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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 84-000810 Latest Update: Apr. 09, 1984

Findings Of Fact Respondent owns and operates a waste water treatment facility at Polynesian Village Mobile Home Park, owns the land at this village, leases these lots to mobile home owners, and provides them with waste water treatment. He was last issued an operating permit on January 18, 1983, by Petitioner. Respondent posted an Operational Bond (Exhibit 2) in the amount of $7,500 with Northwestern National Insurance Company as surety to faithfully operate the treatment facility and comply with all Rules and Regulations of the Petitioner. Englewood Water District, petitioner, was established by special act of the Florida Legislature in Chapter 59-931, Florida Statutes, and is given authority in Section 4 thereof to regulate use of sewers, fix rates, enjoin or otherwise prevent violations of the act or any regulation adopted by Petitioner pursuant to the act, and to promulgate regulations to carry out the provisions of the act. Pursuant to this authority, Petitioner promulgated Waste Water Treatment Facilities Design, Construction and Operation Regulations dated June 19, 1980, and revised April 28, 1983. During an inspection of Respondent's waste water treatment facility on October 17, 1983, leaching was observed at both the north and south drain fields with effluent from the system rising to the surface. Samples of this effluent when tested showed a fecal coliform count of 2800/100 ml. The basic level of disinfectant shall result in not more than 200 fecal coliform values per 100 ml of effluent sample (Rule 17-6.060(1)(b)3a, F.A.C.). Following this test, Notice of Violation (Exhibit 4) was served on Respondent. No action was taken by Respondent to correct this condition and on January 6, 1984, a Citation (Exhibit 5) was issued to Respondent scheduling a hearing for January 26, 1984. Following the issuance of that Citation frequent inspections of the facility were conducted by employees of Respondent to ascertain if steps were being taken by Respondent to correct the deficiencies. Additionally, inspections were made by inspectors from Sarasota County Pollution Control. Inspections were conducted January 9, 16, 17, 18, 20, 23, and 31; February 1, 8, 13, 14, 16, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, and 29; and March 2, 5, 8, and 9, 1984. These inspections revealed what appears to be a "blow-out" in the south drain field where effluent bubbles to the surface and flows onto the adjacent streets and propert (Exhibits 9 and 11). Effluent tested from this source had fecal coliform counts as high as 9440/100 ml. During one of these inspections effluent from the treatment plant was being discharged directly onto the road to a drainage ditch adjacent to the plant (Exhibit 8). The coliform count of a sample taken from this ditch was 13500/100 ml. Respondent was issued a second Citation on March 2, 1984, and this hearing was held on the violations alleged in that Citation, to wit: creating a public nuisance and leaching from drain field. Respondent contends that he is dealing with the Sarasota County Engineer to correct the problems and, after failing in his attempt to get the county to provide drainage from his property, he is now in the process of installing drain pipes. Respondent contends that the natural drainage of surface waters from his land to adjacent land was stopped by development on the adjacent land and the heavy rains this winter has saturated his land and inhibited percolation in the drain fields. Accordingly, the effluent from his plant could not be absorbed by the drain field. Respondent also contends that the drain field worked fine for several years before the drainage problem arose and believes it will again work well when the drainage situation is corrected.

# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Bunnell, Florida Feb. 10, 2000 Number: 00-000695 Latest Update: Sep. 10, 2004

The Issue The issue is whether Respondent should be required to obtain a current operating permit for his aerobic treatment unit and have a $500.00 fine imposed for violating an agency rule for the reason cited in the Citation for Violation issued by Petitioner on December 1, 1999.

Findings Of Fact Based upon all of the evidence, the following findings of fact are determined: In this dispute, Petitioner, Department of Health (Department), has alleged that Respondent, Dr. Anthony Massaro, a retired public health physician, failed to obtain an annual operating permit for an aerobic treatment unit (ATU) located at his residence at 3402 North Oceanside Boulevard, Flagler Beach, Florida. The Flagler County Health Department (Health Department) is charged with the responsibility of issuing such permits. That department is under the direction and control of Petitioner. While Respondent readily admits that he failed to obtain a permit, he contends that he was misled by the Health Department when he first installed an ATU at his residence; the Health Department is not enforcing the law regarding ATUs and thus another system would be more appropriate; and the law, as he interprets it, allows him to install another type of on-site sewage disposal unit on his property. Respondent purchased his property in Flagler County in 1997. The property is located in Ocean View Estates Subdivision (subdivision), which has an Urban Single-Family Residential District (R-1b) zoning classification under the Flagler County Land Development Code (Code). Section 3.03.05A of the Code requires that owners within the R-1b classification use "public or community water and sewer facilities," but makes an exception for "[s]mall R-1b subdivisions, fifty (50) lots or less, utilizing a public community water system," in which case residents "may utilize Class I aerobic onsite sewage disposal systems." Further, "[t]he use of individual onsite sewage disposal systems must be consistent with adopted county policies and standards." Because the subdivision has 50 lots or less, and public or private sewer facilities were not available in the area, the subdivision's Plat Agreement recorded in 1995 provided that "[i]ndividual aerobic onsite sewage disposal systems are to be permitted and constructed as each lot is developed." Another type of onsite sewage disposal system is the anerobic system, which has a septic tank and larger drainfield, is far less expensive, but does not conform with "county policies and standards" in this locale. Thus, this type of system requires a variance from the zoning regulations before one can be installed in the subdivision. Even so, Respondent says "all" of his neighbors have installed such a system. Because of the Plat Agreement, the zoning restriction, the difficulty in obtaining a variance, and the lack of a sewer line, Respondent had no choice except to use an ATU system for his residence. This meant that he had to apply for a permit from the Health Department. Once a permit is obtained and an ATU installed, the owner must renew his operating permit annually at a cost of $150.00, and he must enter into a maintenance agreement with a licensed contractor. The $150.00 fee is used to defray the costs incurred by the Health Department in making quarterly inspections and performing annual sampling and laboratory analysis of effluent. The record does not reflect precisely when a sewer line became operational across the street from Respondent's property, but the sewer project was accepted "for service" in April 1998, or before Respondent's ATU was installed in August 1998. Had Respondent known this, he would have obviously chosen that option rather than an ATU. The evidence reflects that in November 1997 Respondent made application for an ATU with the Health Department, a permit was issued in December 1997, and the system was installed and approved in August and September 1998, respectively. In early April 1998, the Health Department was advised by the private utility company that it would accept new sewer connections in a service area that included Respondent's home. However, Health Department representatives made no mention of this to Respondent since they were under the impression that he desired to use the ATU option, they do not normally "counsel" applicants on onsite sewage disposal system options, and Respondent had made no inquiry. Disclosure of this fact would have saved Respondent considerable money (and grief) in the long run; unfortunately, however, while good public relations would dictate otherwise, the Health Department had no legal obligation to do anything other than process the pending application. Likewise, it has no obligation in law to now pay the costs for Respondent to hook up to the line because of its non-disclosure. Respondent has now invested more than $5,000.00 in his ATU. This type of system is operated by a compressor in Respondent's garage, which must be run 24 hours per day, and is very noisy. Because of this, Respondent understandably wishes to change to an anerobic system, which has a traditional septic tank, larger drainfield, no unsightly "mound" in the yard, no annual permits, and is far cheaper than an ATU. Also, it does not require a noisy motor to sustain operations. However, this type of system is prohibited by the Code except where a variance from Flagler County (County) has been obtained. It appears to be unlikely that Respondent can obtain a variance from the County. Because Respondent's property is so low in relation to the sewer line, to achieve the proper gravity, he must install a lift station and pay a connection fee, both totaling $3,540.00, before hooking up to the sewer system. Given these costs, and the considerable investment he already has in an ATU, Respondent does not consider this to be a viable alternative. Respondent pointed out that, despite the requirement that they do so, many ATU owners in the County are not running their systems 24-hours per day because of the noise from the compressor. He also pointed out that the Health Department has consistently found numerous violations of such systems during its inspections. He further asserted that while the $150.00 annual fee is to defray certain sampling and laboratory analysis costs associated with inspecting ATUs, the Health Department has done neither on his ATU. Finally, Respondent pointed out that prior to 1999 the regulations were enforced by sampling the compliance of a very small percentage of total ATU systems (ten percent), rather than all systems, in the County. Given these considerations, Respondent concludes that ATUs are the least effective way to treat sewage, and that existing laws and regulations have not been enforced. Assuming these allegations to be true, and they were not seriously disputed, they are legitimate concerns. However, until the law is changed, they do not constitute a lawful basis for allowing Respondent to switch to an anerobic system. Respondent further contended that under his interpretation of the general law, which was not fully understood by the undersigned, he is not required to use an ATU. But local zoning regulations clearly require that he do so, and until the state or local regulations are changed or waived, he cannot use an anerobic system. Finally, Respondent has cooperated with the Department throughout this process. With his lengthy public health background, Respondent initiated this action with good intentions, seeking to point out the flaws in the ATU systems, and to remedy a problem which none of his neighbors apparently have. Given these considerations, a civil penalty should not be imposed.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Health enter a final order sustaining the charge in the Citation for Violation and requiring that Respondent obtain an annual permit for his ATU. A civil penalty is not warranted. DONE AND ENTERED this 20th day of June, 2000, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of June, 2000. COPIES FURNISHED: Angela T. Hall, Agency Clerk Department of Health Bin A02 2020 Capital Circle, Southeast Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1703 Charlene J. Petersen, Esquire Department of Health 420 Fentress Boulevard Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Dr. Anthony Massaro 3402 North Oceanside Boulevard Flagler Beach, Florida 32136 Amy M. Jones, General Counsel Department of Health Bin A02 2020 Capital Circle, Southeast Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701

Florida Laws (5) 120.569120.57381.0011381.0065381.0066 Florida Administrative Code (1) 64E-6.030
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Sarasota, Florida Apr. 24, 1991 Number: 91-002470 Latest Update: Nov. 08, 1991

The Issue The issue for consideration is whether the City of Sarasota should be issued a permit by the Department of Environmental Regulation for the construction of a dry line sewer system through the Petitioner's neighborhood.

Findings Of Fact At all times pertinent to the matters in issue herein the Petitioners, Becky Close, et al., were residents of the area in issue which is located both within and outside the boundaries of the City of Sarasota and in portions of Sarasota County contiguous thereto. The City of Sarasota, (City), is a municipality in Sarasota County which has applied to the Department of Environmental Regulation, (Department), for a permit to construct a sewage collection/transmission system in Sarasota County which Petitioners fear will adversely impact the safe, quiet enjoyment of their property. The Department is the state agency responsible for the permitting of sewage transmission, collection, treatment and disposal in this state. The City currently owns and operates a domestic wastewater collection, transmission, treatment and disposal system, including a wastewater treatment plant, which serves approximately 96% of the City's residents and which is authorized by a Construction Permit and Amended Consent Order issued by the Department. On or about November 30, 1990 the City applied to the Department for a permit to construct an additional collection and transmission system for wastewater. This permit, if issued, would provide for the City to construct several system extensions at various locations throughout the city and includes the construction of seven lift/pump stations and fourteen "tie-in" locations at which the existing system will be extended to the unserved areas. Upon completion, the system will serve approximately 99% of the City's residents. Accompanying the application was a set of engineering plans and specifications for the proposed project which had been signed and sealed by the City's engineers. Sometime after the application was filed, the Department requested additional information relating, inter alia, to the design of the lift stations in regard to flood conditions. On January 8, 1991, the City provided the requested information which was based in part on a flood insurance map prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, (FEMA). Thereafter, by Notice dated March 26, 1991, the Department indicated its intention to grant the permit application. The proposed permit specifically notes that it is for the construction of the line only and before it can be placed in service, the City must secure separate approval. Specifically, the permit conditions state: 2. This permit does not authorize the connection of these collection systems to the City of Sarasota WWTP [Wastewater Treatment Plant]. The permit shall not be construed to infer any assurance that the necessary authorization for connection shall be granted. Any such authorization shall be granted only when adequate treatment in accordance with rules, regulation, and issued permits of the Department is available for any flows transported by the systems. * * * 5. Upon completion of the system and prior to use, the permittee ... shall submit to this Department a written request ... to obtain Department approval to place the system into service, .... In addition to the terms of those specific conditions relating to the limited approval effect of this permit, the General Conditions provide: 3. ... This permit is not a waiver of or approval of any other Department permit that may be required for other aspects of the total project which are not addressed in this permit. It is clear from the language of the permit that as proposed, it does not include authorization to place the covered work into service or, for that matter, to even connect it to the existing plant. The Petitioners live within an eight block area through which one of the proposed extensions, with its lift stations, will run. Many have lived in the area for decades and have experienced periodic flooding which, for the most part, results from the inability of the drainage flow to adequately handle the large amounts of rainwater which come with storms that routinely hit the area. In addition, increased paving as a part of commercial and residential development in the area has resulted in a reduction of absorption which has contributed to the flooding. The flooding which occurs usually recedes within a couple of hours and leaves a residue. Many of the residents oppose the projected permit because they fear that if the system fails during a flood period, sewage would be ejected from the system, would mix with the flood waters, and spread across the area. When the waters receded, the residue would include waste as well. William Hartman, a resident of the areas for 35 years, who is not an expert in any pertinent field, prepared a map of the area and the watershed which drains it. In doing so, he didn't consult with anyone nor can he state the total acreage or the number of impervious or pervious areas. He does not know how much rainfall there is in either a 100 year or a 25 year storm and he cannot say if any of the photographs of flooding introduced by the Petitioners depicted a 100 year storm, the last of which occurred in 1968. Nonetheless, he is still concerned. Mr. Hartman tried to make this information available to City officials before the design of the system was started but they did not seem to be much interested in it. He also tried to present the information to the City Commission before the project was voted on, but, again, it was rejected. Another resident, Mr. Williams, built a home in the area several years ago, but before he could do so, he was required to bring in fill to build up an area on which to build. Whenever it rains, the water runs off his land and onto his neighbors' and floods their houses. Since his house is built up, he does not suffer water damage, but when it floods, he has trouble getting into and out of his property. Ms. Hartman, another neighbor, was caught outdoors in the 1971 flood which brought water up to her chest. In her opinion, if sewage were released into this kind of water, it would be revolting. The evidence of periodic flooding is also supported by Mr. Lawson, the mail carrier in the area for 10 years, whose vehicle has stalled in the high water, and Mr. Riddlemoser, a resident, who has, on occasion, been unable to drive into the area due to high water. The manager of the County's Stormwater Management Division confirms there is a flooding problem in the area. Several alternatives have been proposed to deal with it. One is emergency evacuation of the residents and another is channel modification to drain the water away. Additional development in the area can be expected and any such development is required to be designed to minimize impact downstream. Nonetheless, some additional problems might be expected. The County plans to study all the reports and come up with proposed solutions to the flooding problem. Though he cannot judge whether the Corps of Engineers' report or the FEMA report has the better flood information, he would use the Corps' figures. The County's utilities plans examiner, Mr. Cole, has visited the area and attended a residents' meeting about the flooding problem. His study of the problem generates two questions. The first is what caused the flooding, and the second is that given the existence of flooding, why allow the system to be built there? He determined that the problem is caused by the fact that the City's ditches are not cleaned out and the County's are. The solution to that is to clean the ditches. Mr. Cole reviewed the application and consulted with the Department about it. Based on the information he received, he recommended the permit be issued since the plans for the design of the system are within the guidelines established by the County Code. Therefore, the County has no objection to the line being constructed. Turning to the project proposed, those portions of the system extension which will relate to the eight block area inhabited by the Petitioners are identified in the permit application as tie in extension areas C and D, and include lift stations 75 and 76, neither of which will serve any residents outside the eight block area in question. Station 75 is to be placed to the east of Central Avenue near 42nd Street and Station 76 is to be placed east of Central Avenue near 38th Street. Petitioners are concerned that in the event of flooding as a result of heavy rains or for some other reason, the sewage line as designed is incapable of protecting them against a back-up of sewage and escape of that sewage into the flood waters in the area. Evidence presented by the City indicates that at the present time, the City's existing system wastewater treatment and disposal plant capacity is 13 million gallons per day, (MGD), and average existing wastewater flow received there is only 6.467 mgd. Even with the increase in flow created by the extension of the system to existing homes, the plant is well equipped to handle the additional flow as well as that additional flow anticipated as a result of future wastewater flow when the areas to be served by the extension are fully built up. It is clear then, that the available capacity of the plant is more than sufficient to properly treat and dispose of any additional waste water flows created when and if the proposed sewer extension is approved and placed into service even after accounting for increased residential building in the area. From a technical standpoint, the proposed system must be designed and constructed according to the technical standards contained in Water Pollution Control Federation's Manual of Practice No. 9, Design and Construction of Sanitary and Storm Sewers. The evidence of record clearly indicates that the proposal here, as evidenced by the plans and specifications drawn therefor, is in compliance with those technical standards and criteria. Further, the technical standards and criteria established by the Great Lakes/Upper Mississippi River Board of State Sanitary Engineers' 1987 edition of Recommended Standard Sewage Works, also applies. The evidence of record indicates that the proposed system is in compliance with those standards as well. There is some concern as to whether privately owned property will be used for the construction of this project and the evidence indicates that this project extension for the eight block area in question will be located only on public rights of way, land owned by the City, or easements granted to the City. The evidence also demonstrates that the extension here is designed to insure the safety of the surrounding area as it pertains to runoff and other possible pollutants. In fact, the system is designed to preclude the deliberate introduction of stormwater runoff or certain other pollution such as condensate from air conditioning systems, closed system cooling water, and other sources of waste water. Specifically, both lift stations are designed to be equipped with standard receptacles for connecting portable power generating equipment to provide lift pumping capability in the event that commercial power to the area is interrupted. Both stations are also designed to discharge through the smallest possible pipes, (less than 6" in diameter), and both are designed to be equipped with risers and appropriate coupling devices at the discharge pipe so that portable pumps may be connected in the event that becomes necessary. The stations in question are designed so as to be protected from lightning and abnormal voltage surges through the affixation of lightning arresters and surge capacitors. They are designed to be equipped with phase protection and will incorporate a stand-by pumping capability to be utilized with off line power generation so that they will continue to operate even in the event of a shutdown of commercial power. The stations are equipped with locking components and barriers designed to discourage the intrusion into the station by unauthorized people or by animals, and are enclosed and designed so as to eliminate, as much as possible, any odor which might be offensive or harmful to the residents in the area. In addition, the stations are designed so as to minimize noise through the incorporation of submersible pumps. What is more, recognizing the fact that the locations of the stations have a high water table, the stations were designed so as to remain in place even when empty. In that regard, the bottom slab is designed to be broader than the overlying body of the station so that the weight of the dirt above the slab will hold the station in place. Taken together, then, the evidence indicates, and it is so found, that the proposed system extension has been designed consistent with sound engineering practices so that it will accomplish its purpose in an environmentally sound manner. A primary concern of the residents is that the City has failed to account for flooding conditions which occur in the eight block area. In support of their concerns, Petitioners introduced several photographs purporting to show flooding into evidence, yet the photographs were not specifically identified as to which flood and under what conditions the scenes represented thereon took place. The City presented expert testimony based on varying sources of information including FEMA and the Corps of Engineers. Both are sources that engineers would rely upon to determine flood elevations in the course of designing a sewer system. This evidence indicates that both lift stations would not be located in those areas depicted in the flooding photographs presented by the Petitioners. By way of background, floods are categorized in year configurations. For example, a "25 year flood", is one in which the water level is likely to occur at least once over a 25 year period. By the same token, a "100 year flood" is one in which the water level is likely to occur at least once over a 100 year period. A 25 year or 100 year flood incorporates conditions caused by "flash flooding", a term used to depict a very rapidly occurring flood which arises without warning. Use of the two flood elevation maps, that by FEMA and that by the Corps of Engineers, creates a discrepancy, however. The FEMA map indicates the stations are not located within either the 25 or 100 year flood zones. On the other hand, the Corps of Engineers reconnaissance report indicates they are. The Corps of Engineers report indicates that the 25 year flood elevation at station 75 is approximately 15.2 feet above sea level, and the 100 year elevation at that site is approximately 15.9 feet above sea level. The Mobilife engineering report, which describes actual water levels at particular locations in the eight block area during the 1962 flood, recognized as a 100 year flood, (and which considers stations 75 and 76 to be within the 100 year flood zone), shows the 100 year flood water at station 75 reached approximately 16.2 feet, the same as at station 76. Regardless of which flood level is considered accurate, however, the City's evidence shows that the electrical components in both stations, those components sensitive to water, are contained within a control panel which is sealed for protection from the weather. Further, it must be noted that the bottom of the electrical control panel is at an elevation of 18.3 feet at station 75 and at 17.7 feet at station 76. Consequently, whether one uses the FEMA/COE figures for water level or the Mobilife figures for a 100 year flood, the fact remains that the sensitive electrical components would be well above high water in either case. It is clear, then, that the design of both lift stations sufficiently addresses the potential for damage or interruption of operation because of flooding. The system is designed so that those components sensitive to flooding will be placed above the expected high water marks, and the mechanical components are designed for submerged use and are not generally affected by flood conditions. The lift stations are designed so that they will be protected from damage by wind or water and should remain fully accessible and operational during either a 25 or a 100 year flood. This evidence presented by the City was neither contradicted or rebutted by any evidence submitted by Petitioners. Even if, however, there should be a flood elevation higher than those predicted by either FEMA or the Corps or Engineers, it would be relatively easy and inexpensive, to raise the control panels even higher at those lift stations to correct any problem that might arise. There are, in addition, safeguards designed into the system which will alert the population to problems occurring in the pump function. Visual alarms are installed which will alert passersby or staff from the utility to the fact that the pumps are not operating properly. In addition, the design of both stations incorporates a reserve capacity which is sufficient to provide the City with sufficient time to correct any failures, electrical or mechanical, which might occur before damage can take place. Specifically, the design at station 75 will provide additional capacity of approximately 24 hours at maximum build-out before a back-up can be expected to occur. At station 76, this reserve capacity will permit 2.26 days of additional operation before a problem takes place and this also assumes maximum build-out. Under those circumstances, if a failure should occur at either station, there would be ample time for the City to utilize temporary electrical or pumping activities to prevent a back-up from occurring. The City contends that if flood conditions were to occur at either station that were not corrected and which resulted in the unlikely backup of sewage, the impact of such backup on residents in the area would be minimal. Its rationalization is based on the supposition that if flood conditions causing such a back-up were to occur, they would result in the Petitioners evacuating the area, and therefore, they would not be impacted. This would relate, of course, only to the impact on personal safety, but not to potential impacts such as loss of property or secondary safety consideration. This argument, which is not significant, is not considered pertinent and is rejected. Were a failure to occur at lift station 75 that resulted in sewage back-up, that back-up would occur at the lowest point in the system, the manhole at 40th Street. If a similar failure resulted in a backup in system 76, the back-up would be at 39th Street. In either case, the City claims, the back-up would not reach customers' homes. This argument, too, though not rebutted by the Petitioners, appears not to consider all the potential impacts such as odor, appearance, and the like which, while not necessarily accompanied by sewage entering the home, is, nonetheless, adverse in impact if located in the immediate area of those homes. Other factors are also pertinent to a study of the safety and propriety of the project include the fact that the system extension is designed in such a fashion as to adequately address the forces of water movement. It is also noted that the system does not include any intersection with force mains; it does not include any stub-outs on existing force mains since it is designed to accommodate the service area at full build-out. The City does not anticipate that the system will involve any sewage pipes intersections with water mains, but if such mains are encountered, the project plans contain instructions to the contractor to afford appropriate protection. The program does not envision any intersection between sewer lines, storm mains or water mains, and the project has been designed so that manhole settling and pipe settling should be minimized. In the event there is settling, however, the project proposes the use of flexible pipe and pipe connectors to minimize any damage that might result therefrom. In that regard, the project calls for the use of flexible, water-tight, wall-to-pipe joints which would compensate for any remaining differential or stress. Normal operation and maintenance will be enhanced by the use of standard size manholes in the system. Since the proposed system is not designed to cross any waterways or canals subject to maintenance dredging, there should be no damage by virtue of those activities. In addition, there is little likelihood that any part of the system could be damaged by boat anchors or by interface with underwater sewage lines. Taken together, the system appears to be well designed and compatible with accepted engineering standards. All foreseeable contingencies appear to have been provided for and the risk of back-up and resultant damage to the property or safety of residents in the area has been minimized.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, therefore: RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered issuing Permit No. CS 58-189732, for the dry line construction of an expansion to the City's existing domestic wastewater collection/transmission system, as outlined in the Department's Notice of Intent dated March 27, 1991. RECOMMENDED in Tallahassee, Florida this 26th day of September, 1991. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of September, 1991. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 91-2470 The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the Proposed Findings of Fact submitted by the parties to this case. FOR THE PETITIONERS: None submitted FOR THE CITY: 1.- 3. Accepted and incorporated herein. 4.- 10. Accepted and incorporated herein. 11. Not a proper Finding of Fact. 12.- 14. Accepted and incorporated herein. 15.- 16. Accepted and incorporated herein. 17.- 20. Accepted and incorporated herein. 21.- 28. Accepted and incorporated herein. 29.- 34. Accepted and incorporated herein. 35.- 37. Accepted and incorporated herein. 38.- 43. Accepted and incorporated herein. 44. Accepted and incorporated herein. 45.- 50. Accepted and incorporated herein. 51.- 55. Accepted and incorporated herein. 56. Accepted and incorporated herein. 57. Accepted and incorporated herein. 58. Not a Finding of Fact but a comment on the evidence. 59.- 65. Accepted and incorporated herein. 66.- 69. Accepted and incorporated herein. 70.- 73. Accepted and incorporated herein. 74.- 79. Accepted and incorporated herein. 80.- 87. Accepted and incorporated herein. 88.- 89. Accepted and incorporated herein. 90.- 95. Accepted and incorporated herein. 96. Rejected as not a appropriate Finding of Fact. 97.- 99. Accepted and incorporated herein. 100.-114. Accepted and incorporated herein. 115.-118. Accepted. 119. Not a Finding of Fact but a comment on the evidence. 120.-123. Accepted. 124. Just a comment on the evidence. 125. Accepted. 126.-128. Merely a comment on the evidence. 129. Accepted. 130 -131. Merely a comment on the evidence. 132.-133. Accepted and incorporated herein. 134.-136. Accepted. FOR THE DEPARTMENT: 1.- 6. Accepted and incorporated herein. 7.- 11. Accepted and incorporated herein. 12.- 19. Accepted and incorporated herein. 20.- 25. Accepted and incorporated herein. 26.- 36. Accepted and incorporated herein. 37. Accepted and incorporated herein. 38.- 42. Accepted and incorporated herein. 43.- 49. Accepted and incorporated herein. 50.- 54. Accepted and incorporated herein. COPIES FURNISHED: Becky Close 1380 42nd Street Sarasota, Florida 34234 William Hartman 1325 41st Street Sarasota, Florida 34234 Robert Rhoades 1335 40th Street Sarasota, Florida 34234 David M. Caldevilla, Esquire de la Parte & Gilbert, P.A. P.O. Box 172537 Tampa, Florida 33672-0537 W. Douglas Beason, Esquire Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Daniel H. Thompson General Counsel DER 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Carol Browner Secretary Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400

Florida Laws (4) 120.57403.087403.088403.0881
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Bartow, Florida May 14, 1992 Number: 92-002959DRI Latest Update: Jun. 06, 1996

The Issue The issue in this case is whether the development order issued by Polk County for Robert Crowder's development known as Paradise Country Estates complies with Chapter 380, Fla. Stat. (1991). The Department of Community Affairs' Petition for Appeal of Development Order (the DCA Petition) alleges that the development order is contrary to Polk County's 1985 comprehensive plan for the following reasons: Paragraph 11 of the DCA Petition alleges that the development order is contrary to the provisions of Policy 9, Objective III, "Natural Resources," of the Land Use Element (LUE) of the 1985 Plan. Policy 9 states: "Structures should be placed in a manner which will not adversely affect the natural flow regime and which will not reduce the recharge capabilities." Paragraph 12 of the DCA Petition alleges that the development order is contrary to the provisions of Policy 10, Objective III, "Natural Resources," of the LUE. Policy 10 states: "Placement of structures shall be consistent with sound flood plain management practices such as compliance with the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973." Paragraph 13 of the DCA Petition alleges that the development order is contrary to the provisions of Policy 11, Objective III, "Natural Resources," of the LUE and Policies 9 and 10 of the "Water Resource Objective" of the Conservation Element of the Plan. Respectively, these policies state: 11. Groundwater withdrawal should not exceed the safe yield per acre as determined by Water Management Districts or successor agencies. * * * Minimize the adverse impacts of development on resources of the Floridan Aquifer, wetlands and flood-detention areas. Protect the normal quantity, quality and flow of ground water and surface water which are necessary for the protection of resources of state and regional concern. Paragraph 14 of the DCA Petition alleges that the development order is contrary to a section of Part II of the Conservation Element of the Polk County Comprehensive Plan entitled "Rare and Unique Natural Resources," which describes the Green Swamp as a "rare and unique land area resource for conservation consideration" and also states: The potentiometric high of the Floridan Aquifer lies within this area. . . . The area has a high potential for recreational and natural enjoyment. . . . The Green Swamp area is the largest expanse of forest in Polk County, with abundant water and wooded areas to provide for wildlife habitats. This area has great significance as an area for conservation of land, air, water, open space and wildlife habitats. Paragraph 15 of the DCA Petition alleges that the development order is contrary to the following section on "Density" found in Part IV of the Conservation Element, entitled "Summary of Special Problems, Areas, Issues, and Relationships": The subject of development density is a particular issue of vital importance to the county. Low density development in some areas and high density in other areas is important so that demands for public facilities can be economically and efficiently handled, so that environmental degradation is minimized, and so that land, not suitable for development, can be saved for important natural functions. The present zoning ordinance classifies most of the county in a Rural Conservation (RC) classification that permits low density development without proper regard for those areas that are best suited for development. Portions of the county should be protected from development pressures and appropriate areas should be zoned to accommodate rational densities. The present level of protection, provided by the zoning system is not brought to bear for conservation purposes. Paragraph 16 of the DCA Petition alleges that the development order is contrary to Policy 14 of the "Water Resource Objective" of the Conservation Element of the Plan: "Protect or improve existing ground and surface-water quality." Paragraph 17 of the DCA Petition alleges that the development order is contrary to Policy 2, Objective I, "Agricultural Uses," in Part V of the LUE: Protect, to the maximum extent possible, agricultural lands from encroachment of incompatible land uses and any detrimental effects of development adjacent to agricultural areas. Paragraph 19 1/ of the DCA Petition alleges that the development order is contrary to Policy 2, Objective IV, "Residential Uses," in Part V of the LUE: Promote and encourage new residential development adjacent to established growth centers, to ensure the orderly use of land and the efficient provision of facilities and services. Paragraph 20 of the DCA Petition alleges that the development order is contrary to Section 5-1(6) of Polk County Ordinance 81-28 (the County Flood Protection and Surface Water Management Code). 2/ Article V is entitled "Flood Protection Standards." Section 5-1 provides in pertinent part: GENERAL STANDARDS: The following minimum standards shall apply to new construction and substantial improvements in all areas of special flood hazard, and to any development, other than phosphate mining, within 100 feet of a watercourse: * * * (6) On-site waste disposal systems shall be located to avoid impairment to them or contamination from them during flooding. Paragraph 21 of the DCA Petition alleges that the development order is contrary to Section 5-2(4) of Polk County Ordinance 81-28. 3/ Section 5-2 provides in pertinent part: SPECIFIC STANDARDS: The following minimum standards shall apply in all areas of special flood hazard where base flood elevation data has been provided: * * * Subdivision Proposals: All subdivision proposals and other proposed developments shall be reviewed by the County Engineer. [I]f the proposal is in an area of special flood hazard, it shall be reviewed to assure that the following standards are met: All such proposals shall be reasonably safe from flood waters resulting from the base flood. All such proposals shall have public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical and water systems located and constructed to minimize flood damage. Base flood elevation data shall be provided for all such proposals. Roads shall be reasonably safe from flood waters resulting from the base flood. Paragraph 22 of the DCA Petition alleges that the development order is contrary to Section 6-2(3)(a) of Polk County Ordinance 81-28. Article VI of Polk County's Flood Protection and Surface Water Management Code is entitled "Water Management Standards." Section 6-2 provides in pertinent part: GENERAL STANDARDS: The following minimum standards shall apply to all development which occurs within an area of special flood hazard and to any man-made change to improved or unimproved real estate . . .. * * * (3) (a) The amount of site alteration within a wetlands soil association shall be limited to ten percent (10%) of the area of wetlands soil association within any given total site.

Findings Of Fact The Proposed Project and Location. The project site is on Dean Still Road in Polk County, approximately 2 miles west of State Road 33. It is approximately 6 and 1/2 miles from Polk City and 15 miles from the City of Lakeland. The proposed project is comprised of 356 lots on approximately 1280 acres with a gross density of 1 unit per 3.6 acres. Although the average lot size varies, the project was reviewed under the Southwest Florida Water Management District's (SWFWMD) criteria for rural development which requires that at least 90% of the lots be at least 2 acres in size (excluding jurisdictional wetlands), and 10% of the lots be at least 1 acre (excluding jurisdictional wetlands). The site has been zoned Rural Conservation under Polk County's Zoning Code for approximately 12 years. This designation allows a density up to 1 unit per acre. Individual water wells and on-site waste disposal systems (septic tanks) will be utilized for each home. There are no water or sewer extensions proposed for the site or for adjacent areas by any governmental entity. Access to the site from Polk City is along Dean Still Road, which is unpaved at this time. The County has plans to pave it in the near future. Of the 1280 acres comprising the project site, 362 acres have been claimed as jurisdictional wetlands and approximately 642 acres have been mapped within the 100-year floodplain by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). 51 of the lots platted in the project are entirely within the FEMA 100- year flood plain. Several other lots contain large portions within FEMA 100- year flood plain. Despite the significant amount of wetlands and floodplains on the site, the project is designed so that no net loss will occur in the floodplains and less than 1% (.59%) of the jurisdictional wetlands will be impacted by development. Impervious conditions on the site will only increase by 2.8% after development. All structures will be set at or above the 100 year flood elevation, as calculated by the project engineers, and will be constructed in accordance with the County's flood protection standards. The project is designed so that post-development runoff is less than pre-development runoff and post-development drainage basins conform to pre-development drainage basins. Existing drainage patterns for the site are designed to be maintained. The property comprising the project has been used through the years for a variety agricultural purposes, including harvesting watermelons, soybeans, corn, and silage. It has been drained and ditched to facilitate these activities. It is currently being used for grazing cattle. A sod farm is located to the south of the property. Additional cattle grazing lands run south from there to Polk City. To the north of the site are ranchlands which run to the border of the Withlacoochee Wildlife Area. Immediately to the west of the site are 20-30 scattered mobile homes and additional ranchlands in a subdivision known as Evans Acres. This subdivision was initially approved by DCA in 1983, and was comprised of 48 lots on approximately 1,290 acres. The original lots ranged in size from 5 to 60 acres. Apparently, individuals have since split their lots and many of the existing lots are 2 to 5 acres in size. A few of the original lots are used for both residential and ranching purposes. Including the large and small lots, there are approximately 163 lots on the property comprising Evans Acres. On the property directly to the east of the site are approximately 16 mobile homes along Melody Lane. These existing homesite numbers are small and scattered when compared to the 356 lots proposed for Paradise Country Estates. Approximately 120 families live in the general vicinity of the proposed project. The Green Swamp. The project is within the Green Swamp Area of Critical State Concern (ACSC). The site is within the drainage basin of the Withlacoochee River, which has been designated an Outstanding Florida Water (OFW) and is approximately three and a half miles to the north. The Green Swamp ACSC was designated by the Legislature. Chapter 79- 73, 380.0551, Florida Statutes (1991). It was the second area to be designated and now is one of only four areas in the State retaining this designation. The Green Swamp was designated because the area's natural resources were considered to be of regional and statewide importance and because of concerns that uncoordinated development could endanger these resources. The Green Swamp is a regionally significant area for recharge of the Floridan Aquifer. The Green Swamp is unique because the top of the Floridan Aquifer is at or near the surface over much of the area. This creates what is known as the potentiometric high of the Floridan Aquifer. The potentiometric high pressurizes the Floridan Aquifer, permitting it to be used for drinking water wells. The Florida Aquifer serves as the principal source of drinking water for central Florida. It supplies the entire State with about 48 percent of its ground water supply. The potentiometric high also serves to hold back salt water intrusion into the Floridan. Recharge is important in maintaining the potentiometric high of the Floridan Aquifer. Although the Green Swamp has been characterized as a recharge area for the Floridan Aquifer, the actual recharge capabilities of the Green Swamp vary considerably throughout the region. Some areas within the Green Swamp, such as the high, dry, sandy ridge on the eastern boundary of the Green Swamp clearly are high recharge areas. In some areas, the Floridan Aquifer rises essentially to the ground surface, with no confining layer above it. In those areas, a considerable amount of surface water filters into the Floridan Aquifer. In other areas, including in the vicinity of the project site, recharge capability is considerably less. See "G. Review under the 1985 Plan and the Flood Protection and Surface Water Management Code, (3) Ground Water Recharge." The head waters of several rivers, including the Withlacoochee River, are in the Green Swamp. Polk County's Comprehensive Plan. Polk County's Comprehensive Plan, as amended by Polk County Ordinance 85-08 (Ordinance 85-08), is referred to as Polk County's 1985 comprehensive plan, or the 1985 plan. It includes a Land Use Element (LUE) and a Conservation Element. The Land Use Element. The 1985 Plan is a "policy plan." As a "policy plan," the LUE does not map land use classifications or densities or intensities of development. The different parts of the plan must be considered together to ascertain their meaning. As stated in the Foreward to the LUE: The Policy Plan is a flexible and realistic guide to future public decisions. Existing conditions are first determined and analyzed. Then, community goals are identified providing a process of finding out where we are and where we want to go. * * * . . .. The challenge is to determine the means of achieving the identified community goals at minimal cost and the least possible hardship on any segment of our society. Under the policies planning process this is accomplished by developing all possible alternative courses of action that will advance the community toward the desire goal. The policies are then a general statement of purpose and outlining broad principles toward which the plan is guided in the implementation stage. A policy plan does not detail specific actions or locations on a map. Rather it provides a broad framework within which day-to-day decisions are made in a consistent manner toward an identified goal. The ultimate product of those community goals will be the heritage of Polk County's future. At 4-2, the LUE discusses the need to give attention to "the proper distribution of population densities in keeping with sound planning practices, the physical capabilities of the land, and the relationship of the population and housing densities to existing or proposed transportation facilities and other community services." It then speaks to "Retention of Open Spaces": A second potential problem to be faced, as urban growth continues, is the potential loss of the open space characteristics that now contribute substantially to its desirability as a community in which to live and visit. To a large extent, the desirable characteristics are provided by extensive agricultural areas. Such uses are compatible with residential and other types of urban land uses and should be encouraged to remain to the maximum extent possible. Desirable open space is also presently provided by . . . wetland areas not suited for urban development. By encouraging such areas to remain in their present condition, a substantial amount of open space can be retained to provide the needed visual relief and openness necessary within a highly urbanized community. At 4-5, discussing "Retention of Unique Agricultural Lands," the LUE states that cattle raising and field crops are subject to potential intrusion by urban development and states: "The development of planning techniques, which will encourage the retention of important agricultural lands and provide for orderly urban development, thus becomes a matter of considerable importance." The Goals, Objectives, and Policies (GOPs) of the LUE starting at 5-1 include the following: General Goal: To maintain productive and mutually compatible use of lands and waters within Polk County in a manner consistent with the economic, physical and social needs, capabilities, and desires of Polk County and its citizens. Objective I - Agricultural Uses: To ensure that a sufficient quantity of appropriate lands are available and protected for productive agricultural uses necessary to a sound economic base. Policies: * * * 2. Protect, to the maximum extent possible, agricultural lands from encroachment of incompatible land uses and any detrimental effects of development adjacent to agricultural areas. * * * 5. Provide all possible incentives for the retention of lands into agricultural production. * * * Objective III - Natural Resources Minimize adverse impacts of development on valuable natural resources including the protection of water quality and quantity in surface and ground waters. Policies: * * * 2. The subdivision and platting of land shall be permitted in accordance with the zoning district applied to the property and in compliance with the Polk County Subdivision Regulations and Flood Protection/Surface Water Management Ordinance. * * * Site alteration should be permitted only when such alteration will not adversely affect the natural flow regime or the natural recharge capabilities of the site. Site alteration should be permitted only when such alteration will not result in the siltation of wetlands or reduce the natural retention and filtering capabilities of wetlands. Site alteration activities should provide for water retention and settling facilities; should maintain an overall site runoff equivalent to the natural flow regime prior to alteration and should maintain a runoff rate which does not cause erosion. * * * Storm water runoff should be released into the wetlands in a manner approximating the natural flow regime. Structures should be placed in a manner which will not adversely affect the natural flow regime and which well not reduce the recharge capabilities. Placement of structures shall be consistent with sound flood plain management practices such as compliance with the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973. Groundwater withdrawal should not exceed the safe yield per acre as determined by Water Management Districts or successor agencies. Objective IV - Residential Areas To ensure that an adequate supply of appropriately located lands are available for the development and maintenance of residential areas that can be efficiently and effectively provided with necessary public facilities and services. Policies: Promote and encourage the provision of a wide range of housing opportunities, in appropriate locations, to permit a choice of housing types to suit the particular needs of all citizens. Promote and encourage new residential development adjacent to established growth centers, to ensure the orderly use of land and the efficient provision of facilities and services. * * * Encourage new residential development that can be effectively served by the existing transportation facilities. Promote new residential development in non-urban areas, that is properly designed to combine with future adjacent development, to create a neighborhood of sufficient size to facilitate the efficient and effective provision of all necessary public facilities and services. Part VI of the LUE, entitled "Alternate Approaches," discusses the pros and cons of different concepts for planning and managing of growth. It settles on a "Resource-Responsive Concept" as the preferred growth alternative. This concept holds in part: Wherever possible, future growth should be encouraged to take place in or near established urbanized areas. Scattered growth incapable of functioning as meaningful self-contained communities should be discouraged. And it is preferable that the urbanizing area, as it extends over extensive areas within the County, not be developed in one continuous, monotonous maze of residential, commercial, and industrial uses - but that there be open space provided at appropriate intervals so as to provide visual relief and a sense of scale to the overall urban community. Such open space areas can be productively utilized for agricultural and conservation purposes or recreation areas, public facilities and services required. It is proposed that the most appropriate urban growth concept to meet such guide-lines and the policy statements of this land use plan be a resource-responsive growth concept. Under this concept, urban growth and development will be guided and encouraged with respect to its responsiveness to the natural and human resource capabilities of the County. Within any given area of the County, the resources will be careful evaluated in terms of their capability to support growth, and the physical form and intensity of development will be then shaped to provide the physical form and intensity of development will be then shaped to provide a balance with such resources. Prime resources to be considered are as follows: Natural Resources Topography and soil conditions Vegetation and tree cover Wildlife habitats present Drainage characteristics; relationship to rivers and lakes Natural water supply capabilities General aesthetic qualities Human Resources Transportation facilities (roads, railroads, airports) Available water supply and sewage facilities Community facilities, such as schools, parks, libraries Protective services, such as fire and police Established land uses within the area Economic conditions and potentials. Part VII of the LUE, entitled "Implementation," states: "Initial implementation of a Comprehensive Plan and initiation of the continuing planning process for growth management requires the establishment of principals and standards for measurement of proposed activities against the adopted policies of the community." It includes a section entitled "Principles and Standards for the Control and Distribution of Population Densities and Structural/Development Intensity," which provides in part: All Types of Urban Development: * * * Each new development or land use should follow sound land planning principles to maximize site advantages, avoiding when possible, adverse impacts on the natural resources and hazards to health, safety, or general welfare. * * * Residential Development: Low-density single-family development (1-4 units/acre), other than rural residences related to agricultural operations, shall be located in areas capable of being developed into stable, cohesive neighborhoods. In a section entitled "Legal Requirements of Implementation," it states that "all actions taken by local government, whether in the form of permitting private development to occur or in the provision of public facilities and services, are required to be fully consistent with the adopted Comprehensive Plan. The plan, once adopted, must occupy a central position in the consideration of all proposed development." In another section, entitled "Coordination with Other Plan Elements," it states that the "land use element cannot be implemented alone [but] must be coordinated with the [other elements]." In another section, entitled "Needed Improvements in the Zoning Ordinance," it is recognized that "it will be essential that a thorough review of the zoning ordinance be undertaken and that the ordinance be revised as appropriate to achieve consistency with overall planning objectives." It acknowledges that there were "major identified deficiencies in the current zoning regulations" and advises that "the following needs among others should be addressed as a minimum in making revisions to the zoning ordinance": "Revision of the Density Requirement in Residential Districts." Despite the admonitions in the 1985 Plan, to date there has been no revision of the land use classifications, densities, or intensities in the County's zoning code. As before the 1985 Plan was adopted, zoning in the Green Swamp ACSC remains Rural Conservation (RC) and allows up to one unit per acre residential development. The Conservation Element. Part II of the Conservation Element of the Polk County Comprehensive Plan is a "Summary of Natural Resources." At 2-18, there appears a section entitled "Rare and Unique Natural Resources," which describes the Green Swamp, as well as other natural resources in the County, as a "rare and unique land area resource for conservation consideration." At 2-19, as amended by Ordinance 85-08, this element of the comprehensive plan also states: This area comprises the hydrologic heartland of Central Florida and contains the headwaters of the Withlacoochee, Hillsborough, Peace and Oklawaha Rivers. The potentiometric high of the Floridan Aquifer lies within this area. . . . The area has a high potential for recreational and natural enjoyment. . . . The Green Swamp area is the largest expanse of forest in Polk County, with abundant water and wooded areas to provide for wildlife habitats. This area has great significance as an area for conservation of land, air, water, open space and wildlife habitats. Part IV of the Conservation Element is a "Summary of Special Problems, Areas, Issues, and Relationships." Starting at 4-2, it addresses the following: Displacement . . .. Cities in Polk County have historically developed on the ridges and the urbanized areas are spreading outward rapidly into the prime citrus lands and the "marginal" (flood prone) lands. There is considerable concern about urban development in wetland soils and flood prone areas. The double barreled concern for development in wetland soils and wetland areas is that they might well serve valuable natural functions and the private and public problems created by development subjected to flood damages. This property damage promotes public pressure for drainage in wet areas. The issue in wetland drainage and flood control is the jeopardy of natural functions that wetlands and water fluctuations provide in natural systems and flood damage costs. . . . [C]oncern for the growing demand for uplands development which steadily displaces [good pasture land] . . . relate[s] to the use of good pasture land for development. Density The subject of development density is a particular issue of vital importance to the county. Low density development in some areas and high density in other areas is important so that demands for public facilities can be economically and efficiently handled, so that environmental degradation is minimized, and so that land, not suitable for development, can be saved for important natural functions. The present zoning ordinance classifies most of the county in a Rural Conservation (RC) classification that permits low density development without proper regard for those areas that are best suited for development. Portions of the county should be protected from development pressures and appropriate areas should be zoned to accommodate rational densities. The present level of protection, provided by the zoning system is not brought to bear for conservation purposes. * * * Water * * * Another area of concern relates to the draw down and recha[r]ge of the Floridan Aquifer and is claimed to be a rational concern of an area much larger than Polk County. * * * Pollution Environmental pollution, as it relates to water, is a major local concern. * * * Water pollution is concerned because of its effects on recreation and tourism. Water degradation and the pollution of lakes and rivers tends to remove the intangible value that Polk County enjoys in thee form of its surface water resources. * * * Also, the related cost issues of municipal sewage treatment and disposal, effluent disposal techniques, septic tank useage are environmentally economic choices to be made by the public. Discussing the topic, "Preservation and Management," starting at 4-4, Part IV of the Conservation Element states in part: Many issues relate to what, how, or when something should be conserved. * * * Lakes, rivers and canals of the county are of concern as sources of flooding and as resources for flood control, if properly managed. Flood prone areas surrounding surface water have been identified for much of the county. These water bodies are also legitimate concerns as the habitat for fish and other wildlife that provide a significant value in their own right. The area of these water bodies are also special scenic and recreational values that contribute to tourism and development. Part V of the Conservation Element is where the "Goals, Objectives and Policies" are found. It start with some general observations, including in part: . . .. It can be expected, therefore, that the natural environment of the county will continue to undergo modification of one type or another in response to the needs of people. . . . The inventory of total space will, therefore, diminish as these changes take place, resulting in corresponding losses within particular categories of natural resources. What is important is that no critical loss of impairment of a natural resource take place; that development be managed so as to create minimum disturbance of the remaining natural resource systems; and that there be compensation replenishments of resources wherever possible. It then lists a General Goal and several resource-specific objectives and policies: General Goal: Maintain, protect, develop and utilized the natural resources in a manner that will balance and replenish the natural ecological systems and will best serve and promote the desired quality of life for Polk County resident, present and future. * * * Water Resource Objective: To conserve and protect the quality and quantity of water resources through proper management. * * * 6. Identify and protect significant acquifer [sic] recharge areas for maximum recharge capability and protect the water available for aquifer recharge. * * * Minimize the adverse impacts of development on resources of the Floridan Aquifer, wetlands and flood-detention areas. Protect the normal quantity, quality and flow of ground water and surface water which are necessary for the protection of resources of state and regional concern. Protect the functions of the Potentiometric High of the Floridan Aquifer. Prevent further salt-water intrusion into the Floridan Aquifer. Protect or improve existing ground and surface-water quality. Protect the water retention and biological-filtering capabilities of wetlands. Protect the natural flow regime of drainage basins. Rare and Unique Natural Resource Objective: To conserve and protect, through proper resources management, areas having unique natural characteristics and particularly sensitive environmental balance. * * * Policies: Identify all significant areas in Polk County deemed to have unique natural resource characteristics. Encourage proper management of unique wetland areas of the County as a vital water resource. Encourage a proper system for control of development in flood prone and wetland areas to regulate alternation [sic] of the natural system of water retention and storage during periods of heavy rainfall. Preserve and protect, to the maximum extent possible, all delineated areas having valuable unique resource characteristics. Part V of the Conservation Element concludes with a "Summary," which states in part: The objectives and policies set forth above should not be considered as controls to be rigidly applied in every instance of decision-making dealing with the natural environment. Rather, in dealing with resource conservation issues, guidance is preferable to control. . . . A number of potential implementation actions and programs, presented in the following part, will further assist in establishing the direction and scope of conservation activities in the County. Part VI of the Conservation Element is entitled "Implementation." While acknowledging at 6-1 that Polk County cannot establish an implementation program unilaterally, without regard to the co-responsibilities of other governmental authorities at the regional state and federal levels, it states at 6-2 that Polk County "can and should": Utilize the general objectives and policies established by this Element as considerations in all decision making concerning the use and improvement of land within the County. * * * 3. Utilize, to the fullest extent possible, the policies and implementation controls of other elements of the Polk County Comprehensive Plan, and those of other governmental entities having jurisdiction, to further the conservation of natural resources. Starting at 6-3, Part VI discusses the Conservation Element's "Relationship to Other Plans." At 6-4, after stating that the Conservation Element will be largely implemented through the policies and programs of other comprehensive plan elements, Part VI provides: Land Use Element - This element will provide the overall framework for conservation [sic] potentialities through the manner in which land uses are distributed, arranged, and interrelated throughout Polk County. Policies and implementation programs of this element will determine the degree to which new development is properly related to soil types and capabilities, natural habitats, flood prone areas, wetlands and unique resource areas of the County. Land regulatory controls such as zoning, subdivision regulations and development impact reviews provide the basic tools for implementation of the policies of the Land Use Element. Starting at 6-5, Part VI discusses "Guidelines for Implementation." At 6-5, it points out: The nature of conservation policy, being of such broad application and diversity of interest, requires that its effective implementation utilize many approaches, techniques and procedures. Its application is carried out, for the most part, in an indirect way as a by-product of other more direct decisions and actions relation to the development and growth of the County. It is essential, therefore, that Polk County draw upon all possible alternative mechanisms and techniques which will lead to the effective conservation of its natural resource systems. Among the various approaches which Polk County may utilize to further its conservation objectives are the following. * * * Influence in the allocation of resources to achieve the objectives of the conservation plan. Control of events which determine resources allocation in keeping with the conservation plan. * * * Specific procedures and techniques which may be utilized to facilitate the implementation process include the following. * * * 7. Protect natural water bodies and adjacent wetland areas through the regulation of development densities and proper management of stormwater runoff. This would require a cooperative effort with the Water Management Districts in identifying flood plains for various flood frequencies. Polk County's Flood Protection and Surface Water Management Code. Polk County's Flood Protection and Surface Water Management Code was enacted as Ordinance 81-28 and was amended by Ordinance 85-07. Article V is entitled "Flood Protection Standards." Section 5-1 provides in pertinent part: GENERAL STANDARDS: The following minimum standards shall apply to new construction and substantial improvements in all areas of special flood hazard, and to any development, other than phosphate mining, within 100 feet of a watercourse: * * * (6) On-site waste disposal systems shall be located to avoid impairment to them or contamination from them during flooding. Section 5-2 provides in pertinent part: SPECIFIC STANDARDS: The following minimum standards shall apply in all areas of special flood hazard where base flood elevation data has been provided: * * * Subdivision Proposals: All subdivision proposals and other proposed developments shall be reviewed by the County Engineer. [I]f the proposal is in an area of special flood hazard, it shall be reviewed to assure that the following standards are met: All such proposals shall be reasonably safe from flood waters resulting from the base flood. All such proposals shall have public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas electrical and water systems located and constructed to minimize flood damage. Base flood elevation data shall be provided for all such proposals. Roads shall be reasonably safe from flood waters resulting from the base flood. Article VI of Polk County's Flood Protection and Surface Water Management Code is entitled "Water Management Standards." Section 6-2 provides in pertinent part: GENERAL STANDARDS: The following minimum standards shall apply to all development which occurs within an area of special flood hazard and to any man-made change to improved or unimproved real estate . . .. * * * (3) (a) The amount of site alteration within a wetlands soil association shall be limited to ten percent (10%) of the area of wetlands soil association within any given total site. Review under the 1985 Plan and the Flood Protection and Surface Water Management Code. Land Use, Density and Intensity. DCA alleges that the land use, density and intensity of the development Crowder proposes for the site is inconsistent with: (1) the section on "Density" found in Part IV of the Conservation Element, entitled "Summary of Special Problems, Areas, Issues, and Relationships"; (2) a section of Part II of the Conservation Element of the Polk County Comprehensive Plan entitled "Rare and Unique Natural Resources"; (3) Policy 2, Objective I, "Agricultural Uses," in Part V of the LUE; and (4) Policy 2, Objective IV, "Residential Uses," in Part V of the LUE. 6/ As previously stated, the 1985 Plan is a policy plan that does not map land use classifications or densities or intensities of development. Crowder's Paradise Country Estates is consistent with the County's Zoning Code, which has not changed since before the 1985 plan, and Zoning Map. The development was not otherwise reviewed for land use, density or intensity. But it is clear that the 1985 plan does not condone exclusive resort to the zoning code to determine the appropriateness of the land use, density and intensity for development in the Green Swamp ACSC. See, especially, the section entitled "Density" in Part IV of the Conservation Element of the Plan. In the Green Swamp ACSC, especially, reference must also be made to the Plan itself. See Part VII of the LUE, entitled "Implementation." It is not found that all residential use on the Crowder property would be, in itself, inconsistent with the 1985 Plan. But, taking into consideration all of its land use, density and intensity provisions, it must be found that the development order issued in this case, especially at its level of density and intensity and especially in the manner of its issuance, is inconsistent with the 1985 Plan. The crux of the problem with this development, like others in the Green Swamp ACSC already permitted by County development orders, is that, first, the 1985 comprehensive plan and the County zoning regulations in place at the time were inadequate and, second, the steps envisioned in the plan to make them adequate have not been taken. For the plan and the zoning regulations to be adequate, and for a development order for a project in the Green Swamp ACSC in Polk County to be consistent with the 1985 comprehensive plan, either: (1) the plan must be amended to map land use classifications, densities and intensities of development in the Green Swamp ACSC; (2) the zoning code must be amended as envisioned in the comprehensive plan for the Green Swamp ACSC; or (3) the County must evaluate development orders for projects in the Green Swamp ACSC on a case- by-case basis for consistency with the comprehensive plan. None of these three possibilities happened in this case. 7/ Flood Plain Delineation. Paragraph 12 of the DCA Petition alleges that the Crowder development violates Policy 10 of Objective III, "Natural Resources," of the LUE: "Placement of structures shall be consistent with sound flood plain management practices such as compliance with the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973." Specifically, it is alleged that the use of a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) undetailed "A" zone to map the flood prone area on the site, and the failure to perform a detailed study, did not comply with the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973. Other allegations in the DCA Petition also implicate the delineation of the flood prone areas on the site. See, (5) Ground and Surface Water Quality, below. A FEMA "A" zone is the zone depicting the area determined by FEMA to be flood prone. In this context, FEMA defines a "flood prone" area as an area flooded in a 100-year, 24-hour storm. At the time Polk County reviewed the Crowder project for approval of the roadway and construction drainage plans, FEMA was requiring that a detailed study be performed to delineate the flood prone area. Polk County apparently was not aware of this requirement and was not enforcing it. Nor, apparently, was Crowder's engineer aware of it. In any event, Crowder did not have a detailed study performed to delineate the flood prone area on the site, and the County did not require it. In approximately March, 1992, Polk County received a written communication from FEMA advising of the requirement for a detailed study of the flood prone area in the case of developments like Crowder's. Polk County now requires compliance with this FEMA requirement. Crowder did not rely simply on the FEMA undetailed "A" zone to map the flood prone area on the site. Crowder's engineers used the existing undetailed FEMA maps as a starting point for determining base flood elevations. The engineers digitized the areas which had been designated as flood prone on the FEMA panels. The engineer then overlayed the digitized FEMA map with the on- site wetlands survey of the property, which had been field-staked and field- shot. Topographical field shots of the property which had been conducted throughout the site at one foot intervals were also overlayed on the digitized FEMA map. In addition, the engineer took into consideration mapped wetlands soils and compared flooding conditions which had occurred on adjacent property to assess whether all areas actually prone to flooding had been characterized as flood prone on the FEMA map. The methodology used by the project engineers was based on sound engineering practices. Nonetheless, it does not qualify as a "detailed study" as far as FEMA is concerned. A "detailed study" would include the application of a computer program that would "route" hypothetical flood waters onto and through the property to ascertain flood elevations in different stages of the hypothetical flood. It is not possible to determine how a detailed study would change the delineation of the flood prone area in Crowder's proposal. The total area of flood prone area could either increase or decrease; it could increase in some places and decrease in others. As it is, several of the lots platted in the Crowder development would be entirely within both the FEMA undetailed "A" zone and the flood prone area mapped by Crowder's engineers. Ground Water Recharge. DCA alleges that platting Paradise Country Estates will adversely impact recharge of the Floridan Aquifer, contrary to Policy 9 and 11, Objective III, "Natural Resources," of the LUE, and Policies 9 and 10 of the "Water Resource Objective" of the Conservation Element, of the 1985 comprehensive plan. In the vicinity of the project site, the Floridan Aquifer comes to within 35 feet approximately of the ground surface. Above the Floridan Aquifer is a shallow aquifer, which rises to within approximately 12 inches of the surface. There is a layer of clastic soils (sand and clay) between the surficial aquifer and the Floridan Aquifer. This confining layer slows the rate of recharge to the Floridan. As a result, the project site is in an area having low, or even very low, to moderate recharge capabilities, at best. USGS Professional Paper 1403-E, which was released in 1990, uses groundwater modelling to quantify recharge rates, instead of using qualitative terms such as "low," or "poor," "moderate" and "high" to describe recharge capabilities. USGS Professional paper 1403-E reports that many areas in the Green Swamp previously labeled as good, moderate or high recharge areas are actually capable of only recharging at rates of 3 to 4 inches per year. The subject property appears to be in the 2 to 3 inch range per year for recharge according to USGS Professional Paper 1403-E. Only three known sample soil borings have been taken on the project site. As a result, the extent of permeability and overall thickness of the confining layer between the surficial and Floridan aquifers is not certain. But there is no reason to believe that there are any karst features or other geologic faults in the area that would allow for direct connections between the surficial and Floridan aquifers. The soil borings that have been taken on the site verify the various geological surveys and studies describing the recharge capabilities in the area. Due to the site's limited capabilities as a recharge area, it is unlikely that the platting of this site will result in any significant reduction in its natural recharge rate. The project is not inconsistent with Policy 9 or 11, Objective III, "Natural Resources," of the LUE, or Policies 9 or 10 of the "Water Resource Objective" of the Conservation Element, of the 1985 comprehensive plan. Individual Water Well Use. DCA alleges that the planned use of individual water wells in Crowder's Paradise Country Estates will impact the quantity of the Floridan Aquifer (and the surficial aquifer) contrary to Policy 11, Objective III, "Natural Resources," of the LUE, and Policies 9 and 10 of the "Water Resource Objective" of the Conservation Element, of the 1985 comprehensive plan. The potentiometric level of the Floridan Aquifer protects the Floridan Aquifer from salt-water intrusion. Significant de-watering of the aquifer caused by large municipal or industrial wells extracting a high volume of water from the aquifer at an intense rate can lower the potentiometric pressure, thus increasing the potential for salt-water intrusion into the aquifer. (Furthermore, the lowered potentiometric pressure creates a hydraulic gradient which encourages surface waters to percolate downward at a faster rate due to the decreased pressure in the Floridan Aquifer. See the preceding sections on Ground Water Recharge and the following section on Ground and Surface Water Quality.) Large municipal, industrial or agricultural wells which exceed 6 inches in diameter must obtain consumptive use permits from the SWFWMD. The Water Management District takes into account what the District determines to be a safe yield per acre when issuing a consumptive use permit. Small, residential wells are not subject to this permitting process as their impacts are much smaller and less intense, and not a concern with regard to their effect on the potentiometric pressure. For this reason, some coastal areas have begun using smaller, individual wells as an alternative to larger municipal wells. The Floridan Aquifer is replenishing itself fast enough for residential wells not to "de-water" or "draw down" the aquifer's supply of ground water. Residential wells do not lower the potentiometric pressure of the Floridan to a significant degree. Nor would they affect the normal supply of ground water, or contribute to salt-water intrusion. Pumping tests performed within two to three miles west of the project site which utilized several residential-size wells support the foregoing conclusions. For these reasons, it is found that the development will not adversely impact the normal supply of ground water and thus will not interfere with the functions of the potentiometric high of the Floridan Aquifer, including its protection against salt-water intrusion. Since the water wells would pump only from the Floridan Aquifer, they would not impact the supply of surface water. In regard to the use of water wells, the project is not inconsistent with Policy 11, Objective III, "Natural Resources," of the LUE, or with Policies 9 or 10 of the "Water Resource Objective" of the Conservation Element, of the 1985 comprehensive plan. Ground and Surface Water Quality. DCA alleges that Paradise Country Estates will result in unacceptable contamination of the Floridan Aquifer, the surficial aquifer, and the surface water (particularly the Withlacoochee River) contrary to Policies 9, 10 and 14 of the "Water Resource Objective" of the Conservation Element. Paragraph 20 of the DCA Petition alleges that the use of individual on-site disposal systems (OSDS), or septic tank systems, in violation of Section 5-1(6) of Polk County Ordinance 81-28 (the County Flood Protection and Surface Water Management Code), 8/ in particular, will be part of the cause of the unacceptable contamination (other causes being from lawn and garden maintenance and automotive wastes.) On-Site Disposal Systems. Chapter 10D-6, Florida Administrative Code, sets forth requirements for the use of on-site waste disposal, or septic tank, systems in the State of Florida. That chapter, which is administered by the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services ("HRS") through local health departments, provides construction standards for the installation of on-site waste disposal systems. The septic tank serves as a holding tank designed to separate solids and floatable materials and allows anaerobic digestion of organic materials. The remaining effluent exits the tank into the soil infiltrative process, which is referred to as the drainfield. The drainfield is composed of gravel placed around perforated pipes, which are designed to evenly distribute and release the effluent into soil material where the effluent undergoes aerobic digestion. Eventually, any constituents remaining in the effluent which have not been absorbed by the root zone or otherwise decomposed reach the subsurface waters which are referred to as the surficial water table. Each individual lot owner will be required to obtain a permit from the local health department prior to installing an on-site waste disposal system. Prior to issuing a permit, HRS inspects each site to assess soil limitations and to conduct a percolation test to determine the seasonal high water table for the site. Because the soils on the site are severely limited for filtration purposes and the high water table is only 10 to 12 inches below the surface, individual lot owners will be required to mound their on-site waste disposal systems to overcome these limitations. Although the fill used to mound the systems will be comprised of suitable soils, it is possible that the foreign soils will absorb moisture from the existing soils on this site, a phenomenon referred to as capillary fringe affect. This phenomenon can cause those portions of the fill which come in direct contact with the existing soils on the site to lose their filtration capabilities. Unless the fill becomes saturated from other sources, it is unlikely that capillary fringe affect will render the filtration process ineffective. The effects of capillary fringe affect can be lessened by mixing fill with soils found on the site, a practice undertaken by contractors when installing on-site waste disposal systems. In addition, increasing the amount of fill used to mound the system would decrease the potential affects of this phenomenon. 9/ Floridan Aquifer Water Quality. In some areas of the Green Swamp, the Floridan Aquifer is actually considered a surficial aquifer since no confining layers of soil or clay separate the subsurface water from the Floridan Aquifer. These areas would typically be characterized as areas with high recharge capabilities (or high potential for contamination). However, throughout the project site, a confining layer exists which is composed of clayey sands which have a very low permeability. Therefore, there is relatively little interaction between the surficial aquifer and the Floridan Aquifer on this particular site. For this reason, the use of individual on-site waste disposal systems on this site would pose no significant risk to the water quality of the Floridan Aquifer. Surficial Aquifer and Surface Water Quality.-- As for the surficial aquifer and surface water quality, Chapter 10D-6, Florida Administrative Code, requires on-site waste disposal systems be located at least 75 feet from waterbodies. Normally, and when the systems are operating properly, this assures that adequate filtration and decomposition occurs before wastewater reaches surface waters on or near the site. But, in the case of the Crowder proposal, it is necessary to consider that at least some of the mounded systems will be subjected to flooding and will become saturated. Even based on the analysis by Crowder's engineers, 51 of the lots in Paradise Country Estates are entirely flood prone; there is no place to put an OSDS on those lots that is not flood prone. If a "detailed study" had been done, it is possible that more lots would be entirely within the flood hazard zone. Other lots not entirely within the flood zone may not be able to accommodate an OSDS on the part of the lot not within the flood zone. If the OSDS mound is saturated during flood conditions, the system will fail, and untreated waste, or inadequately treated waste, will be released into the surface flood waters. This waste water will move laterally across the project site. Roots may absorb some nitrates or other organic compounds; 10/ otherwise, the waste water and its constituents will remain in the surface water. Lateral movement across the site generally will be slow, as the site is relatively flat. Some of the waste water and its constituents will get into the surficial aquifer. There are ditches or canals alongside and on the site that will direct the rest of the surface water into Pony Creek and other tributories of the Withlacoochee River, an Outstanding Florida Water approximately three and a half miles to the north. The Department of Environmental Regulation issued a dredge and fill permit for the project's road network's impact on wetlands on the site. But it did not pass on the use of OSDS in the individual lots. It also erroneously referred to the Withlacoochee as a natural Class III, instead of an Outstanding Florida Water. See F.A.C. Rule 17-302.700(9)(i). The Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) issued a surface water management permit for the project. In evaluating a permit application, SWFWMD considers surface water quality. But the focus of SWFWMD's inquiry is the pre- and post-development peak flows. Also, when it considers water quality, SWFWMD considers the impact of site alteration on water quality, not the impact of the use of OSDS on the site. In addition, the Crowder project was reviewed under special criteria for low-density rural subdivisions that do not require the submission of as much information. It was not clear from the evidence precisely how SWFMD evaluates water quality under those criteria. For these reasons, based on the evidence, it cannot be said that the Crowder project's OSDS will be meet the minimum standard of being "located to avoid impairment to them or contamination from them during flooding," as required by Section 5-1(6) of Polk County Flood Protection and Surface Water Management Code, or that the project will "protect the normal . . . quality of ground and surface water . . . necessary for the protection of resources of state and regional concern," as required by Policy 10 of the "Water Resource Objective" of the Conservation Element of the Plan. Finally, the project will not "protect or improve existing ground and surface-water quality," as required by Policy 14 of the "Water Resource Objective" of the Conservation Element of the Plan. Other Appeal Issues. Except as set forth above, the Crowder development did not violate the 1985 comprehensive plan and Flood Protection and Surface Water Management Code provisions cited in the DCA Petition. Agency Practice - Other Development in the Area. As previously described, Evans Acres, to the west of the Crowder site, was approved by DCA in 1983. (See Finding 10, above.) As approved, it was comprised of 48 lots on approximately 1,290 acres (a density of one unit per 27 acres). The original lots ranged in size from 5 to 60 acres. Unbeknownst to the DCA, individuals apparently have since split their lots and many of the existing lots are 2 to 5 acres in size. A proposed development known as Turkey Creek is located between the project site and Evans Acres. Turkey Creek is comprised of approximately 57 lots on 170 acres with a gross density of 1 unit per 3 acres. The physical characteristics of the Turkey Creek property, including the abundance of wetlands and floodplains, are essentially the same as the proposed project site. DCA appealed Turkey Creek in June of 1992. However, in that case, the County had been approximately two years late in rendering the Turkey Creek development order to the DCA. Meanwhile, the developer incurred development expenses and already had constructed roads and drainage facilities for the development. The developer, the County and DCA executed a settlement agreement which allows the development to proceed according to the original construction plans, but requires homeowners to install dual septic tank systems and have their septic tanks cleaned and inspected every three years. Several other developments, which are in the general vicinity of the project site and have many of the same physical characteristics, including Yearling Trace and Buck Hill, have been appealed by DCA. Yearling Trace is comprised of 108 units on approximately 544 acres. Buck Hill is comprised of 55 units on approximately 214 acres. Those projects were appealed by DCA in June and April, 1992. In some of these cases, the County did not timely render development orders to DCA in a timely manner. In the case of Buck Hill, the DCA had been mailed an unapproved copy of development plans in October, 1990; in early 1992, DCA contacted the County to inquire, as no County-approved development plans ever had been sent to the DCA. In many of these cases, substantial development expenses had been incurred; in some cases, roads and drainage facilities already had been constructed. DCA decided to settle the pending appeals in which the County was late rendering the development order, and in which the developer already had constructed roads and drainage facilities, consistent with the Turkey Creek settlement. In cases where the County was late rendering the development order, but the developer had not already constructed roads and drainage facilities, the DCA determined to settle not only for stipulations to upgrade the OSDS, as in the Turkey Creek settlement, but also for requirements that a "detailed" flood zone study be done, in accordance with the FEMA requirements. Prior to the DCA appeal, Crowder had expended approximately $31,000 in permit fees. In addition, he has incurred development costs, primarily for engineering fees and related services. Through the time of the final hearing, he had spent approximately $99,000 on engineering fees and services. (The evidence was not clear how much had been incurred by the time of the DCA appeal.) However, the County was not late in rendering the Crowder development order, and Crowder has not constructed roads or drainage facilities. In view of the different circumstances in Crowder's case, DCA's prior agency practices do not compel that Crowder's development be treated in the same manner, i.e., be settled on the same terms, as the Turkey Creek and the others. DCA has argued that FLWAC's Final Order in the case of Dept. of Community Affairs v. Narbi International Company, Inc. and Lake County, 14 FALR 3223 (1992), controls this case and requires the Crowder development order to be overturned on appeal. Narbi involved development Green Swamp ACSC, albeit in Lake County. Factually, there are many differences between Narbi and this case. The Narbi development order was a rezoning from agricultural with a residential density of up to one unit per five acres to a residential planned unit development (PUD) zoning with a density of one unit per 1.35 acres. Also, Lake County's comprehensive plan had an "urban containment policy," which DCA equated with its non-rule policy preventing "urban sprawl" or "leap-frog development." Thirdly, in Narbi, it was found that a geologic fault existed on the project site which allowed a direct connection from the surficial aquifer to the Floridan Aquifer. Because of the factual differences, Narbi does not control the outcome of Crowder's case. Conditions for Approval. Based on the testimony of its witnesses, DCA has proposed that, notwithstanding its deficiencies, the Crowder project can be approved if its density is lowered to between one unit per ten acres and one unit per 20 acres. The rationale of DCA's witnesses seems to be that the proposed lower density, in and of itself, would cure at least the most significant of the deficiencies. Since the Crowder development order under review was for approval of particular road and drainage plans, the plans would have to be redrawn at the lower density and resubmitted for approval by the County subject to the final order to be entered in this case. It is not possible for the Commission to approve, on condition of lowered density, the plans that were the subject of the development order in this case.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission enter a final order rescinding and denying approval for the development order in this case. RECOMMENDED this 10th day of March, 1993, in Tallahassee, Florida. J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of March, 1993.

Florida Laws (4) 163.3184380.05380.0551380.07 Florida Administrative Code (5) 28-26.00228-26.00328-27.0079J-9.0039J-9.004
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Cross City, Florida May 29, 1990 Number: 90-003340 Latest Update: Dec. 18, 1990

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner is the owner of Lot 22 at Hatch Bend Upon Suwannee, a subdivision platted and recorded in 1979. Lot 22 lies at river mile 59 of the Suwannee River, as determined by the Suwannee River Water Management District. The Petitioner purchased the property for a site to construct a residence for his retirement. He desires an OSDS to serve a small dwelling which he proposes to construct on the site of approximately 1,000 square feet. The lot is two acres in size. The subject lot is high, level and well drained. In depth, it extends approximately 600 feet from the shoreline of the Suwannee River, upon which it has approximately 150 feet of river frontage. The lot is not subject to frequent flooding, however, as established by a registered land surveyor, the grade elevation of the lot is approximately 19.7 feet above mean sea level ("MSL"), with a benchmark elevation of 20.20 feet at the highest point. The ten-year flood elevation for river mile 59 was established, through information derived from the records of the Suwannee River Water Management District, and in evidence, to be 24 feet above MSL. Thus, the surface of the property involved and the septic tank system installation site lies beneath the ten-year flood elevation. The property, in other particulars, appears to comply with the statute and rules governing requirements for the grant of OSDS permits. That is, the water table level was shown to be more than 72 inches below the surface of the property, which is more than adequate in terms of separation of the proposed drainfield trenches from the ground water table. The soil lying beneath the property is "fine sand", which is a limited soil of an appropriate type for the successful functioning of an OSDS. Based upon mottling found in the soil, the water table during wet seasons is estimated to be at 72 inches below the surface, again, a more than adequate separation between the water table during wet seasons and the bottom of the proposed drainfield trenches. Thus, the subject site is amenable to the installation of an OSDS, but for the fact of its elevation beneath the required ten-year flood elevation. In terms of establishing entitlement to a variance from the subject rule concerning the prohibition of installation of drainfield trenches which will be subject to flooding based upon the ten-year flood elevation, the Petitioner offered no real concrete evidence. The Petitioner merely testified that it was a hardship for him not to be able to construct his proposed retirement home on the property because of the inability to obtain an OSDS permit; however, he did not establish that there were no reasonable alternatives to the normal OSDS proposed and applied for, as for instance, a mounded system so that the drain fields could be installed above the ten-year flood elevation or some other alternative sewage disposal and treatment system. Thus, the Petitioner did not establish that no reasonable alternative exists but to install the normal OSDS, nor did the Petitioner establish that installation of such a system beneath the natural grade would pose no threat to the public's health or the health of the Petitioner. The Petitioner did not establish that such a system would not pose an adverse impact on surface and ground waters in and in the vicinity of the proposed installation site. Thus, no entitlement to a variance from the permitting requirements in the statute and rules cited below was established. The Respondent takes the position that the variance and the permit application should be denied because the proposed installation site lies below the ten-year flood elevation, and, as the Respondent interprets the Governor's Executive Order No. 90-14, issued on January 17, 1990, which adopted Suwannee River Task Force Report Recommendation NO. 36 by reference, the variance request and the permit application should be denied because that Executive Order and the Report Recommendation it incorporates, in essence, calls for the prohibition of any installation of such systems below the ten-year flood elevation based upon a presumption that such would adversely affect public health and the ground and surface waters. The Respondent takes the position that it cannot discretionarily grant variances in such a situation because of the Executive Order.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record, the candor and demeanor of the witnesses, and the pleadings and arguments of the parties, it is therefore, RECOMMENDED that the application of Vernon Merritt for an OSDS permit and for a variance from the above-discussed permitting requirements, be denied. DONE AND ENTERED this 18th day of December, 1990, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. P. MICHAEL RUFF Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 18th day of December, 1990. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER CASE NO. 90-3340 The Petitioner submitted no proposed findings of fact. Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact 1. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. 4-5. Accepted, but not relevant and material. COPIES FURNISHED: Sam Power, Agency Clerk Department of HRS 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-0700 Linda K. Harris, Esq. General Counsel Department of HRS 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-0700 Vernon Merritt P.O. Box 325 Inglis, FL 32649 Frances S. Childers, Esq. Assistant District 111 Legal Counsel Department of HRS 1000 N.E. 16th Avenue Gainesville, FL 32609 =================================================================

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Cross City, Florida May 17, 1990 Number: 90-003112 Latest Update: Dec. 21, 1990

The Issue The issue for consideration in this case concerns whether the Petitioners are entitled to an on-site sewage disposal system ("OSDS") permit authorizing the installation of an OSDS on property which they own near the Suwannee River in Dixie County, Florida, in accordance with the permitting requirements of Section 381.272, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 10D-6, Florida Administrative Code.

Findings Of Fact The Petitioners are the owners of certain real property located in Dixie County, Florida, in the proximity of the Suwannee River. The property is described as Lot 38, Highpoint Suwannee Riverfront Estates. The lot in question is 82 feet by 141 feet in size and was purchased in April, 1988 for approximately $5000.00. The lot, and the subdivision it is in, was platted in 1983. On February 21, 1990, the Petitioners made application for an on-site sewage disposal system ("OSDS") permit, seeking to install such a system on this lot in order to be able to construct a vacation cottage on the lot The proposed cottage would contain one bedroom and would have a heated and cooled area of approximately 500 square feet. Upon reviewing the application, the, Respondent informed the Petitioners that they would need to have a surveyor establish the elevation of their lot, and particularly the site of the proposed OSDS installation, as well as to establish, through contact with the Suwannee River Water Management District, the ten-year flood elevation for the property. Accordingly, the Petitioners obtained a survey by `Mr. Herbert Raker, a registered land surveyor of Cross City, Florida. That survey shows a benchmark elevation of 13.09 feet above mean sea level ("MSL") That benchmark elevation is six inches above the actual grade surface of the lot so that the elevation at the proposed OSDS installation site is 12.59 feet above MSL. The ten-year flood elevation for the property is 15 feet above MSL, as established by data from the Suwannee River Water Management District contained in a report which is in evidence as Respondent's Exhibit 1. That flood elevation data was submitted to the Respondent by the Petitioners with the application for the OSDS permit. The property in question is located within the ten- year flood plain of the Suwannee River, and it is also located within the regulatory floodway of the River. On April 24, 1990, after advising the Petitioners of the denial of the OSDS permit application, the Respondent, by letter, advised the Petitioners that they should pursue a formal administrative proceeding rather than file an informal variance application before the Respondent's own Variance Board. The Respondent took the position that a variance could not be granted from the requirements of Rule 10D- 6.47(6), Florida Administrative Code, because the subject property was located within the ten-year flood plain of the Suwannee River and because of the Respondent's interpretation of the affect of the Governor's Executive Order 90- 14, which adopted by reference the Suwannee River Task Force recommendation that all such systems be prohibited within the ten-year flood plain. The Respondent thus declined to exercise its discretion, accorded it in the statute and rule cited hereinbelow, to entertain and consider a variance application. Finally, it is established that the lot in question is not subject to frequent flooding; but because the surface grade is beneath the ten-year flood elevation, the bottom of the drain field trenches absorption bed to be installed would also be beneath the ten-year flood elevation. In other respects, the property is a amenable to the installation of an effective OSDS because the wet season water table is 48 inches beneath the surface grade and would be more than 24 inches beneath the proposed drain field. The normal water table is approximately 60 inches beneath the surface grade. Appropriate limited soils are present beneath the first six inches of soil below the surface and consist of fine sand, light brown and brown fine sand, down to 60 inches, which is appropriate for effective subterranean treatment and disposal of sewage effluent. The Petitioners established a definite hardship on their part by the fact that they have paid a substantial sum for the lot and are now unable to develop it unless they receive entitlement to an OSDS or some reasonable alternative. In that regard, no sufficient proof of truly effective, reasonable alternatives was established by the Petitioners. However, they did establish that an anaerobic septic tank and drain field disposal system might be an effective alternative treatment and disposal method for the property in question. An aerobic system involves the injection of air into the attendant septic tank to support aerobic bacteria which break down and treat sewage at a faster, more effective rate than does the normal anaerobic bacteria-based system. The resulting effluent is substantially lower in BOD and suspended solids than is the effluent from the normal subterranean and anaerobic septic tank and drain field disposal system. The problem with such an aerobic system is that it involves mechanical equipment, especially, an external electric motor and pump to force air into the system. This is disadvantageous in that, if the equipment suffers a breakdown, then treatment and appropriate disposal of the effluent stops. The untreated sewage can then rise to the surface of the property or otherwise pollute ground or surface waters and potentially cause a public health hazard. Thus, such systems would require inspection periodically to insure that they are in adequate working order because if the mechanical system malfunctions, the system will continue to put effluent through its drain field without adequate treatment. In this circumstance, the occupants of the dwelling served by the system might not notice for long periods of time that it is inoperative because the system will continue to dispose of effluent, but just of an untreated nature. Accordingly, when the motor and air pump system becomes inoperative, there is less incentive for the owner to repair it. Thus, it is likely that if such a system were installed, some means would have to be found to insure that the owner keeps the system in good repair and working order. The means by which such an arrangement for insuring that such an aerobic system works properly at all times was not established in this record, however. Consequently, the Petitioners failed to establish that reasonable alternatives to the proposed conventional system exist and what they might consist of.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record, the carndor and demeanor of the witnesses, and the pleadings and arguments of the parties, it is therefore, RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered denying the Petitioners' application for an OSDS permit. DONE AND ENTERED this 21st day of December, 1990, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida P. MICHAEL RUFF Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of December, 1990. APPENDIX TO THE RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 90-3112 The Petitioners filed no proposed findings of fact. Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact: 1-9. Accepted. COPIES FURNISHED: Sam Power, Agency Clerk Department of HRS 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-0700 Linda K. Harris, Esquire General Counsel Department of HRS 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-0700 Betsy K. Lanier, pro se P.O. Box 238 Old Town, FL 32680 Frances S. Childers, Esq. Assistant District III Legal Counsel Department of HRS 1000 N.E. 16th Avenue Gainesville, FL 32609

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-000079 Latest Update: Sep. 04, 1981

Findings Of Fact Petitioner Alexis Crlenjak is the owner of an unimproved lot approximately 90 feet by 230 feet in size which abuts Black Creek in Clay County, Florida. (Testimony of Petitioner, Exhibit 2) By application received by the St. Johns River Subdistrict of the Department of Environmental Regulation on September 9, 1980, Petitioner sought a permit to place approximately 1,000 cubic yards of clean fill dirt over an area of 90 by 130 feet to a depth of 3 feet on the southern portion of his lot. The stated purpose for the request was to enable Petitioner to obtain a county permit to install a septic tank and drainfield in the filled portion of the lot. Such a permit previously had been denied by the county for the reason that inadequate drainage for a septic tank existed in the lot's present natural condition. (Testimony of Petitioner, Exhibit 2) Subsequent to receipt of the application, DER's Subdistrict Office solicited comments or objections to the proposed project from adjacent landowners and various governmental agencies. An adjoining landowner, Frederick G. Flagge, filed an opposition to the concept of placement of a septic tank and drainfield next to his land due to the possibility of seepage and contamination. The United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region IV, expressed the view that placement of fill material in flood plain wetlands to raise the elevation for a septic tank placement is not in the public's interest and recommended denial of the application, and suggested that the applicant utilize the upland portion of his property for such purpose. The Southeast Regional Office of the National Marine Fisheries Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, concluded that the work would adversely impact fishery resources by filling productive wetlands and made a similar recommendation to that of the EPA. A representative of the Department of Interior Fish and Wildlife Service inspected the area in November 1980, and found that the proposed project would destroy 0.27 acres of wetlands which provide nesting, feed and shelter habitat for various species of birds, maimals and reptiles. The agency therefore recommended that any fill be limited to upland areas. The Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission reviewed the application and recommended denial because the project would adversely affect fish and wildlife resources by eliminating a protective wetland habitat. (Testimony of Tyler, Exhibit 2) Petitioner's lot is bounded on the north by Black Creek, on the east by a dredged canal which terminates at a boat basin immediately south of his property. A filled driveway separates Petitioner' s land from the Flagge property to the west. Although the area surrounding the north bank of Black Creek is still in a natural condition, Petitioner's and Flagge's lots are practically the only ones on the south bank in that area which are undeveloped and still in a relatively natural state. The northern border of Petitioner's property is high and dry due to the berm along Black Creek which has been deposited over the years and has become vegetated. However, the southern half is a hardwood swamp area where blackgum is the dominant species, together with other species such as buttonbush, water ash, dahoon, willow, water locust, red maple and sweetgum. Black Creek is classified as a Class III body of water under Chapter 17-3, Florida Administrative Code. The type of vegetation on the southern portion of Petitioner's lot is associated with periodic inundation during seasonal rainfall, and is thus deemed to constitute the landward extent of waters of the state pursuant to the vegetative indices of Chapter 17-4, Florida Administrative Code. After receiving the application an environmental specialist in Respondent's subdistrict office visited the site and thereafter prepared a Permit Application Appraisal. He identified the various species of plant life located in the area to be filled and determined that it was properly within Respondent's jurisdiction. His appraisal found that the swamp area in question benefits the water quality of Black Creek by filtering sediments and assimilating pollutants generated by upland runoff. He also found that the area is a fish and wildlife habitat, provides flood control, and serves as a primary food source for fish and wildlife. He therefore determined that the proposed project would result in the elimination of those biological resources that aid in maintaining water quality and would further degrade water quality by adding septic tank waste in close proximity to the waterway. He concluded that the project as proposed would induce flooding on the lot to the West by blocking the flow through the swamp which presently is connected by a culvert under the filled driveway to the west. His supervisor subsequently visited the site and agreed with the application appraisal. It was their combined opinion that filling of the land would eventually lead to eutrophication of the adjacent canal and adversely affect the water quality of Black Creek. At the time of their visits, the DER personnel did not observe standing water on Petitioner's property, but did so on the adjacent lot to the west. (Testimony of Rector, Tyler, Exhibit 2) As a result of the adverse application appraisal, Respondent advised Petitioner on December 9, 1980, of its intent to deny the application based on the loss of submerged land, and anticipated water quality degradation by replacing the aquatic ecosystem with a septic tank and drain ield which has a potential for leaking into the adjacent canal. The Notice of Intent to Deny further specified state water quality standards which would be adversely affected, and found that the applicant had not provided the department with affirmative reasonable assurances that the immediate and long-term impacts of the project would not result in a violation of state water quality standards. (Testimony of Tyler, Exhibit 2) At the hearing, Petitioner scaled down his request by stating that he now only wished to fill an area approximately 25 feet by 40 feet in the southwest corner of his lot to serve as the drainfield for a septic tank. However, the DER personnel who had reviewed the project testified that their recommendation of denial would not be changed in spite of the reduced proposed filling activity. They were of the opinion that the same considerations which led to the denial recommendation would still be present, except on a smaller scale. They indicated that Petitioner could still use his land, in spite of the permit denial, for recreational activities, or by erecting a "stilt" house on the lower half of the lot. However, in such an eventuality, the septic tank and drainfield would have to be placed on the upland portion of the lot. As petitioner pointed out, this cannot take place under current health regulations in view of the fact that a well is located on the north side of the adjacent lot, and the spacing distance would be insufficient for state and county permitting purposes. Although Petitioner denied that a culvert existed under the driveway separating the lots, he conceded that he had not visited the property for about a year. (Testimony of Tyler, petitioner, Exhibit 2)

Recommendation That Petitioner's application be DENIED. DONE and ENTERED this 12th day of August, 1981, in Tallahassee, Florida. THOMAS C. OLDHAM Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of August, 1981. COPIES FURNISHED: Honorable Victoria J. TSchinkel Secretary, Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Silvia Morell Alderman, Esquire Alexis Crlenjak Assistant General Counsel Route 2, Box 618 Department of Environmental Havana, Florida 32333 Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301

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