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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Clearwater, Florida Nov. 08, 1990 Number: 90-007157 Latest Update: Jul. 02, 1991

The Issue Whether Louis John Tsavaris should be relicensed to practice medicine in this state.

Findings Of Fact By Final Order entered October 20, 1982, the Florida Board of Medical Examiners revoked Petitioner's license to practice medicine in this state. Although there were numerous charges in the Administrative Complaint and Amended Administrative Complaint upon which the hearing proceeded, the Hearing Officer found, and the Board adopted these findings, that Petitioner herein, Respondent in those proceedings, was guilty of two technical violations of Chapter 458, Florida Statutes, and one serious violation. The technical violations found in those proceedings was: (1) The failure to check one block in his drug authorization renewal application to authorize dispensing Class II drugs, which resulted in Respondent dispensing Class II drugs without proper authorization to do so, although no evidence was presented that any of these drugs were improperly prescribed; and (2) The issuance of a prescription for a Class IV drug in the name of Respondent rather than his office. No evidence was presented at that hearing that Dr. Tsavaris used that drug (Nortec) himself or allowed its misuse by any patient. At this hearing, uncontradicted evidence was presented that the failure to renew his DEA license to prescribe Schedule II drugs was an office oversight, and the one prescription in Petitioner's name was for one Class IV drug to dispense to suicidal patients from the office. The violation of Chapter 458 found by the Hearing Officer and the Board to justify revocation of this Petitioner's license was the conviction of Dr. Tsavaris of the crime of manslaughter which was found by the Hearing Officer to be a violation of Section 458.331(1)(c), Florida Statutes (1980), which proscribes being found guilty of a crime directly relating to the practice of medicine or the ability to practice medicine. Dr. Tsavaris was found guilty in 1981 of gross negligence in the death of a former patient whose apartment he visited in 1975 near midnight in response to her telephone call for help, and he was sentenced to imprisonment for 15 years. Petitioner was incarcerated at the Avon Park Correctional Institute (APCI) and served 2 1/2 years of his sentence before being paroled in July 1984. He is currently on probation until 1997. Petitioner's probationary supervision has been reduced to require him to report to his probation officer only once every six months. Evidence was presented that parolees are usually released from all probation shortly after their reporting interval is changed to six months. Evidence was presented, and unrebutted, that the jury found the cause of death of the victim Petitioner was charged with killing, was not proven. Further, the jury found the lesser included offense of manslaughter based upon Tsavaris' testimony that he had stopped for ice cream in route to the deceased apartment. The jury concluded that had he not stopped, the alleged victim may not have died. The jury found this act to constitute gross negligence under the circumstances. During his stay at APCI, Petitioner participated in a variety of self- help programs aimed at rehabilitation. William Pivnick, Chief of Rehabilitative Services at APCI during the time Petitioner was there, holds a Ph.D. degree in psychology and was accepted as an expert in rehabilitation. Pivnick opined that Petitioner is eminently qualified as a psychiatrist, and to the extent rehabilitation is applicable to the offense of which Petitioner was convicted, that Petitioner was rehabilitated and most unlikely ever to commit a similar offense or be a danger to society. Pivnick also gave Petitioner high marks for his assistance to, and relations with, other prisoners at APCI. When Petitioner was released from APCI in 1984, he was given a job in Tsavaris' Construction Company where he worked for one or two years. Thereafter, he was involved in developing mobile home parks and recently has begun managing a chiropractic office. Petitioner has become involved in a project to resolve questions regarding human longevity and has devoted considerable time to this study. For the past two years, Petitioner spent two or three days per month in a medical clinic in Perry, Florida, observing procedures and discussing these procedures with the clinic's owner and director. The clinical director, Dr. Euliogio Vizarra, at Petitioner's request, arranged for Petitioner to be evaluated by Dr. Paul Leone, forensic psychiatrist at the State Hospital at Chattahoochee, Florida. Objection to the introduction of the report of Dr. Leone of this evaluation was sustained. Petitioner was examined and tested by Dr. Vesley, a retired psychiatrist whose medical license is current. Dr. Vesley found Petitioner to be current in his medical knowledge and capable of practicing medicine with reasonable skill and safety to his patients. Petitioner was given a battery of tests by Dr. Merin, a psychologist who is board-certified in clinical psychology, in professional neuro-psychology, behavioral medicine, and medical psychotherapy. After some five hours of testing plus some 15 hours of additional tests given by others and interpreted by Dr. Merin, Dr. Merin found Petitioner to be very intelligent and fully able to practice medicine with skill and safety to his patients. Dr. Walter Afield is board-certified in adult psychiatry, child psychiatry, and mental health administration; and has been a senior member of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology for the past 21 years. Dr. Afield opined that Petitioner is competent and able to practice medicine with safety to patients. If Petitioner's license is restored under the condition he be supervised by another psychiatrist, Dr. Afield would be willing to assume that supervision. With respect to the professional ability of Petitioner to practice psychiatry after a 10 year hiatus, the evidence submitted leads to the conclusion that, although there has been a substantial change in the field of psychiatry, that change has been toward a greater use of chemical treatment with little or no change in analytical techniques. Petitioner's forte while practicing psychiatry was in his treatment of patients by analysis and group therapy. Although a psychiatrist who has not practiced his profession for some 10 years would not be expected to be current on psychotropic drugs presently being used, uncontradicted evidence was presented that a psychiatrist could become current in the use of psychotropic drugs in a two weeks training period. Petitioner testified that he had taken some continuing medical education courses from time to time since his release from prison, but submitted no documented evidence to support this testimony. He did submit evidence of completing 22 CME credits within the past year. Apart from the medical evidence submitted regarding Petitioner's knowledge of his field and his ability to resume practice with skill and safety to patients, several former patients of Petitioner testified to the excellent treatment and help they received from Petitioner and that if his license is restored, they would not hesitate to engage his services, if needed, or refer family members to him for treatment. It has been the practice of the Board of Medicine not to reinstate the license of a physician while the physician is on parole or probation.

Recommendation It is recommended that the license of Louis John Tsavaris as a medical doctor be restored upon the following conditions: That he work under the direct supervision of a psychiatrist acceptable to the Board of Medicine for a period of one year. That Dr. Tsavaris take an intensive course in the use of psychotropic medicine. That for the next two years Dr. Tsavaris complete annually the CME credit hours required by other physicians biannually. ENTERED this 2nd day of July, 1991, in Tallahassee, Florida. K. N. AYERS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Desoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of July, 1991. APPENDIX Proposed findings submitted by Petitioner are accepted, except as noted below. Those not included in the Hearing Officer's findings were deemed unnecessary to the results reached. 7. Ultimate sentence rejected. Dr. Leone's report was not admitted into evidence. 16. Rejected as legal conclusion. 27. Rejected as irrelevant. 29. First sentence accepted only as Dr. Tsavaris' testimony. See HO #15. Accepted only as unrebutted testimony of Dr. Tsavaris. Rejected as irrelevant. Proposed findings submitted by Respondent are accepted, except as noted below. Those proposed findings not included in the Hearing Office findings were deemed unnecessary to the results reached. Third sentence rejected. CME courses of approximately 25 hours were documented. Dr. Tsavaris testified he attended other CME courses for which he had no documentation. Sixth sentence rejected as conclusion. Ultimate sentence rejected as conclusion. Ultimate sentence rejected. The court held that evidence was presented to support a finding that Tsavaris accidently strangled the victim and, if so, under the circumstances this would constitute culpable negligence and thereby support the jury's verdict of manslaughter. Rejected as unsupported by credible evidence. First sentence rejected. Tsavaris acknowledges that his judgment was faulty in the acts that led to his conviction of manslaughter. Last two sentences rejected. Although Dr. Tsavaris grew up in Tarpon Springs, he was practicing in Tampa when the incident arose which led to the revocation of his license. COPIES FURNISHED TO: Louis John Tsavaris Post Office Box 733 Tarpon Springs, FL 34689 Ann Cocheu, Esquire Suite 1603, The Capitol Tallahassee, FL 32399-1050 Dorothy Faircloth Executive Director Department of Professional Regulation Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Suite 60 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0792 Jack McRay General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Suite 60 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0792 =================================================================

Florida Laws (4) 120.57455.213458.309458.331
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Mar. 30, 1992 Number: 92-002060 Latest Update: Oct. 18, 1996

The Issue Whether or not Petitioner is entitled to a license by endorsement to practice medicine pursuant to Section 458.313(1) F.S.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner William D. Plummer is an applicant for licensure as a physician by endorsement in Florida. On May 2, 1991, Petitioner filed a licensure application with the Department of Professional Regulation. On page one of the application is the question: Are you now or have you ever been licensed in any State, Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico or U.S. Virgin Islands? Yes No . Petitioner marked the "No" answer to this question on his application. On page four of the application is the question: Have you ever been denied an application for licensure to practice medicine by any state board or other governmental agency of any state or country? Yes No . Petitioner marked the "No" answer to this question on his application. On June 11, 1991, Petitioner was sent a notice that his application was incomplete. In that notice, he was asked: Are you now, or have you ever been licensed to practice medicine in any State? In response, Petitioner sent a letter stating only that he had received a Pennsylvania medical license on July 3, 1991. This date was subsequent to his making the initial Florida application on May 2, 1991. As part of the application process in Florida, Petitioner was asked to appear before the Credentials Committee of the Board of Medicine on January 25, 1992, in Tampa, to discuss various matters regarding his application. In the course of discussing various issues with the Credentials Committee Petitioner was asked: Were you ever denied a license to practice medicine in another state? In response, Petitioner stated, No. I have my Pennsylvania license. In my training initially--my medical training license took some time, and I think that was in 1985 and it was because we didn't have a program in Pennsylvania to work with the State Board. Later, Petitioner told the Committee, I thought there was a difference between a medical training license and a medical license. A medical training license is under supervision at a hospital. In point of fact, in 1985, Petitioner had applied for a graduate medical license in Pennsylvania in order to enter the residency program at Misercordia, Mercy Hospital where he had already been accepted. The Pennsylvania graduate medical license allows the licensee to work as a physician under supervision only as a resident in the institution named on the license. Petitioner's application for this license was rejected because the Pennsylvania Board found that Petitioner had "knowingly falsified" an answer regarding his addiction to alcohol. The Pennsylvania Board further prohibited Petitioner from reapplying for a graduate medical license until June 6, 1986. After formal hearing, the Pennsylvania Board entered its order as follows: ... an Applicant with a proclivity toward engaging in word ploys in these important matters runs the risk, as here, of being in error and thus committing an active concealment and misrepresentation. A more prudent course perhaps for such an Applicant would be to err on the side of giving excess (voluntary) information in responding to such a formal and serious written questionnaire. Medical residents in training programs "practice medicine." In Pennsylvania, residents are prohibited from practicing medicine unless they receive a graduate medical license from the State of Pennsylvania. Because of the Pennsylvania Board's denial of Petitioner's application for a graduate medical license, he was unable to accept the position at Mercy Catholic Hospital. However, in 1986, Petitioner reapplied for a graduate medical training license in Pennsylvania and the application was granted. This graduate medical training license was renewed annually thereafter while Petitioner continued to train in Pennsylvania. Petitioner still held the latest renewed graduate medical training license when he applied for Florida licensure in May 1991. Petitioner was granted his permanent unrestricted medical license in Pennsylvania in July 1991. (See Findings of Fact 2 and 5 supra.) At formal hearing, Petitioner explained that because Pennsylvania's graduate medical training license only allows participation in a residency training program at an approved institution named on the face of the license, he did not consider it to be a "license to practice medicine," and accordingly he did not disclose to Florida the Pennsylvania Board's 1985 denial of such license. He represented that he believed that because the Pennsylvania graduate medical training license was institution-specific, limited to one year in scope, and only a prerequisite to supervised additional medical education, it did not constitute what Florida's inquiries were all about. By common English usage, Pennsylvania law, and Florida law, the authority that Dr. Plummer was denied in 1985 and granted in 1986 by the Pennsylvania Board constitutes a "license to practice medicine," contrary to his interpretation of that term when he filled out his Florida application and responded to inquiries during the course of Florida's licensure investigation. He should have identified it in response to each relevant question or inquiry. However, Petitioner's interpretation of Florida's questions and his answers thereto do not constitute attempting to obtain a license to practice medicine by fraudulent misrepresentation or concealment of a material fact for the following reasons: Petitioner's formal hearing testimony was credible and unrefuted. Petitioner was consistent in his interpretation of the questions on this subject in that he also did not disclose to Florida the "good" facts that the Pennsylvania Board had subsequently granted him the graduate medical license in 1986 and had renewed it annually and that he still held such a license at the time of filling out his Florida application. Also, in the Florida application, he readily and fully disclosed to Florida the "bad" facts of his detrimental past history of alcoholism. Dr. Lee testified as a medical physician licensed to practice in New York, Pennsylvania, and Iowa, that he considered Petitioner's interpretation of the Florida application questions concerning prior medical licensing reasonable and that he also considered Petitioner's answers to those questions reasonable. No contrary testimony was presented. The American Medical Association profile does not list Petitioner's Pennsylvania graduate medical training license as a "license to practice medicine." Various qualified credible witnesses acknowledged that Petitioner's failure to disclose his alcoholism to the Pennsylvania Board in 1985 was a denial symptom of his alcoholism at that time and was not symptomatic of his character makeup now that his alcoholism is in remission or at any time he responded during the Florida licensing process. Respondent presented no direct evidence to prove that Petitioner had a fraudulent intent in answering as he did. Although fraudulent intent may sometimes be inferred from the circumstances, the circumstances herein do not permit such an inference. On his initial Florida application, Petitioner could not correctly recall the dates of his medical training because he had not kept accurate records himself and because of his alcoholic condition in prior years. One representative error he made is that he listed a full year in one program which he attended for only four months. However, he approximated the dates as best he could and revealed all training programs, even those in which he was unsuccessful, and he consistently responded to the Board that he would defer to whatever the training institutions' records showed. He also concealed no rehabilitation programs he had been in. No intent to defraud or conceal can be inferred from these circumstances. Petitioner is an alcoholic. Petitioner's alcoholism had its inception sometime during his childhood, possibly as early as the age of eight years. Petitioner graduated from Pennsylvania State University summa cum laude, in 1976. He matriculated from the Uniformed Services University in 1980. Toward the end of his time in medical school, approximately 1980, Petitioner began to realize that he had a problem with alcohol. In 1980, Petitioner entered a surgical training program at Balboa Hospital in San Diego, California. As a direct result of his problems with alcohol, Petitioner left that surgical training program in 1981 without completing his training. Between 1981 and 1983, Petitioner was partially supported by his parents, performed odd jobs as a handyman and searched for a new training program. In July, 1983, Petitioner entered an internal medicine training program at St. Raphael Hospital in New Haven, Connecticut. After approximately five months and prior to completion of training in New Haven, Petitioner's problems with alcohol forced him to terminate participation in the internal medicine training program. In December 1983, Petitioner entered a rehabilitation program at Marworth in Waverly, Pennsylvania. He remained as an inpatient at Marworth until February 1984 when he was discharged to Little Hill--Alina Lodge, a continuing care facility in Blairstown, New Jersey, where he remained as an inpatient until May 1984. Petitioner left Little Hill--Alina Lodge with staff approval. Between May 1984 and November 1986, Petitioner worked at various odd jobs as a handyman and helped his parents relocate and build in Florida. He also waited for his graduate medical training license in Pennsylvania. (See Finding of Fact 7, supra) Petitioner described both the periods of 1981-1983 (See Finding of Fact 18 supra.) and 1984-1986 as periods of "self-employment" whereas "unemployment" might have been more accurate. This discrepancy was neither "fraud" nor "concealment," as those terms are generally understood. In November, 1986, Petitioner entered an internal medicine training program at Misercordia, Mercy Catholic Medical Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Petitioner's problem with alcohol caused him to behave in a manner which indicated the presence of an active physical impairment of alcoholism and resulted in Petitioner's suspension and later resignation from that program after approximately three and a half months and prior to completion of training. In June 1987, Petitioner returned to Marworth as an inpatient. He remained under treatment for approximately one month and then stayed on at Marworth as an inpatient for approximately a month. Thereafter, he worked as a janitor and groundskeeper for nearly two years while concentrating on his life problems that had contributed to his alcoholism. Many professionals reviewing his case have been favorably impressed with Petitioner's dedication and sacrifice during this period of time. In 1989, Petitioner entered an internal medicine training program at Robert Packer Hospital in Sayre, Pennsylvania. This hospital is part of the Guthrie Healthcare System where Petitioner is currently employed. (See Findings of Fact 28, 43, 49 infra.). In June 1990, Petitioner took a vacation to the Florida keys and while on vacation went on a four day drinking binge. Petitioner voluntarily reported himself for further treatment and returned to Pennsylvania. While awaiting placement in another rehabilitation program, he suffered an alcohol withdrawal induced seizure. In July 1990, Petitioner entered his fourth inpatient treatment program for alcoholism at Bethany Center in Homesdale, Pennsylvania, where he remained for one month. His absence was counted as vacation and sick time while he was able to complete his internal medicine training program at Robert Packer Hospital on schedule in April 1992. The Guthrie Health Care System immediately offered him his current position, with full knowledge of his excellent academic record and clinical references and his alcohol recovery history. (See, Findings of Fact 43 and 49 infra). Currently, Petitioner participates in the Physician's Health Program of the Pennsylvania Medical Society and since January 1991 has been participating, through counseling, in a program of recovery from alcoholism with the Bradford Sullivan Drug and Alcohol Program. Both the Florida Physician Resource Network and the Pennsylvania Physician's Health Program impaired physicians programs have opined that Petitioner's history of alcoholism should not bar his licensure in Florida at the current time. (See, Findings of Fact 31-39 infra.) Dr. Roger Goetz is the Director of Florida's PRN and is the Department of Professional Regulation's consultant charged with implementing Florida's Impaired Practitioner Program. The Physician Resource Network includes the Physician Recovery Network (PRN). In the past five years, the PRN has evaluated approximately 350 physicians with impairments at the request of the Board of Medicine. Over this period, Dr. Goetz cannot recall a single instance where an applicant endorsed by PRN has failed to maintain sobriety. PRN statistics show that at least 97 per cent of the practitioners on contract have not reverted to alcohol or chemical use. Petitioner is willing to enter such a contract with PRN if he is licensed. Dr. Goetz believes Petitioner will be able to practice medicine with skill and safety to patients in Florida, provided he enters into a contract with the PRN. Dr. Goetz opined that Petitioner's relapse in 1990 does not indicate the likelihood of future relapses because Petitioner has continued with a more effective treatment program and support system geared to his needs as a physician. Dr. Goetz, on behalf of PRN, recommended a five-year contract for Petitioner designed to identify pre-relapse behavior and entail that he remain chemically abstinent, be subjected to random body fluid analysis, establish a doctor/patient relationship and receive care from another physician for his personal health, obtain a monitoring physician, attend group therapy, attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, have significant family members involved in his recovery, notify the PRN of any problems in his life, including changes in his physical health, be willing to withdraw immediately should there be any problems surrounding his practice, and participate and cooperate with the PRN at all times. Such a contract would provide Petitioner with an environment in Florida which is similar to his current recovery environment in Pennsylvania. Dr. Goetz testified that to the extent of his knowledge Petitioner has a good reputation for truth and veracity. At the request of PRN, Petitioner was evaluated for chemical dependency by Leah H. Williams, M.D. in July 1991. Dr. Williams reported to PRN that she was in favor of Florida licensure for Petitioner. In September 1991, Petitioner received a thorough outpatient evaluation from Dr. Lynn Hankes, PRN's approved evaluator. Dr. Hankes also endorsed Florida licensure for Petitioner, contingent upon Petitioner entering the PRN program and participating in ongoing psychotherapy. Penny Ziegler, M.D., Medical Director of the Pennsylvania Physician's Health Program, supports Petitioner's application for licensure in Florida. Nicholas F. Colangelo, Ph.D., a psychologist, supports Petitioner's application for licensure in Florida. Dr. Colangelo may be considered as a past and currently treating psychologist for Petitioner. They have known each other since Petitioner was at Marworth. Dr. Colangelo is a nationally certified alcohol and drug counselor who is Vice-President of Clearbrook, Inc., an alcohol and drug addiction treatment facility. He is a recovering alcoholic who has been sober for over seventeen years. Twenty-five to thirty-five per cent of his addiction counseling focuses on professionals. According to Dr. Colangelo, professionals and other high-achieving individuals like Petitioner often have difficulty accepting that they must submit to the whole program for recovery from alcoholism but once they do, they recover at a higher than average rate. In Dr. Colangelo's opinion, Petitioner has demonstrated conduct which gives him a better than average prospect for continued sobriety. Dr. Colangelo opined that Petitioner's current employment in a tertiary care facility, the Guthrie Clinic, coupled with the management of the ongoing licensure proceedings in Florida, provide Petitioner with as much environmental stress as he has ever experienced, but the existence of environmental stress does not play a significant role in Petitioner's continued sobriety. Dr. Colangelo perceived Petitioner as a person of truth and veracity. Petitioner is currently employed by the Guthrie Healthcare System, a multi-specialty private medical practice clinic employing approximately 110 physicians in non-surgical areas of medicine. Petitioner is responsible for the initial evaluation of nonsurgical patients. It is within his job duties to determine the type of medical care to be provided to each nonsurgical patient entering the clinic. In that position, he sometimes provides all primary care to the patient or directs the patient to the appropriate subspecialist. Apart from the four days in 1990, Petitioner has been continuously sober for five and one-half years. That 1990 four day relapse did not detrimentally affect his patient care. At that time, Petitioner contacted Florida's PRN. He has maintained contact with Dr. Goetz ever since. According to Dr. Colangelo and Dr. Goetz, two years of continuous sobriety is a benchmark most professional associations accept for granting a license or privilege. The American Board of Internal Medicine uses such a two year benchmark. Petitioner has met all credentialing requirements to obtain certification by the American Board of Internal Medicine. Dr. Ferrol Lee currently is responsible for the nonsurgical quality of medicine at Guthrie, with overall supervision of the 110 physicians employed there, including Petitioner. He has worked with Petitioner both during Petitioner's residency at Robert Packer and during his current employment. He views Petitioner as a hard worker whose personal struggle with alcoholism gives him valuable insight into the care of patients who struggle with similar problems. He ranks Petitioner within the top 5-10 residents of the 100 he has worked with over the past nine years. Dr. Lee testified that Petitioner has continually demonstrated good moral character and has a flawless reputation for truth and veracity. Dr. Lee endorses Petitioner's licensure in Florida. The State of Pennsylvania has never taken disciplinary action against Respondent's license to practice medicine in that state.

Recommendation Upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is recommended that a final order be entered certifying Petitioner for licensure with placement of Petitioner on probation for five years subject to his entering into and abiding by a contract acceptable to the Physicians Recovery Network. RECOMMENDED this 20th day of April, 1993, at Tallahassee, Florida. ELLA JANE P. DAVIS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of April, 1993.

Florida Laws (6) 120.57120.68458.301458.311458.313458.331
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Sep. 12, 1996 Number: 96-004317 Latest Update: May 05, 1997

The Issue Whether disciplinary action should be taken against Respondent's license to practice as a physician.

Findings Of Fact The Agency is that state agency charged with regulating the practice of medicine pursuant to Section 20.42, Florida Statutes; Chapter 455, Florida Statutes; and Chapter 458, Florida Statutes. Respondent is a physician licensed to practice medicine in the State of Florida. Respondent holds license number ME 0055126. The State of Michigan Department of Commerce Board of Medicine is the licensing authority for the State of Michigan. On or about April 18, 1994, the State of Michigan Board of Medicine issued a letter of reprimand to Respondent, and ordered that Respondent pay a fine in the amount of $1,500.00 within ninety days of the Order for prescribing anabolic steroids for the purpose of improving body-building or weightlifting. Respondent is guilty of having action taken against his license to practice medicine by the licensing authority of the State of Michigan. The State of Michigan notified the agency of its action against the Respondent. A search of the agency's records revealed he had not notified the agency of the action taken by Michigan against him. On or about September 5, 1995, an attempt was made to notify Respondent about the information the agency had received. This letter was subsequently returned unclaimed with a forwarding address in Dallas, Texas. On or about November 9, 1995, a second attempt was made to notify Respondent of the complaint. The letter was sent to Post Office Box 12131, Dallas, Texas 75225, which is the Respondent's current address.1 The Respondent returned the election of rights form and a letter requesting a formal hearing. Respondent failed to notify the Florida Board of Medicine within thirty days of the action taken against his medical license in Michigan. The Respondent failed to notify the Board of his change of address. The Respondent was preciously disciplined by the Board of Medicine by Final Order number AHCA96-00464. The Respondent's license was suspended until he appeared and demonstrated that he could practice with skill and safety.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law set forth herein, it is, RECOMMENDED: That Respondent the Agency enter its Final Order finding the violation of Section 458.331(1)(b), Section 458.331(x) and 458.331(1)(kk) and, Florida Statutes, and revoking the Respondent's license to practice medicine in Florida. DONE and ENTERED this 28th day of February, 1997, in Tallahassee, Florida. STEPHEN F. DEAN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of February, 1997.

Florida Laws (4) 120.5720.42458.319458.331
# 3
BOARD OF MEDICINE vs JOHN R. AYRES, 89-004062 (1989)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Gainesville, Florida Jul. 27, 1989 Number: 89-004062 Latest Update: Feb. 13, 1990

The Issue The issues under consideration in this case concern an administrative complaint placed by the Petitioner against Respondent accusing him of practicing medicine with an inactive license for the period of January 1, 1988 until on or about October 27, 1988. For this alleged activity Respondent is said to have violated Sections 458.327(1) (a) and 458.331(1)(x), Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact Respondent attended the University of Rochester from 1977 to 1990 and received a B.A. in biology and a B.S. in neuro- science. He then received his medical education at Upstate Medical Center in Syracuse, New York, from 1984 until 1985 and graduated as an M.D. He served surgical internship at Geisinger Medical Center, a general surgery internship, in the year 1985. From 1985 until the point of hearing, he had been receiving training as a resident at the University of Florida Department of Orthopedic Surgery. As such, he is employed by the University of Florida. The residency program in the Department of Orthopedics at the University of Florida is approved by the Council on Graduate Medical Education. His duties as a resident physician include assisting the attending physician and making diagnosis and carrying out treatment, as well as prescribing medication. These duties are performed in Shands Teaching Hospital in Gainesville, Florida, and at the Veteran's Administration Hospital in that same community. In the period January and February, 1988, he was at Shands Teaching Hospital in pediatric orthopedic service. He then served four months at the Veteran's Administration Hospital in the general orthopedic rotation. He then returned to Shands Teaching Hospital as part of the adult reconstructive service. At no time while participating in those programs did he undertake other medical employment. On March 4, 1985, Respondent executed a form provided by the Board of Medical Examiners entitled "Registration Application for Unlicensed Physicians." It may be found as Petitioner's Exhibit 3B-1 admitted into evidence. The purpose of this form was to identify his participation as a resident at Shands Teaching Hospital. In response to the questionnaire, Respondent indicated that he did not intend to become licensed in Florida. This form was submitted to the Department of Orthopedic Surgery at the University of Florida and was subsequently forwarded to the Department of Professional Regulation. Notwithstanding the lack of intention on the part of the Respondent to practice medicine in Florida as expressed in his application as executed on March 4, 1985, Respondent applied for and was given an active license to practice medicine issued on November 22, 1985. The medical license is no. ME0047478. He took this step at the instigation of his employer the University of Florida who remitted the necessary fees to obtain that license. On January 16, 1986, Shands Teaching Hospital submitted a list of unlicensed physicians participating in programs within the University of Florida College Medicine as of January 14, 1986 and employed by the University of Florida. This list was sent to Dorothy J. Faircloth, Executive Director of Board of Medical Examiners (Board of Medicine). The attached list included the Respondent's name as being among those persons who were unlicensed physicians working at the University of Florida College of Medicine, Shands Teaching Hospital a that time. A copy of the correspondence of January 16, 1986, is found as Petitioner's exhibit 3-C admitted into evidence and the list itself is Petitioner's exhibit 3-D admitted into evidence. A copy of a list dating from July 1, 1986 describing unlicensed physicians at the University of Florida reflects Respondent's name. However, a line is drawn through his name and other identifying data concerning the Respondent. It is unclear from this record who had drawn that line through the name as reported. A copy of that report may be found as Petitioner's exhibit 3- E admitted into evidence. The list of licensed physicians at the University of Florida as of July 1, 1987, submitted to the Board of Medicine did not reflect the Respondent's name. This can be seen in an examination of Petitioner's exhibit no. 3-G admitted into evidence. Likewise, on January 15, 1988, correspondence was directed to Ms. Dorothy Faircloth, Executive Director of the Board of Medicine, a copy of which is Petitioner's 3-H, admitted into evidence. A list of unlicensed physicians at the University of Florida was attached. That attachment is Petitioner's exhibit no. 3-I, admitted into evidence and it does not show the Respondent's name. That list reflects the circumstance of unlicensed physicians as of January 15, 1988. The Respondent's initial registration as a resident physician on March 4, 1985, was in an effort to comply with the requirements set forth in Section 458.345, Florida Statutes. The submission of the list of the resident physicians and other physicians by the University of Florida, College of Medicine, in the periods as reported above was in an effort to comply with that institution's obligations under Section 458.345, Florida Statutes. In late October or early November, 1987, Respondent received a notice from the Petitioner concerning the renewal of the medical license which had been issued on November 22, 1985. Following the receipt of that notice, he executed the necessary paperwork and submitted it to the accountant at the University of Florida who was responsible for paying Respondent's fees for the medical license as an employee of the University of Florida, School of Medicine, within the Department of Orthopedic Surgery. Respondent took no further action to assure that his license was renewed until late March or early April, 1988. It was at that point that the Respondent was made aware that the replica of his medical license that he kept in his wallet reflected an expiration of that license. He made this discovery when attempting to use that replica as a form of identification. At that juncture he reported to Ms. Jeri Dobbs, an employee of the University of Florida, who indicated that paperwork associated with this license may have been destroyed in a fire at Johnson Hall where certain records of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery were kept. Ms. Dobbs' responsibility in the relevant time period under question, encompassed money matters within the Department of Orthopedics. This included the payment of license fees for residents in the University of Florida Department of Orthopedics. The technique was to request a check from the University of Florida and send that check along with the requisite forms to the Department of Professional Regulation. Sometime in November or early December, 1987, a fire occurred in Johnson Hall at the University of Florida. Within that building were found invoices to be paid or checks requested and they were lost in the fire. In November, 1987, Ms. Dobbs had originally requested a check from the finance and accounting office at Johnson Hall to pay for the re-licensure of certain physicians. The names of those physicians are set forth in Respondent's exhibit no. 3, admitted into evidence. The package of paperwork on license renewal related to the named physicians was lost in the Johnson Hall fire. Respondent's name is not found in that list. Nonetheless, the circumstance that occurred with the physicians listed there may have well have occurred to the Respondent and in his conversation in late March or early April, 1988 with Ms. Dobbs he was impressed with the idea that his paperwork on license renewal may have been destroyed as was the situation with those other physicians. The physicians whose names are listed on Respondent's exhibit no. 3 would have had their medical licenses expire on December 31, 1987, as was the case with Respondent's license. In March, 1988, through efforts of Ms. Dobbs, the licenses of those physicians set forth in Respondent's exhibit no. 3 were renewed upon the payment of a $50 reinstatement or penalty fee as required by Petitioner. There is no indication that those persons as listed in Respondent's exhibit no. 3, were ever subject to disciplinary action for practicing medicine with an inactive license as has been the fate of Respondent in the present case, even though it can be fairly inferred that they had been participating as physicians at the University of Florida in the period January 1, 1988 through latter March, 1988 while their medical license had not been renewed before expiration on December 31, 1987. In conversations between Ms. Dobbs and someone associated with the Petitioner, she expressed her concern at having to pay an additional $50 late fee in the face of the circumstance in which records had been lost in the Johnson Hall fire. In this conversation she was not lead to believe that there would be any problem with the practice of those physicians who were on that list found in Respondent's exhibit no. 3. In her testimony, although Ms. Dobbs acknowledges that Respondent's name is not on the list of physicians whose licenses were reapplied for, she also indicates that she could not say for an absolute fact that these names were the only ones whose information on license renewal was lost. Being of the belief based upon his conversation with Ms. Dobbs that the necessary paperwork for renewal had been destroyed in the Johnson Hall fire, Respondent took the initiative to ascertain the appropriate method to rectify the situation of his license renewal. To this end, at approximately the same time period as the discussion with Ms. Dobbs, he spoke with Ms. Faircloth. He explained the circumstances to Ms. Faircloth of his renewal and specifically the idea in which he was persuaded that his renewal papers had been burned up in the fire at the University of Florida. Her instructions to him were that the paperwork would be forthcoming, to fill it out as quickly as possible and that he should not worry that this sort of thing happened all the time. He was not told by Ms. Faircloth that he should not continue in his duties as a resident physician, given the status of his license renewal. Having not heard from Ms. Faircloth within the week of his initial contact with her, he called her a second time. At that point she said that he should have received the materials. A month after the second contact, another call was made from the Respondent to Ms. Faircloth because he had not received the materials. She indicated that by that time the materials should have been received and therefore she was going to send another set of those forms for him to fill out. A further call was made to Ms. Faircloth and she indicated to the Respondent that the forms had been sent out, and sometime in late June or early July, 1988, information concerning the obtaining of his renewed license began to be received by Respondent. Documents pertaining to the activity of gaining a new license may be found within Petitioner's composite exhibit no. 2 admitted into evidence, in particular those portions 2D through 2J. Throughout this process Respondent cooperated and made timely responses to what was asked of him to effectuate these purposes. Finally, effective October 24, 1988, Respondent obtained his renewed license. Throughout this endeavor neither Ms. Faircloth in conversations with Respondent nor anyone else associated with Petitioner indicated that the Respondent should cease his practice pending the issuance of the renewed license. None of the materials that were forwarded to the Respondent for purposes of license renewal had any admonition against his carrying forward his duties as a resident of the University of Florida pending the resolution of this license problem. After returning the necessary materials to obtain his license, Respondent had not heard from the Department of Professional Regulation, so he checked with Jeri Dobbs and was told that the necessary cash had been remitted for renewal. He called someone within the Petitioner's organization and that person confirmed that the check in furtherance of his license renewal fee had been cashed and that it was probably still in the computer that the license had been printed, but probably had not been sent in the mail. According to Barbara Kemp an employee of Petitioner, who has responsibility for processing requests for license renewal, the detailed requirements set forth in Petitioner's composite exhibit 2 are utilized in the instance wherein the license was not renewed in the ordinary period for renewal. Respondent's situation was perceived in that way. Ms. Kemp refers to this as the reactivation of a license and describes this exhibit as being an indication of the materials necessary to reactivate. As Ms. Kemp explained in her remarks, typically the renewal packet is dispatched 60 days prior to the expiration of the license. That would correspond in this instance to 60 days before December 31, 1987. That circumstance, unlike the situation reflected in Petitioner exhibit no. 2 admitted into evidence, does not contemplate the need to document compliance with certain requirements related to license renewal. In the reactivation mode, that documentation as evidenced by items set forth in Petitioner's exhibit no. 2 would be necessary. According to Ms. Kemp, in the instance where there is a belief that the practitioner has been practicing medicine without the benefit of an active license, a memorandum is sent to those persons within the Petitioner's organization who are responsible for considering administrative complaints. This does not usually occur within the first couple of months beyond the period of license expiration. In this instance, that would correspond to the first couple of months beyond December 31, 1987. The reason for not reporting tardiness in license renewal is due to the fact that Petitioner is busy trying to renew a high number of licenses and the computer takes time to catch up and conclude that activity. This describes the time necessary for data to be entered in the computer system. In this instance, Ms. Kemp complained to the investigatory arm of her organization about the Respondent's possible practice without the benefit of a license and that complaint was made on September 16, 1988.

Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact made and the conclusions of law reached, it is, RECOMMENDED: That a Final Order be entered which dismisses this administrative complaint. DONE and ENTERED this 13th day of February, 1990, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 13th day of February, 1990. APPENDIX The following discussion is given concerning the proposed facts of the parties. Petitioner's Facts Paragraphs 1-8 and all of paragraph 9 save the last phrase are subordinate to facts found. The idea of a supposition by the Board of Medicine that Respondent had withdrawn from the residency program and had become licensed is not crucial to the disposition of this case. Paragraphs 10 and 11 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 12 is contrary to facts found. Paragraphs 13-17 are subordinate to facts found. Respondents's Facts Paragraphs 1-9 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 10 with the exception of the last sentence is subordinate to facts found. The exact whereabouts of the paperwork necessary for renewal was not established with certainty. Paragraphs 11-20 are subordinate to facts found. Copies furnished: Wellington H. Meffert II, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0792 Barbara C. Wingo Associate General Counsel University of Florida 207 Tigert Hall Gainesville, FL 32611 Dorothy Faircloth, Executive Director Department of Professional Regulation, Board of Medicine 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0792 Kenneth E. Easley, General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0792

Florida Laws (9) 120.56120.57458.311458.327458.331458.345775.082775.083775.084
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Blountstown, Florida Sep. 15, 1997 Number: 97-004363 Latest Update: Aug. 10, 1998

The Issue The issue for determination is whether Respondent, a licensed physician, committed a violation of Section 458.331(1)(x), Florida Statutes, as alleged in the Administrative Complaint, and, if so, what disciplinary sanctions should be imposed against his license.

Findings Of Fact Respondent is Grayson C. Snyder, a licensed physician at all times pertinent to these proceedings, holding medical license number ME 0004035. Respondent's last known address is 635 West Central Avenue, Blountstown, Florida 32424-1909. Petitioner is the state agency charged with regulating the practice of medicine pursuant to Section 20.165, Florida Statutes; Chapter 455, Florida Statutes; and Chapter 458, Florida Statutes. On December 29, 1994, the Board of Medicine issued a final order against Respondent. The final order suspended Respondent’s license to practice for at least 6 months, pending his demonstration to the Board that he could practice medicine with skill and safety by undergoing an evaluation by a psychiatrist approved by the Physicians Recovery Network (PRN). The final order also required Respondent’s completion of a period of probation after reinstatement and his payment of an administrative fine in the amount of $5,000 within 30 days of the final order. Respondent has consistently failed to comply with the final order, inclusive of the payment of the $5,000 administrative fine. Other requirements of the final order relating to psychiatric evaluation and completion of a probationary period have also not been met.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing and in accordance with Petitioner's penalty guidelines set forth in Rule 64B-8.001, Florida Administrative Code, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered finding Respondent guilty of the violation alleged in the administrative complaint and revoking Respondent's license. DONE AND ENTERED this 2nd day of April, 1998, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DON W. DAVIS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of April, 1998. COPIES FURNISHED: Carol Lanfri, Esquire Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403 Michael Stone, Esquire 116 East 4th Street Panama City, Florida 32401 Marm Harris, Executive Director Department of Health 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Angela T. Hall, Agency Clerk Department of Health 1317 Winewood Boulevard, Building 6 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Pete Peterson, General Counsel Department of Health Building 6, Room 102-E Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Dr. James Howell, Secretary Department of Health Building 6, Room 306 1317 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700

Florida Laws (3) 120.5720.165458.331
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-001712 Latest Update: Jul. 02, 1990

Findings Of Fact Petitioner, Dr. Winifred Chambers received a master's degree in religion and art in 1957, a second master's degree in 1968 in philosophy with a specialization in ethics and social philosophy and a Ph.D. (with honors) in 1975 in the philosophy of science, all from the University of Chicago. While working on her dissertation, she studied at the Chicago Institute of Psychoanalysis. After working around hospitals and conducting classes and workshops on medical ethics for medical personnel, Petitioner decided to attend medical school. Because her educational training did not include extensive background in certain scientific areas, Petitioner was concerned with her ability to score well on the MCATS, which are the entrance examinations required by all medical schools in the United States. In addition, Petitioner's age (she was in her mid 40's at the time) was considered a negative factor by many medical schools in the United States. As a result, she inquired about attending certain foreign medical schools. She was limited in the schools that she could consider because she did not speak Spanish. Medical Education In 1979, Petitioner applied to the American University of the Caribbean (AUC). AUC taught its medical courses in English and Petitioner was only required to make up a few undergraduate science courses (including physics) in order to enroll in the medical school. Petitioner enrolled in classes at AUC in May of 1980. She actually started classes a few days after the semester began. She completed the first two semesters from May to December 1980 and then went home during the Christmas break. During the break, Petitioner learned that she had received an F in her course in neurosciences. Petitioner met with the professor from that course to discuss the failing grade she received and also met with the President of AUC. As a result of these meetings, it was her understanding that the grade was changed to a passing grade. In January of 1981, Petitioner visited CETEC (another Caribbean medical school located in the Dominican Republic,) and met with officials of the school to discuss transferring from AUC to CETEC. Petitioner applied to CETEC during her visit and, prior to leaving, was informed of her acceptance into medical school at CETEC. Petitioner returned to AUC and completed her third semester at the school. In May of 1981, she officially enrolled at CETEC by initiating clinical rotations at Sharp Hospital in San Diego, California. Even though Petitioner had only completed three semesters at AUC, she was granted status as a fifth semester medical student. She contends that she was granted this status based upon CETEC'S evaluation of her transcript and the number of hours she took at AUC. Prior to her enrollment at CETEC, Petitioner provided CETEC with a transcript indicating she had passed neurosciences at AUC and CETEC gave her credit for the course. From May 4, 1981 to June 6, 1982, Petitioner participated in clinical rotations at Sharp Memorial Hospital in San Diego, California as part of her medical education at CETEC. During this time period, Petitioner also participated in a clinical rotation at Children's Hospital in San Diego, California (from 12/28/81 to 2/20/82). Beginning in 1983, the media and some state licensing agencies began challenging the validity and/or authenticity of the credentials and training of some CETEC medical graduates. CETEC medical school was ultimately closed in 1984. The Dominican Republic government formed an agency to verify and certify the transcripts of CETEC graduates. This agency was called the "Counsel For Superior Education" also referred to by the acronym of CONES. CONES verified and certified the legitimacy of higher education credentials from all Dominican schools submitted to other countries. As part of her pending Florida Application, Petitioner has submitted a certification from CONES dated October 15, 1987 attesting to Petitioner's graduation from medical school at CETEC on June 12, 1982. Petitioner has also submitted a second certification from CONES dated July 8, 1988 confirming her graduation on June 12, 1982. Included as part of the documents submitted by Petitioner from CONES is a Certification of Clinical Rotations dated July 14, 1987 (the "CONES Report") and an academic transcript dated July 14, 1987 (the "CONES Transcript.") The "Education Commission For Foreign Medical Graduates" ("ECFMG") provides a certification of the education of applicants from foreign medical schools who seek licensure in the various United States and offers an examination required by some state licensing boards for licensure of applicants graduating from foreign medical schools. Petitioner passed the ECFMG examination and was certified by the ECFMG in 1982. However, after the CETEC scandal began in 1983, the ECFMG started an investigation of graduates of CETEC (including Petitioner) for the purpose of reverifying their medical training. The ECFMG required clearance from CONES of Petitioner's CETEC education before reverifying her ECFMG certificate. The ECFMG reinstated Petitioner's ECFMG certification on June 26, 1987. The earliest certification from CONES that has been submitted by Petitioner is dated July 14, 1987, approximately two and a half weeks after the ECMFG certification. It is not clear what the ECFMG relied upon in reissuing a certification to Petitioner. While Petitioner contends that CONES had originally certified her CETEC transcript shortly after her graduation in June of 1982, no competent evidence was presented to establish when or if an earlier CONES certification was issued. In any event, Petitioner currently holds a valid ECFMG certificate. In certifying Petitioner's medical degree from CETEC, CONES gave Petitioner credit for courses taken and work done at non-medical schools (i.e., the University of Chicago) prior to entering medical school. These credits are discussed in more detail in Findings of Fact 17. Although the ECFMG has apparently accepted CONES' certification of Petitioner's medical education at CETEC, there are several inconsistencies on the face of the CONES Report. The CONES Report states that during the period from May 4, 1981 to June 6, 1982, Petitioner completed fifty six (56) weeks of clinical rotations. However, in reaching this total the CONES Report provides one week of credit for a rotation (from 5/24/82 to 5/28/82) in obstetrics and gynecology which overlapped with another rotation (from 5/10/82 to 6/5/82) in obstetrics and gynecology. It it also provides double credit for a single two week clinical rotation (from 5/4/81 to 5/16/81) in obstetrics and gynecology. In addition, there are two periods of time (from 2/21/82 to 3/14/82 and from 4/25/82 to 5/9/82, which total approximately five (5) weeks), during which no clinical rotations were taken. Since the period between May 4, 1981 and June 6, 1982 consisted of approximately fifty seven (57) weeks, it does not appear that Petitioner actually completed fifty six (56) weeks of rotations as listed. Deleting the double credit received for the 5/4/81 to 5/16/81 clinical rotation, the CONES Report only appears to certify completion of fifty four (54 weeks) of clinical rotations. Moreover, those fifty four (54) weeks of rotations include one week of credit for five (5) days in obstetrics and gynecology (from 5/24/82 to 5/28/82) which directly overlapped a separately listed clinical rotation in obstetrics and gynecology, and one (1) week of credit for six (6) days in obstetrics and gynecology from 6/1/82 to 6/6/82. Thus, on the face of the CONES Report it appears that Petitioner actually completed only fifty three (53) weeks of rotations at most. This conclusion is bolstered by the fact that, according to the CONES Report, there were approximately five (5) weeks of the fifty-seven (57) week period during which no clinical rotations were taken. Petitioner contends that the CONES Report fails to take into account a five (5) week clerkship in family medicine which she completed at Sharp Hospital and which was accepted by the ECFMG when Petitioner applied for licensure in California. This clerkship is reflected in the CETEC Transcript even though it is not reflected in the CONES Report. It is not clear why this rotation was not included in the CONES Report However, the evidence did establish that Petitioner completed the rotation. One of the five weeks of this family medicine rotation overlaps with an OB/GYN rotation (from 5/4/82 -5/8/82). The time frame of the family medicine rotation roughly coincides with the period of time during which no rotations are reflected in the CONES Report. Thus, this rotation would only add four more weeks to the clerkship total listed on the CONES Report. Even if this four week rotation is added to the fifty three (53) weeks certified in the CONES Report, the Report would still only indicate that Petitioner completed a total of fifty seven (57) weeks of clinical rotations. According to the boiler-plate language on the CONES Report, sixty (60) to seventy-two (72) total weeks of clinical rotations had to be completed by CETEC students who took their clinical rotations outside of the Dominican Republic. Thus, the CONES Report does not reflect completion of the required weeks of clinical rotations even though CONES has issued a certification that purports to certify successful completion of the degree requirements. This discrepancy has not been adequately explained. The CONES Report does not reflect any clinical rotations by Petitioner in psychiatry. However, the CETEC Transcript does indicate that Petitioner was granted eight hours credit for her graduate studies at the University of Chicago from 1971-1973. Petitioner contends she is entitled to at least four hours of clerkship in psychiatry for those studies. However, it appears from the CONES Transcript that the credit she received was applied towards classes in Human Conduct which were a part of the curriculum during the first two years of medical school. There is no evidence to indicate that CETEC or CONES granted or should have granted Petitioner credit for clinical rotations in psychiatry based upon her graduate studies at the University of Chicago. During a three week period (between her second and third semesters at AUC) from December 20, 1980 to January 10, 1981, Petitioner participated in an OB/GYN clinical rotation at Sharp Memorial Hospital in San Diego, California (hereinafter this rotation will be referred to as the "Unsanctioned Rotation.") This rotation is usually not done until after a student completes the third semester of medical school. Petitioner's participation in this Unsanctioned Rotation was not authorized by any medical school and was not a part of any medical school program. Petitioner contends that she satisfied the required sixty (60) clerkship weeks if the Unsanctioned Rotation at Sharp Hospital from December 20, 1980 to January 10, 1981 is added to the undisputed clinical rotations and the family medicine rotation discussed in Findings of Fact 15. However, the Unsanctioned Clerkship was not accepted by CONES and Petitioner has not provided sufficient evidence to establish that it should be counted towards her required clinical rotations. Although CETEC had previously granted Petitioner credit for the neurosciences course at AUC, CONES was not able to verify that Petitioner passed the course and CONES required Petitioner to retake the course in order to obtain the 1987 certification from CONES. Petitioner attended Northwestern University during the spring quarter of 1987 and completed a four credit hour course (based on a quarter system) in neurosciences. This neurosciences course was apparently given five hours ex post facto credit by CONES to fulfill the neurosciences requirement for Petitioner's 1982 CETEC medical diploma. From December, 1987 to March, 1988, Petitioner attended Xochicalco Medical School in Ensenada, Mexico in order to take additional coursework in partial fulfillment of a requirement by the California licensing board in a stipulated agreement for additional medical training before licensure. (Petitioner's stipulation with the State of California is discussed in more detail in Findings of Fact 47-50.) The courses taken at Xochicalco were approved by the California licensing agency and included clinical pathology, pharmacology (two courses) and physiology (two courses). Petitioner successfully passed all of the courses. However, no evidence was presented as to the accreditation status of this school. Petitioner completed a five week rotation in emergency medicine at Cruze Roja Hospital in Mexico in 1988 while she was completing the remedial science classes required by the California Licensing Board. Post-Graduate Training Petitioner completed one year of post graduate training from July 1, 1982 to June 30, 1983 in the family medicine residency program at Holston Valley Community Hospital through East Tennessee State University's Quillen-Dishner College of Medicine. Petitioner has presented a certificate verifying succcessful completion of her first post graduate year of training in this program. Petitioner performed her residency at two hospitals which are part of the East Tennessee State University Quillen-Dishner College of Medicine: Kingsport Family Practice Center and Holston Valley Community Hospital. She saw patients at the Kingsport Family Practice Center for 7 months, one afternoon each week under the supervision of various physicians. The rest of Petitioner's residency was performed at the Holston Valley Community Hospital. Dr. Lee S. Hyde was the program director of the Kingsport Family Medicine Center. Petitioner's contact with Dr. Hyde was limited, but she did have several consultations with him about patients. In an evaluation submitted to the Florida Board of Medicine in connection with Petitioner's application for licensure, Dr. Hyde evaluated Petitioner's diagnostic ability and relationships with patients as poor. He also stated that Petitioner came to the program with a "poor fund of knowledge, clinical habits, and basic medical education". Although he felt Petitioner made progress during the residency program, he did not think it was sufficient. However, his overall evaluation was to recommend with reservations. Dr. Hyde's evaluation of Petitioner to the Board was received by the Board on July 18, 1983. Dr. Hyde noted on the back of the evaluation form that Petitioner was not ready to begin a second year of unsupervised practice. Petitioner was not and would not have been offered a contract for a second year in the residency program. Dr. Hyde also commented that Petitioner demonstrated poor judgment by once going "AWOL" from the program. While Petitioner did take a three (3) day leave over a weekend while assigned to a particular rotation with another physician contrary to the rules of the program, she did so with the permission of her supervisor at the time. Prior to the negative evaluation submitted by Dr. Hyde in July of 1983, Dr. Hyde had previously written a letter dated March 24, 1983 to the Florida Board of Medicine recommending Dr. Chambers for licensure stating that she was in good standing with the program and of reasonable professional competence and excellent moral character. Leslie P. Reynolds, Jr., M.D., was a professor of Family Medicine, assistant Dean, and Director of Medical Education at the Holston Valley Hospital during Petitioner's year of residency. In a June 29, 1983 evaluation form submitted to the Florida Board, Dr. Reynolds, gave an evaluation of Petitioner's performance during the family medicine residency and recommended her as an outstanding applicant. Dr. Reynolds subsequently submitted an affidavit to the Florida Board of Medicine dated October 21, 1987 attesting that Petitioner earned the respect of both her instructors and fellow residents and that the hospital's records suggest that she performed well on all her services and that she was very helpful to other residents. Several other physicians who served as clinical supervisors during Petitioner's residency at Holston Valley have submitted letters of recommendation and virtually all other evaluations of her work were positive. Aside from the letter from Dr. Hyde, (Dr. Hyde did not testify and his letter is hearsay,) no other evidence was presented to demonstrate that Petitioner is incapable of practicing medicine with reasonable skill and safety. The weight of the evidence established that Petitioner is capable of practicing with reasonable skill and safety. Numerous letters from the physicians who have worked with Petitioner over the last several years corroborate to her ability to practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety. Petitioner was employed as a house physician at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami from July 11, 1983 to October 31, 1983. Her position was under the supervision of the Department of Family Medicine in the Ambulatory Care Unit of the Emergency Room Department and the Family Medicine Clinical Faculty from the University of Miami. However, the position was not an advanced residency program and the nature of the supervision and training that Petitioner received has not been fully explained. Furthermore, the evidence did not establish the exact nature of her duties and functions. From October 1984 to March 1985, Petitioner participated in a series of clinical rotations at the Wesley Medical Center which is affiliated with the University of Kansas. The exact nature of Petitioner's position is not clear. The position at the Wesley Medical Center was a non-paying position during which Petitioner completed an eight week rotation in Internal Medicine, twelve weeks in General Surgery and four weeks in psychiatry functioning in each rotation at the level of a first-year resident. Petitioner was not officially enrolled as a resident in this program. However, she did receive evaluations from the attending physicians and her evaluations by the supervising physicians in that program were acceptable. In 1988, Petitioner completed an eight month internship at Universal Medical Center in Plantation, Florida Universal Medical Center is an osteopathic teaching institution. This internship was undertaken to satisfy a requirement of the California licensing authority for eight months of "remedial" clinical work. See, Findings of Fact 50. Petitioner was evaluated as performing in a competent and professional manner in this program. At the Universal Medical Center, Petitioner completed thirty three (33) weeks of clinical rotations. The program extended from March 21, 1988 through November 3, 1988. Her duties and responsibilities were similar to other interns in the program. In sum, Petitioner has successfully completed several additional science courses and completed at least thirty eight (38) additional weeks of clinical training beyond her medical school rotations and first post-graduate year residency. Those weeks of training include thirty three (33) weeks at Universal Medical Center which is an approved osteopathic medical training program that was accepted by the California Licensing Agency for purposes of Petitioner's remedial clinical work. Licensure Applications Petitioner passed the FLEX exam in June, 1982 with a score of 78. She also passed the ECFMG exam in January, of 1982 with a score of 76. In addition, she passed an oral examination administered by the California State Licensing Board in 1988. After graduating from CETEC in June 1982, Petitioner initiated efforts to obtain licensure in several states. In her initial attempts at licensure, Petitioner submitted several misleading applications which have backfired into a morass of complications and confusion. In 1982, Petitioner knowingly submitted a fraudulent application to the State of Oregon. Petitioner filed the application with the Oregon licensing authority in order to take the Federal Licensing Examination known as the FLEX. Oregon was one of the few states which allowed applicants to take the FLEX examination prior to graduation and also granted applicants some choice in the location of the exam. Petitioner took the FLEX in the Virgin Islands in June of 1982. This was the nearest location to the Dominican Republic where she was attending graduation ceremonies at CETEC around the same time. On the application to take the FLEX exam filed with Oregon, Petitioner falsely stated that she attended AUC from May, 1979 to April, 1981. She actually attended AUC from May, 1980 through April, 1981. In the early part of 1983, Petitioner submitted applications for licensure to South Carolina, California, Georgia, New Mexico, and Florida. South Carolina determined that Petitioner was not eligible for licensure in that state because she had not completed the required post-graduate training. Her application for licensure in that state was returned without action. In her applications to Georgia, California and Florida in 1983, Petitioner misrepresented her attendance at CETEC as having commenced in May, 1979 rather than reporting attendance at AUC starting in May, 1980 and ending in May, 1981 when she transferred to CETEC. Petitioner admits that she falsely stated that she began her medical education in May, 1979 on the Oregon FLEX application, as well as the California, Georgia and 1983 Florida applications. In an attempt to justify these false statements, Petitioner points out that the Dean from CETEC had issued a letter to these licensing agencies stating that Petitioner had completed eight (8) semesters at CETEC from 1979 to 1982. Petitioner claims she completed the misleading applications because she wanted her statements to be consistent with the CETEC Dean's certification of attendance. It would appear that an additional motivation for falsifying the applications was to avoid having to explain that she had received medical education credit for some of her non-medical course work at the University of Chicago approximately ten years earlier. It is unclear why the Dean's certification letters were not accurate. While no evidence was presented to directly link Petitioner to the issuance of these incorrect Dean's letters, the shady circumstances surrounding her involvement with Pedro de Mesones around this same time period (discussed in Findings of Fact 87-95 below) leads to an inference that Petitioner was at least indirectly responsible for these misleading letters. In her February 1983 application to New Mexico, Petitioner accurately stated the dates and locations of her medical school education. No adequate explanation was given as to why the correct dates were listed on this 1983 application but not the other applications filed around the same time in Georgia, Florida and California. Petitioner listed the correct dates of attendance at AUC and CETEC on her 1984 Florida application and the 1988 filing which are discussed in more detail in Findings of Fact 69-72 below. Georgia and New Mexico granted Petitioner licensure based upon the 1983 applications. California initially denied her licensure. However, as described in Findings of Fact 47-51 below, Petitioner challenged that decision. Florida permitted Petitioner to withdraw her 1983 Application rather than go to hearing on the Board's intent to deny licensure. See Findings of Fact 67-68. Petitioner's application for licensure in California was filed in the Spring of 1983. Petitioner received a letter in April of 1983 returning her application without action. Petitioner requested reconsideration of her application which, eventually, resulted in a proposed order of denial dated June 9, 1986. Petitioner requested a hearing on that proposed denial. The proposed denial was resolved without hearing by a stipulation between Petitioner and the California licensing agency in an order dated November 5, 1987 (the "California Stipulation"). The stipulated findings of fact in the November 5, 1987 California Stipulation recognize that the application filed by Petitioner in March, 1983 remained pending without action until the 1987 California Stipulation was entered. The California Stipulation notes that the proposed denial of her application in 1986 was based on the grounds that: (a) Petitioner had not listed on her application her attendance at AUC; (b) she had falsely stated under oath that she began her medical education at CETEC beginning in May, 1979; and (c) her medical education did not conform to California requirements. The California Stipulation provides that it supersedes the reasons set forth in the 1986 proposed denial so long as Dr. Chambers abides by the terms of the Stipulation. The California Stipulation makes no findings of fact or conclusions of law regarding wrongdoing on the part of the Petitioner. The California Stipulation provides that Petitioner would be issued a license to practice medicine in California upon completion of remedial medical education specified in the Stipulation, completion of an additional academic year of clinical training before September, 1990, satisfactory proof of certification by CONES, and passage of an oral examination. The California Stipulation also provides that Petitioner shall take forty (40) hours of continuing medical education within the first two (2) years of licensure in addition to the continuing education classes statutorily required for licensure in California. Petitioner was issued her license to practice medicine in California on November 11, 1988 demonstrating that she satisfied the requirements of the November 1987 California Stipulation. In her application to the State of Georgia in June of 1983, the Petitioner specifically represented that she attended CETEC from May of 1979 to April 1980, attended AUC from April, 1980 to May, 1981 and CETEC again from April 1981 through June, 1982. The Dean of CETEC certified to the Georgia licensing agency that Petitioner enrolled in the school of medicine in May, 1979 and attended eight semesters of 4.2 months each. As discussed in Findings of Fact 43, the basis for this certification by the Dean is unclear. Petitioner obtained a license to practice medicine in Georgia based on her 1983 application and did in fact practice medicine in that state from January, 1984 to August, 1984. On August 17, 1984 the Georgia State Board of Medical Examiners issued a Notice of Hearing to Petitioner setting forth charges against her including failure to meet the standards for licensure and/or intentionally making false statements in obtaining a license to practice medicine. The charges also included an allegation that Petitioner "was denied a license by the Board of Medical Quality Assurance of the State of California based on evidence of making false statements on a sworn application and submitting false and/or inaccurate certificates of education to obtain a license to practice in that state." In fact, in 1984 the California licensing authority had not formally denied Petitioner's application for licensure. The proposed denial of Petitioner's California application was pending, but not acted upon. Indeed, a formal denial of her California application was never finalized. Instead, the issues were resolved by the California Stipulation in November, 1987. On September 22, 1984, Petitioner executed a "Voluntary Surrender" which was approved by the Georgia State Board of Medical Examiners and served as the final order of that agency with respect to the Notice of Hearing discussed in Findings of Fact 54. By voluntarily surrendering her license to practice medicine in Georgia, Petitioner waived her right to a hearing on the charges contained in the Notice of Hearing. The first paragraph of the "Voluntary Surrender" states: "I hereby acknowledge that this surrender shall have the same effect as revocation of my license, and I knowingly forfeit and relinquish all right, title and privilege of practicing medicine in the State of Georgia, unless and until such time as my license may be reinstated, in the sole discretion of the Board." Notwithstanding this language, Petitioner contends the "Voluntary Surrender" should be distinguished from a revocation because she did not admit to any wrongdoing and because she was allowed to seek reinstatement upon application and demonstration of the ability to safely practice medicine. The Voluntary Surrender of the Georgia license contains no specific findings of fact or conclusions of law that establish any wrongdoing on the part of the Petitioner. The "Voluntary Surrender" states that Petitioner did not admit to any wrongdoing and it allows Petitioner to seek reinstatement. The Executive Director of the Composite State Board of Medical Examiners of Georgia certified to the Florida Board of Medicine on August 2, 1988, that Petitioner's Georgia license had been issued in 8/83, surrendered in 9/84 and that license had not been "suspended or revoked." Thus, while disciplinary action was clearly initiated against Respondent in Georgia, her license was not revoked. Petitioner was licensed to practice medicine in the State of New Mexico in November, 1983. On January 10, 1985, the New Mexico Board of Medical Examiners served on Petitioner a Notice of Contemplated Action notifying her of charges including having made misrepresentations in applying for and procuring a license to practice medicine in New Mexico and having her license in Georgia revoked. The New Mexico case was referred to a hearing officer who considered argument and briefs by the parties regarding the nature and effect of Petitioner's surrender of her Georgia license. By an order of the New Mexico State Board of Medical Examiners, Petitioner's New Mexico medical license was revoked in January, 1986. The New Mexico order of revocation treated Petitioner's voluntary surrender of her Georgia medical license as the functional equivalent of a revocation for purposes of the New Mexico licensing statute. In reaching this determination, the New Mexico Board relied upon the wording of the Voluntary Surrender and the Georgia Statutes which both indicate that a voluntary surrender shall have the same effect as revocation. No other specific grounds were cited by the New Mexico Board in its Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, Decision and Order. As indicated above, Petitioner's initial application to the Florida Board of Medicine (the "Board") for licensure was filed March, 1983. When the Board proposed denial, Petitioner requested a formal hearing. Prior to hearing, the Board obtained leave from the hearing officer to amend the basis for denial to include grounds relating to information presented to the Board by U.S. Postal Service investigators regarding Petitioner's truthfulness on her application form and the validity of certain documents she utilized in her attempt to obtain a Florida medical license. The Board was granted leave to amend as requested by order dated February 20, 1984. Shortly thereafter, Petitioner filed with the hearing officer a motion to withdraw her application because of the new information presented from the "federal investigation." The Board granted the request to withdraw the 1983 Application in an order rendered May 29, 1984. The Board's proposed denial of Petitioner's 1983 Application was on the basis that the Board had reason to believe that Petitioner, "as a graduate of CETEC, was not capable of safely engaging in the practice of medicine as a result of a report of the California Board of Medical Quality Assurance which indicated gross irregularities in the degree granting process of CETEC University and which raised serious doubts about the adequacy of medical education certified by CETEC." Petitioner filed with the Board a second application for licensure in Florida in December of 1984 (hereinafter referred to as the 1984 Application.) In response to a request for additional information from the Board regarding this second application, Petitioner executed a waiver of the requirement that the Board act upon the application within 90 days. As a result, the 1984 Application was left pending. The 1984 Application was for licensure by endorsement based upon Petitioner's license in New Mexico. As discussed in Findings of Fact 62-66, action was initiated against that New Mexico license in January, 1985 ultimately leading to the revocation of the license in January, 1986. After her New Mexico license was revoked, Petitioner did not hold a valid license to practice medicine in any other state until California issued her a license in November, 1988. On August 1, 1988, Petitioner filed another application with the Board as an update to the 1984 Application. (This August 1988 application is referred to as the "1988 Filing.") In her 1988 Filing, Petitioner included a recertification from ECFMG. At the time she filed her 1984 Florida application, Petitioner's original ECFMG certification had been placed on hold because of the CETEC scandal. Petitioner was required to provide a revalidation of her medical education by ECFMG in order to obtain consideration of her application in Florida. This revalidation was not provided until the 1988 Filing. On September 12, 1988, Petitioner filed a supplement to the 1988 Filing. On November 2, 1988 the Board requested additional information relating to the application. On December 12, 1988 Petitioner filed a response to this request. The Board issued an Order of Intent to Deny on March 3, 1989 stating as grounds for denial in Paragraph 2: You have had licenses in Georgia, New Mexico and California acted against by the licensing bodies of those states. See, Subsections 458.331(1)(b) and 458.311(1)(d), Florida Statutes (1988). The only year of training you received was in 1982-1983 at Holston Valley Community Hospital and the Kingsport Family Practice Center through the auspices of East Tennessee State University Quillen-Dishner College of Medicine. You were recommended less than favorably by both hospitals and you were not permitted to return for a second year of residency training by the College of Medicine. Your poor performance in your only year of medical training evidences your inability to practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety. See, Sections 458.301 and 458.331(4), Florida Statutes (1988). There are material discrepancies between answers and information provided in your 3 different applications and supporting documents submitted to the Board; and you have provided fraudulent information and misrepresented or concealed information regarding your medical education. See Subsections 458.311(1)(c) and 458.331(1)(a) and (hh), Florida Statutes (1988). Inconsistencies in the Application There are several discrepancies between Petitioner's 1983 Florida Application, her 1984 Application, and her 1988 Filing. On the 1984 Application, Petitioner reported her participation in the Unsanctioned Rotation at Sharp Memorial Hospital from December 20, 1980 to January 10, 1981 as part of her clinical clerkships. The Unsanctioned Rotation is not listed on the 1988 Filing. Petitioner contends that it was not until after submission of the 1984 Application that she found out that CONES refused to recognize the clerkships taken in 1980 because Petitioner was not enrolled as a student at CETEC at the time. Therefore, Petitioner deleted those unapproved clerkship weeks from the 1988 Filing. However, while specific reference to the clerkship was deleted in 1988, Petitioner admitted at the hearing that she counted the Unsanctioned Rotation as part of sixty (60) weeks of clerkships claimed in the 1988 Filing. The 1988 Filing states Petitioner completed sixty (60) weeks of clinical clerkships as part of her medical education at CETEC. However, as discussed in Findings of Fact 13 through 18, Petitioner's submitted a CONES verification of clinical rotations that only details fifty six (56) weeks (including duplicate and overlapping credit) of clinical clerkships. In the 1988 Filing, Petitioner did report the actions taken against her medical licenses in Georgia and New Mexico and mentioned her problems obtaining licensure in California. On the 1984 Application, Petitioner responded to the question "Have you ever been notified to appear before any licensing agency for a hearing on a complaint of any nature, including, but not limited to, a charge or violation of the medical practice act, unprofessional or unethical conduct?" by stating "after my voluntary surrender, notice of hearing in Georgia, [sic] charging denial and Flafalse documents re licensure (both false)." Both the Notice of Hearing and the Voluntary Surrender in Georgia were issued prior to the completion of Petitioner's 1984 Florida Application. Thus, while Petitioner did disclose the voluntary surrender, she only provided a brief and somewhat misleading explaination. The 1984 Application does not mention Petitioner's application in South Carolina (which was returned without action) nor does it discuss Petitioner's licensure difficulties in California other than to say she had been denied a license because of "informal deficiencies." The 1984 Application also omits Petitioner's licensure problems in New Mexico which is understandable since the Notice of Contemplated Action in that case was not filed until January, 1985. The application form requires the applicant to list all universities or colleges where the applicant "took classes/received training." Petitioner listed her training at the University of Kansas, Wesley Medical Center under the medical education section of her 1984 Application. In the 1984 application, she refers to it as a "externship". That position is also listed in the medical education section of the 1988 Filing with an explanation indicating that she was not actually a resident. As discussed in Findings of Fact 30, her position at the Wesley Medical Center is not easily described due to the unusual circumstances that led to her participating in the program. She was repeating clerkships in certain areas in accordance with the stipulation reached with the California licensing agency. Although Petitioner was not officially enrolled in classes or a residency program in that position, she considers it as part of her medical education and training and, therefore, listed it as such. In her 1984 Application, Petitioner listed time spent at Jackson Memorial Hospital (University of Miami) and Wesley Medical Center (Unversity of Kansas) on a sheet entitled graduate and post-graduate education. On her 1988 Filing, she listed both positions as post-graduate training. Both of these positions were actually house staff positions rather than part of the training programs of the affiliated medical schools. In the 1984 Application, Petitioner listed her dates of training at the Wesley Medical Center as October, 1984 to April 1985 (which was her projected completion date.) The 1984 Application was filled out and filed with the Board in December 1984, four months prior to the projected completion date of the Wesley position. In the 1988 Filing, Petitioner listed her actual completion date of March, 1985, which was approximately two weeks earlier than the projected completion date referred to in the 1984 Application. From January 1984 to August 1984, Petitioner worked for Spectrum Emergency Care in emergency rooms and free-standing clinics in Georgia. Petitioner listed different dates of service with Spectrum on the 1984 Application and the 1988 Filing. Petitioner contends the differences are due in part because the 1988 Filing included employment at Spectrum in New Mexico in December 1984 and January 1985 after submission of the 1984 Application. However, the 1988 Filing states that Petitioner was continuously employed by Spectrum from January 1984 - January 1985. In fact, she was not employed during the months of August, September, October and November, 1984. Moreover, her employment with Spectrum in New Mexico in December, 1984 and January, 1985 overlaps with her "externship" at the Wesley Medical Center/University of Kansas which took place from October, 1984 through March, 1985. Apparently, this overlap was possible because her work for Spectrum in December, 1984 consisted of one weekend and a holiday and in January, 1985 consisted of one weekend. In sum, the 1988 Filing significantly overstates her actual experience with Spectrum. The 1988 Filing contains several inconsistent statements regarding Petitioner's employment as a ship's physician. Under the practice/employment section of that Filing, she states she was a ship's physician for SeaEscape from April, 1985 to September, 1985 and a ship's physician for Commodore Cruise Lines from February, 1986 to September, 1986. Later in the application, under postgraduate medical training and work experience, she states she was a Chief Medical Officer for cruise ships from April, 1985, through September, 1986. However, according to the previously cited information, for at least a four month period during that time frame, she was not employed. In another portion of her application, Petitioner lists under clinical medicine that she worked on the two ships from April, 1985 through September, 1987. Even assuming that there is a typographical error and Petitioner meant September, 1986 as indicated in the other listings, by deleting any reference to the four months that she was not employed, an impression is created that Petitioner has more clinical experience than was actually true. There is a conflict between the AUC transcript that Petitioner submitted with the 1988 Filing and earlier versions of the transcript that appear in her records. The course titles are consistent in the transcripts, but the numbers of some of the courses are different. Only the last digit of the course numbers are different. Whether a course is listed in the 100 series, 200 series and 300 series is consistent in all of the transcripts. The series numbers reflect first semester, second semester and third semester courses respectively. The AUC transcript submitted with the 1988 Filing was the most recent one obtained by Petitioner from AUC. That transcript was prepared in June, 1986 and reflects a failing grade in the neurosciences course. However, as discussed in Finding of Fact 4, that grade was changed to a passing grade as reflected in a 1981 transcript from AUC which was submitted to CETEC when Petitioner transferred to that school. No adequate explanation has been given to explain why the 1986 AUC transcript is not consistent with the earlier one. Postal Investigation The confusing circumstances surrounding Petitioner's medical education are further complicated by her involvement with Pedro de Mesones. The circumstances surrounding her involvement with Pedro de Mesones have not been fully explained. While Pedro de Mesones' exact status or position is unclear, Petitioner believed him to be a representative of CETEC. He has subsequently been convicted of mail fraud in connection with selling medical diplomas and has been sentenced to a federal prison term. Between July, 1981 and January, 1982, while Petitioner was conducting her clinical rotations in San Diego, she attempted to get information and documentation from CETEC, but she had trouble getting responses to her repeated telephone calls, letters and telegrams. Petitioner sought the help of Pedro de Mesones in getting cooperation and/or responses from CETEC regarding transcripts and other documents necessary for the loan applications and residency applications which she had to file prior to her anticipated medical school graduation date of June, 1982. Another reason Petitioner hired Pedro de Mesones was to get confirmation that CETEC would give her credit towards her medical degree for her prior work on her Ph.D. at the University of Chicago. These credits were necessary for Petitioner to graduate in June of 1982 as she anticiapted. Petitioner was advised by others familiar with the school that Pedro de Mesones could help her in her dealings with CETEC. She first contacted Pedro de Mesones by telephone in February, 1982. She agreed to pay him a total of more than $8,000 for his services. Petitioner explains her payments to Pedro de Mesones as a $3000 fee, plus the next two (2) semester's tuition payments totaling an additional $5000.00 plus a $100.00 graduation fee. Pedro de Mesones advised Petitioner that she had to pay CETEC's tuition totalling $5,000 for two (2) additional semesters even though she did not have to take any classes at CETEC because she was given credit for her work at the University of Chicago. At one point during her dealings with Pedro de Mesones, Petitioner signed a false transcript from a Mexican medical school at Pedro de Mesones' request. This transcript reflected work which Petitioner never completed. No adequate explanation was given as to why these false transcripts were ever prepared. While Petitioner contends that she asked Pedro de Mesones not to use the false Mexican transcript for any purpose, it appears that these transcripts were prepared in the event that Petitioner could not secure two semesters credit from CETEC for her Ph.D. work at the University of Chicago. Ultimately, CETEC decided to give her credit for some of the Ph.D. course work she completed at the University of Chicago. As a result, Petitioner was able to graduate in June of 1982 from CETEC without having to use the false Mexican transcripts. It does not appear that the fraudulent Mexican transcript were ever used by Petitioner in any of her applications. Petitioner provided Pedro de Mesones with two false transcripts regarding her AUC medical education. It is clear that she intended for him to use those transcripts, if necessary, to get a dean's certification from CETEC. One of the false AUC transcripts she prepared made its way into the records of CETEC. It is not clear how CETEC obtained that transcript. Because Petitioner was given credit for her graduate work at the University of Chicago, she did not need the extra credits reflected on the false AUC transcripts. Petitioner subsequently wrote the Dean of CETEC requesting removal of the false AUC transcript after she saw it in her CETEC records during a visit to CETEC to obtain a letter from the Dean showing her to be in good standing. Petitioner asked Pedro de Mesones to provide her with letters signed by the CETEC Dean showing her to be in good standing and on track for graduation in June, 1982. She intended to use these letters in applying for licensure for residency programs. Petitioner felt that she was on track to graduate and indicated to Pedro de Mesones that because of time pressures, she felt it would be acceptable for him to forge the signature of the Dean on the letters required by the various state licensing agencies. However, there is no indication that he did so. While none of the false transcripts prepared by Petitioner were directly submitted by her in any of the applications for licensure filed with any state licensing authorities, it is clear the Dean's certification letters included in Petitioner's 1983 Applications in some of the states were false. See Findings of Fact 39-44. No direct connection has been drawn between the false Dean's certification letters submitted with Petitioner's applications in Georgia and California and Pedro de Mesones. However, the circumstances surrounding Petitioner's dealings with Pedro de Mesones raise a question as to how the certifications were obtained. More importantly, it is clear that Petitioner was aware that the representations contained in the Dean's certifications and the dates of attendance at medical school listed on her 1983 Applications were false. Nevertheless, she still submitted the applications. Petitioner's dealings with Pedro de Mesones ended on June 14, 1982, two days after her graduation ceremonies at CETEC. Practice Experience Petitioner has at various times practiced medicine in Georgia and New Mexico prior to surrendering or losing her license in those states. She has also worked on cruise ships as a ship's doctor for several months. She is currently licensed and practicing in California. She has been licensed in that state since November, 1988. She has practiced emergency medicine at various hospitals and has been practicing as a primary care physician for Castle Air Force Base in California since December 1988. There is no indication that she has been deficient in carrying our her professional duties in any of these positions.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Board of Medical Examiners enter a Final Order granting Petitioner's application for licensure as a physician in the State of Florida subject to a probationary period of two years upon such terms and conditions as the Board deems appropriate. DONE AND ORDERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 2nd day of July, 1990. J. STEPHEN MENTON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of July, 1990. APPENDIX Both parties have submitted Proposed Recommended Orders. To the extent that the proposed findings of fact can be isolated, they are addressed below. The Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact Proposed Finding Paragraph Number in the Findings of Fact of Fact Number in the Recommended Order Where Accepted or Reason for Rejection. 1. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 37, 46-50 and 67. 2. Aubored in substance in Findings of Fact 67 and 68. 3. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 69. 4. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 70. 5. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 71. 6. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 72. Adopted in substance in the preliminary statement. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 73. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 73. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 1. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 2-4 and 6. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 5. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 6. Suborindate to Findings of Fact 6 and 8. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 20. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 96. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 9. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 9. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 10. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 11 and 33. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 87. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 87 and 88. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 88. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 89. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 90-94. The first sentence is rejected as constituting argument. The second sentence is subordinate to Findings of Fact 94. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 95. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 35. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 35. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 35. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 36. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 36 and 39- 42. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 45. The first sentence is adopted in Findings of Fact 87. The remainder is rejected as irrelevant. Rejected as irrelevant. Rejected as irrelevant. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 73. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 47-66. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 47. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 48. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 50. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 51. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 49. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 54. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 55. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 57, 59-60. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 58. Suborindate to Findings of Fact 61. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 59. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 62-66. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 66. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 66. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 73. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 73. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 20-30. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 73. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 22 and 27. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 23. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 24. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 23. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 25-26. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 27. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 24 and 25. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 73. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 27. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 73. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 74. See proposed findings 26-30 above. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 79-80. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 81. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 82-83. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 38. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 78. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 83. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 77. Rejected as irrelevant. Rejected as irrelevant. Rejected as irrelevant. Rejected as irrelevant. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 78. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 84. Addressed in Findings of Fact 12-18. Rejected as irrelevant. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 12-19. The Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact Proposed Finding Paragraph Number in the Findings of Fact of Fact Number in the Recommended Order Where Accepted or Reason for Rejection. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 1. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 2. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 3. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 4. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 5. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 6. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 7. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 9 and 13. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 13 and 14. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 16. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 18. Subordinate to indings of Fact 35. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 37. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 48. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 39. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 44. Subordinate to Fndings of Fact 46-52 and 67- 68. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 69. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 78. Subordinate to Findings of 78. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 76. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 70. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 76, 77 and 78. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 71. Adopted in substance in Findings of 72. 26. Adopted in substance in the preliminary statement. 27. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 73. 28. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 73. 29. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 54. 30. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 56. 31. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 78. 32. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 63. 33. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 65. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 47-51. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 22. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 24-26. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 27. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 25. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 31 and 79- 81. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 29. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 12 and 17. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 19. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 87-95. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 20. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 97. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 87-95. Rejected as not supported by competent substantial evidence. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 40. Rejected as not supported by competent substantial evidence. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 47-68. Rejected as constituting argument. Rejected as constituting argument. Copies furnished: Paul Watson Lambert, Esquire Attorney at Law 1355 Mahan Drive P. O. Box 31 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Allen R. Grossman, Esquire Assistant Attorney General Suite 1602 - The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 Dorothy Faircloth Executive Director Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Suite 60 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Kenneth E. Easley General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Suite 60 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792

Florida Laws (5) 120.57458.301458.311458.313458.331
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Jul. 08, 2011 Number: 11-003366 Latest Update: Jun. 04, 2012

The Issue Whether Petitioner's certificate of registration as a pain management clinic should be revoked pursuant to section 458.3265, Florida Statutes (2010).1/

Findings Of Fact By stipulation the parties agreed to the following: Unique is a Florida for-profit corporation; Unique is not a pain management clinic. However, Unique is registered as a pain management clinic with the Department; and Ronald and Grace Van Der Juijl are not physicians licensed under chapters 458 or 459, Florida Statutes. Unique is, therefore, not fully owned by a physician licensed under chapters 458 or 459, or a group of physicians, each of whom is licensed under chapter 458 or 459. Section 458.309(4), Florida Statutes (2009), reads, in part, as follows: All privately owned pain-management clinics, facilities, or offices, hereinafter referred to as "clinics," which advertise in any medium for any type of pain-management services, or employ a physician who is primarily engaged in the treatment of pain by prescribing or dispensing controlled substance medications, must register with the department by January 4, 2010, unless that clinic is licensed as a facility pursuant to chapter 395. On January 5, 2010, Unique, pursuant to section 458.309(4), submitted to the Department an application for pain clinic registration. On March 10, 2010, the Department issued to Unique, pain management clinic license no. PMC 681.4/ On October 1, 2010, approximately nine months after becoming effective, section 458.309(4) was repealed. Also on October 1, 2010, section 458.3265 became effective. Section 458.3265(1) provides, in part, as follows: (d) The department shall deny registration to any clinic that is not fully owned by a physician licensed under this chapter or chapter 459 or a group of physicians, each of whom is licensed under this chapter or chapter 459; or that is not a health care clinic licensed under part X of chapter 400. * * * (f) If the department finds that a pain- management clinic does not meet the requirement of paragraph (d), . . . the department shall revoke the certificate of registration previously issued by the department. As determined by rule, the department may grant an exemption to denying a registration or revoking a previously issued registration if more than 10 years have elapsed since adjudication. As used in this subsection, the term "convicted" includes an adjudication of guilt following a plea of guilty or nolo contendere or the forfeiture of a bond when charged with a crime. (Emphasis supplied.) Unique is not a health care clinic licensed under part X of chapter 400.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law set forth herein, it is RECOMMENDED that Respondent, Department of Health, enter a final order revoking Petitioner, Unique Health Care Orlando's, license to operate as a pain management clinic. DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of November, 2011, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LINZIE F. BOGAN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of November, 2011.

Florida Laws (6) 120.569120.57120.68458.309458.3265459.0137
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-002980 Latest Update: Aug. 29, 1990

The Issue The issues presented here are based upon an Administrative Complaint filed by the Petitioner against the Respondent seeking the revocation, suspension, or other disciplinary action against the Respondent, and his license to practice medicine in the State of Florida. Count I to the Administrative Complaint accuses the Respondent of making misleading, deceptive, untrue and fraudulent representations in obtaining his license to practice medicine in the State of Florida. It is further contended that Respondent has not and cannot demonstrate that he graduated from medical school, and alleges that Respondent cannot demonstrate that he has met the minimal medical education, training and experience necessary for licensure by the Petitioner. Based upon these allegations, Respondent has purportedly violated Subsection 455.1201(1)(a), Florida Statutes (1977), by failing to demonstrate qualifications and standards for licensure contained in Chapter 455, Florida Statutes, or the rules and regulations of the Board of Medical Examiners. Count II, utilizing the same factual basis as has been alleged in the initial count, accuses the Respondent of violating Subsection 455.1201(1)(b) , Florida Statutes (1977), by practicing fraud or deceit in obtaining a license to practice medicine. Count III accuses the Respondent, based upon the aforementioned facts, with violating Subsection 458.1201(1) Florida Statutes (1977), by engaging in unethical, deceptive or deleterious conduct or practice harmful to the public. Count IV is based upon the facts as related in Count I and asserts that Respondent has violated Subsection 455.1201(1)(m), Florida Statutes (1977), by being guilty of immoral or unprofessional conduct, negligence or willful misconduct. Count V, utilizing the facts related in Count I, alleges that Respondent has violated Subsection 455.327(2)(c), Florida Statutes (1951), and thereby violated Subsection 458.331(1)(x), Florida Statutes (1981), by violating a provision of Chapter 455, Florida Statutes. Finally, Count VI, asserting the facts as discussed herein, alleges that Respondent has violated Subsection 455.331(1)(a), Florida Statutes (1951), by attempting to obtain and obtaining a license to practice medicine by fraudulent misrepresentations CASE HISTORY On September 24, 1981, the Petitioner filed the Administrative Complaint against the Respondent which is the subject of this proceeding and which is referred to in summary fashion by the Issues statement to this Recommended Order. Subsequently, Respondent requested a hearing in this cause on November 11, 1981, by indicating, in substance, that he disputed the allegations as contained in the Administrative Complaint. On that same date, Respondent, through counsel, answered the Administrative Complaint. This answer was made a part of the record in the course of the final hearing and is being forwarded with the Recommended Order in this action. On November 30, 1981, the Division of Administrative Hearings received the case from Petitioner, the Petitioner having requested the Division to conduct a formal hearing in this matter. On December 3, 1981, Respondent's initial counsel withdrew from representation of Respondent. Respondent subsequently obtained the assistance of his present counsel, Rodney Smith, Esquire, and a final hearing was conducted on March 9, 1982, in keeping with Subsection 120.57(1), Florida Statutes. Petitioner's presentation consisted of testimony by Dorothy J. Faircloth, Executive Director, Board of Medical Examiners, State of Florida. Petitioner also offered seven (7) items as evidence. All those items, with the exception of Nos. 5 and 6, have been received. Respondent gave testimony and presented as witnesses Edward M. Crawford, President, High Springs, Florida, Chamber of Commerce; Lorna J. Peters, resident, High Springs, Florida; Leslie Ann Morgan, X-Ray Technologist in the office of Respondent; Angela Anderson, employee of Respondent; Mireya Braga, Respondent's wife; Lacey William Register, Mayor, High Springs, Florida; a Mr. Westmoreland, resident, High Springs, Florida; Cybil M. Crawford, Vice- President, High Springs Bank, High Springs, Florida; and Thomas William Wolfe, Chief of Police, High Springs, Florida. Respondent offered six (6) items of evidence. All items have been received. The parties, in the person of counsel, have offered proposed recommended orders and supporting argument. Those matters have been reviewed prior to the entry of this Recommended Order. To the extent that those items are consistent with this Recommended Order, they have been utilized. To the extent that the matters are inconsistent with this Recommended Order, they are hereby rejected.

Findings Of Fact In February, 1976, Respondent made his initial application to the Board of Medical Examiners to become a licensed physician in the State of Florida. A copy of that application may be found as Petitioner's Exhibit No. 1, admitted into evidence. This application was received beyond the time of the deadline for filing and as a consequence, Respondent was required to submit a further application. The second application was made on January 17, 1977. A copy of that application may be found as Petitioner's Exhibit No. 2, admitted into evidence. Both applications were prepared by the Respondent and sworn to as to their accuracy. This attestation also acknowledged that if false information was given in the application, that Respondent agreed that the act of falsifying the application constituted cause for denial, suspension or revocation of his license to practice medicine in the State of Florida. Following the submission of the second application for licensure, Braga stood the Board of Medical Examiners' license examination, given in English, and was a successful candidate for licensure. He was awarded License No. ME0032004 and has renewed that license by the payment of applicable fees since the initial award of the license in 1978. The Administrative Complaint which has been discussed in the course of this Recommended Order challenges the accuracy of the information presented in the applications which were submitted by Respondent. In the initial application filed by the Respondent for licensure dating from February, 1976, Braga states that he attended Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas de Santos in Sao Paulo, Brazil, from February, 1971, through December, 1967. In the application, Respondent indicates that he practiced and/or was employed at the INPS (Institute National of Providence Social) , Sao Paulo, Brazil, in General Practice, between 1970 through 1972; Clinica Nuesta Senora, Sao Paulo, Brazil, in General Practice, between 1971 through 1972; Heliopolis Hospital, Sao Paulo, Brazil, between 1969 through 1970, and the Fundacao Centro Nacional, San Paulo, Brazil, between January, 1968 and December, 1968. The initial application of February, 1976, also contained a document written in Portuguese, which was sworn and certified to by Braga as being a true, authentic and legitimate photocopy of the original of his medical diploma issued by Medic Sciences of Santos in Brazil. (See Petitioner's Exhibit No. 1) There is also contained in the application of February, 1976, an indication, under oath by Respondent, concerning a document as attached, purportedly issued by Heliopolis Hospital in San Paulo, Brazil. Finally, Respondent had attached to the form application, and found in Petitioner's Exhibit No. 1, affidavits from three physicians; Antonio J. Maniglia, Jorge Macedo and Humberto Munoz. These affidavits indicated that the physicians swore and affirmed that, by their personal knowledge, Respondent attended and graduated from Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas de Santos, and practiced lawfully in the profession of medicine in Brazil in the years 1968 through 1972, and further indicated that the physicians had practiced in Brazil during that time. It has been proven and Respondent acknowledges that the application of February, 1976, Petitioner's Exhibit No. 1, was false to the extent that it indicated his attendance at Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas de Santos in Sao Paulo, Brazil, during the years 1971 through 1967; to the extent that the application indicated he practiced in the hospitals and clinics as set forth above, and to the extent that the application indicated that the physicians who had signed the affidavits had personal knowledge of Respondent's graduation from the medical school and his practice of medicine in Brazil. In the January, 1977, application with associated documents, found as Petitioner's Exhibit No. 2, admitted into evidence, Respondent indicates to the Board of Medical Examiners that he attended Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas de Santos, Sao Paulo, Brazil, from December 1967 to February, 1971, and received his degree of Doctor of Medicine from that school on January 7, 1967. He indicates in the application, on the subject of residency or other postgraduate training, that he worked at the Fundacao Lusiada, Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas de Santos, from January, 1967, through October, 1967; and attended a Vascular Surgery Course, in the Heliopolis Hospital, Sao Paulo, Brazil, November, 1970. His employment was described in the application as being at the INPS (Institute National of Providence Social) Hospital, Sao Paulo, Brazil, General Practice, 1970 through 1972; at Clinica Nuestra Senora, Sao Paulo, Brazil, General Practice, 1971 through 1972; at Heliopolis Hospital, Sao Paulo, Brazil, General Practice, 1969 through 1970; and Fundacao Centro Nacional, General Practice, January, 1968 through December, 1968. The second application, which is found as Petitioner's Exhibit No. 2, attached a medical diploma purportedly from the School of Medical Sciences of Santos (Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas de Santos). This document shows a date of January 7, 1967, and was dissimilar to the diploma document which was attached to the February, 1976, application. There were certain affidavits with the January, 1977, application from physicians Jose A. Pardo, Jaime Motta and Pedro Melo, which affidavits indicated that the physicians had personal knowledge of Braga's attendance and graduation from Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas de Santos, in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and that he had lawfully practiced the profession of medicine in Brazil in the years 1967 through 1972. It was shown and Respondent admits that the January, 1977 application for licensure was false, in that Respondent did not attend the Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas de Santos in Sao Paulo, Brazil, from December 1967 through February, 1971; that be had not practiced medicine in the hospitals and clinics as listed; that be had not attended residency or postgraduate training programs as shown in the application; and that the physicians who signed the affidavits for Respondent did not have personal knowledge of his graduation from medical school or his practice of medicine in Brazil. In reality, while it is accepted, that Respondent, who is a native of Brazil, has obtained a medical doctor's knowledge, Braga is not found to have graduated from a medical school either in that country or elsewhere or to have, following graduation from a medical school, practiced medicine as a general practitioner for five years or practiced in a one-year internship program, prior to licensure in Florida. Respondent departed Brazil sometime either in 1968 or 1969. Fe did so in the face of circumstances in his country, in which Respondent had been imprisoned. After gaining his freedom he migrated to the United States. When Braga arrived in the United States, he moved to Chicago, Illinois, and practiced medicine in that community without the benefit of a medical license. He subsequently left the State of Illinois and moved to Florida. After arriving in Florida and while employed in the Milagrosa Clinic in Miami, Florida, practiced medicine. At that time he had not been licensed by the State of Florida to practice medicine. Prior to the date of licensure by the State of Florida, Respondent attended and successfully completed the Florida State Board of Medical Examiners' continuing education program for 1977, which was offered by the Office of International Medical Education, University of Miami, School of Medicine, In turn, he successfully stood the requisite medical examination offered in English and was licensed. After receiving his medical license in 1975, Respondent moved to High Springs, Florida, and opened a medical practice which is primarily involved with the general practice of medicine. In the course of his practice, he has treated some 15,000 to 20,000 patients. Respondent offered as witnesses many persons from the community of High Springs, Florida, who, from the point of view of these individuals, are impressed with his good moral character. No evidence was presented from either side on the subject of Respondent's reputation as a medical practitioners as perceived by members of his profession.

Florida Laws (6) 120.55120.57458.327458.331775.08390.902
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Naples, Florida Jan. 13, 2000 Number: 00-000245 Latest Update: May 04, 2001

The Issue The issue in the case is whether the allegations of the Administrative Complaint filed by the Petitioner are correct and, if so, what penalty should be imposed against the Respondent.

Findings Of Fact Beginning on October 3, 1995, and at all times material to this case, the Respondent has been licensed as a medical doctor in the State of Florida, holding license number ME 69324. At all times material to this case, the Respondent was also a licensed medical doctor in Minnesota. From 1984 to 1998, the Respondent was employed as a professor at the University of Minnesota (University). As a University professor, the Respondent was involved in chemical dependency research and participated in human research projects intended to treat drug addictions. Beginning in June 1993, the Respondent conducted a study wherein Gamma-Hydroxybutrate (GHB) was provided to human test participants. The Respondent was the principal investigator in the study. He personally applied to and received permission from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to conduct the study. The human participants in the 1993 GHB study were primarily a group of Southeast Asians known as "Nmong" who exhibit high rates of opium addiction. The purpose of the study was to determine whether GHB could be beneficial in detoxification from opium addiction. As the principal investigator, the Respondent was responsible for planning and implementation of the study. Obtaining the "informed consent" of study participants was a requirement of the University's standard protocol, and is a standard requirement for any human research project The informed consent documentation used in the Respondent's GHB study consisted of five English-text pages. The participants in the GHB study were essentially unable to speak or read English. The Respondent assumed that the University hospital, where the study was conducted, would obtain the appropriate informed consent from participants. By the time the GHB study began, informed consent had not been obtained from all the human test subjects. The University apparently became aware of the informed consent issue, and asked the Respondent on August 4, 1993 to discontinue the test. The Respondent terminated the test on August 5, 1993. After the test was terminated, the University reviewed the test's procedures and determined that in addition to the informed consent issue, test administrators had failed in some cases to follow dosing protocol limits, and had also failed to provide a substitute drug (methadone) to study participants who sought the substitution. Based on the improper implementation of the study, the University took disciplinary action against the Respondent including a reprimand, restrictions against conducting research involving university hospital patients, and imposition of a two- year monitoring period of the Respondent's clinical performance. Based on the University action, the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice reviewed the situation. The Board is the licensing authority for physicians in the State of Minnesota. By Order dated May 9, 1998, the Respondent entered into a stipulation and order with the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice. The stipulation and order required as follows: provide proof of compliance with requirements imposed by the University of Minnesota; notify the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice if Respondent participated in human research studies for a period of two (2) years; c. obtain a supervising physician, meet with the supervising physician monthly, and provide the supervising physician with information pertaining to Respondent's clinical practice outside the scope of his teaching responsibilities; d) meet with a designated member of the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice quarterly to review Respondent's progress under the terms of the order; and c) pay a civil penalty in the amount of $3,500. Although the Respondent did not have a private clinical practice in Minnesota, he had a limited number of clinical patients at a VA hospital in Minnesota who were outside his teaching responsibilities. In accordance with the terms of the settlement and order, the Respondent obtained a supervising physician who apparently oversaw the clinical practice. In September 1998, the Respondent moved to Florida and began a private clinical practice.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Petitioner enter a final order imposing a suspension of the Respondent's Florida licensure until the Respondent's Minnesota license is unencumbered. DONE AND ENTERED this 20th day of July, 2000, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. WILLIAM F. QUATTLEBAUM Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of July, 2000. COPIES FURNISHED: Angela T. Hall, Agency Clerk Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 William W. Large, General Counsel Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 Tanya Williams, Executive Director Board of Medicine Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way BIN C01 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3251 Kristy M. Johnson, Esquire Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive Post Office Box 14229 Tallahassee, Florida 32317-4229 Donald W. Weidner, Esquire G. Thomas Bowden, II, Esquire Donald W. Weidner, P.A. 11265 Alumni Way, Suite 201 Jacksonville, Florida 32246

Florida Laws (3) 120.57381.0261458.331 Florida Administrative Code (1) 64B8-8.001
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Feb. 10, 1995 Number: 95-000632RP Latest Update: May 28, 1996

Findings Of Fact The following facts were stipulated by the parties and required no proof at hearing: Petitioner, University Hospital, Ltd., is a Florida limited partnership and is the licensee of University Hospital and University Pavilion Hospital, both located on North University Drive, Tamarac, Florida. Petitioner Sebastian Hospital, Inc., is a Florida corporation, and is the licensee of Sebastian Hospital and SandyPines Hospital. Both hospitals are located on separate premises. Petitioner Haines City HMA, Inc., is a Florida corporation, and is the licensee of Heart of Florida Hospital, Inc. and Palmview Hospital. Both hospitals are located on separate premises. Petitioners timely filed their respective Petitions to determine the invalidity of the proposed rules at issue. Petitioners would be regulated by the proposed rules and are substantially affected parties with standing to challenge the proposed rules at issue. No proof is necessary to prove the standing of these Petitioners. Prior Rule 59C-1.004(2)(i) (the "License Consolidation Rule") required CON application and approval for license consolidations pursuant to Section 395.003, F.S. It was declared invalid in University Hospital, Ltd., et al. v. AHCA, 16 F.A.L.R. 3312 (final order dated July 22, 1994). [This decision is referenced throughout as University Hospital.] Prior to invalidation of the License Consolidation Rule, six CON applicants sought issuance of a single, or consolidated, license to replace former separate licenses held by the same licensee for facilities located on separate premises. Each of these six prior applicants involved a general acute care hospital and a specialty psychiatric hospital. Those applicants resulted in an issuance of CON numbers 7303, 6954, 7712, 7311, 7167, and 7047. Each of those six applications was ulti- mately approved in the form of a single license. When the single licenses were issued, no restrictions were placed on the licensees regarding eligibility for Medicaid reimbursement. As reflected in the respective SAARS, a significant result of approval of each of these applications was that the formerly separately licensed psychiatric hospital became eligible for Medicaid reimbursement for treatment of Medicaid patients. All of these prior applicants had licenses issued and became eligible for Medicaid. Such Medicaid reimbursement was not available to the separately licensed psychiatric facilities prior to issuance of a single, or consolidated, license. Aside from the rules under challenge, there has been no change in pertinent state statutes or rules subsequent to the final order in University Hospital Ltd., v. AHCA 16 F.A.L.R. 3312. After invalidation of the Consolidated License Rule, AHCA's interpretation is that issuance of a single, or consolidated, license for a general acute care hospital and a psychiatric hospital does not result in Medicaid eligibility. Petitioners did not participate in any of the rule workshops conducted on June 22, July 7, and November 2, 1994 or the public hearing held on February 13, 1995. Petitioners did not send in any written comments, questions, or materials, or request an economic impact statement. A holding of the Final Order in University Hospital, was that a Certificate of Need was not required prior to the issuance of a single consol- idated license for multiple premises. University Hospital, 16 F.A.L.R. at 3321. The Agency has no discretion regarding rule- making pursuant to Section 120.535. (Joint Prehearing Stipulation, filed 3/14/95) Approximately eighteen months ago and well before the University Hospital decision, the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) commenced a major rewrite of the hospital license rules that had been promulgated by its predecessor agency, the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS). After a series of public workshops, the revisions were noticed in the January 20, 1995, Florida Administrative Weekly. These substantial revisions of rule chapter 59A-3 comprise about fifty pages of the Florida Administrative Weekly. The challenged portions comprise only several paragraphs of the revisions. The challenged portions of the proposed rules are: 59A-3.203 Licensure Procedure. (2) All persons requesting licensure for the operation of a hospital under the provisions of Chapter 395, F.S., shall make application to the Agency, on forms provided, AHCA Form 3130- 8003-January 1995, and AHCA Form 3130-8001-January 1995, and shall receive a regular or provisional license prior to the acceptance of patients for care or treatment. * * * (e) An application for the addition of beds or off-site outpatient facilities to a hospital's license must include: A valid certificate of need or letter of exemption as required by ss. 488.041 - 408.045, F.S., and Approval from the Agency's Office of Plans and Construction. * * * (i) A single license will be issued to a licensee for facilities located on separate premises, upon request of the applicant. The license will specifically state the location of the facilities, their services, and the licensed beds available on each separate premises. Such a license shall also specifically identify the general or specialty classification of hospitals located on separate premises. (6) Each license shall specifically state the name of the licensed operator of the hospital, the class of hospital, and the name and location of the hospital. Any beds in the hospital which are regulated under the certificate of need program, as specified in Chapter 59C-1, F.A.C., shall be listed, including the number of licensed beds by type. The license for hospitals having facilities on more than one premises shall specifically state the location of each facility, their general or specialty classification, their services, and the licensed beds available on each separate premises. * * * Specific Authority 395.003, 395.004, 455.239, F.S. Law Implemented, 395.001, 395.003, 395.004, 395.1005, 408.035, 408.036, 455.239, F.S. History New. (emphasis added) Prior to the decision in the University Hospital case in July 1994, the proposed revisions did not include the requirement that the license for facilities on separate premises identify separately the general or specialty classification of each. That provision was added by the agency because it concluded that when it could no longer require a CON for "consolidated" licenses, then general acute care beds and free-standing psychiatric beds could not be "consolidated" on a single license. It is uncontroverted that the substantial effect of the requirement that each facility retain its prior classification is that a facility classified as a class III (specialty) facility is not eligible for Medicaid reimbursement. The agency agrees that proposed rule is based on, and is compelled by section 395.003(2)(d), F.S., which provides as follows: (d) The Agency shall, at the request of a licensee, issue a single license to a licensee for facilities located on separate premises. Such a license shall specifically state the location of the facilities, the services, and the licensed beds available on each separate premises. If a licensee requests a single license, the licensee shall designate which facility or office is responsible for receipt of information, payment of fees, service of process, and all other activities necessary for the Agency to carry out the provision of this part. (Emphasis supplied). It is immediately obvious from a comparison of the text of the proposed rule and the text of the law implemented that the law does not require that the license state the general or specialty classification for the separate facilities. This distinction was not lost on the agency since it included in its legislative package for the 1995 legislative session a proposed amendment to section 395.003(2)(d), F.S. that would cure the inconsistency by adding the proposed rule language to the statute. (Petitioner's exhibit number 16, p. 25) There is a statute which restricts Medicaid reimbursement for treatment in free-standing psychiatric hospitals. The agency argues that the proposed rules give effect to that statute, section 409.905(5), F.S., which provides, in pertinent part: . . . A licensed hospital maintained primarily for the care and treatment of patients having mental disorders or mental diseases is not eligible to participate in the hospital inpatient portion of the Medicaid program except as provided in federal law. . . . (emphasis supplied). Reliance on Section 409.905(5) is misplaced, however, because it is nowhere cited in the proposed rules as authority or law implemented. Moreover, evidence presented at hearing describes federal policy that when two hospitals are consolidated under one license and have a total capacity that is less than 50 percent psychiatric in nature, the premises are both eligible for Medicaid reimbursement, even though one remains primarily for the treatment of mental disorders. (Petitioners' exhibits number 20-22) The federal policy on Medicaid reimbursement was in effect in 1993, prior to the University Hospital decision and prior to the current version of the proposed rules. Section 409.905(5), F.S. has been in effect since 1991, before the six consolidated licenses referenced in paragraph 1, above, were issued. Section 395.003(2)(d), F.S. has been in effect in its current form at all times material. Nothing in the law has changed to support the agency's contention that, after the University Hospital decision, it can no longer issue a single license with a single license classification for separate premises. No evidence nor specific argument was presented with regard to the alleged invalidity of proposed rule 59A-3.203(2)(e), which on its face relates to the addition of beds or an outpatient facility to a hospital's license. Issues related to that portion of the proposed rule are not the issues invoked in this proceeding with regard to Petitioner's facilities. (See Petitioners' exhibit 26, p. 71, deposition of Tanya Williams)

Florida Laws (10) 120.52120.54120.57120.68395.001395.003395.004408.035408.045409.905 Florida Administrative Code (1) 59C-1.004
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