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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jul. 08, 2020 Number: 20-003059 Latest Update: Jul. 06, 2024

The Issue Did Respondent, Hodges University (Hodges), commit an unlawful employment practice against Petitioner, Connie Leonessa, on account of her religion, as defined and prohibited by section 760.10(5), Florida Statutes (2018)?1

Findings Of Fact Parties Hodges is a university located in Ft. Myers, Florida. It offers a master's degree in counseling through the Clinical Mental Health Counseling (CMHC) program housed within Hodges' Nichols School of Professional Studies. Ms. Leonessa was a student in Hodges' CMHC master's program. Ms. Leonessa is an experienced registered nurse who has primarily served pediatric patients over the years. She also volunteered regularly to work with children in inner cities of the Northeast. Those experiences, her compassion for children, and her personal trauma of molestation drove Ms. Leonessa to want to serve children better. In her words, "and I just felt that God wanted me to go back to school to get a master's so I can help these victims." Ms. Leonessa was enrolled in Hodges from 2015 until the fall of 2018. Her goal was to prepare herself to provide counseling services to child victims of trauma. There is no persuasive, competent evidence proving that providing counseling services to child victims of trauma is a profession, occupation, or trade that requires a master's degree in counseling. In fact, paid positions in the counseling field are available without a master's degree. A master's degree, followed by two years of full-time, post- graduation, paid supervised work experience is required to obtain a mental health counselor license. So is passage of the NCMHCE Exam administered by the National Board for Certified Counselors. The persuasive, competent evidence of record does not prove that Ms. Leonessa intended to take the post-graduation steps required to obtain a mental health counselor license or to seek a mental health counselor license. Hodges' Master's Program Earning a master's degree in social work from Hodges requires successful completion of academic coursework, a 200-hour practicum, and three 267-hour internships. The providers of the practicum and internships are not part of or controlled by Hodges. The student is responsible for identifying and making arrangements with the practicum and internship providers. Hodges assists when it can. Hodges' program, like counseling itself, requires students to develop awareness of their preferences, prejudices, ethics, and philosophies and separate them from the support and guidance provided clients. Upon entering the program, students agree to abide by the requirements of a Clinical Mental Health Counseling Professional Attitude and Behavior Agreement (Agreement). Ms. Leonessa signed the agreement on September 2, 2015. The Agreement states the student's obligation to align her "personal ethics with the professional ethics as defined by the American Counseling Association (ACA) 2014 Code of Ethics [Code].” The Code was attached to the Agreement. The Agreement emphasizes the priority of avoiding harm to clients or future clients and taking care to not impose the counselor's personal beliefs, values, and behaviors on clients. The Agreement recognizes the ethical dilemmas the profession presents and articulates a student's obligation to consult others about the dilemmas and develop "an ever increasing ability to apply a professional ethic to difficult situations involving ethical dilemmas and associated law … ." As part of the Agreement, Ms. Leonessa agreed to have "an open and willing attitude toward feedback and suggestions given by faculty, peers and site supervisors to help the student reduce the possibility of harm." This tenet supports the value of requiring a counselor to put "a high priority on avoiding harm to clients or future clients." The Agreement obliges the student to understand and abide by the Code. The CMHC Student Handbook (Handbook) contains and emphasizes requirements similar to the Agreement's requirements. It encourages students to pursue personal therapy and growth, for their intrinsic benefits and to provide insight into what clients experience. The Handbook emphasizes that counselors are held to higher ethical standards and higher levels of personal growth and mental health than the average person. It states that evaluation of a student's progress in those areas is part of judging a student's suitability for the counseling profession. Hodges' program includes regular evaluation of a student's progress in "interpersonal interactions with students, faculty, site supervisors, and others involved with his/her academic progress." The program requires progress in those areas and provides for a Student Development Plan for remediation if the student does not improve his or her interpersonal interactions and skills. The Handbook directs students to review the Code. The Handbook requires students to work professionally and respectfully with fellow students, faculty, site supervisors, and site employees. The Handbook also requires students to accept others without rejection based upon, among other things, age, culture, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, or marital status. A student commits to be "respectful of differing opinions and professional practice … ." A student also commits to work "to continually improve her/his professional relationship skills and clarify professional boundaries." The Handbook, signed by Ms. Leonessa, concludes with this affirmation: I understand that the Hodges University Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program requires students to perform adequately in areas of academic assessment that include the ability to form and continue positive relationships with others; the ability to acquire and correctly use counseling knowledge and skills, and the ability to successfully complete all practicums and internships in the judgment of the faculty and site supervisors. These expectations are in addition to the didactic coursework expectations and assessment procedures. I understand that I will be expected to continually improve my ability to demonstrate counseling competencies as I progress in the program. I further understand that the American Counseling Association 2014 Code of Ethics forms the basis of professional standards to which I must adhere. In sum, the nature of the counseling field that Ms. Leonessa sought to enter and the program at Hodges required students to develop an open and tolerant and patient way of communicating with people with whom they may disagree, even disagree vehemently. Conflict in Hodges' Academic Program Ms. Leonessa performed well in her academic work. But her interactions with three fellow students and a professor were marked with conflicts. She attributed the conflict to discrimination against her on account of her religion. The evidence does not support the attribution. Ms. Leonessa's sensitivity to the age differential between herself and other students and her aggressive personality caused conflict with fellow students. Ms. Leonessa acknowledged her aggressiveness, saying, "You know, I know I have a tone and I've been honest about that. I have a tone." (Tr. V. I, p. 206). Ms. Leonessa also had a pattern of attributing any disagreement or conflict to opposition to her Christian beliefs. Dr. Thomas Hoffman taught many of Ms. Leonessa's classes. Like Ms. Leonessa, Dr. Hoffman is a Christian. In email communications each referred to scripture. For instance, Dr. Hoffman, in counseling Ms. Leonessa about alleviating her repeated personal conflicts, advised her to be "wise as a serpent, but gentle as a dove." Ms. Leonessa, in defense of her combative approach said, "Jesus Christ spoke truth and was hated for it." Neither Dr. Hoffman nor any other Hodges representative ever prohibited Ms. Leonessa from referring to her Christian beliefs in communications with them. In addition, Dr. Hoffman never asked Ms. Leonessa not to share her religious views, such as her anti-abortion beliefs, in class. As the years passed, Ms. Leonessa's communications to Dr. Hoffman grew increasingly querulous and combative. Her tone was frustrated and loud. She challenged Dr. Hoffman's competence, honesty, and integrity in a disrespectful manner. Ms. Leonessa clashed, in class and outside class, with three fellow students. She felt the students did not treat her with the respect that was her due because of her age. Ms. Leonessa had a dispute with one student about abortion. She had conflicts with another about the use of the "F" word in class. Ms. Leonessa had a conflict with a third student who said that Ms. Leonessa was trying to impose her values in class. During these conflicts, Ms. Leonessa raised her voice and spoke hostilely. Sometimes she pointed her finger. In an encounter outside of the school, one of the students told Ms. Leonessa that Ms. Leonessa's beliefs were "f…ed up" and that Ms. Leonessa should attend a Christian school. Once Ms. Leonessa jerked on another student's purse strap to make a point. Those three students did not have conflicts with other students or faculty. Also, as will be addressed below, Ms. Leonessa had significant problems in her internships, problems the other students did not have. The three students were not similarly situated to Ms. Leonessa. Due to these conflicts and ways of interacting with Dr. Hoffman, Hodges faculty met with Ms. Leonessa in February 2016 in an informal coaching session. The purpose was to address Ms. Leonessa's inability to control her emotions and express herself in an appropriate manner. These are all issues whose importance to counseling the Agreement, the Handbook, and the Code all emphasize. Ms. Leonessa's religious beliefs were not the reason for convening the coaching session or the communications during it. The faculty also conducted informal coaching sessions with the other three students. Despite the coaching sessions, Ms. Leonessa's conflicts with the students and Dr. Hoffman continued. Hodges' Handbook provides for establishing a formal Student Development Plan (SDP) to assist students who are not performing in a manner that is consistent with the Code. An SDP's purpose is to formalize concerns not resolved by the informal coaching and provide a plan for addressing them. It is a remedial measure. Hodges established SDPs infrequently. Since 2011 it has implemented seven. The faculty created an SDP for Ms. Leonessa and placed her on it in October 2016. Ms. Leonessa's religious beliefs played no part in the decision to create the plan or setting the plan's requirements. The behaviors which the SDP addressed included the changes in Ms. Leonessa's tone and raised volume when she disagreed with others, her practice of interrupting others with whom she disagreed, and her belaboring of class topics well after the instructor was trying to move the class to a resolution and on to the next subject. The plan provided supports and measurable goals for Ms. Leonessa. They were: (1) pairing her with a third-year student as a mentor, (2) completing a case study assignment, (3) completing role-playing exercises, and (4) documenting her changes of tone and volume in class. Ms. Leonessa disagreed with the SDP but agreed to follow it and signed it some two months after the faculty presented it to her. The role-playing exercises assigned to Ms. Leonessa involved same-sex attraction and abortion. The faculty selected these two topics because they recur frequently in counseling. Ms. Leonessa's religious beliefs were not the reason for selecting the topics. Ms. Leonessa successfully completed the SDP. The three students with whom Ms. Leonessa clashed were not placed on SDPs. Their issues did not match Ms. Leonessa's in frequency or intensity. Practicum Ms. Leonessa sought to establish a practicum placement at Cape Christian, also known as Samaritan Health and Wellness Center (Cape Christian). There was some uncertainty whether the supervision available at Cape Christian met Hodges' requirements. Ms. Leonessa's contact at Cape Christian, Ms. Trout, was not satisfactorily responsive to Ms. Leonessa's efforts to sort the issue out. This resulted in combative telephone calls and emails from Ms. Leonessa to Ms. Trout. An excerpt from one email illustrates Ms. Leonessa's pattern of hostility and injection of religion into disputes. In a December 5, 2016, email to Ms. Trout from Ms. Leonessa describing her displeasure with the responsiveness of Cape Christian and a conversation with one of Ms. Trout's co-workers, Ms. Leonessa wrote: You stated I chewed her out but you were not on the phone. I did not disparage her character in any way, I said as believers we are to keep our word and that now I would have to find another place at the last minute. That is all I said. The Bible says be angry and sin not. According to what I have heard, you do not believe people should be angry and I would bet there are times in your life when you have had an unprofessional tone. Also I have had to wait weeks before hearing back from you, it amazed me how quickly you called about this situation-seconds! Ms. Trout replied: If you were my student and you'd have behaved in the manner as this [sic], you would be put in a professional development status, complete with remediation, to determine your appropriateness to move forward in the field of counseling. The fact that you sent this email in its current form further highlights the display of lack of professionalism and emotional maturity now exhibited in two separate phone calls as well. I would encourage that you seek some assistance in processing your emotions, and the manner in which you communicate those. I wish you the best. Ms. Leonessa replied to Ms. Trout, "Please do not contact me further." Ms. Trout forwarded the email exchange to Sue Hook and Dr. Mary Nuosce of Hodges. Dr. Nuosce answered, "Amy, I apologize for her total lack of professionalism. We are working on this. Thank you for your patience." This incident triggered an update to the SDP. The update was because of Ms. Leonessa's conduct and unrelated to her religious beliefs. Ultimately, Ms. Leonessa obtained and successfully completed a practicum with FRS/Omega Center. Tina Friedman was her supervisor. Ms. Friedman twice noted in the July 7, 2017, evaluation form that Ms. Leonessa required ongoing attention in the area of values management. The values criterion relates to many of the requirements and principles of the Agreement, the Code, and the Handbook. The evaluation form describes it thus: "Value Management: How did the student cope with values? Were attempts made to impose the student's values during the interview?" Ms. Friedman's Session Evaluation Form noted, "Connie does repeatedly offer her own values during client/student interaction." Ms. Friedman wrote a note to Ms. Leonessa on the form stating that Ms. Leonessa's development was at an expected level save for in values management. The note went on to specify: "Please work more diligently in this area as that may [prove] to be a problem in the future." The August 17, 2017, final evaluation emphasized the problem stating, HER BURNING DESIRE TO INITIATE CHANGE, MAY PROVE TO BE HER MOST DIFFICULT PERSONAL CHALLENGE AS A CLINICIAN. IT IS HOPED THAT IN TIME AND WITH FURTHER EXPOSURE TO THE TENETS OF EFFECTIVE COUNSELING, CONNI CAN LEARN TO ACCEPT AND MEET THE CLIENT WHERE THEY ARE AT IN THE PROCESS. CONNI HAS STRONG, DEEP ROOTED BELIEFS AND VALUES, WHICH MAY BE DIFFERENT THAN THOSE OF THE CLIENTS AS WELL AS HER PEERS, THAT SHE ENCOUNTERS. I HAVE SHARED THIS OBSERVATION WITH CONNI AND HAVE ENCOURAGED HER TO CONSIDER THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING OPEN AND ACCEPTING TO THE DIVERSITY OF THE POPULATION SHE WILL SERVE. Internships Ms. Leonessa obtained an intern position with True Core Behavioral Solutions (True Core). True Core provided services to the Ft. Myers Youth Academy, a juvenile detention center. True Core terminated Ms. Leonessa's internship after two days. The problems leading to her termination were those of value imposition and boundary crossing presaged by her practicum. Ms. Leonessa participated in two counseling sessions for the juveniles. Her improper conduct included sharing personal information about her abandonment by her husband and her celibacy since then. In the counseling profession this boundary crossing behavior is often damaging to the therapeutic process. Ms. Leonessa also criticized a young man who supported his girlfriend obtaining an abortion, telling him abortion was murder and talked about holding premature babies in her hands. She criticized some of the youth for engaging in premarital sex telling them it violated God's law. She told one young man his troubles stemmed from abandonment by his father. This conduct demonstrated emotionalism and an inability to respect client perspectives that the SDP was intended to ameliorate. For this reason, Hodges updated the SDP. Ms. Leonessa acknowledges that it would be professionally wrong for a counselor to advocate her personal religious beliefs and values to clients. She denies that she did so. But the preponderance of the competent, substantial evidence proves that she did. True Core reported Ms. Leonessa's termination and the causes for it to Hodges. After Ms. Leonessa's termination from True Core, Dr. Mary Nuosce, Dean of the Nichols Schools of Professional Studies and a faculty member, tried to assist her in finding another internship placement. Dr. Nuosce was the supervisor for Ms. Leonessa's internships. She approached Janean Byrne from Serenity Counseling about accepting Ms. Leonessa as an intern. Dr. Nuosce thought Serenity might suit Ms. Leonessa more because it was a faith-based counseling provider. She gave Ms. Leonessa Ms. Byrne's contact information and asked her to follow up on establishing an internship. Ms. Leonessa did not seek the internship. She refused to contact Ms. Byrne for non-specified reasons. She told Dr. Nuosce, "I just emailed her [Ms. Byrne] and turned down the position. What occurred today has taught me that I need to find a place where my values are shared and respected so I will continue to look for a sight [sic]." When Dr. Nuosce asked how she could be so judgmental about someone she had never met, Ms. Leonessa responded, "I never said anything against her [Ms. Byrne], however, I am looking for a place that shares my biblical values especially after what occurred today that is all. I do have the right to choose where I want to intern at!" Hodges' faculty continued efforts to help Ms. Leonessa locate an intern position. Ms. Leonessa obtained an internship at HEADS. Within a few weeks, HEADS dismissed her. Ms. Leonessa worked with therapist Julie Jakobi attending sessions with clients. Jerry Sprague, HEADS's clinical supervisor for Ft. Myers, selected Ms. Jakobi to work with Ms. Leonessa because he was aware of Ms. Leonessa's ardent Christian beliefs and Ms. Jakobi held similarly strong Christian beliefs. The first client Ms. Jakobi and Ms. Leonessa saw was a 13-year old female with a long history of running away and conflict with her mother. They saw her at school in a room in the office. The student was very concerned about telling her mother that she was gay. After the student left the room, Ms. Leonessa turned and loudly and aggressively confronted Ms. Jakobi telling her she was wrong in her counseling of the student. Ms. Leonessa insisted Ms. Jakobi should have told the student that she would catch sexually transmitted diseases, she would become depressed, and she would commit suicide. The room's door was open, and a secretary sat right outside the door. The lack of privacy and danger to client confidentiality concerned Ms. Jakobi. They also visited a client, a man concerned about becoming an opioid addict and the effect on him of growing up in a rough neighborhood. He and his wife were separated and had completed the documents necessary to finalize their divorce. Ms. Jakobi had informed Ms. Leonessa of the pending divorce before they arrived at the home. Ms. Jakobi and Ms. Leonessa met with the client at his wife's home. Ms. Leonessa began talking to the man about how he could work through his problems and learn to love his wife better. This "froze" the client and sabotaged efforts to provide the addiction counseling he sought. On the drive back to the office, Ms. Leonessa was very rude and hostile to Ms. Jakobi. Ms. Leonessa was physically tense. Her tone was sharp. Ms. Leonessa brought up homosexuality again and renewed advocacy of "conversion therapy." At the time, this was not permitted. As soon as she left Ms. Leonessa at her car, Ms. Jakobi called Mr. Sprague to report the day's incidents. He concluded that quick action was required and asked Ms. Leonessa to apologize to Ms. Jakobi. It is worth noting that Mr. Sprague's email signature quotes from the Bible, Psalm 82:3. Ms. Leonessa’s apology read as follows: "I realize not everyone see's [sic] things eye to eye. However when differences occur truth needs to be spoken in a way that is gentle. I realize my 'tone' is not always gentle and I am working on this." This is no apology and was not received as one. Mr. Sprague spoke further to Ms. Jakobi and another counselor who worked with Ms. Leonessa about their experiences with her. He concluded that he was "not convinced that she will not cause harm." He decided that terminating Ms. Leonessa promptly was best. Mr. Sprague's September 27, 2018, email to Dr. Nuosce explaining his decision is persuasive and was reasonably accepted by the Hodges faculty. He began by reporting that Ms. Leonessa was very difficult to communicate with. He reported that Ms. Leonessa "failed at a very basic level to demonstrate the ability to maintain appropriate boundaries and to demonstrated basic empathy skills." His email went on to state: I would be surprised if you didn't already know this as her strong personality, strong beliefs and aggressive tendencies are hard for her to manage. She had told me she has had conflicts with professors so I imagine this is why. He concluded that Ms. Leonessa was "stuck on a superficial (immature) level of reasoning and so she is failing to both read others well and to maintain appropriate social boundaries … ." Mr. Sprague strongly suggested Ms. Leonessa consider a different career than counseling. This report, supported by the evidence in this case, caused Dr. Nuosce to conclude that Ms. Leonessa was not complying with her revised SDP. Also Ms. Leonessa had failed to complete two internship programs and one practicum. Failure to complete the practicum revealed significant problems which persisted. Three internships are required to obtain a counseling degree from Hodges. Ms. Leonessa completed none. For these reasons, Hodges administratively withdrew Ms. Leonessa. Ms. Leonessa appealed within the Hodges system. Her appeal papers did not acknowledge what she had done wrong or how she proposed to improve. Instead they discussed her background and accused Hodges of repeatedly violating its policies and procedures. Hodges' Provost reviewed the many documents generated during Ms. Leonessa's tumultuous enrollment. He noted the similarity of reports of unacceptable behavior from different and unrelated sources, within and without the University. He denied the appeal. Summary The record of Ms. Leonessa's three years in Hodges' counseling program, including her time in practicum and internships, is a record of consistent, disputatious conduct. When the subject of religion, specifically Christianity arose, it was because Ms. Leonessa initiated criticisms of others' behavior as unchristian, because Ms. Leonessa sought to advocate her Christian views to counseling clients, and because she explicitly judged clients' actions, decisions, and options by her standards. The evidence does not prove that Hodges took any actions against Ms. Leonessa, including imposition of the SDP and termination from the program because of her religion. Hodges' terminated her because she violated the fundamental counseling requirement to accept clients as they are and not seek to impose her values on them. The record does not prove that any of the practicum and internship providers took any actions against Ms. Leonessa on account of her religious beliefs. Furthermore, the practicum and internship providers were independent of Hodges. They were not subject to its control or direction or acting in its stead.

Recommendation It is Recommended that the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a final order dismissing the Petition for Relief of Connie Leonessa. DONE AND ENTERED this 22nd day of January, 2021, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. COPIES FURNISHED: Tammy S. Barton, Agency Clerk Florida Commission on Human Relations Room 110 4075 Esplanade Way Tallahassee, Florida 32399-7020 Thomas K. Rinaldi, Esquire Bond, Schoeneck & King, PLLC Suite 105 4001 Tamiami Trail North Naples, Florida 34103 Cheyanne Costilla, Gen. Co. Florida Commission on Human Relations 4075 Esplanade Way, Room 110 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 S JOHN D. C. NEWTON, II Administrative Law Judge 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 www.doah.state.fl.us Connie Leonessa American Liberties Institute Post Office Box 547503 Orlando, Florida 32854 Matthew Brown McReynolds, Esquire Pacific Justice Institute Post Office Box 276600 Sacramento, California 95827 Michelle Wilson, Executive Director Florida Commission on Human Relations 4075 Esplanade Way, Room 110 Tallahassee, Florida 32399

Florida Laws (5) 120.569120.68760.01760.10760.11 DOAH Case (1) 20-3059
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Jun. 22, 1993 Number: 93-003378 Latest Update: Apr. 13, 1994

The Issue In this case, the Petitioners challenge the determination by the Respondent that Anastasia Rush, Ph.D. is an employee of the Baker County School Board based upon the Division of Retirement's determination that Dr. Rush is not an independent contractor. The issue is whether Dr. Rush should be a member of the Florida retirement system. This determination which turns upon whether she is an employee of the school district. Which turns upon whether or not she is, and was, an independent contractor providing professional services to the school board pursuant to contract.

Findings Of Fact The Board, in compliance with the statutory mandate requiring special education programs for emotionally-handicapped students, contracted with the Child Guidance Center, Inc., (CGC) to provide assessment and counseling of qualified students. See, Ex. A-B and Tr. 215-217. The Board obtained additional funding from grants to provide its students with these mandated special educational programs relating to mental health. See, Ex. E, F, G, H, and M. The Board contracts with neighboring school boards which are unable to afford their own programs and pay the Baker County Board to provide services to severely emotionally disturbed children in their counties as required by the statute. The Board's contracts with mental health specialists are dependent upon funding for special students from state monies allocated based upon the total number of students and upon grant money. See, Tr. 38 and 215-216. The Board has not established a permanent position for a health care professional to render clinical mental health services. See, Tr. 72 and 217. The Board has contracted for these professional services to severely emotionally handicapped students, as well as for the professional services of occupational therapists and physical therapists. See, Tr. 79. CGC, the first provider of services to emotionally-handicapped students, is a corporation whose business is providing mental health care. See, Tr. 29. The Board contracted annually with CGC beginning in 1982 to provide a specified number of hours of counseling for its qualifying students. See, Tr. 31-33. The number of hours stated in the contract with CGC varied according to the availability of funding and established a financial liability limit on the contract. Each contract between the Board and CGC was for the term of the school year and could be terminated by either party upon 30 days notice. See, Ex. B. The contracts between the Board and CGC provided that the services would be rendered in the Baker County public schools. See, Ex. B. CGC billed the Board for each hour of counseling provided by its employees. See, Ex. B. CGC did its billing and accounting on a quarterly basis and arranged with the Board to be paid on a quarterly basis for its convenience. See, Ex. B; Tr. 145-146. Dr. Rush was an employee of CGC and first began providing mental health services to the students of Baker County in the early 1980's. See, Tr. 142. Dr. Rush is a licensed psychologist specializing in child psychology. Dr. Rush received a graduate degree in psychiatric social work from the University of Athens, Greece, and received a Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the University of Florida. See, Tr. 140-141. Dr. Rush has worked in the field of mental health for approximately 20 years. Dr. Rush began her own practice while still working for CGC through Dr. Freeman under the name of Salisbury Counseling Clinic. See, Tr. 168-169 and 183. In 1990, Dr. Rush no longer wanted to be an employee of CGC and became an independent contractor with CGC. See, Tr. 146-147. Dr. Rush's private practice grew gradually and prior to 1991, she had resigned her employment with CGC, concentrating on her private practice. See, Tr. 146. In 1991, the Board cancelled its contract with CGC. See, Tr. 37-38. Wanda Walker, administrator of the special education programs, approached Dr. Rush and asked her if she would provide the mental health care as an independent contractor, as previously provided by CGC. See, Tr. 37-38. On August 16, 1991, the Board entered into two contracts with Dr. Rush to provide different types of mental health counseling to its students. See, Ex. A One contract between Dr. Rush and the Board provided that Dr. Rush would provide mental health services to the Board for at least nine hours per week, from which two hours would be committed to the special needs of the students in the Opportunity Program at Baker County High School. The contract services were for 37 weeks of the 1991-1992 school year. The cost of the service was $40.00 per hour, and Baker County agreed to pay Dr. Rush an amount not to exceed $14,460.00 for the service. The agreement required Dr. Rush to perform the services at Baker County public school sites, and provided that the mental health services should include psychological evaluations, classroom observations, participation as a member of the crisis intervention team, and consultations with teachers, guidance counselors and other appropriate school personnel. Dr. Rush submitted a statement of hours worked every two weeks, and was paid the contractual rate for each hour of professional services rendered. The contract provided that either party could terminate upon 30 days written notice. The other contract between the Board and Dr. Rush provided that Dr. Rush would provide mental health services to severely emotionally disturbed students in the Day Treatment Program at Southside Educational Center. This contract provided that Dr. Rush would provide case management, assessments and evaluations, consultation to school personnel, mental health services appropriate to the program, and direct the counseling services provided to Day Treatment Program students. The contract provided that Dr. Rush would provide for 10 hours of professional services per week for 37 weeks at a cost of $40.00 per hour not to exceed $14,550.00. The contract provided that Dr. Rush would submit a statement of hours worked every two weeks, and that the agreement could be terminated by either party upon 30 days written notice. On June 4, 1992, Dr. Rush entered into an agreement to provide professional services to the Board for the 1992-1993 school year. This contract duplicated the previous contract for nine hours per week of mental health services for 37 weeks in the 1992-1993 school year at a cost of $40.00 per hour not to exceed $14,460.00. The only significant change in this contract was that the contract covered the provision of services by Dr. Rush or her associate, Nancy Davie. On June 4, 1992, Dr. Rush entered into a contract with the Board to provide mental health services to severely emotionally disturbed students similar to the previous contract for the 1991-1992 school year. The contract for mental health services to severely emotionally disturbed students did not provide for the provision of these services by Nancy Davie. When the June 1992 contracts were executed, Dr. Rush had incorporated her professional practice; however, she entered into the contracts with the Board in her individual name. The Board was unaware of Dr. Rush's incorporation. Dr. Rush did not believe that there was a difference between contracting in her name or the name of her corporation; however, this contract was subsequently amended to indicate that her corporation was the contracting entity. See, Tr. 152-153, 189 and 190. Dr. Rush contracted with the Board in the name of her corporation, Protepon Counseling Center, in 1993. Dr. Rush maintained two offices, one in Jacksonville and one in Macclenny, where she held herself out to the public as a individual providing psychological counseling and where she conducted her professional business. Generally, Dr. Rush and her associates provided their services at the schools within the district; however, Dr. Rush maintained a professional office in Macclenny, Florida, and met with students and their parents at her professional office as necessary. See, Tr. 71. Both Dr. Rush and CGC provided services at the various schools within the district to alleviate the need to transport children and disrupt their schedules. Dr. Rush and her associates used the offices of guidance counsellors when at the various schools. See, Tr. 14 and 85. During the time that Dr. Rush has provided mental health services to the Board, Dr. Rush has provided her own tools for counseling and assessing students. She provides all of her own supplies. See, Tr. 88 and 297-298. Dr. Rush is not reimbursed for the use of her supplies or standardized tests. See, Tr. 211 Dr. Rush provides mental health counseling to private individuals and agencies, to include St. Johns River Hospital, the Center for Life Enrichment, Capp Care, Flamedco, Inc., and the Florida Medical Association Alternative Insurance Program. See, Tr. 160-165. Dr. Rush provides a profit sharing plan to her associates and maintains workers compensation insurance for her employees. See, Tr. 174 and 208. The contracts with the Board make up only a fraction of Dr. Rush's gross income from her professional practice. See, Ex. J(2); Tr. 169-170. Dr. Rush maintains her own retirement fund and has done so since she left CGC in 1991. See, Ex. J(3); Tr. 172-173. Neither the Board or Dr. Rush consider their relationship to be an employment relationship. See, Tr. 149 and 217. It was never the intent of Dr. Rush to be an employee of the Board or the Board's intent for Dr. Rush to be its employee. See, Tr. 149 and 181. Both Dr. Rush and the Board anticipated the continuation of the independent contractor relationship. The Board paid Dr. Rush for the services rendered by her and her associates from the special fund and not from a salary or payroll account. See, Ex. I. Every two weeks, Dr. Rush submitted statements of professional services rendered by her or her associates and charged the Board per hour for these services. See, Tr. 180-182. Dr. Rush was paid for each hour of service which she or her associates provided, and was not paid a salary or reimbursed or compensated for travel costs or supplies. See, Ex. I; Tr. 297 The statements do not indicate whether Dr. Rush or one of her associates provided the service to the Board. The Board never paid any of Dr. Rush's associates. See, Tr. 43-44, 106 and 107. Dr. Rush's associates have always been paid by Dr. Rush. See, Tr. 151-152. The Board never deducted withholding taxes from its payments to Dr. Rush. See, Ex. I. Dr. Rush paid her own social security tax. See, Tr. 207. Dr. Rush was paid by the Board as she is paid by all of her clients at the agreed-upon hourly rate for her professional counseling services. See, Ex. I; Tr. 182. In making its determination, the Division of Retirement relied upon the answers provided by Dr. Rush and Wanda Walker to a questionnaire sent out by the Division of Retirement. See, Ex. O. Both Dr. Rush and Ms. Walker answered the questionnaire without help from legal counsel and without understanding its purpose or legal implications. See, Tr. 77-79, 82, and 176. Dr. Rush provided an annual orientation to new personnel and students; however, she did not take any training program required by the Board during the period of these contracts. The answers provided by Dr. Rush and Ms. Walker were ambiguous regarding the fact that the annual orientation in which Dr. Rush participated was provided by Dr. Rush to Board employees. See, Ex. O; Tr. 70, 88-89, and 178-179. Using the school calendar, Dr. Rush prepared a schedule calendar indicating the dates, times, and school locations at which she or her associates would provide professional services under the contract with the Board. See, Tr. 178. See, Tr. 45-48, and Ex. D. Pursuant to their contract, Dr. Rush provided professional services for the Board at the times and dates when students were attending school. See, Ex. C. Dr. Rush set her own schedule within the confines of the school day and the school year. The purpose of the calendar schedule was to alert teachers as to Dr. Rush's availability at particular schools. See, Tr. 85. Dr. Rush and her associates did not check in with a supervisor at the various schools. Dr. Rush called Ms. Walker, who notified the appropriate school when a new counsellor would be going to that school. See, Tr. 121-122. This practice was designed for security reasons to let the school know for security reasons that a new individual would be providing services. Dr. Rush was available if there was an emergency. When paged, Dr. Rush called the school and determined from the facts if it was necessary for her or one of her associates to respond. See, Tr. 131 and 297. Dr. Rush was not subject to being summoned by Board employees, but exercised her professional judgment about the by of response which was necessary. See, Tr. 131 and 297. Dr. Rush and her associates evaluated students and recorded the results of their testing and observations. They participated as part of the multidisciplinary team required by law to assess special education students and prepare their educational programs. In this regard, the reports of Dr. Rush and her associates were expressions of their professional expert opinion. See, Tr. 66. It was the experience and expertise of Dr. Rush and her associates which the Board sought in contracting with Dr. Rush. The Board did not direct Dr. Rush's counseling of students. See, Tr. 81-87. Dr. Rush and her associates conducted their counseling without any control from the Board. See, Tr. 83-84 and 227.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Dr. Rush be treated as an independent contractor and denied participation in the Florida Retirement System. DONE AND ENTERED this 12th day of January, 1994, in Tallahassee, Florida. STEPHEN F. DEAN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of January, 1994. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER CASE NO. 93-3378 Both parties submitted proposed findings which were read and considered. Contrary to the Division's rules, Baker County did not number its findings and did not limit them to short statements of fact. Therefore, although most of its findings were adopted in the order originally presented, it is virtually impossible to identify which of the findings were adopted. In order to assist those attempting to determine which facts were adopted, and which were rejected and why, the numbers listed under the Recommended Order column below reference the paragraphs in the Recommended Order which contain the findings suggested by the Division, or the alternative findings suggested by Baker County which the Hearing Officer determined were based upon the more credible evidence. It is readily apparent when the reason is stated for rejecting the proposed findings. Retirement's Findings Recommended Order Paragraphs 1-3 1,2,3,6,7,13 Paragraph 4 14 Paragraph 5,6 19 Paragraph 7 Rejected as contrary to more detailed descriptions of the contracts at issue. Paragraph 8,9 20,21,22 Paragraph 10 Irrelevant. Paragraph 11 As indicated in the Conclusions, there is no issue concerning the fact that employees of school boards are qualified for membership in the retirement system. The issue is whether Dr. Rush was an employee. Paragraph 12,13,14 23,24,25,49,50 Paragraph 15 26,32,34 Paragraph 16 The differences in the terms of the board's contracts with CGC and Dr. Rush are not relevant. Paragraph 17 1,53,54 Paragraph 18 48,49 Paragraph 19 37-44 Paragraph 20-23 2-4,37-44. The manner in which some non-instructional staff are paid is irrelevant. Paragraph 24 26,28-31 Paragraph 25 45-47 Paragraph 26 51,52 Paragraph 27-28 53 paragraph 29 26,28 Paragraph 30,31 25 Paragraph 32,33 Irrelevant argument. COPIES FURNISHED: A.J. McMullian, III, Director Division of Retirement Cedars Executive Center, Bldg. C 2639 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-1560 Sylvan Strickland, General Counsel Department of Management Services Knight Building, Suite 309 2737 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399-0950 John W. Caven, Jr., Esquire Claire M. Merrigan, Esquire CAVEN, CLARK, RAY & TUCKER, P.A. 3306 Independent Square Jacksonville, FL 32202 Jodi B. Jennings, Esquire Assistant General Counsel Florida Division of Retirement Cedars Executive Center, Bldg. C 2639 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-1560 William H. Linder, Secretary Department of Management Services 309 Knight Building 2737 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399-0950

Florida Laws (4) 120.57120.68121.021121.031 Florida Administrative Code (1) 60S-6.001
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Dec. 09, 1994 Number: 94-006887BID Latest Update: Feb. 22, 1995

Findings Of Fact In 1993, the US Health Care Financing Administration gave Respondent approval to design and implement a pilot program for the delivery of mental health services in part of Florida. The pilot program is limited to Medicaid Area 6, which consists of Hardee, Highlands, Hillsborough, Manatee, and Polk counties. The purpose of the pilot program is to change the way in which the State of Florida pays for mental health services under the Medicaid program. At present, the State makes "fee-for- service" payments based on predetermined fees for defined services. RFP, 1.1 KK. Under the new method, the State will make "capitation" payments consisting of a monthly fee paid in advance to the contractor for each enrolled Medicaid recipient, regardless whether the enrollee receives the services during the payment period. RFP, 1.1.H. On November 23, 1994, Respondent issued Request for Proposals 9501 (RFP). The purpose of RFP 9501 is to procure a contract with a "single, comprehensive mental health care provider on a prepaid, capitated basis, to provide mental health benefits to Medicaid recipients who are residents of Medicaid Area 6 . . .." RFP, 1.4. The second paragraph of RFP 1.4 identifies four goals of the procurement: that the procurement proceed in a timely manner, (2) that the . . . RFP . . . encourages free and open competition, (3) that the procurement effort and resulting new contract operations be completed in a timely manner without disruption of service to Medicaid clients, and (4) that the procure- ment result in a single contractor for Area 6 with sufficient resources to provide services to all AFDC related and SSI Without Medicare Medicaid eligibles in Area 6. Section 2.2 requires that the contractor provide "[i]npatient hospital care for psychiatric conditions," "[o]utpatient hospital care for psychiatric conditions," "[p]sychiatric physician services," "[c]ommunity mental health care," "Mental Health Targeted Case Management," and "Mental Health Intensive Case Management." Section 2.3 defines the six categories of services identified in the preceding paragraph. Referring to "Community mental health care" as "Community Mental Health Services," Section 2.3 states: Community Mental Health Services Community Mental Health Services are rehabil- itative services which are psychiatric in nature, rendered or recommended by a psychia- trist; or medical in nature, rendered or recommended by a psychiatrist or other physician. Such services must be provided in accordance with the policy and service provision specified in the Community Mental Health Services Provider Handbook. The term "Community Mental Health Services" is not intended to suggest that the following services must be provided by state funded "Community Mental Health Centers" or to preclude state funded "Community Mental Health Centers" from providing these services: There are eight categories of mental health care services provided under community mental health: Treatment planning and review; Evaluation and testing services; Counseling, therapy and treatment services provided by a psychiatrist or physician; Counseling, therapy and treatment services provided by a direct service mental health care provider; Rehabilitative services; Children's mental health services; Specialized therapeutic foster care, Level 1 and 2; and Day treatment programs. Community mental health services for children in specialized therapeutic foster care and resi- dential treatment will be provided by HRS District 6 Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Program Office to the same degree as in the past. Services are limited to those covered services provided by or under the recommendation of a psychiatrist or physician and related to a plan of care provided or authorized by a psychiatrist or physician, as appropriate, based on the patient's diagnosis. Targeted Case Management The contractor shall adhere to the requirements of the Medicaid Case Management Services Provider Handbook, but will not be required to seek certifications from the HRS Districts' Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Program Office in regard to clients, agency designation, or mental health care case manager qualifications. Case manager training materials will be made available through the agency for reproduction by the contractor. Intensive Case Management This is a new mandatory service which is intended to provide intensive, team case management to highly recidivistic persons who have severe and persistent mental illness. Section 2.5 requires that the contractor "adhere to the following minimum staffing, availability, and access standards": The contractor shall provide access to medically necessary mental health care (with the exceptions noted in section 2.4 B.) The contractor shall make available and accessible facilities, service locations, and service sites and personnel sufficient to provide the covered services (specifically, non-hospital outpatient, emergency and assessment services) throughout the geographic area, within thirty minutes typical travel time by public or private transportation of all enrolled recipients. (The typical travel time standard does not apply to waiting time for public transportation--it applies only to actual time in transit.) The contractor must allow enrollees to choose one of the capitated services, as provided in Section 5.1 F.1., when the plan offers another service, not reimbursed under the contract, as a downward substitution. The maximum amount of time between an enrollee's request for mental health services and the first point of service shall be as follows: For emergency mental health services as defined in section 1.1 BB., service shall be immediate. For persons initially perceived to need emergency mental health services, but upon assess- ment do not meet the criteria for emergency care, they are deemed to require crisis support and services must be provided within twenty-three hours. For routine outpatient intake, assessment shall be offered within seven calendar days. Follow-up service shall be offered within fourteen calendar days after assessment. Minimum staffing standards shall be as follows, and failure to adhere to these staffing standards, or the staffing standards indicated in the winning proposal, whichever are greater, may result in termination of the contract (if the contractor's "staff" person does not fill one of the "key staff" positions listed on page 81, the staff persons may be a subcontractor.): * * * The contractor's outpatient staff shall include at least one FTE direct service mental health care provider per 1,500 prepaid members. The Agency expects the contractor's staffing pattern for direct service providers to reflect the ethnic and racial composition of the community. The contractor's array of direct service mental health care providers for adults and children must include providers that are licensed or eligible for licensure, and demonstrate two years of clinical experience in the following specialty areas: Adoption, Separation and loss, Victims and perpetrators of sexual abuse, Victims and perpetrators of physical abuse, Court ordered evaluations, and Expert witness testimony. Mental health care case managers shall not be counted as direct service mental health care providers. The contractor shall provide Spanish speaking and Spanish literate direct service providers at each service location at which there are Spanish speaking enrollees. The contractor shall provide staff approp- riately trained and experienced to provide psychological testing. The contractor shall provide staff approp- riately trained and experienced to provide rehabilitation and support services to persons with severe and persistent mental illness. For all persons meeting the criteria for case management as specified in the Medicaid Case Management Provider Handbook, the contractor shall adhere to the staffing ratio of at least 1 FTE mental health care case manager per 20 children, and at least 1 FTE mental health care case manager per 40 adults. Direct service mental health care providers shall not be counted as mental health care case managers. * * * Section 2.10 provides, in part: The contractor shall be responsible for the coordination and management of mental health care and continuity of care for all enrolled Medicaid recipients through the following minimum functions: A. Minimizing disruption to the enrollee as a result of any change in service providers or mental health care case manager occurring as a result of the awarding of this contract. An offeror may not propose rates exceeding Medicaid's upper payment limit, which "is that amount which would have been paid, on an aggregate basis, by Medicaid under fee-for-service for the same services to a demographically similar population of recipients." 4.11. Section 1.1 TTT defines "Upper Payment Limit" similarly: "The maximum amount Medicaid will pay on a capitated basis for any group of services, based upon fee-for- service Medicaid expenditures for those same services." Section 4.11 sets the range of payment rates at 92-98 percent of the upper payment limit. Each offeror is required to propose a specific payment percentage within the range. Section 4.17 allows offerors to propose a risk corridor of up to 16 percentage points plus and minus the proposed range. The corridor must be equal above and below the capitation rate. The RFP illustrates the risk corridor by applying an 8 point corridor to a 95 percent capitation rate. In this case, the contractor absorbs any plan costs up to 4 percent over the actual payments made to the plan by Respondent or retains any excess plan payments up to 4 percent over the actual costs. Beyond the corridor, the contractor and Respondent share equally in the costs or savings, subject to Respondent's upper payment limit. In no event, however, shall the contractor be entitled to payment from Respondent for "start- up" or "phase-down" costs. Section 4.18 addresses subcontractors: The contractor is fully responsible for all work performed under the contract resulting from the RFP. The contractor may, with the consent of the agency, enter into written subcontract(s) for performance of certain of its functions under the contract. The contractor must have subcontracts with all administrative and service providers who are not salaried employees of the plan prior to the commencement of services under this contract. The contractor shall abide by the requirements of Section 1128A(b) of the Social Security Act prohibiting HMOs and other such providers from making payments directly or indirectly to a physician or other provider as an inducement to reduce or limit services provided to Medicaid enrollees. The contractor must submit signed subcontracts, for a complete provider network in order to obtain agency approval for operation in an area, within sixty days of the execution of this contract, for each proposed subcontracted service provider. Any additional subcontracts must be submitted to the agency twenty days prior to the subcontract effective date. Subcontracts must be approved in writing by the agency's Technical Project Manager prior to the effective date of any subcontract. No subcontract which the contractor enters into with respect to performance under the contract resulting from the RFP shall in any way relieve the contractor of any responsibility for performance of its duties. Amendments to subcontracts must be approved by the agency before taking effect. The contractor shall notify the agency in writing prior to termination of approved subcontracts. The contractor will agree to make payment to all subcontractors within 35 days of receipt of all invoices properly documented and submitted by the subcontractor to the plan. All subcontracts executed by the contractor under the resulting contract must meet the following requirements and be approved by the agency in advance of implementation. All subcontracts must adhere to the following requirements: Be in writing. Specify the functions of the subcontractor. Identify the population covered by the subcontract. Specify the amount, duration and scope of services to be provided by the subcontractor, including a requirement that the subcontractor continue to provide services through any post- insolvency period. Provide that the agency and DHHS may evaluate through inspection or other means the quality, appropriateness, and timeliness of services performed. Specify that the subcontractor has read and agreed to the subcontract and the service provision requirements under section 2 of RFP, for services to be provided under the subcontract, and to the contractor's admission and retention criteria for the services the subcontractor will provide as indicated in the subcontractor's response to section 5.1 F3.b,(5). Provide for inspections of any record pertinent to the contract by the agency and DHHS. Specify procedures and criteria for extension and renegotiation. Provide for prompt submission of information needed to make payment. Require an adequate record system be maintained for recording services, charges, dates and all other commonly accepted information elements for services rendered to recipients under the contract. Require that financial, administrative and medical records be maintained for a period of not less than five years from the close of the contract and retained further if the records are under review or audit until the review or audit is complete. Prior approval for the disposition of records must be requested and approved by the contractor if the subcontract is continuous. Require safeguarding of information about recipients according to 42 CFR, Part 431, Subpart F. Require an exculpatory clause, which survives the termination of the subcontract including breach of subcontract due to insolvency, that assures that recipients or the agency may not be held liable for any debts of the subcontractor. Provide for the monitoring of services rendered to recipients sponsored by the contractor. Specify the procedures, criteria and requirements for termination of the subcontract. Provide for the participation in any internal and external quality assurance, utilization review, peer review, and grievance procedures established by the contractor. Make full disclosure of the method and amount of compensation or other consideration to be received from the contractor. Provide for submission of all reports and clinical information required by the contractor. Make provisions for a waiver of terms of the subcontract, if appropriate. Contain no provision which provides incentive, monetary or otherwise, for the withholding of medically necessary care. Require adherence to the Medicaid policies expressed in applicable Medicaid provider handbooks. Require that the subcontractor secure and maintain during the life of the subcontract worker's compensation insurance for all of its employees connected with the work under this contract unless such employees are covered by the protection afforded by the provider. Such insurance shall comply with Florida's Workers' Compensation Law; and Contain a clause indemnifying, defending and holding the Agency and the plan members harmless from costs or expense, including court costs and reasonable attorney fees to the extent proximately caused by an negligent act or other wrongful conduct arising from the subcontract agreement. This clause must survive the termination of the subcontract, including breach due to insolvency. The contractor shall give the agency immediate notification in writing by certified mail of any action or suit filed and prompt notice of any claim made against the contractor by any subcontractor or vendor which in the opinion of the contractor may result in litigation related in any way to the contract with the agency. In the event of the filing of a petition in bankruptcy by or against a principal subcontractor or the insolvency of said subcontractor, the contractor shall immediately advise the agency. The contractor shall assure that all tasks related to the subcontract are performed in accordance with the terms of the contract. The contractor shall identify any aspect of service that may be further subcontracted by the subcon- tractor. Subcontractors shall not be considered agents of the agency. For evaluation purposes, the RFP divides proposals into two parts: technical and rate, including any rate corridor. The six categories under the technical part, with point values in parentheses, are: Management Summary (0 points), Organization and Corporate Capabilities (100 points), Proposed Staffing Pattern and Licensure of Staff and Facilities (250 points), Operational Functions (400 points), Mental Health Care Service Delivery (400 points), and Transition Workplan (100 points). RFP, 6.1. Section 5.1.C describes the 100-point Organization and Corporate Capabilities as follows: The proposer shall provide in this tab a descrip- tion of its organizational and corporate capabi- lities. The purpose of this section is to provide the agency with a basis for determining the contractor's, and its subcontractors', financial and technical capability for undertaking a project of this size. For the purpose of this tab, the term proposer shall refer to both the contractor and its major subcontractors. It does not refer to the plan's "parent company" unless specifically indicated. Section 5.1 D states the elements of the 250-point Proposed Staffing Pattern and Licensure of Staff and Facilities. Section 5.1 D.3 requires the offeror to disclose "actual and proposed" FTE professionals, including psychiatrists, case managers, psychologists, nurses, and social workers. Section 5.1D.4 requires the offeror to explain how the plan will allocate staff to meet various demands, such as for adoption, sexual and physical abuse counseling, and psychological testing of children. Section 5.1 D.5 requires the proposal to: Describe how the plan will ensure that it has the staff resources appropriately trained and experienced to provide rehabilitative and support services to low income adults with severe and persistent mental illness and, under separate heading, to children with severe and persistent mental illness. Denote the number and percent of total FTEs which will be filled by persons with this type of experience and who will be providing these types of services. Explain the contractor's rationale for the staffing levels indicated and provide a brief, one or two line, description of the training and exper- ience of such persons who will provide these services under the plan. Section 5.1.E describes the elements of the 400-point Operational Functions, in part, as follows: Within this tab, the proposer shall explicitly address its operational capacity to serve Medicaid recipients, and its previous history serving the Medicaid and other low income populations. Separately, the proposer shall address the member services the plan will offer, grievance procedures, quality assurance procedures, the contractor's proposed reporting systems, and the contractor's proposed handling of subcontracts. Service Area of Proposed Plan 42 CFR 434.36 Describe, for each county, how the proposer will meet throughout the lifetime of the contract the 30 minute typical travel time requirement specified in section 2.5 A.1. Describe, for each county, how the proposer will meet throughout the lifetime of the contract the 30 minute typical travel time requirement for child psychiatrists specified in Section 2.5 B.2. Describe, for each county, how the proposer will meet throughout the lifetime of the contract the 30 minute typical travel time requirement for adult psychiatrists specified in Section 2.5 B.1. * * * Section 5.1.F describes the 400-point Mental Health Care Service Delivery category. Section 5.1 F states, in relevant part: This section shall include a detailed discussion of the proposer's approach to providing mental health care. The proposer must be able to document a demonstrated ability to provide a comprehensive range of appropriate services for both children and adults who experience impairments ranging from mild to severe and persistent mental illness. Plans must provide services up to the limits specified by the RFP. They are encouraged to exceed these limits. However, in no instance may any service's limitations be more restrictive than those specified in the Florida Medicaid fee- for-service program. The plan cannot require payments from recipients for any mandatory services provided under this contract. Summary of Services * * * The following is a summary list of the services which may be provided . . . * * * Optional Services Crisis Stabilization Unit * * * z. Other Services (List) * * * Care Coordination 42 CFR 434.52; 10C-7.0524(16), F.A.C. Attach the plan's written protocol describing the plan's care coordination system, which should include the plan's approach to care coordination, utilization review, and assuring continuity of care, such as, verifying medical necessity, service planning, channeling to appropriate levels of treatment, and develop- ment of treatment alternatives when effective, less intensive services are unavailable. The protocol should also address the following questions: * * * 3. Indicate how the contractor will establish services in such a way as to minimize disruption of services, particularly to high risk populations currently served by the department, for children and, separately, for adults. * * * Section 6.3 describes the criteria for evaluating proposals. For Proposed Staffing Pattern and Licensure of Staff and Facilities, the evaluation criteria include, at 6.3 B.3.c: The ability of the proposer to ensure it has, and will continue to have, the resources necessary to provide mental health rehabilitation and support to children who are in the care and custody of the state or who have special needs, such as children who have been adopted or have been physically or sexually abused. About a year ago, Respondent issued RFP 9405, which also sought to procure mental health services on a capitated basis for Medicaid Area 6. Respondent received four proposals, which contained numerous deficiencies. Respondent later withdrew RFP 9405 for revisions to encourage more competition. Concerns over competition involve the role of Community Mental Health Centers (CMHC) in the procurement. CMHCs are publicly funded, not-for-profit entities that traditionally have provided five types of services: emergency, outpatient, day/night, inpatient, and prevention education. CMHCs now also operate crisis stabilization units and supply case management services, as well as specialized children's services, services for aged persons with severe and persistent mental illness, and services for persons with alcohol or drug dependencies. The RFP calls for a wide range of mental health care services, only part of which are community mental health services or other services presently provided by CMHCs. However, CMHCs constitute the only available network of existing providers of community mental health services to Medicaid clients in Medicaid Area 6. Medicaid payments account for about 30 percent of the revenue of Area 6 CMHCs. In late 1992, six CMHCs in Area 6 formed Florida Behavioral Health, Inc. in response to competition from one or more other provider networks, such as Charter. The competitive network of six CMHCs consisted of Manatee Glens Corp., Mental Health Care, Inc., Northside Mental Health Hospital, Peace River Center for Personal Development, Inc., Winter Haven Hospital, and Mental Health Services. Although the six CMHCs are not all of the CMHCs in Area 6, they provide nearly all of the community mental health services to Medicaid clients in Area 6. By early 1993, Florida Behavioral Health, Inc. formed Florida Health Partnership with Options Mental Health, Inc., which is a managed-care provider owned by First Hospital Corporation--a behavioral health management company. With the assistance of Florida Health Partnership, Options Mental Health, Inc. submitted a proposal in response to RFP 9405. An oral or written agreement between Florida Behavioral Health, Inc. and Options Mental Health, Inc. prohibited the six CMHCs from assisting any entity but Options Mental Health, Inc. in responding to RFP 9405. This agreement continues to prohibit the six CMHCs from assisting any entity but Options Mental Health, Inc. in responding to the RFP. The six CMHCs have shared with Options Mental Health, Inc. cost and utilization information. The importance of the unpublished cost information is unclear, and Petitioner has not yet made a public records request to obtain this information. The same is true of unpublished utilization information, which includes information on waiting lists for community mental health services. Any delay in providing community mental health services would have a bearing on the projected demand and thus the cost of a capitated plan. After withdrawing RFP 9405, Respondent revisited the requirement that offerors propose an existing network of providers. In an effort to encourage competition, Respondent deleted a requirement in RFP 9405 that proposals contain existing provider networks. Respondent substituted a requirement that proposals describe provider networks generally, without necessarily including names of subcontractors. Petitioner did not prove any fraudulent, illegal, arbitrary, or dishonest act by Respondent. The main thrust of Petitioner's case is that the effect of the RFP is illegal or arbitrary. Petitioner asserts that the RFP requires a sole source provider or, at minimum, precludes free and open competition. Petitioner argues that the RFP illegally and arbitrarily favors offerors of CMHCs, in partnership with CMHCs, or with subcontracts with CMHCs. Through testimony and argument, Petitioner asserts that various provisions of the RFP either exacerbate or fail to ameliorate the advantages enjoyed by CMHCs, especially due to RFP requirements of implementation of the new provider network in 60 days and with minimal disruption to Medicaid clients. RFP 1.4(2) encourages open and free competition. RFP 2.3 D disclaims any intent that only CMHCs may supply community mental health services. Petitioner's chief witness, Dr. Ronald Mihalick, testified that RFP 2.3 D favors CMHCs because state regulations have designated them the sole provider of community mental health services and government grants have funded their capital expenditures. Neither Dr. Mihalick, Petitioner's other witness, nor Petitioner's counsel has suggested a practical means by which to eliminate this advantage of CMHCs, which cannot, by executive or legislative fiat, be stripped of their buildings, equipment, or experienced staffs, nor of the advantages that may accrue to them by virtue of such assets. It would be counterproductive to eliminate CMHCs from direct or indirect participation in the subject procurement. Nor is Respondent required, if it were legally able, to assign to CMHCs the status of universal providers in order to eliminate illegality or arbitrariness from the RFP. The RFP seeks a broad range of mental health services, of which a substantial part are community mental health services. RFP 2.3 D represents a simple description of community mental health services and expressly negates the inference that only CMHCs may provide such services. RFP 2.3 E and F describes two of the five categories of mental health services: targeted case management and intensive case management, respectively. Intensive case management is a new service, and nothing suggests that Area 6 CMHCs have any direct experience that would give them an advantage in providing this new service, Targeted case management is an existing service provided by CMHCs. There is some doubt whether the RFP provides detailed cost information, including information about targeted case management. However, Petitioner has never made a public records request for such information from any of the CMHCs or Respondent. In any event, Petitioner has hardly presented sufficient evidence regarding targeted case management that the inclusion of such a service in the RFP is arbitrary or illegal. RFP 2.5 prescribes standards for minimum staffing, availability, and access. The minimum staffing standards do not require that existing service providers supply the specified services. For instance, "direct service mental health care providers" must be "licensed or eligible for licensure," as provided in RFP 2.5 B.3.a. Petitioner's objection is that the RFP expresses staffing standards in accordance with Medicaid guidelines, under which the CMHCs are already operating. This objection is puzzling because the procurement is for Medicaid services. In any event, the presence of such a provision does not render the RFP illegal or arbitrary for the reasons already stated. RFP 2.5 B.4 requires staffing ratios of one fulltime equivalency (FTE) per 20 mental health care case managers for children and one FTE per 40 mental health care case managers for adults. Again, though, the RFP does not require that such case managers must be currently employed by a CMHC or even currently providing such services. Petitioner legitimately objects to specifications expressed in terms of FTEs when applied to non-administrative services. The use of FTEs applies to fulltime employees, not to individual therapists who may see Medicaid clients on an occasional basis. The requirement that non-administrative services be expressed in FTEs unduly emphasizes process over product or outcome and is inconsistent with the spirit of the RFP. However, the use of FTEs in RFP 2.5 B.4 does not rise to the level of arbitrariness or illegality. As Respondent's chief witness, Marilyn Reeves, testified, an offeror may convert individual therapists to FTEs, even though the contractor may bear the risk of a faulty conversion formula. RFP 2.10 requires that the contractor implement the new capitated plan with minimal disruption to Medicaid clients, whose mental conditions may worsen from such disruption. Petitioner does not challenge this sensible provision. Petitioner instead argues that other pro-CMHC provisions preclude the implementation of a new plan with minimal disruption. Petitioner has failed to prove that the pro-CMHC provisions, except for 4.18 as discussed below, necessitate more than minimal disruption during the transition. RFP 4.17 provides that Respondent shall not pay the contractor's start-up or phase-down costs. Petitioner's objection is that government grants have paid for the capital expenditures of the CMHCs. For the reasons discussed in connection with RFP 2.3 D, Petitioner has failed to prove how this provision is arbitrary or illegal. RFP 5.1 D assigns 250 points for the proposed staffing pattern and requires the offeror to disclose "actual and proposed" FTE professionals, such as psychiatrists, case managers, and social workers. An offeror that has already identified its personnel may be able to provide a more detailed description and earn more points than another offeror that has yet to find its subcontractors. Likewise, RFP 5.1 D.5 requires a discussion of FTEs, although an offeror with as yet unidentified subcontractors probably can satisfy this section with a more generic discussion and not lose points. In any event, to the extent that the specification in terms of FTEs favors CMHCs, such a provision is not so onerous or unnecessary as to be arbitrary or illegal, as discussed in connection with 2.5 B.4. RFP 5.1 E assigns 400 points for operational functions and requires the offeror to "explicitly address its operational capacity to serve Medicaid recipients, and its previous history serving the Medicaid and other low income populations." Unlike RFP 5.1 C, which requires a proposal to address the contractor and its "major subcontractors," 5.1 E does not mention subcontractors, so this provision favors CMHCs even less than the other provisions of 5 and 6. Perhaps for this reason, neither Petitioner's witnesses nor Petitioner's proposed recommended order addressed RFP 5.1 E. RFP 5.1 F requires an offeror to provide a "detailed discussion," in which it shall "document a demonstrated ability to provide a comprehensive range of appropriate services . . .." An offeror with as yet unidentified subcontractors will likely be unable to supply nearly as much detail as an offeror with subcontractors already in place, but this provision would, if challenged, not be deemed arbitrary or illegal. However, Petitioner challenges only RFP 5.1 F.1 (Optional Services) and 5.1 F.4.a.3. Section 5.1 F.4.a.3 reiterates the requirement that the new capitated plan be implemented so as to "minimize disruption of services." As noted above, Petitioner of course does not object to this requirement, but uses it to show how other provisions are arbitrary or illegal. Petitioner objects to the portion of 5.1 F.1 identifying crisis stabilization units as an Optional Service. Although only CMHCs are licensed to operate crisis stabilization units, the same services are available from other sources, although often not as economically. Moreover, the crisis stabilization unit is only an Optional Service, which Respondent mentioned only for illustrative purposes. The last-cited option, "Other Services (List)," encourages offerors to devise creative options that may not involve such traditional providers as crisis stabilization units. RFP 6.3 B.3.c requires the offeror to ensure that "it has, and will continue to have, the resources necessary to provide mental health rehabilitation and support . . .." Satisfaction of the criteria of 6.3 B, like 5.1 C, D, and F, is easier for CMHCs and harder for contractors with as yet unidentified subcontractors. However, the advantage conferred upon CMHCs is not so great as to render 6.3 B arbitrary or illegal. To varying degrees, RFP 5.1 D.5, E.1, and F.1 (Optional Services) and 6.3 B.3.c prefer CMHCs or offerors affiliated with CMHCs. These provisions potentially conflict with the RFP provisions encouraging free and open competition and prohibiting more than minimal disruptions in service. The potential conflicts are partially attenuated by the ability of an offeror, prior to submitting a proposal, to identify subcontractors that may provide similar services to non-Medicaid clients or provide similar services to Medicaid clients in other areas of Florida or other states. RFP 5.1 D.5, E.1, and F.1 (Optional Services) and 6.3B impose qualitative standards upon the contractor and any subcontractors, whose employees have direct contact with the Medicaid clients. Non-CMHC offerors may nonetheless be able to identify, at the proposal stage, their subcontractors so as to earn the maximum points in these categories. For instance, offerors may find non-CMHC subcontractors providing community mental health services to non- Medicaid clients or to Medicaid clients elsewhere in Florida or the United States. With greater difficulty, non-CMHC offerors with as yet unidentified subcontractors may be able to project, at the proposal stage, features of their subcontractors. They may not be able to score as well as CMHCs and other offerors with already identified networks of community mental health service providers. However, to the extent that non-CMHCs are disadvantaged by these provisions, Petitioner has not shown that the inclusion of these provisions is arbitrary or illegal. These provisions ensure the delivery of quality mental health services. As likely as not, Petitioner has included these provisions after careful consideration of the benefits of further competitiveness and the costs of further limitations upon the participation of CMHCs. The final provision challenged by Petitioner is RFP 4.18, which acknowledges that the contractor may not itself provide the mental health services, but may contract with subcontractors for the provision of these services. Requiring that the contractor have subcontracts prior to the commencement of services under the new capitated plan, Section 4.18 adds that the contractor must submit for Respondent's written approval: signed subcontracts, for a complete provider network in order to obtain agency approval for operation in an area, within sixty days of the execution of this contract, for each proposed subcontracted service provider. Petitioner's challenge to RFP 2.3 D, E, and F; 2.5 A and B.3 and 4; and 4.17 fails because these provisions confer upon CMHCs an insignificant advantage, an advantage upon that could not be removed without eliminating CMHCs from the procurement, or an advantage while specifying an important substantive requirement. Petitioner's challenge to RFP 5.1 D.5, 5.1 E.1, 5.1F.1, and 6.3 B.3.c fails because these provisions, even if conferring significant advantages upon CMHCs, impose important qualitative requirements upon the delivery of mental health services to Medicaid clients. However, RFP 4.18 is different from these other provisions. It does not involve the actual delivery of mental health services to Medicaid clients. Section 4.18 dictates only how long after signing the contract with Respondent the contractor has to implement the new capitation contract. The advantage conferred by 4.18 upon CMHCs is neither trivial nor necessary. The federal waiver runs two years from the actual start-up date of the new capitation plan. Obviously, an inordinate delay in implementation might suggest that the contractor is unable to do the job, but nothing in the record suggests that 60 days marks the beginning of an inordinate delay. Respondent understandably wants to get the pilot project started quickly, presumably in anticipation of important cost savings. But these considerations do not rise to the importance of other provisions involving the actual delivery of mental health services to Medicaid clients. Non-CMHCs, especially offerors with as yet unidentified subcontractors, face a considerable task in plan implementation. For this procurement, only one offeror will have the assistance of the CMHCs, which gives that offeror a clear advantage in at least the community mental health and targeted case management categories. There is no good reason to increase this advantage by imposing an unrealistically short implementation timeframe on contractors. On the other hand, there are two reasons why the 60-day implementation timeframe is arbitrary and illegal: it conflicts with RFP provisions encouraging open competition and it conflicts with RFP provisions prohibiting more than a minimal disruption to clients. The new capitation plan represents a marked departure from past practice. The successful contractor is assuming considerable financial risks when it sets its fees and risk corridor, if any. This risk is spread over a wide geographic area containing some of Florida's most densely populated areas. Anticipated cost savings to the State may result in narrowed profit margins before the contractor can safely realize savings from reductions in the cost of mental health services provided to Medicaid clients. The success of the capitation plan is jeopardized if the contractor underestimates the revenue needed for the successful operation of the plan. The offeror without subcontractors at the time of submitting a proposal needs time to enlist the cooperation of CMHCs or other subcontractors. A witness of Respondent described a possible scenario in which CMHCs declined to cooperate with the contractor and were forced to terminate employees. Although these employees would be available to the contractor, they would not likely be available in a 60-day timeframe. A multitude of tasks confront the non-CMHC contractor, especially if the contractor does not have a subcontractor network in place when submitting the proposal. Not surprisingly, Respondent's witnesses did not offer a spirited defense of the 60-day implementation timeframe, as is partly illustrated by the following testimony of Respondent's chief witness: Q: Is there a reason that the language on Page 61 says "must have signed subcontract within 60 days?" A: No. What it is trying to get at there is that if you are going to start being operational within 60 days, you got to know that you got to get those subcontracts approved by us prior to being able to do that. Respondent's witness readily testified that the deadline would not be enforced, if the enforcement jeopardized the welfare of the Medicaid clients. Of course, given the vulnerability of the clients, Respondent would not require the implementation of an unfinished plan at the end of the contractual implementation timeframe, regardless of the duration of the implementation timeframe. But a rational deadline for implementation would not so readily invite discussions of waivers and extensions. The presence of an impractical deadline misleads offerors. Some offerors may obtain an unfair advantage by structuring their proposals without regard to the implementation timeframe, secure in the knowledge that it will not be enforced. Other offerors may limit Optional Services or avoid more creative delivery or administrative programs in order to ensure that their plans can be implemented within the arbitrarily short implementation timeframe. To eliminate arbitrary and illegal conflicts with other RFP provisions encouraging open competition and prohibiting more than minimal disruptions in service, the implementation timeframe of 60 days must be extended to at least 120 days.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the Agency for Health Care Administration enter a final order amending RFP 4.18 by inserting "120" days for "60" days in the second paragraph and making any necessary conforming changes elsewhere in the RFP, and, after making these changes, proceed with the subject procurement. ENTERED on January 31, 1995, in Tallahassee, Florida. ROBERT E. MEALE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings on January 31, 1995. APPENDIX Rulings on Petitioner's Proposed Findings 1-4: (except that "poisonous" in paragraph 2 is rejected as melodramatic and unsupported by the appropriate weight of the evidence): adopted or adopted in substance. 5: rejected as unsupported by the appropriate weight of the evidence, except for 4.18. 6-7: adopted or adopted in substance, except that Petitioner did not challenge 5.1 E at the hearing or in the proposed recommended order. 8: rejected as irrelevant. 9-13: adopted or adopted in substance. 14: rejected as unsupported by the appropriate weight of the evidence. Petitioner did not prove that the actual information shared by the CMHCs was crucial--only that certain information could theoretically be crucial. 15: adopted or adopted in substance, although other CMHCs operate in Area 6, but do not possess much share of the community mental health services market. 16-17: rejected as irrelevant. 18: adopted or adopted in substance, except for the last sentence, which is rejected as unsupported by the appropriate weight of the evidence (except for 4.18). 19-20: adopted or adopted in substance. 21: rejected as repetitious. 22: adopted. 23-25: adopted or adopted in substance, except for last sentence of paragraph 25, which is rejected as unsupported by the appropriate weight of the evidence. 26-27: adopted or adopted in substance. 28: rejected as unsupported by the appropriate weight of the evidence. 29-33: adopted or adopted in substance, except for last sentence of paragraph 33, which is rejected as unsupported by the appropriate weight of the evidence. 34: adopted or adopted in substance. 35-36: rejected as unsupported by the appropriate weight of the evidence. 37-38: adopted or adopted in substance, although this was hypothetical testimony of one of Respondent's witness, not a formal statement of Respondent's "position." 39 (first sentence): rejected as unsupported by the appropriate weight of the evidence. 39 (second sentence): adopted. 40-44 (second sentence): adopted or adopted in substance. 44 (third sentence): rejected as recitation of evidence. 45: adopted. 46-47: adopted or adopted in substance. 48: rejected as unsupported by the appropriate weight of the evidence. 49: rejected as irrelevant and, except for 4.18, unsupported by the appropriate weight of the evidence. Rulings on Respondent's Proposed Findings 1-5: adopted or adopted in substance. 6: adopted or adopted in substance, except for 4.18. 7: adopted or adopted in substance. 8: adopted or adopted in substance, at least to the extent that Petitioner failed to prove the contrary. 9 (except last sentence): adopted or adopted in substance. 9 (last sentence): rejected as speculative. 10-16: adopted or adopted in substance, although the extent of Petitioner's ability to respond satisfactorily is questionable, as is the rationale for the use of FTEs for non-administrative positions. Additionally, all proposed findings that RFP provisions do not place non-CMHCs at a disadvantage, when such proposed findings conflict with findings in the recommended order, are rejected as unsupported by the appropriate weight of the evidence. COPIES FURNISHED: Douglas M. Cook, Director Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive Tallahassee, FL 32308 Harold D. Lewis, General Counsel Agency for Health Care Administration The Atrium, Suite 301 325 John Knox Road Tallahassee, FL 32303 Sam Power, Agency Clerk Agency for Health Care Administration The Atrium, Suite 301 325 John Knox Road Tallahassee, FL 32303 Seann M. Frazier Mark A. Emanuele Panza Maurer P.A. 3081 East Commercial Blvd. Suite 200 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308 Paul J. Martin William H. Roberts Assistant Attorneys General Office of the Attorney General PL-01, The Capitol Tallahassee, FL 32399-1050

USC (2) 42 CFR 434.3642 CFR 434.52 Florida Laws (2) 120.53120.57
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Jun. 13, 2007 Number: 07-002653PL Latest Update: Jul. 06, 2024
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Clearwater, Florida Dec. 24, 1996 Number: 96-006066 Latest Update: Mar. 30, 1998

The Issue The issue in this case is whether the allegations of the Administrative Complaints are correct and, if so, what penalty should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact At all times material to this matter, Respondent Robert S. Colen was a licensed mental health counselor, holding Florida license MH 0001546. The Respondent’s business address is 800 Belcher Road, North, Suite 1, Clearwater, Florida 34625. The Respondent was trained in a form of mental health counseling identified as “Gestalt” or “humanistic” therapy. Such therapy includes physical, non-sexual, touching, such as hugs. There is no credible evidence that therapeutic touching within a counseling relationship is inappropriate. A number of the Respondent’s clients testified that he almost always hugged them at the end of the counseling session. The only witness who testified that the Respondent did not hug was a male patient who indicated that he was not inclined to permit the Respondent to hug him. Other than the three patients identified herein, none of the witnesses regarded the hugging as sexual, and none seemed at all offended by the physical contact. Patient M. C. Patient M. C. was referred to the Respondent by Dr. Michael Gemino, the patient’s psychiatrist. At the time of the referral, M. C. was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, alcohol abuse, and passive aggressive disorder. She was referred to the Respondent for counseling related to alcohol addiction and co-dependency issues. During the course of therapy, the Respondent began to hug M. C. as he did many of his other patients. At some point during the therapy, a discussion of different types of “love” occurred. Based on that discussion, M. C. apparently became convinced that the Respondent was in love with her and she with him. At some point during the counseling, the Respondent and M. C. began to experience some type of emotional involvement which exceeded the typical counselor-client situation. There were extended periods when the Respondent held M. C. in his arms as she recounted painful experiences she had suffered. M. C. asserts that the Respondent told her that he loved her and that beginning in February 1994, she engaged in sexual activity with the Respondent. She asserts that the two would lie on pillows on the floor of his office, that the Respondent would touch her unclothed genital area with his hands and mouth, and that she would perform fellatio on the Respondent. In about July 1994, M. C. reported the alleged sexual activity to Dr. Gemino, who referred her to Kerry Kushmick, an unlicensed individual apparently working with Dr. Gemino. Mr. Kushmick met with the Respondent and M. C. to discuss the matter. Although M. C. repeated her allegations, the Respondent denied any sexual contact, but acknowledged that the two were in a "psychological cocoon,” that he was "in over his head," that he should have terminated therapy earlier, and that there were some “boundary” issues which needed resolution. The evidence fails to establish that the Respondent engaged in sexual activity with M. C. The recollection of M. C. as to times and circumstances under which the sexual activity occurred lacks credibility. The Respondent’s office was located immediately adjacent to a public waiting area which served a number of professional offices. The receptionist’s desk in the waiting area was located next to the Respondent’s office. The walls in the office suite were poorly insulated and sound traveled from the offices into the waiting area; however the receptionist testified that she heard nothing indicating any sexual activity ever took place in the Respondent’s office. She also testified that the door to the Respondent’s office closed improperly and would not lock. The evidence establishes that the Respondent did not maintain an appropriate therapeutic relationship with M. C. The Respondent did not recognize that transference and counter- transference were occurring, and did not timely seek assistance to resolve the situation. The Respondent's failure to recognize the developing situation with M. C. was detrimental to her mental condition and constitutes a failure to meet minimum standards of performance as his professional activity. At some point after M. C. spoke to Dr. Gemino, he provided to her the names of other patients whom he had referred to the Respondent for counseling. M. C. met separately with J. M. and R. P. They discussed the interactions with the Respondent. The former patients continued to maintain contact for a period of time after the initial meeting. At the hearing, J. M. and R. P. expressed concern regarding the emotional condition of M. C. Patient J. M. In about October 1993, J. M. was referred to the Respondent by Dr. Gemino, the patient’s psychiatrist. At the time of the referral, J. M. was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. She was referred to the Respondent for marital therapy, after having been involved in sexual relations outside her marriage. J. M. attended initial counseling session with her husband. She attended subsequent sessions without her husband. She also participated in group therapy at the Respondent’s office. J. M. dressed in a “seductive” manner for counseling sessions, frequently wearing very short shorts. At one time, after a group therapy session, the Respondent received a complaint from another patient regarding J. M.’s attire during counseling, stating that she was sitting on a pillow on the floor, was not wearing underwear, and was exposing herself. J. M. testified that she did not wear underwear during the group therapy and further acknowledged that she was not wearing underwear at the time of her testimony. J. M. asserts that during the initial counseling session, while her husband was out of the room, the Respondent told her she was attractive. J. M. asserts that during subsequent session, which she attended alone, the Respondent would lie on the pillows with her, touch her, tell her she was beautiful and call her his “soul mate.” She asserts that the Respondent was always touching her and kissing her. The evidence fails to support the assertions J. M. asserts that the Respondent purchased gifts for her. The Respondent acknowledged that he may have purchased some type of tape for her, but there were not multiple gifts. J. M. asserts that he did not charge for all sessions. The Respondent acknowledged that he did not charge for all her sessions and said that is frequently the case when a patient is undergoing financial difficulty. J. M. testified that the Respondent told her she should take a test for the AIDS virus. She believed that the Respondent made the suggestion for the purpose of determining her health status prior to engaging in sexual relations with her. The Respondent testified that he made the suggestion based on her sexual activity outside her marriage and the fact that she was referred to him for marital counseling. Despite having been interviewed by an investigator for the Department, J. M. testified for the first time at the hearing that the Respondent told her he was going to “lick her pussy like you’ve never had it before.” There is no credible evidence that the Respondent made the statement. J. M. terminated her therapy with the Respondent because he indicated she needed to pay him some of the money she owed from the counseling. The evidence fails to establish that the Respondent acted inappropriately in his interaction with J. M. Patient R. P. The Respondent provided therapeutic counseling to R. P. from January to March of 1988. At the time of the 1988 counseling, R. P. was being treated for an inability to accept affection. From August to October 1991, the Respondent engaged in a second round of therapy with R. P. She was depressed, lacked a social support system, and was dependent on prescription pain medication. She was also involved in a difficult relationship with her mother. There were only four sessions during the 1991 round of therapy. During the second round of therapy, the Respondent encouraged her to bring her mother to counseling (her mother declined.) The Respondent hugged and touched R. P during the sessions, told her she was special and a valuable person. R. P. had expressed concern about being able to be physically affectionate with a man. Part of the Respondent’s plan of therapy was physically hugging or holding R. P. in a manner intended to permit her to become comfortable with such attention in a non-threatening environment. Some of the hugs lasted for up to 15 minutes. Depending on the mental status of the patient, a 15 minute hug, while unusual, is not necessarily inappropriate. R. P. asserts that the Respondent told her she was his “soul mate” and discussed sexual relations with her. She asserts that he told her he had feelings about her which he had not experienced with other patients. The evidence fails to support the assertion. After R. P. stopped attending the sessions, she received two letters from the Respondent, the second of which made her feel “threatened.” He also called R. P. several times. R. P. believed he was trying to make her feel guilty. The Respondent asserts that he was concerned about her discontinuation of therapy and the fact that she owed him money. The evidence fails to establish that the Respondent acted inappropriately in his interaction with R. P.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Department of Health, Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling, enter a Final Order imposing a fine of $1,000 on, and issuing a public reprimand to, Robert S. Colen. DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of March, 1998, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. WILLIAM F. QUATTLEBAUM Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of March, 1998. COPIES FURNISHED: William C. Childers, Esquire Thomas Wright, Esquire Anne Cox, Esquire Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32317-4229 Louis Kwall, Esquire Kwall & Showers, P.A. 133 North Fort Harrison Avenue Clearwater, Florida 33755 Lucy C. Gee, Executive Director Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Angela T. Hall, Agency Clerk Department of Health 1317 Winewood Boulevard, Building 6 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700

Florida Laws (4) 120.57458.331491.009491.0111
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Feb. 09, 1990 Number: 90-001036RP Latest Update: Sep. 28, 1990

The Issue The issue in these consolidated cases is whether proposed amendments to Rule 10-5.011(1)(o), and (p) F.A.C. relating to certificates of need for hospital inpatient general psychiatric services, are invalid exercises of delegated legislative authority, as defined in Section 120.52(8), F.S.

Findings Of Fact Metamorphosis of the Rules Prior to 1983, hospitals were not separately licensed, and certificates of need (CON) were not required for the designation of beds for psychiatric and substance abuse services. In 1983, statutory amendments to Chapter 381, F.S. addressed psychiatric beds as reviewable projects in the CON program. In 1983, HRS adopted rules establishing four new categories of beds, now found in Rules 10-5.011(1)(o), (p), and (q), F.A.C.: Short-term psychiatric, long-term psychiatric, and short and long-term substance abuse. At the time that the categories were created, HRS conducted an inventory of the hospitals, asking how many beds were designated in each category. Based on the responses, published in the Florida Administrative Weekly, future projections of need were made and applications were considered for CONs. Another category of psychiatric beds was not included in the 1983 rules. Intensive residential treatment programs for children and adolescents were created by statute in 1982, and are defined in Section 395.002(8), F.S. as: a specialty hospital accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals which provides 24-hour care and which has the primary functions of diagnosis and treatment of patients under the age of IS having psychiatric disorders in order to restore such patients to an optimal level of functioning. These facilities, called IRTFs, may become licensed as hospitals pursuant to Section 395.003(2)(f), F.S., but as hospitals they must obtain CON approval pursuant to Sections 381.702(7) and (12), F.S. and Section 381.706(1) (b), F.S. IRTFs have no statutory or regulatory restrictions on length of stay and were approved by HRS at one time under an unwritten policy that there be one such facility available in each HRS planning district, without regard to the availability of other long or short term psychiatric programs. In 1985, HRS proposed a rule amendment which would have eliminated the short and long term distinction, as well as the distinction between psychiatric services and substance abuse services. Six months later, the proposed rule amendment was withdrawn. It was highly controversial; several challenges were filed; objections were made by various local health councils; and a new administrator took over. The agency decided to rework its proposed change~;. The agency next began the process of revision in 1987, and in 1988 convened a workshop group to review an issue paper prepared by agency staff. Another work group met in 1989 to consider the consolidation of psychiatric and substance abuse rules. HRS staff reviewed literature on the subjects of substance abuse and psychiatric services, including literature relating to access by indigent patients and the provision of services to children and adolescents. Staff prepared rule drafts which were circulated in- house, including the alcohol, drug abuse and mental health program office; and to such outside groups as the Association of Voluntary Hospitals of Florida, the Florida Hospital Association and the League of Hospitals. The proposed rule amendments which are the subject of this proceeding were filed on January 19, 1990 (substance abuse), and on January 26, 1990 (inpatient psychiatric services) in the Florida Administrative Weekly. The Parties HRS administers the CON program pursuant to Section 381.701, et seq., F.S. (1989). The CON program regulates entry into the Florida health care market by providers through review and approval of certain capital expenditures, services and beds. The petitioner, Florida League of Hospitals, Inc. is a nonprofit corporation which is organized and maintained for the benefit of investor-owned hospitals which comprise its membership. The remaining petitioners and intervenors are current providers of hospital inpatient psychiatric services, long and short term, and of inpatient substance abuse services, long and short term. The petitioners and intervenors are all substantially affected by the proposed rules and have stipulated to the standing of all parties in this proceeding. Abolishing Distinctions Between Long-Term & Short-Term Psychiatric Beds "Short term hospital inpatient psychiatric services" is defined in existing rule 10-5.011(1)(o)1, FAC, as follows: Short term hospital inpatient psychiatric services means a category of services which provides a 24-hour a day therapeutic milieu for persons suffering from mental health problems which are so severe and acute that they need intensive, full-time care. Acute psychiatric inpatient care is defined as a service not exceeding three months and averaging length of stay of 30 days or less for adults and a stay of 60 days or less for children and adolescents under 18 years. "Long term psychiatric services" is defined in existing rule 10- 5.011(1)(p)1., FAC as a category of services which provides hospital based inpatient services averaging a length of stay of 90 days. Neither rule addresses services to adults with an average length of stay (ALOS) of 30-90 days, or services to children and adolescents with a 60-90 day ALOS. Because of this, and the "averaging" process, long term hospitals legitimately serve "short term" patients and short term hospitals may serve "long term" patients. One party has calculated than a long term facility could legally provide short term services for 80% of its patients, and long term services for only 20% of its patients and still have an ALOS of 90 days. Under the existing rules a facility must file a CON application to convert from long term to short term beds, or vice versa, and is subject to sanctions for failure to comply with the designation on its CON. The proposed changes would repeal rule 10-5.011(1) (p), FAC regarding long term services, and would amend rule 10- 5.011(1) (o), FAC to delete the definition of short term services, thereby permitting facilities to serve patients without regard to length of stay. The proposed changes are supported by several factors upon which a reasonable person could rely. Substantial changes have occurred in the last decade in clinical practices and in third party reimbursement to reduce the ALOS for hospital inpatient psychiatric care. Prior to the 1960s, there was no distinction between long and short term care, as all hospital based care was long term with an emphasis on psychoanalytic therapy. Beginning in the 1960s, the concept of community mental health programs evolved with an emphasis on deinstitutionalization of patients in large public "asylums" and with a goal of treatment in the least restrictive environment. In more recent years the trend has spread to the private sector. Improvements in the availability and use of psychiatric drugs, the use of outpatient care or partial hospitalization, and improved follow up care have led to a dramatic decrease in ALOS. Long term care is costly, and whether third party payors have been a driving force, or are merely responding to the trends described above, long term inpatient reimbursement is virtually nonexistent. During the 19805, most insurance companies imposed a 30-day limit on psychiatric inpatient care or imposed monetary limits which would have effectively paid for less than a 90-day term. CHAMPUS, the program providing insurance to military dependents, was providing long term coverage in 1982, but by 1986 its coverage was rarely available for more than 30-60 days, and today, under CHAMPUS' case management system, 30 days is a "luxurious amount". Other large third-party payors such as Blue Cross/Blue Shield have similar limits or aggressively use case management (the close scrutiny of need on a case by case basis) to limit reimbursement for inpatient care. Of the two or three long term facilities in existence at the time that HRS' rules were originally adopted, only one, Anclote Manor still reported an ALOS of over 90 days by 1989, dropping from an ALOS of 477.9 days in 1986 to 145.4 days in 1989. At the same time its occupancy rate dropped below 50%. There is an interesting dialogue among experts as to whether there still exists a clinical distinction between long term and short term inpatient psychiatric care. Studies at the Florida Mental Health Institute found no difference in rate of rehospitalization over a 12 month period between patients who were in a nine week program and patients from Florida State Hospital with a 500 day length of stay. Some mental health practitioners are looking now at treating the chronic psychiatric patient with repeated short term hospital stays and less intensive care between episodes, rather than a single long term inpatient stay. Other practitioners maintain that a long term psychiatric problem is behavioral in nature and requires a total life readjustment and longer length of stay. Whichever practice may be preferable, the facts remain that fewer and fewer mental patients are being treated with long term hospitalization. The proposed rules would not foreclose any facility from providing long term care, if it finds the need. To the extent that a clinical distinction exists between short and long term care, the existing rules do not address that distinction, except from a wholly arbitrary length of stay perspective. The existing rules no longer serve valid health care objectives. Existing providers with short term CONs are concerned that the allowing long term facilities to convert will further glut an underutilized market and will result in an increase in vacant beds and a rise in the cost of health services, contrary to the intent of the CON program. Intensive residential treatment facilities (IRTFs), which will be folded into the need methodology for children and adolescent beds, have no current restrictions on length of stay and may already compete with impunity with the short term providers. Moreover, long term facilities are also providing substantial short term care as a result of the trends discussed above. HRS has not consistently enforced the length of stay restrictions of long term providers' CONs. Whether those CONs were improvidently granted is beside the point. The capital costs have already been incurred; the beds are available; and the beds are being used, in part, for short term services. Abolishing the distinction is a rational approach to current conditions. And in determining that all existing providers would be placed in the same position regarding length of stay, HRS avoids the regulatory nightmare of trying to enforce limitations on existing providers and approving new beds without limitations. Creating a Distinction Between Adult and Children/Adolescent Beds Rule 10-5.011(1)(o)3.c. creates a CON distinction between general psychiatric services for adults, and those services for children and adolescents. Rule 10-5.011(1)(o)4., as proposed, would create separate need criteria for hospital inpatient general psychiatric services for adults and for children/adolescents. Adolescents are defined in Rule 10- 5.011(1)(o)2.a., as persons age 14 through 17 years. Persons over 17 years are adults, and under 14 years are children. There are valid clinical reasons to distinguish between programs fob the separate age groups. Although there is some overlap, differing therapies are appropriate with different ages. The types of services offered to adults are not the same as those which are offered to children. Children, for example, often receive academic educational services while being hospitalized. Adults receive career or vocational counseling and marriage counseling. The required separation by age categories would remove some flexibility from providers. However, this is offset by the Department's valid need to track for planning purposes inpatient services to children and adolescents separately from those provided to adults. Based on anecdotal evidence, HRS' Office of Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Program Office is concerned about the possible overutilization of hospital inpatient services for children and adolescents and the potential that when insurance reimbursement expires they are discharged without clinical bases. Taking Inventory Under the proposed rule, in order to separately regulate adult and children/adolescent beds, HRS will fix an inventory of uses as of the time that the rule takes effect. For facilities with CONs which already allocate beds between the two groups, the proposed rule will have no effect. For facilities without a designation, as long as adults and children/adolescents are kept in separate programs, the allocation can now be mixed and changed at will. The rule amendment will freeze that use in place. HRS has conducted a preliminary survey to determine the existing uses of psychiatric, substance abuse and residential treatment program beds. The survey of approximately 120 facilities is complete, but is not intended to limit those facilities unless their CON already provides a limit. A final inventory will be taken after the proposed rules become effective. The inventory will be published, and providers will be given an opportunity to contest its findings. The ultimate outcome will be amended CONs and licenses which reflect each facility's mix of adult and children/adolescent beds. The process is a fair and reasonable means of commencing separate regulation of services to these age groups. The Definitions Proposed rules 10-5.011(1)(o)2.1., 2.p., and 2.t.) define "hospital inpatient general psychiatric services", "psychiatric disorder" and "substance abuse", respectively. Each of these provisions defines the terms by reference to classifications contained in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Diseases (DSM-III-R Manual) and equivalent classifications contained- in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9 Codes). The rule as originally proposed included the phrase "or its subsequent revisions", after incorporating the manuals by reference. In testimony, and in the parties second agreement (Hearing Office exhibit 3) the phrase is deleted. However, it still appears in proposed rule 10-5.011(1) (o)2.1., perhaps inadvertently. The DSM-III-R is a generally recognized manual for the classification of mental disorders and is widely used by clinicians and medical records professionals to categorize the conditions of patients. The ICD-9 codes are broader than just mental disorders, but they have a section on mental disorders with numbers that are identical to those in the DSM-III-R. Although the manuals are complex and subject to interpretation, clinicians are accustomed to their use and they provide a reasonable guide as to the services which may be provided in an inpatient substance abuse program, as distinguished from an inpatient psychiatric program. Advertising Limited Proposed rule 10-5.011(1)(o)3.d. (as amended in the parties second agreement, Hearing Officer exhibit #3), provides: D. Advertising of services. The number of beds for adult or for children and adolescent hospital inpatient general psychiatric services shall be indicated on the face of the hospital's license. Beds in intensive residential treatment programs for children and adolescents which are licensed as specialty hospital beds will be indicated as intensive residential treatment program beds on the face of the hospital's license. Only hospitals with separately-licensed hospital inpatient general psychiatric services, including facilities with intensive residential treatment programs for children and adolescents which are licensed as specialty hospitals, can advertise to the public the availability of hospital inpatient general psychiatric services. A hospital with separately licensed hospital inpatient general psychiatric services that does not have a certificate of need for hospital inpatient substance abuse services may advertise that they [sic] provide services for patients with a principal psychiatric diagnosis excluding substance abuse and a secondary substance abuse disorder. The Department does not currently have CON, licensure, or other rules which limit the ability of a health care provider to advertise its services, and has never used advertising as a factor in conducting CON review for any proposed services. HRS included provisions regarding advertising in its proposed rules because it had evidence that existing facilities have used misleading advertisements. The evidence came from other providers, rather than consumers. However, it is the consumer whom the agency feels may be confused by advertising which implies that services are available when such services cannot be legally provided under the facility's license. The advertising provision is prospective in nature, seeking to prevent licensed providers from advertising services for which they are not licensed. The provisions do not relate to CON review, and the staff is unclear as to how the rule would be implemented. Licensing and CON review are two separate functions within the agency. Although the term is not defined in the proposed rule, advertising broadly includes word of mouth referrals and public presentations by professionals in the community, as well as traditional media and written advertisements. Properly utilized, advertising helps consumers exercise choice and gain access to needed services. Improper advertising is subject to the regulation of federal and state agencies other than the department. New Need Methodology, with Preferences Proposed Rule 10-5.011(1)(o)4., deletes the existing population ratio methodology and creates a need formula based upon use rate, for adult and children/adolescent inpatient psychiatric services. Certain preferences are also described. 34. Rule 10-5.011(1) (o)4.e.(III) provides: In order to insure access to hospital inpatient general psychiatric services for Medicaid-eligible and charity care adults, forty percent of the gross bed need allocated to each district for hospital inpatient general psychiatric services for adults should be allocated to general hospitals. The same provision for children and adolescent services is found in rule 10-5.011(1)(o)4.h.(III). Medicaid reimbursement is not available for inpatient services in a specialty hospital. 35. Rule 10-5.011(1)(o)4.i. provides: Preferences Among Competing Applicants for Hospital Inpatient General Psychiatric Services. In weighing and balancing statutory and rule review criteria, preference will be given to applicants who: Provide Medicaid and charity care days as a percentage of its total patient days equal to or greater than the average percentage of Medicaid and charity care patient days of total patient days provided by other hospitals in the district, as determined for the most recent calendar year prior to the year of the application for which data are available from the Health Care Cost Containment Board. Propose to serve the most seriously mentally ill patients (e.g. suicidal patients; patients with acute schizophrenia; patients with severe depression) to the extent that these patients can benefit from a hospital-based organized inpatient treatment program. Propose to service Medicaid-eligible persons. Propose to service individuals without regard to their ability to pay. Provide a continuum of psychiatric services for children and adolescents, including services following discharge. The preferences are similar to those in CON rules relating to other types of health services and are intended to implement, in part, the legislative mandate that the agency consider an applicant's ". . . past and proposed provision of health care services to medicaid patients and the medically indigent." Section 381.705(1) (n), F.S. Under Medicaid reimbursement general hospitals are paid a set per diem based on a variety of services provided to all Medicaid patients, regardless of actual cost of the individual service. As psychiatric services are generally less costly than other services on a per diem basis, hospitals may recoup a greater percentage of their costs in serving Medicaid psychiatric patients. This and the fact that public hospitals receive some governmental subsidies do not obviate the need for incentives in the CON program. Not all of the charity care provided by these hospitals is funded and a large amount is written off. Although Petitioners argue that the preferences are not needed, or are too generous, none provide competent evidence that the facilities who do not enjoy the preferences are unduly prejudiced. The 40% allocation of bed need to general hospitals is a guideline, not a maximum, as applied by the agency, and presumes that there are general hospitals competing in any batch in question. It is not intended to frustrate a separate section of the rule which allows a hospital with at least an 85% occupancy rate to expand regardless of need shown in the formula and the occupancy rate district-wide. See 10- 5.011(1) (o)4.d. and g. "Evaluation of Treatment Outcomes" The proposed rules contain three provisions relating to a hospital's evaluation of its patients' treatment outcomes. Rule 10-5.011(1) (o)3.i, includes among "required services", ". . . an overall program evaluation of the treatment outcomes for discharged patients to determine program effectiveness." Rule 10-5.011(1)(o)8.j., requires in the application, A description of the methods to be used to evaluate the outcome of the treatments provided and to determine the effectiveness of the program, including any summary evaluation outcome results for hospital inpatient psychiatric services provided at other facilities owned or operated by the applicant in Florida and other states. The data shall exclude patient specific information. Rule 10-5.011(1)(o)9.e., imposes a similar additional requirement in applications from providers seeking more beds: A summary description of any treatment outcome evaluation of the hospital inpatient general psychiatric services provided at the facility for which additional beds are requested, for children, adolescents or adults as applicable to the facility for the 12-month period ending six months prior to the beginning date of the quarter of the publication of the fixed bed need pool. The purpose of these requirements, according to HRS, is to insure that hospitals will know whether its patients are better off when they leave than when they were admitted to the program. Most hospitals have such knowledge. The terms, "outcome determination", "summary evaluation outcome results", "summary description of treatment outcome evaluation" and "overall program evaluation of treatment outcomes", are nowhere defined in the proposed rules, and the department intends to leave to each applicant or provider the methodology for determining whether its patients are "better off" for having been in its program. Hospitals do not routinely evaluate their patients after discharge and such follow up would be difficult and costly. Most hospitals do, however, establish a treatment plan upon admission, continue to review and revise that plan as needed throughout treatment, and determine the patients' readiness for discharge based on the goals successfully attained. This is the process described by Florida Hospital's Center of Psychiatry Administrative Director. The rules require no more than a description similar to that provided by Florida Hospital. The rules set no standards and do not dictate that follow- up of discharged patients be accomplished, even though post discharge evaluation may be of value and is generally accepted as the best tool for measuring treatment effectiveness. The measurement of treatment outcome is an inexact process and relies on a series of subjective standards which need to be described. HRS does not intend to set those standards and, other than have its applicants demonstrate that a process is in place, the agency has no idea how the required information will impact its CON review. Without definitions and standards, the agency will have no way of comparing one applicant's information with another's. Without specificity and more guidance the rules fail to apprise the applicant of what is required and will provide no meaningful information to the agency in its CON review function. Miscellaneous Provisions The Non-Physician Director. The proposed definition of "Hospital Inpatient General Psychiatric Services" in Rule 10-5.011(1) (o)2.1. includes services provided under the direction of a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist In drafting this definition, agency staff relied on advice from experts at their workshops and on advice from the agency's own Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Program Office, to the effect that professionals, other than physicians, are qualified to direct the units. Interpretation and Application. It is not the intention of HRS that its rules be interpreted to override good medical practice or the sound judgement of treating physicians. Thus, the rules would not prohibit stabilization of a patient who is presented to the emergency room of a hospital without a CON for substance abuse or psychiatric services. Stabilized Alzheimers patients may be housed in nursing homes. Nor do the rules prohibit or subject to sanctions the occasional admission of a psychiatric or substance abuse patient to a non-substance abuse or psychiatric bed so long as this occurs infrequently in a hospital without psychiatric or substance abuse programs. "Scatter" beds are not eliminated. Those beds would continue to be licensed as acute-care beds, as they would not be considered part of an organized program, with staff and protocols, to provide psychiatric or substance abuse services. Proposed rule 10-5.011(1)(o)4.h.(v) provides that applicants for IRTPs for children and adolescents seeking licensing as a specialty hospital must provide documentation that the district's licensed non-hospital IRTPs do not meet the need for the proposed service. The department is not seeking specific utilization data in this regard, as such is not available. General information on the availability of alternatives to inpatient hospital services is obtainable from local health councils and mental health professionals in the community. Quarterly Reports. Proposed rule 10-5.011(1)(o)10. requires: Facilities providing licensed hospital inpatient general psychiatric services shall report to the department or its designee, within 45 days after the end of each calendar quarter, the number of hospital inpatient general psychiatric services admissions and patient days by age and primary diagnosis ICD-9 code. The Health Care Cost Containment Board (HCCCB) is already collecting similar quarterly data from providers. The reporting system is being updated and improved but in the meantime HRS is experiencing problems with the type and accuracy of the data it receives from HCCCB. One problem is that HCCCB collects its data with regard to all discharges in a psychiatric or substance abuse diagnostic category, whereas HRS is interested only in data from a psychiatric or substance abuse program. Until the system improves, HRS needs the information it seeks from the providers in order to plan and apply the need methodology. The agency intends to designate local health councils to collect the data and has already worked with them to set up a system. If reports provided to the HCCCB comply with the proposed requirement, HRS has no problem in receiving a duplicate of those reports. The Economic Impact Statement Pursuant to Section 120.54(2), F.S., HRS prepared an economic impact statement for the proposed rule. It was authored by Elfie Stamm, a Health Services and Facilities Consultant Supervisor with HRS. Ms. Stamm has a Masters degree in psychology and has completed course work for a Ph.D. in psychology. She has been employed by HRS for 13 years, including the last ten years in the Office of Comprehensive Health Planning. She is responsible for developing CON rules, portions of the state health plan, and special health care studies. It was impossible for Ms. Stamm to determine how the rule could impact the public at large. The economic impact statement addresses generally the effect of abolishing the distinction between long and short term services and acknowledges that the rule will increase competition among short term service providers. The impact statement also addresses a positive impact on current long term providers.

Florida Laws (5) 120.52120.54120.68395.002395.003 Florida Administrative Code (1) 15-1.005
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-002046 Latest Update: Sep. 07, 1988

Findings Of Fact The application and project On October 15, 1986, Respondent, Florida Residential Treatment Centers, Inc. (FRTC), filed a timely application with the Respondent, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (Department), for a certificate of need to construct a 60-bed specialty hospital to be licensed as an intensive residential treatment program for children and adolescents in Broward County, Florida. On March 11, 1987, the Department proposed to grant FRTC's application, and petitioners, Florida Psychiatric Centers (FPC) and South Broward Hospital District (SBHD), timely petitioned for formal administrative review. FRTC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Charter Medical Corporation (Charter). Currently, Charter owns, operates or has under construction 85 hospitals within its corporate network. Of these, 13 are general hospitals, and 72 are psychiatric hospitals. Notably, Charter now operates residential treatment programs in Newport News, Virginia, Provo, Utah, and Mobile, Alabama; and, is developing such a program in Memphis, Tennessee. Within the State of Florida, Charter operates psychiatric hospitals in Tampa, Jacksonville, Fort Myers, Miami, and Ocala. In connection with the operation of these facilities, Charter has established satellite counseling centers to screen patients prior to admission and to provide aftercare upon discharge. Of 20 such centers operated by Charter, one is located in Broward County and two are located in Dade County. The facility proposed by FRTC in Broward County (District X) will treat seriously emotionally disturbed children and adolescents under the age of 18. The patients admitted to the facility will have the full range of psychiatric diagnoses, with the probable exception of serious mental retardation and severe autism. FRTC will not treat patients who present themselves with a primary substance abuse diagnosis, nor will it admit patients who are actively dangerous. This distinguishes FRTC from an acute psychiatric hospital where actively dangerous patients requiring immediate medical intervention are often admitted. The anticipated length of stay at FRTC will vary depending upon the patient's responsiveness to treatment, but is reasonably expected to range between 6 months to 2 years, with an average of 1 year. The treatment programs to be offered at FRTC will be based upon a bio- psychosocial treatment model. This model assumes that the biological component of a patient's condition has been stabilized and that psychiatric medication will be administered solely to maintain this stabilized condition. The social component of the model is designed to resolve problems in interpersonal, family and peer relationships through educational groups, psychiatric co-therapeutic groups and family group therapy. The psychological component focuses primarily on developing personal understanding and insight to guide the patient toward self-directed behavior. Among the therapies to be offered at FRTC are individual, family, recreational, group and educational. Group therapy will be designed to resolve interpersonal problems and relationships, and focuses primarily on building trust among group members. Some group therapy sessions will also cover specific issues such as sex education, eating disorders, self-image and social skills. The goal of recreational therapy will be to teach patients to play appropriately, showing them how to give, take and share, and to follow and to lead. Recreational activities will be available both on and off campus. The goal of occupational therapy will be to develop skills used in work. For a child whose work is school, this often involves using special education techniques. For teenagers, occupational therapy also develops work skills, and prepares them for vocational training or employment. Family therapy is crucial because the family is she core of child development. Families will be invited to spend days with their children at FRTC where they will learn behavioral management techniques, and participate in parent education activities and multifamily groups. The school component of the program includes development of an individualized educational plan for each child. School will be conducted 4-5 hours a day. FRTC will utilize the level system as a behavioral management tool This system provides incentives for learning responsibility for one's own behavior and for functioning autonomously. The typical progress of a patient at FRTC will be as follows. First, a team which includes a psychiatrist, social worker, psychologist and teacher will decide, based upon available information, whether admission is appropriate. If admitted, a comprehensive assessment will be conducted within 10 days, a goal- oriented treatment program will be developed for each patient, designed to remedy specific problems. Discharge planning will begin immediately upon admission. A case manager will be involved to assure that the treatment modalities are well-coordinated. Finally, FRTC will provide aftercare upon discharge. Should any FRTC patients experience acute episodes, they will be referred to acute care psychiatric hospitals with which FRTC has entered into transfer agreements. Likewise, patients who require other medical attention will be referred to appropriate physicians Consistency with the district plan and state health plan. While the local health plan does not specifically address the need for intensive residential treatment programs (IRTPs) for children and adolescents, it does contain several policies and priorities that relate to the provision of psychiatric services within the district. Policy 2 contains the following relevant priorities when an applicant proposes to provide a new psychiatric service: ... Each psychiatric inpatient unit shall provide the following services: psychological testing/assessment, psychotherapy, chemotherapy, psychiatric consultation to other hospital departments, family therapy, crisis intervention, activity therapy, social services and structured education for school age patients, and have a minimum patient capacity of 20 and a relationship with the community mental health center. Facilities should be encouraged to provide for a separation of children, adolescents, adults, and geriatric patient' where possible. Greater priority should be given to psychiatric inpatient programs that propose to offer a broad spectrum of continuous care. ... Applicants should be encouraged to propose innovative treatment techniques such as, complementing outpatient and inpatient services or cluster campuses, that are designed to ultimately reduce dependency upon short term psychiatric hospital beds. New facilities should be structurally designed for conducive recovery, provide a least restrictive setting, provide areas for privacy, and offer a wide range of psychiatric therapies. Applicants should be encouraged to offer intermediate and follow-up care to reduce recidivism, encourage specialty services by population and age, engage in research, and offer a full range of complete assessment (biological and psychological). Additionally, the local plan contains the following policies and priorities which warrant consideration in this case: POLICY #3 Services provided by all proposed and existing facilities should be made available to all segments of the resident population regardless of the ability to pay. Priority #1 - Services and facilities should be designed to treat indigent patients to the greatest extend possible, with new project approval based in part on a documented history of provision of services to indigent patients. Priority #2 - Applicants should have documented a willingness to participate in appropriate community planning activities aimed at addressing the problem of financing for the medically indigent. POLICY #4 Providers of health services are expected to the extent possible to insure an improvement of the quality of health services within the district. Priority #1 - Applicants for certificate of need approval should document either their intention or experience in meeting or exceeding the standards promulgated for the provision of services by the appropriate national accreditation organization. Priority #2 - Each applicant for certificate of need approval should have an approved Patient Bill of Rights' `as part of the institution's internal policy. POLICY #5 Specialized inpatient psychiatric treatment services should be available by age, group and service type. For example, programs for dually diagnosed mentally ill substance abusers, the elderly, and children, should be accessible to those population groups. Priority #1 - Applicants should be encouraged to expand or initiate specialized psychiatric treatment services. The FRTC application is consistent with the local health plan. FRTC's program elements and facility design are consistent with those mandated by the local plan for mental health facilities, and its proposal offers a wide range of services, including follow-up care. FRTC intends to provide a minimum of 1.5 percent of its patient day allotment to indigent children and adolescents, and will seek JCAH accreditation and CHAMPUS approval. The state health plan addresses services similar to those being proposed by FRTC, and contains the following pertinent policies and statements: Mental health services are designed to provide diagnosis, treatment and support of individuals suffering from mental illness and substance abuse. Services encompass a wide range of programs which include: diagnosis and evaluation, prevention, outpatient treatment, day treatment, crisis stabilization and counseling, foster and group homes, hospital inpatient diagnosis and treatment, residential treatment, and long term inpatient care. These programs interact with other social and economic services, in addition to traditional medical care, to meet the specific needs of individual clients. STATE POLICIES As the designated mental health authority' for Florida, HRS has the responsibility for guiding the development of a coordinated system of mental health services in cooperation with local community efforts and input. Part of that responsibility is to develop and adopt policies which can be used to guide the development of services such that the needs of Florida residents are served in an appropriate and cost effective manner. Policies relating to the development of mental health services in Florida are contained in Chapter 394 and Chapter 230.2317, F.S. The goal of these services is: '... reduce the occurrence, severity, duration and disabling aspects of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders.' (Chapter 394, F.S.) '... provide education; mental health treatment; and when needed, residential services for severely emotionally disturbed students.' (Chapter 230.2317, F.S.) Within the statutes, major emphasis has also been placed on patient rights and the use of the least restrictive setting for the provision of treatment. 'It is further the policy of the state that the least restrictive appropriate available treatment be utilized based on the individual needs and best interests of the patient and consistent with optimum improvement of the patient's condition.' (Chapter 394.459(2)(b), F.S.) 'The program goals for each component of the network are'... 'to provide programs and services as close as possible to the child's home in the least restrictive manner consistent with the child's needs.' (Chapter 230.2317(1)(b), F.S.) Additional policies have been developed in support of the concept of a 'least restrictive environment' and address the role of long and short term inpatient care in providing mental health services for severely emotionally disturbed (SED) children. These include: 'State mental hospitals are for those adolescents who are seriously mentally ill and who have not responded to other residential treatment programs and need a more restrictive setting.' (Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Program Office, 1982) 'Combined exceptional student and mental health services should be provided in the least restrictive setting possible. This setting is preferably a school or a community building rather than a clinical or hospital environment.' (Office of Children Youth and Families, 1984) 'Alternative, therapeutic living arrangements must be available to SED students in the local areas, when family support is no longer possible, so that they may continue to receive services in the least restrictive way possible.' (Office of Children Youth and Families, 1984) 'SED students should not be placed in residential schools or hospitals because of lack of local treatment resources, either educational or residential.' (Office of Children Youth and Families, 1984). * * * Sufficient funding for the development of residential treatment and community support is necessary if the state is to fulfill its commitment to providing services for long term mentally ill persons. These services provide, in the long run, a more humane and cost effective means of meeting the mental health needs of Florida residents. Community services have been shown to be effective in rapidly returning the majority of individuals to their productive capacity and reducing the need for costly long term, institutional mental health services. There is, therefore, a need to proceed as rapidly as possible with the development of publicly funded services in those districts which are currently experiencing problems resulting from gaps in services. * * * Services for Adolescents and Children An additional issue which has been identified as a result of increased pressures for development of hospital based programs is the need to differentiate between services for adults and those for children and adolescents. Existing policy supports the separation of services for children and adolescents from those of adults and requires the development of a continuum of services for emotionally disturbed children. The actual need for both long and short term inpatient services for children and adolescents is relatively small compared to that of adults but is difficult to quantify. Providers, however, continue to request approval for long and short term adolescent and children services as a means of gaining access to the health care market. Continued development of long and short term inpatient hospital programs for the treatment of adolescents and children is contrary to current treatment practices for these groups and is, therefore, inappropriate without local data to support the need for these services. Such development can contribute to inappropriate placement, unnecessary costs of treatment, and divert scarce resources away from alternative uses. In addition, the following pertinent goals are contained in the state health plan: GOAL 1: ENSURE THE AVAILABILITY OF MENTAL HEALTH AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE SERVICES TO ALL FLORIDA RESIDENTS IN A LEAST RESTRICTIVE SETTING. * * * GOAL 2: PROMOTE THE DEVELOPMENT OF A CONTINUUM OF HIGH QUALITY, COST EFFECTIVE PRIVATE SECTOR MENTAL HEALTH AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT AND PREVENTIVE SERVICES. * * * GOAL 3: DEVELOP A COMPLETE RANGE OF ESSENTIAL PUBLIC MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES IN EACH HRS DISTRICT. * * * OBJECTIVE 3.1.: Develop a range of essential mental health services in each HRS district by 1989. * * * OBJECTIVE 3.2.: Place all clients identified by HRS as inappropriately institutionalized in state hospitals in community treatment settings by July 1, 1989. RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: 3.2a.: Develop a complete range of community support services in each HRS district by July 1, 1989. * * * OBJECTIVE 3.3.: Develop a network of residential treatment settings for Florida's severely emotionally disturbed children by 1990. The FRTC application is consistent with the state health plan which emphasizes the trend toward deinstutionalization, and the importance of education, treatment and residential services for severely emotionally disturbed children and adolescents rather than the traditional approach of institutional placement. Deinstutionalization assures more appropriate placement and treatment of patients, and is less costly from a capital cost and staffing perspective. The FRTC application also promotes treatment within the state, and will assist in reducing out-of-state placements. Need for the proposed facility The Department has not adopted a rule for the review of applications for IRTPs, and has no numeric need methodology to assess their propriety. Rather, because of the paucity of such applications and available data, the Department reviews each application on a case by case basis and, if it is based on reasonable assumptions and is consistent with the criteria specified in Section 381.705, Florida Statutes, approves it. In evaluating the need for an IRTP, the Department does not consider other residential treatment facilities in the district, which are not licensed as IRTP's and which have not received a CON, as like and existing health care services because such facilities are subject to different licensure standards. Under the circumstances, the Department's approach is rational, and it is found that there are no like and existing health care services in the district. While there are no like and existing health care services in the district, there are other facilities which offer services which bear some similarity to those being proposed by FRTC. These facilities include short-term and long-term residential treatment facilities, therapeutic foster homes and therapeutic group homes. These facilities are, however, operating at capacity, have waiting lists, and do not in general offer the breath or term of service proposed by FRTC. There are also short-term and long-term psychiatric hospitals within the district that include within their treatment modalities services similar to those proposed by the applicant. The short-term facilities are not, however, an appropriate substitute for children and adolescents needing long-term intensive residential treatment and neither are the long-term facilities from either a treatment or cost perspective. Notably, there are only 15 long term psychiatric beds in Broward County dedicated to adolescents, and none dedicated to children. In addition to the evident need to fill the gap which exists in the continuum of care available to emotionally disturbed children and adolescents in Broward County, the record also contains other persuasive proof of the reasonableness of FRTC's proposal. This proof, offered through Dr. Ronald Luke, an expert in health planning whose opinions are credited, demonstrated the need for and the reasonableness of FRTC's proposed 60-bed facility. Dr. Luke used two persuasive methodologies which tested the reasonableness of FRTC's 60-bed proposal. The first was a ratio of beds per population methodology similar to the rule methodology the Department uses for short-term psychiatric beds. Under this methodology, approval of FRTC's proposal would result in 25.47 beds per 100,000 population under 18 in District X. This ratio was tested for reasonableness with other available data. Relevant national data demonstrates an average daily census of 16,000 patients in similar beds. This calculates into 24.01 beds per 100,000 at a 90 percent occupancy rate and 25.93 beds per 100,000 at an 85 percent occupancy rate. Additionally, Georgia has a category of beds similar to IRTP beds. The Georgia utilization data demonstrates a pertinent ratio of 27.05 beds per 100,000 population. The second methodology used by Dr. Luke to test the reasonableness of FRTC's proposal, was to assess national utilization data for "overnight care in conjunction with an intensive treatment program." The national census rate in such facility per 100,000 population for persons under 18 was 21.58. Multiplying such rate by the district population under 18, derives an average daily census of 52. Assuming an optimal occupancy rate of 85 percent, which is reasonable, this demonstrates a gross need for 61 IRTP beds in District X. Dr. Luke's conclusions not only demonstrate the reasonableness of FRTC's proposal, but corroborate the need for such beds within the district. This proof, together with an analysis of existing or similar services, existing waiting lists for beds at similar facilities, and the placement by the Department of 28 children from Broward County outside the county in 1986 for long-term residential treatment, demonstrates the need for, and reasonableness of, FRTC's proposal. Quality of care The parties have stipulated that Charter and its hospitals provide quality short and long term psychiatric care. All of Charter's psychiatric hospitals are JCAH accredited, and Charter will seek JCAH accreditation and CHAMPUS approval for the proposed facility. Based on Charter's provision of quality psychiatric care, its experience in providing intensive residential treatment, and the programs proposed for the Broward County facility, it is found that quality intensive residential treatment will be provided at the FRTC facility. The availability of resources, including health manpower, management personnel, and funds for capital and operating expenditures, for project accomplishment and operation. The parties have stipulated that FRTC has available resources, including management personnel and funds for capital and operating expenditures, for project accomplishment and operation. The proof further demonstrates that FRTC will be able to recruit any other administrative, clinical or other personnel needed for its facility. 1/ Accessibility to all residents FRTC projects the following utilization by class of pay: Insurance 66.5 percent, private pay 25 percent, indigent 1.5 percent, and bad debt 7 percent. While this is an insignificant indigent load, FRTC has committed to accept state-funded patients at current state rates. FRTC's projected utilization by class of pay is reasonable. The evident purpose of FRTC's application is to permit its licensure as a hospital under Section 395.002, Florida Statutes, and thereby permit it to be called a "hospital." If a residential treatment facility is licensed as a hospital it has a significant advantage over unlicensed facilities in receiving reimbursement from third party payors. Therefore, accessibility will be increased for those children and adolescents in need of such care whose families have insurance coverage since it is more likely that coverage will be afforded at an IRTP licensed as a "hospital" than otherwise. Design considerations The architectural design for the FRTC facility was adopted from a prototype short-term psychiatric hospital design which Charter has constructed in approximately 50 locations. This design contains the three essential components for psychiatric facilities: administration, support and nursing areas. The floor plan allows easy flow of circulation, and also allows for appropriate nursing control through visual access to activities on the floor. This design is appropriate for the purposes it will serve, and will promote quality residential care. As initially proposed, the facility had a gross square footage of 31,097 square feet. At hearing, an updated floor plan was presented that increased the gross square footage by 900 square feet to 32,045, an insignificant change. In the updated floor plan the recreational component was increased from a multipurpose room to a half-court gymnasium, an additional classroom was added, and the nursing unit was reduced in size to create an assessment unit. The updated floor plan is an enhancement of FRTC's initial proposal, and is a better design for the provision of long-term residential care to children and adolescents than the initial design. While either design is appropriate, acceptance of FRTC's updated floor plan is appropriate where, as here, the changes are not substantial. Financial feasibility As previously noted, the parties have stipulated that FRTC has the available funds for capital and operating expenses, and that the project is financially feasible in the immediate term. At issue is the long-term financial feasibility of the project. FRTC presented two pro forma calculations to demonstrate the financial feasibility of the project. The first pro forma was based on the application initially reviewed by the Department. The second was based on the proposal presented at hearing that included the changes in staffing pattern and construction previously discussed. Both pro formas were, however, based on the assumption than the 60-bed facility would achieve 50 percent occupancy in the first year of operation and 60 percent occupancy in the second year of operation, that the average length of stay would be 365 days, and that the daily patient charge in the first year of operation would be $300 and in the second year of operation would be $321. These are reasonable assumptions, and the proposed charges are reasonable. The projected charges are comparable to charges at other IRTP's in Florida, and are substantially less than those of acute psychiatric hospitals. For example, current daily charges at Charter Hospital of Miami are $481, and FPC anticipates that its average daily charge will be $500. FRTC projects its utilization by class of pay for its first year of operation to be as follows: Insurance (commercial insurance and CHAMPUS) 65.5 percent, private pay 25 percent, indigent 1.5 percent, and bad debt 8 percent. The projection by class of pay for the second year of operation changes slightly based on the assumption that, through experience, the bad debt allowance should decrease. Consequently, for its second year of operation FRTC projects its utilization by class of pay to be as follows: Insurance (commercial insurance and CHAMPUS) 66.5 percent, private pay 25 percent, indigent 1.5 percent, and bad debt 7 percent. These projections of utilization are reasonable. FRTC's pro forma for the application initially reviewed by the Department demonstrates an estimated net income for the first year of operation of $97,000, and for the second year of operation $229,000. The updated pro forma to accommodate the changes in staffing level and construction, demonstrates a $102,000 loss in the first year of operation and a net income in the second year of operation of $244,000. The assumptions upon which FRTC predicated its pro formas were reasonable. Accordingly, the proof demonstrates that the proposed project will be financially feasible in the long-term. Costs and methods of construction The estimated project cost of the FRTC facility, as initially reviewed by the Department, was $4,389,533. The estimated cost of the project, as modified at hearing, was $4,728,000. This increase was nominally attributable to the change in architectural design of the facility which increased the cost of professional services by approximately $7,500 and construction costs by $139,322. Of more significance to the increased cost of the project was the increase in land acquisition costs which raised, because of appreciation factors, from $750,000 to $1,000,000. The parties stipulated to the reasonableness of the majority of the development costs and most of the other items were not actively contested. Petitioners did, however, dispute the reasonableness of FRTC's cost estimate for land acquisition and construction supervision. The proof supports, however the reasonableness of FRTC's estimates. FRTC has committed to construct its facility south of State Road 84 or east of Interstate 95 in Broward County, but has not, as yet, secured a site. It has, however, allocated $1,000,000 for land acquisition, $200,281 for site preparation exclusive of landscaping, and $126,000 for construction contingencies. The parties have stipulated to the reasonableness of the contingency fund, which is designed as a safety factor to cover unknown conditions such as unusually high utility fees and unusual site conditions. Totalling the aforementioned sums, which may be reasonably attributable to land acquisition costs, yields a figure of $1,326,281. Since a minimum of 6 acres is needed for project accomplishment, FRTC's estimate of project costs contemplates a potential cost of $221,047 per acre. In light of the parties' stipulation, and the proof regarding land costs in the area, FRTC's estimate for land acquisition costs is a reasonable planning figure for this project. FRTC budgeted in its estimate of project costs $6,000 for the line item denoted as "construction supervision (Scheduling)." Petitioners contend that construction supervision will far exceed this figure, and accordingly doubt the reliability of FRTC's estimate of project costs. Petitioners' contention is not persuasive. The line item for "Construction supervision (Scheduling)" was simply a fee paid to a consultant to schedule Charter's projects. Actual on site supervision will be provided by the construction contractor selected, Charter's architect and Charter's in-house construction supervision component. These costs are all subsumed in FRTC's estimate of project cost. FRTC's costs and methods of proposed construction, including the costs and methods of energy efficiency and conservation, are reasonable for the facility initially reviewed by the Department and the facility as modified at hearing. The petitioners FPC, a Florida partnership, received a certificate of need on May 9, 1986, to construct a 100-bed short term psychiatric and substance abuse hospital in Broward County. At the time of hearing, the FPC facility was under construction, with an anticipated opening in May 1988. Under the terms of its certificate of need, the FPC facility will consist of 80 short-term psychiatric beds (40 geriatric, 25 adult, and 15 adolescent) and 20 short-term substance abuse beds. Whether any of the substance abuse beds will be dedicated to adolescent care is, at best, speculative. The principals of FPC have opined at various times, depending on the interest they sought to advance, that 0, 5, or 20 of such beds would be dedicated to adolescent care. Their testimony is not, therefore, credible, and I conclude that FPC has failed to demonstrate than any of its substance abuse beds will be dedicated to adolescent care and that none of its treatment programs will include children. As a short term psychiatric hospital, FPC is licensed to provide acute inpatient psychiatric care for a period not exceeding 3 months and an average length of stay of 30 days or less for adults and a stay of 60 days or less for children and adolescents under 18 years. Rule 10-5.011(1)(o), Florida Administrative Code. While its treatment modalities and programs may be similar to those which may be employed by FRTC, FPC does not provide long-term residential treatment for children and adolescents and its services are not similar to those being proposed by FRTC. Notably, FPC conceded that if the patients admitted by FRTC require treatment lasting from 6 months to 2 years, there will be no overlap between the types of patients treated at the two facilities. As previously noted, the proof demonstrates that the length of stay at the FRTC facility was reasonably estimated to be 6 months to 2 years, with an average length of stay of 1 year. Under the circumstances, FPC and FRTC will not compete for the same patients. As importantly, there is no competent proof that FRTC could capture any patient that would have been referred to FPC or that any such capture, if it occurred, would have a substantial impact on FPC. Accordingly, the proof fails to demonstrate that FPC will suffer any injury in fact as a consequence of the proposed facility. SBHD is an independent taxing authority created by the legislature. Pertinent to this case, SBHD owns and operates the following facilities in Broward County: Memorial Hospital of Hollywood, 1011 North 35th Avenue, Hollywood, Florida, and Memorial Hospital Share Program, 801 S.W. Douglas Road, Pembroke Pines, Florida. Memorial Hospital of Hollywood is a general acute care hospital, with 74 beds dedicated to short-term psychiatric care. These beds are divided between three units: two closed units for acute care (42 beds) and one open unit (32 beds). There is no unit specifically dedicated to the treatment of adolescents, and Memorial does not admit any psychiatric patient under the age of 14. When admitted, adolescents are mixed with the adult population. From May 1987 through January 1988, Memorial admitted only 5-10 adolescents (ages 14-18). Their average length of stay was 12-14 days. Memorial Hospital Share Program is a 14-bed inpatient residential treatment program for individuals suffering from chemical dependency. No patient under the age of 18 is admitted to this program, which has an average length of stay of 27 days. SBHD contends that its substantial interests are affected by this proceeding because approval of FRTC's facility would result in the loss of paying psychiatric and residential treatment patients that would erode SBHD's ability to provide services to the indigent, and would, due to a shortage of nursing, recreational therapy and occupational therapists who are skilled and trained in the care of psychiatric patients, affect the quality of care at its facility and increase costs for recruiting and training staff. Due to the paucity of competent proof, SBHD's concerns are not credited, and it has failed to demonstrate that its interests are substantially affected by these proceedings. Succinctly, SBHD offered no proof concerning any staffing problems it was encountering and no proof of any disparity that might exist between wages and benefits it offers its employees and those to be offered at the FRTC facility. In sum, it undertook no study from which it could be reasonably concluded that the FRTC facility would adversely impact its staffing or otherwise increase the cost of recruiting and training staff. Likewise, SBHD undertook no study and offered no credible proof that the FRTC facility would adversely impact it financially. In fact, the FRTC facility will not treat the same patient base that is cared for by SBHD.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that FRTC's application for certificate of need, as updated, be granted, subject to the special condition set forth in conclusions of law number 12. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 7th day of September, 1988. WILLIAM J. KENDRICK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 7th day of September, 1988.

Florida Laws (4) 120.5727.05394.459395.002
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 77-000782 Latest Update: Sep. 07, 1977

The Issue Whether or not, on or about January 13, 1977, the Respondent, while undergoing an employment physical at the request of her employer, at St. Vincent's Medical Center of Jacksonville, Florida ,was observed by the examining physician to have between 50 and 75 puncture wounds in her arms overlying her veins, which puncture wounds were consistent with those made by a hypodermic needle. Whether or not the Respondent was obtaining oral Codeine, Dilaudid and Demerol tablets, controlled substances, by prescription, and subsequently dissolving the drugs and injecting them into her veins. Whether or not, on or about January, 1977, the Respondent was counseled by a member of St. Vincent's Medical Center Community Mental Health Department, and was offered the services of the Department which offer was declined by the licensee. Further, whether or not the Respondent informed Shirley Trawick, Assistant Administrator of the Mental Health Department, that she had been using controlled drugs in her younger years, stopped using them for a while and was once again using controlled drugs, including Demerol. Whether or not, on or about February 18, 1977, the Respondent uttered a forged prescription at Soutel Pharmacy, Jacksonville, Florida for a controlled drug to wit: Demerol, and was arrested by an officer of the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office for the felony of uttering or making a forged prescription. Further, whether or not at the time of the arrest a search of the licensee's purse revealed 20 more prescription blanks contained therein. Whether or not, on or about February 10, 1977, while confined to the Duval County Jail, licensee admitted to the jail nurse, L. Harris, that she had been abusing drugs (Demerol). Whether or not, on or about January 18, 1977, the Respondent uttered a forged prescription for a narcotic to wit: Demerol at Walgreen's Regency Pharmacy, 9501 Arlington Expressway. Whether or not, on or about January 27, 1977, the Respondent uttered a forged prescription at Revco Pharmacy, 5220 Firestone Road, for a narcotic drug, to wit: Demerol. Whether or not, on or about February 4, 1977, the Respondent forged a prescription for a narcotic drug, to wit: Demerol, which was passed at Revco Pharmacy, 5220 Firestone Road, Jacksonville, Florida by an individual, Lewis William Bergman. Whether or not the above allegations, if proven, would establish that the Respondent is guilty of unprofessional conduct and in violation of 464.21(1)(b), F.S., 464.21(c), F.S., 464.21(d), F.S., 464.21(f), F.S., and 464.21(g) F.S.

Findings Of Fact The Respondent, Rebecca Lee Brunson, is a Registered Nurse who holds license no. 89605-2, held with the Florida State Board of Nursing. This case is brought for consideration upon the amended administrative complaint of the Petitioner, Florida State Board of Nursing, which is dated for mailing on May 25, 1977. This complaint arises from the sworn complaint letter of April 25, 1977, propounded by Geraldine B. Johnson, R.N., Investigation and Licensing Coordinator for the Florida State Board of Nursing. This letter of complaint can be found as Petitioner's Exhibit #2 admitted into evidence. On January 13, 1977, the Respondent was seen by Dr. C. O. Plyler for purposes of an employment physical examination. At that time the Respondent was employed by St. Vincent's Medical Center of Jacksonville, Florida. The examination conducted by Dr. Plyler revealed many wounds on the arms of the Respondent, by Dr. Plyler's estimate, 50 to 75. These wounds appeared to be puncture wounds and followed a pattern on the visible blood vessels in the area between the wrists and elbows. These wounds were of a type, believed by Dr. Plyler to have possibly been caused by a hypodermic needle. When confronted with the need to make an explanation of these wounds, the Respondent replied by saying that the wounds had been inflicted by a cat. After further inquiry by Dr. Plyler, the Respondent stated that she was injecting her veins with narcotics. The specific method of this infection was to take oral narcotics, to wit: Codeine and Demerol, and dissolve these tablets and then inject them into herself. On this same occasion Kathleen Maher, the Director of the Nursing Service, St. Vincent's Medical Center, was called in to consult with the Respondent. Mrs. Maher knew Rebecca Brunson through Brunson's employment in the nursing staff at St. Vincent's Medical Center. A discussion was entered into between Mrs. Maher and the Respondent in which the Respondent was offered the opportunity to attend the St. Vincent's Medical Center Community Mental Health Program, but declined that opportunity. This opportunity was also offered by Shirley Trawick, the Assistant Director of the St. Vincent's Medical Center Community Mental Health Program. This conversation took place on the same date as the examination by Dr. Plyler. Mrs. Trawick also offered an alternative suggestion for treatment for the problem with narcotics. That alternative was placement in the Jacksonville Drug Abuse Program. The Respondent declined Mrs. Trawick's offer for assistance in any efforts to be detoxed. Another element of the conversation between Brunson and Trawick concerned the question of addiction. The Respondent told Trawick that she had been addicted to drugs as an adolescent and was currently taking the drug Demerol. On the same day as the discovery by Dr. Plyler and the admission by the Respondent, the St. Vincent's Medical Center suspended the Respondent because they felt that she was not physically capable of continuing as a registered nurse in their service. The Respondent was ultimately terminated from her position with St. Vincent's Medical Center. On February 18, 1977, the Respondent went to Soutel Pharmacy, Jacksonville, Florida and tendered a prescription to be filled. The contents of the face of the prescription may be found in Petitioner's Exhibit #1, admitted into evidence. (This exhibit is a copy of the original document which was tendered.) She presented the prescription by inquiring if the Soutel Pharmacy had the prescription, because, "Scotties on Lem Turner could not fill the prescription." There is no Scotties on Lem Turner in Duval County, Florida. Additionally, the signature on the prescription showed the signature of Dr. Millard F. Jones. Dr. Jones, when contacted by the pharmacist, Joel Bressler, indicated that he had not signed such a prescription. The Respondent exited the Soutel Pharmacy while Joel Bressler, the pharmacist was calling Dr. Jones. Bressler then called the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office and an officer was dispatched to investigate the case. Officer Robert E. Sanders, Jacksonville Sheriff's Office, arrived at the Soutel Pharmacy and placed the Respondent under arrest for uttering a forged prescription. In the course of the arrest an envelope with a number of other prescription forms was found in the Respondent's purse. Later, in an interview setting between the Respondent and Detective John Farmer, Jacksonville Sheriff's Office, held in the Detective Bureau, the Respondent, after being advised of her rights under the Miranda Case, admitted having written the prescriptions in her purse and having, on numerous other occasions, passed or attempted to pass forged prescriptions. She particularly made mention of three cases that were under investigation by Detective Farmer, two involving Revco Pharmacy on Firestone Road, and one involving Walgreens Pharmacy in Arlington. The Respondent also indicated that she was addicted to drugs. During the course of a routine crisis intervention interview by Ms. Lynn Harris, now Mrs. Lynn Timmons, which occurred on February 18, 1977 at the Duval County Jail, the Respondent admitted abusing drugs. She specifically referred to the drug Demerol. The Respondent, at that time, denied any addiction to the drug Demerol. The substances identified as Codeine and Demerol are controlled substances as set forth in 893, F.S. Based upon the facts as shown the Respondent is guilty of unprofessional conduct within the meaning of 464.21(1)(b), F.S., by reason of her abuse of and addiction to the substances Codeine and Demerol and by reason of forgeries and uttering and attempting to utter forged prescriptions. The Respondent is also guilty of habitual intemperance or addiction to the use of controlled substances as set forth in 893, F.S., in addition to engaging in the possession of controlled substances within the meaning of the aforementioned 893, F.S., causing a violation of 464.21(1)(c)(d), F.S. The response by the licensee, Rebecca Lee Brunson, to the offer for assistance for her problem with drug abuse and addiction and her general physical condition exhibits behavior which the Nursing Board has regarded and may regard as creating an undue risk that the licensee as a nursing practitioner could cause harm to other persons in violation of 464.21(1)(f), F.S. Finally the Respondent has wilfully and repeatedly violated the provisions of 464, F.S. and the provisions of 893, F.S., thereby violating 464.21(1)(g), F.S.

Recommendation It is recommended that the Florida State Board of Nursing, revoke the license of Rebecca Lee Brunson, R.N., license no. 89605-2. DONE AND ENTERED this 28th day of July, 1977, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Julius Finegold, Esquire 1005 Blackstone Building Jacksonville, Florida 32201 William J. Sheppard, Esquire 215 Washington Street Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Geraldine B. Johnson, R.N. Investigation and Licensing Coordinator Board of Nursing 6501 Arlington Expressway, Building "B" Jacksonville, Florida 32211 Rebecca Lee Brunson, R.N. 1529 McDuff Avenue South Apartment #2 Jacksonville, Florida

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