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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Macclenny, Florida Oct. 16, 2012 Number: 12-003393 Latest Update: May 01, 2013

The Issue Whether Respondent, the Agency for Persons with Disabilities (Respondent or the Agency), violated the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992, as amended, sections 760.01–760.11 and 509.092, Florida Statutes,1/ by discriminating against Petitioner, Sharon Douse (Petitioner), during her employment with the Agency and then by terminating her employment, based upon her disability, marital status, sex, color, race, age, and the national origin of her spouse, and by illegally retaliating against her.

Findings Of Fact Sunland Center in Mariana, Florida, is operated by the Agency as an intermediate-care facility for developmentally- disabled individuals. Connally Manor is a residential setting within Sunland Center for 16 developmentally-disabled individuals with significant behavioral and medical involvement. Petitioner began her employment with the Agency on July 15, 2011, until her dismissal on January 5, 2012. During her employment, she was classified as career-service employee, Human Services Worker II, assigned to provide direct care for residents in Connally Manor. As a career-service employee, Petitioner was required to serve a one-year probationary period, during which she was subject to termination at will. While employed with the Agency, Petitioner had a number of performance deficiencies and conflicts with her co-workers and supervisors. On July 22, 2011, Petitioner attended training for the treatment and care of residents. Shortly thereafter, however, Petitioner mishandled residents on at least two occasions. As a result, Joe Grimsley, a senior human services support supervisor for the Agency, suspended Petitioner from working independently with residents, and asked Petitioner to work closely with her peers to learn appropriate care procedures. On August 25, 2011, because of excessive absences and failure to perform duties in a timely manner, Petitioner received counseling from Mr. Grimsley and Agency behavior program supervisor Scott Hewett. Petitioner was counseled for excessive absences because, from July 18 through August 22, 2011, Petitioner took a total of 48 hours of leave time, which was greater than the Agency's policy of no more than 32 hours in a 90-day period. Although Petitioner discussed most of those absences with her supervisor prior to taking the time off, as a result of her absences, Petitioner missed some of her initial training, including professional crisis management training. During the August 25, 2011, counseling session, Mr. Grimsley and Mr. Hewett also discussed other issues of concern with Petitioner, including resident care, following chain of command, team work, proper parking, and data collection sheets. As a follow-up, on the same day as the August 25th counseling, Petitioner received some in-service training regarding proper log book documenting, proper use of active treatment sheet, and unauthorized and excessive absences. Mr. Grimsley permitted Petitioner to go back to her duties of working directly with residents after she received additional training on August 27, 2011. On September 8, 2011, Petitioner's supervisors once again found it necessary to counsel Petitioner regarding resident care, chain of command, teamwork, parking, and data collection, as well as to address two incidences of unsafe handling of residents, and Agency policy regarding food in the bedrooms, and class and work schedules. Because of Petitioner's continued performance deficiencies, on October 5, 2011, Mr. Grimsley wrote an interoffice memorandum to his supervisor, Agency residential services supervisor, Julie Jackson, recommending Petitioner's termination. The memorandum stated: Mrs. Jackson: I am writing to you in regard to Mrs. Sharon Douse HSW II Second Shift Connally Manor Unit 3. Mrs. Douse came to us July 15, 2011, since then she has had three employee documented conferences, due to poor work habits, resulting in corrective action, including retraining. These deficiencies include and are not limited to data collection, excessive absences, and unsafe handling of residents. This past week she was insubordinate to her immediate supervisor by refusing to answer the phone after being requested to do so twice, and being directed that it is part of her job. [Mr. Hewett] as well as my self [sic] has made every effort to help Mrs. Douse achieve her performance expectation; however these attempts have been met with resistance as Mrs. Douse openly refuses to take direction from her supervisors and also to seek the assistance of her peers, who have many years of experience working with the Connally Manor population. Mrs. Douse has not met probationary period. Her continual resistance to positive mentoring and her confrontational attitude and demeanor towards her supervisors and coworkers is creating an increasingly difficult work environment, not only on Connally Manor, but also on the other houses within the unit. It is apparent that Mrs. Douse lacks the willingness to improve her overall poor work performance. I am formally requesting Mrs. Douse to be terminated from her employment here in Unit 3. Mr. Grimsley's testimony at the final hearing was consistent with the above-quoted October 5, 2011, interoffice memorandum, and both his testimony and memorandum are credited. Upon receiving Mr. Grimsley's memorandum, Ms. Jackson submitted a memo dated October 26, 2011, to the Agency's program operations administrator, Elizabeth Mitchell, concurring with the request for Petitioner's termination. In turn, Ms. Mitchell agreed and forwarded her recommendation for termination to Sunland's superintendent, Bryan Vaughan. Mr. Vaughan approved the recommendation for termination, and, following implementation of internal termination proceedings, Petitioner was terminated on January 5, 2012, for failure to satisfactorily complete her probationary period. Petitioner made no complaints to Mr. Grimsley or anyone else in the Agency's management until after Mr. Grimsley's October 5, 2011, memorandum recommending Petitioner's termination. Petitioner's Charge of Discrimination filed with the Commission on March 29, 2012, after her termination, charges that she was "discriminated against based on retaliation, disability, marital status, sex, color, race and age." The evidence adduced at the final hearing, however, failed to substantiate Petitioner's allegations. In particular, Petitioner's Charge of Discrimination2/ alleges that Mr. Grimsley discriminated against her because of her age by "not providing [her] with the same training as offered the other employees -- [professional crisis management training] was offered to the younger employees who were hired at or around the same time [as Petitioner]." The evidence at the final hearing, however, showed that Petitioner was scheduled for, but missed professional crisis management training, because of her absences early in her employment. The evidence also showed that professional crisis management training was not necessary for the position for which Petitioner was hired. Nevertheless, the evidence also demonstrated that, if Petitioner had not been terminated, the Agency intended to provide her with that training. Petitioner's Charge of Discrimination also asserts that Mr. Grimsley discriminated against her by "[n]ot allowing [her] to have . . . scheduled time off . . . [and taking away her] scheduled time off August 12th & 13th and [giving it to a] Caucasian female." The evidence did not substantiate this allegation. Rather, the evidence demonstrated that Petitioner had extraordinary time off during her first two months of employment. Next, Petitioner's Charge of Discrimination states that Mr. Grimsley did not follow up on her written concerns and verbal complaints to the "depart[ment] head" regarding the welfare of the disabled residents. Petitioner alleges that she was terminated as a result of her complaint that Mr. Grimsley "sat in the kitchen and baked cookies with the staff who were neglecting disabled residents." Petitioner, however, failed to present any evidence at the final hearing with regard to this allegation. Rather, the evidence showed that, while employed, Petitioner never reported any instances of abuse, neglect, or exploitation to the Florida Abuse Registry, as required by her training. And, there is no evidence that she reported any such concerns to any outside agency prior to her Charge of Discrimination. Petitioner otherwise presented no evidence suggesting that she was terminated in retaliation for engaging in any protected activity. Petitioner's Charge of Discrimination further states that she was discriminated against on the basis of her disability because Mr. Grimsley did not allow her to be properly monitored by her physician, and that when she would bring in her doctor's notes, Mr. Grimsley would refuse to put them in her personnel file. The only support for this claim were two medical reports on Petitioner, one prepared in April 2011, and one prepared in October 2011. According to Petitioner, she gave the reports to someone at the Agency's human resources office. She could not, however, identify the person to whom she gave the reports. Also, according to Petitioner, it was in November 2011, after she was recommended for termination, that she gave her medical reports to the Agency to be filed. Considering the circumstances, the undersigned finds that Petitioner's testimony regarding this allegation is not credible. In addition, the evidence did not show that Petitioner ever asked the Agency for an accommodation for her alleged disability. Rather, based upon the evidence, it is found that Petitioner never advised the Agency, and the Agency was unaware, that Petitioner had a disability. It is also found that Petitioner never asked the Agency for an accommodation for her alleged disability. Petitioner, in her Charge of Discrimination, further contends that part of the employee counseling session documented on employee-documented conference forms dated August 25, 2011, and all of the counseling session documented in a September 8, 2011, employee-documented conference form, were held without her, and that some of the concerns expressed on those documents were fabricated. There were two forms documenting discussions from the August 25th session that were submitted into evidence — - one was signed by Petitioner, the other was not. The employee-documented conference form from the September 8, 2011, session was signed by Petitioner's supervisors, but not Petitioner. Mr. Grimsley, who was present for all of the counseling discussions with Petitioner documented on the forms, testified that the documented discussions occurred, but that he just forgot to get Petitioner's signatures on all of the forms. During the final hearing, Petitioner acknowledged most of the documented discussions, including two incidents of mishandling residents and the resulting prohibition from working with residents imposed on her until she received additional training. Considering the evidence, it is found that all of the counseling discussions with Petitioner documented on the three forms actually took place, and that they accurately reflect those discussions and the fact that Petitioner was having job performance problems. Petitioner's Charge of Discrimination also alleges that a fellow employee discriminated against her because of her age and race based on an incident where, according to Petitioner, a co-worker screamed and yelled at her because Petitioner had not answered the house telephone. At the hearing, Petitioner submitted into evidence affidavits regarding the incident from the co-worker and another worker who observed the incident. Neither of the affidavits supports Petitioner's contention that she was discriminated against. Rather, they both support the finding that Petitioner had trouble getting along with co-workers and accepting directions from Agency staff. Further, according to Petitioner, after she talked to Mr. Grimsley about the incident, he spoke to both Petitioner and the co-worker, and their conflict was resolved. The incident occurred after Mr. Grimsley had already recommended that Petitioner be terminated. Finally, Petitioner alleges in her Charge of Discrimination that Mr. Hewett discriminated against her based upon her marital status, race, and the national origin of her spouse. In support, Petitioner contends that Mr. Hewett "made rude comments about art work on my locker that Scott knew my husband had drawn[,]" asked, "[do] blacks like classical music?" and, upon seeing Petitioner's apron that was embroidered with a Jamaican flag, Mr. Hewett said, "You can't trust things from overseas," when he knew that her husband was Jamaican. Petitioner also stated that Mr. Hewett "bullied her" about answering the telephone. While Petitioner testified that she wrote to Agency management regarding these comments and the alleged bullying by Mr. Hewett, she did not retain a copy. The Agency claims that Petitioner never complained about these alleged comments or Mr. Hewett's alleged bullying while she was an employee. Considering the evidence presented in this case, and Petitioner's demeanor during her testimony, it is found that Petitioner did not raise these allegations against Mr. Hewett until after her termination from the Agency. It is further found that if Mr. Hewett made the alleged comments, as described by Petitioner during her testimony, Mr. Hewett's comments were isolated and not pervasive. Further, Petitioner's testimonial description of Mr. Hewett's comments did not indicate that his comments were overtly intimidating, insulting, or made with ridicule, and the evidence was insufficient to show, or reasonably suggest, that Mr. Hewett's alleged comments made Petitioner's work environment at the Agency hostile or intolerable. In sum, Petitioner failed to show that the Agency discriminated against Petitioner by treating her differently, creating a hostile work environment, or terminating her because of her disability, marital status, sex, color, race, age, or her spouse's national origin. Petitioner also failed to show that the Agency retaliated against her because of any complaint that she raised or based upon Petitioner's engagement in any other protected activity.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a Final Order dismissing Petitioner’s Charge of Discrimination and Petition for Relief consistent with the terms of this Recommended Order. DONE AND ENTERED this 7th day of February, 2013, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JAMES H. PETERSON, III Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 7th day of February, 2013.

USC (1) 42 U.S.C 2000e Florida Laws (7) 120.569120.57120.68509.092760.01760.10760.11
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Gainesville, Florida May 03, 2013 Number: 13-001642 Latest Update: Dec. 18, 2013

The Issue Whether Respondent, Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO or Department), discriminated against Petitioner, Georgie Breville, in violation of the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992 (the Act), sections 760.01–760.11 and 509.092, Florida Statutes, based upon her national origin, age, disability, or in retaliation.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is a 64-year-old female from Mauritius, a French island nation off the coast of Africa. As such, she falls within a protected class based on age and national origin. Respondent, DEO, is the successor State agency to the former Agency for Workforce Innovation (AWI) with the responsibility to implement the FloridaWorks program. FloridaWorks is organized into Regional Workforce Boards which oversee the delivery of employment services in their local jurisdictions. Employment services delivered at local One-Stop Centers include job searches, job counseling, and resume drafting, among others. Petitioner was employed at the FloridaWorks Alachua County One-Stop Career Service Center in Gainesville, Florida, from 2001 through 2010. At all times relevant hereto, Petitioner was an employee of AWI in the position of Customer Service Specialist. In her capacity as Customer Service Specialist, Petitioner met with job seekers, assessed their needs, and referred them for assessment testing and community services. She also conducted workshops on resume writing, interviewing skills, and job search skills. In February 2009, Betty Holmes, an AWI employee, became Petitioner’s supervisor. By letter dated September 17, 2010, Petitioner was terminated from her employment with AWI effective October 1, 2010. The termination letter was hand delivered to Petitioner on September 20, 2010, by Ms. Holmes in her office at the One-Stop Center. The letter stated that Petitioner’s termination was due to loss of funding for the Regional Workforce Board. On October 22, 2010, Petitioner filed a Charge of Discrimination with the Commission alleging that Florida Management Solutions, Inc. (FMS), had discriminated against her on the basis of her national origin, age, and in retaliation by giving her unfair negative evaluations, harassing and demeaning her, assigning her a larger workload than other employees, and ultimately unfairly terminating her.3/ The Commission issued a Determination of No Cause on May 16, 2011, finding there was no cause to find that Respondent had committed an unlawful employment action. Petitioner timely filed with the Commission a Petition for Relief against FMS, which was forwarded to DOAH for assignment of an administrative law judge (ALJ) to conduct a fact-finding hearing. Following an evidentiary hearing on the matter, the ALJ entered a Recommended Order finding that FMS was not Petitioner’s employer during the time period in which the alleged acts of discrimination occurred. Rather, the ALJ found that AWI was Petitioner’s employer. The Recommended Order was entered on September 14, 2011. On September 29, 2011, Petitioner filed a Complaint of Discrimination against AWI alleging unlawful employment discrimination on the basis of her race, national origin, age, and in retaliation. Again, the Commission issued a Determination of No Cause and Petitioner filed a Petition for Relief, which was forwarded to DOAH and assigned to the undersigned for conduct of an evidentiary hearing. Petitioner’s Complaint of Discrimination alleges that she was discriminated against by being assigned a larger caseload and being held to different performance standards than similarly situated non-classified employees; denied training; given unmerited negative performance evaluations; harassed, demeaned, and threatened, resulting in negative health issues; and unlawfully terminated, resulting in loss of benefits and future employment opportunities. As such, Petitioner’s complaint raises both individual discrete acts of discrimination, as well as an ongoing hostile work environment. Petitioner’s complaint and testimony are largely focused on the treatment she received from Ms. Holmes, her supervisor from February 2009 to October 1, 2010. Petitioner alleges that when Ms. Holmes became her supervisor, Ms. Holmes removed Petitioner from her usual duties and assigned Petitioner a caseload of 150 cases in a program with which she was not familiar. Petitioner argues that the assignments were unreasonable and, perhaps, even unauthorized by the agency. Petitioner further alleges that Ms. Holmes was critical of Petitioner’s inability to complete the cases in a timely manner, and that Petitioner was denied the training she requested to better perform on the job. Ms. Holmes’ assignment of job duties to Petitioner, as well as Petitioner’s request for training, occurred more than 365 days prior to the date on which Petitioner filed her Complaint of Discrimination. Petitioner alleges that the employee evaluations Ms. Holmes performed, completed, and signed in April 2009 and April 2010 were unmerited.4/ The evaluations complained of were completed more than 365 days prior to the date on which Petitioner filed her Complaint of Discrimination. Petitioner alleges that Ms. Holmes unnecessarily contacted 9-1-1 on May 18, 2010, when Petitioner fainted in Ms. Holmes’ office, and allegedly told the paramedics that Petitioner was acting erratically prior to fainting, allegations which Petitioner denies. The incident during which Petitioner fainted and was taken to the hospital by the paramedics occurred more than 365 days prior to the date on which Petitioner filed her Compliant of Discrimination. Petitioner alleges that Ms. Holmes spoke harshly to her, yelled at her, told her to “shut up,” and made demeaning comments about Petitioner’s French accent. Petitioner testified that Ms. Holmes made Petitioner repeat after her, and on at least one occasion said, “This is how Americans speak.” All the statements alleged to have been made by Ms. Holmes occurred more than 365 days prior to the date on which Petitioner filed her Complaint of Discrimination. On May 26, 2010, Petitioner filed a grievance with AWI Human Resources regarding Ms. Holmes’ alleged harassment of Petitioner as well as her unmerited negative evaluation. After filing the grievance, Petitioner met with Ms. Holmes and her direct supervisor, Arelis Rosario, to discuss her performance evaluation and other issues raised in Petitioner’s grievance. A written summary of the meeting was made and signed by Petitioner, Ms. Rosario, and Ms. Holmes on June 2, 2010. Petitioner disagrees with the substance of the summary and maintains that her grievance was not satisfactorily resolved. Petitioner alleges that she was terminated, in part, in retaliation for filing the grievance against Ms. Holmes. The grievance filed against Ms. Holmes, as well as the resolution meeting between Petitioner, Ms. Holmes, and Ms. Rosario, occurred more than 365 days prior to Petitioner’s Complaint of Discrimination. Petitioner was notified of her termination on September 20, 2010, which was a Monday. At hearing, Petitioner did not testify with certainty whether, or on which days, she was absent from work following notice of her termination. Petitioner had enough accumulated leave to take the two weeks off between termination and effective date. However, Petitioner chose not to. Petitioner was uncertain about the days that Ms. Holmes was in the office during either the week of her termination or the following week. At final hearing, Petitioner seemed confused about various events she related. On the whole, Petitioner’s testimony was inconsistent and equivocal. The evidence was clear that Petitioner was assigned no work during the period of September 20, 2010, through October 1, 2010. Petitioner had little, if any, interaction with Ms. Holmes during that same time period. She testified that her co-workers avoided her and barely spoke to her. Petitioner spent most of her time cleaning out her office and packing her belongings. In what must have been an awkward situation, Petitioner gave away many of her personal belongings to her co-workers during the time period between September 20, 2010, and October 1, 2010. Petitioner gave Ms. Holmes a vase from her office as a gift, although the exact date was not established. Petitioner introduced no evidence of any discrete acts of discrimination by Ms. Holmes, or any other AWI employee, between September 29, 2010, and October 1, 2010. Petitioner has been diagnosed with breast cancer and has been under treatment for several years. Petitioner did not take sick leave when employed at AWI. Instead, she took annual leave for her treatments or attended doctor’s visits during her lunch hour. The evidence did not support a finding that her employer knew of either her diagnosis or treatment.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a final order dismissing Petitioner’s Discrimination Complaint and Petition for Relief consistent with the terms of this Recommended Order. DONE AND ENTERED this 26th day of September, 2013, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S SUZANNE VAN WYK Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of September, 2013.

Florida Laws (7) 120.569120.57120.68509.092760.01760.10760.11
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Jul. 11, 2007 Number: 07-003118 Latest Update: May 08, 2008

The Issue The issue is whether Respondent committed an unlawful employment practice contrary to Section 760.10, Florida Statutes (2007),2 by discriminating against Petitioner based on her national origin.

Findings Of Fact The Omni, advertised as "Omni Orlando Resort at ChampionsGate," is a golf resort located in the Orlando tourist corridor near Walt Disney World. The Omni is an employer as that term is defined in Section 760.02, Florida Statutes. Petitioner, Suhra Merdanovic, is a Bosnian female, and her first language is Bosnian. She speaks and understands English, but is more fluent and comfortable using her native language. Ms. Merdanovic was employed by the Omni from approximately August 22, 2006, to October 9, 2006. Ms. Merdanovic worked in the kitchen of the Broadway Deli, a sandwich shop located in the resort. The Broadway Deli was one of several restaurants in the Omni complex. During the brief period of Ms. Merdanovic's employment, the Broadway Deli did not have a full-time manager. Ms. Merdanovic reported to Silvio Rosalen, the sous chef at Teri's Restaurant, near the Broadway Deli in the Omni complex. Mr. Rosalen reported to Robert Fohr, the assistant food and beverage manager for the Omni. The Omni has established a policy that prohibits harassment in the workplace. The policy defines harassment as: ny unwelcome verbal, non-verbal, physical or other conduct or behavior relating to an individual's race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, disability or any other categories protected by state, federal or local law, that is made a term or condition of employment, is used as the basis for employment or advancement decisions, or has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with work or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment. The policy "strictly prohibit[s]" employees, supervisors, and members of management from harassing other employees, supervisors, or members of management. The policy directs an employee who has a complaint of harassment to report that complaint to any manager or supervisor, the human resources director, the general manager, or the regional vice president of operations. The complaint triggers a formal investigation, usually conducted by the human resources director. The Omni's harassment and equal employment opportunity policies are set forth in the Omni's Associate Handbook, which is provided to all employees. The handbook is reviewed during an orientation session that all newly hired Omni employees must attend. Ms. Merdanovic attended an orientation session on August 26, 2006, and testified that she was familiar with the harassment policy. The Omni calls the first 90 days of employment an "introductory period." The Associate Handbook describes the introductory period as follows: During this time you will have a chance to see whether you like your job and Omni Hotels will have an opportunity to evaluate your performance and suitability for your position. If Omni Hotels concludes that your job performance and/or suitability have been unsatisfactory, you may be dismissed at any time during the introductory period at Omni Hotels' complete discretion. You may also be dismissed at any time after the introductory period at the sole discretion of Omni Hotels. Both during and after the introductory period, all associates are associates at will. If an employee's manager determines within the first 90 days of employment that an employee's job performance and/or "suitability" is unsatisfactory, the manager will meet with the employee to review the manager's concerns. After this meeting, the employee's job status is "suspended pending investigation" while the manager confers with the human resources department to review the issues. If the manager and the human resources department agree that the employee should be terminated, then human resources will advise the employee of the decision. Ms. Merdanovic testified that two Hispanic co-workers, Erica Torres and Charlotte Ruiz, harassed her because of her nationality. Ms. Torres asked her what she was doing in America and refused to go into the kitchen with her. Both women made jokes and laughed about Ms. Merdanovic being from Bosnia. Ms. Merdanovic testified that her co-workers also disliked her, because she refused to give them free food from the Broadway Deli's kitchen. Ms. Merdanovic did not complain to a manager, supervisor, or any other Omni employee about the harassment she claimed to have experienced. Mr. Rosalen testified that he received numerous complaints about Ms. Merdanovic's job performance from her co- workers. The co-workers told him that Ms. Merdanovic failed to follow instructions, argued with guests and co-workers, interrupted co-workers who were trying to explain how to complete job tasks, gave guests the wrong order at least twice, and failed to comply with the posted work schedule. Mr. Rosalen personally observed Ms. Merdanovic's performance deficiencies on several occasions. The guest complaints were most significant to Mr. Rosalen. On one occasion, the guest had ordered a turkey sandwich, but was served a pastrami sandwich by Ms. Merdanovic. Rather than correcting the order immediately, Ms. Merdanovic attempted to convince the guest to keep the pastrami sandwich by telling him it was good and he would like it. On a second occasion, a guest ordered a milkshake and was served iced coffee.3 At the hearing, Ms. Merdanovic testified that she was unaware of any complaints about sandwiches. She stated that she has worked in kitchens for years and understands how to make sandwiches in a deli. She did complain that she was never trained to operate the "front of the store" equipment such as the milkshake machine or coffee machine, yet was expected to somehow be able to operate them. Mr. Rosalen orally counseled Ms. Merdanovic on multiple occasions regarding her performance deficiencies, but he never observed any improvement. Pursuant to the process for terminating employees during their introductory period, Mr. Rosalen and Mr. Fohr decided to meet with Ms. Merdanovic to discuss her performance deficiencies and to advise her not to return to work until she heard from human resources. After this meeting, Mr. Rosalen and Mr. Fohr would meet with the human resources director to discuss whether to terminate Ms. Merdanovic's employment. Mr. Rosalen and Mr. Fohr prepared a "Problem/Solution Notice" form, dated October 2, 2006, that set out the performance deficiencies and possible corrective actions for Ms. Merdanovic. This notice was intended to be the outline for discussion during the meeting with Ms. Merdanovic. Under the heading "Specific Nature of Problem" were various categories, including absenteeism, tardiness, violation of company policies, and unsafe actions. Ms. Merdanovic's problem was categorized as "Performance Below Standards." The specific performance problems were set out as follows: There have been numerous complaints about Suhra Merdanovic's job performance from several of her co-workers. These complaints include: Does not follow training of food preparation techniques and quantities. Does not follow food, coffee and drink recipes. Does not know what all the ingredients are to be able to make recipe. Looses [sic] tickets for orders. Has become argumentative with employees and guests when told that the product is wrong. Has tried to convince guests that mistakenly prepared food is good and tried to get them to take it. Does not understand the schedule after repeatedly having it explained. Interrupts employees and does not let people finish talking when trying to explain how a task needs to be completed. Is not a team player. The notice set forth the following under the heading, "Expected performance or conduct/corrective action required": Suhra must adhere to the following guidelines: Must be receptive to and accept training in all facets of Broadway Deli culinary operations with a positive attitude. Must follow all standard recipes without deviation to achieve a consistent product. Must produce orders in timely fashion in accordance to [sic] the guest's specifications. Must never become argumentative with a guest and try to force a guest to take a product they do not want. Must get along with and assist teammates with all guest needs. The notice concluded that the "disciplinary action taken" would be "Suspension/Termination." On October 2, 2006, Mr. Rosalen and Mr. Fohr met with Ms. Merdanovic in Mr. Fohr's office to review the contents of the Problem/Solution Notice. When her supervisors began reviewing her performance deficiencies, Ms. Merdanovic interrupted to argue with them. Mr. Fohr pointed out that this was the same sort of conduct that led to this counseling session in the first place. Before Mr. Rosalen and Mr. Fohr could present her with the notice and commence the formal suspension/termination process, Ms. Merdanovic began to cry in a way that Mr. Rosalen described as "almost hysterical" for several minutes. Ms. Merdanovic then walked to the kitchen of the Broadway Deli. Mr. Rosalen followed her, both to make sure she was all right and to escort her off the Omni property. Ms. Merdanovic again began crying and saying that she could not breathe. She described her condition as "couldn't breathe, couldn't think, couldn't stay." Mr. Rosalen called in the Omni's security team, which also acts as the resort's first responder in medical emergencies. The entry of the security guards threw Ms. Merdanovic into a greater panic. Eventually, at Ms. Merdanovic's request, the Omni called an ambulance service, which transported her to Florida Hospital in Orlando. Ms. Merdanovic was diagnosed with high blood pressure and discharged after an overnight stay in the hospital.4 After the incident leading to Ms. Merdanovic's hospitalization, Mr. Rosalen and Mr. Fohr met with Lisa Borde- Christie, the Omni's human resources manager, to discuss their meeting with Ms. Merdanovic, the complaints about her from guests and co-workers, and Mr. Rosalen's observations of her performance deficiencies and his previous attempts to correct them. Ms. Borde-Christie agreed that Ms. Merdanovic was not meeting the Omni's performance expectations for her position. In light of Ms. Merdanovic's failure to improve her performance despite Mr. Rosalen's several attempts at verbal counseling, Ms. Borde-Christie, Mr. Fohr, and Mr. Rosalen agreed it was unlikely that Ms. Merdanovic's performance would improve in the future. They decided to terminate her employment. On October 9, 2006, Ms. Borde-Christie and Mr. Rosalen met with Ms. Merdanovic to tell her that her employment was terminated and to review the performance deficiencies that caused her termination. When Ms. Borde-Christie attempted to review the performance issues, Ms. Merdanovic became argumentative, stating that these issues were all lies and that her co-workers did not like her. Ms. Borde-Christie testified that Ms. Merdanovic said nothing about her national origin being an issue in the workplace. Ms. Merdanovic produced no credible evidence that her language or national origin played a role in the decision to terminate her employment. The Omni's management did not become aware of her allegations of harassment due to her national origin by her co-workers until Ms. Merdanovic filed her Employment Complaint of Discrimination, more than two months after her dismissal. The evidence produced at hearing demonstrated that the reasons for Petitioner's termination all related to her job performance.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations issue a final order finding that the Omni Hotel Resort did not commit any unlawful employment practices and dismissing the Petition for Relief. DONE AND ENTERED this 26th day of March, 2008, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LAWRENCE P. STEVENSON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of March, 2008.

Florida Laws (4) 120.569120.57760.02760.10
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Wewahitchka, Florida Mar. 27, 2009 Number: 09-001592 Latest Update: Aug. 19, 2009

The Issue The issue is whether Respondent committed an unlawful employment practice by discriminating against Petitioner based on his race.

Findings Of Fact In February 2006, Respondent hired Petitioner, an African-American male, knowing that he had a criminal record. Respondent employed Petitioner as a porter. Respondent employed other African-American and Caucasian people as porters, housekeepers, and janitors. Initially, Respondent paid Petitioner $7.25 per hour. Respondent was impressed with Petitioner's enthusiasm and willingness to perform physically demanding work. Respondent gave Petitioner a reward for always being on time and not being absent. Respondent eventually raised Petitioner's salary to $10.00 per hour or $400 per week. Respondent gave Petitioner the promotion so that he and his wife could qualify for a mortgage. Respondent helped Petitioner pay off his wife's credit card debt for the same reason. After Petitioner and his family moved into their new home, Carol Collett, Respondent's Caucasian General Manager, helped Petitioner furnish the house. Ms. Collett also attended the christening of Petitioner's new baby. Ms. Collett tried to help Petitioner as much as she could because she believed that everyone deserves a second chance. At all times relevant here, Petitioner worked the night shift when there was no supervisor on the premises. Petitioner's position required Ms. Collett's trust because his duties included taking care of the front desk. From approximately June 2007 through November 2007, Petitioner worked an average of 62 hours per week with no overtime compensation. There is no persuasive evidence that the other porters, Caucasian and/or African-American, were paid more than Petitioner or for overtime work. Petitioner never requested a raise, but he did request to work as a janitor. However, Petitioner presented no evidence that a janitor's position was available. More importantly, Petitioner lacked the skills to perform janitorial/maintenance work for Respondent. In time, Ms. Collett noticed a change in Petitioner's behavior. On one occasion, Petitioner's wife informed Ms. Collett that Petitioner had not come home with his pay check. On or about November 3, 2007, Ms. Collett confronted Petitioner about his declining job performance and his suspicious activities involving hotel guests. Petitioner denied that he was using or selling drugs or that he brought hookers to the job site. During the conversation, Petitioner began to cry, stating that he had let Ms. Collett down. Petitioner said that he "would rather to go back jail where life was easier and he would not have the pressure of daily life." Ms. Collett did not have a chance to terminate Petitioner because he left voluntarily. Petitioner came back to the hotel one time to pick up his last pay check. At that time, Ms. Collett confronted Petitioner about some money that was missing from the front office. The office had been locked the night before, but someone had entered it through the ceiling from the adjoining room. Petitioner could not find another job. He is now in prison.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a final order dismissing the Petition for Relief. DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of May, 2009, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S SUZANNE F. HOOD Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of May, 2009. COPIES FURNISHED: Kenneth W. Johnson, DC #646344 Gulf Correctional Institution 699 Ike Steele Road Wewahitchka, Florida 32465 Jerome D. Mitchell, Esquire Riggio & Mitchell, P.A. 1326 South Ridgewood Avenue Suite 8 Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Larry Kranert, General Counsel Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301

USC (1) 42 U.S.C 2000 Florida Laws (4) 120.569760.01760.10760.11
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jun. 29, 2000 Number: 00-002657 Latest Update: Feb. 12, 2001

The Issue Did the Respondent engage in a discriminatory employment practice by suspending the Petitioner from work?

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner, Joeann F. Nelson, is a Black female. In 1997, she was employed as an aide working with developmentally disabled persons at Sunrise Community, Inc. The Respondent, Sunrise Community, Inc. (hereafter “Sunrise”) is an employer within the meaning of the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992. On or about April 24, 1997, the Petitioner was suspended from her employment for a number of days by Sunrise. The Petitioner filed a complaint with the Florida Commission on Human Relations (hereafter “the Commission”) on May 8, 1997, alleging that her suspension was racially motivated, and a violation of Chapter 760, Florida Statutes. The staff of the Commission investigated the complaint, and issued its Determination of No Cause on May 16, 2000. At the same time, the Commission gave the Petitioner notice of her right to an administrative hearing on the Commission’s findings. The Petitioner, while employed by the Respondent, was asked by her immediate supervisor to participate in taking residents of the facility to their group home. The Petitioner refused to take the residents complaining that another co-worker was scheduled to take the residents on the day in question. The supervisor told the Petitioner that the person who was scheduled to take the residents was too old to handle that job, and the Petitioner got into an argument about this matter. As a result of this refusal to take the residents and the argument, the Petitioner was suspended for a number of days. The refusal to follow the directions of her supervisor regarding her work and the confrontational argument with the supervisor over being asked to do a specific task that was within her job duties generally were sufficient cause for discipline. The Petitioner did not show that she was singled out or treated differently because of her race, either in being asked to perform the task or in being suspended for refusing to do the task. Subsequently, the Petitioner filed a second complaint with the Commission on June 30, 1997, and raised additional issues regarding her discharge when she asked for her formal hearing on the Commission’s determination of no cause on the original complaint. However, the only matter properly before the undersigned in these proceedings is her suspension.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law set forth herein, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a final order dismissing the complaint upon a finding that there was no cause. DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of October, 2000, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. STEPHEN F. DEAN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of October, 2000. COPIES FURNISHED: JoeAnne Nelson Post Office Box 76 Crawfordville, Florida 32326 Steven M. Weinger, Esquire Kurzban, Kurzban, Weinger, Tetzeli, P.A. 2650 Southwest 27th Avenue Second Floor Miami, Florida 33133 Sharon Moultry, Clerk Florida Commission on Human Relations 325 John Knox Road Building F, Suite 240 Tallahassee, Florida 32303-4149 Dana A. Baird, General Counsel Florida Commission on Human Relations 325 John Knox Road Building F, Suite 240 Tallahassee, Florida 32303-4149

Florida Laws (1) 760.10
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Viera, Florida Sep. 09, 2004 Number: 04-003196 Latest Update: Feb. 23, 2005

The Issue Whether Petitioner was wrongfully terminated from her position as a hostess with Respondent because of her handicap, in violation of Subsection 760.10(1)(a), Florida Statutes (2003).

Findings Of Fact Based upon all of the evidence, the following findings of fact are determined: Petitioner, a 47-year-old female, was hired by Respondent on or about July 15, 2003, as a part-time hostess at Respondent's restaurant in Cocoa Beach, Florida. The understanding at that time was that she would be called in to work three to four hours a day, three to four days a week, as a leased, at-will employee from SkilStaf. SkilStaf would be the employer of record for wage and payroll reporting purposes. Respondent, BB & D of Cocoa Beach, Inc., is a franchisee of Perkins Restaurant and Bakery and is an employer under the provisions of Chapter 760, Florida Statutes (2003). Petitioner first reported for work on July 17, 2003, and received training as a hostess/cashier by Debra Russell, associate manager, and received the same information about the job requirements, duties, and benefits given to all new hires. During her training, Petitioner was advised that in addition to seating guests and operating the cash register, a hostess would be required to bus tables when the restaurant was busy and the other staff was in need of help, although this requirement was not listed on the printed job description. Petitioner did advise Respondent that she had a disability and that she required a reasonable accommodation in order to perform her job. She stated that several years before she had undergone back surgery as a result of an injury that was not job related and could not perform a job that required heavy lifting. Petitioner advised Russell that she could not bus tables because it would require heavy lifting. Russell asked Petitioner to provide Respondent with a doctor's note advising them of the nature of her disability and what accommodations she required. Petitioner continued to work as a hostess at the Perkins Restaurant through July 22, 2003, and performed the job satisfactorily. She was not asked to bus tables during this period. Petitioner was not called back to work as a hostess after July 22, 2003, and did not receive any notification that she was terminated. Petitioner obtained a note from her physician dated July 28, 2003, which indicated that she was capable of working four to five hours a day as a hostess. This evidence is hearsay. In addition, it is not convincing that Petitioner turned in a copy of the note to management anytime after that date. She tried to talk to management about her status, but was unsuccessful. Although Petitioner did not prove that she is a disabled person, she was perceived to be disabled by her employer. Petitioner testified that she talked to Russell some time in early August. Petitioner claimed that Russell said that she had talked to the owner who said that he did not think Petitioner should be working as a hostess, but should get a desk job sitting down. Russell denied making such a statement. No other evidence was offered to support this statement. Therefore, said statement is uncorroborated hearsay and unreliable, and will not be relied upon as a finding of fact. Petitioner presented evidence that since July 2003, she has been unemployed, in spite of her making reasonable efforts to obtain suitable part-time employment. Respondent demonstrated that Petitioner sought to have several days in a row off after working only three days. Petitioner worked six shifts total during her employment with Respondent. Respondent needed two other part-time hostesses for the other shifts because the restaurant was open seven days a week, 24 hours a day, for a total of 21 shifts per week. Respondent demonstrated that the summer business that year was slower than projected and never picked up. The restaurant business is labor-intensive and accounts for 30 to 40 percent of overhead costs. In order for management to control costs, it must cut back on employees. Petitioner was involuntarily terminated because sales were underperforming projections and labor costs were being controlled by a reduction in force. Petitioner was unable to prove that her termination was the result of her disability or perceived disability and that Respondent's proffered reason for her termination was pretextual.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a final order dismissing Petitioner's Petition for Relief from an Unlawful Employment Practice with prejudice. DONE AND ENTERED this 23rd day of December, 2004, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DANIEL M. KILBRIDE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 23rd day of December, 2004. COPIES FURNISHED: Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Shahrooz Banapoor BB & D of Cocoa Beach, Inc. 5590 North Atlantic Avenue Cocoa Beach, Florida 32931 Anne E. Dorfler 700 North Courtney Parkway Apartment 524 Merritt Island, Florida 32953 Cecil Howard, General Counsel Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301

USC (3) 29 U.S.C 79142 U.S.C 1211142 U.S.C 12112 Florida Laws (4) 120.569120.57760.01760.10
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Ocala, Florida Oct. 02, 2006 Number: 06-003719 Latest Update: Apr. 23, 2007

The Issue Whether Respondent violated the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992, as alleged in the Employment Complaint of Discrimination filed by Petitioner on December 27, 2005.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is an African-American female who at all times material to this case was employed with Respondent as a production worker. Respondent, Hamilton Products, Inc., manufactures various animal related products such as horse tack and pet collars and is an employer within the meaning of the Florida Civil Rights Act. Allegations of Race Discrimination Petitioner's Employment Complaint of Discrimination alleged discrimination on the basis of race and retaliation and reads in pertinent part: I believe that I have been discriminated against based on race, Black, which has resulted in discipline, unfair terms and conditions, and denial of promotion. Since 2003, I have noticed disparate treatment between White and Black employees. One example of this is that Black employees are rarely if ever promoted to management positions. Another example of this is that a Black coworker of mine, Deloise, would often harass me and when I complained to my supervisor Mrs. Robinson, she took the matter to Mrs. Lake. Mrs. Lake merely asked the woman to not do that again. This harassment continued and I repeatedly complained about it so that finally, I was moved to a different location. A similarly situated White female, Elaine, experienced similar treatment from Deloise but when she complained Deloise was stopped from repeating the behavior almost immediately. I was very upset about this obvious disparity that I contacted Mrs. Benfel and explained to her what was transpiring. She asked me to gather together my complaints and those of others which I did and submitted it to her in a letter. Almost immediately after I began to receive retaliation for my complaint. I was disciplined, verbally harassed and moved away from the other employees. Martha Robinson is a supervisor employed by Respondent for over 16 years. She was Petitioner's direct supervisor for some of the time Petitioner worked for Respondent. Ms. Robinson is a white female. A coworker, Delores,1/ who sat near Petitioner would tap her foot on a wooden box while working. Petitioner found this annoying and complained to Ms. Robinson. Ms. Robinson asked Delores to stop tapping her foot and had fleece put on the box. However, Delores continued to tap her foot. After three or four employees complained about Delores' foot tapping, Ms. Robinson took the box away from Delores and put it in Ms. Lake's office. Karen Benfield is the office manager for Respondent, where she has been employed for 19 years. Petitioner went to Ms. Benfield's office to complain about working conditions. Ms. Benfield described the complaints made by Petitioner as vague and broad-based, consisting of general assertions that employees were unhappy at work. Petitioner's complaints to Ms. Benfield did not include any allegation of racial discrimination about her or anyone else. Ms. Benfield asked Petitioner for specifics, to put her complaints on paper and she would make sure management saw it. She did not ask Petitioner to solicit comments from other employees and told Petitioner she could only speak for herself. Petitioner collected written complaints from her co- workers and delivered them to Ms. Benfield. Petitioner received a Warning Notice dated October 26, 2004, for disruptive influence on the workforce. It read as follows: The purpose of this warning is to make sure that you understand the structure of Hamilton Products and the parameters of acceptable behavior at work. Lately, you have brought a number of suggestions and grievances to the management of Hamilton Products on behalf of yourself and others. There is no single employee representative to management at Hamilton Products. You do not and may not speak on behalf of other employees. Every employee at Hamilton Products, including yourself, enjoys the right to share ideas, suggestions or grievances with management. Such communication is encouraged as long as it is made properly. There is a clear chain of command at Hamilton Products, and you must follow that chain of command when communicating with management. You must speak to your immediate supervisor or place a suggestion in the box provided for suggestions at the north end of the nylon department. It is not acceptable to go around the chain of command to a higher supervisor, as this disrupts the operations of Hamilton Products. In the future, you must follow the chain of command or use the suggestion box, and speak only for yourself. Failure to follow the procedure outlined herein will result in further disciplinary actions up to and including discharge. After the hurricanes of 2004, Petitioner's entire department was reprimanded by the plant manager for missing work. This was upsetting to Petitioner because Ms. Robinson had told these employees not to call in. She felt that Ms. Robinson should not have let him "talk trash" to the employees. There is no evidence that Petitioner or anyone else was singled out in any way by the plant manager regarding this incident. Petitioner believes that white employees were given opportunities for promotion and resulting raises. However, no employees on the production floor were promoted during the time Petitioner worked for Respondent. There is no competent evidence in the record to support Petitioner's claim that white employees received promotions and black employees did not. At some point, Petitioner was moved when the production department was reorganized. Petitioner was placed in the center of the plant, facing the rest of her department. She had no one on either side of her which resulted in her not being able to talk to coworkers while working.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law set forth herein, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a final order dismissing the Employment Complaint of Discrimination and Petition for Relief. DONE AND ENTERED this 9th day of February, 2007, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S BARBARA J. STAROS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 9th day of February, 2007.

Florida Laws (3) 120.569120.57760.10
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida May 28, 2008 Number: 08-002596 Latest Update: May 14, 2009

The Issue The issue is whether Respondent committed an unlawful employment practice contrary to Section 760.10, Florida Statutes (2008),1 by discriminating against Petitioner based on her color and/or her age.

Findings Of Fact The Town is an employer as that term is defined in Subsection 760.02(7), Florida Statutes. Petitioner was hired by the Town in November 2004 as an administrative assistant to Mayor Anthony Grant. Petitioner is a dark-skinned African-American woman who was 51 years of age at the time of the hearing. Petitioner was interviewed and hired by a committee appointed by Mayor Grant. The committee included town clerk Cathlene Williams, public works director Roger Dixon, and then- chief administrative officer Dr. Ruth Barnes. Mayor Grant did not meet Petitioner until the day she started work as his administrative assistant. The mayor's administrative assistant handles correspondence, filing, appointments, and anything else the mayor requires in the day-to-day operations of his office. For more than two years, Petitioner went about her duties without incident. She never received a formal evaluation, but no testimony or documentary evidence was entered to suggest that her job performance was ever less than acceptable during this period. In about August 2007, Petitioner began to notice a difference in Mayor Grant's attitude towards her. The mayor began screaming at her at the top of his lungs, cursing at her. He was relentlessly critical of her job performance, accusing her of not completing assigned tasks. Petitioner conceded that she would "challenge" Mayor Grant when he was out of line or requested her to do something beyond her job description. She denied being disrespectful or confrontational, but agreed that she was not always as deferential as Mayor Grant preferred. During the same time period, roughly July and August 2007, Petitioner also noticed that resumes were being faxed to the Town Hall that appeared to be for her job. She asked Ms. Williams about the resumes, but Ms. Williams stated she knew nothing and told Petitioner to ask the mayor. When Petitioner questioned the mayor about the resumes, he took her into his office and asked her to do him a favor. He asked if she would work across the street in the post office for a couple of weeks, to fill in for a post office employee who was being transferred to the finance department; as a team player, Petitioner agreed to the move. While she was working as a clerk at the post office, Petitioner learned that the mayor was interviewing people for her administrative assistant position. She filed a formal complaint with the Town. For a time after that, she was forced to work half-time at the post office and half-time in the mayor's office. On or about October 22, 2007, Petitioner was formally transferred from her position as administrative assistant to the mayor to the position of postal clerk in the post office. Her salary and benefits remained the same. At the hearing, Mayor Grant testified that he moved Petitioner to the post office to lessen the stress of her job. Based on his conversations with Petitioner, he understood that Petitioner was having personal or family problems. He was not privy to the details of these problems, but had noticed for some time that Petitioner seemed to be under great stress. The post office was a much less hectic environment than the mayor's office, and would be more amenable to her condition. Ms. Williams, the town clerk, testified that the mayor told her that Petitioner was stressed and needed more lax duties than those she performed in the mayor's office. Mr. Dixon, the public works director, testified that Petitioner had indicated to him that she was under pressure, but she did not disclose the cause of that pressure. He recalled that, toward the end of her employment with the Town, Petitioner mentioned that she felt she was being discriminated against because of her skin color. Petitioner denied ever telling Mayor Grant that she was feeling stressed. She denied telling him anything about her family. Petitioner stated that the only stress she felt was caused by the disrespect and humiliation heaped upon her by Mayor Grant. Petitioner's best friend, Gina King Brooks, a business owner in the Town, testified that Petitioner would come to her store in tears over her treatment by the mayor. Petitioner told Ms. Brooks that she was being transferred to the post office against her will, was being forced to train her own replacement in the mayor's office,3 and believed that it was all because of her age and complexion. Mayor Grant testified that he called Petitioner into his office and informed her of the transfer to the post office. He did not tell her that the move was temporary. He did not view the transfer from administrative assistant to postal clerk as a demotion or involving any loss of status. Mayor Grant testified that an additional reason for the change was that he wanted a more qualified person as his administrative assistant. He acknowledged that Petitioner was actually more experienced than her eventual replacement, Jacqueline Cockerham.4 However, Petitioner's personal issues were affecting her ability to meet the sensitive deadlines placed upon her in the mayor's office. The mayor needed more reliable support in his office, and Petitioner needed a less stressful work environment. Therefore, Mayor Grant believed the move would benefit everyone involved. Mayor Grant denied that Petitioner's skin color or age had anything to do with her transfer to the post office. Petitioner was replaced in her administrative assistant position by Ms. Cockerham, a light-skinned African- American woman born on October 17, 1961. She was 46 years of age at the time of the hearing. Documents introduced by the Town at the hearing indicate the decision to hire Ms. Cockerham was made on March 26, 2008. Ms. Williams testified that she conducted the interview of Ms. Cockerham, along with a special assistant to the mayor, Kevin Bodley, who no longer works for the Town. Both Ms. Williams and Mayor Grant testified that the mayor did not meet Ms. Cockerham until the day she began work in his office. Petitioner testified that she knew the mayor had met Ms. Cockerham before she was hired by the Town, because Mayor Grant had instructed Petitioner to set up a meeting with Ms. Cockerham while Petitioner was still working in the mayor's office. Mayor Grant flatly denied having any knowledge of Ms. Cockerham prior to the time of her hiring. On this point, Mayor Grant's testimony, as supported by that of Ms. Williams, is credited. To support her allegation that Mayor Grant preferred employees with light skin, Petitioner cited his preferential treatment of an employee named Cherone Fort. Petitioner claimed that Mayor Grant required her to make a wake-up call to Ms. Fort every morning, because Ms. Fort had problems getting to work on time. Ms. Fort was a light-skinned African-American woman. Under cross-examination, Petitioner conceded that Mayor Grant and Ms. Fort were friends, and that his favoritism toward her may have had nothing to do with her skin color. Petitioner claimed that there were other examples of the mayor's "color struck" favoritism toward lighter-skinned employees, but she declined to provide specifics.5 She admitted that several dark-skinned persons worked for the Town, but countered that those persons do not work in close proximity to the mayor. As to her age discrimination claim, Petitioner testified that a persistent theme of her conversations with Mayor Grant was his general desire for a younger staff, because younger people were fresher and more creative. The mayor's expressed preference was always a concern to Petitioner. Petitioner testified that she felt degraded, demeaned and humiliated by the transfer to the post office. She has worked as an executive assistant for her entire professional career, including positions for the city manager of Gainesville and the head of pediatric genetics at the University of Florida. She believed herself unsuited to a clerical position in the post office, and viewed her transfer as punitive. In April 2008, Petitioner was transferred from the post office to a position as assistant to the town planner. Within days of this second transfer, Petitioner resigned her position as an employee of the Town. At the time of her resignation, Petitioner was being paid $15.23 per hour. Petitioner is now working for Rollins College in a position she feels is more suitable to her skills. She makes about $14.00 per hour. The greater weight of the evidence establishes that there was a personality conflict between Petitioner and Mayor Grant. Neither Petitioner nor Mayor Grant was especially forthcoming regarding the details of their working relationship, especially the cause of the friction that developed in August 2007. Neither witness was entirely credible in describing the other's actions or motivations. No other witness corroborated Petitioner's claims that Mayor Grant ranted, yelled, and was "very, very nasty" in his dealings with Petitioner.6 No other witness corroborated Mayor Grant's claim that Petitioner was under stress due to some unnamed family situation. The working relationship between Mayor Grant and Petitioner was certainly volatile, but the evidence is insufficient to permit more than speculation as to the cause of that volatility. The greater weight of the evidence establishes that, due to this personality conflict, Mayor Grant wanted Petitioner transferred out of his office. He may even have used the subterfuge of a "temporary" transfer to exact Petitioner's compliance with the move. However, the purpose of this proceeding is not to pass judgment on Mayor Grant's honesty or skills as an administrator. Aside from Petitioner's suspicions, there is no solid evidence that Mayor Grant was motivated by anything other than a desire to have his office run more smoothly and efficiently. Petitioner's assertion that the mayor's preference for lighter-skinned employees was common knowledge cannot be credited without evidentiary support. Petitioner's age discrimination claim is supported only by Petitioner's recollection of conversations with Mayor Grant in which he expressed a general desire for a younger, fresher, more creative staff. Given that both Petitioner and Ms. Cockerham were experienced, middle-aged professionals, and given that Mayor Grant had nothing to do with the hiring of either employee, the five-year age difference between them does not constitute evidence of discrimination on the part of the mayor or the Town. Petitioner was not discharged from employment. Though Petitioner perceived it as a demotion, the transfer to the post office was a lateral transfer within the Town's employment hierarchy. Petitioner was paid the same salary and received the same benefits she received as an administrative assistant to the mayor. A reasonably objective observer would not consider working as a clerk in a post office to be demeaning or degrading.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations issue a final order finding that the Town of Eatonville did not commit any unlawful employment practices and dismissing the Petition for Relief. DONE AND ENTERED this 17th day of February, 2009, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LAWRENCE P. STEVENSON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of February, 2009.

Florida Laws (5) 120.569120.57760.02760.10760.11 Florida Administrative Code (1) 28-106.216
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Nov. 03, 2008 Number: 08-005487 Latest Update: May 19, 2009

The Issue The issue is whether Respondent committed unlawful employment practices contrary to Section 760.10, Florida Statutes (2008),1 by discriminating against Petitioner based on his national origin (Hispanic), by limiting, segregating, or classifying employees in a discriminatory fashion, or by retaliating against Petitioner for his opposition to unlawful employment practices.

Findings Of Fact Respondent is an employer as that term is defined in Subsection 760.02(7), Florida Statutes. Respondent is a family owned company based in Winter Park that installs residential and commercial insulation and acoustical ceilings and tiles. The company is divided into two divisions. The Insulation Division is headed by William Aldrich. The Acoustic/Ceiling Division is headed by Dale Aldrich, Jr., who was Petitioner's ultimate supervisor. Subsequent references to "Mr. Aldrich" are to Dale Aldrich, Jr. Petitioner, a Hispanic male originally from the U.S. Virgin Islands, was hired by Respondent in February 2006 to work in the Acoustic/Ceiling Division. He was hired as a tile installer, the entry-level position in the Acoustic/Ceiling Division. A tile installer drops ceiling tiles into the gridwork installed by a ceiling mechanic. With experience, a tile installer may work his way up to ceiling mechanic. "Ceiling mechanic" is not a licensed position, and there is no formal progression through which an employee works his way up to this more skilled, higher paid position. Advancement depends on management's recognition that an employee's skills have advanced to the point at which he can be entrusted with the mechanic's duties. Three to four years' experience is generally required to advance from tile installer to ceiling mechanic. By all accounts, including those of the ceiling mechanics who supervised him at job sites and that of Mr. Aldrich, Petitioner was more than competent as to his actual job skills. During the approximately thirteen months he worked for Respondent, Petitioner received four pay raises. He was making $14.00 per hour at the time of his termination in August 2007. The evidence produced at the hearing demonstrated that Petitioner had problems controlling his temper on the job. He was generally negative and quick to take offense at perceived slights, especially when he inferred they were due to his national origin. During his employment with Respondent, Petitioner was involved in at least three altercations with fellow employees and/or general contractors for whom Respondent worked as a subcontractor. The earliest incident occurred in October 2006. Petitioner was working on a job site at which Respondent was a subcontractor for Harkins Development Corporation. Petitioner testified that a Harkins supervisor named Harley was "commanding" him to perform tasks on the job site. Petitioner was affronted, because he was not Harley's employee and because Harley, who was white, did not appear to be giving commands to the white employees of Respondent. After lunch, Harley feigned that he was about to throw a soft drink at Petitioner. In fact, the Wendy's cup in Harley's hand was empty, though a drop or two of condensation from the outside of the cup may have landed on Petitioner. In Petitioner's version of the story, Petitioner then stood up and asked Harley if he would enjoy being on the receiving end of such treatment. Petitioner then phoned Mr. Aldrich and asked to be sent to a different job site. Mr. Aldrich refused, and instead scolded Petitioner. Petitioner believed that Mr. Aldrich was retaliating for his complaint. Petitioner walked off the job site for the rest of the day, and worked at a different site the next day. Petitioner entered into evidence the written statement of his co-worker, Eddy Abud. Mr. Abud is Hispanic, with a national origin in the Dominican Republic. Mr. Abud witnessed the confrontation between Petitioner and Harley. Mr. Abud stated that Harley shook his cup and a "couple drops" of water splashed on Petitioner, who "went ballistic." Petitioner used obscenities against Harley and invited him to fight. Harley threw Petitioner off the job, an action with which Mr. Abud agreed. Petitioner entered into evidence the written statement of his co-worker, Robert "Pappy" Amey. Mr. Amey is white, and wrote that Petitioner "acted like a man all the time" except for the incident with Harley. Mr. Amey's statement reads as follows, in relevant part: Harley had a big drink cup and he turned around and flipped it, playing, nothing came out. Justo lit up [and] called him a mother fucker a dozen times. He said if I find you on the street, I'll kill you. I leaned to him and I said, "Justo, shut up." He did not, he cussed Harley out the door. It was Harley's job. This was unprofessional behavior by Justo. It was just horseplay and it was empty. No reason to act like that. Despite his overall respect for Petitioner, Mr. Amey stated that Petitioner should have been fired for his actions. Mr. Aldrich testified that Harley called him and told him that Petitioner had threatened him. Petitioner told Harley that he would not do anything on the job, but would "kick his ass" if he saw him away from the job. Mr. Aldrich stated that Harkins was one of Respondent's largest, longest-standing accounts, and that he knew Harley as a "stand up guy" who would have no reason to lie about such an incident. The second incident occurred later in the same month, on October 31, 2006. Petitioner was working for Respondent on a project at the University of Central Florida. A ceiling mechanic named Adam Sorkness was in charge of the project. Petitioner testified that Mr. Sorkness had already angered him in September 2006 by making racial jokes about black employees, and that Mr. Aldrich had separated Petitioner from Mr. Sorkness on subsequent jobs up to October 31, 2006. At first, there were no problems on the University of Central Florida job. Petitioner accepted his assignment from Mr. Sorkness. On this day, every man on the job was installing ceiling tile, which involved wearing stilts. According to Petitioner, two white employees arrived later in the morning and decided to work together, leaving Petitioner to work with Isaiah Fields, a black employee whom Petitioner alleged was the butt of Mr. Sorkness' earlier racial jokes. Petitioner became agitated because it appeared the two white employees were doing no work. Mr. Fields testified that he and Petitioner were working around a corner from Mr. Sorkness. They heard loud laughter from around the corner. Mr. Fields said that the laughter was not directed at him or Petitioner, but that it appeared to anger Petitioner, who said, "Wait a minute," and headed around the corner on his stilts. Mr. Fields stayed put and thus did not see the subsequent altercation. Petitioner approached Mr. Sorkness, who was also on stilts. Petitioner complained about the job assignments. Mr. Sorkness replied that everyone was doing the same job and that Petitioner could leave if he didn't like it. Petitioner became more incensed, calling Mr. Sorkness a "sorry white faggot." Petitioner took off his stilts, then confronted Mr. Sorkness at very close range. Mr. Sorkness pushed Petitioner away. Petitioner then charged Mr. Sorkness and they engaged in a brief fight. Ben Davis, a white ceiling mechanic who witnessed the altercation, called it a "scuffle."3 Mr. Aldrich investigated the matter and determined that Petitioner was the instigator of the fight. He suspended Petitioner for three days, and gave Mr. Sorkness a verbal warning. Mr. Aldrich issued a "written warning" to Petitioner cautioning him that he was subject to termination. Mr. Aldrich wrote the following comments: "Justo has been given 3 days off without pay. Normally an employee would be fired for this action. Justo has NO MORE chances. Next offense will result in immediate termination of employment with Energy Savings Systems." The document was signed by Mr. Aldrich and Petitioner.4 Petitioner claimed that Mr. Aldrich cut his hours in retaliation for the UCF incident, and it took several months for his hours to come back up to 40 per week. The time sheets submitted by Petitioner showed fluctuations in his work hours before and after the incident, which is consistent with Mr. Aldrich's testimony that he only cuts hours when work is slow for the company. The evidence demonstrated that Petitioner's hours were reduced at times because he would refuse to take certain jobs, either because of their location or because Petitioner did not want to work with certain people, such as Mr. Sorkness. The third and final incident occurred on August 20, 2007. Petitioner was working on a job for which Respondent was a subcontractor to Alexander-Whitt Enterprises, a general contractor. Alexander-Whitt's superintendent on the job was Dan Alexander. Mr. Alexander asked Petitioner to clean up. Petitioner resented either the order itself or Mr. Alexander's method of delivering it, in light of a brief altercation between the two men on the job site three days earlier. Petitioner threatened to slap Mr. Alexander. Mr. Aldrich testified that he received several calls from Mr. Alexander complaining about Petitioner over the course of this job. Petitioner had an "attitude" about Mr. Alexander's instructing him on the job. Mr. Aldrich apologized. After Petitioner's threat, Mr. Alexander called yet again and told Mr. Aldrich that he wanted Petitioner off the job. After this call, Mr. Aldrich fired Petitioner. Aside from his own suspicions and resentments, Petitioner offered no evidence that his termination had anything to do with his national origin or was retaliation for his complaints about the company's discriminatory practices. In fact, Petitioner never made a formal complaint while he was employed by Respondent. His only "complaints" were to certain co-workers that he was being discriminated against because he was Hispanic. Andy Weatherby, a ceiling mechanic who at times was Petitioner's field superintendent, recalled Petitioner telling him that he felt disadvantaged on the job for being Hispanic, but that Petitioner described no specific incidents of discrimination. Julio Oliva, a junior ceiling mechanic with Respondent, is of Puerto Rican descent. Mr. Oliva testified that he saw no discrimination at the company. He worked often with Petitioner, whom he described as having a negative attitude. Mr. Oliva testified that it was difficult to merely pass the time in conversation with Petitioner, because Petitioner always had something negative to say. Edgar Mullenhoff, also Puerto Rican, has worked for Respondent since 1982 and is the field superintendent for the insulation side of the company. Mr. Mullenhoff described the company as "like a family" and stated that he never felt a victim of discrimination. Mr. Abud's written statement attests that he has had no problems working for Respondent, and that "we have great bosses." Petitioner noted what he termed a discriminatory pattern in the ethnic diversity of the Insulation Division versus the Acoustic/Ceiling Division. While conceding that most of Respondent's employees are Hispanic, Petitioner notes that the great majority of the Hispanics work in the lower paying, less skilled Insulation Division. Petitioner further argued that those few Hispanics hired in the Acoustic/Ceiling Division are given no opportunity to advance to the position of ceiling mechanic. William Aldrich, the head of the Insulation Division, testified that there is a much higher turnover in insulation, and that for the last four years or so the only applicants for the positions have been Hispanic. He credibly testified that he hires anyone who appears capable of doing the job. As to Petitioner's lack of advancement, it must be noted that he worked for Respondent for just a little over one year. Mr. Oliva testified that he has worked for Respondent for five and one-half years. He spent the first two years performing menial tasks and learning on the job. Mr. Oliva stated that Respondent's ceiling mechanics were helpful to him in learning the trade, and he felt no barriers due to his national origin. Mr. Sorkness testified that it took him between four and five years to become a mechanic. Mr. Davis testified that it took him between three and four years to work his way up to ceiling mechanic. The greater weight of the evidence establishes that Petitioner was terminated from his position with Respondent due to misconduct on the job. The greater weight of the evidence establishes that Respondent has not discriminated against Petitioner or any other employee based on national origin.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations issue a final order finding that Energy Savings Systems of Central Florida, Inc. did not commit any unlawful employment practices and dismissing the Petition for Relief. DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of February, 2009, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LAWRENCE P. STEVENSON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of February, 2009.

Florida Laws (5) 120.569120.57760.02760.10760.11
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Mar. 06, 2001 Number: 01-000872 Latest Update: Mar. 21, 2002

The Issue The issue in this case is whether Respondent discriminated against Petitioner on the basis of his age, as stated in the Charge of Discrimination, in violation of Section 760.10(1), Florida Statutes. Preliminary Statement Petitioner, Alton Saunders, filed a Charge of Discrimination with the Florida Commission on Human Relations ("Commission") on May 10, 2000. The Commission did not make a determination regarding Petitioner's charge of discrimination within 180 days as required by Section 760.11(3), Florida Statutes. On December 27, 2000, Petitioner filed a Petition for Relief and thereby requested an administrative hearing. On March 2, 2001, the Commission referred the matter to Division Of Administrative Hearings to conduct an administrative hearing. On March 22, 2001, a final hearing was set for May 9-11, 2001, in Orlando, Florida. The final hearing was reset for June 6-8, 2001. On March 27, 2001, Respondent filed a Motion to Dismiss alleging that Petitioner "failed to timely request an administrative hearing with the Florida Commission on Human Relations as required by Section 760.11(6), Florida Statutes." On May 17, 2001, an Order Reserving Ruling on Respondent's Motion to Dismiss was entered, reserving ruling until the matter was reconsidered after the close of evidence at the final hearing. At the onset of the final hearing, Petitioner requested a continuance, which was denied. In support of his request for continuance, Petitioner presented a letter from Robert Wheelock, an Orlando attorney, which was made a part of the record as Petitioner's Exhibit A, but not received into evidence. Petitioner presented James "Jan" Saunders, Hugh Paton, Brett Saunders, Doris Dixon, Debra Sweeney, and himself as witnesses. Petitioner offered two exhibits, 1 and 2, which were received into evidence. Respondent presented Debra Sweeney and two additional witnesses, Richmond Taylor and Karl D. Fillauer, by deposition. Respondent offered 13 exhibits; 1-8 and 14-17 were received into evidence. Respondent's exhibit 11 was not admitted into evidence. The Transcript of proceedings was filed on July 23, 2001. Respondent filed a Proposed Recommended Order on August 20, 2001. Petitioner did not file a proposed recommended order.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner was born on August 16, 1922, is 79 years old, and is a member of a protected class. Respondent, Hanger Prosthetics and Orthotics, Inc. ("Hanger"), employed Petitioner at the time of the alleged discrimination. Hanger is engaged in the manufacture, service, and sale of prosthetics and orthotic devices around the country, including in Central Florida. Petitioner and his family have also been engaged in the prosthetics and orthotics industry throughout Central Florida for many years, operating under a variety of different business names. From approximately 1985 through 1997, Petitioner was employed as a general office employee by Amputee and Brace Center, a prosthetics and orthotics company owned by Petitioner's sons, Jerome and Jan Saunders. In 1997, Amputee and Brace Center was acquired by NovaCare, a competitor in the prosthetics and orthotics industry. As part of the sale, members of the Saunders family, including Petitioner, became employees of NovaCare. Shortly after the acquisition of Amputee and Brace Center by NovaCare, several members of the Saunders family left NovaCare's employ to work for competing prosthetics and orthotics companies. For example, Scott Saunders, Petitioner's grandson, left NovaCare's employ and opened a competing company, ABC Prosthetics and Orthotics, Inc. across the street from NovaCare's facility on Gore Street in Orlando. In July 1999, NovaCare was acquired by Hanger, previously another competitor of NovaCare. Following the merger of NovaCare and Hanger, Petitioner became an employee of Hanger and remained at the facility located on Gore Street in Orlando. As a result of the merger, numerous personnel changes occurred at the Gore Street facility. For example, Debra Sweeney, a longtime Hanger employee, was transferred to the Gore Street facility as the Clinical Operations Director. In December 1999, the title of Clinical Operations Director was changed to Area Practice Manager. Ms. Sweeney was the individual ultimately responsible for the Gore Street facility where Petitioner was then employed. On March 8, 2000, a misdirected envelope and its contents arrived with the rest of the mail at the Gore Street facility. The envelope was addressed to Dr. Steven Goll, a significant source of patient referrals for Hanger. The return address on the envelope was the return address of ABC Prosthetics and Orthotics, Inc., the company owned by Petitioner's grandson, Scott Saunders, and Hanger's biggest competitor in Central Florida. The envelope was routinely opened by a member of Hanger's office staff and then delivered, along with its contents, to Debra Sweeney. The envelope addressed to Dr. Steven Goll contained a solicitation letter bearing Petitioner's signature seeking business referrals on behalf of a new company, Anatomically Correct Cosmetic Restorations ("Anatomically Correct"). The envelope also contained Petitioner's business card and a trifold marketing piece which explained the types of products and services offered by Anatomically Correct. According to the trifold, Anatomically Correct offered prosthetic and orthotics services and devices which were identical to significant services and devices being offered by Hanger. Upon receiving the marketing materials, Debbie Sweeney immediately recognized the return address on the envelope and trifold marketing piece as the return address for Hanger's competitor, ABC Prosthetics and Orthotics, Inc. ABC Prosthetics and Orthotics, Inc., Hanger's competitor, had given Petitioner permission to use the business address of ABC Prosthetics and Orthotics, Inc., as well as ABC Prosthetics and Orthotics, Inc.'s envelopes in distributing the Anatomically Correct marketing materials. Petitioner's granddaughter-in-law, the wife of the president of ABC Prosthetics and Orthotics, Inc. designed the marketing materials for Anatomically Correct. Upon examining the contents of the envelope, Ms. Sweeney suspected that Petitioner was engaged in improper competition with their employer, Hanger. On March 9, 2000, a meeting was held among Ms. Sweeney, Petitioner, and Rose DeLucia, the branch manager of the Gore Street facility, during which time Ms. Sweeney presented Petitioner with an opportunity to explain the contents of the envelope that had arrived at Hanger's Gore Street facility the previous day. During the March 9, 2000, meeting, Petitioner admitted that he had developed the marketing materials, signed them, and distributed them. Additionally, Petitioner admitted that he had mailed the solicitation materials out to physicians practicing throughout the Orlando area who referred patients to Hanger for the purpose of seeking patient referrals from them for his new business. Petitioner had not solicited business from Hanger's referring physicians during the time that he was actively working for Hanger, i.e., 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Petitioner acknowledged that he had not advised Hanger that he intended to start Anatomically Correct and engage in business. Petitioner's conduct was a violation of Hanger policy as well as the policy of Petitioner's former employer, NovaCare, which merged with Hanger. As a result of the discussion and Petitioner's acknowledgment of production and distribution of the solicitation materials, Ms. Sweeney advised Petitioner that his employment was terminated for conduct in conflict with his obligations to Hanger, specifically competing with Hanger while employed by Hanger. Petitioner's employment was terminated for his improper competition with his employer, Hanger, and was unrelated to Petitioner's age. In his March 10, 2000, application for unemployment compensation benefits with the State of Florida Department of Labor, Petitioner indicated that he had been informed that he was being terminated because his "outside work is in conflict with their type of work." In a July 1999, conversation involving overstaffing at the Gore Street facility, Wallace Faraday, a Hanger executive, suggested, "Isn't it time for Al [Respondent] to resign, maybe one of his sons will hire him," or words to that effect. On April 27, 2000, Petitioner signed and dated a Charge of Discrimination. The Charge of Discrimination was filed with the Commission on May 10, 2000. Section 760.11(3), Florida Statutes, requires that the Commission determine whether there was reasonable cause for the Charge of Discrimination within 180 days of the date Petitioner filed his Charge of Discrimination. The last day the Commission could have issued its determination of reasonable cause was November 6, 2000. The Commission failed to issue an order determining reasonable cause. When the Commission failed to determine reasonable cause, Petitioner had 35 days from November 6, 2000, or no later than December 11, 2000, to request an administrative hearing in accordance with Sections 760.11(4), (6), (7), and (8), Florida Statutes. Petitioner executed an Election of Rights form indicating his desire to withdraw his Charge of Discrimination and file a Petition for Relief to proceed with an administrative hearing on December 27, 2000. Petitioner did not file his request for administrative hearing within 35 days of November 6, 2000. Petitioner's claim is barred. Section 760.11(6), Florida Statutes, expressly provides, in pertinent part: "An administrative hearing pursuant to paragraph 4(b) must be requested no later than 35 days after the date of determination by the commission."

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Commission enter a final order granting Hanger's Motion to Dismiss finding that Petitioner's Election of Rights and request for an administrative hearing was not timely filed, finding that Hanger did not discriminate against Petitioner, and denying Petitioner's Charge of Discrimination and Petition for Relief. DONE AND ENTERED this 12th day of September, 2001, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. JEFF B. CLARK Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of September, 2001. COPIES FURNISHED: Lisa H. Cassilly, Esquire Ashley B. Davis, Esquire Alston & Bird, LLP One Atlantic Center 1201 West Peachtree Street Atlanta, Georgia 30309-3424 Azizi M. Dixon, Clerk Florida Commission on Human Relations 325 John Knox Road Building F, Suite 240 Tallahassee, Florida 32303-4149 Alton M. Saunders Jerome Saunders 418 Seville Avenue Altamonte Springs, Florida 32714 Dana A. Baird, General Counsel Florida Commission on Human Relations 325 John Knox Road Building F, Suite 240 Tallahassee, Florida 32303-4149

USC (1) 42 U.S.C 2000 Florida Laws (4) 120.57760.10760.1195.11
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