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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tampa, Florida Mar. 28, 2003 Number: 03-001129 Latest Update: May 23, 2005

The Issue Whether the Southwest Florida Water Management District proved that Alan R. Behrens signed a pleading, motion, or other paper in this proceeding for an “improper purpose,” and, if so, whether sanctions should be imposed pursuant to Section 120.569(2)(e), Florida Statutes?

Findings Of Fact The Parties Alan R. Behrens has resided and owned property at 4740 Southwest Armadillo Trail, Arcadia, DeSoto County, Florida, since 1985. There is a two-inch free-flowing artesian well used for domestic purposes on this property. Mr. Behrens’ well is approximately 150 feet deep and draws water from the Intermediate aquifer. The well currently has no pumping mechanism, and Mr. Behrens relies on an unaided artesian flow to produce water, which at times is inadequate. In prior administrative cases and the case involving Has-Ben Groves, Mr. Behrens is concerned that the withdrawal of water in the amounts requested by others from areas near his property will impair his ability to draw adequate amounts of water from his well. Mr. Behrens stated that his purpose in challenging the Has-Ben Groves WUP “is to receive assurances that any proposed use is not going to adversely impact [his] well. That’s [his] general biggest, main goal.” He feels that he did not receive assurances from the District; therefore, his only option was to request a hearing. The Southwest Florida Water Management District is the administrative agency charged with the responsibility to conserve, protect, manage, and control water resources within its boundaries pursuant to Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, and the rules promulgated thereunder as Chapter 40D, Florida Administrative Code. The District has the statutory duty to review and approve or deny applications requesting consumptive water use permits. The Has-Ben Groves WUP Application On January 27, 2003, the District issued a notice of final agency action for approval of Water Use General Permit No. 20012410.000 issued to Has-Ben Groves. The WUP authorized annual average groundwater withdrawals of 31,100 gallons per day (gpd) to be used for irrigation of Has-Ben Groves’ 40-acre citrus grove. (Peak monthly withdrawals of 254,300 gpd and withdrawals for crop protection at 1,015,200 gpd were authorized.) Tomlinson previously owned the Has-Ben Groves’ 40 acres. The District previously permitted the well on the Has-Ben Groves 40 acres when Tomlinson owned the property. The Tomlinson well was previously permitted for 77,000 gpd on an annual basis, but the permit expired. Thus, Has-Ben Groves applied for a new WUP. The Has-Ben Groves permitted well site is located in Hardee County and is approximately 16 miles from Mr. Behrens’ artesian well in DeSoto County, and is expected to draw approximately 94 percent of its water from the Upper Floridan aquifer. Did Mr. Behrens sign a pleading, motion,or other paper for an improper purpose? On January 20, 2003, Mr. Behrens, by letter, asked the District to be advised of any agency action regarding five WUP applications, including the Has-Ben Groves application. In this letter, Mr. Behrens also requested, what he characterized as “public information,” “what the predicted drawdown to the intermediate and Floridan aquifers are.” He inquired further: “Please make sure the hydrologist includes this information. I have previously asked for this basic information; please do not force me to take legal action against SWFMD per the Sunshine law & other public information laws.” (Emphasis in original.) Mr. Behrens was copied with the District’s “Final Agency Action Transmittal Letter” sent to Has-Ben Groves on January 27, 2003. According to Mr. Behrens, “legal action” meant the filing of a petition requesting an administrative hearing. He felt that it was his only option to receive information and assurances. In particular, Mr. Behrens wanted the District to create and provide him with drawdown contours and modeling even if the District believed it was unnecessary. See Endnote 1. By letter dated January 29, 2003, the District, by Pamela A. Gifford, CLA, Office of General Counsel, responded to Mr. Behrens’ request for ‘predicted drawdown’ information and stated in part: “First, please be advised, the District does not prepare ‘predicted drawdown’ for all water use permits. Second, to ask for ‘predicted drawdown’ for permits, you are making a pubic records request. The District does not accept anticipatory public record requests. In other words, when the District receives a public records request, it will search for existing records responsive to the request as of the date of the public records request. . . . Third, the District will not create a record to respond to a public records request. If a ‘predicted drawdown’ exists, it will be provided to you, if it does not, it will not be created to answer your request.”1 By letter dated January 31, 2003, Mr. Behrens responded to the District’s January 29, 2003, letter referred to above and expressed his understanding that he could “expect the results of drawdown modeling to be included in Notices of Agency Action that [he] receive from the District.” Mr. Behrens requested the name of the District office and the hydrologist who reviewed the Has-Ben Groves WUP application; the location of the file; a statement that it was “apparently a new withdrawal”; a request to identify the amount of water coming from the Intermediate and Floridan aquifers; a query as to why the withdrawal would “be cased to only a depth of 120 feet; won’t this mean that much of the water will be drawn from the intermediate?” Mr. Behrens also requested “a copy of the drawdown modeling results (map).” Mr. Behrens advised that it was “very important that new groundwater withdrawals do not lower [his] well level further, because [he is] relying completely on artesian free-flowing pressure; every inch of level reduction creates further hardship for [him].” (During his deposition, Mr. Behrens felt that the District could produce the information on a “voluntary” basis in order to give him “assurances up front.”) By letter dated February 10, 2003, the District, by Ms. Gifford, responded to Mr. Behrens’ January 31, 2003, letter and advised him “that drawdown modeling will not be included in Notices of Agency Action that you receive from the District. The only way that you will receive the drawdown modeling is if the District has records related to the modeling at the time you make a specific public records request for same. For example, if you make a public records request today for drawdown modeling, the District will only provide records to you that are in our files as of today. You would have to make a subsequent public records request to get any records that were received or created by the District after today’s date.” (Emphasis in original.) Ms. Gifford also advised Mr. Behrens that he was being provided with “copies of documents that are responsive to [his] public records request dated January 31, 2003.” Mr. Behrens was provided with a copy of the Has-Ben Groves General Water Use Permit Application which indicated, in part, that the application was “new” as opposed to a “renewal” or “modification”; the location of the well site; that Has-Ben Groves intended to irrigate 40 acres for citrus; and that the construction date of the well was in “1960.” The word “existing” is written on the line describing, in part, the casing diameter, depth, and pump capacity. See Finding of Fact The name “Phillippi” is handwritten on page one of the application. (Michael Phillippi is a professional geologist and employed with the District for over nine years. He had a pre- application telephone conversation with the applicant for the Has-Ben Groves WUP.) A “Water Use Permit Evaluation Worksheet” was also enclosed which included, among other information, the names “Lucille” and “Deborah” and the initials of two persons. The record does not indicate that Mr. Behrens followed up with the District regarding the Has-Ben Groves application after receiving the District’s February 10, 2003, letter and enclosures. On February 19, 2003, Mr. Behrens filed a Petition for Formal Hearing challenging the District’s preliminary decision to approve the WUP. The District determined that the Petition was timely filed, but not in substantial compliance with the requirements of Section 120.569(2)(c), Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code Rule 28-106.201(2), governing the initiation of administrative proceedings. The District issued an Order of Dismissal Without Prejudice on February 27, 2003. On March 12, 2003, Mr. Behrens filed an Amended Petition for Formal Hearing. Mr. Behrens alleged that the withdrawal to be authorized by the WUP “would use huge quantities of water from the intermediate aquifer, even though water from the Floridan aquifer is completely suitable for citrus irrigation”; is “very close” to Mr. Behrens’ “property and well”; and the “cone of depression in the Intermediate aquifer that would be caused by the new use will cause a reduction in Petitioner’s water level and pressure and impair the ability of his well to produce water.” (Mr. Behrens also alleged that “[t]he proposed well would be eight inches in diameter, 920 feet deep, and cased to only 120 feet.” See Finding of Fact 15.) Mr. Behrens also alleged that the District refused to provide certain information, such as predicted drawdown to area wells. He also raised numerous disputed issues of material fact. On May 23, 2003, the District deposed Mr. Behrens. During his deposition, Mr. Behrens was asked to identify all facts and documents or sources of information he relied on in making the allegations in the Amended Petition. Mr. Behrens testified that the challenged water use withdrawal “seems like a very excessive amount”; “is [c]lose enough to have an impact on [his] well”; “is going to have a drawdown, is going to have an impact on the aquifer” and he has “a well on the aquifer”; that “these wells are going to have a drawdown and they’re going to draw down [his] well”; and that his position, that the Has-Ben Groves well will have a drawdown impact on his well, is based upon “[s]cience and facts and common sense” and “the evidence is self-evident.” Mr. Behrens has “done no studies.” Rather, he relies on information, such as the documents he introduced into evidence and his knowledge about the area and the District, to support the allegations in the Petition and Amended Petition. See, e.g., Findings of Fact 22-23. He does not have enough money to hire experts. He relies on the District’s hydrologists for the information he requests and for assurances. Yet, Mr. Behrens did not contact any District hydrologist to discuss his concerns before he filed the Petition and Amended Petition. See also Findings of Fact 26-28. On June 17, 2003, Mr. Behrens responded to the District’s Interrogatories, which requested Mr. Behrens to identify all facts he relied upon in making his assertions, including all documents prepared or reviewed in connection with such assertions. Mr. Behrens stated that no specific documents were prepared or reviewed in connection with his assertions made in paragraph 6 of the Amended Petition, and that the assertions in paragraph 6 were “pure truth – there’s no need to go searching to prove the obvious!” (Paragraph 6 of the Amended Petition alleged: “The proposed new groundwater withdrawal would use huge quantities of water from the Intermediate aquifer, even though water from the Floridan aquifer is completely suitable for citrus irrigation.”) During the final hearing, Mr. Behrens claimed that prior to filing his Petition, he relied on his experience and the information he maintains regarding the District’s identification of water use problems, and the District’s March 2000 Horse Creek Draft Resource Evaluation Report, the “Water Resources in Jeopardy” report published during the early 1990’s, and the 1992 Recommended Order in Alan R. Behrens, et al. v. Consolidated Minerals, Inc. and Southwest Florida Water Management District, et al., Case Nos. 92-0953-92-0957, 1993 WL 944120 (DOAH April 20, 1993; SWFWMD Nov. 30, 1994), in which Hearing Officer Daniel M. Kilbride found that Mr. Behrens was substantially affected by the District’s then proposed renewal and modification of an existing WUP held by Consolidated Minerals. 1993 WL 944120, at *4. (In interrogatory responses, Mr. Behrens also identified a 1986 potentiometric surface map of the Intermediate aquifer, among other maps he might identify.) These documents do not provide information relevant to whether the challenged Has-Ben Groves water withdrawal meets the conditions for issuance of a WUP or would lead a reasonable person to allege that the challenged Has-Ben Groves water use and well would have an adverse impact on Mr. Behrens’ use of his well. Before filing his initial Petition and during the interval before he filed his Amended Petition, Mr. Behrens did not contact or speak to District staff who reviewed the Has-Ben Groves WUP application or District staff in the Bartow Service Office (the District service office responsible for permitting matters in Hardee County) to obtain information concerning the Has-Ben Groves permit application or to discuss his concerns regarding whether the proposed water use to be authorized by the WUP would adversely affect his well. But see Finding of Fact 13, which indicates that on January 31, 2003, Mr. Behrens posed several questions to the District, prior to filing his Petition, which apparently were left unanswered. It appears Mr. Behrens did not pursue this inquiry until he served the District with Interrogatories on May 29, 2003. Mr. Behrens did not review the District’s “work file” after filing his Petition. In his Proposed Final Order (PFO), Mr. Behrens provided a detailed chronology and analysis of the factors he considered that caused him to file prior challenges to District action and his challenge to the District’s intent to approve the Has-Ben Groves WUP. He has mistrusted the District over time and has had little faith that the District understands his “unique circumstance” and will protect his well from adverse impacts resulting from the issuance of WUPs. See, e.g., (T. 95- 96, 98, 100.) He notes in his PFO that it was not until the Has-Ben Groves case that he “started to have trust in the District staff’s reliance on regional well monitoring data (as its sole source of cumulative impact analysis).” According to Mr. Behrens, the District provided him with information during discovery from which he derived reasonable assurances. He also felt that based on his experience, he “did not contact the permit reviewers in this matter because, from experience, he knew he could not trust them to provide the necessary assurances with a few comments over the telephone.” Yet, because of his financial inability to hire experts, Mr. Behrens relies on the expertise of the District’s hydrologists for assurance that his well will not be adversely impacted. See, e.g., (T. 112) (District Exhibit 13, pp. 41-42, 55, 58-61.) Stated otherwise, Mr. Behrens wanted the District staff to provide him with proof of reasonable assurance and he filed the Petition and Amended Petition because he felt he did not receive appropriate proof. If this final hearing went forward, his intent was to ask questions of the District’s hydrologists regarding many of the documents in his possession and to ask “District staff, under oath, about specific matters related to the protection of his well and the intermediate aquifer, in general,” presumably as he had done in the Basso and Boran cases, for example. See, e.g. (District Exhibit 13, p. 59-60.) Then, the ALJ, after hearing all of evidence, would decide whether reasonable assurance was provided. Prior to and after Mr. Behrens filed his Amended Petition, the District maintained Regional Observation and Monitoring Program (ROMP) wells that provide cumulative monitoring information concerning the Intermediate and Floridan aquifer water levels throughout the District. ROMP well data are available to the public upon request. (In response to a question posed by Mr. Behrens during the final hearing, Mr. Balser stated that ROMP well data do not give absolute assurance or reflect “[e]xactly what is happening in the geology under [Mr. Behrens] property.” Mr. Balser stated that he “would have to do testing of [his] property. But this is the best guess we can make looking at it from a regional view.”) It is more than a fair inference that Mr. Behrens was familiar with ROMP well data and their application in specific cases as a result of his participation in prior administrative cases. See pp. 4-5, supra. He did not request ROMP well data available from the District prior to filing his Petition and Amended Petition, although he asked for the quantity of groundwater which was expected to be withdrawn from the Intermediate and Floridan aquifers. See Conclusions of Law 48- 50. District WUP information and other records are available for public inspection, including the use and permitting history of the water withdrawal challenged by Mr. Behrens in this proceeding. If Mr. Behrens had inquired of the District prior to filing his Petition and Amended Petition, Mr. Behrens could have learned that the well on the Has-Ben Groves property had been in existence as early as the 1960’s for citrus irrigation, was first permitted around 1974, had previously been authorized by the District for withdrawals of as much as 77,000 gpd, was expected to draw approximately 94 percent of its water from the Upper Floridan aquifer, and there was no reasonable basis to conclude that withdrawals of 31,100 gpd from the Has-Ben Groves well would cause any adverse impact to his well, which draws water from the Intermediate aquifer. Stated otherwise, at the time he filed his Petition and Amended Petition, Mr. Behrens had no reasonable factual basis to allege that withdrawals of 31,100 gpd from the Has-Ben Groves’ well, located approximately 16 miles from his well, would have an adverse impact on his use of water from his well. (An applicant for a WUP is required to provide, in part, reasonable assurance that the water use “[w]ill not adversely impact an existing legal withdrawal.” Fla. Admin. Code R. 40D- 2.301(1)(i).) On June 30, 2003, Mr. Behrens filed a “Notice of Voluntary Dismissal” and responded, in part, to the District’s Motion for Summary Recommended Order, but not the District’s request for attorney’s fees and costs. Mr. Behrens stated that he withdrew his Amended Petition because he obtained information that he did not have when he filed his Amended Petition and that addressed his concerns about impacts to his well. He claimed, in part, that being informed of the District’s plan to set minimum levels for the Intermediate aquifer had allayed his fears that he would be without an artesian free-flowing water supply. However, the challenged WUP did not address or involve the setting of minimum flow levels. Based on the foregoing, Mr. Behrens did not make a reasonable inquiry regarding the facts and applicable law. Using an objective standard, an ordinary person standing in Mr. Behrens’ shoes would not have prosecuted this claim if a reasonable inquiry had been conducted. Stated otherwise, Mr. Behrens did not have a “reasonably clear legal justification” to proceed based on his limited inquiry. Mr. Behrens signed the Petition and Amended Petition for an “improper purpose.” The District’s Request for Sanctions The District proved that its lawyers expended approximately 98.8 hours in responding to the challenge brought by Mr. Behrens and that the District incurred $426.25 in costs. An hourly rate of $125.00 per hour is a reasonable rate. The hours expended by District lawyers were reasonable. The costs incurred were reasonable. The District requests that sanctions be imposed in the amount of $12,350.00 for attorney's fees and $426.25 in costs. For the reasons more fully stated in the Conclusions of Law, based on the totality of the facts presented, the imposition of a sanction against Mr. Behrens in the amount of $500.00 (for costs and a small portion of fees) is appropriate.

Florida Laws (5) 120.569120.57120.595120.68373.223
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Pinellas Park, Florida Dec. 28, 2020 Number: 20-005557 Latest Update: Jul. 05, 2024

The Issue Did Respondent, William D. Going, willfully and intentionally violate Florida Statutes and Southwest Florida Water Management District (District) rules regulating well construction? If he did, what corrective action is appropriate?

Findings Of Fact William Going is a licensed water well contractor. He has held License Number 1564 since 2007. Mr. Going is a managing member of Going Irrigation, Inc., and conducts business under that name. Mr. Going constructed four sand point irrigation wells at a residential property in St. Petersburg, Florida. He did not have and had not applied for a Well Construction Permit (WCP). 1 All citations to Florida Statutes are to the 2020 codification unless noted otherwise. 2 The findings are based upon the evidence admitted at the hearing and the stipulations of the parties. Mr. Going did not call or otherwise contact the District to request a WCP. The District operates an online permitting system called the Water Management Information System (WMIS). The District will issue a WCP based upon a telephone call, an application on its website, a faxed application, a mailed application, or a hand-delivered application. The District routinely issues permits within two hours of receiving an application, often within ten minutes to half an hour. The District's application system operates from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. It is infrequently offline for a few hours. While quick, the process reviews significant information. It verifies that the well location is sufficiently distant from septic systems, verifies construction methods and materials, and verifies, if the well is for drinking water, that the well is not too close to a contamination site. Mr. Going is a registered and experienced user of WMIS. The District learned of the unpermitted wells on April 28, 2020, when it received an anonymous complaint. On May 5, 2020, approximately ten days after he constructed the wells, Mr. Going submitted WCP Application 889173 for construction of the four already completed sand point irrigation wells. He did not disclose that they were already completed. He falsely represented them as proposed. The District approved the application on May 6, 2020, and issued WCP 889173 to Mr. Going. On June 11, 2020, Mr. Going submitted four Well Completion Reports for the wells, falsely representing that each was completed on May 7, 2020. This was more than 30 days after Mr. Going completed the wells. Mr. Going claimed at the hearing that he tried to apply for a WCP for four or five days before constructing the wells but was locked out of the WMIS. Mr. Going said that his son usually obtained permits online for the company. He also claimed that he tried to apply online on April 24 and 25, 2019. His claims are not persuasive. There is no question that Mr. Going knew the requirements for obtaining a permit and reporting completion. In 2009, in Order No. SWF 09- 017, the District imposed a $500.00 fine and assessed five points against his license for an almost identical offense. In that case, Mr. Going also constructed a well without a permit from the District or applying for a permit. In that case, like this one, he sought to excuse failure to apply for a permit by claiming difficulties with the website. In that case he blamed his wife's unfamiliarity with computers, rather than his own, for failure to apply. In that case, like this one, he applied for and obtained a permit after constructing the well. Mr. Going knowingly and willfully constructed four unpermitted wells, filed a WCP application more than thirty days after he completed the wells, and misrepresented the dates of completion in the WCP completion reports that he filed with the District. Mr. Going tries to characterize his after-the-fact misrepresentations as mitigation. But they were not. Mitigation would have been contacting the District to advise it of the wells' unpermitted construction and the asserted justification for it. Furthermore, his misrepresentations deprived the District of the chance to prevent construction of the wells using improper materials or near a septic tank or contaminated location.

Florida Laws (4) 120.569120.57120.574120.68 Florida Administrative Code (4) 40D-3.04140D-3.41162-531.30062-531.450 DOAH Case (1) 20-5557
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Mar. 19, 2014 Number: 14-001329RP Latest Update: Apr. 25, 2014

The Issue The issue to be determined in this case is whether proposed Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E-10.041(3)(d) of the South Florida Water Management District (“the District”) is an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority.

Findings Of Fact The Conservancy is a non-profit Florida corporation with its offices in Naples, Florida. It has 6,200 members residing in Southwest Florida. The mission of the Conservancy is to protect the environment and natural resources of Southwest Florida. The Caloosahatchee River is an important focus of the Conservancy’s organizational activities and objectives. A substantial number of the members of the Conservancy use the Caloosahatchee River for drinking water, boating, fishing, wildlife observation, and scientific research. The proposed rules create a prospective reservation of water in the not-yet-operational Caloosahatchee River (C-43) West Basin Reservoir “for fish and wildlife.” The Conservancy’s interests would be substantially affected by the proposed reservation. The District is a regional water management agency created, granted powers, and assigned duties under chapter 373, Florida Statutes (2013). It is headquartered in West Palm Beach, Florida. Proposed rule 40E-10.041(3) states: (3) Caloosahatchee River (C-43) West Basin Storage Reservoir: All surface water contained within and released, via operation, from the Caloosahatchee River (C-43) West Basin Storage Reservoir is reserved from allocation. The water reserved under this paragraph will be available for fish and wildlife upon a formal determination of the Governing Board, pursuant to state and federal law, that the Caloosahatchee River (C-43) West Basin Storage Reservoir is operational. The reservation contained within this subsection and the criteria contained in section 3.11.4 of the Applicant’s Handbook for Water Use Permit Applications within the South Florida Water Management District, incorporated by reference in Rule 40E-2.091, F.A.C., shall be revised in light of changed conditions or new information prior to the approval described in paragraph (3)(b) above. Pursuant to subsection 373.223(4), F.S., presently existing legal uses for the duration of a permit existing on [RULE ADOPTION DATE] are not contrary to the public interest. The Conservancy challenges only paragraph (3)(d), contending that it modifies or contravenes the implementing statute, section 373.223(4).

Florida Laws (7) 120.52120.54120.56120.57120.68373.042373.223
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 75-001064 Latest Update: Jun. 18, 1992

Findings Of Fact Application No. 7500050 requested water from one (1) withdrawal point. Said withdrawal is for public supply. This application is for an existing use. The center of withdrawals will be located at Latitude 28 degrees 07' 49" North, Longitude 82 degrees 26' 22" West in Hillsborough County, Florida. Total continuous acreage is 59.4 acres. The use is for not more than 29,000,000 gallons of water per year and not more than 91,650 gallons of water during any single day to be drawn from the Floridian Aquifer. Notice was published in a newspaper of general circulation, to-wit: The Tampa Tribune in the issues of May 28 and June 4, 1975, pursuant to Section 373.146, Florida Statutes. Notices of said public hearing were duly sent by certified mail as required by law. The application and map of the premises, the legal description, the receipt of certified nail, the copy of the Notice and the affidavit of publication were received without objection and marked Exhibit 1. Copy of the franchise application to the Health Department regarding the laboratory analysis on the public water supply was introduced into evidence and received without objection and marked Exhibit 2. The parties agreed to file a joint stipulation as follows: The agreement that a flow meter be installed. That monthly readings be submitted to the District staff at the Headquarters office. That applicant supply evidence that the individual lots will be restricted from having private wells. A copy of the joint stipulation was received by the Division of Administrative Hearings on July 14, 1975. Said stipulation encompassed the following: That applicant, Groveland Developments, Inc. install a flow meter of the propeller type on the well; take monthly readings, and send them into the District monthly. Said stipulation did not encompass the third (3rd) condition agreed to at the hearing, to-wit: That evidence would be supplied that individual lots to be developed in conjunction with this application be restricted from having private wells thereon. Witnesses were duly sworn and agreement was reached on each point enumerated as required by Rule 16J-2.11, Rules of the Southwest Florida Water Management District and Chapter 373, Florida Statutes.

Recommendation Grant Application No. 7500050 for a consumptive-us permit for the quantities of water applied for conditioned upon the items enumerated in the joint stipulation and further conditioned upon the submission by the applicant evidence showing that the individual lots will be restricted from having private wells thereon. August 22, 1975 DELPHENE C. STRICKLAND Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: T. Ahern, Esquire Staff Attorney southwest Florida Water Management District Post Office Box 457 Brooksville, Florida 33512 Mr. George Szell, Hydrologist Permit Section Southwest Florida Water Management District Post Office Box 457 Brooksville, Florida 33512 Groveland Developments, Inc. Post Office Box 578 Lutz, Florida 33549 Mr. Frank Ripa Housel & Martinez, Inc. Consulting Engineers and Land Surveyors Post Office Box 9215 Tampa, Florida 33674 Attachment to the Recommended Order STATE OF FLORIDA

Florida Laws (1) 373.146
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tampa, Florida Jun. 23, 2008 Number: 08-003053 Latest Update: Nov. 19, 2008
Florida Laws (3) 120.569120.59557.105 Florida Administrative Code (2) 28-106.20140D-4.101
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 75-000545 Latest Update: Oct. 29, 1990

Findings Of Fact Mr. George Szell was presented by the Southwest Florida Water Management District and sworn as a witness. Mr. Szell was qualified and accepted as an expert hydrogeologist employed by the District. Included within Mr. Szell's responsibilities to the District were evaluations of the subject application. An application for consumptive water use permit has been filed in proper form by Pat Nathe Groves, Inc., and admitted into evidence as Exhibit A. The water source is an existing well located on a 134-acre tract of land in Pasco County within the Withlacoochee Basin, as shown by Exhibit A. The water is to be used for irrigation purposes. The maximum daily withdrawal sought is 720,000 gallons and the average daily withdrawal sought is 130.192 gallons. Proper notice of this proceeding and application have been given to all persons entitled thereto by statute and rule. No objections to the application have been received by the District. The request of 130.192 gallons average daily withdrawal is approximagely 81.96 percent of the maximum average daily withdrawal allowed by the water crop theory set forth in Section 16J-2.11(3), F.A.C. Therefore, the requested withdrawal is not violative of the consumptive use test. Pursuant to Mr. Szell's testimony, none of the matters set forth in Subsections 16J-2.11(2), (3), and (4) exist so as to require the denial of this permit.

# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 76-001733 Latest Update: Jun. 15, 1977

Findings Of Fact Application No. 76-00408 is for an existing water use from six wells. The application seeks a total average annual withdrawal of 3.298 million gallons per day and a maximum daily withdrawal of 9.801 million gallons per day. The wells will be located in the Peace River basin in Polk County. Ninety-nine percent of the water will be used for industrial purposes and one percent of the water will be used for irrigation purposes. The applied for consumptive use will not violate any of the conditions set forth in Subsection 16J-2.11(2), (3) or (4), Florida Administrative Code. The Southwest Florida Water Management District's staff recommends granting of the subject permit in the amounts requested with the following conditions: That the applicant shall install totalizing flowmeters of the propeller-driven type on all withdrawal points with the exception of the well to be used for agriculture located at , Latitude 27 degrees 45 minutes 39 seconds, Longitude 81 degrees 37 minutes 07 seconds and the fire well located at Latitude 270 54 minutes 39 seconds, Longitude 81 degrees 36 minutes 00 seconds. The applicant shall submit to the district a record of pumpage for each meter installed in (a) above on a quarterly basis beginning January 15, 1977, with the pumpage recorded on a weekly basis.

Recommendation It is hereby RECOMMENDED that a consumptive use permit in accordance with Application No. 76-00408 be issued with the conditions set forth in paragraph 3 above. ENTERED this 13th day of October, 1976, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHRIS H. BENTLEY Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Jay T. Ahern, Esquire Citrus World, Inc. Staff Attorney Post Office Box 1111 Southwest Florida Water Lake Wales, Florida 33853 Management District Post Office Box 457 Brooksville, Florida 33512

# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Sarasota, Florida Apr. 05, 2017 Number: 17-002028F Latest Update: May 01, 2018

The Issue The issue to be determined is whether Petitioner Cargor Partners VIII – Long Bar Pointe, LLLP (“Cargor”) is entitled to an award of attorney’s fees pursuant to section 57.105, Florida Statutes (2017).

Findings Of Fact Notice On February 17, 2017, the attorney for Cargor sent Joseph McClash a letter on law firm stationary. In the first paragraph of the letter it states, “Please allow this letter to serve as notice of Cargor’s intent to seek relief pursuant to Section 57.105, Florida Statutes (the “Statute”) against you, individually as qualified representative, and the named Petitioner.” Cargor sent an email to McClash on February 28, 2017, reminding McClash that “the 57.105 deadline is March 10, 2017.” McClash referred to a motion for attorney’s fees that he received on or about March 13, 2017, but the motion was not shown to the Administrative Law Judge nor introduced into evidence. On April 5, 2017, the same day that McClash voluntarily dismissed the petition for hearing in DOAH Case No. 17-0655, Cargor filed with DOAH its motion for attorney’s fees under section 57.105. Contested Claims The renewal of a FDOW is governed by section 373.421(2), Florida Statutes, which states in relevant part that the FDOW shall be renewed “as long as physical conditions on the property have not changed, other than changes which have been authorized by a permit pursuant to this part, so as to alter the boundaries of surface waters or wetlands.” If the boundaries of wetlands or other surface waters have been altered without a permit, the FDOW cannot be renewed and an application for a new FDOW is required. The SWFWMD reviewer explained in a letter requesting additional information from Cargor: Please be advised that letters of exemption do not qualify as permits issued under Part IV of chapter 373, F.S. and therefore if work has been done on the site that has altered the wetlands or other surface water boundaries in association with a letter of exemption, a new formal determination application will be required. McClash claims Cargor did not qualify for the renewal of its FDOW because Cargor altered the boundaries of surface waters or wetlands on its property after the 2011 FDOW was issued and the some of the alterations were made pursuant to letter of exemption. In its February 17, 2017, letter to McClash, Cargor set forth six grounds for Cargor’s contention that McClash’s petition for hearing should be withdrawn. The first three grounds were described in Cargor’s letter as follows: The Formal Determination of Wetlands and Other Surface Waters, dated December 28, 2016, which is the subject of this Proceeding, does not authorize any construction activity. Consequently, no standing to challenge is or could be properly presented. There is no injury in fact and no one is in immediate danger of a direct injury from the issuance of the Formal Determination of Wetlands and Other Surface Waters, dated December 28, 2016, as of the date and time of filing the Petition in this Proceeding. Consequently, no standing to challenge is or could be properly presented. The Formal Determination of Wetlands and Other Surface Waters, dated December 28, 2016, is not a permit, license, or authorization. Consequently, no standing to challenge is or could be properly presented by an association. These were issues of law and they were decided against Cargor in an Order dated February 28, 2017. The fourth and fifth grounds described in Cargor’s letter involve the central issue in the case: Changes in the land have been previously authorized by the Southwest Florida Water Management District (“SWFWMD”) pursuant to existing and final permits including (i) SWFWMD ERP No. 43040157.001, dated August 6, 2014, (ii) SWFWMD CONCEPTUAL ERP No. 49040157.002, dated September 4, 2015, (iii) SWFWMD ERP No. 4304157.003, dated March 31, 2016, and (iv) SWFWMD Notice of Qualification for Permanent Farming Exemption, dated August 30, 2016. Changes in the land are authorized by the identified permits and authorizations. All changes in the land have occurred pursuant to the identified permits and authorizations. Allegations to the contrary are simply false and are not supported by material facts. In 2015, Cargor was issued a “Conceptual ERP” permit, which describes, among other things, planned modifications to some agricultural ditches. However, the conceptual permit does not allow the commencement of construction activities. On August 30, 2016, SWFWMD issued to Cargo a Permanent Farming Exemption, pursuant to section 373.406(13), which authorized Cargor to excavate three agricultural ponds in uplands. In its application for the exemption, Cargor also proposed to modify some agricultural ditches. On March 31, 2017, SWFWMD issued Cargor an ERP Individual Construction Major Modification, which, among other things, authorized work in ditches. This permit was issued just before McClash’s voluntary dismissal and, therefore, could not have authorized the changes on Cargor’s property that McClash described in the petition for hearing. Before filing his petition, McClash consulted with a wetland scientist, Clark Hull, about the merits of McClash’s proposed challenge to the FDOW renewal. Hull gave McClash an affirmative response, but his input was speculative because it was based on assumptions and representations that Hull had not investigated. McClash consulted with another wetland scientist, Pamela Fetterman, who conducted an “aerial, desktop review of publically available Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data.” Fetterman described her initial review as an evaluation of potential undelineated wetlands and other surface waters. The Administrative Law Judge ruled that the delineation approved by the 2011 FDOW became final and could not be challenged by McClash. McClash then asked Fetterman to review changes in physical conditions on the property that occurred after the FDOW was issued. Fetterman produced a report (McClash Exhibit R-6), in which she opined that the changes to physical conditions on Cargor’s property “have a high likelihood of affecting the previously delineated landward extent of wetlands and other surface waters.” She stated further: [C]hanges in physical conditions of the property took place prior to issuance of the [FDOW renewal] as purported “exempt agricultural activities”, and include ditch dredging alterations to delineated other surface waters. . . . A Permanent Farming Request for Exemption Confirmation letter was applied for on August 23, 2016 for construction of these ponds and modification of existing ditches, some of which were determined to be jurisdictional other surface waters by the subsequently re-issued [FDOW]. At the final hearing on fees, neither McClash nor Cargor made clear to the Administrative Law Judge: (1) the physical changes to the property that were alleged to be authorized by permit, (2) the physical changes that were alleged to be authorized by exemption, or (3) any physical changes that were alleged to be unauthorized. The sixth ground described in Cargor’s letter is as follows: The picture attached to the Petition as set forth in Paragraph 9, and the stop work allegation set forth in Paragraph 10 are irrelevant and have no factual relationship to any issue in the proceeding. Since any changes in the land have occurred pursuant to identified permits and authorizations, the allegations are simply false and/or intentionally misleading. It is not a basis for an award of attorney’s fees under section 57.105 that an irrelevant photograph was included in a petition for hearing. Moreover, the aerial photograph in McClash’s petition was relevant in this case because it showed the physical conditions of Cargor’s property. In the petition, McClash states that Manatee County issued a stop work order on November 16, 2016, for construction activities commenced on Cargor’s property without a County- approved erosion control plan. This allegation also pertained to physical changes to the property. All evidence about physical changes was relevant in determining whether Cargor was entitled to renewal of the FDOW. Fees Cargor claims fees based on 48.4 hours of attorney time (Edward Vogler) at an hourly rate of $410, and 3.6 hours of attorney time (Kimberly Ashton) at an hourly rate of $385, for a total of $21,230.00. The fees Cargor is seeking include the hours spent on legal issues raised by Cargor that were rejected by the Administrative Law Judge. These fees amount to at least $1,025. See Cargor Exhibit 1, Invoice entries for February 20, 2017. Cargor’s attorney testified that the fees are reasonable. Cargor did not call an expert witness to corroborate the reasonableness of the hourly rate and the reasonableness of the hours expended.

Florida Laws (3) 120.68373.40657.105
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 76-001007 Latest Update: Jun. 15, 1977

Findings Of Fact This application is a request for a consumptive use permit for two wells located in Pasco County, Florida, within the Pithlachascotee Basin. The subject wells are also located in that area wherein the Board of Governors of the Southwest Florida Water Management District declared a water shortage in Order No. 76-3D, Southwest Florida Water Management District. The application seeks an average daily withdrawal of 95,000 gallons with a maximum daily withdrawal of 360,000 gallons. The use of this water is for public supply involving effluent disposal by on-site percolation and ponding. This-use was existing prior to January 1, 1975 with am average daily withdrawal for 1974 of 74,000 gallons. The testimony presented by staff members of the Southwest Florida Water Management District establishes that the consumptive use for which a permit is sought will not violate any of the criteria set forth in Subsections 163- 2.11(2)(3) or (4), Florida Administrative Code, except that the use may significantly induce salt water encroachment. No evidence was presented showing that the sought for consumptive use will, in fact, significantly induce salt water encroachment. In the twelve month period ending October, 1975, applicant's highest average daily withdrawal was 81,000 gallons. This time frame corresponds to that time frame referred to in paragraph 1 of Water Shortage Order No. 76-3D, Southwest Florida Water Management District. In view of Water Shortage Order No. 76-3D, Southwest Florida Water Management District, the staff recommends granting of the permit for an average daily withdrawal of 81,000 gallons and a maximum daily withdrawal of four times that figure or 234,000 gallons. The staff further recommends imposition of the following conditions: That the permittee shall install totalizer flow meters of the propeller driven type on all withdrawal points covered by the permit with the exception of those wells which are currently ganged together using a single meter. That the permittee shall submit to the District a record of his pumpage for each meter, said pumpage to be read on a monthly basis and submitted quarterly to the District on April 15, July 15, October 15, and January 15 for each preceding calendar quarter. That all individual connections to the system be metered. That the permittee have water samples from all wells permitted analyzed for chloride on a monthly basis and results submitted to the District by April 15, July 15, October 15, and January 15 for each preceding calendar year.

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