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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-001604 Latest Update: Apr. 29, 1988

Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto, Respondents, Alejandrina Mora and Felix Aristides, held alcoholic beverage license number 23-4816, series 2-APS, and 23- 8295, series 2-COP, for the premises known as Las Tunas Market and Cafeteria, 628-30 6th Street, Miami Beach, Florida. In March 1988, Petitioner, Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco (DABT), in conjunction with the Miami Beach Police Department (MBPD), began a narcotics investigation at the licensed premises. Previously, Sergeant Tom Hunker and Detective Walter Campbell of the MBPD had made several drug arrests at the licensed premises, and had warned the owners to stop such activities on their premises or their licenses would be subject to revocation. On March 8, 1988, DABT Investigator Oscar Santana, operating undercover, entered the licensed premises. During the course of his visit, he observed a male patron known as Junior sell what appeared to be rock cocaine to several persons both on and off the licensed premises. After observing the foregoing transactions, Investigator Santana approached Junior and asked him if he had any more to sell. In response, Junior handed Santana two crack cocaine rocks, for which Santana paid Junior $20. This transaction occurred in plan view of respondents' employee Gonzalo. 1/ On March 9, 1988, Investigator Santana returned to the licensed premises. Upon entering, Santana was approached by Junior who inquired as to whether he would be interested in purchasing some more cocaine. Santana responded affirmatively, and handed Junior $20. Junior then left the premises for a short time, and when he returned handed Santana two crack cocaine rocks. This transaction occurred at the counter, and in plain view of respondents' employee Gonzalo. After the foregoing transaction, Investigator Santana was approached by another patron known as Paul, who inquired whether he would be interested in buying some cocaine. Santana agreed to buy from Paul if he brought it to the licensed premises. Paul left the premises, returned shortly thereafter, and met Santana just outside the door. At that time, Santana paid Paul $30 in exchange for two crack cocaine rocks. During the course of this transaction, respondents' employees Ricky and Gonzalo were nearby. On March 10, 1988, Investigator Santana returned to the licensed premises. During the course of his visit, Santana met with a patron known as Charlie, who offered to sell him some cocaine. Santana handed Charlie $20 and observed him leave the premises, walk across the street, and hand the money to another individual. Shortly thereafter, Charlie returned to the licensed premises and delivered the cocaine rocks to Santana. The exchange between Santana and Charlie took place in plain view and in the presence of respondents' employee Nene. On March 17, 1988, Investigator Santana returned to the licensed premises. Also on the premises that day were DABT Investigators Jenkins and Elkin, operating separately from Santana to provide backup for him. As he entered the premises, Santana seated himself with Junior and respondents' employee Ricky at a table by the front door. There, in front of Ricky, Santana purchased a cocaine rock from Junior for $20. Ricky, suspicious of Jenkins and Elkin, two female non-latins, warned Santana to be careful because the two females were police officers. On March 18, 1988, Investigator Santana returned to the licensed premises. Investigators Jenkins and Elkin, again operating separately from Santana, were also on the premises that day. Upon entering the premises, Santana was approached by a patron known as Reyna who inquired whether he was interested in purchasing some cocaine. Santana responded yes, handed Reyna $25, and Reyna left the premises. After Reyna left the premises, Santana seated himself at the front table. When Reyna returned, she sat down at the table with him and delivered, above the table, two cocaine rocks. This transaction took place in front of respondents' employee Ricky, who again warned Santana to beware of the police officers (Investigators Jenkins and Elkin). Later that day, Santana gave Junior $20 to purchase cocaine for him. When Junior delivered the rock cocaine to Santana it was done in plain view and in the presence of respondents' employees Gonzalo and Ricky. During the course of this visit to the premises, Investigators Jenkins and Elkin, also undercover, were seated separately from Santana. At some point they were joined by a male patron who later gave them two marijuana cigarettes. The investigators retired to the women's bathroom and burnt a marijuana cigarette to see what, if any, response it would bring. While one of respondents' employees entered the bathroom after they left, the aroma of marijuana brought no response. On March 21, 1988, Investigator Santana returned to the licensed premises. Upon entry, Santana, respondents' employee Gonzalo, and two black latin male patrons were the only persons present. These patrons approached Santana and inquired if he was interested in purchasing marijuana. Santana responded yes, and paid the men $20 for approximately one ounce of marijuana. This transaction occurred in plain view, and in the presence of Gonzalo. On March 24, 1988, Investigator Santana returned to the licensed premises. During the course of his visit he met with Junior inside the bathroom, and purchased two cocaine rocks for $40. On March 25, 1988, Investigator Santana returned to the licensed premises. Santana was approached by Junior who inquired whether he was interested in purchasing some cocaine. Santana handed Junior $40, and Junior left the premises to get the cocaine. Upon his return, Junior placed the cocaine rocks on the counter in front of Santana. This transaction occurred in plain view, and in the presence of respondents' employees Gonzalo and Ricky. All of the events summarized in the proceeding paragraphs took place at the licensed premises during normal business hours. At no time did respondents' employees express concern about any of the drug transactions. In fact, the proof demonstrates that all of the employees knew that marijuana and cocaine were being sold on the licensed premises on a regular, frequent and flagrant basis. Neither respondents, who were on notice of such activities, nor any of their employees, took any action to prevent, discourage, or terminate the sale of any controlled substance.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco enter a final order revoking alcoholic beverage license number 23-4816, series 2-APS, and alcoholic beverage license number 23-8295, series 2-COP, issued to Alejandrina Mora and Felix Aristid d/b/a Las Tunas Market and Cafeteria, for the premises located at 628-30 6th Street, Miami Beach, Florida. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 29th day of April, 1988. WILLIAM J. KENDRICK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29th day of April, 1988.

Florida Laws (4) 561.29823.10893.03893.13
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 76-002219 Latest Update: Mar. 24, 1977

The Issue Whether or not on or about September 28, 1976, one Leouigildo Hernandez, an agent, servant or employee of the beverage licensed premises of Intimo Lounge, Inc., d/b/a Intimo Lounge, did have in his possession, on the aforementioned beverage license premises, a controlled substance, to wit; cocaine, contrary to Section 893.13, F.S., thereby violating Section 561.29, F.S. Whether or not on or about September 28, 1976, one Leouigildo Hernandez, an agent, servant or employee of the beverage license premises of Intimo Lounge, Inc., d/b/a Intimo Lounge, did have in his possession, with the intent to sell, a controlled substance; cocaine, and whether said cocaine was sold to one E. Santiago, for the price of $100 in U.S. currency, and whether said sale was consummated at the aforementioned beverage license premises, on the aforementioned date, contrary to Section 893.13, F.S., thereby violating Section 561.29, F.S. Whether or not on or about October 30, 1976, one Thelma Bilbao, a/k/a Thelma Clemencia Cruz, a/k/a Thelma Morales, an agent, servant or employee of the beverage license premises of Intimo Lounge, Inc., d/b/a Intimo Lounge, did have in her possession, on the aforementioned beverage license premises, a controlled substance, to wit; cocaine contrary to Section 893.13, F.S. thereby violating Section 561.29, F.S. Whether or not on or about October 30, 1976, one Thelma Bilbao, a/k/a Thelma Clemencia Cruz, a/k/a Thelma Morales, an agent, servant or employee of the beverage license premises of Intimo Lounge, Inc. d/b/a Intimo Lounge, did have in her possession, with the intent to sell, a controlled substance, to wit; cocaine, and whether or not said cocaine was sold to one E. Santiago, for the price of $100 U.S. currency, and whether or not said sale was consummated at the aforementioned beverage licensed premises on the aforementioned date, contrary to Section 893.13, F.S., thereby violating Section 561.29, F.S. Whether or not on November 4 & 5, 1976, one Thelma Bilbao, a/k/a Thelma Clemencia Cruz, a/k/a Thelma Morales, an agent, servant or employee of the beverage licensed premises of Intimo Lounge, Inc., d/b/a Intimo Lounge, did have in her possession, on the aforementioned beverage licensed premises, a controlled substance, to wit; cocaine, contrary to Section 893.13, F.S., thereby violating Section 561.29, F.S. Whether or not on or about November 4 & 5, 1976, one Thelma Bilbao, a/k/a Thelma Clemencia Cruz, a/k/a Thelma Morales, an agent, servant or employee of the beverage licensed premises of Intimo Lounge, Inc., d/b/a Intimo Lounge, did have in her possession, with the intent to sell, a controlled substance, to wit; cocaine, and whether or not said cocaine was sold to one E. Santiago, for the price of $2,200, U.S. currency, and whether or not said sale was consummated at the aforementioned beverage licensed premises, on the aforementioned date, contrary to Section 893.13, F.S., thereby violating Section 561.29, F.S. A count seven was originally charged against the Respondent, but that charge was dismissed at the commencement of the hearing. A count eight was originally charged against the Respondent, but that charge was dismissed at the commencement of the hearing. Whether or not on or about November 20, 1976, a bottle of non-tax paid alcoholic beverage, labeled Ron Medeliin Rum, was discovered on the licensed premises, and whether or not said bottle bore no federal strip stamp or any other indication that the lawfully levied federal and/or state taxes had been paid, contrary to Section 562.16, F.S., thereby violating Section 561.29, F.S. Whether or not on or about September 1, 1976, and continuing until on or about November 24, 1976, the beverage licensed premises of Intimo Lounge, Inc., d/b/a Intimo Lounge, did maintain a public nuisance, to wit; maintain a place where controlled substances were illegally sold, kept or used, contrary to Section 823.10, F.S., thereby violating Section 561.29, F.S. Whether or not investigation revealed that on or about November 20, 1976, the Respondent, its agent, servant, or employee, did remove, deposit, or conceal a beverage, to wit, one (1) 2,000 cc bottle of Ron Medeliin Rum, with the intent to defraud the state of tax, contrary to Section 562.32, F.S. and Section 562.30, F.S., thereby violating Section 561.29, F.S.

Findings Of Fact At all times material to this complaint the Respondent, Intimo Lounge, Inc., d/b/a Intimo Lounge, was the holder of a license no. 23-1901, held with the State of Florida, Division of Beverage, and that license was for the premises located at 1601 Collins Avenue Miami Beach, Florida. The management of the licensed premises makes arrangements to hire entertainment in the form of musicians. This arrangement is made through agreement with the band leader. One of these agreements was made with a band leader who had as his band member Leouigildo Hernandez. On September 28, 1976, Officer E. Santiago, of the Miami Beach, Florida, Police Department entered the licensed premises and while in the licensed premises entered into discussion with Hernandez. Hernandez left the bar proper and came back with an amount of a substance known as cocaine. Santiago paid Hernandez $100 for the quantity of cocaine and the sale was consummated in the licensed premises. On October 30, 1976, Officer Santiago returned to the licensed premises. Santiago had been in the licensed premises many times prior to that occasion. Among the persons he had seen in the bar was Thelma Bilbao, a/k/a Thelma Clemencia Cruz, a/k/a Thelma Morales. Morales was the girlfriend of Anthony Bilbao, one of the principals in the ownership of the licensed premises. Morales had also served Santiago drinks in the bar on more than 50 occasions. On the evening in question, October 30, 1976, discussion was entered into between Santiago and Morales about the purchase of a substance known as cocaine. Morales produced a quantity of the cocaine and reached across the bar that she was standing behind and handed the quantity of the substance cocaine to Santiago, who was in the area where customers were served at the bar. Santiago paid her $100 for the cocaine. In the late hours of November 4 and early hours of November 5, 1976, Santiago again entered the licensed premises, his purpose for going to the licensed premises was to purchase a large quantity of cocaine from Morales. This arrangement had been entered into based upon the sample of cocaine that had been provided him on October 30, 1976. Morales left the licensed premises and returned 3 to 5 minutes later with a quantity of cocaine, for which Santiago paid her $2,200. On one of the above occasions of a purchase of cocaine from Morales, while in the licensed premises, Morales had conferred with Anthony Bilbao. In the course of that conference, Bilbao told Morales to be careful to whom she sold because "you don't know him", meaning Santiago. In the course of an investigation in the license premises on November 28, 1976, a bottle of non-tax-paid alcoholic beverage, labeled Ron Medeliin Rum, was discovered in the licensed premises, which bore no federal strip stamp or any other indication that the lawfully levied federal and/or state taxes had been paid. The size of the bottle was 2,000 cc.

Recommendation Based upon the violations as established in the hearing on the notice to show cause, it is recommended that the license no. 23-1901 held by Respondent, Intimo Lounge, Inc., d/b/a Intimo Lounge, be revoked. DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of February, 1977, in Tallahassee ,Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 530 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: William Hatch, Esquire Michael B. Solomon, Esquire Division of Beverage Theodore M. Trushin, Law Office The Johns Building 420 Lincoln Road, Number 600 725 Bronough Street Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Nathaniel Barone, Esquire 777 N.E. 79th Street Miami, Florida 33138

Florida Laws (6) 561.29562.16562.30562.32823.10893.13
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Sep. 23, 1997 Number: 97-004443 Latest Update: Nov. 15, 1999

The Issue Should the Petitioner impose discipline against Respondent, holder of an alcoholic beverage license, for violations of laws pertaining to that license?

Findings Of Fact At times relevant to the inquiry Respondent held alcoholic beverage license no. 47-00190, series 4COP, issued by Petitioner. This license allowed Respondent to sell alcoholic beverages at the licensed premises known as Kent's Northside Lounge and Restaurant, located at 1133 Thomasville Road, Tallahassee, Florida. Respondent was the sole holder of that license. Respondent continues to hold the license. Beginning January 1997, and ending April 25, 1997, Petitioner, together with other law enforcement agencies, conducted an investigation of the licensed premises to determine if violations of law involving illegal narcotics were occurring. While involved in this investigation, Petitioner also investigated alleged violations involving tobacco. On January 7, 1997, Gordon Chesney entered the licensed premises. He was acting in the capacity of a paid law enforcement undercover operative. He was not a sworn law enforcement officer. Once in the bar he made the acquaintance of a person identified as "Wild Bill." Wild Bill refers to Bill Ferris, Respondent's bartender. Chip Kirby, another bartender, was also in the licensed premises. When Chesney introduced himself to Ferris, Chesney wanted to know "where the action is" in town. In conversation Chesney asked Ferris "Does it ever snow down here?" This reference was a slang term for cocaine. Ferris responded that "it would snow in a few days." This comment referred to the availability of cocaine. Chesney told Ferris he would like to get some "snow." After their initial meeting, Chesney telephoned Ferris at the bar. Ferris told Chesney to come to the bar. Chesney returned to the bar at around 6:30 p.m. on January 9, 1997. Once in the bar Chesney made contact with Ferris. Ferris took Chesney over to a booth in the premises. At this time there were customers in the bar, approximately ten to fifteen people. The other bartender, Kirby, was also in the premises. Respondent was not in the premises. Ferris referred to "she is not here yet," meaning the person who was supposed to deliver cocaine to Ferris. Ferris then invited Chesney to the bathroom in the premises. Chesney showed Ferris money he had brought to purchase cocaine. Ferris indicated that there wasn't enough money. Chesney promised to bring more money later. Chesney went away from the premises to obtain more money and returned to the bar at around 8:30 p.m. When Chesney first arrived at the bar on January 9, 1997, Ferris had not been on duty as a bartender. When Chesney returned to the bar, Ferris was on duty. When Chesney returned, he told Ferris that he was ready. Ferris replied that "she" would be here any minute. A girl then came into the bar. Ferris talked to her. Ferris then came to a booth and invited Chesney to go outside with Ferris. While at the booth, Ferris asked Chesney if he had the rest of the money. They went outside. Chesney gave money to Ferris. The money given to Ferris was in addition to the money which Chesney had given Ferris in the bathroom. Ferris gave Chesney a small baggie containing what was taken to be cocaine. The exchange of additional money and the baggie was made right outside the door of the premises. Chesney turned over the item that he had purchased from Ferris to Officer Kevin Taylor of the Tallahassee Police Department. In turn Detective Louis Donaldson of that department took custody of the item. On January 15, 1997, Chesney returned to the bar. His purpose was to obtain additional cocaine. Once in the bar Chesney contacted Ferris. Ferris was working behind the bar at the time. Chesney told Ferris he wanted to "get a quarter." This refers to a quantity of cocaine. Ferris told Chesney that "she will be here any minute." Chesney waited about half an hour. Then a girl came in the back door and talked to Ferris. Then Ferris went back to an area of the bar which is a restaurant. In about five minutes Ferris came out with a Styrofoam soup cup. He said "here is your soup." Chesney said "okay." Chesney gave Ferris $300 and walked out of the bar. On this occasion Respondent was in the premises seated at a table behind Chesney. That location was about eight feet from Chesney's location. Other people were seated with the Respondent. On this occasion music was playing. Sometimes the music was loud. Sometimes the music was not loud. Chesney cannot recall whether the music was loud during conversations held with Ferris concerning the purchase of the cocaine. But the conversation between Chesney and Ferris was in a normal tone. Once outside of the premises, Chesney turned his purchase over to an officer. Again Detective Donaldson took custody of the item. Detective Donaldson prepared a property receipt for those items seized on January 9 and 15, 1997, that were purchased by Chesney. The items were temporarily held in custody by the Tallahassee Police Department. Those items were then forwarded to and tested by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, who having analyzed the items, discovered the presence of cocaine. On January 22, 1997, Chesney reentered the licensed premises with Officer Alan Wayne Davis, Jr., who worked for the Petitioner in an undercover capacity. Chesney introduced Davis to Ferris. Ferris was working as a bartender at that time. Specifically Ferris was serving beer and mixed drinks, and taking money. Because Davis was acting in an undercover capacity, he did not tell Ferris that he, Davis, was a law enforcement officer. Davis never revealed his position as a law enforcement officer to any persons who were the subject of the investigation. In pursuit of his undercover role, Davis told Ferris that he was a member of a motorcycle club. On this date a conversation held in a normal tone involved the subject of cocaine. This refers to a conversation between Davis and Ferris. Davis returned to the bar alone on January 23, 1997. He contacted Ferris who was working as a bartender. They discussed a prior cocaine deal between Ferris and Chesney in a normal tone. On January 23, 1997, Davis met Samuel H. Lewis at the bar. Davis was introduced by Ferris. Lewis was taking bets on the upcoming Superbowl football game. The bets were premised upon placing projected scores on a paper square for a cost of one dollar. The winner was to be determined by the individual who placed the bet and guessed the total score. The game was a game of chance, not skill. Davis gave Lewis five dollars to participate in the betting pool. An envelope of bets containing fifty-seven dollars was available when Lewis began to collect bets. Lewis received about twenty additional signatures (twenty dollars) in the bar representing individual bets. The overall pool had one hundred squares. Respondent was not at the bar on January 23, 1997, when the football pool was held. On January 23, 1997, Davis met Robert Strauss, Respondent's son. Robert Strauss was an employee at the bar. In conversation Davis was asked what kind of business he was in. Davis responded that he was in the business of making money. Before Davis met Robert Strauss, Ferris had asked Davis if Davis sold cigarettes, in that, as Ferris described the matter, Robert Strauss was always looking for a good price on cigarettes. Davis had answered Ferris in the affirmative. This led to the introduction to Robert Strauss. Conversations about cigarettes were open, in normal tones. In discussion Robert Strauss asked Davis if the cigarettes that Davis had for sale had stamps on them. Davis replied in the affirmative. On the other hand, Davis commented to Robert Strauss that the cigarettes were "so hot that you could feel it." Davis intended by his remarks to indicate that the cigarettes that he had were stolen. That intent would create the most likely inference to be gained from Davis' remarks. Davis did not indicate that he was a licensed wholesale cigarette distributor on that occasion or any other occasion. Through conversation Davis and Robert Strauss arrived at a price of eight dollars a carton for cigarettes, a price below the expected value of that merchandise. Robert Strauss asked Davis to bring him a case of cigarettes next Wednesday. Davis agreed to that request. When Robert Strauss made the overture to Davis concerning the purchase of cigarettes, Davis was not in control of cigarettes. To further the investigation, Petitioner purchased cigarettes from a wholesaler, SuperValue Warehouse. Petitioner caused stamps to be attached to those cigarettes. Those stamps were out of circulation and not involved in normal commerce. By this attachment, the impression that was created was that the cigarettes were properly stamped. The cigarettes were then turned over to Davis to be used in furtherance of the investigation. In a later conversation between Ferris and Davis on January 23, 1997, the subject of cocaine was discussed. This conversation took place in the bar. Davis told Ferris that he might want cocaine at a later time. Ferris invited Kirby into the conversation. Kirby tried to tell Davis what a good deal Kirby and Ferris could get Davis on some "coke." This refers to cocaine. At that point in time, Kirby was working at the bar. The price discussed was $750 for a half ounce of cocaine. Kirby indicated that the cocaine would be available Friday and that Davis could come back and purchase the cocaine from Kirby and Ferris. The conversation about cocaine was openly stated. Davis returned to the bar on January 29, 1997. Davis made contact with Ferris who was tending bar, and had a conversation about Davis' failure to purchase cocaine, causing Ferris and Kirby to be "stuck with the coke," trying to sell it to someone else. This conversation was held in a normal tone of voice. Robert Strauss was not at the bar on that occasion. Nonetheless, Ferris told Davis that, Robert, referring to Robert Strauss, wanted to purchase cigarettes. Ferris indicated he would contact Robert Strauss and return to purchase cigarettes from Davis. Ferris then made a telephone call. Ferris then purchased cigarettes from Davis for $100 in return for twelve cartons of Winstons. Those cigarettes sold by Davis on this occasion, and on other occasions, were the cigarettes that Petitioner had placed the out-of-date stamps on, after obtaining the cigarettes from the wholesaler SuperValue Warehouse. Davis returned to the licensed premises on February 5, 1997. While at the bar, Robert Strauss walked out of another part of the bar and yelled to Davis, "Hey, cigarette man, I will be right out." Robert Strauss was approximately twenty feet away from Davis when he made those remarks. Respondent was sitting in one of the booths of the bar at the time. On this visit to the bar, Davis engaged in a conversation with Ferris. Ferris was not on duty at that time. Then Davis spoke with Robert Strauss. Robert Strauss asked Davis what type of cigarettes Davis had brought. Davis replied that he had brought thirty cartons of Marlboro Lights and a Phillieblunt box full of cigars. Robert Strauss asked if the price of the cigarettes was still eight dollars a carton. Davis said yes. The cigarettes were delivered from Davis to Robert Strauss across the counter after Davis obtained the cigarettes from his vehicle. At that time patrons were at the bar. Robert Strauss paid Davis $240 for the cigarettes from the cash register at the bar, by openly handing Davis the money. Robert Strauss then took the cigarettes to a back portion of the premises. Davis purchased one pack of Marlboro Lights back from Robert Strauss for a price of three dollars out of the cigarettes that had just been sold from Davis to Robert Strauss. On this date, Davis also told Robert Strauss that the cigarettes "were so hot that they wouldn't even have to be lit," in conversation concerning the purchase of additional cigarettes beyond that point in time. At the bar, Davis then engaged in a conversation with Ferris about cocaine in a normal tone. Davis returned to the bar on February 12, 1997. At that time Ferris was working behind the bar, Robert Strauss was also on the premises in the kitchen area. Davis told Robert Strauss that he had thirty cartons of Winstons. Robert Strauss told Davis he would give Davis five dollars per carton for all thirty. They agreed. Davis sold Robert Strauss thirty cartons for five dollars each. Davis brought the cigarettes in from his car in a large box and placed them on the edge of the bar in making the exchange. Twelve to fifteen patrons were in the licensed premises. Robert Strauss took the money to pay for the cigarettes from a bank bag near the cash register. The transaction was openly conducted. On that same date Davis discussed with Ferris the purchase of cocaine while Ferris was working behind the bar. The amount discussed was an ounce. To facilitate the purchase, Ferris gave Davis his work and home telephone numbers; these included the number for the bar. Davis returned to the bar on February 19, 1997. Davis contacted Ferris who was working as a bartender. Patrons were in the bar at that time. Ferris asked Davis if Davis had brought the cigarettes for Robert Strauss. Kirby came over to Davis and asked if Davis was still looking to get an ounce, referring to the purchase of cocaine. Davis said yes. Davis gave Kirby $1,400 in cash in furtherance of a purchase. Kirby counted the money while at the bar without attempting to disguise his activities. Kirby put the money in his pocket and went to the business phone in the premises and made a call. Kirby then returned and told Davis he couldn't contact his main supplier, but that he had another source he could get it from who was in the bar. This discussion was held in a regular tone of voice. Kirby left the bar and then returned. Davis was instructed to follow Kirby and Ferris to a back room. Davis followed them to a storage room. Kirby then pulled a bag out of his shirt represented to be cocaine. Davis weighed the substance on scales. While this transaction took place, the parties were concealed by a door. The substance weighed approximately an ounce. When Davis left the licensed premises, he turned the substance over to a case agent for the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). On the same day, Davis sold Robert Strauss thirty cartons of cigarettes delivered to Ferris after Robert Strauss handed Ferris $100 to give to Davis. Davis delivered the cigarettes in a box from the trunk of his vehicle and placed them on the top of the bar during the exchange. Robert Strauss had obtained the money from a bank bag. On February 25, 1997, Ferris paged Davis. Davis called Ferris and Ferris told Davis he would give Davis an ounce of cocaine for $1,320. Davis said he wanted three ounces. An arrangement was made to meet on February 27, 1997, at the bar to carry out the transaction. On February 27, 1997, Davis returned to the bar in the company of a law enforcement officer, Agent Scirpan of the DEA. Davis met with Ferris after walking in the bar. Ferris told Davis to follow him outside. Ferris questioned Davis concerning the possibility that Davis was a cop or affiliated with law enforcement. Davis did not acknowledge his status as a law enforcement officer. They then went to Ferris' truck to count the money that would be used in purchasing cocaine. Respondent was seated at a table in the premises when Davis and Ferris left the premises to go to Ferris' truck. The truck was located by the side of the bar. Davis gave Ferris $4,000. They then went inside the bar. Ferris made a telephone call from the business phone in the premises. Ferris then exited the bar. While in the bar, Davis observed a girl sitting at the bar rolling what appeared to be a cannabis cigarette, known by its appearance to Davis to be cannabis, based upon his experience as a law enforcement officer. Robert Strauss was there at that time two to three feet away. Robert Strauss made no attempt to confront the patron concerning this practice. Davis ordered a pack of Marlboro Lights from the bartender and paid for them. To get the cigarettes, Respondent had to produce the keys to the storage room to obtain the cigarettes purchased. The cigarettes that Davis purchased bore the out-of-date stamp involved with the cigarettes that Davis had sold to Robert Strauss. On that same date an unidentified white male came in offering to sell cartons of cigarettes. The unidentified male was trying to sell cigarettes for ten dollars a carton. At that time Respondent had left the bar. Later Ferris returned to the bar and asked Davis to go outside with him. They got in Davis' car and rode around the block. Ferris gave Davis approximately three ounces of a substance as part of the arrangement to purchase cocaine. This item was turned over to a DEA agent. On March 6, 1997, Davis called Kirby at the bar and ordered an ounce of cocaine. The tone of the conversation was normal. On March 7, 1997, Davis went to the bar and contacted Kirby. Kirby was working. Kirby said the deal was off because of a death in the family. Kirby told Davis that they could talk later about doing one or two "keys" of coke. A "key" refers to a kilo of cocaine. This conversation was held in a normal tone of voice across the bar. On March 17, 1997, Davis called Ferris at the business phone number Ferris had given Davis. The call was about purchasing more cocaine. The phone number used was the number for the licensed premises. An arrangement was made to purchase cocaine of an undisclosed amount on the following Wednesday. On the following Wednesday, which was March 19, 1997, Davis returned to the bar and met with Ferris. Ferris was concerned about the rumor that there was an undercover officer working inside the bar. Davis did not acknowledge his undercover capacity in this conversation. It was decided to wait awhile before the parties did any more business. However, there was a conversation between Davis and Kirby in which Kirby said they could go to Miami and pick up cocaine. This conversation was in a normal tone of voice. As Davis was starting to leave, Robert Strauss approached Davis and asked Davis to bring back some cigarettes when Davis returned. On April 7, 1997, Davis called Ferris and discussed the purchase of one ounce of cocaine on the following Wednesday. This call was made to the telephone within the licensed premises. An agreement was made to purchase an ounce of cocaine, the cost of which was not determined. On April 16, 1997, Davis called the licensed premises and spoke with Kirby about the purchase of an ounce of cocaine. Then Davis went to the licensed premises and contacted Kirby who was working behind the bar. Kirby told Davis that the purchase of cocaine would cost $1,400 an ounce. This conversation was conducted in an open manner. Then Robert Strauss walked out from the back of the bar and asked Davis if Davis "had any hot cigarettes to sell." Davis said "they were all in the trunk." Robert Strauss followed Davis out to Davis' vehicle. In the trunk there were ten cartons of Camels and ten cartons of Marlboro Lights. Robert Strauss carried the cigarettes back into the bar in a box. Robert Strauss put the cigarettes up, went over to the cash register and obtained $100 which was given to Davis. The reference to putting the cigarettes up means that Robert Strauss took them to the storage room. Robert Strauss told Davis that he would buy more cigarettes if Davis would bring them to Robert Strauss. The transaction concerning the purchase of the cigarettes was made with no attempt to conceal the activity. Then Ferris came in and took over Kirby's assignment at the bar. Kirby then sat down next to Davis at the bar. They discussed the purchase of a key of coke, meaning a kilo of cocaine. They discussed that if that amount was broken down, the cost for an ounce would be $700. The purchase was to be made in Miami. This conversation was conducted openly. Davis and Kirby went outside and Davis gave Kirby $1,400 to purchase a smaller amount of cocaine. Kirby returned to the bar. Davis and Kirby then went to Davis' vehicle. Davis took the substance that had been offered as cocaine. This transaction took place after they drove away from the bar. Again, that substance was turned over to an agent with the DEA. On April 22, 1997, Davis called the bar and spoke to Kirby. They discussed the purchase of another ounce of cocaine for the next day. On April 23, 1997, Davis returned to the bar after arranging with Kirby, through a telephone call, to come to the bar. Kirby was tending the bar. Kirby and Davis discussed a cocaine deal. Kirby told Davis that basically all suppliers were sold out of cocaine. Kirby told Davis that some people were offering to sell for as much as $1,600 an ounce. This conversation took place at a little table next to the bar. Patrons were in the premises at that time. The conversation was held in a normal tone. Eventually Kirby told Davis that he had found someone that lives at the Gulf who could get an ounce of cocaine for $1,450. That price was agreed upon. After a person drove up, Kirby commented, "There's my man." At that moment Davis gave Kirby the money. Kirby counted the money. Kirby left the bar and returned. Kirby told Davis to go with Kirby to Kirby's van. They got in the van and drove around the block. Kirby gave Davis an ounce of a substance which was tendered as cocaine. That substance was turned over to an agent of the DEA. Davis returned to the bar on April 24, 1997. He met with Kirby who was tending bar. They discussed the purchase of cocaine. Kirby said he had an ounce of cocaine to sell and asked Davis if he wanted to purchase the cocaine. Davis agreed to purchase the cocaine for $1,400. Davis gave $1,400 to Kirby across the counter. Kirby told Davis to follow him to a bathroom. In the bathroom Kirby handed a substance in aluminum foil to Davis, represented to be cocaine. The substance was turned over to an agent of the DEA. On the same date, Kirby and Davis discussed making a trip to Miami to purchase cocaine, and what it would cost Davis if Kirby delivered the cocaine from Miami, as opposed to Davis and Kirby going to Miami to obtain the cocaine. A price of $32,000 for a kilo of cocaine was discussed. This conversation was held in an open manner. On April 25, 1997, the Tallahassee Police Department served a search warrant on the licensed premises looking for illegal drugs. Petitioner's agency was also involved in the search. During the search, underneath the bar on the right-hand side, an item was discovered, which through a field test revealed the presence of cocaine. The item was wrapped in tin foil. The tin foil was readily visible when standing behind the bar. In addition cigarettes were seized. The item that tested as cocaine in the field test was turned over to the resident agent in charge for the DEA. At the time the search was made on April 25, 1997, Petitioner was investigating the purchase of cigarettes from a non-wholesaler, as well as its interest in the sale of illegal narcotics. On that date, the Petitioner seized the cigarettes that Davis had sold to Respondent's employees. The cigarettes Davis sold had never had taxes remitted to the state of Florida based upon a wholesale transaction. Respondent identified that Kirby and Ferris were part- time bartenders who worked at night. Ferris also worked a Saturday day shift. Ordinarily a shift change to the night shift occurred at 6:00 p.m. Ferris had been a customer of the bar before being hired. Before being hired, Kirby was referred to Respondent by Respondent's friends. Respondent identified that Robert Strauss was more or less the supervisor in charge at the premises when the Respondent was not there. Robert Strauss cooked at the bar a couple of days a week. Robert Strauss was involved with purchasing supplies for the bar. Respondent indicated that Robert Strauss' duties in purchasing during the time in question involved the purchase of cigarettes. Beyond the time of the investigation described, within the last six months prior to the hearing, two employees had been dismissed for suspected drug use. This did not include Messrs. Ferris and Kirby. The dismissal of the other employees was made by Respondent. Respondent's day at the bar runs usually from 7:30 or 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Prior to the events described in the facts, Respondent did not have a policy for his establishment concerning activity involving narcotics. Subsequent to the investigation, there is a written policy prohibiting employee activities involving narcotics. Respondent has no written policies advising his employees what the employees should do if they observe persons engaging in illegal narcotic activities. Respondent says that he explains to his employees verbally that if anyone discusses narcotics at the bar "they are out." Respondent has video cameras to monitor activities in the bar. The manner in which Robert Strauss solicited Davis for the purchase of cigarettes, Davis sold the cigarettes, and Respondent's employees sold the cigarettes obtained from the SuperValue Warehouse, creates the inference of impropriety by Robert Strauss and other employees affiliated with Respondent's licensed premises. The inference of impropriety is to the exclusion of any other inference to be gained from the conduct. The inference is that the cigarettes were not part of ordinary commerce and had questionable origins. Under the circumstances, it would be appropriate for an ordinary law-abiding person to suspect that the cigarettes which Davis presented to Robert Strauss and others in the premises, as solicited by Robert Strauss, were stolen. Davis billed the cigarettes as outside the bounds of ordinary commerce when describing the cigarettes as "hot." Davis also identified that the cigarettes were being purchased at a price that was more than a good bargain. The price helped in creating the appearance that the cigarettes were not part of legitimate commerce. As stated, the substances purchased by Chesney on January 9 and 15, 1997, were cocaine. The substance found during the search of the premises on April 25, 1997, was cocaine.1

Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is recommended that a final order be entered finding Respondent in violation of counts 1, 2, and 9 through 28, and finding that Respondent did not violate counts 2 through 8, and that imposes a penalty of revocation of license number 47-00190, series 4COP. DONE AND ENTERED this 17th day of June, 1998, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of June, 1998.

Florida Laws (14) 120.569120.57210.15210.18561.29561.705561.706812.019812.028823.01823.10849.11893.1390.803
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-000793 Latest Update: Jul. 19, 1989

Findings Of Fact At all times pertinent to these proceedings, Roosevelt Horne was doing business as Roosevelt's Playhouse at 541 Julia Street, New Smyrna Beach, Volusia County, Florida, pursuant to Florida alcoholic beverage license number 74-00549, Series 2-COP. Roosevelt's Playhouse is the licensed premises. From September 21, 1988, through October 1, 1988, Blossem Butler White was employed by Mr. Horne at Roosevelt's Playhouse. Ms. White was the only person employed at Roosevelt's Playhouse by Mr. Horne from September 21, 1988, through October 1, 1988. During the period of September 21, 1988, through October 1, 1988, Reylius Thompson, a Law Enforcement Investigator of the Petitioner, participated undercover in a narcotics investigation of Roosevelt's Playhouse conducted by the Petitioner and New Smyrna Beach law enforcement officials. On the afternoon of September 21, 1988, Investigator Thompson entered Roosevelt's Playhouse. There were approximately 5 to 6 persons on the premises. Ms. White was the bartender. Mr. Thompson asked Ms. White if he could purchase crack cocaine. Ms. White first suggested that Investigator Thompson approach a male patron in the bar. Investigator Thompson indicated that the individual would not sell anything to him. Ms. White then asked Investigator Thompson how much cocaine he wanted and he indicated two pieces. Investigator Thompson gave Ms. White $20.00. Ms. White left her position behind the bar and approached a female patron identified as Angie Lewis. Ms. White and Ms. Lewis then approached a man in the lounge identified as Carlton. Ms. White gave Carlton money and Carlton gave Ms. White an item. Ms. White and Ms. Lewis returned to the bar and Ms. Lewis gave a piece of crack cocaine to Investigator Thompson. Investigator Thompson left Roosevelt's Playhouse and delivered the cocaine to Sergeant Lenz of the New Smyrna Beach Police Department. During the afternoon of September 29, 1988, Investigator Thompson entered Roosevelt's Playhouse. Ten or less patrons were on the premises. Ms. White was on duty as the bartender. Investigator Thompson sat at the bar and asked Ms. White if he could buy crack cocaine from her. Ms. White indicated that she did not have any at that time and asked if he could wait 15 minutes. After fifteen minutes Ms. White took Investigator Thompson into the men's restroom where she retrieved several pieces of crack cocaine wrapped in a napkin. Investigator Thompson took two pieces of the crack cocaine and paid Ms. White $40.00. Investigator Thompson left Roosevelt's Playhouse and delivered the cocaine to Sergeant Lenz. Investigator Thompson returned to Roosevelt's Playhouse during the evening of September 29, 1988. Ms. White was on duty as the bartender. Investigator Thompson asked Ms. White for one piece of crack cocaine. Ms. White left the service bar and went to the ladies restroom. Ms. White returned shortly thereafter and gave Investigator Thompson a piece of crack cocaine. Investigator Thompson paid Ms. White $10.00. Investigator Thompson left Roosevelt's Playhouse and delivered the cocaine to Sergeant Lenz. During the afternoon of September 30, 1988, Investigator Thompson entered Roosevelt's Playhouse. Five to six patrons were on the premises. Ms. White was on duty as the bartender. Investigator Thompson asked Ms. White is she had any crack cocaine. Ms. White said that he should get it from a man in the lounge later identified as Darnell. Investigator Thompson indicated that he did not want to buy it from Darnell. Ms. White then told Investigator Thompson that she would get it for him. Investigator Thompson then gave Ms. White $20.00 and Ms. White gave the money to Darnell in exchange for an item. Ms. White returned to her position behind the bar and gave Investigator Thompson a piece of crack cocaine. Investigator Thompson left Roosevelt's Playhouse and delivered the cocaine to Sergeant Lenz. During the evening of October 1, 1988, Investigator Thompson entered Roosevelt's Playhouse. Ms. White was on duty as the bartender. Ms. White was standing by a video machine talking to an individual known as Tony. Investigator Thompson approached the two individuals and asked Tony if he could buy crack cocaine. Tony said yes, took a piece of crack cocaine from his pocket and placed it on top of the video machine. Investigator Thompson gave Tony $20.00 and took the cocaine. Ms. White witnessed the. transaction. Investigator Thompson left Roosevelt's Playhouse and delivered the cocaine to Sergeant Lenz on October 3, 1988. The items purchased by Investigator Thompson at Roosevelt's Playhouse were analyzed and determined to be cocaine. During the period of September 21, 1988, through October 1, 1988, Mr. Horne was told by a friend that the friend suspected that Ms. White was selling illegal drugs at Roosevelt's Playhouse. Mr. Horne approached Ms. White on two separate occasions and asked her if she was in fact selling drugs. Ms. White denied that she was selling drugs. Mr. Horne did not take any other steps to insure that Ms. White was not selling, or allowing the sale of, drugs on the premises. During the time that Investigator Thompson was in Roosevelt's Playhouse, Mr. Horne did not enter the premises. Mr. Horne did not enter the premises very often despite the fact that Mr. Horne lived only one house from the premises. During the period at issue in this case Mr. Horne's wife had a stroke and was in the hospital. Mr. Horne spent his time visiting his wife in the hospital and working as a building contractor. Other than asking Ms. White if she was selling drugs in the lounge, Mr. Horne did not take any steps to prevent the sale of illegal drugs at Roosevelt's Playhouse. Roosevelt's Playhouse is closed and Mr. Horne is attempting the sell it. Mr. Horne cooperated with the Petitioner in the prosecution of this case.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Roosevelt Horne, d/b/a/ Roosevelt's Playhouse, be found guilty of violating Sections 561.29(1)(a) and (c), Florida Statutes (1987). It is further RECOMMENDED that the alcoholic beverage license held by Roosevelt Horne be suspended for a period of six months to allow Mr. Horne an opportunity to sell the license and business. It is further RECOMMENDED that, if Mr. Horne has not sold his alcoholic beverage license by the end of the six months suspension of Mr. Horne's license, Mr. Horne's alcoholic beverage license be revoked. DONE and ENTERED this 19th day of July, 1989, in Tallahassee, Florida. LARRY J. SARTIN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this day of 19th July, 1989. APPENDIX Case Number 89-0793 The Petitioner has submitted proposed findings of fact. It has been noted below which proposed findings of fact have been generally accepted and the paragraph number(s) in the Recommended Order where they have been accepted, if any. Those proposed findings of fact which have been rejected and the reason for their rejection have also been noted. The Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact Proposed Finding Paragraph Number in Recommended Order of Fact Number of Acceptance or Reason for Rejection 1. 1. 2-3. 2. 4. 3. 5. See 4. 6-7. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. The evidence did not prove what was being sold on September 21, 1988, by Carlton and on September 23, 1988. 8. See 5. 9. 6. 10. See 7. The sixth sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence. 11. 8. 12. 9. 13-14. 10. 14-16. 11. COPIES FURNISHED: John B. Fretwell Assistant General Counsel Department of Business Regulation The Johns Building 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007 Roosevelt Horne d/b/a Roosevelt's Playhouse 541 Julia Street New Smyrna Beach, Florida 32069 Leonard Ivey Director Department of Business Regulation 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1927 Joseph A. Sole General Counsel Department of Business Regulation 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1927

Florida Laws (5) 120.57561.29823.10893.03893.13
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-004482 Latest Update: Nov. 12, 1987

Findings Of Fact Based on my observation of the witnesses and their demeanor while testifying, the stipulations of the parties, the documentary evidence presented and the entire record compiled herein, I hereby make the following Findings of Fact: The Respondent, Ceola Virginia Cutliff is the holder of Alcoholic Beverage License No. 23-06844, Series 2-COP, for a licensed premises known as Club Night Shift, located at 6704 N.W. 18th Avenue, Miami, Dade County, Florida. On or about September 18, 1987, Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco (DABT) Investigators R. Campbell, R. Thompson and C. Houston entered the licensed premises as part of an ongoing narcotics task force investigation. An individual named "Frances" was on duty at the bar. The investigators observed Frances sell what appeared to be narcotics to several patrons on the licensed premises. At approximately 7:50 p.m., Investigator Houston approached Frances and asked to purchase narcotics. Frances and Investigator Houston then went to the rear of the bar where Frances sold 2 pieces of "crack" cocaine to Investigator Houston for $10.00. Approximately fifteen minutes later, Investigator Campbell asked Frances if he could purchase narcotics. Frances presented a piece of rock cocaine which Investigator Campbell purchased for $5.00. This transaction took place in plain view of other individuals in the licensed premises. Frances, upon making a sale, would take the money and give it to a black male called "Spider" a/k/a Arthur Dorsey. Spider would then retain the money. On September 19, 1987, Investigators Houston and Thompson again entered the licensed premises known as Club Night Shift. On duty that night, was a black female known as "Josephine". Spider was also on the licensed premises positioned in the D.J.'s booth, apparently trying to fix a speaker. Houston and Thompson had observed a black male, named "Gary", exchanging an unknown substance for money with various individuals, immediately outside the licensed premises. Gary, upon receiving money in exchange for the unknown substance, would go into the licensed premises and hand the money to Spider. Later that evening, Investigator Houston noticed that Spider had a brown paper bag in his hand. Gary and Spider proceeded to the bathroom on the licensed premises. After exiting the bathroom, Gary left the premises and Spider went behind the bar and began counting a large amount of money onto the counter of the bar. Spider placed the money in his back pocket. Investigator Thompson then inquired whether Spider could sell him some crack cocaine. Spider acknowledged that he could and proceeded with Thompson to the rear of the bar, where Spider sold Thompson 20 pieces of rock cocaine for $100.00. On September 22, 1987, Investigators Houston and Thompson again entered the licensed premises known as Club Night Shift. Bartender Josephine-was on duty at that time along with another black female known as "Niecey". When the investigators inquired as to the whereabouts of Spider, Niecey replied that "he went home to cook up the stuff because they were very low on supply." Niecey reiterated the above statement on numerous occasions when individuals would enter the bar searching for Spider. At approximately 10:30 p.m., Spider appeared on the licensed premises with a brown paper bag in his possession. Patrons that had been waiting outside the premises came inside and Niecey locked the doors to the front and rear exits of the bar. Spider went to the D.J.'s booth and pbured the contents of the paper bag onto the counter inside the booth. The bag contained approximately 200 small zip-lock bags containing suspected crack cocaine. The patrons who had been waiting outside for the arrival of Spider then proceeded to line up in front of the D.J.'s booth in order to make purchases. Niecey would take the money from the individual patrons and Spider would deliver the crack cocaine. Investigator Houston got in line and upon arriving at the booth, purchased 20 packets of crack cocaine from Spider in exchange for $100.00. These transactions took place in plain view on the licensed premises. On September 23, 1987, Investigators Houston, Thompson and Campbell entered the licensed premises known as the Club Night Shift. The barmaid on duty was Josephine. Spider was positioned in the D.J.'s booth making sales to patrons of what appeared to be crack cocaine. Investigator Campbell walked over to the D.J.'s booth and asked to purchase ten (10) pieces of crack cocaine from Spider. Approximately 200 zip-lock packets of suspected crack cocaine were positioned in front of Spider. Spider motioned for Campbell" to pick them out." Campbell then picked out ten (10) packets in exchange for $50.00 which he gave to Spider. This transaction occurred in plain view of other individuals on the licensed premises. Before leaving Spider went behind the bar, obtained a .357 magnum pistol, placed it inside his pants and exited the premises. On September 29, 1987, Investigators Campbell and Thompson again entered the licensed premises known as the Club Night Shift. The bartender on duty was Josephine. Shortly after the investigators arrived, Spider appeared on the premises and went behind the bar where he took a pistol from inside his pants and placed it under the bar counter. Spider then removed a brown paper bag from under the bar counter and went to the D.J. s booth. Investigator Thompson proceeded to the D.J.'s booth and asked to purchase two (2) large pieces of crack cocaine. Spider reached into the bag and gave Investigator Thompson two (2) large pieces of crack cocaine in exchange for $100.00. On October 3, 1987, Investigators Campbell and Thompson again entered the licensed premises known as the Club Night Shift. Investigator Campbell approached an unknown black male who Campbell had seen selling narcotics on prior occasions. Campbell made inquiries relative to the purchase of cocaine and the unknown black male indicated that he could sell Campbell crack cocaine. The unknown male then gave two five dollar ($5.00) pieces of crack cocaine to Investigator Campbell in exchange for $10.00. This transaction took place in plain view on the licensed premises. On October 6, 1987, Investigators Campbell and Thompson again entered the licensed premises known as the Club Night Shift. Shortly after the investigators arrived, they observed Spider on the premises selling crack cocaine to patrons from the D.J.'s booth. Subsequently, Investigator Thompson went to the D.J.'s booth and asked to purchase twenty (20) pieces of crack cocaine. In response thereto, Spider left the licensed premises and proceeded to a pickup truck parked outside. Spider then retrieved a brown paper bag from the vehicle, returned to Investigator Thompson and handed him twenty (20) pieces of crack cocaine in exchange for $100.00. The substance purchased on this occasion was laboratory analyzed and found to be cocaine. The Respondent licensee admitted to being an absentee owner. The Respondent did not maintain payroll, employment or other pertinent business records. The licensee was aware that drugs were a major problem in the area surrounding the premises and that drug transactions were known to take place immediately outside of the licensed premises. The licensee did nothing to prevent the incursion of narcotics trafficking onto the licensed premises. The licensee, CeoIa Cutliff, is engaged to Arthur Dorsey. Ms. Cutliff gave Mr. Dorsey a key to the premises and knew or should have known that he was operating in the capacity of a manager on the licensed premises. Josephine, the bartender generally on duty, referred to Mr. Dorsey as "boss man" and Mr. Dorsey directed her activities in the licensed premises. Mr. Dorsey a/k/a Spider utilized the licensed premises as if they were his own and was operating in the capacity of a manager at the Club Night Shift.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing, it is recommended that Respondent's beverage license 23-06844, Series 2-COP, located in Miami, Dade County, Florida, be revoked. DONE and ORDERED this 12th day of November, 1987 in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. W. MATTHEW STEVENSON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of November, 1987. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 87-4482 The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the Proposed Findings of Fact submitted by the parties to this case. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by the Petitioner 1. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 1. 2. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 2. 2. (Petitioner has two paragraphs numbered 2) Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 3. 3. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 4. 4. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 5. 5. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 6. 6. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 7. 7. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 8. 8. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 9. 9. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 10, 11 & 12. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by the Respondent (None Submitted). COPIES FURNISHED: W. Douglas Moody, Jr., Esquire Department of Business Regulation 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007 R. Scott Boundy, Esquire 901 E. Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 Honorable Van B. Poole Secretary Department of Business Regulation The Johns Building 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1000 Thomas A. Bell, Esquire Department of Business Regulation The Johns Building 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1000 Daniel Bosanko Director Department of Business Regulation The Johns Building 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1000

Florida Laws (5) 120.57561.29823.10893.03893.13
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 84-004512 Latest Update: Apr. 01, 1985

Findings Of Fact Respondents hold alcoholic beverage license number 60- 0122, series 2- COP, and do business at 704 South Military Trail, West Palm Beach under the name of The Brass Bull. Respondents have operated The Brass Bull for six years without any complaints from law enforcement agencies until the execution of a search warrant on the premises on November 29, 1994. On September 12, 1984 the Petitioner and the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office began an investigation of The Brass Bull and met with a confidential informant, hereinafter referred to as CI, who was employed at the time as a dancer at The Brass Bull. The CI agreed to make introductions for law enforcement officers to employees on the premises and was paid $150 on November 26, 1964 for making these introductions. The CI had been placed on probation in July, 1983 and was on probation during this investigation. The CI's husband was placed on probation on September 11, 1984. On September 14, 1984 Investigator Kenneth Goodman, Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco, and Sergeant David R. Harris, Riviera Beach Police Department, entered the licensed premises and talked with a dancer identified as "Linda" about the purchase of some marijuana. Linda gave Investigator Goodman a single marijuana cigarette analyzed as containing 260 milligrams of cannabis, but she did not have any to sell. Investigator Goodman and Sgt. Harris met another dancer on the premises, identified as "Sunrise," on September 19, 1984 and discussed their desire to purchase some cocaine. Sunrise was later identified as Dawn Birnbaum. Sgt. Harris gave Sunrise $40, she left the premises through the front door, returned in a few minutes and handed Sgt. Harris two aluminum foil packets later analyzed as containing 200 milligrams of cocaine. Investigator Goodman also purchased 100 milligrams of cocaine from Sunrise on September 19, 1984. These sales took place on the premises while other patrons were present, although Sunrise left the premises to obtain the cocaine for the sales. On September 25, 1984, Sgt. Harris entered the licensed premises with Investigator Richard Walker, Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco. Investigator Walker purchased 505 milligrams of cocaine from Sunrise who left the premises to obtain the cocaine but returned to complete the sale on the premises. Other patrons were on the premises at the time of the transaction. Investigator Goodman and Sgt. Harris were on the licensed premises on October 6, 1984 and discussed their desire to purchase cocaine with a dancer identified as Christine Flynn. They each gave Flynn $45, she left the premises, returned and handed them each a plastic baggie containing a total of 590 milligrams of cocaine. Other patrons were on the premises at the time of the transaction. On October 12, 1984, Investigator Goodman and Sgt. Harris entered the premises and met a waitress identified as April Finster. Investigator Goodman asked to buy some marijuana. She went into a back room on the premises and returned with one marijuana cigarette containing 300 milligrams of cannabis, which she gave to Investigator Goodman. On October 16, 1984, Sgt. Harris and Investigator Walker met a dancer identified as "Blondie" on the premises and discussed their desire to purchase some cocaine from Blondie. The CI was present during this discussion, took $20 from Sgt. Harris, and then left the premises with Blondie. When Blondie and the CI returned, the CI gave Sgt. Harris a plastic bag which was heat sealed and filled with 110 milligrams of cocaine. Blondie stated that she always heat sealed her bags. Later Sgt. Harris gave Blondie $100, she brought him $70 change and then went into the dressing room. When Blondie exited the dressing room she approached the CI and they approached the table where Sgt. Harris was sitting. The CI placed a book of matches on the table and Blondie told Harris the cocaine was in the book of matches. Sgt. Harris found a heat sealed plastic bag containing 135 milligrams of cocaine in the matches. There were other patrons on the premises when these transactions took place. Sgt. Harris and Investigator Walker met a dancer named "Lola" on the premises on October 30, 1984. Sgt. Harris gave Lola $80, she entered the dressing room and then returned to where Sgt. Harris was seated with a white towel around her hand. Inside the towel was a bag containing 800 milligrams of cocaine. While on the premises with Sgt. Harris on October 31, 1984, Investigator Walker gave Lola $100. She left the premises and returned with a plastic bag containing 560 milligrams of cocaine which she gave to Investigator Walker. On November 6, 1984 Investigator Goodman was on the premises with Sgt. Harris, and Investigator Goodman gave Lola $55. Lola approached a white male patron and then returned to Investigator Goodman and gave him a plastic bag containing 400 milligrams of cocaine. On November 20, 1984 Investigator Goodman was on the premises with Sgt. Harris. Lola approached Investigator Goodman and asked him if he wanted to buy some cocaine. He gave her $50, she left the premises and returned with a bag containing 300 milligrams of cocaine which she gave to Investigator Goodman. Other patrons were on the premises at the time of the transaction. Investigator Goodman and Sgt. Harris were also on the licensed premises on September 28, October 9 and 10, November 1 and 5. On each occasion they discussed the purchase of controlled substances as defined in Section 893.03, F.S., with Respondents' employees who were on the premises at the time of these discussions. No actual transactions took place on these dates. In brief summary of the foregoing, during the period of September 14 to November 20, 1984, transactions involving the sale of a total of 3.7 grams of cocaine and gifts of 560 milligrams of cannabis took place at The Brass Bull between Respondents' employees and Investigators Goodman and Walker, and Sgt. Harris. There were also five occasions when the purchase of controlled substances was discussed with Respondents' employees on the premises but no actual transaction took place. The CI was on the premises during most of these occasions, introducing the law enforcement officers to the various employees. The transactions usually took place while other patrons were on the premises, and included Respondents' employees passing the controlled substances on or above the table at which the officers were seated. On some occasions the employees left the premises after receiving money from the officers and returned a short time later with the controlled substance which they then gave to the officers on the premises. Respondents do not take an active role in managing The Brass Bull. They rely on a day manager and a night manager to hire, fire and discipline employees, to schedule the dancers, and to enforce the rules which are posted in the employees' dressing room. Rule 11 prohibits employees from having drugs or "liquors" on the premises, and states that anyone having these substances on the premises will be terminated immediately. Respondents never met with employees, other than their managers with whom they met or talked almost daily. Conversations and meetings with the managers were usually social, however, and generally did not involve business matters. Business meetings with the managers were held infrequently. Robert Meloche only visited the premises at 7:00 a.m. when no one else was present in order to review the prior night's receipts. At all times relevant hereto, Respondents employed various dancers on the licensed premises under the terms of an Entertainment Booking Agreement. All dancers were required to sign the booking agreement and agree to working conditions prescribed by the Respondents, including compensation arrangements, the number and color of their costumes, work hours, and the additional duties of cleaning and serving tables. Respondents also prescribed a set of seventeen (17) rules for all dancers and other employees. The above referenced individuals named Linda, Sunrise, Christine Flynn, April Finster, Blondie, Lola, and the Confidential Informant were employees of Respondents' at the licensed premises during the time relevant to this case. In making the above findings, the undersigned Hearing Officer has considered proposed findings of fact submitted by the parties pursuant to Section 120.57(1)(b)4., F.S. A ruling on each proposed finding of fact has been made either directly or indirectly in this Recommended Order, except where such proposed findings have been rejected as subordinate, cumulative, immaterial, unnecessary or not based on competent substantial evidence. Specifically, Respondents' proposed findings as to Counts 14, 15 and 16 are rejected since they are not based on competent substantial evidence and are otherwise immaterial and irrelevant.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is recommended that Petitioner enter a final order revoking Respondent's license number 60-0122, series 2-COP. DONE and ENTERED this 1st day of April, 1985 at Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD D. CONN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904)488-9675 FILED with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 1st day of April, 1985. COPIES FURNISHED: Sandra Stockwell, Esquire Department of Business Regulation 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Craig R. Wilson, Esquire 315 Third Street, Suite 204 West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Howard M. Rasmussen, Director Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (4) 120.57561.29893.03893.13
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-001150 Latest Update: Jun. 23, 1983

The Issue The issue posed for decision herein is whether or not the Respondent's alcoholic beverage license should be suspended, revoked, or otherwise disciplined on the grounds stated in the Notice to Show Cause filed herein dated April 13, 1983.

Findings Of Fact During times material herein, The Chosen Few Motorcycle Club (herein Respondent) held alcoholic beverage License 68-629, Series 2-COP, issued in the name of Walter L. Vann and Leroy M. Allen. The premises is located at 1782 27th Street, Sarasota, Sarasota County, Florida. On April 13, 1983, the Division issued an Emergency Order of Suspension of The Chosen Few Motorcycle Club beverage license together with a Notice to Show Cause charging that employees and patrons of The Chosen Few engaged in numerous controlled substance transactions and use of controlled substances while on the licensed premises. Further, it was alleged that because of such controlled substance sales and use, the premises constituted a public nuisance. Respondent's place of business is well known to the intelligence unit of the Sarasota Police Department as a place where sales of narcotics and their use are conducted inside the premises. This knowledge has been gained from intelligence reports and investigations conducted by undercover agents during the period March 21, 1983, to April 9, 1983. (Testimony of Sarasota Police Department Sergeant Jim Fulton and Beverage Officer Keith Hamilton.) Beverage Officer Hamilton was assigned to an investigation of bars and restaurants in the area of Respondent's tavern during late March and early April, 1983. Officer Hamilton has received detailed training in the detection of controlled substances, including marijuana, and has participated in numerous drug investigations since his employment by the Division as a Beverage Officer. Officer Hamilton is a qualified narcotics investigator and is familiar with the appearance and smell of cocaine and marijuana. At approximately 11:20 p.m. on March 21, 1983, Officer Hamilton entered The Chosen Few and ordered a beer. Officer Hamilton struck up a conversation with an individual who identified himself as a part-time employee of The Chosen Few and went by the street name of "Freak." Freak openly sold to Officer Hamilton a capsule which was later identified by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) crime laboratory as cocaine. Freak transferred the capsule of cocaine in an overt manner from a brown medicine bottle which he had on his person and which contained numerous such capsules to c Officer Hamilton in exchange for $10.00. The item was properly bagged, sealed and receipted by Officer Hamilton, and thereafter submitted to the FDLE crime laboratory. Analyst Anthony Keith Zibernia identified the capsule as cocaine. Prior to analyzing the substance, Analyst Zibernia noted that that capsule, as with all other evidence which comes into the FDLE crime laboratory, was properly taped/sealed and tagged upon submission to the laboratory. (Petitioner's Exhibit 2.) While on the licensed premises of The Chosen Few on March 21, 1983, Officer Hamilton observed the open smoking of marijuana by patrons. Officer Hamilton based his testimony on the aroma of the substance being smoked by the patrons and by the manner in which the cigarettes were being handled and smoked by the patrons. On March 22, 1983, at approximately 9:00 p.m. Officer Hamilton returned to the licensed premises of The Chosen Few and inquired of the on-duty bartender, who identified himself as "Mose," as to the availability of marijuana. Mose advised Officer Hamilton that he could obtain such substance for him and Officer Hamilton in turn gave Mose a $10.00 bill. Mose left from the bar area and went among the patrons of the establishment. Upon his return, he handed to Officer Hamilton, from behind the bar, a manila envelope containing a substance, later analyzed by the FDLE crime laboratory and found to contain cannabis, together with $4.00 in change. The substance purchased from Mose, which Officer Hamilton bagged, sealed, and receipted, was submitted to the FDLE crime laboratory. (Petitioner's Exhibit 1 and testimony of Analyst Anthony Zibernia) Officer Hamilton returned to The Chosen Few premises at approximately 8:00 p.m. on the evening of March 23, 1983. At that time, he inquired of the on-duty barmaid who was then serving alcoholic beverages to patrons as to the availability of marijuana. That barmaid pointed out to Officer Hamilton an individual among the patrons from whom marijuana could be obtained. Officer Hamilton called the patron pointed out by the barmaid over to the bar and inquired as to the availability of marijuana. That individual advised that he had some for sale and thereupon sold, in an overt transaction at the bar, a manila envelope, containing what was later identified by the FDLE crime laboratory as marijuana, in exchange for $10.00. The on-duty barmaid had an unobstructed view of the entire transaction. Following the purchase of the marijuana, Officer Hamilton then purchased from the barmaid a pack of rolling paper and proceeded to roll one marijuana cigarette on the bar in front of the barmaid without objection from her. (Petitioner's Exhibit 3) Officer Hamilton next returned to the licensed premises of The Chosen Few on the afternoon of March 24, 1983, at approximately 3:30 p.m. Officer Hamilton approached the bar and inquired of the on-duty barmaid who was working behind the bar as to the availability of marijuana. She advised Officer Hamilton to check with patrons at the pool table for marijuana. Officer Hamilton, as instructed, inquired as to the availability of marijuana from the patrons and successfully purchased from a patron, in an open transaction, a substance in a manila envelope, later identified by the FDLE crime laboratory as being marijuana, in exchange for $6.00. The barmaid had an unobstructed view of this transaction. Immediately upon the purchase by Officer Hamilton, he observed the barmaid rolling a marijuana cigarette on the bar which she proceeded thereafter to smoke. Based on the manner in which the substance was rolled and the way in which it was smoked, Officer Hamilton concluded that it was, in fact, marijuana. The item purchased by Officer Hamilton on the afternoon of March 24, 1983, was properly bagged, sealed, receipted and, following the submission to the FDLE crime laboratory, was determined by Analyst Anthony Zibernia to contain cannabis. (Petitioner's Exhibit 4.) Officer Hamilton returned to the licensed premises of The Chosen Few at approximately 9:00 p.m. on March 24, 1983, and again observed Mose serving as a bartender. At approximately 9:00 p.m. Officer Hamilton inquired of Mose as to the availability of marijuana. Mose advised he would check and Officer Hamilton gave him $10.00. Mose exited from behind the bar and returned approximately two minutes later to the area behind the bar , transferred to Officer Hamilton over the top of the bar a manila envelope containing a substance, later identified by Analyst Zibernia to be marijuana, with $4.00 in change. The transaction was made in an open manner add the substance purchased by Officer Hamilton was properly bagged, sealed, receipted and submitted to the FDLE crime laboratory. As stated, it was analyzed and found by Analyst Zibernia to contain cannabis. (Petitioner's Exhibit 5) While on the premises of The Chosen Few on the evening of March 24, Officer Hamilton again observed the use of marijuana by patrons on the premises. Such use by the patrons was completely open, without any attempt on the part of the patrons to hide such use. Officer Hamilton next returned to the licensed premises of The Chosen Few on the evening of April 9, 1983 While seated at the bar he inquired of a patron as to the availability of marijuana. The negotiations for the purchase of marijuana were made at the bar in front of the on-duty bartender, who was later identified by Officer Hamilton as one of the licensees, Leroy Allen. The negotiations were carried on in a normal conversational tone immediately in front of Allen. Officer Hamilton purchased from a patron, in an open manner, one clear baggie, later analyzed by the FDLE crime laboratory and found to contain cannabis, in exchange for $6.00. The substance was bagged, sealed, receipted and submitted to the FDLE crime laboratory for analysis by Analyst Anthony Zibernia. (Petitioner's Exhibit 6) Respondent's Defense Respondent presented the testimony of licensees Walter Vann and Leroy Allen. Both licensees testified that they instructed their employees that no drugs were to be used on the premises and instructed those patrons who were observed using marijuana to leave the premises. Licensee Allen could not recall any discussion of marijuana sales by Officer Hamilton, nor could he recall any drugs ever being sold on the premises. Licensee Allen and Mose Williams stated that they "cannot stand the smell of marijuana." Mose Williams denied making any sales of marijuana to Officer Hamilton and "throws out patrons he finds using marijuana." Additionally, like bartender Mose Williams, barmaid Gloria Williams also claims to throw out any patrons she observes using marijuana and denied assisting Officer Hamilton, or any patron in their effort to purchase marijuana at The Chosen Few Motorcycle Club. Rebuttal Petitioner presented the testimony of confidential informant, Harold Sutton. Informant Sutton accompanied Officer Hamilton at The Chosen Few and observed the occasions when Officer Hamilton purchased marijuana from Mose Williams and the on-duty barmaid. Informant Sutton also observed the on-duty barmaid roll and smoke a marijuana cigarette at the bar on March 24, 1983.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That Respondent's alcoholic beverage license No. 68-629, Series 2-COP, be suspended for a period of one hundred eighty (180) days and that Respondent pay a fine of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) for each of seven (7) violations alleged in the Notice to Show Cause filed herein dated April 13, 1983. RECOMMENDED , this 23rd day of June, 1983, at Tallahassee, Florida. JAMES E. BRADWELL, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 23rd day of June, 1983.

Florida Laws (7) 120.57561.29777.011823.01823.10893.03893.13
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 84-001048 Latest Update: Apr. 11, 1984

Findings Of Fact Johnnie Woods, Jr. is the owner of the licensed premises known as "Black Magic" located at 2908 Northwest 62nd Street, Miami, Florida, operating under alcoholic beverage license no. 23-5233, Series 2-COP. On January 26, 1984, Beverage Officer Davis entered the licensed premises known as Black Magic as part of an investigation to determine if drug violations were occurring on the licensed premises. On this visit, Davis observed numerous patrons either smoking marijuana (cannabis) or snorting suspected cocaine. On January 30, 1984, Beverage Officer Houston observed a barmaid known as May smoke a marijuana cigarette and snort suspected cocaine from a plate while working at the bar. Houston also purchased a marijuana cigarette from an unknown patron who she had seen walking through the bar with a baggie of rolled marijuana cigarettes. On this date, Houston was approached by a patron known as Daryl Chester-field who handed her a small brown envelope containing marijuana and some rolling papers. She then rolled a marijuana cigarette and placed it in her purse for safekeeping. While on the premises this date with Officer Houston, Officer Davis also observed numerous patrons openly smoking marijuana and snorting suspected cocaine. On February 2, 1984, Investigator Davis was on the licensed premises as part of this investigation. He observed an unidentified patron place a plastic bag of marijuana on top of a video game machine and roll several marijuana cigarettes while at the machine. This took place openly and no attempt was made by any employee to stop such activity. On February 10, 1984, Officer Houston entered the licensed premises as part of this investigation. She observed the on-duty bartender, Willie Brown, a/k/a Johnnie, smoke a marijuana cigarette while standing at the bar. At her request, Houston was referred to an individual known as Jimmy by the doorman, Slim, in order to purchase marijuana cigarettes. She thereafter purchased two separately rolled marijuana cigarettes from Jimmy for a total of two dollars. While purchasing the marijuana cigarettes from Jimmy, he inquired if Officer Houston would be interested in any cocaine. Later on February 10, 1984, Officer Davis approached Jimmy and purchased a $25 bag of cocaine from him. The transaction between Jimmy and Officer Davis occurred in the storeroom of the licensed premises from which Jimmy had earlier been observed removing beer to stock the bar. Before leaving the licensed premises this date, Jimmy approached Officer Davis and handed him a marijuana cigarette while Davis was seated at the bar. The delivery of this cigarette was unsolicited by either Officer Davis or Officer Houston. On February 16, 1984, Officers Houston and Davis again entered the licensed premises of Black Magic. Upon entering both officers observed the majority of the patrons either smoking marijuana or snorting what appeared to be cocaine. They also observed the on-duty bartender, May, smoking marijuana behind the bar. May was also seen this date snorting suspected cocaine from a saucer on the bar. While on the premises, Officer Houston again purchased two marijuana cigarettes from the individual known as Jimmy for a total price of two dollars. Also on this date, Houston approached the manager, Willie Brown, a/k/a Johnnie, and inquired if he had any cocaine. He then walked to the rear of the bar, entered the storage room, and returned with a small suede pouch from which he obtained a foil package containing cocaine. Houston gave Johnnie $25 in exchange for the package of cocaine. On March 1, 1984, Officer Thompson entered the premises of Black Magic as part of this investigation. Upon entering the licensed premises, Thompson observed numerous patrons openly smoking marijuana. While on the premises this date, Thompson purchased a $10 package of cocaine from the employee/manager known as Johnnie. The cocaine transaction took place inside the bar in an open manner. On March 2, 1984, Officer Thompson again entered the licensed premises as part of the investigation. Thompson observed the on-duty bartender, May, smoking a marijuana cigarette while working behind the bar. After observing May remove a cellophane bag containing several rolled marijuana cigarettes from her purse, Thompson inquired if she would sell him too of the cigarettes. In response to this request, May sold Thompson two marijuana cigarettes from the cellophane bag for two dollars. On the evening of March 2, 1984, Officer Thompson again entered the licensed premises at which time he observed the on-duty doorman, Slim, smoking a marijuana cigarette. He also observed numerous patrons openly smoking marijuana. On this occasion, Thompson inquired of an on-duty barmaid known as Felicia, if she had any cocaine. She initially stated that she had none, but later returned and asked Thompson what he wanted. He requested a ten dollar bag of cocaine. She then took Thompson's money and walked to the south end of the bar. Upon returning she handed him two foil packages containing cocaine. 1/ While on the licensed premises this date, Thompson observed the licensee, Johnnie Woods, Jr., seated at the south end of the bar with an unidentified individual who was observed smoking a marijuana cigarette. The controlled substances obtained from the employees and patrons of the licensed premises of Black Magic were maintained in the exclusive custody and control of the referenced beverage officers until such time as they could be submitted to the Metro-Dade Crime Lab for analysis. Upon submission to the Crime Lab, chemists analyzed each submission by the Division and found that each purchase made by the respective beverage agents were in fact the controlled substances represented to them at the times of the transactions. Upon each occasion that the beverage officers entered the bar during the investigation, there was widespread use of marijuana and cocaine throughout the licensed premises. While there were at least two signs on the licensed premises prohibiting the use or possession of drugs, at no time did the officers ever observe managers or employees of the licensed premises attempt to stop or restrict the use or sale of controlled substances on the licensed premises. In mitigation, Respondent established that he was hospitalized for a three-month period prior to and during the early portion of the investigation. He was, however, present on March 2, 1984, when controlled substances were openly used and delivered.

Recommendation From the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That Petitioner enter a Final Order suspending Respondent's alcoholic beverage license for a period of 90 days, including the emergency suspension now in effect. DONE and ENTERED this 11th day of April, 1984, in Tallahassee, Florida. R. T. CARPENTER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 11th day of April, 1984.

Florida Laws (2) 561.29823.10
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-002095 Latest Update: Dec. 04, 1987

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the Department of Business Regulation, Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco. Respondent is Lillian Marie Reynolds, d/b/a Diamond Lil's, who currently operates under beverage license number 54-00573, Series 2-COP, at U.S. Highway #1, Lot #5, Big Coppitt Key, Monroe County, Florida. On August 7, 1986, the Monroe County Sheriff's Department and Petitioner began an undercover narcotics investigation entitled "Operation Sabre". As part of that investigation, two of Petitioner's beverage agents conducted surveillance of Respondent's licensed premises. On August 15, 1986, Petitioner's investigators, Deloach and Warner, entered this licensed premises. They met a patron known as "Ken" and discussed the purchase of marijuana. Subsequently, Ken sold Investigator Deloach approximately 3.4 grams of marijuana, in exchange for $10. This transaction occurred in plain view and took place in an open and notorious manner inside the licensed premises. On that same day Investigator Deloach was invited into the ladies' bathroom by two other patrons to use cocaine. He observed the patrons "snort" cocaine in the licensed premises. On August 16, 1986, Investigators Deloach and Warner reentered the licensed premises. Investigator Deloach was approached by the patron Ken regarding the sale of marijuana. During the conversation, Ken displayed a marijuana cigarette in plain view. Later in the evening, the investigators were approached by Steve Anderson, a member of the band that played at Diamond Lil's. Anderson discussed future sales of marijuana to the investigators. Anderson then sat on the floor just inside the front door of Diamond Lil's, rolled a marijuana cigarette, lit it, smoked it, and passed it to Investigator Deloach who simulated smoking it. On August 18, 1986, Investigators Deloach and Warner returned to the licensed premises. On this occasion, Respondent's son Kevin Blackburn was acting as the bartender/manager. The investigators were approached by Steve Anderson, who inquired whether they would be interested in purchasing some marijuana or cocaine. In response thereto, Investigator Deloach handed Anderson $10 for the purchase of some marijuana. However, Anderson later returned Investigator Deloach's money and stated that his supplier was not at home. On that same day the investigators approached Kevin Blackburn to inquire as to whether he could get them cocaine or marijuana. In response thereto, Blackburn stated that he had been on a "three day buzz" and that there were no drugs available at this time. The term "three day buzz" is a slang term which is generally understood to mean a narcotics-induced euphoria. Investigator Deloach also asked Blackburn to advise him when drugs became available. On August 19, 20 and 21, 1986, Investigators Deloach and Warner returned to the licensed premises. No actual drug purchases were made on these occasions; however, the investigators had loud conversations with Steve Anderson relative to the purchase of cocaine and marijuana. On August 22, 1986, Investigators Deloach and Warner returned to the licensed premises. On this occasion, the licensee and her son were sitting at the bar, facing the investigators, in the vicinity of a patron known as "Jackie Francesia". While at the bar, Investigator Deloach asked Jackie Francesia if he could purchase some cocaine. In response, Jackie Francesia sold Investigator Deloach one-half (1/2) gram of cocaine for $35. This transaction occurred in plain view and took place in an open and notorious manner, some fifteen feet from the licensee and her son. On August 25, 1986, Investigators Deloach and Warner returned to the licensed premises. Investigator Warner met with band member Steve Anderson to inquire as to the availability of marijuana. Anderson stated that he did not have any but that he would check in the bar for some. Anderson then left the immediate vicinity of Investigator Warner and approached Kevin Blackburn, who was tending bar. Investigator Warner observed Kevin Blackburn talking with Anderson and pointing out another patron, who was seated in the premises. Anderson went directly to that patron and spoke with the patron. Shortly thereafter, Anderson returned to Investigator Warner and told her that the cocaine was available but that his motorcycle was not running. Also on this date, the investigators observed three patrons standing just outside the main entrance of the licensed premises, smoking marijuana. On August 26, 1986, Investigators Deloach and Warner returned to the licensed premises. On this occasion, Kevin Blackburn was working behind the bar in a managerial capacity. The investigators met with Jackie Francesia to inquire as to the availability of cocaine. In response, Francesia handed Investigator Warner one-half gram of cocaine in exchange for $35. This transaction occurred in plain view and took place in an open and notorious manner in the licensed premises. After the cocaine delivery, Investigator Deloach approached Investigator Warner at the bar of the licensed premises and held out his wallet in full view of several patrons and Kevin Blackburn. Investigator Warner removed the cocaine from her pants pocket, held it up in plain view of Kevin Blackburn and placed it in Investigator Deloach's wallet. Subsequently, Investigator Deloach approached Kevin Blackburn and told him that he had just purchased cocaine from Jackie Francesia at the bar. In response thereto, Kevin Blackburn voiced his approval of the narcotics transaction occurring on the licensed premises. On August 28, 1986, Investigators Deloach and Warner returned to the licensed premises. Again, Kevin Blackburn was tending bar. The investigators approached Steve Anderson in the presence of Kevin Blackburn to inquire as to the availability of cocaine. Anderson stated that a patron known as "Miguel Vasguez" had some in his possession. Investigator Deloach then gave Anderson $40 for the purchase of cocaine. Anderson left the immediate vicinity of the investigators and returned shortly thereafter with one-half gram of cocaine. He then handed the cocaine to Investigator Deloach. This transaction occurred in plain view and took place in an open and notorious manner on the licensed premises. After taking delivery of the cocaine, Investigator Deloach again approached Kevin Blackburn and told him that he had just purchased cocaine in the licensed premises. Kevin Blackburn again acknowledged his approval of the narcotics transaction. In addition to being the licensee of record in the instant case, Lillian Marie Reynolds operates another premises which has an alcoholic beverage license and at which business she spent almost all of her time. Sometime prior to the commencement of "Operation Sabre", Reynolds turned over the management of Diamond Lil's to her son Kevin Blackburn. Although Reynolds was only present during one of the drug transactions described above, Blackburn was present during most of the others. Neither Reynolds nor Blackburn voiced any disapproval of the drug transactions taking place in Diamond Lil's. Furthermore, Reynolds admitted she had given no specific directions to her son regarding prohibiting drug use or transactions in the premises even though she had told the Sheriff prior to "Operation Sabre" that drug dealing might be taking place in Diamond Lil's.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered finding Respondent guilty of the allegations contained within the Notice to Show Cause and assessing a civil penalty against Respondent in the amount of $5,000. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 4th day of December, 1987, at Tallahassee, Florida. LINDA M. RIGOT, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 4th day of December, 1987. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 87-2095 Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact numbered 1-14 and the first two sentences of finding numbered 15 have been adopted verbatim or in substance in this Recommended Order. The remainder of finding numbered 15, however, has been rejected as not constituting a finding of fact but rather as constituting argument of counsel. Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact numbered 1, 2, and 4-7 have been adopted in this Recommended Order either verbatim or in substance. The remainder of Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact have been rejected as follows: 3 and 9 as being immaterial to the issues under consideration herein; 12 as being contrary to the evidence in this cause; and 8, 10, 11, and 13 as not being supported by the evidence herein. COPIES FURNISHED: Daniel Bosanko, Director Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1000 Thomas A. Klein, Esquire Department of Business Regulation 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1000 John P. Rotolo, Esquire 627 Whitehead Street Key West, Florida 33040 Van B. Poole, Secretary Department of Business Regulation 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1000

Florida Laws (4) 120.57561.29823.10893.13
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 84-001157 Latest Update: Apr. 17, 1984

Findings Of Fact Respondent holds alcoholic beverage license no. 56-526, Series 2-COP. The licensed premises is known as the "Green Frog" and is located at 1216 Santa Rosa Boulevard, Fort Walton Beach, Florida. The corporate officers of Respondent are Charles J. Schoener, Marlene D. Schoener, Mitch M. Smith and Charles M. Hall. On September 27, 1983, Investigator Robert Randle of the Gulf Breeze Police Department was approached by two individuals as he exited the licensed premises of the Green Frog and was asked if he wanted to purchase some marijuana. While discussing the marijuana purchase, Randle was approached by the Green Frog doorman who was working on the premises that night. The doorman, known as "Animal," inquired of Randle if he wanted to buy a small quantity of cocaine and displayed a small plastic baggie containing a white substance which he offered to sell for $30. After paying the doorman $30 for the small package represented to be cocaine, Randle submitted the contents for chemical analysis. Subsequent analysis revealed the presence of no controlled substance. On or about February 18, 1984, Officer Randle again entered the licensed premises of the Green Frog in an undercover capacity. While on the licensed premises, Randle contacted a dancer known as "Angel." Randle asked Angel where he could obtain some narcotics and she directed him to her apartment. Randle went to the apartment but was unable to purchase any drugs. He returned to the Green Frog and told Angel that he had been unsuccessful. She left Randle's presence but later delivered a partial marijuana cigarette to him on the licensed premises. Subsequent analysis of the partial cigarette showed the contents to be cannabis/marijuana. On or about February 28, 1984, Officer Randle again entered the licensed premises in an undercover capacity. On this date, he made contact with a dancer known as "Sugar" and asked her if he could obtain some marijuana or cocaine. Sugar directed Randle to the dancer Angel's apartment where he was told he could purchase a baggie of marijuana. Upon reaching the apartment Officer Randle informed Angel that Sugar had told him he could buy a bag of marijuana from her. At this time Angel sold a baggie of marijuana to Officer Randle for $25. Subsequent analysis of the baggie's contents revealed that it contained cannabis/marijuana. On or about March 6, 1984, Officer Randle returned to the licensed premises as part of this investigation. Upon entering, Randle engaged the dancer Sugar in conversation and advised her he was looking for narcotics. Shortly thereafter, Sugar told Randle he could purchase one-quarter gram of cocaine for $25. Later, she informed him that she was obtaining the cocaine from another dancer who would only sell half-gram amounts for $50. Randle then gave Sugar $50 and observed Sugar leave his table, speak to an unidentified dancer and return to his table. Sugar then handed Randle a plastic baggie containing a white powdery substance. Subsequent analysis of the contents of the bag showed that it contained cocaine. On or about March 17, 1984, Officer Randle again entered the licensed premises as part of the ongoing investigation. Randle made contact with the dancer "Kelly" and the dancer "Lisa." Randle told Kelly that he had "scored" some good cocaine previously from the dancer Sugar and that he was looking for her. In response to this statement, Kelly informed Randle that she had supplied Sugar with the cocaine and that she could sell him a half-gram of cocaine for $50 that evening. Later, Randle was approached by the dancer Lisa who asked him if he was holding some cocaine. Randle informed her that he was looking for cocaine and asked her if she could sell him some. Lisa also told him that she was waiting for her supplier and that she would sell him a $50 package when the supplier arrived. While waiting for the supplier to arrive on the premises, Randle was again approached by Lisa who gave him the phone number of her supplier and suggested he call the supplier and tell him to come to the licensed premises with the cocaine. Later, a male patron arrived at the premises and was observed talking to Lisa by Randle. Shortly thereafter, both Lisa and Kelly delivered small plastic baggies containing white substances to Randle who was seated at a table. Both deliveries were made inside the lounge in plain view. Subsequent analysis confirmed that both packages contained cocaine. Beginning around late February 1984, Mr. Tim Forehand regularly sold and supplied cocaine on the licensed premises. His sales were generally in one- half gram packages and the dollar amount of such sales on the licensed premises ranged from $200 to $1800 per night. Forehand supplied the cocaine on March 17, 1984, to the dancers Lisa and Kelly who then sold this substance to Officer Randle. Forehand also sold cocaine six or eight times to a corporate officer's son, David Schoener, who worked as a bartender on the licensed premises. On one occasion, Charles Schoener barred Forehand from the licensed premises for dealing drugs. He was, however, allowed back onto the premises within one week, The testimony of Lisa Dixon, Melissa Crawford (a/k/a Sugar) and Tim Forehand indicated that drug use and sales in the licensed premises were open and extensive. Sugar testified that see had used cocaine with Charles Hall, an officer-owner, on the licensed premises. Similarly, Lisa Dixon testified that she was in the presence of Charles Schoener on an occasion when he used cocaine in the licensed premises. In their testimony, Charles Schoener and Charles Hall denied using drugs on the licensed premises. Their testimony and that of a third owner- manager, Mitch Smith, a bartender, Jim Ellis, and a dancer, Evangeline Potts, indicated that drug use and sales were rarely observed and that action was taken to bar customers or warn employees when such incidents occurred. The documentary evidence and testimony of both Petitioner's and Respondent's witnesses established that Respondent had a stated policy against drug use or possession on the premises. Employee rules to this effect had been adopted and posted for over a year and periodic employee meetings were held at which the no drug policy was discussed. However, enforcement was not vigorous as indicated by the fact that Forehand was allowed to return to the Green Frog even though he had earlier been barred for drug activity. Further, Charles Schoener, the corporation president, did not discharge the dancer Kelly, even when he suspected her of illegal drug activity on the licensed premises. Much of the testimony of the witnesses with the exception of Officer Randle and Officer Kiker (who was not directly involved), was self-serving and lacking in credibility. Forehand, Dixon and Crawford have all been arrested and charged with criminal offenses. They were advised that their cooperation in this proceeding could favorably effect their sentences if convicted. Respondent's witnesses are owners and employees of the licensed premises, and thus have a stake in preserving the beverage license. In addition to their denials, the purported use of cocaine by Charles Schoener and Charles Hall on the licensed premises in the presence of their employees is inconsistent with their efforts to prohibit or at least discourage drug use. Further, the testimony of Officer Randle indicates that drug sales and use were not "wide open" as claimed by Petitioner's other witnesses. Randle visited the licensed premises in an undercover capacity on numerous occasions beginning September 27, 1983, but was not able to obtain a delivery of a controlled substance until February 18, 1984.

Recommendation From the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That Petitioner enter a Final Order suspending Respondent's alcoholic beverage license for a period of 90 days, including the emergency suspension now in effect. DONE and ENTERED this 17th day of April, 1984, in Tallahassee, Florida. R. T. CARPENTER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of April, 1984.

Florida Laws (2) 561.29823.10
# 10

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