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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Port St. Lucie, Florida Feb. 12, 2013 Number: 13-000515 Latest Update: Dec. 26, 2013

The Issue The issues to be determined are whether Respondent Roy Voss is entitled to an exemption from the requirement to obtain an Environmental Resource Permit (“ERP”) and entitled to “consent by rule” to use sovereignty submerged lands to install five mooring pilings next to his existing dock in Stuart, Florida.

Findings Of Fact The Parties Petitioner Pirtle is the owner of real property located at 4622 Southeast Boatyard Drive, Stuart, Florida. The property includes a dock that has been operating as a commercial marina for over 20 years. Respondent Voss is the recipient of the authorizations which are challenged by Petitioner. Voss owns the real property located at 4632 Southeast Boatyard Drive, Stuart, Florida, which is located immediately south of Petitioner’s property. Voss has a private dock. The Pirtle and Voss properties are riparian lots on Manatee Pocket, which connects to the St. Lucie River. Both lots have 50 feet of waterfront. The Department is the state agency with the power and duty to regulate construction activities in waters of the state pursuant to chapter 373, Florida Statutes. The Department also serves as staff to the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund (“Board of Trustees”) to review and act on certain construction activities on state sovereignty submerged lands under chapter 253. The Pirtle and Voss Docks The Pirtle dock is 101 feet long and is T-shaped. The Pirtle marina operates under a 1991 sovereignty submerged land lease issued by the Board of Trustees. The lease authorizes up to ten boat slips within the leased area. Pirtle has five boat slips on the south side of his dock, which are configured so that boats are moored perpendicular to the dock, usually with their bows pointed toward the Voss dock. The Voss dock is 120 feet long and has an L-shaped waterward end. The “L” extends to the south, away from the Pirtle dock. The Voss dock was built sometime after the Pirtle dock. Voss has moored several boats at his dock, including a 26-foot Grady White with an 8.5-foot beam, a 38-foot boat with a 15-foot beam, and a 42-foot boat a 15-foot beam. The 38-foot and 42-foot boats have each been moored along the north side of the Voss dock (nearest the Pirtle dock) in the past. The parties did not dispute the location of an imaginary “riparian line” running parallel to and generally equidistant between the Pirtle and Voss docks. Before Voss installed the five pilings which are the subject of this case, boats maneuvering into or out of the slips that are on the south side of the Pirtle dock (“the south slips”) often crossed over the riparian line. The Mooring Pilings On August 29, 2012, Voss applied for the authorizations to install five mooring pilings spaced 20 feet apart on the north side of and parallel to his dock. Voss said he intended to use the pilings to moor a new 38-foot boat with a 15-foot beam. Voss could use three pilings to moor a 38-foot boat. The mooring pilings are also farther from Voss's dock than needed to moor a boat with a 15-foot beam. Voss originally proposed to install the pilings on the riparian line. The Department reviewed the proposal and asked Voss to set the pilings back about three feet farther away from the Pirtle dock. The Department issued the authorizations to Voss on October 25, 2012, and he installed the five mooring pilings where the Department directed him to, about three feet inside the riparian line and 20 feet from his dock. The closest distance between the T-shaped end of the Pirtle dock and the nearest mooring piling is about 8.5 feet. Therefore, only boats with a beam (maximum width) less than 8.5 feet can pass this point when attempting to maneuver into or out of the south slips. Pirtle found out about the Voss pilings early in December 2012. He filed his petition for hearing with the Department on December 20, 2012. The timeliness of the petition was not disputed. The authorizations were issued by the Department without first conducting a site inspection to determine what effect the mooring pilings would have on the ability of boats to maneuver into and out of Pirtle’s south slips. After Pirtle filed his petition, four Department employees went to the site in a 21.5-foot boat with a beam of about 7.8 feet. The pilot of the boat, Jason Storrs, had difficulty maneuvering into and out of Pirtle’s south slips and had to be assisted by the other Department employees who stood in the boat and pushed off from the pilings. Without their assistance, the boat would have bumped into the pilings. An inexperienced boater would have greater difficulty attempting to enter or leave one of the south slips. It would be more difficult to maneuver a boat in or out of one of the south slips if Voss had a boat moored along the pilings. In windy and choppy water conditions, a person attempting to maneuver a boat into one of the south slips would risk damage to the boat and possible injury. The proximity of the mooring pilings to the slips on the south side of the Pirtle dock creates an unsafe condition. It is the practice of the Department to treat boating conditions that create a potential for damage to boats and injury to boaters as a “navigational hazard.” Voss's mooring pilings create a navigational hazard. The difficult and unsafe situation created by the mooring pilings would be obvious to boat owners considering whether to lease one of the south slips at the Pirtle marina. The south slips would be unattractive to potential customers of the marina. Pirtle’s ability to operate the south side of his marina is substantially impaired by Voss's pilings.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Environmental Protection deny the exemption and consent by rule. DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of September, 2013, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S BRAM D. E. CANTER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of September, 2013.

Florida Laws (7) 120.52120.569120.57120.68253.77373.406403.813 Florida Administrative Code (2) 18-21.00440E-4.051
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-000622 Latest Update: Jul. 26, 1985

Findings Of Fact D.S.I. Forms, Inc. is a for-profit corporation with facilities in Palatka, Florida. It is the owner of a river- front house known as the "DSI Lodge," which is the location of the boat dock at issue here. The DSI Lodge has an existing boat dock similar to those of other waterfront homes in the area along this section of St. Johns River, which is a Class III Florida Water.1 The area is predominantly single family residential, but is not so restricted by zoning ordinance. The DSI Lodge is used as a weekend and holiday retreat by the owner of D.S.I. Forms, Inc., who resides in Atlanta, Georgia, and by his business and personal guests. Although the DSI Lodge has a business character, there is no charge to guests for using lodge or dock facilities. The proposed DSI dock extension would add a two-boat covered slip measuring 20 by 22 feet to the end of the existing dock. Since DSI only seeks mooring facilities for one additional boat,2 it has agreed with the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to remove its inside boat slip. Although DNR was not a party to this proceeding, the Applicant's stated intent to remove a portion of the existing dock should be reflected in any permit issued by DER. The existing dock is approximately 700 square feet in surface area. With the application as now framed, the total surface area would exceed 1,100 square feet. However, with removal of the inside slip, the proposed dock area would apparently increase to less than 1,000 square feet, and thus may be exempt from DER permitting altogether.3 Petitioners presented a series of grievances concerning use of the DSI Lodge by inconsiderate guests. These complaints included discharging a rifle and fireworks, high speed operation of power boats adjacent to the river's edge (bulkhead) and congestion of boating activity resulting from numerous guests using the DSI facilities during holiday periods. The careless or congested boating activity may affect the quality of life for DSI Lodge neighbors and endanger wildlife such as manatee which sometimes inhabit these waters. However, it was not shown that the proposed dock extension would affect these environmental considerations since D.S.I. Forms, Inc. already owns and operates the boat which would be accommodated by the additional slip (see footnote 2 above). Further, the testimony of the DER field representative established that the presence of the extended dock, as well as its construction, would not degrade water quality.

Recommendation From the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Environmental Regulation enter a final order issuing the proposed permit to D.S.I. Forms, Inc. with an added condition requiring removal of the existing inside boat-slip. DONE and ENTERED this 26th day of July, 1985 in Tallahassee, Florida. R. T. CARPENTER, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of July, 1985.

Florida Laws (1) 267.061
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Viera, Florida Feb. 02, 1999 Number: 99-000501 Latest Update: Jul. 17, 1999

The Issue The issue for disposition in this case is whether the Respondents, James and Carol Rosasco, qualify for a Noticed General Permit pursuant to Rule 62-341.427, Florida Administrative Code, and a Consent to Use pursuant to Rule 18-21.005, Florida Administrative Code, for a single-family dock, on the Indian River in Brevard County, Florida.

Findings Of Fact The Rosascos (James and Carol) own a parcel of real property on the Indian River at 4680 Highway AIA in Melbourne Beach, Brevard County, Florida (4680). The shoreline on the west of the Rosasco's property is more than 65 linear feet. The parcel just south of the Rosasco's property is at 4690 Highway AIA (4690). It was recently owned by a subsidiary of Disney and was used as an executive retreat. There is an existing dock at 4680, approximately 200 feet long, close to the upland boundary of 4680 and 4690, but extending southwest. The prior owner of 4680 and the Disney subsidiary had an agreement that allowed both to use and maintain the dock. The agreement was not renewed when the Rosascos purchased 4680. The Rosascos immediately made plans for a replacement dock and submitted the application that is the subject of this proceeding. Fred and Julie Braid own the parcel just south of 4690, at 4720 Highway AIA (4720). They have an approximate 280-foot long dock which runs straight west from their shoreline. In October 1998, Disney Realty, Inc., advertised 4690 for sale by bids. In December 1998, the Braids purchased the 4690 parcel with knowledge of ownership and configuration of the existing dock at 4680. After DEP issued its intent to grant their Noticed General Permit and Consent of Use for the Rosasco's 325-foot replacement dock. The Braids challenged the decision in January 1999. The Braids' two parcels and Rosasco's property are in a shallow cove area of the Indian River. Long docks are necessary there to provide boat access and to avoid seagrasses that are close to shore. The Braids are primarily concerned that if the Rosascos are allowed to construct their replacement dock there will be no room for the Braids to place a dock on their newly-acquired 4690 parcel. The Braids' Petition for Administrative Hearing and challenge to DEP's intended action is in letter form and raises four basic concerns: the proximity of the proposed dock to 4690; whether the proposed dock would preclude the Braids' placing their own dock on 4690; possible damage to seagrasses; and problems with navigation. In order to address the Braids' concerns, the Rosascos modified their application on March 31, 1999. The revised proposal increases the length of the dock from 325 feet to 500 feet and situates the dock to run north of the existing dock and parallel to that dock (which will be removed). The revised proposal has the new dock terminal starting 25 feet north of the property line and purported riparian line. The revised proposal would result in a minimum of 50 feet clearance between the new dock and the terminal platform of the Braids' existing dock at 4720. The modification did not satisfy the Braids. At the hearing Mr. Braid used strips of paper on a drawing to show hypothetical converging of the proposed Rosasco dock and another long dock extending from the center line of his shore frontage at 4690 where Mr. Braid would like to build. DEP staff have reviewed a signed and sealed survey submitted by the Rosascos which purports to show that both the original proposal and the revised dock proposal will place the new dock at least 25 feet from the riparian rights line between the Rosasco's property and the Braids' 4690 parcel. The riparian line drawn on the Rosasco's survey is configured in the same manner as a riparian line reflected on a survey submitted by the Braids when they sought approval for their now-existing dock at 4720. That is, the surveyor simply extended the upland property line straight into the Indian River. At hearing, the Braids submitted a survey of 4690 into evidence; this one angled the northern riparian line (line between 4690 and 4680) to run parallel to the southern riparian line (line between 4690 and 4720). There are obviously various means of drawing riparian lines, and those lines are particularly complicated in a cove where the shore is curved. Without the testimony of any of the surveyors it is impossible to determine their respective bases for the conflicting depictions. Neither the administrative law judge nor the DEP has any authority to determine riparian rights lines, as this a uniquely judicial function of a circuit court. In reviewing applications for dock permits, DEP does not require a circuit court order determining a riparian rights line as that would be impractical and cost-prohibitive. Instead, DEP accepts a signed, sealed, survey depicting a reasonable suggestion of the riparian rights line. This was the process when the Braids made application for their dock in 1996, and was the process when DEP reviewed the Rosasco's application in 1998. The survey submitted by the Rosascos indicates that the dock proposal, and March 1999 revised dock proposal both situate the replacement dock at least 25 feet from the purported riparian rights line. DEP reasonably relied on that survey. Brian Poole, a former DEP Environmental Specialist II with 25 years experience with the agency, reviewed the Rosascos' first and revised dock proposals. His lengthy experience includes processing and reviewing dock applications in this area of Brevard County and he is very familiar with seagrass habitat, dock placement, and navigation issues. According to Brian Poole, and based on the surveys and aerial photographs, the Rosascos' revised proposal would not preclude the Braids' building a dock on their 4690 parcel. It could be configured, even zig-zagged, between the Braids' existing dock, and the Rosasco's proposed dock. The Rosasco's proposed dock would afford more room than the Rosasco's existing dock which is closer to the 4690 parcel. Mr. Braid testified that some boaters in the Indian River travel close to the existing docks at 4680 and 4720 and that the longer dock proposed by the Rosascos will impede navigation. The Indian River is approximately 8000 feet wide at the project site and the Intracoastal Waterway, which is the main navigational channel of the Indian River, is approximately one mile west of the project site. The proposed 500-foot dock will not come near the Intracoastal Waterway or other navigational channel. There is already at least one other 500-foot dock in the vicinity of the Rosasco's and Braids' docks. There are several other shorter docks in the area. Because the water is shallow, any boaters close to the shore or using the existing docks will have to navigate carefully at idle speed and the docks will not impede their navigation. At the hearing the Braids conceded that seagrasses were not an issue. This is confirmed by Brian Poole whose experience and knowledge of the area confirm that there are no seagrass beds or other submerged aquatic vegetation at the terminal platform or mooring area of the original proposed dock or the revised proposed dock. Seagrasses also do not appear in the aerial photographs beyond 300-feet from shore as poor light penetration inhibits their growth.

Recommendation Based on all of the foregoing, it is hereby, RECOMMENDED: The petition challenging the propriety of the general permit for Rosascos' related proposed dock and the related consent of use of sovereign submerged lands be DENIED. The Rosascos' single-family dock project as revised in the March 31, 1999, modification be authorized pursuant to the applicable general permit rules, provided that the revised dock does not exceed a total area of 2,000 square feet, subject to design criteria limitations and other conditions. The Rosascos's application for consent of use of sovereign submerged lands be GRANTED, subject to the general consent conditions quoted above and those imposed by rule. DONE AND ENTERED this 1st day of July, 1999, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. MARY CLARK Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 1st day of July, 1999. COPIES FURNISHED: Fred and Julie Braid 4720 Highway AlA Melbourne Beach, Florida 32951 James and Carol Rosasco 4680 South Highway AlA Melbourne Beach, Florida 32951 Thomas I. Mayton, Jr., Esquire Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Mail Station 35 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Kathy Carter, Agency Clerk Department of Environmental Protection Office of General Counsel 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, M.S. 35 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 F. Perry Odom, General Counsel Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000

Florida Laws (3) 120.569120.5726.012 Florida Administrative Code (4) 18-21.00418-21.00562-341.42762-343.090
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Dade City, Florida Jun. 14, 2012 Number: 12-002074 Latest Update: Jul. 01, 2013

The Issue The issues are whether Respondent, Bayhead Landings Property Owners Association, Inc.; Kimberly Lee, president; William Barthle, Architectural Review Committee (ARC) member; and Tony Kolka, ARC member, discriminated against John and Kimberly Whitt,1/ on the basis of Mr. Whitt's physical handicap in violation of the Florida Fair Housing Act (the Act), and, if so, the relief to which Petitioners are entitled.

Findings Of Fact Bayhead Landings Subdivision (Bayhead) is a deed- restricted community for which the Bayhead Landings Property Owners Association, Inc., was organized to operate and administer. Deed restrictions have been in place since 1990 and will continue in place until at least January 2031.4/ It remains unclear how many Bayhead parcels front the lake in question. There are four to five existing docks in that lake; however, none of those existing docks extend more than 80 to 100 feet into the lake. The Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Bayhead provide in pertinent part: 6.(a) For the purpose of further insuring the development of said land as a residential/agricultural area of highest quality and standard, and in order that all improvements on each lot shall present an attractive and pleasing appearance from all sides of view, there shall be a Committee consisting of no less than three (3) persons appointed to review plans and specifications, . . . . (b) The Committee reserves the exclusive power and discretion to control and approve all of the buildings, structures and other improvements on each lot or parcel in the manner and to the extent set forth herein. No residence, . . . or other structure or improvement, regardless of size or purpose . . . shall be commenced, placed, erected or allowed to remain on any lot or parcel, . . . unless and until building plans and specifications covering same showing the shape, height, size, location and orientation on the lot, floor plans, square footage, front, side and rear elevations, materials to be incorporated and exterior color schemes . . . have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Committee. * * * (d) As a prerequisite to consideration for approval, and prior to commencement of the contemplated work, a complete set of plans and specifications must be submitted to the Committee. . . . . The purpose of the ARC is to ensure that any development in Bayhead maintains the "community standards and deed restrictions" and is of the "highest quality and standard." To ensure that goal is met, the ARC is to receive a complete set of plans and specifications prior to the work starting. Mr. Whitt has a physical handicap as defined by the Act, section 760.22(7)(a). Mr. Whitt is confined to a wheelchair for mobility. The Whitts' backyard property has a significant slope downhill or drop-off towards the lake. The area between the house and the lake is muddy for a long distance, the terrain is uneven, and it is not suitable for a wheelchair to traverse. No evidence was received as to the actual distances between the house and either the drop-off area or where the terrain becomes uneven in the Whitts' backyard. The water level in the lake has been relatively low for some time; however, there is some water in it now. On September 7, 2010, Mr. Whitt submitted a proposed estimate and architectural review application to Respondents' ARC, seeking approval to construct a stationary dock on the Whitts' property (dock application). This dock application was the first received by the ARC in many years, and there is no evidence of any prior applications to build a stationary dock.5/ The dock application (Petitioners' Exhibit 3) included a three-page proposal (Proposal) from Coastal Construction; Gulfside Docks6/ that included the following "SPECIFICATIONS": Timber Piles 2.5CCA • Frame/Stringers/Caps 2" x 8" • Dock Lumber Pressure Treated .40 • Dock Bolts 5/8" HDG • SS Nails/Screws The Proposal also contained the following "STATIONARY DOCK" information: Construct new 300' x 5' dock with 20 x 16 head. We will add 2" x 2" lumber along perimeter of dock to act as bumper system Decking will be #1 pressure treated decking. Stainless Steel Screws will be used to secure deck boards The dock application did not contain any specific references to the dock being "wheelchair accessible"; however, it did contain information about a bumper system. The second proposal (Petitioners' Exhibit 10) contained the same "SPECIFICATIONS." The second proposal contained similar information regarding the "STATIONARY DOCK"; however, the language regarding the bumper system was altered to reflect "Install 2" x 2" wheel chair safety bumper around entire perimeter of dock - Approx. 663'LF. Stainless steel screws will be used as fasteners." On September 19, 2010, William Barthle, a member of the ARC, sent an e-mail to Mr. Whitt. The e-mail provided Mr. Whitt with a portion of Bayhead's deed restrictions and requested "WE NEED A DIAGRAM OF DOCKS [sic] PLACEMENT ON PROPERTY AS REFERENCED IN DOCS." On September 27, 2010, Mr. Whitt sent a plat map to the ARC with a hand-drawn dock sketched on it. The hand-drawing was not to scale and failed to provide detailed measurements of where the dock was to begin in relation to the residence or shed that were already on the property. Further, there was no rendering of what the dock itself would look like. On October 10, 2010, the ARC sent Mr. Whitt a letter requesting four specific items in order for the ARC to consider the dock application, including: Square footage of dock Height of dock The exact location of the dock on your property (distance from your house and distance from property line on each side, distance from any setback easement, or wetlands buffer boundary) A letter from Southwest Florida Water Management District approving the placement, length and location (starting/ending) of the dock Mr. Whitt's June 22, 2011, response letter (eight months later) to the request failed to provide the requested information. As of December 12, 2012, the Whitts had not provided the requested information. Mr. Barthle and Graeme Woodbrook both served on the ARC when the Whitts' dock application was submitted. Both gentlemen credibly testified that the Whitts' dock application failed to provide enough information to allow them to make a decision about it. Further, Mr. Woodbrook admitted he has some physical limitations and is sympathetic to people who have disabilities. While both men knew Mr. Whitt was confined to a wheelchair, neither knew why Mr. Whitt had to use it. Other ARC applications were admitted into evidence. These ARC applications involved: painting the exterior of a primary residence (two separate requests); landscaping in the front yard of a residence for a non-permanent 6' x 8' fish pond; replacing a playground set; resurfacing a pool deck, patio, and front porch entry; resurfacing a driveway; and extending a present screen porch. Of the three ARC applications that involved some type of new construction (fish pond, playground set, and porch extension), each contained pictures, dimensions, and/or diagrams sufficient for the reviewer to appreciate where the project was being constructed in relation to the house and property lines.7/ As of December 12, 2012, Respondent had neither approved nor rejected the Whitts' dock application. That application is simply not complete without the requested information. The dock application remains "pending," awaiting receipt of the requested information. The Whitts' position that they have provided everything that the builder has provided them is insufficient to provide the ARC with the requisite information to know where the dock will begin on the Whitts' property; how far out the dock will extend into the lake; and what the structure will look like.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the Florida Commission on Human Relations dismissing the Petition for Relief filed on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Whitt. DONE AND ENTERED this 15th day of February, 2013, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LYNNE A. QUIMBY-PENNOCK Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of February, 2013.

Florida Laws (7) 120.569120.57120.68760.20760.22760.23760.37
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Aug. 21, 2001 Number: 01-003327 Latest Update: Oct. 28, 2003

The Issue This issue in this case is whether the private Respondents are entitled to recover attorneys’ fees and costs from Petitioner pursuant to Section 120.595(1), Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact Because the undersigned is not required or authorized to recommend a disposition on the merits of Singer’s Petition, the fact-findings that follow are limited to those necessary to determine the narrow issue whether an award of attorneys’ fees and costs is proper under Section 120.595(1), Florida Statutes. In addition, as written, the findings below assume the reader’s familiarity with the preceding Preliminary Statement. On July 22, 1999, the Owners submitted an application to the Department seeking approval to build a dock. In a letter dated January 21, 2000, which is included in File 2, the Department informed the Owners that it had reviewed their application “to determine whether [the proposed dock] qualifies for any of three kinds of authorization that may be necessary for works in wetlands or waters of the United States.” This January 21, 2000, letter constituted the first agency action (“First Action” or “FA”) concerning the Owners’ dock. The First Action comprised three distinct determinations (for short, “D1,” “D2,” and “D3”), one for each of the “three kinds of [potentially necessary] authorization[s].” These determinations were: FA-D1: The dock is exempt from the need to obtain an Environmental Resource Permit (“ERP”). FA-D2: The dock qualifies for consent to use state sovereign submerged lands. FA-D3: Pursuant to a “federal review” performed under an agreement between the Department and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the dock is deemed consistent with the State Programmatic General Permit (“SPGP”) program. As originally designed, and as approved by the Department on January 21, 2000, the Owners’ dock will be referred to herein as the “Approved Dock.” After receiving notice of the First Action, the Owners caused a “Notice of Determination of Exemption” to be published in the February 1, 2000, issue of the Palm Beach Daily Business Review. In pertinent part, this public notice stated: The Department of Environmental Protection gives notice that the [Owners’] project to construct a 125-foot by 4-foot access dock and a 40-foot by 8-foot terminal platform has been determined to be exempt from the requirements to obtain an environmental resource permit. . . . . A person whose substantial interests are affected by the Department’s action may petition for an administrative proceeding (hearing) under sections 120.569 and 120.57 of the Florida Statutes. . . . . * * * Complete copies of all documents relating to this determination of exemption are available for public inspection during normal business hours . . . at the [Department’s regional office]. (Owners’ Exhibit No. 4). Following the publication of this notice, an individual named Karrie Webb timely filed a petition with the agency challenging the Department’s approval of the Approved Dock. Her Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing was filed with DOAH on February 17, 2000, initiating Webb. v. Timothy and Hope Delong and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, DOAH Case No. 00-0761 (the “Webb case”). The Webb case proceeded through final hearing, but before a Recommended Order was issued, the petitioner, on January 9, 2001, filed a Stipulation for Dismissal. Consequently, on January 12, 2001, the Administrative Law Judge entered an order closing the file.1 Not long after the conclusion of the Webb case, the Owners submitted a second application to the Department for authorization to build a dock. As described in this second application (which gave rise to File 3), the newly proposed dock (hereafter, the “Redesigned Dock”) differed somewhat from the Approved Dock. Most noticeably, the terminal platform of the Redesigned Dock faced north, towards Singer’s property, whereas the terminal platform of the Approved Dock had faced south. Singer and the Owners disagreed sharply as to whether the differences between the Approved Dock and the Redesigned Dock should be considered “substantial” (as Singer claims) or merely “minor” (as the Owners claim). For present purposes, however, it is neither necessary, nor would it be appropriate, to resolve that particular dispute. What is significant and should be emphasized, however, is that whether or not the Redesigned Dock differed substantially from the Approved Dock, the Owners submitted a new application respecting the Redesigned Dock as if it were a new project, and the Department acted upon the Owners’ second application as if the first one had neither been made nor approved. Thus, in a letter dated February 28, 2001, which is included in File 3, the Department informed the Owners that it had reviewed their application “to determine whether [the Redesigned Dock] qualifies for any of three kinds of authorization that may be necessary for works in wetlands or waters of the United States.” This February 28, 2001, letter constituted the second agency action (“Second Action” or “SA”) concerning the Owners’ dock (though it was, of course, the first agency action on the Redesigned Dock). Like the First Action of the previous year, the Second Action was composed of three distinct determinations (again, “D1,” “D2,” and “D3” for short), one for each of the “three kinds of [potentially necessary] authorization[s].” These determinations were: SA-D1: The re-designed dock is exempt from the need to obtain an ERP. SA-D2: The re-designed dock qualifies for consent to use state sovereign submerged lands. SA-D3: Pursuant to a “federal review” performed under an agreement between the Department and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the re-designed dock is deemed not consistent with the SPGP program.2 The Owners did not cause notice of the Department’s Second Action to be published in a newspaper of general circulation. Armed with the Second Action, the Owners proceeded to have the Redesigned Dock constructed, and it now exists in fact. The existing structure will be referred to herein as the “As- Built Dock,” which, to be clear, was constructed according to the blueprint of the Redesigned Dock. After the construction began, Singer initiated this administrative litigation, the procedural history of which is summarized in the Preliminary Statement. In the course of the litigation, on May 17, 2002, the Department filed both a Motion to Dismiss and a Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction. As the basis for its request that the undersigned relinquish jurisdiction over File 3——that is, the Department’s file supporting the Second Action, which had approved the Redesigned Dock——the Department relied upon a letter dated May 16, 2002, from the Owners’ counsel to the Department’s counsel, which contained the following pertinent text: Please accept this notice as the withdrawal of the application filed by Timothy and Hope Delong in the above matter [namely, File 3]. The Department (with the Owners’ concurrence) contended that because the Owners had voluntarily withdrawn their application, the agency had lost jurisdiction to enter a final order implementing, modifying, or rescinding the Second Action, which had preliminarily approved that application. See, e.g., City of North Port, Florida v. Consolidated Minerals, Inc., 645 So. 2d 485, 486-87 (Fla. 2d DCA 1994). The undersigned agreed that, by withdrawing their application for approval of the Redesigned Dock, the Owners had divested the Department of jurisdiction in the matter. Accordingly, the undersigned relinquished jurisdiction over File 3. In withdrawing their second application, the Owners materially changed their position and substantially modified the outcome of the most relevant preliminary agency action at issue, namely, the Second Action approving the Redesigned Dock. Indeed, by nullifying the Second Action, the Owners forfeited the only express authorization, albeit a preliminary one, that they had ever obtained from the Department for the Redesigned Dock. Thus, in other words, rather than defend the Department’s preliminary approval of the Redesigned Dock in this proceeding, the Owners elected to rely upon the First Action as a defense against any future claim that the As-Built Dock is an illegal, unpermitted project.3 The Owners’ withdrawal of their second application was intended to resolve, and in fact did resolve, matters raised in Singer’s Petition. The undersigned specifically finds, as a matter of ultimate fact, that the Owners’ change of position was substantial for purposes of Section 120.595(1)(e)3., Florida Statutes.

Florida Laws (4) 120.569120.57120.59557.111
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Stuart, Florida May 28, 1998 Number: 98-002430 Latest Update: Apr. 17, 2000

The Issue Whether the finger pier portion of Respondent Raab's dock creates a navigational hazard. The resolution of that issue will determine whether the dock qualifies for an exemption from an environmental resource permit under Rule 40E-4.051(3)(b), Florida Administrative Code, and Section 403.813, Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact DEP has the authority to regulate the construction of docks in jurisdictional wetlands and other waters of the State of Florida and on state submerged lands under Chapters 253, 373, and 403, Florida Statutes, and Chapters 62-330 (which adopts Chapter 40E-4) and 18-21, Florida Administrative Code. The Association is a residential community located in Sewall's Point, Martin County, Florida. All lots within the community abut navigable channels which provide ingress and egress to the ICW. These channels converge so that there is only one channel that connects to the ICW. Most of the residents of the community have large vessels that routinely navigate the channels within the community. At the time of the formal hearing, many of the vessels owned by residents of the community had drafts of four feet and at least two had drafts of five feet. In 1997, Mr. Raab purchased a residence in the Association that is located very close to where the channel meets the ICW. Because of that location, practically all residents of the Association have to pass in front of Mr. Raab's property when going into or returning from the ICW. The property at issue is located at 22 Simara Street, Sewalls Point, Martin County, Florida. The dock at issue in this proceeding is subject to DEP's regulatory authority. When Mr. Raab purchased this property in 1997, there was an existing marginal dock parallel to the bulk-head. Mr. Raab subsequently sought and received approval from DEP to demolish the existing marginal dock and replace it with a virtually identical structure. The existence and configuration of the marginal dock is not at issue in this proceeding. Mr. Raab thereafter sought to modify his approved marginal dock by adding a finger pier which extended into the channel 36 feet so he could dock his vessel perpendicular to the bulkhead. Mr. Raab's plan also called for the construction of two pilings 12 feet from the end of the finger pier. Mr. Raab had, as of the time of the formal hearing, re-constructed the marginal dock and had constructed the finger pier. 3/ The two additional pilings had not been constructed at the time of the formal hearing. After reviewing the modified project, DEP determined that the project was exempt from the need for an environmental resource permit under Rule 40E-4.051(3)(b), Florida Administrative Code, and Section 403.813, Florida Statutes. DEP also authorized Mr. Raab to use state-owned submerged lands if necessary. The Association thereafter timely challenged DEP's determination that the finger pier portion of the project (and the two additional pilings) did not require an environmental resource permit. There was a conflict in the evidence as to the functional width of the channel in front of Mr. Raab's property. 4/ Mr. Holly testified on behalf of the Association that the functional width of the channel was 83 feet. Mr. Lidberg, testifying on behalf of Mr. Raab, testified that the functional width was 101 feet. This conflict is resolved by finding that the functional width of the channel in front of the Raab property is 101 feet. 5/ The prevailing winds in the area in front of Mr. Raabb's dock blow into the dock. The depth of the water in the channels is influenced by tides. The principal reason Mr. Raab wants the finger pier is so that he can moor his boat with the bow to the prevailing winds in times of high winds. At the time of the formal hearing, Mr. Raab owned a vessel with an overall length of 44 feet. There was a conflict in the evidence as to whether Mr. Raab's finger pier and the two pilings that have been authorized, but not constructed, constitute a hazard to navigation. 6/ Based on the totality of the evidence, it is found that these structures do not create a navigational hazard. 7/

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that DEP enter a final order dismissing the Association's challenge to the determination that Mr. Raab's project qualifies for an exemption from an environmental resource permit. DONE AND ENTERED this 1st day of March, 2000, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. CLAUDE B. ARRINGTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 1st day of March, 2000.

Florida Laws (3) 120.57373.414403.813 Florida Administrative Code (1) 40E-4.051
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-004387 Latest Update: May 17, 1989

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner is the owner of upland property immediately adjacent to state-owned submerged lands. The Petitioner seeks permission to use the submerged land in order to construct an extension of his residential dock. The proposed project will extend the current dock by seventy-six feet. The Petitioner applied for all of the applicable federal, state, and local permits in order to extend his dock. He has received approval or an exemption from approval from all of the necessary agencies. The Petitioner's permit application was approved by James M. Marx on behalf of the Department on December 29, 1987, pursuant to Section 253.77, Florida Statutes. On April 12, 1988, James M. Marx sent a memorandum to his superior, Casey Fitzgerald, the Chief of the Bureau of State Lands Management, recommending that the proposed dock extension not be authorized by the Department. On June 6, 1988, the Department sent a letter to the Petitioner to inform him that the Department was unable to authorize the proposed project. The letter stated that the determination was based upon the following: The proposed extension would disrupt historical patterns of localized navigation. The extended dock, together with a 12- foot wide vessel moored at the terminal end, would preempt greater than 50 per cent of the distance between the shoreline and the offshore shoal. The length of the proposed dock is inconsistent with the lengths of existing docks in the immediate area. During hearing, the evidence presented demonstrated that the proposed dock extension would have no effect upon navigation or navigational patterns in the area. The dock extension would cause the Petitioner's dock to be substantially longer than the two adjacent docks. The dock extension is not located in an Aquatic Preserve or Manatee Sanctuary. It is exempt from Department of Environmental Regulation permitting requirements under Section 403.813(2)(a),(b),(c),(d),(e),(g),(h),(i),and (k) , Florida Statues, and the extension is no more than the length necessary to provide reasonable access to navigable water.

Florida Laws (5) 120.57253.002253.03253.77403.813 Florida Administrative Code (1) 18-21.005
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Myers Beach, Florida Apr. 22, 1994 Number: 94-002187 Latest Update: Sep. 27, 1994

The Issue The issue in this case is whether Petitioner is liable for retirement contributions on compensation paid Thaddeus Kmiecik in his capacity as city dockmaster.

Findings Of Fact The City of Moore Haven is located west of Lake Okeechobee alongside a waterway that connects Stuart on the east coast with Ft. Myers on the west coast. Petitioner maintains docks that boaters may use overnight, provided they pay a docking fee. A dockmaster supervises the dock and collects the docking fee from boaters. Petitioner's first dockmaster served without compensation. Whenever he became ill or went out of town, he asked Petitioner to hire someone to replace him. Pursuant to Ordinance No. 156, which went into effect in 1982, Petitioner hired replacements for the first dockmaster. Ordinance No. 156 provides that specified docking fees shall be paid by all boats docking at the city docks between the hours of 6:00 pm and 8:00 am or at other times, if the boat remains docked over three hours. However, the ordinance allows the dockmaster to enter into special contracts with commercial users, subject to the approval of City Commission. Ordinance No. 156 states that the City Commission shall appoint one or more persons as dockmaster, who shall "check all boats at the City dock both evening and morning of each day." The ordinance requires the dockmaster to record all relevant information about the boat in a log. The ordinance states that the dockmaster is "responsible seven days a week for the collection of dockage fees, giv[ing] a receipt from a numbered book, and giv[ing] copies of all receipts to the City Clerk each working day." The dockmaster must also tell the City Clerk if the docks need repairs or maintenance. The dockmaster is also required to assume at least certain responsibilities of the City Manager if the position is vacant. The health of the original dockmaster deteriorated and it became necessary to hire someone else to collect the fees. By agreement between the original dockmaster and the person doing the collections, the dockmaster allowed the collector to retain a percentage of the docking fees collected. The remainder evidently was remitted to Petitioner. When the original dockmaster died, Petitioner hired Thaddeus Kmiecik as the new dockmaster. The agreement between Petitioner and Mr. Kmiecik requires that he answer directly to the City Commission. He is to ensure that the docking fees are collected and all money taken directly to City Hall. Boaters needing reservations call Mr. Kmiecik at home. Mr. Kmiecik is responsible for his own expenses, but he earns a commission, payable monthly, of 20 percent of the collected docking fees. From 1986 through 1993, Petitioner has filed IRS Forms 1099, showing that Mr. Kmiecik has received the following "nonemployee compensation": 1986--$1936.52; 1987-- $2324.83; 1988 1992--$3457.50; and 1993--$2621.08. The arrangement between Petitioner and Mr. Kmiecik is fairly loose. He has never received any training, except how to complete the receipt book, which is provided by Petitioner. He has never received any orders as to how to perform his job, except that he is to ensure that the docks are checked nightly for boats and that all docking fees are promptly remitted to Petitioner. Mr. Kmiecik does not check the docks in the morning, and the City Commission has never insisted that he do so, even though the ordinance so requires. Mr. Kmiecik has attended only one City Commission meeting and has never reported anything to the City Commission. He can hire anyone whom he chooses to help him or perform the services when he is out of town or otherwise unavailable. He may supplement his income from the docks by performing other services, such as taking boaters to the airport, and he retains all compensation for such additional services. Although not required to do so, Mr. Kmiecik sometimes wears a city uniform when he appears at the docks. But this is the uniform for his fulltime job at Petitioner's water plant. Other persons checking the boats at night do not have a uniform. Petitioner is a participating local agency in the State-Administered Retirement System. Petitioner makes retirement contributions on Mr. Kmiecik's pay for his work at the water plant in recognition of the fact that this position is a regularly established position under the State-Administered Retirement System. However, Petitioner has always treated Mr. Kmiecik as an independent contractor for his work as dockmaster and has thus made no retirement contributions for his dockmaster compensation. The record is silent as to when Mr. Kmiecik first became employed with Petitioner in the water plant and whether he has been continuously so employed. On June 3, 1993, Petitioner answered a questionnaire acknowledging that Mr. Kmiecik worked at the city water plant also. Based on the record, June 3, 1993, is the earliest date on which Mr. Kmiecik worked at the city water plant. By letter dated January 21, 1994, Respondent informed Petitioner that Mr. Kmiecik was an employee when performing dockmaster services and demanded retroactive retirement contributions from the unspecified date of his employment in that position. By letter dated January 25, 1994, Petitioner supplied additional information and requested further review of this decision. By letter dated March 7, 1994, Respondent advised Petitioner that Respondent had determined that Mr. Kmiecik was performing the services of dockmaster in an employer-employee relationship, rather than an independent contractor relationship. The letter adds that Mr. Kmiecik is filling a "regularly established position" as an operator of the water plant and is "performing additional duties" as the dockmaster. Petitioner requested a formal hearing on the issue. Based on the relevant law, Mr. Kmiecik is an independent contractor with respect to his dockmaster services.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the Division of Retirement enter a final order requiring the City of Moore Haven to pay retirement contributions with respect to the compensation paid Mr. Kmiecik for services as a dockmaster, retroactive to June 3, 1993. ENTERED on July 21, 1994, in Tallahassee, Florida. ROBERT E. MEALE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings on July 21, 1994. APPENDIX Rulings on Respondent's Proposed Findings 1: adopted or adopted in substance. 2-3: rejected as subordinate. 4-10: adopted or adopted in substance. 11: adopted or adopted in substance, but only to the minimal extent of the use of the receipt books. 12-18: adopted or adopted in substance. COPIES FURNISHED Steven A. Ramunni Watkins & Ramunni, P.A. P.O. Box 250 LaBelle, FL 33935 Jodi B. Jennings Assistant Division Attorney Division of Retirement Cedars Executive Center, Bldg C 2639 North Monroe St. Tallahassee, FL 32399-1560 William H. Lindner, Secretary Department of Management Services Knight Building, Suite 307 Koger Executive Center 2737 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399-0950 Paul A. Rowell, General Counsel Department of Management Services Knight Building, Suite 312 Koger Executive Center 2737 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399-0950 A. J. McMullian, III, Director Division of Retirement Department of Management Services Cedars Executive Center, Bldg. C 2639 N. Monroe St. Tallahassee, FL 32399-1560

Florida Laws (3) 120.57120.68121.031 Florida Administrative Code (1) 60S-6.001
# 8
LEO JOSEPH BERGER vs. JEEMAN, INC., 88-001293 (1988)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-001293 Latest Update: May 27, 1988

The Issue Should the Respondent, STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION, grant the applicant, JEMAAM, INC., a dredge and fill permit pursuant to the Notice of Intent dated March 2, 1988, in File No. 361414445?

Findings Of Fact The Respondent, JEMAAM, INC., is the owner and the developer of real property contiguous to state waters in Lee County, Florida. The condominium project on the property is known as Island's End Condominiums. As part of Phase III of the condominium project, Respondent JEMAAM built a dock. This dock is the subject of this administrative hearing because the Respondent JEMAAM wants to reconfigure and relocate portions of the dock structure. Respondent JEMAAM filed an application for a dredge and fill permit with the Respondent DER in order to modify the exiting dock. The Respondent JEMAAM seeks to modify the dock by relocating a 3.92' x 61' section of the existing dock to a more waterward location. This area of the dock is the southerly extension, which fronts the Petitioners' condominium unit. The application process was begun on November 3, 1987, and completed on February 26, 1988. A Notice of Intent to Issue a dredge and fill permit for the proposed project was issued on March 2, 1988, by the Respondent DER. The dock is subject to the Respondent DER's permitting requirements because the construction activity is to take place in state waters and the dock structure exceeds 1,000 square feet in size. In addition, the Respondent JEMAAM has agreed not to undertake further dredge or fill work or any other construction in wetland areas under the Respondent DER's jurisdiction unless a valid permit had been obtained for such activities. The Petitioners, LEO J. BERGER and KATHLEEN D. BERGER, are the owners of Condominium Unit Number 102 in Phase III of Island's End Condominiums in Lee County, Florida, which is adjacent to Respondent JEMAAM's dock. The Petitioners filed an administrative complaint in which they disputed the appropriateness of the Intent to Issue dated March 2, 1988. In support of their position, the Petitioners identified a number of areas of controversy and alleged that the Respondent JEMAAM's application did not meet the "reasonable assurances" required for permit issuance. The Petitioners' allegations, which are properly before the Hearing Officer, are as follows: Shallow water in the area where the new dock configuration is to be located would result in propeller dredging of littoral shallows. The proposed waterward relocation of a portion of the dock would present a navigational hazard in the channel as well as in the shallows and around the dock. The proposed relocation would cause harmful shoaling in the area, which would affect boating safety as well as the habitat. The dock relocation and associated boat traffic will disrupt and harm bird and fish habitats. The dock may be within the Estero Bay Aquatic Preserve. Based upon the evidence adduced at hearing, I find as follows as to the allegations raised by the Petitioners in their administrative complaint: There are sufficient water depths, based upon the Bathymetric profile and a number of reviews by the Respondent DER in the proposed relocation area, to prevent harmful propeller dredging by boats using the dock. However, to assure that harmful turbidity and propeller dredging does not occur, the dock extension arm can be completely handrailed in the shallow, landward area. The addition of a shielded, steady burning light and navigational markers should minimize any impediment to navigation caused by the dock relocation. The main channel is not far from this area, and most boating traffic in the general area is confined to the main channel. The additional markers and lighting requirements combine with the current conditions to alert all reasonable and prudent boaters to the hazards and challenges of the area. The evidence is inconclusive as to the extent to which the dock structure has increased shoaling in the area. Much of the shoaling is attributed to the natural conditions of the area, a back-bay coastal zone. The shoaling which has occurred is thought to be beneficial by the experts who testified at hearing because the development of grasses has increased. This creates a positive habitat for Cuban shoalweed, brittle starfish, and several species of crab. Relocation of a portion of the dock will not substantially affect the shoaling activity in the area. The bird and fish habitats in the area do not appear to be adversely affected by the current dock. It is not anticipated that the relocation of a portion of the dock will change the ongoing development of the habitats. The bird roosting area on the sandbar includes a larger variety of species now than it did before the current dock was built, according to studies done by James W. Beever III. The installation of the additional channel markers was suggested by Beever, an expert witness in the case, as a means to enhance the viability of the sandbar as a habitat. The markers aid in steering boat traffic away from the area and prevent the beaching of boats on the sandbar. James W. Beever III is the current resource and research coordinator of the Estero Bay Aquatic Preserve. Based upon his testimony, the proposed dock relocation is not within the aquatic preserve. The areas of controversy raised by the Petitioners in their administrative complaint were sufficiently met by the reasonable assurances of the Respondent JEMAAM that the purported harms would not occur. The project is not contrary to the public interest under the criteria set forth in Section 403.918, Florida Statutes, as represented by the Respondent DER in the Notice of Intent to Issue and proved at hearing.

Florida Laws (1) 409.913
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-000721 Latest Update: Aug. 07, 1985

Findings Of Fact Respondent/applicant, The Yachting Arcade (applicant), initiated this matter when it filed an amended application with respondent, Department of Environmental Regulation (DER), on April 27, 1984, seeking a permit authorizing the construction of a docking facility on the eastern shore of Bethel Creek in the City of Vero Beach, Florida.1 Specifically, applicant wished to construct a commercial shoreline dock 530 feet long and six feet wide with four access docks at various locations along the shoreline. The access docks would vary in size from thirteen to sixteen feet in length and from four to ten feet in width. The dock will be situated in front of a two-story commercial structure and parking lot on 1.14 acres owned by applicant which lies between Highway A-1-A and Bethel Creek. That structure will house a restaurant and other retail establishments. A city permit for the dock was previously issued on November 17, 1983, and remains in effect at this time. According to the parties, permit approval is also required from the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). However, DNR is awaiting action by DER before issuing or denying a permit. Bethel Creek is a relatively small navigable U-shaped dead-end canal connected to the Intracoastal Waterway in the Indian River in Indian River County, Florida. It is classified as a Class III water of the State. Because of continued development along the Creek, and poor flushing characteristics, the water has gradually deteriorated over the years. Most of its shoreline is bulkheaded in the vicinity of the proposed project, and it has a depth of around fifteen to twenty feet. The width of the Creek at the site of the project ranges from 120 to 195 feet and represents the most narrow part of the canal. The project is approximately one to two-tenths of a mile from the dead-end of the canal, and less than a half a mile from the opening at Indian River. In addition to applicant's commercial development, there are a number of single family residences on the Creek, a large condominium known as the Riverwalk Condominium, and eight townhouses at the deadend of the Creek. Other development may also exist but was not disclosed at hearing. There are a number of existing private docks with boats on the Creek including a four-dock marina at the end of the canal. Petitioner, Riverwalk Condominium Association, Inc., is an association of condominium owners who reside within 500 feet of the proposed activity. Under the proposal, applicant intends to limit the docking facilities to the private use of The Yachting Arcade." There will be no fuel or maintenance service for boats, and sewage disposal facilities and live-aboards will be prohibited. Shoreline improvement is to be accomplished by excavating an area landward of the dock, backfilling the area with sand and rubble, placing filter fabric over the backfill, laying sand and gravel over the fabric and revegetating the excavated/backfilled area with cordgrass and red mangroves. The theoretical capacity of the docking facility will depend on the size of the boats, but it will allow docking by up to twelve to fifteen boats of the fifty foot category at one time, or up to thirty-six smaller boats simultaneously. At the insistence of DER, the boats will be moored parallel to the Creek in an effort to not impede navigation. After receiving the original and amended applications, DER personnel made three on-site inspections of the property. These were conducted in January and May, 1984 and May,|1985. Although no water quality testing was performed, the Department found the Creek to be a viable habitat for various game and nongame species, including mullet, sheepshead, tarpon, snapper, manatees, great blue herons and egrets. The property along the shoreline was comprised of Australian pines, pepper trees and railroad vines until they were removed in June, 1985 by applicant. There has been severe erosion along the water front but this will diminish through revegetation and excavation of the bank. The construction of the dock will create only minor, short-term turbidity. The quality of the water within the Creek is now poor, but a vegetated shoreline, including mangroves, will assist in cleansing the water and improving its quality. Therefore, applicant has given reasonable assurances that the proposed project will not violate established water quality standards, or constitute a threat to marine life, wildlife or natural resources. According to agency rule an applicant must demonstrate that "the proposed project will not create a navigational hazard, or a serious impediment to navigation. . ." in the affected waters. Even though the dock will be built at the most narrow part of the creek, and may have as many as thirty-six boats moored at any one time, the agency expert concluded that no impediment to navigation would occur.2 However, testimony by residents on the Creek indicate that the actual navigable part of the stream is much smaller, and that boats are frequently "beached" because of the shallow nature of the waters. Since applicant will simultaneously allow as many as fifteen boats in the fifty-foot category, or thirty-six of a smaller variety, to traverse the Creek, there will be a serious impediment to navigation on the narrow navigable part of the Creek. Moreover, it will create a navigational hazard. A restriction on the number of boats to use applicant's dock at one time is not practical, and even DER omitted such a condition because of its inability to enforce this provision. Therefore, the criteria for issuance of a permit have not been met.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the application of The Yachting Arcade for a permit to construct a shoreline dock on Bethel Creek in Indian River County, Florida be DENIED. DONE and ORDERED this 7th day of August, 1985, in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32301 (904)488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 7th day of August, 1985.

Florida Laws (3) 120.57403.0876.08
# 10

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