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# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-004428 Latest Update: Jan. 24, 1989

Findings Of Fact At all times relevant hereto, Lawrence A. Decker was licensed as an osteopathic physician in Florida. On November 18, 1980, D. K. was admitted to Sun Coast Osteopathic Hospital, with an admitting diagnosis of acute generalized anxiety disorder, under the care of Dr. Kaye, a psychiatrist. On her initial examination, she complained of severe menstrual cramping. She was referred to an internist and a gynecologist (Respondent). Exhibit 1). At her gynecology examination, D. K. gave a history of pain in the right lower quadrant of her abdomen shortly following a tubal ligation some six years earlier. She had visited three gynecologists in the intervening years and had been treated with medication (Estrace, Valium and Progesterone) by one of these gynecologists without significant improvement in her symptoms; one suggested she had a prolapse, a hysterectomy was indicated and Tranxene was prescribed; and a third physician stated she had a sore muscle on her right ovary, but no therapy was suggested. Respondent suggested a hysterectomy might relieve the menstrual cramps, but was unlikely to improve her anxiety disorder unless that was brought on by the dysmenorrhea. D. K. talked to her husband and then told Respondent she would like to have the hysterectomy during her current admission rather than be discharged and return at a later date. After concluding D. K. was capable of consenting to the surgery, the hysterectomy was scheduled for November 24, 1980. In Dr. Joyes' hospital notes (Exhibit 1), an entry dated November 21, 1980 states in part: "Anxiety re surgery. Feels her problems are due to physical causes." November 22, 1980 entry: "States relief decision made to have surgery (hysterectomy) scheduled for Monday." November 23, 1980 entry: "Patient expresses anxiety re A.m. surgery. Able to understand others and is supportive to their needs. Lacks emotional insight into her own." Nurses notes in Exhibit 1 (page 61) for November 22, 1980 reads: "Attended group session . . . Participated very well. Appears more relaxed and comfortable this evening." Nurses notes for November 23, 1980 read: "Good participation during group. Insight into other's problems good. Nothing specific to solving own anxieties offered except surgery." At no time did Dr. Joye conclude that D. K. was unable to fully and knowingly consent to the surgery that was performed by Respondent on November 24, 1980. Petitioner's witness, Dr. Eli Rose, opined that D. K. was unable to give informed consent to the surgery based upon her admitting diagnosis of acute anxiety reaction and Dr. Joye's comment in Exhibit 1 (finding 5 above) "that [she] lacks emotional insight into her own." He also opined that from the symptoms of D. K. as contained in the patient records there was insufficient medical justification for the hysterectomy performed. Dr. Rose was also perturbed that the operation was scheduled so quickly, disregarding (or not knowing) that D. K. had requested the surgery be performed during that hospitalization. Before becoming aware that a second surgeon assisted Respondent in performing this hysterectomy, Dr. Rose opined that the length of the operation, forty-five minutes, was too short a time for this procedure to be safely and adequately performed. After learning that another surgeon assisted Respondent, Dr. Rose backed away from this position. After this case was referred to Dr. Rose for consultation, he became aware that he was D. K.'s physician two years earlier who had treated D. K.'s symptoms with medication. In addition to his own testimony, Respondent presented two gynecologists, one board certified and the other board eligible. Dr. Broadnax reviewed the patient records of D. K. and the depositions of other witnesses. He opined that in the treatment of D. K., Respondent exercised the level of care, skill and treatment which is recognized by a reasonably prudent similar osteopathic physician as acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances. The parties stipulated if Dr. Rothman, a board certified gynecologist, was called he would testify that in the treatment of D. K., Respondent exercised the care, skill and treatment which is recognized by a reasonably prudent osteopathic physician as acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances. With respect to the charge involving inadequate record keeping, no creditable evidence was presented to support this charge. Petitioner's only witness acknowledged that he was unaware there is a standard of care for the keeping of medical office records.

Florida Laws (1) 120.68
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Sep. 28, 2004 Number: 04-003495PL Latest Update: Jul. 07, 2024
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lady Lake, Florida Sep. 06, 2019 Number: 19-004724PL Latest Update: Dec. 16, 2019

Findings Of Fact The following Findings of Fact are based upon the testimony and documentary evidence presented at hearing, the demeanor and credibility of the witnesses, and on the entire record of this proceeding. Petitioner is the state agency charged with regulating the practice of osteopathic medicine pursuant to section 20.43, and chapters 456 and 459, Florida Statutes. At all times material to these proceedings, Respondent was a licensed osteopathic physician within the State of Florida, having been issued license number OS 8729. Respondent's address of record at the time of filing the Administrative Complaint was 11950 County Road 101, Suites 101, 102, and 103, The Villages, Florida 32162. Respondent's current address of record is 13767 U.S. Highway 441, Lady Lake, Florida 32159. Respondent currently holds no board certification in any specialty area, and did not complete any residency other than in emergency medicine. Respondent attended Michigan State University, College of Osteopathic Medicine. In 2002, he began full-time practice as an emergency room physician at Munroe Regional Medical Center in Ocala, Florida. He worked as an emergency room physician until he opened Exceptional Urgent Care Center (“EUCC”). At all times material to this complaint, Respondent owned and operated EUCC. Treatment Provided to Patient J.K. On March 15, 2018, J.K., along with his wife, presented to EUCC with complaints of a sore throat and fever. This was the first of two visits to the clinic. J.K. reported his medications as Amlodipine, Warfarin, Tamsulosin, and Dofetilide (unless otherwise indicated, hereinafter referred to by its trade name "Tikosyn"). J.K. was prescribed these medications by his cardiologist at the William S. Middleton Memorial Veterans Hospital (“V.A. Hospital”) in Wisconsin, his home state. Relevant to this matter, Tikosyn helps patients maintain a normal heartbeat rhythm. Tikosyn was prescribed to keep J.K.'s heart in rhythm as he had atrial fibrillation. J.K. was treated by a nurse practitioner, who ordered a chest x-ray and a flu swab. The flu swab returned negative, and the chest x-ray showed no focal pneumonia. J.K. was prescribed Tamiflu and Naproxen. J.K. elected not to fill the Tamiflu due to the “expensive cost.” Respondent was not involved in J.K.'s treatment on this date. On March 16, 2018, J.K. and his wife K.K. returned to EUCC as J.K.’s symptoms had not improved. On this visit, J.K. saw Dr. Im. Dr. Im evaluated J.K. and ordered two tests. Dr. Im ordered a Prothrombin Time International Normalized Ration ("PT INR") test to determine J.K.'s coagulation and he ordered a CT scan of the chest. The PT INR results were within the therapeutic range. The CT scan showed shattered ground- glass opacification in the posterior right lower lobe and the medial left upper lobe. The CT scan findings were interpreted as "non-specific, may represent hypoventilatory change or an infectious inflammatory process (acute or chronic).” Respondent advised J.K. and K.K. that the CT scan appeared to show the start of pneumonia, and he was going to prescribe three medications: Levaquin 750 mg, Prednisone 20 mg, and Zyrtec 10 mg. K.K. testified that she asked Respondent if the Levaquin, Prednisone, or Zyrtec were contraindicated with any of J.K.'s current prescriptions, specifically Tikosyn. K.K recalls that Respondent replied that he was not familiar with Dofetilide (Tikosyn), and advised them to check with the pharmacist to see if there were any contraindications. Although Respondent initially advised J.K. and K.K. that he was not familiar with Tikosyn, Respondent testified that he advised J.K. and K.K. of the possible interactions between Levaquin and Tikosyn and told her that the interaction was very rare. He testified that he advised J.K. and K.K. that the pharmacist is a safety net, and the pharmacist would call him to discuss the prescriptions if he missed anything. K.K. credibly testified that Respondent did not counsel J.K. or K.K. on any risks regarding the medications Dr. Im prescribed or provide them with any alternatives during the visit on March 16, 2018. J.K. and K.K. left EUCC and went to Publix to fill the prescriptions. K.K. asked the pharmacist if any medications would interfere with any of J.K.'s prescribed medications. Upon advice of the pharmacist that Levaquin was contraindicated with Tikosyn, K.K. declined to fill the prescription for Levaquin. On behalf of J.K., K.K. then called EUCC and asked for a different antibiotic that would not interact with Tikosyn. However, she was instructed to contact J.K.'s cardiologist. K.K. then contacted the cardiology staff of the V.A. Hospital in Wisconsin, who instructed K.K. to follow the advice of the pharmacist and (tell J.K.) not to take the Levaquin. K.K. called EUCC a second time to confirm whether J.K. had an infection and she was told that J.K. did not have an infection. Respondent recalls that he had a personal conversation with K.K. during a courtesy telephone call placed the next day (March 17, 2018). Respondent testified that during that call, he explained Levaquin was the drug of choice, other medications would not cover J.K.'s pneumonia, the potential interactions were very rare, and J.K. needed to take the Levaquin. By his own admission and his medical records, Respondent did not provide J.K. or K.K. with any specific alternative antibiotics and insisted that J.K. needed to take the Levaquin. K.K. disputes that Dr. Im spoke with her or J.K. at any point after the March 16, 2018, visit. She clearly recalled that she spoke with a woman each time she spoke with staff at Dr. Im’s office. Overall, J.K. and K.K. clearly and convincingly testified that Respondent never advised them of the risks of using Levaquin with Tikosyn or provided any alternatives to the Levaquin. Expert Testimony Petitioner offered the testimony of Dr. Anthony Davis, who testified as an expert. Dr. Davis has been licensed as an osteopathic physician in Florida since 1995. Dr. Davis attended Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine and completed an internship in family practice. He has been board certified in family medicine by the American Board of Osteopathic Family Physicians since 2001, and board certified in emergency medicine by the American Association of Physician Specialists since July 2003. He is also affiliated with professional organizations including the American College of Family Practice and Florida Osteopathic Medical Association. Dr. Davis was accepted as an expert in emergency and family medicine. Dr. Davis relied upon his work experience, his training, and his review of the medical records for J.K. to render his opinion regarding the standard of care related to treating J.K. The standard of care requires an osteopathic physician treating a patient similar to J.K. to: (1) provide and document their justification for why Levaquin was the appropriate drug of choice; (2) note the patient’s acknowledgment that there are interactions with Tikosyn; (3) ensure the patient understands the risks and benefits of combining Tikosyn and Levaquin; (4) explain to the patient that there are limited alternatives to Levaquin; and (5) provide the reason for prescribing a potentially dangerous drug. Levaquin is a medication that comes with a black box warning that requires physicians to counsel patients on the risks associated. When a drug is designated as contraindicated and has a category X for interaction, the standard of care requires that the physician clearly explains to the patient why they are using the drug and defend how it is going to be safe. Tr., p. 70. Dr. Davis opined there were multiple treatment options available for J.K., such as supportive care or an antibiotic with a lower risk of interaction with J.K.'s existing medication. Moreover, Dr. Davis testified that there were safer alternatives to Levaquin that would effectively treat pneumonia, such as doxycycline, if J.K. actually had pneumonia and an antibiotic was necessary. Respondent provided literature from the Infectious Diseases Society of America related to community-acquired pneumonia in an attempt to prove that X-Ray or other imaging techniques are required for the diagnosis of pneumonia and to support his claim that Levaquin was the drug of choice for J.K. However, Dr. Davis credibly pointed out that the article, published in 2007, is no longer accurate.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Board of Osteopathic Medicine enter a Final Order as follows: Finding that John Joseph Im, D.O., violated section 459.015(1)(x), by committing medical malpractice, as defined in section 456.50, as alleged in the Administrative Complaint; Issue a letter of concern against Respondent’s license to practice osteopathic medicine; Requiring completion of a prescribing practices course; and Imposing an administrative fine of $2,500. DONE AND ENTERED this 16th day of December, 2019, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S YOLONDA Y. GREEN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of December, 2019.

Florida Laws (8) 120.569120.57120.6820.43456.072456.50459.015766.102 Florida Administrative Code (2) 64B15-19.00264B15-19.003 DOAH Case (1) 19-4724PL
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Sep. 28, 2004 Number: 04-003496PL Latest Update: Jul. 07, 2024
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Jun. 14, 2007 Number: 07-002659PL Latest Update: Jul. 07, 2024
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Sep. 28, 2004 Number: 04-003498PL Latest Update: Jul. 07, 2024
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-001731 Latest Update: Dec. 18, 1986

The Issue The issue presented for decision herein is whether or not Respondent has engaged in conduct, more particularly set forth in the Administrative Complaint filed herein, signed April 10, 1986, violative of Chapter 459, Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact Based upon my observation of the witnesses and their demeanor while testifying, documentary evidence received and the entire record compiled herein, I hereby make the following relevant factual findings. Respondent, Donald J. Weiss, D.O., during times material herein, was licensed as an osteopathic physician in Florida and has been issued license number OS 0003459. The investigative report of Petitioner's investigator Mel Waxman, medical records and a consultant's report of Dr. Ralph Birzon, D.O., were received into evidence without objection except for certain unspecified prescriptions (by Respondent). During the time period 1980 through 1985, Respondent admitted to having treated patients R.N., H.M. and C.B. or C.P. Respondent admitted to the treatment of the above- referred patients with specific dates relating to prescriptions of Schedule II drugs for patients R.N. and H.M. (Request for Admissions dated June 2, 1986). A review of the medical records for patients R.N., H.M. and C.B. or C.P. reveals that Respondent failed to maintain appropriate medical records justifying his course of medical treatment for such patients. As example, during the period January 1984 and June 19, 1985, Respondent prescribed 1,970 4 mg. Dilaudid and 380 Seconal 100 mg. capsules for patient R.N. Also, during the same time period, Respondent prescribed 2,665 4 mg. tablets of Dilaudid for patient H.M. (Responses to Request for Admissions dated June 2, 1986). Respondent failed to take adequate physical exams, laboratory reports or other medical histories to justify the quantity of controlled substances prescribed for patients R.N and H.M. In his treatment of patient R.N., H.M. and C.B., each patient was addicted to the medication Dilaudid and Seconal, both Schedule II controlled substances as defined in Sections 893.03(2)(a) and (c), Florida Statutes. Respondent's treatment of patients R.N., H.M. and C.B. by prescribing Dilaudid, Seconal and Valium (also a Schedule II controlled substance) was not in their best interest as addicts. Based upon a review of the medical records for patients R.N., H.M. and C.B. or C.P., Respondent's prescriptions for Dilaudid, Seconal and Valium were excessive, inappropriate and unacceptable for an osteopathic physician. Respondent's treatment for patients R.N., H.M and C.B. or C.P. fell below the level of care, skill and treatment as recognized by a reasonable prudent similar osteopathic physician as being acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances. (Testimony of Ralph Birzon, D.O., TR 41-46). An examination of the Physician's Desk Reference (PDR) reveals that Respondent, by prescribing Dilaudid and Seconal to patients R.N. and H.M. was inappropriate, and when taken together, exacerbated those patient's medical problems. Additionally, a review of the PDR indicates that Dilaudid cannot be safely prescribed for long periods of time. A long period of time is, based on the reference, a period in excess of three months. Respondent admits that he made a mistake in his treatment of the above-referred patients by prescribing Schedule II controlled substances. Respondent considered that he was "duped" and offered that this was his first contact with drug addicts. Respondent prays that his license not be revoked or suspended and offered to accept any lesser ordered penalty.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, RECOMMENDED THAT: Respondent's license be suspended for a period of six (6) months; Following the period of suspension, Respondent be placed on probation for a similar period of six (6) months; During the probationary period, Respondent be required to successfully complete eighty (80) hours of continuing education related to the physician and proper substance abuse prescribing procedures. RECOMMENDED this 18th day of December, 1986, in Tallahassee, Florida. JAMES E. BRADWELL Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 18th day of December, 1986. COPIES FURNISHED: Preston T. Everett, Jr., Esquire Fred Roche, Secretary Department of Professional Department of Professional Regulation Regulation 130 North Monroe Street 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Donald J. Weiss, D.O. Wings Benton, Esquire 145 River North Circle General Counsel Atlanta, Georgia 30328 Department of Professional Regulation Rod Presnell, Executive Director Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 =================================================================

Florida Laws (4) 120.57120.68459.015893.03
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Mar. 20, 1996 Number: 96-001413 Latest Update: Mar. 03, 1997

The Issue The issue to be resolved in this proceeding concerns whether the licensure examination taken by the Petitioner qualifies him under Section 459.007(3), Florida Statutes, for licensure as an osteopathic physician in the State of Florida.

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner, Lawrence Edward Suess, is an osteopathic physician licensed by the Boards of Medical Examiners in Texas, Alabama, and Kentucky. He seeks licensure in Florida, pursuant to Section 459.007(3), Florida Statutes. He is also licensed in Arizona and Texas as a registered nurse, holds BS and MS degrees in child development and nursing and a Ph.D. in nursing. The Respondent, the Board of Osteopathic Medicine (Board), is an agency of the State of Florida, charged with regulating the admission to practice and the practice and licensure standards of osteopathic physicians licensed or seeking to be licensed in the State of Florida. The Board issued an order, as corrected, on November 9, 1995, granting application of licensure to the Petitioner upon the condition that within one year, he successfully complete Part III of the NBOME examination for purposes of licensure in the State of Florida, and not for diplomate status. The Board found in that order that the Petitioner had not passed all three parts of the NBOME examination and had submitted certification of passage of only Parts I and II. The Board found that the “FLEX” examination was not a substantially-similar examination to the required NBOME examination since the FLEX examination did not contain an osteopathic medicine component. The Board also found that the completion by the Petitioner of a Board certification examination was not substantially similar to the NBOME examination because it tested only a single subject matter and not the broad principles contained in Part III of the NBOME examination. On November 13, 1995, a Petition for Formal Hearing was filed by the Petitioner disputing the decision of the Board which precluded him from obtaining licensure to practice medicine in the State of Florida because of failure to complete Part III of the NBOME examination. He contended that he was outside the time period in which he would be allowed to take Part III. He further contended that the FLEX examination was a substantially-similar examination to the NBOME examination. The Petitioner contends that taking the FLEX examination should be sufficient to justify licensure, although he also acknowledged that Part III of the NBOME examination tests osteopathic philosophy and principle; and he acknowledged that the FLEX examination does not, although he was attempting to testify and argue that the FLEX examination was substantially similar to the NBOME examination. He provided no testimony or evidence, however, to establish that the FLEX examination tests osteopathic philosophy and principle. The Respondent presented the testimony of Joseph Smoley, Ph.D. by deposition. Dr. Smoley holds a Ph.D. in educational measurement and has served for ten of the last eleven years as Executive Director of the NBOME. The NBOME is an organization that develops an examination that is independent of the osteopathic medical schools to evaluate osteopathic physicians who are either currently in undergraduate or in graduate medical programs. The NBOME’s main mission is to provide state licensing examinations with an independent assessment of the knowledge base of candidate osteopathic physicians. Dr. Smoley oversees NBOME policy and supervises educational measurement within the osteopathic profession. His oversight responsibilities include the examination section of the NBOME. He provides a constant review of the process of testing for the Board of Directors. The NBOME developed its examination by having questions drafted by faculty members and osteopathic physicians in independent practice. Faculty members may be D.O.’s or Ph.D.’s in the various basic sciences, and there is a multi-tiered process for preparing and reviewing questions. A copy of the bulletin of information concerning the NBOME examinations was attached to and made part of the deposition. Dr. Smoley testified that typically the candidates take Part I as a sophomore during medical school, Part II as a senior, and Part III as an intern in their first post-graduate year. He established that the purpose behind that examination is “the integration of osteopathic principles and practices as well as the philosophy of osteopathic medicine.” No allopathic physicians are involved in the grading process of that examination. Some allopathic physicians associated with osteopathic colleges may submit questions that, after the review process, may be used on the examination. The purpose of the NBOME examination, as shown by Dr. Smoley, is to make sure that each question integrates osteopathic principles and practices in some way and that the entire examination is reflective of the practice of osteopathic medicine. Dr. Smoley is also familiar with the FLEX examination, as well as the current licensure examination for allopathic physicians, the USMLE. The Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) does not prepare any complete examination or any additional components for its regular examination concerning manipulation or osteopathic practice and principles. According to Dr. Smoley, there has never been an official comparison or analysis between the NBOME examination and the FLEX examination. Based upon his experience and educational measurement, he has determined that if one examination, the NBOME, contains osteopathic principles and practice and the other examination, the FLEX, does not incorporate those principles and practices, then the two examinations could not be considered equivalent. The NBOME examination is more extensive because it integrates osteopathic principles and practice throughout its content. This osteopathic examination is not simply one that tests manipulation. Therefore, it is not asserted to be appropriate for chiropractors or M.D.’s who have been trained in manipulation but only for persons who have received an osteopathic medical education. The Respondent also presented the testimony by deposition of James R. Winn, M.D. He is Executive Vice President of the FSMB. The FSMB assists state medical boards in conducting their evaluation of physicians regarding their fitness to practice medicine. The FSMB developed examinations which are administered by state boards. Dr. Winn serves as the supervisor for the examination services section of the FSMB. Those examinations are developed in cooperation with the National Board of Medical Examiners. The current examination available from the FSMB is the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) used since 1992. Prior to that time, the FSMB administered the FLEX examination, which was for the evaluation of all physicians requesting licensure. The FLEX examination did not have a section on osteopathic practice, as shown by Dr. Winn. The FSMB allows all physicians seeking licensure in the United States to take that examination, including graduates of osteopathic medical schools and graduates of foreign medical schools. With the FLEX examination, unlike the NBOME examination, medical students are not eligible, only graduates of medical schools are eligible to take the examination. Dr. Winn is familiar with the examination of the NBOME and its purpose. He is not aware of any side-by-side comparison between the two examinations to determine equivalency. In his expert opinion, there would have to be such an evaluation in order to determine whether the examinations are equivalent. The testimony of Drs. Smoley and Winn was elaborated upon and corroborated by Dr. Morton Morris. Dr. Morris is a licensed osteopathic physician in the State of Florida and is board certified in osteopathic surgery by the American Osteopathic Board of Orthopedic Surgery. He is also certified by the American Board of Quality Medical Assurance and is a fellow of the American College of Legal Medicine. He is Vice-Chancellor for academic affairs in the health professions division at Nova Southeastern University, a Florida osteopathic medical school. Additionally, Dr. Morris is a licensed, practicing attorney in the State of Florida. He practices in the areas of medical malpractice, general health law and administrative law. Dr. Morris is familiar with the NBOME examination, having served as a test item writer for the NBOME. He recognizes Dr. Smoley as one who helps develop the philosophy of the examinations in question. The philosophy of the NBOME is that content concerning osteopathic practice and principles permeates the entire examination. Even when certain questions on their face are not osteopathically oriented, the evaluation and the grading of the responses is carried out from an osteopathic viewpoint and philosophy. The test item writers are directed to draft test questions which include osteopathic philosophy. In the past, the NBOME has agreed to allow a candidate to take only Part III or an equivalent examination and receive the score from the NBOME. In fact, Dr. Morris represented that person in his capacity as an attorney. He worked out the arrangements whereby that candidate could take and pass Part III of the NBOME examination in order to obtain a Florida osteopathic medical license, as the Petitioner seeks herein, even though, since he would not have taken Part III within the required seven years, he could not receive diplomate status with the NBOME. The Board’s order in this case specifically requires passage of Part III of that examination, but it does not require diplomate status. Such an arrangement would thus seem to provide a means to alleviate the Petitioner’s predicament in the instant situation. The Petitioner, in questioning Dr. Morris upon cross- examination, inquired about the possibility of a person taking all three parts of the NBOME examination, even if he had already taken Parts I and II. Dr. Morris stated that that was possible. Page 7 of the Bulletin of Information, in evidence in Respondent’s Exhibit 1, although stating that the candidate cannot take the examination “to attempt to improve his score”, states nothing to indicate preclusion of a candidate taking the entire examination for any other purpose. Dr. Morris stated that the Petitioner could take Part III of the examination and that the NBOME would make arrangements to allow him to do that, with the understanding that if he passed Part III, he would not be able to receive diplomate status from the NBOME (because of passage of time before taking Part III). In making comparisons between osteopathic medical education and allopathic medical education, Dr. Morris acknowledged that in some cases, osteopathic medical colleges use the same textbooks as used by allopathic medical schools. That does not, however, make them similar professions. Although anatomy and physiology may not be different, the philosophy of treating the whole patient is different. Responding to the Petitioner’s contention that having obtained board certification in his specialty area should count as equivalency to the entry level examination, Dr. Morris pointed out that all that the board certification accomplishes is to show that an osteopathic physician is recognized by his or her peers as competent to practice a specialty. It does not mean that the person is osteopathically oriented enough to be eligible for licensure and to be able to pass a minimum competency examination. The Petitioner contends that having passed Parts I and II of the NBOME examination, FLEX should quality him for osteopathic licensure in the State of Florida, in lieu of taking Part III of the NBOME examination, because anything of an osteopathic nature would have already been tested on Parts I and II. Dr. Morris established to the contrary, however, that Part III is the clinical testing, the testing of how the individual puts to use his clinical evaluation in treatment of patients. It is the ultimate test of whether an individual has developed and is able to apply a philosophy of practice sufficient to show that he is competent to be an osteopathic physician. Parts I and II of the NBOME examination do not test clinical skills. The FLEX does test clinical skills, but it does not test for osteopathic practices as to clinical skills. The NBOME requires that a person take Part III within seven years of having taken Part I, if that person wishes to be a diplomate of the NBOME. There is no apparent preclusion, however, in a person arranging to take only Part III, simply for purposes of state licensure. The record is not clear whether a person could take Parts I, II and III within the period of one year. It does seem apparent, however, that the Petitioner could take Part III within a one-year time period, which is all that is required in the Board’s order. Further, the statute requires that a person take all parts of the NBOME examination or a substantially-equivalent examination. What the Petitioner attempts to do is to take two parts of the NBOME examination and then substitute a different examination (FLEX) for Part III. This does not constitute a substantially-equivalent examination for the above reasons. A substantially-equivalent examination would have to be equivalent to all three parts of the NBOME examination. During discussion of the difference between osteopathic and allopathic schools of medicine, Dr. Morris pointed out that many osteopathic physicians use the same modalities that allopathic physicians use. It is just that they also use osteopathic modalities. He gave the example of a cardiac patient whom an osteopathic physician would treat just as a medical doctor would treat the basic condition with appropriate drugs but then would incorporate osteopathic philosophy, such as the “lymphatic pump”, meaning that the osteopathic physician would incorporate muscle techniques of stretching and passive manipulation in order to help the patient. The osteopathic physician would possibly use manipulative techniques on the lymphatic system and not just use drugs or other allopathic techniques. In the context of the NBOME examination, a question might reference a cardiac patient. Although the question would not mention the lymphatic pump, a proper answer might entail a clinical response that would consider that modality of treatment. In orthopedics, Dr. Morris’ specialty, an osteopathic physician can make significant use of manipulative techniques, as well as general surgery, casting and other modalities normally used by allopathic physicians. Use of the FLEX examination, rather than the NBOME examination, would not lower standards for osteopathic physicians. Rather, the FLEX examination simply embodies a different standard than the one used to test for competency in osteopathic principles and medicine. The Petitioner acknowledged that he could have taken Part III of the NBOME examination but chose not to because it was then more convenient for him to take the FLEX examination to continue his training in the State of Texas which required passage of the FLEX examination for osteopathic licensure. The Petitioner contended that if he applied for a Florida osteopathic medical faculty certificate (MFC), the FLEX examination would be acceptable and he would be eligible. That fact, he contends, by analogy, establishes that he is qualified to practice osteopathic medicine in the State of Florida. He has never applied for such a certificate nor has he been offered an osteopathic medical faculty position in the State of Florida. Thus, determination of that issue is not before this tribunal. Even if it were, there are significant differences between a full license to practice osteopathic medicine indefinitely and a medical faculty certificate. With the MFC, the Petitioner would not be allowed to be engaged in private practice of osteopathic medicine and the MFC would only allow him to practice in the academic realm for only two years. Finally, the statutory requirements for an MFC do not require the passage of any licensure examination. Accordingly, to the extent that the Petitioner’s argument and testimony implies some analogy or equivalency between eligibility for the MFC and eligibility for full licensure, such equivalency is not borne out by the greater weight of the evidence.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the application of the Petitioner, Lawrence Edward Suess, D.O., for licensure as an osteopathic physician, without conditions, is denied on the basis that the FLEX examination has not been shown to be substantially similar to the NBOME examination.DONE AND ENTERED this 28th day of February, 1997, in Tallahassee, Florida. P. MICHAEL RUFF Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of February, 1997. COPIES FURNISHED: Lawrence E. Suess, D.O., Ph.D. Owensboro Psychiatric Institute 1700 Frederica Street, Suite 106 Owensboro, Kentucky 42301 M. Catherine Lannon, Esquire Department of Legal Affairs The Capitol, Room PL-01 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 William H. Buckhalt, Executive Director Board of Osteopathic Medicine Agency for Health Care Administration 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0757 Jerome W. Hoffman, General Counsel Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32309

Florida Laws (2) 120.57459.0077
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 78-001664 Latest Update: Oct. 23, 1979

The Issue The Petitioner, State of Florida, Department of Professional Regulation, Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners, has brought an action by Administrative Complaint against the Respondent, George Warren Frison, Jr., D.O., charging that on January 4 and 31, 1978, and February 28, 1978, the Respondent issued prescriptions for a substance commonly known as Quaalude, otherwise known as Methaqualone, and prescriptions for a substance known as Biphetamine, a material, mixture, compound or preparation which contains Amphetamines; both types of prescriptions being controlled substances within the meaning of Chapter 893, Florida Statutes. The complaint further alleges that the prescriptions were delivered to a patient, George DeBella, also known as George J. Conlon, without good faith and not in the course of the Respondent's professional practice, and, therefore, unlawfully. See Section 893.03, Florida Statutes. Finally, the Administrative Complaint alleges that these acts on the part of the Respondent are prohibited by Sections 893.05 and 893.13, Florida Statutes, and are violative of Subsections 459.14(2)(m) and (n), Florida Statutes, in that the Respondent is guilty of unprofessional conduct and has violated the laws of the State of Florida.

Findings Of Fact This cause comes on for consideration based upon the Administrative Complaint filed by the State of Florida, Department of Professional Regulation, Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners. The Respondent in this cause is George Warren Frison, Jr., D.O., who holds license No. 1169 under regulation by the Petitioner. Dr. Frison also held license No. 1169 at all times pertinent to the Administrative Complaint. The Administrative Complaint is a six-count document, the general nature of which has been outlined in the issues statement of this Administrative Complaint. The specific contentions of the Administrative Complaint will be addressed in the course of these findings of fact. The proof offered reveals that on January 4, 1978, an officer of the Daytona Beach Police Department, one George Joseph Conlon, went to the office of the Respondent in DeBarry, Florida. At the time of this visit, Officer Conlon was operating under the assumed name of George DeBella. The purpose of Officer Conlon's visit was to ascertain if the Respondent was issuing prescriptions for drugs, not as a part of Dr. Frison's professional practice, but merely to satiate the desires of the ostensible patient and to profit from the encounter by charging the patient for the office visit. When Conlon entered the doctor's office on January 4, 1978, he was initially seen by Dr. Frison's nurse, who took the patient's blood pressure end weighed him and had the patient complete a form medical history data sheet. Conlon was then ushered in to see the doctor and he proceeded to tell Dr. Frison that he was not a "doper" and was not there for the purpose of getting Dilaudids. He explained to Dr. Frison that he had two jobs and that he was taking small black capsules to keep him going, to which Dr. Frison replied as an interrogatory, "Biphetamines?". Conlon explained that he didn't know what the substance was but that he had been paying $3.00 apiece to buy them from dealers and that arrangement was stupid and could he get some from the Respondent. Dr. Frison asked if Conlon meant a prescription and Conlon replied in the affirmative, and Frison said that he could get a prescription. Conlon in turn asked if he needed to provide other information. Frison responded by asking Conlon, "How many do you take?" Conlon indicated that he took one in the morning and one around six o'clock p.m. There was further conversation in which Conlon explained that he worked in a nursery in the daylight working hours and as a bartender from 2:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. Conlon also made remarks to the effect that he, Conlon, was not a "freak" and that he was trying to be "straight" with the doctor. Dr. Frison inquired if the small black capsules were the only thing that Conlon took and Conlon, in answering the doctor, indicated he had taken several Quaaludes, which helped to put him to sleep at night and that his frequency of using the drug was three times a week, at most. In response to the comments about Quaaludes, Dr. Frison asked Conlon if he would like a prescription for a few Quaaludes, and Conlon agreed. Frison indicated that he would give him a prescription for the Quaaludes, but not in the quantity of the Biphetamines which he was prescribing. There was further conversation about where the patient lived and in answering the Respondent's question, Conlon acknowledged that he lived in Daytona Beach, Florida. The Respondent asked why he didn't ask for a prescription in Daytona Beach and Conlon said it was because someone had mentioned Dr. Frison. There was a final series of remarks about buying drugs from other sources and paying $3.00 and that terminated the conversation. The only other examination or discussion which the doctor had with Conlon on January 4, 1978, involved the doctor taking the pulse of Officer Conlon during their conference. After this meeting between Dr. Frison and Conlon, Dr. Frison prescribed sixty Biphetamines, which is a mixture which contains Amphetamines and is a controlled substance within the meaning of Chapter 893.03, Florida Statutes, specifically a Schedule II item. Dr. Frison also prescribed thirty Quaaludes, also known as Methaqualone, which is a controlled substance within the meaning of Section 893.03, Florida Statutes, and specifically a Schedule II item. A copy of the prescriptions may be found as the Petitioner's Composite Exhibit No. 1 admitted into evidence. Officer Conlon was carrying a concealed transmitter on his person when this visit and the following visits were made to the Respondent's office, and tapes were made of the office conversations which were recorded from Conlon's transmitter. A transcript of the intelligible parts of the conversations between Conlon and the Respondent and Conlon and the Respondent's nurse, that occurred on January 4, 1978, may be found as the Petitioner's Exhibit No. 2 admitted into evidence. On January 31, 1978, Conlon returned to the office of the Respondent in DeBary, Florida. Again, the nurse weighed Conlon and took his blood pressure. Dr. Frison saw the patient and asked how the patient had been progressing and inquired about the number of tablets the patient had taken. Conlon responded that he took two or three a day. Dr. Frison indicated that that number was too many. Dr. Frison also noted that it had only been twenty-seven days since the last visit. Dr. Frison then determined to issue new prescriptions, but to postdate prescriptions for Biphetamines and Quaaludes to February 3, 1978. In connection with this, he prescribed sixty Biphetamines and sixty Quaaludes. There was some discussion held about the nature of the Quaaludes and how the patient, Conlon, might become dependent on them, leading to potential addiction. Frison also indicated that addiction to Biphetamines is one of the worst addictions and that Conlon should cut down the use of them. There was a further inquiry by Dr. Frison about why the patient did not get the prescriptions in Daytona Beach, to which Conlon replied that he was nervous about that. Frison terminated the conversation by telling Conlon not to take too many of the tablets and agreeing to write the prescriptions. There was no further physical examination of the patient or other discussion of the patient's condition. A copy of the prescriptions dated February 3, 1978, may be found as the Petitioner's Composite Exhibit No. 3 admitted into evidence and a copy of the transcript of the conversation between Conlon and the Respondent to the extent the conversation was intelligible, may be found as the Petitioner's Exhibit No. 4 admitted into evidence. Conlon made another trip to Dr. Frison's DeBary, Florida, office on February 28, 1978. He again was weighed and had his blood pressure taken by the nurse. Conlon was seen by Dr. Frison, who checked his pulse and chest. In the course of the visit, the Respondent inquired about Conlon's health and about his job at the bar. Then Frison stated that he would give Conlon prescriptions for that date, but would not be able to give him prescriptions for Quaalude and Biphetamine in the future. He explained to Conlon the reason for termination of the practice was that he was having problems of an unspecified nature. There was some brief discussion about a skin infection which the Patient had and that ended the conversation between the Respondent and Conlon. (Frison did not treat the patient for the skin condition.) Frison prescribed sixty Biphetamines and sixty Quaaludes and copies of these prescriptions may be found as part of the Petitioner's Composite Exhibit No. 5 admitted into evidence. As before, the intelligible parts of the conversation, as transcribed, may be found in the copy of that transcribed conversation which is Petitioner's Exhibit No. 6 admitted into evidence. In view of the events which occurred on January 4 and 31, 1978, and February 28, 1978, involving George J. Conlon, the ostensible patient of the Respondent, the Petitioner has brought the Administrative Complaint. Counts I and II deal with the events of January 4, 1978, and the prescription for Quaalude, otherwise known as Methaqualone; and Biphetamine, a material, mixture, compound or preparation containing Amphetamines, Count I dealing with the Quaalude and Count II dealing with the Biphetamine. Counts III and IV deal with the events of January 31, 1978, and the prescription for Quaalude, otherwise known as Methaqualone; and Biphetamine, a material, mixture, compound or preparation containing Amphetamines, Count III dealing with the Quaalude and Count IV dealing with the Biphetamine. Finally, Counts V and VI deal with the events of February 28, 1978, and the prescription for Quaalude, otherwise known as Methaqualone; and Biphetamine, a material, mixture, compound or preparation containing Amphetamines, Count V dealing with the Quaalude and Count VI dealing with the Biphetamines. In each of the counts, the Respondent is accused of delivering drugs without good faith and not in the course of professional practice and thereby unlawfully distributing and dispensing a controlled substance described in Section 893.03, Florida Statutes. According to the allegations, the acts of the Respondent in those instances are prohibited by Sections 893.05 and 893.13, Florida Statutes, and such acts constitute a violation of Subsections 459.14 (2)(m) and (n), Florida Statutes, in showing that the Respondent is guilty of unprofessional conduct and has violated the laws of the State of Florida. The substantive provisions dealing with disciplinary action against the Respondent are found in Subsection 459.14(2)(m), Florida Statutes, and Subsection 459.14(2)(n), Florida Statutes. The former provision states: 459.14(2)(m) A finding of the board that the individual is guilty of immoral or unprofes- sional conduct. Unprofessional conduct shall include any departure from, or failure to conform to, the minimal standards of accept- able and prevailing osteopathic medical prac- tice, without regard to the injury of a patient, or the committing of any act contrary to hon- esty, whether the same is committed in the course of practice or not. The evidential facts shown indicate that the substance commonly known as Quaalude, otherwise known as Methaqualone, a controlled substance within the meaning of Chapter 893, Florida Statutes, and the substance known as Biphetamine, a material, mixture, compound or preparation which contains Amphetamines, a controlled substance within the meaning of Chapter 893, Florida Statutes; were not prescribed in good faith and in the course of the Respondent's professional practice, as required by Section 893.05, Florida Statutes, if the Respondent is to avoid the penalties of the provisions of Section 893.13, Florida Statutes. This lack of good faith constituted unprofessional conduct, in the sense that the Respondent was departing from and failing to conform to the minimal standards of acceptable and prevailing osteopathic medical practice, set out in Subsection 459.14(2)(m), Florida Statutes. In particular, the departure from and failure to conform to those minimal standards is evidenced by the Petitioner's act of prescribing the controlled substance for Conlon when there was no specific complaint of a physical problem. This finding is made in spite of the witnesses who testified in behalf of the Respondent, who claimed that you could prescribe medication for compassionate reasons, and notwithstanding the Respondent's false entry into the medical chart of the patient, Conlon, indicating that the patient was being treated for the condition of being overweight. The Respondent further violated the standards of his professional community by failing to take an adequate history of the patient's condition on the occasions the patient was seen; failing to make an adequate physical examination of the patient on the occasions when the patient was seen; and by not placing reasonable controls over the drugs that were prescribed for the patient, particularly in his failure to warn the patient not to drive or use heavy machinery while under the influence of the medications. The Physician's Desk Reference manual creates a necessity for these cautionary instructions referred to above, and the Respondent should have warned the patient of the medications' possible effects. The Respondent also violated medical practice by postdating the prescriptions which were issued on January 31, 1978. Finally, the Respondent violated the minimum standards of his profession by prescribing Quaaludes and Biphetamines in combination when these drugs are known to have an antagonistic effect in combination. These findings of violations pertain to each date that the patient was seen; January 4 and 31, 1978, and February 28, 1978, involving both the substances, Quaalude and Biphetamine. The other substantive grounds of a violation alleged by the Petitioner deal with Subsection 459.14(2)(n), Florida Statutes, which reads as follows: 459.14 (2)(n) Violation of any statute or law of this state or any other state or terri- tory of the United States or any foreign country, which statute or law relates to the practice of medicine. To establish this violation, it would be necessary for a court of competent jurisdiction to have found the Respondent guilty of a violation of Section 893.13, Florida Statutes. This determination cannot be made by an administrative tribunal and in view of the fact that no court of competent jurisdiction has found such a violation, the Petitioner's claim under Subsection 459.14(2)(n), Florida Statutes, has not been sustained.

Recommendation It is recommended that the Petitioner, State of Florida, Department of Professional Regulation, Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners, suspend the Respondent, George Warren Frison, Jr., D.O., for a period of one (1) year for the violations established in Counts I and II; for one year for the violations established in Counts III and IV, to run concurrently with the penalty imposed for Counts I and II; and for one (1) year for the violations established in Counts V and VI, to run concurrently with the penalty imposed for Counts I and II. DONE AND ORDERED this 25th day of July, 1979, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 101, Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Ronald C. LaFace, Esquire Post Office Drawer 1838 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Edward R. Kirkland, Esquire 126 East Jefferson Street Orlando, Florida 32801

Florida Laws (3) 893.03893.05893.13
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