Manatee County generally experiences a "peak season" from November to March during which time nursing home bed use increases. The peak season in 1984-1985, however, was only about seven weeks. During the peak season there is some difficulty in placing Medicaid patients in nursing home beds in Manatee County. Between January, 1985 and March, 1985, the Department's Manatee County office placed twenty-two Medicaid patients in nursing home beds located outside of Manatee County. Some Medicaid patients have also been placed in adult congregate living facilities even though such placements are contrary to the prohibition against placing patients in need of skilled nursing home services in such facilities. L. W. Blake Memorial Hospital has also had to place patients in nursing homes on a temporary basis outside of Manatee County. During the past year, only twenty-four patients were placed in nursing homes outside Manatee County. The evidence does not establish how many of those patients were Medicaid patients, however. Alzheimer Patients. Alzheimer's disease is a disease which primarily afflicts persons in their 50's and 60's. It can, however, afflict younger persons also. The disease progresses through three stages and has no cure. During the first stage, the afflicted person experiences forgetfulness, impairment of judgement and inability to perform routine tasks. During the second stage, the afflicted person begins to wander. During the third and final stage, the afflicted person becomes dependent and incontinent. Currently there are approximately 160 Alzheimer patients in the five existing nursing homes in Manatee County. None of these nursing homes has a special program designed for Alzheimer patients. The evidence does not, however, support a finding that Alzheimer patients are not being adequately cared for. The evidence also does not establish how many persons in Manatee County are afflicted by Alzheimer's disease or the number of persons so afflicted who are in need of nursing home care. Generally, it is not until the third stage of the disease that nursing home care becomes necessary. Even then some Alzheimer patients are cared for in the home, private boarding facilities, or mental hospitals. The evidence does establish that no person afflicted with Alzheimer's disease has been refused admittance to a nursing home bed in Manatee County. The evidence also establishes that there is a 303 bed nursing home located in neighboring Hillsborough County which treats only Alzheimer patients. Hillborough County is located in District 6. Finally, the evidence demonstrates that Alzheimer patients would benefit from a special wing dedicated to the care of Alzheimer's disease in its final stages. Respite Care Patients. Respite care is the placement of a person in need of care under the supervision of another person for a short period of time. One purpose of this care is to free-up the primary care giver for a short period of time. The patient needs supervision or may need skilled nursing care. The length of the care can vary from a few hours to several weeks. HCR has proposed to establish a thirty-bed wing in its proposed facility that will be dedicated solely to the care of respite care patients in need of skilled nursing care for a period of one to eight weeks. None of the existing nursing homes in Manatee County provides the type of specialized wing HCR in proposing. The evidence establishes that there is a need for such a service in Manatee County. The evidence does not establish, however, how many nursing home beds are needed. There was testimony that there was a need for fifty nursing home beds. This testimony was, however, purely a "guess". Additionally, this estimate was not limited to the type of respite care HCR proposes to provide; the respite care giving rise to this guess included respite care for as short a period as three to five days. Short-term respite care needs are currently being met by existing programs in Manatee County. DHRS Exhibit 4 does not corroborate the fifty bed estimate because it is not at all clear what the data on this Exhibit means. Based upon the foregoing, there is a need for nursing home beds for Medicaid patients during the "peak season" and for respite care patients in need of skilled nursing care for a period of one to eight weeks because of an access problem. The need of these patients, however, has not been properly demonstrated pursuant to the Specific Exception and therefore cannot be considered. If this need could be considered even though the Specific Exception has not been complied with, the evidence fails to demonstrate how many additional beds are needed. Additionally, two new nursing homes have been approved for construction which will add 240 nursing home beds in Manatee County. The addition of these beds will eliminate some, if not all, of the need of Medicaid patients. There is a need for nursing home beds for respite care patients in need of skilled nursing care for a period of one to eight weeks because of the lack of adequate like and existing services. HCR has, however, failed to prove that this need is sufficient to justify its proposal. The evidence fails to demonstrate a need for Alzheimer patients sufficient to justify HCR's proposal based upon the care presently being given to Alzheimer patients in Manatee County. Although the ability of Alzheimer patients to access beds is not relevant because of HCR's failure to comply with the Specific Exception, the evidence also fails to demonstrate any access problem of Alzheimer patients. Alzheimer patients would benefit from a dedicated nursing home wing. This finding, however, based upon the other findings of fact in this case, does not justify HCR's proposal. Even if it were concluded that HCR does not need to comply with the Specific Exception in this case, the evidence does not support a finding that a 120 bed facility should be approved. The only evidence as to the total number of nursing home beds allegedly needed in Manatee County was presented by Mr. Jay Cushman, an expert in the field of health planning. According to Mr. Cushman there is a need for a minimum of 193 additional nursing home beds in Manatee County. Mr. Cushman's opinion was based upon the criteria of Rules 10- 5.11(3)(a)-(d), (4) and (6), Florida Administrative Code. In particular, Mr. Cushman relied upon the effect on nursing home bed use of Manatee County's peak season and the needs of Alzheimer patients, respite care patients and Medicaid patients. Mr. Cushman's opinion was based upon his determination that there is a need for a total of 1,174 nursing home beds in Manatee County. This figure was arrived at by adding Mr. Cushman's projected need for Medicaid patients (40 beds), Alzheimer patients (121 beds), respite care patients (50 beds) and the current peak census of nursing homes in Manatee County (718 beds). The sum of these figures was multiplied by 1.137 (to account for population growth in Manatee County over the next three years) and the result was divided by ninety percent (to account for a maximum occupancy rate of ninety percent). Mr. Cushman's determination of need, to the extent his figures are based upon purported access problems associated with Medicaid patients, Alzheimer patients, respite care patients and persons in need of care during the peak season, should not and cannot be considered because of the lack of compliance with the Specific Exception. Since Mr. Cushman did take into account alleged access problems without complying with the Specific Exception in arriving at his conclusion that 193 nursing home beds are needed in Manatee County, Mr. Cushman's opinion of need is rejected. Even if it was proper for Mr. Cushman to consider access problems despite the failure to comply with the Specific Exception, the weight of the evidence does not support Mr. Cushman's opinion. In arriving at his estimate of the need for Medicaid patients, Mr. Cushman relied in part upon the fact that twenty-four patients (twenty-five according to Mr. Cushman) had been placed in nursing homes located out of Manatee County by L. W. Blake Memorial Hospital personnel. The evidence, however, does not prove that all of these patients were Medicaid patients. Mr. Cushman's determination that 50 beds are needed for respite care patients was based upon on the opinion of Mr. Russell Kitching. Mr. Kitching's estimate was rejected, supra. The most significant problem with Mr. Cushman's determination of bed need is his estimate of the need for Alzheimer's patients. The evidence does not support a conclusion that there is a need for additional nursing home beds for Alzheimer's patients. The evidence proved that no Alzheimer's patient in Manatee County has been denied access to a nursing home. Finally, Mr. Cushman's opinion is contrary to, and did not take into account, the fact that Manatee County is projected to have an excess of 105 nursing home beds under the Formula. Based upon the foregoing, it is concluded that HCR has failed to prove that there is a need for a 120 bed nursing home in Manatee County.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the certificate of need application filed by HCR for a 120-bed nursing home to be located in Manatee County be denied. DONE and ENTERED this 2nd day of August, 1985, in Tallahassee, Florida. LARRY J. SARTIN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of August, 1985. COPIES FURNISHED: Jean Laramore, Esquire G. Steven Pfeiffer, Esquire LARAMORE & CLARK, P.A. The Bowen House 325 N. Calhoun Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 John F. Gilroy, Esquire CULPEPPER, TURNER & MANNHEIMER P. O. Drawer 11300 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 David Pingree, Secretary Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-002260RX Latest Update: Feb. 03, 1984

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant facts are found: The petitioner and remaining intervenor are corporations engaged in the business of constructing and operating nursing homes in Florida. Each has pending before MRS applications for Certificates of Need for new nursing homes in Florida, and the challenged Rule 10-5.11(21) , Florida Administrative Code, is applicable to these applications. The respondent MRS has applied and relied upon the challenged rule to deny certificates of need to these parties. Prior to the adoption of Rule 10-5.11(21) , there was no uniform statewide methodology for the determination of the need for additional community nursing home beds. The different health planning districts utilized various methodologies to determine the nursing home bed need in their communities. The majority of the districts utilized a formula of 27 beds per thousand population 65 years of age and older. Application of the formula was adjusted or deviated from in some districts to account for other considerations, such as occupancy levels of existing facilities, the waiting lists for existing facilities, travel times and the exclusion of sheltered beds. In order to develop a uniform statewide methodology for determining the need for additional nursing home beds, the Statewide Health Coordinating Council (SHCC) established a work group to review the various existing methodologies and recommend a uniform methodology. This work group met over a period of some six months. Its recommendation, accepted by the SHCC, was the adoption of a statewide nursing home bed ratio of 27 beds per thousand population age 65 and over, with an area specific allocation based upon the poverty level in the service area compared to the statewide poverty level. In the July 23, 1982 issue of the Florida Administrative Weekly, HRS gave notice of its intent to adopt Rule 10-5.11(21) relating to community nursing home beds. The need methodology originally proposed was that recommended by the work group and SHCC--the 27/1000 ratio, adjusted by the poverty factor, with a population projected three years into the future. A public hearing on the proposed rule was held on August 10, 1982, and the record of the rule-adoption proceedings was held open until September 10, 1982, for the filing of any additional comments on the proposed rule. written comments were received by ERS after the public hearing. As a result of and in response to comments received regarding the originally proposed rule, HRS changed the methodology to he utilized for determining nursing home bed need by adding further steps to the application of the formula. Notice of the changes was published in the October 22, 1982 Florida Administrative weekly, and the rule became effective on November 15, 1982. No further public hearings were held on the challenged rule. The challenged existing rule states that applications for community nursing home beds will be considered in context with applicable statutory and rule criteria. The rule then sets forth a formula methodology for determining nursing home bed need in the various service districts and provides that applications for new or additional nursing home beds "will not normally [be] approve[d]" if approval would cause the number of beds in that district to exceed the number of beds calculated by the rule's methodology. Basically, the methodology prescribed in the challenged rule contains three specific steps or screens which must be met before additional beds may be approved. The three- step process begins with the 27/1000 bed need ratio, adjusted by the poverty indicator, as originally proposed. This results in a theoretical bed need. The number of existing and approved beds in the subdistrict is then subtracted from the number obtained by using the ratio to determine whether additional beds are needed in the district and the subdistrict. The subdistrict is then classified into one of four categories, depending on whether there is a need or lack of need in the district and subdistrict under analysis. Each of the four categories is assigned a current and prospective utilization or occupancy level ranging from 80 to 95 percent. The occupancy levels of existing nursing home facilities are utilized to reflect existing community behavior patterns which could not be captured by a general or theoretical need estimator alone. The prospective utilization screen, the last step in the methodology, purports to specify how many beds will be made available when a demand for beds exists. In essence, the rule defines an area-specific generalized or theoretical need for nursing home beds based upon the degree of poverty in an "area, and then looks to community behavior through actual utilization of beds to determine how and when additional beds should he added. The rule is designed to pace the issuance of new beds by examining the actual utilization of nursing home facilities in operation. Bed availability is paced in response to actual demand as evidenced by community behavior toward existing and new nursing home facilities. The formula methodology contained in the challenged rule does not take into consideration the use of nursing home beds by individuals under the age of 65. The rule assigns no weighted factor for the various age groups 65 and over. It is estimated that some 13 percent of all patients in nursing homes are under The vast majority of those persons presently in nursing homes are 75 and over, and the segment of the elderly population over age 75 is growing much more rapidly than that segment between 65 and 74. Many states utilize a higher nursing home bed per elderly population ratio than 27 per thousand. However, the types of beds included in those higher numbers were not established. It is the policy and practice in Florida to recognize and encourage alternative forms of long-term care for the elderly, such as sheltered nursing home beds within a life care facility and adult congregate living facility beds. These tvpes of beds are not included in the 27 figure set forth in the challenged rule. The use of the 27 bed standard is based upon a trend line analysis of historical nursing home utilization, and is intended to be a cap on the number of approvable beds. Use of the poverty index factor to adjust theoretical need achieved by a simple bed to population ratio is based upon an actual positive correlation in Florida between the degree of ooverty in an area and the supply of existing nursing home beds in that area. The poverty indicator takes into account only those elderly persons defined according to the latest available United States census. No separate consideration is given to those persons who may be "medically indigent" or "near Poor," though not falling into the poverty category as defined by the United States Census Bureau. It often takes between two and three years to place a Certificate of Need approved nursing home into operation. Some 30 of all licensed and approved nursing homes in Florida are not presently in operation. In some counties, such as Dade and Monroe, only 30 percent to 35 percent of the beds approved are in a position to become operational. The effect of the challenged rule is to approve additional beds only after those beds previously approved become operational and occupied. Because the prospective utilization screen counts beds approved but not yet operational and assumes a zero patient census for these beds, application of this screen may result in a determination that no additional beds should be approved regardless of the lack of existing available nursing home facilities. This is the result of the rule's current application in Dade County. One of the purposes of the challenged methodology is to measure the actual demand for new nursing home beds in a cautious manner while allowing the market to respond to the beds approved prior to the rule. The methodology prevents the approval of all potentially needed beds in one hatching cycle by waiting to examine how utilization experience in the community may modify need. The rule's methodology does not provide a mechanism for making accurate long-range predictions as to the future need for nursing home beds in any specific area. As occupancy levels change, there will he great fluctuations in the resulting need for beds under the prescribed formula. In order to "run" the formula, it is necessary to have information concerning current and projected population figures, the poverty factor, occupancy levels of existing facilities and the actual number of existing and approved nursing home beds in the district and subdistrict. The newly enacted Medicare hospital reimbursement system based upon diagnostic related groupings (DRGs) is likely to have a tremendous impact upon the utilization of nursing home beds and other long-term care facilities. With reimbursement levels based upon the nature of the illness as opposed to the length of stay, hospitals will have an incentive to release patients earlier. An economic impact statement (EIS) was prepared for the challenged rule. The statement contains an estimate of the respondent's printing and distribution costs involved in implementing the rule. The EIS relates that the rule implements a statewide standard of 27 community nursing home beds per 1,000 population 65 years of age and older, and concludes that this standard does not exceed the current bed need standard applied in Certificate of Need decisions. It was noted that this rule establishes a cap on nursing home growth and thereby restricts public expenditures. A comparison of Medicaid expenditures if a higher bed to population ratio were adopted was provided. With regard to the effect of the rule on competition, the EIS relates that the rule will restrain the development of costly excess capacity and restrain competition among nursing home providers with the intent of containing public expenditures. Increased competition was noted among providers who serve patients whose care is funded with private resources. Before preparing the EIS, the author reviewed the suggested methodology of the State Health Plan and analyzed the various methodologies previously utilized in the various health planning districts throughout the State. She determined that the challenged rule would not basically change the existing methodologies applied throughout the State, and therefore concluded there would he no economic impact beyond the costs associated with the promulgation of a rule. According to calculations performed by the author of the EIS subsequent to the adoption of the challenged rule, the statewide bed to population ratio in Florida as of June, 1983, was 27.3. This result is derived by adding together the existing licensed beds, the Certificate of Need approved beds and the beds available on a statewide basis as a result of the rule's application, and dividing that number by the 1983 population age 65 and over.

Florida Laws (2) 120.54120.56
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-000693 Latest Update: Nov. 22, 1988

The Issue Whether the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services should approve the application for certificate of need (CON) of any one or more of five applicants for community nursing home beds in Lee County for the July 1989 planning horizon.

Findings Of Fact The Applicants Applications for certificates of need (CON) for nursing homes are accepted by the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (Department) in batching cycles and are subject to competitive review. The Department comparatively reviewed and analyzed 13 individual applications for proposed nursing services for District VIII, Lee County, in the July, 1986 nursing home batching cycle. Five of those applications are at issue for purposes of this proceeding. Pertinent to this proceeding, petitioner, Maple Leaf of Lee County Health Care, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Health Care and Retirement Corporation of America (HCR filed an application for a 120-bed nursing home (CON 4746), petitioner Forum Group, Inc. (Forum), filed an application for a 60-bed nursing home (CON 4755), petitioner, Health Quest Corporation (Health Quest), filed an application for a 60-bed nursing home (CON 4747), petitioner, Hillhaven, Inc., d/b/a Hillhaven Health Care Center Lee County (Hillhaven) filed an application for a 120-bed nursing home (CON 4756), and respondent, Gene Lynn d/b/a Careage Southwest Healthcare Center (Careage) filed an application for a 120-bed nursing home (CON 4748). Each of these applications was timely filed. The Department's "preliminary" action The Department is the state agency charged with implementing and regulating the CON program for medical facilities and services in Florida. Within the Department, the Office of Community Medical Facilities is responsible for the review of CON applications and provides a recommendation for approval or disapproval after its analysis is concluded. The Department assigned the subject District VIII applications for the July, 1986 hatching cycle to Medical Facilities Consultant Robert May for review. Mr. May was supervised in his work by Elizabeth Dudek, an experienced Medical Facilities Consultant Supervisor, who has reviewed or supervised the review of approximately 1200 CON applications. Robert Nay and Elizabeth Dudek concurred in their evaluations of the applications and recommended that Hillhaven's application be approved for 60 beds in Lee County. This recommendation was forwarded to the Administrator of the Office of Community Medical Facilities, Robert E. Naryanski, who also occurred with the recommendation on or about December 20, 1986, and forwarded the recommendation to Marta Hardy, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health Planning and Development, for final approval. An unusual set of circumstances evolved from that approximate point in time with respect to the applications at issue. Sometime in late November 1986 Marta Hardy talked to Robert Sharpe, Administrator of the Office of Comprehensive Health Planning, concerning the applications in this batching cycle and stated that she intended to involve him in the review procedure. In late December, she asked Mr. Sharpe to review the applications for four of the counties in the cycle, including Lee County. Mr. Sharpe is in a separate and distinct part of the Department, which reports to the Deputy Assistant Secretary but does not, in the ordinary course of operations, review certificate of need applications. Mr. Sharpe's involvement with reviewing nursing home applications had never occurred before and has not occurred since. However, Mr. Sharpe has been involved on limited occasions with reviewing hospital CON applications in preparation for administrative hearings. Careage had a CON application in each of the four districts that Mr. Sharpe was asked to review. Mr. Sharpe was not asked to review any other districts other than the four districts in which Careage had applications pending. In Mr. Sharpe's conversation with Ms. Hardy, Ms. Hardy specifically mentioned Careage while expressing her concern about the Department's ability to discriminate the best applicants on the basis of quality of care. Ms. Hardy mentioned no other applicant by name. Mr. Sharpe, in all circumstances, recommended Careage for approval. Mr. Sharpe did not attempt to do a complete re-review the applications, and did not redo any part of the review that had been performed by the Office of Community Medical Facilities specifically the need calculations and comparing the applications to the statutory review criteria. Mr. Sharpe did not apply statutory review criteria in his review of the applications because it had been determined that all the applicants were minimally qualified and met the statutory review criteria. Mr. Sharpe felt that the responsibility of his office was simply to do a comparative review to determine the best applicant. Mr. Sharpe placed information in the applications into what has been termed a "matrix." The purpose of the matrix was to present the information in the applications in a format which would facilitate a comparative analysis based on a greater number of factors than had previously been considered. Traditionally, the predominant factors utilized by the Department in reviewing applications were construction costs, Medicaid participation percentages, proposed sites, and charges. The matrix developed by Mr. Sharpe included additional factors which he felt would better address the quality of care to be provided, such as the size of facility, the size of the patient rooms, the amenities available to the patients and their families, the type and level of staffing, availability of special programs, and operating costs. By including a greater number of factors in the matrix, more information was considered in selecting the best applicant. As a result, the factors that traditionally had been considered by the Department were given relatively less weight. There was no notice to the applicants of this change in practice. Further, although all the information considered by Mr. Sharpe was taken from the applications and generally required to be in the application, the applicants reported the information differently, making a direct "apples-to-apples" comparison difficult. Mr. Sharpe's review of the applications spanned approximately five to eight days. Mr. Sharpe's staff in the information on the matrix from the applications, and, although Mr. Sharpe had personally reviewed all the applications, Mr. Sharpe did not personally check the information placed on matrix for accuracy. The Office of Community Medical Facilities' initial review covered a period of approximately six months. There was no evidence that the duties and responsibilities of the Office of Community Medical Facilities were not carried out in a thorough and appropriate manner. Ms. Dudek has more experience in reviewing CON applications than Mr. Sharpe, and she took into account, among other review criteria requirements, the type programs offered by the applicant and the quality of care the applicant had demonstrated and was capable of providing. Mr. Sharpe never talked to Ms. Dudek to find out the basis for her recommendation because he felt his responsibility was to do an independent review. Robert Sharpe reported his findings with regard to Lee County to Marta Hardy who apparently accepted Mr. Sharpe's recommendation on or about January 7, 1987, approving Careage's application for 60 beds and denying all others. On or about January 23, 1987, in the Florida Administrative Weekly, it was published that Careage was approved fob a 120-bed facility in Lee County. Actually HRS approved Careage for a 60-bed facility; the 120-bed figure in the Florida Administrative Weekly was erroneous. As a result of a new administration and Bob Griffin succeeding Ms. Hardy as Deputy Secretary in the Office of Health Planning, and due to his concerns about the unique manner in which these applications were reviewed and a decision made, another review of the applications for Lee County was conducted. The Office of Community Medical Facilities, the office originally responsible for reviewing the applications, was asked to do this review. This third review was conducted during the summer of 1987 by Bob May while this case was pending before the Division of Administrative Hearings. In this third review, a matrix was also used, but not the identical matrix previously used by Mr. Sharpe. Indeed, the Office of Community Medical Facilities was instructed not to look at what Mr. Sharpe's office had done. The review resulted in a decision that HRS would maintain its position of supporting partial approval of the Careage application for 60 beds. By letter dated September 4, 1987, the parties were formally notified of the HRS decision and a Correction Notice was published in the Florida Administrative Weekly indicating that the notice published in January, 1987, stating that Careage had received a CON for 120 beds, should have shown a partial approval of 60 beds, and a denial of 60 beds. HCR, Forum, Health Quest and Hillhaven timely contested initial approval of the Careage application and their own respective denials. Careage and HRS are the respondents. Hillhaven, prior to final hearing, dismissed its case contesting the Careage approval for 60 beds, and in this proceeding contends that Hillhaven should be awarded a certificate of need because there is a bed need in excess of 60 beds in Lee County. Careage did not timely contest the denial of the 120 beds requested in its original application. Health Care and Retirement Corporation of America HCR, through its wholly owned subsidiary, Maple Leaf of Lee County Health Care, Inc., proposes to construct a 120-bed community nursing home in Lee County, Florida. At the time its application was submitted, HCR had not selected a site on the proposed facility, but at hearing proposed to locate it in the Ft. Myers area. Currently, HCR owns and operates 92 nursing homes in 19 different states, including seven within the State of Florida. Its existing Florida facilities are Pasadena Manor Nursing Home (South Pasadena, Florida), Community Convalescent Center (Plant City Florida), Kensington Manor (Sarasota, Florida), Jacaranda Manor (St. Petersburg, Florida) Wakulla Manor (Crawfordville, Florida, Heartland of St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg, Florida, and Rosedale Manor (St. Petersburg, Florida). Each of these facilities received superior ratings on their latest licensure and certification survey with the exception of Heartland and Rosedale, which received a standard and conditional rating respectively. Significantly, the conditional rating assigned to the Rosedale facility occurred less than six months after that facility was acquired by HCR, and all deficiencies were corrected within 19 days of the survey. HCR's current proposal for a 120-bed facility will be a one-story structure containing 40,000 gross square feet, including 2,000 square feet for an ancillary adult day care center. It will have 58 semi-private rooms with half-bath (toilet and sink) and four private rooms with full bath (toilet, sink and shower) located within four patient wings, two nursing stations, two dining rooms, central bathing facilities, beauty- barber shop, quite lounge, physical therapy room, occupational therapy room, multi-purpose rooms, outdoor patio areas and the other standard functional elements required to meet licensure standards. In all, the proposed facility meets or exceeds state requirements for the construction of nursing homes. HCR proposes to dedicate one wing (14 semi-private and 1 private room) of its facility to the care of patients suffering from Alzheimer's Disease and related disorders. Alzheimer's Disease is a brain disorder that results in gradual memory loss and, as such loss progresses, a need for increased personal care. Historically, Alzheimer's patients have been mixed with other patients in nursing homes, often disrupting other patients and presenting problems of control for staff separate Alzheimer's care unit enables the nursing home to utilize special techniques to manage the patient without restraint or sedation, and provides the patient with a smaller, safer and specially designed area with specially trained staff to address the needs of such patients. However, absent fill-up, HCR does not propose to limit admission to its Alzheimer's unit solely to patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease and related disorders. HCR's Alzheimer's unit is reasonably designed, equipped and minimally staffed for its intended purpose. HCR also proposes to provide, as needed, subacute care at its facility. Due to the impacts of the federal DRG (diagnostically related group) system which encourages hospitals to discharge patients earlier, there has been an increased demand for subacute services in nursing homes. Included within the subacute services HCR proposes to offer are ventilator care, IV therapy, pulmonary aids, tube feeding, hyperalimentation, and percentage and long term rehabilitation. HCR currently provides a wide variety of such subacute services at its existing facilities, and it may reasonably be expected to continue such practice at the proposed facility. As an adjunct to the proposed nursing home, HCR proposes to operate an adult day care unit for 12 Alzheimer's Disease patients. Additionally, HCR will offer respite care within the nursing home when beds available. Adult care and respite care provide alternatives to institutional long-term care in nursing homes, aid in preventing premature rising home admissions, and promote cost containment. As initially reviewed by the Department, HCR's activity would be a single story building containing 40,000 gross square feet, including the day care area, with an estimated total project cost of $3,894,000. As proposed, the total project cost equates to $32,450 per bed, and as designed provides 127 net square feet of living space for private rooms and 166 square feet for semi- private rooms. Construction equipment costs were as follows: Construction costs $2,200,000; costs per square foot $55.00; construct cost per bed 17,417; equipment costs $420,000; and equipment cost per bed $3,500. HCR's estimate of project costs is reasonable. At hearing HCR updated its project costs to account for changes that arose during the delay between initial review and de novo hearing. As updated, the total project cost was $4,375,500, or $36,462 per bed. Construction equipment costs, as updated were as follows: construction costs $2,400,000; cost per square foot $60.00; construction cost per bed $19,000, equipment costs $420,000; and equipment cost per bed $3,500. HCR's updated estimate of cost is reasonable. Staffing at the proposed 120-bed facility is designed to accommodate the needs of the skilled and intermediate care patients, as well as the special needs of the Alzheimer's and subacute patients. HCR will provide 24-hour registered nurse coverage for subacute patients and a higher staffing level in the Alzheimer's unit. The nursing home will provide 3.59 hours per patient in the Alzheimer's unit and 2.73 nursing hours overall, based on the assumption that 50 percent of the Alzheimer's patients will wanderers and that 50 percent of all patients will require skilled care. Precise staffing for subacute patients will be determined by the nature of the subacute services needed. HCR's staffing levels, as originally proposed and as updated, meet or exceed state standards. The salary and benefit estimates provided by HCR in its original application reflect salary and benefit levels current at the time of application, and the salary and benefit projections provided by HCR at bearing reflect current (1987) salaries and benefits inflated to the date of opening. Both estimates are reasonable. HCR's projection of utilization by class of pay as initially proposed was as follows: Private pay 51 percent, Medicaid 46 percent, and Medicare 3 percent. Due to its experience over the intervening 17 months since submittal of its application, HCR updated its assessment of utilization as follows: Private pay 50 percent, Medicaid 46 percent, and Medicare 4 percent. The current Lee County Medicaid experience level is 46 percent, and HCR provides an average 71 percent Medicaid occupancy in its Florida facilities. HCR's projections for payor mix are reasonable. HCR's initial application contained estimates of expenses and revenues current as of the date of application (July 1986) but failed to include an inflation factor to accommodate anticipated increases in expenses and revenues. Initially, T. projected its per diem room charges to be $60 to $85. At hearing, HCR projected its per diem room charges in the year opening (1990) to be $90 for a private room, $75 for a semiprivate room, $76.00 for Medicare patients, and $72 for Medicaid patients. The private, semi-private and Medicare charges were determined by inflating current (1987) Lee County charges forward to the year of opening. The Medicaid charges were based on a calculation of the Medicaid reimbursement formula. These charges, when multiplied by patient days, are a reasonable estimate of the projected revenues of the facility. HCR's estimate of expenses in its initial application was based on its current experience. Intervening events have lent new insight to its evaluation of expenses, as have intervening inflationary factors. While HCR's estimate of expenses and revenues was reasonable in its initial application, its current estimates comport with the reality of a 1990 opening and are reasonable. HCR has the available resources, including management personnel and funds for capital and operating expenditures, for project accomplishment and operation, and will be able to recruit any other personnel necessary to staff its facility. Since HCR does not propose to initially limit admission to its Alzheimer's unit solely to patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease and related disorders, its pro formas are premised on reasonable assumptions, and it has demonstrated the financial feasibility project in both the short term and long term. The proof demonstrates that HCR provides and Bill continue to provide quality care. HCR's corporate standards and guidelines regulate such areas as patient rights, staff development and orientation, physician and nurse services, pharmacy services and medication administration, social services, and infection control. HCR's manager of quality assurance, house professional services consultants, and quality assurance consultants regularly visit each HCR nursing home to implement the quality assurance standards and guidelines. Each HRC nursing home provides a staff development director who is responsible for the orientation of new employees, training new employees, and continuing training for all employees. Forum Group Inc. Forum is a publicly held health services company which owns, develops and operates retirement living centers and nursing homes on a national basis. Currently Forum operates 22 Lang facilities and an additional 11 retirement living centers with attached nursing facilities, including one nursing facility in Florida. Its Florida facility holds a standard rating. Other facilities owned by Forum in Texas, Kentucky and Illinois do, however, hold superior ratings. Pertinent to this case, Forum proposes to develop a retirement living center in Lee County that would consist of its proposed 60-bed skilled and intermediate care nursing home, an adult congregate living facility, and apartments or Independent living. Each of the three components which comprise Forum's retirement living center are physically connected and share some operational functions, such as a central kitchen, laundry, administrative area and heating plant. Such design provides for an efficient operation, as well as an economical distribution costs facility wide. The nursing facility proposed by Forum will be a single story building of wood frame and brick veneer construction containing 27,000 gross square feet. It will include 20 semi- private rooms with half bath, 16 private rooms with half bath, 3 private rooms with full bath, and one isolation room with full bath. Also included are a beauty-barber shop, quite lounge, physical therapy room, occupational therapy room, and exam-treatment room. But for the length of the corridors in the patient wings, discussed infra, the proposed facility meets or exceeds state requirements for the construction of nursing homes. Forum's proposal, as initially reviewed by the Department, would have a total project cost of $2,314,800. This equates to $38,580 per bed, and as designed provides 150 net square feet of living space for private rooms and 228 net square feet for semi-private rooms. Construction equipment costs were as follows: Construction costs $1,377,000; cost per square foot $51.00; construction cost per bed $22,950; equipment costs $200,000; and equipment costs per bed $3,333. Forum's estimate of project cost is reasonable. Forum provided a single-line drawing indicating the general arrangement of spaces for its proposed facility. As proposed, the facility would consist of two patient wings, and a central nurse's station. The corridor lengths in the patient wings exceed state standards by 40 feet. They could, however, be modified to conform to State standards without significantly affecting the cost of construction. The project would have energy conservation features such as heavy duty roof and side insulation, double-glazed windows, and high efficiency heating and air conditioning equipment. The forum facility will offer skilled and intermediate care, and subacute care, including IV therapy, ventilator care, hyperalimentation, pulmonary aids, and short and long term rehabilitation. Forum would contract out for physical therapy, speech therapy, pharmacy consultation and a registered dietician. If needed, Forum would offer respite care when beds are available. The proposed staffing levels and salaries proposed by Forum in its application are reasonable and meet or exceed state standards. Forum has a staff training program, with pre-service and in-service training, and utilizes a prescreening procedure to assure it hires competent staff. Twenty-four hour coverage by registered nurses will be provided, and a staffing ratio of 2.9 will be maintained. The staffing level at the proposed facility is consistent with that experienced at Forum's existing Florida Facility. Forum provides, and will continue to provide, quality care. Forum's application projected its utilization by class of pay as follows: private pay 58.47 percent, Medicaid 37.16 percent, and Medicare 4.37 percent. Currently, Forum experiences a 48 percent Medicaid occupancy rate system-wide, although it only has 2 of 35 beds dedicated to Medicaid care in its present Florida facility. Forum estimated its revenues based on patient charges ranging from $50.64 per day for Medicaid/semi-private room to $75.00 per day for SNF/private pay/private room. Based on such revenues, its pro forma, utilizing a conservative 86.25 percent occupancy rate at the end of the second year of operation, demonstrated the short term and long term financial feasibility of the project as initially reviewed by the Department notwithstanding the fact that it had underestimated its Medicaid and Medicare reimbursement rates. At hearing, Forum sought to demonstrate that its project was currently feasible by offering proof that intervening events had not significantly impacted the financial feasibility of its project. To this end, Forum offered proof that the contingencies and inflation factors it had built into the construction of its initial proposal would substantially offset any increased costs or expenses of construction. Additionally, Forum sought to update its proposal at hearing by offering testimony that included an increase in the administrator's salary from $27,000 to $39,000, a decrease in interest in year one to $187,803, an increase in interest in year two to $250,790, and an increase in revenues based on patient charges ranging from $69.19 per day for Medicaid/semi private room to $90.00 per day for SNF/private pay/private room. Some of the applicants objected to Forum's proof directed at the current financial feasibility of its project because it had not previously provided them with a written update of its application as ordered by the Hearing Officer. The applicants' objection was well founded. Further, the proof was not persuasive that any contingencies and inflation factors it had built into its initial proposal would substantially offset any increased costs or expenses of construction, nor that salaries, benefits and other expenses that would be currently experienced were appropriately considered in addressing the present financial feasibility of Forum's project. While Forum has the available resources, including management personnel and funds for initial capital and operating expenditures, for project accomplishments and operation, and will be able to recruit any other personnel necessary to staff its facility, it has failed to demonstrate that its proposal, as updated, is financially feasible in the long term. Health Quest Corporation Health Quest is a privately held corporation which owns, develops and operates health care facilities and retirement centers on a national basis. Health Quest has been in business for approximately 20 years, and currently operates 11 long-term care facilities and three retirement centers in Indiana, Illinois, and Florida. Its existing Florida facilities are located in Jacksonville, Boca Raton, and Sarasota. It also has facilities under construction in Winter Park and Sunrise, Florida. Health Quest also held a number of other certificates of need to construct nursing facilities in Florida. Recently, however, it decided to transfer or sell 3-4 of those certificates because its initial decision to develop nine new projects simultaneously would have, in its opinion, strained its management staff and commitment to high quality standards. HCR is, however, currently proceeding with several projects in Florida, and anticipates that the proposed Lee County facility will be brought on line thereafter. Pertinent to this case, Health Quest proposes to develop a retirement center in Lee County that would consist of a 60-bed skilled and intermediate care nursing home, and 124 assisted living studio apartments (an ACLF). 4/ The two components which comprise Health Quest's retirement center are physically connected and share some operational functions such as a common kitchen, laundry, therapy areas, maintenance areas, and administrative areas. Such design provides for an efficient operation, as well as an economical distribution of costs facility wide. In addition to providing an economical distribution of costs, the two components of the retirement center are mutually supportive. The nursing care unit supports the ACLF by making sure that health care services are available to the assisted living people. The ACLF supports the nursing unit as a source of referral and as an alternative to nursing home placement. The nursing facility proposed by Health Quest will be a single story building of masonry and concrete construction. It will include 6 private rooms and 27 semi-private rooms with half-bath attached, central nurse's station, central bathing facilities, beauty-barber shop, quite lounge, central dining area, physical and occupational therapy room and outdoor patio The center, itself, will provide patios, walkways and other outdoor features to render the facility pleasant and attractive, and will provide multi-purpose areas to be used for religious services and other activities, an ice cream parlor and gift shop. As proposed, the nursing home meets or exceeds state standards. As initially reviewed by the Department, Health Quest's proposed facility contained 25,269 gross square feet, with an estimated total project cost of $2,244,505. As proposed, the total project cost equates to $37,408 per bed, and as designed provides 240 net square feet of living space for both private and semi-private rooms. Construction equipment costs were as follows: Construction costs $1,470,333; cost per square foot $58.19; construction cost per bed $24,506; equipment costs $298,200; and equipment cost per bed $4,970. While the majority of Health Quest's costs are reasonable, its equipment costs are not. These costs are substantially the same as those projected in its original application for a 120-bed facility, which at an equipment cost of $300,000 derived an equipment cost per bed of $2,500. Why the same cost should prevail at this 60-bed facility was not explained by Health Quest, and its equipment cost per bed of $4,970 was not shown to be reasonable. As with most applicants, Health Quest updated its project costs at hearing to account for the changes which were occasioned by the delay between initial review and de novo hearing. As updated, the estimated project cost is $2,290.331, $38,172 per bed. Construction equipment costs were as follows: Construction costs $1,507,043; cost per square foot $59.64; construction cost per bed $25,117; equipment costs $302,700; and equipment costs per bed $5,045. Again, while the majority of Health Quest's costs are reasonable its equipment costs are, for the reasons heretofore expressed, not shown to be reasonable. The Health Quest facility will offer skilled and intermediate nursing care, and subacute care, including IV therapy, chemotherapy, TPN therapy and tracheostomy care. Also to be offered are respite care as beds are available and, within the complex, adult day care. Health Quest will maintain a nursing staffing ratio of approximately 3.25 hours per patient day for skilled care and 2.5 for intermediate care. As originally reviewed by the Department, Health Quest's staffing levels and expenses were reasonable. At hearing, Health Quest increased its staffing levels to account for an increased demand in labor intensive care, and increased its staffing expenses to account for the intervening changes in the market place. As updated, Health Quest's staffing levels and expenses are reasonable. Health Quest's projection of utilization by class of pay in the application reviewed by the Department was as follows: private pay 51.6 percent, Medicaid 45 percent, and Medicare 3.4 percent. Health Quest's utilization projection, as updated at hearing, was as follows: private pay 50.9 percent, Medicaid 45 percent, and Medicare 4.1 percent. TAB Health Quest currently serves 30 percent Medicaid patients at its Jacksonville facility, 10 percent Medicaid patients at its Boca Raton facility, and no Medicaid patients at its Sarasota facility. It has, however, committed to serve 40 percent and 48 percent Medicaid patients at its Sunrise and Winter Park facilities, respectively. Health Quest's projections of payor are reasonable. Initially, Health Quest projected its per diem room charges to range from $52 for skilled and intermediate care Medicare patients to $57.25 for skilled care-private and Medicare patients. It did not, however, draw any distinction between private and semi-private rooms. At hearing, Health Quest projected its per diem room charges as follows: $90 for SNF/single/private pay; $73 for SNF/double/private pay; $73 for SNF/double/Medicare; $68 for SF/double Medicaid; $68 for ICF/single/private pay; $70.75 for ICF/double/private pay; and $68 for ICF/double/Medicaid. Health Quest's fill-up and occupancy projections, as well as its projections of revenue and expenses, are reasonable. They were reasonable when initially reviewed by the Department, and as updated. During the course of these proceedings, a serious question was raised as to whether Health Quest had demonstrated that it had the available resources, including management personnel and funds for capital and operating expenditures, for project accomplishment and operation, or that it was committed to the subject project. Within the past three years, Health Quest has sold three of its approved CONS and is considering the sale a fourth due to its inability to handle that number of projects, and the adverse impact it would have on its ability to deliver quality care. Notwithstanding its inability to proceed with approved projects, Health Quest proceeded to hearing in October 1987 and December 1987 for nursing home CONs in Hillsborough County and Lee County (the subject application), and also had nine such applications pending in the January 1987 batching cycle and eight such applications in the October 1987 batching cycle. Health Quest's actions are not logical, nor supportive of the conclusion that it is committed to this project or that it possesses available resources for project accomplishment. Under the circumstances, Health Quest has failed to demonstrate that it has the available resources, including management personnel and funds for capital and operating expenditures, for project accomplishment and operation. Health Quest's facilities in Jacksonville and Boca Raton currently hold superior ratings from the Department. A superior rating includes consideration of staffing ratios, staff training, the physical environment, physical and restorative therapies, social services, and other professional services. Those facilities are monitored, as would the subject facility, by Health Quest for quality care through a system of quarterly peer review, and provide extensive staff education programs that include orientation training for new staff and on-going education for regular staff. Health Quest has demonstrated that it has provided quality care. However, in light of the strain its current activities have placed on its resources, it is found that Health Quest has failed to demonstrate that it could provide quality care at the proposed facility were its application approved. Hillhaven, Inc. Hillhaven is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Hillhaven Corporation, which is a subsidiary of National Medical Enterprises. The Hillhaven Corporation has been business for almost 30 years, and is currently responsible for the operation of approximately 437 nursing homes and retirement centers nationally, including 15 nursing homes which it owns or operates in the State of Florida. Hillhaven proposes to develop a new 120-bed skilled and intermediate care community nursing home in Fort Myers, Lee County, consisting of 38,323 square feet. It will include 14 private rooms and 53 semi-private rooms, a full bath attached to each room (shower, toilet and sink), central tub rooms, beauty- barber shop, quite lounge, chapel, physical therapy room, occupational therapy room, and outdoor patio areas. In all, Hillhaven's proposed facility meets or exceeds state requirements for the construction of nursing homes. As initially reviewed by the Department, Health Quest's proposed facility would be a single-story building containing 38,323 gross square feet, with an estimated total project cost of $3,544,444. As proposed, the total project cost equates to $29,537 per bed, and as designed provides 217 net square feet of living space for both private and semi-private rooms. Construction equipment costs were as follows; construction costs $2,146,000; cost per square foot $56.00; construction cost per bed $17,884; equipment costs $442,005; and equipment cost per bed $3,683.38. Hillhaven's project costs are reasonable. As with the other applicants, Hillhaven update its project costs at hearing to account for the changes which were occasioned by the delay between initial review and de novo hearing, certain oversights in its initial submission, and its decision to proceed with type 4 construction as opposed to type 5 construction as originally proposed. As updated, the estimated project cost is $4,089,639, or $34,155.33 per bed. Construction equipment costs, as updated, were as follows: construction costs $2,446,088; cost per square foot $63.82; construction cost per bed $20,384; equipment costs $521,200; and equipment costs per bed $4,343.33. By far, the biggest factor in the increased construction costs was Hillhaven's decision to proceed with type 4 construction as opposed to type 5 construction. Either type of construction would, however, meet or exceed state standards, and Hillhaven's estimates of construction and equipment costs are reasonable. The Hillhaven facility will offer skilled and intermediate care, occupational therapy, speech therapy, physical therapy, recreational services, restorative nursing services, and social services. Hillhaven does not discriminate on admission, and would admit Alzheimer's and subacute patients as presented. Were sufficient demand experienced, Hillhaven has the ability to provide and would develop a full Alzheimer's unit, and provide day care and respite care. Currently, Hillhaven operates 36 Alzheimer's units at its facilities nation wide, but has experienced no demand for such a special unit or other special care at its existent Lee County facility. As originally reviewed by the Department, Hillhaven's staffing levels an expenses were reasonable. At hearing, Hillhaven increased its staffing levels to account for staff inadvertently omitted from its initial application, and increased its staffing expenses to account or intervening changes in the market place. As updated, Hillhaven's staffing level is 2.5, and its staffing levels and expenses are reasonable. Hillhaven's projected utilization by class of pay as originally reviewed by the Department was as follows: private pay 30 percent, Medicaid 60 percent, and Medicare 10 percent. As updated at hearing, Hillhaven's utilization projection was as follows: private pay 44 percent, Medicaid 53 percent, and Medicare 3 percent. Currently, Hillhaven provides, on average, 53 percent Medicaid care at its facilities in Florida. Hillhaven's estimate of payor mix was reasonable and, in light of intervening changes in circumstance, was reasonable as updated. Hillhaven's patient charges for its second year of operation as originally reviewed by the Department ranged from $58.60 to $62.00 per day. As updated, Hillhaven's patient charges ranged from $52.13 to $73.50 per day. Hillhaven's estimated charges were achievable when initially proposed and as updated, and are reasonable. Hillhaven's fill-up and occupancy projections, as well as its projections of revenues and expenses, are reasonable. They were reasonable when initially reviewed by the Department, and comport, as updated, with the current experience in Lee County. Hillhaven has the available resources, including management personnel and funds for capital and operating expenditures, for project accomplishment and operation, and will be able to recruit any other necessary personnel to staff its facility. Its pro forma estimates are premised on reasonable assumptions, and Hillhaven has demonstrated the short term and long term financial feasibility of its project. Currently, Hillhaven owns or operates 15 facilities in the State of Florida. Of these 15 facilities, two have opened within the past year and are not eligible for ratings. Nine of the 13 eligible facilities are operating with superior licenses. Of the remaining four facilities, two have a standard license and two have a conditional license. The two facilities with conditional ratings have both resolved their deficiencies. Hillhaven has provided and will continue to provide quality care. It ensures that quality care will be maintained within its facilities by drawing upon the professional resources four regional offices comprised of registered nurses, quality assurance monitors, regional dietitians, maintenance supervisors, employee relations specialists, and other administrative support personnel. Regional consultants visit company facilities monthly to plan, organize and monitor operations, and to conduct in-service training workshops. Overall, Hillhaven provides each facility with an in-depth quality assurance program. Gene Lynn d/b/a Careage Southwest Healthcare Center Gene Lynn (Careage) is the president and 100 percent owner of Careage Corporation. Since 1962, Careage has developed approximately 150 nursing homes and retirement centers, as well as 100 medically related facilities, in 22 states and the Virgin Islands. Until December 1986 it did not, however, own or operate any facilities. Currently, Careage operates four nursing homes in the United States (one in the State of Washington, two in the State of California, and one in the State of Arizona) , but none in Florida. The home office of Careage is located in Bellevue, Washington. Careage proposed to develop a new 120-bed skilled and intermediate care nursing home in Lee County with specialty units for subacute and Alzheimer's care, consisting of 45,500 square feet. It would include a patient care unit consisting of 2 isolation rooms and 7 private rooms with full bath and 45 semiprivate rooms with half-bath, an Alzheimer's unit consisting of 1 private room with full bath and 10 semiprivate rooms with half bath, central dining area, beauty-barber shop, quiet lounge, chapel, physical therapy room, occupational therapy room, outdoor patio areas, and exam-treatment room. As proposed, the nursing home meets or exceeds state standards. As initially reviewed by the Department, Careage's proposed facility was a single-story building containing 45,500 gross square feet, with an estimated total project cost of $4,150,000. As proposed, the total project cost equates to 34,583 per bed, and as designed provides 184-227 net square feet of living space for isolation/private rooms, and 227-273 net square feet of living space or semi-private rooms. Construction equipment costs were as follows: construction costs $2,583,125; cost per square foot $56.77; construction cost per bed $21,526; equipment costs $420,000; and equipment cost per bed $3,500. Careage's methods of construction, as well as its construction and equipment costs, are reasonable. The Careage facility would offer skilled and intermediate care, occupational therapy, physical therapy, recreational services and social services. Additionally, the proposal includes a special 21-bed unit dedicated solely to the treatment of Alzheimer's disease patients, and a dedicated 10-bed unit for subacute care which will accommodate technology dependent children care. Among the subacute services to be offered are hyperalimentation, IV therapy, ventilators, heparin flush, and infusion pumps for administration of fluids. Careage will offer respite care as beds are available, and will offer day care in a separate facility. Careage's projected utilization by class of pay as originally reviewed by the Department was as follows: private pay 49 percent, Medicaid 40 percent, Medicare 3 percent, subacute (private) 6 percent, and VA 2 percent. Careage's patients charges for its facility were projected as follows: private and VA (room rate only) $63.86, Medicaid (all inclusive rate) $59.23, Medicaid (all inclusive rate) $108.15, and private (other) /subacute (room rate only) $128.75. Careage's fill-up and occupancy projections as well as its projections of revenues and expenses, for its 120-bed facility were not shown to be reasonable. First, in light of the fact that there was no quantifiable demand for a dedicated Alzheimer's unit and subacute care unit, as discussed infra at paragraphs 126-129, no reliable calculation of fill-up and occupancy rates or revenues and expenses could be derived that was, as the Careage application is, dependent on such revenue stream. Second, the Careage pro forma was predicated on average rates experienced in Lee County. Since Careage proposes heavier nursing care than that currently experienced in Lee County, its estimates of patient charges are not credible. At hearing, Careage updated its 120-bed application to account for inflationary factors that had affected the project since it was first reviewed, and to correct two staffing errors. These updates did not substantially change the project. Careage has the available resources, including management personnel and funds for capital and operating expenditures, for project accomplishment and operation, and will be able to recruit any other necessary personnel to staff its facility. Its pro forma estimates were not, however, premised on reasonable assumptions, and Careage has failed to demonstrate the short term and long term financial feasibility of its 120-bed project. Following the Department's initial review of the applications in this batching cycle, it proposed to award a certificate of need to Careage for a 60- bed facility, premised on its conclusion that there was insufficient numeric need to justify an award of beds exceeding that number, notwithstanding the fact that the application of Careage was for 120 beds and did not request or propose a 60-bed facility. Notably, all financial, staffing, construction, equipment and other projections described in the Careage application were based on a 120- bed facility, and no information was provided regarding a 60- bed facility. Also notable is the fact that the other applicants were not accorded equal consideration. Not surprisingly, the proposed award of a CON for 60-beds to Careage was timely challenged, but Careage did not protest the Department's denial of its application for 120 beds but appeared as a respondent to defend the Department's decision to award it 60 beds. At hearing, Careage offered proof of the reasonableness of its 120- bed proposal over the objection of the other applicants. /5 Careage contends that its proposed 60-bed facility is a scaled down version of its 120-bed proposal Careage proposes to offer the same services in its 60-bed facility as it proposed in its 120-bed facility, including the 21-bed Alzheimer's unit and 10-bed subacute care unit. Its proposed 60- bed facility is not, however, an identifiable portion of its initial project. As proposed, the 60-bed facility would contain 26,900 gross square feet, and meet or exceed state standards. It would include a patient care unit consisting of 1 isolation room and 4 private rooms with full bath, 17 semi- private rooms with half-bath, an Alzheimer's unit consisting of 1 private room with full bath and 10 semi-private rooms with half-bath, together with the same amenities offered by the 120-bed facility, but on a reduced scale. As proposed, the total project cost for the 60-bed facility is $2,475,000, which equates to $41,250 per bed. As designed, the facility would provide the same net square footage of living space for private and semi-private rooms as the 120-bed facility. Construction equipment costs would be as follows: construction costs $1,431,750; cost per square foot $53.22; construction cost per bed $23,863; equipment costs $210,000; and equipment cost per bed $3,500. Careage's methods of construction, as well as its construction and equipments costs, are reasonable. Careage's projected utilization by class of pay in its 60-bed facility was as follows: private pay 47 percent, Medicaid 40 percent, Medicare 5 percent, subacute (private) 6 percent, and VA 2 percent. Careage's patient charges for its 60-bed facility were projected as follows: private and VA (room rate only) $66.00, Medicaid (all Inclusive rate) $63.50, Medicare (all inclusive rate) $120.00, private (other)/subacute (room rate only) $130.00. Careage's fill-up and occupancy projections, its projections of revenue and expenses, and its pro forma estimates for its 60-bed facility suffer the same deficiencies as those for its proposed 120-bed facility. Under the circumstances, Careage has failed to demonstrate the short term and long term financial feasibility of its 60-bed facility. While Careage has only owned and operated nursing homes for a short time, the proof demonstrates that it has and will continue to provide quality care for its residents. The Alzheimer's unit and subacute care units are reasonably designed, equipped and staffed for their intended functions. Staffing ratios in the subacute unit will be 6.0, and in the other areas of the facility 3.0. Careage currently utilizes a quality assurance program at each facility which includes a utilization review committee, safety committee, infection control committee, and pharmaceutical committee. Each facility also has a resident advisory council, community advisory council, and employee advisory council. Presently, Careage is developing a company level quality assurance program, and has initiated announced and unannounced site visits by a quality assurance expert to evaluate resident care, operations, maintenance and physical environment. The Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services The opinions expressed by the witnesses offered by the Department were premised on information available to them while these applications underwent "preliminary" review. The information available to them at that time, and represented by the State Agency Action Report (SAAR), was incomplete and inaccurate in many respects, including the services to be provided by some of the applicants and the approved bed inventory and occupancy rates utilized in the need methodology. These witnesses were not made privy to, and expressed no opinions, regarding the relative merits of the applications in light of the facts developed at hearing. Throughout the hearing, counsel for the Department objected to evidence from any applicant regarding "updates" (changes) to their applications as they were deemed complete by the Department prior to its initial review. It was the position of the Department's counsel, but otherwise unexplicated, that the only appropriate evidence of changed conditions after the date the application was deemed complete were those changes which relate to or result from extrinsic circumstances beyond the control of the applicant, such as inflation and other current circumstances external to the application. The majority of the "updated" material offered by the applicants at hearing did result from the effects of inflation, the passage of time between the application preparation and the dates of final hearing, changes in the market place regarding nursing salaries, changes in the Medicaid and Medicare reimbursement system and typographical errors in the application. Some changes in design were offered as a result of the applicant's experience with other construction projects and in order to comply with licensing regulations. There were also some changes which resulted from better information having been secured through more current market surveys. None of the applicants attempted to change their planning horizon, the number of beds proposed, the proposed location of the facility or the services to be offered except Careage. The Department has established by rule the methodology whereby the need for community nursing home beds in a service district shall be determined. Rule 10-5.011(1)(k)(2), Florida Administrative Code; formerly, Rule 10- 5.11(21)(b) Florida Administrative Code. The first step in calculating need pursuant to the rule methodology is to establish a "planning horizon." Subparagraph 2 of the rule provides: Need Methodology... The Department will determine if there is a projected need for new or additional beds 3 years into the future according to the methodology specified under subparagraphs a. through i. The Department interprets subparagraph 2, and the applicants concur, as establishing a "planning horizon" in certificate of need proceedings calculated from the filing deadline for applications established by Department rule. This interpretation is consistent with the numeric methodology prescribed by subparagraph 2, and with the decision in Gulf Court Nursing Center v. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, 483 So.2d 700 (Fla. 1st DCA 1986). Applying the Department's interpretation to the facts of this case establishes a "planning horizon" of July 1989. Pertinent to this case, subparagraphs 2a-d provide the methodology for calculating gross bed need for the district/subdistrict in the horizon year. In this case, the applicable district is District 8, and the applicable subdistrict is Lee County. The first step in the calculation of gross need for the horizon year is to derive "BA", the estimated bed rate for the population age group 65-74 in the district. This rate is defined by subparagraph 2b as follows: BA LB/ (POPC + (6 x POPD) Where: LB is the number of licensed community nursing home beds in the relevant district. POPC is the current population age 65-74 years. POPD is the current population age 75 years and over. The parties concur that the district licensed bed figure (LB), as well as the subdistrict licensed bed figure (LBD) is calculated based on the number of community nursing home beds as of June 1, 1986. The Department's Semi-Annual Nursing Home Census Report and Bed Need Allocation prepared for the July 1986 review cycle (July 1989 planning horizon) listed 4,193 licensed community nursing home beds in District 8 and 996 in Lee County. However, that count taken on May 1, 1986, did not include 120 new beds which were licensed in Charlotte County on May 8, 1986. The count also excluded 287 beds at four other facilities in the district, including 60 beds at Calusa Harbor in Lee County, because they were listed as sheltered beds according to Department records at that time. After passage of Section 651.118(8), Florida Statutes, the Department surveyed the facilities and found that the beds at these four facilities were operated as community beds rather than sheltered beds. Under the circumstances, the proof demonstrates that as of June 1, 1986, there were 4,600 licensed community nursing home beds in district 8 (LB) and 1,056 in Lee County (LBD). The formula mandated by the rule methodology or calculating BA requires that the "current population" for the two age groups be utilized. The rule does not, however, prescribe the date on which the "current population" is to be derived. Some of the applicants contend that the current population" for POPC and POPD should correspond to the period for which the average occupancy rate (OR) is calculated or the July batching cycle, OR based upon the occupancy rates of licensed facilities for the months of October through March preceding that cycle. Under this theory, January 1, 1986, as the midpoint of that period, is the appropriate date to calculate "current population" to derive PCPC and POPD. The Department contends that "current population" for POPC and POPD should be calculated as of July 1986, the filing deadline for applications in this review cycle. The Department's position is, however, contrary to its past and current practice. The need reports issued by the Department between December 1984 and December 1986, routinely used a three and one- half year spread between the base population period and the horizon date for "current population." In the January 1987 batching cycle, which cycle immediately followed the cycle at issue in this case, the Department utilized a three and one-half spread between the base population period and the horizon date for "current population" when it awarded beds in that cycle. The Department offered no explanation of why, in this case, it proposed to deviate from its past and current practice. Under the circumstances, January 1, 1986, is the appropriate date on which the "current population" is to be calculated when deriving POPC and POPD. The parties are also in disagreement as to whether population estimates developed after the application deadline can used to establish the current population. Rule 10- 5.011(k)2h, Florida Administrative Code, mandates that population projections shall be based upon the official estimates and projections adopted by the Executive Office of the Governor, but does not limit such proof to any particular estimate. The Department advocates the use of population estimates existent at the application deadline. Accordingly, it would apply the official estimates and projections adopted by the Executive Office of the Governor as of July 1, 1986. Other parties would apply the more recent estimates adopted by the Office of the Governor as of July 1, 1987. In this case, the use of either estimate would have no significant effect on the result reached under the rule methodology; however, since all population estimates and projections are only approximations rather than actual counts, it would be more reasonable from a health planning perspective to use the latest estimates of the 1987 population than the estimates available at the time of application. In this case, this means using July 1, 1987, estimates of January 1986 populations. These estimates are still "current" as of January 1986, since It is still the January 1986 population that is to be measured, and more reliable from a health planning perspective than the prior projection. In the same manner, July 1, 1987, estimates of horizon year 1989 populations (PCPA and POP), infra, would also be used rather than July 1, 1986, estimates of that population. Accordingly, Forum's calculation POPC (128,871), POPD (77,194), POPA (149,645), and POPB (95,748) is appropriate. (Forum Exhibit 10, Appendix A) Application of the methodology prescribed by subparagraph 26 to the facts of this case produces the following calculation: BA 4,600/(128,871 + (6 x 77,194) BA 4,600/(128,871 + 463,164) BA 4,600/592,035 BA .0077698 The second step in the calculation of gross need for the horizon year is to derive "BB", the estimated bed rate for the population age group 75 and over in the district. This methodology is defined by subparagraph 2c, and calculated in this case as follows: BB 6 x BA BB 6 x .0077698 BB .0466188 The third step in the calculation of gross need for the horizon year is to derive "A", the district's age adjusted number of community nursing homes beds" at the horizon year. This methodology is defined by subparagraph 2a as follows: A (POPA x BA) + (POPB x BB) Where: POPA is the population age 65-74 years in the relevant department district projected three years into the future. POPR is the population age 75 years and older in the relevant departmental district projected three years into the future. Application of the methodology prescribed by subparagraph 2a to the facts of this case produces the following calculation: A (149,645 x .0077698) + (95,748 x .0466188) A 1,162.7117 + 4,422.4086 A 5,585.12 The final step in the calculation of gross need in the horizon year is to derive "SA", the preliminary subdistrict allocation of community nursing home beds;" gross need in the case. 7/ This calculation is defined by subparagraphs 2d as follows: SA A x (LBD/LB) x (OR/.90) Where: LBD is the number of licensed community nursing home beds in the relevant subdistrict. OR is the average 6 month occupancy rate for all licensed community nursing homes within the subdistrict of the relevant district. Occupancy rates established prior to the first batching cycle shall be based upon nursing home patient days for the months of July 1 through December 31; occupancy rates established prior to the second batching cycle shall be based upon nursing home patient days for the months of January 1 through June 30. The batching cycle in which these applications were filed, however, occurred before the Department amended its rule to include the fixed need pool concept contemplated by subparagraph 2d. Accordingly, the parties concur that the six month period on which the average occupancy rate is calculated is not as set forth in subparagraph 2d of the current rule, but, rather, defined by former rule 1C--5. 11(21)(b)4 as follows: OR is the average occupancy rate for all licensed community nursing homes within the subdistrict of the relevant district. Review of applications submitted for the July batching cycle shall be based upon occupancy data for the months of October through March preceding that cycle... In calculating the occupancy rate (OR) for the licensed community nursing homes in the subdistrict (Lee County) the Department derived a figure of 91.91. The Department arrived at this figure based on the first day of the month patient census of each facility considered to have community beds (LBD=1,056), which included the 60 beds at Shell Point Nursing Pavilion; assumed that such census was maintained throughout the entire month; and then divided such patient days by the actual number of beds available. The Department's methodology is an accepted health planning technique, and comports with its previous practice. Some of the parties disagree with the technique utilized by the Department to calculate OR, and advocate the use of actual patient day occupancy to derive OR. This technique differs from the "first of the month" technique by utilizing the actual number of patient days experienced by the facility, as opposed to assuming a constant census based on first of the month data. This alternative methodology is, likewise, an accepted health planning technique, and if proper assumptions are utilized will yield a more meaningful result than the Department's methodology. In this case, the proponents of the "actual patient day occupancy" methodology, erroneously assumed that 160 beds at Shell Point Nursing Pavilion were community nursing homes beds, as opposed to 60 beds; and, based on an erroneous LBD of 1,156, derived a subdistrict occupancy rate of 92.97. Under such circumstances, these proponents calculations are not reliable, and the subdistrict occupancy rate derived by the Department is accepted. Applying the facts of this case to the methodology prescribed by subparagraph 2d produces the following gross need calculation for the subdistrict: 5A 5,585.12 x (1,056/4,600) x (.9191/.9) SA 5,585.12 x .2295652 x 1.0212222 SA 1309.36 The final step in the numeric need methodology is to derive net need from gross need. According to subparagraph 2i, this need is calculated as follows: The net bed allocation for a subdistrict, which is the number of beds available for Certificate of Need approval, is determined by subtracting the total number of licensed and 90 percent of the approved beds within the relevant department subdistrict from the bed allocation determined under subparagraphs 2.a. through f. unless the subdistrict's average occupancy rate for the most recent six months is less than 80 percent, in which case the net bed allocation is zero. The number of approved and licensed nursing home beds for the second batching cycle in 1987 shall be based on the number of approved and licensed beds as of August 1, 1987, in subsequent nursing home batching cycles, the number of licensed and approved beds to be used in establishing net need for a particular batching cycle shall be determined as of the agency's initial decision for the immediately preceding nursing home batching cycle. While the rule requires that net need be calculated by subtracting "the total number of licensed and 90 percent of the approved beds" In the subdistrict from the cross need previously calculated, it is silent as to the date that inventory should be calculated when, as here, the batching cycle at issue predates its enactment. In the face of this dilemma, the parties rely on the provisions of former rule 10-5.11(21)(b) , Florida Administrative Code, which was existent when their applications were filed to resolve their dispute. Under the circumstances, reference to former rule 10-5.11(21)(b), is appropriate. Former rule 10-5.11(21)(b)9 provides: The net bed allocation for a subdistrict, which is the number of beds available, is determined by subtracting the total number of licensed and 90 percent of the approved beds within the relevant departmental subdistrict from the bed allocation determined under subaragraphs 1 through 9 (sic 8).... (Emphasis added) While the former rule requires that net need be calculated by subtracting "the total number of licensed and 90 percent of the approved beds" in the subdistrict from the gross need calculated under subparagraphs (b)1-8, it is silent as to the date that inventory should be calculated. The Department asserts that the number of licensed beds should be calculated as of June 1, 1986 (the date established by subparagraph (b)7 of the former rule as the data base for calculating LB and LBD, and the number of approved beds as of December 18, 1986 (the date the Department's supervisory consultant signed the state agency action report). The other parties would likewise calculate licensed beds as of June 1, 1986, but would also calculate approved beds as of that date. The Department offered no reasonable evidentiary basis for its interpretation of the date at which the total number of licensed and approved beds are to be calculated under subparagraph (b)9 of the former rule. As discussed below, the dates used by the Department and the other parties for purposes of calculating net need were facially unreasonable. The Inventory of licensed and approved beds under subparagraph (b)9 of the former rule, as well as subparagraph 2i of the current rule, are inextricably linked. As approved beds are licensed, the approved bed inventory decreases and the licensed bed inventory increases. The Department's interpretation of the dates at which licensed and approved beds are to be counted is neither logical nor rational, since it could result in some beds not being counted as either licensed or approved. For example, if beds were approved and not yet licensed on June 1, 1986, but licensed before the consultant supervisor signed the SAAR (state agency action report), they would not be counted in either inventory. On the other hand, the other parties' approach would ignore all beds licensed or approved from previous batching cycles after June 1, 1986 which beds were intended to serve at least a portion of the future population. The fundamental flaw in the parties' approach to establishing an inventory date under subparagraph (b)9, was the assumption that subparagraph (b)7 of the former rule defined licensed bed inventory for purposes of subparagraph (b)9. The Department's rule must be construed in its entirety, and all parts of the rule must be construed so as to work harmoniously with its other parts. So construed, the only logical conclusion to be drawn, as hereinafter demonstrated, is that subparagraph (b)7 defines LB and LBD ("current" licensed beds) for the cross need calculation under the methodology defined by subparagraphs (b)1-4, and does not presume to define licensed beds for the net need calculation under subparagraph (b)9. Subparagraphs (b)1-4 and 7 of the numeric need methodology prescribed by the former rule is designed to yield a gross bed need for the horizon year. The keys to this methodology are the calculation of a current bed rate (BA) and current occupancy rate (OR) for the current using population, and the projection of those rates on the population to be served in the horizon year. A meaningful calculation of the current bed rate cannot, however, be derived without a current inventory of licensed beds (LB and LBD). Accordingly, the relationship between subparagraph (b)7, which defines the data base (June 1, 1986 in this case) for defining LB and LBD (the "current" licensed bed inventory) to the gross bed need calculation is apparent. The parties' suggestion that subparagraph (b)7 defines licensed bed inventory under subparagraph (b)9 not only ignores the inextricable link between subparagraph (b)7 and the gross bed need methodology, but also the language and purpose of subparagraph (b)9. The purpose of that subparagraph is to derive a realistic estimate of actual (net) bed need in the horizon year. Since all licensed and approved beds from previous batching cycles were intended to serve at least a portion of the horizon population, it would be illogical to ignore any of those beds when calculating net need. Accordingly, it would be unreasonable in this case not to count any beds that were licensed or approved from previous batching cycles between June 1, 1986, and the date a decision is rendered on these applications. Indeed, subparagraph (b)9 speaks to "the total number" of licensed and approved beds, not beds existent on June 1, 1986. In sum, subparagraph (b)7 cannot be read to define licensed bed inventory under subparagraph (b)9, and the parties' suggestion that it can is rejected as contrary to the clear language of the rule methodology. See: Boca Raton Artificial Kidney Center, Inc. v. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, 493 So.2d 1055 (Fla. 1st DCA 1986). Since the purpose of subparagraph (b)9 is to calculate a realistic estimate of the net bed need for the horizon year, it is appropriate to use the most current inventory of licensed and approved beds at the point a decision is rendered on an application. This assures to the greatest extent possible that the horizon population will not be over or undeserved. In those circumstances where the SAAR becomes final agency action, the Department's approach of calculating inventory on the date the supervisory consultant signs the SAAR, assuming that inventory includes licensed and approved beds on that date, might be reasonable. However, where, as here, the SAAR constitutes only preliminary agency action, and a de novo review of the application is undertaken, there is no rational basis for subsuming that inventory. The rule methodology considered, the only rational conclusion is that net need be derived on the date of de novo review, and that it be calculated reducing the gross need calculation by the inventory of licensed and approved beds from previous batching cycles existent on that date. As of the date of administrative hearing there were 1,056 licensed beds and 120 approved beds in the subdistrict. Applying the methodology prescribed by subparagraph 2i to the facts of this case calculates a net need of 145 community nursing home beds for the July 1989 planning horizon. Special Circumstances. The Department will not normally approve an application for new or additional nursing home beds in any service district in excess of the number calculated by the aforesaid methodology. Rule 10-5.011(1)(k), Florida Administrative Code. Succinctly, the need for nursing home services, whether they be general or special, is a product of the rule methodology, and not relevant to a calculation of need absent a demonstration of special circumstances. The Department has adopted by rule the methodology to be utilized in demonstrating special circumstances that would warrant a consideration of factors other than the numeric need methodology in deciding the need for nursing home services. That rule, 10-5.011(1)(k)2; Florida Administrative Code, provides: In the event that the net bed allocation is zero the applicant may demonstrate that circumstances exist to justify the approval of additional beds under the other relevant criteria specifically contained at Section 10-5.011. Specifically, the applicant may show that persons using existing and like services are in need of nursing home care but will be unable to access nursing home services currently licensed or approved within the subdistrict. Under the provision, the applicant must demonstrate that those persons with a documented need for nursing home services have been denied access to currently licensed but unoccupied beds or that the number of persons with a documented need exceeds the number of licensed unoccupied and currently approved nursing home beds. Existing and like services shall include the following as defined in statute or rule, adult congregate living facilities, adult foster homes, homes for special 505 home health services, adult day health care, adult day care, community care for the elderly, and home care for the elderly. Patients' need for nursing home care must be documented by the attending physicians' plans of care or orders, assessments performed by staff of the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, or equivalent assessments performed by attending physicians indicating need for nursing home care. In the instant case, some of the applicants have proposed special services, including an Alzheimer's unit, subacute care unit, and beds for technology dependent children. They offered, however, no proof that any person with a documented need for such services had been denied access to available beds that the number of persons with a documented need exceeded the number of available beds. Succinctly, there is no credible proof that the need for nursing home services in Lee County exceeds that calculated pursuant to the numeric need methodology. While there are no special circumstances existent in this case that would justify an award of beds in excess of that calculated by the rule methodology, that does not mean that consideration of the Alzheimer's, subacute and technology dependent children services offered by some of the applicants is not relevant to the comparative review of the subject applications. Rather, it means that the need for such services will presumptively be met within the need calculated by the rule methodology. How the applicants propose to address that need is, however, a matter for consideration in a comparative review of their applications. Each of the applicants propose to provide subacute care, with Careage proposing a special 10-bed subacute care unit which would accommodate technology dependent children. HCR and Careage propose special Alzheimer's care units; a 15-bed unit by HCR and a 21-bed unit by Careage. Hillhaven will admit Alzheimer's disease patients as presented, and will develop a dedicated Alzheimer's unit if demand should subsequently develop. The prevalence of Alzheimer's disease and the increased demand for subacute services brought about by DRGs, demonstrates that there will be a demand for such services within existing and proposed facilities. There was, however, no persuasive proof of any demand for technology dependent services in Lee County. While there is a demand for Alzheimer's disease care, and the preferred mode of care is in a separate unit specifically designed, staffed, and equipped to deal with this degenerative disease, there was no persuasive proof that the demand is such as to warrant the creation of a separate unit such as proposed by HCR and Careage. 10/ Absent such quantifiable demand, the application of Hillhaven more realistically addresses the need for Alzheimer's disease patients than does that of the other applicants. With regard to subacute care services, the proof likewise fails to quantify the demand for such services. Under such circumstances, Careage's proposed 10-bed subacute care unit is not objectively warranted, and does not serve to better its proposal to provide such services over the proposals of the other applicants. Consistency with district plan and state plan The District 8 health plan contains the following pertinent standards and criteria: Community nursing home services should be available to the residents of each county, 4 within District Eight. At a minimum, community nursing home facilities should make available, in addition to minimum statutory regulation, in the facility or under contractual arrangements, the following services: a. pharmacy h. occupational therapy b. laboratory i. physical therapy c. x-ray j. speech therapy c. dental care k. mental health counseling e. visual care l. social services f. hearing care m. medial services g. diet therapy New and existing community nursing bed developments should dedicate 33-1/3 percent of their beds to use for Medicaid patients. Community nursing home (skilled and intermediate care) facilities in each county should maintain an occupancy rate of at least 90 percent. No new community nursing home facility should be constructed having less than 60 beds... Each nursing facility should have a patient transfer agreement with one or more hospitals within an hour's travel time, or the nearest hospital within the same county. All community nursing homes and applicants for community nursing homes should document their history of participation in Medicaid and Medicare programs. ... The State Health Plan contains the following pertinent goals: GOAL 1: TO DEVELOP AN ADEQUATE SUPPLY OF LONG TERM CARE SERVICES THROUGHOUT FLORIDA. GOAL 2: TO ENSURE THAT APPROPRIATE LONG TERM, CARE SERVICES ARE ACCESSIBLE TO ALL RESIDENTS OF FLORIDA. Each of the applicants demonstrated that their proposal would conform, at least minimally, with the foregoing provisions of the state and local health plans. Of particular significance to Lee County is, however, an applicant's commitment to Medicaid service. The District 8 Council has reported that hospitals in Lee County are having difficulty placing Medicaid patients in nursing homes due to the unavailability of Medicaid beds. The current Medicaid experience is 46 percent. Therefore, the local council has directed that new and existing community nursing home developments should dedicate at least 33-1/3 percent of their beds for Medicaid patients. While all applicants propose to meet this standard, Hillhaven's proposal to dedicate 53 percent of its beds to Medicaid care is substantially greater than the commitment of the other applicants, and is consistent with its current experience in meeting a community's need for nursing home care. Availability, appropriateness, and extent of utilization of existing health care services Section 381.705(1)(b), Florida Statutes, requires Consideration of the availability, quality of care, efficiency, appropriateness, accessibility, extent of utilization, and adequacy of like and existing health care services in the service district. When the subject applications were filed, there were 1,056 licensed beds in Lee County with an occupancy rate of 91.91 percent. The nursing home bed supply in Lee County is obviously strained, and there exist no reasonable alternatives to the addition of new beds to the subdistrict. To coordinate with existing health facilities, each applicant proposes to establish appropriate transfer agreements and affiliations with local physicians, hospitals, and other health care providers. While some of the applicants have proposed an Alzheimer's unit and subacute care unit, the proof failed to demonstrate any quantitative need for such units in the subdistrict. Some applicants also proposed to provide day care in conjunction with their nursing home. Currently, there exists adequate day care in Lee County at little or no expense to the patient, and there was no persuasive proof of a need for additional day care services. Economies derived from joint health care resources HCR and Hillhaven each proposed 120-bed facilities which would provide for a more efficient and economical operation than a 60-bed facility. The 60-bed facilities proposed by Forum and Health Quest are, however, part of a larger complex which likewise lends itself to an efficient and economical operation. HCR, Hillhaven, Forum and Health Quest are major operators of nursing home facilities, and are thereby able to negotiate and obtain bulk prices for food, medical and nursing supplies. These savings are ultimately passed on to the residents. Additionally, by drawing upon a broad spectrum of expertise existent within their corporate networks, these applicants are best able to maintain and improve the services they offer. The criteria on balance In evaluating the applications at issue in this proceeding, none of the criteria established by Section 381.705, Florida Statutes, or Rule 10- 5.011(k), Florida Administrative Code, have been overlooked. As between the competing applicants, consideration of those criteria demonstrates that Hillhaven is the superior applicant whether it is evaluated on its application as initially reviewed by the Department or as updated at hearing. Among other things, the Hillhaven facility is spacious with large and well appointed patient rooms, its project costs are most reasonable (whether type 5 or type 4 construction), its programmatic proposal and staffing levels are most reasonable in light of existing demand, its provision for Medicaid services is the highest, and its patient charges are the lowest.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered granting Hillhaven's application for a certificate of need to construct a new 20-bed community nursing home in Lee County, and denying the applications of HCR, Forum, Health Quest and Careage. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 22nd day of November, 1988. WILLIAM J. KENDRICK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of November, 1987.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57651.118
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 84-000022 Latest Update: Aug. 29, 1985

The Issue The ultimate issue, by comparative hearing, is which applicant has submitted an application best meeting the criteria of Section 381.494(6)(c), Florida Statutes and Rule 10-5.11, Florida Administrative Code. STIPULATIONS At the formal hearing, all parties stipulated that, as a matter of law and fact, there are 60 nursing hone beds needed to be allocated to one of the parties in these proceedings; that the criteria in Section 381.494(6)(c)(4), (6), (10), and (11) Florida Statutes were not applicable to this case and that the parties need not demonstrate compliance therewith.

Findings Of Fact The stipulations immediately above are adopted in toto as a finding of fact. (See January 30, 1984 Order herein). It is typically more cost-efficient to add 60 beds to an existing nursing home than to construct a free-standing 60-bed nursing home. In comparing competing projects' costs, total cost per bed (including financing, development, and construction costs) is a more accurate indicator of true financial cost of a project than is cost per square foot. Also, cost per bed is more accurate reflection of what the community must pay for a nursing facility than cost per square foot, since cost per bed takes into account the financing, developing, and construction costs. By comparison, BEVERLY's cost per bed is $19,000, FLC's cost per bed is 21,083 and FLNC's cost per bed is .$18,335. 1/ BEVERLY is a for-profit corporation. By its revised CON application, it proposes a 60-bed addition to its existing 120-bed nursing home, Longwood Health Care Center, located in Seminole County, Florida. BEVERLY has operated the Longwood facility for only 3 years. It is operated under an assumption of lease. Dan Bruns, Director of Acquisitions and Development for BEVERLY, testified that the corporate resolution (B-3) is the authorization for BEVERLY's CON application but that exhibit does not reference the revised 60 bed CON application. Upon the lease terms at Longwood and the corporate resolution, BEVERLY's authority to carry through with a 60 bed addition is suspect. FLC is a six-person investment group which has as yet selected no site and has no firm commitment to a specific site or geographic area within Seminole County for its project. Indeed, the entity which will own the FLC project's physical plant has not yet been created. FLC's revised CON application proposes construction of a 120-bed facility with 60 skilled nursing home beds and 60 beds dedicated for an "adult congregate living facility" (ACLF). ACLFs are exempt from Florida statutory and Florida Administrative Code requirements of qualifying for a CON through Respondent HRS. An effect of this exemption is to make FLC's 60/60 plan generally cost-competitive in light of this order's Fact Paragraph 2, above. 2/ FLC's ACLF portion is designed to comply with all regulations for a skilled nursing facility. FLNC, is a not-for-profit corporation. FLNC is within the health and educational hierarchy of the Seventh Day Adventist faith. Under a recent lease, FLNC is currently operated by Sunbelt Health Care Systems, which operates 26 hospitals and 4 nursing homes, two of which are in Florida. FLNC proposes a 60- bed addition on the same level as its existing 104-bed nursing home in Forest City, Seminole County, Florida. This is to be accomplished by constructing on the north side of the existing nursing home a two story structure with 60 nursing beds on the second floor and the bottom or first floor to be shelled-in space. Shelled-in space in nursing homes is permitted by HRS policy and FLNC proposes this bottom or first floor will be designed to meet all construction and fire codes for a nursing home as well as for an ACLF. Since FLNC's property falts off severely to the north, this proposal constitutes the best and highest use of the property owned by FLNC from an architectural and design point of view. The roofing concept is energy-efficient and the top floor or proposed 60-nursing bed area will be accessible from the existing facility without ever leaving covered or heated space. There will be no significant emergency evacuation problem resulting from this FLNC design and no undue inconvenience to visitors utilizing the parking lot. FLC's and FLNC's proposals have the potential advantage for future "CON competitions" of conversion space if HRS ever allocates more nursing beds to Seminole County in the future. This aspect is immaterial to the issues presented by the present CON applications. BEVERLY is the largest nursing home corporation in the United States and encourages the inference to be drawn that its centralized management has the plus of "corporate giant" purchasing power enabling it to obtain best prices for commodities and to obtain the choicest of staff applicants. FLC asserts similar superiority in national recruitment and hiring practices although upon a much narrower base. Neither of these applicants' assertions was established as a significant variable by competent substantial evidence. FLNC makes no similar assertions. FLC further asserts that it is in an advantageous position with regard to quality of care because it is able to transfer nurses and much of its other staff from facility to facility among its several nursing homes. This assertion has some merit but its financial advantage is offset by FLC's pattern of staffing at a higher level than necessary, the costs of which must eventually be passed on to the patients. As to affirmatively demonstrating superior quality of care, it has limited weight as applied to the facts of this case. BEVERLY's projected total cost for the 60-bed addition is $1,140,000. On a per bed basis, that computes to $19,000 per bed. BEVERLY's total construction cost (including labor, material, contingency, and inflation) is $804,000 but an unknown amount per square foot. By this finding, BEVERLY's premise that its total projected construction cost computes at $50.77 per square foot and the other parties' contention that BEVERLY's cost is $61.84 per square foot are both specifically rejected. 3/ FLC's projected total cost of its facility is $2,300,000. BEVERLY's premise with regard to a contingency fund for FLC was not affirmatively demonstrated, but FLC somewhat arbitrarily allocates 55 percent of its total (or $1,265,000) to the 60-bed nursing home segment. On a per bed basis, this is $21,083 per bed contrary to FLC's assertion of $19,166 per bed. FLC's projected total construction cost of the total proposed facility (nursing wing and ACLF) is $1,488,800, which FLC breaks down as $818,840 or $44.82 per square foot within the nursing home segment/wing. This testimony is, however, somewhat suspect because FLC's architect, Monday, admitted he had not personally prepared these construction costs and because the figure set aside by FLC for land/site acquisition is pure speculation in light of FLC's failure to commit to a specific geographical location. Real property prices and availability are clearly notstatic, known factors, and fluctuations in price have not been adequately accounted for by this FLC estimate. Further, FLC admits its figures on the basis of 55 per cent, are not as accurate as using dollar figures. FLNC's projected total cost for its 60-bed nursing home segment/wing addition is $1,100,113. On a per bed basis, that computes to $18,335 per bed. FLNC's total construction cost is $854,913 or a projected $51.00 per square foot within the new nursing segment/wing addition. FLNC is the only applicant whose projected cost per square foot falls within the HRS' experience concerning average cost per square foot of nursing homes. BEVERLY's premise that FLNC should have allowed a contingency fund for adjustments in design and construction so as to comply with local ordinances, for sewerage connection, for drainage, for retainage walls and for a variety of other purely speculative construction problems which BEVERLY failed to affirmatively demonstrate would inevitably develop from FLNC's existing site or proposed project is specifically rejected. Also rejected hereby is BEVERLY's suggestion that FLNC's method of calculating fixed and moveable equipment costs together somehow camouflages FLNC's construction costs. While that may be the ultimate result of this method in some situations, both HRS regulations and good accounting practices permit fixed equipment to be broken out as either construction or equipment costs. It is not appropriate for the finder of fact to adjust a reasonably allowable calculation of an applicant in the absence of clear evidence rendering such reasonably allowable calculation inappropriate to specific circumstances. BEVERLY provided only an outline of its existing Longwood building on the site. It gives no elevations. (B-13) FLC submitted a schematic drawing (FLC-12) but did not submit a site plan. FLNC submitted both a site plan and a schematic drawing of its existing facility as well as its proposed facility (FLNC-11). Further, FLNC-2 (Table 16) shows FLNC's ancillary areas as adequate and available to that applicant's proposed 60 nursing bed addition. 4/ As stated, BEVERLY did not submit floor or site plans for its existing 120 nursing bed facility. Without such plans, it is difficult to analyze the existing ancillary areas or the proposed room relationships/configuration which will result from construction of the new 60 bed nursing segment/wing. BEVERLY proposes to add 60 beds to the Longwood facility by "repeating" a patient wing. The existing facility currently consists of right and left patient wings branching off from an ancillary area hub. The new 60-bed segment wing is planned to contain 28 semi-private (2 bed) rooms and four private (1 bed) rooms, but since there is no architect's design schematic drawing, blueline, etc., to establish precisely how the rooms will be laid out, to a degree, the configuration must be conjectured on whether a left or right wing is the wing repeated. Because of the lack of a clear architectural plan, there is no resolution of much conflicting evidence offered by BEVERLY's own expert witnesses including total square footage. Also, for its new proposed segment/wing, BEVERLY only submitted a site plan drawing so that particularly wanting is any valid method by which the undersigned may compare BEVERLY's application and proposed plans for its bathroom facilities to be located in the new 60 nursing bed segment/wing proposed for the BEVERLY Longwood facility with bathroom facilities proposed by the other two CON applicants. BEVERLY's architect, Fletcher, testified there will be two central baths in the new wing to serve the private rooms, but even he could not confirm the number of baths in the new wing. Therefore, much information concerning bathroom facilities is missing from BEVERLY's revised application. FLC's nursing home segment will amount to 18,270 square feet of new construction which computes to 305 gross square feet per bed unless the shared ancillary areas are considered. Because ancillary areas must be considered, the foregoing figures are reduced by 5,500 square feet to 12,770 square feet or a low of 212.8 gross square feet per bed in FLC's proposed nursing home segment/wing. FLNC's proposed 60 nursing bed segment/wing will amount to 16,763 square feet, or 279 gross square feet per bed. FLNC's existing ancillary facilities will also adequately and efficiently service the proposed 60 nursing bed segment/wing. One reason for this is that FLNC's existing ancillary facilities space is excessive by current licensure requirements. For instance, modern regulations require only 9 square feet per bed for the dining area. Due to Hill-Burton grant standards requiring 30 square feet when FLNC's existing facility was built, this and all other existing ancillary areas at FLNC were built considerably larger than if the existing facility were being constructed today solely to comply with HRS licensure requirements. FLNC's proposal takes advantage of this situation to reduce construction costs. FLC's floor plan is a "cookie-cutter" concept already successfully applied by this corporate applicant in several locations. In particular, it differs from BEVERLY's plan (or lack of plan) and FLNC's plan because it contemplates allocating four beds instead of two beds per toilet and provides a communal shower layout for the same four beds. FLNC's application plans contemplate 26 semiprivate (2 bed) rooms and eight private (single bed) rooms. Each room, regardless of designation, will have its own toilet. At FLNC, the maximum number of patients obliged to share a toilet or lavatory will be two. All three applicants meet the state minimum requirements of ratio of toilets to beds, but it is axiomatic that the two persons per toilet ratio as apparently proposed by BEVERLY and as definitely proposed by FLNC is a preferable factor in rating quality of care than is the four persons per toilet proposed by FLC. FLC's plan is less desirable for encouraging privacy, dignity, and independence of nursing home patients than are the other two plans. BEVERLY's proposed wing will be 100 per cent financed by a bank letter of credit with an interest rate of 13 percent over 20 years, however, this letter only references BEVERLY's original 120 new-bed CON application and is silent as to its subsequent (revised) 60-bed application. In short, its financing commitment is dependent upon BEVERLY's being named the successful CON applicant. FLC's financing situation involves a combination of equity and bank financing and is not firm. Its investment group will seek a loan for 90 percent of the amount needed from Barnett Bank. Financing is not solidly committed as to loan amount, loan term, or interest rate and is therefore inadequate. Analyses of "creditworthiness" of an applicant and "financial feasibility" pronouncements by a lending institution do not equate with a firm commitment to loan amount, term and interest. FLNC's financing is guaranteed up to $1,300,000 by a letter of commitment from the Florida Conference Association of Seventh Day Adventists at 12 per cent interest for 20 years. The background of FLNC's relationship with this denominational financial "parent" provides an encouraging prognosis for long range as well as immediate success and stability of FLNC's project if it is the successful CON applicant. The projected Medicaid and Medicare utilization figures of all three of the applicants contain elements of speculation. 5/ Moreover, after a facility has been opened for 5 or 6 years there is a greater incentive to seek private pay patients because the reimbursement is higher than Medicaid. However, the actual commitment figures provided by the parties does provide a valid comparison factor. BEVERLY's commitment to Medicare is 2 percent. BEVERLY has not committed and is not prepared to commit a specific percentage of the stipulated 60 beds to Medicaid participation. Although BEVERLY's application projects 33 percent Medicaid in the second year of operation, its Director of Acquisitions and Development, Dan Bruns, could not definitely commit to continue admission of 83 percent Medicaid beds in the 120 + 60-bed configuration using Longwood. FLC has committed 10 percent of the total stipulated 60 beds to Medicare., FLC has committed 52 percent of the stipulated 60 beds to Medicaid participation, but in light of FLC's withdrawal from Medicaid participation at one of its facilities and subsequent transfer of Medicaid patients, FLC's commitment here may be viewed as revocable as well. Although FLNC does not project strong Medicare involvement, FUN will be Medicaid and Medicare certified and has committed 50 per cent (50 percent) of the beds in the total facility [existing beds (104) + proposed beds if it is the successful CON applicant (60) for a total commitment of 164/2 = 84 beds] to Medicaid participation. FLNC intends only to enlarge Medicare beds in its existing 104 bed facility. FLNC intends to seek Veteran's Administration Certification. Moreover, FLNC's existing facility was principally funded with Hill-Burton grant money and FLNC annually repays its original loan through delivery of free service to indigent persons. Among the three applicants, FLNC's Hill-Burton obligation, enforced by financial considerations, demonstrates both a strong (14 years) "track record" of FLNC's accessibility to the medically indigent and traditionally underserved in the community as well as a strong indicator of continued accessibility to this segment of the community. FLNC has the lowest charge rate of all three applicants while spending more dollars on patient care than the respective averages of the other two applicant's facilities and this ratio is significant in assessing and comparing both quality of care and availability to the medically underserved of the Seminole County "community." BEVERLY's existing Longwood facility has been a BEVERLY operation less than three years (since August, 1982) and has had a "standard" rating up through the date of hearing. FLC plans to construct an entirely new facility and so has no current license to review. All of its existing homes have standard ratings. FLNC's existing facility has been operating 14 years and has had a "standard" or equivalent rating except for a three months "conditional" rating before return to "standard". BEVERLY staffs all of its beds for skilled patients and commingles its skilled and intermediate patients. FLC staffs all its beds for skilled patients. Although HRS encourages "higher" staffing, this policy can increase costs to patients. FLNC's plan is to create a discreet intermediate wing which, although licensed for skilled beds, will be primarily used for intermediate level patients. Except as indicated infra geographic location of BEVERLY's Longwood facility and of FLNC within Seminole County is not a significant variable. FLC cannot be compared geographically because it has not yet selected a site. FLC proposes one administrator for the combined ACLF and nursing home. The administrator's salary will be allocated between the ACLF and the nursing home. FLC does not specify the proportion of salary attributable to the ACLF. FLNC has had the same administrator for fourteen years BEVERLY's Longwood facility and FLNC have established monthly in- service training for staff members. All three applicants project in-service training and volunteer activity programs if granted the CON. FLC has demonstrated its other existing nursing homes have the most varietal and aggressive patient activity programs utilizing outside community volunteers This and its in-service programs are part of an internal quality control system labelled "Quest for quality". FLC also embraces the idea of using numerous visiting contract consultants in a variety of disciplines such as psychology and nutrition. FLC nursing homes also are active members of a number of national quality control professional groups. By contract, the Orange County Board of Education uses FLNC's existing nursing home as a laboratory for nurses' aide training for the Apopka High School. Also, FLNC permits use of its existing facility as a laboratory for the geriatric training program of Florida Hospital's Licensed Practical Nurse School. These programs could be extended to include the proposed segment/wing and are symbiotic relationships significantly benefiting the quality of care of nursing home patients as well as the student interns. FUC participates with HRS in a program for those adjudicated to do community service in Seminole County. BEVERLY's recent creation of an assistant to the president slot to oversee quality of patient life is commendable, but located at the highest corporate level, and in another state, this benefit will be somewhat diluted at the point of delivery in Seminole County, Florida. This individual's first responsibility is to the corporate shareholders not to a specific nursing home's patients and staff. As to all three applicants, administrative complaints by themselves are both irrelevant and immaterial to this de novo proceeding. Particularly, complaints are immaterial unless they result in an adjudication. Dismissals and settlements without adjudication or admission of guilt are of no probative value. Moreover, in light of testimony of the HRS licensure representative that there is no nursing home in Florida which has not been cited at least once, deficiency ratings brief in duration in proportion to many years of operation are of little significance or probative value. 6/ BEVERLY and FLC contended that FLNC's affiliation with the Christian religious denomination of Seventh Day Adventists somehow diminishes FLNC's application. This position was not established by direct credible evidence on any of the strategic tangents it took at the formal hearing. Admission data provided for the existing FLNC facility indicates that whether measured by policy and statistics or by admissions, FLNC is not restricted by religious faith or affiliation. By this finding of fact, a convenient "draw" of FLNC from a nearby Seventh Day Adventist retirement center has not been ignored nor has evidence that many of the admissions drawn from this retirement community appear to be "repeaters" at the existing FLNC nursing home been ignored, but this corollary may be attributed to the natural proclivity of the retired and elderly to account for a large percentage of the nursing home beds consumed in any locality, and upon this analysis the 15 per cent to 20 per cent (15-20 percent) draw of FLNC from this source could be as much geographically as religiously induced. Failure to repeat attempts at placement of patients at FLNC color the credibility of the testimony of most witnesses who infer a religious barrier to placement of patients at FLNC. Teresa S. Shaw is Director of Social Services, Florida Hospital, Altamonte. In light of that acute care hospital being Part of the Seventh Day Adventist faith's health and educational hierarchy, somewhat greater weight might be placed on her analysis if she felt religion played a part in FLNC's acceptance or rejection of patients. However, she testified she did not know of FLNC's affiliation. This, together with the actual admissions data provided by FLNC, supports this finding of no religious barrier. Unavailability of beds at FLNC has no probative value for charges of religious discrimination either. 7/ Suggestions that the Seventh Day Adventist dietary restrictions against consumption of animal-protein and caffeine and against tobacco-smoking in its nursing homes somehow reduces the quality of nursing home care at FLNC are rejected as unproved. First, it was never established that smoking benefits quality of care, but in any case, FLNC, like all certified nursing homes, complies with the requirement of providing a smoking area. Second, consumption of caffeine and animal-protein can obviously create numerous health and sanitary problems for those incontinent patients who often comprise a large percentage of any nursing home population. Third, it was never established that caffeine or animal-protein benefits the quality of nursing home care. Moreover testimony of FLNC's administrator clearly indicates that at FLNC patients' diets are established by the attending physician and that patients' families may bring in items not normally served by FLNC if this supplementation is permitted on the diet prescribed by the attending physician. It is the physician, not the nursing home, that has ultimate dietary authority.

Recommendation After considering all submissions of counsel, and upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law determined after reviewing those submissions, it is, RECOMMENDED: That HRS issue a certificate of need for a 60-bed addition to FLORIDA LIVING NURSING CENTER, INC's Seminole County facility, with total project cost not to exceed $1,100,113.00 and area not to exceed 16,763 square feet and deny the other applications. DONE and ENTERED this 8th day of May, 1985 in Tallahassee, Florida. ELLA JANE P. DAVIS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of May, 1985.

# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-002868 Latest Update: Jan. 26, 1987

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, therefore: RECOMMENDED That Manor Care be issued a CON for the construction of a 60 bed nursing home; Palm Bay Care Center be awarded a CON for the construction of a 60 bed nursing home; Forum Group be awarded a CON for a 40 bed nursing home and Courtenay Springs be awarded a CON for 36 nursing home beds. RECOMMENDED this 26th day of January, 1987, at Tallahassee, Florida. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-99675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of January, 1987. COPIES FURNISHED: William Page, Jr., Secretary Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Jean Laramore, Esquire Kenneth Hoffman, Esquire 325 North Calhoun Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Thomas B. Smith, Esquire Post Office Box 633 Orlando, Florida 32802 John Grout, Esquire Post Office Box 180 Orlando, Florida 32802 Donna H. Stinson, Esquire Suite 100 Perkins House 118 North Gadsden Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Susan G. Tuttle, Esquire 402 South Florida Avenue Tampa, Florida 33602 Robert D. Newell, Jr., Esquire Suite B 200 South Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 John F. Gilroy, Esquire Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32301 APPENDIX The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.57(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the Proposed Findings of Fact submitted by the parties herein. 1-13 Accepted. 14 & 15 Accepted. 16-18 Rejected as a recitation of the evidence. 19-23 Accepted. 24 Accepted. 25-29 Accepted. 30 & 31 Accepted. 32 Irrelevant. 33-34 Accepted. 35-37 Accepted. 38-46 Accepted. 47 & 48 Accepted. 49 & 50 Accepted. 51 Discussion, not Finding of Fact. 52-56 Accepted. Rejected as a recitation of the evidence. Accepted. Accepted to the fact that there were no sheltered beds in existence. Irrelevant. 61-63 Accepted but not of substantial positive value. 64 & 65 Accepted. Opinion not Finding of Fact. Accepted. 68-75 Accepted. 76-80 Irrelevant based on part operation and evidence shows facility is to be sold. 81-85 Irrelevant - see next 86-90 Rejected as a conclusion of law and not a Finding of Fact. 91 Not a Finding of Fact. 92-94 Accepted. 95 Irrelevant as to local district. 96-103 Accepted. 104-105 Rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Accepted as to what Dr. Hoffman supported. Accepted as to what Dr. Hoffman indicated. 108-110 Accepted. Rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Accepted. Not a Finding of Fact. 114-118 Accepted. 119&120 Not a Finding of Fact. 121&122 Accepted. 123 Accepted as to the one facility currently operated. 124-127 Accepted. Speculation insufficient to support a Finding of Fact. Argument, not a Finding of Fact. Accepted. 131-133 Accepted. 134 Not a Finding of Fact. 135-137 Accepted. 138 Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 139-147 Accepted. 148&149 Not a Finding of Fact. 150-164 Accepted. Rejected as a summary of testimony, not a Finding of Fact. Irrelevant. 167-176 Accepted. Rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence Rejected as a summary of testimony. Accepted. 180&181 Accepted. 182 Irrelevant. 183&184 Accepted. 185 Rejected as a conclusion. 186&187 Rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. As to Manor Care 1 Accepted. 2&3 Rejected as not a part of the case. 4 Accepted. 5-7 Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. 10-11 Accepted. 12 Accepted. 13-19 Accepted. 20-22 Accepted. As to Forum 1-13 Accepted. 14-16 Accepted. 17-22 Accepted. 23&24 Accepted. 25-27 Accepted. 28-31 Accepted. 32 Accepted. 33-35 Accepted. 36 Rejected as speculation. 37-42 Accepted. 43 Accepted. 44-47 Accepted. 48&49 Accepted. 50-55 Accepted. Rejected as a conclusion not consistent with the evidence. Accepted. 58&59 Accepted. 60-64 Accepted. 65-69 Accepted. 70&71 Irrelevant. 72&73 Accepted. 74-76 Accepted. Accepted as to the first sentence. Second sentence is not a Finding of Fact. Accepted. As to PBCC 1&2 Accepted. 3 Rejected as a Conclusion of Law. 46 Accepted. Accepted. Rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Accepted. 10-12 Accepted. Rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence except for the first sentence which is accepted. Rejected. 15-20 Accepted. 21-27 Accepted. 28 Rejected as an overstatement and not supported by the evidence. 29&30 Accepted. 31 Rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. 32-38 Accepted. 39-43 Accepted. 44-50 Accepted. 51-57 Accepted. Accepted except for the first sentence which is unsupported by credible evidence of record. Accepted. Rejected. Accepted. As to Courtenay This party failed to number or otherwise identify its Findings of Fact individually. Therefore, no specific ruling as to each Finding of Fact is hereby made. In light of the ultimate recommendation of the Hearing Officer that the party's CON be approved, no prejudice to this party can be said to have occurred. As to DHRS 1-4 Accepted 5 Summary of testimony and not a Finding of Fact. 6-1 Is an argument of the party's position, not a Finding of Fact. 12-14 Rejected as matters not a part of the party's position at hearing. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. 19-22 Accepted. Rejected as a summary of testimony and not a Finding of Fact. Accepted. 25-28 Accepted. 29-31 Accepted.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Apr. 09, 1991 Number: 91-002231 Latest Update: May 13, 1992

Findings Of Fact NATURE OF THE CONTROVERSY In response to a 144 nursing home bed need for southeast Duval County, Florida, Subdistrict 3, HRS Service District IV, several applicants filed nursing home bed certificate of need applications for the review cycle triggered by a December 5, 1990 deadline, including; CVI for a 60-bed addition to an existing 60-bed facility authorized by Certificate of Need No. 5602; Atrium for an 84-bed facility; Marriott for a 30-bed facility; Health Quest for a 41-bed renovation and conversion of assisted-living facility beds, or 24-bed addition to the existing nursing home. Two other applicants, Health Care and Retirement Corporation of America for a 120-bed facility and Health Care Properties of St. Augustine for a 60-bed facility, did not pursue administrative appeals of their applications. HRS found all of the applications to be complete and all proposals were comparatively reviewed on their merits, with the exception of the MCRI 24-bed proposal which HRS found was untimely. The Department noticed its intent to approve the applications filed by CVI and Atrium. MRCI and HQR are Petitioners contesting the HRS intent because their applications were denied. HQR also claimed standing as an alleged substantially affected existing facility; however, HQR did not present any evidence in support of its standing on these grounds. THE HRS REVIEW HRS required the applicants to submit their proposals on an application form designated "HRS Form 1455, Oct.`88". [CVI Ex. 8; Tr. 2461. This application form is not a rule. [E.D. Tr. 1618]. A work group consisting of HRS and nursing home industry representatives developed the application form and HRS review procedures. [S.G., Q. 14; CVI Ex. 10; ANH Ex. 8]. Criteria at Section 381.705, Florida Statutes, form the basis for 13 goals of the HRS review process. (Id. S.G. pp. 4-15, Q. 14-39; ANH Ex. 8, p. 4). The goals are as follows: The first goal promotes the establishment of facilities to provide services when and where needed, intended to implement Sections 381.705(l) (a), (b), (d), (e), (j), (l), (2)(a), (b), (d) and (e) The second goal promotes special resident programs for special population groups, intended to implement Sections 381.705(1)(a), (b), (c), (f), (j), (l), (2) (a), (b) and The third goal promotes the establishment of continuing care-type communities, intended to implement Sections 381.705(1)(a), (b), (d), (e), (j), (2)(a), (b) and (d). The fourth goal promotes use of professionals in a variety of disciplines to meet resident needs, intended to implement Sections 381.705(1)(b),(c), (f), (g), (h), (j), (1) and (n). The fifth goal promotes the establishment of well-designed, comfortable facilities, intended to implement Sections 381.705(1)(b), (c), (m) and (2)(c). The sixth goal promotes residents' rights and residents' quality of life, intended to implement Sections 381.705(1)(b), (c), (f), (j), (l) and (2)(b). The seventh goal promotes a full range of social services for nursing home residents, intended to implement Sections 381.705(1)(b), (c), (f), (j), (l) and (2)(b) and (d). The eighth goal promotes provision of services to Medicaid eligible residents, intended to implement Sections 381.705(1)(a), (h), (n) and (2) (e) The ninth goal promotes the establishment of nursing homes which do not intend to secure significant profits at the expense of resid ent care programs and facility design, intended to implement Sections 381.705(1)(b), (e), (h), (i), (l), (2)(a), (c) and (e) The tenth goal promotes nursing home locations which achieve a geographic distribution of nursing home beds, intended to implement Sections 381.705(1)(a), (b), (d), (e), (h), (j), (2) (a), (b) and (d). The eleventh goal promotes proper projection of construction costs, intended to implement Sections 381.705(1)(b), (e), (i) , (l), (m) , (2)(a) and (c) The twelfth goal promotes the establishment of nursing homes which have a record of implementing superior resident care programs and providing superior quality of care, intended to implement Sections 38 1.705(1) (b), (c), (f), (h), (j), (l), (n) and (2) (b); and The thirteenth goal promotes nursing home charges consistent with industry trends and Medicaid charges which are within Medicaid upper limits, intended to implement Sections 381.705(1)(b), (e), (h), (i), (l), (m), (2)(a) and (e) The working group identified the goals as representing desirable outcomes under the statute to be attained by successful applicants if specific objectives are achieved. Eight objectives, each relating to one or more of the goals are then utilized, with each operationally defined by several items of information. Scoring points are divided among the various items of information solicited under each objective. [SAG. p. 3, Q. 14, p. 17, 18, Q. 45; A.G. Tr. 1330]. The scoring system is not a rule; HRS utilizes it on a case-by-case basis to aid in decision-making. [A.G. Tr. 1273, 1274; S.G. Q. 43, 45, 46]. An application was measured by assessing the responses provided in the application against the point system. [ANH Ex. 8, p. 4; S.G. Q. 43, 45, 46]. The scoring system is a means to accomplish an evaluation of information--the process of forming, qualifying, verifying, and establishing judgments. Applicants are asked to specify concrete procedures or steps that, when implemented, are likely to result in a clear and predictable outcome. [S.G. Q. 44; A.G. Tr. 1320, 1321]. Thus, both operational features and the implementation process for those features are sought. All of the foregoing evaluation procedures, including the goals, objectives, review protocols and scoring system were disclosed to the applicants prior to application preparation and filing. [S.G. Q. 14; CVI Ex. 10; ANH Ex. 8; J.B. Q. 24]. Two HRS review consultants, a primary and a secondary reviewer, assigned a number to each application item which represented that consultant's assessment of how well the applicant's response addressed the particular item. [S.G. Q. 42, 43, 45; ANH Ex. 8, p. 4]. The ultimate score was calculated by a combination of manual and computer scoring which assigned the points available for each item number. [ANH Ex. 8 p. 4; S.G. Q. 45]. The scores assigned by each of the two consultants were then averaged. [ANH Ex. 8, p. 4; S.G. Q. 45]. A statistical reliability analysis of the consultants' assessments was then conducted before further evaluation proceeded. The work group also established protocols for evaluating the information provided by applicants. [S.G. Q. 14, 45]. The protocols utilized by the HRS provide a methodology which results in predictability, uniformity and commonality of judgment in the review of each application insofar as that is possible with subjective judgments of facts [S.G. Q. 42, 43, 45, 46]. Upon completion of the scoring, a final assessment was conducted by HRS managers who evaluated the overall presentation of information in the application available to make a judgment--the application of functional aspects with program components, whether the integration of the elements was internally consistent, and the likelihood that the proposal will have the success predicted by the applicant. [S.G. Q. 43, 46]. These elements serve as verification of the reviewer's actions and reflect the decision-making that occurs when the preliminary decision is made. Under the HRS evaluation system, there is no particular "passing" score. [S.G. Q. 45, 46]. The scores attained were utilized as an aid to evaluating the applications. [A.G. Tr. 1273, 1274]. The goal is to attain the highest possible percentage score possible based upon a potential base score of 1500 points. A successful applicant should demonstrate a consistently high number on each of the eight rated objectives. Reviewer judgment dictates the score; the score does not dictate the judgment. A display of the scores will quickly reveal weak points and inconsistencies in the application which assist HRS in exercising its decision- making discretion in weighing and balancing the statutory criteria. [A.G. Tr. 1273, 1274]. HRS prepared a "State Agency Action Report" which explained the evaluation, summarized the HRS findings, provided the scoring results, and stated HRS' intent to approve the CVI and ANH applications. [ANH Ex. 8]. 22. The scoring results Primary were: Secondary Average Percent of Reviewer Reviewer Score Maximum Atrium 1196.9 1274.33 1235.61 82.37 CVI 1175.28 1178.77 1177.03 78.47 Health Care & Retirement Corp. 1113.92 1185.4 1149.66 76.64 Health Care 1119.25 Properties of St . Augustine Marriott 1110.58 1150.90 1143.67 1135.08 1127.12 75.64 75.14 Health Quest (41 beds) 1079.46 1109.05 1094.26 72.95 Health Quest 1079.46 (24 beds) 1109.05 1094.26 72.95 The staff consultant with primary review responsibility exercised her professional judgment in reviewing the applications. [A.G. Tr. p. 1272]. /1 There was no evidence that approval of any of the four applicants would have an adverse impact on the costs of providing health services, especially in light of the numeric need and the high occupancy rates within the subdistrict. There were no alternatives within the subdistrict for the providing the type of care required except construction of additional beds or renovation of existing beds of a similar type. Both of these alternatives were presented by the various applicants. THE CVI APPLICATION CVI is a not-for-profit Florida corporation. [CVI Ex. 3, iiia, iiic; J.B. Q. 28; CVI Ex. 8]. It is a local service unit of the National Benevolent Association of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), a Missouri not-for-profit corporation. The NBA was founded in 1887, and is one of the general administrative units of the General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The NBA provides care at numerous facilities to older adults, children and persons with developmental disabilities. [Id.; L.W. Q. 14]. Through local service units, (not including the CVI project), the NBA currently operates 13 nursing homes in 8 states. [Id.] CVI is developing a 65-acre adult retirement community on a site adjacent to the Mayo Clinic Jacksonville in southeast Duval County. [Id.]. Construction has been completed on all individual residential components of Phase I. [P.R. Tr. 200, 205, 206; K.V. Tr. 53; J.B. Tr. 311, 312; J.B. Q. 19]. The 60 bed addition will be part of Phase 11. [CVI Ex 3, PT 1, p. iiia; J.B. Q. 28]. Phase I consists of independent living apartments, an adult congregate living facility ("ACLF"), a 60-bed skilled nursing facility specifically designed for and dedicated to the care of persons afflicted with Alzheimer's disease and related dementia, and a core service building which contains administrative and other support facilities- [P.R. Tr. 200, 205, 206; K.V. Tr. 53; J.B. Tr. 311, 312; J.B. Q 19; CVI Ex. 3, PT II, p. 50a, supp. after p. 72a]. These elements, as required, have already been granted CON's. Phase I also included a maintenance building which in turn includes a laundry to serve the campus. [Id.; J.B. Q. 78, 79; CVI Ex. 3, PT I, p. 40a]. The Alzheimer's facility was authorized pursuant to Certificate of Need No. 5602 issued to CVI in 1989. [CVI Ex. 9; J.B. Q. 18]. The Alzheimer's facility consists of a 60-bed unit connected to the core service building. The 60 beds proposed by CVI herein will be located in a new nursing unit a.ii so to be /2 connected to the core service center. [Id.; P.R.Q. 12, 13, 14; P.R. Tr. 188, 189]. The Alzheimer's unit will also serve as a research center. [CVI Ex. 3, PT II, p. 71a, 71b; T.W. Q. 46, 47; K.V. Q. 17, 18]. All residents will participate in low-risk research such as diagnostic assessments, tracking the degenerative process through the collection of clinical data, behavioral observation and modification, activity-based therapy, and the use of environmental cues. [Id.; T.W. Q. 13]. Ultimately, dietary and drug therapies will also be the subject of research. [T.W. Q. 13]. The Mayo Clinic Jacksonville has a special Alzheimer's disease research team which will actively participate in the CVI research. [Id.]. CVI will be the only applicant licensed by HRS to operate the Alzheimer's unit. [F.D. Tr. 1565, 1566]. The Alzheimer's unit constitutes the nursing facility to which the proposed 60 nursing unit beds will be added.. [Id.]. CVI PROPOSED NURSING UNIT PROGRAM/QUALITY OF CARE CVI seeks a CON for a 60-bed nursing home addition to the ACLF mentioned above. The majority of the residents for the proposed nursing unit will come from the adult community developed by CVI which will be occupied by residents from within the total district. However, it is not anticipated that the adult community will be a direct source for nursing home residents for at least five years after the nursing unit is opened. [J.B. Q. 52, 103]. The CVI nursing unit will provide nursing care of a more generalized nature compared to the Alzheimer's unit. [J.B. Q. 26; K.V. Q. 28; CVI Ex. 3, PT II, p. iiia]. Consistent with CVI's plan for a continuum of care, the proposed nursing unit beds will also serve residents initially admitted to the Alzheimer's unit but whose disease has progressed to the point where the medical diagnosis becomes primary and, therefore, skilled nursing care becomes the primary need for that resident. [CVI Ex. 3, PT I, iiia; J.B. Q. 26; CVI Ex. 3, PT II, pp. 46a-46c; K.V. Q. 26, 27, 28]. However, utilizing existing Alzheimer's unit resources, these former Alzheimer's unit residents will still receive specialized care and participate in research; CVI Ex. 3, PT II, pp. 71a, 71b; T.W. Q. 46, 47]. CVI defines a "program" as those services designed to correct a resident's problem or condition. [CVII Ex. 3, PT I, p. 46a-46c; K.V. Q. 26, 27, 28]. The CVI nursing unit will offer three different specialized programs: (a) Alzheimer's care offering specific therapies for residents with Alzheimer's disease or related dementias; (b) a medically complex program offering restorative, therapeutic care for residents with acute, medically complex conditions; and (c) an inter-generational enrichment program for the purpose of stimulating nursing residents by daily interaction with children in a structured therapeutic activity. [Id.] Given the experience of the NBA at other local service units, CVI can reasonably be expected to provide excellent quality of care through the support and resources of NBA. [CVI Ex. 3, PT ii, pp. 24a-24c; T.W. Q. 29, 30; K.V. Q. 54]. CVI PROPOSED NURSING UNIT DESIGN SUPPORT FEATURES The nursing unit will comprise 18,720 square feet of new construction, with 28 semiprivate rooms, 3 private rooms, and one isolation room. [CVI Ex. 3, iiia; P.R. Q. 14-16]. The nursing unit will include an activity room, a day room/lounge with an outside activity deck, a nourishment station, and three garden recreation areas. [Id.]. The quality of life and care of the CVI nursing unit resident will be enhanced by resources available in the adjacent core service building which include a kitchen, a large, dividable dining area, activity rooms, physical and occupational therapy areas, beauty and barber shops, administration areas offices, medical treatment rooms, and a visitor lounge. [CVI Ex. 3, PT I, p. iiia; J.B. Q. 28]. Construction of the core service building was completed as part of the construction for the Alzheimer's unit. [P.R. Tr. 205-208]. When HRS reviewed the feasibility of the certificate of need application for the Alzheimer's unit, it also reviewed plans for the core service building. [P.R. 196-203, 207, 208; HQR Ex. 44; J.B. Tr. 255, 256]. The Alzheimer's unit was approved as a 60-bed alternative to a 120-bed nursing home proposed in CVI's earlier application for Certificate of Need No. 5602. [Id.]. Approval of the 60-bed Alzheimer's unit did not change the design nor reduce the total space planned far the core service building. [Id.]. The CVI nursing unit addition will not require the conversion, through renovation or new constructions of any area within the core service building. [P.R. pp. 200-206; J.B. Tr. 311, 312]. After the Alzheimer's unit project construction was underway, HRS allocated 7741 square feet of the core service building to represent the amount of core service area space under HRS nursing home jurisdiction. [P.R. Tr. 196, 199; HQR Ex. 42]. It is unrebutted that this allocated space will be sufficient to support both the proposed nursing unit beds and the Alzheimer's unit. [J.B. Tr. 311, 312; P.R. Tr. 196-203, 205, 206]. The allocated core space includes an allocation for the main dining room. Use of this main dining area is optional for residents of the Alzheimer's unit and the proposed nursing unit, since each unit has its own adequate dining facilities. [P.R. Tr. 188-191, 229; K.V. pp. 59, 60]. CVI will provide child day care for employees, and these children will participate inn the inter-generational enrichment program. [CVI Ex. 3,PT II, pp. 46a, 60a, 60b; K.V. 27, 28, 33, 34]. Ultimately, the child day care center will be located within a new apartment building, but will be temporarily housed in the core service building. [K.V. Tr. 52, 58]. CVI will also eventually construct a chapel to be located on the campus. [CVI Ex. 3, PT II, p. 66b; K.V. Q. 43, 44]. Until then, the nursing home residents will be able to utilize a chapel area located in one of the lounge areas in the existing apartment building. [K.V. Tr. p. 56]. CVI's semiprivate rooms are specially designed to provide a physical separation, through the use of a dividing wall, that approaches the privacy of a single room with the economizes of a semiprivate room, while still allowing each resident to have the very important contact with another person. [CVI Ex. 3, PT I, p. iiia, Appendix 11(4B); P.R. Q. 14-16; P.R. Tr. 182-186]. Each bed will overlook an individual adjacent window. [Id.]. CVI PROJECT COSTS CVI reasonably projects that the nursing unit will involve a total project cost of $3,286,258 - ($301,175 land, $2,174,108 (including $79,880 fixed equipment) building construction, $231,525 moveable equipment, and $571,450 intangible asset and deferred) [CVI Ex. 3, PT I, 24-27c; J.B. Q. 37-39, 41; P.R. Q. 8; T.W. Q. 19-21]. CVI's capital budget also includes the possible development of additional ACLF units on a second floor of the nursing unit building as part of Phase II. [CVI Ex. 3, PT I, pp. 28, 28a; J.B. Q. 42; J.B. Tr. 303, 304]. However, the CVI nursing unit construction cost was conservatively projected on the basis that the nursing unit would, like the Alzheimer's unit, be a one-story building. [P.R. Tr. 193-195]. It thereby accounts for all construction, including the roof, necessary to build the 18,720 square foot nursing unit. [Id.]. CVI's projected construction costs for the proposed nursing unit are reasonable and conservative. [CVI Ex. 3, PT 1, p. 27a; J.B. Q. 38, 39, 40; P.R. Q. 6; P.R. Tr. 210-212; CVI Ex. 34]. In the application, they were premised upon the Alzheimer's unit costs as known at the time the application was submitted. [Id.]. The reasonableness of the proposed nursing unit construction cost projections was again verified by the time of hearing in August, 1991. [J.B. Q. 41]. For construction (labor, materials, overhead, construction management, and profit) CVI projected a cost of $1,825,144, or $97.50 per square foot [CVI Ex. 3 PT 1, p. 27a; J.B. Q. 38, 39, 40; P.R. Q. 6; P.R. Tr. 210-212; CVI Ex. 34]. CVI certified to HRS that the final construction cost for the Alzheimer's unit under Certificate of Need No. 5602, including fixed equipment, was $76.33 per square foot. [CVI Ex. 34]. Adding the construction management fee, the final cost was $81.30 per square foot. [Id.]. If CVI's fixed equipment costs of $79,880 were added to the $1,825,144 projected construction cost for CVI's nursing unit, the result would be $101.74 per square foot. If the comparable Alzheimer's unit cost of $81.30 per square foot was conservatively inflated for a two year period (to allow adequate construction commencement after final agency action, see CVI Ex. 3, PT II, p. 57; P.R. 1. 25, 26) the result of $89.63 per square foot again reveals the reasonableness of CVI's projected construction costs. The CVI proposed nursing unit will occupy approximately 3 acres of the total 65 acre campus. [CVI Ex. 3, PT I, pp. iiia, 27a; J.B. Q. 28,38, 39, 46]. CVI reasonably allocated, pursuant to generally accepted accounting principles, a portion of the land's fair market value and land improvement costs to the proposed nursing unit 60-bed project. [CVI Ex. 3, PT I, p. 27a; J.B. Q. 38, 39; J.B. Tr. 294-296]. CVI's ABILITY TO FINANCE THE PROJECT CVI has the ability to finance the nursing unit project. [ANH Ex. 8, p. 22]. Phase I, including: the Alzheimer's unit, of the CVI campus was financed through a $21,960,000 tax exempt bond issue through the Jacksonville Health Facilities Authority. [CVI Ex. 3, PT I, p. 28a, 1990 Audited: Financial Statement, p. 10; CVI Ex. 8; R.B. Tr. 241, 242]. CVI intends to secure the same type of financing for the proposed nursing unit. [CVI Ex. 3, PT I, pp. 30, 30a; J.B. Q. 44-46; CVI Ex. 3, Appendix 5(2.c.1); L.W. Q. 8-10; R.B. Q. 5-13; R.B. Tr. 241,: 242]. The Jacksonville Health Facilities Authority provided the tax exempt bond issue through the authority of Chapter 159, Part II, Florida Statutes. [CVI Ex. 8, p. 1]. Thus, pursuant to the provisions of the statute, CVI Phase I project in its entirety (which includes the core service building and the ACLF) necessarily was found to be financially feasible. See Section 159.29, Florida Statutes. CVI will be primarily responsible for repayment of the bond proceeds but the NBA will guarantee the bond issue, as it did for Phase I. [Id.; M.G. Q. 26]. The NBA has significant financial strength. In 1988, it had total assets of $145,493,840. [CVI Ex. 8; L.W. Q. 16]. In 1989, the total grew to $168,507,027. [Id.]. In 1988, it realized a net income (revenue over expenditures) of $5,670,754. [Id.]. In 1989, the income increased to $11,563,778. [Id.] The NBA has secured third party financing for its local service units on numerous other occasions. [L.W. Q. 7; R.B. pp. 241, 242]. The most recent occasion involved tax exempt bond financing immediately prior to the hearing, ore July 31, 1991. [L.W. Q. 7]. The investment banking firm which has worked on several tax exempt bond financing projects with the NBA, and which handled the financing for Phase I of CVI, has reviewed the financing proposal for the CVI nursing unit and has found it to be reasonable and achievable. [R.B. Q. 1-13]. Raising charitable funds has been a regular activity of the NBA and its local service units. [L.W. Q. 11, 13]. To date, CVI has raised $4,000,000. [Id.]. As of June 30, 1991, $1,327,589 in cash from donations was still available for the proposed nursing unit. [Id.; J.B.Q. 44-46]. The CVI application revealed $24 million in assets consisting primarily of bond issue proceeds. [CVI Ex. 3, PT I, pp. 28-28(b); J.B. Q. 42, 43]. CVI STAFF AND INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS The staff proposed for CVI's nursing unit significantly exceeds minimum requirements, and would meet the criteria in Florida for a superior rating. [CVI Ex. 3, PT I, pp. 36, 37, 37a, 38, 39; K.V. Tr. 31, 32, 39, 40; K.V. Q. 49-53; T.W. Q. 23-26; J.B. Q. 54-63]. The superior rating indicates a higher level, and higher quality, of care. [Id.]. Because of the nursing intensity required for Alzheimer's and related dementia patients, the Alzheimer's units staff nursing to patient ratio will be 1:5 or 1:6. [K.V. Tr. 63, 66]. The CVI nursing unit will have a 1:8. The typical ratio for nursing homes in the Jacksonville, Florida area is 1:10. [K.V. Tr. p. 66]. The CVI application presented reasonable levels of anticipated salaries and fringe benefits. [CVI Ex 3, PT I, pp. 36, 37, 37a, 38, 39; K.V. Tr. 31, 32, 39, 40; K.V. Q. 49-53; T.W. Q. 23-26; J.B. Q. 54-63]. CVI accounted for employees, such as the administrator and director of nursing, who were full-time and on a fixed salary. (Id.]. CVI also accounted for those staff who are to be paid on the basis of an hourly wage, such as nurses, calculated according to the number of work hours expected (based on full-time equivalent factors). [Id.]. Under this approach, the CVI salary projections account for vacation, overtime, and sick leave. [Id.; K.V. Tr. 45, CVI did not directly reflect revenues nor expenses attendant to the activities of therapists, pharmacists, dentists, podiatrists, a medical director, for other such consultants because they would serve as independent contractors. [CVI Ex. 3, PT I, pp. 40a, 46b; J.B. Q. 66, Instead, CVI indirectly accounted for the independent contractors by utilizing a "net methodology" pursuant to which the anticipated consulting fees are included within a base rate for private pay residents along with a markup. [Id., Tr. 312-314, 339, 340]. The markup covers the cost to provide the contractual services to Medicaid or Medicare reimbursed residents. [Id.]. In this regard, CV followed the customary accounting approach taken by a not-for-profit nursing home whereby the facility does not attempt to profit from the provision of such contractual services. [Id.] FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY OF CVI'S NURSING; UNIT By the end of the second year of proposed nursing unit operations, it is reasonably anticipated that the 120-bed CVI nursing home will realize a net income of at least $275,300 at 95 percent occupancy. [CVI Ex. 3, PT I, pp. 35 35a, 47-49a (Schedule 18); J.B. Q. 77-81; J.B. Tr. 274, 275]. By the second year of operation, CVI's revenues per patient day will be $99.25, compared to $116.16 for HQR's 24 bed proposal, $117.45 for HQR's 41 bed proposal, $118.15 for Atrium's proposal, and $126.03 for MRCI's proposal. [Comparison of Schedule 18 of applications]. The nursing unit is feasible on an immediate and long-term basis. [J.B. Q. 27]. CVI did not rely upon any non-nursing home revenues to demonstrate feasibility for the nursing unit. [Id.; J.B. Tr. p. 305]. CVI demonstrated nursing home feasibility as a stand-alone project. [Id.] Schedule 18 of the application contains space for the applicant to enter non-nursing home revenues and costs, such as those items associated with the operation of a co-located ACLF. Under HRS policy, the applicant has the option as to whether or not to provide these projections. [E.D. Tr. 1551-1559]. CVI proposes a 35 percent Medicaid utilization condition for the nursing unit which, with a 50 percent rate in the Alzheimer unit, results in a 42.5 percent Medicaid rate for the 120 bed facility. [CVI Ex. 3, PT I, p.iv, p. 46a; H.B. Q. 31, 33, 73-75; A.G. Tr. 1260, 1261, 1320]. Of the completing applicants, only CVI showed all it beds will be Medicaid certified. [J.B. Tr. 263, 265]. It is the financial feasibility of the specific certificate of need being reviewed which is assessed by HRS. [Id.]. HRS does not review the financial feasibility of any other operations of the applicant which are not part of the nursing home certificate of need application. [Id.]. VALIDITY OF CVI'S AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The completeness deadline for applications was January 18, 1991. However, the completeness determination for CVI was delayed by approximately one month because, initially, HRS withdrew the CVI application from review. HRS' action was based upon an audited financial statement of CVI covering the first 10 months of 1990. HRS acted upon an apparent non-rule policy that a "combined" audited financial statement would not be `accepted, and the conclusion that the 1990 10-month CVI audit was a "combined" statement. No evidence was adduced at hearing to demonstrate what HRS specifically defined to be a "combined" statement, or specifically why the Department initially felt the 10-month 1990 audit was not an audited financial statement of Cypress Village, Inc. Upon reconsideration, the HRS reinstated the CVI application, specifically finding that another audited financial statement, covering the full 1989. The purpose of an audit is to fairly present, in all material respects, an entity's financial position, results of operations, and cash flows in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). [M.G. Q. 11; M.F. Tr. p. 1813]. This conclusion may be expressed only when the auditor has formed such an opinion on the basis of an audit performed in accordance with general accepted accounting principles which govern auditing standards. [Id.] The certified public accountant has a duty to exercise independent professional judgment with due professional care in preparing the audit and preparing the report. [Id.; M.F., Tr. p. 1811; M.G. Q. 35]. Within the accounting profession, because independent judgment is to be utilized, reasonable persons can disagree on a professional basis as to whether, how, and why certain items should or should not be included in, or appear in, audited financial statements under GAAP for any particular entity. [M.F. Tr. 1918]. The CVI auditors found that `failure to account for all assets, regardless of legal title, exclusively utilized by CVI for its economic benefit would violate the completeness requirement. [M.G. Q. 16, 17, 33]. [M.G.Q. 26]. If CVI's auditors had not reflected the assets to which that liability applies, notwithstanding titled ownership, the audited statements would not have been complete and would not have fairly represented the financial position of CVI. [Id.]. Both CVI audited financial statements meet the test of fairly presenting CVI's financial position results of its operations, and cash flows in conformity with GAAP. [M.G. Q. 1-39]. The CVI auditors exercised independent professional judgment with due care. [Id.; M.G. 34, 36]. Even if reasonable persons disagreed with the results, the application's requirements were met and HRS had information presented to it upon which to base its decision. The balance sheet and income statements contained in both the 1989 and 1990 CVI audited financial statements are based upon the "fund balance" accounting approach. [CVI Ex. 3, p. 9, 1990 audit; M.G. Q. 28, 30; Burcham Q. 11]. Fund balance accounting is unique to not-for- profit and governmental entities. [M.G. Q. 31]. The CVI audit balance sheets and income statements represent the combination of funds from two sources, both directly related to CVI operations and both of which have a material influence upon CVI's financial position, cash flows, and operational results. [M.G. Q. 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 36]. The 1990 statement is only different from the 1989 audit in terms of the form of presentation and because the passage of time resulted in updated financial information being available to reflect the more mature status of CVI in its development activities. [M.G. Tr. 1536; CVI Ex. 3 1989 & 1990 audits]. The characterization of the audited financial statement as a "combined statement" has no significance from an accounting standpoint because "combined statement" is not a term of art in accounting and has no precise meaning. [Id.; M.F. Tr. 1825, 1826]. To the extent the CVI statements may be deemed "combined", they do portray CVI as a distinct legal entity and do not distort the financial ability of the applicant [M.G.Q. 1-39; M.G.Q. 16, 27-29]. To the extent that CVI's 1990 audited financial statements make a specific reference to "combined financial statements", this reference is not a term of art and does not effect the validity of the audited financial statement. [M.G.Q. 27; Burcham Tr. 330, 331]. The financial statements account for the assets and liabilities shared with the NBA as required by GAAP. [Id.; and M.F. Tr. 1333-1334]. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountant's Technical Division concurs in the type of presentation utilized by CVI's auditors. [I.B.Q. 17]. The Technical Division was asked to comment on an audit for another NBA local which utilized the fund balance presentation. [Burcham Q. 5- 18]. The Division concurred that NBA's assets dedicated to that service unit's retirement program (similar to CVI's) should be included on the audit given the unit's debt and other obligations and economic benefit derived from those assets. [Id.; M.F. Tr. 1744, 1745]. VALIDITY OF CVI'S LETTER OF INTENT NOTICE OF PUBLICATION CVI timely published notice of its letter of intent in the Jacksonville Times Union. The contents of the publication are set forth in Rule 10-5.008(1)(i), Florida Administrative Code. Due to an error which was solely the fault of the newspaper, the newspaper left a zero off the total project costs so that the publication actually said "$30,000.00" instead of $3,000,000. [CVI Ex. 4]. Prior to the application completeness deadline, CVI provided an affidavit to the HRS which revealed that the error was not due to any fault of CVI. [CVI Ex. 4; A.G. Tr. 1266, 1267; E.D. Tr. 1569-1571]. Consistent with its existing policy, HRS found that since the publication error was not the fault of or within the control of the applicant, CVI had satisfied the legal requirements for publication. [Id.; A.G. Tr. 1269-1270]. The rationale for the HRS policy was that it would not be fair to punish an applicant for the `mistake of the newspaper as long as the applicant fulfilled its responsibility to demonstrate that it had no part in creating the error. [Id.]. At the time of the CVI application, this policy had been consistently applied by HRS for numerous other applicants who were found to be in compliance with the law as long as the publication error was not their fault. [Id.]. CONFORMITY WITH THE LOCAL HEALTH PLAN All four applicants conformed generally to the applicable local health plan. The applications of CVI and Atrium were determined by HRS to meet the elements of the local plan better than did the applications of Health Quest and MRCI. Atrium and CVI were the only applicants which provided specialized programs for Alzheimer's patients, a preference for applicants in the local health plan. [Atrium/Nelson PF, pp. 20- 28; Atrium Ex. 8, p. 10-11; HRS/Granger PF, pp. 6-8; ANH Ex 16; A.G. Tr. 1323]. Atrium and CVI had the lowest costs per bed of the applicants. [See p. 249 below]. MCRI failed to address the current District Health Plan (1990-91) and instead used the 1989-90 plan. [Atrium/Nelson PF, p.9]. MRCI proposes to serve the lowest percentage of Medicaid patients in proportion to the average subdistrict-wide experience of nursing homes. Health Quest's existing facility, already at 120 beds, would be substantially over optimal size at 161 beds, if its proposed project is approved. Furthermore, Health Quest was not in compliance with regard to special programs and commitment to serve hard-to-place patients. [Atrium/Nelson PF, pp. 9-20; Atrium Ex. 8; HRS/Granger PF, pp.: 9-10]. There was no evidence that approval of any of the four applicants would have an adverse impact on the costs of providing health services, especially in light of the numeric need and high occupancy rates of the subdistrict. ATRIUM'S APPLICATION The proposed Atrium 84-bed nursing home will be constructed in close proximity to The Atrium Retirement Community of Jacksonville, an existing 176 unit retirement and assisted- living community. The Atrium will be a new facility constructed and developed by owners new to construction and operation of health care facilities. The applicant is a "shell" corporation with assets of $50,000.00 owned by Jack and William Deinetree, two brothers, who have also provided financial data and letters from their bank indicating their financial ability and intent to complete this project. The applicant filed an audited financial statement as required by statute although it revealed a shell corporation waiting CON approval for the infusion of dollars by the shareholders, Jack and William Demetree. HRS does not limit an applicant's documentation in demonstrating how it will be able to finance its project, if approved. Atrium's letter of intent was clearly indicated as such within its application. Atrium's application was deemed complete. [Vol. 15, pp. 1616-17; Atrium Ex. 2, p.123; Atrium Ex. 5]. Personal financial statements of the Demetrees, prepared by their longtime CPA, were also included in Atrium's application. [Atrium/Schramm PF, pp. 10-11]. The Demetrees' financial statements were "compiled" statements. [Vol. 16, p. 1678]. A CPA will not even prepare a compiled statement unless he has personal knowledge of the individual involved and his business operations. [Vol. 16, p. 1678]. `The financial statements of the Demetrees were provided as supplementary material. There is no statutory or rule requirement that they be in a certain form. [Vol. 16, p. 1694] After assessing their financial net worth, DHRS concluded that the Demetrees have more than sufficient liquid assets to make the equity contribution required in Atrium's application. It is a matter of the general business philosophy of the Demetrees that they put equity into all their development projects. [Atrium/Schramm PF, p. 11]. The nursing home application form does not require audited financial statements of stockholders in order to support their ability to make equity contributions. Neither the application Form 1455A, October 1988, nor the instructions thereto, dictate such a requirement. [Atrium Ex. 2, p. 24; Healthy Quest Ex. 9, p. 1-6; MRCI/Beiseigel PF, p. 6; Vol. 1, p. 75; Vol. 5, p. 444]. The ability of the Demetrees to obtain construction and permanent financing, as well as contribute substantial equity and operating capital was demonstrated by competent, substantial evidence. The $100,000 note payable to owners that appears in Schedule 15 of Atrium's application will be a line of credit, used for working capital during the first year of operation, before the cash flow picks up. It is fairly customary in the industry to provide such financing during the initial year or so of operations. (Vol. 6, p. 569; Vol. 16, p. 1682). The Atrium will have the resources available to complete the proposed project if the Demetrees provide the financing. Because the Atrium is a shell corporation in which the Demetrees own all the stock, it is logically assumed that they will provide the financing to the extent they are able. [Vol. 16, p. 1682; p. 1716; p. 1723; HRS/Granger PF, p. 13]. Their ability to finance the project is discussed above, and no evidence was introduced to show they could not finance the project. As a shell corporation, the Atrium currently has no other capital projects or expenditures under development or in the planning stage. Because it has very little capital and is totally dependent upon the infusion of capital by the Demetrees, existence of other project and expenditures is absolutely irrelevant. [Atrium/Schramm PF, pp. 5, 7]. Recent borrowings in amounts of from 3 to 8 million dollars by companies in which the Demetrees are major owners indicate their ability to obtain capital at rates from prime plus one-half to prime plus one. [Vol. 16, pp. 1680-1]. In its application, Atrium provided a letter of interest from First Union National Bank to finance the project, if approved. The Demetrees have a long-standing relationship with the bank, which has financed numerous large scale developments for the Demetrees through construction loans, working capital lines and permanent financing. The Demetrees have a 40-year, unblemished lender-borrower relationship with First Union (formerly Atlantic National Bank); there was no competent substantial testimony to the contrary. [Atrium/Schramm PF, pp. 8-9; Vol. 6, p. 549; Atrium Ex. 2, App.; Vol. 16, pp. 1679-81; Vol. 5, p. 445]. The Atrium's proposed plan is designed to develop innovative quality of life enhancements to minimize the institutional setting characteristic of some nursing homes. The plan utilizes a staggered semiprivate room design that increases residents' privacy and allows each resident to have a window to the exterior. The facility will-meet social needs of the residents, as well as their need for privacy. It is supported by a resident room design as well as a variety of activity and support spaces. (Atrium/Bhide PF, p. 3; Atrium Ex. 8, p. 18) The Atrium's proposed design is both appropriate and reasonable in light of state and local construction standards for a freestanding nursing home. (Atrium/Bhide PF, p. 3-7) The projected construction costs are based on Vasant Bhide's experience with designing and working on at least five (5) nursing home projects in the North Florida area in the past two years. According to Bhide, the proposed project cost estimates (construction costs, fees and equipment) are reasonable, and include almost $200,000 in contingency funds. Bhide's representations are disputed by other equally knowledgeable and experienced builders and architects whose costs estimates on similar facilities exceed Bhide's estimates. (Vol. 7, p. 644; Atrium/Bhide PF, p. 4; Atrium Ex. 3, p. 49; Atrium/Downs PF, p. 6-7) The Atrium's project costs compare favorably with HRS experience, and the actual costs may be lower due to the impact of the current recession. (Vol. 5, P. 434). (Vol. 7, p.644; Atrium/Bhide PF, p. 4-7; Atrium Ex. 3, p. 4-7) The total project cost of Atrium, which is just under $4 million, is deemed reasonable. (Atrium/Nelson PF, p. 29; Atrium/Downs PF, p. 6; Vol. 6, p.570, 572; Vol. 6, p. 552; Vol. 16, p. 1699-1703). The Atrium's projected bed utilization for the first two years is both reasonable and appropriate. (Atrium/Nelson PF, p. 6; Atrium/Downs PF, p. 4) The Atrium's proposed patient charges and expenses are reasonable. (Atrium/Nelson PF, p. 29, 31; Atrium/Mitchell PF, p. 4-6) Although acknowledging he had seen Medicare rates as high as $270 per patient day, Mark Fall challenged the Medicare rates projected by Atrium. (Vol. 18, p. 1888) If Mr. Fall's opinion were credited, Atrium's net income in year two would still exceed $260,000. (Atrium Ex. 4, Sch. 18) reasonable and conservative, based on actual recent financing of other Demetree projects. (Atrium/Schramm PF, p.12) The Atrium's assumptions on Schedule 11, especially regarding fringe benefits, were shown to be reasonable. The total dollar amount of salaries and wages and benefits for Schedule 11 were compared to other historical operations, inflated forward, and found to be well within the reasonable range by Joseph Mitchell, Atrium's expert in Medicaid and Medicare reimbursement and nursing home accounting. (Vol. 6, p. 563-565) The Atrium's proforma assumptions, using fringe benefits of 22 percent, were reasonable. (Vol. 6, p. 565) The Atrium's projected Medicare per diem revenues are reasonable considering this is a start up facility. One cannot compare a start up facility's Medicare rates with those of a long-standing facility, as Medicare imposes a limitation on Medicare rates after the first three (3) years of operation. (Vol. 6, p. 568) Atrium's proposed project is feasible in both the short and long term. Mr. Mitchell tested the reasonableness of the proforma assumptions based on his experience working with 125 to 150 nursing homes on an operational basis. (Atrium/Mitchell PF, p. 9; Vol. 6, p. 578) The Atrium's projected debt schedule is reasonable and conservative based upon recent financing of projects by the Demetrees. (Atrium/Schramm PF, p. 12.) The Atrium's design meets all codes, including building and life safety, energy code, handicap accessibility code, etc. (Atrium/Bhide PF, p. 6) HRS' architects ranked Atrium's plans first among the applicants in this hearing. (Atrium Ex. 8, p. 17-19; HRS/Granger PF, p. 14) The Atrium's application notes a willingness to take AIDS patients and will be bringing on-line 84 beds in a high occupancy subdistrict, which will promote better geographic accessibility. [Atrium/Nelson PF, p. 31]. The Atrium proposes to commit to 61% Medicaid, the most of any applicant. This commitment is attainable in light of the actual experience in the subdistrict (62.1% average) and the overall state average (60.6%). [Atrium/Nelson PF, p. 8- 9]. The proposed operations and quality assurance program submitted by Atrium meet or exceed Florida regulatory standards. [Atrium/Fitzpatrick PF, p.5, 14; Atrium/Downs PF, pp. 4-6; HRS/Granger PF, p. 11]. The Atrium's proposed staffing levels are reasonable and meet or exceed Florida standards. [Atrium/Fitzpatrick PF, p. 7; Health Quest Ex. 11]. The Atrium will develop and implement a training/staff development/internship program, to include students residing in Duval County. [Atrium Ex. 4, p. 70 A-C]. The Atrium will also be associated with an existing 176-unit retirement community known as The Atrium Retirement Community of Jacksonville, through their common ownership. The experience gained, in the five years of operating The Atrium Retirement Community of Jacksonville will be beneficial to the Atrium nursing home project, especially in the areas of housing for elderly residents, security, housekeeping, dietary and nutritional services, activities and counseling. (Atrium Ex. 2, p. 24B) Atrium will have established linkages with its sister retirement community and thereby offer a continuum of care. [Atrium Ex. 4, p. 46 A-c; 58A]. Atrium will have a good recruitment and career ladder programs. The Atrium's description of its patient assessment and care plan, utilization review program, quality assurance program, operations and dietary programs were comprehensive and explicit. The Atrium described very good activities programs, family involvement, mental conditions of residents, restoration/normalization programs and quality of life enhancement programs. [Atrium Ex. 8, p. 15; HRS/Granger PF, pp. 11-12]. Overall, the presentation was consistent and thorough and stated the services to be offered by the applicant. [Atrium Ex. 8, p. 15; HRS/Granger PF, pp. 11-12]. However, Atrium has never built or operated a nursing home. The Atrium's inexperience is demonstrated by its failure to properly plan for the cleaning of soiled laundry. The Atrium indicated it may send out the patients' laundry or use the laundry of a nearby retirement community. (T. 171, 549; Atrium Exhibit 4) As additional evidence of its inexperience in operating nursing homes, the Atrium proposes to use a non- wheelchair accessible van for transportation of it's residents, pulling a U-Haul with the wheelchairs. (Atrium Exhibit 4) When the matter was raised at hearing, its representative indicated that Atrium would rent a wheelchair accessible van, and private medical providers might be called on to transport Medicare and Medicaid residents to doctors' appointments, therapy sessions, and related activities. [Atrium Ex. 4, p. 61A; Atrium/Downs PF, p. 9]. Atrium intends to draw upon the management skills of the American Retirement Corporation (ARC) of Nashville, Tennessee. ARC is a national management services company which operates 21 retirement communities in 14 states. Most of the programmatic features set forth in Atrium's application are already utilized successfully at ARC facilities around the country. (Atrium Ex. 2, p. 24 A-B) For more than 10 years, ARC has employed its standard operating methods at a nursing home located at the Burcham Hills Retirement Community in East Lansing, Michigan. (Atrium Exhibit 13, p. 2; T. 520) ARC has been found to be in violation of several nursing home standards at its facility at Burcham Hills, Michigan, including serious failures to provide appropriate care to residents. (Health Quest Exhibit 26, pp. 3-7) The Senior Vice President of Operations for ARC plans to manage Atrium's nursing home using ARC's "`standard operating methods," to describe the programs that would be offered. (Downs PT, pp. 5-12) He asserted that ARC's lack of experience in managing a nursing facility of this size, type, and location is irrelevant because, among other reasons, "a patient is a patient." (T. 618) The Atrium, through its proposed management contract with American Retirement Corporation (ARC), will attempt to provide quality care to its patients. [Atrium/Fitzpatrick PF, p. 3]. MCRI'S APPLICATION FOR CON The MRCI CON is for a 30-bed nursing home. MRCI filed a proper letter of intent and audited financial statement for this CON. (T. 1608, 1609, 1611, 1613). MRCI also filed a CON for a 24 bed nursing home which HRS rejected as incomplete and untimely. Because the completeness issue of the 24 bed CON was undecided, MRCI presented evidence that included the feasibility, etc., of the 24 bed CON. In summary, there were no significant differences between the two CONs, and both were equally feasible. MRCI has developed a prototype facility called "Brighton Gardens". An MRCI Brighton Gardens facility typically includes 30 nursing home beds and 120 ACLF `beds. (Walter PT, p. 5). The concept anticipates carrying for the elderly from their need for an ACLF through nursing home care with minimum disruptions due to changes in environment. MRCI's research has indicated that as people get older, changes become more difficult and residents do not want to transfer back and forth between facilities. (T. 909) MRCI's project minimizes transfer trauma. The more unfamiliar the situation the more serious the transfer trauma. Transfer trauma manifests itself by despair, isolation, a change in a person's behavior and the way they deal with ordinary situations. Some states require transfer trauma plans before a resident is moved out of a facility. (T. 910, 911) At a Brighton Gardens facility, when a resident moves from the ACLF to the nursing home, friends in the ACLF can visit the nursing home on a regular basis. This is particularly beneficial for spouses to be able to visit back and forth without the need for transportation. (T. 907, 908) All of the beds are contained within the same building, although the nursing home is a self-contained unit with its own separate entrance for privacy and ease of access by residents, staff and visitors. (Walter PT, pp. 5, 6). Marriott and Marriott Retirement Communities, Inc. currently own and operate ten retirement centers and manage two other. (Evans PT, p. 4) MRCI operates two Brighton Gardens in Arizona and one in Virginia Beach and one in Houston, Texas. (Evans PT, p. 6) Five retirements communities are currently under construction and are all scheduled to open within 18 months (Evans PT, p. 4). MRCI already operates one facility in Florida which is a full service retirement community and has a superior rating. (Walter PT, p. 18) MRCI has demonstrated that it has the ability to provide superior care at its Brighton Garden facility. MRCI has demonstrated that it can provide the quality and types of programs equal to or exceeding any of the other applicants. MRCI has demonstrated that it can improve the quality of care in existing institutions and successfully operate nursing homes. For example, MRCI began managing a property in Canton, Ohio in June, 1988, when occupancy was less than 50%. When it discontinued management in early 1991, occupancy was approximately 90%. The net loss in income for the property had been reduced substantially from $2.3 million in 1988 to $900,000 in 1990. Reduction in cash loss was even more significant. (T. 874-875) MRCI managed property known as Towne Center, beginning in June, 1988, and discontinued management in early 1991. When MRCI began managing the property occupancy was approximately 55%. Occupancy had increased to over 90% by the time MRCI discontinued management. Efforts to discredit Marriott's management were unsuccessful and rebutted by its representatives. The design of MRCI's proposed project lends itself to quality of care because residents will not be expected to transfer from one entity to another as their needs change and because the small size of the unit allows for more individualized care. (Evans PT, pp. 28, 29; T. 1315) MRCI's proposal provides sufficient staff to provide top quality care. (Evans PT, p. 6) MRCI is proposing to provide 3.0 nursing hours per patient day for the 30-bed project. This does not include direct nursing hours which could be provided by the director of nursing. If you include those hours, direct nursing hours increased to 3.21 nursing hours per patient day. For the 24-bed project, if you include direct nursing hours provided by the director of nursing, 3.25 nursing hours per nursing hours per patient day will be provided. (T. 922-923, 954) There will be a full time administrator on the property of Brighton Gardens of Jacksonville. (T. 872) The administrator will be responsible, for the entire property. (T. 872) MRCI's proposed staffing exceeds the regulations of the State of Florida. In fact, MRCI proposes to provide four licensed nurses five days per week. By regulation, MRCI is required to provide only three licensed nurses. (Evans PT, p. 7) MRCI has an excellent recruitment plan and has designed a variety of enhancement programs for its employees. Some of these programs include a profit sharing program, the employee stock ownership plan, and a benefit trade system. MRCI offers an employee credit union, employee discounts at Marriott Hotels, continuing education, as well as additional training for employees to advance in their areas. MRCI has a working family life program, offers family life-counseling programs and has a guaranteed right to fair treatment policy within the company. MRCI recruitment efforts have been very successful. (Evans PT, p. 10) MRCI has developed a superb quality assurance program which exceeds the federal OBRA requirements and exceeds state requirements for quality assurance committees. (Evans PT, pp. 11, 12, 13-19) The wage assumptions and salary assumptions of both MRCI applications are reasonable projections. (Huber PT, p. 11) The staffing assumptions in both Schedules 11 are reasonable assumptions. The proposed Medicaid rate is reasonable and consistent with the Medicaid requirement in Florida. (Huber PT, p. 13) MRCI has demonstrated that its proposed 30-bed project is a financially feasible project. (Huber PT, p. 6) The proposed capital expenditure is $1,901,507 and first year operating expenses are projected-to be $1,065,108. MRCI has demonstrated that its Jacksonville Brighton Gardens project will be profitable in Year 2 of operation. This is true for the 30-bed application and for the 24-bed application. (Huber PT, pp. 14, 15) The ACLF revenues are a reasonable estimate of revenues for the Duval project. (Huber PT, p. 17) MRCI's land cost is based upon an option contract it entered into in 1989. The land cost for the project is reasonable and based upon a reasonable allocation of cost to the nursing home. (T. 1237, 1238, 12 41) MRCI intends to develop the entire Brighton Gardens of Jacksonville, which includes the ACLF and the nursing home. (T. 800) In conjunction with this type of facility, a nursing home this size is a viable alternative to "optimal sized" facilities because the small complement of beds is offset as part of the larger facility. The data provided attest to the financial feasibility of such a concept. MIRCI does not intend to build a stand-alone 30-bed nursing home. They will only be built in conjunction with the ACLF. (T. 861) The costs of construction for the MRCI proposals are reasonable and are allocated appropriately between the nursing facility and the ACLF. (McPhail PT, p. 20, 21, 22) MRCI allocated the costs of construction of the 30-bed project between the nursing home portions and the ACLF portions. This allocation was performed by determining the cost of the entire Brighton Gardens and conducting an allocation of those costs directly related to the nursing home portion of the building, including construction costs, fixed and movable equipment. Shared area costs, such as those associated with the kitchen, laundry, circulation, beauty-barber, and administrative areas, were allocated on a proportional basis. The kitchen was allocated on a proportion of meals served to the nursing center residents. The construction, site development costs and equipment costs of other shared areas were estimated by function, and these costs were then allocated on the basis of a square footage ratio of the nursing center to the ACLF portion of the building. (McPhail PT, pp. 20, 21) MRCI has three other Brighton Gardens projects which have been constructed. Those projects have been constructed at a cost within 1% of the original cost assumptions prepared at Marriott. (McPhail PT, p. 9) The Brighton Gardens design and schematic plans are consistent with the requirements contained in Chapter 10D-29 and local building codes for the 30-bed project and the 24-bed project. (McDowell PT, p. 5) Marriott has developed a bi-axial room which is one of the best semiprivate rooms available. The residents are situated so that they each have a privacy curtain and each resident still has a window. Semiprivate rooms are more affordable than a private room. Private rooms often lead to a resident feeling isolated, thereby leading to depression. (T. 915, 916, 1012) MRCI's design provides certain advantages for residents of both the ACLF and the nursing components. The bi- axial semiprivate rooms are quite large; there is significant amount of storage space; all resident's bathrooms are handicapped accessible. Residents will be able to take advantage of some of the ACLF common spaces at will, and MRCI's project will have a courtyard which will allow residents to do some secure wandering. The buildings are residential in nature, both in the exterior and interior architecture. (McDowell PT, p. 7) MRCI anticipated that the duration of construction for the Brighton Gardens of Jacksonville will be 12 months. This is a reasonable estimate. (McPhail PT, p. 22) The Brighton Gardens project in Southeast Duval County will be located on an 11 acre parcel on San Jose Boulevard which has ready access to public transportation and is convenient to the elderly population in the service area. (Walter PT, p. 19). MRCI will accept the following conditions on its certificate of need: MRCI will make at least 30% of its patient days available to Medicaid eligible patients, will donate 20 prepared meals per day to a local Meals-on-Wheels program for distribution to elderly residents and will provide respite care at both the nursing home and ACLF levels of care. MRCI will implement its special Homeward Bound Program. (Walter PT, pp. 16, 17, 30; Evans PT, pp. 22, 23,). MRCI has a history of providing nursing care services to Medicaid eligible residents. For example, although MRCI's Calusa Harbour facility carries no Medicaid, condition, approximately 31% of its community patient days were provided to Medicaid residents in 1990. (Walter PT, p. 18). MRCI will provide' services to ACLF residents requiring AIDS care or Alzheimer's care. (Walter PT, p. 19, T 915). MRCI filed an audited financial statement as required by the statute. Nationwide, Marriott has designated approximately $90 million for the development of retirement projects for 1991 and has designated $70 to $80 million for 1992. (T. 1020). Marriott has the resources to fund Brighton Gardens. [Handlon, p. 2]. Schedules 2A and 2B of MRCI's CON application contain a list of other planned capital projects of MRCI. This list of projects changes on a regular basis as projects are either added or rejected from the development process. This list includes projects in the very preliminary stages of planning. (Handlon PT, p. 3). No project has been dropped from Schedule 2 for financial feasibility problem's. (T. 1246). Typically, projects are deleted because of difficulty obtaining suitable property or problems with zoning or other regulatory hurdles. (T. 1253). Furthermore, certain projects listed on the capital project list in Schedule 2 identify expenditures which will occur as late as, or later than, 1998. (T. 798). An omission by MCI of approximately $7 million relating to a Boynton Beach project will have no effect on Marriott's ability to finance these projects. The amount omitted is inconsequential when considering Marriott's total development plans. Furthermore, MRCI has included projects on Schedule 2 which will be financed beyond the' next five years, well after the proposed project is operational and has demonstrated financial feasibility. (Handlon PT, p. 3; T. 1040, 1042). No MRCI or Marriott retirement housing project under construction has been slowed down or stopped for economic reasons. (T. 893). No retirement housing project which has been presented to the Executive Committee of Marriott has been denied or delayed. No project will be delayed once a CON has been issued or if another government timetable requires construction by a particular time. (T. 1223). MRCI is a subsidiary of Marriott Corporation, and the board of MRCI filed a proper letter of intent. Marriott has proven that it is committed to constructing, licensing and operating the project at issue iii this proceeding. MRCI operates five facilities that have had deficiency-free surveys under the new Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act ("OBRA") guidelines. It is unusual to have no deficiencies found by the survey-team. Under the OBRA guidelines there are 710 elements in the program and surveyors evaluate compliance with the regulations by looking at each item. For each of these facilities, surveyors found that all 710 elements were in compliance with the guidelines and there were no deficiencies. (T. 905, 906). HQR'S APPLICATION Health Quest Realty II, Ltd. ("HQR II") is an Indiana limited partnership, first created prior to March 30, 1987 and authorized to transact business in the State of Florida on July 11, 1991. (HQR II Exhibit 7). HQR II is the authorized licensee of Regents Park of Jacksonville, a 120-bed community nursing home located in Duval County, Florida. HQR II has been the licensee of this facility since it first opened in 1986. HQR II's CON proposes to convert a portion of Regents Woods of Jacksonville, and existing Adult Congregate Living Facility, and thereby add nursing beds to an existing and co-located 120-bed nursing facility licensed as Regents Park of Jacksonville by HQR II. Alternatively, HQR II's CON proposed a 24 beds addition to Regents Park of Jacksonville. The 41-bed addition proposed by HQR II would involve 16,025 gross square feet at an estimated total project cost of approximately $2.6 million. The 24-bed partial request would involve 10,405 gross square feet at an estimated total project cost of $1.76 million. (HQR II App.) Health Quest Management Corporation IV ("HQMC IV") is an Indiana corporation, which filed, on October 3, 1984, a notice of doing business in Jacksonville as Regents Park in compliance with the fictitious name law. On February 12, 1986, HQR II filed a notice under Florida's "fictitious name" law, Section 865.09, Florida Statutes, in the public records of Duval County, Florida, giving notice of doing business as "Regents Park" in Jacksonville. CVI 33 (exhibit indicates document recorded at Duval County Official Records Vol. 6084, Pg. 1948). According to filings in the official records of Duval County, Florida, on September 25, 1987, the persons having an interest in HQR II were Lawrence H. Garatoni, holding a 90% interest, and Judith A. Garatoni,, holding a 10% interest. HQ 41 (exhibit indicates document recorded at Duval County Public Records Vol. 6402, Pg. 1466). An affidavit was filed in the official records of Duval County, Florida, that identified Lawrence H. Garatoni as owning a 190% interest in HQR IV, an Indiana corporation. HQ 40 (exhibit indicates document recorded at Duval County Official Records: Vol. 5860, Pg. 1904). Regents Park of Jacksonville actually is owned by Health Quest Realty XXII, another Indiana general partnership ("HQR XXII") (Krisher 7). The construction of Regents Park was financed by industrial revenue bonds issued by the City of Jacksonville on November 1, 1984. CVI 210. HQR XXII leased the property to HQR IV, which operates the facility. As part of the bond transaction, HQR XXII gave the City of Jacksonville a collateral assignment of its rights as lessor in its lease of the property to HQMC IV. All the Health Quest entities are controlled by one man, Lawrence Garatoni. Mr. Garatoni is the sole general partner of HQR II and owns 90% in that partnership, T. 1908 (Fall); HQ 41. Mr. Garatoni also owns 90% of the stock of HQMC IV, HQ 40, and owns 95% of HQR XXII partnership. T. 1780 (Fall). CVI 32, p. 7. The original CON for Regents Park was issued to HQR II. T. 1381. When Regents Park was first licensed in February of 1986, the license was issued to HQR II. T. 1382 (Krisher). In the process of obtaining renewal of the license for Regents Park in January of 1987 Mr. Krisher realized that the licensee, HQR II, in facet held no interest in the facility; HQR XXII was the owner of the property and HQMC IV the lessee/operator. Mr. Krisher brought this to the attention of Bruce Henderson of the HRS Office of Licensure and Certification ("OLC"). In an attempt to rectify the problem, HQR XXII entered an agreement to retain HQR II, the licensee to provide management services for the facility operated by HQR IV. CVI 23; T. 1382. This agreement was not rescinded. HRS advised that it would not issue a license to HQR II based on HQR II being a management agent because only the owner or lessee of a nursing home was eligible to be licensed. T. 1383. HQR II then approached HRS about obtaining approval for HQR IV to be the licensee of tie facility. HRS indicated to Mr. Krisher that to have the license issued to HQR IV would require a change of ownership. T. 1383. Mr. Garatoni did not want to go through a "change of ownership" since a new licensee could not retain the superior license, which Regents Park had received in December of 1986. T. 1384 (Krisher). In order to enable HQR II to obtain renewal of the license, HQR IV assigned its leasehold to HQR II. T. 1383. However, all profits and losses of Regents Park were recorded in the books of HQR IV because Mr. Garatoni did not wish to change the internal accounting structure of the Jacksonville operation. CVI 32, Wright deposition, p. 25. Conversely, there is only one set of books and records for HQR II, and they related only to the facility located in Merrillville, Indiana. T. 1861 (Fall). Disclosure of all material transactions and circumstances affecting the entity being audited is a key requirement (i.e., "completeness") in order to properly present an audited financial statement under GAAP. (Vol. 14, p. 1534; Vol. 17, p. 1840; Vol. 18, p. 1920). Since the Regents Park began operation in 1986, HQR IV has had and continues to have full operational and financial responsibility for the nursing home. (CVI Ex. 22; Vol. 13, p. 1394; Vol. 14, p. 1455; Vol. 18, p. 1883-4). HQR IV took the benefit of all profits and the risk of all losses from the operation of a nursing home licensed to HQR II and owned by Health Quest Realty XXII. (CVI Ex. 21a, 21b, 21c; Vol. 13, p. 1384, 1407-11; Vol. 14, p. 1430) HQR II claims these circumstances relieved its auditors from any responsibility to even mention, much less adequately disclose, financial data or other disclosure information pertaining to Regents Park. (Vol. 17, p. 1830-1). Neither the 1988 nor 1989 audited financial statements submitted by HQR II with its CON fairly present, in all material respects, the financial position, cash flow and results of operations of Regents Park of Jacksonville under GAAP. To the contrary, both financial statements were the result of a "special audit" of property located in Merrillville, Indiana, which is owned by HQR II and leased to a third party for a retirement community. (HQR II App,.; Vol. 17 p. 1824; Vol. 13, p. 1404-5) Although an audit of the applicant and licensee, HQR II, was presented, the operation of the nursing home upon which determinations of financial feasibility would be based never occurred. When each audit was conducted, HQR II's auditors had no knowledge of the Jacksonville operation. (Vol. 14, p. 1445-46; Vol. 18, p. 1877). The purpose of requiring audited financial statements is to provide HRS with reasonable assurances that an appropriate audit, with all necessary field work, was conducted. (Vol. 15, p. 1563; Vol. 15, p. 1619-22). HQR II did not provide financial statements which reasonably represented and presented the financial status of the applicant because HQR II did not tell the auditors about its Jacksonville operations. If complete field work and independent evaluation by the auditors had been performed, the auditors would have discovered the relationship between Health Quest Realty XXII, HQR II and HQR IV. In considering disclosure of related party transactions, the auditors would have had to reconcile the relationships between the various entities, and present a accurate picture of the finances of the applicant. The Health Quest nursing home has not made a profit in its five years of existence. (Vol. 17, p. 1798, 1799; Vol. 14, p. 1444, 1445) For example, in 1989 it suffered a net loss of $114,000. (Vol. 17, p. 1)98) In 1990, it suffered a net loss of $107,000. (Id.) Health Quest's past history of consistent losses was not disclosed anywhere in its application. (Vol. 14, p. 1444, 1445) Such information is relevant to the financial feasibility of a CON, and is revealed in a proper audited financial statement. (Vol. 12, p. 1324, 1325; Vol. 15, p. 1560- 61) Health Quest projects a profit for its bed addition alternatives. (Health Quest App. Sch. 18) Given the past history of losses, Health Quest did not provide any explanation as to how a profit should now be expected. (Health Quest App.) Health Quest is a foreign limited partnership which did not register to conducts business in the State of Florida until July 11, 1991. (Health Quest Ex. 7) Its petitions for formal administrative proceedings were filed in March and April of this year. Some scores in HRS' s system are objective, i.e., based on specific facts. Other scores in HRS's system are subjective, i.e., based on the reviewer's opinion. On the objective items, Health Quest received 480.3 points, 80% of the possible 602; Atrium received 47911 (80%). MRCI 397.3,7 (66%), and CVI 374.55 (62%). At. 8. On the subjective items, Health Quest received 442.94 points, 68%, of the possible 654; Atrium received 575.61 (88%); MRCI 566.7:5 (87%); and CVI 621.47 (95%). At. 8. Health Quest finished highest among the applicants on the items scored objectively add lowest among the applicants (by a gap of 19% of the maximum s1core available) on the items scored subjectively. Health Quest's is the only nursing home in Duval County that has had a "superior" licensure rating since 1986. Krisher 8. Only about a third of Florida's nursing homes have superior licenses. Brockish 4; HQ 2. Health Quest's facility is considered excellent by local physicians, hospital discharge planners, and home health agencies. HQ 38. The chairman of the District IV Long-Term Care Ombudsman Council described Regent's Park as having a "solid reputation," and as having been identified by the University of Northern Florida as "a model facility and primary site for its newly developed Administrator-in-training program."' 6513, PT 2, Item 3M (1/14/91 letter). A high level of staffing, measured by the ratio of full-time equivalent ("FTE") staff to patients, generally correlates to high quality care. T. 40, 42 (Vroman). Health Quest's existing total direct care staffing pattern, at 3.49 hours per patient day, exceeds the levels proposed by the other applicants. Health Quest's proposed staffing, measured by licensed staff (i.e., RNs & LPNs) or by total direct care staff (i.e., including nursing aides), is higher than that of any other applicant except MRCI's 24-bed proposal. HQ 11. Health Quest provides a broader range of services than most nursing homes, including subacute care such as intravenous antibiotics, respiratory care and tracheostomy care. T. 757, 59 (Janesky). Regents Park provides more physical therapy ("PT") than most nursing homes. Provision of PT is related to Medicare utilization because Medicare residents are the primary recipients of PT in nursing homes. 6513, PT 2, Only one other facility in Duval County provides the type of subacute care which Regents Park provides, and that facility is not an applicant for beds in this cycle, [T. 775 (Janesky), H31] although CVI states that it too will serve high acuity patients. Vroman 6-7. Although the CON application form asks for a description of "specialized programs," HRS has not defined "specialized program" in the application instructions. T. 394 (Gordon-Girvin). HRS gave Health Quest no credit for providing subacute care because subacute care was not considered a "specialized program" although HRS had considered subacute care a specialized program in the past. T. 1286-87 (Granger). The Office of Licensure and Certification, which licenses and monitors nursing homes, recognizes 11 categories of "special care." Regents Park provides all of them. Although Health Quest referred to this in `,its application, HRS gave Health Quest zero points in this category. At. 8 (Ex. B, p. 22). HRS gives the same weight to its consideration of a proposal to provide a particular service and type of care that it gives to actually providing the service or care. The application evaluation process does not differentiate between the promise to perform by a entity which has never engaged in the nursing home business and actual performance by an existing provider with an excellent track record. T. 1295 (Granger). The success of Regents Park in restoring residents to health is objectively demonstrated by the high ratio of patients discharged from Regents Park rather than remaining as residents until death. As reflected in HCCCB reports for 7/89- 6/90, Regents Park discharged 179 patients, i.e., 1.49 times its licensed beds, which was more than twice the rate for all other District IV facilities. 6513, PT 2, p. 43E Health Quest's actual resident care cost per resident day is the highest in the Southeast Duval County, which is considered a favorable factor under State Health Plan Preference #12. Nursing care cost for resident day for Regents Park for fiscal year 1989, per HCCCB reports, at $30.64 was higher than that for any of the other nine Southeast Duval County facilities reporting. 6513, PT 2, p. 45F. Similarly, Regents Park's dietary cost per patient day, at $8.69, exceeded any of the other nine facilities. 6513, PT 2, p. 48C. Health Quest proposes that all but four of its new beds are to be in private rooms. There would be two rooms, each with two beds, sharing an entrance to the hallway but otherwise private. T. 1155. CVI, MRCI and Atrium each plan to provide four to twelve beds in private rooms. HQ 10. Health Quest agreed to condition an approval on the following: The proposed site would be 7130 Southside Boulevard, Jacksonville, Florida. A minimum of 50% of patient days will be devoted to Medicaid patients for the proposed new unit. The facility will continue to use only certified nursing aides ("CNA's"). (Health Quest App.) The conditions, above, to which Health Quest committed are largely redundant. As an existing provider, Health Quest is limited to expansion at its existing site, 7130 Southside Boulevard, and it must use trained personnel. Health Quest listed as special care restraint reduction, and weight maintenance. HRS found that the these programs constitute services which every nursing home must provide, or should provide, as standard care. (Atrium Ex. 8, p. 17; Vol. 8, p. 753-63) Health Quest did not characterize its services to Alzheimer's residents as a special program within its application. (Vol. 12, p. 1288) The care for Alzheimer's patients becomes a special program when it is offered in a discrete unit or when some other unique feature is present, such as a facility design, which specifically takes into account and benefits the needs of residents with Alzheimer's. (Vol. 12, p. 1319, 1323) Health Quest's application did not present any such unique features. Health Quest's willingness to accept hard-to-place patients is reflected its practice of accepting Medicaid residents requiring skilled rather than intermediate care. Per 1989 HCCCB data, the proportion of Medicaid patients receiving skilled care at Regents Park (31.5%) was more than twice the average (11.6%) for other reporting Southeast Duval County facilities. 6513, PT 2, p. 45F. However, the percentage of Medicaid utilization to which Health Quest is committed is ambiguous because its application states: It should be noted that Medicaid residents are to be placed in the facility according to the wishes of the residents themselves, their attending physicians, and the staff. The Agreement on page 6 should not be misconstrued as evidencing an intention to operate the new unit at 50% Medicaid occupancy [sic]. (Health Quest App., Sch. 17, Footnote #16) The reference to "page 6" is the application page wherein the applicant can expressly agree to a particular Medicaid utilization condition. Given its proposal to convert ACLF space, the remoteness of the proposed Health Quest unit from its existing skilled nursing facility will not lend itself to optimal efficiency in utilizing existing nursing home support areas. (Atrium Ex. 8, p. 19) Almost all of the proposed Health Quest beds will be located in private rooms. (Vol. 9, p. 915) The isolation of the elderly in a private room can cause problems with depression. (Id.) Health Quest was deficient in describing how it would measure the outcomes for its programs. (Atrium Ex. 8, p. 21) Health Quest description of its residential quality assurance program was weak. [ANH Ex. 8, pp. 16, 17]. Health Quest was the only applicant proposing renovation rather than new construction. The instructions to the CON application form state: If currently owned land is going to be converted from some other use to be used for this project, the land's original cost plus past improvements made must be included. If the purchase price of the land was previously approved in CON review by this department, it must be excluded when calculating the application fee. * * * The same treatment applies to donated and converted buildings (including partial bed conversion) as apply to donated and converted land, except that cost less accumulated depreciation must be used. Health Quest followed the instructions and included the depreciated cost of the existing ACLF area to be converted to nursing beds. 6513, 6513-P, Sch. 1. HRS in its cost comparisons used the "total cost" figures given by the applicants. Using those figures, the cost per bed were as follows: CON Total Cost Cost Per Bed HQ 41-bed $2,608,646 $63,625 HQ 24-bed $1,765,482 $73,562 CVI $3,286,258 $54,771 Atrium $3,944,324 $46,956 MRCI 30-bed $1,891,507 $63,050 See State Agency Action Report, At. 8, pp. 2-3.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record, the candor and demeanor of the witnesses, and the pleadings and arguments of the parties, it is therefore, RECOMMENDED, in the absence of reconsideration by the Department, that: The application of Health Quest be denied for failure to file a properly audited financial statement and establish its financial feasibility; The CON of Cypress Village be approved for 60 beds; The CON of Atrium be approved for 84 beds; and The beds sought by MRCI should be denied. DONE AND ENTERED this 11 day of February, 1992, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. STEPHEN F. DEAN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 11 day of February, 1992.

Florida Laws (3) 120.57159.29865.09
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