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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Mexico Beach, Florida Apr. 30, 1998 Number: 98-002006 Latest Update: Dec. 24, 1998

The Issue Is the City of Mexico Beach (the City or Applicant) entitled to the issuance of a joint coastal permit and consent to use of sovereign submerged land for the Mexico Beach Canal (Main Canal) and a municipal flushing outlet adjacent to 8th Street (8th Street outlet)? Those permits would be issued by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) in response to DEP Application File No.: 0124938-001JC and DEP Application File No.: 0129039- 001JC, respectively.

Findings Of Fact Petitioners Edmond Blount, Sr.; Edmond Blount, Jr.; and Robert Davenport are residents of the City of Mexico Beach, Florida. As residents they have access to the Main Canal, the public beaches adjacent to the Main Canal, and beaches adjacent to the 8th Street outlet. Edmond Blount, Jr., and Robert Davenport oppose the issuance of any permits by DEP which would allow the City to conduct dredging and the placement of dredge materials associated with the Main Canal. Those Petitioners and Edmond Blount, Sr., oppose the grant of necessary permits by DEP upon the application by the City to conduct occasional maintenance excavation at the 8th Street outlet to alleviate potential damage through erosion to properties adjacent to the 8th Street outlet. The City of Mexico Beach is a municipality in Florida which serves as the local government for that community. The City owns the Main Canal and 8th Street outlet. DEP is an environmental regulator with authority to issue or deny joint coastal permits and to grant or deny consent to use sovereign submerged lands belonging to the State of Florida. The joint coastal permitting authority and right to grant consent to use is pursuant to Chapters 161, 253, and 373, Florida Statutes, and Chapters 18-21 and 62B-49, Florida Administrative Code. In particular, DEP has joint coastal permitting authority upon sovereignty lands in the State of Florida below the mean high waterline (MHWL) of any tidal water of the State. The reference to sovereign land is an association with lands below MHWL held in trust by the State of Florida. The term tidal waters refers to waters in which there is an astronomical effect on the elevation of that water. The Gulf of Mexico which fronts the City is a tidal water of the State of Florida. The MHWL is established along the coastal regions in Florida, to include the Gulf coast that fronts the City. The MHWL is set based upon charting information concerning the local mean high tide, the average height of the high waters, and where this average intersects the land. PERMIT APPLICATION FOR MAIN CANAL On June 30, 1997, the City applied to DEP for a ten-year permit/water quality certification and authorization to use sovereign submerged lands owned by the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund (the Trustees), which would allow the City to maintenance dredge the Main Canal entrance and place the dredge material on the beach east of the canal below the water's edge. This task would be accomplished by the use of hydraulic dredging device. In the course of these activities, approximately 660 cubic yards of material would be removed approximately four times a week. The application file number for the requested permit in the Main Canal project was: 0124938-001 JC. The City, through its application, provided a complete and appropriate application with adequate engineering data to support the proposed project. The Main Canal is located in the western part of the City and is partially located in sovereign submerged lands of the State of Florida where the canal intersects the Gulf of Mexico below the MHWL. On January 13, 1998, DEP gave notice of its intent to issue necessary permits for the activities to allow dredging and the placement of fill in association with the Main Canal. More specifically, the hydraulic dredge the City intends to use in the maintenance dredging of the Main Canal is a floating device which excavates the sand from the bottom of the entrance of the Main Canal and pipes the material onto the beach immediately east of the dredge site. The dredging activities may only be conducted in a manner designed to protect the beach-dune system, water quality and habitat for marine turtles. These restrictions in the conduct of the dredging are in accordance with the proposed joint coastal permit. The dredging activity is to remove and deposit clean beach sand that has been transported by coastal processes and deposited in the lee of the jetty within the Main Canal. There is no intent, nor permission under the proposed permit, that would allow disturbance of any sediments more landward of the extent of the canal. The dredging is necessitated because the entrance of the Main Canal slowly fills with sand being transported from west to east along the shoreline. The Main Canal is stabilized on both sides by jetties. The western-most jetty extends further out than the eastern-most jetty. The Main Canal has seawalls along its inside. A recreational area is located on the western side of the Main Canal. The Main Canal is highly utilized for purposes of commerce and recreation. The Main Canal constitutes an economic support for many residents of the City. The Main Canal in proximity to the Gulf and the Gulf itself are not considered outstanding Florida waters or aquatic preserves. The waters in the Main Canal and Gulf are Class III marine waters when considering the parameters for water quality under DEP statutes and rules. Competent evidence was presented concerning water quality sampling and results in the analysis of those samples for fecal coliform bacteria and total coliform bacteria in relation to the Main Canal at its entrance where dredging would take place under the terms of the permit. Some values for fecal coliform and total coliform exceeded the allowable limits for those parameters as envisioned by Section 62-302.530, Florida Administrative Code, as preexisting conditions. However, the dredge operations will not lead to further degradation of the existing Class III marine waters in the Main Canal and degradation of the Gulf. The relatively clean sand being excavated does not contain fines or organics, which, through the dredging and placement of the sand on the beach following the dredging, would contribute to degradation of water quality standards. The activity associated with the dredging and placement of those materials on the beach will not cause a significant adverse impact to the beach-dune system, nor will the transport of sand from west to east along the beach as it presently exists be interrupted by the dredging and placement of the sand. The dredged material is being placed immediately east of the dredge operation avoiding a disruption of the natural processes of transport. The proposed disposal area is located on the beach at least 100 feet east of the canal below the waters edge at approximately minus 0.5NGVD. Finally, the deposit of the sand on the beach contributes to beach stabilization as opposed to depriving the beach of sand. The proposed permit requires that the dredge pipeline be retracted upon a daily basis during marine turtle nesting season from May 1 until October 31 each year. By this limitation in the operation of the dredge pipeline, marine turtles are not hindered in their behavior nor is their habitat unduly disturbed. The placement of the dredged sand on the beach would not be in the dry upland where the turtles would typically nest. The DEP Bureau of Protected Species Management reviewed the permit application for any significant adverse impact on nesting sea turtles and recommends the approval subject to specific conditions such as have been described. The dredging of the sand from the Main Canal and placement of that material on the beach will not cause significant adverse impact to the property of others. The Main Canal project will not create any significant erosion or turbidity. Given the small volume and coarseness of the dredged sand, elevated turbidity levels are not expected. The dredging of material from the mouth of the Main Canal and placement on the adjacent beach does not block lateral access to the beach, because the hydraulic dredge pipeline is placed at the water's edge with a discharge of dredge material being made at the water's edge in the area of the intertidal zone where water comes up to the beach. The exact discharge point is seaward of the area described as the intertidal zone. Given that the project associated with the Main Canal is located in Class III marine waters, it must not be contrary to the public interest. The project is not contrary to the public interest. PERMIT APPLICATION FOR 8TH STREET OUTLET On June 13, 1997, the City applied to DEP for a ten- year permit/water quality certification and authorization to use sovereign submerged lands owned by the Board of Trustees. This would allow the City to conduct occasional excavation of the 8th Street municipal flushing outlet which connects to the Gulf, having in mind the alleviation of potential damage to adjacent beachfront properties. That potential damage would be expected to occur in the instance where there was an uncontrolled breach of the berm surrounding the 8th Street outlet due to high incidence of rainfall, thus eroding adjacent beachfront properties. With the advent of scheduled maintenance, excavation of the outlet that erosion is expected to be deterred. The application file number for the requested permit in the 8th Street outlet project was File No.: 0129039-001 JC. The City, in its application for necessary permits to conduct excavation at the 8th Street outlet, submitted a complete and appropriate application setting forth adequate engineering details. More specifically, the permit application contemplates the removal of approximately 20 to 40 yards of beach sand per excavation, with the material excavated being placed on the beach near the water's edge. The excavation would be approximately 4 to 5 feet wide, 50 feet long, and 2 to 3 feet deep. Ordinarily, the frequency of excavation would be one to two times per month. The excavation practices would be by the use of a backhoe other than in the sea turtle nesting season. While sea turtles are nesting, the plans contemplate excavation by hand by use of a shovel or similar tool. In addition, during the turtle nesting season the application contemplates that the excavation would be done during daylight hours, only twice a month, to reduce potential flooding of marine turtle nests due to a meandering outflow from the outlet. Other than in the marine turtle nesting season the excavation would be done on an "as needed" basis. On March 16, 1998, the DEP gave notice of its intent to issue a permit for the dredging at the 8th Street outlet. The conditions associated with the intended permit for dredging of the 8th Street outlet deter any significant adverse impacts to the beach-dune system. In the area of the 8th Street outlet, a large box culvert runs underneath U.S. 98, the main highway in the city. That highway runs parallel to the beach. Once the water flows through the culvert, it accumulates in the outlet south of the road. In the instance where rainfall is diminished, the flushing outlet does not flow to the Gulf and the beach berm, which accretes seaward of the outlet, traps the water that is being released via the culvert. By contrast, in instances where heavy rainfall occurs, the water in the outlet collects to a point that it begins to flow away from the culvert in the direction of the Gulf. If the beach berm has built up over time, the path of that flow in high incidence of rainfall can encroach on buildings that are adjacent to the culvert on the south side of U.S. 98. When the rainfall is sufficient, and the water begins to flow, it reaches a sufficient velocity to move sand as a bed load. Under those circumstances, when the water strikes a ridged object, like a house foundation, the local water velocity will act to carry away the sand more readily from that location where the house foundation is found, by scouring out the sand near the foundation, undermining the building and risking the collapse of the building onto the beach. In the course of this process the water breaches the beach berm and flows towards the Gulf. In the instance where the berm on the beach has been breached, the water that has been released begins to scour the beach and establish a pattern that can run down the beach roughly parallel to the Gulf for a distance before flowing into the Gulf. By contrast, the controlled release of water from the outlet would cause less of an impact, in that it would create an immediate access through the beach berm to the Gulf without creating the potential for harm to upland property or causing erosion or scouring of dunes and vegetation in beach areas, some of which might contain turtle nests. Unlike the circumstances with high incidence of rainfall where adjacent property is eroded and damaged, the use of controlled maintenance excavation to relieve the outlet would not cause significant and adverse impact to adjacent property owners. The controlled release of the water in the outlet, unlike the natural release of that water in high incidence of rainfall, is more in the interest of the public when considering adverse impacts to property. The introduction of the water in the outlet, and its constituents, onto the beach and its consequences, is no more a problem whether based upon the natural event of high incidence of rainfall or the routine release contemplated by the project. Therefore, the alternative method of releasing the water by use of scheduled excavation is not contrary to the public interest. If anything, the use of periodic excavation to relieve the outlet would limit the breadth of discharge and the amount of discharge. The 8th Street outlet and the Gulf area adjacent to that outlet are not within outstanding Florida waters or aquatic preserves. The project site for the 8th Street outlet and the Gulf are within Class III marine waters. The existing Class III marine water quality parameters for fecal coliform and total coliform when considered in accordance with Rule 62-302.530, Florida Administrative Code, have been exceeded in the 8th Street outlet. This is borne out by test results from samples gathered at the 8th Street outlet presented at hearing. However, as with the circumstance with the Main Canal, the effect of periodic excavation to relieve the outlet will not further degrade state waters found in the outlet. The results of water quality tests performed following sampling that relate to the amount of fecal coliform and total coliform in the Gulf that could be expected at the entrance of the Main Canal and as the discharge of water within the 8th Street outlet enters the Gulf show low values for those parameters. Therefore, it is not anticipated that the release of the water from the 8th Street outlet to the Gulf under controlled conditions contemplated by the permit application would cause a violation of the parameters for fecal coliform and total coliform in the Gulf, the receiving body of water, especially when compared to the existing release of water from the 8th Street outlet to the Gulf in high incidence of rainfall. This finding is also influenced by the fact that the most excessive values for total coliform and fecal coliform in the 8th Street outlet system were found 600 to 800 feet up the water course described as the 8th Street outlet. Similar to the Main Canal, the project contemplated at the 8th Street outlet would not require mitigation before being permitted by DEP. The 8th Street outlet project would not create significant adverse impacts on coastal sediment transport. The DEP Bureau of Protective Species Management reviewed the 8th Street outlet application and recommended approval with specific conditions. Those conditions offer adequate protection to marine turtles and their habitat. The conditions include project excavation that does not create parallel trenches in the sand that inhibit movement on the beach by sea turtles. The 8th Street outlet project will not create significant erosion concerns or turbidity concerns. The 8th Street outlet project does not block lateral beach access to the public, in that the excavation to relieve the outlet on a periodic basis is temporary, that is to say only in effect when the water is being released from the outlet to the Gulf. CONSENT TO USE SOVEREIGN SUBMERGED LANDS The 8th Street outlet project, as well as the Main Canal project, involves sovereignty submerged lands below the MHWL constituted of the beach and ocean bottom. The facts show that the City is entitled to consent of use to work on sovereign submerged lands in the Main Canal and 8th Street outlet projects.

Recommendation Based upon the facts found and the conclusions of law reached, it is RECOMMENDED: That DEP issue a final order granting the City the joint coastal permits and consent to use sovereign submerged lands in accordance with application File Nos.: 0124938-001JC and 0129039-001JC respectively, subject to specific conditions contained therein. DONE AND ENTERED this 10th day of November, 1998, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of November, 1998. COPIES FURNISHED: Edmond Blount, Sr. Post Office Box 13855 Mexico Beach, Florida 32410 Edmond Blount, Jr. Post Office Box 13854 Mexico Beach, Florida 32410 Robert Davenport Post Office Box 13926 Mexico Beach, Florida 32410 Gerard Murnan Post Office Box 13378 Mexico Beach, Florida 32410 Paul G. Komarek, Esquire Daniel and Komarek, Chartered Post Office Box 2547 Panama City, Florida 32402 Ricardo Muratti, Esquire Department of Environmental Protection Mail Station 35 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 John McInnis, City Manager City of Mexico Beach Post Office Box 13425 Mexico Beach, Florida 32410 Kathy Carter, Agency Clerk Department of Environmental Protection Mail Station 35 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 F. Perry Odom, General Counsel Department of Environmental Protection Mail Station 35 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000

Florida Laws (4) 120.569120.57161.041373.414 Florida Administrative Code (8) 18-21.00418-21.005128-106.21662-302.53062-312.06562-312.08062B-41.00562B-41.0055
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-004747 Latest Update: Jun. 11, 1987

Findings Of Fact The site of the revetment that is the subject of this litigation is located near the northerly coast of Pine Island in Charlotte Harbor. The property fronts on Pine Island Sound which is inside the barrier islands westward of Pine Island. Pine Island Sound is as an Outstanding Florida Water and Charlotte Harbor at this location is classified as Class II waters. Petitioner's property abuts the property owned by Meister Development Group. On Petitioner's property is located a two-story residence and two rental units. On Meister's property a four unit residential development has been erected. Sometime around 1970 a vertical seawall was erected to protect both Petitioner's property and Respondent's property. Since that time the beach has accreted to the point that by 1989 the sand beach extended an average of approximately twenty-five feet seaward of the seawall in front of Petitioner's property. However, this seawall ended near the middle of Respondents property and erosion of the beach became serious at the four unit residential development building located thereon in 1984. In 1984 the beach at this location had eroded to the point that the high water mark had passed the northern most portion of the building foundation and was threatening to undermine the structure. At this time this shoreline was devoid of aquatic vegetation. Meister employed an engineering firm to prepare a solution to the erosion problem. That firm concluded a revetment was needed and the application for the dredge and fill permit that is here contested was filed in July 1984. Since the application involved use of land seaward of the mean high water, permission of the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) was required before the application could receive final approval. To obtain the approval of DNR Meister agreed to provide a conservation easement to DNR and a public easement to allow the public access to cross the property seaward of the residential development. Additionally Meister conferred with Outstanding Florida Water Group to obtain their acquiescence to the project and agreed to provide navigational aids to mark the Jug Creek Channel across form the Meister property. Before a dredge and fill permit can be granted involving an Outstanding Florida Water the applicant must show the project to be in the public interest. In consulting with DER the applicant proposed a sloping revetment which is generally considered to better tolerate wave action than does a vertical wall. To enhance the public interest concept the applicant agreed to place toe stones at the foot of the revetment and plant mangroves. The toe stones would serve to hold sand in which the mangroves could grow and serve as a habitat for aquatic organisms. The applicant also agreed to place an artificial reef of rocks on the sand shoal which sits about one half mile north of applicant's and petitioner's property. Although the mangroves planted did not survive due to heavy wave action and the permit did not require survivability of these mangroves, at the hearing Meister agreed to a provision in the permit's next renewal that will include a requirement that a percentage of these mangroves planted in the toe stones survive. Landward of the residential development is a stormwater retention area that serves to keep contaminants out Pine Islands Sound. The erosion of the beach at the Meister property was threatening to extend further inland and allow contaminants to leach from the water retention area into Pine Island Sound and contaminate that body of water. Approval of the project would serve to remove that threat and be in the public interest. Finally consideration was given to the fact that the foundation of the condominium was being threatened which affected the dwelling of the residents. Protecting these residences is also considered to be in the public interest. The project was completed during a two weeks period in August 1986. The revetment generally takes off in the same line as the Vertical seawall on petitioner's property and is basically convex to fit the existing building and meet the zoning setback requirement of twenty-five feet from the building. To construct the revetment the existing vertical seawall on Meister's Property had to be removed. During construction turbidity screens were installed and construction was restricted to periods of low water to reduce turbidity. Any excess turbidity caused by the construction would settle out within twenty-four hours. Dr. O'Malley left Pine Island in March and returned in October 1986. At the time he left the beach in front of his seawall extended an average of twenty-five feet from the seawall. When he returned in October the revetment had been completed and approximately fifty-percent of Petitioner's beach had eroded. In October 1986 the beach on O'Malley's property extended two to twenty feet from the seawall. O'Malley was aware that prior to his departure the Meister property had suffered severe erosion. Believing that the construction of the revetment was the cause of the erosion of his beach Petitioner instituted this action. This was the only issue seriously contested. Petitioner's expert witness opined that the revetment acted like a groin east of Petitioner's property and caused a littoral drift, which is basically from east to west in this area, to take the sand from Petitioner's property. Further this witness opined that the longer fetch (area of open water to the north-east of Meister property) was the primary cause of the erosion of the Meister property. Historically beaches erode and accrete. Gentle waves have the tendency to cause accretion while storm waves result in seaward migration of beach sand. Photographs (exhibit 3) of Petitioner's property show typically storm wave generated erosion. The expert opinion of Respondents' witnesses that the erosion of Petitioner's property was caused by storm driven waves and was not caused by the revetment is deemed the more credible explanation of the erosion of Petitioner's beach.

Florida Laws (1) 267.061
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 79-001662 Latest Update: Jan. 29, 1980

The Issue The issue here presented concerns the entitlement of the Applicant/Respondent, Raymond B. Spangler, to construct a boat dock of approximately 800 square feet, included in that dimension is a boat house. The Respondent, State of Florida, Department of Environmental Regulation, has indicated its intention to grant the permit application request and the Petitioner, Louise C. Stone, has opposed the Department's intention to grant the permit.

Findings Of Fact THIS CAUSE comes on for consideration based upon the Petitioner, Louise E. Stone's petition and request for formal proceedings to consider the propriety of the State of Florida, Department of Environmental Regulation's granting of an environmental permit to Raymond B. Spangler. This petition was filed after the Petitioner had received the Department of Environmental Regulation's Notice of Intent to Grant the permit. That notice was dated July 10, 1979, and a copy of that notice has been received into evidence as Department of Environmental Regulation's Exhibit No. 5. The Secretary of the Department of Environmental Regulation opted to have the Division of Administrative Hearings consider this case and on November 5, 1979, a formal hearing was held before a Hearing Officer with the Division of Administrative Hearings. The Petitioner is an adjacent landowner to the Respondent, Raymond B. Spangler, with property located on Lake Minneola. The applicant's project is located in the northwest corner of his property and is as far removed from the common property line with the Petitioner as is possible without violating setback lines. The Petitioner's property is located to the southeast of the project. The project as now contemplated calls for the construction of a boat deck and boat house with dimensions of approximately 800 square feet. The details of this construction may be found in a copy of the Application for Permit which is the Department of Environmental Regulation's Exhibit No. 1 admitted into evidence. The boat house and boat dock would be constructed on Lake Minneola, Lake City, Florida, near the town of Clermont, Florida. Lake Minneola is a navigable waterway and the boat dock and boat house would extend into the navigable water body. The discussion of the project as found in the Respondent, Department of Environmental Regulation's Exhibit No. 1 is an accurate depiction with the exception that the dock will have an increase in length from the original proposal of 70 feet to a new proposal of some 80 to 84 feet. Nonetheless, with the optimum extension, the amount of square footage still closely approximates the initially requested 800-square-foot amount. The reason for the change is due to the rise in the water level of the lake causing the mean high water line to be further landward than was the case at the time the permit was first applied for. The additional extension of the dock is necessary to allow for dry access to the water and to reach the open waterway beyond the growth of maidencane grass (Panicum Hemitomon) near the shoreline. In keeping with allowed exemptions found in Section 403.813, Florida Statutes, and Rule 17-4.04, Florida Administrative Code, 500 square feet of the deck has been constructed and this portion of the dock as constructed may be seen in the Respondent, Raymond B. Spangler's Exhibit No. 10 admitted into evidence, which is a photograph of the partially completed dock. Other photographs of the partially completed dock and the surrounding area of the lake showing the adjacent property may be found as Respondent, Spangler's Exhibits 5 through 9. The Respondent, Spangler's Exhibit No. 4, a composite which was admitted into evidence, is a series of photographs and an overlay which by scale shows a view of the completed dock and a depiction of the boat house when completed. The dock, when completed, will be constituted of a four-foot walkway extending approximately 80 to 84 feet into the water, intersecting at right angles at the terminus of the dock and forming a "T" shape. The boat house would be located adjacent to the walkway leading to the deck terminus. The dimensions of the covered boat house would be 25 feet by 14 feet. The depth of the water in the lake at the location of the continuing dock construction is sufficiently deep to allow the construction of the dock without the necessity of dredging. There is an extensive grassy community mostly constituted of maidencane (Panicum Hemitomon) and although some of the grassy community has been removed during the construction phase of the project, the denuded area may be easily reconstituted and the applicant has expressed his intent to achieve this end as a means to avoid further erosion which has started to occur at the site. None of the erosion which has occurred has interfered with the property of neighboring landowners. The impact of the continued construction in its affect on water quality would be inconsequential. Furthermore, the construction as now completed and as contemplated does not and would not constitute a hazard to navigation, nor interfere with and cause a danger to participants in water sports and related activities that take place on Lake Minneola. When the project is completed the aquatic vegetation can be expected to return and to remain as a viable wetland community. This is due to the fact that the amount of water surface covered by the project is slight and there is sufficient sunlight to support the aquatic vegetation even in the shaded areas. During the construction phase the amount of turbidity caused by the construction has been de minimis, and will be, in view of the fact that the bottom of the lake is a sand base which settles out quickly. This settling effect was seen by the project evaluator, James Morgan, Department of Environmental Regulation, when he toured the site of the construction and saw Respondent Spangler placing pilings. Morgan noted that the turbidity involved was of a short duration. The project will not interfere with fish and wildlife either in their day-to-day activities or in their propagation. None of the standards pertaining to water quality as found in Chapter 17-3, Florida Administrative Code, will be violated by the project. The project will not be an unreasonable obstruction to the view of adjoining riparian owners and the applicant does not intend to use the boat house as a dwelling. When the project was first reviewed by the State of Florida, Department of Environmental Regulation, that agency notified the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission; the St. Johns River Water Management District, and the Department of Pollution Control of Lake County, Florida. None of these agencies have made known any objection to the project and the Department of Pollution Control of Lake County has specifically indicated their lack of opposition by written comment, a copy of which may be found as the Department of Environmental Regulation's Exhibit No. 3 admitted into evidence.

Recommendation It is recommended that the Applicant/Respondent, Raymond B. Spangler, be allowed to conclude the construction of the boat deck and boat house as contemplated by the application of May 11, 1979, with the addendum that the dock length be extended to 80 feet to 84 feet as necessary; with the proviso that the applicant ensure that the grassy community be returned to its pristine condition in the area of his project, to prohibit further erosion and that these results be accomplished by the issuance of a permit pursuant to the conditions as outlined. DONE AND ENTERED this 16th day of November, 1979, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 101, Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Robert F. Vason, Jr., Esquire Raymond B. Spangler 408 East Fifth Avenue Route 3, Box 319 Mount Dora, Florida 32757 Clermont, Florida 32711 Segundo J. Fernandez, Esquire Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (1) 403.813
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Homestead, Florida Aug. 17, 1993 Number: 93-004565DRI Latest Update: Dec. 14, 1994

The Issue At issue in this proceeding is whether a development order (building permit) issued by Monroe County to John and Alice Scott, Owners, and Hugh E. Rhodus, General Contractor, for the construction of a vertical seawall/dock on Lots 31 and 32, White Marlin Beach subdivision, Matecumbe Key, Monroe County, Florida, is consistent with the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan and land development regulations.

Findings Of Fact The Property Respondents John and Alice Scott are the owners of two canal front lots known as Lots 31 and 32, White Marlin Beach subdivision, Matecumbe Key, Monroe County, Florida. Lots 31 and 32 were acquired in 1968 and 1970 and are undeveloped. The subject lots are in incorporated Monroe County, Florida, and are zoned Improved Subdivision (IS). The Scotts reside on a third lot facing the bay that is across the street from the subject lots. Respondents' lots are within the Florida Keys Area of Critical State Concern. The land where the White Marlin Beach subdivision is located was at one time all mangroves and other trees. The subdivision was created in 1955-56 by means of dredge and fill activities. During the late 1960s and early 1970s, the shorelines of Lots 31 and 32 were even with an existing bulkhead on an adjacent lot. Very small mangroves were beginning to revegetate the shorelines. By 1979-1980, some shoreline erosion had occurred on the lots, estimated at 5-6 feet. At some unknown time thereafter, additional shoreline erosion occurred, estimated at its greatest point to be approximately 10 feet from the original platted fill line. At the time the permit application was considered and at the time of the hearing, the revegetated mangroves had grown into a substantial fringe of high complexity, running the entire 117-foot length of the two lots and varying from 5 to 15 feet in width. Some of the trees are as tall as 12 feet. The area in which the mangroves have revegetated slopes gently toward the canal. It constitutes a shallow water habitat which, in addition to the mangrove vegetation, supports crabs, juvenile fish, algae, and seagrasses. The expert witnesses of both Petitioner and Respondent testified that the mature mangrove fringe on the two lots has stabilized the land area adjacent to the canal. Landward of the mangrove fringe, the lots are comprised of unconsolidated sand used to create the lots. The edges of the fill material form a gentle slope from as low as six inches up to 24 inches at one extreme. Upland erosion is occurring along the edge of the unconsolidated fill, washing down the slope of the fill into the mangroves. Erosion of the edges of upland fill is a common occurrence in the Florida Keys. 10 The unconsolidated fill material where the erosion is occurring constitutes the uplands portion of the lots and is caused by weather events (wind and rain), rather than by tidal or wave action. There is active boating traffic on the subject canal; many large commercial and pleasure boats use the canal. Marine fuel and supplies are sold at Angelo's. There is a commercial fishing "village" located at and around Angelo's. To reach open water, i.e., the Gulf bay, boats must pass lots 31 and 32 after leaving Angelo's. Most of the other lots on the same canal as lots 31 and 32 are primarily protected by seawalls. The Scotts, under the subject seawall permit, are seeking to tie in to the adjoining seawall for consistency in community character and appearance. The adjoining property owners and many of the neighboring property owners want the mangroves removed and a seawall built to protect lots 31 and 32. Permit Application and Issuance On March 11, 1992, the Scotts applied to Monroe County for a permit to construct a seawall on Lots 31 and 32, White Marlin Beach subdivision. The Scotts' seawall permit application was denied by Pat McNeese, the Monroe County Environmental Resources Director, based upon her conclusion that erosion was not occurring on the lots and thus a seawall was not allowed under the Monroe County land development regulations. The Scotts appealed Ms. McNeese's decision to the Monroe County Planning Commission. As part of their evidence, Respondents offered a certified land survey conducted on November 1, 1992, which shows that the approximate shoreline of the property is at its greatest point roughly 10 feet landward of the platted shoreline. After hearing, the Planning Commission upheld Ms. McNeese's decision to deny the permit. The Scotts then appealed the Planning Commission's decision to the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners. The Board overturned the Planning Commission. The Board found that the Scotts are entitled to a permit to develop a seawall for erosion control under the provisions of Section 9.5-345(m)(2)(b), Monroe County Code. On April 19, 1993, Monroe County issued building permit number 9230005939 which is the subject of this proceeding. The permit was rendered to the Department on April 21, 1994, and was appealed by the Department 45 days thereafter. Monroe County Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Regulations The Monroe County Comprehensive Plan contains various policies directed toward preservation or conservation of the Keys environment and maintenance of water quality. Section 2.104, Nearshore Waters, Monroe County Comprehensive Plan, Volume II, Future Land Use Element, states, in part, that: The Florida Keys are dependent on nearshore water quality for their environmental and economic integrity. The heart of the Florida Keys economy, the means by which Monroe County exists as a civil and social institution, is based on its unique, oceanic character. If nearshore water quality is not maintained, then quality of life and the economy of Monroe County will be directly and immediately impacted. OBJECTIVES 1. To protect, maintain and, where appropriate, improve the quality of nearshore waters in Monroe County. * * * POLICIES 1. To prohibit land uses that directly or indirectly degrade nearshore water quality. * * * To prohibit the development of water dependent facilities, including marinas, at locations that would involve significant degradation of the biological character of submerged lands. To limit the location of water-dependent facilities at locations that will not have a significant adverse impact on off-shore resources of particular importance. For the purposes of this policy, off-shore resources of particular importance shall mean hard coral bottoms, habitats of state or federal threatened and endangered species, shallow water areas with natural marine communities with depths at mean low tide of less than four (4) feet, and all designated Aquatic Preserves under Ch. 253.39 et seq. the [sic] Florida Statutes. The Monroe County Comprehensive Plan, Volume II, Sec. 2-115 entitled "Enforcement" provides: A major component of any future land use element is the need to strictly enforce implementing regulations. If Monroe County is to achieve the promise of this Plan, it is essential that all persons involved in the land development process adhere to the requirement of this Plan and that the integrity of the development review process be protected. The Monroe County Comprehensive Plan, Future Land Use Element, Volume II, Natural Vegetation Management Policies provides: In recognizing the need to preserve as much natural vegetation as possible, the County will direct its land use and development regulations to minimize destruction of natural vegetation and modification of landscape. Guidelines and performance standards designed to protect natural vegetation from development will be developed and enforced. Clearing of native vegetation for development will be controlled. * * * 3. Regulations controlling development in areas characterized primarily by wetland vegetative species such as mangrove and associated vegetation will emphasize preservation of natural vegetation to the maximum degree possible. * * * 8. The existing County ordinances designed to protect and conserve natural vegetation will be strictly interpreted, rigidly enforced, and/or amended when necessary. * * * Of all the natural landforms and features which must be given due consideration in their protection, protection of the shoreline is of prime concern. . . . Chapter VII, Coastal Zone Protection Element, Marine Resources Management Policies section, Future Land Use Element, Monroe County Comprehensive Plan, Volume II, states that: Recognizing the crucial role that the marine environment plays in the local economy, the protection, conservation, and management of marine resources will be viewed as an issue requiring the County's utmost attention. In an effort to protect and conserve marine resources, emphasis will be placed on protecting the entire marine eco-system. 1.2. To this end, maintenance of water quality; protection of marine flora and fauna, including shoreline vegetation; and preservation of coral reefs will be regarded as being absolutely essential to maintaining the integrity of the marine system. Utilization of marine resources will be judged sound or unsound from the standpoint of whether or not a permitted use insures conservation and long-term maintenance of the resource. * * * Land and water activities which are incompa- tible with the preservation of marine resources because of their potential adverse effects will be prohibited, restricted, or carefully regulated depending upon the nature of the activity and the extent of potential impact. Development of bulkheads (the vertical component of a seawall) is characterized in the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan as "shoreline modification" and is addressed in Volume II as follows: Shoreline Modification Shoreline generally requires some degree of modification before it can be utilized for development of any sort. But such modification, unless carefully planned, can have adverse effects far beyond the area directly altered for development. For this reason, all shoreline modifications are subject to close scrutiny and regulation by local, State and Federal agencies. The following guidelines should be used at the local level to minimize the impact of shoreline modifications of different types. Bulkheads and Bulkhead Lines Bulkhead lines should be set at, or landward of, the mean high water line or the landward boundary of the shoreline protection zone, which- ever is applicable. Where possible, sloping rip-rap structures and coastal vegetation should be used rather than vertical seawalls. The Monroe County land development regulations provide in pertinent part: Sec. 9.5-288. Bulkheads, seawalls, riprap and fences. Bulkheads, seawalls, riprap and fences may be allowed as principal uses where it is demonstrated that their purpose is for erosion protection or upland protection (except for the Big Pine Area of Critical County Concern). Seawalls, in any configuration to include integral steps, ladders, platforms, quays, wharfs, and integral docks landward of seawalls, are permitted, with or without a principal building, in all land use districts for the purpose of erosion control. . . . Riprap placement is permitted without a principal structure for erosion control. * * * Sec. 9.5-335. Purpose of environmental perform- ance standards. It is the purpose of this division to provide for the conservation and protection of the environmental resources of the Florida Keys by ensuring that the functional integrity of natural areas is protected when land is developed. * * * Sec. 9.5-345. Environmental design criteria. (m) Mangroves and Submerged Lands: Except as provided in paragraph (3), only piers, docks, utility pilings and walkways shall be permitted on mangroves and submerged lands; All structures on any submerged lands and mangroves shall be designed, located and constructed such that: All structures shall be constructed on pilings or other supports; Bulkheads and seawalls shall be permitted only to stabilize disturbed shorelines or to replace deteriorated existing bulkheads and seawalls; * * * d. No docking facility shall be developed at any site unless a minimum channel of twenty (20) feet in width where a mean low water depth of at least minus four (4) feet exists; No fill shall be permitted in any natural water body; No fill shall be permitted in any manmade water body unless the applicant demonstrates that the activity will not have a significant adverse impact on natural marine communities. * * * Sec. 9.5-4. Definitions. (W-1) Water at least four (4) feet below mean sea level at mean low tide means locations that will not have a significant adverse impact on off- shore resources of particular importance. For the purpose of this definition, "off-shore resources of particular importance" shall mean hard coral bottoms, habitat of state or federal threatened and endangered species, shallow water areas with natural marine communities with depths at mean low tide of less than four (4) feet and all designated aquatic preserves under Florida Statutes section 258.39 et seq. The land development regulations must be implemented in a manner consistent with the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan. Seawall The shoreline is generally the area between mean high water and mean low water. For regulatory purposes, the "shoreline" is considered to be mean high water. While a seawall will protect shoreline property, there are negative impacts associated with development of seawalls which merit consideration. In this case, development of the permitted seawall would involve elimination of the existing mature mangrove fringe, which filters upland runoff, and filling in the shelf, including submerged lands, which provides habitat for juvenile fish, crabs and algae. Water quality in the White Marlin Beach canals will deteriorate as additional seawalls are constructed. Wave force is increased as waves bounce off one seawall and then another, which in turn brings up sediments which may contain pollutants. Increased wave force also draws sediments out from under existing bulkheads, causing or contributing to their deterioration and adding to the suspended sediments in the canal. Riprap and coastal vegetation absorb rather than intensify wave energy. While some amount of shoreline erosion occurred on Lots 31 and 32 during the 1970s and at some time thereafter, the shorelines on Lots 31 and 32 are now stabilized by the existing mangrove fringe. Since the shorelines of Lots 31 and 32 are not presently eroding, that portion of the permit which authorizes the removal of the shoreline vegetation and development of a vertical seawall is not consistent with the Monroe County land development regulations. Rip-Rap Even if shoreline erosion were occurring, a seawall or bulkhead to stabilize the shoreline would still not be authorized under the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan and land development regulations. The shoreline on Lots 31 and 32 is gently sloping, with only about 1-1/2 feet of silt over the bedrock within the mangrove fringe. Rip-rap would be feasible on Lots 31 and 32 if shoreline erosion were to be currently taking place. Upland Erosion The Scotts are experiencing some erosion on the edges of the upland fill on Lots 31 and 32, caused by wind, rain, digging crabs, and the spreading roots of mangrove trees. Such erosion on the edges of upland fill is common in the Florida Keys. Construction of a vertical seawall, which is a shoreline stabilization technique, is not appropriate to address an upland erosion problem. Erosion of upland fill material is commonly addressed by use of a retaining wall landward of the shoreline. Development of a retaining wall on Lots 31 and 32 would not necessitate removal of the existing shoreline vegetation and placement of fill on submerged lands as authorized under the subject permit. Fill Behind Seawall The plans approved with the subject permit authorize the placement of fill behind the seawall. A portion of the proposed fill would be placed below mean high water on submerged lands. Section 9.5-345(m)(2)(4), Monroe County Code, prohibits the placement of fill in a manmade water body unless the applicant demonstrates that the activity will not have a significant adverse impact on natural marine communities. The mangrove community and submerged shelf that exist on lots 31 and 32 are natural marine communities. The permanent obliteration of the shoreline vegetation and elimination of the submerged lands that presently exist on Lots 31 and 32 would be a significant adverse impact on natural marine communities. Accordingly, the placement of fill on the submerged lands on Lots 31 and 32 is not authorized under the Monroe County land development regulations. Docks Section 9.5-345(m)(2)(d), Monroe County Code, requires that docking facilities be developed only where a water depth of at least minus four feet mean low water (-4 MLW) exists. The plans approved under the subject permit show a water depth of zero (0) feet MLW at the waterward extent of the proposed seawall/dock. The Scotts' intention is to align the seawall spanning Lots 31 and 32 with a seawall on an adjacent lot. Water depth in that approximate location, which differs from the approved site plan and is therefore not authorized by the permit, is 1.6 feet at low tide. There is not adequate water depth at the waterward side of the proposed seawall/dock, as shown either on the approved plan or as described in testimony, to accommodate a docking facility on Lots 31 and 32. Further, because the dock has a vertical seawall component, it is not designed to be constructed on pilings or other supports, as required by Section 9.5-345(m)(2)(a), Monroe County Code. Accessory Use The Monroe County land development regulations define an accessory use or structure as a use or structure that serves a principal use and is located on the same lot or lots under the same ownership and in the same land use district as the principal use or structure. The regulation specifically prohibits the establishment of an accessory use prior to the principal use to which it is accessory. Accessory uses are generally regulated based upon whether the accessory use is located on the same property as the principal use. Under the County definition of accessory use, when dealing with a single lot, the principal use must be established first. The reference to the plural "lots" accommodates larger projects which typically encompass more than one lot, such as hotels and multifamily projects. It would also encompass an individual's residence where the lots were aggregated for development. The intent of the regulation is not to restrict the accessory uses to any one of those individual lots, but to recognize that the accessory use can also extend and cover all of the lots where the principal use is located. The regulation was adopted to cure an ongoing problem in the Keys of speculative development where shoreline improvements were developed without the establishment of principal uses to increase the value of saleable lots. In this case, the principal use (the Scotts' residence) is not located on either of the two lots for which the permit was issued. To allow development of those properties prior to the establishment of principal uses on them would be inconsistent with the Monroe County land development regulation and the purpose for which it was adopted.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission enter a final order denying permission to develop the vertical seawall/dock authorized under Monroe County building permit number 9230005939 and denying all other relief requested by the Respondents. It is further recommended that such final order specify those items set forth in paragraphs 45 and 46, Conclusions of Law, as changes in design and circumstances necessary to enable the Scotts to obtain a permit to stabilize the upland fill on the lots and entitle them to a permit or permits for docking facilities. DONE AND ENTERED this 14th day of October 1994 in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. MICHAEL M. PARRISH Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of October 1994. APPENDIX The following are the specific rulings on all proposed findings of fact submitted by all parties. Findings proposed by the Petitioner: With the one exception mentioned immediately below, all proposed findings of fact submitted by the Petitioner have been accepted, with occasional editorial modifications in the interest of clarity and accuracy. The one exception is paragraph 25, which was rejected as unnecessary repetition or summary of findings already made. Findings proposed by the Respondents: Paragraph 1: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 2: Rejected as subordinate and unnecessary details in view of the de novo nature of this proceeding. Paragraphs 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 11: Rejected as contrary to the greater weight of the evidence. (There is conflicting evidence on this subject. The testimony of the Petitioner's witnesses is found to be more persuasive than the version put forth by the Respondents' witnesses.) Paragraph 12: Accepted in substance. Paragraphs 13 and 14: Rejected as subordinate and unnecessary details. Paragraphs 15 and 16: Both of these paragraphs are rejected as too overly broad and imprecise to be meaningful in the context of the issues in this proceeding. More precise and detailed findings have been made regarding the nature of past and current erosion on the subject property. Paragraph 17: Rejected as too narrow a statement to be accurate. As noted in the findings of fact, other factors are contributing to the upland erosion. Paragraph 18: Rejected as not supported by persuasive competent substantial evidence. Although there is some testimony along the general lines of what is proposed in this paragraph, that testimony appears to be more nearly hyperbole than hard science. Paragraph 19: Rejected as consisting primarily of argument, rather than proposed findings of fact. Further, the last sentence of this paragraph is a conclusion that is contrary to the greater weight of the evidence. Paragraph 20: Rejected as consisting primarily of argument and proposed conclusions of law, rather than proposed findings of fact. Paragraph 21: First two sentences rejected as subordinate and unnecessary details in view of the requirements of the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan and land development regulations. Last sentence rejected as constituting a conclusion that is contrary to the greater weight of the evidence. Paragraph 22: Rejected in part as not fully supported by persuasive competent substantial evidence and in part as irrelevant. (The water being too shallow, it does not particularly matter why it is too shallow.) Paragraph 23: Rejected as subordinate and unnecessary details in view of the requirements of the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan and land development regulations. Paragraph 24: Accepted in substance with some editorial language omitted. Paragraphs 25 and 26: Rejected as constituting conclusions that are contrary to the greater weight of the evidence. COPIES FURNISHED: Sherry A. Spiers Assistant General Counsel Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Carol A. Scott, Esquire KUBICKI, DRAPER, GALLAGHER & MCGRANE, P.A. 1200 City National Bank Building 25 West Flagler Street Miami, Florida 33130 James T. Hendrick, Esquire 617 Whitehead Street Key West, Florida 33040 David K. Coburn, Secretary Florida Land & Water Adjudicatory Commission 311 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (9) 120.57120.66253.39258.39380.032380.05380.0552380.07380.08
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Apr. 09, 2019 Number: 19-001844 Latest Update: Nov. 20, 2019

The Issue The issues to be determined is whether the City of Destin (“City”) has demonstrated its entitlement to place dredged material from the maintenance dredging of the East Pass (“East Pass” or “inlet”) entrance channel conducted pursuant to the Consolidated Joint Coastal Permit and Sovereign Submerged Lands Authorization, Permit Number: 0288799-003-JC (“Permit”), in the swash zone east of East Pass in accordance with the Notice to Proceed (“NTP”); and whether the Inlet Management Plan referenced in the NTP is an unadopted rule as described in section 120.57(1)(e), Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact Based upon the demeanor and credibility of the witnesses, the stipulations of the parties, and the evidentiary record of this proceeding, the following Findings of Fact are made: The Parties Petitioners, David H. Sherry and Rebecca R. Sherry, own Unit 511 at the Surf Dweller Condominium, 554 Coral Court, Fort Walton Beach, Florida. The Surf Dweller Condominium, which is on Santa Rosa Island in the unincorporated community of Okaloosa Island,1/ fronts the Gulf of Mexico, and straddles DEP Reference Monument R-7, which is between three and four miles west of DEP Virtual Monument V-611, and is between five and six miles west of the west side of East Pass. The Sherrys use the beach at their condominium on a daily basis for fishing, crabbing, swimming, walking, running, and general recreation. They also walk or run from Monument R-7 along the beaches to East Pass, and occasionally drive to and use the beaches on the east side of East Pass. Petitioner, John S. Donovan, owns Units 131 and 132 at the El Matador Condominium, 909 Santa Rosa Boulevard, Fort Walton Beach, Florida. The El Matador Condominium is on Okaloosa Island, fronts the Gulf of Mexico, and is approximately five miles west of Monument V-611, and is more than six miles west of the west side of East Pass. Mr. Donovan generally walks the beaches west of his condominium, but does occasionally walk along the beach to Monument V-607, which is the location of a seawall constructed by the Air Force on sovereign submerged lands to protect an Air Force tracking facility. Intervenor, Thomas Wilson, resides at 856 Edgewood Drive, Charleston, West Virginia, and owns a secondary residence at 1530 Miracle Strip Parkway, No. 101-B, Fort Walton Beach, Florida, in the vicinity of Monument R-14. Mr. Wilson uses and enjoys the gulf-front beaches between his property on Okaloosa Island and East Pass. Petitioners’ stated injuries are related to the allegation that the lateral movement of sand from the East Pass areas of influence is from east to west. Placing dredged material in the eastern disposal site would allegedly deprive the beaches in front of their property -- beaches that are miles from the nearest area of influence or spoil disposal site -- of their natural sand supply by cutting off what they allege to be the natural sand flow, causing the beaches in front of their properties to eventually erode. Petitioners alleged no immediate environmental injuries associated with the NTP. Petitioners’ stated objective in this case is to have any sand dredged from East Past to be placed on the western disposal areas at all times. The City is the applicant for the Permit and the NTP, and abuts the east side of East Pass. DEP is an agency of the State of Florida pursuant to section 20.255, Florida Statutes. DEP is the permitting authority in this proceeding and issued the NTP at issue in this proceeding to the City. The NTP was issued on February 2, 2018, without notice of rights language regarding the right to request a hearing or time limits for doing so. Petitioners received a copy of the NTP on October 1, 2018, and filed a challenge more than 14 days later, on November 30, 2018. East Pass Prior to 1928, the connection from Choctawhatchee Bay to the Gulf of Mexico flowed through what is now Old Pass Lagoon. After a storm in 1928, a high-tide breach of the shoreline near the current location of East Pass was formed. In 1929, a record rain event caused waters to rise in Choctawhatchee Bay. Residents of the area dug a relief channel at roughly the present location of East Pass. The waters releasing through the more hydraulically efficient flow path from Choctawhatchee Bay established a channel, which quickly enlarged to become the prominent inlet to the Gulf of Mexico. The permanent channel, now known as East Pass, is the only navigable passage from Choctawhatchee Bay and the Intercoastal Waterway to the Gulf of Mexico between Panama City, Florida, and Pensacola, Florida. East Pass separates the gulf-fronting beaches of the City to its east from the beaches owned by the United States as part of Eglin Air Force Base to the west. The entrance to East Pass is protected by two boulder-mount jetties: a 3,860 foot- long jetty on the west side of the inlet and a 1,210 foot-long jetty on the east side of the inlet. East Pass is an ebb tide dominated inlet, with a sizable amount of sediment moving in and out. When outgoing tidal flow moves though the constriction formed by the jetties, flow velocities are accelerated. When the water, and any entrained sediment, passes the jetties, flow tends to spread out to the east, west, and south, and naturally loses velocity. When the outgoing tidal waters reach a critical velocity where they can no longer carry the sand, the sand drops out of suspension, which forms the ebb shoal. Essentially, the ebb shoal is a large, semi-circular sandbar extending from the mouth of East Pass that was created by the ebb tide carrying sediments south. East Pass is a highly dynamic inlet system. There are processes spurred by the configuration and location of East Pass, tides, waves, and storms that have resulted in currents running to the east and west that change on a frequent basis. The Physical Monitoring Plan (“PMP”), which is part of the Permit, and thus, not subject to challenge in this case, established, for the period of 1996 through 2007, “a trend of west to east longshore transport, resulting in net gain immediately west of [East Pass] and a significant loss of sand along Holiday Isle east of [East Pass].” The PMP further established that a “drift nodal point” existed at East Pass. Longshore transport at uniform coastal locations is generally in one direction. However, when there are wave events coming from varying angles, and where beach contours are not parallel and uniform, or even linear, it is common for transport reversals to occur. The point at which those reversals occur is referred to as a nodal point. That point can be where east and west transport converges, or where it diverges. The shoreline in the vicinity of East Pass has exhibited “quite a few” nodal points over the past decade, resulting in frequent drift reversals and sand transport to the east and the west. The evidence as to the existence and effect of the East Pass drift nodal point, and its affect on the lateral transport of sand in the area, including the East Pass areas of influence, was substantiated by testimony and other evidence introduced at the final hearing. The testimony and evidence that there is no consistent direction of lateral sand transport in the vicinity of East Pass, and no predominant lateral current transporting sand in a westerly direction, is accepted. Evidence to the contrary was not persuasive. East Pass includes a federal navigation channel. The federal navigation channel requires routine maintenance to prevent it from shoaling. On an average, East Pass is dredged in two-year intervals. The last time that East Pass was dredged was in December of 2013. It has now shoaled with sand and become very hazardous for marine traffic. In December of 2018, the City declared a state of emergency relating to the navigational hazards caused by the accumulation of sand in the navigation channel. The Permit On February 26, 2015, DEP issued the Permit, which authorized the City to perform “periodic maintenance dredging of the federally authorized East Pass and Destin Harbor and navigation channels.” The Permit will expire on February 26, 2030. Notice of the issuance of this Permit was published in the Destin Log, a newspaper of general circulation, on December 24, 2014. No challenge to the issuance of the Permit was filed. As it pertains to the issues in this proceeding, the Permit provides that “Dredged material from . . . maintenance dredging activities will be placed in the swash zones of the beaches east and west of East Pass, as specified in the East Pass Inlet Management Plan.” The specific beach spoil placement sites are, as relevant to this proceeding, located “west of East Pass . . . between [DEP] reference monuments V-611 and V-622; and on 2 beach sites situated east of East Pass . . . from R-17 to R-20.5 and from R-23.5 to R-25.5.” Those areas correspond to what have been identified as the “areas of influence,” which are the beach areas east and west of East Pass that are affected by tidal forces generated by the inlet. The specified beach spoil placement sites, being conditions of the unchallenged Permit, are not subject to challenge in this case. The Permit establishes the criteria by which specific work is to be authorized. Specific Condition 5 provides, in pertinent part, that: 5. No work shall be conducted under this permit until the Permittee has received a written notice to proceed from the Department for each event. At least 30 days prior to the requested date of issuance of the notice to proceed, the Permittee shall submit a written request for a Notice to Proceed along with the following items for review and approval by the Department: * * * Prior to the second dredging event authorized under this permit, and each subsequent event, the Physical Monitoring Data, as specified in Specific Condition 9, shall be submitted to select the appropriate placement locations. Specific Condition 9 provides that: Following the initial placement of material on Norriego Point, fill site selection shall be supported by the latest physical monitoring data over a minimum of five years in accordance with the adopted East Pass Inlet Management Implementation Plan (July 24, 2013). All physical monitoring shall be conducted in accordance to the Approved physical monitoring plan dated August, 2014. A notice to proceed for specific projects shall be withheld pending concurrence by the Department that the data support the proposed placement location. The purpose of Specific Condition 9 is to identify, using supporting monitoring data from the eastern and western areas of influence, the “adjacent eroding beach” most in need of sand from the inlet. The requirement that physical monitoring data be used to determine which of the beach spoil placement sites identified in the Permit’s Project Description will receive the spoil from any particular periodic dredging event was to implement section 161.142, Florida Statutes. That section mandates that “maintenance dredgings of beach-quality sand are placed on the adjacent eroding beaches,” and establishes the overriding policy of the state regarding disposition of sand from navigational channel maintenance dredging. East Pass Inlet Management Implementation Plan The East Pass Inlet Management Implementation Plan (“East Pass IMP”) was adopted by Final Order of DEP on July 30, 2013.2/ The East Pass IMP was not adopted through the rulemaking procedures proscribed by chapter 120, Florida Statutes, or DEP rules. Despite a comprehensive Notice of Rights advising persons whose substantial interests could be affected of the means by which the East Pass IMP could be challenged, it was not. There are 44 maintained inlets in Florida. About half have individual inlet management plans. The East Pass IMP is not applicable to any inlet other than East Pass. The East Pass IMP does not require that any quantity of dredged material from the dredging of East Pass be placed at any particular location other than as established in the Permit. Rather, the disposal site is to be determined on a case-by-case basis based on the best monitoring data available for the beaches in the area of influence of East Pass. The critical element of the IMP, and that in keeping with the statutory requirement that sand be placed on “adjacent eroding beaches” is the “strategy” that “the recent erosion of adjacent beaches observed over a minimum of five years shall define the placement need in terms of location and volume.” The East Pass IMP, being applicable only to East Pass, is not of “general applicability.” Furthermore, the East Pass IMP does not implement, interpret, or prescribe law or policy. The Notice to Proceed On January 30, 2018, the City filed its Request for Notice to Proceed (“Request”). The Request addressed the criteria in Specific Conditions 5 and 9 of the Permit. Upon review, DEP determined the conditions of the Permit were satisfied and issued the NTP on February 2, 2018. The analysis of data submitted as part of the Request was designed to show areas of erosion and accretion within the eastern and western areas of influence in order to identify “critically eroded beaches.” The shoreline of Santa Rosa Island to the west of East Pass has historically been stable. To be sure, as is the case with any shoreline, there will be some areas of erosion and some areas of accretion. After Hurricanes Ivan and Opal, areas of Santa Rosa Island experienced erosion. DEP declared the shoreline to be critically eroded after the 2004-2005 hurricane seasons, which prompted Okaloosa County to commission a study to monitor the health of the Monuments R-1 through R-16 beach segment, a segment that includes Petitioners’ residences. Despite the fact that no post-storm beach restoration occurred in the area, the beach recovered naturally and gained sand following the post-storm recovery. In addition, Santa Rosa Island is known for “beach cusps,” which are crenulate3/ shapes along the shoreline. Depending on the season and storm conditions, those beach cusps can have a localized erosive effect on the beach, but those tend to be seasonal. They do not negate what the evidence shows to be the overall stable to accretional conditions of the beaches west of East Pass from Monument V-622 to Petitioners’ residences. Mr. Trammell offered testimony, including a discussion of photographic evidence, demonstrating the beaches west of East Pass have large dunes; multiple dune lines; tall, and thick vegetated dunes indicating established dune growth; pioneering vegetation indicating active, healthy dune growth and accretion; partially buried signs indicating dune advance; and broad and expansive beaches. Those features are indicative of a stable and accretional shoreline. Mr. Trammell’s testimony as to the western spoil disposal site was convincing and is accepted. At present, the Santa Rosa Island shoreline is not deemed by DEP to be “critically eroded.” The photographic evidence supports the data collected over time for the beaches west of East Pass, and the testimony offered at the final hearing, which collectively establishes, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the beaches to the west of East Pass are stable and accretional, are not subject to erosion caused by East Pass, and are not “adjacent eroding beaches” as that term is used in section 161.142. The shoreline east of East Pass, including the eastern area of influence and the proposed dredge material disposal sites at Monuments R-17 to R-20.5 and R-23.5 to R-25, except for the area immediately abutting the eastern jetty, is highly erosional. Mr. Trammell offered testimony, including a discussion of photographic evidence, demonstrating the beaches east of East Pass exhibit the following signs of significant and ongoing erosion: extensive dune erosion; exposed sea oat roots; reduced beach elevation; reduced beach width; crenulate bays; newly built dune walkovers that replaced old walkovers claimed by erosion; dune walkovers in close proximity to the shoreline indicating that the shoreline had receded to the walkover; and beach scarping at the shoreline indicating active erosion. Mr. Trammell’s testimony as to the eastern spoil disposal sites was convincing and is accepted. The eastern areas of influence are currently designated to be “critically eroded” by DEP, a designation maintained for more than 10 years. The photographic evidence supports the data collected over time for the beaches east of East Pass, and the testimony offered at the final hearing, which collectively establishes, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the beaches to the east of East Pass are critically eroded, a condition that is influenced by East Pass and or its navigational channel, and are “adjacent eroding beaches” as that term is used in section 161.142. Data in Support of the NTP The data submitted by the City to DEP in support of the Request included monitoring data for the eastern beach placement areas from the West Destin Four-Year Post-construction Monitoring Report and earlier annual post-construction reports covering the period from October 2012 to July 2017, and additional data from the Holiday Isle Emergency Beach Fill Two-Year Post-construction Report. DEP was also provided with historical monitoring data for the area west of East Pass, including the Western Beach Monitoring Report, which covered 2006 to 2017, and the Potential Borrow Area Impact Report, which included data from 1996 through 2012. DEP has also received recent profile data from April 2019. These reports, and the data contained within them, cumulatively provide more than 20 years of survey date, and demonstrate convincingly that the shoreline to the west of East Pass has been stable or accreting, and the areas to the east are eroded. The data submitted in support of the Request was sufficient to meet Specific Condition 9 that fill site selection be supported by the latest physical monitoring data over a minimum of five years in accordance with the East Pass IMP. Petitioners argue that the City failed to comply with the PMP, which requires, among other things, that the analysis of the dredged material disposal area include “preconstruction survey data and the most recent survey conducted at least five years prior.” The PMP establishes that “[p]reconstruction surveys shall be conducted no more than 90 days before construction commences. A prior beach monitoring survey of the beach and offshore may be submitted for the pre-construction survey if consistent with the other requirements” of the PMP. The City submitted a prior beach monitoring survey of the beach and offshore that is consistent with the PMP. Petitioners argue that the City violated a temporal limitation which provides that the City “may submit a prior beach restoration monitoring report for the west or east beach areas (Walton-Destin or Western Destin Beach Restoration Project) if the monitoring data is collected within 1 year of the proposed maintenance dredging event and if consistent with the other requirements of this condition.” Petitioners acknowledge in their PRO that the beach restoration monitoring report was timely when the Request for NTP was submitted. The information contained therein was sufficient to support the notice of proposed action on the NTP. The otherwise compliant data is no longer within one year of the proposed dredge. In that regard, the litigation in this case, initiated by Petitioners, has been ongoing for almost one year. Work authorized by the NTP cannot go forward when subject to challenge. If the PMP, which is not a rule, is unreasonably read so as not to account for delay caused by litigation, such delay becomes a tool for use by, and a reward for, a person dissatisfied with DEP’s outcome. In this case, the NTP was lawfully issued pursuant to compliant data, surveys, and analysis. As with any permit or license subject to a third- party challenge, the terms of the NTP are tolled pending Petitioners’ litigation, and do not become a ground for denial of the otherwise compliant Request. See § 120.60(1), Fla. Stat. (“An application for a license must be approved or denied within 90 days after receipt of a completed application unless a shorter period of time for agency action is provided by law. The 90-day time period is tolled by the initiation of a proceeding under ss. 120.569 and 120.57. Any application for a license which is not approved or denied . . . within 45 days after a recommended order is submitted to the agency and the parties, . . . is considered approved unless the recommended order recommends that the agency deny the license.”).4/ Furthermore, DEP has now received recent profile data from April 2019. The evidence establishes that the data provided to DEP as part of the Request includes the latest physical monitoring data over a period of greater than five years, and that the data collection met the standards for conducting physical monitoring. Fill Site Selection The NTP authorized “placement of dredged material in the swash zone east of East Pass.” In accordance with the Permit, that authorized area extends eastward from R-17 to R-20.5 and from R-23.5 to R-25.5, in Holiday Isle. The evidence is persuasive that placing dredged material on the eastern side of East Pass would not result in erosion on the western side of East Pass. Dredged material placed in the western beach placement area, and in the “shadow” of the western jetty, will tend to remain in that area. It would take a very long time, if at all, for that material to migrate further to the west. However, dredged material placed to the east of East Pass would, if the lateral shoreline drift is east to west as asserted by Petitioners (though not supported by a preponderance of the evidence as set forth in paragraphs 11 through 13), be introduced into the ebb shoal and likely move faster to the west as opposed to it being placed directly at the base of the west jetty. As such, placement of the dredged material on the eastern beach placement areas would, more likely than not, accomplish the beach effect objectives set forth in the Petition. The Eglin AFB Beach Restoration Project Petitioners relied heavily on photographs taken in 2010 and 2019 from roughly the same location in the vicinity of Monuments V-607 to V-608 to demonstrate that the beaches of Santa Rosa Island are eroding. The area depicted is outside of the area of influence of East Pass, and outside of the western beach placement area under the Permit. Those photographs depict a wide expanse of beach in 2010, with a seawall well upland from the shore in 2010. Then, in 2019, a photograph depicting the same stretch was offered that showed the same seawall, now at or below the water line. The photographs were, ostensibly, designed to depict naturally occurring erosion in the area. Mr. Clark testified that the seawall and boulder mound structure depicted in both photographs protect an Air Force mission-critical tracking facility. The seawall was originally constructed in 1979 after Hurricane Frederick, was constructed at that time to extend into the water, and was maintained in that configuration through the 1990s. One could not walk around the original seawall. Rather, for most of its history, passage around the seaward side of the seawall could only be accomplished by swimming or wading. The original seawall was damaged by Hurricane Opal, and destroyed by Hurricanes Ivan and Dennis in 2004 and 2005. The Air Force, needing to reconstruct the wall, applied for and received a joint coastal construction permit, allowing the structure to be constructed on sovereign submerged land below the line of mean high water. The seawall was rebuilt and, as stated by Mr. Clark, “it was in the water.” In 2010, the Air Force performed the small Eglin Air Force Base Beach Restoration Project, which placed artificial fill in front of the seawall, thereby creating a temporary beach. That beach fill project was “a one-shot deal,” did not involve any subsequent maintenance, and is now essentially gone, as was expected. Mr. Clark was neither surprised nor concerned with the fact that the area returned to what he described as its natural state, with the seawall below mean high water. The 2019 photograph was presented as evidence of erosion caused by East Pass. That was not the case. Rather, the 2010 photograph was evidence of an artificial and singular event, and the 2019 photograph depicts the natural state of the shoreline. Rather than depicting erosion, the 2019 photograph depicts a return to the stable shoreline that exists all along Santa Rosa Island to the west of East Pass. The photographs of the site of the 2010 Eglin Air Force Base Beach Restoration Project do not support a finding that the beaches of Santa Rosa Island are anything but stable, if not accretional, nor do they support a finding that the beaches of Santa Rosa Island are eroding. Ultimate Factual Conclusion Specific Condition 9 of the Permit requires the location of the spoil disposal be supported by the latest physical monitoring data over a minimum of five years in accordance with the East Pass IMP and the PMP. The greater weight of the competent substantial evidence establishes that the City submitted physical monitoring data consistent with the requirements of Specific Condition 9. The greater weight of the competent substantial evidence establishes that the eastern areas of influence of East Pass, including the beach disposal areas at R-17 to R-20.5 and R-23.5 to R-25.5, are critically eroded, a condition influenced if not caused by the East Pass, and constitute East Pass’s “adjacent eroding beaches.” Evidence to the contrary was not persuasive. The greater weight of the competent substantial evidence establishes that the western areas of influence of East Pass, including the beach disposal areas at Monuments V-611 to V-622, are stable, if not accreting, and are not East Pass’s “adjacent eroding beaches.” Evidence to the contrary was not persuasive. The greater weight of the competent substantial evidence establishes that the City met the standards for the NTP as proposed for issuance by DEP on February 2, 2018. Evidence to the contrary was not persuasive. Thus, the NTP should be issued.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Environmental Protection enter a final order: Approving the February 2, 2018, Notice to Proceed for the maintenance dredging of East Pass as authorized pursuant to Consolidated Environmental Resource Permit and Sovereign Submerged Lands Authorization No. 50-0126380-005-EI and State- owned Lease No. 0288799-003-JC, subject to the general and specific conditions set forth therein; and Denying the City of Destin’s Motion for Attorney’s Fees, Expenses and Costs pursuant to section 120.595(1). DONE AND ENTERED this 14th day of October, 2019, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S E. GARY EARLY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of October, 2019.

Florida Laws (10) 120.52120.54120.56120.569120.57120.595120.60120.68161.14220.255 Florida Administrative Code (3) 62B-36.00262B-41.00262B-49.002 DOAH Case (5) 01-413203-246911-649512-342717-2201
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Jun. 28, 2006 Number: 06-002312 Latest Update: Feb. 08, 2007

The Issue The issue in this case is whether Respondents Paul Crum, Sr., and Paul Crum, Jr. (the "Crums"), are entitled to the Noticed General Permit issued by the Department of Environmental Protection ("Department") for the construction of a single- family residential dock and associated structures.

Findings Of Fact Background The Crums are the owners of the riparian property located at 15696 Shark Road West, Jacksonville, Florida. The Crum property is adjacent to Pumpkin Hill Creek, which lies within the Nassau River-St. Johns River Marshes Aquatic Preserve. Extending from the Crum property into Pumpkin Hill Creek is an existing wood dock approximately 90 feet long and four feet wide, with a platform near the landward end of the dock. Petitioner Brooks owns the property immediately adjacent to and north of the Crum property. Petitioner Brooks has a dock and boat lift. Petitioner Cole owns the property immediately adjacent to and southeast of the Crum property. The Cole property is located on a salt marsh and has no dock. Petitioner Jones lives approximately 3,200 feet north of the Crum property, on a tributary to Pumpkin Hill Creek. Petitioner Jones has fished Pumpkin Hill Creek and the surrounding waters for over 25 years. Noticed General Permits are a type of environmental resource permit granted by rule for those activities which have been determined to have minimal impacts to water resources. Florida Administrative Code Rule 62-341.427 grants by rule a general permit to construct a single family pier, along with boat lifts and terminal platforms, provided certain specific criteria are met. In August 2005, the Crums applied for a Noticed General Permit to extend their existing dock into deeper water. The Department issued a Notice of Determination of Qualification for Noticed General Permit, but later rescinded the authorization after Petitioner Brooks complained to the Department that the landward end of the existing dock is located only 21 feet from her property boundary and, therefore, did not comply with Florida Administrative Code Rule 18-21.004(3)(d), which requires that a dock be set back a minimum of 25 feet "inside the applicant's riparian rights lines." In November 2005, the Crums re-applied for a Noticed General Permit. Their revised plans called for removal of the existing dock and construction of a new dock extending approximately 255 feet out into Pumpkin Hill Creek. The proposed dock would be located a minimum of 25 feet inside the Crums' riparian rights lines. On December 6, 2005, the Department issued a Notice of Determination of Qualification for a Noticed General Permit for the revised dock, stating that the project satisfied the requirements of Florida Administrative Code Rule 62-341.427, as well as the conditions for authorization to perform activities on state-owned submerged lands set forth in Florida Administrative Code Rule 18-21 and for activities in an aquatic preserve under Florida Administrative Code Rule 18-20. In April 2006, Petitioners filed three petitions for hearing with the Department alleging that the proposed dock significantly impedes navigation by restricting access to a tidal creek and extends more waterward than necessary to access a water depth of (minus) -4 feet at mean low water, which is prohibited for docks in aquatic preserves under Florida Administrative Code Rule 18-20.005(3)(b)3. Petitioners attached to their petitions a copy of a bathymetric survey showing the elevations of the submerged lands in the vicinity of the proposed project. In response to the information contained in the survey, the Crums revised their plans to shorten the dock to its currently proposed length of 186.56 feet. A new Notice of Determination of Qualification for a Notice General Permit was then issued by the Department on October 16, 2006. The final dock project consists of: (a) removal of the existing wood dock; (b) construction of a four-foot wide, 186.56-foot long, single family residential dock consisting of an access pier, a 12-foot by 12-foot terminal platform, and a 14-foot by 20-foot open boat lift with catwalk (the “proposed dock”). The proposed dock will terminate where the water will be four feet deep at mean low water. Navigating in and Near the Tidal Creek To the south of the Crum property is a wide expanse of salt marsh. Within the salt marsh are unnamed tidal creeks. The mouth of one tidal creek that flows to Pumpkin Hill Creek is located approximately 90 feet south of the existing Crum dock. The tidal creek is shallow and is not navigable at or near low tide. Petitioner Jones owns an 18-foot flatboat which he sometimes keeps at his residence and sometimes at Petitioner Brooks' property. The boat draws about one foot of water. Petitioner Jones uses this boat to fish in the tidal creek located near the Crum property about ten times every month. No evidence was presented to show that Petitioner Brooks or Petitioner Cole ever navigate in or otherwise use this tidal creek. There are many other tidal creeks located in the marshes associated with Pumpkin Hill Creek. Petitioner Jones boats and fishes in most of them. Petitioner Jones said that, currently, he must wait two hours past low tide for the water depth to be sufficient for him to get into the tidal creek near the Crum property. His usual course to the creek lies just beyond the end of the existing Crum dock. He claims there is a channel there, but no channel is shown on the survey or in any of the parties' photographs. After the proposed dock is constructed, Petitioner Jones' usual course to the tidal will be obstructed. He contends that the new course he would have to take to the tidal creek will take him across shallower areas of Pumpkin Hill Creek so that he will have to wait two more hours (a total of four hours) after low tide to get into the creek. Therefore, Petitioner Jones' alleged injury is the reduction of the hours available to him to navigate in and out of the tidal creek for fishing. The existing Crum dock terminates on a broad mud flat which is exposed at mean low water. However, the bathymetric survey shows the mud flat is at a lower elevation near the end of the dock so water covers this area before it covers the rest of the mud flat. However, the bathymetric survey also shows the elevation of the bottom rising as one moves south from the existing dock. At the mouth of the tidal creek the elevation is 1.0 feet NGVD (National Geodetic Vertical Datum, an official, surveyed reference point). Because the tidal creek drains into the main body of Pumpkin Hill Creek, a reasonable inference can be made that the bottom elevations in the creek generally become higher (and the water depths decrease) as one moves up the creek toward dry land. Prop scars in the exposed bottom at the end of the existing dock indicate that boats have traveled over this area when the water was so shallow that the engine props were striking the bottom. Prop scarring can cause turbidity and damage to benthic organisms. The bathymetric survey indicates that mean high water in this area of Pumpkin Hill Creek is 3.03 feet NGVD, and the mean low water is -1.78 feet NGVD. The mean tidal fluctuation between mean low water and mean high water is thus 4.81 feet. Randall Armstrong, who was accepted as an expert in navigation and piloting, explained that in this area, where there are two daily tides, the water elevation will generally increase by 1/12 of the mean tidal fluctuation in the first hour after mean low water, another 2/12 of the fluctuation in the second, and 3/12 in the third hour. Applying this general rule to the tidal fluctuation here of 4.81 feet results in an estimated 1.2-foot increase in water elevation two hours after low tide and a 2.4-foot increase three hours after low tide. Based on the mean low water elevation of -1.78 feet NGVD, the water elevation would usually be about -0.6 foot NGVD two hours after low tide and 0.6 foot NGVD three hours after low tide. Therefore, the tidal creek (with a bottom elevation of 1.0 foot NGVD at the mouth) would usually be "dry" two hours after low tide and would usually have less than a foot of water three hours after low tide. That evidence contradicts Petitioner Jones' statement that he now navigates into the tidal creek two hours after low tide. That might occasionally be possible, but the bathymetric survey indicates the creek would usually be too shallow at that time. In fact, the evidence suggests that the tidal creek is only reliably navigable without causing prop scars to the bottom by using boats with very shallow draft and waiting until high tide (or shortly before or after) when the water depth at the mouth of the creek would be about two feet. It was Mr. Armstrong's opinion that the 1.0-foot NGVD elevation at the mouth of the tidal creek determines when and how long the tidal creek is navigable, and those times would not be affected by the proposed dock. He described the new course that a boater would use to navigate into the tidal creek after the proposed dock is built. He used the bathymetric survey to show that when the water is deep enough to navigate into the tidal creek, the water depth is also sufficient to navigate the new course. The proposed dock might, as Petitioner Jones alleges, cause boaters to traverse a longer section of the mudflat then they do currently. However, the more persuasive testimony supports the Crums' position that the navigability of the tidal creek is controlled by its shallowest point at the 1.0-foot NGVD elevation and that the proposed dock will not interfere with navigation of the tidal creek by requiring boaters to traverse shallower areas. Petitioner Jones testified that he regularly navigates his boat close to the existing Crum dock. The evidence does not indicate that the proposed dock would cause an unreasonable risk of collision for boaters using the new course to the tidal creek.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Secretary of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection enter a final order that grants Noticed General Permit No. 16-253057-002-EG to the Crums. DONE AND ENTERED this 22nd day of December, 2006, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S BRAM D. E. CANTER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of December, 2006.

Florida Laws (3) 120.569120.57403.814
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Sarasota, Florida Mar. 09, 2017 Number: 17-001449 Latest Update: Jun. 18, 2018

The Issue The issue to be determined in these consolidated cases is whether the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (“Corps”) and the City of Sarasota (“City”) (sometimes referred to as “the Applicants”) are entitled to the proposed joint coastal permit, public easement, and sovereign submerged lands use authorization (referred to collectively as “the Permit”) from the Department of Environmental Protection (“DEP”) and the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund to dredge sand from Big Sarasota Pass and its ebb shoal and place the sand on the shoreline of Lido Key.

Findings Of Fact The Parties Petitioner Siesta Key Association, Inc. is a Florida Not for Profit Corporation, with its principal place of business in Sarasota. The organization has approximately 1,425 members and represents the interests of those who use and enjoy Siesta Key’s beach and waters. A substantial number of its members have substantial interests in the use of the beach and adjacent waters. Petitioner Michael S. Holderness is a resident and property owner on Siesta Key. Mr. Holderness has substantial interests in the protection of his property and the use of the beach at Siesta Key and adjacent waters. Petitioner Save Our Siesta Sands 2, Inc. is a Florida Not For Profit Corporation, with its principal place of business in Sarasota. The organization has over 700 members and was formed in opposition to the current dredging proposal. A substantial number of its members have substantial interests in the use of the beach at Siesta Key and adjacent waters. Petitioners Peter van Roekens and Diane Erne are residents and property owners on Siesta Key. They have substantial interests in the protection of their properties and the use of the beach at Siesta Key and adjacent waters. Respondent City of Sarasota is an incorporated municipality in Sarasota County. It is a co-applicant for the Permit. Respondent Corps is the federal agency responsible for the Lido Key Hurricane and Storm Damage Reduction Project first authorized by Congress in 1970. Under this Project, the Corps has conducted periodic maintenance, inlet dredging, surveys, and bypassing to protect Lido Key’s shoreline. The Corps is a co-applicant for the Permit. Respondent DEP is the Florida agency having the power and duty to protect Florida’s air and water resources and to administer and enforce the provisions of chapters 161, 373, and 403, Florida Statutes, and rules promulgated thereunder in Titles 62 and 62B of the Florida Administrative Code, which pertain to the permitting of construction activities in the coastal zone and in surface waters of the state. DEP acts as staff to the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund. Intervenor Lido Key Residents Association is a Florida Not for Profit Corporation incorporated in 1980 and with its principal place of business in Sarasota. The organization represents the interests of regular users of Lido Key Beach. A substantial number of its members have substantial interests in the use of the beach at Lido Key and adjacent waters. The Project Area Lido Key is a 2.6-mile-long, manmade barrier island constructed in the 1920s, located on the Gulf of Mexico and within the City of Sarasota. North of Lido Key is New Pass, a navigation channel that separates Lido Key from Longboat Key. South of Lido Key is Big Sarasota Pass and the ebb shoal of the pass. Further south is Siesta Key, a natural barrier island. Sediment Transport In the project area, sand generally drifts along the various shorelines from north to south. There can be sand drift to the north during some storm events, currents, and tides, but the net sand drift is to the south. It is sometimes called “downdrift.” Whatever downdrift conditions existed 100 years ago, they were substantially modified by the creation of Lido Key. For decades, the shoreline of Lido Key has been eroding. Since 1964, the Corps has periodically dredged New Pass to renourish the shoreline of Lido Key. The City has also used offshore sand to renourish Lido Key. These renourishment projects have not prevented relatively rapid erosion of the shoreline. A 2.4-mile-long segment of the shoreline of Lido Key has been designated by DEP as “critically eroded.” The Big Sarasota Pass ebb shoal has been growing and now has a volume of about 23 million cubic yards (“cy”) of sand. The growth of the ebb shoal is attributable to the renourishment projects that have placed over a million cy of sand on Lido Key and Longboat Key. The growth of the ebb shoal has likely been a factor in the southward migration of the main ebb channel of Big Sarasota Pass, closer to the northern shoreline of Siesta Key. Most of the west-facing shoreline at Siesta Key has experienced significant accretion. It is unusually wide for a Florida beach. It was named the best (“#1”) beach in the United States by “Dr. Beach,” Dr. Steven Leatherman, for 2011 and 2017. The Project The federally-authorized Lido Key Hurricane and Storm Damage Reduction Project includes the use of New Pass as a supplemental sand source for renourishing Lido Key. However, the use of New Pass is the subject of separate DEP permitting. The project at issue in this proceeding only involves the renourishment of Lido Key and is named “Lido Key Beach Renourishment and Groins.” The Applicants conducted a study of the ebb shoal to determine whether it could be used as a permanent sand source to renourish Lido Key. The study consisted of an environmental feasibility study and an inlet management program for Big Sarasota Pass and New Pass with alternative solutions. The application for the Permit was a response to this study. The proposed sand source or borrow areas are three dredge “cuts.” Cuts B and D are within the ebb shoal. Cut C extends through the ebb shoal and partly into Big Sarasota Pass. Cut C generally follows an existing “flood marginal channel.” The sand from the cuts would be placed along the central and southern 1.6 miles of Lido Key to fill a beach “template.” The design width of the renourished beach would be 80 feet. The initial placement would be wider than 80 feet to account for erosion. The Permit would have a duration of 15 years. The Applicants’ intent is to initially place 950,000 cy of sand on Lido Key. After the initial renourishment, sand would be dredged from one or more of the three designated cuts about every five years to replace the sand that eroded away, and would probably be on the scale of about 500,000 cy. The numerical modeling of the proposed project assumed the removal of up to 1.3 million cy of sand from the three cuts. One of DEP’s witnesses testified that the Permit authorizes the removal of up to 1.732 million cy of sand. The record does not support that testimony. The Applicants did not model the effects of dredging 1.732 million cy of sand from the ebb shoal and pass. There is insufficient evidence in the record to support an authorization to remove more than 1.3 million cy of sand. Although the total volume of sand in the three cuts is 1.732 million cy, it is reasonable for the dimensions of the cuts and the proposed easement that is based on these dimensions to contain more material than is authorized to be removed, so as to provide a margin to account for less-than-perfect dredging operations. Therefore, it is found that the Permit authorizes up to 1.3 million cy of sand to be removed from the designated borrow areas. The findings of fact and conclusions of law in this Recommended Order that address the expected impacts of the proposed project are based on this finding. The Permit also authorizes the construction of two rubble mound groins at the southern end of Lido Key to stabilize the beach and lengthen the time between renourishment events. The groins are designed to be semi-permeable so that they “leak” sand. There are no seagrasses in the renourishment area and mostly scattered and thin patches of seagrass near the dredge cuts. The Permit requires mitigation for the potential direct impacts to 1.68 acres of seagrasses. To offset these impacts, the Applicants propose to create 2.9 acres of seagrass habitat. The seagrass habitat would be established at the Rookery at Perico Seagrass Mitigation Basin in Manatee County, about 16 miles north of Big Sarasota Pass. The Permit incorporates the recommendations of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission regarding protections for turtles, nesting shorebirds, and manatees. The Permit requires regular monitoring to assess the effects of the project, and requires appropriate modifications if the project does not meet performance expectations. Project Engineering The Corps’ engineering analysis involved three elements: evaluating the historical context and the human influences on the regional system, developing a sediment budget, and using numerical modeling to analyze erosion and accretion trends near the project site. A principal objective of the engineering design for the borrow areas, sand placement, and groins was to avoid adverse effects on downdrift, especially downdrift to Siesta Key. The Corps developed a sediment budget for the “no action” and post-project scenarios. A sediment budget is a tool used to account for the sediment entering and leaving a geographic study area. The sediment budgets developed by the Corps are based on sound science and they are reliable for the purposes for which they were used. The post-project sediment budget shows there would be minimal or no loss of sediment transport to Siesta Key. Petitioners did not prepare a sediment budget to support their theory of adverse impact to Siesta Key. Petitioners object to the engineering materials in the Permit application because they were not certified by a Florida registered professional engineer. DEP does not require a Florida professional engineer’s certification for engineering work submitted by the Corps. As explained in the Conclusions of Law, Florida cannot impose licensing conditions on federal engineers. Ebb Shoal Equilibrium Petitioners’ witness, Dr. Walton, developed a formula to estimate ebb shoal volume equilibrium, or the size that an ebb shoal will tend to reach and maintain, taking into account bathymetry, wave energy, tides, adjacent shorelines, and related factors. In an article entitled “Use of Outer Bars of Inlets as Sources of Beach Nourishment Material,” Dr. Walton calculated the ebb shoal equilibrium volume for the Big Sarasota Pass ebb shoal as between 6 and 10 million cy of sand. The ebb shoal has been growing and is now about 23 million cy of sand, which is well in excess of its probable equilibrium volume. The volume of sand proposed to be removed from the ebb shoal is only about six percent of the overall ebb shoal volume. Dr. Walton’s study of the use of ebb shoals as sand sources for renourishment projects supports the efficacy of the proposed project. Modeling Morphological Trends The Corps used a combined hydrodynamic and sediment transport computer model called the Coastal Modeling System, Version 4 (“CMS”) to analyze the probable effects of the proposed project. The CMS model was specifically developed to represent tidal inlet processes. It has been used by the Corps to analyze a number of coastal projects. Dr. Walton opined that the CMS model was inappropriate for analyzing this project because it is a two-dimensional model that is incapable of accounting for all types of currents and waves. However, a two-dimensional model is appropriate for a shallow and well-mixed system like Big Sarasota Pass. Dr. Walton’s lack of experience with the CMS model and with any three-dimensional sediment transport model reduced the weight of his testimony on this point. Petitioners contend that the CMS model was not properly calibrated or verified. Calibration involves adjustments to a model so that its predictions are in line with known conditions. Verification is the test of a model’s ability to predict a different set of known conditions. For calibrating the hydrodynamic portion of the model, the Corps used measurements of water levels and currents collected in 2006. The model showed a 90-percent correlation with water surface elevation and 87-percent correlation to velocity. Dr. Walton believes a model should exhibit a 95-percent correlation for calibration. However, that opinion is not generally accepted in the modeling community. Model verification, as described by Dr. Walton, is generally desirable for all types of modeling, but not always practical for some types of modeling. A second set of field data is not always available or practical to produce for a verification step. In this case, there was only one set of sea floor elevations available for verification of the CMS model. It is the practice of DEP in the permitting process to accept and consider sediment transport modeling results that have not been verified in the manner described by Dr. Walton. The Corps described a second calibration of the CMS model, or “test of model skill,” as an evaluation of how well the CMS model’s sediment transport predictions (morphological changes) compared to Light Detection and Ranging (“LIDAR”) data collected in 2004. The CMS model successfully reproduced the patterns of erosion and sediment deposition within the area of focus. Petitioners’ expert, Dr. Luther, testified that, over the model domain, the CMS model predictions differed substantially from LIDAR data and believes the discrepancies between the model’s predictions and the LIDAR data make the model’s predictions unreliable. Modeling sediment transport is a relatively new tool for evaluating the potential impacts of a beach renourishment project. Renourishment projects have been planned, permitted, and carried out for decades without the use of sediment transport models. Now, modeling is being used to add information to the decision-making process. The modeling does not replace other information, such as historical data, surveys, and sediment budgets, which were heretofore used without modeling to make permit decisions. Sediment transport is a complex process involving many highly variable influences. It is difficult to predict where all the grains of sand will go. Sediment transport modeling has not advanced to the point which allows it to predict with precision the topography of the sea floor at thousands of LIDAR points. However, the CMS model is still useful to coastal engineers for describing expected trends of accretion and erosion in areas of interest. This was demonstrated by the model’s accurate replication of known features of the Big Sarasota Pass and ebb shoal, such as the flood marginal channels and the bypassing bars. The CMS model’s ability to predict morphological trends assisted the Applicants and DEP to compare the expected impacts associated with alternative borrow locations on the ebb shoal and pass, wave characteristics, and sediment transport pathways. Together with other data and analyses, the results of the CMS model support a finding that the proposed dredging and renourishment would not cause significant adverse impacts. The Applicants extensively analyzed sediment transport pathways and the effects of alternative borrow areas on sediment transport to Siesta Key. Petitioners’ hypothesis is not supported by engineering studies of equivalent weight. The more persuasive evidence indicates that sediment transport to downdrift beaches would not be reduced and might even be increased because sediment now locked in the ebb shoal would reenter the sediment transport pathways. In addition, the proposed dredging may halt the southward migration of the main ebb channel of Big Sarasota Pass, and thereby reduce erosive forces on the interior shoreline of north Siesta Key. Wave Energy Petitioners assert that the proposed dredging would result in increased wave energy on Siesta Key because the diminished ebb shoal would no longer serve as a natural buffer against wave energy from storms. They conducted no studies or calculations to support this assertion. Because the proposed dredging would remove a small percentage of the total ebb shoal volume, the ebb shoal would remain a protective barrier for Siesta Key. Wave energy reaching the shorelines along Big Sarasota Pass or within Sarasota Bay would continue to be substantially reduced by the ebb shoal. The predicted increase in wave energy that would occur as a result of the project could increase the choppiness of waters, but would not materially increase the potential for wave-related erosion. Petitioners conducted no studies and made no calculations of their own to support their allegation that the project would significantly increase the potential for damage to property or structures on Siesta Key due to increased wave energy. To the extent that Petitioners’ expert coastal engineer opined otherwise, it was an educated guess and insufficient to rebut the Applicants’ prima facie case on the subject of wave energy. Groins Petitioners contend that the two proposed groins would adversely impact the beaches of Siesta Key because the groins would capture sand that would otherwise drift south and benefit Siesta Key. However, the preponderance of the evidence shows the groins would not extend into or obstruct the sand “stream” waterward of the renourished beach. The historic use of groins to capture downdrift resulted in adverse impacts to adjacent beaches. However, the use of groins in conjunction with beach renourishment to stabilize a renourished beach and without obstructing downdrift is an accepted practice in coastal engineering. The proposed groins would not obstruct longshore sediment transport and, therefore, would not interfere with downdrift to Siesta Key. Public Interest - General Section 373.414(1) requires an applicant to provide reasonable assurance that state water quality standards will not be violated, and reasonable assurance that a proposed activity is not contrary to the public interest. However, if the proposed activity significantly degrades or is within an Outstanding Florida Water (“OFW”), the applicant must provide reasonable assurance that the proposed activity will be clearly in the public interest. Sarasota Bay, including Big Sarasota Pass and portions of Lido Key, have been designated as an OFW. Therefore, the Applicants must demonstrate that the proposed project is clearly in the public interest. In determining whether an activity is clearly in the public interest, section 373.414(1)(a) requires DEP to consider and balance seven factors: Whether the activity will adversely affect the public health, safety, or welfare or the property of others; Whether the activity will adversely affect the conservation of fish and wildlife, including endangered or threatened species, or their habitats; Whether the activity will adversely affect navigation or the flow of water or cause harmful erosion or shoaling; Whether the activity will adversely affect the fishing or recreational values or marine productivity in the vicinity of the activity; Whether the activity will be of a temporary or permanent nature; Whether the activity will adversely affect or will enhance significant historical and archaeological resources under the provisions of section 267.061; and The current condition and relative value of functions being performed by areas affected by the proposed activity. DEP determined that the project is clearly in the public interest because it would improve public safety by providing protection to Lido Key upland structures from storm damage and flooding, protect and enhance wildlife habitat, and provide beach-related recreational opportunities; and it would create these public benefits without causing adverse impacts. Public Interest - Safety Petitioners contend that the proposed project would adversely affect public health, safety, welfare, or the property of others because it would interrupt downdrift and substantially reduce the storm protection provided by the ebb shoal. As found above, the preponderance of the evidence does not support this contention. Public Interest - Conservation of Fish and Wildlife Petitioners contend that the proposed project would adversely affect the conservation of fish and wildlife, including endangered or threatened species. The Permit application materials provided evidence that the proposed project would have no effects, or only minimal temporary effects, on water quality, temperature, salinity, nutrients, turbidity, habitat, and other environmental factors. That was sufficient as a prima facie showing that the project would not adversely affect the conservation of fish and wildlife because, if environmental factors are not changed, it logically follows that there should be no adverse impacts to fish and wildlife. Therefore, as explained in the Conclusions of Law, the burden shifted to Petitioners to present evidence to show that adverse effects to fish and wildlife would occur. It was not enough for Petitioners to simply contend that certain fish species were not adequately addressed in the application materials. With the exception of Dr. Gilmore’s field investigation related to the spotted seatrout, Petitioners conducted no studies or field work of their own to support their allegations of adverse impacts to fish and wildlife. Dr. Gilmore discovered that spotted seatrout were spawning in Big Sarasota Pass. Such spawning sites are not common, are used repeatedly, and are important to the conservation of the species. Spotted seatrout spawn from April through September. The record does not show that the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, or the National Marine Fisheries Service were aware that Big Sarasota Pass was a spawning area for spotted seatrout, or considered this fact when commenting on the project. The spotted seatrout is not a threatened or endangered species, but DEP is required to consider and prevent adverse impacts to non-listed fish species, as well as recreational fishing and marine productivity. If the proposed project would destroy a spotted seatrout spawning area, that is a strong negative in the balancing of public interest factors. The Applicants do not propose mitigation for adverse impacts to spotted seatrout spawning. Seagrass sites close to the spawning area are used by post-larval spotted seatrout for refuge. The likely seagrass nursery sites for seatrout spawning in Big Sarasota Pass are depicted in SOSS2 Exhibit 77. The proposed seagrass mitigation at the Perico Rookery Seagrass Mitigation Basin, over 16 miles away, would not offset a loss of this refuge function because it is not suitable as a refuge for post-larval spotted seatrout. The spawning season for spotted seatrout occurs during the same months as turtle nesting season, and DEP argued that the turtle protection conditions in the Permit to limit lighting and prohibit nighttime work, would also prevent adverse impacts to the spotted seatrout. However, spotted seatrout spawning is also threatened by turbidity and sedimentation in the spawning area and adjacent seagrasses. The spotted seatrout spawning area is in the area where dredge Cut B is located. If Cut B were dredged during the spawning season, it would likely disrupt or destroy the spawning site. Reasonable assurance that the proposed project would not disrupt or destroy the spawning site requires that Cut B not be dredged during the spawning season. Seagrasses that are likely to provide refuge to post- larval seatrout are near the most eastern 1,200 feet of Cut C. Reasonable assurance that the proposed project would not disrupt or destroy the refuge function requires that the most eastern 1,200 feet of cut C not be dredged during the spawning season. In summary, the proposed project would adversely affect the conservation of fish and wildlife unless dredging was restricted during the spotted seatrout spawning season, as described above. Public Interest – Navigation, Flow of Water, and Erosion Petitioners contend that the proposed project would adversely affect navigation, the flow of water, and would cause harmful erosion to Siesta Key, but Petitioners conducted no studies or calculations to support this assertion. The preponderance of the evidence shows that no such adverse impacts would occur. Public Interest – Recreational Values Petitioners contend that the proposed project would adversely affect fisheries and associated recreation because of harm to spotted seatrout and other fish species. As found above, the preponderance of the evidence shows the project would adversely affect the spotted seatrout, an important recreational fish species, unless dredging was restricted during the spawning season. Public Interest - Value of Functions Petitioners contend that the proposed project would adversely affect the current condition and relative value of functions being performed by areas affected by the proposed project because dynamic inlet system would be disrupted. As found above, the preponderance of the evidence shows the project would not adversely affect the coastal system. However, it would adversely affect the spotted seatrout spawning and refuge functions provided by Big Sarasota Pass unless dredging was restricted during the spawning season. Mitigation If a balancing of the public interest factors in section 373.414(1)(a) results in a determination that a proposed project is not in the public interest, section 373.414(1)(b) provides that DEP must consider mitigation offered to offset the adverse impacts. Although the Perico Rookery at Seagrass Mitigation Basin is within the OFW and the same drainage basin, it does not fully offset the adverse impacts likely to be caused by the proposed project. The mitigation would not offset the loss of spotted seatrout spawning and refuge functions. The mitigation for the loss of spotted seatrout spawning and refuge functions is unnecessary if the impacts are avoided by restricting dredging during the spawning season as described above. Design Modifications Petitioners contend that the Applicants did not evaluate the alternative of taking sand from offshore borrow areas for the renourishment. The record shows otherwise. Furthermore, as explained in the Conclusions of Law, the Applicants were not required to address design modifications other than alternative locations for taking sand from the ebb shoal and Big Sarasota Pass. Consistency with the Coastal Zone Management Program Petitioners contend that DEP failed to properly review the Permit for consistency with the Florida Coastal Zone Management Program (“FCZMP”), because DEP failed to obtain an affirmative statement from Sarasota County that the proposed project is consistent with the Sarasota County Comprehensive Plan. The State Clearinghouse is an office within DEP that coordinates the review of coastal permit applications by numerous agencies for consistency with the FCZMP. It is the practice of the State Clearinghouse to treat a lack of comment by an agency as a determination of consistency by the agency. With respect to this particular project, the State Clearinghouse provided a copy of the joint coastal permit application to the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council (“SWFRPC”) for comments regarding consistency with local government comprehensive plans. SWFRPC submitted no comments. In a letter dated June 26, 2015, the State Clearinghouse reported to the Corps that “at this stage, the proposed federal action is consistent with the [FCZMP].” In a written “peer review” of the proposed project produced by the Sarasota Environmental Planning Department in October 2015, some concerns were expressed, but no mention was made of inconsistency with the Sarasota County Comprehensive Plan. Sarasota County sent a letter to DEP, dated August 24, 2016, in which it requested that the Corps prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (“EIS”) for the project. Sarasota County did not indicate in its letter to DEP that the proposed project is inconsistent with any policy of the Sarasota County Comprehensive Plan. Petitioners assert that the proposed project would be inconsistent with an environmental policy of the Sarasota County Comprehensive Plan that Petitioners interpret as prohibiting the proposed dredging. The record contains no evidence that Sarasota County believes the proposed project is inconsistent with this particular policy or any other policy of its comprehensive plan.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that DEP issue a final order approving the proposed agency actions, but only if the joint coastal permit is modified to prohibit dredging operations in Cut B and the most eastern 1,200 feet of Cut C during April through September. If this modification is not made, it is recommended that the proposed agency actions be DENIED; and The joint coastal permit be modified to clarify that it authorizes the removal of up to 1.3 million cy of sand. DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of May, 2018, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S BRAM D. E. CANTER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of May, 2018. COPIES FURNISHED: Kirk Sanders White, Esquire Florida Department of Environmental Protection Mail Station 35 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 (eServed) Kent Safriet, Esquire Hopping Green & Sams, P.A. Post Office Box 6526 Tallahassee, Florida 32314 (eServed) Alexandrea Davis Shaw, Esquire City of Sarasota Room 100A 1565 1st Street Sarasota, Florida 34236 John R. Herin, Jr., Esquire Gray Robinson, P.A. Suite 1000 401 East Las Olas Boulevard Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 (eServed) Eric P. Summa U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Post Office Box 4970 Jacksonville, Florida 32232 Martha Collins, Esquire Collins Law Group 1110 North Florida Avenue Tampa, Florida 33602 (eServed) Thomas W. Reese, Esquire 2951 61st Avenue South St. Petersburg, Florida 33712-4539 (eServed) Richard Green, Esquire Lewis, Longman & Walker, P.A. Suite 501-S 100 Second Avenue South St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 (eServed) Kevin S. Hennessy, Esquire Lewis, Longman & Walker, P.A. Suite 501-S 100 Second Avenue South St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 (eServed) Christopher Lambert, Esquire United States Army Corps of Engineers 701 San Marco Boulevard Jacksonville, Florida 32207 (eServed) Lea Crandall, Agency Clerk Department of Environmental Protection Douglas Building, Mail Station 35 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 (eServed) Noah Valenstein, Secretary Department of Environmental Protection Douglas Building 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 (eServed) Robert A. Williams, General Counsel Department of Environmental Protection Legal Department, Suite 1051-J Douglas Building, Mail Station 35 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 (eServed)

Florida Laws (11) 120.52120.569120.57120.68163.3194267.061373.414373.427373.428403.412403.414
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Jun. 28, 2006 Number: 06-002314 Latest Update: Feb. 08, 2007

The Issue The issue in this case is whether Respondents Paul Crum, Sr., and Paul Crum, Jr. (the "Crums"), are entitled to the Noticed General Permit issued by the Department of Environmental Protection ("Department") for the construction of a single- family residential dock and associated structures.

Findings Of Fact Background The Crums are the owners of the riparian property located at 15696 Shark Road West, Jacksonville, Florida. The Crum property is adjacent to Pumpkin Hill Creek, which lies within the Nassau River-St. Johns River Marshes Aquatic Preserve. Extending from the Crum property into Pumpkin Hill Creek is an existing wood dock approximately 90 feet long and four feet wide, with a platform near the landward end of the dock. Petitioner Brooks owns the property immediately adjacent to and north of the Crum property. Petitioner Brooks has a dock and boat lift. Petitioner Cole owns the property immediately adjacent to and southeast of the Crum property. The Cole property is located on a salt marsh and has no dock. Petitioner Jones lives approximately 3,200 feet north of the Crum property, on a tributary to Pumpkin Hill Creek. Petitioner Jones has fished Pumpkin Hill Creek and the surrounding waters for over 25 years. Noticed General Permits are a type of environmental resource permit granted by rule for those activities which have been determined to have minimal impacts to water resources. Florida Administrative Code Rule 62-341.427 grants by rule a general permit to construct a single family pier, along with boat lifts and terminal platforms, provided certain specific criteria are met. In August 2005, the Crums applied for a Noticed General Permit to extend their existing dock into deeper water. The Department issued a Notice of Determination of Qualification for Noticed General Permit, but later rescinded the authorization after Petitioner Brooks complained to the Department that the landward end of the existing dock is located only 21 feet from her property boundary and, therefore, did not comply with Florida Administrative Code Rule 18-21.004(3)(d), which requires that a dock be set back a minimum of 25 feet "inside the applicant's riparian rights lines." In November 2005, the Crums re-applied for a Noticed General Permit. Their revised plans called for removal of the existing dock and construction of a new dock extending approximately 255 feet out into Pumpkin Hill Creek. The proposed dock would be located a minimum of 25 feet inside the Crums' riparian rights lines. On December 6, 2005, the Department issued a Notice of Determination of Qualification for a Noticed General Permit for the revised dock, stating that the project satisfied the requirements of Florida Administrative Code Rule 62-341.427, as well as the conditions for authorization to perform activities on state-owned submerged lands set forth in Florida Administrative Code Rule 18-21 and for activities in an aquatic preserve under Florida Administrative Code Rule 18-20. In April 2006, Petitioners filed three petitions for hearing with the Department alleging that the proposed dock significantly impedes navigation by restricting access to a tidal creek and extends more waterward than necessary to access a water depth of (minus) -4 feet at mean low water, which is prohibited for docks in aquatic preserves under Florida Administrative Code Rule 18-20.005(3)(b)3. Petitioners attached to their petitions a copy of a bathymetric survey showing the elevations of the submerged lands in the vicinity of the proposed project. In response to the information contained in the survey, the Crums revised their plans to shorten the dock to its currently proposed length of 186.56 feet. A new Notice of Determination of Qualification for a Notice General Permit was then issued by the Department on October 16, 2006. The final dock project consists of: (a) removal of the existing wood dock; (b) construction of a four-foot wide, 186.56-foot long, single family residential dock consisting of an access pier, a 12-foot by 12-foot terminal platform, and a 14-foot by 20-foot open boat lift with catwalk (the “proposed dock”). The proposed dock will terminate where the water will be four feet deep at mean low water. Navigating in and Near the Tidal Creek To the south of the Crum property is a wide expanse of salt marsh. Within the salt marsh are unnamed tidal creeks. The mouth of one tidal creek that flows to Pumpkin Hill Creek is located approximately 90 feet south of the existing Crum dock. The tidal creek is shallow and is not navigable at or near low tide. Petitioner Jones owns an 18-foot flatboat which he sometimes keeps at his residence and sometimes at Petitioner Brooks' property. The boat draws about one foot of water. Petitioner Jones uses this boat to fish in the tidal creek located near the Crum property about ten times every month. No evidence was presented to show that Petitioner Brooks or Petitioner Cole ever navigate in or otherwise use this tidal creek. There are many other tidal creeks located in the marshes associated with Pumpkin Hill Creek. Petitioner Jones boats and fishes in most of them. Petitioner Jones said that, currently, he must wait two hours past low tide for the water depth to be sufficient for him to get into the tidal creek near the Crum property. His usual course to the creek lies just beyond the end of the existing Crum dock. He claims there is a channel there, but no channel is shown on the survey or in any of the parties' photographs. After the proposed dock is constructed, Petitioner Jones' usual course to the tidal will be obstructed. He contends that the new course he would have to take to the tidal creek will take him across shallower areas of Pumpkin Hill Creek so that he will have to wait two more hours (a total of four hours) after low tide to get into the creek. Therefore, Petitioner Jones' alleged injury is the reduction of the hours available to him to navigate in and out of the tidal creek for fishing. The existing Crum dock terminates on a broad mud flat which is exposed at mean low water. However, the bathymetric survey shows the mud flat is at a lower elevation near the end of the dock so water covers this area before it covers the rest of the mud flat. However, the bathymetric survey also shows the elevation of the bottom rising as one moves south from the existing dock. At the mouth of the tidal creek the elevation is 1.0 feet NGVD (National Geodetic Vertical Datum, an official, surveyed reference point). Because the tidal creek drains into the main body of Pumpkin Hill Creek, a reasonable inference can be made that the bottom elevations in the creek generally become higher (and the water depths decrease) as one moves up the creek toward dry land. Prop scars in the exposed bottom at the end of the existing dock indicate that boats have traveled over this area when the water was so shallow that the engine props were striking the bottom. Prop scarring can cause turbidity and damage to benthic organisms. The bathymetric survey indicates that mean high water in this area of Pumpkin Hill Creek is 3.03 feet NGVD, and the mean low water is -1.78 feet NGVD. The mean tidal fluctuation between mean low water and mean high water is thus 4.81 feet. Randall Armstrong, who was accepted as an expert in navigation and piloting, explained that in this area, where there are two daily tides, the water elevation will generally increase by 1/12 of the mean tidal fluctuation in the first hour after mean low water, another 2/12 of the fluctuation in the second, and 3/12 in the third hour. Applying this general rule to the tidal fluctuation here of 4.81 feet results in an estimated 1.2-foot increase in water elevation two hours after low tide and a 2.4-foot increase three hours after low tide. Based on the mean low water elevation of -1.78 feet NGVD, the water elevation would usually be about -0.6 foot NGVD two hours after low tide and 0.6 foot NGVD three hours after low tide. Therefore, the tidal creek (with a bottom elevation of 1.0 foot NGVD at the mouth) would usually be "dry" two hours after low tide and would usually have less than a foot of water three hours after low tide. That evidence contradicts Petitioner Jones' statement that he now navigates into the tidal creek two hours after low tide. That might occasionally be possible, but the bathymetric survey indicates the creek would usually be too shallow at that time. In fact, the evidence suggests that the tidal creek is only reliably navigable without causing prop scars to the bottom by using boats with very shallow draft and waiting until high tide (or shortly before or after) when the water depth at the mouth of the creek would be about two feet. It was Mr. Armstrong's opinion that the 1.0-foot NGVD elevation at the mouth of the tidal creek determines when and how long the tidal creek is navigable, and those times would not be affected by the proposed dock. He described the new course that a boater would use to navigate into the tidal creek after the proposed dock is built. He used the bathymetric survey to show that when the water is deep enough to navigate into the tidal creek, the water depth is also sufficient to navigate the new course. The proposed dock might, as Petitioner Jones alleges, cause boaters to traverse a longer section of the mudflat then they do currently. However, the more persuasive testimony supports the Crums' position that the navigability of the tidal creek is controlled by its shallowest point at the 1.0-foot NGVD elevation and that the proposed dock will not interfere with navigation of the tidal creek by requiring boaters to traverse shallower areas. Petitioner Jones testified that he regularly navigates his boat close to the existing Crum dock. The evidence does not indicate that the proposed dock would cause an unreasonable risk of collision for boaters using the new course to the tidal creek.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Secretary of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection enter a final order that grants Noticed General Permit No. 16-253057-002-EG to the Crums. DONE AND ENTERED this 22nd day of December, 2006, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S BRAM D. E. CANTER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of December, 2006.

Florida Laws (3) 120.569120.57403.814
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Aug. 21, 2001 Number: 01-003327 Latest Update: Oct. 28, 2003

The Issue This issue in this case is whether the private Respondents are entitled to recover attorneys’ fees and costs from Petitioner pursuant to Section 120.595(1), Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact Because the undersigned is not required or authorized to recommend a disposition on the merits of Singer’s Petition, the fact-findings that follow are limited to those necessary to determine the narrow issue whether an award of attorneys’ fees and costs is proper under Section 120.595(1), Florida Statutes. In addition, as written, the findings below assume the reader’s familiarity with the preceding Preliminary Statement. On July 22, 1999, the Owners submitted an application to the Department seeking approval to build a dock. In a letter dated January 21, 2000, which is included in File 2, the Department informed the Owners that it had reviewed their application “to determine whether [the proposed dock] qualifies for any of three kinds of authorization that may be necessary for works in wetlands or waters of the United States.” This January 21, 2000, letter constituted the first agency action (“First Action” or “FA”) concerning the Owners’ dock. The First Action comprised three distinct determinations (for short, “D1,” “D2,” and “D3”), one for each of the “three kinds of [potentially necessary] authorization[s].” These determinations were: FA-D1: The dock is exempt from the need to obtain an Environmental Resource Permit (“ERP”). FA-D2: The dock qualifies for consent to use state sovereign submerged lands. FA-D3: Pursuant to a “federal review” performed under an agreement between the Department and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the dock is deemed consistent with the State Programmatic General Permit (“SPGP”) program. As originally designed, and as approved by the Department on January 21, 2000, the Owners’ dock will be referred to herein as the “Approved Dock.” After receiving notice of the First Action, the Owners caused a “Notice of Determination of Exemption” to be published in the February 1, 2000, issue of the Palm Beach Daily Business Review. In pertinent part, this public notice stated: The Department of Environmental Protection gives notice that the [Owners’] project to construct a 125-foot by 4-foot access dock and a 40-foot by 8-foot terminal platform has been determined to be exempt from the requirements to obtain an environmental resource permit. . . . . A person whose substantial interests are affected by the Department’s action may petition for an administrative proceeding (hearing) under sections 120.569 and 120.57 of the Florida Statutes. . . . . * * * Complete copies of all documents relating to this determination of exemption are available for public inspection during normal business hours . . . at the [Department’s regional office]. (Owners’ Exhibit No. 4). Following the publication of this notice, an individual named Karrie Webb timely filed a petition with the agency challenging the Department’s approval of the Approved Dock. Her Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing was filed with DOAH on February 17, 2000, initiating Webb. v. Timothy and Hope Delong and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, DOAH Case No. 00-0761 (the “Webb case”). The Webb case proceeded through final hearing, but before a Recommended Order was issued, the petitioner, on January 9, 2001, filed a Stipulation for Dismissal. Consequently, on January 12, 2001, the Administrative Law Judge entered an order closing the file.1 Not long after the conclusion of the Webb case, the Owners submitted a second application to the Department for authorization to build a dock. As described in this second application (which gave rise to File 3), the newly proposed dock (hereafter, the “Redesigned Dock”) differed somewhat from the Approved Dock. Most noticeably, the terminal platform of the Redesigned Dock faced north, towards Singer’s property, whereas the terminal platform of the Approved Dock had faced south. Singer and the Owners disagreed sharply as to whether the differences between the Approved Dock and the Redesigned Dock should be considered “substantial” (as Singer claims) or merely “minor” (as the Owners claim). For present purposes, however, it is neither necessary, nor would it be appropriate, to resolve that particular dispute. What is significant and should be emphasized, however, is that whether or not the Redesigned Dock differed substantially from the Approved Dock, the Owners submitted a new application respecting the Redesigned Dock as if it were a new project, and the Department acted upon the Owners’ second application as if the first one had neither been made nor approved. Thus, in a letter dated February 28, 2001, which is included in File 3, the Department informed the Owners that it had reviewed their application “to determine whether [the Redesigned Dock] qualifies for any of three kinds of authorization that may be necessary for works in wetlands or waters of the United States.” This February 28, 2001, letter constituted the second agency action (“Second Action” or “SA”) concerning the Owners’ dock (though it was, of course, the first agency action on the Redesigned Dock). Like the First Action of the previous year, the Second Action was composed of three distinct determinations (again, “D1,” “D2,” and “D3” for short), one for each of the “three kinds of [potentially necessary] authorization[s].” These determinations were: SA-D1: The re-designed dock is exempt from the need to obtain an ERP. SA-D2: The re-designed dock qualifies for consent to use state sovereign submerged lands. SA-D3: Pursuant to a “federal review” performed under an agreement between the Department and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the re-designed dock is deemed not consistent with the SPGP program.2 The Owners did not cause notice of the Department’s Second Action to be published in a newspaper of general circulation. Armed with the Second Action, the Owners proceeded to have the Redesigned Dock constructed, and it now exists in fact. The existing structure will be referred to herein as the “As- Built Dock,” which, to be clear, was constructed according to the blueprint of the Redesigned Dock. After the construction began, Singer initiated this administrative litigation, the procedural history of which is summarized in the Preliminary Statement. In the course of the litigation, on May 17, 2002, the Department filed both a Motion to Dismiss and a Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction. As the basis for its request that the undersigned relinquish jurisdiction over File 3——that is, the Department’s file supporting the Second Action, which had approved the Redesigned Dock——the Department relied upon a letter dated May 16, 2002, from the Owners’ counsel to the Department’s counsel, which contained the following pertinent text: Please accept this notice as the withdrawal of the application filed by Timothy and Hope Delong in the above matter [namely, File 3]. The Department (with the Owners’ concurrence) contended that because the Owners had voluntarily withdrawn their application, the agency had lost jurisdiction to enter a final order implementing, modifying, or rescinding the Second Action, which had preliminarily approved that application. See, e.g., City of North Port, Florida v. Consolidated Minerals, Inc., 645 So. 2d 485, 486-87 (Fla. 2d DCA 1994). The undersigned agreed that, by withdrawing their application for approval of the Redesigned Dock, the Owners had divested the Department of jurisdiction in the matter. Accordingly, the undersigned relinquished jurisdiction over File 3. In withdrawing their second application, the Owners materially changed their position and substantially modified the outcome of the most relevant preliminary agency action at issue, namely, the Second Action approving the Redesigned Dock. Indeed, by nullifying the Second Action, the Owners forfeited the only express authorization, albeit a preliminary one, that they had ever obtained from the Department for the Redesigned Dock. Thus, in other words, rather than defend the Department’s preliminary approval of the Redesigned Dock in this proceeding, the Owners elected to rely upon the First Action as a defense against any future claim that the As-Built Dock is an illegal, unpermitted project.3 The Owners’ withdrawal of their second application was intended to resolve, and in fact did resolve, matters raised in Singer’s Petition. The undersigned specifically finds, as a matter of ultimate fact, that the Owners’ change of position was substantial for purposes of Section 120.595(1)(e)3., Florida Statutes.

Florida Laws (4) 120.569120.57120.59557.111
# 10

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