The Issue Which certificate of need application seeking to establish a new 120-bed community nursing home in Nursing Home District 6, Subdistrict 5 (Polk County), on balance, best satisfies the statutory and rule criteria for approval: Lakeland Oaks NH, LLC’s CON Application No. 10309, or Eighth Florida Living Options, LLC’s CON Application No. 10303.
Findings Of Fact The Parties Lakeland Oaks NH, LLC Lakeland Oaks, LLC, is a Delaware, limited-liability company formed by Greystone Healthcare Management Corporation (Greystone) for the purpose of filing its certificate of need application at issue in this proceeding. Greystone is a Delaware, for-profit, corporation which operates 26 skilled nursing facilities, two assisted living facilities, and six home health branches in Florida. It also operates 10 nursing homes in Ohio. Recently, Greystone constructed and opened a new nursing home known as The Club Health and Rehabilitation Center at the Villages (The Club Villages) in Marion County, Florida. Greystone is headquartered in Tampa, Florida adjacent to Polk County. Eighth Florida Living Options, LLC Eighth Florida Living Options, LLC, is a Florida, limited-liability company formed by Florida Living Options, Inc. (Florida Living Options) for the purpose of filing its certificate of need application at issue in this proceeding. Florida Living Options is a Florida not-for-profit corporation which operates three skilled nursing facilities, three assisted living facilities, and two independent living facilities in Florida. Among them, Florida Living Options operates an assisted living facility known as Hawthorne Lakeland in Polk County, Florida, and recently constructed and opened a new nursing home in Sarasota, Florida, known as Hawthorne Village of Sarasota. Florida Living Options is headquartered just outside of Tampa about six miles from the Greystone headquarters. Agency for Health Care Administration AHCA is the state agency that administers Florida’s CON program. Procedural History The Fixed Need Pool On October 3, 2014, the Agency published a need for 203 additional community nursing home beds in Nursing Home Subdistrict 6-5 encompassing Polk County, for the July 2017 Planning Horizon. In response, eight applicants, including Lakeland Oaks and Eighth Florida, filed CON applications seeking to establish new community nursing home beds in Polk County. On February 23, 2015, the Agency published official notice of its decisions on those applications. The Agency awarded all 203 beds from the fixed-need pool, approving applications filed by Florida Presbyterian Homes, Inc. (14 beds), Lakeland Investors, LLC (69 beds), and Lakeland Oaks (120 beds). The Agency denied the remaining applications; including Eighth Florida’s CON Application No. 10303 seeking 120 beds from the fixed-need pool. Eighth Florida initially challenged all three awards, but voluntarily dismissed its challenge to Florida Presbyterian Homes, Inc. and Lakeland Investors, LLC’s awards prior to the final hearing. As a result, only 120 of the 203 beds in the fixed-need pool are at issue in this proceeding. The Proposals Greystone’s Lakeland Oaks Lakeland Oaks’ CON Application No. 10309 proposes to develop a 120-bed skilled nursing facility (SNF) in Sub-district 6-5, Polk County, consisting of 60 private rooms and 30 semi- private rooms. Lakeland Oaks proposes to offer high quality, short- term rehabilitation services and long-term care services in a country club style atmosphere. Some of the services Lakeland Oaks plans to offer include physical, occupational, and speech therapy; wound care; pain management; and lymphedema therapy. Lakeland Oaks’ proposal is partially modeled after a new SNF established by Greystone called The Club Villages in Marion County, Florida. Greystone developed The Club Villages in 2012 through the transfer of 60 beds from New Horizon NH, LLC, d/b/a The Lodge Health and Rehabilitation Center, an existing 159-bed skilled nursing facility in Ocala, Marion County. The Club Villages provides short-term rehabilitation to patients in a resort-style environment. The Club Villages has been successful since its opening, achieving full utilization within less than six months of operation. It recently added eight additional beds, resulting in a total bed complement of 68 beds, through a statutory exemption for highly utilized nursing home providers. The Club Villages was awarded the LTC & Senior Living LINK Spirit of Innovation Award, which recognizes facilities with innovative and inspirational designs. As of the final hearing, Greystone had not made a formal decision on site selection for the proposed Lakeland Oaks project. However, the evidence at hearing showed that Greystone plans to construct the proposed Lakeland Oaks facility in Polk County at one of four potential sites located near the I-4 interstate and major roadways for easy accessibility in an area with a high concentration of residents age 65 and older. The potential sites are in close proximity to the existing acute care hospitals in Polk County, which, from a health planning perspective, would promote a coordination of care. Given the number of available potential sites, it is not expected that Greystone will have difficulty securing a location for the proposed Lakeland Oaks project. Eighth Florida Living Options Eighth Florida’s CON Application No. 10303 proposes to establish a 120-bed SNF next to Hawthorne Lakeland, Florida Living Options’ existing assisted living facility in Polk County. The proposed facility will consist of two 60-bed pods, consisting of private and semi-private rooms. If approved, Eighth Florida’s proposed SNF will be part of a campus known as Hawthorne Village. In addition to the proposed SNF and Hawthorne Lakeland, Eighth Florida affiliates also plan to construct and operate a second assisted living facility and an independent living facility on the Hawthorne Village campus. An important part of Florida Living Options’ business model is to provide skilled nursing, assisted living, and independent living services on the same campus. By providing different levels of care on the same campus, it is envisioned that residents of Florida Living Options’ facilities can transition among the facilities as their care needs change. Eighth Florida plans to model its proposed skilled nursing facility on Hawthorne Village of Sarasota (Hawthorne- Sarasota), which opened in January 2013. Compared to Greystone’s The Club Villages, Hawthorne-Sarasota had a slow ramp up and only achieved 85 percent utilization after 24 months of operation. The Agency’s Preliminary Decision On February 23, 2015, in Volume 41, Number 36 of the Florida Administrative Record, the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) announced its intent to award 83 of the beds identified to be needed in Polk County to other applicants not involved in this hearing; to approve the application of Lakeland Oaks for CON 10309 for 120 beds; and to deny the application of Eighth Florida for CON 10303 for 120 beds. Statutory and Rule Review Criteria The statutory review criteria for reviewing CON Applications for new nursing homes are found in section 408.035, Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code Rule 59C- 1.036.1/ Each statutory and rule criterion is addressed below. Section 408.035(1)(a): The need for the health care facilities and health services being proposed There is a need for additional community nursing home beds in Nursing Home Subdistrict 6-5, Polk County. Both Lakeland Oaks and Eighth Florida’s CON applications seek to fulfill a portion of the published need for additional beds in Polk County. In addition to the published fixed-need pool, both Lakeland Oaks and Eighth Florida have stipulated to the need and performed their own needs assessment that verified the need for additional community nursing home beds in Nursing Home Subdistrict 6-5, Polk County. At present, Polk County has 24.7 nursing home beds per 1,000 residents. Even with the addition of 203 beds as projected by the fixed-need pool, population growth will cause Polk County’s bed ratio to decline to only 23.6 beds per 1,000 residents by the end of the planning horizon. Accordingly, there is a need for additional community nursing home beds in Polk County. Polk County has a large, fast growing elderly population. According to population data published by AHCA, from 2010 to 2014, the 65 and older population in Polk County grew by nine percent, which exceeded the statewide growth rate of six percent. For the time period 2014 to 2017, the 65+ population in Polk County is expected to grow at an even faster rate of 10 percent, which is substantial. Section 408.035(1)(b): The availability, quality of care, accessibility, and extent of utilization of existing health care facilities and health services in the service district of the applicant Polk County currently has twenty-four (24) nursing home facilities with 2,945 licensed beds. Polk County’s existing nursing home beds are highly utilized. For the 12-month period ending June 2014, Polk County’s existing nursing home beds had a total average occupancy rate of 90.29 percent. That occupancy rate is higher than the national rate and Nursing Home District 6’s average occupancy rate as a whole. At such high utilization, Polk County’s existing nursing home beds are not sufficiently available to Polk County residents. Further, Polk County’s existing nursing home beds are not adequate to meet the projected increase in demand for skilled nursing services in Polk County over the planning horizon. Eighth Florida proposes to locate its skilled nursing facility in Zip Code 33813, co-located with Florida Living Option’s existing assisted living facility. The need for additional community nursing beds in Polk County, however, is countywide and not specific to a particular zip code or assisted living facility. In contrast, Lakeland Oaks’ proposed project is located and designed to address the needs of Polk County residents as a whole with access designed to locate near a major hospital, and, as such, will better ensure access to short-term rehabilitation and long-term care services in Sub-district 6-5. Section 408.035(1)(c): The ability of the applicant to provide quality of care and the applicant’s record of providing quality of care Both applicants go to great lengths to provide and improve their quality of care. Both applicants propose to use an electronic health record (EHR) system called Point Click Care (PCC). All of Florida Living Options’ facilities currently use PCC. Eighteen (18) of Greystones facilities use PCC, and, by the end of 2016, all Greystone facilities will use PCC. In addition to PCC, both Greystone and Florida Living Options use “Casamba,” a rehab-specific electronic medical record that enables the facilities to maintain electronic plans of care and track patients’ progress in real-time throughout their stay. Greystone and Florida Living Options have implemented Quality Assurance Performance Improvement (QAPI) plans in their facilities. The QAPI program is a rigorous program for the improvement of quality of care and overall performance. It addresses the full range of services offered by a nursing home and is designed to promote safety and high quality with all clinical interventions while emphasizing autonomy and choice in daily life for residents. A QAPI plan is now mandated for use in all nursing homes. Both Greystone and Florida Living Options initiated the QAPI program in their facilities before mandated to do so. Both Greystone and Florida Living Option have developed a range of policies and programs designed to promote quality of care in their respective facilities. Greystone, for example, develops “Centers of Excellence” within its facilities. A Center of Excellence has specialized expertise in treating patients with certain conditions such as stroke, pulmonary, cardiac, or orthopedics. Greystone has developed Centers of Excellence that relate to short-term rehabilitation and therapy, and partners with health systems to develop initiatives to reduce hospital readmissions. In addition to Centers of Excellence, Greystone develops other specialized programs in its facilities tailored towards common diagnoses of patients discharged from area hospitals. All Greystone facilities have an internal Risk Management/Quality Assurance program overseen by a committee that includes the medical director of each SNF. The committee meets on a monthly basis to assess resident care and facility practices as well as to develop, implement, and monitor plans of action. Greystone also routinely conducts on-site mock surveys of its facilities to ensure that they are in compliance with all federal and state laws and regulations. Greystone employs a variety of organization-specific quality improvement policies and programs, including the Believe Balance Assessment Tool, the Operation Make a Difference Policy, the Care Line Policy, and the Culture of Care Program, to promote quality of care within its facilities. The Believe Balance Assessment Tool is a scorecard that enables facilities to monitor their performance with respect to such criteria as patient satisfaction and clinical care. The Operation Make a Difference Policy is intended to help Greystone facilities identify opportunities for improvement and implement positive change to improve the facilities’ quality of care and patient well-being. Greystone’s Care Line is a toll-free number that is staffed 24 hours a day and allows Greystone to quickly address resident and/or family member concerns. Greystone’s Culture of Care program is designed to ensure that Greystone patients receive patient-centered care that meets their individual needs. Greystone also provides voluntary patient satisfaction surveys to its short-term rehabilitation patients upon discharge. For the period December 2014 to July 31, 2015, 92 percent of former residents indicated that they would recommend a Greystone facility to patients in need of short-term rehabilitation care. In sum, Greystone has developed strategies that help its facilities provide quality care. Florida Living Options is also working constantly to improve the quality of care in its facilities. Personnel in its facilities hold regular meetings with their hospital partners to track and reduce readmissions and work with hospitals to develop protocols for dealing with the diagnoses that result in most readmissions. Florida Living Options develops particular protocols for treating conditions that it sees and treats regularly in its nursing homes. Internally, they hold daily quality assurance meetings to discuss recent developments and immediate resident needs, and hold weekly “at-risk” meetings to evaluate particular cases and assure that the residents are being treated in the most appropriate manner. Florida Living Options’ facilities include physician treatment rooms in their nursing homes, which encourage physicians to come to the nursing home more often and to examine patients regularly. In addition, Florida Living Options has Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners in each of its buildings to provide enhanced nursing services as directed by the doctor. In order to provide for each resident’s specific needs, residents in Florida Living Options’ facilities are fully evaluated and an individual care plan is prepared immediately upon admission, together with a discharge plan that identifies anticipated discharge so that care can best prepare residents for that event. Finally, Florida Living Options continues to follow a discharged resident to confirm that they are doing well and access any continuing needs. Both applicants propose rehabilitative facilities and equipment for its residents. Eighth Florida proposes to equip its facility with state of the art HUR equipment with the capability to transmit patient performance directly to the Casamba electronic records program. The equipment can be used for strength conditioning, transfer improvement, and balance improvement, among other things. Florida Living Options has developed specific protocols for treating rehabilitative conditions. Eighth Florida’s therapy gym will include two types of “zero G” devices: ceiling track and hydro track. These devices allow persons who are not weight bearing (or who are partially weight bearing) to develop strength and balance without having to put all of their weight on their legs. Two additional specific pieces of equipment proposed for Eighth Florida include a VitaStim device that provides electrical stimulation that helps a person relearn how to swallow, and a device called Game Ready. Game Ready is popular with football trainers and orthopedic patients that use ice and pressure to reduce swelling and pain around elbow and knee joint replacement sites. Greystone outfits the gyms in its skilled nursing facilities with a variety of rehab equipment, including high-low tables, mats, hand weights, leg weights, and modern strengthening machines. In addition, many Greystone SNFs have additional high-end, state-of-the-art equipment such as the AlterG and Biodex. The AlterG is an anti-gravity treadmill that enables patients with weight-bearing restrictions to use their muscles, preventing disuse atrophy. A Biodex is used for balance re-training. If approved, Lakeland Oaks proposes to have separate therapy gyms for its short-term rehabilitation and long-term care programs. By having two therapy gyms, Lakeland Oaks would be able to offer therapy services tailored to both patient populations’ needs. In contrast, Eighth Florida proposes to have one centralized therapy gym for its entire facility. Although quality may be measured by many metrics, the five-star rating system published by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has become the most commonly used measure of quality among nursing homes. CMS is the federal agency that oversees the Medicare and Medicaid programs. CMS developed the five-star rating system for nursing homes in 2008. The ratings are scaled on a statewide basis and provide a mechanism to compare nursing homes within a state. Only 10 percent of nursing homes in a state receive a five-star rating. Seventy percent receive a two through four-star rating. The bottom 20 percent receives a one-star rating. A nursing home’s score is derived from a variety of criteria, including the results of its health inspection surveys, staffing data, and quality measure scores. A nursing home’s star rating is available on the CMS Nursing Home Compare website. As of July 2015, Greystone’s average star rating for its Florida facilities was 3.3 stars, which is above average. For the same time frame, Eighth Florida’s average rating was 2.6 stars or slightly below average. Further, several Greystone facilities, including The Club Villages, received five-star ratings. Greystone has also received other quality-related awards. In 2015, seven skilled nursing facilities operated by Greystone in Florida received the American Health Care Association National Quality Award Program Bronze Award. The Bronze Award is awarded to SNFs that have demonstrated their commitment to quality improvement. In addition, Greenbriar Rehabilitation and Nursing Center, a Greystone facility located in Bradenton, Florida, was awarded the Silver Award in recognition of its good performance outcomes. In contrast, only one Florida Living Options’ skilled nursing facility has received the Bronze Award. Florida Living Options explained that it decided not to pursue additional bronze awards believing that these awards reflect more of a paperwork compliance than an actual measure of quality. The greater number of awards received by Greystone, however, has not been ignored. Section 408.035(1)(d): The availability of resources, including health personnel, management personnel, and funds for capital and operating expenditures, for project accomplishment and operation Lakeland Oaks’ total project costs, as reflected in Schedule 1 of its CON application, are $22,877,084. The total project costs are based upon a detailed budget and workpapers underlying the numbers contained in the financial schedules to Lakeland Oaks’ CON application. Because of its size, Greystone is able to purchase equipment at a lower cost than other smaller providers. The project costs include $1.2 million for equipment. The equipment list is based upon consultation with Greystone’s purchasing department and identification of what items are needed, along with the cost of those items. The project costs set forth in Lakeland Oaks’ Schedule 1 are reasonable and appropriate. Schedule 2 of Lakeland Oaks’ CON application sets forth an accurate and reasonable listing of Lakeland Oaks’ capital projects (i.e., only the proposed Lakeland Oaks SNF). Schedule 3 of Lakeland Oaks’ CON application identifies the source of project funds, and reflects the two sources included in Schedule 2: cash-on-hand and non-related company financing. Based on the audit of the parent organization of Lakeland Oaks, Greystone has a large amount of cash-on-hand, totaling $21,972,271. This greatly exceeds the projected $4,575,414 cash-on-hand needed for the project. With respect to non-related company financing, Lakeland Oaks included a letter from The Private Bank, an outside lender that previously has worked with Greystone in the financing of its skilled nursing facility projects. The letter indicates the bank’s interest in funding the Lakeland Oaks project. Greystone previously has obtained approximately six mortgages from this outside lender to acquire properties and develop projects. The lender has never declined to finance a project proposed by Greystone. The lender typically funds between 75 and 80 percent of the cost of a project. Lakeland Oaks will be able to obtain the necessary outside financing to fund the remainder of the cost of the Lakeland Oaks project. Lakeland Oaks’ projected staffing for its facility is set forth on Schedule 6A of its CON application. In projecting its staffing, Greystone considered its other skilled nursing facilities that are comparable in size to Lakeland Oaks and the projected payor mix of Lakeland Oaks. Facilities with higher Medicare populations, such as the proposed Lakeland Oaks facility, generally require higher levels of staffing in light of the acuity of Medicare patients recently discharged from hospitals. In addition, Medicare patients often require physical therapy services. Lakeland Oaks specifically considered the higher resource utilization required by Medicare patients in developing its projected staffing. Additionally, Lakeland Oaks considered the needs of managed care patients and long-term Medicaid patients in connection with its projected staffing. To calculate the projected wages, Lakeland Oaks considered the actual wages paid at comparable Greystone facilities, adjusted those wages using a Medicare wage index that accounted for inflation, and utilized the wage index applicable to Polk County facilities. The projected staffing, and the annual salaries associated with staffing the facility, are reasonable and appropriate. Lakeland Oaks will be able to staff the facility at the projected salaries. While Florida Living Options explained its recruitment program and generous benefits package to attract qualified employees, its proposed funding is unconvincing. Schedule 3 of Eighth Florida’s CON application shows that Eighth Florida proposes to fund its project with $250,000 cash-on-hand and $24,452,400 in related company financing. Schedule 3 does not reflect any non-related company financing. The CON application requires an applicant to attach proof of the financial strength to lend in the form of audited financial statements. The only audited financial statement Eighth Florida included in its application is the financial statement of the applicant entity, which reflects only $250,000 cash-on-hand. Eighth Florida omitted the audited financial statements of any related entity that would reflect the ability to fund the approximately $24 million to be obtained from the related party. As a result, Eighth Florida failed to prove its ability to fund the project, and the project does not appear to be financially feasible in the short term. While there was a letter within its application discussing the possibility of outside financing, Eighth Florida’s CON application is premised upon funding by affiliate reserves. Indeed, Schedule 1, lines 32-41, indicates that information pertaining to outside financing is inapplicable because the project is 100 percent funded by affiliate reserves and no fees or interest charges are anticipated. If Eighth Florida had proposed outside financing, it would have had to complete those lines of the application. Section 408.035(1)(e): The extent to which the proposed services will enhance access to health care for residents of the service district While both applicants argue that their proposed projects will improve access to health care for residents of Subdistrict 6-5, Lakeland Oaks’ proposed project will better enhance access. Eighth Florida’s zip code analysis and focus on serving residents of Hawthorne Village is myopic when compared to Lakeland Oaks’ proposed project designed to provide access to Polk County as a whole. Section 408.035(1)(f): The immediate and long-term financial feasibility of the proposal Schedule 3 of Lakeland Oaks’ CON application sets forth an accurate and reasonable source of funds to develop the project. As previously explained, Greystone is financially capable of funding the project, partially from cash-on-hand and partially from outside financing. The project is financially feasible in the short term. Lakeland Oaks’ projected utilization of its skilled nursing facility is reflected on Schedule 5 of its CON application. The projected utilization is reasonable and achievable. Greystone has been able to achieve a high rate of utilization at The Club Villages in a short period of time. Greystone also has a process to inform hospitals and physicians of its skilled nursing services, including the placement of clinical liaisons in hospitals and physician offices. Greystone also enjoys a good reputation that serves to attract patients, including specifically Medicare patients, to its facilities. Finally, the Lakeland Oaks facility will house long-term care residents, which generally are easier to attract to a facility than patients in need of short-term rehabilitation. With regard to long term financial feasibility issues, Schedule 7 of Lakeland Oaks’ CON application sets forth revenues based on patient days and an assumed payor mix. The payor mix assumptions and projected revenues are accurate and reasonable. The assumed payor mix is based on the experience of other Greystone facilities. Specifically, Lakeland Oaks projects in its second year of operation 7.96 percent self-pay patient days; 29.2 percent Medicaid days; 41.59 percent Medicare Part A days; 15.04 percent “Other Managed Care” days. Medicare Advantage, or Medicare Part C, accounts for 90 percent of the “Other Managed Care” days. Finally, Lakeland Oaks projects 6.19 percent in “Other Payer” patient days, including VA and hospice patients. Based on Greystone’s experience at other, similar facilities, the forecast is reasonable. Schedule 8 of Lakeland Oaks’ CON application sets forth its projected income statement for the facility, including total revenues and expenses. For year two of operations, Lakeland Oaks will have a projected total net income of $1,997,665. This is an accurate and reasonable projection, and the project will be financially feasible in both the short-term and long-term. With regard to the reasonableness of Lakeland Oaks’ fill rate, Greystone facilities have experienced an average occupancy in excess of 91 percent for the years 2010-2013. Greystone has demonstrated the ability to obtain a 94 percent occupancy level in many of its facilities, and it is reasonable to project that it will be able to achieve the 94-percent occupancy projected for the Lakeland Oaks facility within two years. Eighth Florida’s expert, Sharon Gordon-Girvin, agreed that Lakeland Oaks’ projected 94-percent occupancy is achievable. Lakeland Oaks’ projected Medicare census is in line with the Medicare population served by Greystone at its other facilities, including a 150-bed home in Miami-Dade County (39 percent Medicare), a facility in Marion County (42 percent Medicare) and The Club Villages (83 percent Medicare). Eighth Florida’s own expert, Ms. Gordon-Girvin, prepared three CON applications for Greystone that reflected substantial levels of Medicare utilization and did not object to the projected Medicare population. Additionally, CMS data shows that Polk County has a high number of Medicare beneficiaries in comparison to the entire State of Florida, with 119,643 Medicare beneficiaries. Polk County is ranked in the top 10 counties in Florida in terms of the number of Medicare Part A beneficiaries. Finally, a facility in Polk County, Spring Lake, which serves a substantial number of Medicare patients in need of rehabilitation services, experiences a Medicare utilization rate of 64 percent. In sum, Lakeland Oaks’ projected Medicare utilization is reasonable and achievable. Lakeland Oaks projected $150,000 for property taxes as part of its CON application. While Eighth Florida’s financial expert, Steve Jones, opined that Lakeland Oaks’ projected property taxes were understated, his analysis computed the property tax based on certain components of Lakeland Oaks’ projected project costs. Property taxes, however, are based on an assessed value of property, not the costs to construct a facility. Lakeland Oaks’ financial expert, Mr. Swartz, examined the 2015 property taxes at Greystone’s other facilities. The highest property tax rate for any of the Greystone facilities, when inflated forward one year, is $149,381.62. This is consistent with Lakeland Oaks’ projected property taxes of $150,000. Thus, the projected property taxes as set forth in the application are reasonable and accurate. In its CON application, Eighth Florida projected a year one loss of $1,646,400 and a year two profit of $502,945. However, Eighth Florida’s CON application reflects erroneous financial projections and financial deficiencies, some of which were acknowledged by Eighth Florida’s financial expert, Mr. Jones. First, Eighth Florida’s projected Medicaid rate is erroneous. Eighth Florida assumed an incorrect occupancy rate in calculating its Fair Rental Value Rate (FRVS) rate, which is the property component of the Medicaid rate paid by the State of Florida. Specifically, Eighth Florida assumed a 75 percent occupancy in year two of its operation, while the Medicaid allowable rate is 90 percent occupancy in year two. Eighth Florida’s financial expert, Steve Jones, acknowledged the error in the assumed Medicaid rate related to the occupancy factor. In addition, Eighth Florida will not qualify for principal and interest in its FRVS calculation. A provider must have 60 percent mortgage debt in order to receive principal and interest in its FRVS computation. Eighth Florida does not meet the 60 percent test because it relies upon related-party financing, which is not considered a mortgage. Further, Eighth Florida utilized an erroneous interest rate. Because it does not project any outside financing, nor a mortgage, it should have used the Chase Prime Rate, which is about 2.25 percent less than what Eighth Florida assumed in it Medicaid rate calculations. These errors are material in that they result in approximately $135,000 in overstated Medicaid revenue and overstated net income for year two, during which Eighth Florida’s financial schedules project a net profit of approximately $500,000. In response to the opinion that Eighth Florida would not be entitled to principal and interest in its assumed FRVS rate, Mr. Jones maintained that the financing of the project would qualify for treatment as a mortgage, even though the application is premised upon related-party financing. However, AHCA’s rate setting department concluded that borrowing from a related party against reserves, as proposed by Eighth Florida, cannot be considered a mortgage. Mr. Jones conceded that he had never seen AHCA recognize affiliated entity debt as a mortgage. Considering the facts and opinions offered at the final hearing, it is concluded that related party borrowing cannot be treated as a mortgage. Moreover, Schedule 1 of Eighth Florida’s CON application did not include any construction period interest. Lakeland Oaks’ healthcare financial expert, Ronald Swartz reasonably estimated that approximately $700,000-$750,000 in construction period interest was omitted from Eighth Florida’s project costs. As a result, Eighth Florida would require more cash-on-hand to fund the extra costs. This, in turn, affects the income statement, resulting in understated expenses and overstated net income. Mr. Jones acknowledged that construction period interest is normally included. In this application, he did not include that item based upon a cost/benefit analysis and his conclusion that the inclusion of construction period interest would not provide “useful” financial information. Based upon Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and relevant financial standards pertaining to the capitalization of interest, whether construction period interest should be included in financial projections generally turns on concepts of time and materiality. Here, the construction project will take nearly two years, and construction period interest will total approximately $700,000 to $750,000. Thus, construction period interest is material and the interest charge should have been included in Eighth Florida’s financial schedules. Next, Eighth Florida projected a utilization or “fill” rate that is higher than the fill rate Florida Living Options was able to achieve when it opened Hawthorne-Sarasota. A fill rate describes how quickly a facility reaches an anticipated occupancy level. It is appropriate to consider Florida Living Options’ prior history of filling its new facilities. With regard to Florida Living Options’ experience at Hawthorne- Sarasota, that facility reached 85 percent occupancy by the end of its second year of operation. The Sarasota facility had approximately a 35 percent occupancy level at the end of year one, which translates to a first year average occupancy of 16 or 17 percent. At the beginning of year two, it experienced approximately 43 percent occupancy. In contrast, Eighth Florida’s CON application projects an 89 percent occupancy level by month 11. Based on Florida Living Options’ experience in Sarasota, the projection is unreasonable. If Eighth Florida’s proposed facility fills at the same rate as the Sarasota facility, year two of Eighth Florida’s operation would result in a larger financial loss and a greater need for working capital. Given that, Eight Florida’s year two projected net income would actually become a net loss, and additional working capital would be needed. While Eighth Florida’s expert, Mr. Jones, sought to distinguish the Sarasota market from the Polk County market, nonetheless, it is relevant to examine the occupancy level Florida Living Options was able to achieve in connection with the opening of a new facility in the Sarasota market. The financial feasibility of a skilled nursing facility is an important consideration. Considering the issues surrounding Eighth Florida’s fill rate at the end of year one, construction period interest, and the erroneous Medicaid rate, it appears likely that Eighth Florida would experience a year two net loss, bringing into question the long-term financial feasibility of Eighth Florida’s CON application. Section 408.035(1)(g): The extent to which the proposal will foster competition that promotes quality and cost-effectiveness It stands to reason that approval of either application will foster competition due to the fact that additional nursing home beds with new amenities are proposed to be added in Polk County. The extent of that competition, however, is not evident, and the undersigned agrees with the determination of AHCA on page 93 of its State Agency Action Report submitted in this proceeding that “These projects are not likely to have a material impact on competition to promote quality and cost-effectiveness.” Section 408.035(1)(h): The costs and methods of the proposed construction, including the costs and methods of energy provision and the availability of alternative, less costly, or more effective methods of construction The Florida Building Code (Building Code) governs the design and construction of skilled nursing facilities. Under the Building Code, a skilled nursing facility may be designed based on either an “institutional” design model or a “household” design model. To obtain AHCA’s approval of a proposed SNF, AHCA requires parties to designate which design model has been selected. An institutional design model involves centralized services. By contrast, the household design model involves decentralized services contained within a “neighborhood” or unit. Section 420.3.2.2 of the Building Code regulates the household design model, and requires that dining activity in social areas be decentralized and included within the resident household. Section 420. further provides that “each resident household (unit) shall be limited to a maximum of 20 residents.” Additionally, section 420. requires that two individual households be grouped into a distinct neighborhood with a maximum of 40 residents who may share the required residential core areas. Lakeland Oaks’ architectural expert, Bo Russ, and his firm, Architectural Concepts, created the schematic design used in Lakeland Oaks’ CON application. In addition, Mr. Russ and Architectural Concepts provided cost estimates, systems descriptions, and the construction timeline for the project. Architectural Concepts has worked with Greystone in the development of other skilled nursing facilities in Florida, including the design and construction of The Club Villages, The Club at Ocala, and The Club at Kendall. The design of The Club Villages is based on a hospitality model (i.e., the resident-centered culture change model). The social and dining areas of The Club Villages are located within individual neighborhoods. Each neighborhood has a private dining room. Patient rooms surround the dining area. The Club Villages includes a Bistro Restaurant located at the center of the facility for family members and guests. The Club Villages also has space for the provision of rehabilitation services, including two large gyms within the physical therapy suite. The facility has skylights throughout the structure and other features to retain residential elements. In preparing the architectural design for Lakeland Oaks’ proposal, Architectural Concepts incorporated certain aspects of the design of The Club Villages. The Lakeland Oaks design is based on the “institutional model,” but with certain embellishments intended to give the facility a “household,” residential feel. The proposed Lakeland Oaks facility is approximately 84,000 square feet. The facility has 10-foot ceilings, a residential-oriented interior design, residential lighting, residential furniture, a large porte cochere, a lobby area similar to The Club Villages, a Bistro, a central dining area within the community that is divided into four dining rooms with unique interior vernacular, a movie theater, a satellite therapy gym, offices for staffing, a separate Activities of Daily Living suite, a doctors lounge, and three nursing units. With regard to physical therapy services, the proposed Lakeland Oaks facility will include two large gyms at the center of the therapy suite, a private outpatient therapy entrance, a large classroom, and space for other ancillary services. The design will allow for a concierge approach to therapy to treat patients in need of those services. The proposed Lakeland Oaks facility is reasonably and appropriately designed for use as a skilled nursing facility, and promotes high quality of care. In developing the design of the facility, Mr. Russ considered the fact that Lakeland Oaks proposes to offer both short-term and long-term care. Greystone has developed two similar skilled nursing facilities, The Club at Kendall, a 150-bed skilled nursing facility, and The Club at Ocala, a 154-bed facility, both of which are similar in design to Lakeland Oaks. Greystone has received AHCA approval of the design and construction for both of those facilities. Lakeland Oaks’ proposed construction costs are $17,289,054, or $185 per square foot. The estimated construction costs are based on similar projects, including The Club at Ocala at $178 per square foot. The construction costs are reasonable and appropriate. The architectural plan, design, and features presented by Lakeland Oaks satisfy the architectural criteria applicable to skilled nursing facilities in Florida. The facility complies with all applicable construction, design, and life safety code requirements. Lakeland Oaks also presented a reasonable timeline for completion of the project. The timeline is based on Greystone’s prior experience in constructing similar skilled nursing facilities. Mr. Russ reviewed Eighth Florida’s architectural plans and schematics for conformity with applicable criteria. Eighth Florida’s architectural plans and schematics were prepared by Bessolo Design Group (Bessolo Group). Because of design flaws inconsistent with the Building Code, the architectural plans and design proposed by Eighth Florida and Bessolo Group should not be approved by AHCA. Eighth Florida’s proposed design will be reviewed by AHCA based on the provisions governing the institutional design model. The design fails to meet certain distance requirements found in the Building Code provisions governing an institutional design. Specifically, Florida Building Code section 420. (now renumbered as Building Code section 450. provides that the travel distance from the entrance door of the farthest patient room to the nurse’s station cannot exceed 150 feet. In addition, the distance from a patient room to a clean utility and soiled utility room cannot exceed 150 feet. Based on the schematic plan presented by Eighth Florida and Bessolo Group, the distance from the most remote patient room to the nurse’s station well exceeds 150 feet. In addition, the distance from the most remote patient room to the soiled/utility rooms well exceeds 150 feet. These flaws cannot be remedied without substantial design changes. In addition, the Eighth Florida/Bessolo Group design includes deficiencies related to smoke compartments, nourishment stations, and other items. These more minor flaws can be remedied without substantial changes. However, as to the 150-foot limit, Eighth Florida’s non-compliance makes the design a failed model. The facility cannot be approved in its current design. In order to be approvable, the facility would need to undergo a major redesign, including a change in the size and configuration of the building. This, in turn, would impact all of the financial assumptions contained in Eighth Florida’s CON application. In response to Mr. Russ’ opinions, Eighth Florida’s architectural expert, Kevin Bessolo, contended that the deficiencies related to the 150-feet distances from the patient room to the nurses station and soiled/clean utility areas were not fatal because the plan was based upon the “household model.” Mr. Besselo acknowledged that, if the design is considered to be “institutional,” then the travel distances would exceed the 150-foot distance requirements. Mr. Besselo also acknowledged that a skilled nursing facility can either be an institutional design model or a household design model, but not both. Mr. Bessolo further acknowledged that his position that the plan is approvable is contingent upon the design being considered under the household design model in accordance with the Building Code. Mr. Bessolo disagreed with the criticism offered by Mr. Russ regarding the 150-feet distance requirements because he contended that his design presents a household model. Eighth Florida’s schematic design, however, does not comply with the Building Code’s requirements for a household design model. Eighth Florida’s proposed building is divided into 30-bed neighborhoods that exceed the Building Code’s 20-bed maximum for the household design. In addition, Eighth Florida’s plan presents three households sharing a central services area. Finally, the dining area presented in the Eighth Florida plan is centralized, rather than decentralized as required for the household design model. Because the proposal does not qualify as a household model, AHCA should review it under the institutional plan provisions. In turn, Mr. Bessolo offered criticisms of Lakeland Oaks’ proposed architectural plan. These included issues related to the distance to soiled utility exceeding 150 feet, resident storage areas, central bathing area, no emergency food storage, smoke compartment issues, secondary exit issues, and the planned movie theater. However, unlike Eighth Florida’s major deficiencies related to the 150-foot distant limits from the nurse’s station and from the clean and soiled utility rooms, the criticisms offered by Mr. Bessolo are easily rectifiable by Lakeland Oaks without substantial change. I. Section 408.035(1)(i): The applicant’s past and proposed provision of health care services to Medicaid patients and the medically indigent Greystone has a strong history of serving Medicaid patients in Florida. On a company-wide basis, 53.65 percent of all patient days in Greystone SNFs were provided to Medicaid patients during calendar year 2014. Lakeland Oaks plans to treat Medicaid patients at its proposed facility. In its second year of operation, Lakeland Oaks projects that almost 30 percent of its patient days will be Medicaid days. Additionally, if “dual eligibles” (i.e., patients with Medicare as a primary payer but also eligible for Medicaid) are taken into account, Lakeland Oaks’ provision of services to Medicaid patients will be even higher. Lakeland Oaks’ payor mix assumptions were based on Greystone’s actual experience at comparable SNFs in Florida and are reasonable. Eighth Florida projects in its second year of operation that approximately 40 percent of its patient days will be Medicaid days. As previously explained, that projection is questionable. The evidence at hearing showed that Hawthorne- Sarasota, the facility upon which Eighth Florida’s proposal is based, had only eight percent Medicaid utilization after one and a half years of operation. IV. Factual Summary The facts set forth above demonstrate that Greystone has proposed a well-funded, financially feasible, well-designed skilled nursing facility that will improve Polk County access to short term and long term skilled nursing care for residents of Polk County. Greystone has demonstrated a proven record of providing high quality of care and the ability to assure quality of care for the Lakeland Oaks proposal. In contrast, Eighth Florida’s application was largely focused on improving access to those services within a certain zip code and for residents of the Hawthorne Village community and not residents of Polk County as a whole. Greystone, Lakeland Oaks’ parent company, has a long, well-established history of providing high quality care at over two dozen skilled nursing facilities in Florida. On the other hand, Florida Living Options, Eighth Florida’s parent, only operates three skilled nursing facilities in Florida and does not have as extensive of a track record in providing high quality care. Moreover, Greystone has a well-established history of providing skilled nursing services to a large volume of Medicaid patients. On a company-wide basis, over 50 percent of Greystone’s patient days consist of Medicaid patients. Conversely, Hawthorne-Sarasota, the facility upon which Eighth Florida’s proposed project is based, had only eight percent Medicaid utilization in its first year and a half of operation, calling into question Eighth Florida’s projection of 40 percent Medicaid utilization in its application. Further, Eighth Florida has proposed to build a nursing home with questionable inter-company financing and uncertain financial feasibility. Eighth Florida’s facility design does not meet code requirements and is unlikely to be approved as proposed without substantial changes. Considering both applications and the facts submitted at the final hearing as outlined above, it is found that Lakeland Oaks’ CON application, on balance, best satisfies the applicable statutory and rule criteria.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Agency for Health Care Administration enter a final order approving Lakeland Oaks NH, LLC’s CON Application No. 10309 and denying Eighth Florida Living Options, LLC’s CON Application No. 10303. DONE AND ENTERED this 22nd day of February, 2016, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JAMES H. PETERSON, III Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The Desoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida32399-3060 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of February, 2016.
Findings Of Fact Donald Davis is the promoter behind the formation of Community Hospital of Collier, Inc. He is a health care management consultant and a principal of the firm Health Research and Planning Associates, Inc. In his profession he concentrates on the promotion and development of health care facilities. He has engaged previously in the business of forming corporations for the purpose of submitting applications and obtaining Certificates of Need. He also provides consulting services to health service corporations. Neither Davis nor the other principals of the applicant corporation, including his wife, have any experience or expertise in constructing or operating hospitals, and Davis admitted that the sole purpose for forming the entity known as Community Hospital of Collier, Inc. was for the purpose of submitting an application and prosecuting it in order to obtain a Certificate of Need for an acute care hospital for District VIII. Mr. Davis' own company, Health Research and Planning Management Associates, Inc. was paid $15,000 by Community Hospital of Collier, Inc. to develop the Certificate of Need application at issue. Community has "a couple of thousand dollars" in its own bank account. The officers and directors of Health, Research and Planning Management Associates, Inc. are the same as those of Community Hospital of Collier, Inc. On June 15, 1983, after having previously filed a letter of intent, Mr. Davis filed an application for a Certificate of Need for a 152-bed acute care hospital on behalf of Community Hospital of Collier, Inc. Mr. Davis is an officer and director of that corporation. The articles of incorporation for Community Hospital of Collier, Inc. which gave it its de jure status were not signed until July 29, 1983 and were not filed with the Secretary of State until August 19, 1983. Be that as it may, Mr. Davis maintains that the Board of Directors of Community ratified the filing of the application. That authorization found at page 44 of the application, however, refers to the Board of Directors of Community Health Care of Okaloosa/Walton. The resolution was dated June 7, 1983 and Mr. Davis testified that the use of the name Community Health Care of Okaloosa/Walton in the caption of that Board of Director's resolution was a "typographical error." In any event, the applicant corporation had no legal existence at the time the application was filed on June 15, 1983, however, by its later acts in filing and prosecuting the application it implicitly, at least, ratified the action of its promoter, Mr. Davis, in filing the application since the officers and directors consisted of Mr. Davis, his wife and a third individual. Be that as it may, Community negotiated a stock purchase agreement with National Medical Enterprises (NME) on August 15, 1984. Pursuant to this agreement, NME is obligated to purchase all capital stock of Community if a Certificate of Need for 100 beds or more is awarded. In return for the sale of the stock of the applicant corporation to NME, Mr. Davis and the other two board members of Community will receive a total of $600,000 in addition to the $15,000 Mr. Davis has already received for his efforts in preparing and prosecuting the Certificate of Need application. The only asset of Collier is the inchoate Certificate of Need. Upon consummation of the stock purchase agreement, Mr. Davis will resign from the Board of Directors and presumably NME will appoint its own board. Community has given full authority to NME to prosecute the application as it sees fit, including making certain changes NME deemed appropriate to the application, including seeking 150 beds instead of 152 and changing the method and means of financing the project (mostly equity instead of debt). Additional changes in NME's approach to prosecution of the application include the proposed method of recruitment of personnel and management of the hospital. Community has no agreements with any other group, entities or individuals to provide financial, personnel and other resources necessary to construct, manage and operate an acute care hospital and did not demonstrate that it has any such resources in its own right. Mr. Frank Tidikis, Vice-President for Operations for the eastern region for National Medical Enterprises, testified concerning the financial and management resources and staffing arrangement NME proposes for the new hospital should it be authorized. He enumerated many medical specialties that NME intends to place on the staff of the hospital, but neither Community nor NME have done any studies revealing what types of medical specialties are presently available in the Collier County area, how many physicians in those specialties are available and what ratio exists or is appropriate for various types of physicians to the community population. The proposed staffing pattern, sources and method of recruitment was predicated solely on NME's past experience in obtaining hospital staff in other areas of the nation, and not upon any study or other investigation showing the availability of appropriate types of trained staff people in reasonable commuting distances of the proposed hospital, which would be located in northern Collier County. If NME consummates the purchase agreement, the hospital would be locally managed by a board of directors consisting of 51 per cent of the hospital's own medical staff and 49 per cent lay members chosen from the community at large. FINANCING Mr. Michael Gallo was Community/NME's expert in the area of health care finance, being NME's Vice-President for Finance. It was thus established that the total cost of the project, if approved, would be approximately $23,600,000. This amount would be financed by NME which proposes to make a 35 per cent equity contribution in the amount of approximately $8,500,000 and which will finance the balance of the project cost at a rate of approximately 13 per cent interest for 20 years. NME projects that an average daily patient census of 45 would be necessary to "break even." A daily census of 45 would yield 6,425 patient days per year, with the facility projected to break even in its first year of operation. NME projects that by the third year of operation, a return on investment of 10 to 12 per cent would be achieved. NME's projections are based on an assumed average length of stay per patient of 5.6 days. NME allocated two and sone-half per cent of its projected gross revenues for indigent patient care, and four per cent of projected gross revenues allocated to bad debt, that is, uncollectible hospital bills, not necessarily related to indigent patients. The $600,000 which NME must pay Community Hospital of Collier and Mr. Davis in order to acquire the assets of that corporation (i.e. the CON) will be treated as a project cost and will be depreciated as though it were a part of the buildings. Community/NME projects its total revenue per adjusted patient admission to amount to $4,843, with projected total revenue per adjusted patient day at $865. It predicts these figures will increase by about five per cent for successive years as a factor of inflation. The proposed hospital site consists of approximately 12 acres, available at a price of $30,000 to $50,000 per acre. The application itself originally proposed a location in the central or southern portion of Collier County. However, after NME entered into the agreement with the applicant corporation for the stock purchase and became involved in the prosecution of the application, the location was changed. Thus, it was discovered at the outset of the hearing that indeed, the proposed location of Community of Collier's hospital would be in the northern portion of Collier County in close proximity to Lee County. 1/ The proposed $360,000 to $600,000 land cost would of course, be added to the total cost of Community's proposed project. It has not been demonstrated what use would be made of the entire 12 acres, nor that the entire 12 acres is required for the hospital, its grounds, parking and ancillary facilities. STAFFING One of the reputed benefits of Community's proposed project is that it would afford a competitive hospital in the Collier County health services market to counter what Community contends is a virtual monopoly held by Naples Community Hospital, as well as to promote the attraction of more qualified medical staff to that "market". In this context, Community contends that its facility, by being built and operating as an alternative acute care hospital, would attract more physicians to the Collier County area and thus, arguably, render health services more readily available. Community thus decries the supposed "closed staff" plan of Naples, contending that Community offers an "open" staffing plan, which would serve to attract more physicians to the geographical area involved and enhance Community's ability to appropriately staff its hospital. Naples Community Hospital, on the other hand, experiences numerous physicians vacationing in the area requesting staff privileges. Many of these physicians apparently do not have any intention of permanently locating in the Naples/Collier County area, however, and therefore in order to determine which physicians are seriously interested in locating there, Naples has a screening procedure which includes an interview with the Chief of Staff, the Assistant Director for Staff Development, and the chief of the service for which a physician is applying for privileges. This preliminary screening procedure is not tantamount to a closed staffing situation, which only exists where a fixed number of physicians are permitted on a hospital staff, with others waiting until an opening occurs. In the open staff situation, as exists at Naples, no matter how rigorous the screening process, there is not a finite number of staff physicians available. Any physician who qualifies under the hospital bylaws and assures the screening committee of his intention to locate in the area served by the hospital is admitted to the staff. Thus, the staffing pattern for physicians at Naples Community Hospital augurs just as well for the attraction of physicians to the Collier County vicinity as does the staffing method proposed by Community. In that vein Naples has granted privileges to 13 new physicians in the preceding calendar year and had 8 applications pending at the time of hearing. Only one applicant was denied privileges during that year. Additional factors which must be considered in the context of staffing such a hospital concern the ability of the applicant to provide quality of care and appropriate, available resources including health care and management personnel to operate the facility. Aside from demonstrating that NME, through the stock purchase agreement, may obligate itself to provide ample funds and other resources to fund, staff and operate the project, and that it has successfully staffed and operated hospitals in numerous locales, Community did not demonstrate what likely sources would be drawn upon for nurses and other staff members to staff its hospital in order to avoid recruiting most of them from nearby facilities, including Naples Community, which could precipitate a diminution in the quality of health care at these other facilities. In short, other than showing that NME's management has the financial resources and experience to accomplish the staffing and operation of the hospital, there was no demonstration by Community which would establish the availability of sufficient health care personnel to operate and manage its hospital at adequate levels of care. COMPETITION Community contends that its facility should be built in order to foster competition in the provision of health care services in Collier County. It took the position, through its expert witness, Dr. Charles Phelps, that the Naples hospital holds a monopolistic position in Collier County inasmuch as it is the only hospital in the county. It should be pointed out somewhat parenthetically, however, that this "County market area" theme ignores the fact that this application is for an acute care hospital in District VIII, which is not subdivided by rule into County sub-districts for health care planning purposes. Further, Community originally proposed locating its hospital in the central or southerly portion of Collier County, but as of the time of the hearing, proposed to locate its hospital in the northerly portion of Collier County with a service area it itself proposed which will include the southerly portion of Lee County. This area is also within the service areas of Naples Community Hospital, Lee Memorial Hospital, Fort Myers Community Hospital and the soon to be constructed Gulf Coast Osteopathic Acute Care Hospital. Thus, in its attempt to establish Naples Community Hospital as occupying a monopolistic position in the "Collier County health care market", Community did not establish that Collier County either legally or practically is a separate health care market demarcated by the county boundary with Lee and Hendry Counties, such that Naples' status as the sole acute care hospital within the legal boundaries of Collier County is monopolistic. Indeed, it competes for patients with the Lee County hospitals named above in the northern Collier-southern Lee County market area involved. Community attempted to demonstrate a monopolistic situation in favor of Naples Community Hospital by comparing its relative increase in costs per day and costs per patient stay with Fort Myers Community Hospital and Lee Memorial Hospital. Naples Community Hospital did indeed exhibit the largest rate of cost increase in both those categories. Community's expert, Dr. Phelps, opined that lack of competition in the Naples area caused the disparity in rate of increase in costs between Lee County hospitals and the Collier County hospital. Naples called Ed Morton, who was accepted as an expert witness in hospital financial analysis, reimbursement, hospital auditing and accounting, financial feasibility and corporate finance. It was thus established that Naples does not occupy a monopoly position and provides health care at lower costs than would be the case should the Community Hospital facility be constructed. Mr. Morton demonstrated that analyzing total costs per adjusted patient day does not reliably indicate the efficiency of a hospital, since such daily costs fluctuate with the average length of stay. A better indicator for determining hospital efficiency is to analyze total revenue per adjusted admission. A comparison of Lee Memorial, Naples Community Hospital, Fort Myers Community Hospital and NME's six Florida hospitals was employed based on data provided to the hospital cost containment board for the years 1980 through 1983, in order to show which hospital operated more efficiently and tended less toward monopolistic market positions. In making this comparison, Mr. Morton employed the "total revenue per adjusted admission" and "total revenue per adjusted patient day" methods of comparing the hospitals. He used this approach because it reduces to a common denominator the various values and statistics utilized in the hospital cost containment board formulas. It was thus established that Naples has the lowest total revenue per adjusted admission and lowest total revenue per adjusted patient day of all the hospitals depicted in the comparison study (Naples Exhibit 23). Naples total revenue per adjusted admission is $400 to $1,900 less than each of the other hospitals. One reason Naples experiences less total revenue is because its charges are lower, since it employs some 1,600 volunteer workers. If these workers were paid at a minimum wage they would reflect a cost of approximately $600,000 per year. Further, the hospital over the years has obtained large donations of money and labor through funding drives, all of which have enabled it to keep charges down for its patients and to continue to operate certain services at a deficit. For instance, Naples has a discreet pediatric unit, which means a physically separate, self-contained pediatric care unit, with specialized staff, who perform no other services than those they are designated to perform in pediatrics. That unit operates at a deficit repeatedly since 40 per cent of the Naples pediatric patients originate from the Immokalee area, which is characterized by an extremely high percentage of indigent persons. Naples' witness Morton performed a patient origin study which shows that approximately 84 per cent of Naples' patients originate in Collier County, 12 per cent originate in Lee County, particularly southern Lee County, and two per cent originate from unrelated areas. The Naples Community Hospital is located in Naples, approximately in the mid-section of Collier County and a significantly greater distance from the northern Collier/Lee County line than will be the Community facility, if built. Community expects to draw approximately one-half, or six per cent, of the 12 per cent of Naples' patient load which is derived from Lee County. NCH however, at the present time, competes with Fort Myers Community Hospital and Lee Memorial Hospital, in particular, for patients from both southern Lee County and northern Collier County, Community's proposed service area. Thus, NCH does not maintain a monopoly serving Collier County or Community's proposed service area to the exclusion of these other hospitals. The placement of Community's facility at a point much closer to the Lee County border than is Naples' present facility would result in the injection of a fourth or fifth strong competitor into the Collier County-southern Lee County patient origin and health service market area, rather than merely the addition of a second competitor for Naples Community Hospital. ADVERSE COMPETITIVE EFFECTS Both Lee Memorial Hospital and Fort Myers Community Hospital already draw a substantial number of patients from southern Lee County, as well as northern Collier County. Gulf Coast Osteopathic Hospital, after protracted litigation, has secured approval of a Certificate of Need to build an osteopathic acute care hospital in the southerly portion of Lee County. That Final Order authorizes 60 beds. It is fair to assume, inasmuch as these hospitals are already drawing from southerly Lee County, that the capture of the patient market in southern Lee County will be made much more pervasive with the addition of the Gulf Coast Osteopathic acute care facility. That being the case, insofar as the 1989 horizon year is concerned, far less than 12 per cent of the Lee County origin patient days now available to hospitals located in Collier County will actually be available. Community will thus draw even less than its own projected six per cent of its patient days from Lee County. In any event, it is logical to conclude that substantially all the patient days resultantly available to a Collier County situated facility will be derived from Collier County upon the advent of the Gulf Coast Hospital. Thus, any patients drawn to Community, if its facility were built, would be at the direct expense of NCH. That being the case, it is reasonable to conclude that the analyses performed by Mr. Morton, Naples' expert, which reveal that Community Hospital will potentially siphon off as many as 80 patient days per day from Naples Community Hospital, is accurate. If this occurs, it would mean that approximately 29,200 annual patient days would be garnered by Community. Mr. Morton's analysis established that a resultant raising of rates by Naples would have to occur in the amount of $240 per patient day. Failure of Naples to so raise its rates to patients, would cause an annual revenue deficiency of 6.5 million dollars. This increase of $240 per patient day would result in a $1,536 increase in the average charge per adjusted admission, based upon the average length of stay at Naples which is 6.2 days. Even if Community obtained only half its patients from the Naples Community Hospital, (a likely understatement of its patient market impact), the resulting loss to Naples per patient day would be $220 with a concomitant necessary increase, in average patient charges per admission in the amount of $768, in order for NCH to remain financially viable. If Naples were unable to raise its charges to compensate for this loss of patients to the Community facility, then it would have to curtail services currently rendered on a deficit basis, such as its discrete pediatric unit, which experiences a 40 per cent indigent patient utilization. Community's own projections show that it expects to garner 27,790 patient days, which for the above reason, are likely to all be gained at the expense of NCH. This will result in the loss to NCH of at least 76 patient days per day with a resultant revenue shortfall nearly as high as that postulated by Morton as a result of his patient origin study and adverse impact analysis. Thus, in terms of lost patient days and lost revenue, both the figures advanced by Naples and those advanced by Community reveal that a substantial adverse impact will be occasioned to Naples by the installation of Community's hospital, especially in view of its location at approximately the midpoint between the Lee County boundary and NCH's facility in Naples. Naples derives approximately 54 per cent of its gross patient revenues from Medicare reimbursement. Four per cent of its revenues are represented by Medicaid patient reimbursement. Eight to nine per cent of its billings are not collected because of non-reimbursable, indigent patient care and bad debts. Community will obtain from 76 to 80 patient days per day case load now enjoyed by Naples Community Hospital. Community projects that its billable case load will be characterized by four per cent Medicaid reimbursable billings, and six and one- half per cent of its annual case load will be represented by indigent and bad debt uncollectible billings. Forty-six per cent of NCH's indigent and bad debt cases come from the Immokalee area lying east of State Road 887 and north of State Road 846, and the Community Hospital would be built approximately midway between that area and the location of NCH. Therefore, based upon Community's own projection of total billings for 27,790 patient days, or at most, 29,200 days per year, (according to NCH's figures which depict the loss to NCH of 80 patient days instead of 76) it becomes obvious that Community's bad debt, indigent case billings would actually be in the neighborhood of 17 per cent of its total, billable case load, rather than the six and one-half per cent it projects in its application and evidence. This would render the bad debt, indigent patient-based uncollectibles of Community to be on the order of four million dollars per year. Such a high magnitude of bad debt, uncollectible billing experience can reasonably be expected since Community's Hospital would be constructed between the source of most of the indigent bad debt case load and NCH's location. This location is also in the center of the most affluent, rapidly developing residential area of Collier County. Given the fact that Community-NME's proposed location is likely to attract a high indigent, bad debt case load from the economically depressed Immokalee area, approaching the magnitude of 17 per cent of total case load, if a policy of freely accepting indigent, uncollectible cases were followed by Community-NME, but considering also the fact that Community proposes to locate its hospital in the service area it has delineated to include the most concentrated source of more affluent, privately paying patients available to these competing hospitals, it cannot be concluded that Community-NME plans to incur such a high financial risk by free acceptance of indigent, charity cases. Rather it seeks to largely serve the collectible, private-paying patient source of northwestern Collier County, hence its recently altered proposed location. This determination is borne out by the experience of NME's other Florida hospitals, which are characterized by a very low percentage acceptance of indigent, bad debt, patient service. Thus, it is quite likely that NCH would be relegated to continued service of this large number of indigent, nonpaying patients while Community/NME would serve a patient base composed of largely private-paying and Medicare reimbursed patients drawn primarily from NCH, a significant financial detriment to that entity, which at present experiences a rather precarious operating ratio, characterized by, at best, a three per cent profit margin. Such an eventuality would force upon NCH the choice of raising its rates substantially or curtailing services, or both, with the probable alternative of seeking taxpayer subsidization of such an increased charity case load. NCH effectively competes with the pertinent hospitals in Lee County for the same patient base, due to its lower charges, as shown by the fact that Naples has the lowest revenue per adjusted admission and per adjusted patient day of the hospitals in Collier and Lee Counties. Thus, any increase in charges at Naples necessitated by the adverse effect of the installation of Community's hospital would put it at a distinct additional disadvantage in competing with the Lee County hospitals. A similar financial resultant adverse impact would be imposed on Lee Memorial, Fort Myers Community and Gulf Coast in terms of declining utilization and revenues. It is further noteworthy that Community's own projection of annual patient days reveals that it will experience an occupancy rate of approximately 50 per cent. It has not been established how 27 to 29 thousand patient days with a concomitant occupancy rate of only SO to 51 per cent can support a 150-bed free standing, acute care hospital with a full complement of ancillary services, which fact renders the financial feasibility of Community's proposed hospital substantially in doubt. In terms of the relationship of adverse impacts on existing hospitals to the legislative goals of hospital cost and rate containment, it should be pointed out that the current utilization rate of all hospitals in this area District VIII are declining, partly as a result of the impact of the "diagnostic related groups" (DRG) method of reimbursement. The utilization at NCH for the first six months of 1984 has dropped to 62.3 per cent. The utilization rate of the Lee County hospitals has been reduced to approximately 65.4 per cent. The addition of another acute care hospital to this area, which is established to likely experience a utilization of only 50 to 51 per cent itself, would only cause the current low utilization rates to plummet more drastically. This situation would substantially impair the financial viability of all existing hospitals in the relevant area of District VIII, and Community, as well. Thus, if the proposed Community Hospital were added to this area, it would only aggravate the problem the CON approval process is designed to prevent, that of avoiding escalating health care rates and costs, concomitant decline in adequate levels of service and unnecessary duplication of services. GEOGRAPHIC ACCESSIBILITY In support of its assertion that by 1989 a portion of its service area will not be accessible within 30 minutes driving time of an existing hospital, Community adduced the testimony of Mr. Michael Dudek, accepted as an expert traffic engineer. Mr. Dudek plotted the time and distance of travel from NCH, Cape Coral Hospital, Lee Memorial Hospitals Fort Myers Community Hospital, Eastpoint Hospital, the future Gulf Coast Hospital and proposed Lee Memorial 100-bed satellite facility. He employed the "floating car method" in determining travel times from each hospital to points 30 minutes from the hospital. He projected future travel times along the same routes with a view toward growth in traffic volume based upon population growth. Mr. Dudek opined that in 1989 there will be, under average traffic conditions, a portion of northern Collier and southern Lee Counties which will not be within 30 minutes average travel time of any existing hospital. In his own opinion, in peak travel seasons, coextensive with seasonal, winter population peaks in this geographic area, the situation will be aggravated such that the territory where residents are more than 30 minutes driving time from existing hospitals will expand. Mr. Dudek conceded that vehicles on roads adjacent to main artery roads would reach various main arteries at different times, depending on the density of the population in the residential neighborhoods between those main traffic arteries. He did not map his proposed 30-minute driving time contour lines to indicate these variables. Further, he acknowledged that even during the 1989 projected peak traffic season, the geographical triangle in which Community-NME will locate its proposed hospital, was not outside the driving time projected for Naples Community Hospital. He apparently based his conclusions on the premise that road and traffic improvements would not occur so as to significantly compensate for the population and traffic growth posed by various real estate developments of regional impact which have been filed and proposed for north Collier and south Lee Counties. Naples, presented the testimony of Mr. Jack Barr, also accepted as an expert traffic engineer. Mr. Barr used the "average car method" in conducting a travel-time study to determine the points on arterial roads 30-minutes distance from all existing hospitals in Lee and Collier Counties as well as from the proposed Lee Memorial Satellite Hospital. (Naples Exhibit 76). The distances between those points are interpolated and plotted on the basis of estimated average speeds on the non- arterial segments of the roadways that would be traversed by people making their way to the arterial roads. Mr. Barr also surveyed proposed road improvements in the Collier and Lee County areas (Naples Exhibit 7C). He predicated this survey on the most recent Department of Transportation traffic maps. He performed his original field study during a four-week period in December and January, 1982. The travel times for Collier County were then revised and updated on October 24, 1984 with a field survey and for Lee County on August 14 through 23, 1984. Mr. Barr was unable to determine any significant statistical difference between the contours he plotted in his 1982-83 survey and those plotted in the 1984 updated survey. Mr. Barr employed information obtained from the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council, the Lee County Planning Department and the Collier County Traffic Planner, as well as information from his own files on proposed residential building projects with which he has been associated professionally or become aware of in the area. It was thus established that that portion of north Collier County and southern Lee County, where most of the proposed residential development will occur, and which is in Community's proposed service area, is currently partially or totally within 30-minutes driving time of three existing and one approved hospital. All the proposed major residential developments in the north Collier/south Lee County area are within 30 minutes travel time of at least one existing hospital and most lie within the 3 minute contour lines for the proposed Lee Memorial Satellite Hospital. The travel time contours will remain substantially unchanged for the next ten years based upon major road improvements planned in the next ten years. Information as to road improvements was obtained from the approved Collier County Comprehensive Plan, from average daily traffic counts on U.S. 41 conducted by the Department of Transportation and Collier County, from the Lee County Transportation and Improvement Program which shows the status of road improvements for 1985 through 1989, and from the Department of Transportation Road Improvement Program extending through the fiscal year 1989 for Lee and Collier Counties. All the roads included in the DOT projection for the next five years are committed and will be built. Although there will not be a decrease in traffic along U.S. 41, rather the increase in traffic that would normally occur on U.S. 41 will be largely offset by traffic shifting over to parallel routes which are to be developed through the road improvement programs established by Mr. Barr. There has been a steady decrease in use of the formerly highly congested U.S. 41 artery because of the development of parallel highways such as Airport Road. Mr. Barr established that the road improvements upon which his opinion is partly based are being implemented, and since most are funded by gasoline tax monies earmarked for that purpose, it is reasonable to assume that the DOT sponsored improvements will continue to be made. Further, although Community sought to show that a portion of the population of its service area is beyond a 30- minute travel time from existing acute care hospitals, it did not demonstrate that that population now or in 1989 amounts to more than 10 per cent of the Collier County population. In his capacity as a traffic-engineer, Mr. Barr has worked in Lee and Collier Counties for approximately seven years, representing public and private clients. He has monitored the implementation of the Collier Comprehensive Plan as it relates to roadways and real estate development and established that road improvements are indeed being implemented. His testimony and opinion, predicated on more accurate surveying techniques, supported by local planning and Department of Transportation documentation, is better corroborated and more competent than that of Mr. Dudek and is accepted. Thus, it has not been shown that the 30 minute travel time points and distances attributable to existing hospitals will recede sufficiently to create the new service area contemplated by Community. EXISTING SERVICE - AVAILABILITY, QUALITY, ADEQUACY OF CARE, ACCESSIBILITY To ALL, INCLUDING INDIGENTS NCH affords adequate availability and access to acute care services for patients in Collier and southern Lee Counties, including indigent patients. Community's proposed facility would not have a level 2 or 3 nursery, and would not have a discreet pediatric unit, both of which Naples has. Thus, access to pediatric, as well as obstetric services, would not be enhanced by the advent of Community's hospital, for indigent or other patients originating in Community's proposed service area. Additionally, inasmuch as NCH's pediatric unit operates at a deficits the addition of such services, even of their limited scope, by Community may, for financial reasons, result in the curtailment of such services, especially for indigent, in view of the considerations expressed above. The physician-director of the Collier County Health Department, Dr. Polkowski was called and accepted as an expert witness on behalf of Naples in the area of public health, for the purpose of discussing the distribution of medically indigent persons and availability of services in Collier County. Her work requires her to routinely review U.S. Bureau of Census data on age and health characteristics of the population of Collier County and to travel throughout the county to acquire knowledge of the health characteristics of the population. It was thus established that the highest concentration of poverty level patients occurs in Census Tracts 112, 113, 114 and 104, with a particularly high concentration in Census Tract 112 which comprises the Immokalee area in northeastern Collier County. A particular health problem in that area is teenage pregnancy, with 90 births to females under 19 years of age in 1983 out of a county-wide statistic for such births of 172. Eleven per cent of the babies born to women under 19 years of age in Collier County are low birth weight babies, which typically necessitate higher levels of neonatal, specialized care because of the increased chances of serious health problems occasioned by low birth weight. There are three recognized levels of care for newborn babies in Florida. Naples Community Hospital has a Level 1 and 2 nursery. Level 1 represents babies who have no exceptional conditions. Level 2 is for those babies with respiratory and other serious problems requiring enhanced levels of care and is characterized by such special equipment as isolettes, intensive care bassinets with respirators, cardiac monitors, apnea monitors, resuscitation and cardiac resuscitation equipment. The staffing level of the Level 2 nursery is at a ratio of one neonatal specialized nurse to three babies rather than the one nurse per six babies of the Level 1 nursery. The Level 2 and 3 babies have serious and frequently chronic health conditions for the short, and sometimes the long-term, often characterized by quite high patient costs. The Immokalee area has the highest poor as well as non white concentration in the bounty. There are approximately 14,000 permanent residents, but during the wintertime the population swells to over 20,000 when predominantly Mexican American migrant farm workers arrive in the area. The poor population has a higher mortality rate for infants and manifests more serious medical problems on a greater per capita basis than does the more affluent population lying to the west and southwest. The Immokalee area population has a high rate of tuberculosis, venereal disease, parasites and hepatitis. The current level of services provided to the indigent population by Naples Community Hospital however, is of a high quality. Richard Akin is the Director of the Collier Health Services, a private, nonprofit primary health care organization which offers primary medical and dental care services to the rural, poor population of northeast Collier County. Most of these patients are migrant farm workers who have absolutely no means of paying their own medical bills. Collier Health Services provides primary medical care at three locations in the county with the largest center being at Immokalee. The Immokalee facility has seven staff positions which include such specialties as pediatrics, family practice, internal medicine and obstetrics. The Immokalee facility records approximately 60-thousand patient visits per year. Seventy-five per cent of these are represented by Mexican- American farm workers who are employed in the area seasonally. Another 10 to 12 per cent per year are Haitian immigrants employed in agriculture. Between 60 and 80 per cent of all patient visits are not paid for by the patient. The Immokalee primary care facility refers 4,000 to 4,500 patients to a hospital annually, with about 12 to 15 such referrals per day. These are for normal, non-emergency care situations. Additionally, between 400 and 450 patients are referred to a hospital for emergency care per year. All the primary care center's emergency and non emergency patients are referred to NCH. Mr. Akin has attempted to refer patients from the Immokalee facility to other area hospitals such as in Lee County, but without success. NCH is located in fairly close proximity to the Immokalee Primary Care Center, and, even though most patients have no means of paying for medical care, NCH treats and admits them without questioning them in advance concerning their ability to pay, insurance, Medicaid and the like. Mr. Akin has previously attempted to refer his indigent patients to the Fort Myers area hospitals with little success in having them admitted. LeHigh Acres Hospital is considerably closer, being 24 miles away, but Mr. Akins has had little success in having the indigent patients he serves admitted there. Instead, he refers to Naples since the patients are treated with the same dignity and decency as paying patients at that hospital. In excess of 50 per cent of the patients he refers from the primary health center to Naples never pay anything for the services received. Approximately 30 per cent of the non-emergency patients referred to Naples annually are pediatric referrals. About 30 per cent of the emergency referrals are also pediatric patients. Four hundred to four-hundred fifty non- emergency patients annually are obstetric patients who come to full term and are delivered. It is unlikely that any of the pediatric patients would be referred to a hospital, such as the proposed Community facility, which does not have a discreet pediatric unit with a specialized staff and equipment, since the primary care center in Immokalee has the capability of treating any overnight, routine pediatric problem itself, and any pediatric patient that cannot be handled on a one-day admission at the facility, can be sent to the discreet, specialized pediatric unit at Naples Community Hospitals which Community of Collier will not offer. The standard procedure at Naples Community Hospital for admitting patients who do not have a private physician or a private physician referral, is nondiscriminatory. That is, in the triage process, when a patient arrives at the emergency room, for instance, only the patient's name, address, age, date of birth and questions eliciting his medical status are asked upon his arrival. Depending on the nature of the injury involved, the on-call medical specialist for that type of injury is then summoned to the emergency room. If it appears necessary to admit the patient to the hospital, the on-call specialist authorizes the admission. When the admission determination is made, there is no information available on the admitting documents and no questions are asked to indicate whether the patient is a paying patient, a nonpaying migrant worker, an insured patient, or a Medicare patient. Naples presently has a labor and delivery area with a birthing room and a three-stage cohort type of nursery. Infants move through three different stages in the nursery depending on age, so as to reduce infections. Seventeen of the 24 beds on the floor are designated as OB beds. Whenever more than 17 patients must use that floor, they are able to expand to gynecological medical surgical beds on the same floor which thus gives a total capacity for OB patients of 24 beds. The OB services as proposed by Community are essentially duplicative of the services in existence at Naples Community Hospital, although with a less intensive level of care for 08 and pediatric patients. Essentially all the other services proposed by Community duplicate these services already available to area residents at NCH and the other pertinent hospitals. Thus, it is apparent that if Community's facility is located where proposed, it will actually serve an area that is more elongated north to south rather than east to west, and will in reality serve the more affluent, private- paying patient origin areas lying in west-central and northwest Collier County. The reason for this is that most of the indigent patient population will bypass Community of Collier's Hospital and go to Naples for the above delineated reasons, and Community would then tend to draw patients from the more populated, wealthier areas on a north-south line from the Naples area up to and across the Lee County line rather than on an east-west axis. The fact that Community/NME would serve primarily privately-paying patients is exemplified by the fact that NME's other Florida hospitals typically have no (or very minimal) Medicaid patient days, such that that parent company's policy is not one of encouraging service to Medicaid or indigent patients. It is thus apparent that with the advent of Community/NME's hospital that there would be created two different patient bases or patient markets, with Naples continuing to serve the vast majority of the indigent, Medicaid, or bad- debt patient base. Community/NME would garner its patient base largely from private-paying, more affluent patients with substantially less bad debt ratio. This would siphon off much of Naples's private paying base, such that, with its already slim or sometimes nonexistent profit margin, its financial viability would become more and more in doubt. This would raise the alternative mentioned above of either raising its rates substantially, causing health care costs for the consuming public to rise significantly, seeking relief from the taxpayers of Collier County, or curtailment of available services to indigents and all other patients, especially GE and pediatrics; possibly even all three cost coverage alternatives. Such an eventuality would ultimately result in a reduction in the quality of health care afforded the patient public. NAPLES AVAILABLE AND PROPOSED SERVICES Mr. Mike Jernigan was tendered by NCH and accepted as an expert in health care planning and hospital financial management. Mr. Jernigan is employed as Director of Planning at Naples and prepared the instant Certificate of Need application seeking 30 beds. Naples has recently added 43 psychiatric beds under previously issued Certificates of Need. The instant application contemplates relocation of the 43 psychiatric beds to the fourth floor of a support building, there creating a discrete psychiatric care unit. Naples amended its request at hearing so as to seek 20 instead of 30 medical/surgical beds to be added to the space to be vacated by the 43 psychiatric beds. No significant construction will be required in the vacated space, rather semiprivate rooms will be converted to private rooms. The 1.7 million dollar project cost is chiefly attributable to the construction of the facility which will house the licensed 43 psychiatric beds. Thus, the reduction in the number of acute care beds sought from 30 to 20 will not significantly alter the 1.7 million dollar project cost. Naturally, the minor project costs attributable to installation of 10 acute care beds in the vacated, former psychiatric bed space will be lessened by an amount attributable to 10 beds. In any event, NCH has been demonstrated to have adequate financial resources to undertake the project outlined in its application and has those funds committed. Naples can add these 20 proposed beds and successfully operate them as a minor addition to its now feasibly operating acute care hospital. Naples has recently opened a free standing, primary care center called North Collier Health Center, in the vicinity of the proposed site of Community/NME's hospital. That facility includes a radiology room, laboratory and emergency medical service station, in addition to offering normal, primary care services. It is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week with a physician, but does not have inpatient beds. A similar primary care center has been constructed on Marco Island. Both of these centers have been added to Naples complement of facilities and services in implementation of a long-range health care expansion plan designed to make Naples' services more accessible and available to the public throughout its Collier County, southern Lee County service area. Given Naples low and sometimes non existent margin of revenue over expenses, the construction of these two facilities was rendered largely financially feasible through the donation of the land for both of them through community fund raising efforts, and the construction of the Marco Island facility was accomplished with entirely donated funds. The EMS substation at the North Collier Primary Care Center is operated and financed by the county, and the sleeping quarters at that sub station and at the Naples main campus facility for EMS personnel are provided free of charge at some financial loss to the hospital. Such an arrangement constitutes good health care planning, even though it results in some financial detriment to Naples, since it makes the emergency medical technicians immediately available to assist emergency patients who are transported to the primary care centers by their own means, and shortens the reaction time for emergency personnel since they are not located at separate locations from the hospital or primary care centers. These arrangements further Naples' long range goal in making its emergency primary care and primary care services more available and accessible to the public in its service area, which goal receives strong public support as evidenced by the large public donations which largely made the installation and operation of these facilities possible. Since Naples is a not-for-profit hospital, any excess of revenue over expenses it experiences is used to acquire new and needed equipment or expand facilities, including facilities and services such as these. The installation of Community/NME's hospital at its proposed locations especially, would duplicate the services offered at North Collier Primary Care Center and to a great extent those offered at the main campus of NCH in Naples. It was established through the testimony of Miles Price, an architect specializing in hospital design, that the construction costs, architectural costs and related inflation factors depicted in Naples' application are reasonable and accurate with regard to the relocation and construction for the psychiatric beds, which are to be moved, and the installation of the 20 acute care beds proposed. Acquisition of equipment necessary for the operation of the 20 proposed beds will be financially assisted by its present shared purchasing arrangements, whereby it is able to obtain resultant discounts in acquisition of the necessary equipment needed for installation and operation of the new beds. BED NEED AND BED ALLOCATION Thomas Porter was tendered and accepted as an expert in health care planning in Florida. Subpart (23) of Rule 10-5.11, F.A.C. is the acute care bed need determination methodology. It is the policy of HRS in accordance with the legal mandate referenced herein to facilitate the use of subpart (23) of the rule by regularly compiling and disseminating district bed need information, including that depicted in Community's Exhibit 16, which includes a memorandum from Phil Rond, the Administrator of the Office of Comprehensive Health Planning of HRS. If the formula at subpart (23) of the above rule is employed using historical utilization data from the years 1981 through 1982, a net bed need of 375 for all of District VIII results and that is the current bed need status of the district advocated by Community. However, as established by the memorandum from Mr. Rond incorporated in Exhibit 16, the most recent utilization data includes that for the year 1983, which is the most recent hospital reporting period envisioned by the formula and above rule. When the 1983 utilization data is added to the 1981-1982 information, a drop in total bed need for District VIII occurs from a figure of 4,147 beds to 3,654 beds. When licensed and approved beds are subtracted from that figure, a minus bed need results and District VIII has an excess of 118 beds. The rule formula at subpart (23)(g) dictates that the three most recent annual hospital licensure reporting periods must be used for the utilization data necessary to operate the need determination formula. 2/ The use of the most recent utilization data, including 1983, for District VIII causes the overall projected occupancy level contemplated in the methodology (at 10.5.11(23)(g)(2)) to fall below 75 per cent, when the bed need calculation is carried out to its conclusion. Given the projected occupancy falling below 75 per cent, the end result is that gross bed need in District VIII is 3,654 beds, rather than 4,147 beds as postulated by Community. Community contends that the 1983 utilization data should not be used since it was not available for Districts I and II and should not be used for any district until it is available and disseminated for all districts 3/ The reason the department promulgated Mr. Rond's special memorandum with regard to the bed need projections for District VIII, was to alert users of that information that in that particular district the drop in the most recent utilization data triggered the rule mechanism of subpart (23)(g)(2) because it revealed that the overall projected occupancy levels would fall below 75 per cent, all of which showed on a district-wide basis an over-bedding of 118 acute care beds. Mr. Larry Bebe is Acting Executive Director and Planner for the District VIII Health Council. He was accepted as an expert witness in health care planning and public health administration. Mr. Bebe considers the local health council plan to be a valuable planning tool for purposes of allocating beds in District VIII on a less than district-wide basis. The plan was adopted in March, 1984, but has not yet been adopted as a rule by HRS. According to the District VIII Health Council Plan, that district is sub-districted by counties, except for Glades and Hendry Counties which are combined in a two-county sub- district. This form of sub-districting has been done for approximately seven years. District VIII is sub-districted on a county basis rather than on other geographical boundaries, because population data, useful in planning allocation of beds, is only available in the form of county-based population projections by age-specific cohorts from the Bureau of Economic and Business Research at the University of Florida (BEBR). Further, in considering the location of existing hospitals, the greatest proportion of people in the seven county area of District VIII can be located within a reasonable time and access to health care services by allocating the beds on a county sub-district basis. The population data promulgated by the BEBR is employed by HRS, is generally accepted as authoritative in Certificate of Need proceedings, and is herein. It is not available by age-specific cohort in the census tract geographical subdivisions attempted to be used by Community in 4 in delineating its purported service area. 4/ Performance of population based health care planning must be done consistently and future need must be projected based upon preparing utilization rates predicated on the same population geographical area each time. A common geographical basis for allocation of beds, such as counties, is most appropriate since that is the basis on which the most accurate population data is available. The bed allocation methodology used by the local health council to allocate beds by county sub-districts is contained in Naples Exhibit No. 35. Bed allocation on a county sub-district basis is determined by taking the overall bed number available from the state methodology rule formula and breaking it down into county sub-districts according to the District VIII health plan methodology. This methodology takes into account existing hospital utilization and location, changes in population, and projected patient days. All items of information to operate the allocation formula are obtained on a county basis. Under the District VIII health plan methodology, when existing beds are subtracted from needed beds, a projected need for 20 medical/surgical beds in Collier County results with an excess of 41 existing beds in Lee County for the horizon year of 1989. Mr. Porter corroborated Mr. Bebe's testimony and established that, although not adopted by HRS rule, the sub-districting of District VIII by county for health planning purposes conforms with HRS policy in terms of population and geographical criteria and constitutes a reasonable and rational health planning tool. The methodology used by the local health councils to allocate beds to the counties incorporates standard, accepted health planning practices and HRS' policy is not to interfere with that allocation of beds on a sub-district basis, so long as the subdistricting allocation does not exceed the bed need number for the district as a whole. Mr. Porter demonstrated that it is possible under the state Subpart (23) methodology to find no need or excessive beds at a district level, however, by applying the local health council methodology a positive mathematical need might be shown in one or more county sub-districts. Thus, it has been shown that the local health council allocation method which reveals a 20-bed need for Collier County is the result of a rational, standard, accepted health planning practice with regard to determining projected bed need on a less than district- wide basis. However, although that methodology shows a formula-based "need" in Collier County, the above findings reflecting the severely declining utilization experience in Collier County at NCH, together with its already scant operating ratio, when considered with the future effect on its utilization rate caused by the advent of Gulf Coast Hospital, show that no true need for any beds exists. Bed need projections are not the only pivotal considerations in determining entitlement to a CON. Brown and Kendall Lakes Hospital, Inc., Humana, Inc. d/b/a Kendall Community Hospital v. HRS, 4 FALR 2452A, (Final Order entered October 6, 1982).
Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record, the candor and demeanor of the witnesses and the pleadings and arguments of the parties, it is, therefore RECOMMENDED: That the application for a Certificate of Need submitted by Community Hospital of Collier, Inc. for 150-beds for northern Collier County be DENIED, and that the application for a Certificate of Need submitted by Naples Community Hospital, Inc. for the addition, as amended, for 20 beds be DENIED, and that, in view of the application involved in Case No. 84-0909 having been withdrawn, that that case be CLOSED. DONE and ENTERED this 16th day of August, 1985 in Tallahassee, Florida. P. MICHAEL RUFF Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of August, 1985.
The Issue Whether the Agency for Health Care Administration found deficiencies at Petitioner's nursing home sufficient to support
Findings Of Fact Petitioner, Emerald Oaks, is a nursing home in Sarasota, Florida, licensed by and subject to regulation by the AHCA pursuant to Chapter 400, Florida Statutes. The AHCA conducted a relicensure survey of Emerald Oaks on February 29, 1996, and a follow-up survey on April 25, 1996. Both of these visits by the AHCA were unannounced. During the February survey, the AHCA reviewed seven randomly selected resident records. Eleven randomly selected resident records were reviewed by AHCA during the April 1996 follow-up survey. The sample of resident records reviewed in April was a totally different sample from those reviewed in February. Each alleged deficiency found by the AHCA during a survey is assigned a "tag" number, which relates to requirements imposed on nursing home facilities. As a result of the February survey, Emerald Oaks was cited for its failure to: (1) adequately assess residents for the potential development of pressure sores (Tag F272); (2) revise assessments as appropriate (Tag F276); (3) address pressure sores on care plans (Tag F279); (4) give appropriate care to residents to prevent pressure sores (Tag F314); (5) provide sufficient staff to meet needs of residents (Tag F353); and (6) comply with the minimum certified nursing assistant staffing requirement (N 062). The areas cited as deficiencies by the AHCA in the February 1996 survey of Emerald Oaks were not corrected at the time of the follow-up survey on the April 25, 1996. One area reviewed by the AHCA during the February survey and the April follow-up survey was staffing. With regard to staffing, applicable regulations require nursing homes to provide 1.7 hours of certified nursing assistant (CNA) hours per resident per day. To determine whether the CNA minimum staffing requirements are met, it is necessary to first obtain the total number of hours required. This is done by first multiplying the number of residents in the facility by 1.7. Next the total number of hours worked by all CNAs on the days in question must be determined. A nursing home is in compliance with the CNA minimum staffing requirements if the latter number is equal to or higher than the former number. In ascertaining whether the minimum CNA staffing requirement was met by Emerald Oaks, the AHCA relied on census data and time records of CNAs for the appropriate days that were supplied by the facility. Applying the appropriate formula to the relevant data, Emerald Oaks failed to meet the minimum CNA staffing requirements at the time of the February 1996 survey and the April 1996 follow-up survey. During the February 29, 1996 survey, the AHCA reviewed the CNA staffing requirements for January and February 1996. On nineteen days out of thirty-one days in January, Emerald Oaks failed to meet the minimum CNA staffing requirements. A review of the staffing for February 1996, revealed that Emerald Oaks failed to meet the CNA minimum staffing requirement on nineteen out of twenty-eight days. As a result of its review, the AHCA properly cited Emerald Oaks for having insufficient staff to meet the residents' needs. During the April 25, 1996 follow-up survey, again using records provided by Emerald Oaks, the AHCA properly found that the facility did not meet the minimum CNA staffing requirements. During the period from March 14, 1996 through April 27, 1996, there were twelve days that Emerald Oaks did not meet the minimum CNA staffing requirements. Another area addressed in the February survey and the April follow-up survey concerned the extent to which residents developed pressure sores. A pressure sore is a wound on the skin caused by pressure. These wounds are staged I through IV, with IV being the most severe. At Stage I the wound is usually a red area; at Stage II it is an open area; at Stage III the wound is deeper and involves muscle; and a Stage IV pressure sore involves bone, muscle, tissue and nerves. Federal Rule, 42 C.F.R. 483.25(c), requires that a nursing home resident not develop pressure sores unless the individual's clinical condition demonstrates that the sores were unavoidable. If a resident has pressure sores, nursing homes must provide treatment and services necessary to promote healing and prevent new sores from developing. Most pressure sores are avoidable and can be prevented, by diligent turning of residents, at least every two hours, to relieve pressure on a given area of skin. Ordinarily, if these procedures are followed, residents should not develop pressure sores unless the resident is debilitated, that is suffering from a serious disease such as cancer. The February 1996 survey and the April 1996 follow-up survey revealed a high incidence of pressure sores among the residents of Emerald Oaks. At the time of the February 1996 survey, twenty-two percent (22%), or nineteen Emerald Oaks residents, had pressure sores. Of these residents fourteen had pressure sores which were in-house acquired and for which there is no clinical explanation. This percentage was high when compared to the industry average of five percent (5%). At the time of the April 1996 follow-up survey, the percentage of Emerald Oaks residents who had pressure sores remained high, at twenty-one percent (21%). Among the records reviewed as a part of the February 1996 survey were those of Resident 1, Resident 3, and Resident 7. With regard to Resident 1, the records indicate that on January 1, 1996, when first admitted to Emerald Oaks, this resident had an open area on the left outer ankle. However, by February 29, 1996, Resident 1 had developed two more pressure sores while residing in Emerald Oaks. Based on the condition of Resident 1, these in-house acquired pressure sores were avoidable and could have been prevented with proper turning and repositioning of the resident. The February 1996 review of Resident 3's records indicate that this resident was admitted to Emerald Oaks on February 9, 1996 with a Stage II pressure sore on her right buttock. By February 22, 1996, the pressure sore had increased to a Stage IV. Given Resident 3's condition, the worsening of the pressure sore was avoidable with proper care of the resident. It should not have increased in severity in less than two weeks. According to records reviewed during the February 1996 survey, Resident 7 had no pressure sores when admitted to Emerald Oaks in November or December 1995. However, on January 13, 1996, a Stage III pressure sore was first observed on this resident and noted by Emerald Oaks staff. Although Resident 7 was at risk for pressure sores due to his decreased mobility and incontinence, with proper turning and repositioning of resident, the in-house acquired pressure sore was avoidable. The April 1996 follow-up survey also revealed that residents who had no pressure sores when admitted to Emerald Oaks, developed avoidable pressure sores while at the facility. Furthermore, at least one resident had one Stage I pressure area and one Stage II pressure sore at the time of admission to Emerald Oaks, but shortly after coming to the facility developed two more pressure sores. These two in-house acquired pressure sores, staged as a II and a III, were avoidable. In both the February and April surveys, the in-house acquired pressure sores were avoidable, notwithstanding the fact that many of the residents were a high risk for developing them. The high risk was related to conditions such as the residents' decreased mobility or immobility. Residents with these conditions required a great deal, if not total assistance, from the Emerald Oaks staff in moving from one position to another. Consequently, with proper turning and repositioning, these pressure sores were avoidable. While conducting the February 1996 and April 1996 surveys, the AHCA surveyors also reviewed the records of residents to determine the sufficiency of resident assessments and their care plans. The assessment process includes the following distinct components: the minimum data set (MDS), which is essentially a checklist of approximately 18 areas of potential concern. the RAPS (Resident Assessment Process) keys, which are cues found in the assessment instrument to make further inquiry into certain triggered areas to look for any problems for the resident. the RAPS, which is the process of using the RAPS key cues to assess whether there are problems for the resident. Care Plan, which is an individualized document which describes how the agency will care for the resident. In determining whether Emerald Oaks was in compliance with the prescribed assessment process, AHCA surveyors properly relied on information available in the residents' charts and documentation provided by staff of Emerald Oaks at the time of the surveys. In the February 1996 survey and the April 1996 follow- up survey, the AHCA found that Emerald Oaks completed the MDS function for most residents. However, Emerald Oaks failed to complete the RAPS process, by looking for the triggered cues from the MDS and pursuing appropriate follow-up questions as mandated by applicable federal forms. In the February 1996 survey and the April 1996 follow- up survey of Emerald Oaks, a review of the assessment process revealed that the required forms were generally incomplete, inaccurate, and not current or comprehensive. There were problems related to the assessment process in all seven of the files reviewed by the AHCA during the February 1996 survey. When the April 1996 follow-up survey was conducted, these problems had not yet been corrected by Emerald Oaks. Of the eleven files reviewed during the April 1996, follow-up survey, seven were deficient in the assessment process areas. During the February 1996 survey, the following deficiencies were revealed: (1) the RAPS for Resident 1 was incomplete and the Care Plan failed to address an identified medical condition; (2) the Care Plans for Residents 2 and 5 were unavailable; (3) the RAPS for Resident 3 was unavailable; (4) the Care Plan for Resident 4 was not updated to reflect significant changes; (5) the Care Plan of Resident 6 failed to identify goals and approaches which addressed an identified problem; and (6) the MDS and Care Plan of Resident 7 was not updated to address significant changes in the resident's condition. Deficiencies which existed at the time of April 1996 survey included the following: (1) Resident 1's assessment was not updated to reflect a Stage IV pressure sore; (2) the Care Plan of Resident 2 lacked measurable goals; (3) the Care Plan of Resident 3 was not updated to reflect significant changes; (4) Resident 6's Care Plan did not address pressure sores although the condition was addressed on MDS; (5) the RAPS for Resident 7 was incomplete and there was no documentation that weekly skin assessment were performed; (6) Resident 11's assessment was not updated to reflect the development of seven pressure sores, where none previously were present; and (7) the Care Plan goals for Resident 5 were global, not individualized. All of the violations for which Emerald Oaks was cited in the February 1996 and April 1996 surveys were Class III deficiencies with the exception of the F314 deficiency, which was a Class II deficiency. Tag 314 was deemed to be a Class II deficiency because of the number of residents who had developed pressure sores and the harm that they could cause residents. An additional consideration was that the in-house acquired pressure sores were avoidable. The AHCA surveyors conducting the February 1996 survey and the April 1996 follow-up survey properly considered all records that were available and provided on the dates the surveys were performed. Based on information made available by Emerald Oaks, the AHCA correctly found that the percentage of residents with pressure sores was higher than the industry average; the assessment process was deficient; and the required staffing ratio was inadequate and did not comply with applicable rules and regulations.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Agency for Health Care Administration enter a final order issuing a conditional rating to the Emerald Oaks Care Center. DONE and ENTERED this 8th day of May, 1997, in Tallahassee, Florida. CAROLYN S. HOLIFIELD Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (904) 488-9675 SUMCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of May, 1997. COPIES FURNISHED: Thomas W. Caufman, Esquire Agency for Health Care Administration 7827 North Dale Mabry Highway Tampa, Florida 33614 Donna H. Stinson, Esquire R. Davis Thomas, Jr. Qualified Representative Broad and Cassel Suite 400 215 South Monroe Street Post Office Drawer 11300 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Sam Power, Agency Clerk Agency for Health Care Administration Suite 3431 Fort Knox Building Three 2727 Mahan Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403 Jerome W. Hoffman, General Counsel Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Douglas M. Cook, Director Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32308
The Issue Whether Petitioner is entitled to a 120.57(1) hearing although he failed to timely file a petition for an administrative hearing within twenty-one (21) days of his receipt of the final agency action letter.
Findings Of Fact The Respondent's final agency action letter was received by the Petitioner on December 11, 1990. The Respondent's final agency action letter concluded as follows: "This letter constitutes final agency action. If you do not agree with this decision, you may request an Administrative Hearing in accordance with Section 120.57, Florida Statutes, by filing a written Petition within 21 days of receipt of this letter. Enclosed is a copy of Rule Sections 28-5.111 and 28- 5.201, Florida Administrative Code, which outline the proper procedure. If you do not request such hearing within that 21-day period, then you shall have waived any right to a hearing in this matter." This was the only written notice that Petitioner received from the Respondent agency concerning his right to request a hearing to challenge the agency's action, or concerning the procedure to be followed in doing so. Copies of the referenced Florida Administrative Code sections were enclosed. The 21-day filing period for Petitioner was scheduled to end on January 2, 1991. Petitioner retained counsel for the purpose of seeking an administrative hearing to challenge the Respondent's proposed final agency action, and a petition was drafted. On December 31, 1990, the petition was ready to be transmitted to the Respondent. Counsel was uncertain whether the petition should be posted by regular mail, or by Express Mail in order to insure guaranteed delivery by January 2, 1991. The concern of Petitioner's counsel was whether the rules required posting or actual receipt of the petition during the 21-day filing period in order to insure his client's right to a hearing. Some time in the afternoon of December 31, 1990, counsel for Petitioner initiated a telephone call to an office in Tallahassee that he believed to be that of the general counsel for the Department of Administration, and asked to speak to an attorney. The woman answering the telephone advised that no attorney was presently available. Following inquiry concerning the purpose of the call, counsel for the Petitioner understood from the secretary that the 21- day filing requirement for a petition requesting an administrative hearing would be deemed satisfied by mailing, evidenced by postmark, within the applicable 21- day period. Counsel for Petitioner relied on this statement, and deposited the petition in the regular U.S. Mail prior to 5:30 P.M. on December 31, 1990. Counsel for Respondent did not call the Legal Office of the Division of Retirement where an administrative secretary and an attorney were on duty during the afternoon hours of December 31, 1990. The petition for administrative hearing filed by Petitioner was not received by the Respondent until January 14, 1991. The delay between the mailing of the Petition and its receipt is unexplained.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered granting an administrative hearing on the Petition filed by Petitioner, and dated December 31, 1990. DONE AND ENTERED this 23rd day of July, 1992, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DANIEL M. KILBRIDE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904)488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 23rd day of July, 1992. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER The following constitutes my specific rulings, in accordance with section 120.59, Florida Statutes, on findings of fact submitted by the parties. Petitioner's proposed findings of fact. Accepted in substance: 2,3,4,5(in part),6,7,8,10,11. Rejected: 1(issue),5(in part-concllusion of law),6,9(irrelevant). Respondent's proposed findings of fact. Accepted in substance: paragraphs 1,2,3,7. Rejected: paragraph 4(cumulative), 5(cumulative), 6(irrelevant). COPIES FURNISHED: Keith F. Roberts, Esquire 240 Plant Avenue, Suite B-308 Tampa, FL 33606 Burton M. Michaels, Esquire Assistant Division Attorney Division of Retirement Cedars Executive Center Building C 2639 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-1560 (904) 487-1230 A. J. McMullian, III, Director Division of Retirement Cedars Executive Center, Bldg. C 2639 N. Monroe St. Tallahassee, FL 32399-1560 Larry Strong Secretary Department of Management Services 2737 Centerview Drive Knight Building, Ste. 307 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0950 Susan Kirkland Acting General Counsel Department of Management Services 2737 Centerview Drive Knight Building, Ste. 110 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0950
Conclusions Having reviewed the Administrative Complaint dated July 27, 2010, attached hereto and incorporated herein, Exhibit 1, and all other matters of record, the Agency for Health Care Administration (“Agency”) has entered into a Settlement Agreement, Exhibit 2, with the parties to these proceedings, and being otherwise well-advised in the premises, finds and concludes as follows: ORDERED: 1. The attached Settlement Agreement is approved and adopted as part of this Final Order, and the parties are directed to comply with the terms of the Settlement Agreement. 2. Respondent shall pay, within thirty (30) days of the date of rendition of this Order, an administrative fine in the sum of four Filed December 3, 2010 9:13 AM Division of Administrative Hearings thousand five hundred dollars ($4,500.00) plus a survey fee in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500.00), a total assessment of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00). 3. Checks should be made payable to the “Agency for Health Care Administration.” The check, along with a reference to this case number, should be sent directly to: Agency for Health Care Administration Office of Finance and Accounting Revenue Management Unit 2727 Mahan Drive, MS #14 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 4. Unpaid amounts pursuant to this Order will be subject to statutory interest and may be collected by all methods legally available. | 5. The Respondent’s request for an Administrative proceeding is hereby withdrawn. 6. Each party shall bear its own costs and attorney’s fees. 7. The above-styled case is hereby closed. DONE and ORDERED this 7 day of Deoeyloce, 2010, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. k, Interim Secretary Agency for Hepflth Care Administration A PARTY WHO IS ADVERSELY AFFECTED BY THIS FINAL ORDER IS ENTITLED TO JUDICIAL REVIEW WHICH SHALL BE INSTITUTED BY FILING ONE COPY OF A NOTICE OF APPEAL WITH THE AGENCY CLERK OF AHCA, AND A SECOND COPY, ALONG WITH FILING FEE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW, WITH THE DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL IN THE APPELLATE DISTRICT WHERE THE AGENCY MAINTAINS ITS HEADQUARTERS OR WHERE A PARTY RESIDES. REVIEW OF PROCEEDINGS SHALL BE CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FLORIDA APPELLATE RULES. THE NOTICE OF APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITHIN 30 DAYS OF RENDITION OF THE ORDER TO BE REVIEWED. Copies furnished to: Jonathan S. Grout Goldsmith & Grout, P.A. Counsel for Respondent Daniel M. Kilbride Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings P.O. Box 2011 The DeSoto Building Winter Park, FL 32308 1230 Apalachee Parkway (U.S. Mail) Tallahassee, FL 32399-3060 (U.S. Mail) Jan Mills Suzanne Suarez Hurley Agency for Health Care Admin. 2727 Mahan Drive, Bldg #3, MS #3 Tallahassee, FL 32308 (Interoffice Mail) Agency for Health Care Admin. Office of Finance and Accounting Revenue Management Unit 2727 Mahan Drive, MS #14 Tallahassee, FL 32308 (Interoffice Mail) St. Petersburg, Fl 33701 (Interoffice Mail) Senior Attorney Agency for Health Care Admin. 525 Mirror Lake Drive N. #330 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of this Final Order was served on the above-named person(s) and entities by U.S. Mail, or the method designated, on this the Z? day of /jete—he- , 2010. SS Richard Shoo pb, Agency SS Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive, Building #3 Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403 (850) 412-3630 3
Conclusions THIS CAUSE comes before the AGENCY FOR HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION (the "Agency") concerning Certificate of Need ("CON") Applicatian No. 9971, filed by REGENCY HOSPICE OF NORTHWEST FLORIDA, INC. (hereinafter "Regency") in the Second Batching Cycle of 2006, requesting a CON to establish a hospice program, which application was approved, Thereafter, Covenant Hospice, Inc. (hereinafter “Covenant”), an existing provider, timely filed at the Division of Administrative Hearings ("DOAH") a Petition for Administrative Hearing with respect to the approval. Non-approved applicants also filed petitions challenging Regency’s initial approval. On| August 27, 2007, Covenant filed its voluntary dismissal of the DOAH case. On |August 27, 2007, an Order Closing File was issued by DOAH as a result of the voluntary dismissal. It ig therefore ORDERED and ADJUDGED: 1. The voluntary dismissal by Covenant and the Order Closing File by DOAH|are hereby acknowledged and accepted. 2. CON Application No. 9971, which was initially approved by AHCA, remains in litigation. 3. The above-styled case is hereby closed. DONE and ORDERED this 4 day of February 2008, in Tallahassee, Florida. ANDREW C. AGWUNOBI, M.D., Secretary AGENCY FOR HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION ° NOTICE OF RIGHT TO JUDICIAL REVIEW A PARTY WHO IS ADVERSELY AFFECTED BY THIS FINAL ORDER IS ENTITLED TO JUDICIAL REVIEW, WHICH SHALL BE INSTITUTED BY FILING THE ORIGINAL NOTICE OF APPEAL WITH THE AGENCY CLERK OF AHCA, AND A COPY ALONG WITH THE FILING FEE PRESCRIBED BY LAW |WITH THE DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL IN THE APPELLATE DISTRICT WHERE THE AGENCY MAINTAINS ITS HEADQUARTERS OR WHERE |A PARTY RESIDES. REVIEW PROCEEDINGS SHALL BE CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FLORIDA APPELLATE RULES. THE NOTICE OF APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE RENDITION OF THE ORDER TO BE REVIEWED. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Final Order has been furnished by U.S. or interoffice mail to the persons named below on this _S day of RICHARD J. SHOOP, Agency Clerk Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop #3 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 (850) 922-5873 COPIES FURNISHED TO: Charles A, Stampelos Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 Robert A.|Weiss, Esquire Karen A. eh Esquire Parker, Hudson, Rainer & Dobbs, LLP The Perkins House, Suite 200 118 North Gadsden Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Attorneys| for Covenant Hospice, Inc. Jay Adams, Esquire Broad and Cassel Post Office Box 11300 Tallanassee, Florida 32302 Attorney for United Hospice of West Florida, Inc. Mark A. Emanuele, Esquire Amy S. Towle, Esquire Panza, Maurer, & Maynard, P.A. Bank of America Building, Third Floor 3600 North Federal Highway Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308 Attorneys |for Odyssey Healthcare of Northwest Florida, Inc. Smith and Associates 2873 Remington Green Circle Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Attorney for Regency Hospice of Northwest Florida, Inc. Smith end Smith, Esquire Sandra E./Allen, Esquire Assistant General Counsel Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive, Building 3, MS #3 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 (Interoffide Mail) Elizabeth Dudek Deputy Secretary Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive, Building 1, MS #9 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 (Interoffice Mail) Janice Mills Facilities Intake Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive, Building 3, MS #3 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 (Interoffi¢e Mail)