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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-003704 Latest Update: Apr. 08, 1985

Findings Of Fact On January 13, 1983, Respondents Donia and Bobowski filed with Monroe County petitions for special use approval to deposit fill and construct an access driveway within the shoreline protection zone of Monroe County as designated by Chapter 4, Monroe County Code. The property on which the roads are proposed to be constructed consists of two lots, each 1.09 acres in size. The lots are contiguous to each other and are located on Sugarloaf Key, Monroe County, Florida. Respondents Bobowski and Donia represented in their petitions for special use approval that they owned or were in the process of purchasing the subject property. Respondent Bobowski submitted with his application a contract for sale to him of both 1.09-acre lots which specified the sale was to be closed by March 25, 1982. Ms. Donia included with her petition a letter stating that Mr. Bobowski was in the process of deeding a portion of his land to her. On January 26, 1983, Respondent Bobowski filed a Complaint for Specific Performance against James Knox Julian, Jr., owner of record of the property for which Bobowski and Donia submitted applications for special use approval. As of September 10, 1984, Julian had filed a motion to dismiss that Complaint on grounds that there had been no pleadings filed or action taken by Bobowski for a period of more than one year. There is no evidence that James Julian authorized Respondents Donia or Bobowski to submit the applications for special use approval on his behalf. Respondents Donia and Bobowski have been sent copies of pleadings in this case. The Monroe County records containing Donia's application for special use approval indicate that Catherine Donia is now Catherine Bobowski. Ms. Bobowski participated in a telephonic conference call between the parties and the undersigned in which she was specifically advised of the scheduled final hearing in this case and of the necessity for her and Thomas Bobowski to appear to present their evidence in support of their applications. Neither she nor Mr. Bobowski, nor any representative of theirs, appeared at the final hearing. On January 20, 1983, Respondents McDonald and Allen filed an application for special use approval to deposit fill and construct an access driveway within the shoreline protection zone of Monroe County as designated by Chapter 4, Monroe County Code. The McDonald/Allen property is a 2.9 acre parcel on Sugarloaf Key in Monroe County Florida. The proposed driveway runs from State Road 939A through a tidally inundated black mangrove community to a dune ridge and tropical hardwood hammock fronting the Atlantic Ocean. The driveway project described in the original application involved the deposit of 433 cubic yards of limerock fill to construct an access driveway 325 feet long, 12 feet wide, and 4 feet deep. Six culverts twelve inches in diameter were to be placed at 50-foot intervals along the access driveway. When the State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation indicated disapproval of a fill permit as the project was originally proposed, the project was amended to replace the twelve-inch diameter culverts with four box culverts three feet by eight feet. The application for special use approval does not include a request to fill a turnaround area or a pad for a single-family residence, does not include a final set of building plans or a final selection of a house site, and does not seek approval for the placement of a septic tank system. Rather, the application for special use approval seeks permission for the driveway portion of the construction project only. The McDonald/Allen property is located on the southern shoreline of Sugarloaf Key in an area referred to as Sugarloaf Beach. The foreshore or foredune fronting the Atlantic Ocean consists of a beach and berm rising to a dune crest approximately 30 feet from the ocean. The sandy beach is approximately 6 to 15 feet in width. The dune top extends landward from the dune crest for approximately 100 to 125 feet before descending to the back dune and the wet land and transitional areas. The transitional area continues landward approximately 60 feet before descending into the wetlands. The wetlands run landward approximately 300 feet to the property boundary on State Road 939A. The foreshore or foredune of the McDonald/Allen property is covered by sea oats, sea purslane and cord grass assemblage. The entire dune top from the dune crest to the back dune is covered by a mature, climax tropical hardwood association. Species present include: torchwood, white stopper, inkwood, blolly, gumbo-limbo, blackbead, Spanish stopper, Jamaican dogwood, seven-year apple, sapodilla, coconut palm, short-leaf fig, gray nicker, wild lantana, buttonwood, snowberry, prickly pear cactus, bay cedar, and spider lily. The vegetation displays a stratified structure with a high canopy composed of very large, tall trees an indication of a very mature system. The transitional wetland community found on the back dune consists of saltwort, sea daisy, railroad vine, and seagrape. The wetlands-are characterized as submergent wetlands containing black mangroves. The black mangrove community is inundated year round with water depths measured between 6 and 12 inches over the majority of the property. The black mangroves reach heights of 15 feet, with large trees located over the southern extent of the wetlands (adjacent to the upland ridge). Attaining heights of 25 to 30 feet, these larger mangroves form a hammock with an open understory in a dense canopy. The mangrove area is a productive, healthy system. The wetlands of the McDonald/Allen property are a part of a larger area of healthy wetlands approximately 10 acres in extent, bounded by State Road 939A on the north, the dune ridge to the south, an unculverted fill road to the west, and a culverted fill road to the east. Wildlife present on the property include marsh rabbits, raccoons, black crown night herons, little blue herons, Louisiana herons, white crown pigeons, blue crabs, fiddler crabs, mosquito fish, killy-fish, sailfin mollies, and sheepshead minnows. On February 1, 1983, Respondent Stage filed an application for special use approval to deposit fill and construct an access driveway in the shoreline protection zone of Monroe County as designated by Chapter 4, Monroe County Code. The Stage property is a 0.64-acre lot on Big Pine Key in Monroe County, Florida. The proposed driveway runs from Long Beach Boulevard through a wet land area to a dune ridge and hammock fronting the Atlantic Ocean. The driveway project described in the original application called for the deposit of limerock fill to construct an access driveway 100 feet long, 12 feet wide, and 2-3 feet deep along the east side of the lot. Two culverts 12 inches in diameter were to be placed 50 feet apart. When the State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation indicated disapproval of a fill permit as the project was originally proposed, the project was amended to locate the access driveway through the center of the lot and to replace the 12-inch diameter culverts with two 36-inch diameter culverts to be placed at the base of the access drive. The proposed access road is to lead to a proposed turnaround and a proposed single-family residence on the back dune or dune ridge of the Stage property. The application for special use approval does not include a request to fill a turnaround area or a pad for a single-family residence, does not include a final set of building plans or a final selection of a house site, and does not seek approval for the placement of a septic tank system. Rather, the application for special use approval seeks permission for the driveway portion of the construction project only. The Stage property is located on the southern shore of Long Beach on Big Pine Key. The natural systems of the Stage property are similar in many respects to those of the McDonald/Allen property. The foreshore or foredune fronting the Atlantic Ocean has a shoreline consisting of a dense mangrove fringe. The foredune rises to a dune crest approximately 28 feet landward from the shoreline. The dune top extends landward from the dune crest approximately 100 feet before descending to the back dune and wetland area. The back dune runs landward 40 feet before descending into the wetlands. The wetlands run landward approximately 10 feet to a filled area approximately 75 feet deep fronting Long Beach Boulevard. Landward of the mangrove fringe on the foredune is a dense growth of night shade, behind which the hardwood hammock vegetation begins, at approximately 10 feet from the shoreline. The understory of the hammock has a very rich growth of wild bamboo. Trees in the hammock community include blolly, spider lily, Jamaican dogwood, Keys bamboo, gumbo-limbo, darling plum, seven-year apple, wild dilly and coconut palm. The area along the lower back dune displays transitional vegetation consisting of blackbead, limber caper, sea grape, bay cedar, sea daisy, and remnant black and white mangroves. At lower elevations of the property below the back dune and abutting the roadside fill area are found buttonwood, black mangrove without pneumatophores, saltwort, red mangrove, black mangrove, white mangrove, and sea purslane. The wetland and red mangrove area is about 10 to 15 feet in size, healthy, and of high productivity. The transitional vegetation is productive in that it has a very high value to the organisms that are feeding upon it in that particular area, although its productive value is lower than that of the red mangrove system. Wildlife found on the property include marsh rabbit, raccoon, Key deer, and hermit crabs. Other species expected to be found are the eastern indigo snake the red black snake, and the silver rice rat, all species listed by the federal government as threatened. Both the McDonald/Allen and Stage properties are located in the Florida Keys in Monroe County, which has been designated an area of critical state concern. The Florida Keys is the only tropical area in the entire continental United States. The uncontroverted testimony of witnesses for the Respondents and Petitioner was that virtually every natural feature found there is unique. The Long Beach and Sugarloaf Beach coastal dune structures are particularly significant natural systems because of the scarcity of these sandy beaches and dune systems in the Florida Keys. Such systems have been estimated to represent only 2 percent of the land mass of the Florida Keys. They are even more scarce when considered in reference to the land mass of the United States because there are no comparable natural systems in North America. The dune systems on Sugarloaf Beach and Long Beach are storm berms or storm beaches, which are created when near source material is driven by storm effect onto the beach and ridge. These beaches are stable when highly vegetated and undisturbed. The plant communities found on the dune system have adapted to resist the impact of storms, both wind and wave. Seagrape trees, for example, diminish the shearing effect of the wind by absorbing wind energy. Many of the plant species are deeply rooted and essentially adapted to the intermittent effects of storms. When the natural systems and vegetative communities are altered, the dune system loses its resistance to storm and is subject to instability and erosion. Many of the plant and animal species present in the Florida Keys and on the McDonald/Allen and Stage properties are only found in the Keys. They are endemic species which have deviated from the mother populations on the mainland, and they are of particular interest to the scientific community. The McDonald/Allen property, in particular, is unique because it combines a very mature hardwood system with the coastal dune structure. Maturity of the hardwood hammocks is evidenced by the large dimensions of the trees, especially the gumbo-limbos and inkwood, and the height and structure of the tree canopy. The mangrove wetland areas on the McDonald/Allen and Stage properties could also be called unique by virtue of their location in the Florida Keys, though they are similar to other mangrove wetland areas. They are both productive, healthy systems. Such mangrove systems are considered to be one of the most important natural resources in Southern Florida. They provide shoreline protection, build up land areas, provide nutrients to the marine environment, and serve as nurseries for marine species and wildlife habitat for reptiles and wading birds such as herons, egrets, white crown pigeons and gray king birds. Transitional areas may have lower productivity than the wetland areas, but they still have a very high value to organisms feeding upon them. A community of animals will still be dependent upon the transitional vegetation, and removal or stress to that vegetation will also stress the dependent animal elements. On April 22, 1983, the Zoning Board of Monroe County denied the McDonald/Allen application for special use approval to deposit the fill and construct the access road. Reasons for the denial were that the project failed to comply with Sections 19-75(2)a, 19-111, and 19-59(6), Monroe County Code. Section 19-75(2)a requires a determination of the effect of the change under review on that particular property and on surrounding properties. Section 19- 111(a)(4) requires that all applications for a permit in wetland areas consider the natural biological functions, including food chain production, general habitat, nesting, spawning, rearing and resting sites for aquatic or terrestrial species, the physical aspects of natural drainage, salinity and sedimentation patterns, and physical protection provided by wetland vegetation from storm and wave action. Section 19-59(6) requires consideration of the project's compliance with the County's Comprehensive Plan. The Zoning Board was particularly concerned about the fact that the project was contrary to the policy expressed in the County's Comprehensive Plan to prohibit new construction that would threaten the stability of dune ridges, and about the cumulative impact on the wetland areas and on the dune system of several nearby projects for which applications had been submitted. On August 5, 1983, the Board of County Commissioners reversed the denial of the McDonald/Allen application for special use approval by adopting Resolution No. 233-1983. The Resolution authorizes the deposit of fill and construction of the access driveway as requested by the McDonald/Allen application. The Resolution makes no finding that the project meets the requirements of the Monroe County Code or Monroe County Comprehensive Plan. The Resolution also fails to specify any conditions or protective measures that should be met by the applications in regard to design, construction activities or coordination with adjoining land owners to reduce the impacts of the proposed development. No evidence was introduced at the final hearing in this cause to show that the Board of County Commissioners considered these items or any provision for them. An employee of Petitioner was present at the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners meeting on August 5, 1983, when a vote was taken on the McDonald/Allen application. However, Petitioner did not receive a written copy of the Resolution reducing that action to writing until October 14, 1983, when Monroe County transmitted the Resolution by hand-delivery. On August 25, 1983, the State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation (hereinafter "DER") issued a permit to McDonald/Allen to deposit 433 cubic yards of fill for an access road with four box culverts three feet by eight feet. The permit is based upon Chapter 403, Florida Statutes, and Chapters 17-3 and 17-4, Florida Administrative Code, jurisdiction and therefore only evaluates impacts on water quality. It does not address impacts on storm surge abatement; marine and wildlife resources habitats; suitability of the proposed project in regard to its location, site characteristics and intended purpose; the effect of the proposed project on surrounding properties (including cumulative impacts of several projects in close proximity of each other); or compliance with the Monroe County Code or Monroe County's Comprehensive Plan. On July 29, 1983, the Zoning Hoard of Monroe County denied the Stage application for special use approval to deposit fill and construct an access road. One of the items considered by the Zoning Board was the permit issued to Respondent Stage by DER on July 13, 1983, to deposit approximately 62 cubic yards of crushed limerock fill for an access road with two 36-inch diameter culverts. The DER permit addressed only impacts to water quality as specified by Chapter 403, Florida Statutes, and Chapters 17-3 and 17-4, Florida Administrative Code. As was the case with the permit issued to McDonald/Allen, the determination by DER to issue the permit did not include the analysis required by the Monroe County Code and the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan of impacts to natural systems. Reasons cited by the Zoning Board for the application's denial are the project's failure to meet the requirements of the Monroe County Code regarding the Suitability of the use in regard to its location, site characteristics, and intended purpose; and the project's failure to comply with the County's Comprehensive Plan encouraging protection of wetlands to the maximum extent possible and prohibiting new construction that would threaten the stability of dune ridges. On October 28, 1983, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners reversed the denial of the Stage application for special use approval by adopting Resolution No. 296-1983. Again, there are no protective or limiting conditions specified in the Resolution in regard to construction of the road or its relationship to the remainder of the project. The access road proposed by the McDonald/Allen application will eliminate approximately 4,000 square feet of high-quality submerged mangrove wetlands. This, in turn, would eliminate high-quality habitat used by a variety of large birds such as herons, ibises, little blue herons; gastropods; species of small fish such as killifish, sheepshead minnow, sailfin, mosquito fish; blue crabs, fiddler crabs and Saltwater snakes. The proposed fill road would also present a 325-foot long barrier to the existing tidal flow, thereby impeding the natural flow of water, particularly during a storm event when even very large culverts are blocked by vegetation and other debris. A fill road would also provide a substrate for colonization by exotic vegetation, to the detriment and possible exclusion of native vegetation. In addition, the evidence indicates that at least four more fill roads are proposed in immediate proximity to the proposed McDonald/Allen fill road, within the same 10-acre wetland area. If approved, the cumulative impacts of several roads would be significantly greater than the one road. There would be a significant increase in the direct removal of vegetation and wildlife habitat and an even greater impact on tidal flow through the area with each additional road (even ignoring the fact that each road is merely a portion of the real project). This is because each barrier to tidal flow placed downstream from the source water diminishes the ability of the tidal water to reach other areas even further downstream. The essence of Respondents McDonald/Allen's testimony and exhibits in regard to cumulative impacts is that with proper planning only one access road need be built in the 10-acre wetland area in which the McDonald/Allen property lies. No evidence was submitted to show that such planning efforts exist or are likely to be fruitful. There is no reasonable assurance that only one access road will be sought or constructed in that area; rather, the evidence is to the contrary. Respondent Stage's proposed access road would eliminate a small amount of productive red mangroves and would eliminate transitional wetlands of somewhat lower productivity, thereby exacerbating the existing stresses to the transitional community on the Stage property. The road would also be subject to blockage during a storm event, which would further diminish the existing tidal flow. Current intended use of both the McDonald/Allen and Stage properties is for a single-family residence, although neither applicant has finalized any design for that residence. Construction and occupancy of even a single-family residence in the tropical hardwood hammock on the dune back or dune top of either property can be expected to produce a typical range of impacts to the natural systems. The most significant is the removal of hardwood hammock trees and understory vegetation. At a minimum, clearing is required for a house pad, a turnaround (and parking) area, a septic tank and drain field, and a surrounding area sufficient to accommodate construction equipment and workers. Additional clearing can be anticipated by occupants of a single-family residence who seek to take advantage of ocean breezes and view and who create pathways to the beach. Any opening of the hammock's tree canopy or understory would increase exposure of the lower forest to the drying effects of wind and salt and upset the hammock's microclimate, causing progressive destruction of vegetation. Clearing also provides conditions which make the site conducive to colonization by exotic species. Additional impacts customarily associated with single-family residence occupancy are the introduction of pets who are natural predators of endangered species, of noxious chemicals used for spraying insects, and of intrusion into the habitat of wildlife which now utilize the area and are not tolerant of human activity in immediate nesting and feeding areas. Several dwellings constructed on a dune ridge would cumulatively impact and even further threaten destruction of the hardwood hammock and dune system. Once in place and occupied, a single-family home will create impacts that are extremely difficult to prevent or mitigate and which are uncontrolled by any County ordinance or State regulations. The current and future owners of both the McDonald/Allen and Stage properties have access to that property since either a state-- or county-- maintained road borders one entire side of each of those properties. Accordingly, neither proposed driveway is necessary to provide access to the property. Since the special use approvals given by Monroe County to McDonald/Allen and Stage are not conditioned upon the obtaining of permits for the construction of the now-intended dwelling structure, the actual use of the driveways remains speculative. Although the Stage property may be zoned exclusively for a single-family residence, the McDonald/Allen parcel appears to be in an area of Monroe County in which single-family residences are only one of the uses allowed. Additionally, several years ago Respondent Stage, without first obtaining a permit, has placed fill on his property which covers the width of his property along Long Beach Boulevard. Although Respondent Stage eliminated a wetlands area 100 feet by 75 feet by placing fill therein, he has not been required to remove that fill, and it is speculative as to whether any agency with the authority to require the removal of that fill would do so since no mitigation has yet been required of him.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED THAT a final order be entered denying the applications of Respondents McDonald/Allen, Donia, Bobowski, and Stage for special use approval. Pursuant to the requirements of Section 380.08(3), Florida Statutes (1983): There are no changes in the proposal by Respondent Donia that would entitle her to receive the special use approval requested herein; There are no changes in the proposal by Respondent Bobowski that would entitle him to receive the special use approval requested herein; Respondents McDonald and Allen could make their driveway application eligible for a special use approval by altering the design of the driveway to piling or boardwalk construction rather than fill construction; and, Respondent Stage can make his driveway application eligible for a special use approval by altering the project design so that the primary structure utilizes the portion of his property which was previously filled. It is further, RECOMMENDED THAT each application for special use approval submitted herein remain ineligible to receive such approval until such time as it can be demonstrated, such as through the issuance of all necessary permits, that the intended primary use--residential construction--will not degrade or destroy the tropical hardwood hammock, dune ridge, or other natural systems located on or surrounding Respondents' properties. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 8th day of April, 1985 at Tallahassee, Florida. LINDA M. RIGOT Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of April, 1985. COPIES FURNISHED: Honorable Bob Graham Governor The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Honorable Bill Gunter Insurance Commissioner The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Honorable Jim Smith Attorney General The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Honorable Doyle Conner Commissioner of Agriculture The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Honorable George Firestone Secretary of State The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Honorable Gerald Lewis Comptroller The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 John T. Herndon, Secretary Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission Office of the Governor The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Sheri Smallwood, Esquire County Attorney, Monroe County 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 James Hendrick, Esquire Albury, Morgan & Hendrick 317 Whitehead Street Key West, Florida 33040 Catherine Donia Post Office Box 502 Big Pine Key, Florida 33043 Thomas Bobowski Post Office Box 502 Big Pine Key, Florida 33043 Sarah E. Nall, Esquire C. Laurence Keesey, Esquire Department of Community Affairs 2571 Executive Center Circle, East Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (6) 120.57161.021380.04380.05380.07380.08
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Key West, Florida Dec. 27, 1993 Number: 93-007165DRI Latest Update: Jun. 06, 1996

The Issue Whether Permit Number 9330008850 (a building permit for the construction of a single-family residence and swimming pool) issued by Monroe County, Florida, to Fred Snowman is inconsistent with Monroe County's setback requirement pertaining to beach berms that are known turtle nesting areas.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the state land planning agency charged with the responsibility to administer the provisions of Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, and the regulations promulgated thereunder. Petitioner has the authority to appeal to the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission any development order issued in an area of critical state concern. Sections 380.031(18), 380.032, and 380.07, Florida Statutes. Monroe County is a political subdivision of the State of Florida, and is responsible for issuing development orders for development in unincorporated Monroe County, Florida. Monroe County issued the development order that is the subject of this appeal. Respondent Fred Snowman is a general contractor and is the owner of real property known as Lot 75, Matecumbe Ocean Beach subdivision, Lower Matecumbe Key, in Monroe County, Florida. The subject property is a residential lot that measures 100 feet by approximately 225 feet and was acquired by Mr. Snowman in September 1992. The subject property is bounded on the landward side by U.S. 1 and fronts the Atlantic Ocean. Respondent's lot is within the Florida Keys Area of Critical State Concern. On September 30, 1993, Monroe County issued building permit, Permit Number 9330008850, to Fred Snowman as Owner and General Contractor. This building permit is a development order in an area of critical state concern and is the subject of this proceeding. As reflected by the approved site plans, the permit authorizes the construction of a 2,472 square foot single-family residence with 1,568 square feet of porches, a 1,435 square foot storage enclosure below base flood elevation, and a swimming pool on the property. As permitted, all construction will be setback at least 75 feet from the mean high water line. There is no dispute between the parties as to where the mean high water line is located. Sections 9.5-335 through 9.5-345, Monroe County Code, are land development regulations that contain certain environmental performance standards relating to development. The purpose of these standards is "to provide for the conservation and protection of the environmental resources of the Florida Keys by ensuring that the functional integrity of natural areas is protected when land is developed." See, Section 9.5-335, Monroe County Code. Included in the environmental standards of the land development regulations is Section 9.5-345, Monroe County Code, entitled "Environmental design criteria," which provides, in relevant part: Disturbed Lands: All structures developed, used or occupied on land which are [sic] classified as disturbed on the existing conditions map shall be designated, located and constructed such that: * * * (3) On lands classified as disturbed with beach berm: * * * f. No structure shall be located within fifty (50) feet of any portion of any beach-berm complex which is known to serve as an active nesting or resting area of marine turtles, terns, gulls or other birds; There is little dispute that Lower Matecumbe beach is an active nesting area for marine turtles. Loggerhead turtles, the primary marine turtles which nest on Atlantic beaches in the Keys, are a threatened species under the federal Endangered Species Act. There are thirty beaches in the Florida Keys which consist of loggerhead nesting habitat. The beach that fronts Mr. Snowman's property on Lower Matecumbe Key is a known turtle nesting beach that is ranked as the second most heavily nested beach in the Keys. The Monroe County comprehensive plan recognizes the beaches on Lower Matecumbe Key as known loggerhead turtle nesting beaches. Pursuant to the comprehensive plan, the County has prepared endangered species maps as a tool to be utilized in identifying known turtle nesting areas. At the time Mr. Snowman obtained approval of his permit application from Monroe County, the County's endangered species maps omitted an approximately 1.5 mile stretch of Lower Matecumbe Beach, including Mr. Snowman's property, from its map designation of a known nesting habitat. However, since that approval, the map, which is subject to periodic updates, has been updated by the County to reflect that all of Lower Matecumbe Key, including Mr. Snowman's property, is considered by the County to be known turtle nesting habitat. Mr. Snowman did not rely on the designation on the endangered species map in making his decision to purchase the subject property or in designing the improvements he seeks to construct on the property. Surveys of turtle nesting behavior in the Florida Keys are accomplished through a network of volunteers. The nesting survey information obtained from this volunteer network provides very general locations with varying degrees of accuracy depending on the number and ability of the volunteers and the extent to which they can obtain access to privately owned beach front property. Because of the limitations in the survey data, is it generally not possible to determine whether turtles have nested on a particular lot. There was no evidence that turtles actually nest on Mr. Snowman's property. Marine turtles most commonly nest within the first 50 feet landward of the mean high tide line, although they have been known to go farther upland. Because of the compressed beach and berm habitat in the Keys, loggerhead turtles have been known to nest in grassy vegetation and woody vegetation more than 50 feet landward of the mean high water line. Mr. Snowman's property is properly designated as "Disturbed Lands" and there exists on this property a "beach-berm complex" which is known to serve as an active nesting area of marine turtles within the meaning of Section 9.5- 345, Monroe County Code. The setback requirement found in Section 9.5-345, Monroe County Code, applies to this development. Consequently, no construction of any structure may be located within fifty (50) feet of any portion the beach- berm complex which is known to serve as an active nesting area of marine turtles. There was a conflict in the evidence as to how much of Mr. Snowman's property should be considered to be a beach-berm habitat. The County has identified the landward extent of the beach-berm to be twenty-five feet from the mean high water line, so that the setback would be to a point at least 75 feet from the mean high water line. The Department has identified the landward extent of the beach berm to be 80 feet from the mean high water line so that the setback would be to a point at least 130 feet from the mean high water line. Section 9.5-4(B-3) contains the following definition that is pertinent to this proceeding: (B-3) "Beach berm" means a bare, sandy shoreline with a mound or ridge of unconsolidated sand that is immediately landward of, and usually parallel to, the shoreline and beach. The sand is calcareous material that is the remains of marine organisms such as corals, algae and molluscs. The berm may include forested, coastal ridges and may be colonized by hammock vegetation. There are two distinct ridges located on the Snowman property. Beginning at the mean high water line, there is an area of sandy beach followed by a ridge (the first ridge) that levels off approximately 25 feet from the mean high water line. Behind this first ridge is another ridge that levels off approximately 80 feet landward of the mean high water line. This second ridge contains the highest elevation point on Mr. Snowman's property, with the crest of the second ridge corresponding with the 5.9 foot elevation reflected on Respondent's site plan. There is no vegetation on the beach, which is an area of sandy substrate, until the landward downslope of the first ridge, where vegetation in the form of grasses and sea oats appear. Grasses and sea oats extend approximately 30-40 feet landward into the beginning of the second ridge. Behind the grasses and sea oats is woody vegetation, Bay Cedar, and shrubbery typical of beach front property. Also found on the property and landward of the first ridge are sea grape, wild sage, gray nicker pod, and prickly pear cactus. Monroe County considers this first ridge to be the extent of the beach berm complex on the Snowman property. The County identifies the back of the berm on the subject property as measuring 25 feet landward of mean high water and applied the 50 foot setback requirement from that point. The determination of the extent of the beach berm by the County is consistent with the definition of the term "beach berm" contained in Section 9.5-345(3)f, Monroe County Code, and is supported by the greater weight of the evidence presented at the formal hearing. Consequently, it is found that the beach berm complex on the Snowman property extends 25 feet landward of the mean high water mark so that the setback requirement was properly applied when the development order was issued. The Department asserts that the second ridge should be considered to be part of the beach berm. The Department's determination of the extent of the beach berm is bottomed on a more expansive definition of the term "beach berm" derived from its interpretation of various portions of the Monroe County Comprehensive Code. Inexplicably, the Department's interpretation of what should be considered to be included as part of the "beach berm" ignores the definition contained in Section 9.5-345(3)f, Monroe County Code. The Department interprets the term "beach berm" to include not only the initial increase and decrease in elevation near the shoreline, but also those areas of calcareous substrate that form the second ridge and include the highest elevation on the subject property. The Department considers the beach berm to terminate 80 feet from the mean high water line where the elevation of the second ridge decreases and levels off to a more consistent grade. The Department characterizes the first ridge as a primary dune the second ridge as a secondary dune. In support of its position, the Department cites the discussion of beach berms in the Florida Keys contained in Volume I of the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan. That discussion describes a berm in the Keys as the "higher, mostly vegetated dense-like sand ridges." According to the Comprehensive Plan, the biota characteristics of beach systems in the Keys occur in up to four distinct generalized zones or associations, assemblages of plants and animals that have adapted to the environmental conditions of that zone. The zones on Keys beaches are described by Volume I of the Comprehensive Plan as follows: The strand-beach association is dominated by plants that are salt tolerant, root quickly, germinate from seed rapidly, and can withstand wave wash and shifting sand. Commonly found species include Sea Purslane, . . . Beach Grass, . . . Sea Oats, . . . [and] Bay Cedar. On most Keys beaches this association occurs only atthe base of the berm since the beach zone is very narrow. These plants also occupy themost seaward portion of the berm and continuesome distance landward. * * * The next zone, "strand-dune" association,begins with a steep and distinct increase inslope upward from the beach. . . . The bermmay be elevated only several inches or as much as several feet above the level of the beach and may extend landward hundreds of feet as a flat-topped plateau or beach ridge. The foreslope of the berm, or beach ridge, is vegetated primarily by the above-listed species of the beach association. Grasses and herbaceous plants, which serve to stabilize this area, are most common. Proceeding landward, these pioneer species are joined by other species. * * * The strand-scrub association is generallyconsidered a transition zone between strand-dune and hammock forest. Shrubs and occasional trees occur more frequently here and become more abundant as one proceeds landward. Species often found include Seagrape, . . . Wild Sage (Lantana involucrata), [and] Gray Nicker. . . . The most landward zone on the berm is occupied by tropical hardwood hammocks. The term "berm" is identified in the Monroe County comprehensive plan as . . . a mound or ridge of unconsolidated sand that is immediately landward of, and usually parallel to, the shoreline and beach. A berm is higher in elevation than both the beach and the area landward of the berm. * * * The height and width of berms in the Keys is highly variable. They may range in height from slightly above mean high water to more than seven (7) feet above mean sea level. The width of berms in the Keys varies from tens of feet to more than 200 feet. Despite the support the Department found in the Comprehensive Plan for a more stringent setback requirement, the Department is not at liberty to ignore the definition of the term beach berm contained in the land development regulations. While both ridges that exist on the Snowman property may be considered berms or dunes, only the first should be considered a beach berm. The first ridge is ". . . a bare, sandy shoreline with a mound or ridge of unconsolidated sand" within the meaning of Section 9.5-4(B-3), Monroe County Code. The second ridge is above the vegetation line and is not ". . . a bare, sandy shoreline" within the meaning of the definition of beach berm contained in the Monroe County land development regulations.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission enter a final order that adopts the findings of fact and the conclusions of law contained herein and denies the appeal filed by the Department of Community Affairs as to building permit number 9330008850 issued by Monroe County, Florida. DONE AND ENTERED this 25th day of October, 1994, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. CLAUDE B. ARRINGTON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of October, 1994. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 93-7165DRI The following rulings are made on the proposed findings of fact submitted by the Petitioner. The proposed findings of fact in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 25, 26, 27, 29, 32, and 33 are adopted in material part by the Recommended Order. The proposed findings of fact in paragraphs 9 and 23 are rejected as being unnecessary to the conclusions reached. The proposed findings of fact in paragraphs 10, 11, 12, 24, 28, and 31 are rejected as being subordinate to the findings made. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 19 are rejected as being unsubstantiated by the evidence and as a misconstruction of the cited testimony. The proposed findings of fact in paragraphs 20, 22, and 34 are rejected as being unsubstantiated by the evidence. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 30 are rejected as being unnecessary to the conclusions reached since the setback is from any portion of the "beach berm complex" and not from any area that may be considered to be turtle nesting habitat. The following rulings are made on the proposed findings of fact submitted by the Respondent. The proposed findings of fact in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are summaries of testimony that are subordinate to the findings made. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 6 are rejected as being unsubstantiated by the evidence and contrary to the findings made. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 7 and 8 are adopted in material part by the Recommended Order. COPIES FURNISHED: Sherry A. Spiers, Esquire Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Nicholas W. Mulick, Esquire 88539 Overseas Highway Tavernier, Florida 33070 Randy Ludacer, Esquire Monroe County Attorney Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 Mr. Fred Snowman Post Office Box 771 Islamorada, Florida 33035 Carolyn Dekle, Director South Florida Regional Planning Council Suite 140 3400 Hollywood Boulevard Hollywood, Florida 33021 David K. Coburn, Secretary Florida Land & Water Adjudicatory Commission Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (5) 120.57380.031380.04380.0757.105
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Clearwater, Florida Dec. 05, 1994 Number: 94-006776 Latest Update: May 05, 1995

Findings Of Fact Petitioner, Frenchy's Rockaway Grill, Inc., is the owner and operator of a restaurant and alcoholic beverage establishment located at 7 Rockaway Street, Clearwater, Florida. Petitioner purchased the property in 1991. Michael Preston is president of Petitioner. Petitioner's establishment is immediately adjacent to the Gulf of Mexico and Clearwater beach on the west, to the north is a public parking lot, to the east is a motel, and to the south is the Clearwater Beach Hotel, which is owned and operated by Hunter Hotel Co., as indicated above. On the beach side of Petitioner's establishment there is an existing 972 sq. ft. wooden deck. The existing deck was initially constructed on or about 1987 by prior owners without receiving appropriate variance approvals. Subsequent alterations to the deck occurred between 1987 and 1991, also without appropriate variance approvals. In 1991 Charles and Ypapanti Alexiou/Anthony Alexiou, former owners of the subject property, filed an application for variance approval with the Board seeking three variances relating to the construction of the deck at the 7 Rockaway establishment. Specifically, the variances sought were: "1) 55.5 ft. to permit deck seaward of the coastal construction control line; 2) 15 ft. to permit a deck zero feet from a street right-of-way; and, 3) seven parking spaces to permit a 1,338 sq. ft. deck at 7 Rockaway Street, Miller's Replat, Lot 2 & vacated beach Drive on W and Lot 3, zoned CR 28 (resort commercial) & OS/R (open space recreation)." At public meeting on August 8, 1991, the application was considered by the Board. At that time Mr. Cline, as counsel for Hunter appeared in opposition to the application stating that approval of the variance requests would adversely impact the Clearwater Beach Hotel, that the request was for economic gain, that any hardship was self-imposed, and that development and traffic in the area was already heavy. The Board, however, granted the variance requests as to variances number 1 and number 2., and as to the third request, the Board denied the proposed 1,338 sq. ft. deck, but approved a variance of five parking spaces to permit the existing deck of 972 sq. ft. On or about July 13, 1993, a variance application was filed with the Board by Howard G. and Jean B. Hamilton and Palm Pavilion of Clearwater, Inc., seeking approval of four variances required for an 800 sq. ft. expansion of an existing deck at a restaurant at 10 Bay Esplanade, Clearwater Beach, Florida. The Palm Pavilion applicants were also represented by Mr. Cline. Like Petitioner's establishment, Palm Pavilion is a beachfront restaurant, which is located directly across the public parking lot to the north of Petitioner's establishment. Unlike Petitioner's establishment, Palm Pavilion is bordered by parking to the south and the east, and is not immediately adjacent to other buildings. On August 26, 1993, the Board granted the Palm Pavilion variance application for expansion of an existing beachfront deck with certain conditions. On October 6, 1994, Petitioner submitted its application to the Board requesting five variances required for a 650 sq. ft. expansion of the existing wooden deck at 7 Rockaway Street. Specifically, the variances sought were: 1) 13.22 ft. to permit a lot depth of 86.78 ft. where 100 ft. is required; 2) 8.2 ft. to permit it a rear setback of 6.8 ft. where 15 ft. is required; 3) 14 percent to permit 11 percent of open space where 25 percent is required; 4) three parking spaces to permit zero parking spaces where three additional are required; and, 5) 52.14 ft. to permit a structure seaward of the coastal construction control line. The subject property at 7 Rockaway Street is properly zoned CR-28 (resort commercial). Any scrivener's error indicating that the property is zoned OSC (open space recreation) has been corrected. Petitioner's restaurant, Frenchy's Rockaway Grill, is a popular beachside establishment. It is one of very few freestanding restaurants fronting the Gulf of Mexico on Clearwater Beach. Some patrons particularly enjoy dining on the open air deck adjacent to the beach. During peak hours, there is often over an hour's waiting time for tables on the deck. Petitioner is currently unable to accommodate the demand for seating on the beachside deck. Petitioner would sustain an economic benefit if more patrons could be accommodated on an expanded deck. Because of the size constraints of the lot and the establishment's location directly on the beach, development and improvement of the facility is highly restricted. The back of some residential rooms of the Clearwater Beach Hotel are immediately adjacent to the south of Petitioner's establishment. There are small bathroom windows from these residential rooms that face Petitioner's establishment. Petitioner's proposed expansion of the open air deck would place the proposed deck in very close proximity to the back of these residential hotel rooms. The City's staff reviewed the Petitioner's application and recommended approval with the following conditions: 1) the applicant shall obtain the requisite occupational license within 12 months; 2) the applicant shall obtain the necessary building permit within 6 months; 3) there shall be no outdoor entertainment and no outdoor speakers; 4) the applicant shall obtain the requisite alcoholic beverage separation distance variance from the City Commission. Petitioner agreed to the conditions recommended by staff. The recommendations of staff are not binding on the Board. In addition to the application for the five variances filed with the Board, Petitioner also filed a conditional use request with the Planning and Zoning Board. The conditional use request was approved on September 13, 1994, and imposed certain other conditions including the construction of a six foot wall on the south side of the proposed deck to buffer the adjoining hotel. Petitioner agreed to the conditions imposed by the Planning and Zoning Board.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 3
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-002510RX Latest Update: Oct. 06, 1983

Findings Of Fact W. B. Johnson Properties, Inc., Petitioner, is the owner of the 428- room Holiday Inn Surfside located on Clearwater Beach. This hotel was constructed in 1981 on land zoned CTF-28 for commercial tourist facilities. The tract of land on which the hotel is situated is approximately ten acres and the maximum density of 42 rooms per acre is utilized. This hotel is currently in conformity with all building and zoning regulations. Holiday Inn Surfside has decking around its swimming pool which is capable of accommodating only 120 to 150 deck chairs for the guests of the hotel. Additional chair space, if needed, must be obtained by using the undecked area of the beach in front of the hotel. The occupancy rate for this hotel from the beginning of 1983 to date has been 80 percent. Petitioner owns the entire beach fronting its property, a distance of some 340 feet. Prior to the passage of Clearwater Ordinance No. 3075-83, the western setback line for this property was 50 feet from-mean highwater (MHW). Ordinance 3075-83 made the Coastal Construction Control Line (CCCL), as established by Section 161.063, Florida Statutes, as the western setback line for property located on Clearwater Beach. This is now the Coastal Control setback line. The Coastal Construction setback line as it crosses Petitioner's property is 338 feet from MHW of the Gulf of Mexico. Prior to the passage of Ordinance No. 3075-83, Petitioner could have constructed decking up to the then setback line, 50 feet from MHW. Petitioner is one of the few property owners on Clearwater Beach that has undisputed ownership of the beach fronting its property seaward of the CCCL. This area of Clearwater Beach in the vicinity of Holiday Inn Surfside is the widest part of the beach between the CCCL and MHW. Exhibit 7, which was submitted as a late-filed exhibit, clearly shows the beach north of Petitioner's property is not as wide as is the beach fronting Petitioner's property, and much of the property on the beach south of Petitioner's property is owned by the City. Solely by having ownership of more beachfront property seaward of the CCCL, Petitioner is more adversely affected by Ordinance No. 3075-83 than are other property owners. Petitioner has signs restricting the use of the decking around the pool to hotel guests. Petitioner also has a patio bar in the vicinity of the pool which is accessible from the beach and from the hotel. Drinks are served to the public at this patio bar. By extending the deck 28 feet seaward of the OCCL, Petitioner would be able to provide decking for an additional 150 to 170 chairs for the use of hotel guests. With an 80 percent occupancy rate there is insufficient deck space to accommodate all of the hotel guests who desire to use these facilities. Currently the excess place their deck chairs in the sand seaward of the CCCL. Those who testified in opposition to the variance requested did so on the grounds that the increased deck facilities would bring more people to the patio bar, thereby increasing the traffic and parking problems on the beach, that the hotel did not adequately restrict the use of the existing deck to guests of the hotel, and that if this application is granted it will open the doors to others who would like to construct a deck seaward of the CCCL. None of these grounds is deemed particularly meritorious. Many factors could increase the patronage of the patio bar and more adequate decking would not be a significant one, particularly in view of Petitioner's contention that the deck was reserved for guests of the hotel, albeit not strictly enforced during periods of low occupancy.

# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 76-001382 Latest Update: Mar. 04, 1977

Findings Of Fact Respondents' File No. 76-3-V-90, is an application by J. Edwin Chancey for a variance from the coastal construction setback line in Walton County in an area referred to as Grayton Beach. The application for variance involves approximately 450-470 feet of open beach which the applicant proposes to divide into nine 50-foot wide lots upon which he proposed to construct dwelling houses. As shown by Exhibit 5 the proposed dwellings would be no less than approximately 150 feet and no more than approximately 300 feet seaward of the coastal construction setback line previously established by the Department of Natural Resources for Walton County and the subject beach area. The Department of Natural Resources' staff has recommended to the Governor and Cabinet as the Department of Natural Resources that the variance be granted subject to eight stated conditions set forth in Exhibit 2 of this proceeding. These conditions include the following: "1. No construction will be more than 150 feet gulfward of the most upland property line. All building structures will be constructed on open piling foundations with floor elevations above 14.5 feet mean sea level and pile tip penetration below 5 feet mean sea level. * * * The variance, if approved, will cover the construction of nine 50 foot lots in accordance with the subdivision plans on file in this office. . . . Construction plans on each lot will be submitted individually for staff review and if approved will be issued a variance placard for construction. The placard will be valid for construction commencing within six months and completion within 18 months. In the event septic systems are used, these systems will be installed on the landward most portion of the lots." On July 15, 1975, the Department of Natural Resources approved a variance from the coastal construction setback line requirements for a development with 30 lots proposed for the land involved in this application and an additional and contiguous 930 feet of beach. However, the developer experienced financial difficulties and as a result deeded away approximately two-thirds of the beach front property involved in that variance and abandoned the variance. The developer in that instance was J. Edwin Chancey. The land involved in this proceeding is generally open beach dunes interrupted by lakes. The engineer for the Department of Natural Resources estimated that the elevation of the subject property for which a variance is sought ranges from +3 feet mean sea level to +7 feet mean sea level except for the remnants of several large dunes which range from +10 feet mean sea level to +13 feet mean sea level. The area was somewhat higher prior to Hurricane Eloise which caused the dunes to recede on the average 55 feet and reduced 20 foot dunes to their current elevation of +10 feet to +13 feet mean sea level. Several hundred yards east of the subject property there is a large body of water known as Western Lake. Western Lake is connected directly to the Gulf by an open water course presently located 200-400 feet east of the subject property. This natural water course historically migrates to the west from its present general location in a series of migrations. As its length increases its efficiency decreases so that periodically it moves back to the east to begin again its western migration. This natural water course, in its western migration, has, in the past, encroached on the property for which a variance is herein sought. It appears that, absent an artificial barrier, this natural water course is likely in the future to migrate westward to the subject property. This water course is sometimes deep enough to accommodate an outboard boat and can be 150 feet or more wide. During Hurricane Eloise, the construction site on the property for which the variance is sought had approximately 3 feet to 4 feet of standing water. The Applicant has not provided the Department of Natural Resources with evidence of his ownership of the property for which he seeks a variance. It appears from the evidence presented that the Applicant is not the sole owner of the property, but may be a part-owner with three other persons. The Applicant has not provided the Department of Natural Resources with a duly executed statement from the owners of record consenting to the work, activity, or construction for which the variance has been requested. No statement of the specific reasons why the Applicant feels that the variance should be granted has been received by the Department of Natural Resources. There have been communications between staff members of the Department and the Applicant or his representatives, but apparently these communications dealt with the details of the requested variance rather than the reasons why the variance should be granted. The Department of Natural Resources has not received a recent topographic survey showing the plot plan of the proposed construction. The Department has received a topographic survey and a plot plan showing the position of the proposed nine lots. (See Exhibits 5 and 9) Exhibit 5, on Lots 1, 2, 6 and 8 does show what appears to be the plot plan of some structure, though apparently, the Applicant does not necessarily intend to construct dwellings in accordance with those drawings. The Department of Natural Resources has not received construction plans showing cross sections of all sub-grade construction or excavation, elevations of the lowest floor and the first dwelling floor, or the details and justification for any proposed waste water discharge unto, over, under or across the beach and/or dunes. The Applicant has verbally communicated to the Department that if septic tanks are used on the subject property they will be located as far landward as possible with no discharge toward the Gulf. No further details of this proposed wastewater discharge have been submitted to the Department. According to the engineer for the Department there will be sub- grade construction. However, the plot plan (Exhibit 5) showing the location of the proposed nine lots is apparently the only plan received by the Department with regard to this request for a variance. No evidence was presented showing that the Department has waived any of the requirements for an application for variance set out in Section 16B- 25.05, F.A.C. The engineer for the Department whose responsibility it was to initially review and make recommendations with regard to the application for variance testified that he did not believe that he had the authority to waive the above requirements and that he did not know who, if anyone, within the Department had that authority. He did not make any recommendation that the requirements be waived and did not know if the requirements had been waived. The application for variance which is the subject of this proceeding was received by the Department of Natural Resources no earlier than November, 1975, and was given the Department File No. 76-3-V-90. The application is a series of documents rather than a formal application. The Applicant had sought variances for a larger piece of property which included the subject property which variances would have allowed up to 128 dwelling units. Those requests for variances predated that which is the subject of this proceeding and were apparently given different file numbers by the Department of Natural Resources and were considered separate applications. The Petitioners, W. A. Covell and Bonnie Covell, own property in the community of Grayton Beach upon which there is a house. Their property is approximately 700 feet or more from the open beach property for which a variance is sought and does not abut the subject beach property. The Covell's think that construction of the nine dwelling units which would be allowed by the variance would lower the value of their property. Petitioners Jennings N. Byrd and Mrs. J. N. Byrd own property in the community of Grayton Beach upon which there there is a dwelling house. Their property is approximately 750 feet to 800 feet from the beach property for which a variance is sought. Mr. Byrd testified that he felt his interest in objecting to the variance was the same as that of any other Florida citizen. He further testified that he did not mind his view being obstructed by the dwelling units proposed by the Applicant. All Petitioners and their families have used the open beach area of which the property for which a variance is sought is a part, for many years as a picnic, sunning and swimming area. Petitioners G.A.P. Haynes and Betty H. Haynes own, in the name of Mrs. Haynes, property which is immediately adjacent to Applicant's property. The Haynes own a dwelling house which is located approximately 100 feet from Applicant's property. It is the opinion of the Haynes that the construction of the nine dwelling units in front of their house as proposed by the Applicant would lower the value of their property. The Haynes further indicated their concern that construction on the beach in front of them, because of the apparent inherent instability of the shifting sands, would have an adverse impact upon their house in times of high wind and water. They recounted seeing water standing, as the result of storms other than hurricanes, on Applicant's property and near their house.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57161.053
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Key West, Florida May 19, 1994 Number: 94-002843DRI Latest Update: Jun. 06, 1996

The Issue At issue in this proceeding is whether development orders (building permits) issued by Monroe County to John F. Myers are consistent with the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan and land development regulations.

Findings Of Fact Findings based on parties' stipulations John F. Myers is the owner of real property known as Lot 43, Block 3, Lower Matecumbe Beach subdivision, Lower Matecumbe Key, in unincorporated Monroe County, Florida. Monroe County is a political subdivision of the State of Florida, and is responsible for issuing development orders for development in unincorporated Monroe County. Monroe County issued the development orders which are the subjects of this proceeding. Petitioner Department of Community Affairs is the state land planning agency with the responsibility to administer the provisions of Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, and regulations promulgated thereunder; and with authority to appeal any development order issued in an area of critical state concern to the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission. Sections 380.031(18), 380.032, 380.07(2), Florida Statutes. Most of Monroe County, including the subject property, is within the Florida Keys Area of Critical State Concern, as designated under Sections 380.05 and 380.0552, Florida Statutes. These statutory provisions require that Monroe County adopt and implement a comprehensive plan and land development regulations consistent with the Principles for Guiding Development. Section 380.0552(7), Florida Statutes, formerly Chapter 27F-8, F.A.C. Monroe County has adopted a comprehensive plan, effective September 15, 1986, which complies with the Principles for Guiding Development and which has been approved by the Department in Chapter 9J-14, F.A.C., and by the Administration Commission in Chapter 28-29, F.A.C. The Monroe County comprehensive plan is implemented by and through its adopted land development regulations, codified primarily in Chapter 9.5, Monroe County Code (MCC). On December 10, 1993, Monroe County issued to Respondent Myers seven (7) building permits, each numbered 9230005763, for development of a 4,418 square foot single-family residence with 1,363 square feet of porches, and a 2,300 square foot ground slab. The permits also authorize development of a 183 square foot retaining wall, 38 pilings, and a "dock 183 sq. ft x 8ft." on the subject property. The permits were rendered to the Department on December 14, 1993. The open water shoreline on the subject property has accreted. Included in the environmental standards of the Monroe County land development regulations is Section 9.5-345, Monroe County Code, entitled "Environmental design criteria," which provides, in relevant part: Disturbed Lands: All structures developed, used or occupied on land which are [sic] classified as disturbed on the existing conditions map shall be designated, located and constructed such that: * * * (3) On lands classified as disturbed with beach berm: * * * b. No beach-berm material is excavated or removed and no fill is deposited on a beach berm; * * * f. No structure shall be located within fifty (50) feet of any portion of any beach-berm complex which is known to serve as an active nesting or resting area of marine turtles, terns, gulls or other birds; Lower Matecumbe beach is an active nesting area for marine turtles. Loggerhead turtles, the primary marine turtles which nest on Atlantic beaches in the Keys, are a threatened species under the federal Endangered Species Act. There are thirty beaches in the Florida Keys which consist of loggerhead nesting habitat. The beach on Lower Matecumbe Key, including that portion of the beach which fronts on Mr. Myers' property, is a known turtle nesting beach that is ranked as the second most heavily nested beach in the Keys. The Monroe County comprehensive plan recognizes the beaches on Lower Matecumbe Key as known loggerhead turtle nesting beaches. Pursuant to the comprehensive plan, the County has prepared endangered species maps as a tool to be utilized in identifying known turtle nesting areas. Surveys of turtle nesting behavior in the Florida Keys are accomplished through a network of volunteers. The nesting survey information obtained from this volunteer network provides very general locations with varying degrees of accuracy depending on the number and ability of the volunteers and the extent to which they can obtain access to privately owned beach front property. Because of the limitations in the survey data, it is not generally possible to determine whether turtles have nested on a particular lot. Marine turtles most commonly nest within the first 50 feet landward of the mean high tide line, although they have been known to go farther upland. Because of the compressed beach and berm habitat in the Keys, loggerhead turtles have been known to nest in grassy vegetation and woody vegetation more than 50 feet landward of the mean high water line. Mr. Myers' property is properly designated as "disturbed lands" and there exists on this property a "beach-berm complex" which is known to serve as an active nesting area of marine turtles within the meaning of Section 9.5-345, Monroe County Code. The setback requirement found in Section 9.5-345, Monroe County Code, applies to this development. Consequently, no structure may be located within fifty (50) feet of any portion of the beach-berm complex which is known to serve as an active nesting area of marine turtles. Section 9.5-4(B-3), Monroe County Code, contains the following definition that is pertinent to this proceeding: (B-3) "Beach berm" means a bare, sandy shore- line with a mound or ridge of unconsolidated sand that is immediately landward of, and usually parallel to, the shoreline and beach. The sand is calcareous material that is the remains of marine organisms such as corals, algae and molluscs. The berm may include forested, coastal ridges and may be colonized by hammock vegetation. According to the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan, the biota characteristic of beach systems in the Keys occur in up to four distinct generalized zones or associations, assemblages of plants and animals that have adapted to the environmental conditions of that zone. The zones on Keys beaches are described by Volume I of the Comprehensive Plan as follows: The strand-beach association is dominated by plants that are salt tolerant, root quickly, germinate from seed rapidly, and can withstand wave wash and shifting sand. Commonly found species include Sea Purslane (Sesuvium portulacastrum), Railroad Vine (Ipomoea pescaprae), Beach Grass (Panicum amarulum), Sea Oats (Uniola paniculata), Sea Lavender (Tournefortia gnapholodes), Coastal Ragweed (Ambrosia hispida) Bay Cedar (Suriana maritma), Cenchrus and Chamaesyce. On most Keys beaches this association occurs only at the base of the berm since the beach zone is very narrow. These plants also occupy the most seaward portion of the berm and continue some distance landward. * * * The next zone, "strand-dune" association begins with a steep and distinct increase in slope upward from the beach. This sloping portion of the berm receives the effects of the highest spring tides as well as storm-generated wave wash. The berm may be elevated only several inches or as much as several feet above the level of the beach and may extend landward hundreds of feet as a flat-topped plateau or beach ridge. The foreslope of the berm, or beach ridge, is vegetated primarily by the above-listed species of beach association. Grasses and herbaceous plants, which serve to stabilize this area, are most common. Proceeding landward, these pioneer species are joined by other species. * * * The strand-scrub association is generally considered a transition zone between strand-dune and hammock forest. Shrubs and occasional trees occur more frequently here and become more abundant as one proceeds landward. Species often found include Seagrape, . . . Wild Sage (Lantana involucrata), [and] Gray Nicker. . . . The most landward zone on the berm is occupied by tropical hardwood hammocks. On September 11, 1986, Monroe County issued building permit no. 20360 to John Brockway, Respondent Myers' predecessor in title, for development of a single-family residence on the subject property. The permit was issued prior to the effective date of the current Monroe County comprehensive plan and land development regulations, and prior to adoption of the setback provision in Section 9.5-345(o)(3)f., Monroe County Code, which is the subject of this proceeding. The Department of Community Affairs did not challenge the Brockway permit. In 1990, the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund issued to John and Patricia Brockway a deed for sovereignty submerged lands adjacent to the subject property. The County-approved site plans for the subject permits indicate that excavation for a stormwater swale will occur seaward of the proposed residence. Mr. Myers has no intent to excavate a stormwater swale seaward of the proposed residence. The subject building permits and approved plans shall be revised to eliminate the stormwater swale and demonstrate the means by which stormwater runoff will be addressed, as required by the Monroe County Code. Based upon this agreement, the Department will not pursue its allegation that the permits are inconsistent with section 9.5-345(0)(3)b., Monroe County Code, and considers that issue to be resolved by this agreement. The parties agree that that portion of the subject permits which authorizes development of a dock on Lot 43 is acceptable, and a dock may be developed on Lot 43, so long as the permits are amended to specify that (a) the dock shall be developed adjacent to Lot 43 on an existing dredged channel and not on the jetty or open water shoreline, and (b) development of the dock is conditioned upon the Owner obtaining permits for a principal use. Findings based on evidence at hearing The subject property is generally triangular in shape. It fronts on a cul-de-sac on the northeast side. Along the west side of the property is a dredged channel and a jetty or riprap revetment. Along the south side the property fronts on the Atlantic Ocean. On the east side of the property is a single-family residence. The subject property is undeveloped except for a fill pad or fill pile established some time ago around the cul-de-sac to the western side of the property. The purpose of the setback requirement in Section 9.5-345(o)(3)f., Monroe County Code, is to provide a habitat buffer to protect marine turtles from direct and indirect impacts of development, such as lighting impacts, noise, and clearing activities behind structures when people use their back yards. Buffers are a commonly used planning technique for both planning purposes and environmental purposes. The beach berm on the subject property has not moved over time. The shoreline has accreted in recent years and therefore the mean high tide line has moved seaward. This accretion provides additional habitat for marine turtles and affects the setback measurement when it is expressed as a number of feet from mean high water, as both parties have done in this case. However, the fact that a shoreline is either accreting or eroding is not relevant to a determination of the location of the beach berm. The parties agree that the berm is identified, at least in part, by a visual assessment of the increase and decrease in elevation of the property. A berm is essentially a rise in elevation which, moving landward from the water, rises up to a high point then begins to drop back off gradually until one reaches the adjacent grade or the natural grade beyond the berm. When the grade flattens out, that is generally the landward extent of the berm. The greater weight of the evidence shows that the landward extent of the beach berm complex on Respondent's property, and the area commonly utilized by marine turtles as nesting habitat are each approximately 50 feet landward of the mean high water line depicted on the June 1994 survey of Respondent's property. Expressed as a measurement from mean high water, the setback required by Section 9.5-345(o)(3)f., Monroe County Code, on Respondent's property is approximately 100 feet. A variance from the setback provision in Section 9.5-345(o)(3)f., Monroe County Code, is not authorized. However, a variance from the front yard setback may be available to Respondent if he wishes to develop the particular single-family residence shown on the plans approved with the subject permits. The Monroe County comprehensive plan, Vol. I, Background Data Element, Section (3) entitled "Community Character," provides: A principal focus of growth management is the protection and enhancement of quality of life. Community character is a fundamental element of the circumstances described as quality of life. Community character refers to the nature of an area and can be described in terms of both the natural and the built environment. For example, the character of an undeveloped area is determined by the natural environment and is characterized by extensive open space and other environmental values. In contrast, the character of a city is defined by the built environment and the quality of life depends upon the design and effect of buildings. * * * . . . . In the Keys there are readily identifiable community characters that can be defined by the nature and extent of various land uses per community. These community character types are: Native, Sparsely Settled, Sub-Urban, Urban Transition and Urban. The comprehensive plan goes on to describe each type of community character, and includes a lengthy discussion of the criteria for determining community character. These criteria include land use, design of man-made elements including intensity of buildings and the nature of open spaces, landscaping, and social interactions and experiences. Setbacks are not mentioned in the list of criteria for determining community character or in the descriptions of the various community character types. Regardless of whether other homes in the neighborhood meet the setback requirement in Section 9.5-345(o)(3)f., Monroe County Code, requiring Respondent to do so will not affect the community character of the neighborhood as defined in the Monroe County comprehensive plan.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission enter a final order denying permission to develop under Monroe County building permits no. 9230005763 as issued on December 10, 1993. It is further RECOMMENDED that the final order state that Respondent will become eligible for permits if his development plans are modified as provided in paragraph 40 of the Conclusions of Law. DONE AND ENTERED this 15th day of August 1995 in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. MICHAEL M. PARRISH Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of August 1995. APPENDIX The following are the specific rulings on all proposed findings of fact submitted by all parties. Findings proposed by Petitioner: Paragraphs 1 through 7: Accepted. Paragraph 8: Rejected as constituting a conclusion of law, rather than a proposed finding of fact. Paragraphs 9 through 14: Accepted. Paragraphs 15 and 16: Rejected as statements of position or legal argument, rather than proposed findings of fact. (The statements in these paragraphs are essentially correct, but they are not proposed findings of fact.) Paragraphs 17 through 20: Rejected as further statements of position or legal argument, rather than proposed findings of fact. (To the extent necessary, the parties' positions are addressed in the conclusions of law portion of this Recommended Order.) Paragraph 21: Accepted. (This is a stipulated "fact".) Paragraphs 22 through 24: Accepted, with some minor clarification. Paragraphs 25 through 34: Rejected as subordinate and unnecessary details. (Most of the details proposed in these paragraphs are supported by the evidence and all were considered in the formulation of the ultimate findings of material fact, but none of these details need to be included in the findings of fact in this Recommended Order. The findings proposed in paragraph 33 are rejected for the additional reason that they are supported only be uncorroborated hearsay evidence.) Paragraphs 35 and 36: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 37: Rejected as a statement of position, rather than a proposed finding of fact. Paragraphs 38 and 39: Accepted. Paragraph 40: Rejected as constituting argument, rather than proposed findings of fact. Paragraph 41: Accepted. Paragraphs 42 and 43: Rejected as constituting argument, rather than proposed findings of fact. Findings proposed by Respondent: Paragraphs 1 through 14: Accepted. (These are all stipulated facts.) Paragraph 15: Accepted. Paragraph 16: Rejected as subordinate and unnecessary details. Paragraph 17: First and last sentences rejected as irrelevant. Middle sentence accepted. Paragraph 18: First sentence accepted. Last sentence rejected as subordinate and unnecessary details. Paragraph 19: Most of this paragraph is rejected as subordinate and unnecessary details or as irrelevant. Some portions are rejected as not fully supported by persuasive evidence. Paragraph 20: First sentence rejected as too broadly worded to be meaningful. The last sentence is rejected as being a conclusion that is not warranted by the evidence. Paragraph 21: Accepted. Paragraph 22: First three sentences rejected as subordinate and unnecessary details. Last sentence accepted. Paragraph 23: First sentence rejected as not fully supported by the evidence. The berm line is, in general, a gentle curve that for the most part runs parallel to the gentle curve of the shore line. Second sentence is rejected as irrelevant or as unduly repetitious. Paragraph 24: Second sentence accepted. The remainder of this paragraph is rejected as subordinate and unnecessary details or as irrelevant. Paragraph 25: The first sentence is rejected as not fully supported by the persuasive evidence; the evidence is too vague to support the use of the word "immediately" in this context. The second sentence is rejected as irrelevant. The third, fourth, fifth, and sixth sentences are rejected as being contrary to the greater weight of the persuasive evidence. Paragraph 26: The first four sentences are rejected as subordinate and unnecessary details because the greater weight of the evidence is consistent with the version put forth by the Petitioner's witnesses. Greater confidence has been placed in the measurements by the Petitioner's witnesses than in the conflicting measurements described by Respondent's expert witness. The fifth sentence is accepted in substance. The sixth and seventh sentences are rejected as consisting of arguments or of conclusions that are contrary to the greater weight of the evidence. Paragraphs 27 and 28: Rejected as subordinate and unnecessary details. Paragraph 29: First two sentences rejected as argument. Third and fourth sentences rejected as contrary to the greater weight of the evidence and as apparently based on testimony that has been taken out of context or has been misunderstood. Fifth sentence rejected as argument. Sixth sentence rejected as an over-simplification. Seventh sentence rejected as an argument or conclusion that is contrary to the greater weight of the evidence. Paragraph 30: Rejected as unnecessary summaries of testimony, rather than proposed findings of fact. Further, these summaries are, for the most part, either not fully supported by persuasive competent substantial evidence or are contrary to the greater weight of the evidence. Some of these summaries also emphasize details that are apparently based on a misunderstanding or misinterpretation of selected portions of the evidence and ignore the greater weight of the evidence. Paragraph 31: First sentence rejected as not supported by persuasive competent substantial evidence. (To the contrary, it appears to be based on a misunderstanding or a misinterpretation of Mr. Metcalf's testimony.) The second, third, and fourth sentences are rejected as argument; specifically, argument that is contrary to the greater weight of the evidence. Paragraph 32: Rejected as argument; specifically, argument that is contrary to the greater weight of the evidence. COPIES FURNISHED: Sherry A. Spiers, Esquire Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Stephanie M. Gehres, Esquire Department of Community Affairs 2796 Overseas Highway, Suite 212 Marathon, Florida 32301-1859 Chris Haughee, Esquire Akerman, Senterfitt & Eidson, P.A. 216 South Monroe Street, Suite 200 Post Office Box 10555 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Randy Ludacer, Esquire Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 Carolyn Dekle, Director South Florida Regional Planning Council 3400 Hollywood Boulevard, Suite 140 Hollywood, Florida 33021 Linda Loomis Shelley, Secretary Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Dan Stengle, General Counsel Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Bob Bradley, Secretary Florida Land & Water Adjudicatory Commission Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (11) 120.57163.3161163.3194163.3201163.3213163.3215380.031380.05380.0552380.07380.08
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fernandina Beach, Florida May 16, 2019 Number: 19-002544GM Latest Update: Oct. 18, 2019

The Issue Whether the City of Fernandina Beach (“City” or “Respondent”) Future Land Use Map Amendment, adopted by Ordinance 2019-08 (“FLUM Amendment”), qualifies as a small scale development amendment to the City Future Land Use Map (“FLUM”); and, if so, whether the FLUM Amendment is “in compliance” as that term is used in section 163.3187(5)(a), Florida Statutes (2018).1/

Findings Of Fact The Parties and Standing ATC is a not-for-profit Florida corporation with a substantial number of members who reside in, own property in, or operate businesses in the City. ATC is an affected person under chapter 163, part II. ATC’s Petition for Administrative Hearing was timely filed. Members of ATC submitted oral and written comments on the FLUM Amendment to the City prior to and at the adoption public hearing. Sierra Club is a national nonprofit organization with 67 chapters, including the Nassau County Sierra Club Group with a substantial number of members who reside in, own property in, or operate businesses in the City. Sierra Club participates in activities and outings on the Egans Creek Greenway (“Greenway”) for its members and the general public and has organized and participated in the removal of invasive species in the Greenway. Sierra Club is an affected person under chapter 163, part II. Sierra Club’s Petition for Administrative Hearing was timely filed. Members of Sierra Club submitted oral and written comments on the FLUM Amendment to the City prior to and at the adoption public hearing. Petitioners have standing to maintain these proceedings because they are affected persons and presented (or had their attorney or representative present) comments at the adoption hearing of the proposed FLUM Amendment. The City is a municipal corporation of the State of Florida with the duty and authority to adopt and amend a comprehensive plan, pursuant to section 163.3167. The City provided timely notice to the parties and followed the plan amendment procedures required by the City’s codes and chapter 163, part II. The subject property is located within the City’s jurisdiction. Amelia Bluff is a Florida limited liability company conducting business in the City. By virtue of its ownership of the property that is subject to the FLUM Amendment and this dispute, Amelia Bluff is affected by the challenge to the FLUM Amendment and has standing to intervene in this proceeding. The Subject Property The Property is part of a larger parcel of approximately 15.07 acres (the “School Board Property”) that was previously owned by the School Board of Nassau County (the “School Board”). The School Board Property was essentially undeveloped, though it had been used as outdoor classroom space for the high school. The School Board Property is located on the east side of Citrona Drive and is bounded on the west by Fernandina Beach High School/Middle School. The School Board Property is bounded on the south by the Hickory Street right-of-way, which is an access to the Greenway. Across from the Hickory Street right-of-way is Shell Cove, a residential subdivision that, according to the City Staff Report, is zoned R-2 with a Medium Density Residential FLUM designation. Shell Cove, which is completed, is of greater density than the proposed Amelia Bluff subdivision. The School Board Property is bounded on the north by a tract of undeveloped property. According to the City Staff Report, the property to the north is zoned R-1 with a LDR FLUM designation. The School Board Property is bounded on the east by 200 to 400 feet of publicly-owned, predominantly wetland property. That property merges into the western edge of the main channel of Egans Creek. The Egans Creek Greenway then extends eastward from the western edge of Egans Creek. The School Board Property includes a relatively steep bluff running generally from the northwest corner of the Property at Citrona Drive, diagonally to the southeast to the Hickory Street right-of-way. The elevation of the upland portion of the School Board Property, which is the portion proposed for development, is from 18 to 20 feet above sea level at its northwest corner, to 11 to 12 feet above sea level at its southeast corner. Roughly 3.76 acres of the School Board Property at and east of the toe of the bluff consists of jurisdictional wetlands, dominated by wetland vegetation, at an elevation of 1 to 2 feet above sea level. The upland portion of the School Board Property includes the 10.29 acres of the proposed subdivision. Those uplands were, at the time of the June 2016 purchase by Amelia Bluff, fully wooded with predominantly hardwood species, interspersed with pine, holly and other species. The 10.29 acres of the proposed subdivision are appropriately zoned R-1 for low-density residential development. The Property that is the subject of the FLUM Amendment consists of approximately 6.40 acres of uplands within the 10.29 acres of the proposed subdivision. The Property is designated on the FLUM as Conservation. The remainder of the proposed subdivision is designated on the FLUM as LDR. The evidence indicates that there is no difference in the nature of the tree cover in the 6.4 acre Property and in the remaining acreage of the proposed subdivision. Maritime Forest/Maritime Hammock There was a good deal of testimony directed to the issue of whether the trees on the Property constitute a “maritime forest” or an imperiled “maritime hammock.” The tree cover on the Property, as established by the tree survey, consists largely of live oak, laurel oak, and water oak, interspersed with magnolia, pine, red maple, and other species. Ms. Jetton described the cover of the Property as maritime forest, and stated that “maritime forest” is identified as an imperiled community in the Florida Natural Areas Inventory (“FNAI”) and designated in the Egans Creek 2015 Greenway Management Plan (“Greenway Management Plan”) as such. Although a “maritime hammock” is designated as an imperiled vegetative community, a “maritime forest” is not. Ms. Jetton later clarified her testimony, stating that “I probably shouldn't have said ‘hardwood hammock.’ I'm accustomed to using that term in the Florida Keys. I know this is a maritime forest, but it is composed of hardwood trees, live oak trees, pine trees.” When asked about the terms “maritime forest” and “maritime hardwood hammock,” she stated that “it was a faulty use of my words. I should have stuck with ‘maritime forest.’” There was little to suggest that the Property contains a “maritime hammock,” which is a specific type of imperiled vegetative community identified in the FNAI and the Greenway Management Plan. Mr. Gerald indicated that it did not. Rather, Mr. Gerald indicated that the type of “maritime forest” that exists on the Property, i.e., a forest on a barrier island, is “very common throughout the mainland, throughout Nassau County, Duval County, St. Johns, Clay, all the way out through pretty much all of North Florida.” It is not an imperiled or unique community, as is a maritime hammock. The Ecological Assessment of Egans Creek Greenway indicates that maritime hammock communities associated with the Greenway “are located along the eastern part of the Greenway,” with another near an indeterminate stretch of Jasmine Street and bisected by a wide and deep canal that is not surficially connected to Egans Creek, and a third set at the southern portion of the Greenway that appear to be adjacent to a beach dune community. There is nothing in the Ecological Assessment to suggest that a maritime hammock community exists to the west of the Greenway. The evidence is insufficient to support a finding that the Property contains an imperiled “maritime hammock” as described in the FNAI and the Ecological Assessment of Egans Creek Greenway. There is little question that the Property is a beautifully wooded tract. However, the issue is not whether the Property merits preservation, but whether the FLUM Amendment, that will allow for the development of the Property as the Amelia Bluff subdivision, is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Egans Creek Greenway The Greenway is a system of approximately 317 acres of publicly-owned waterways, marshes, and wetlands that extends in a north-south direction through Amelia Island, separating the City’s beaches from its downtown and commercial areas. Egans Creek is not an Aquatic Preserve or Outstanding Florida Water. Egans Creek flows into the Amelia River and the Fort Clinch State Park Aquatic Preserve. The Greenway is a regional drainage facility that receives untreated stormwater from areas including part of the original plat of the City. Water quality in Egans Creek is degraded, though the creek is not designated as “impaired.” The City’s Greenway Management Plan provides that “[t]he primary purposes of the project are to protect this sensitive natural area from development,” and that “[a]ll of the property encompassed in this project will be designated as recreational/wetlands and protected in the City’s future land use plan.” The Greenway extends from the western bank of the Egans Creek channel eastward. The Greenway is separated from the Property by 200 to 400 feet of publicly-owned, predominantly wetland property, the first hundred feet or so of which is dense willow/wax myrtle/Chinese tallow shrub, and then brackish march to the Egans Creek channel. Procedural History of the Amelia Bluff Subdivision In June 2016, Amelia Bluff entered into a contract to purchase the 15.07-acre School Board Property from the School Board. The School Board Property includes the 6.4-acre Property. Amelia Bluff proposed to develop the upland portion of the School Board Property, including a significant portion of the Property, for the proposed subdivision. On September 27, 2016, the School Board filed an application to vacate a 60-foot right-of-way known as Gum Street extending through the School Board Property in connection with the School Board’s intent to sell the School Board Property to Amelia Bluff, memorialized as City Planning Advisory Board (“PAB”) Resolution 2016-24. On August 10, 2017, the School Board, Amelia Bluff, and the City executed a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”), which memorialized the parties’ understanding of the conditions of the City’s agreement to vacate a portion of Gum Street extending through the School Board Property. The MOU stipulated that Amelia Bluff would (i) provide access to the abutting properties owned by the Florida Department of Transportation (“FDOT”) located on the eastern boundary of the School Board Property through the creation of a City right-of-way to connect Hickory Street to the property owned by the FDOT; (ii) transfer the wetlands portion of the School Board Property to the City for conservation; and (iii) donate $115,000 to the City for land conservation efforts, to be paid at the conclusion of all legal challenges and/or appeals for all subdivision approvals. On August 15, 2017, the City adopted: (i) Ordinance No. 2016-40, which vacated a portion of Gum Street; and (ii) Resolution 2017-123, which approved the MOU. On November 29, 2017, the School Board conveyed the School Board Property to Amelia Bluff. On February 16, 2018, Amelia Bluff filed an application for preliminary plat approval for the subdivision. On March 9, 2018, in accordance with the MOU, Amelia Bluff conveyed to the City approximately 3.76 acres of jurisdictional wetlands in two parcels (3.63 acres and 0.13 acres in size) and dedicated to the City approximately 0.917 acres for the right-of-way connection between Hickory Street and the FDOT property. The City accepted the conveyance of wetlands and dedication of right-of-way on March 20, 2018, pursuant to Resolutions Nos. 2018-39 and 2018-40, respectively. On April 11, 2018, the PAB reviewed the application for preliminary plat and issued a recommendation of approval. On May 1, 2018, the Commission approved the preliminary plat for the Amelia Bluff subdivision. On May 10, 2018, the City’s Technical Review Committee (“TRC”) reviewed and approved the preliminary plat for technical completeness and issued a compliance letter on May 14, 2018 (SPR 2017-09), authorizing the commencement of subdivision infrastructure improvements. In August 2018, Amelia Bluff commenced work on subdivision infrastructure improvements. On October 18, 2018, Amelia Bluff applied for final subdivision plat approval. The City and Amelia Bluff determined that the Property was designated Conservation under the Comprehensive Plan and would require a Comprehensive Plan amendment to change the FLUM designation of the Property from Conservation to LDR. On November 15, 2018, Amelia Bluff filed the application for the FLUM Amendment to change the Conservation designation of the Property. City professional staff reviewed the FLUM Amendment application and determined that the FLUM Amendment sought by Amelia Bluff was consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code, and furthered the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. The determination was memorialized in a Staff Report prepared for consideration by the PAB prior to the PAB’s regular meeting on January 9, 2019. On January 9, 2019, the PAB reviewed the applications for the FLUM Amendment and final plat and issued recommendations of approval for the FLUM Amendment (PAB 2019-01) and final plat (PAB 2018-26). On February 19, 2019, the Commission approved the FLUM Amendment on first reading. On February 21, 2019, Amelia Bluff stopped work on the subdivision infrastructure improvements pursuant to the City’s request. On April 16, 2019, the Commission adopted: (i) Ordinance No. 2019-08, which approved the FLUM Amendment to change the FLUM designation of the Property from Conservation to LDR, allowing up to four residential dwelling units per acre; and (ii) Resolution 2019-57, which approved the final subdivision plat. Because of Petitioners’ pending challenge, the effective date of Ordinance No. 2019-08 is delayed. The Ordinance provides: “If challenged within 30 days after adoption this Ordinance may not become effective until the state land planning agency or the Administration Commission, respectively, issues a final order determining that the adopted ordinance is in compliance pursuant to Section 163.3187, Fla. Stat.” Similarly, Resolution 2019-57 provides “[t]his Resolution shall become effective on the same date as Ordinance 2019-08 (a small scale Future Land Use Map Amendment that becomes effective pursuant to Section 163.3187, Fla. Stats.)” Thus, development may resume without any further action by the Fernandina City Commission if the FLUM Amendment becomes effective. Other Governmental Authorizations On December 28, 2017, the St. Johns River Water Management District (“SJRWMD”) issued Amelia Bluff an Environmental Resource Permit, No. 151737-1 (“ERP”), which notice was recorded in Official Records Book 2177, Page 1100 of the Public Records of Nassau County, Florida on February 15, 2018. On May 14, 2018, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (“FDEP”) issued Amelia Bluff Permit No. 0003152-107-DWC, which authorized Amelia Bluff to construct a domestic wastewater collection/transmission system on the site, and accepted Amelia Bluff’s Notice of Intent to Use the General Permit for Construction of Water Main Extensions for PWSs. The Proposed Subdivision The proposed subdivision consists of 30 lots, designed with two entrances from Citrona Drive, and two cul-de-sacs. The legal description for the final plat approved on April 16, 2019, in Resolution 2019-57, describes the proposed subdivision as containing “10.29 acres more or less.”3/ In addition to the property conveyed to the City or dedicated to the city as right-of-way, the final plat depicts Tract “C” (0.25 acres) as a “recreation/open space tract” that is removed from development. The proposed subdivision was initially designed with stormwater detention ponds near the front of the subdivision, near Citrona Drive and away from the bluff. However, placement at that location would have required extensive grading and tree clearing to direct the flow of water against its natural flow direction. After discussion with City staff, the decision was made to reconfigure site drainage so that stormwater would be directed via overland flow and drainage structures from northwest to southeast, generally following site topography. Stormwater from lots, sidewalks, and streets will be directed to two dry detention ponds located at the southeast portion of the subdivision, and adjacent to the bluff. By allowing stormwater to follow the natural topography, grading and clearing for stormwater purposes will be minimized. The two dry detention ponds are connected by a 12-inch pipe approximately 100 feet in length that is designed to equalize water levels in the ponds. The ponds have a discharge structure in the southernmost pond that is designed to discharge treated stormwater after a 25-year storm to the bottom of the bluff. Efforts were made to design utilities, the stormwater system, and the roadways and associated structures to avoid particular specimen trees within the rights-of-way. In addition, Tract “C” located near the northwest corner of the subdivision, as well as portions of Tract “A” in the vicinity of the dry detention ponds were preserved due to an abundance of trees at those locations. The subdivision is designed with a 25-foot wetland buffer that prohibits removal of native vegetation or other disturbance within 25 linear feet of the jurisdictional wetlands. The buffer encompasses the entirety of the bluff. It was noted during the hearing that the buffer terminates near the southwest corner of the proposed subdivision. It was explained, credibly, that the 25-foot buffer is to buffer wetlands, and that there were no wetlands within 25 feet of the southwest corner that required a buffer. It was also noted that several lot lines extended into the wetland buffer. The buffer will be marked and restrictions recorded. Much of the evidence offered by Petitioners was directed to concern that the disturbance of the Property and removal of trees would destabilize the “relic dune” upon which the proposed subdivision is to be built. The testimony regarding that issue was conclusory, and not based on site- specific studies. However, Dr. McPhillips noted that there is residential development up and down the Greenway, and that the adjacent Shell Cove subdivision had experienced no evidence of dune collapse. Work Completed to Date In June 2016, after Amelia Bluff contracted to purchase the School Board Property, the owner representative, Wirt Beard, met with City planning staff to engage in preliminary discussions regarding the development of the proposed subdivision. At that time, Amelia Bluff and the City planning staff noted that the Property was subject to a Conservation designation on the FLUM. The planning director at the time, Marshall McCrary, indicated that it was his opinion that the FLUM Conservation designation was a “scrivener’s error,” and that it would be taken care of. Considerable discussions regarding the abandonment of the Gum Street right- of-way then commenced, and the Conservation designation was essentially disregarded. Nonetheless, there is no question but that Amelia Bluff knew and understood at that time that the Property was not designated for development. Amelia Bluff’s decision to proceed with development planning and construction was not taken without considerable support by the City. Despite the fundamental issue of whether the proposed subdivision could go forward in light of the unresolved Conservation designation, the City proceeded with a number of actions that would have led Amelia Bluff to the reasonable conclusion that the matter was, in fact, being “taken care of.” As set forth previously, the City entered into the MOU with Amelia Bluff and the School Board that required Amelia Bluff to establish a City right-of-way through the Property to connect Hickory Street to FDOT property and to transfer roughly 3.76 acres of wetlands on the Property to the City for conservation, upon which the City would vacate a portion of Gum Street extending through the Property. Ordinances approving the MOU and vacating the Gum Street right-of-way were adopted on August 15, 2017. The sale of the School Board Property to Amelia Bluff was then closed on November 29, 2017. On March 9, 2018, in accordance with the MOU, Amelia Bluff conveyed the 3.76 acres of jurisdictional wetlands to the City, and dedicated 0.917 acres for the FDOT right-of-way. The City accepted both by resolution on March 20, 2018. On February 16, 2018, Amelia Bluff filed its application for preliminary plat approval. On April 11, 2018, the PAB reviewed the application for preliminary plat and recommended approval, which was approved by the Commission on May 1, 2018. On May 10, 2018, the TRC issued a compliance letter authorizing the commencement of subdivision infrastructure improvements. Amelia Bluff commenced work on infrastructure improvements for the Project in August 2018. When work was suspended on February 21, 2019, pursuant to the City’s request, the stormwater collection system was substantially complete, stormwater ponds had been cleared and constructed, and the stormwater collection system had been installed. In addition, roads had been cleared and curbs installed. City Commission FLUM Amendment Meetings The undersigned viewed and listened to every minute of the City Commission meetings of February 19, 2019; March 19, 2019; and April 16, 2019. The exclusive theme of those meetings was whether the Conservation designation of the Property was a “scrivener’s error.” The staff presentations were directed solely to the historic zoning and land use designations of the Property. Aerial photographs going back to 1943, and plats going back nearly as far, formed the temporal starting point of the presentations. Charts, maps, and plans were presented and discussed that showed the Property to be subject to a residential “zoning map” designation starting in 1961 and extending through the 1990 FLUM. The Property then became subject to a Wetlands Protection zoning map designation in 1993 and FLUM designation in 1997. In 2005, the Property appeared with a LDR designation in the City GIS FLUM Map. The Property was then made subject to the Conservation designation in 2006, a designation that was adopted by City ordinance. Regardless of how the Property became subject to the Conservation designation, that is its official designation, adopted by ordinance, reviewed by the state land planning agency, and not subject to any timely challenge. The staff presented little or no “data and analysis” as to the compliance of the FLUM Amendment itself with the Comprehensive Plan for consideration by the Commission. The discussion of the FLUM Amendment by the Commissioners involved the alleged “scrivener’s error,” the cost associated with litigating a Bert Harris Act “takings” claim if the FLUM Amendment was denied, the cost of acquiring the Property from Amelia Bluff and the source of funds to do so, and nothing more. Though the evidence establishes that the Commission had “data and analysis” as to the compliance of the FLUM Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan, there was not a whisper of acknowledgment or direct evidence of consideration. Several Commissioners, and particularly Mr. Chapman and Mr. Kreger, made statements that their votes to approve the FLUM Amendment were driven solely by the assumption that the Conservation designation was an error, with Commissioner Chapman discussing the cost of buying the Property in lieu of other sensitive lands in the community, stating that “I cannot justify giving up . . . 452 acres of land for six, I just can’t do it,”4/ and Vice-Mayor Kreger stating explicitly at the April 16, 2019, meeting that “to me, this is a mapping error, . . . I made the motion and I will vote yes on this.”5/ The undersigned is convinced that, at least as to the public discussions of the issue, little consideration was given to whether the FLUM Amendment was consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. If the issue in this case was whether the Commission actually considered available data and analysis supporting consistency, the evidence would suggest the answer is “no.” However, the issue in this de novo proceeding is whether data and analysis that was available to the Commission at the time of the adoption of the FLUM Amendment, and whether that data and analysis, together with any subsequent analysis, establishes that the FLUM Amendment is “in compliance” with the Comprehensive Plan under a “fairly debatable” standard. Available Data and Analysis Section 163.3177(1)(f) requires all plan amendments to be based upon relevant and appropriate data and an analysis by the local government that may include, but is not limited to, surveys, studies, and other data available at the time of adoption of the plan amendment. Section 163.3177(2) requires the elements of the Comprehensive Plan to be supported by data and analysis. Likewise, section 163.3177(6)(a)8. requires FLUM amendments to be based upon an analysis of data. Section 163.3178(2) states that a local government’s coastal management element of its Comprehensive Plan must be based upon studies, surveys, and data. When the application for the FLUM Amendment was filed, Amelia Bluff provided the City with a substantial volume of information for consideration by City staff, and to which the Commission had access at the time it voted to approve the FLUM Amendment. The surveys, studies, and data included: a site survey prepared by Manzie & Drake Land Surveying; engineering plans for the proposed subdivision, including water and sewer design and stormwater system design prepared by Gillette & Associates, Inc.; a wetland delineation, wetland survey, and documents conveying all wetlands to the City; a topographic survey; preliminary and final plats which include a depiction of the upland/wetland buffer; stormwater modeling data and site drainage calculations prepared by Gillette & Associates, Inc.; the SJRWMD ERP; a geotechnical and soils report for the stormwater model and roads prepared by AGES of Jax, Inc.; a tree survey with input from an arborist; and a wildlife assessment prepared by LG2 Environmental Solutions, Inc. Challenges to the Plan Amendment Small Scale Development Amendment Section 163.3187 applies to “small scale development amendments,” which may be adopted when “[t]he proposed amendment involves a use of 10 acres or fewer.” Petitioners allege that the FLUM Amendment is not a small scale development amendment since the 6.4 acre FLUM Amendment is part of a use, i.e., the proposed subdivision, that is greater than 10 acres in size. The FLUM Amendment is designed to change the land use category on the 6.4-acre Property. Both Ms. Gibson and Mr. Teeple testified credibly that the size of a FLUM amendment application is the acreage of the property on which the land use category is to be changed. Mr. Teeple testified that, in his extensive experience, he was unaware of any instance in which the 10-acre threshold was applied to the applicant’s total acreage, on the size of a “parent parcel,” or on the overall size of a development of which a FLUM amendment parcel was a part. Ms. Jetton testified on behalf of Petitioners that the Amelia Bluff subdivision is the “use,” which includes “the lots, the driveways, the stormwater ponds, the entire use,” although only the land use designation on the 6.4 acres would be amended. She asserted that the FLUM Amendment “should have been for the Conservation land with an explanation along with it that it would be part of a use that includes” the entire proposed subdivision. Her opinion as to “use” notwithstanding, Ms. Jetton testified that if the FLUM Amendment had occurred prior to the plat approval, “and they only offered the Conservation land as a small scale amendment, then that would have met the statute,” and the FLUM Amendment would properly be for the 6.4 acres for which the land use category change was being sought. Ms. Jetton, and Petitioners, rely exclusively on St. George Plantation Owners Association, Inc. v. Franklin County, Case No. 95-5124GM (Fla. DOAH Feb. 13, 1997; Fla. ACC Mar. 27, 1997). That case will be discussed in the Conclusions of Law herein. The preponderance of the evidence demonstrates that it is the established and accepted practice of the City and the regional council to base the determination of whether an amendment is a small scale amendment on the size of the property subject to modification. That determination is consistent with the plain language of the statute and is accepted as reflecting an accurate application of the standards for a small scale FLUM amendment. Internal Inconsistency In the Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation, Petitioners identified the specific goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan that they assert render the FLUM Amendment inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Each of those goals, objectives, and policies is addressed as follows: Policy 5.07.09. The City shall prohibit any development activity that would potentially endanger lives and/or harm property, water quality, and quantity or any other valued environmental system resulting from an alteration to existing drainage structures and natural drainage patterns. Ms. Gibson testified that the City applied this policy and found that it was met as evidenced by modifications to the original stormwater system design and the permitting of the stormwater system by the city and the SJRWMD. As originally configured, the stormwater system would have required significant regrading and virtual clear-cutting of the entire Property to allow stormwater to flow against the natural topography of the land to the front of the proposed subdivision adjacent to Citrona Drive. With input and direction from the City, the system was redesigned to direct stormwater generally from the high point of the property to its low point at the southeastern corner, following the natural topography of the proposed subdivision. All stormwater is to be directed to the permitted stormwater facility. The 25-foot upland buffer is not designed or intended to treat stormwater. The stormwater system consists of dry detention ponds, which are preferred by the SJRWMD. The vertical percolation rate is calculated at 42.8 feet per day. The horizontal percolation rate was calculated at 0.6 feet per day. Mr. Gillette testified that the stormwater system was designed to manage 100 percent of the stormwater from a 25-year storm event, which exceeds the City requirement of a system capacity to handle a 10-year storm event. The treatment volume does not include infiltration and percolation of stormwater. Mr. Desilet reviewed the drainage plans and calculations and determined that they were in compliance with the City Land Development Code. He further confirmed that Amelia Bluff received a stormwater permit from the SJRWMD as required by the Local Development Order. The system is designed and engineered such that flow from the proposed subdivision in its post-development state does not exceed flow from the proposed subdivision in its pre-development state. The system is designed to hold and treat stormwater on site from a 25-year storm. After that, stormwater will be allowed to “pop-off” to the stormwater drain and culvert. Nonetheless, the preponderance of the evidence establishes that any water leaving the site will be treated stormwater, meeting both permitting and water quality standards. Mr. Gillette testified that the modeling performed in support of the stormwater system indicates that for a mean storm event (5.4 inches of rain), pre-development stormwater outfall from the proposed subdivision is 3.8 cubic feet per second (“CFS”), while post-development outfall is expected to be 0.67 CFS. For a 25-year storm event, pre-development stormwater outfall from the proposed subdivision is 16 CFS, while post- development outfall is expected to be 5.6 CFS. Mr. Desilet testified that the engineered stormwater system proposed by Amelia Bluff “addresses water quality by providing the minimum required treatment volume and infiltration under [SJRWMD] guidelines.” As such, he testified that under rules governing the SJRWMD, “[i]f the specified volume required by the pervious area of the site is provided, and it's shown that it infiltrates in the system and it meets other site criteria in the [SJRWMD] code, it is presumed to meet state water quality standards.” Consistent with Mr. Desilet’s testimony, Florida Administrative Code Rule 62-40.432(2)(a), which is applicable to the SJRWMD, provides that “[w]hen a stormwater management system complies with rules establishing the design and performance criteria for such systems, there shall be a rebuttable presumption that the discharge from such systems will comply with state water quality standards.”6/ The stormwater system complied with the applicable rules, thus leading the SJRWMD to issue a stormwater permit to Amelia Bluff. There was no persuasive evidence introduced to rebut the presumption that state water quality standards would be met. The City reviewed Amelia Bluff’s stormwater plans for compliance with the City’s Land Development Code and determined that water quality was addressed, and that the data and analysis regarding stormwater from the proposed subdivision was compliant with the Comprehensive Plan. The evidence offered to establish that the stormwater system designed for the proposed subdivision would “endanger lives and/or harm property, water quality, and quantity or any other valued environmental system resulting from an alteration to . . . natural drainage patterns” was not persuasive. The evidence does not establish beyond fair debate that the FLUM Amendment is inconsistent with Comprehensive Plan Policy 5.07.09. Policy 5.07.12. The City shall require low-impact development strategies or conservation-based landscape planning and installation, water efficient irrigation, and appropriate measures that promote conservation of water resources and reduction of non-point source pollution as part of sustainable water management for new public and private development. New waterfront development shall be designed so that stormwater runoff and erosion are retained on-site or are channeled so as not to degrade water quality of adjacent waters. Ms. Gibson testified that the City required Amelia Bluff to apply low-impact development strategies, including its dedication of all wetlands to the City; the requirement of the 25-foot, naturally vegetated wetland buffer; modifications to the stormwater system to account for the natural topography of the land; and modification and realignment of infrastructure to preserve significant trees. Mr. Teeple testified that the proposed density of less than three units per acre is less than the four units per acre allowed under the LDR designation, thus supporting his opinion that Amelia Bluff applied a low-impact development strategy. Petitioners’ alternatives to the low-impact development strategies identified by Ms. Gibson included clustering all development onto that portion of the proposed subdivision currently designated as LDR, requiring swales in lieu of a “focused” drainage pattern, and increasing the width of the buffer. The City’s decision to accept Amelia Bluff’s proposed subdivision as consistent with its low-impact development policy was supported by data and analysis, and was a legislative decision to accept the plans and specifications as being in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. There are different ways to measure the effectiveness of low-impact development strategies, and people may -- and do -- disagree as to the appropriate means to accomplish the policy. The issue is not, however, which strategies should be implemented, but whether the City’s decision to accept Amelia Bluff’s strategy was beyond fair debate. The evidence does not establish beyond fair debate that the FLUM Amendment is inconsistent with Comprehensive Plan Policy 5.07.12. Objective 5.08. - Wetlands Protection and Preservation Petitioners assert that the FLUM Amendment is inconsistent with Objective 5.08. of the Comprehensive Plan, which provides as follows: The City shall direct incompatible land uses away from wetlands, and shall protect and preserve wetlands from physical and hydraulic alterations, in order to maintain the following functions: natural biological functions . . . natural drainage systems impacting sedimentation patterns, salinity distribution, flushing characteristics . . . shielding other areas from wave action, erosion, or storm damage; storage areas for stormwater and flood waters; natural recharge areas; and natural water filtration processes that serve to purify water. Objective 5.08. is implemented through the City’s wetland Comprehensive Plan policies. Petitioners allege that the proposed FLUM Amendment is inconsistent with the following policies: Policy 5.08.05. The City shall continue to ensure the protection and mitigation of wetlands, consistent with existing state and federal regulations, and shall ensure the following: Land uses which will have little or no adverse impact on wetlands; Standards and criteria for wetlands which possess significant functional value; and Activities that would provide direct public benefits and that would exceed those benefits lost to the public as a result of the degradation or destruction of wetlands. Policy 5.08.06. The City shall protect wetlands from impacts of adjacent development, and shall ensure through regulations included in the Land Development Code: Proper siting of development structures and infrastructure, including clustering of development away from wetlands; Location of buffer zones of native vegetation around wetlands and surface water bodies to prevent erosion, retard runoff, and provide habitat; and Setback of buildings and other structures from wetlands and water bodies. Policy 5.08.08. In instances in which development is proposed that is adjacent to a wetland, the boundary of a wetland transition area shall be established by an on-site field survey . . . . The City shall maintain land development regulations which ensure that the transition area provides a buffer between wetlands and upland development. Such buffer shall ensure existing vegetation is not disturbed; where new vegetation is required, plants or ground cover native or appropriate to a wetlands transition area shall be used. The data and analysis established clearly that the Property encompassed by the FLUM Amendment includes no wetlands, and that the proposed subdivision will result in no direct degradation, destruction, or impact to wetlands. Ms. Gibson testified that the Wetlands Protection and Preservation objective and policies were advanced in several ways, including the dedication of all wetlands on the School Board Property to public ownership so as to protect and preserve the wetlands, the creation of the wetland buffer between wetlands and the upland development, and the requirement -- enforced through the plat and engineering documents, Homeowners’ Association covenants, and City code provisions -- that native vegetation be maintained in the buffer. Petitioners argued that wetlands are adjacent to the proposed subdivision, that stormwater can drain from the proposed subdivision to the wetland, and that, ipse dixit, there will be an adverse affect on the wetlands. That allegation was not proven, and is inconsistent with the SJRWMD stormwater permit creating a presumption that the stormwater system complies with water quality standards. The City’s decision to accept Amelia Bluff’s proposed subdivision as consistent with its wetland protection and preservation objective and policies was supported by data and analysis, and was a legislative decision to accept the plans and specifications as being in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. The evidence does not establish beyond fair debate that the FLUM Amendment is inconsistent with Comprehensive Plan Objective 5.08., or Policies 5.08.05, 5.08.06, or 5.08.08. Objective 5.10. - Wildlife Planning. The City shall encourage development and management of resources in a manner which sustains local wildlife, their habitat and the ecological services of the land, and shall protect significant habitats of populations of threatened or endangered species in accordance with the provisions of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) 16 USC 1531, and Florida Administrative Code Division 68A. Objective 5.10. is implemented through the City’s wildlife management Comprehensive Plan policies. Petitioners allege that the proposed FLUM Amendment is inconsistent with the following policies: Policy 5.10.01. When reviewing development proposals for public or private development, the City shall take into account the following strategies: * * * Preserve native vegetation and habitat types; Preserve forested areas, the understory and native soil associations; and Avoid activities that dehydrate landscape features or alter seasonal water flows or duration of inundation to wetlands, hammocks or water bodies. Policy 5.10.02. The City shall protect significant habitats for native wildlife and vegetation in areas of known environmentally sensitive habitats, including habitats of endangered species. The Land Development Code shall be updated with regulations to ensure that prior to the issuance of development permits in such areas, detailed inventories and assessments of impacts of development shall be conducted. If on-site habitat will be disturbed by new development, the habitat shall be relocated or the impacts mitigated, if viable by virtue of its size, configuration, and connecting habitat. . . . Mr. Teeple testified that the donation of wetlands and the efforts taken, as described herein, to minimize impacts to trees on the Property, is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. When confronted with the fact that the proposed subdivision will not “preserve the forested areas, the understory, and the native soil associations,” Mr. Teeple testified credibly that Policy 5.10.01 “doesn't say ‘preserve all native vegetation and all habitat types.’ It's incongruous with the nature of development.” The data and analysis demonstrate that Amelia Bluff made efforts to preserve native vegetation and forested areas on the property, as described herein, though it is without question that the Property will be subject to the normal impacts of low- density development. Compliance with the stormwater standards is sufficient to demonstrate that there will be no adverse water quality or water quantity impacts from the stormwater collection and management system, and that the system will not alter seasonal water flows or duration of inundation to wetlands, hammocks, or water bodies. Dr. McPhillips testified as to her concern that the buffer vegetation on the northern -- and more elevated -- side of the proposed subdivision will be desiccated, and that the vegetation on the southern -- and lower -- side near the dry detention ponds will, from time to time, become saturated. Her concern was that trees at the buffer would not be able to generate interfacial friction between the roots and soil to stabilize them under any appreciable wind load. However, Dr. McPhillips was not familiar with the adjacent Shell Cove subdivision, which has similar characteristics, or the requirements of the SJRWMD and the calculations required for a stormwater permit. Her opinions were not supported by specific facts as to how the site will hold or drain water, and were more in the nature of “pure opinion” testimony based on her admittedly extensive professional education and experience. The data and analysis was adequate to establish that the stormwater management system would not result in adverse impacts resulting from the system, including dehydration of landscape features. As to Policy 5.10.02, the evidence indicated that the City Land Development Code required detailed inventories and assessments of impacts of development. As part of the data available to the City, Amelia Bluff provided a wildlife survey. The survey established that the Property contained no environmentally sensitive habitats, including habitats of endangered species. The known environmentally sensitive habitats in the form of wetlands have been protected through conveyance to public ownership and the establishment of naturally vegetated buffers to protect off-site habitat. The City’s decision to accept Amelia Bluff’s proposed subdivision as consistent with its wildlife planning objective and policies was supported by data and analysis, and was a legislative decision to accept the plans and specifications as being in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. The evidence does not establish beyond fair debate that the FLUM Amendment is inconsistent with Comprehensive Plan Objective 5.10., or Policies 5.10.01 or 5.10.02. Objective 5.11. - Tree Preservation and Urban Forestry. The City shall commit to preservation of community trees and the urban forest to improve air quality, community health, quality of life, aesthetics, and energy conservation. Objective 5.11. cannot be read in isolation from the policies adopted to implement the objective. Those policies include Policy 5.11.09., which requires the City’s Land Development Code to “protect and retain existing trees and require replacement of trees lost to land clearing,” with the objective of “achiev[ing] no net loss of trees per development site,” as well as “[m]aintenance of a Tree Fund for payments in lieu of replanting or mitigation of protected trees.” Mr. Platt testified that the City’s objective has been met through a number of strategies and policies applied to Amelia Bluff. Mr. Platt and Ms. Gibson testified that individual lots will be required to submit a land clearing application at the time of the single-family home permit, and the lot grading and tree removal associated with each individual lot will be reviewed on a parcel-by-parcel basis at that time. The City's Land Development Code has provisions for the protection of noninvasive, healthy trees larger than five inches in diameter at breast height (“DBH”) within five feet of a home footprint. For any tree in the protected class that must be removed, the City has a mitigation and minimum planting ordinance which requires that any tree planted as part of mitigation be a noninvasive, native tree, at a minimum of two and a half inches DBH and eight feet in height. In addition to the foregoing, the City Land Development Code has a provision that allows for up to 50 percent of on-site mitigation to be accomplished through an “inch-for-inch” payment to a tree mitigation fund. That provision is, according to Mr. Platt, rarely used, though it is consistent with Policy 5.11.09 described above. As indicated previously, Amelia Bluff set aside several areas of the proposed subdivision, both within the Property and within the remaining generally indistinguishable acreage, for protection of both important specimen trees and clusters of trees, most notably Tract “C” (0.25 acres) near the northwest corner of the proposed subdivision, areas around the dry detention ponds (0.17 acres), and tree “islands” in the cul- de-sacs. In addition, Amelia Bluff worked with the City to realign roadways and utilities to avoid particular trees. Petitioners assert that Objective 5.11. has not been met because the overall forest will be altered, not only through the installation of infrastructure, but also through the clearing that will be necessary for homes and driveways. Petitioners argue that the inevitable thinning of the forest and damage caused through construction activities will weaken the remaining trees, and diminish the storm protecting qualities of an unbroken forest. The City’s decision to accept Amelia Bluff’s proposed subdivision as consistent with Objective 5.11. was supported by data and analysis, including the tree survey and the retention/removal plan. It was a legislative decision to accept the plans and specifications, when considered in conjunction with the related policies and the City’s Land Development Code, as being in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. People clearly, and in good faith, disagree as to the best means of preserving the urban forest. Development, even of low density, by its very nature entails a modification of the natural state. However, the issue is whether the City’s determination that the FLUM Amendment, including protections proposed by Amelia Bluff, was, beyond fair debate, in error. The evidence does not establish beyond fair debate that the FLUM Amendment is inconsistent with Comprehensive Plan Tree Preservation and Urban Forestry Objective 5.11. Objective 6.05. - Open Space. Open spaces shall be protected within urbanized areas for their aesthetic, health, environmental, and economic benefits. The City shall continue to maintain standards in its land development regulations for the provision and maintenance of open space in the community, including in private developments and publicly owned lands. Objective 6.05. is implemented through the City’s open space Comprehensive Plan policies. Petitioners allege that the proposed FLUM Amendment is inconsistent with the following policy: Policy 6.05.03. Privately-owned open space, such as those within subdivisions or PUD developments, which consist of a conservation future land use or contains environmentally sensitive lands, shall be protected through the acquisition of conservation easements. There was surprisingly little or no testimony offered by anyone other than Ms. Gibson and Mr. Teeple regarding the consistency of the FLUM Amendment with this objective and policy. Mr. Teeple testified to the difficulty in applying Policy 6.05.03 -- despite the provision that open space “within subdivisions or PUD developments, which consist of a conservation future land use . . . shall be protected through the acquisition of conservation easements” -- due to “the out- of-sequence process that we're going through by dealing with land use last.” Had the FLUM Amendment been considered “in- sequence,” there would have been no subdivision to which Policy 6.05.03 would have applied. Several witnesses testified that had the sequence of events not been skewed by Mr. McCrary’s ill- advised statement that the “scrivener’s error” would be taken care of, a number of issues created as a result of the amendment of the FLUM after plat approval would not have been problems. This appears to be one. It does appear that Policy 6.05.03. was designed to apply to open space lands within a developed subdivision, ensuring through a conservation easement that such designated open space lands would not be encroached upon. That scenario does not present here. The evidence establishes that all of the “environmentally sensitive lands” on the School Board Property were conveyed to the City. Though the Property is forested, it is of a nature common throughout north Florida, and not imperiled “maritime hammock.” Amelia Bluff conveyed all wetlands on the Property to the City. Amelia Bluff also placed 0.25 acres into “recreation/open space, preserved significant stands and individual trees, and donated $115,000 to the City for land conservation efforts. The City’s decision to accept Amelia Bluff’s proposed subdivision as consistent with Objective 6.05. and Policy 6.05.03. was supported by data and analysis as described above. Though a facially credible argument can be made that the Property is land designated as Conservation within a “subdivision”, under the specific -- and peculiar -- facts of this case, the legislative decision to adopt the FLUM Amendment as being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, when considered in conjunction with the related policies and the City’s Land Development Code, was fairly debatable. Objective 6.10. - Egans Creek Greenway. The City shall protect Egans Creek Greenway for its value as a recreational asset, for its significance as an outstanding natural resource, and for its role in providing wildlife habitat. The Amelia Bluff subdivision does not front onto the Egans Creek Greenway. Rather, the easternmost edge of the Property is from 200 to 400 feet removed from the Greenway. The Greenway was protected by the dedication of all wetlands that were part of the School Board Property to the City. The Greenway is further protected by the establishment of the 25-foot naturally vegetated upland buffer. As established herein, any stormwater discharged from the dry detention ponds is not reasonably expected to result in the violation of water quality or water quantity standards established by the SJRWMD or the City. While recognizing the value of the Egans Creek Greenway, the evidence does not demonstrate that the proposed subdivision will impair the Egans Creek Greenway’s value as a recreational asset, its significance as an outstanding natural resource, or its role in providing wildlife habitat, and does not establish beyond fair debate that the FLUM Amendment is inconsistent with Comprehensive Plan Objective 6.10. Policy 1.02.04. Decision on amendments to the FLUM shall be based on an analysis of the suitability and compatibility of the proposed use, based on the following factors: Type and density or intensity of surrounding uses; Zoning districts in the surrounding area; Demonstration of adequate water supply and water supply facilities; Appropriateness of the size of the parcel compared to the proposed use; Physical condition of the site, and the suitability of soils and topography for the proposed use; Suitability of the site based on the presence or absence of natural resources, environmentally sensitive lands, flood zones, or historic resources; Compatibility factors; Impact on adopted levels of service standards and quality of service standards; and Location in a Coastal Upland Protection Zone (CUPZ). Petitioners’ argument on this point is essentially that the FLUM Amendment is not supported by relevant data and analysis in the form of the assessments called for in the policy. That argument is separate and apart from the issue of whether the FLUM Amendment creates an internal inconsistency with the policy. As set forth herein, the data available to the City, and the analysis of that data, met the substantive requirements of Policy 1.02.04. Thus, the record does not support a finding that the FLUM Amendment is inconsistent with Policy 1.02.04. Data and Analysis Petitioners’ last argument is, as expressed in section II.a.(3) of the Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation, the FLUM Amendment is inconsistent with various provisions of section 163.3177, including that the proposed FLUM Amendment be based on “accurate” data and analysis. In that regard, section 163.3177(1)(f) provides that: All . . . plan amendments shall be based upon relevant and appropriate data and an analysis by the local government that may include, but not be limited to, surveys, studies, community goals and vision, and other data available at the time of adoption of the . . . plan amendment. (emphasis added). Section XI of the Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation then identifies the following issues as remaining for disposition: Whether the [FLUM] Amendment is based upon appropriate data and analysis including the character of the undeveloped land, soils, topography, natural resources, and suitability of the property for the proposed use in accordance with Section 163.3177(6), Florida Statutes. Whether the development . . . ensures the protection of natural resources and the compatibility of adjacent land uses as required under Section 163.3177(3). Whether the development . . . directs future land uses that are incompatible with the protection of wetlands and wetland functions in violation of section 163.3177(6), Florida Statutes. Whether the development . . . will adversely impact water, wetlands, wildlife, habitat, soils, native vegetative communities, existing natural preserve areas, and other natural and environmental resources pursuant to Section 163.3177(2), (6), Florida Statutes. (emphasis added). Ms. Gibson testified that the FLUM Amendment is supported by information described in paragraph 73, and described in further detail throughout these Findings of Fact. The availability of the data was corroborated by Mr. Platt, Mr. Desilet, Mr. Gillette, and Mr. Gerald. Though there was little evidence that the data and analysis was fully considered by the Commission,7/ the evidence established that there was substantial data “available at the time of adoption of the . . . plan amendment,” and that the data was, at a minimum, analyzed and considered by City staff. Consistency of the FLUM Amendment with section 163.3177(2), (3), and (6) has been addressed in conjunction with the specific Comprehensive Plan objectives and policies set forth in detail herein. Based thereon, Petitioner did not prove beyond fair debate that the FLUM Amendment is not based upon relevant and appropriate data and analysis, or are otherwise inconsistent with section 163.3177(1)(f), (2), (3), and (6). Conclusion In analyzing the consistency of the FLUM Amendment with the Comprehensive Plan, the undersigned gave full attention to not only the witnesses and evidence produced by the parties, but also to the public comment taken during the evening of July 15, 2019. This project has clearly evoked a great deal of justifiable passion from people who are concerned, invested, and involved in their community. However, the burden applicable in proceedings of this nature -- beyond fair debate -- is substantial. The decision that was made by the City officials was, as discussed herein, a legislative decision. Regardless of the extent that their attention may have been misdirected to the issue of whether the adopted and valid Conservation designation was a “scrivener’s error,” the data and analysis in support of the FLUM Amendment was available. Under the specific facts of this case, the decision of the elected City officials to approve the FLUM Amendment, regardless of their publicly stated reasons, was one that reasonable persons could differ over, and was therefore “fairly debatable.”

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Economic Opportunity enter a final order determining that the City of Fernandina Beach Comprehensive Plan FLUM Amendment adopted by Ordinance No. 2019-08 on April 16, 2019, is “in compliance,” as that term is defined in section 163.3184(1)(b), Florida Statutes. DONE AND ENTERED this 16th day of September, 2019, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S E. GARY EARLY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of September, 2019.

USC (1) 16 USC 1531 Florida Laws (15) 120.569120.5715.07163.3167163.3177163.3178163.3180163.3181163.3184163.3187163.3245163.3248373.41316.056.10 Florida Administrative Code (1) 62-40.432 DOAH Case (6) 03-2164GM04-2754GM19-2515GM19-2544GM90-7793GM95-5124GM
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Key West, Florida Dec. 23, 1992 Number: 92-007532DRI Latest Update: Jun. 06, 1996

Findings Of Fact Stipulated Facts Jim and Paulette Holzinger own Lot 17, Section B, Long Beach Estates, located on Big Pine Key in unincorporated Monroe County, Florida. The property is south of Long Beach Drive. The property is located within the Florida Keys Area of Critical State Concern. See Sections 380.05 and 380.0552, Florida Statutes. Under these statutes, Monroe County adopted a comprehensive plan and implemented it with land development regulations which are consistent with the Principles for Guiding Development found in Section 380.0552(7), Florida Statutes. The Department of Community Affairs approved the County's comprehensive plan in Rule Chapter 9J-14, Florida Administrative Code, and the Administration Commission approved the comprehensive plan in Chapter 28-29, Florida Administrative Code. The County's comprehensive plan is implemented through its land development regulations, codified as Chapter 9.5 of the Monroe County Code. Monroe County is responsible for issuing development orders for land development in unincorporated Monroe County, including these development orders (building permits). The Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Act, Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, restricts the County from permitting development which is inconsistent with the Monroe County Comprehensive Land Use Plan, Sections 163.3161(2) and 163.3194(1), Florida Statutes. No person may undertake any development within an area of Critical State Concern except in conformity with Chapter 380; Section 380.05(16), Florida Statutes. After the County issued the three related permits, the Holzingers engaged Pinewood Enterprises, Inc., as general contractor, for the construction of their single-family residence. Those permits were rendered to the Department of Community Affairs on July 21, 1992, and the Department issued its notice of appeal of those permits on September 4, 1992. No party disputes the timeliness of the appeal. The Holzingers' lot is vegetated by mangroves, transitional plant species, and beach berm plant species. The site plan, and which was part of the Holzingers' application for the permits, which Monroe County approved, includes the approval of dredging of a portion of Lot 17 and the placement of fill on site to provide driveway access to the single-family residence. The site plan locates the single-family residence in an area of Bay Cedar thicket. The mangroves are located along the north of the lot along Long Beach Drive. Facts Found Based on Evidence Adduced at the Final Hearing The Holzingers' lot is located at the southernmost area of Big Pine Key, and is separated from the rest of the key by a wetland to the north of the property. To its south is the Atlantic Ocean. The lot is approximately 100' x 230' and contains approximately 22,750 square feet from property line to property line. On the lower keys land elevations only extend from sea level to a maximum of approximately five or six feet above sea level. The soil or substrate conditions on the lot are white calcareous deposits which appear to the untrained eye to be sand. It is not quartzite, but deposits from the breakdown of marine grasses or marine algae which have the appearance of sand. There is no caprock on the property. B (1). Habitats Recognized in the Monroe County Plan The Monroe County Comprehensive Development Plan is based upon the Data and Analysis found in volume 1 of the Plan. According to that Data and Analysis, there are different types of habitat found in the Keys. These include salt marsh, salt marsh and buttonwood association, mangrove community, tropical hardwood hammock, and beach berm complex. The most significant one here is beach berm complex; it includes: "bare, sandy shoreline with a mound or ridge of unconsolidated sand that is immediately landward of and usually parallel to the shoreline and beach. The sand is calcareous material that is the remains of marine organism such as corals, algae and mollusks. The berm may include forested costal ridges and may be colonized by hammock vegetation." Section 9.5-4(B-3), Monroe County Code [the land development regulations]. In the Data and Analysis, the County records that on Long Beach Key the most landward area of the berm is tropical hardwood hammock. The low hammocks are upland hardwood forest communities containing species such as blolly, buttonwoods, darling plums, spanish stopper and wild dilly, all of which are found on the vegitation survey of the lot done by a biologist for Mother Nature's Enterprises, Linda Pierce, as part of the Holzinger building permit application. See Section 9.5-4(L-10), Monroe County Code, which defines low hammocks. Low hammocks include berm hammock, and the beach berm association described in the County comprehensive plan includes berm hammocks (Tr. 184). B (2). The Land Use Maps and their Designations The existing conditions map which is part of the Monroe County comprehensive plan designates the area of the Holzingers' property as beach berm association. That map is drawn at the sale of one inch equals 2,000 feet. Similar aerial maps at a scale an order of magnitude smaller (one inch equals 200 feet) also show the land as beach berm with fringing mangroves. These aerial photographs have been overlaid with the Comprehensive Plan's habitat designations for use in the practical application of the land development regulations by County employees. Under the land use regulations found in the Monroe County Code, the County Commission is required to follow the existing conditions map it adopted, Section 9.5-227, Monroe County Code. Under the first paragraph of Section 9.5- 345 the environmental design criteria applicable to development of a parcel of land depend upon the habitat designated for the parcel on the existing conditions map (the map drawn at the larger scale of one inch equals 2,000 feet). Ground proofing of the habitat on the lot done by the Lower Keys' biologist, Diana Stephenson, and by the Department of Community Affairs planner/biologist, Kathleen Edgerton, show that the land is actually beach berm from the ocean to the mangroves, and there is a small area of disturbed saltmarsh landward from the mangroves to the county road which runs down the center of the key. I am not persuaded by the testimony of the biologist for the Holzingers, Mr. Smith, who believes that there is a separate tropical hardwood hammock habitat on the Holzingers' lot. A full habitat analysis would have been required if there were mixed habitats on the lot (Tr. 88, 96) and the Holzingers did not submit one to the County as part of their application. Because the County biologist found no separate low hardwood hammock habitat on the lot, she believed that no habitat evaluation index was required in processing the Holzinger application, and none was done independently by the County. Mr. Smith contended at final hearing that there are several distinct habitats on the single lot. Moving south from Long Beach Drive toward the ocean he first finds a disturbed saltmarsh of approximately 4,000 square feet; then a mangrove community of about 2,500 square feet; then a saltmarsh and buttonwood association of about 2,500 square feet; next a tropical hardwood hammock of moderate quality and finally, closest to the ocean, beach berm complex. This analysis, which designates a separate saltmarsh and buttonwood association waterward of the mangrove community, and then a separate tropical hardwood hammock waterward of the saltmarsh and buttonwood association, fails to give significant weight to the fact that low hammocks are typically found within beach berm complex. While Mr. Smith testified to the square footages for each of the five habitats, he only performed rough calculations for their size, he was not working with, nor did he perform an actual survey which would define the boundaries of the various habitats he believes are present. He readily acknowledged his preliminary habitat analysis was incomplete. Moreover, accepting for the sake of argument that there is a mixed habitat on the lot under the evidence adduced by the Holzingers, a complete habitat evaluation index should have been performed by the Holzingers as a necessary part of their application, since the County biologist did not do one in the belief there was no need for one. The essential problem with the view expressed by Mr. Smith that there are five habitats on this 100-foot lot is his contention that due to the very small changes in elevation through the Keys, one must identify different habitats recognized in the Monroe County comprehensive plan and land development regulations by assessing the predominance of different types of vegitation typical of a habitat. To Mr. Smith, if the vegitation is of a type normally found in a tropical hardwood hammock, and it predominates over the other vegitation, that area must be classified as a tropical hardwood hammock. At that level of generalization, the statement is no doubt true. Neither the land development regulations or the County's Comprehensive Plan require, or even permit, a microanalysis of the vegitation for the purpose of defining multiple habitats on a lot. Taking a broad view, such as that embodied in the existing conditions map, the predominate vegetative and soil conditions on the southern part of the island where Lot 17 is located are consistent with the categorization as beach berm association. The same is true using the aerial maps on which the different habitat designations from the land development regulations have been overlaid. What Mr. Smith has done is to look for small areas within the 100' x 230' parcel to identify areas where tropical hardwood species may be said to "predominate." The obvious purpose of Mr. Smith's division of the lot into small areas is to be able to characterize these uplands species as "predominating." This is essential to justify intensive use of the property. The comprehensive plan and the land development regulations do not permit any use of areas colonized by mangroves, which are wholly protected by a 100 percent open space requirement. This means that 100 percent of the area colonized by mangroves must be maintained in its natural condition and free and open to the sky, Section 9.5-343, Monroe County Code. Open space ratio for saltmarsh and buttonwood associations is .85 but for moderate quality low hammocks is only .60. Beach berm association is highly protected, with an open space requirement of 90 percent. Only 10 percent of the land area waterward of the mangrove habitat, therefore, can be covered with the footprint of the single-family residence and any associated driveway or other access way because it is beach berm complex. Accepting the mangrove line contained in the vegitation assessment submitted by the Holzingers in their application done by Mother Nature's Enterprises, and then using a "planimeter" to measure the area from the mangrove line to the mean high water line on the lot, there is 16,594 square feet of property. Given the 90 percent open space requirement, a very small area of 1,659 square feet may be covered with the footprint of the single-family home, including its porch, eaves, and driveway. The footprint of the house, its porch, and driveway shown on the site plan approved by the County, with the addition of a five-foot clearing zone around the footprint of the house [because it is essentially impossible to clear land only to the footprint of the completed building] reveals that the County's permits would allow the clearing of 2,880 square feet. Even without the five-foot construction zone around the house, porch and driveway, the County permits allow the clearing of 2,172 square feet. It is very difficult to understand how the Monroe County official in charge of the office which issues building permits could have determined that the development proposed by the Holzingers was permittable. That official did not testify. The County biologist for the Lower Keys who did testify, Ms. Stephenson, was adamant that the project was never permittable under the Monroe County land development regulations. The only explanation by which the permit conceivably could have been granted would be to do something the land development regulations do not permit: aggregate the square footage which the code makes available for development on the landward side of the mangroves, in the area of disturbed saltmarsh between the road and the mangroves, and add the usable square footage for that habitat area to the usable square footage on the waterward side of the mangroves, in the beach berm association. But the amount of each habitat which must remain as open space is determined for each habitat type. They cannot be aggregated across habitats, to give some total usable number of square feet, to be cleared anywhere on the property. That would ignore the significance of the separate habitat designations. The 1,659 square feet available for development in the beach berm association must be used only within that habitat, and square footage available for development within the disturbed salt marsh cannot be added to it. Fill Issues The site plan approved by the County permits fill to be used to construct a driveway on the property through the mangrove area and the beach berm area. This is simply an error on the part of the County, for no party disputes that fill is forbidden in these areas. The performance standards in the land development regulations do permit certain piers, docks, utility pilings and walkways over mangrove areas, but no fill is permitted. Section 9.5- 345(m)(1), Monroe County Code (Tr. 139). The Holzingers could receive a permit to build a raised bridge over the mangroves for access to the beach berm association portion of the lot, as has been done on a nearby lot to the west of the Holzingers' lot. They cannot, however, fill the mangroves to create the driveway shown on the site plan the County approved. The building permit the County granted which purports to allow fill in mangrove areas is inconsistent with the County's own land development regulations and cannot stand. The next question is whether there is some alternate means of access to the lot which can be used instead of that permitted. At the final hearing Mr. Smith stated that on a recent visit to the Holzingers' property, he found an old road on the east side of the property which is high land which could serve as a location for a driveway or accessway to the interior of the Holzingers' property. There is, however, actually no old road anywhere on Lot 17. There was an old road on Lot 16, and a bit of the spoil from that road may be found on Lot 17, but there simply never has been a road on the Holzingers' lot which they can use for a driveway. Fill will be required to locate any driveway, and that is inconsistent with the County land development regulations. The only thing the Holzingers can do to overcome this problem would be to build a bridge over the mangrove area and completely avoid the use of any fill. Summary of Findings The scarified or a disturbed saltmarsh area from the county road to the mangrove area is too small to be useful. The Holzingers do not plan to build in that area. Whatever portion of that area which is not required to be open space cannot be "banked" to allow additional clearing in the beach berm association on the waterward side of the mangroves. For all practical purposes, that disturbed saltmarsh area adds nothing to the buildable or clearable area on Lot 17. The mangrove area has a 100 percent open space requirement. Mangroves are a highly protective habitat, which contribute nothing to the buildable area on Lot 17. The remaining portion of the Lot 17 waterward from the mangrove area to the mean high water line is too small to permit the construction and erection of the house and driveway permitted by the development orders (building permits) issued by Monroe County. The buildable area in the beach berm association is no more than a total of 1,660 square feet for the house, its porch, the driveway. The County has issued a permit to use 2,880 square feet of that habitat (including an allowance for a construction zone), or at least 2,172 square feet, assuming the location of the house, porch, and an eight-foot wide driveway and no construction clearing around the footprint around the house/porch. This fails to meet the 90 percent open space requirement found in the Monroe County Code. The building permits issued by Monroe County to the Holzingers are therefore invalid. To obtain valid permits, the Holzingers must substantially reduce the footprint of the house, including an allowance for a construction clearing zone. A house that small may be undesirable, but it could be permitted. What the County has attempted to permit, however, is invalid under its own regulations.

Recommendation It is RECOMMENDED that development approval for the subject lot be denied, unless the applicant presents, and the County and the Department approve, a revised permit and site plan which demonstrates compliance with the mandatory open space requirements for the beach berm and mangrove habitats, and which eliminates the placement of fill in the beach berm complex and the mangrove wetlands on site. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 9th day of July 1993. WILLIAM R. DORSEY, JR. Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 9th day of July 1993. APPENDIX The Findings of Fact proposed by the Department have been generally adopted, although the long quotation from Volume I and II of the County Comprehensive Plan are not essential or necessary. See proposed finding 10. The Respondents submitted no proposed Findings of Fact. COPIES FURNISHED: Stephanie M. Callahan Assistant General Counsel Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Theodore W. Herzog, Esquire 209 Duval Street Key West, Florida 33040 Linda Loomis Shelley, Secretary Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 G. Steven Pfeiffer, General Counsel Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 David K. Coburn, Secretary Florida Land & Water Adjudicatory Commission Executive Office of the Governor 311 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (7) 120.57163.3161163.3194380.031380.05380.0552380.07
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-001888 Latest Update: Mar. 19, 1982

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant facts are found: Respondent McMullen is the owner of property located at Keaton Beach, Taylor County, Florida. The southern portion of the property borders on the Gulf of Mexico and the western portion borders on an artificial canal. Adjacent land lies to the east and north of the subject property. Prior to August of 1980, respondent constructed or caused to be constructed on the southern and western portions of the property a vertical bulkhead or seawall approximately 106 feet long, with approximately 105 cubic yards of fill material behind it, creating a fill area 106 feet long by 12 feet wide. The respondent did not apply to the DER for a permit to proceed with this activity. In September of 1980 and again in January of 1981, the DER sent warning notices to the respondent advising him that he was in violation of the statutes and rules governing permitting for stationary installations and dredging and filling activities. The petitioner received no response to these notices from the respondent. On June 9, 1981, the petitioner issued its "Notice of Violation and Orders for Corrective Action", alleging as facts that the bulkhead and fill area were placed within the landward extent of the Gulf of Mexico, that construction was undertaken without a permit and that the activity caused and will continue to cause pollution so as to harm and injure animal, plant and aquatic life. The "Orders for Corrective Action" included the payment of the DER's expenses and the complete restoration of the area. A 1979 aerial photograph of the subject Keaton Beach area indicates that the southern property line of respondent's property formed a straight line with the southern property line of the adjacent property to the east of the respondent. The respondent's vertical seawall now extends waterward of the southern property line of the adjacent property, which is bordered with rip rap. The exact determination of where the waters of the State terminate on the respondent's property cannot be made because that area is now covered by fill. The waters of the State bordering the adjacent property extend to the bands of grass behind the rip rap. This a be determined from the vegetation on the adjoining property and the condition of the shoreline. The petitioner's expert witness in ecology and dredge and fill permitting estimated that the respondent's bulkhead extends approximately 12 feet waterward of the mean high water line. The area surrounding respondent's property was dredged and/or filled in the late 1950's, and at least a portion of the respondent's property was created from the fill. Loose rocks from the dredging operation were placed on the borders of the fill, and the site began to stabilize and develop its own shoreline with wetland vegetation. At least some of the property to the south of respondent's property was dredged in order to connect or provide better navigational access to the two canals to the east and west of the property. During periods of extreme low tide, both edges of the dredged area are out of the water. The construction of the vertical seawall with fill placed behind it covered vegetation found in the landward extent of waters of the State and eliminated the existing littoral and intertidal zones. The grasses and vegetation which were displaced served an important filtrative function and nutrient transport has now been interrupted. Significant revegetation of the area in front of the bulkhead cannot be expected in its present condition. Erosion and runoff from the area behind the seawall can reasonably be expected to be a source of pollution so as to harm or injure animal, plant or aquatic life. The placement of rip rap, or a loose aggregation of broken concrete ore rock piled up to form a wall, is a more environmentally compatible method of land retention than the construction of a vertical seawall. The rip rap has the ability to dissipate energy by breaking up waves, and retarding the erosive effects of wind and wave action. Unlike a seawall, vegetation can grow around the rip rap. The respondent did have in his possession a letter dated September 28, 1977, from David B. Scott, an Environmental Specialist with the DER, which stated: "In regard to your letter of September 26, 1977, a permit from this agency will not be needed for seawall construction in an artificial canal. All that is required is that your seawall not impede navigation and that you do not violate existing water quality standards." This letter was addressed to a Mr. Dennard L. White, who was believed by respondent to be a nearby property owner. Mr. White's letter of September 26, 1977, was not presented at the hearing. The DER is not attempting in this proceeding to exert jurisdiction over the seawall built on the western side of respondent's property, which fronts the artificial canal. The costs and expenses of the DER in investigating the violations alleged in this proceeding amounted to $216.76.

Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and conclusions of law recited above, it is RECOMMENDED that respondent be found guilty of violating Section 403.161(a) and (b), Florida Statutes, and that he be ordered to comply with and perform the Orders for Corrective Action dated June9, 1981. Respectfully submitted and entered this 19th day of March, 1982, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE D. TREMOR, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of March, 1982. COPIES FURNISHED: Cynthia K. Christen, Esquire Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 John R. Weed, Esquire 605 South Jefferson Street Perry, Florida 32347 Victoria Tschinkel Secretary Department of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Richard M. Davis, Esquire Suite 320 Lewis State Bank Bldg. Tallahassee, Florida 32302

Florida Laws (4) 403.031403.087403.141403.161
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