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BERNARD M. TULLY, M.D. vs. BOARD OF MEDICINE, 87-002265F (1987)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-002265F Latest Update: Aug. 20, 1987

Findings Of Fact Bernard M. Tully, M.D. served by mail his Motion to Tax Attorney's Fees and Costs pursuant to Chapter 57, Florida Statutes, on May 19, 1987; same was filed with the Division of Administrative Hearings on May 21, 1987 and was assigned DOAH Case No. 87-2265F. This instant cause is a fee and costs case pursuant to Chapter 57, Florida Statutes, arising out of Department of Professional Regulation, Board of Medical Examiners v. Bernard M. Tully, M.D.; DOAH Case No. 85-3175. The Department of Professional Regulation has moved to dismiss Tully's Motion to Tax Attorney's and Costs, (hereafter, "Fees and Costs Petition") upon allegations that the claim was not filed in a timely manner pursuant to Section 57.111(4)(b)2, Florida Statutes, and upon allegations that the Fees and Costs Petition did not comply with the requirements of Section 57.111(4)(b), Florida Statutes, in that the claimant had not submitted an itemized affidavit of the nature and extent of the services rendered as well as the costs incurred. A Voluntary Dismissal was served by mail by Petitioner Department of Professional Regulation in DOAH Case No. 85-3175 on March 6, 1987, and filed with the Division of Administrative Hearings on March 10, 1987. The Order closing the Division file in that case was entered March 18, 1987, but is largely superfluous since a Voluntary Dismissal by the party bearing the burden of proof dismisses a cause by operation of law as of the date of filing of the Voluntary Dismissal. Tully's Fees and Costs Petition was served (May 19, 1987) and filed (May 21, 1987) well beyond the 60 day timeframe (May 11, 1987) provided in Section 57.111(4)(b)2, Florida Statutes, for the filing of such claims. Tully's Fees and Costs Petition attached schedules itemizing costs incurred and pleadings filed in DOAH Case No. 85-3175. The Petition was not verified and no affidavits are attached. In these respects, the Fees and Costs Petition failed to comply with Section 57.111(4)(b)1, Florida Statutes, and Rule 22I-6.35, Florida Administrative Code. Neither does the Fees and Costs Petition or any accompanying affidavit allege whether or not Tully requests an evidentiary hearing; that he is a small business party; where his domicile and principal office are located; how many employees he has; whether or not he is a sole proprietor of an unincorporated business, and, if so, whether or not his net worth exceeds $2,000,000; whether or not he operates as a partnership or corporation i.e. professional practice, and, if so, whether or not the net worth exceeds $2,000,000; whether the agency's actions were substantially unjustified; and whether or not circumstances exist that would make the award unjust; or whether or not the agency was a nominal party only. There were also no documents upon which the claim was predicated attached to the Fees and Costs Petition. in these respects, the Petition failed to comply with virtually all of Section 57.111(4)(b), Florida Statutes, and Rule 22I-6.035(1)(2), and (3), Florida Administrative Code. Tully timely filed a Response to Order to Show Cause wherein he acknowledged as true and accurate the dates as found in Finding of Fact 4, supra. Moreover, his Response concedes that pursuant to Section 57.111(4)(b)2, Florida Statutes, the application for an award of attorney's fees must be made within 60 days after the date that a small business party becomes a prevailing small business party, but his Response asserts that nothing in the applicable statute provides that an application for costs must be made within 60 days, and therefore at least his application for costs must be deemed timely. The Response further sets out an itemization of costs incurred and is sworn to by Tully's attorney of record. No leave to amend the Petition was granted by the Order to Show Cause.

Florida Laws (2) 120.6857.111
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Apr. 16, 1990 Number: 90-002301F Latest Update: Sep. 20, 1990

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the sole proprietor of an unincorporated business engaged in the practice of psychology. Petitioner's business does not employ more than twenty-five (25) full-time employees and has a net worth not exceeding $2,000,000.00. Petitioner's residence, business domicile and principal office are located in Georgia. Petitioner's residence, business domicile and principal office have been so located since 1982. In DOAH Case No. 89-6811, the Department of Professional Regulation, Board of Psychologists, filed an Administrative Complaint, dated July 20, 1989. An Amended Administrative Complaint was filed on December 8, 1989. The Administrative Complaints alleged that the Petitioner was guilty of sexual misconduct in the practice of psychology. The case was voluntarily dismissed by the Department of Professional Regulation prior to the final hearing. The voluntary dismissal was adopted and incorporated into the Final Order entered by the Board in this matter. The Petition for Attorney's Fees and Costs filed pursuant to Rule 221- 6.035, Florida Administrative Code, and Section 57.111, Florida Statutes, was timely, having been filed within sixty days (60) after the date on which the Petitioner had prevailed. According to the initial Affidavit filed by Petitioner's attorney, Petitioner initially incurred legal fees in the amount of $5,106.50 and costs in the amount of $210.05 in DOAH Case No. 89-6811. However, Petitioner is not entitled to an award of attorney's fees and costs since the evidence clearly demonstrated that Petitioner's business or professional practice is neither domiciled in Florida nor has a principal office located in Florida. See, Section 57.111(1)(d)a., Florida Statutes.

Florida Laws (3) 120.57120.6857.111
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-002132F Latest Update: Aug. 15, 1989

Findings Of Fact On December 22, 1987, the undersigned held a formal hearing in the underlying case, (DOAH Case No. 87-3084), and on February 4, 1988, issued a Recommended Order to the Florida Real Estate Commission in which it was concluded that the Petitioners had violated various provisions of the Florida Statutes and that disciplinary action was appropriate. Specific disciplinary action was recommended as to each Petitioner. In its Final Order, predicated upon the above mentioned Recommended Order, the Commission adopted the undersigned's Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law but found the recommendation for punishment as to both Petitioners was inadequate. The Commission increased each period of suspension, rejected the recommendation for stay and automatic remission as to the suspensions, and imposed an administrative fine on each Petitioner. Thereafter, Petitioners appealed the Final Order to the Second District Court of Appeal which, in an opinion filed February 17, 1989 affirmed the Commission's findings of guilt but reversed the penalties imposed by the Commission and remanded with instructions to approve the Hearing Officer's recommended penalties. It is on the basis of this appellate action that Petitioners, claiming to be prevailing small business parties, initiated the instant action. Petitioners are requesting attorney's fees in the amount of $5,261.28 for the appellate action which resulted in the District Court of Appeals reducing the penalty imposed by the Commission to that recommended by the Hearing Officer. This fee and cost figure is the cumulative of charges incurred and represented on 11 monthly billing statements starting 06-01-88 and extending through 04-01-89. Only the last eight, starting with the 09-01-88 billing, state the hours spent providing service. The Florida Legislature has defined a "prevailing small business party" at Section 57.111(3)(c), Florida Statutes.

Florida Laws (2) 120.5757.111
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Dec. 13, 2002 Number: 02-004844F Latest Update: Jan. 11, 2005

The Issue Whether Petitioner, as a prevailing small business party in an adjudicatory proceeding initiated by a state agency, should be awarded attorney's fees and costs pursuant to the Florida Equal Access to Justice Act, Subsection 57.111(4)(a), Florida Statutes, in these two cases.

Findings Of Fact As to Both Cases Petitioner, Larry D. Thomas, M.D., is a licensed physician in the State of Florida, having been issued license number ME 036360. Respondent, Department of Health, Board of Medicine, is the state agency charged with regulating the practice of medicine, pursuant to Section 20.43 and Chapters 456 and 458, Florida Statutes. This matter was filed pursuant to Section 57.111, Florida Statutes. The actions in AHCA Case Nos. 1994-12341 and 1999-57795 were initiated by the Agency, an agent for the Department of Health, a state agency, and neither the Agency nor the Department of Health was a nominal party to the underlying actions. The attorney's fees sought by Petitioner are reasonable in the amount up to $15,000 for each case, and the statutory cap of $15,000 applies to each case separately. Petitioner prevailed in the underlying action, and there are no special circumstances that exist that would make an award of attorney's fees and costs unjust in these cases. Petitioner is a small business party within the meaning of Section 57.111, Florida Statutes, because he is a sole proprietor of an unincorporated professional practice, whose principal office is in this state, who is domiciled in this state, whose professional practice is in this state, and whose professional practice had, at the time the action was initiated by the state agency, not more than 25 full-time employees or did not have a net worth of more than $2 million, including both personal and business investments. As to Case No. 02-4843F In 1994, pursuant to Section 455.225, Florida Statutes (currently renumbered as Section 456.073, Florida Statutes), Petitioner was notified of the investigation by the Agency and invited to submit a response to the allegations. Petitioner, through his attorney, submitted a detailed response to the allegations, which included an expert opinion by William Yahr, M.D., and medical literature that discussed the risks of the procedure at issue in the case. The expert opinion of Dr. Yahr stated that Petitioner did not fall below the standard of care in this case and that the patient died of a predictable complication of the procedure at issue in the case. The Administrative Complaint in the underlying case, DOAH Case No. 01-4406PL (AHCA Case No. 1994-12341), was filed on May 10, 1999, against Petitioner. The complaint alleged that Petitioner had violated Subsection 458.331(1)(t), Florida Statutes, by failing to practice medicine with that level of care, skill, and treatment which is recognized by a reasonably prudent similar physician as being acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances; by failing to treat Patient D.J.P.'s preoperative coagulopathy; and by failing to use an alternate vein that would have allowed visualization of the shunt placement, thereby reducing the risk of causing hemorrhage given the patient's preoperative history. As required by statute, the probable cause panel that considered this matter was composed of two physicians, who were or are Board of Medicine members, and a consumer member of the Board of Medicine. Present at the May 5, 1999, meeting of the South Probable Cause Panel of the Board of Medicine (Panel) were Panel members Margaret Skinner, M.D., Chairperson of the Panel; John Glasgoe, M.D.; and Becky Tierney. Also present at the meeting were Allen R. Grossman, Acting Board Counsel; Randy Collette, Senior Attorney for the Agency; Jim Cooksey of Agency Investigations; Larry McPherson, Senior Attorney for the Agency; and Susan Drake, M.D., Medical Consultant for the Agency. Prior to the May 5, 1999, meeting, the members of the Panel received and reviewed the Agency's entire investigative file, including Petitioner's response and Dr. Yahr's opinion, and the expert opinions of Henry Black, M.D., and John Kilkenny, III, M.D. The expert opinions available to the Panel were those completed in 1997 and 1999, respectively. Dr. Black opined that Petitioner met the standard of care in the case, but admitted that he did not perform the procedure at issue in the case; Dr. Kilkenny, who did perform the procedure at issue in the case, opined that Petitioner failed to meet the standard of care in the case; and Dr. Yahr opined in 1994 that there was no evidence that Petitioner failed to meet the standard of care in the case, but did not state whether he performed the procedure at issue in the case. In addition, the Panel had access to the written response to the investigation prepared by counsel on behalf of Petitioner, which was submitted on October 13, 1994. Prior to consideration of the case, Mr. Grossman advised the Panel that any questions concerning interpretation of the law or rules, or what the Panel's duties were, should be directed to him. Mr. Grossman also advised the Panel that any questions they had regarding the materials that they received, the recommendations that had been made, or the investigation that had been conducted should be directed to Mr. Collette, as the attorney for the Agency. Mr. Collette then gave a summary of the complaint to the Panel members and recommended that an Administrative Complaint be filed in the case. The Panel discussed the complaint very briefly, asked no questions, and voted for a finding of probable cause for alleged violations of Subsection 458.331(1)(t), Florida Statutes. The record in the underlying case does not demonstrate why there was an inordinate delay between the completion of the Agency's investigation in October 1994 and the Agency's retention of Dr. Black in 1997; why Dr. Kilkenny was retained in 1999 after Dr. Black had given his opinion on August 4, 1997, that there was no deviation from the standard of care by Petitioner; nor why Dr. Yahr's opinion was not given any consideration. While Dr. Black may not have had the appropriate qualifications to render an expert opinion in the case, both Dr. Kilkenny and Dr. Yahr did have sufficient qualifications to render an expert opinion in this matter. Further, there was no assertion by the prosecuting authority that any of the fact witnesses needed to prove this case were even available after five years of delay. Nor did the counsel for the Panel bring any special attention to the Panel members in regard to the possible proof problems with this case caused by the inordinate delay in bringing the case before the Panel. Finally, no explanation has been given for the delay in forwarding the Administrative Complaint, issued on May 10, 1999, to the Division of Administrative Hearings until October 15, 2001. As to Case No. 02-4844F The Administrative Complaint in the underlying case, DOAH Case No. 01-4407PL (AHCA Case No. 1999-57795) was filed on June 13, 2001, against Petitioner. The complaint alleged that Petitioner had violated Subsection 458.331(1)(t), Florida Statutes, by failing to practice medicine with that level of care, skill, and treatment which is recognized by a reasonable prudent similar physician as being acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances; by failing to adequately monitor Patient H.H. post-operatively given Patient H.H.'s high risk for distal emboli and/or due to evidence of tissue ischemia; by failing to clamp the arteries distally prior to manipulation of the aneurysm; and/or by failing to take adequate steps to prevent emboli, such as ensuring periodic monitoring of the patient's condition post-operatively for evidence of ischemia or other problems. Pursuant to Section 455.225, Florida Statutes (now at 456.073, Florida Statutes), Petitioner was notified of the investigation by Respondent by letter dated November 12, 1999, and invited to submit a response to the allegations. Petitioner, through his attorney, submitted a detailed response to the allegations, denying that he violated the standard of care. The Investigative Report was issued on February 11, 2000. The probable cause panel that considered this matter met on June 8, 2001, and was composed of two physicians, who were or are Board of Medicine members, and a consumer member of the Board of Medicine, as required by statute. However, the consumer member of the Panel was unavailable to attend the Panel meeting that day. Present at the June 8, 2001, meeting of the Panel were Panel members Fued Ashkar, M.D., Chairperson of the Panel, and Gustavo Leon, M.D. Also present at the meeting were Lee Ann Gustafson, Acting Board Counsel, and Randy Collette, Senior Attorney for the Agency. Prior to the probable cause meeting, the members of the Panel received and reviewed what was purported to be the Agency's complete investigative file, including Petitioner's response, and the expert opinion of James Dennis, M.D. The expert opinion available to the Panel was that of James Dennis, M.D., a board-certified vascular surgeon, who performed the procedure at issue in the case. Dr. Dennis opined that Petitioner failed to meet the standard of care in the case. Prior to consideration of the case, Ms. Gustafson advised the Panel that any questions concerning interpretation of the law or rules, or what the Panel's duties were, should be directed to her. Ms. Gustafson also advised the Panel that any questions they had regarding the materials that they received, the recommendations that have been made, or the investigation that has been conducted should be direct to Mr. Collette, as the attorney for the Agency. Mr. Collette then gave a summary of the complaint to the Panel members and recommended that an Administrative Complaint be filed in the case. The Panel voted for a finding of probable cause for alleged violations of Subsection 458.331(1)(t), Florida Statutes. Following the filing of the Administrative Complaint, Petitioner timely filed a request for a formal hearing. After probable cause was found in the underlying case, the matter was referred to the Division of Administrative Hearings, and shortly before the date of the scheduled formal hearing, the attorneys for Petitioner and Respondent discovered that Respondent's expert, Dr. Dennis had been retained by Petitioner's former attorneys, after probable cause had been found, to give an opinion on behalf of Petitioner in the underlying case. This resulted in the disqualification of Dr. Dennis' opinion. The formal hearing was continued, and Respondent retained another expert, Kenneth Begelman, M.D. He opined that Petitioner fell below the standard of care in the case, and his testimony was used at the formal hearing. No reference to the opinion of Dr. Dennis was made or used at the formal hearing. Dr. Begelman's opinion was also not available to the Panel at the time that probable cause was found against Petitioner, nor did Respondent seek to return jurisdiction to the Panel for their reconsideration. Any objection to this procedure was waived by the parties. At the formal hearing, a CT Scan of the patient in question and missing nurses' notes relating to Petitioner's postoperative monitoring were introduced into evidence. Upon review of this new evidence and under cross- examination, Respondent's expert, Dr. Begelman, could not conclusively determine whether Petitioner's surgical and post- surgical treatment of Patient H.H. fell below the standard of care. However, it is clear from the record in the underlying case that the evidence regarding Petitioner's performance of the procedure at issue in the case, as well as his postoperative care of the patient, was in dispute. The expert opinion of Dr. Dennis and Petitioner's response highlight this fact. The events involving Dr. Dennis, which occurred after the finding of probable cause by the Panel, and Respondent's subsequent use of Dr. Begelman at the formal hearing are not relevant to the determination of whether Respondent was substantially justified in finding probable cause against Petitioner in the underlying case. And, while the underlying case was ultimately resolved in Petitioner's favor, there were disputes of fact in this case and the Agency and Respondent clearly were substantially justified to go forward with the underlying action. Therefore, Petitioner is not entitled to an award of attorney's fees and costs, as to DOAH Case No. 02-4844F.

USC (1) 5 U.S.C 504 Florida Laws (8) 120.57120.6820.43455.225456.073458.33157.10557.111
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Jun. 22, 1992 Number: 92-003701F Latest Update: Sep. 02, 1992
Florida Laws (3) 120.6857.10557.111
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-000724F Latest Update: Jun. 15, 1987

Findings Of Fact William L. McCallister was the Respondent in Dept. of State, Division of Licensing vs. William L. McCallister, DOAH Case No. 86-1480. The Department of State, Division of Licensing, initiated Case No. 86- 1480. In that action, the Department of State sought to revoke the detection of deception examiner's license of William L. McCallister. It also entered an emergency order of suspension. William L. McCallister was the prevailing party in DOAH Case No. 86- 1480. The total value of reasonable attorney's fees and costs in this proceeding is $15,000. The Department of State was not a nominal party in these proceedings. During 1985, William L. McCallister was the sole owner of McCallister Polygraph Service, Inc. During 1985, he was employed by the Polk County Sheriff's office as a sworn officer serving as Staff Polygraphist. When he conducted the polygraph examinations of the three complaining witnesses in DOAH Case No. 86-1480, he did so in fulfillment of his duties as Staff Polygraphist. McCallister Polygraph Service, Inc. was not a party in DOAH Case No. 86-1480. Prior to initiating proceedings in DOAH Case No. 86-1480, the Department of State conducted an adequate factual investigation of the allegations by Phyllis Langdale, Rose Giannotti, and Joanne Meyer. The evidence presented at final hearing regarding standards applied by the Department to detection of deception examiners in disciplinary proceedings describes the standards in effect at the time the complaint was filed.

Florida Laws (3) 455.22557.10557.111
# 6
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Jan. 05, 1995 Number: 95-000022 Latest Update: Jul. 18, 1995

Findings Of Fact Respondent is the governmental agency responsible for certifying persons as minority business enterprises. Petitioner applied for certification as a minority business enterprise. Petitioner is a minority business enterprise within the meaning of Section 288.703(2), Florida Statutes. 1/ Petitioner is a small business concern, domiciled in Florida, and organized to engage in commercial transactions. Petitioner is a Florida corporation wholly owned by Ms. Sandra A. Pichney, vice president, and by Mr. D.B. Young, president. Petitioner engages in the roof consulting business. Ms. Pichney owns 51 percent of Petitioner's outstanding stock. Ms. Pichney is a member of a minority group for purposes of Chapter 288. The remaining 49 percent of Petitioner's outstanding stock is owned by Mr. Young. Mr. Young is a licensed architect. No professional license is required for Petitioner to engage in the business of roof consulting. Petitioner has all of the occupational licenses required to engage in the commercial transactions required to conduct its business. Ms. Pichney has 16 years experience in the roof consulting business. Ms. Pichney controls the daily management and operations of Petitioner's business. Ms. Pichney: manages and operates the office; and is responsible for payroll, accounts receivable, and general financial matters. Ms. Pichney conducts field visits, estimates jobs, reviews projects, and rewrites specifications. Ms. Pichney is the person who signs checks for Petitioner in the ordinary course of Petitioner's trade or business. Mr. Young is authorized to sign checks but only signs checks in emergencies. Ms. Pichney hires and fires personnel. Ms. Pichney consults with Mr. Young, but the ultimate responsibility is born by Ms. Pichney. Ms. Pichney reviews specifications and design work for specific projects and makes amendments where appropriate. Original specifications and design work are prepared by Mr. Young and other personnel. Mr. Young, and other personnel, can be terminated by Ms. Pichney without cause. Mr. Young can be terminated as an employee at any time by Ms. Pichney, without cause. Mr. Young has no employment agreement or shareholder agreement with the company. The board of directors are comprised of Ms. Pichney and Mr. Young. Any director may be dismissed by a majority of the shareholders. As the majority shareholder, Ms. Pichney can terminate Mr. Young, as a director, without cause. Ms. Pichney and Mr. Young receive salaries and monthly draws. Although salaries are equal, monthly draws and dividends are distributed in proportion to the stock ownership of each shareholder. Ms. Pichney has exclusive use of the company car. Ms. Pichney's stock ownership has increased over the last two years because Mr. Young has been unable to attend to the demands of Petitioner's business due to Mr. Young's divorce. Ms. Pichney has properly reported the increase in stock ownership, for purposes of the federal income tax, and has, and will, pay the requisite income tax on her increased stock ownership. Ms. Pichney and Mr. Young consult with each other in making significant decisions in the ordinary course of Petitioner's business. However, the ultimate responsibility for those decisions is born by Ms. Pichney.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Petitioner enter a Final Order granting Petitioner's application for certification as a minority business enterprise. RECOMMENDED this 22nd day of July, 1995, in Tallahassee, Florida. DANIEL MANRY Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of July, 1995.

Florida Laws (1) 288.703
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-000055F Latest Update: Sep. 22, 1989

Findings Of Fact This cause originated in a disciplinary action resulting from an administrative complaint filed by the Department of Professional Regulation, Division of Real Estate against the Petitioners herein, Malcolm Lewis Hardy and Aquatic Realty, Inc. The Petitioners herein were the Respondents in the licensure disciplinary proceeding. That proceeding was resolved in their favor by the Recommended Order of the Hearing Officer and by the Final Order filed April 15, 1988 by the Department of Professional Regulation. They have accordingly filed a request for attorney's fees and costs on the ground that the prosecution involved in the underlying case was not "substantially justified." The cause came on for a brief hearing. The parties elected to dispense with calling witnesses at the hearing because they entered into a factual stipulation whereby all germane facts were placed of record. It was thus established that Petitioners Malcolm Lewis Hardy and Aquatic Realty, Inc. (hereafter Hardy) were the Respondents in a licensure disciplinary action brought against them by the above-named Respondent. That disciplinary action was resolved by Final Order filed April 15, 1988 by the Department of Professional Regulation. The Respondents in that case, the Petitioners herein, were totally absolved of any wrongdoing with regard to the charges in the administrative complaint in that proceeding. A copy of that Final Order was mailed by the agency to "Diane Cleavinger, Esquire, 300 East 15th Street, Panama City, Florida 32405." Ms. Jan Nelson, a secretary at that address, and employed by Ms. Cleavinger's former law firm, received a copy of that order and executed the return receipt appearing on the envelope on April 18, 1988. Ms. Nelson was not Ms. Cleavinger's secretary, but rather the secretary of Ms. Fitzpatrick, one of Ms. Cleavinger's former law partners. In any event, Ms. Nelson executed the return receipt on April 18, 1988, but Ms. Cleavinger never received the Final Order nor notification of its filing or receipt by Ms. Nelson. Mr. Hardy never became aware of or received a copy of the Final Order either, until the agency sent another copy to him on September 12, 1988. The affidavit and request for attorney's fees was filed within sixty days of that date. Ms. Cleavinger had left her law firm on January 1, 1988 to become a Hearing Officer with the Division of Administrative Hearings. Mr. Hardy only learned of the Order when he made a direct contact with the Department of Professional Regulation and they learned that he had not received the Final Order. It was thus mailed to him on September 12, 1988 and received on September 14, 1988. That Order dismissed all claims against Hardy and Aquatic Realty, Inc. and thus those parties are in fact "prevailing, small business parties," within the meaning of Section 57.111, Florida Statutes. It was stipulated at hearing, as well, that these Petitioners are small business, prevailing parties and that they incurred attorney's fees in the amount of $1,642.04 for services rendered by Ms. Cleavinger when she represented them in the underlying case-in-chief and that costs amount to $333.71. Additionally, Mr. Hardy further incurred attorney's fees and costs in the amount of $500 in connection with the pursuit of this fee claim by attorney Whitton. It was stipulated that that amount is reasonable. Additionally, the Department accepted its burden of establishing that its action was "substantially justified," within the meaning of Section 57.111, Florida Statutes, and have stipulated that they have not done so. Thus the only issue for resolution concerns whether the claim of Hardy was time-barred.

Florida Laws (3) 120.57120.6857.111
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-003604F Latest Update: Jan. 04, 1988

Findings Of Fact Petitioner, Raul Romaguera, is a small business party within the meaning of Subsection 57.111(3)(d), Florida Statutes (1985). When the underlying action herein occurred, he was licensed as a medical doctor by respondent, Department of Professional Regulation, Board of Medical Examiners (Board). On October 27, 1986, respondent filed an administrative complaint against Dr. Romaguera alleging that he had violated Subsection 458.331(1)(t), Florida Statutes (1985), by committing gross malpractice or failing to practice medicine with that level of care, skill, and treatment which is recognized by a reasonably prudent similar physician as being acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances. The alleged violation related to Dr. Romaguera's inspection and diagnosis of a patient's tissue in December, 1980 while supervising a pathology department at a Lake Worth hospital. After an evidentiary hearing was conducted on March 24 and 25, 1987, a Recommended Order was entered by the undersigned on May 12, 1987, finding that the charge was unsubstantiated and recommending that the complaint be dismissed. The Recommended Order was adopted by the Board in its entirety by Final Order dated June 19, 1987. A timely petition for attorney's fees and costs was thereafter filed by petitioner on August 18, 1987. The parties have stipulated that, as a result of the Board's Final Order, Dr. Romaguera is a prevailing small business party within the meaning of Section 57.111, Florida Statutes (1985). They have also stipulated that, in order to defend against the agency's action, Dr. Romaguera incurred at least $15,000 in attorney's fees and costs. There is no evidence as to what information, oral or written, the probable cause panel had before it when voting to initiate this action. The agency does stipulate that, at some point in the probable cause phase of the proceeding, the panel requested more information on the matter before taking a vote. This is corroborated by an agency memorandum dated April 8, 1986 and introduced into evidence as petitioner's exhibit 1. At the final hearing on the merits of the administrative complaint, the agency presented a number of expert witnesses who concurred in the Board's assessment that Dr. Romaguera had failed to practice medicine with that level of care, skill and treatment required of a reasonably prudent similar practicing physician in the Lake Worth area. Doctor Romaguera also presented the testimony of an expert who disagreed with this assessment. Hence, the validity of the charges turned on the credibility and weight to be given the various experts by the undersigned.

Florida Laws (5) 120.57120.68455.225458.33157.111
# 10

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