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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Jul. 28, 2003 Number: 03-002740 Latest Update: Dec. 31, 2007

The Issue The issues in this case are: (1) Whether Petitioner's allegations regarding Respondent schoolteacher's purported performance deficiencies are, in fact, true, thereby justifying Petitioner's placing Respondent on statutory performance probation; (2) If the first question is answered in the affirmative, then, Whether Respondent satisfactorily corrected the specified performance deficiencies within the 90-day probation period prescribed by Section 1012.34(3)(d), Florida Statutes; and (3) Whether Respondent's employment should be continued or terminated.

Findings Of Fact Material Historical Facts At all times material to this case, Respondent Samuel K. Young ("Young") was a teacher in the Palm Beach County School District ("District"). From 1993 until July 2003, when Respondent Palm Beach County School Board ("Board") suspended him without pay, Young taught English at the Alexander W. Dreyfoos, Jr. School of the Arts ("Dreyfoos"), a magnet high school for students interested in an arts-centered education. In August or early September of 2001, shortly after the beginning of the 2001-02 school year, one of the Assistant Principals at Dreyfoos, Tanya Daniel, began routinely to observe Young, on an "informal" basis, while he was teaching his classes. These unscheduled, informal observations were triggered by students' complaints, of which Ms. Daniel, as Young's immediate supervisor, had been the recipient or been made aware. As time passed, the informal observations became increasingly formal. On October 25, 2001, Ms. Daniel conducted a formal evaluation of Young, using the Summative Observation Instrument, which is a tool that was developed for the Florida Department of Education's Florida Performance Measurement System. Another Assistant Principal, Leo Barrett, also started formally observing Young's classes. By early December 2001, Ms. Daniel had come to the conclusion that Young was not performing his teaching responsibilities in a satisfactory manner. Specifically, Ms. Daniel believed that Young was deficient in the areas of classroom management; presentation and organization; planning; student assessment; obedience to policies and procedures; and maintenance of the learning environment. Two points are especially notable about Ms. Daniel's negative assessment of Young. First, she placed considerable reliance on student feedback. Indeed, Ms. Daniel invited and encouraged Young's students to report to her on how he was doing in the classroom. Second, she did not rely upon student performance as measured, in accordance with Section 1008.22, Florida Statutes, by state and/or local assessments. On January 8, 2002, as a result of Ms. Daniel's evaluation, the Principal of Dreyfoos, Ellen Van Arsdale, placed Young on school-level performance probation pursuant to the procedures spelled out in the Classroom Teacher Assessment System (CTAS) Evaluation Handbook (the "CTAS"). (Under the Collective Bargaining Agreement Between the District and the Palm Beach County Classroom Teachers Association, effective July 1, 2002 to June 30, 2005 (the "Union Contract"), the District is required to conduct formal evaluations of teachers "in keeping with" the 1999 CTAS.) The CTAS provides that a teacher whose performance is found deficient must be afforded at least 30 calendar days to improve his performance to a satisfactory level. During that time, the teacher must be given "school-site assistance" to help him correct the identified performance deficiencies. Accordingly, a 30-day School-Site Assistance Plan was developed for Young and put into effect on January 8, 2002. The school-level performance probation that began in January 2002 constituted a new phase in the evaluation process. The purpose of the first phase, which lasted about three months (from September through December 2001), purportedly was to determine whether Young's performance was satisfactory or not. Thus, the first-phase evaluators should not have assumed at the outset that Young's performance was satisfactory or unsatisfactory. In contrast, during the second phase, the evaluators worked from the initial premise that Young's performance was, in fact, unsatisfactory, in the several areas noted by Ms. Daniel. The focus, therefore, was on whether Young was improving sufficiently to correct deficiencies that were assumed to exist. Throughout the school-level probationary period, a number of evaluators reviewed Young's performance. Ms. Van Arsdale conducted several evaluations, and Mr. Barrett performed at least one. Another was conducted by Dr. Lisa Troute, a Curriculum Specialist with the District. Others, too, were involved. None of the evaluators questioned the conclusion, which was based largely on Ms. Daniel's opinions, that Young's performance actually was deficient. Ms. Daniel did not observe Young's classroom performance during this second phase, evidently in consequence of Young's having voiced some concerns about her impartiality. Ms. Daniel remained an important participant in the process, however, and she continued actively to solicit students' opinions about Young's competence. On February 20, 2002, she interviewed at least three of Young's students, making handwritten notes (which are in evidence) to memorialize their respective assessments. Ms. Daniel asked one student to rate Young's performance on a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being "poor" and 10 being "great"; the student gave Young a 3.5. There is no evidence that Ms. Daniel elicited the opinions of a random, representative sample of Young's students——or instead, for example, polled only the known malcontents. There is also no persuasive evidence that Ms. Daniel ever did anything but accept the students' mostly unfavorable opinions uncritically. What the evidence does establish is that Ms. Daniel put great weight on the students' opinions——so much so that the students she spoke with effectively became Young's evaluators themselves. The school-level probationary period was extended well beyond 30 days, and ended up lasting until the end of the 2001- 02 school year. By letter dated May 17, 2002, Ms. Van Arsdale informed the Superintendent that Young's performance remained unsatisfactory after 91 days of school-site assistance. Specifically, it was Ms. Van Arsdale's opinion that Young's performance was deficient in the following six areas, each of which is a designated "indicator" of competence under the CTAS: Management of Student Conduct; Presentation of Subject Matter; Learning Environment; Planning; Assessment; and Policies/Procedures/Ethics. Ms. Van Arsdale asked the Superintendent to place Young on statutory performance probation for 90 days, pursuant to Sections 231.29 and 231.36, Florida Statutes (2001). The assessment procedure used to evaluate Young during the school-level probation was not primarily based on the performance of students as measured by state and/or local assessments administered annually as specified in Section 1008.22, Florida Statutes. In fact, the evaluators placed no meaningful weight on student performance, so measured. Nevertheless, the Superintendent acceded to Ms. Van Arsdale's request. By letter dated May 20, 2002, the Superintendent notified Young that he would be placed on performance probation for 90 calendar days. The statutory performance probation——a distinct, third phase of the evaluation process——commenced in August 2002, at the beginning of the 2002-03 school year. On August 22, 2002, Young was given a Professional Development Plan, which called for the provision of assistance, as well as ongoing evaluations, through November 2002, when a final evaluation would be issued passing judgment on whether he had——or had not——corrected the alleged performance deficiencies. The statutory performance probation unfolded largely as had the school-level performance probation. Young was, again, observed and critiqued by a number of evaluators. Of the written evaluations in evidence, the most balanced is a report dated September 22, 2002, which Dr. Troute prepared concerning her observation of Young on September 10, 2002. Based on this contemporaneous report, the undersigned is persuaded that Dr. Trout then believed Young was a "satisfactory" teacher who could, with additional effort, be a "good" teacher. Others were less charitable, however, including Ms. Van Arsdale, who prepared Young's final evaluation based on her November 5, 2002, observation of his class. On the CTAS's evaluation form, Ms. Van Arsdale gave Young a rating of "concern" on five separate "indicators" of competence: Management of Student Conduct; Presentation of Subject Matter; Learning Environment; Planning; and Assessment. This resulted in an overall evaluation of "unsatisfactory." The assessment procedure used to evaluate Young while he was on statutory performance probation was not primarily based on the performance of students as measured by state and/or local assessments administered annually as specified in Section 1008.22, Florida Statutes. Indeed, once again, the evaluators placed no meaningful weight on student performance, so measured. By letter dated November 6, 2002, Ms. Van Arsdale notified the Superintendent that, in her opinion, Young had failed to correct performance deficiencies and therefore should be fired. The Superintendent agreed, and by letter dated November 14, 2002, informed Young that he would recommend to the Board that Young's employment be terminated. The Board later accepted the Superintendent's recommendation, and Young was suspended without pay, effective on or about July 16, 2003, pending his discharge. The CTAS A. Teachers who are evaluated under the CTAS are rated on 15 categories of qualities or abilities, which are referred to collectively as "indicators." Each indicator, such as, e.g., Management of Student Conduct, is best understood not as a single ability, but rather as a label for a skill-set, that is, a collection of qualities, abilities, or skills. The indicators are divided into two classes called "performance areas." The performance areas are: "A. Teaching and Learning" and "B. Professional Responsibilities." There are eight indicators under Teaching and Learning and seven under Professional Responsibilities. The CTAS uses a two-point rating scale. The only grades used for scoring a teacher on the 15 indicators are "acceptable" and "concern." The section of the CTAS's evaluation form where the grades are recorded is reproduced below, with the ratings from Ms. Van Arsdale's final evaluation of Young, dated November 6, 2002, added to show how the form is used in practice: A. TEACHING AND LEARNING ACCEPTABLE CONCERN 1. Management of Student Conduct X 2. Human Development and Learning X 3. Presentation of Subject Matter X 4. Communication X 5. Knowledge of Subject Matter X 6. Learning and Environment X 7. Planning X 8. Assessment X B. PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES ACCEPTABLE CONCERN 9. Technology X 10. Record Keeping X 11. Continuous Improvement X 12. Working Relationships with Coworkers X 13. Working Relationships with Parents X 14. Policies/Procedures/Ethics X 15. Duties as Assigned by the School Administration X The teacher's overall evaluation rating of "satisfactory" or "unsatisfactory" depends entirely upon the combination of ratings awarded on the 15 indicators. The following combinations require an overall evaluation of "unsatisfactory": NUMBER OF CONCERNS SECTION A SECTION B 3 0 2 1 1 3 0 4 As can be seen, the indicators under Section A carry greater relative weight in the overall evaluation than those under Section B. Because Young received five "concerns" on his final evaluation, the CTAS dictated that he be given an overall "unsatisfactory" rating. In rating the various indicators, evaluators are supposed to consider numerous "performance criteria." The CTAS defines the "performance criteria" as "examples of descriptors which define the indicators." To be more precise, the performance criteria are specific behaviors, acts, and practices that the teacher should be performing as an outward manifestation of the teacher's command or mastery of the respective skill-sets known as indicators. Various performance criteria are set out in the CTAS as "bullet points" under each of the indicators. The first bullet point under the first indicator (Management of Student Conduct), for example, is: "[The teacher] specifies and explains rules of conduct and provides for practice of rules when appropriate." For each of the indicators, the CTAS further provides a set of "data collection sources." The CTAS defines the term "data collection sources" as "examples of multiple data sources used to determine a rating of 'acceptable' or 'concern.'" In other words, the data collection sources are lists of "evidence" that can be examined to determine whether, and perhaps how well, the teacher is performing the prescribed performance criteria. For example, the data collection sources for the indicator Planning are: observation reports; lesson plans; conference notes; assessment data; instructional materials; and written reports. B. As we have seen already, the CTAS defines the terms "satisfactory" and "unsatisfactory" in a completely objective fashion. It does so by specifying the rating combinations that will result in an overall evaluation of "unsatisfactory." Thus, anyone who knows the number of "concerns" that a teacher has received in Sections A and B can apply the formula and assign the overall grade; this ministerial function requires neither discretion nor judgment. What does demand discretion and judgment is rating the teacher's command or mastery of the respective indicators as either "concern" or "acceptable." This rating function requires that qualitative determinations be made at two distinct levels. First, for every indicator (skill-set), the evaluator must decide how well the teacher is executing each of the several subsidiary performance criteria (behaviors). Then, based on how well the teacher is executing the subsidiary performance criteria (behaviors), the evaluator must render a judgment as to how well the teacher is doing with regard to the indicator (skill-set) that comprises those performance criteria. At both stages of the analysis, to arrive consistently at fair conclusions——that is, to obtain similar results with respect to similarly performing teachers most of the time——requires (a) that there be uniform standards to guide evaluators in making the requisite judgment calls and (b) that the same standards always be applied, to all teachers in all evaluations. Thus, it is important to know what standards, if any, the CTAS prescribes. To begin, some negative findings are in order. First, the indicators are not standards upon which to make a judgment. They are, rather, the qualities to be judged, using appropriate standards of decision. Second, the performance criteria are likewise not standards. They define or prescribe the relevant facts to which, jointly and severally, standards should be applied, so as to make a judgment regarding one indicator or another.1 To illustrate, the fact that a teacher is observed "reinforc[ing] appropriate social behavior" tells us nothing about how well he does this, much less about how well he has mastered Management of Student Conduct, which indicator comprises the referenced performance criterion. Rather, to make a qualitative judgment regarding the teacher's performance of this practice requires some test, some basis, for distinguishing between good and bad performances. Similarly, the ultimate fact that the teacher acceptably "reinforces appropriate social behavior" tells us relatively little, presumably, about whether the teacher's mastery of the indicator Management of Student Conduct is acceptable or not, for there are eleven other performance criteria to be considered also in respect of this particular indicator. To make a qualitative judgment regarding whether the teacher has demonstrated an acceptable command of the skill-set known as Management of Student Conduct requires some sort of standard, some yardstick for measuring the relative importance of the teacher's demonstrated expertise (or lack thereof)——as determined by the evaluator——in the execution of the various performance criteria. The only "standards" that the evidence in this case persuasively establishes are the terms "acceptable" and "concern." Superficially, these terms seem to possess some degree of objective content. On reflection, however, it should be seen that they do not, a point which will be examined in greater detail below. The undersigned, moreover, has searched the CTAS and the record in vain for an adequate definition of these terms. As far as the proof in this case goes, these terms are criteria without content, and as such can be used as cover for almost any decision an evaluator might want to make. C. It is desirable at this point to elaborate on why the terms "concern" and "acceptable," by themselves, are not standards that evaluators (or administrative law judges or courts) can consistently and fairly apply to teachers across- the-board. As a starting point, envisage a spectrum comprising every conceivable level or degree of teacher talent, ranging from, in the abstract, "worst imaginable" (or "perfectly awful") to "best imaginable" (or "perfectly excellent"). It makes no difference, for present purposes, how exactly "worst" and "best" might be defined. Rather, it is sufficient to say of the "worst" teacher, in regard to any imaginable attribute, that "none could be worse." Conversely, it need only be said of the "best" teacher, in regard to any imaginable attribute, that "none could be better." As should be obvious, these "worst" and "best" teachers are constructs that serve to define the terminal points at either end of the "talent-level spectrum" we are calling to mind. This talent-level spectrum can be depicted with a simple drawing, as follows: Worst ? ? Best It can now be observed that all teachers, everywhere, must fall somewhere on this talent-level spectrum, between the two poles as we have defined them. Of course, the precise point at which any given teacher should be placed on the spectrum, at any given time,2 is a matter about which reasonable people, in every instance, could disagree. But that is presently of no consequence. Turning next to the facts of this case, the question is posed: Where, on this spectrum of talent, should the mark separating "concern" from "acceptable" be placed? Given their ordinary meanings, the words themselves provide no guidance in this regard. Either of the following, for example, is consistent with the plain meaning of "concern" and "acceptable": Worst ? ? ? Best Concern Acceptable Worst ? ? ? Best Concern Acceptable It does not matter how the mark-point in either example might be defined. What matters is the relationship between the mark and the respective poles. As the mark moves closer to the "worst" terminal, the "concern" band becomes narrower, leaving more teachers on the "acceptable" side. Conversely, moving the mark towards the "best" terminal narrows the "acceptable" band, consigning more teachers to the "concern" category. In the instant case, there is no persuasive evidence on which the undersigned can base a finding as to where the mark should be placed. As a result, the undersigned cannot make de novo findings regarding whether Young's execution of the performance criteria was "acceptable" or not, or whether, ultimately, his command of the indicators in dispute was of "concern," as the Board has alleged. To do that, the undersigned would need to apply standards of his own devising. Whatever merit such standards might have, they would not be the standards used to judge other teachers, and hence it would be unfair to apply them to Young. Moreover, there is no persuasive evidence in this case as to where the several evaluators placed the mark when they assessed Young's performance.3 The undersigned therefore cannot find that the evaluators all used the same standards——cannot even infer that they did. Consequently, assuming it were proper to do so, the undersigned could not review whether the evaluators acted fairly and appropriately vis-à-vis Young or whether they reached a "correct" (i.e. legally sustainable) judgment regarding his teaching performance.4 Student Performance The 1999 CTAS that was used in evaluating Young had been developed in 1998 and approved by then-Commissioner Tom Gallagher in January 1999. By letter dated January 25, 1999, Commissioner Gallagher informed the District that its CTAS had received "Full Approval." The Commissioner further instructed the District: [I]t will not be necessary for you to resubmit the [CTAS] unless there are statutory changes which affect the requirements for district instructional performance appraisal systems or unless you substantively revise your system for other reasons. In the very next legislative session following this letter, the legislature substantially amended the statute governing the procedures and criteria for the assessment of instructional personnel, which at the time was Section 231.29, Florida Statutes (1999).5 See Ch. 99-398, § 57, Laws of Florida. These statutory changes, which will be examined more closely in the Conclusions of Law below, took effect on June 21, 1999. Id. at § 78. The thrust of the relevant amendment was to require that, in evaluating teacher performance, primary emphasis be placed on student performance, as measured by "state assessments" and "local assessments." These latter two terms were defined, at the time, in Section 229.57, Florida Statutes (2000). Section 229.57 was subsequently transferred to Section 1008.22, Florida Statutes (2003). The District never amended the CTAS to reflect the statutory changes. Not surprisingly, therefore, the CTAS puts little or no particular emphasis on student performance6 and makes no specific references (that the undersigned can locate) to state and local assessments within the statute's contemplation.7 Consequently, as was mentioned several times above, none of the assessment procedures used during Young's protracted evaluation was primarily based on student performance as measured by state and/or local assessments administered annually as specified in Section 1008.22, Florida Statues (2003). Equally if not more important, however, is the lack of persuasive (indeed any) evidence in the record regarding the performance of Young's students as measured by state and/or local assessments. Because of this, it is impossible for the undersigned to make de novo findings based primarily on student performance as to either (a) whether Young's execution of the performance criteria was "acceptable" or not, or (b) whether, ultimately, his command of the indicators in dispute was of "concern," as the Board has alleged.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Board enter a final order: (a) exonerating Young of all charges brought against him in this proceeding; (b) providing that Young be immediately reinstated to the position from which he was suspended without pay; and (c) awarding Young back salary, plus benefits, that accrued during the suspension period, together with interest thereon at the statutory rate. DONE AND ENTERED this 17th day of March, 2004, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JOHN G. VAN LANINGHAM Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of March, 2004.

Florida Laws (9) 1008.221012.331012.341012.795120.536120.54120.569120.57447.309
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Sarasota, Florida Sep. 10, 2013 Number: 13-003373PL Latest Update: Oct. 28, 2014

The Issue The issue to be determined is whether Respondent is guilty of violating section 1012.795(1)(c), or (g), Florida Statutes (2013),2/ and if so, what penalty should be imposed by the Education Practices Commission.

Findings Of Fact Respondent holds a master's degree in early childhood education and is a teacher certified by the State of Florida in the area of elementary education. Respondent is also certified to teach language arts and social studies in middle school. At all times material to the allegations in this case, Respondent was employed by the Sarasota County School District (SCSD). During the 2005-2006, 2006-2007, 2009-2010, and 2010- 2011 school years, Respondent taught kindergarten at North Port Toledo Blade Elementary School (Toledo). During the 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 school years, Respondent taught first grade at Toledo. Respondent executed a professional service contract of employment for the SCSD on July 1, 2008, approximately a month before the start of the 2008-2009 school year. TEACHER EVALUATIONS In the SCSD during the applicable time, the instrument used for teacher evaluations was called the Professional Rubrics Investing and Developing Educator Excellence (PRIDE) performance evaluation system which contains a Florida Performance Measurement System (FPMS) Summative Observation Instrument, a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) Checklist, and a PIP Classroom Instructional Level 1 & 2 form. Utilizing the PRIDE, SCSD teachers were required to demonstrate competency in four Domains. Each domain encompassed a specific aspect of teaching: I- Creating a Culture for Learning; II- Planning for Success; III- Instruction and Assessing Student Achievement; and IV- Communicating Professional Commitment; and each domain had several subparts. During an observation/evaluation, a teacher could receive one of four ratings: accomplished, developing, needs improvement, or unsatisfactory. A teacher who receives two or more "unsatisfactory" ratings in PRIDE domains I, II, or III, could be subject to termination from the SCSD. Following classroom observations, should a school administrator determine there are concerns regarding a teacher's performance, a PIP conference (conference) may be called. Those attending the conference are the teacher, a union representative,6/ the school's administrator(s), and a district representative. During the conference, the school's administrator discusses the classroom observations of what was working or not working in the teacher's classroom. The PIP is fully explained to the teacher. A PIP is for teachers who have been identified by their school administrators as having some performance challenges. Its purpose is to provide confidential support via a coach to those teachers who have been identified as performing below acceptable standards. Other support services that can be provided to a teacher include: an opportunity to observe a highly effective similar classroom of students; additional professional development courses; and regularly scheduled PIP conferences to review what has been observed between each conference. The PIP goal is to assist the teacher to become an effective and efficient teacher in the classroom. A PIP is generally established for two school years; however, it may be shortened if the teacher demonstrates improvement in the areas of concern. Once a PIP is in place, the school principal assumes the responsibility of observing and evaluating the teacher. After the conference, a coach is identified, contacted and asked to serve as the teacher's coach. As the PIP progresses, that coach and the school's principal are to provide feedback to the teacher. However, the parties decide the manner in which the feedback is to be provided. There are no set directions for when the principal must provide feedback, except at the regularly scheduled PIP conferences. In the event the teacher's performance has not improved after having a coach and time, an administrator (or administrators) from another school may be called in to observe and evaluate the teacher. This is to ensure that the teacher is evaluated by a neutral third party who is not part of the school's administration. Prior to the PRIDE system, the SCSD used a different evaluation system: the Teacher Performance Appraisal System (TPAS). TPAS provided for pre- and post-observation conferences with the teachers regarding the observations. This system provided timely feedback to the teacher.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Education Practices Commission enter a Final Order finding Respondent has violated section 1012.795(1)(c). It is further recommended that, pursuant to section 1012.796(7)(d), Respondent be placed on probation for a period of at least three years with such conditions as the Education Practices Commission may specify. DONE AND ENTERED this 23rd day of May, 2014, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LYNNE A. QUIMBY-PENNOCK Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 23rd day of May, 2014.

Florida Laws (6) 1012.011012.531012.7951012.796120.569120.57
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Oct. 17, 2001 Number: 01-003991 Latest Update: Jan. 21, 2003

The Issue Whether the Respondent's professional services employment contract should be terminated for the reasons set forth in the Petitioner's letter to the Respondent dated October 1, 2002, and in the Notice of Specific Charges of Unsatisfactory Performance dated October 25, 2002.

Findings Of Fact Based on the oral and documentary evidence presented at the final hearing and on the entire record of this proceeding, the following findings of fact are made: The School Board is the entity authorized to operate the public schools in the Miami-Dade County school district and to provide for the appointment, compensation, promotion, suspension, and dismissal of employees of the school district. Section 4(b), Article IX, Florida Constitution; Section 230.23(4) and (5), Florida Statutes (2001). At the times material to this proceeding, Ms. Stern was employed as a teacher with the School Board under a professional services contract. Ms. Stern is a member of the United Teachers of Dade ("UTD"), and the terms of her employment with the School Board are governed by the Contract between the Miami-Dade County Public Schools and the United Teachers of Dade ("UTD Contract"). Ms. Stern first received her teaching certificate in 1952, and she began teaching in the Miami-Dade County public school system in 1987. The 2000-2001 school year was her first year teaching at Campbell Drive Elementary, and she was assigned to teach a regular second grade class. Campbell Drive Elementary was rated a "D" level school at the times material to this proceeding. Teacher Assessment and Development System. The Teacher Assessment and Development System ("TADS") had, prior to the 2001-2002 school year, been used in the Miami- Dade County public school system for 15 years to evaluate teachers employed by the School Board. The Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation ("Joint Committee") decided in 1996 that TADS should be replaced with a new evaluation system.2 As a result, the Professional Assessment and Comprehensive Evaluation System ("PACES") was developed and has been in use in the Miami-Dade County public school system since the beginning of the 2001-2002 school year. As will be discussed in more detail below, the observations and evaluations at issue herein were all performed using TADS. TADS is a performance-based evaluation instrument, which includes sixty-eight specific teacher behaviors that should be performed in the classroom. The TADS evaluation procedures set forth in the UTD Contract and established by the Joint Committee required that formal Classroom Assessment observations be performed, that any observed performance deficiencies be noted, and that professional growth opportunities be provided to teachers with noted deficiencies. In 1997, Chapter 231, Florida Statutes, was amended to provide for a 90-Calendar Day Performance Probation period for teachers with professional service contracts. A Memorandum of Understanding was executed by representatives of the Miami-Dade County public school system and the UTD to implement procedures for the new system. Pursuant to the procedures adopted in the Memorandum of Understanding, the 90-Calendar Day Performance Probation period is commenced the day after a conference-for- the-record is held with the teacher to advise him or her of classroom performance deficiencies. At least two observations must be conducted during the 90-Calendar Day Performance Probation period, and the teacher must be provided assistance through prescription plan activities and through referrals to resource persons for further assistance. At the conclusion of the 90-Calendar Day Performance Probation period, a confirmatory observation is conducted to determine if the performance deficiencies have been corrected. Prescription plan activities have the status of administrative directives.3 The principal of Campbell Drive Elementary at the times pertinent to these proceedings was Betty Thomas, and the assistant principal was Claudia Brown. Both were trained to observe and evaluate teachers using TADS. Ms. Stern was first observed at Campbell Drive Elementary on October 10, 2001, by Ms. Brown. Ms. Stern received an overall acceptable rating on the CAI (Classroom Assessment Instrument) Post-Observation Report, as well as acceptable ratings on each of the six TADS rating categories. February 5, 2001, observation. Ms. Thomas conducted her first formal observation of Ms. Stern's classroom performance on February 5, 2002,4 when she observed Ms. Stern's second grade math class from 12:30 p.m. until 1:35 p.m. Ms. Thomas completed a CAI Post-Observation Report and a Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement in which she reported the results of this observation. In the CAI Post-Observation Report, Ms. Thomas rated Ms. Stern's classroom performance acceptable in the categories of Preparation and Planning, Knowledge of Subject Matter, Teacher-Student Relationships, and Assessment Techniques. Ms. Thomas rated Ms. Stern's classroom performance unacceptable in the categories of Classroom Management and Techniques of Instruction. Specifically, Ms. Thomas rated Ms. Stern deficient in indicator III.A.2. of the Classroom Management category on the CAI Post-Observation Report. Ms. Thomas noted in the Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement that, during the observation, instructional time was lost while Ms. Stern sharpened pencils for several students and wandered around the room without giving instruction to the students and that instructional time was lost when Ms. Stern told the students to put their heads on their desks approximately minutes before they were to leave the classroom for Spanish and Physical Education classes. Ms. Thomas rated Ms. Stern deficient in indicators III.B.2. and 3. of the Classroom Management category on the CAI Post-Observation Report because, during the observation, Ms. Stern failed to use verbal or non-verbal techniques to redirect students who were off-task and behaving inappropriately. Ms. Thomas noted in the Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement that Ms. Stern ignored or failed to respond when two students yelled at one another during a test, when students talked and played with pencils during a lesson, when two students left the room and returned, when two students hit one another, and when a student crawled on the floor. Ms. Thomas rated Ms. Stern deficient in indicator III.B.4. of the Classroom Management category on the CAI Post-Observation Report because, during the observation, Ms. Stern failed to use techniques to hold the attention of students who had been re-directed. Ms. Thomas noted in the Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement that, when virtually everyone in the class was talking, Ms. Stern asked those students who were talking to raise their hands; Ms. Stern praised the students who raised their hands for their honesty but did nothing to cause the students to stop talking. Ms. Thomas also noted several instances in which Ms. Stern responded to students with remarks that were either ineffectual or not to the point. Ms. Thomas rated Ms. Stern deficient in indicator III.C.1. of the Classroom Management category on the CAI Post-Observation Report because, during the observation, Ms. Stern failed to provide the students with clear expectations regarding appropriate behavior. Ms. Thomas noted in the Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement that no class rules were posted in the classroom and that Ms. Stern did not refer to any class rules. Ms. Thomas also noted that, while students were being sent to the board to work math problems, 75 percent of the students in the class were talking and several students were wandering around the room, all without correction from Ms. Stern. Ms. Thomas rated Ms. Stern deficient in indicators III.C.3. and 4. of the Classroom Management category on the CAI Post-Observation Report because, during the observation, Ms. Stern failed to respond quickly or appropriately to students who acted inappropriately or interfered with the work of others. Ms. Thomas noted in the Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement that Ms. Stern did not respond, and actually ignored, most of the students' inappropriate behaviors, which included a student dancing around the back of the room, students laughing and playing with a hat, students loudly asking how to do the assignment, and students yelling to one another. Ms. Thomas rated Ms. Stern deficient in indicators IV.G.3. of the Techniques of Instruction category on the CAI Post-Observation Report because, during the observation, Ms. Stern failed to emphasize potential areas of difficulty, specifically with respect to the math problems involving "regrouping," by either verbal or non-verbal clues. Ms. Thomas noted in the Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement that Ms. Stern failed to assist a student who had difficulty with a math problem at the board.5 Ms. Thomas rated Ms. Stern deficient in indicators IV.H.1. and 2. of the Techniques of Instruction category on the CAI Post-Observation Report because, during the observation, Ms. Stern failed to clarify areas of potential confusion or to clarify areas of confusion after it became obvious that the students did not understand the assigned math problems involving "regrouping." Ms. Thomas noted in the Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement that Ms. Stern wrote problems on the board and directed the students to solve them without providing any explanation. When several students asked Ms. Stern how to do the problems, she told them she would go over it later, but she did not do so during the math lesson. It was Ms. Thomas's general impression during her February 5, 2002, observation, that Ms. Stern was unable to manage the students in her class. There were many disruptions in the classroom that distracted the students and made it difficult for them to learn. Ms. Thomas estimates that approximately 90 percent of the students in the class were off-task at some point during the observation. On February 20, 2001, Ms. Thomas held a Conference- for-the-Record with Ms. Stern.6 Also present at the conference were Ms. Brown, as well as Ms. Marcos and Ms. Rolle, Ms. Stern's union representatives. During the conference, Ms. Thomas discussed the February 5, 2001, observation with Ms. Stern, and they discussed the prescription plan activities that Ms. Thomas had developed to assist Ms. Stern in correcting the deficiencies identified in the Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement and the timelines for completion of the prescription plan activities. It was agreed that Ms. Stern would complete all of the prescription plan activities by March 15, 2001. The Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement also included lists of administrators and teachers that were available to assist Ms. Stern with respect to the prescription plan activities for the various deficiencies noted. The Summary of the Conference-for-the-Record and Prescription dated February 20, 2001, reflects that Ms. Stern was advised during the conference that her 90-Calendar Day Performance Probation period would commence the day after the conference, on February 21, 2001. Ms. Stern was also advised by Ms. Thomas that, after the conclusion of the probation period, she would determine whether Ms. Stern had corrected the cited deficiencies during the probation period and would make a recommendation to the Superintendent at the conclusion of the probation period that could lead to the termination of Ms. Stern's employment. On February 20, 2001, Ms. Stern signed the CAI Post-Observation Report, the Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement, and the Summary of the Conference-for-the-Record and Prescription, thereby indicating that she had seen and received a copy of these documents. Ms. Stern completed approximately 80 percent of the prescription plan activities in the February 5, 2001, Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement by the March 15, 2001, deadline. March 16, 2001, observation. Ms. Brown, the assistant principal at Campbell Drive Elementary, conducted a formal observation of Ms. Stern's classroom performance on March 16, 2001, when she observed Ms. Stern's second grade language arts class from 9:00 a.m. until 10:45 a.m. Ms. Brown's impression was that Ms. Stern was agitated and angry that day and was unable to control the class or to teach adequately. Ms. Brown completed a CAI Post-Observation Report and a Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement in which she reported the results of this observation. In the CAI Post-Observation Report, Ms. Brown rated Ms. Stern's classroom performance acceptable in the categories of Knowledge of Subject Matter, Teacher-Student Relationships, and Assessment Techniques. Ms. Brown rated Ms. Stern's classroom performance unacceptable in the categories of Preparation and Planning, Classroom Management, and Techniques of Instruction. The TADS Monitoring Committee reviewed the Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement and gave Ms. Stern credit for indicators IV.F.1., 2., and 3.; this change resulted in Ms. Stern's being rated acceptable in the category of Techniques of Instruction. Specifically, Ms. Brown rated Ms. Stern deficient in indicator I.A.1. of the Preparation and Planning category on the CAI Post-Observation Report because Ms. Stern failed to include in her lesson plan assessment tools, homework, materials, and most of the lesson's objectives and activities. Ms. Brown rated Ms. Stern deficient in indicator I.B.1. of the Classroom Management category on the CAI Post-Observation Report because Ms. Stern failed to prepare content and instructional activities to fill the allotted classroom time. Ms. Brown noted in the Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement that, although the language arts block of instruction was scheduled from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., Ms. Stern instructed the students to put their heads on their desks at 10:40 a.m., terminating the language arts instruction. Ms. Brown rated Ms. Stern deficient in indicator III.A.2. of the Classroom Management category on the CAI Post-Observation Report because, throughout the observation period, Ms. Stern allowed unnecessary delays during instruction and transitions. The notes Ms. Brown included in the Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement reflect that Ms. Stern spent approximately 20 minutes of the language arts period making comments to the students about the quality of their work and attempting to get their attention. As reported by Ms. Brown: The teacher called out one comment and direction after the other, such as "I don't hear anything from table 4. excuse me, I just said your tables not talking. you did a beautiful job. thank you, Yrline, did you hear me?" "Salami, one, two, three, four. Now take your paper . . . everybody's eyes up here! Salami! Denise, table 1, your eyes up here, table 1, 2, 3, 4. Take your paper . . . Christian, Okoya, Desiree, Stanley, take your paper . . . excuse me." "Salame" is an acronym for "Stop and look at me," and its use is recommended as a technique for quieting students. Ms. Stern did not apply the technique correctly, however, because she talked very quickly and did not wait to give the students a chance to quiet down. Ms. Brown rated Ms. Stern deficient in indicators III.B.2. and 3. of the Classroom Management category on the CAI Post-Observation Report because, during the observation, Ms. Stern failed to use verbal or non-verbal techniques to redirect students. Ms. Brown noted in the Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement that students were talking and calling out to one another, making noises, and getting out of their seats while Ms. Stern read a story. Ms. Brown also noted that Ms. Stern told students to raise their hands, then accepted answers from students who had not raised their hands, and failed to correct a student who was out of his seat and sitting with a student who had been separated from the group for being disruptive. Ms. Brown rated Ms. Stern deficient in indicator III.B.4. of the Classroom Management category on the CAI Post-Observation Report because, during the observation, Ms. Stern failed to use techniques to hold the attention of students who had been re-directed. Ms. Brown noted in the Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement that a student that Ms. Stern had separated from the class for being disruptive was allowed to spend 20 minutes building a house with word cards; that a student spent 15 minutes with his chin on his desk doing nothing without Ms. Stern's redirecting him, and, although she said she would return to help him, she did not do so; and that, in several instances, Ms. Stern either failed to correct students who were behaving inappropriately or ignored students when they failed to respond to her directions. Ms. Brown rated Ms. Stern deficient in indicator III.C.1. of the Classroom Management category on the CAI Post-Observation Report because, during the observation, Ms. Stern failed to make her expectations regarding appropriate behavior clear to the students. Ms. Brown noted in the Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement that, although Ms. Stern told students to raise their hands to answer questions, she accepted answers called out by students who did not raise their hands and failed to call on students who had raised their hands; that Ms. Stern re-enforced inappropriate behavior by telling a student that he was doing well when he was not working but was turned around in his seat talking to a student behind him; and that, although class rules were posted in the classroom, Ms. Stern did not refer to them. Ms. Brown rated Ms. Stern deficient in indicators III.C.3. and 4. of the Classroom Management category on the CAI Post-Observation Report because, during the observation, Ms. Stern failed to identify and deal quickly and appropriately with students who interacted with others inappropriately and interfered with the work of others. Ms. Brown noted in the Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement that Ms. Stern either did not notice, or ignored, students' inappropriate behavior, which included a student doing work in another student's phonetic workbook; students talking and making noises while Ms. Stern was talking or reading; students laughing at another student, who had been sent to the corner and responded to Ms. Stern's direction to get up by standing up and turning around and around. Ms. Brown also noted that Ms. Stern did not state the consequences for students who were continuously told to stop calling out or were continuously told to sit down. Ms. Brown rated Ms. Stern deficient in indicator IV.F.4. of the Classroom Management category on the CAI Post-Observation Report because, as noted in the Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement, during the observation, Ms. Stern failed to refer back to the objective of the lesson, to relate one part of the lesson to other parts of the lesson, and to summarize the lesson and apply it to past or future lessons.7 A conference was held on March 23, 2001, with Ms. Stern, Ms. Thomas, and Ms. Brown in attendance. No written summary of the conference was prepared, but Ms. Stern signed the CAI Post-Observation Report and the Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement on March 23, 2001, acknowledging that she had seen and received a copy of the documents. At the March 23, 2001, conference, Ms. Thomas, Ms. Brown, and Ms. Stern discussed the results of the March 16, 2001, observation and the prescription plan activities that Ms. Brown had developed to assist Ms. Stern in correcting the deficiencies identified in the Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement, as well as the timelines for completion of the prescription plan activities. It was agreed that Ms. Stern would complete all of the prescription plan activities by April 20, 2001. The April 20, 2001, deadline was extended until May 18, 2001, because of Ms. Stern's absences, as discussed below. The Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement also included lists of administrators and teachers that were available to assist Ms. Stern with respect to the prescription plan activities for the various deficiencies noted. May 17, 2001, Conference-for-the-Record. In a memorandum dated May 7, 2001, and directed to Dr. Thomasina O'Donnell, a District Director in the School Board's Office of Professional Standards, Ms. Thomas requested that Dr. O'Donnell take control of the "re-entry" of Ms. Stern. Ms. Thomas asked for Dr. O'Donnell's intervention because Ms. Stern had been absent a total of 22 personal and sick days and because Ms. Stern was on 90-Calendar Day Performance Probation. As a result of Ms. Thomas's request, Dr. O'Donnell sent a memorandum dated May 7, 2001, to Ms. Stern telling her that she needed to contact the Office of Professional Standards before she returned to work so that a clearance conference could be scheduled. The clearance conference was held on May 16, 2001, at the Office of Professional Standards. Dr. O'Donnell, Ms. Thomas, Clemencia Waddell, Director of Region VI, and Dia Falco, Ms. Stern's UTD representative, attended the conference. As reflected in the Summary of the Conference-for-the-Record, the purpose of the conference was to address Ms. Stern's performance assessments, her attendance, and her medical fitness to perform her duties and to review Ms. Stern's record and her future employment status with the Miami-Dade County public school system. As of May 15, 2001, Ms. Stern had used more sick time than she had accrued, and Dr. O'Donnell advised her that her absences, which consisted of 21.5 sick and personal days and 1/2 days of unauthorized leave without pay, were considered excessive. Ms. Stern's performance evaluations were also discussed at the conference, and it was noted that she had been provided prescription plan activities to assist her in correcting the deficiencies identified in the March 16, 2001, observation report, which activities were to have been completed by April 20, 2001. Ms. Stern had not provided the required materials to Ms. Thomas or Ms. Brown, but, because she was absent beginning on April 18, 2001, Ms. Stern was directed to provide all of the required materials for the prescription plan activities to Ms. Thomas by the end of the workday on May 18, 2001. Ms. Stern was advised that the failure to provide these materials within the time specified would be considered a deficiency in Category VII, which is the Professional Responsibilities category of TADS, and that she would be placed on a Category VII prescription. Several directives were included in the Summary of the Conference-for-the-Record, and Ms. Stern was advised that she was cleared to return to work on May 17, 2001. May 22, 2001, observation. Ms. Brown conducted a formal observation of Ms. Stern's classroom performance on May 22, 2001, when she observed Ms. Stern's second grade language arts class from 9:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. Ms. Brown's overall impression was that Ms. Stern 's performance was worse than it was during the observation on March 16, 2001. Ms. Brown completed a CAI Post-Observation Report and a Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement in which she reported the results of this observation. In the CAI Post-Observation Report, Ms. Brown rated Ms. Stern's classroom performance acceptable in the categories of Teacher-Student Relationships and Assessment Techniques. Ms. Brown rated Ms. Stern's classroom performance unacceptable in the categories of Preparation and Planning, Knowledge of Subject Matter, Classroom Management, and Techniques of Instruction. Specifically, Ms. Brown rated Ms. Stern deficient in indicator I.B.1. of the Preparation and Planning category on the CAI Post-Observation Report because Ms. Stern had failed to plan content and instructional activities to fill the classroom time allotted for the language arts block. Ms. Brown noted in the Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement that Ms. Stern took the students to the library at 10:30 a.m., but had completed her planned classroom activities at 9:55 a.m. Ms. Brown rated Ms. Stern deficient in indicator of the Knowledge of Subject Matter category on the CAI Post-Observation Report because, during the observation, Ms. Stern failed to present information in a meaningful or orderly manner. Ms. Brown noted in the Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement that "[t]he sequence of the ideas did not flow into one another. The teacher asked questions and talked about whatever came to her mind, . . ." Ms. Brown also noted that there was no logical sequence of activities or framework established for the activities. Ms. Brown rated Ms. Stern deficient in indicator of the Knowledge of Subject Matter category on the CAI Post-Observation Report because, during the observation, Ms. Stern failed to tell the students the most important topics in the lesson or various applications of the topics introduced in the lesson. Ms. Brown noted in the Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement that Ms. Stern did not tell the students what they would be doing and did not relate the lesson to the students' experiences. Ms. Brown rated Ms. Stern deficient in indicator of the Knowledge of Subject Matter category on the CAI Post-Observation Report because, during the observation, Ms. Stern failed to present information using analysis or comparisons. Ms. Brown noted in the Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement that Ms. Stern did not ask open-ended questions, that she limited her questions to those that were simple and basic, and that she failed to challenge the students beyond one cognitive level. Ms. Brown rated Ms. Stern deficient in indicator III.A.2. of the Classroom Management category on the CAI Post-Observation Report. The notes Ms. Brown included in the Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement reflect that Ms. Stern wasted 12 minutes of instruction time because of delays attributable to her repeatedly consulting her lesson plan during class and failing to use student helpers to pass out papers to the class, causing the students to wait without instruction until she passed out all of the papers. Ms. Brown rated Ms. Stern deficient in indicators III.B.2. and 3. of the Classroom Management category on the CAI Post-Observation Report because, during the observation, Ms. Stern failed to use verbal or non-verbal techniques to redirect students. Ms. Brown noted in the Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement that Ms. Stern did not notice or noticed but chose not to re-direct a student who was making a paper airplane and rearranging his desk and the inside of his book bag for a period of 15 minutes and that Ms. Stern did not speak to a student who, for a period of 10 minutes, sat with her knees to her chest. Ms. Brown also noted that Ms. Stern thanked two students for no apparent reason. Ms. Brown rated Ms. Stern deficient in indicator III.B.4. of the Classroom Management category on the CAI Post-Observation Report because, during the observation, Ms. Stern failed to use techniques to hold the attention of students who had been re-directed. Ms. Brown noted in the Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement that Ms. Stern did not notice for two minutes that a student had slid his chair halfway across the room to place it beside that of another student and that, when she noticed, she merely told the student to sit down. Ms. Brown also noted that a student fell asleep at 9:45 a.m.; after about 10 minutes, Ms. Stern noticed the student, asked if he had stayed up late the night before, and left him to sleep until he awoke at 10:25 a.m. Ms. Brown rated Ms. Stern deficient in indicator of the Classroom Management category on the CAI Post-Observation Report because, during the observation, Ms. Stern failed to make her expectations regarding appropriate behavior clear to the students. Ms. Brown noted in the Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement that Ms. Stern told the students that she "love[d] the way everyone is talking at once but it doesn't help" and that Ms. Stern continued to accept answers from students who called out, accepting more answers from these students than from the students who raised their hands. Ms. Brown rated Ms. Stern deficient in indicator of the Classroom Management category on the CAI Post-Observation Report because, during the observation, Ms. Stern failed to provide the students with appropriate and correct verbal feedback regarding specific behaviors. Ms. Brown noted in the Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement that Ms. Stern ignored two students who had their hands up for several minutes and accepted answers called out by other students. Ms. Brown also noted that Ms. Stern praised the class for working well together when the activity was an activity that each student worked on alone. Ms. Brown rated Ms. Stern deficient in indicator of the Techniques of Instruction category on the CAI Post-Observation Report because, during the observation, Ms. Stern failed to give the students necessary background about their activities. Ms. Brown noted in the Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement that Ms. Stern did not tell the students the ideas or skills they were to learn from the two stories that she read to them, one about a bear with a toothache and one about an octopus; she merely told the students that she was going to read a book. Ms. Brown rated Ms. Stern deficient in indicator of the Techniques of Instruction category on the CAI Post-Observation Report because, during the observation, Ms. Stern failed to tell the students how each activity related to the other activities. Ms. Brown noted in the Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement that Ms. Stern did not emphasize the important topics in the two stories or link the topics in the stories to future activities. Ms. Brown rated Ms. Stern deficient in indicator of the Techniques of Instruction category on the CAI Post-Observation Report because, during the observation, Ms. Stern failed to sequence activities and failed to point out any logic to the order in which she presented components of the lesson. Ms. Brown noted in the Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement that Ms. Stern went from one activity to the next without having an apparent goal or order to the lesson. Ms. Brown rated Ms. Stern deficient in indicator of the Techniques of Instruction category on the CAI Post-Observation Report because, during the observation, Ms. Stern failed to provide closure to the lesson. Ms. Brown noted in the Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement that Ms. Stern did not summarize, recapitulate, or apply any of the concepts in the lesson to any past or future lessons. Ms. Brown rated Ms. Stern deficient in indicator IV.H.2. of the Techniques of Instruction category on the CAI Post-Observation Report because, during the observation, Ms. Stern failed to clarify the students' confusion. Ms. Brown relates in the Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement that Ms. Stern asked a student a question about an octopus; when the student answered, "The end of one of the octopus' tails is the mouth," Ms. Stern's only response was "OK. I don’t quite understand but OK." Ms. Brown also noted that Ms. Stern passed out word cards to the students but never told them what to do with the cards. Ms. Brown rated Ms. Stern deficient in indicator IV.H.4. of the Techniques of Instruction category on the CAI Post-Observation Report because, during the observation, Ms. Stern failed to answer quietly the questions of individual students but would address the entire class when answering the questions of one or two students. Ms. Brown noted in the Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement that Ms. Stern interrupted the entire class several times to answer the questions of two students, with the result that the class did not have enough quiet time to read and complete the activity. A Conference-for-the-Record was held on May 23, 2001, which was attended by Ms. Thomas, Ms. Brown, and Ms. Stern.8 During the conference, the deficiencies noted by Ms. Brown during her observation on May 22, 2001, were discussed, as well as the prescription plan activities that Ms. Stern was to complete to assist her in correcting the deficiencies. The timeline for completion of the prescription plan activities was also discussed, and it was agreed that Ms. Stern would complete all the prescription plan activities by June 13, 2001. The Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement also included lists of administrators and teachers who were available to assist Ms. Stern with respect to the prescription plan activities for the various deficiencies noted. Ms. Stern's failure to complete the prescription plan activities included in the March 16, 2001, observation by the May 18, 2001, deadline was also discussed at the May 23, 2001, Conference-for-the-Record. The Summary of the Conference-for- the-Record reflects that Ms. Brown went over with Ms. Stern the prescription plan activities that were not completed. As a result of her failure to complete the prescription plan activities, Ms. Thomas placed Ms. Stern on prescription for Category VII, the TADS Professional Responsibilities category. Ms. Stern had been advised at the May 17, 2001, Conference-for- the-Record at the Office of Professional Standards that a Category VII prescription would be the consequence if she failed to complete the prescription plan activities by the May 18, 2001, deadline. Ms. Stern ultimately completed the prescription plan activities in the March 16, 2001, Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement, although Ms. Brown had a difficult time determining that Ms. Stern completed all of the activities because the materials she submitted to Ms. Brown were very disorganized. Ms. Stern also turned in by the June 13, 2001, deadline all of the written materials required in the prescription plan activities assigned as a result of the May 22, 2001, observation. She did not, however, turn in her weekly lesson plans to Ms. Brown prior to implementing them, as she had been instructed; rather, she turned in her lesson plans late, and, near the end of the 2000-2001 school year, she did not turn in any lesson plans. September 13, 2001, Confirmatory Observation. In a letter to Ms. Stern dated April 26, 2001, Dr. O'Donnell acknowledged having received a request for medical leave from Ms. Stern for the period extending from April 18, 2001, through May 4, 2001. In the letter, Dr. O'Donnell clarified for Ms. Stern the School Board's position with respect to the impact of her absences on the calculation of the days remaining in her 90-Calendar Day Performance Probation period. Dr. O'Donnell confirmed in the letter that Ms. Stern's probation period began on February 21, 2001, and that the prescription plan activities arising out of the March 16, 2001, observation were due to be completed on April 20, 2001. Dr. O'Donnell further advised Ms. Stern that the first 10 days of absence were included in the calculation of the 90 calendar days of the probation period and that, accordingly, the end of her probation period would be extended from May 31, 2001, to June 6, 2001, both of which dates fell within the final 10 days of the school year. Dr. O'Donnell acknowledged in the April 26, 2001, letter that, normally, no observations were performed during the first and final 10 days of a school year, but she advised Ms. Stern that her 90-day probation period must be concluded by June 16, 2001, because the Miami-Dade County public school system was to change from TADS to PACES for teacher performance evaluations, effective at the beginning of the 2001-2002 school year. Accordingly, Dr. O'Donnell put Ms. Stern on notice in the April 26, 2001, letter that her confirmatory observation would take place after her 90-Calendar Day Performance Probation period ended on June 6, 2001. In a letter dated May 9, 2001, Ms. Falco, on behalf of the UTD, advised Dr. O'Donnell that, first, she had misstated the rule regarding the treatment of absences. According to Ms. Falco, the UTD Contract provided that the first 10 days of absence were not to be counted in calculating the 90 days. Nonetheless, Dr. O'Donnell's calculation of June 6, 2001, as the last day of Ms. Stern's probation period was correct. Ms. Falco also took issue with Dr. O'Donnell's decision to complete Ms. Stern's probationary period on June 16, 2001, and she advised Dr. O'Donnell that the then-current observation procedures prohibited any formal observations during the first and final 10 days of the school year and that the UTD would appeal any formal observation of Ms. Stern conducted during the final 10 days of the 2000-2001 school year. Finally, Ms. Falco advised Dr. O'Donnell that the Joint Committee had not yet determined how to treat teachers whose probation periods carried over into the 2001-2002 school year, when teachers were to be evaluated under PACES. The Joint Committee considered Ms. Stern's case individually and decided that Ms. Stern's confirmatory observation was to be conducted using TADS rather than PACES. Ms. Stern was not disadvantaged by having this observation conducted under TADS because it is easier for a teacher to get an acceptable evaluation under TADS than under PACES. In accordance with the position taken by the UTD and because Ms. Stern could not be observed during the first 10 days of the 2001-2002 school year, the end of Ms. Stern's 90-Calendar Day Performance Probation period was finally determined to be September 10, 2001. On September 13, 2001, Ms. Thomas conducted a formal observation of Ms. Stern's classroom performance when she observed Ms. Stern teach a second grade math class from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. This observation was the required confirmatory observation conducted to determine whether Ms. Stern had corrected the performance deficiencies identified in the February 5, 2001, March 16, 2001, and May 22, 2001, observations. Ms. Thomas completed a CAI Post-Observation Report in which she reported that she found Ms. Stern's classroom performance unacceptable in all five categories of TADS, Preparation and Planning, Knowledge of Subject Matter, Classroom Management, Techniques of Instruction, Teacher-Student Relationships, and Assessment Techniques. Ms. Thomas based her determination that Ms. Stern's classroom performance was unacceptable on several factors. During the September 13, 2001, observation, Ms. Thomas noted that Ms. Stern was not teaching the lesson identified on her lesson plan; one of the students repeatedly threw paper across the room into a garbage can without re-direction by Ms. Stern; students were talking to one another and moving around the room during the entire lesson, to the extent that it was difficult for Ms. Thomas to hear Ms. Stern; Ms. Stern did not remind students who were misbehaving of the class rules; Ms. Stern appeared not to notice a student crawling around on the floor; Ms. Stern told students to raise their hands, but she did not call on the students who did so; and Ms. Stern had only two grades for the students in her grade book at a point in the school year when she should have had two grades listed for each student for each week of school in each the five subjects she taught in her second grade class, or over 40 grades. Recommendation for termination. On September 17, 2001, Ms. Thomas notified Ms. Stern that she had failed to comply with the Category VII prescription imposed on May 23, 2001, because she had failed to turn in any lesson plans during the first weeks of the 2001-2002 school year. On September 17, 2001, Ms. Thomas also presented to Ms. Stern for her signature a form that Ms. Thomas intended to submit to Dr. George M. Koonce, Regional Superintendent, containing Ms. Thomas's recommendation that Ms. Stern's employment contract be terminated because she had not satisfactorily corrected the noted performance deficiencies within the 90-Calendar Day Performance Probation period. Ms. Stern refused to sign the form to acknowledge that she was aware of the recommendation. Dr. Koonce indicated his approval of Ms. Thomas's recommendation and forwarded it to the Deputy Superintendent for Personnel and Management Services, who, in turn, forwarded the recommendation to the Superintendent of the Miami-Dade County Public Schools. In a letter dated October 1, 2001, the Superintendent notified Ms. Stern that he was recommending to the School Board that her employment contract be terminated at its October 24, 2001, meeting. Ms. Stern timely contested the recommendation, and this administrative proceeding commenced. Summary The evidence presented by the School Board is sufficient to establish with the requisite degree of certainty that Ms. Stern failed to correct the deficiencies identified in her classroom performance within the 90-Calendar Day Performance Probation period, that School Board personnel adhered to the applicable evaluation procedures in assessing Ms. Stern's teaching performance and in reaching the decision to terminate her for unsatisfactory teaching performance, and that the School Board adhered to all statutory timeframes. Throughout the duration of Ms. Stern's 90-Calendar Day Performance Probation period, Ms. Thomas and Ms. Brown offered Ms. Stern assistance to help her correct the deficiencies in her classroom performance. The evidence presented by the School Board is sufficient to establish with the requisite degree of certainty that, although Ms. Stern completed many of the prescription plan activities identified in the Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement for the observations of February 5, March 16, and May 22, 2001, she was unable or unwilling to implement in the classroom the techniques and lessons included in the prescription plan activities and failed to correct the deficiencies in her classroom performance. In her testimony, Ms. Stern did not dispute any of the facts included by Ms. Thomas and Ms. Brown in the Record of Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement for the formal observations of February 5, March 16, and May 22, 2001. Rather, Ms. Stern presented in her testimony justifications for and explanations of her classroom performance during the formal observations. This testimony has been considered and found insufficient to rebut the evidence of unsatisfactory performance presented by the School Board: Ms. Stern's second grade class was composed of students of varying abilities and ethnic backgrounds, but so were all of the second grade classes at Campbell Drive Elementary. Ms. Stern's classroom may not have provided an optimum environment for teaching, but the shortcomings of the physical and technological facilities provided to Ms. Stern do not justify the noted deficiencies in her teaching and classroom skills. Finally, Ms. Stern's laissez-faire attitude regarding the inappropriate behavior of her students is difficult to reconcile with her obligation as a teacher to maintain a classroom environment in which opportunities for learning are maximized.9

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Miami-Dade County School Board enter a final order terminating the professional services contract of Joanne T. Stern. DONE AND ENTERED this 31st day of October, 2002, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. PATRICIA HART MALONO Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of October, 2002.

Florida Laws (2) 120.569120.57
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 77-001546 Latest Update: Dec. 05, 1977

The Issue Whether Respondent should be dismissed from her employment as a teacher in the Orange County Public Schools based on charges of incompetency and gross insubordination, as set forth in the letter of L. Linton Deck, Jr., dated August 16, 1977.

Findings Of Fact Respondent Ethel R. Jones has been an elementary school teacher for twelve years. She taught a year in Georgia before obtaining her degree in commercial education at Bethune-Cookman College at Daytona Beach, Florida, in 1960. After teaching for one year at Hungerford Elementary School in Eatonville, Orange County, Florida, in 1963, she pursued further studies and received her certification in elementary education. After teaching several years in various Orange County and Highlands County public schools, she became employed at Ocoee Elementary School, Ocoee, Florida, in 1970 and taught there for seven years through the 1976-77 school year. She was on annual contract for the first four years and then was granted a continuing contract the following year. She taught a sixth-grade class her first year at Ocoee and then became a fourth-grade teacher until the 1976-77 year when she again instructed a class of approximately 31 sixth-grade pupils. (Testimony of Respondent) Respondent served under three principals at Ocoee from 1972 to 1977. School records reflect that from 1973 two of the principals each rendered two annual performance reports on respondent termed "Assessment of Instruction." During the first year of each of these periods, the principals noted that respondent needed improvement in maintaining good rapport with students, parents and co-workers. During the second year of each period, each principal rated the respondent satisfactory in all respects. The third principal, Maxie Cinnamon, assumed her duties at Ocoee during the 1976-77 school year. (Petitioner's Composite Exhibit 1) During the first month of the school year, Principal Cinnamon received approximately twelve-complaints about the respondent from parents of children in her class. Most of these complaints dealt with apprehensions concerning respondent's teaching ability based on her prior performance with fourth-grade students. As a result, Cinnamon visited the respondent's classroom on September 9, 1976, and observed class instruction for several hours. She noted a number of deficiencies in the quality of respondent's teaching. These included unfamiliarity with the definitions of common words, inadequate preparation and lesson plans, inappropriate grouping of students and poor communication with students. These observations were set forth in great detail in a written document, dated September 14, 1976, which was provided to respondent as recommendations for improvement. Additionally, an unofficial "Assessment of Instruction" was rendered by the principal that indicated need for improvement in various areas. (Testimony of Cinnamon, Petitioner's Composite Exhibits 1, 7) During the course of the school year, the principal continued to receive complaints from parents and requests that their children be transferred from respondent's class. These complaints included reports that respondent was an inadequate teacher and that her disciplinary methods were inappropriate. In addition, no improvement in the previously-noted areas of deficiency had been observed by the principal. A number of conferences between Cinnamon and the respondent transpired in the fall of 1976 in an attempt to resolve these continuing problems, but achieved little or no success. Cinnamon directed a number of memorandums to respondent pointing out problem areas and suggesting remedial steps. She also suggested special courses and seminars that respondent could attend to improve her classroom instruction and to achieve a better relationship with parents and students. The respondent referred students to the principal's office on disciplinary matters some 35 times during the school year. For the most part, these referrals involved male students who were low achievers and either disrupted the classroom or failed to complete lesson assignments. (Testimony of Cinnamon, Respondent, Petitioner's Exhibits 8,9, 11-14) In December, 1976, Principal Cinnamon requested the Professional Practice Council of the State Department of Education to make a professional reviewer available to observe respondent's classroom performance and provide any necessary suggestions or recommendations for improvement. Thereafter, on January 31 and February 1, 1977, Mrs. Gretchen M. Olcott, a classroom teacher from Pinellas County, was sent to Ocoee Elementary School and conducted a "remediation review" concerning respondent. She rendered a report of her observations which was furnished to the respondent on March 11, 1977. The report contained many critical remarks concerning the quality of respondent's teaching ability and included detailed recommendations and suggestions for improvement. Most of Olcott's observations paralleled closely the previous deficiencies noted by Cinnamon and dealt primarily with inadequate lesson plans, lack of organization, poor student behavior patterns, lack of effective use of teaching materials and equipment, and the need to establish clear objectives and long-range goals. Also on March 11, Cinnamon wrote a letter to the respondent again listing her deficiencies and providing recommendations in that regard. The letter informed the respondent that unless she showed substantial improvement in all the noted areas by May 1, 1977, it would be necessary that she be recommended for dismissal to the Superintendent of the Orange County Schools. (Testimony of Cinnamon, Petitioner's Exhibits 3-5) During the ensuing weeks, Cinnamon was of the opinion that respondent had not materially improved her shortcomings despite efforts to assist her. At a conference in March, she told respondent that if she made no substantial improvement by May 23, she would recommend dismissal. She also requested that another reviewer be provided by the Professional Practices Council. Mr. Richard Svirskas visited respondent's classroom from May 11 to 13, 1977, for the Professional Practices Council. His report was similar to that of the previous reviewer and it concluded that respondent was far below average in ability in comparison with the majority of teachers known to the reviewer. (Testimony of Cinnamon, Petitioner's Exhibit 6) As a result of the reviewers' reports and respondent's failure to show improvement, Principal Cinnamon, on June 7, 1977, recommended to the Superintendent of Orange County public schools that she be dismissed from employment. Based on this recommendation, the Superintendent, by letter of August 16, 1977, charged the respondent with 14 areas of incompetency and three instances of gross insubordination. On August 18, 1977, the Superintendent recommended to the School Board of Orange County that respondent be suspended without pay pending a hearing on the charges if requested. The school board approved the recommendation and suspended the respondent without pay. Respondent thereafter requested a hearing in the matter. (Testimony of Cinnamon, Case File) Respondent testified as a witness and maintained that she had received no support during the year from the school administration and that she could not please Principal Cinnamon in any respect. She feels that she was the victim of a conspiracy between Cinnamon and parents of her students, and that the independent reviewers sent to assess her classroom performance were "against" her because they had met with Cinnamon in private during their visit. The respondent further implied that Cinnamon had a dislike for her because she was the only black teacher in the intermediate level. No black students were enrolled at Ocoee Elementary School during the 1976-77 school year, but there were five black teachers including the respondent. The respondent further claimed that she had done her utmost to follow the recommendations for improvement made to her by Cinnamon and the reviewers, but that she received no assistance from the administration in this regard. Further, she claimed that she was unable to enroll in certain reading, student discipline, and teacher effectiveness courses for various reasons; however, she did take a mathematics course at her own expense and attended several seminars. Although Cinnamon had testified that she had instructed respondent not to set up learning centers in her classroom because of her lack of organizational ability, the respondent denied that she was given such instructions. She testified that she established this system of instruction because Cinnamon had recommended it to her. She also denied that she had placed children in the halls for disciplinary reasons, or deliberately omitted to teach reading and math on each school day, contrary to instructions, as claimed by Cinnamon. (Testimony of Jones, Cinnamon) Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, it is found that during the 1976-77 school year: Respondent failed to make adequate plans and set definite objectives for her class- room instruction. Respondent failed to provide learning situations consistent with students' abilities. Respondent failed to exhibit adequate command of the subject matter that she taught. Respondent failed to communicate clearly and effectively with the students. Respondent failed to control the class so that a positive learning environment was created and maintained. Respondent failed to adequately pursue her professional growth and to seek ways of correcting identified deficiencies. It is further found that there is insufficient evidence to establish that the respondent committed the following alleged acts of gross insubordination: Suspended children from class by placing them in the hall and otherwise leaving them unsupervised after being specifically told not to do so. Failed to teach reading and math on each school day as specifically instructed to do. Failed and refused to maintain and utilize a plan book as instructed by the principal. It is further found that insufficient evidence was presented to establish that the respondent was a victim of a conspiracy by the principal of Ocoee Elementary School or anyone else, or that any racial discrimination was practiced against her.

Recommendation That respondent Ethel R. Jones be dismissed from employment by the School Board of Orange County, Florida, for incompetency, pursuant to Section 231.36(6), Florida Statutes. Done and Entered this 5th day of December, 1977, in Tallahassee, Florida. THOMAS C. OLDHAM Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Joseph W. DuRocher, Esquire 326 North Fern Creek Avenue Orlando, Florida 32803 Howard W. Cooper, Esquire 101 South Lake Avenue Orlando, Florida 32801 John W. Bowen, Esquire 308 North Magnolia Avenue Orlando, Florida 32801

# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-002415 Latest Update: Sep. 30, 1985

Findings Of Fact Annie Jackson, currently Principal of Golden Glades Elementary, also served in that capacity during Elijah McCray's 6th grade experience there during the regular 1984-1985 school year. On December 10, 1984, Mrs. Jackson personally removed Elijah from the lunch room for shooting paper at other students. He was reprimanded after a conference and sent to an alternative eating place for a month. On March 5, 1985 the classroom teacher referred Elijah to Mrs. Jackson for disruptive behavior, running around, not working and splashing water. He was removed from class and received a conference with Mrs. Jackson. Mrs. Jackson called the parents the next day and reported the situation. On March 27, 1985 he was referred to Mrs. Jackson for laughing at his teacher and being defiant. On March 28, 1985 he was assigned 3 days outside detention by Mrs. Jackson because he had refused to serve assigned detention. On April 2, 1985, which was the day Elijah was due to return, Mrs. Jackson wrote his parents because he had again been referred to the office and defied the authority of the teacher referring him by not carrying the referral to Mrs. Jackson's office. He was referred to the school counselor by Mrs. Jackson. There was a subsequent 5 day suspension for disruptive behavior scheduled to begin on April 15, 1985. At 5:00 P.M. on that day, Mrs. Jackson personally conducted a teacher/parent/ student/administrator conference to discuss the April 15, 1985/ suspension. Present in place of the parents were Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, Elijah's grandparents. The teacher made known to the grandparents that she did not want Elijah back in her class because he would throw items and deny it and frequently disrupt the class by spitting in the classroom or by leaving the classroom to spit. The grandparents made known to the teacher, and to Mrs. Jackson that a sinus condition of Elijah's required him to spit frequently and Mrs. Jackson apparently engineered some rapport between the teacher and Elijah upon this information so that the planned 5 days suspension was rescinded by Mrs. Jackson. Mrs. Taylor testified that she was present at this meeting but felt she had not participated because she had left most of the talking to Mr. Taylor and Mrs. Jackson, but upon Mrs. Jackson's and Mrs. Taylor's testimony together it is specifically found that this parent contact did occur. On April 17, 1985, Mrs. Jackson referred Elijah to the school counselor because of a report from his classroom teacher that Elijah had said he would "swing his old gun" at her. While this language by the teacher is technically hearsay outside the admission exception, information on the report was recorded contemporaneously by Mrs. Jackson in the school records and regardless of what was actually said to the teacher, Mrs. Jackson personally observed the distraught behavior of the teacher in reaction to whatever threat had been made by Elijah. Mrs. Jackson called school security as a result. The investigation of the incident by Mrs. Jackson and the security investigator revealed that the teacher had been told by other students that Elijah had shot a relative of theirs but that he had in fact never done so. Elijah was warned that it is serious to make threats to teachers. On April 22, 1985 Mrs. Jackson received a formal written request from the classroom teacher requesting Elijah's removal from her class. Much of Mrs. Jackson's testimony suggests that the persistent disruptive behavior was that of the classroom teacher who referred Elijah for what she perceived as threats. This teacher was not present to testify. Elijah was returned to class by Mrs. Jackson over the teacher's objections with a final warning concerning making threats. A parent/teacher/student/ administrator conference was held to apprise the parents that this was a last chance. It may be that Mrs. Taylor was not present for this conference, but Mrs. Jackson indicates at least one adult was present on behalf of the child. On April 25, 1985, Elijah was returned to class. On April 30, 1985, Mrs. Jackson requested Officer Harris of Operation Pro Volunteer Listener to confer with Elijah about the seriousness of making threats. On May 1, 1985, Mrs. Jackson investigated a report that Elijah had threatened two girls (Mirland Joseph and Lesley Compton) in his class with a knife. The girls gave statements which Mrs. Jackson synopsized as stating that they thought they had been threatened with a knife by Elijah. The statements are not signed. The incident as reported in the statements composed by the principal are by themselves hearsay and that hearsay is not confirmed or corroborated by a statement made by Elijah directly to Mrs. Jackson that he had showed the girls the point of a nail file attached to a man's pocket toenail clippers and was "just joking with it." Mrs. Jackson received a broken pair of blunt toenail clippers from Elijah at the time of this admission and a xerox copy of the nailclippers was admitted in evidence as a true and correct copy of the implement. Because of the presence of the nailclippers, which Mrs. Jackson characterized as a "pointed object", Mrs. Jackson initiated transfer of Elijah to an alternative education program. She felt this was a lesser alternative to expulsion. Expulsion would otherwise be required by School Board policy in the presence of a "weapon." Mrs. Taylor testified that she had heard one of the girls who had given statements to Mrs. Jackson or perhaps a third girl named "Alexandra" say they had made up the May 1, 1985 incident. Mrs. Taylor stated Elijah and his sister had told her the night before the May 1, 1985 incident that the two girls or Elizabeth Carpenter was going to "start a problem for him the next day" or "going to fight him" the next day. There is no record evidence of failing grades, truancies, or unexcused absences for Elijah.

Recommendation Upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is recommended that the School Board enter a final order returning Elijah McCray to the appropriate grade level in a regular school program with a different classroom teacher than previously assigned. DONE and ORDERED this 30th day of September, 1985, in Tallahassee, Florida. ELLA JANE P. DAVIS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of September, 1985. COPIES FURNISHED: Jackie Gabe, Esquire Law Offices McCrary, Valentine & Mays P.A. 3050 Biscayne Boulevard Suite 800 Miami, Florida 33137 Mrs. Sylvia Taylor 2971 N. W. 165 Street Opa Locka, Florida 33054 Madelyn P. Schere, Esquire 1450 N. E. Second Avenue Miami, Florida Ms. Maeva Hipps School Board Clerk 1450 N. E. 2nd Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 Dr. Leonard Britton Superintendent of Schools Dade County Public Schools Board Administration Building 1450 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132

# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Mar. 23, 2010 Number: 10-001571TTS Latest Update: Jun. 17, 2024
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Apr. 12, 2004 Number: 04-001256TTS Latest Update: May 19, 2005

The Issue The issues in this case are whether Respondent satisfactorily corrected specified performance deficiencies within the 90-day probation period prescribed by Section 1012.34(3) (d), Florida Statutes, and, if not, whether Respondent's employment should be terminated.

Findings Of Fact A. 1. One of the statutory duties of Petitioner Miami-Dade County School Board ("Board") is to evaluate the performance of every teacher employed in the Miami-Dade County School District ("District"), at least once per year. To accomplish this, the Board uses a personnel assessment system known as "PACES," which is an acronym for Professional Assessment and Comprehensive Evaluation System. PACES is the product of collective bargaining between the Board and the teachers' union, and it has been duly approved by the Florida Department of Education. 2. The Board's evaluation procedure begins with an observation of the subject teacher, conducted by an administrator trained in the use of PACES. On a score sheet called the Observation Form for Annual Evaluation ("OFAE"), the evaluator rates the teacher's performance on 44 independently dispositive "indicators." The only grades assignable to the respective indicators are "acceptable" and “unacceptable”; thus, the evaluator's decision, for each indicator, is binary: yes or no, thumbs up or thumbs down.! A negative mark on any one of the 44 indicators results in an overall performance evaluation of "unsatisfactory." For the teacher under observation, therefore, each indicator constitutes, in effect, a pass/fail test, with his or her job hanging in the balance. 3. If the teacher passes all 44 of the independently dispositive indicators, then the teacher's performance is rated "setisfactory” and the evaluative process is complete. If, on the other hand, the teacher is given a failing grade on one or more of the 44 indicators and hence adjudged an unsatisfactory performer, then the initial observation is deemed to be "not of record" (i.e. inoperative) anda follow-up, “for the record" evaluation is scheduled to occur, upon notice to the affected teacher, about one month later. 4, In the meantime, the teacher is offered the assistance of a Professional Growth Team ("PGT"), a group of peers who, having received special training in PACES, are in a position to help the affected teacher correct performance deficiencies in advance of the follow-up evaluation. 5. The follow-up evaluation is conducted in the same manner as the initial "not of record" evaluation. If the teacher passes all 44 indicators, then his performance is deemed satisfactory and the evaluative process is complete. If he fails one or more of the indicators, however, then the teacher is placed on probation for a period of 90 calendar days (excluding vacations and holidays). The probation period is preceded by a formal Conference-for-the-Record ("CFR"), at which notice of the specific performance deficiencies is provided to the teacher. As well, the teacher is provided a PGT and given a Professional Improvement Plan ("PIP"), wherein particular remedial tasks, intended to help the teacher correct the noted performance deficiencies, are assigned. 6. During the performance probation, the teacher must be formally observed at least twice, by an evaluator using the OFBE. If, on any of these probationary observations, the teecher fails at least one indicator, then another PIP is prepared and offered. 7, The performance probation could end early, before 90 days have passed. This occurs when, during probation, the teacher is deemed to have mastered all the required indicators. At that point, should it come, the teacher receives a satisfactory performance rating, and the evaluative process is terminated. 8. ‘Within 14 days after the end of probation, assuming the process has not ended sooner as just described, a "confirmatory evaluation" is conducted, using the OFAE. The purpose of the confirmatory evaluation is to determine whether the noted performance deficiencies were corrected. If they were, then the teacher's performance is rated "satisfactory." If not, the principal then makes a recommendation to the superintendent whether to continue or terminate the teacher's employment. 9. As mentioned above, a PACES evaluation takes account of 44 crucial indicators. The indicators are organized under "components." The 44 outcome determinative indicators fall within 21 components, which are identified on the OFAE. These components are organized, in turn, under "domains," of which six are identified on the OFAE. 10. Each domain has been assigned a Roman numeral identifier: I through VI. The components are distinguished alphabetically: A, B, C, etc. The indicators are numbered using Arabic numerals. Each specific indicator is named according to the Roman numeral of its domain, the letter of its component, and its own Arabic number. Thus, for example, the first indicator under Component A of Domain I is referred to as "TL,A.1." 11. Notwithstanding the PACES taxonomy, the classifications of "domain" and "component" are useful only as a means of organizing the indicators. This is because a teacher does not pass or fail a performance evaluation at the domain level or at the component level; rather, he passes or fails at the indicator level, for, again, each of the 44 indicators is independently dispositive under PACES.” Thus, each of the determinative 44 indicators is of precisely equal weight. None is more important or less important than another.? B. 12. At all times material to this case, Respondent Leopoldo Mutis ("Mutis") was a teacher in the District. From 1999 until April 2004, when the Board suspended him pending termination of employment, Mutis taught middle school Spanish and ESOL at Key Biscayne K-8 Center ("Key Biscayne"). 13. During the 2003-04 school year, an evaluator observed Mutis in his classroom on five separate occasions, each time using the OFAE. The dates of these evaluations were, and the names of the respective evaluators are, as follows: Evaluation Date Evaluator October 23, 2003 Ana Maria Rasco, Principal, Key Biscayne November 17, 2003 Ms. Rasco January 13, 2004 Blanca Herrera-Torres, Assistant Principal, Key Biscayne February 18, 2004 Cathy Williams, Assistant Principal, Key Biscayne March 15, 2004 Ms. Rasco 14. The Board contends that Mutis failed ali five evaluations; the first, however, was deemed "not of record" and thus is relevant only insofar as it opened the door to the process that followed. The following table shows, for each evaluation for the record, the indicators that the respective evaluators thought Mutis had failed: Ti-lt-05 Gl-1s-08 02-18-06 G3-15-04 ; | | x | O1-13-04 [ TvEt_[ vat ver Ti-17-03 CU td 04 x | x [x 2-28-08 03-15-04 x 15. Because Ms. Rasco identified five performance deficiencies on November 17, 2003, Mutis was placed on 90-day performance probation, effective November 26, 2003, pursuant to the procedure described in detail above. Ms. Rasco held a CFR on November 25, 2003, to review with Mutis the identified deficiencies and explain the procedures relating to the 90-day probation. Following the CFR, Mutis was given written notice of unsatisfactory performance, in the form of a "Summary of Conference-For-The-Record And Professional Improvement Plan (PIP)," dated November 26, 2003 ("Summary"). In the Summary, Ms. Rasco charged Mutis with failure to satisfactorily perform the following PACES indicators: IV.A.3, IV.A.5, IV.B.2, VI.C.2, and VI.C.4. (These five indicators are highlighted vertically in the table above.) At the same time, Mutis was given a PIP, anc a PGT was assembled to provide assistance. 16. Following the confirmatory evaluation on March 15, 20C4, based on which Ms. Rasco identified 13 deficiencies as shown in the table above, Ms. Rasco notified the superintendent thet Mutis had failed to correct noted performance deficiencies during a 90-day probation and recommended that Mutis's employment be terminated. The superintendent accepted Ms. Rasco's recommendation and notified Mutis, by letter dated March 31, 2004, of his decision to recommend that the Board terminate Mutis's employment contract. On April 14, 2004, the Board voted to do just that. Cc. 17. In general terms, the ultimate issue in this case, according to Section 1012.33(3) (d)2.b., Florida Statutes, is whether Mutis corrected noted performance deficiencies as of the two-week period after the close of the 90 calendar days' probation. In view of the issue, the initial "of record" evaluation of November 17, 2003, is primarily relevant because it established the five "noted performance deficiencies" that Mutis needed to correct.’ Indeed, the Board cannot terminate Mutis's employment based on other deficiencies allegedly found during probation or at the confirmatory evaluation, but rather must focus exclusively on those five particular deficiencies which Mutis was given 90 calendar days to correct, for reasons that will be discussed below in the Conclusions of Law. Stated more precisely, then, the ultimate question in this case is whether any of the five specific deficiencies identified in the Summary provided to Mutis on November 26, 2003, persisted after the 90-day probation. 18. The two evaluations that were conducted during Mutis's probation (on January 13, 2004, and February 18, 2004) are of present interest mainly because they show Mutis making steady progress toward eliminating the noted deficiencies. By January 13, 2004, according to Ms. Herrera-Torres, Mutis had corrected three of the five noted deficiencies (Indicators IV.A.3, VI.C.2, and VI.C.4), leaving just two (Indicators IV.A.5 and V.B.2). When Ms. Williams evaluated Mutis on February 18, 2004, she found that the teacher had corrected four of the five noted performance deficiencies, failing him only on Indicator IV.A.5. 19. The evidence presented at hearing is insufficient, however, to support findings that Mutis was, in fact, deficient 10 with respect to (a) Indicators IV.A.5 and V.B.2 as determined by Ms. Herrera-Torres or (b) Indicator IV.A.5 as determined by Ms. Williams. As for the evaluation of January 13, 2004, it is found that the purpose of the learning task observed by Ms. Herrera-Torres that day was obviously to teach students rules relating to gender identification in the Spanish language. Thus, Indicator IV.A.5, which requires that the purpose or importance of learning tasks be clear to learners, was met. Regarding Indicator V.B.2, which requires that wait time be used as appropriate to enhance the development of thinking skills, Ms. Herrera-Torres gave no testimony at hearing; and, her cor.temporaneous written summary of Mutis's alleged deficiency in this area merely states, in conclusory fashion, that Mutis afforded students insufficient “wait time to think and develop answers to questions." A subjective opinion, devoid of facts, is not enough to justify an ultimate determination of insufficient performance in this regard. 20. As for the evaluation of February 18, 2004, it is found that Mutis informed the class observed by Ms. Williams that he intended to review a previous lesson or lessons. Having told his students that the purpose of the learning task was review, Mutis satisfied Indicator IV.A.5. 21. Thus, based on the evidence presented, it is found that Mutis's performance probation in connection with the five 11 noted deficiencies should have been terminated on January 14, 2004, or February 18, 2004, at the latest.° 22. As it happened, however, Mutis’s probation was not prematurely terminated, and Ms. Rasco performed a confirmatory evaluation on March 15, 2004. She found that Mutis had corrected two of the five noted performance deficiencies, giving Mutis a passing grade on Indicators IV.A.3 and VI.C.2. The remaining three deficiencies upon which termination could legally be based are identified in the table above with the "@" symbcl. It is to these three allegedly uncorrected deficiencies thet our attention now must turn. 23. The Board contends, based on Ms. Rasco's confirmatory evaluation of March 15, 2004, that Mutis was still, as of that date, failing satisfactorily to perform the following PACES indicators: IV.A.5: The purpose or importance of learning tasks is clear to learners. V.B.2: Wait time is used as appropriate to enhance the development of thinking skills. vI.C.4: Learners receive specific feedback when learning tasks and/or learning outcomes are completed. 24. The only descriptive evidence in the record regarding Muzis's performance on March 15, 2004——and hence the only evidence of historical fact upon which the undersigned can decide whether Mutis failed adequately to perform the three 12 indicators just mentioned—consists of Ms. Rasco's testimony, together with a memorandum dated March 15, 2004, that Ms. Rasco prepared for Assistant Superintendent Essie Pace. 25. At the final hearing, Ms. Rasco recounted what she had seen on March 14, 2004, when she observed Mutis in the classroom for 50 minutes: [1] This lesson—this lesson was atrocious. [2] First of all, Mr. Mutis walked into class three minutes late, the children were already seated in class. [3] When he walked in late, and I found this particularly offensive to the students because Mr. Mutis had been free for the two periods prior, this was fourth period, he had been free during second and third period so for him to have come in late was very difficult for me to understand. [4] Secondly, he was unprepared. He did not have his lesson plans readily available. He had to rummage through the stacks of papers on his desk to find his lesson plans. [5] This was a Monday morning, he had been out Friday, and he had proceeded to teach the lesson that the children had already done on Friday with the substitute. [6] Several students started to complain they could not understand why they had to repeat the lesson that they had already done on Friday, he was asking them to read some pages from a story, and they kept on explaining to him that they had already done it. He didn't explain to the children his rationale for doing—-for having them do it again, he just went through the lesson. 13 [7] There was an inordinate amount of off- task behavior. There was one student——and in this class there were maybe seven or eight students, this was a small class, there was one student who spent a long time catapulting a pen. There was another student who had birthday balloons attached to the back of her chair, and she was playing with the birthday balloons, fidgeting with the balloons for an extended period of time. [8] There was another student who was doing his writing assignment on a little, must have been a little five, maybe, a five by eight sheet of paper even though he told the students at the beginning of the lesson to take out their folders, this child was writing on a small piece of paper, and he didn’t address it. [9] Q. Did he address any of that off-task behavior? [10] A. He did not address any of these behaviors, he did not redirect the students at any point and time. [11] Again, the questioning techniques, he was asking questions without, again, any regard to the student responses, without probing. 12] Some students, I think, were speaking in Spanish, and, again, this was an English lesson, and yet they were never redirected to the English language. This one was just— 13] Q. They were in his class to learn English? [14] A. This was an English class. Students were not given any feedback. Sometimes he asked questions, if he didn't get a response he would answer, he would 14 answer the question himself and go to the next question. is Q. Could you tell whether he appeared to care about the class? 16 A. No, it's like he had given up. 17 Q. Do children react to that? 18 A. Children were definitely reacting [19] Q. His children were? 20} A. Yes, I mean, he was not getting any cooperation or engagement from the children. Final Hearing Transcript at 74-76 (numbering added) . 26. In her contemporaneous memorandum of March 15, 2004, which supplements and explains the foregoing testimony, Ms. Rasco stated in relevant part as follows: A chronology of observations and results for the above employee is provided for your review. Data indicate that this employee has not demonstrated corrective action. Of particular concern during the confirmatory observation in Seventh/Eighth Grades Language Arts Through ESOL was: II.A.1 The teacher entered the classroom three minutes after the bell signaling the beginning of fourth period had rung. The learners had already entered the classroom. The teacher did not have his lesson plans readily available and had to take time to locate them. There was no rationale for not being prepared since the teacher did not have students in his class during second or third period. 15 TII.B.4 At the beginning of the lesson when the teacher instructed the learners to turn to pages 162-163, three different learners told the teacher they had already read those pages with the substitute teacher on Friday. The learners did not understand why they had to repeat the assignment and the teacher did not give them any reason for repeating the lesson. V.A.1 When learners attempted to develop associations using their own experiences, the teacher curtailed this experience by allowing interruptions from other learners and letting several learners speak at the same time. V.C.1 No concepts that required critical analysis or problem-solving were developed. For example, the teacher asked, "Why is it important to learn about people who have difficulties in life?" He did not get a response and proceeded to ask, "Should everyone learn sign language?" V1.A.2 Learner engagement was not monitored. There were numerous instances of off-task behavior throughout the lesson which the teacher did not address. One learner was catapulting a pen, second learner was daydreaming and not following along as others read orally, a third learner was fidgeting with her birthday balloons, and a fourth learner was writing on a 3"x8" sheet of paper instead of her notebook as the teacher had initially instructed. The teacher never re-directed the off-task behaviors during the lesson. v1l.C.4 At various points throughout the lesson, several learners made comments and responded to questions in Spanish. At no time did the teacher redirect the responses to English, assist the learners in making their comments in English, or provide feedback. 16 27. To repeat for emphasis, any findings of historical fact concerning Mutis's performance during the confirmatory evaluation must be based on the foregoing evidence, for that is all the proof there is on the subject.® 28. Ms. Rasco did not explain how she had applied the PACES indicators to her classroom observations of Mutis to determine that the teacher's performance was not up to standards. D. 29. The three indicators at issue in this case, it will be seen upon close examination, are not so much standards upon which to base a judgment as factual conditions ("indicator- conditions") for which the evaluator is supposed to look. Ifa particular indicator-condition (e.g- the purpose of learning tasks is clear to learners) is found to exist, then the evaluator should award the teacher a passing grade of "acceptable" for that indicator (in this example, Indicator IV.A.5); if not, the grade should be "unacceptable." 30. But the indicator-conditions are not objective facts, equally perceivable by all observers; they are, rather, subjective facts, which come into being only when the evaluator puts historical (or observed) facts against external standards, using reason and logic to make qualitative judgments about what occurred. Subjective facts of this nature are sometimes called 17 "ultimate" facts, the answers to "mixed questions” of law and fact. 31. To illustrate this point, imagine that the class Ms. Rasco observed on March 15, 2004, had been videotaped from several different camera angles. The resulting tapes would constitute an accurate audio-visual record of what transpired in Mutis's class that day. Anyone later viewing the tapes would be able to make detailed and accurate findings of objective historical fact, including words spoken, actions taken, time spent on particular tasks, etc. But, without more than the videotapes themselves could provide, a viewer would be unable fairly to determine whether, for example, the purpose of learning tasks was "clear" to the students (Indicator IV.A.5),/ or whether “wait time" was used appropriately to enhance "thinking skills" (Indicator V.B.2).° This is because to make such determinations fairly, consistently, and in accordance with the rule of law requires the use of standards of decision, yardsticks against which to measure the perceptible reality captured on film. 32. Another term for standards of decision is "neutral principles." A neutral principle prescribes normative conduct in a way that permits fair judgments to be made consistently— that is, in this context, enables the reaching of similar results with respect to similarly performing teachers most of 18 the time. A neutral principle must not be either political or results oriented. It must be capable of being applied across-~- the-board, to all teachers in all evaluations. 33. In the unique milieu of PACES, neutral principles could take a variety of forms. One obvious form would be stendards of teacher conduct. Such standards might be defined, for example, with reference to the average competent teacher in the District (or school, or state, etc.). In an adjudicative proceeding such as this one, expert testimony might then be necessary to establish what the average competent teacher does, for example, to provide specific feedback upon the conclusion of learning tasks (Indicator VI.C.4) or to enhance the development of thinking skills through appropriate use of wait time (Indicator V.B.2).° 34. Other standards might be definitional. For example, definitions of terms such as "wait time” and "thinking skills" would facilitate the application of Indicator V.B.2. Still other standards might be framed as tests, e.g. a test for determining whether wait time enhances the development of thinking skills. 35. However the neutral principles are framed, at bottom there must be standards that describe what "satisfactory" performance of the indicators looks like, so that different people can agree, most of the time, that the indicator- 19 conditions are present or absent in a given situation-—and in other, similar situations. Without neutral principles to discipline the decision-maker, the indicators can be used as cover for almost any conclusion an evaluator (or Administrative Law Judge) might want to make. 36. In this case, the record is devoid of any persuasive evidence of neutral principles for use in determining, as a matter of ultimate fact, whether the conditions described in the three relevant indicators were extant in Mutis's classroom on March 15, 2004, or not. E. 37. In this de novo proceeding, the undersigned fact- finder is charged with the responsibility of determining independently, as a matter of ultimate fact, whether, as of the two-week period following probation, Mutis had corrected all of the performance deficiencies of which he was notified at the outset of probation. As mentioned, the only evidence of Mutis's post-probation teaching performance consists of Ms. Rasco's testimony about her observation of Mutis for 50 minutes on March 15, 2004, which was quoted above, along with her contemporaneous memorandum to Ms. Pace. 38. Ms. Rasco's contemporaneous memorandum sheds light on her testimony by clarifying which of the indicators was implicated by particular observations. Not much of this 20 evidence, as will be shown below, is relevant to Mutis's performance in relation to the three indicators on which termination could be based. (The discussion that follows refers to che numbered answers as quoted in paragraph 25 supra.) 39. Answers 2, 3, and 4 pertain to purported deficiencies with regard to Indicator II.A.1.*° Having been rated unsatisfactory in this area for the first time on March 15, 2004, Mutis cannot be fired for these alleged deficiencies. This testimony, therefore, is irrelevant. 40. Answers 5 and 6 relate to alleged deficiencies with respect to Indicator III.B.4.*' Having been rated unsatisfactory in this area for the first time on March 15, 2004, Mutis cannot be fired for these alleged deficiencies. This testimony, therefore, is irrelevant. 41. Answers 7, 8, and 10 relate to alleged deficiencies pertaining to Indicator VI.A.2.° Having been rated unsatisfactory in this area for the first time on March 15, 2004, Mutis cannot be fired for these alleged deficiencies. This testimony, therefore, is irrelevant. 42. Answers 16, 18, and 20 were not clearly associated with any particular deficiency. The undersigned finds this testimony unhelpful in determining whether Mutis was unsatisfactorily performing in the areas of Indicators IV.A.5, V.B.2, or VI.C.4. 21 43. Answer 1 is simply a conclusion, which the undersigned finds unhelpful as a basis for independent fact-finding. 44. This leaves Answers 12 and 14, which relate to alleged deficiencies in Indicator VI.C.4, which is a noted performance deficiency upon which termination could be based. The thrust of this testimony is that Mutis addressed some students in Spanish, rather than English. Even if Mutis did this, however, such does not implicate the Indicator in question, which is concerned with the provision of specific feedback upon the completion of learning tasks or outcomes, because Indicator VI.C.4 is silent as to the means of communication. Beyond that, Ms. Rasco offered the naked conclusion that Mutis failed to provide feedback, which merely tells the undersigned how to rule and her.ce is unhelpful. 45. In sum, the evidence is insufficient for the undersigned to find, as a matter of ultimate fact, that Mutis's performance on March 15, 2004, was deficient with regard to Indicators IV.A.5, V.B.2, and VI.C.4. 46. As important as the paucity of evidence establishing the objective historical facts concerning Mutis's performance on March 15, 2004, is the failure of proof regarding neutral principles for use in determining the existence or nonexistence of the relevant indicator-conditions. Even if the undersigned had a clear picture of what actually occurred in Mutis's 22 classroom that day, he has been provided no standards against which to measure Mutis's performance, to determine whether the indicator-conditions were met or not. 47. The absence of evidence of such standards is fatal to the Board's case. To make ultimate factual determinations without proof of neutral principles, the undersigned would need to apply standards of his own devising. Whatever merit such standards might have, they would not be the standards used to judge other teachers, and thus it would be unfair to apply them to Mutis.

Conclusions For Petitioner: Madelyn P. Schere, Esquire Miami-Dade County School Board 1450 Northeast Second Avenue, Suite 400 Miami, Florida 33132 For Respondent: Leopoldo Mutis, pro se 4001 North 67th Terrace Hollywood, Florida 33024

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Board enter a final order: (a) exonerating Mutis of all charges brought against him in this preceeding; (b) providing that Mutis be immediately reinstated to the position from which he was suspended; and (c) awarding Mutis back salary, plus benefits, to the extent these accrued during the suspension period, together with interest thereon at the statutory rate. DONE AND ENTERED this 15th day of December, 2004, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. JOHN G. VAN LANINGHAM Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of December, 2004. 37

# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Viera, Florida Feb. 19, 2009 Number: 09-000957TTS Latest Update: Aug. 13, 2010

The Issue Whether Brevard County School Board (Petitioner or School Board), has just cause to terminate the professional services contract held by Joyce D. Iloka (Respondent).

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is a duly-constituted entity charged with the responsibility and authority to operate, control, and supervise public schools within the Brevard County Public School District. As such, it has the authority to regulate all personnel matters for the school district, including those personnel decisions affecting the professional teaching staff at THS. At all times material to the allegations of this case, Respondent was an employee of the School Board and was subject to the statutes, rules, and regulations pertinent to employees of the school district. At all times material to this case, Respondent was assigned to teach drafting at THS. All allegations relate to Respondent's tenure at THS and the performance of her duties as a drafting instructor. By letter dated February 2, 2009, Petitioner notified Respondent that a recommendation would be made to the School Board to terminate her employment with the school district. At its meeting on February 10, 2009, Petitioner accepted the recommendation of the school administration and voted to approve Respondent's employment termination. Respondent timely requested an administrative hearing to challenge the decision of the School Board. Petitioner charged Respondent with failure to correct deficiencies identified in a performance plan designed to assist Respondent to remediate unacceptable defects in her teaching performance. Second, Petitioner alleged that the deficiencies noted by THS personnel also constituted an additional basis for termination: incompetency. Respondent maintains that student performance must be considered in the review of her performance and that she was competent and qualified to perform her teaching responsibilities and had done so for a number of years without concern from the THS administration. Respondent began employment with the school district in 1996. She was assigned to THS from 2004-2008. From her first assignment until the 2007/2008 school year, Respondent received satisfactory performance evaluations. Petitioner utilizes an instructional personnel evaluation system known as the Performance Appraisal System (PAS). PAS was approved by state authorities and was cooperatively developed by teachers and administrators for use in Brevard County. PAS details the procedures, method, and forms to be utilized in the completion of instructional personnel evaluations. All such criteria were met in the evaluations performed of Respondent's work. Additionally, school administrators who perform employee evaluations must be thoroughly trained in PAS and must conform to the uniformity afforded by the PAS instrument. All administrators identified in this cause who performed evaluations of the Respondent were trained and were fully certified to evaluate personnel based upon the PAS instrument. Ron Philpot is an assistant principal at THS. He has worked in Brevard County for approximately 37 years and has been assigned to THS for the last 17. Lori Spinner is the principal at THS. For the 2006/2007 school year, Mr. Philpot was assigned to evaluate Respondent. Dr. Spinner signed off on Respondent's 2006/2007 performance evaluation on February 14, 2007. Respondent's 2006/2007 PAS evaluation found her to be overall "high performing." Mr. Philpot was the only administrator/observer who visited Respondent's classroom in order to complete the 2006/2007 evaluation. In his many years of performing evaluations, Mr. Philpot has given only one unsatisfactory evaluation. On December 4, 2007, Dr. Spinner visited Respondent's classroom for the purpose of observing the class and Respondent's performance. On that date there were 17 students present and Dr. Spinner made visual sweeps of the classroom every ten minutes to determine the engagement level of the students. For the time period from 12:25-12:55 p.m., no fewer than two and no more than four students were off-task or not engaged in the lesson. Dr. Spinner remained in Respondent's class for 45 minutes and completed notes from her observation. Pertinent to the allegations of this case are the following observations entered by Dr. Spinner: Instructional Organization - No teacher-based questioning was used during the entire lesson. No learning objective is evident and no agenda or objectives are noted on the board. Materials are not organized and six incidents of non-instructional/unrelated talk were noted. In the middle of the lesson, the teacher states, "Where are you third block?" "What are you working on?" Directions for activity are vague and non- specific. Teacher states "Put in a window anywhere"; "Put in a door somewhere". Teacher circulated several times to address individual concerns. Presentation of Subject Matter - Only 1 concept was presented during the lesson (rotating windows and doors)and appeared to be a review. No new concepts were presented. Instructions for the project were inadequate and vague. Visuals on the board are illegible and difficult to see. Students demonstrated confusion with assignment. Several questions went unanswered or ignored. Communication - Vague and sporadic. No teacher questioning for comprehension. Student questions went unanswered or hands- raised were ignored. In response to one question, teacher states, "I think it says something about that in your book, I think it says . . ." Teacher expressed confusion in demonstrating a plot plan. Was not able to implement the correct commands with Mechanical Desktop Architect program. Management of Conduct - Several students not engaged during lesson. Five incidents of misconduct were not addressed during the lesson. Based upon the observations noted above, Dr. Spinner met with Respondent to provide her with an interim evaluation of her performance. Of the nine individual assessment categories, Dr. Spinner identified only two items that needed improvement. Both were noted under the "Instructional Strand" heading. Comments entered by Dr. Spinner advised Respondent: Ms. Iloka had several students off task or not engaged in the lesson, throughout the class period. She did not have materials prepared in advance which resulted in lost instructional time. Teacher-student interactions often included unrelated talk and off-task discussions. There were long delays during the instructional lesson and instructions/directions were not clear for students. Requirements for the activity were not presented in advance and directions were vague. This resulted in delays in learning and gaps in instructional activities. Presentation of instructions and project directions were vague and difficult for students to follow. Requirements were not presented in advance. There was no instructional questioning during the lesson to ensure comprehension. Concepts were presented with examples only. Students did not have an instructional visual to reference as they worked with the program. Dr. Spinner attempted to communicate the areas of concern noted above but Respondent was resistant. Further, Dr. Spinner sought to encourage Respondent to continue her education and professional development as a means of continuous professional growth. Dr. Spinner hoped that Respondent would recruit more students into the drafting program because the enrollment had steadily declined during Respondent's tenure at THS. None of Dr. Spinner's suggestions were well-received by Respondent. On January 30, 2008, Dr. Spinner observed Respondent's class from 1:55-2:40 p.m. As before, Dr. Spinner made a visual sweep of the class to determine student engagement every ten minutes. Again, as before, Dr. Spinner observed two to four students not engaged during the sweeps. Many of the comments generated by the January 30, 2008, observation mirrored the prior observation. Dr. Spinner felt Respondent had made no serious effort to improve the areas of concern that needed improvement. The interim PAS evaluation signed by Dr. Skinner and Respondent on February 1, 2008, included three categories that needed improvement and noted that Respondent's overall evaluation needed improvement. To provide assistance for Respondent, Dr. Skinner assigned a teacher/peer mentor at the school level to provide direction and help to the Respondent in order to remediate the deficient areas of performance. Respondent did not avail herself of the mentor and did not implement meaningful changes to her instructional content or delivery. Later Dr. Skinner secured a mentor teacher from outside the school to assist the Respondent. Again, Respondent did not implement the suggestions made by that mentor. Dr. Spinner prepared professional development assistance (PDA) forms for areas of concern in order to identify the behaviors that were deficient, the strategies for improvement of the deficiency, and the assistance that the school would provide to Respondent. For example, the PDA dated February 1, 2008, to improve management of student conduct noted that peer mentor, Jane Speidel, would assist Respondent to develop a classroom management plan so that students who are off-task can be appropriately engaged in the learning process. According to Ms. Speidel, Respondent did not want assistance in this regard and had "no desire to adopt any new changes." On February 19, 2008, Dr. Spinner again observed Respondent's class. Many of the same deficiencies in the categories of instructional organization, presentation of subject matter, communication, and management of conduct were noted. At one point during the observation, Respondent received a sub sandwich and a drink from a colleague. As Respondent had just finished a duty-free lunch time prior to the observation time, the delivery of food during a class period seemed inappropriate to Dr. Skinner. Dr. Skinner’s next observation of Respondent's class was on February 28, 2008. Deficiencies were listed in the areas of instructional organization, presentation of subject matter, communication, and management of conduct. Many of the problems noted in prior observations were continuing. The common thread running through each observation was the failure on Respondent's part to even attempt to incorporate new strategies or concepts into her teaching effort. Specifically, with regard to student performance, students remained off task. Students continued to be confused by vague or confusing directions and exhibited an indifference to drafting. Students were observed sleeping, eating, playing solitaire, and computer games or surfing the Internet when they should have been working on projects or completing appropriate drafting assignments. On March 6, 2008, Dr. Skinner gave Respondent her annual evaluation. Unsurprisingly, Respondent was given an overall evaluation of unsatisfactory. As Respondent had made little or no effort to improve in the areas noted as deficient during the school year (as delineated in prior observations), Respondent was advised: Ms. Iloka is expected to improve in the areas noted as unsatisfactory. A formal plan and support has been provided to assist her in becoming more effective with her students. She is expected to demonstrate improvement as an expectation for continued employment. At the conclusion of the annual PAS evaluation, Respondent was advised that a 90-day probationary period would begin at the start of the 2008/2009 school year. Accordingly, from August 11, 2008, Respondent was subject to PDA plans to address deficiencies in the categories of instructional organization and development, presentation of subject matter, and management of student conduct. The same three areas of concern that were identified throughout the 2007/2008 school year continued to be a concern. On August 11, 2008, Respondent signed a letter acknowledging that she would be on probationary status for 90 days and that she would be evaluated periodically during that time. A resource teacher from the county, John Hays, was identified to Respondent as someone who would provide support and information for presenting the subject matter appropriately and developing a classroom management plan. During the fall of 2008, Respondent was observed on several occasions. None of the visits to Respondent's classroom evidenced any significant improvement on her part to address the deficient areas of performance. Assistant Principal Jerri Mallicoat completed PAS evaluations that noted the same deficiencies. Respondent did not complete lesson plans with sufficient detail so that a substitute could understand and step in for an absence. Respondent did not develop a classroom management plan to ensure that off-task students could be redirected to the assignment. Further, students committing violations of school rules (such as eating in the classroom) were not appropriately disciplined and redirected. Respondent did not avail herself of resources available through the school site mentor or county resource opportunities. Petitioner afforded Respondent with opportunities for improvement through in-service classes and mentor teachers. Respondent is a non-degreed vocational industrial arts teacher. Drafting and other vocational industrial arts classes are commonly taught by credentialed persons who achieve some industry-recognized authorization as sufficient to demonstrate knowledge of the subject matter. Respondent's knowledge of her subject area is not questioned. Her ability to translate that knowledge in a meaningful manner to a classroom of students while maintaining order and on-task behavior and her failure to recognize her need to improve performance in these areas is the subject of this cause. For whatever reason, Respondent would not or could not improve performance in the deficient areas. During the 2008/2009 school year THS used block scheduling. Teachers would have students for 90-minute blocks. Respondent was challenged to fill that time with educational content and maintain students in on-task efforts. Respondent had two blocks of drafting students. Enrollment in drafting declined such that the remainder of Respondent's work day was spent as a substitute for other teachers. Within a block, Respondent had multiple levels of drafting students, first-time drafting students up to the more advanced levels. Each level of proficiency required appropriate instruction. Drafting, like other vocational industrial arts classes, does not have a state-mandated performance assessment tool. Drafting students are recognized in the private sector by whether they are able to achieve an industry-recognized testing standard of performance. Classroom performance at THS was based upon proficient use of the program utilized to create plans and the written materials that accompanied the computer work. Students eating, sleeping, playing solitaire, computer games, or surfing the Internet did not demonstrate proficient use of drafting skills. All of these behaviors were repeatedly observed in Respondent's class. Respondent did not remediate the performance deficiencies noted in the evaluations of the 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 school years.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Brevard County School Board enter a final order terminating Respondent's employment with the School District. DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of June, 2010, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S J. D. PARRISH Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of June, 2010. COPIES FURNISHED: Joseph R. Lowicky, Esquire Glickman, Witters and Marrell, P.A. The Centurion, Suite 1101 1601 Forum Place West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Jeffrey Scott Sirmons, Esquire Johnson, Haynes, & Miller 510 Vonderburg Drive, Suite 305 Brandon, Florida 33511 Thomas Johnson, Esquire Johnson, Haynes & Miller, P.A. 510 Vonderburg Drive, Suite 305 Brandon, Florida 33511 Deborah K. Kearney, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Dr. Eric J. Smith Commissioner of Education Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1514 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Richard DiPatri, Ed. D., Superintendent Brevard County School Board 2700 Fran Jamieson Way Viera, Florida 32940-6601

Florida Laws (11) 1008.221012.331012.341012.391012.561012.571012.795120.536120.54120.569120.57 Florida Administrative Code (1) 6B-4.009
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida May 04, 1994 Number: 94-002559 Latest Update: Sep. 11, 1995

The Issue Whether the Petitioner has cause as set forth in the notice of specific charges to order that the Respondent's professional services contract not be renewed.

Findings Of Fact At all times pertinent to this proceeding, the Petitioner was a duly constituted school board charged with the duty to operate, control, and supervise all free public schools with the school district of Dade County, Florida, pursuant to Article IX, Constitution of the State of Florida, and Section 230.03, Florida Statutes. North County Elementary School (North County) and Myrtle Grove Elementary School (Myrtle Grove) are public schools in Dade County, Florida. Respondent graduated from North Eastern Illinois University in 1978. She began her employment with the Petitioner at North County at the beginning of the 1987/88 school year. At all times pertinent to this proceeding, Respondent was employed by Petitioner as a classroom teacher pursuant to a professional services contract. Teachers employed by the Petitioner are evaluated pursuant to the Teacher Assessment and Development System (TADS). This system provides for periodic observations of a teacher's performance that is followed by an evaluation of that performance. The evaluator records what he or she considers to be observed deficiencies in the teacher's performance and provides a plan, referred to as a prescription, for performance improvement. At all times pertinent to this proceeding, the TADS method was used to evaluate the Respondent's performance. Respondent taught at North County during the 1987/88 school year. The principal of North County for that school year was Gertrude Pope. Ms. Pope evaluated Respondent's performance based on the TADS method and rated her overall performance as acceptable. Ms. Pope testified that Respondent had difficulty in classroom management during the 1987/88 school year, and that she tried to help Respondent improve her classroom management by giving her materials, having her observe other teachers who were good in classroom management, and by having her view a videotape on assertive discipline. Ms. Pope wanted Respondent to develop and use in her classroom an assertive discipline plan, which consists of strategies to maintain discipline in the classroom and specifies behavioral standards and the consequences for failing to adhere to those standards. Respondent's TADS assessment for the 1988/89 school year was acceptable. In August 1989, Dr. Ruthann Marleaux became the principal at North County, a position she retained at the time of the formal hearing. On October 27, 1989, Respondent's left knee and left instep were injured at school when a child accidentally stepped on her foot. After that injury, Respondent had a significant number of absences from the classroom caused by pain and the buildup of fluid in her left knee. In February, 1990, Respondent underwent surgery to repair the damage to her knee and was placed on worker's compensation leave. Following that injury, Respondent used a cane or crutches to walk. On May 11, 1990, Respondent returned to her teaching duties at North County. This return to work was approved by the Petitioner's worker's compensation department. Following a conference with the Respondent, Dr. Marleaux, and a coordinator of the worker's compensation department, it was agreed that certain modifications would be made to accommodate Respondent's knee problem. Dr. Marleaux arranged for someone to escort the children in Respondent's class back to the classroom after lunch and after physical education. An aide was assigned to assist Respondent during the first week of her return to work. Respondent's TADS assessment for the 1989/90 school year was acceptable. Following several days of absences towards the beginning of the 1990/91 school year, Dr. Marleaux notified Respondent by memorandum dated October 10, 1990, that her absences were adversely impacting the educational environment and the progress of the children assigned to her class. The memorandum contained the following directives pertaining to future absences: Intent to be absent must be communicated directly to me or in my absence, Mr. Peter Harden, assistant principal. This is in accordance with procedures delineated in the site book. Absences for illness must be documented by your treating physician and a written medical note stating an unconditional medical release to return to full duties presented to me upon your return to the site. Site procedures for provision of lesson plans and materials for substitute teacher when absent must be adhered to in the event of any absence from the site. If it is determined that future absences are imminent, leave must be requested and procedures for Board approved leave implemented. There are 180 days in a school year. During the 1990/91 school year, Respondent was absent a total of 101 days. Despite those absences, Respondent's TADS assessment for the 1990/91 school year was acceptable. Respondent underwent surgery again on her left knee in March, 1992. After another worker's compensation leave, Respondent was assigned a teaching position at Myrtle Grove under the supervision of Cecil Daniels, the school principal. Petitioner was advised that, as of June 4, 1992, the following restrictions were placed on Respondent's activities: No weight bearing for more than 20 minutes at one time on the left knee. No squatting. No kneeling. No climbing. No lifting more than 25 pounds at one time. The duties assigned to Respondent were within the medical restrictions delineated by Respondent's doctor. On June 11, 1992, Respondent refused to assume her assigned duties at Myrtle Grove. Respondent asserted that she was entitled to light duty employment and that she had been assigned too many children. As a result of Respondent's refusal, Mr. Daniels dismissed her for the day and employed a substitute teacher for the day. On June 12, 1992, Mr. Daniels held a conference-for-the-record with Respondent concerning this incident. There was no evidence as to Respondent's TADS assessment for the 1991/92 school year. 1992/93 SCHOOL YEAR Respondent was again assigned to Myrtle Grove for the beginning of the 1992/93 school year. Shortly after school began, Mr. Daniels discovered that Respondent had failed to follow school procedures at the end of the 1991/92 school year pertaining to the records that are kept for students. Mr. Daniels had a conference for the record with Respondent on September 30, 1992, at which he discussed this deficiency with her and also discussed with her two concerns he had about her class management. One concern was the result of a complaint he had received from a parent who reported that Respondent had not attended to an injury to a student. The second concern was that there had been several fights between students in her class. On or about October 8, 1992, Respondent was transferred from Myrtle Grove back to North County. Mr. Daniels had asked the district office to make this transfer. By memorandum dated October 16, 1992, Dr. Marleaux advised Respondent in writing that the directives pertaining to absences from the work site as set forth in her memorandum dated October 10, 1990, were still in effect. Petitioner maintains an employee assistance program (EAP) as a resource for employees who have personal or family problems that may be impacting an employee's job performance. On October 23, 1992, Dr. Marleaux referred Respondent to the EAP because of marked changes in Respondent's mood. Respondent had been seen crying in the classroom and in the teacher's lounge. She was visibly upset and physically shaking. Respondent testified that she was seen by a mental health professional as a result of that referral, but there was no evidence that Respondent benefited by the referral. Respondent testified that she did not think she needed help at the time the referral was made. Respondent was formally observed in the classroom by Dr. Marleaux on October 26, 1992. There was no evidence that the timing of this observation, in light of Respondent's behavior that resulted in the EAP referral, was inappropriate. Dr. Marleaux's observation was between 11:30 a.m. and 12:20 p.m. while Respondent was teaching her third grade class mathematics. Following her observation, Dr. Marleaux prepared an observation report that rated Respondent's performance as unacceptable in the category of classroom management. Respondent began the instructional activities of the class 20 minutes late and ended the instruction 15 minutes early. There were a number of off-task students to whom Respondent did not respond either verbally or non-verbally. Although Respondent had classroom rules, it was Dr. Marleaux's observation that the behavioral expectations had not been made clear to the students and that Respondent was not implementing her assertive discipline plan. There was a contention that Dr. Marleaux was overly critical in her observations of Respondent. Based on the evidence presented, including the demeanor of the witnesses, it is found that Dr. Marleaux fairly and accurately evaluated Respondent's performance on October 26, 1992. Dr. Marleaux's observation report included a prescription to remediate Respondent's unsatisfactory performance. This prescription consisted of a number of assignments that Respondent was to complete by a date certain. She was to observe a teacher with a successful assertive discipline plan, develop five strategies used by that teacher to improve classroom management, and review her assertive discipline plan with the assistant principal. She was also to complete activities in the TADS Prescription Manual and to develop lesson plans which required full periods of instruction. The respective deadlines for completing these assignments were between November 6 and November 16, 1992. These prescribed assignments are found to be reasonable and formulated to assist Respondent to improve her job performance. Peter Harden was assistant principal at North County during the 1992/93 school year. Mr. Harden formally observed Respondent in the classroom on November 24, 1992. His observation was between 1:30 p.m. and 2:11 p.m. while Respondent was teaching her third grade class mathematics. Following his observation, Mr. Harden prepared an observation report that rated Respondent's performance in classroom management as unacceptable. Mr. Harden observations were similar to those of Dr. Marleaux during her observation the previous month. Mr. Harden observed that off-task students were neither verbally nor non- verbally redirected. Respondent began the instructional activities 20 minutes late and ended the lesson 19 minutes early. Respondent did not make behavioral expectations clear to the students. The students did not appear to be aware of the class rules and regulations. The observation report contained prescribed assignments that Mr. Harden believed would help Respondent improve her deficiencies in classroom management. A deadline of December 14, 1992, was set for Respondent to complete these assignments. Based on the evidence presented, including the demeanor of the witnesses, it is found that Mr. Harden fairly and accurately evaluated Respondent's performance on November 24, 1992. It is further found that the prescribed assignments were reasonable and formulated to assist Respondent improve her job performance. On December 14, 1992, a midyear conference-for-the-record was conducted by Dr. Marleaux with the Respondent and her union representative in attendance. Respondent's TADS evaluations following the formal observations by Dr. Marleaux in October, 1992, and by Mr. Harden in November, 1992, were discussed. Respondent had not completed her prescribed assignments at the time of this conference because she had been ill. Dr. Marleaux extended the deadlines for completing the remaining assignments. Respondent was given notice that if she ended the 1992/93 school year in a prescriptive status, there could be possible employment consequences such as a return to annual contract status or termination of employment. During the conference, Respondent asked permission to observe a handicapped teacher. In response to that request, Dr. Marleaux arranged for Respondent to observe a teacher at Kelsey Pharr Elementary School who had to use crutches to walk. Respondent was formally observed in the classroom by Dr. Marleaux on January 13, 1993, between 12:55 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. while Respondent was teaching her third grade class mathematics. Following her observation, Dr. Marleaux prepared an observation report that rated Respondent's performance in the following areas as being unacceptable: preparation and planning, classroom management, and techniques of instruction. Dr. Marleaux rated Respondent as unacceptable in preparation and planning based on her observation that Respondent did not follow at least half of her lesson plan as required by TADS. Dr. Marleaux rated Respondent as unacceptable in classroom management based on her observation that out of a one hour lesson plan, Respondent taught for only 20 minutes. Dr. Marleaux observed that there was a lot of wasted class time. Dr. Marleaux rated Respondent as unacceptable in techniques of instruction based on her observation that Respondent's teaching methods confused the students, she did not use the media resources skillfully, and she did not provide feedback to the students about their performance deficiencies. Respondent did not make any adjustment in her instruction, despite the confusion of the students. The observation report prepared by Dr. Marleaux following the observation in January 1993, contained prescribed assignments that she believed would help Respondent improve the deficiencies noted in her report. She was to write detailed lesson plans and turn them in to the principal weekly. She was to prepare all activities prior to teaching the lesson. She was to utilize the instructional activities recommended by the textbook. She was to follow the instructional methods outlined in the teacher's edition of the textbook. She was to observe a master teacher. These assignments were to be completed by January 29, 1993. Dr. Marleaux fairly and accurately evaluated Respondent's performance on January 13, 1993. The assignments prescribed were reasonable and formulated to assist Respondent improve her job performance. At the times pertinent to this proceeding, Norma Bossard was Petitioner's Executive Director for Foreign Language Arts and Reading and an experienced TADS evaluator. Ms. Bossard and Dr. Marleaux simultaneously observed Respondent in her classroom on February 19, 1993, and thereafter independently evaluated her performance. This review, referred to as an External Review, was during a language arts lesson between 10:45 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Both administrators rated Respondent unacceptable in the following categories: preparation and planning, knowledge of subject matter, techniques of instruction, and assessment techniques. Respondent was rated as unacceptable in preparation and planning because she did not follow her lesson plan. Respondent was rated as unacceptable in knowledge of subject matter because she did not develop ideas and information in a meaningful and orderly manner and because there was a lot of wasted class time. Respondent was rated as unacceptable in techniques of instruction because she did not provide feedback to the students about their performance deficiencies and strengths. Out of 23 students, only two students completed the assignment. Respondent was oblivious that students were cheating. Respondent was rated as unacceptable in assessment techniques because she did not examine work completed by students and she did not monitor whether students were learning. Respondent was prescribed activities in an effort to aid her in remediating her unsatisfactory performance. She was given a prescribed lesson format for language arts. She was to observe a seasoned teacher. She was given a series of books called "Teaching and Learning the Language Arts". Based on the evidence presented, including the demeanor of the witnesses, it is found that Dr. Marleaux and Ms. Bossard fairly and accurately evaluated Respondent's performance during their external review on February 19, 1993. It is further found that the prescribed assignments were reasonable and formulated to assist Respondent improve her job performance. On March 29, 1993, the Superintendent of Schools notified Respondent in writing that her performance during the 1992/93 school year had been unacceptable in the following categories: preparation and planning, knowledge of subject matter, techniques of instruction, and assessment techniques. She was advised that the failure to correct these performance deficiencies prior to April 13, 1994, could result in the termination of her employment at the close of the 1993/94 school year. In the spring of 1993, Respondent entered Charter Hospital, a psychiatric facility, for deep depression and anxiety. She was absent for the remainder of the school year since she was physically and mentally unable to work. On April 2, 1993, Dr. Marleaux again notified Respondent that her absences were adversely affecting the educational environment and academic progress of her students. Respondent was again directed to communicate her absences to the principal or assistant principal, to document her absences by a medical note from her treating physician, to provide a medical release to return to full duties, to provide lesson plans for the substitute teacher when she is absent, and to take leave when future absences appeared imminent. During the 1992/93 school year, Respondent was absent 78-1/2 days. On May 18, 1993, Respondent was notified of her unacceptable annual evaluation by memoranda in lieu of a conference-for-the-record because she was on leave. Respondent's overall evaluation for the 1992/93 school year was unacceptable. She was rated unacceptable in the categories of preparation and planning, knowledge of subject matter, techniques of instruction, and assessment techniques. Because she had failed to complete the assignments that had been assigned to her in an effort to correct the deficiencies in her unacceptable performance, Respondent's salary level was frozen at the end of the 1992/93 school year so that she did not receive any raise for the 1993/94 school year. 1993/94 School Year Respondent was cleared through the Office of Professional Standards to return to work at North County on August 25, 1993. The medical restrictions delineated by her doctor were implemented. In an effort to reduce the amount of walking she would have to do, Respondent was given a parking space close to the entrance to her classroom and she was given assistance in taking her students to and from lunch, to the library, and to the physical education field. Respondent was also given the same directives pertaining to absences that had been given to her on previous occasions, including in Dr. Marleaux's memorandum of October 10, 1990. Respondent requested permission to observe a teacher in a wheelchair. This request was denied because Respondent's doctor had prohibited Respondent from being in a wheelchair. The doctor preferred that she walk, with crutches if necessary, to reduce muscle atrophy. Beginning September 8, 1993, Respondent was absent again for several weeks. On September 22, 1993, Dr. Marleaux notified Respondent that the deadline for her to complete her prescribed assignments would be extended until October 8, 1993. This extension benefited Respondent since it gave her more time to remediate her deficiencies. In October, 1993, Respondent requested, through her treating physician, that she be transferred to another school, that she be given vocational rehabilitation, or that she be given a leave of absence. These requests were denied. Although Respondent argued that the denial of these requests was unreasonable, the evidence in this proceeding failed to establish that contention. Petitioner made arrangements for Respondent to have a full- time classroom aide for the remainder of the year. After a full-time aide was assigned for Respondent, Dr. Marleaux required the Respondent's aide to leave the room during formal observations. Respondent asserts that this was unfair and evidences Dr. Marleaux's bias against the Respondent. This assertion is rejected since the Petitioner established that the removal of the aide during a formal observation is standard procedure and allows the students to focus on the teacher without being distracted by the presence of the aide. On November 2, 1993, Respondent was formally observed in the classroom by Joyce Daniels, an assistant principal at North County. This observation was during a fourth grade math class and was between 9:00 a.m. and 10:10 a.m. Based on her observations, Ms. Daniels rated Respondent as being unacceptable in the following categories: classroom management and techniques of instruction. Ms. Daniels rated Respondent as being unacceptable in classroom management based on her observation that Respondent appeared to be unaware of certain students who were being disruptive and others who were not on task. Respondent did not redirect the off-task students either verbally or non- verbally. She was not following her assertive discipline plan. Ms. Daniels rated Respondent as being unacceptable in techniques of instruction because she did not use calculators as recommended in the teacher's manual and because she wrote on the board in a manner that the students were unable to see. Ms. Daniels prescribed assignments to help Respondent improve her unacceptable performance. She was to observe two of the teachers at the school and she was to view the assertive discipline plan videos and review the assertive discipline workbook. She was to meet with the media specialist for help with the use of media. Based on the evidence presented, including the demeanor of the witnesses, it is found that Ms. Daniels fairly and accurately evaluated Respondent's performance on November 2, 1993. It is further found that the prescribed assignments were reasonable and formulated to assist Respondent improve her job performance. On December 3, 1993, Respondent was formally observed in the classroom by Dr. Marleaux. This observation was from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. during her fourth grade math class. Based on her observations, Dr. Marleaux rated Respondent's performance as being unacceptable in the following categories: knowledge of subject matter, techniques of instruction, and teacher-student relationships. Dr. Marleaux rated Respondent as being unacceptable in knowledge of subject matter because she made substantial errors during the course of the lesson that created confusion on the part of the students. Respondent did not respond to the students who did not understand the lesson. Dr. Marleaux rated Respondent as being unacceptable in techniques of instruction because she did not use media resources skillfully. She did not use the calculators that were recommended and which were available in the school. She did not have her charts on the blackboard prior to the lesson. When she put the charts on the blackboard, she sat directly in front of them and some of the children could not see. Dr. Marleaux rated Respondent as being unacceptable in teacher-student relationships because Respondent did not consistently utilize the consequences in her assertive discipline plan when students failed to adhere to standards of conduct. The students were punished with different consequences for similar misbehavior. Dr. Marleaux heard Respondent make caustic comments to students. Dr. Marleaux observed that these comments drew attention to these students and embarrassed one of them. Dr. Marleaux again prescribed assignments designed to remediate Respondent's unacceptable performance. The date for submission of her lesson plans was changed to Thursday at Respondent's request. She was to meet with the guidance counselor to learn strategies that would avoid sarcasm and embarrassment to students. She was to meet with the media specialist to learn techniques in the use of media. It was recommended that she use an overhead projector. She was to observe another math teacher who had been helping her. Based on the evidence presented, including the demeanor of the witnesses, it is found that Dr. Marleaux fairly and accurately evaluated Respondent's performance on December 3, 1993. It is further found that the prescribed assignments were reasonable and formulated to assist Respondent improve her job performance. On December 13, 1993, Dr. Marleaux held a conference-for-the-record with Respondent. The purpose of the conference was to review Respondent's performance assessments and assistance and to discuss possible action by the School District if remediation were not attained. Respondent was apprised that unremediated performance deficiencies must be reported to the Department of Education and that she may not be reappointed to her teaching position for the 1994/95 school year. Respondent was formally observed by Joyce Daniels in January, 1994. In her observation report, Ms. Daniels rated Respondent's performance as being acceptable in all categories. Respondent re-injured her left knee when she fell in February, 1994. Respondent asked permission to use a wheelchair following this fall. Because the information that the school had received from her doctor reflected that Respondent should not use a wheelchair, Dr. Marleaux told Respondent not to use a wheelchair at North County. Respondent subsequently began using a wheelchair, and Dr. Marleaux did not object. During 1994, Respondent was given scheduled time to elevate her leg and put ice on her knee. On March 28, 1994, Respondent was again observed in an external review by Dr. Marleaux and Dr. E. Trausche, an administrator and TADS evaluator employed by Petitioner. This observation was between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. during a mathematics lesson. Dr. Marleaux rated Respondent as being unacceptable in the following categories: preparation and planning, knowledge of subject matter, classroom management, and techniques of instruction. Dr. Trausche rated Respondent as being unacceptable in the following categories: knowledge of subject matter and techniques of instruction. Dr. Marleaux rated Respondent as unacceptable in preparation and planning because she did not follow her lesson plan. The activities in the teacher's edition were not accomplished. She did not use the suggested materials to accomplish the activities. Dr. Marleaux rated Respondent as unacceptable in knowledge of subject matter because she used erroneous terms in her mathematics lessons and did not seem to fully understand the fractions lesson she was teaching. Dr. Marleaux rated Respondent as unacceptable in classroom management because she did not address off-task student behavior. She did not redirect the students either verbally or non-verbally. Dr. Marleaux rated Respondent as unacceptable in techniques of instruction because her demonstrations were all abstract. She did not utilize methodology outlined in the teacher's edition or teaching aides that were recommended. Her instructional methods did not meet the needs or abilities of the students. She blocked the students' view of work that was on the chalkboard. Many students were confused as to the lesson and some did not even try to do the work. She distracted students by talking to them while they were working. Respondent did not examine the students' work at any time during the lesson. Respondent was again prescribed activities to help her in overcoming her unacceptable performance. She was to observe another teacher. She was to work with the competency-based curriculum math facilitator. The grade level chairperson would work with her. She was to observe another teacher for the use of manipulatives. Based on the evidence presented, including the demeanor of the witnesses, it is found that Dr. Marleaux fairly and accurately evaluated Respondent's performance on March 28, 1994. No findings are made as to the reasonableness of the observations made by Dr. Trausche since Dr. Trausche did not testify at the formal hearing. It is further found that the prescribed assignments were reasonable and formulated to assist Respondent improve her job performance. On April 1, 1994, the Superintendent notified Respondent by letter that she had not corrected her deficiencies and he was recommending to the School Board that she not be issued a new professional contract. On April 13, 1994, the School Board accepted the Superintendent's recommendation and acted to withhold a contract from Respondent for the 1994/95 school year. Respondent's annual evaluation for the 1993/94 school year was overall unacceptable and was unacceptable in preparation and planning, knowledge of subject matter, classroom management, and techniques of instruction. Respondent was not recommended for continued employment by Dr. Marleaux. Respondent testified that on the last day she worked in May, 1994, she began to disassociate and was incoherent. Respondent described disassociating as follows: It's where you're physically located close to someone but it's, your perception is that you are some where else. I could hear her voice but it was, sounded as if I was blocks away or something. Like I could barely hear what was being said of people. It was really frightening. (Transcript, page 218, line 22 through page 219, line 2.) Dr. Marleaux notified Respondent of her unacceptable annual evaluation by memorandum dated June 3, 1994, in lieu of a conference-for-the record, due to Respondent's absences. During the 1993/94 school year, Respondent was absent for 70 days. On many occasions, Respondent was informally observed both at Myrtle Grove and at North County by the same principals and assistant principals who had observed her formally. Respondent's students were often severely off-task and disruptive of other classes. Respondent's class was noisy and out of control. Security monitors frequently came to Respondent's class to get the students under control. Respondent seemed oblivious to the class management problems. Respondent was seen crying three different times. There did not seem to be much teaching and learning taking place. During the 1993/94 school year, Respondent failed to correct the deficiencies in performance which had been identified during the 1992/93 school year, despite many attempts to assist her with activities to remediate her deficiencies. Respondent asserts that Dr. Marleaux's refusal to allow her to use a wheelchair constituted a failure to reasonably accommodate her handicapped condition following the fall. Respondent also asserts that the denial of her request for a transfer, for rehabilitation therapy, or for a leave of absence constituted a failure to reasonably accommodate her handicapped condition. While the Respondent's testimony supports that contention, there is no medical evidence to support this self-serving testimony. The testimony of Dr. Marleaux and Dr. Annunziata established that the school reasonably accommodated Respondent's condition and did not ask Respondent to perform any duties that exceeded the medical restrictions that had been set by her doctors. Respondent also testified as to certain statements and comments that Dr. Marleaux made to her. 1/ The undersigned finds, based on the demeanor of the witnesses and the totality of the evidence, that Dr. Marleaux's denial that she ever made these statements is more credible than the testimony of the Respondent.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the School Board of Dade County, Florida, enter a final order sustaining the decision to terminate Respondent's employment by the nonrenewal of her contract. DONE AND ENTERED this 11th day of August, 1995, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. CLAUDE B. ARRINGTON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 11th day of August, 1995.

USC (1) 42 U.S.C 12101 Florida Laws (1) 120.57
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-002182 Latest Update: Feb. 02, 1987

Findings Of Fact Respondent, Gloria E. Walker, holds Teaching Certificate No. 294140, issued by the Department of Education, State of Florida. Respondent is certified to teach in the area of music education. Respondent has been employed as a Music Teacher by Petitioner, School Board of Dade County since 1970. From 1973 until 1986, Respondent taught music at Dunbar Elementary School in the Dade County School District. During the 1970-71 through 1977-78 school years, Respondent received either unacceptable or marginally acceptable scores for five of the seven years on her annual evaluations. (Petitioner's Exhibits 29). During the 1973-79 school year, the School Board altered its evaluations System for instructional Personnel. During the 78-79 through 83-84 school years, Respondent's annual evaluations were rated as acceptable. However, during the school years 1981- 82 through 83-84, school and district Personnel made comments concerning Respondent's need to improve her performance and development in certain areas. (TR 298). Commencing with the 1973 school year, Respondent received assistance from Charles Buckwalter, music specialist for elementary schools for the Dade County School District. Respondent was initially contacted by Mr. Buckwalter that year because of concerns the school's Principal expressed regarding Respondent's lack of classroom management. During that year, Mr. Buckwalter visited and provided assistance to Respondent approximately seven (7) times. Mr. Buckwalter's assistance to Respondent continued during the following three (3) years. During the 1981-82 school year, Mr. Buckwalter assisted Respondent on more than four occasions during which time he attempted to demonstrate lessons concerning management techniques and the use of new materials; objectives of instruction and on January 26, 1982, Buckwalter, along with Dr. Howard Doolin supervisor of music for Dade County, visited Respondent so that Dr. Doolin could observe Buckwalter's assistance to Respondent. On April 26, 1982, Respondent and Mr. Buckwalter met for approximately three and one half hours. Buckwalter visited several of Respondent classes and demonstrated the use of certain new materials. As a part of that visit, he observed Respondent's teaching and noted that Respondent abandoned the new materials and returned to teaching the old curriculum. On November 11, 1982, Mr. Buckwalter spent approximately three hours with Respondent in which time he visited two classes and had a conference with Respondent concerning the new curriculum for level 1 students. On November 18, 1982, Mr. Buckwalter made a follow-up visit concerning Respondent's lesson plans and objectives. Additionally, he demonstrated a lesson to one of Respondent's classes. On or about November 29, 1982, Respondent was formally observed by assistant principal, H. Elizabeth Tynes. Ms. Tynes has a wealth of experience lasting more than thirty years in both Hillsborough and Dade Counties. Respondent was rated unacceptable in the areas of classroom management, teacher/student relationship and in a subcategory of assessment techniques. (Petitioner's Exhibit 7). Respondent was rated unacceptable in the area of classroom management based on a large number of disruptive students in her music class and Respondent's inability to control the students' behavior through either verbal or nonverbal strategies. Respondent was rated unsatisfactory in the area of teacher/student relationship based on her failure to demonstrate consistency as concerns student behavior, failing to praise good behavior and reprimand students for disruptive conduct. On another occasion, assistant principal Tynes listened to a musical program Respondent's students were giving over the intercom system. Ms. Tynes rated the program a "total disaster". Ms. Tynes and the principal were "ashamed" of what they heard from Respondent's music class. Respondent demonstrated skills preparation for the program as observed by Ms. Tynes. On May 19, 1983, Respondent was formally observed in the classroom by Katherine Dinkin, who was then principal of Dunbar Elementary School. Following the observation, Respondent was evaluated unacceptable in areas of classroom management, teacher/student relationship, and techniques of instruction. (Petitioner's Exhibit 17). Principal Dinkins observed that Respondent's students were not on task, the classroom was chaotic and the students only responded to directives of the Principal, as a Person of authority. Respondent was rated unacceptable in techniques of instructions based on Ms. Dinkin's observation that students were being taught at levels beyond their ability; class openings and closings were not done appropriately and Respondent failed to develop a plan for the individual needs, interests and abilities of students. Respondent was rated unacceptable in the category of teacher/student relationships based on her failure to demonstrate warmth toward the students and her inability to command respect. During this period in 1983, principal Dinkins prescribed help for Respondent as concerns observing and working with other teachers for guidance. On April 12, 1984, Respondent was again formally observed by principal Dinkins and rated unacceptable in classroom management and techniques of instructions. (Petitioner's Exhibit 21). Respondent was rated unacceptable in the area of classroom management based on her demonstrated inability to keep students on task or to develop strategies to control their behavior. Respondent was rated unacceptable in the area of techniques of instructions based on an inadequately prepared lesson plan and an inability to deliver the instructional components to students. Principal Dinkins observed that the material Respondent attempted to teach was too complicated for the students and she failed to Properly sequence her instructions. Principal Dinkins, who was tendered and received as an expert in the areas of teacher observation and assessment, was unable to observe any continuum of improvement by Respondent over the extended period of Principal Dinkins' supervision. Principal Dinkins opined that Respondent deprived her students of the minimal educational experience in music. During the 1983-84 school year, Respondent again received help from Mr. Buckwalter. As part of this help, Mr. Buckwalter organized small study groups in order to improve instructions throughout the music education department. These groups met on September 28, October 19, November 9 and 30, 1983. Respondent was asked to become part of the study group. The study group was Particularly concerned with focusing on the scope and sequence of curriculum, students' achievement and implementation of certain aspects of the curriculum, particularly as concern level 1 and 2 students. On or about August 30, 1983, Mr. Buckwalter spent the day with Respondent and a new music teacher, Ronald Gold. On or about September 27, 1983, Mr. Buckwalter visited Respondent for approximately 3 and 1/2 hours in which time he visited three of her classes and again attempted to discuss some work with Respondent concerning student management techniques including the use of a seating chart. On or about October 18, 1983, Mr. Buckwalter visited Respondent approximately four hours during which time he visited several classes and observed her using ideas gleaned from the study group. On or about November 7, 1983, Mr. Buckwalter again visited with Respondent for approximately four hours. After the conference, he taught classes with her and implemented the use of instruments to enrich the class lesson as well as the implementation and use of progress charts. On or about December 9, 1983, Mr. Buckwalter visited with Respondent for approximately 3 hours. At this time, Mr. Buckwalter expressed concern in that Respondent was not clearly understanding the intent of the school board curriculum. Respondent was rated unacceptable in the areas of classroom management, techniques of instructions, teacher/students relationships, assessment techniques and professional responsibility during her annual evaluation for the 1984-85 school year. On or about October 29, 1984, Respondent was formally observed in the classroom by assistant principal, Edwardo Martinez. Although Respondent was rated acceptable, this class was not a typical situation but rather a rehearsal of a specific program. On other occasions, assistant principal Martinez had opportunities to walk by Respondent's classroom. He often noted loud noises emanating from her classroom. During these instances, he would enter the room and immediately settle the students down. On March 26, 1985, Respondent was formally observed in the classroom by Maybelline Truesdell, Principal of Dunbar Elementary. Based on this formal observation, Respondent was rated unacceptable in the areas of classroom management, instructional techniques and teacher/student relationships. (Petitioner's Exhibit 2). As a result of the unacceptable evaluation, Respondent was given a prescription form suggesting methods in which she could improve areas in which she was rated unacceptable. (Petitioner's Exhibit 2). Respondent was rated unacceptable in the category of classroom management based on her inability to retain the students attention; her failure to open and close classes appropriately and her general observation of students being off task. Respondent was rated unacceptable in the area of instructional techniques based on the observation that she did not interact verbally with students; students were inappropriately excluded from participating in discussions of the lesson and Respondent did not use instructional methods/materials which were appropriate for the students' learning levels. (TR pages 30-35). Respondent was rated unacceptable in the area of student/teacher relationships based on her improper focusing on a small number of students; inappropriately criticizing a student assistant in the presence of other students, and a failure to use sufficient positive interaction to maintain class control. On may 3, 1985, Respondent was again formally observed by Maybelline Truesdell and rated unacceptable in the areas of classroom management; instructional techniques; student/teacher relationships and assessment techniques. (Petitioner's Exhibit 3). Respondent was rated unacceptable in the area of classroom management as she failed to properly discipline students; failed to maintain classroom control and students were off task. In the area of techniques of instruction, Respondent received an unacceptable rating in one category which remained unremediated pursuant to a prior prescription issued by Ms. Truesdell. Respondent was again rated unacceptable in the area of teacher/student relationship based on her inability to display any of the indicators considered necessary to become acceptable and her continued rejection of students who volunteered or attempted to participate; her failure to involve the entire class by focusing her attention on a small number of students to the exclusion of others and her failure to appropriately address students by their name rather than "you." (TR 39-41). Respondent was rated unacceptable in the area of assessment techniques based on her failure to follow county and state guidelines for assessing students. Specifically, Respondent failed to provide substantial evidence of (documentation) to justify grades assigned to students and her grade books did not indicate if or when she was giving formal quizzes or tests. In addition, there was no letter grade or numerical indication in Respondent's grade books to gauge academic progress. Additionally, there was insufficient documentation in the student folders to back-up student progress or to otherwise substantiate the grades assigned to students. During the 1984-85 school year, Mr. Buckwalter returned to Dunbar Elementary to again assist Respondent. On September 6, 1984, Mr. Buckwalter visited Respondent for approximately three hours during which time he visited a class; co-taught a class and attempted to assist Respondent concerning improvement in areas of student behavior and management. On November 2, 1984, Mr. Buckwalter visited one of Respondent's classes. He thereafter visited Respondent on March 22, 1985 at which time he spent approximately two hours in her classroom. He taught five classes to demonstrate strategies of progressing students from one level to another. He thereafter conferred with Respondent concerning the need to reflect a positive attitude toward students.. On March 29, 1985, Mr. Buckwalter again visited Respondent. Respondent was then using materials suggested by Mr. Buckwalter although she utilized them in a "rote" manner and included too many concepts within a single lesson. On April 18, 1985, Mr. Buckwalter returned to observe Respondent. The students were going over materials that had been taught in past years and the new curriculum was not being taught. On May 23, 1985, Mr. Buckwalter spent four hours with Respondent. They concentrated on the development of lesson plans; planned activities concerning class objectives and stressed the need to remain-on one concept until it was understood by a majority of the class. Respondent's evaluation for the 1985-86 school year was unacceptable in the areas of subject matter knowledge instructional techniques; teacher/student relationships; assessment techniques and Professional responsibility. On October 10, 1985, Respondent was formally observed by assistant principal William J. Kinney. Respondent was rated acceptable in the area of assessment techniques. Mr. Kinney offered certain suggestions to Respondent including the fact that the lesson taught would be more beneficial by more student participation. Respondent was advised of a need to immediately cure problems respecting students who were observed hitting bells with pencils and pens and the need to immediately address problems when students were observed off task. During the school year, Mr. Kinney made numerous informal visits to Respondent's classroom at which times he observed loud noises coming from Respondent's classes, chanting, fighting, furniture pushed into the walls, student misbehavior and other indications that Respondent's classroom management was ineffective. On December 3, 1985, Respondent was officially observed by principal Truesdell and was rated unacceptable in the areas of instructional and assessment techniques. (Petitioner's Exhibit 6). Respondent was made aware of her continuing problems and was provided with an acknowledged receipt of a summary of the conference-for-the-record dated Thursday, December 12, 1985. (Petitioner's Exhibit 7). Additionally, Respondent was given specific instructions in the form of a prescription concerning her grade book and instructed to strictly follow the conduct prescribed. (Petitioner's Exhibit 7). In the opinion of principal Truesdell (received as an expert in the area of teacher assessment teacher evaluation, teacher observation in the role of school principal) Respondent was unacceptable for further employment by the school district, was continuing to demonstrate ineffective classroom management, instructional techniques, assessment techniques and had done so for such an extended period of time that improvement appeared unlikely. Additionally, Ms. Truesdell considered that Respondent was unable to make sufficient competent analysis of students' individual needs and potential in the classroom; failed to ensure and promote the accomplishment of tasks to the proper selection and use of appropriate techniques; failed to establish routine and procedures for the use of materials and physical movements of students in her class; failed to employ the appropriate techniques to correct inappropriate student behavior; failed to demonstrate competence in evaluating learning and goal achievement by her students and failed to demonstrate appropriate interpersonal skills required of a teacher to maintain discipline and effectively teach in a classroom environment. On February 7, 1986, Respondent was officially observed in her class by Marilyn Von Seggern, music supervisor for Dade County and by Ms. McCalla, assistant principal at Dunbar, under the provision of the TADS program. (Petitioner's Exhibit 23). Following that observation, Respondent was rated unacceptable in the areas of subject matter knowledge, instructional techniques, assessment techniques and teacher/student relationships. In the Professional opinion of Marilyn Von Seggern, received herein as an expert in the areas of music education, teacher observation and assessment, Respondent was depriving students of the minimum educational experience and had serious problems concerning her ability to communicate and relate to students respecting the music curriculum. On January 16, 1986, Respondent was formally observed in her classroom by Dunbar's assistant principal Carolyn Louise McCalla, and was rated unacceptable in the areas of classroom management, techniques of instruction and assessment techniques. (Petitioner's Exhibit 24). Based on Mr. Buckwalter's repeated observation of Respondent's classroom and teaching techniques, Mr. Buckwalter opined that Respondent's students were not receiving the minimum education required by the Dade County School System as concerns the curriculum for music. As example, on one occasion Mr. Buckwalter observed Respondent presenting an organized lesson to students which was quite successful and upon his return approximately five minutes later, Mr. Buckwalter observed that Respondent was not teaching the new successful lesson but had instead reverted back to an old lesson and her students were observed inattentive and generally off task. (TR pages 250-254). On March 26, 1986, Respondent was having difficulty maintaining her students' attention to the point that the students were out of control. While Respondent was attempting to stop a certain student from chanting and beating on the desk, Respondent tried to restrain the student and in so doing, Respondent broke her watch band and scratched the student on her face. The student required hospitalization and although the injury was deemed an accident, Respondent's lack of classroom control and management played a major part in causing the incident. Pursuant to a request by the School Board, Respondent, on April 30, 1986, was evaluated by psychiatrist, Gail D. Wainger. Dr. Wainger took a medical history from Respondent which included Respondent's revelation of previous psychiatrist treatment. Dr. Wainger observed that Respondent had a very flattened, blunted affect with little emotional expression. She related that this was a sign of a patient who was recovering from a major psychiatric episode. Additionally, Respondent showed difficulty recalling recent events. Dr. Wainger diagnosed Respondent as having chronic residual schizophrenia with a possible personality disorder including impulsive and avoidance features. Dr. Wainger opined that a person with such diagnosis would have difficulty being an authority figure and that this would be especially Problematic for students who needed positive reinforcement. On April 28, 1986, Respondent attended a conference-for-the-record with the school board's administrative staff. A past history of performance and evaluations was reviewed. Additionally, the investigative report concerning the injury of the student which occurred March 26, 1986 was also reviewed. Respondent was informed that the matter would be referred to the School Board for possible disciplinary action. (Petitioner's Exhibit 31). On May 21, 1986, the School Board took action to suspend Respondent's employment and initiated the instant dismissal proceeding against her. (Petitioner's Exhibit 32). For the 1985-86 school year, Respondent's annual evaluation indicated that she was rated unacceptable in five of seven categories and was not recommended for re-employment. (Petitioner's Exhibit 13).

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Petitioner, School Board of Dade County, enter a Final Order sustaining the suspension, without pay, of Respondent, Gloria E. Walker and dismissing Respondent, Gloria E. Walker as a teacher in the Dade County Public Schools. That the Petitioner, Ralph D. Turlington, as Commissioner of Education, entered a Final Order finding Respondent guilty of incompetency and incapacity. It is further Recommended that the Education Practices Commission enter a Final Order suspending Respondent's Florida Teacher's Certificate No. 294140, issued by the Department of Education, State of Florida, for a period of three years based on incompetence and incapacity. DONE and ENTERED this 2nd day of February, 1987, in Tallahassee, Florida. JAMES E. BRADWELL Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of February, 1987.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57120.68
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