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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Jun. 29, 2005 Number: 05-002332 Latest Update: Jan. 13, 2006

The Issue The issue is whether Petitioner properly determined that Respondent should be discharged from employment as a tenured teacher based on his professional incompetence.

Findings Of Fact At all times pertinent to this case, Petitioner employed Respondent as a certified tenured teacher. Respondent has 28 years of experience teaching mathematics. Michael Kemp became principal at Englewood High School (EHS) during the 2002/2003 school year. Respondent was a mathematics teacher at EHS for the 2002/2003 and 2003/2004 school terms. EHS has approximately 2,050 students. It is unique in that it serves as Petitioner's secondary center for a program known as "English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)." Approximately 80 percent of the students at EHS score below a Level 3 (below standard) on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT). In the 2002/2003 school year, EHS implemented a standards-based curriculum for the first time. EHS teachers, including Respondent, received training relative to new student performance standards. The teachers also received training in the use of a new mini-lesson plan format for 90-minute blocks of instruction in content areas. During the 2002/2003 academic year, Petitioner implemented a new college preparatory mathematics (CPM) curriculum and a new reading strategy for all content areas. Respondent, along with other EHS teachers, received training in the new math curriculum and reading strategies. Respondent did not transition well to the new way of teaching. He did not adjust his teaching style to accommodate a "block" schedule, which required 90-minutes of instruction for each class period. Mr. Kemp evaluated Respondent for the 2002/2003 school year. Mr. Kemp determined that Respondent's ability to plan and deliver instruction, Competency A on the annual evaluation form and the "Classroom Observation Instrument" (COI), was unsatisfactory. However, Mr. Kemp concluded that Respondent's overall performance for the 2002/2003 school year was satisfactory. For the 2003/2004 school year, EHS initiated a sheltered academic content teaching model. As a result of the new model, many ESOL students exited the core academic program and attended special ESOL classes with designated teachers in academic areas such as language arts, mathematics, and social studies. For the 2003/2004 school year, Respondent was not a sheltered content teacher. Therefore, Respondent's classes contained some ESOL students but not as great a percentage as in 2002/2003. A high student-failure rate was common at EHS for the 2003/2004 school year. That year, approximately two-thirds of Respondent's students previously had failed their required math classes and were repeating the courses. Parental complaints against teachers are normal. The complaints are not always valid. However, when the 2003/2004 school year commenced, Mr. Kemp became concerned about the number of parents who wanted their children removed from Respondent's classes. Some of the parents made the requests as soon as their children were assigned to Respondent's classes. Other parents requested reassignment of their children to other math classes as the year progressed. On November 7, 2003, a student in one of Respondent's classes became very disruptive. Respondent attempted to get the student to settle down. When his efforts were unsuccessful, Respondent directed a verbal obscenity to the student in front of other students while class was in session. Specifically, Respondent told the student to "get the f--- out" of the classroom. On November 14, 2003, Mr. Kemp had a conversation with Respondent about his unsatisfactory classroom performance. In a memorandum dated November 17, 2003, Mr. Kemp advised Respondent that a success plan would be developed and a support team identified to assist him. On December 3, 2003, Mr. Kemp observed Respondent teaching a math class. Mr. Kemp determined that Respondent did not demonstrate satisfactory teaching behaviors. Regarding Respondent's classroom management, Mr. Kemp's observations included the following: (a) Respondent did not control the classroom; (b) Students were not on task during the warm-up activity; (c) Students engaged in conversations, which were not related to the task at hand; (d) There were no apparent expectations for classroom behavior; (e) Respondent tolerated disrespectful talk from students; and (f) Respondent did not control classroom dialogue and discussions. Regarding Respondent's instructional delivery, Mr. Kemp's observations included, but are not limited to, the following: (a) Respondent did not connect the purpose of the lesson with its content; (b) Respondent lectured from the front of the class and did not vary his instructional delivery; (c) Many students were not on task; (d) Respondent continued the lesson despite statements of frustration and lack of understanding from students; (e) Respondent demonstrated content knowledge and mastery of material, but he did not successfully transfer content to students or communicate with them; (f) The lesson was not motivating; (g) Students were not engaged and ignored the lecture; (h) Except for two students who answered questions, the class was either lost or not engaged; (i) Some students requested other students to explain or teach them an assigned task; (j) Respondent circulated among the students but he had no organization as to what was being checked; and (k) Respondent was unaware that students were working on other assignments unrelated to the class work. In a memorandum dated December 4, 2003, Mr. Kemp notified Respondent that a conference had been scheduled for December 10, 2003. The purpose of the meeting was to initiate Respondent's success plan. On December 8, 2003, Mr. Kemp observed Respondent teach another math class. Mr. Kemp concluded that Respondent did not demonstrate satisfactory teaching behaviors. Mr. Kemp's observations included the following: (a) Respondent needed assistance with appropriate lesson planning for a block schedule; (b) Respondent relied too much on a lecture format with no connection between the content of the lesson and its purpose; (c) Respondent had adequate content knowledge but he was ineffective in transferring that knowledge to the students; (d) Respondent had difficulty keeping the students engaged and on task; and (e) Respondent had little control over classroom dialogue. On December 10, 2003, Respondent met with his success team. After the meeting, Respondent was given an opportunity to provide additional strategies and suggestions for improvement to the success plan. Respondent did not take advantage of this opportunity. Respondent's 2003/2004 success plan contained specific goals, objectives and tasks in the following areas: (a) Plans and delivers effective instruction; (b) Utilizes appropriate classroom management techniques, including the ability to maintain appropriate discipline; (c) Evaluates the instructional needs of students; (d) Communicates with parents; and (e) Promotes student growth and performance. The success plan identified certain members of the success team to work with Respondent on each area of professional development. The plan provided for weekly meetings with the success team members between January 5, 2004, and March 30, 2004. The success plan required Respondent to attend professional development cluster meetings for off-site continuing education in the following subject areas: (a) Standards Based Education; (b) Rituals and Routines; and (c) Effective Communication. The success plan provided opportunity for on-site continuing education and professional development. For example, the plan required Respondent to read and summarize certain professional literature such as the following: (a) Two math chapters in Best Practices; and (b) Modules related discipline and communication in CHAMPS Foundation. Additionally, Respondent's plan required him to view a video tape related to effective interpersonal communications with students and explain in writing how he planned to implement communication strategies in his classes. Most important, the plan required Respondent to observe his math colleagues twice a month. The success plan required Respondent to develop weekly lesson plans. These lesson plans had to include mini-lesson plans for each class at least once in each daily lesson. The mini-lesson plans included FCAT warm-ups, opening, practice, and closure. The success plan required other on-going activities including, but not limited to, the following: (a) Preparing a written script and implementing appropriate questioning strategies using Bloom's Taxonomy; (b) Preparing a written script of appropriate questions for use when monitoring and probing for solutions with cooperative groups; (c) Preparing a written summary on learning modalities; (d) Preparing a written list of strategies to meet all classroom exceptionalities and learning styles; (e) providing students with written individual corrective feedback; (f) Posting dates for remediation, retesting, or revision of work; (g) Establishing and applying published classroom routines; (h) Posting classroom rules; (i) Creating and maintaining an Absentee Assignment Notebook; (j) Publishing and enforcing a procedure for recording and reporting tardies; (k) Maintaining a notebook of handouts for student access; (l) Publishing and implementing a routine for lesson closure and class dismissal; (m) Maintaining student data records in the "Success by Design" notebook; (n) Communicating with parents about unsatisfactory student performance and course recovery opportunities, using two methods and keeping a log and copies of any written communication; and (o) Creating a daily journal of professional reflections relative to improving student rapport. The success team members observed Respondent's classes and reviewed his written assignments to determine whether he was meeting the requirements of his success plan. The team members provided Respondent with verbal and written feedback about his progress or lack thereof. The success team met as a group on February 10, 2004. On March 10, 2004, Mr. Kemp made a final observation of Respondent's teaching performance. Mr. Kemp concluded that Respondent was attempting to establish a rapport with his students. However, Respondent's performance was inadequate in the following ways: (a) He needed to implement strategies to engage the students; (b) He needed assistance with lesson plans; and (c) He needed additional strategies for classroom management. Mr. Kemp met with Respondent on March 12, 2004. At the meeting, Mr. Kemp advised Respondent that he had not successfully completed the success plan. The annual evaluation that Mr. Kemp and Respondent signed at the meeting indicates that Respondent's performance was unsatisfactory in the following areas: (a) Competency A--plans and delivers effective instruction; (b) Competency C--Utilizes appropriate classroom management techniques, including the ability to maintain appropriate discipline; and (c) Competency G--promotes student growth and performance. According to the evaluation, Respondent's overall performance for the 2003/2004 school year was unsatisfactory. As requested by Respondent, Petitioner assigned Respondent to a teaching position at La Villa School of Arts (La Villa) for the 2004/2005 school term. Connie Skinner was La Villa's principal and Jeffery Hutchman was head of the math department at La Villa. Mr. Hutchman made several attempts to contact Respondent during the summer before the 2004/2005 school year commenced. Mr. Hutchman intended to invite Respondent to a middle-school mathematics workshop. Respondent never received Mr. Hutchman's messages and therefore did not attend the workshop. At La Villa, Respondent did not have an assigned classroom. Instead, Respondent was a "traveling" teacher who changed classrooms each period. On September 3, 2004, Ms. Skinner observed Respondent teach a math class for the first time. Ms. Skinner had some positive and negative comments about her observations. Among other things, Ms. Skinner concluded that Respondent circulated appropriately among the students, quickly stopped disrespect by one student, and had good questions from the class at the end of the lesson. She made the following suggestions: (a) Respondent needed to speed up the mini-lesson; (b) Respondent needed to set a time limit for student work to reduce the number of students who were not engaged or slow to start; and (c) Respondent needed to get students to the board. EHS sent La Villa a copy of Respondent's 2003/2004 success plan. On September 3, 2004, the success team at La Villa decided to use a modified version of the 2003/2004 success plan until Ms. Skinner and the La Villa success team had an opportunity to observe Respondent and develop a new success plan for the 2004/2005 school year. On October 11, 2004, Ms. Skinner made an unplanned observation in Respondent's class. The purpose of the visit was not to evaluate Respondent, but to gain additional information for the development of the new success plan. During the visit, Ms. Skinner noted, among other things, that Respondent's voice registered disgust with students for not using notes. On October 20, 2004, Ms. Skinner observed Respondent teach a math class, using the COI to evaluate Respondent's teaching behaviors. Ms. Skinner noted the following: (a) There was a great deal of confusion in a group assignment; (b) Respondent did not gain student attention at the start of the lesson; and (c) Respondent made statements showing his disdain for students and his lack of class discipline. Ms. Skinner concluded that Respondent's performance was unsatisfactory. On October 21, 2004, the success team at La Villa presented Respondent with a new success plan. The plan included specific goals and objectives to effect improvement in Respondent's ability to plan and deliver instruction, to demonstrate effective classroom management skills, to show sensitivity to student needs, to demonstrate abilities to evaluate students' instructional needs, to communicate with parents, and to promote student growth and performance. The 2004/2005 success plan required Respondent to attend training classes in "Connected Math." It also required him to attend workshops in instructional strategies and classroom management as well as other on-site and off-site continuing education programs. The 2004/2005 success plan specified that success team members would assist Respondent by explaining and demonstrating classroom strategies. Additionally, the success team members were required to observe Respondent in the classroom and provide him with feedback. Ms. Skinner observed Respondent on November 17, 2004. Among other comments, Ms. Skinner noted that Respondent's students were either not engaged or asked questions unrelated to the subject of the lesson. Ms. Skinner also concluded as follows: (a) Respondent's lesson did not include a mini lesson; (b) The content of the students' notebooks were poorly arranged and inconsistent; and (c) The students' homework folders were mostly empty and contained no teacher commentary. Ms. Skinner observed Respondent on November 24, 2004, using the COI to evaluate Respondent's teaching behaviors. Ms. Skinner determined that Respondent told the class to "shhhh" over 30 times. For this and other reasons, Ms. Skinner concluded that Respondent had not demonstrated satisfactory performance. On January 20, 2005, Ms. Skinner used the COI and the Professional Behaviors Instrument (PBI) to evaluate Respondent's classroom performance. These evaluations indicated that Respondent had improved in some areas such as clarity of instruction and interaction with students, resulting in a more engaged class. However, his overall performance was unsatisfactory. On March 10, 2005, Ms. Skinner used the COI to evaluate Respondent's teaching behaviors. Ms. Skinner observed the following: (a) Respondent presented material that was hard to read; (b) Respondent handled questions poorly; (c) The pace of the lesson seemed very slow; (d) Respondent failed to praise a student for a correct answer; and (e) Respondent's tone of voice carries disdain for students. Ms. Skinner concluded that Respondent's teaching behaviors were not satisfactory. On March 11, 2005, Ms. Skinner completed Respondent's annual evaluation. She concluded that his performance was unsatisfactory in the following areas: (a) Competency A, Plans and delivers effective instruction; (b) Competency D, Shows sensitivity to student needs by maintaining a positive school environment; (c) Competency E, Evaluates instructional needs of students; and (d) Promotes student growth and performance. Respondent's overall evaluation indicated that his professional growth was unsatisfactory. As to Compentency A, persuasive evidence indicates that Respondent's delivery was not clear and explicit. His students did not understand the lesson objectives. His written communications included misspelling and typos. As to Competency D, the record shows that Respondent failed to provide his students with positive reinforcement. Instead, his tone of voice carried disdain when interacting with his students. As to Competency E, Respondent had an unusually high failure rate. This shows that Respondent's instruction did not meet the needs of his students. As to Competency G, Respondent did not provide for individual student needs during his classes. On March 15, 2005, Ms. Skinner and Respondent discussed his 2004/2005 success plan. Ms. Skinner advised Respondent that he had not successfully completed the plan. After each observation/evaluation, Ms. Skinner discussed her findings with Respondent. She advised Respondent of strategies for improving his teaching behaviors. While there was some improvement in the middle of the 2004/2005 school term, by the end of the year there was a reversion in Respondent's professional growth. Ms. Skinner stated that "all of the strategies for standards-based education that we had worked on and helped him to understand, we thought went by the wayside." Regarding Competency A and Competency G, Respondent was unable to improve, despite the assistance of his success teams and the specific in-service training they provided. Respondent's was unable to maintain a satisfactory level of performance for Competency D and Competency E. He made improvement in only one area, Competency C. Overall, Respondent's professional growth was unsatisfactory for consecutive annual evaluations separated by a year of in-service training to correct his deficiencies.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Petitioner enter a final order, terminating the Respondent's employment as a tenured teacher. DONE AND ENTERED this 18th day of November, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S SUZANNE F. HOOD Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 18th of November, 2005. COPIES FURNISHED: Adres Rojas, Esquire City of Jacksonville City Hall, St. James Building 117 West Duval Street, Suite 480 Jacksonville, Florida 32202 David A. Hertz, Esquire Duval Teachers United 1601 Atlantic Boulevard Jacksonville, Florida 32207 Honorable John Winn Commissioner of Education Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1514 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Joseph J. Wise, Superintendent Duval County School Board 1701 Prudential Drive Jacksonville, Florida 32207

Florida Laws (2) 120.569120.57
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-001378 Latest Update: Dec. 11, 1981

The Issue The issue presented here concerns an Administrative Complaint brought by Ralph D. Turlington, as Commissioner of Education, against Willie Lynn Brown, calling for the revocation, suspension or other appropriate disciplinary action against the Respondent's teaching certificate issued by the State of Florida. The contention in this Administrative Complaint is that the Respondent, while employed at the A. D. Harris Sixth Grade Center, conducted physical acts with a minor male student, involving the student sitting on the Respondent's lap and the Respondent taking one of the student's hands and rubbing it against the Respondent's genital area. For these alleged acts of misconduct, the Petitioner attempts to discipline the Respondent, in keeping with the provisions of Section 231.28, Florida Statutes, in that the Respondent is reputedly guilty of gross immorality and an act of moral turpitude and conduct which seriously reduces his effectiveness as an employee of the Bay County School Board and further the Petitioner, in keeping with the Provisions of Section 231.09, Florida Statutes, claims that the conduct on the part of the Respondent is conduct which fails to provide a proper example for students.

Findings Of Fact This matter is here presented for consideration following an Administrative Complaint brought by Ralph D. Turlington, as Commissioner of Education, State of Florida, vs. Willie Lynn Brown, Respondent. The dispute concerns the allegations as alluded to in the Issues statement of this Recommended Order. The Administrative Complaint is dated April 9, 1981. After receipt of the Administrative Complaint, the Respondent requested a formal hearing pursuant to Subsection 120.57(1), Florida Statutes. In turn, the Petitioner in this action asked that the matter be conducted by the Division of Administrative Hearings, this request being forwarded on May 14, 1981. After consideration of certain preliminary matters, the final hearing in this cause was conducted on July 10 and 14, 1981. The Respondent holds Florida Teaching Certificate No. 385083, valid through June, 1985, and covering the areas of elementary education, early childhood education and administration/supervision. At all times pertinent to this matter, the Respondent Willie Lynn Brown, was employed by the Bay County School Board as a teacher at the A. D. Harris Sixth Grade Center. In the school year 1980-81, a local civic club in Panama City, Florida, held an oratorical contest for the benefit of students in the Bay County School System. Among the participants in that contest were students from the A. D. Harris Sixth Grade Center where the Respondent taught. Brown acted in the capacity as advisor to those students and met with the students from the Harris Center on several occasions to aid the students in the preparation of their speeches, and in the presentation of those speeches. One of the students participating in the oratorical contest was Steve William Rudd, a minor. Rudd was not a student in Brown's regular academic classes. The involvement Rudd had with Brown prior to the oratorical contest was merely to the extent of knowing that Brown was a teacher at Harris. On the first occasion of Rudd's participation with Brown in the speech contest, Brown met with Rudd and other students in the auditorium at the school and listened to their speeches and critiqued their presentation. The next occasion in which Brown took part in the preparation of the students for the oratorical contest occurred in Brown's homeroom, at which time the general nature of the relationship between Brown and the students was as occurred at the auditorium session. On the third occasion in which the Respondent met with Rudd there was also in attendance a second student, William Arnold Stevenson. This session was held in the classroom of another teacher. On that occasion Stevenson was allowed to present his speech while Brown listened and Rudd waited for his turn. When Stevenson had concluded his speech, he left the room leaving Brown and Rudd alone. Rudd then commenced his speech standing at the front of the room, and he concluded that presentation while Brown moved around the room listening to the speech. Brown then made certain suggestions to Rudd about correcting Rudd's speech presentation and then asked Rudd to move to the back of the classroom. Rudd complied with that request. Rudd then began to give his speech again while standing at the back of the room in the area of a desk. At this time the Respondent was moving around the room and eventually approached Rudd. At that point, Brown placed his folded arms on the back of Rudd at Rudd's shoulder level. At this juncture, Rudd was facing the front of the classroom and the Respondent was directly behind him. The front of Brown's body was touching the back of Rudd's person. Brown remained in this position until Rudd had concluded his speech. During this interval, Brown made no comment. The interval for this occurrence was approximately two or three minutes. After Rudd had presented his speech for the second time, the Respondent went and took a seat in a chair in the back of the classroom. The Respondent then instructed the student to sit on the Respondent's lap. Rudd complied and seated himself on the Respondent's leg, in the area of the Respondent's knee. The Respondent then gestured with his hands, pointing in the direction of the Respondent's groin area, meaning the genital area, and said to the student, "sit right here." The Respondent then pulled the student toward his body and at that time the student was seated on the Respondent's genital area with his back against the Respondent's chest. No comment was made during this part of the episode, which lasted a short time. Brown then moved Rudd back away from his body into the original location near his knee. He then took the student's right hand and with the student's hands stroked Brown's genital area. This maneuver with the student's hand was a momentary event. While the student was seated on the Respondent's lap, he was concerned for his welfare and in particular worried about the door which had been locked by the Respondent. The student thought that the door was locked such that he, the student, could not exit. In fact, the door was locked barring entry from persons outside the room. Brown released Rudd's hand and told Rudd that he could get out and that Brown was sorry for what had occurred. He told the student this several times, once when the student got up, once when the student was midway in the classroom approaching the door, and once when the student got to the door. On the same day as the event transpired, Rudd reported the incident to the Principal at Harris Center, one James Griffin. Griffin then confronted the Respondent with the student's allegations by asking Brown if the story that Rudd had told about the incident was true. Brown responded, "Yes, it is." When Griffin asked him why he did it, Brown said, "I don't know." Griffin then commented to Brown that the matter was a very serious offense and that Brown might be suspended or dismissed from the school system, to which Brown replied, "I know this." Griffin then asked Brown if he was prepared to face the consequences, and Brown replied, Yes, I guess I am." Since the time of the event, some of the other students in the sixth grade center have referred to Rudd as a "gay boy," meaning that Rudd was a homosexual, due to his circumstance with Brown and that Rudd "felt Mr. Brown off," meaning that Rudd had manipulated the Respondent's penis. Rudd had bean teased about the event by other students, and the students did not talk to him. Rudd has felt insecure in his home and has desired to sleep on the floor in a sleeping bag with the lights on because of this event with the Respondent. Rudd has felt as if someone were watching him even in his home, in particular that the person was the Respondent. The student has also felt that he did not wish to sleep by a window and has chosen to sleep in the middle of the room, and at times has slept on a couch in the living room of his home. The aforementioned treatment of the student by other children in the sixth grade center led Rudd's parents to change his bus transportation to avoid a confrontation with the children. Nonetheless, it has not been necessary for the student to seek psychiatric assistance and he is recovering from the trauma of the subject occurrence. In spite of attempts by the school authorities to deter publication of this incident, students, teachers, parents, staff and other persons within the community have learned of the incident and Principal Griffin is of the persuasion that there would be dissension with teachers, parents and students should Brown be allowed back as an instructor in the school. Griffin feels that there would be a lack of trust in that Brown has lost his effectiveness as an instructor. Likewise, Bay County Superintendent Holman who is familiar with the case facts, is of the persuasion that Brown's effectiveness as a teacher in Bay County has been seriously reduced. Nothing offered in defense rebuts the opinion of these educators. Following the incident, a meeting was held on March 6, 1981, between the Respondent and Pete Holman, Superintendent of Schools in Bay County, Florida, with the Principal Griffin being in attendance. At that time Brown again admitted that the incident had occurred and subsequent to this meeting Brown was suspended from his teaching duties in the Bay County system. There ensued an administrative complaint brought by Ralph D. Turlington as Commissioner of Education in the State of Florida, and the Bay County School Board took action to discharge the Respondent as an employee.

Recommendation Upon consideration of the facts of this case, the conclusions of law reached in matters in aggravation and mitigation, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Respondent, Willie Lynn Brown, have his teacher's certificate in the State of Florida, revoked permanently. 1/ DONE and ENTERED this 21st day of September, 1981, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of September, 1981.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Apr. 27, 2004 Number: 04-001575TTS Latest Update: Nov. 08, 2019

The Issue The issue is whether Petitioner may terminate the professional service contract of Respondent due to a failure to correct performance deficiencies during the 90-calendar-day probationary period.

Findings Of Fact Respondent entered the teaching profession after working 17 years as a bartender. She earned her undergraduate degree in education--specifically, learning disabilities and varying exceptionalities--and obtained her first teaching job at Gulfstream Elementary School in 1995. For her first eight years at Gulfstream, Respondent taught a physically impaired class. These are small classes of less than ten students with health or medical disabilities. Many of the students cannot walk or talk. With a paraprofessional and sometimes a fulltime aid, Respondent taught substantially the same students from year to year. The focus of much of the instruction was upon daily living skills, such as reading the signs on restrooms and businesses. In 1996, Respondent developed inoperable Stage IV nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Eight months of radiation therapy scarred Respondent's airway. When Respondent returned to school after a five-month leave of absence, she, like many of her students, wore a feeding tube and relied on a vocal amplification device. Respondent made the most of these characteristics that she now shared with some of her students, encouraging them to overcome their disabilities as she was doing. In the physically impaired class, Respondent taught most of the students on a one-on-one basis. Rarely did she have to address the entire class as part of classroom instruction. For this reason, Respondent was little handicapped by her speech difficulties, which arose due to the cancer treatment. Even today, loud speech is nearly impossible for Respondent, who, to generate speech, must press against her throat to produce a gaspy speech that requires close attention to understand. A new principal arrived at Gulfstream for the 2002-03 school year. The new principal, who had previously been an assistant principal for eight years and a teacher for nine years, found Respondent's performance unsatisfactory in several respects. Respondent was often late arriving to school and failed to perform her duties on the bus ramp. Respondent often left her paraprofessional alone with the physically impaired class. To monitor the behavior of the child, Respondent sometimes brought her high-school aged daughter to school without permission. Overall, the principal found that Respondent seemed unenthusiastic about teaching. Believing that Respondent might have been depressed, the principal referred Respondent to the Employee Assistance Program. Thinking that a change in assignment might rekindle Respondent's enthusiasm for her job, for the 2003-04 school year, the principal switched the assignments of Respondent and another teacher, so that the other teacher would teach Respondent's physically impaired class, and Respondent would teach a varying exceptionalities class. Neither teacher had requested a new assignment. Respondent's varying exceptionalities class began the 2003-04 school year with 14 students. Eventually, the principal reduced the class to nine students. Respondent had the help of only a part-time paraprofessional. The wide range of cognitive abilities of the students meant that some students could only identify their names in print, and some students could read and write. Students in the varying exceptionalities class were in several classifications, such as educably mentally handicapped, traumatic brain injury, and autistic. By sometime in October 2003, the assistant principal had twice observed Respondent teaching her class. The assistant principal had concerns about Respondent's classroom management and recordkeeping. The assessments and evaluations in this case are based on the Petitioner's Professional Assessment and Comprehensive Evaluation System (PACES). In conjunction with the statutory 90-calendar-day probationary period, as discussed in the Conclusions of Law, the PACES assessments follow a format. A PACES-trained evaluator conducts an initial observation not of record. If the teacher fails to meet standards, the evaluator goes over the findings with the teacher, offers a Professional Growth Team to provide assistance in eliminating any deficiencies, and advises that she will conduct another evaluation in a month. If the teacher meets standards on the second evaluation, which is known as the first observation of record, the teacher reverts to the normal evaluation scheme applicable to all teachers, and the first negative observation is essentially discarded. If the teacher fails to meet standards on the first observation of record, she is placed on performance probation for 90 days. The evaluator conducts a Conference for the Record and gives the teacher a Professional Improvement Plan (PIP). During the probationary period, the evaluator conducts other observations, and, at the end of the period, the evaluator conducts a final observation. If the teacher still fails to meet standards, then the evaluator conducts a confirmatory observation within 14 days after the end of the probationary period. If the teacher still fails to meet standards, the principal may recommend termination to the Superintendent. PACES assessments cover six domains: Planning for Teaching and Learning (Domain I), Managing the Learning Environment (Domain II), Teacher/Learner Relationships (Domain III), Enhancing and Enabling Learning (Domain IV), Enabling Thinking (Domain V), and Classroom-Based Assessments of Learning (Domain VI). Each of these domains comprises three to five components, for which the evaluator determines whether the teacher meets standards. If the evaluator determines that the teacher fails to meet standards as to a component, the evaluator circles a listed indicator, so that the teacher may readily identify authoritative sources of information, such as the PACES binder provided to each teacher or videotapes in the District office, that will assist her in curing a particular deficiency. The assistant principal conducted the initial observation not of record on October 14, 2003. She determined that Respondent failed to meet standards for 18 of the 21 components. Respondent met standards only in Components III.A, IV.C, and VI.A. Respectively, these are Interpersonal Relations, which is the teacher's respect for the students; Resources for Learning, which is the teacher's use of teaching aids and learning materials; and Monitoring Engagement and/or Involvement in Learning, which is the teacher's monitoring of the student's engagement during learning tasks. Among the more significant deficiencies reflected in the October 14 evaluation are that Respondent lacked lesson plans and failed to manage the learning environment. To help with these and other deficiencies, the assistant principal offered Respondent a Professional Growth Team and referred her to her PACES binder, which would describe each deficient item and suggest strategies to eliminate each deficiency. For her part, Respondent had tried to deal with her new assignment by grouping the children, where appropriate, by cognitive ability. In September or October, she was able to send one student to regular education. On November 5, 2003, the assistant principal returned to perform the first observation of record. She found Respondent reading a Thanksgiving story to the eight students who were present in her class. Respondent would read one sentence and ask a question about it. By using this approach, Respondent took one hour to read a story that should have taken five minutes to read. Each time that she stopped and asked a question about the preceding sentence, Respondent undermined the continuity of the story. Also, all of her questions tested the students' memory; none of them required higher-order thinking, as would be required by questions asking how or why something happened. Despite these shortcomings in Respondent's teaching, the assistant principal determined that Respondent had met standards in all of Domains I, II, III, and VI. However, Respondent failed to meet standards in all components of Domains IV and V, including the one component in Domain IV for which she had previously met standards. However, Respondent performed considerably better in this observation than in the previous observation--meeting standards in 13 of 21 components as opposed to meeting standards in 3 of 21 components three weeks earlier. In the ensuing Conference for the Record, the assistant principal prepared a PIP for Respondent and again recommended that she take advantage of the Professional Growth Team for assistance in eliminating the deficiencies. Dated November 14, 2003, the PIP is a detailed documentation of each deficiency noted in the November 5 observation. The November 14 PIP describes what Respondent did or did not do, as to each deficiency. The PIP also contains specific recommendations to eliminate each deficiency. The number of deficiencies is misleading, at least as an indicator of the scope of the teaching that was subject to the evaluation. The Thanksgiving story, described above, spawned all eight of the observed deficiencies. Respondent's reliance exclusively upon simple recall questions yielded five deficiencies. (One of these deficiencies also relies on Respondent's failure to correct a child who replied to the question of what sound that turkeys make, by answering, "quack, quack." Absent more context, it is possible that Respondent's failure to correct this answer was an attempt not to reward attention-getting behavior.) One of the remaining three deficiencies criticizes Respondent for introducing the Thanksgiving story with an open-ended question, "This is November. What do you think happens in November?" Another deficiency, which focuses on the one-sentence, one-question approach of Respondent to the story, faults Respondent for omitting hands-on activities. The last deficiency notes that Respondent held up a small piece of paper showing the months of the year, but she failed to post the paper for the children to see. (This deficiency implies that Respondent's classroom lacks a posted calendar.) The detail of the November 5 PACES evaluation and November 14 PIP are undermined by the oddly narrow factual basis upon which they rest. Intended as a comprehensive statement of the deficiencies of an experienced teacher, these documents reveal that Petitioner has placed Respondent on probation because of an awkward reading of a Thanksgiving story to eight students over a period of about one hour. On December 11, 2003, the principal performed an observation. The principal found that Respondent met standards in Domains I, II, III, V, and VI, but not in three components of Domain IV: Initial Motivation to Learn, Teaching Methods and Learning Tasks, and Clarification of Content/Learning Tasks. Respectively, these components involve the identification of the learning objective, the use of logically sequenced teaching methods and learning tasks, and the use of different words or examples when clarification is required. The two components within Domain IV for which Respondent met standards are: Resources for Learning and Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy. The former component involves the use of learning materials to accommodate the range of individual differences among learners, and the latter component involves the creation of an opportunity to allow different learners to learn at different cognitive levels. The basis of the deficiencies was in Respondent's presentation of another story, Little Miss Muffet, although, this time, the problems centered more around her lead-in and follow-up activities. The PIP, dated December 17, 2003, which the principal prepared, notes that the pace of a writing activity worksheet was too slow for four of 11 students, who sat with nothing to do for ten minutes while waiting for their peers to finish; Respondent failed to correct a student who answered the question, "what are you afraid of," with "sock" (perhaps the same child who had said that turkeys quack); Respondent failed to correct a student who said that a paper was missing words when it was missing only letters; and Respondent failed to identify tasks associated with the story that would challenge all of the students, although Respondent used two worksheets-- one with missing words (presumably for the higher-functioning group) and one with missing letters (presumable for the lower- functioning group). On February 4, 2004, the assistant principal performed the next observation. She found that Respondent met standards in Domains I and III. She found that Respondent failed to meet standards in Components II.D, III.A, IV.A, IV.B, and VI.B. Respectively, these are Managing Environment in Learning, Interpersonal Relations, Initial Motivation to Learning, Teaching Methods and Learning Tasks, and Informal Assessment. During this observation, Respondent read a story on how to build a house. The reading level of the story was at least third-grade, but the students were in kindergarten and first grade. For 40 minutes, Respondent used actual house blueprints as a visual aid. As another visual aid, Respondent used blocks to depict a house, but she lacked sufficient blocks to finish the project. The story took one hour when it should have taken ten minutes. Consequently, students were out of their seats and trying to find something to do. On February 10, the assistant principal prepared a PIP. Although the contents of this PIP were not dissimilar to the contents of the previous PIPs, one new deficiency was Component III.A, Interpersonal Relations. The notes in the February 10 PIP state: "One learner was ridiculed by the teacher making remarks about her behavior to the classroom paraprofessional. Her remarks included, 'She's totally off the wall' and 'She has been horrendous today.' She also said to other learners not paying attention, 'I'm not going to talk to the air' and 'I'm waiting in case you didn't notice.'" The comments to the individual student were sarcastic and derogatory. In general, the principal found Respondent to be more enthusiastic in the 2003-04 school year than she had been in the previous school year. Respondent showed an improved attitude, but her classroom remained disorganized. Respondent had received considerable assistance from her Professional Growth Team, but the principal concluded that Respondent had still failed to meet standards. From Respondent's perspective, she felt that the principal had prejudged her and was running through the 90-calendar-day probationary period as an empty exercise. Respondent became increasingly nervous, as she repeatedly tried, and failed, to please the principal and assistant principal. At one point during the 90 days, Respondent restated her desire for a transfer, as she had made such a request the prior summer when she had learned of her new assignment, but the principal refused to give the request any consideration or determine if a transfer were feasible. At least once during the 90 days, Respondent's union representative asked the principal to transfer Respondent, but the principal refused, again without giving the request any consideration. In the meantime, Respondent's difficulties in the varying exceptionalities classroom were exacerbated by the removal, by October 2003, of her voice amplification system. On March 2, 2004, the principal, having determined that the 90 calendar days had expired, performed what she believed was the confirmatory observation. She found that Respondent failed to meet standards in eight components in Domains I, II, IV, and VI. Two days later, the principal informed Respondent that she would be recommending that the Superintendent terminate Respondent's professional service contract. Unfortunately, the principal had miscalculated the 90 days. Learning of this error, the principal discarded the March 2 evaluation and performed a new confirmatory observation on March 14 and again found that Respondent failed to meet standards. Two weeks later, Respondent failed to meet standards in six components in Domains II, IV, and V. Only three of the six deficiencies covered the same components in the March 2 observation: Components II.D, II.E, and IV.D, which are, respectively, Managing Engagement in Learning, Monitoring and Maintaining Learner Behavior, and Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy. In general, these were deficiencies at the start of the 90-day probationary period, but were eliminated during the 90-day probationary period, only to return again at the end. Following the March 14 confirmatory observation, the principal recommended that the Superintendent terminate the professional service contract of Respondent. On March 19, 2004, the Superintendent advised Respondent that he was going to recommend to Petitioner that it terminate her contract, and, on April 14, 2004, Petitioner did so. A recurring issue in this case is what is meant by failing to meet standards and, more importantly, unsatisfactory performance. Based on the testimony of Petitioner's witnesses, Petitioner contends that the failure to meet any single component within any of the domains of PACES is the failure to meet standards, and a failure to meet standards is invariably unsatisfactory performance, sufficient to place a teacher on 90- calendar-day performance probation or, if already on performance probation, sufficient to terminate a professional service contract. However, the PACES form does not so indicate, nor do Petitioner's online rules, of which the Administrative Law Judge has taken official notice. Petitioner has failed to prove what is an unsatisfactory performance under the PACES evaluation system. Absent the adoption of a rule to this effect, the isolated omission of a teacher, during a single observation, to provide suggestions to improve learning (Component VI.C) or to start a class or lesson precisely on time (Component II.A) would not constitute unsatisfactory performance, at least for the purpose of initiating the 90-calendar-day probationary period or terminating the professional service contract of a teacher already on performance probation. In this case, undermining the observations of the principal and assistant principal, especially where they appear to be based on discrete failures by Respondent, are the facts that neither supervisor has any significant training in exceptional student education, the principal has no experience teaching in exceptional student education, and the assistant principal has limited experience in teaching exceptional student education. By granting Petitioner's Motion for Official Recognition, the Administrative Law Judge acknowledges that, by letter dated September 24, 2001, the Florida Department of Education has approved PACES. (The identification of PACES is missing from the letter, but the Administrative Law Judge accepts the representation of Petitioner's counsel that PACES was the subject of this letter.) However, this letter approves PACES on its face, not as applied, and may have been based on more than two-page PACES evaluation form. The present record contains only the two-page form and testimony, unsupported by any documentation, that a single deficiency means that a teacher fails to meet standards and may be placed on probation, if the deficiency arises when the teacher is not on probation, or may be terminated, if the deficiency, even if different from the one that initiated probation, is present at the confirmatory observation. The record does not document the extent to which Respondent was in attendance at school during her 90-calendar- day probationary period. By her count, Respondent missed seven or eight workdays due to illness. Petitioner's calculation does not account for these missed days, and, if it had, the second confirmatory observation was premature too. The record contains some evidence of student achievement. As noted above, one student was transferred early in the 2003-04 school year from Respondent's varying exceptionalities class to a regular education classroom, but the proximity of this event to the start of the school year suggests that the student was probably misclassified at the start of the year. The mother of another student testified that Respondent helped her daughter make considerable academic progress. The student had undergone a tracheotomy and, consequently, speech delay. While in Respondent's class, the student was eager to attend school and learned to write her name for the first time. For the first time in school, the student was progressing. When the mother learned that Respondent was being terminated, she tried to contact the principal, but the principal declined to see her, claiming it was a personnel matter and implying that a parent had no role in such matters. The record contains the individual education plans (IEPs) of nine students. Typically, IEPs are prepared in the spring of each year, and, prior to the preparation of the next year's IEP, the IEP team closes out the preceding IEP by marking the extent to which the student has achieved the goals of his IEP. The IEP team also indicates progress during the year with respect to specific goals. A mark of "1" means mastery of the goal, a "2" means "adequate progress made; anticipate meeting goal by IEP end," a "3" means "some progress made; anticipate meeting goal by IEP end," and a "4" means "insufficient progress made; do not anticipate meeting goal by IEP end." The last relevant marks for some of the IEPs were January 2004, but some of them bore marks for March 2004. For all of the IEPs, exclusive of physical or occupational therapy, with which Respondent was not substantially involved, 11 goals were marked 2, 39 goals were marked 3, and 15 goals were marked 4. Five of the nine students for whom Petitioner produced IEPs received a mark of 4 on at least one goal in his or her IEP. But 11 of the 15 4's went to two students: one had four 4's, one 3, and one 2; and the other had seven 4's, two 3's, and one One student had two 4's, but also six 3's. Another student had one 4 and six 3's, and the fifth student had one 4 and three 3's. Thus, only two of the nine students were not making satisfactory progress while Respondent was teaching the class.

Recommendation It is RECOMMENDED that Petitioner enter a final order rejecting the Superintendent's recommendation to terminate Respondent for unsatisfactory performance during the 2003-04 school year. DONE AND ENTERED this 26th day of October, 2004, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ROBERT E. MEALE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of October, 2004. COPIES FURNISHED: Dr. Randolph F. Crew, Superintendent Miami-Dade County School Board 1450 Northeast Second Avenue, No. 912 Miami, Florida 33132-1394 Daniel J. Woodring, General Counsel Department of Education 1244 Turlington Building 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Honorable John Winn Commissioner of Education Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1514 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Madelyn P. Schere, Esquire Miami-Dade County School Board 1450 Northeast Second Avenue, Suite 400 Miami, Florida 33132 Mark Herdman, Esquire Herdman & Sakellarides, P.A. 2595 Tampa Road, Suite J Palm Harbor, Florida 34684

Florida Laws (4) 1008.221012.34120.569120.57
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Viera, Florida Mar. 21, 2011 Number: 11-001496 Latest Update: Jan. 25, 2012

The Issue The issues in this case are: Whether Respondent, Everest University (the "School"), discriminated against Petitioner, Hashim Aboudaya, on the basis of his place of natural origin (Middle Eastern), race (Caucasian), and/or religion (Muslim) in violation of the Florida Civil Rights Act by twice failing to promote Petitioner to the position of associate dean or director of Student Services; and Whether the School retaliated against Petitioner based on his place of natural origin, race, and/or religion by refusing to pay for his doctoral level college courses.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is a Caucasian male, born in Lebanon and, therefore, of Middle Eastern heritage. He is a practicing Muslim. In July 2003, Petitioner began teaching as an adjunct professor at the School, teaching computer information services and teaching a few classes per year. In or around August 2007, Petitioner was promoted to senior network administrator, a non-teaching position, for the School. At all times relevant hereto, Petitioner served in that position. He currently teaches classes on an as-needed basis also. The School is a private college formerly known as Florida Metropolitan University. There are ten related campuses in the State of Florida, with one being in Melbourne, Brevard County, Florida. The Melbourne campus has two locations, one on Sarno Road and the "main" campus on U.S. Highway 1. Petitioner holds two master's degrees, one in management and one in computer resources and information management, from Webster University in Saint Louis, Missouri. He is pursuing a third master's degree, but it is "on hold" pending his completion of studies in a doctoral program. The doctoral program being sought by Petitioner is in the field of business administration with a major field of study in computer security. The degree is being pursued on-line through Capella University based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Petitioner's resume indicates that the Ph.D. will be "done in the end of 2007," but it has obviously taken longer than planned. Petitioner has applied for several vacancies listed at the School, but for purposes of this proceeding, the following are relevant: (1) The associate academic dean position advertised in January 2010; (2) The associate academic dean position advertised in April 2010; and (3) The director of Student Services position advertised in August 2009. Associate Academic Dean Positions The following qualifications were specified in the School's job description for the associate academic dean positions. The applicant must: Possess the necessary academic credentials and work related experience mandated by the Company, State accreditation agencies and any other regulatory agency that monitors compliance. Have a minimum of 2 years practical work experience in business or education. Have a minimum of 1 year teaching experience, but The years of experience may be waived at the sole discretion of the college president so long as the incumbent meets the accreditations, State and Federal requirements necessary to hold the position. There was also a job posting (as opposed to a job description) for the associate dean position on a website associated with Corinthian Colleges, Inc. ("CCI"), the School's parent company. That job posting indicated that a master's degree was required for the job and included other requirements not set out in the School's official job description. The college president, Mark Judge, could not verify the accuracy of the job posting. There is no persuasive, credible evidence that the job posting was produced by the School or intended to be used as the basis for filling the associate dean position. The first associate dean position was for the Sarno Road site which housed the School's allied health programs, e.g., medical assistant training, pharmacy technician associate degrees, medical insurance billing and coding, and healthcare administration. Besides the requirements set forth in the job description, the School was looking for someone with health- related experience as well. Terri Baker, a registered nurse, was ultimately hired to fill the associate dean position. Baker had approximately 20 years of experience with the School. During that time, Baker had taught classes in the allied health program, had served as a program director, and was an associate dean at other campuses within the CCI system. Baker does not hold a master's degree, but the job description issued by the School does not require that level of education. The job posting, which appeared in a publication issued by the School, does say that a master's degree is required, but there is no competent and substantial evidence to suggest the job posting supersedes the job description. Notwithstanding her level of schooling, it is clear Baker was a perfect fit for the job. The decision to appoint her, rather than Petitioner, to the position was based on factors other than race, national origin or religion. The second associate dean position was advertised in the Spring of 2010. The job description for that job is the same as the previous associate dean position. However, there are many different duties and expectations associated with the second position. For example, while the first position was related directly to the allied health programs at the School, the second position had a different focus. The person filling this position would be working on the main Melbourne campus, rather than the satellite campus. His or her duties would be directed toward tasks such as transfer of credit analysis, scheduling, and registering new students. The dean would also be responsible for monitoring the School's compliance with accreditation standards and internal audit standards. Betty Williams was hired to fill the second associate dean position. Williams had significant management experience in academic settings. She had served as an academic dean for one of the School's competitors and had extensive knowledge and experience with compliance accreditation standards. As compared to Petitioner, Williams was a much better fit for the position. Her experience would allow her to step into the position and begin working on problems immediately without the necessity of a period of training and acclimation. Director of Student Services Position The director of Student Services was expected to help students who were experiencing hardships in their academic progress. The director would help students who were forced to withdraw from school for financial or other personal reasons. He/she would provide support for students taking online classes and assist students trying to re-enroll into school following dismissal or withdrawal. A close working relationship with students was an important factor in this position. The School's job description listed the following requirement for the director of Student Services position: Bachelor's degree required Minimum of 3 years practical work experience or equivalent training Excellent communication and customer service skills Excellent computer skills The person who ultimately was hired for this position, Stacey Jacquot, was an outstanding employee at the School and had been selected as its Employee of the Year in two different positions. Jacquot is a Caucasian female; neither her religion, nor her place of natural origin was alluded to at final hearing. The hiring of Jacquot, as opposed to Petitioner, for this position was based on Jacquot's experience and background. She had worked in the student services department for the school as both an online coordinator and as a re-entry coordinator. Thus, her experience was directly related to the requirements of the position. Petitioner provided unsubstantiated testimony that by virtue of his teaching a number of classes over the past few years, he has some experience in counseling students concerning their issues. However, even if true, his experience did not match that of Jacquot. Request for Reimbursement for Doctoral Coursework Petitioner alleges retaliation by the School. The specific retaliatory action was the denial of his request to be reimbursed for coursework as he pursued a doctorate degree. In February 2010, Petitioner submitted a request to the School, asking that tuition expenses for his coursework be paid under the School's tuition reimbursement program. The program is set forth in policies maintained by the School and is available to "eligible employees for eligible classes." A benchmark for reimbursable tuition is that the courses being taken enable the employee to be more efficient in a current role or prepare them for a role at the next level of their employment. There are a number of written policies addressing the tuition reimbursement program. Those policies are fluid and have changed from time to time over the past few years. The policies are implemented and overseen by the director of Organizational Development for CCI, Jeanne Teeter. Teeter resides and works in California, corporate home of CCI. It is Teeter's duty to ultimately approve or deny all requests for tuition reimbursement by employees of all of CCI's colleges around the country. Teeter reviewed Petitioner's request for tuition reimbursement pursuant to a preliminary approval by the School's president, Mark Judge. It was Judge's initial decision to approve Petitioner's request, but Judge sent it to Teeter for a final decision. Teeter had never met Petitioner and did not know anything about him, except as found in his personnel file and his application for tuition reimbursement. Teeter, as was her normal procedure, considered the relevance of the degree being sought, not only to Petitioner's current role, but as to potential future roles as well. Because the course work for which reimbursement was being sought related to an advanced degree, a doctorate, Teeter was less inclined to approve it. Approval would necessitate a clear line of sight between the employee's current role to a role that would require a Ph.D. Inasmuch as Petitioner's role as senior network administrator did not require a doctorate and there was no clear line of sight between his present position and that of a professor or management employee requiring one, Teeter declined the request. At the time she made her decision, Teeter was not aware that Petitioner had made a discrimination claim against the School. Her decision, therefore, could not be retaliatory in nature. Rather, she acted in concert with the policies that address tuition reimbursement and made a decision based solely upon those policies. Petitioner appears to be an energetic and hard-working member of the School's staff. His testimony was credible, but was sometimes off the point. Although he is a well-educated person with three college degrees and is pursuing others, it is clear that English is his second language.1/ Petitioner seemed to be sincere in his belief that he was discriminated against, but did not provide persuasive evidence to support that claim.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the Florida Commission on Human Relations dismissing the Petition for Relief filed by Hisham Aboudaya in its entirety. DONE AND ENTERED this 21st day of November, 2011, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S R. BRUCE MCKIBBEN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of November, 2011.

USC (1) 42 U.S.C 2000 Florida Laws (5) 120.57120.68509.092760.01760.11
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Feb. 22, 2017 Number: 17-001221PL Latest Update: Jul. 26, 2018

The Issue The issues to be determined are whether Eric Delucia (Respondent or Mr. Delucia) violated sections 1012.795(1)(c), (g), or (j), Florida Statutes, and implementing administrative rules, as alleged in the Amended Administrative Complaint; and, if so, what is the appropriate sanction.

Findings Of Fact The Commissioner is the state agent responsible for investigating and prosecuting allegations of misconduct against individuals holding educator certificates. At all times relevant to the allegations in the Amended Administrative Complaint, Mr. Delucia held Florida Educator's Certificate 915677, covering the areas of English, English for Speakers of Other Languages, Business Education, and Marketing, which is valid through June 30, 2019. At all times relevant to the Amended Administrative Complaint, Mr. Delucia was employed as a language arts teacher in the Broward County School District. Mr. Delucia stored the documents listed in Petitioner's Exhibit P-2 on his computer, as stipulated by the parties. Mr. Delucia was employed at Cooper City High School during the 2011/2012 school year. Ms. Doll was the principal. Principal Doll testified that Mr. Delucia was in the initial stages of a cycle of assistance during that year. He received a memo outlining expectations and concerns, and was observed by several people. Principal Doll indicated she believed that he had deficiencies in instructional planning, classroom management, lesson plan presentation, and lesson plan delivery. However, Principal Doll confirmed that Mr. Delucia's Instructional Practice Score was a 2.954 for the period January 2012 through May 2012 at Cooper City High School, which was within the "effective" range. Principal Doll stated that there were concerns about his performance based on observations that were done earlier that warranted an outside observer, but those observations were not used for the evaluation. He was never placed on a Professional Development Plan while at Cooper City High School. Respondent requested a hardship transfer and was moved to Ramblewood for the following school year. On January 1, 2013, Mr. Delucia was admitted to the hospital following a series of strokes. Respondent received "effective" scores in both the Student Growth and Instructional Practice components, as well as his overall Final Evaluation for the 2012/2013 school year at Ramblewood. Respondent was subsequently on medical leave of absence during the 2013/2014 school year. On July 1, 2014, Ms. Smith became the principal at Ramblewood. On August 11, 2014, Mr. Delucia returned to Ramblewood from medical leave. On August 14, 2014, Principal Smith was inspecting all of the classrooms at Ramblewood to ensure that they were prepared for the first day of school. She felt that Mr. Delucia's classroom was not ready for students, because it needed a little bit of "warmth." On August 28, 2014, Principal Smith conducted a formal evaluation in Mr. Delucia's classroom. She concluded that the lesson had no clear focus and that it was not on the appropriate grade level for the students he was teaching. In early September, there was a complaint that Mr. Delucia was putting up students' grades on a board in his room. However, Mr. Delucia testified that he posted the grades only by student number, not by name. There was no competent evidence to the contrary. On October 30, 2014, in introducing the genre of mythology to his students, Mr. Delucia made the comment that "[t]he gods viewed humans as pets or sexual toys." While not an appropriate comment for middle school students, there was no suggestion that Mr. Delucia elaborated or pursued this statement further, and this incident did not constitute ineffective teaching. There was no evidence that it caused students embarrassment or harmed students' mental health. There was testimony that on October 30, 2014, Mr. Delucia also spent class time explaining that the fact that a Star Wars' character had no father would have been taboo in 1976 and discussing that the episodes of that movie series were released out of the chronological order of the story. While the discussion may have gotten a bit off track, it was not clearly shown that discussion of fiction was unrelated to the concept of mythology, might not have enhanced students' understanding of the topic, or was ineffective teaching. While it was clearly shown that Mr. Delucia made the statement, "These kids have the memories of gnats," it was clear that this was said when no students were present and in defense of his actions in discussing fantasy and fables. On December 2, 2014, Respondent said to a student in an angry and loud voice, "Don't you even piss me off." This warning, given in response to the student's statement that the student did not understand something, was inappropriate in language and tone, harmful to learning, and harmful to the student's mental health. Mr. Delucia's statement that he was not visibly angry or speaking in a loud voice on this occasion is not credited. On December 8, 2014, Mr. Delucia met with Ms. Poindexter, his new peer reviewer. At one point in their conversation, he talked about his former principal, Ms. Doll, referring to her battle with cancer. He stated, "She will kick the bucket soon because she has cancer and no one will care when she is gone." He stated, "She's the devil." Mr. Delucia also referred to his current principal, Ms. Smith, as "the devil." He stated, "My motivation is to destroy her with everything I have" and that he "wished the ground would open up and swallow her." Mr. Delucia also referred to the administrative staff as "assholes" and used multiple profanities, stating, "They do not know who they are messing with, but they will find out soon." Student A.F. testified that he heard Mr. Delucia tell Student C.D. that he should jump off of a bridge with a bungee cord wrapped around his neck; tell Student C.D. that if he was a speed bump, he (Mr. Delucia) would run over him; and tell Student C.D. to kill himself a couple of times. However, Student A.F. provided no detail or context for these alleged statements, some of which seemed to involve an incident involving an entirely different student who he testified was not even in his class. He was not a credible witness. On January 8, 2015, Ms. Sheffield observed Mr. Delucia using a four-page packet to teach punctuation to his seventh- grade language arts class. Ms. Sheffield told Mr. Delucia that this was not really part of the seventh-grade curriculum. Mr. Delucia made a statement to the effect of "these students don't know anything, not even the basics, so we have to start somewhere." There was no allegation that this comment was made in front of the students. From the period August 21, 2014, through December 3, 2014, Mr. Delucia's Instructional Practice Score was 1.916, and he was placed on a 90-day Professional Development Plan. Numerous observations by Dr. Jones and Principal Smith followed through the remainder of the school year. Mr. Delucia's Instructional Practice Score improved slightly, but was still less than effective. On January 12, 2015, Ms. Sheffield noticed that one of the vocabulary words written on Mr. Delucia's board for his students was "retard." Ms. Sheffield said she assumed that Mr. Delucia meant the slang term sometimes used as a noun to refer to persons with mental disabilities. Such use of the term, as a shortened form of the word "retarded," would be offensive and disparaging. Ms. Sheffield said that they talked about the fact that it is not appropriate to use the word "retard" as a noun as a reference to the disabled. She testified that he did not respond. At hearing, Mr. Delucia admitted using "retard" as a vocabulary word, but testified that he included the word as a verb, meaning to slow down or delay. Ms. Sheffield testified she did not hear him speak the term, or say anything about it, and there was no other testimony regarding this event. Mr. Delucia admitted that he often said, "If your writing looks like garbage and smells like garbage, then it is garbage." Ms. Sheffield stated that she told Mr. Delucia he might try to find another way to encourage students to write neatly in their journals that was a more positive comment or allowed students to take pride in their writing. On January 26, 2015, Ms. Sheffield testified that when a student returned late from lunch, Mr. Delucia and the student began arguing. Ms. Sheffield credibly testified that Mr. Delucia screamed at the student, "This isn't going to end up good for you. Just shut up." On February 4, 2015, Student A.W. had come in late to Mr. Delucia's class and was acting out in the back of the classroom. When asked why, her response was that other people also did it. Mr. Delucia responded, "If other people jump off of a bridge, would you jump off a bridge, too?" Student A.W., after a moment of silence, retorted, "Yeah, if you give me a bungee cord." Mr. Delucia replied, "If there is a bungee cord, you should wrap it around your neck before you jump." The class started laughing. Student A.W. replied, "You just told me to kill myself, I am telling the office." Mr. Delucia then asked Student A.W. to leave the classroom. While Student A.W. had a disrespectful attitude, Respondent's caustic comments to her were intentionally made in a spirit of mocking humor to subject Student A.W. to embarrassment in front of the class. A class grade graph prepared during the third quarter of the 2014/2015 school year documented that 68 percent of his students were failing at that time. No similar graph for any other quarter of that year, or for other years, was submitted in evidence. On April 7, 2015, the students in Mr. Delucia's class were supposed to be studying Latin and Greek roots of words, but one student did not have a packet and asked Mr. Delucia for one. After Mr. Delucia handed him the packet, the student said, "There is a footprint on this." Mr. Delucia responded, "Get working on studying or else I will call your father." The student replied, "Please don't." Mr. Delucia then said, "Why, because you don't want to get a footprint on your face?" Ms. Sheffield testified that during her observations, she never saw Mr. Delucia standing up interacting with his students. She said she never saw him deliver a lesson to students. For the 2014/2015 school year, Mr. Delucia's score for the instructional practice component on his evaluation was 2.002, a "needs improvement" rating, while his score for both the deliberate practice/growth plans and student data components was recorded as exactly 3.0. The final evaluation for Mr. Delucia in 2014/2015, computed by combining these unequally weighted scores, was 2.511, an "effective" rating.1/ Mr. Delucia was transferred to Piper High School for the 2015/2016 school year. The administration there did not place Mr. Delucia on a Professional Development Plan. Mr. Delucia has not been subjected to disciplinary action during his time at Piper High School, and he has exhibited positive rapport with his students and colleagues. Mr. Delucia's weighted overall evaluation score for the 2015/2016 school year at Piper High School was 2.831, "effective." Mr. Delucia's demeanor at hearing was defiant. His testimony was sometimes evasive and defensive.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is: RECOMMENDED that the Education Practices Commission enter a final order finding Eric Delucia in violation of section 1012.795(1)(j), Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A-10.081(3)(a), (3)(e), and (5)(e); imposing a fine of $3,000.00; placing him on probation under conditions specified by the Commission for a period of two years; and imposing costs of investigation and prosecution. DONE AND ENTERED this 20th day of November, 2017, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S F. SCOTT BOYD Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of November, 2017.

Florida Laws (7) 1012.331012.341012.7951012.796120.569120.57120.68
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Aug. 25, 1993 Number: 93-004860 Latest Update: Apr. 04, 1994

The Issue The issue in this case is whether Respondent is guilty of misconduct in office or wilful neglect of duty as a teacher.

Findings Of Fact Respondent is a professional chef. After teaching at two schools for 17 years in Massachusetts, Respondent moved to Florida and became a culinary arts instructor at Mid-Florida Tech in January, 1990. Mid-Florida Tech is a vocational educational center operated by Respondent, evidently for students of at least high school age. Respondent was employed at Mid-Florida Tech as a culinary arts instructor through May, 1993. For the 1992-93 school year, Respondent was employed under a professional service contract. Typically, the culinary arts program leads to a certificate certifying that the student has completed the course requirements in training to become a chef. The course normally takes 18 months of classwork, which consists mostly of practical exercises by the students preparing various types of food. There is little lecturing in the class, which is located in a very large institutional kitchen with four or five workstations. There is an adjoining dining room in which the students can serve the meals that they have prepared. There is also a walk-in refrigerator in which various foods are stored. Respondent has an office adjoining the kitchen area. The office has a large window with no blind, so that it is visible from almost all points within the kitchen. Respondent taught the students and was assisted on an occasional basis by two visiting chefs. Much of the classwork, which took place daily from about 7:30 am to 2:00 P.M., consisted of students preparing food under the direct supervision of Respondent, who would circulate among workstations through the vast kitchen. The class during the 1992-93 school year was loosely structured. Several of the students were special education students. Some students presented behavioral problems. Some students were adults who were expressly interested in retraining for a new career. For a variety of reasons, attendance was sometimes irregular as some students merely cut the class and others could not always attend due to the conflicting demands of children and jobs. J. D. became a student at Mid-Florida Tech in February, 1993. She enrolled in the culinary arts department and was assigned to Respondent's class. The mother of four children, J. D. received financial assistance from a private industry council and intended to obtain her culinary certificate in order to begin a new career and better support her children financially. J. D. became uncomfortable in Respondent's classroom due to the sexual tone of Respondent's comments. Respondent interspersed numerous sexual jokes and innuendos with his teaching. Amid the confusion that often prevailed in the class, Respondent would circulate, "entertaining" the students with various comments and behaviors, such as a recurring imitation of stereotypical behavior associated with male homosexuals. In this routine, Respondent would place one hand on his hip, hold another hand in front of him with a limp wrist, raise his voice an octave, and sometimes muse to the class whether he wanted a boy or a girl today. At some point, the sexual humor became vulgar by any reasonable standard. Respondent one time recounted to J. D. that he had a dream that she was sitting on his face while he was having oral sex with her and, when he awoke, he found his cat sleeping on his face. Respondent recounted versions of this dream to J. D. on two occasions: one time they were in the kitchen out of hearing range of other students in the area and another time in the presence of another male classmate E. K., who was a good friend of J. D. On another occasion, J. D. was speaking to Respondent about an upcoming test. There were various competencies that each student had to demonstrate to Respondent's satisfaction in order to progress to the point where they could take the final test leading to the certificate at the conclusion of the program. Respondent assured her that if she had sex with him "three different ways" that she would not have to take the test. Another time, as J. D. and Respondent were talking just outside of his office, he said to her, "Come behind my desk and given me some head." By "head," Respondent was referring to oral sex. On one other occasion, Respondent greeted J. D. with the remark that she looked hot and he wanted to peel the pants off her. The record does not disclose any additional remarks that Respondent made to J. D. directly or to the women in the class generally. However, he did, on more than one occasion, moan as J. D. walked by him. Three times Respondent initiated offensive touching. One time, he followed J. D. into the walk-in refrigerator and briefly grabbed her buttocks. Another time he passed by her closer than was necessary and brushed her breasts with his hand or shoulder. Another time he squeezed against her body as she and other students were circled around a workstation watching a demonstration by a visiting chef. The above-described sexual behavior was unwelcome by J. D., who found Respondent repulsive. In part due to a vast difference in their size and personalities--Respondent is more extroverted and J. D. more introverted--J. D. felt intimidated by Respondent. She did not ask him to stop this offensive behavior for fear of offending him and jeopardizing her ability to obtain a chef's certificate. She did not complain to other teachers or administrators until May, 1993, for the same reasons. Due to her increasing repulsion at Respondent's behavior and the demands of a new job, J. D.`s attendance fell off somewhat toward the end of Respondent's employment with Mid- Florida Tech. There is no doubt that Respondent's behavior, regardless of his intentions, interfered with J. D.'s education and would have interfered with the education of any reasonable person under the circumstances. Another perspective on Respondent's behavior during the 1992-93 school year is provided by a female staff person, Clair Blanchard. Ms. Blanchard is a special needs coordinator, whose responsibilities required that she visit Respondent's classroom periodically to monitor the progress of the special education students attending Respondent's class. Respondent's routine with Ms. Blanchard was to hang over her at Wednesday luncheons, in front of all the other students, singing in imitation of the entertainer, Dean Martin. Respondent would get in Ms. Blanchard's face and tell her she was beautiful. He would wrap his massive arms around her, as well as other females in Ms. Blanchard's presence. Ms. Blanchard repeatedly demanded that Respondent stop hugging her and he ignored her. On another occasion, Ms. Blanchard and Respondent had a conference with a male student, whose misbehavior jeopardized his continued enrollment at Mid-Florida Tech. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the student's behavior and warn him that he could be expelled if he did not straighten out. Despite the gravity of the situation, Respondent undercut Ms. Blanchard's role by constantly blowing her kisses across the desk in full view of the student. A situation unrelated to the present case led to Respondent's removal from the classroom in May, 1993. Respondent did not endear himself to certain administrators at Mid-Florida Tech for a variety of reasons, such as his involvement of the union in a pay issue, flamboyant classroom behavior, and loose classroom management. In any event, a long-standing dispute concerning Respondent's contract status came to a head toward the end of the 1992-93 school year. Fearing that Respondent would not be hired to teach the following year, various students became involved in an effort to retain Respondent. Many of the students were quite fond of Respondent. Some of the students feared only that the culinary arts course would be discontinued if Respondent were not rehired. It is unclear to what extent Respondent was involved with the students' efforts, but he did telephone a newspaper reporter, hand the phone to J. D., and ask her to tell the reporter what was going on and express her support for Respondent. J. D. did as instructed, and the reporter told her that there was no story there. Sensing that Respondent was behind the students' efforts to allow him to keep his job, the administration relieved Respondent of his teaching duties on May 14, 1993, and assigned him administrative duties until the end of the school year. Respondent's replacement was Valerie Shelton, who was a female teacher in the culinary arts program. Two weeks after Ms. Shelton assumed Respondent's duties, J. D. felt sufficiently emboldened to complain to her about Respondent. Ms. Shelton arranged for the still-reluctant J. D. to speak with an administrator. Following an investigation, Petitioner terminated Respondent's contract on the grounds set forth in the Administrative Complaint. Respondent provided no insight into his behavior, as he elected at the hearing to deny that any of the above-described events took place. Likely, Respondent intended to be humorous with at least some of his comments. As J. D. reported to Ms. Shelton, J. D. herself believed at first that Respondent's behavior was, although in poor taste, only joking. However, as the comments became more vulgar and accompanied by offensive touching, J. D. was more profoundly affected by Respondent's behavior. Regardless of Respondent's true intent, J. D. became more reluctant to attend class and contemplated dropping out of the culinary arts program. Regardless of Respondent's specific intent or state of mind when engaging in this behavior, the reaction of J. D. was reasonable under the circumstances. Respondent's conduct constitutes misconduct in office as it pertains to J. D. Respondent's misconduct, as described above, was so serious as to impair his effectiveness as a teacher in the school system. In addition to the effect that he had on J. D., Respondent undercut the authority of another teacher, Ms. Blanchard, and thereby implicitly condoned student misbehavior and explicitly reinforced the sexually abusive classroom atmosphere. Despite Ms. Blanchard's protests, Respondent continued to hug her repeatedly in the presence of students and treated her in a demeaning manner based on sex. This behavior undermined her authority with the special needs students and, more importantly, with the other students who periodically mistreated the special needs students.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the Orange County School Board enter a final order terminating Respondent's contract for misconduct in office. ENTERED on April 4, 1994, in Tallahassee, Florida. ROBERT E. MEALE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 4th day of April, 1994. APPENDIX TO THE RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 93-4860 Rulings on Petitioner's Proposed Findings 1-2: adopted or adopted in substance. 3-4: rejected as recitation of evidence. 5: rejected as subordinate. 6: rejected as recitation of evidence. 7-22: rejected as subordinate. 23-28: adopted or adopted in substance. 29: rejected as subordinate. 30-31: adopted or adopted in substance. 32: rejected as subordinate. 33: rejected as recitation of evidence. 34: adopted or adopted in substance. 35-36: rejected as subordinate. 37-38: rejected as irrelevant. 39-41: adopted or adopted in substance. Rulings on Respondent's Proposed Findings 1-3: adopted or adopted in substance. 4-5: rejected as subordinate. 6-9: adopted or adopted in substance. 10-11: rejected as recitation of evidence and subordinate. 12-13 (first and second sentences): adopted or adopted in substance. 13 (third sentence): rejected as unsupported by the appropriate weight of the evidence. 14: rejected as subordinate. 15-16: rejected as unsupported by the appropriate weight of the evidence. 17: rejected as unsupported by the appropriate weight of the evidence to the extent that the effect of Respondent's offensive behavior is discounted. 18: rejected as irrelevant. 19-27: rejected as subordinate. COPIES FURNISHED: Hon. Douglas L. "Tim" Jamerson Commissioner of Education The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Dr. Donald Shaw Superintendent, Orange County School District P.O. Box 271 Orlando, Florida 32802-0271 Rosanna J. Lee Honigman, Miller 390 Orange Ave., Ste. 1300 Orlando, Florida 32801-1677 Ronald G. Meyer Anthony D. Demma Meyer and Brooks, P.A. P.O. Box 1547 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Frank C. Kruppenbacher Kruppenbacher & Associates, P.A. P.O. Box 3471 Orlando, Florida 32801-3685

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (3) 6B-1.0016B-1.0066B-4.009
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-004936 Latest Update: Jun. 05, 1987

Findings Of Fact The Respondent, Lawrence Brennan, holds Florida teaching certificate number 250648, issued by the State Department of Education. The Respondent is certified in the area of English and his certificate is valid through June 30, 1988. The Respondent is a tenured teacher in the Duval County School System in which he has taught since September 8, 1969. The Respondent has taught at Paxon Junior High School since 1984-84, and has taught compensatory education in Paxon Junior High School during school years 1984-85 and 1985-86. Compensatory education is a special program for children with low test scores. Many of the students also have disciplinary problems. The Respondent received satisfactory evaluations for the last three full years of his employment, to include his years at Paxon. The Respondent was removed from the classroom and Paxon Junior High School following the altercation with a student on February 27, 1986, which gave rise to these charges. The Respondent is currently assigned to one of the media centers of the Department of Education in Duval County. The Respondent was informed in writing of the various requirements and responsibilities of teachers in the Duval County School System. Bresha Woods was a student of the Respondent's in November 1985. Ms. Woods had received six to eight referrals to the Principal's office through November 1985 for disrupting class and for not performing assigned duties. Subsequent to the incident described here, Woods was suspended and transferred to the Darnell Cookman Alternative School in March of the 1985-86 school year. On November 7, 1985, the Respondent told Woods to take her things and to go to the Principal's office for not doing her work and disrupting class. Woods delayed, slowly gathering her books, purse and other belongings. The Respondent approached Woods from the rear as she was at her desk, grasped her by the shoulders, pulled her to her feet alongside the desk, turned her toward the door of the classroom and told her to go to the school office. Woods' statement that she was "marked up" is not credible and the fact that she visited a physician on March 29, 1987, is not relevant because of the passage of time. No report of the physician's findings was offered. Woods' report to Atkinson that Respondent had choked her was contrary to Woods' sworn testimony. Atkinson accepted Woods' version of events as opposed to the explanation of Respondent. See T 179, 180. In January 1986, Delilah Elliott, a new student at Paxon, was late for class and cut across a grassy area between the wings of the classroom building which was closed to walking students. Between classes the Respondent was performing monitoring duties outside the classroom as do many of the teachers and staff and observed Ms. Elliott crossing the prohibited area. The Respondent called for Elliott to stop. Although Elliott heard the Respondent call for her to stop, she ignored him, attempting to go to her next class. The Respondent approached her, grabbed her by the shoulders to restrain her, and pushed her toward the sidewalk. She attempted to walk around him and continue on to her class. Elliott refused to tell the Respondent her name. The Respondent herded Elliott to the Principal's office, sometimes pushing her in the back when she stopped walking. Ms. Atkinson, the Assistant Principal in charge of disciplining girls, having seen the incident, followed the Respondent to the office. Atkinson told the Respondent not to be so physical with the children. The Respondent advised Atkinson that he knew what the rules were. Atkinson advised the Respondent that she would take care of the problem, and that he should return to class. Atkinson took no action against Elliott because, according to Atkinson, walking on the grass was not a referral offense. As the Respondent exited the office, Atkinson heard the Respondent say to Elliott, "You little tramp." The Respondent was frequently in physical contact with students in his class. Craig Monasco and Frank Lane were students in the Respondent's class. The Respondent grabbed their buttocks on several occasions when they were leaning over getting books. This practice, called "scooping" by the students, was a form of horse play engaged in by the students. The students were embarrassed by this. On other occasions, the Respondent pulled students out of their seats in the process of disciplining them within the classroom. Leopolean Spikes was a 13 year old black student in the Respondent's 7th grade comp. ed. English class. Spikes had a history of disruptive behavior in class and had been sent to the Principal's office several times during the school year. On February 26, 1986, Spikes was disruptive in class and the Respondent escorted him to the Principal's office. On this occasion, Spikes had refused to accept the referral, and Spikes said he was going to have his father come out and talk with the Respondent. The Respondent added Spikes' additional comments to the referral regarding Spikes' behavior and escorted Spikes to the Principal's office. Upon re-entering the class, the Respondent stated to the class that had Spikes hit him, the Respondent would have knocked him through the wall. The Principal gave Spikes an in-school suspension for his conduct of February 26, 1986. However, based upon the general school policy, a child with the number of referrals that Spikes had had would have been subject to general suspension. On February 27, 1986, Spikes reported to the Respondent's first period comp. ed. class. Spikes exhibited additional disruptive behavior during the class period of approximately 50 minutes in length. During this time, the Respondent warned Spikes on several occasions that he was going to refer him again if his behavior did not change. Shortly before the class was over, Spikes' continued disruptive conduct caused the Respondent to write a referral of Spikes to the Principal. The Respondent told Spikes to go to the Principal's office. Spikes delayed in getting his personal effects together to go to the Principal's office, and the Respondent went over to Spikes and told him to hurry up and leave the class. Spikes told the Respondent that he would not go to the Principal's office. At this point, a conflict exists in testimony regarding what occurred next. The one non-involved adult observer, Ms. Morkin, the co-teacher, stated that she observed six "acts" to the incident: (1) Spikes stood around reading the referral and not doing anything; (2) Respondent guided Spikes to the door by the shoulder; (3) Spikes ran around her desk to his own desk by the windows and wall; (4) Books were thrown in the direction of her desk from the vicinity of Spikes' desk; and (5) A struggle ensued between Spikes and Respondent, which came to an end with the Respondent kneeling next to Spikes and restraining Spikes on the floor. The various student witnesses had more dramatic versions of the incident, but one can trace the activity by its location. Their versions began with: (1) Spikes refused to go and told Respondent that he was not going to the office at or around Spikes' desk; (2) Spikes or Respondent threw books; (3) Spikes and Respondent fought in the area of the desk; (4) Spikes threatened Respondent with a desk; (5) Spikes and Respondent fought in the area of the wall and Spikes' head hit against the wall; and (6) The fight ended with Respondent pinning Spikes to the floor. The following findings are based upon a most credible evidence and testimony presented: The Respondent was standing in the aisle alongside Spikes' desk and between Spikes' desk and the front of the room where Ms. Morkin's desk was located. Spikes, when confronted by the Respondent and told to hurry, told Respondent he refused to go, and threw his books at Respondent, who was standing between Spikes and Morkin. Spikes adopted a combative stance and the Respondent grabbed Spikes' arms, fearing that Spikes was going to strike him. Spikes began to struggle and both Spikes and the Respondent fell to the floor. Respondent let go of Spikes and regained his feet and Spikes pulled himself to his feet using the back of a school desk which he raised in front of him and advanced toward the Respondent saying, "I'm going to hit you with this desk. See T-70. The Respondent pushed the desk out of the way, grabbed the writing portion of the desk, then grabbed Spikes and a second struggle ensued, during which Spikes hit the Respondent, who grabbed Spikes in a bear hug. Spikes and the Respondent were by the windowed wall of the classroom, and the Respondent attempted to pin Spikes against the windowed wall to stop his struggling and prevent Spikes from hitting him. In doing so, Spikes' head was banged against the window once. Spikes continued to hit the Respondent all this time. The Respondent and Spikes again fell to the floor where Spikes ceased fighting after Respondent pinned him down. After the struggle ceased, Ms. Morkin left to seek assistance as the Respondent requested. After he was at the office, a knot came up on Spikes' head. Spikes parents were called and they took Spikes to the emergency room where he underwent a complete examination, to include X-rays of his head. This examination revealed no abnormal findings except tenderness and swelling in the left occipital area of the head. Subsequent medical problems which Spikes has suffered were related to an injury to the right occipital area. No evidence of such an injury was revealed in the examination or reported by Spikes. See Petitioner's Exhibit The Respondent is approximately 6' tall and weighs approximately 200 pounds. Spikes is approximately 4'6" tall and weighs 72 pounds. Mr. Randolph and Ms. Atkinson, the persons in charge of disciplining children at the school, gave their opinions concerning the appropriateness of the Respondent's actions. In their opinion, the Respondent's actions were inappropriate. The record reflects that both Atkinson and Randolph had failed to apply the requisite disciplinary standards to students by taking action to remove them from the school system permanently, based upon continued disciplinary problems. Atkinson, who observed the Elliott incident, described the Respondent as "striking the student" and was of the opinion that a person who touches another person with their hand is striking the person. Mr. Larry Paulk, Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Affairs for the Duval County Schools, interviewed the Respondent after the altercation. To Paulk, the Respondent appeared hostile and was sarcastic in his dealings and approach to students. Paulk offered his opinion that the Respondent's conduct regarding discipline and leadership was inappropriate. The Respondent has attended psychiatric counseling for the past year to deal with his hostility and to improve his effectiveness as a teacher. There is no evidence of the Respondent receiving progressive discipline for prior acts involving physical contact with students, although he received several written reprimands for inappropriate conduct towards students to include physical conduct, language, and attitude. Mr. Randolph, the principal in charge of boys, advised that the school's solution for the removal of an unwilling child from class was to call the Principal. The Principal would come to the room and ask the student to come out of the classroom and, if the student refused, the Principal would then call a uniformed policeman who would arrest the child for trespassing. In Randolph's experience they had never had to take the final step of calling for a uniformed policeman.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57120.68
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-002182 Latest Update: Feb. 02, 1987

Findings Of Fact Respondent, Gloria E. Walker, holds Teaching Certificate No. 294140, issued by the Department of Education, State of Florida. Respondent is certified to teach in the area of music education. Respondent has been employed as a Music Teacher by Petitioner, School Board of Dade County since 1970. From 1973 until 1986, Respondent taught music at Dunbar Elementary School in the Dade County School District. During the 1970-71 through 1977-78 school years, Respondent received either unacceptable or marginally acceptable scores for five of the seven years on her annual evaluations. (Petitioner's Exhibits 29). During the 1973-79 school year, the School Board altered its evaluations System for instructional Personnel. During the 78-79 through 83-84 school years, Respondent's annual evaluations were rated as acceptable. However, during the school years 1981- 82 through 83-84, school and district Personnel made comments concerning Respondent's need to improve her performance and development in certain areas. (TR 298). Commencing with the 1973 school year, Respondent received assistance from Charles Buckwalter, music specialist for elementary schools for the Dade County School District. Respondent was initially contacted by Mr. Buckwalter that year because of concerns the school's Principal expressed regarding Respondent's lack of classroom management. During that year, Mr. Buckwalter visited and provided assistance to Respondent approximately seven (7) times. Mr. Buckwalter's assistance to Respondent continued during the following three (3) years. During the 1981-82 school year, Mr. Buckwalter assisted Respondent on more than four occasions during which time he attempted to demonstrate lessons concerning management techniques and the use of new materials; objectives of instruction and on January 26, 1982, Buckwalter, along with Dr. Howard Doolin supervisor of music for Dade County, visited Respondent so that Dr. Doolin could observe Buckwalter's assistance to Respondent. On April 26, 1982, Respondent and Mr. Buckwalter met for approximately three and one half hours. Buckwalter visited several of Respondent classes and demonstrated the use of certain new materials. As a part of that visit, he observed Respondent's teaching and noted that Respondent abandoned the new materials and returned to teaching the old curriculum. On November 11, 1982, Mr. Buckwalter spent approximately three hours with Respondent in which time he visited two classes and had a conference with Respondent concerning the new curriculum for level 1 students. On November 18, 1982, Mr. Buckwalter made a follow-up visit concerning Respondent's lesson plans and objectives. Additionally, he demonstrated a lesson to one of Respondent's classes. On or about November 29, 1982, Respondent was formally observed by assistant principal, H. Elizabeth Tynes. Ms. Tynes has a wealth of experience lasting more than thirty years in both Hillsborough and Dade Counties. Respondent was rated unacceptable in the areas of classroom management, teacher/student relationship and in a subcategory of assessment techniques. (Petitioner's Exhibit 7). Respondent was rated unacceptable in the area of classroom management based on a large number of disruptive students in her music class and Respondent's inability to control the students' behavior through either verbal or nonverbal strategies. Respondent was rated unsatisfactory in the area of teacher/student relationship based on her failure to demonstrate consistency as concerns student behavior, failing to praise good behavior and reprimand students for disruptive conduct. On another occasion, assistant principal Tynes listened to a musical program Respondent's students were giving over the intercom system. Ms. Tynes rated the program a "total disaster". Ms. Tynes and the principal were "ashamed" of what they heard from Respondent's music class. Respondent demonstrated skills preparation for the program as observed by Ms. Tynes. On May 19, 1983, Respondent was formally observed in the classroom by Katherine Dinkin, who was then principal of Dunbar Elementary School. Following the observation, Respondent was evaluated unacceptable in areas of classroom management, teacher/student relationship, and techniques of instruction. (Petitioner's Exhibit 17). Principal Dinkins observed that Respondent's students were not on task, the classroom was chaotic and the students only responded to directives of the Principal, as a Person of authority. Respondent was rated unacceptable in techniques of instructions based on Ms. Dinkin's observation that students were being taught at levels beyond their ability; class openings and closings were not done appropriately and Respondent failed to develop a plan for the individual needs, interests and abilities of students. Respondent was rated unacceptable in the category of teacher/student relationships based on her failure to demonstrate warmth toward the students and her inability to command respect. During this period in 1983, principal Dinkins prescribed help for Respondent as concerns observing and working with other teachers for guidance. On April 12, 1984, Respondent was again formally observed by principal Dinkins and rated unacceptable in classroom management and techniques of instructions. (Petitioner's Exhibit 21). Respondent was rated unacceptable in the area of classroom management based on her demonstrated inability to keep students on task or to develop strategies to control their behavior. Respondent was rated unacceptable in the area of techniques of instructions based on an inadequately prepared lesson plan and an inability to deliver the instructional components to students. Principal Dinkins observed that the material Respondent attempted to teach was too complicated for the students and she failed to Properly sequence her instructions. Principal Dinkins, who was tendered and received as an expert in the areas of teacher observation and assessment, was unable to observe any continuum of improvement by Respondent over the extended period of Principal Dinkins' supervision. Principal Dinkins opined that Respondent deprived her students of the minimal educational experience in music. During the 1983-84 school year, Respondent again received help from Mr. Buckwalter. As part of this help, Mr. Buckwalter organized small study groups in order to improve instructions throughout the music education department. These groups met on September 28, October 19, November 9 and 30, 1983. Respondent was asked to become part of the study group. The study group was Particularly concerned with focusing on the scope and sequence of curriculum, students' achievement and implementation of certain aspects of the curriculum, particularly as concern level 1 and 2 students. On or about August 30, 1983, Mr. Buckwalter spent the day with Respondent and a new music teacher, Ronald Gold. On or about September 27, 1983, Mr. Buckwalter visited Respondent for approximately 3 and 1/2 hours in which time he visited three of her classes and again attempted to discuss some work with Respondent concerning student management techniques including the use of a seating chart. On or about October 18, 1983, Mr. Buckwalter visited Respondent approximately four hours during which time he visited several classes and observed her using ideas gleaned from the study group. On or about November 7, 1983, Mr. Buckwalter again visited with Respondent for approximately four hours. After the conference, he taught classes with her and implemented the use of instruments to enrich the class lesson as well as the implementation and use of progress charts. On or about December 9, 1983, Mr. Buckwalter visited with Respondent for approximately 3 hours. At this time, Mr. Buckwalter expressed concern in that Respondent was not clearly understanding the intent of the school board curriculum. Respondent was rated unacceptable in the areas of classroom management, techniques of instructions, teacher/students relationships, assessment techniques and professional responsibility during her annual evaluation for the 1984-85 school year. On or about October 29, 1984, Respondent was formally observed in the classroom by assistant principal, Edwardo Martinez. Although Respondent was rated acceptable, this class was not a typical situation but rather a rehearsal of a specific program. On other occasions, assistant principal Martinez had opportunities to walk by Respondent's classroom. He often noted loud noises emanating from her classroom. During these instances, he would enter the room and immediately settle the students down. On March 26, 1985, Respondent was formally observed in the classroom by Maybelline Truesdell, Principal of Dunbar Elementary. Based on this formal observation, Respondent was rated unacceptable in the areas of classroom management, instructional techniques and teacher/student relationships. (Petitioner's Exhibit 2). As a result of the unacceptable evaluation, Respondent was given a prescription form suggesting methods in which she could improve areas in which she was rated unacceptable. (Petitioner's Exhibit 2). Respondent was rated unacceptable in the category of classroom management based on her inability to retain the students attention; her failure to open and close classes appropriately and her general observation of students being off task. Respondent was rated unacceptable in the area of instructional techniques based on the observation that she did not interact verbally with students; students were inappropriately excluded from participating in discussions of the lesson and Respondent did not use instructional methods/materials which were appropriate for the students' learning levels. (TR pages 30-35). Respondent was rated unacceptable in the area of student/teacher relationships based on her improper focusing on a small number of students; inappropriately criticizing a student assistant in the presence of other students, and a failure to use sufficient positive interaction to maintain class control. On may 3, 1985, Respondent was again formally observed by Maybelline Truesdell and rated unacceptable in the areas of classroom management; instructional techniques; student/teacher relationships and assessment techniques. (Petitioner's Exhibit 3). Respondent was rated unacceptable in the area of classroom management as she failed to properly discipline students; failed to maintain classroom control and students were off task. In the area of techniques of instruction, Respondent received an unacceptable rating in one category which remained unremediated pursuant to a prior prescription issued by Ms. Truesdell. Respondent was again rated unacceptable in the area of teacher/student relationship based on her inability to display any of the indicators considered necessary to become acceptable and her continued rejection of students who volunteered or attempted to participate; her failure to involve the entire class by focusing her attention on a small number of students to the exclusion of others and her failure to appropriately address students by their name rather than "you." (TR 39-41). Respondent was rated unacceptable in the area of assessment techniques based on her failure to follow county and state guidelines for assessing students. Specifically, Respondent failed to provide substantial evidence of (documentation) to justify grades assigned to students and her grade books did not indicate if or when she was giving formal quizzes or tests. In addition, there was no letter grade or numerical indication in Respondent's grade books to gauge academic progress. Additionally, there was insufficient documentation in the student folders to back-up student progress or to otherwise substantiate the grades assigned to students. During the 1984-85 school year, Mr. Buckwalter returned to Dunbar Elementary to again assist Respondent. On September 6, 1984, Mr. Buckwalter visited Respondent for approximately three hours during which time he visited a class; co-taught a class and attempted to assist Respondent concerning improvement in areas of student behavior and management. On November 2, 1984, Mr. Buckwalter visited one of Respondent's classes. He thereafter visited Respondent on March 22, 1985 at which time he spent approximately two hours in her classroom. He taught five classes to demonstrate strategies of progressing students from one level to another. He thereafter conferred with Respondent concerning the need to reflect a positive attitude toward students.. On March 29, 1985, Mr. Buckwalter again visited Respondent. Respondent was then using materials suggested by Mr. Buckwalter although she utilized them in a "rote" manner and included too many concepts within a single lesson. On April 18, 1985, Mr. Buckwalter returned to observe Respondent. The students were going over materials that had been taught in past years and the new curriculum was not being taught. On May 23, 1985, Mr. Buckwalter spent four hours with Respondent. They concentrated on the development of lesson plans; planned activities concerning class objectives and stressed the need to remain-on one concept until it was understood by a majority of the class. Respondent's evaluation for the 1985-86 school year was unacceptable in the areas of subject matter knowledge instructional techniques; teacher/student relationships; assessment techniques and Professional responsibility. On October 10, 1985, Respondent was formally observed by assistant principal William J. Kinney. Respondent was rated acceptable in the area of assessment techniques. Mr. Kinney offered certain suggestions to Respondent including the fact that the lesson taught would be more beneficial by more student participation. Respondent was advised of a need to immediately cure problems respecting students who were observed hitting bells with pencils and pens and the need to immediately address problems when students were observed off task. During the school year, Mr. Kinney made numerous informal visits to Respondent's classroom at which times he observed loud noises coming from Respondent's classes, chanting, fighting, furniture pushed into the walls, student misbehavior and other indications that Respondent's classroom management was ineffective. On December 3, 1985, Respondent was officially observed by principal Truesdell and was rated unacceptable in the areas of instructional and assessment techniques. (Petitioner's Exhibit 6). Respondent was made aware of her continuing problems and was provided with an acknowledged receipt of a summary of the conference-for-the-record dated Thursday, December 12, 1985. (Petitioner's Exhibit 7). Additionally, Respondent was given specific instructions in the form of a prescription concerning her grade book and instructed to strictly follow the conduct prescribed. (Petitioner's Exhibit 7). In the opinion of principal Truesdell (received as an expert in the area of teacher assessment teacher evaluation, teacher observation in the role of school principal) Respondent was unacceptable for further employment by the school district, was continuing to demonstrate ineffective classroom management, instructional techniques, assessment techniques and had done so for such an extended period of time that improvement appeared unlikely. Additionally, Ms. Truesdell considered that Respondent was unable to make sufficient competent analysis of students' individual needs and potential in the classroom; failed to ensure and promote the accomplishment of tasks to the proper selection and use of appropriate techniques; failed to establish routine and procedures for the use of materials and physical movements of students in her class; failed to employ the appropriate techniques to correct inappropriate student behavior; failed to demonstrate competence in evaluating learning and goal achievement by her students and failed to demonstrate appropriate interpersonal skills required of a teacher to maintain discipline and effectively teach in a classroom environment. On February 7, 1986, Respondent was officially observed in her class by Marilyn Von Seggern, music supervisor for Dade County and by Ms. McCalla, assistant principal at Dunbar, under the provision of the TADS program. (Petitioner's Exhibit 23). Following that observation, Respondent was rated unacceptable in the areas of subject matter knowledge, instructional techniques, assessment techniques and teacher/student relationships. In the Professional opinion of Marilyn Von Seggern, received herein as an expert in the areas of music education, teacher observation and assessment, Respondent was depriving students of the minimum educational experience and had serious problems concerning her ability to communicate and relate to students respecting the music curriculum. On January 16, 1986, Respondent was formally observed in her classroom by Dunbar's assistant principal Carolyn Louise McCalla, and was rated unacceptable in the areas of classroom management, techniques of instruction and assessment techniques. (Petitioner's Exhibit 24). Based on Mr. Buckwalter's repeated observation of Respondent's classroom and teaching techniques, Mr. Buckwalter opined that Respondent's students were not receiving the minimum education required by the Dade County School System as concerns the curriculum for music. As example, on one occasion Mr. Buckwalter observed Respondent presenting an organized lesson to students which was quite successful and upon his return approximately five minutes later, Mr. Buckwalter observed that Respondent was not teaching the new successful lesson but had instead reverted back to an old lesson and her students were observed inattentive and generally off task. (TR pages 250-254). On March 26, 1986, Respondent was having difficulty maintaining her students' attention to the point that the students were out of control. While Respondent was attempting to stop a certain student from chanting and beating on the desk, Respondent tried to restrain the student and in so doing, Respondent broke her watch band and scratched the student on her face. The student required hospitalization and although the injury was deemed an accident, Respondent's lack of classroom control and management played a major part in causing the incident. Pursuant to a request by the School Board, Respondent, on April 30, 1986, was evaluated by psychiatrist, Gail D. Wainger. Dr. Wainger took a medical history from Respondent which included Respondent's revelation of previous psychiatrist treatment. Dr. Wainger observed that Respondent had a very flattened, blunted affect with little emotional expression. She related that this was a sign of a patient who was recovering from a major psychiatric episode. Additionally, Respondent showed difficulty recalling recent events. Dr. Wainger diagnosed Respondent as having chronic residual schizophrenia with a possible personality disorder including impulsive and avoidance features. Dr. Wainger opined that a person with such diagnosis would have difficulty being an authority figure and that this would be especially Problematic for students who needed positive reinforcement. On April 28, 1986, Respondent attended a conference-for-the-record with the school board's administrative staff. A past history of performance and evaluations was reviewed. Additionally, the investigative report concerning the injury of the student which occurred March 26, 1986 was also reviewed. Respondent was informed that the matter would be referred to the School Board for possible disciplinary action. (Petitioner's Exhibit 31). On May 21, 1986, the School Board took action to suspend Respondent's employment and initiated the instant dismissal proceeding against her. (Petitioner's Exhibit 32). For the 1985-86 school year, Respondent's annual evaluation indicated that she was rated unacceptable in five of seven categories and was not recommended for re-employment. (Petitioner's Exhibit 13).

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Petitioner, School Board of Dade County, enter a Final Order sustaining the suspension, without pay, of Respondent, Gloria E. Walker and dismissing Respondent, Gloria E. Walker as a teacher in the Dade County Public Schools. That the Petitioner, Ralph D. Turlington, as Commissioner of Education, entered a Final Order finding Respondent guilty of incompetency and incapacity. It is further Recommended that the Education Practices Commission enter a Final Order suspending Respondent's Florida Teacher's Certificate No. 294140, issued by the Department of Education, State of Florida, for a period of three years based on incompetence and incapacity. DONE and ENTERED this 2nd day of February, 1987, in Tallahassee, Florida. JAMES E. BRADWELL Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of February, 1987.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57120.68
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-004041 Latest Update: Jun. 16, 1989

Findings Of Fact The Respondent holds Florida Teacher's Certificate No. 607875 with a validity period from July 1, 1986 through June 30, 1991. The Respondent was employed by the Pinellas County School Board at Largo High School from the beginning of the 1987- 88 school year through March 23, 1988. In September, 1987, the Respondent commented that Erin Hawkins, a female student at Largo High School, should wear shorter skirts and touched her on the leg. The Respondent admitted to making a comment about the length of Miss Hawkins' skirt and to pinching her on her leg. As a result of this incident, the Respondent was counselled at length by Judith Westfall, principal at Largo High School, and Patricia Palmateer, Assistant Principal at Largo High School, regarding the need to refrain from making inappropriate comments to students. Ms. Westfall and Ms. Palmateer cautioned the Respondent to keep discussions with students on a professional level; to maintain professionalism whenever the Respondent touched a student; and to refrain from being alone with a student in the classroom. Conference summaries and the Respondent's written statement concerning the incident were placed in Respondent's personnel file. Although no additional disciplinary action was taken at that time, the Respondent's pinching a student on her leg, even for the alleged purpose of having the student move away from Respondent's desk, was not an appropriate method of working with female or male students.1/ In February, 1988, as Tara Ward, a female student at Largo High School, was leaning over a table, the Respondent stated "nice view, Miss Ward." At a subsequent conference between the Respondent, Ms. Westfall, and Ms. Palmateer, the Respondent admitted mailing the comment for the alleged purpose of correcting Miss Ward's posture.2/ The Respondent's comment was inappropriate even accepting his asserted motive. As a result, Ms. Westfall and Ms. Palmateer again cautioned the Respondent about the need to maintain professionalism in comments made to students and about the need to avoid being in a classroom alone with a student. In March, 1988, Cindy Shinall was a senior at Largo High School In the program for Educable Mentally Handicapped (EMH) students. The EMH program is for students whose I.Q.'s range between 50 and 72. In Miss Shinall's case, her grade level in March, 1988, would have been somewhere between third and fifth grade abilities. Miss Shinall was motivated to improve, eager to assist teachers, well-mannered, and considerate of others. The school had no disciplinary problems with Miss Shinall. Miss Shinall was an honest person who would frequently speak up when she was aware that other students were breaking school rules. On March 9, 1988, Miss Shinall was a student assistant for Carolyn Underwood during sixth period. As a student assistant, Miss Shinall would run errands for Ms. Underwood, including going to the school office. During the course of running errands for Ms. Underwood, Miss Shinall was permitted to ask other teachers if they had errands for her to do. In fact, Ms. Underwood encouraged Miss Shinall to take the initiative in seeking work from other teachers. On March 9, 1988, Ms. Underwood sent Cindy Shinall on an errand in the vicinity of the school office. Miss Shinall encountered the Respondent in the hallway coming from the office outside the double doors leading into the "pod" where the Respondent's classroom was located. She followed the Respondent into the pod and asked him if there was anything she could do for him. The Respondent replied "yes" and escorted Miss Shinall into his classroom. The Respondent did not have class during sixth period, and so he and Miss Shinall were alone in the classroom. Respondent asked Miss Shinall to "give me a hug," and she did. Respondent then kissed Miss Shinall. In his own words, he then "lost control" and began to kiss her and "felt her up." He kissed her on her neck, touched her buttocks, put his hand under her shirt and her bra on her left breast, and sucked her left breast. In an effort to escape from the Respondent, Miss Shinall told him she had errands to complete for Ms. Underwood. At this point, the Respondent grabbed Cindy Shinall's hair behind her head and pulled her head back, asking her to promise to return. Miss Shinall went directly from the Respondent's classroom to a girl's restroom, where she was found, crying, by a Ada Bell, a fellow student. She told Miss Bell that the Respondent had touched her. At the time she spoke with Miss Bell, Miss Shinall was crying very hard, almost to the point that Miss Bell was unable to understand what she was saying. Miss Bell understood clearly, however, that the Respondent had done something to Miss Shinall that she did not want him to do. Immediately thereafter, while still in the girls' restroom, and while still visibly upset and crying, Miss Shinall related the incident to her friend Aimee Hall. Miss Hall then took Miss Shinall to their teacher, Carolyn Underwood. At that time, Miss Shinall was still upset and pulling her hair and twitching from side to side. She was upset to the point of being almost incoherent. She told Ms. Underwood that the Respondent had kissed her, touched her breasts, and pulled her hair back. She then recounted the events again to Ms. Underwood and to another teacher, Ms. Silva. Ms. Underwood immediately took Miss Shinall to the administrative offices and contacted Ms. Westfall and Ms. Palmateer. Ms. Palmateer was in the school cafeteria when notified by Ms. Underwood. She went directly to her office where she spoke with Miss Shinall. Miss Shinall told Ms. Palmateer that the Respondent had kissed her, felt her breast underneath her clothes, and touched her buttocks. Miss Shinall told Ms. Westfall that Respondent had kissed her, touched her breast underneath her bra, touched her buttocks, and pulled her hair, asking her to promise to come back. She related the incident to Ms. Westfall within one hour of the incident. At the time she related the events to Ms. Westfall, Miss Shinall was still visibly upset and embarrassed to talk about the incident. As a result of the incident of March 9, 1988, the Respondent tendered his resignation to the Pinellas County School Board, and the resignation was accepted. The Respondent later tried unsuccessfully to rescind the resignation. As a result of the incident of March 9, 1988, Cindy Shinall was the subject of rumor, gossip, and disparaging remarks among the students at Largo High School. She suffered embarrassment and disparagement. The Respondent's conduct on three separate occasions--to wit: in September, 1987, when he made an inappropriate comment about a female student's dress and pinched her leg; in February, 1988, when he made an inappropriate comment about a female student's posture; and in March, 1988, when he kissed and fondled a female student--seriously reduces the Respondent's effectiveness as an employee of the school district. The Respondent is unable to deal with his students in a professional manner, and the school district's ability to trust the Respondent with female students has been substantially diminished. Female students in the Respondent's classes and under his control would be "at risk." The Respondent's conduct on those three separate occasions also constitutes a failure to make reasonable efforts to protect students from conditions that were harmful to their learning, health, or safety. Indeed, the Respondent actively created situations which jeopardized the learning, health, and safety of his students. The Respondent's conduct on those three separate occasions also constitutes conduct which intentionally exposed the Respondent's students to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Respondent's Florida teaching certificate be revoked. DONE and ENTERED this 16th day of June, 1989 in Tallahassee, Florida. J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of June, 1989.

Florida Administrative Code (2) 6B-1.0066B-4.009
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fernandina Beach, Florida Aug. 06, 2009 Number: 09-004230 Latest Update: Mar. 02, 2012

The Issue The issue is whether Petitioner properly determined that Respondent's employment as a continuing contract teacher should be terminated.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner operates, controls, and supervises the public schools within Nassau County, Florida. Respondent graduated from the University of Florida in 1978 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English. She began working for Petitioner in the 1980/1981 school year at Emma Love Hardee Elementary School. That year, Respondent gave Petitioner an out-of-field assignment as a teacher of emotionally handicapped students. Respondent received her Master of Arts degree in Special Education from the University of North Florida in 1985. She began working as an Exceptional Student Education (ESE) instructor at Fernandina Beach High School in the 1983/1984 school term. Beginning with the 1999/2000 school year, Respondent's primary teaching assignment was as a performing arts instructor at Fernandina Beach High School. Respondent worked in that capacity until the 2006/2007 school year when she became a full- time English and ESE co-teacher. For the 2007/2008 term, Respondent taught English III and English IV. In 2008/2009, Respondent worked as a regular education English teacher. She also served as an ESE co-teacher for intensive language arts. Jane Arnold began working as Principal at Fernandina Beach High School for the 1998/1999 school term. Ms. Arnold completed a performance appraisal of Respondent in 1999 that resulted in an overall unsatisfactory rating. Of particular concern to Ms. Arnold in the 1998/1999 appraisal was Respondent's problem with completing documentation of lesson plans, including daily instructional strategies as well as specific examples showing how the subject matter would be delivered. The failure to provide proper lesson plans made it difficult to know whether Florida's Sunshine State Standards were being met. Respondent was also having problems with grading students' work and recording the grades. Student work papers were disorganized and some papers were missing. Therefore, it was hard to discern what work was completed and when it was completed. The failure to timely grade and record students' work made it difficult for students to know what they needed to do to improve. Ms. Arnold subsequently placed Respondent on a professional development plan (PDP). The one-page PDP required Respondent to improve three job-service categories. After Respondent satisfactorily completed the PDP within the prescribed 90-day period, Ms. Arnold recommended that Respondent's employment continue. Respondent received a satisfactory or above- satisfactory rating on all of her teacher performance evaluation from the 1999/2000 school year through the 2006/2007 school year. However, Respondent admits that she has had consistent problems with time management and organization throughout her career. In October 2007, Respondent received a mini-grant from the Fernandina Beach High School Foundation. Respondent used the grant to provide her students with novels she used to teach literature. Additionally, in October 2007, Respondent earned continuing education credits toward recertification by attending a conference sponsored by the Florida Association for Theatre Arts. During the conference, Respondent participated in the "In Search of Shakespeare" workshop, which she hoped would prepare her to introduce Shakespeare as part of the British literature curriculum. Respondent's problem with providing focused instruction became critical during the 2007/2008 school year. Students in Respondent's classes were receiving failing grades and did not know why. Respondent made errors when reporting grades and had difficulty submitting them on time. Respondent was easily upset in the classroom. She would become emotional, lose her temper, and say things that were less than professional. Ms. Arnold heard disruptions in Respondent's classroom, which was behind a curtain, behind a stage, and behind double doors. Curtis Gaus was the assistant principal at Fernandina Beach High School from 2004 to 2008. Mr. Gaus also witnessed periods with the level of noise in Respondent's classroom was so loud that it could be heard in the cafeteria during lunchtime. Respondent was frequently tardy. As a result, Mr. Gaus would have to unlock Respondent's room and wait with her students until Respondent arrived. In October 2007, Respondent was required to complete progress monitoring plans and schedule parent conferences. The conferences were scheduled on October 14, 15, and 16, 2007. Petitioner did not turn in the progress monitoring plans until two months after holding the conferences. As observed by Ms. Arnold and Mr. Gaus, Respondent frequently failed to provide her students with any explanation of expectation as to a lesson or any modeling of what it was she expected the student to do. She provided no immediate feedback or clarification for the work they were attempting. In January 2008, Ms. Arnold observed Respondent using instructional time to read questions to students, expecting them to write the questions as she read them. Ms. Arnold advised Respondent that she should not use class time to dictate questions. On January 31, 2008, Ms. Arnold met with Respondent and gave her type-written comments, suggesting areas for Respondent to improve classroom instruction. Mr. Gaus observed teacher classroom at least once a month. Many times Respondent would be unaware that Mr. Gaus was in her classroom. For the majority of Mr. Gaus' visits, Respondent's students were off task. On one occasion, while Respondent was handing out notebooks, the students were playing video games and talking to each other. In February 2008, Respondent's English IV students presented a Renaissance Faire. The students researched and prepared exhibits, presented projects, and competed in a soliloquy contest sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts to earn extra credit toward their semester grade. In support of the Renaissance Faire, Respondent wrote lesson plans, developed a project rubric, implemented classroom assignments and kept a record of student project grades. Respondent invited parents, current and former teachers, as well as community leaders to act as judges for an evening program presented by the students. Respondent took a six-week medical leave effective March 5, 2008. On March 8, 2008, Respondent attended a teacher's conference entitled Super Saturday. As a result of participation at the conference, Respondent earned the points she needed to renew her teaching certificate. Petitioner's Classroom Teacher Assessment Handbook for the 2007/2008 school year states that a continuing contract teacher must receive one formal observation, followed within 10 days by a post-observation conference. During the post- observation conference, a PDP must be developed for teachers receiving unsatisfactory performance appraisal reports. The formal observation must be completed by March 14. Performance appraisals are required to be completed and submitted to the Superintendent no later than April 7. However, Petitioner was on medical leave on these dates. In May 2008, Respondent provided Petitioner with a physician's written recommendation for extension of Respondent's medical leave. Petitioner approved extension of the leave through August 11, 2008. On May 29, 2008, Ms. Arnold wrote a letter to Respondent, who was still on medical leave. A Notification of Less Than Satisfactory Performance was included with the letter. The May 29, 2008, letter reminded Respondent that they needed to arrange a time in July to complete Respondent's 2007/2008 performance appraisal and to discuss the implementation of a PDP for the 2008/2009 school year. The letter refers to written comments that addressed Respondent's performance and that were provided to her earlier in the school year. In July 2008, Petitioner sponsored vertical and horizontal curriculum development workshops for English teachers of advanced placement and honors students. Some English teachers of regular/average students also attended the workshops. Respondent did not receive this training. On July 21, 2008, Ms. Arnold and Respondent met to discuss Respondent's 2007/2008 performance appraisal and PDP. The evaluation rated Respondent unsatisfactory with a total overall score of four out of a possible 100 points. Respondent's 2007/2008 performance appraisal contained Ms. Arnold's comments in each of the performance categories as follows: Planning/Preparation: Lack of long and short term planning[.] Detailed lesson plans must identify learning objective and the instructional strategies/activities/assessment planned to accomplish the objective. Work should be clear, compelling and engaging and include representative works and genres from the Anglo Saxon period through the present day. Feedback to students should be timely and specific. Documentation should be organized and accessible. Classroom Management: Classroom environment hostile, negative and chaotic. 3-step discipline procedure not documented. Records not accurate or timely. Classroom procedures lack organization. School & Board policies not consistently enforced. Room in disarray with papers, books, and materials in haphazard piles throughout the room. Assessment/Management: Interventions for academic, attendance and behavioral problems lacking. Parent contacts inconsistent and not documented. 3-step discipline procedure not implemented. Effective instructional strategies lacking. Work is frequently not meaningful or relevant to unit of study. Intervention/Direct Services: Teacher read test questions to students, refused to repeat questions, and subtracted points from students who requested additional clarification. Papers are frequently "lost," performance expectations for assignments not clearly defined, and grade information not easily available to students and parents. Technology: Teacher web site/Edline not utilized[.] Frequent errors in grade reporting[.] Difficulty meeting deadlines[.] Collaboration: Frequently alienates students and parents by failing to produce documentation for grades or clarification of assignments[.] Does not follow Board Policies for make-up work, and fails to communicate problems to parents to seek their assistance. Staff Development: While Ms. Autry has participated in numerous professional development activities for effective instruction, the strategies identified and recommended have not been implemented with any consistency in her classroom. Parental Input: Parents express frustration and impatience with the problems encountered by their students in Ms. Autry's class. Clear communication of academic and behavioral expectations needs to be provided to all stakeholders. Complaints about "disparaging comments" made by Ms. Autry about the students in her classes are frequent, both from students and teachers. Professional Responsibilities: Ms. Autry must learn to maintain a professional demeanor at all times in the classroom, and must avoid making negative comments about the students with whom she works. Improvement of instruction must become a priority. Extra-curricular involvement should be limited as it appears to interfere with time that should be devoted to her classes. Deadlines need to be met. Grading and attendance should be timely and accurate. Curriculum deficiencies must be addressed. Interim Student Growth: Academic interventions should be provided and documented for students experiencing difficulty in successfully completing the coursework[.] Parents must be notified and encouraged to participate in the intervention strategies. Grades should be fair, consistent, and easily available to students and parents. The greater weight of the evidence indicates that Ms. Arnold's comments on the 2007/2008 performance appraisal accurately summarized Respondent's professional deficiencies. Many of Ms. Arnold's comments show the same types of problems that Respondent has experienced for years. In 1984, Respondent used sarcasm towards students and failed to submit paperwork on time. In 1988, Respondent had problems with organization, submitting timely grades, and completing paperwork accurately and on time. In June 1998, Respondent was disorganized, late to work, and untimely in submitting paperwork. In August 1998, Respondent had trouble with accurate and punctual recordkeeping, using varied and appropriate educational strategies, and demonstrating effective classroom management. In the 2001/2002 school term, Respondent had trouble submitting grades on time. The final comment of Ms. Arnold on the last page of the 2007/2008 performance appraisal, states as follows: As a result of an unexpected medical leave, this evaluation and resulting professional development plan can not be completed until Ms. Autry's return to work. Ms. Arnold and Respondent signed the evaluation on July 21, 2008. Also on July 21, 2008, Ms. Arnold and Respondent reviewed a 32-page PDP plan. The PDP was designed to meet each area of deficiency on Respondent's 2007-2008 performance appraisal. Respondent did not take advantage of the opportunity to request any specific strategies or otherwise provide input regarding the PDP on July 21, 2008. However, the next day, Respondent sent Ms. Arnold an e-mail, requesting Ms. Arnold to review a folder of documentation to support Respondent's performance in certain areas. Ms. Arnold responded in an e-mail dated July 22, 2008. Ms. Arnold agreed to review the materials provided by Respondent. She also stated that "evaluation specific activities" might help them revise the PDP as needed. Ms. Arnold also invited Respondent to utilize the "Comments of Evaluatee" section of the performance appraisal. In subsequent e-mail, Respondent and Ms. Arnold agreed on a time to meet. Sometime after receiving the 2007/2008 performance appraisal, Respondent performed a self-assessment on all essential performance functions. She gave herself an overall rating of "needing improvement," with 30 of 100 points. For the 2008/2009 school year, Ms. Arnold assigned Respondent to teach four sections of English IV, first through fourth periods. Respondent had some regular education students and some ESE students in these classes. With only one preparation, Respondent did not have and should not have needed a co-teacher to assist her in teaching four classes of English IV. Respondent also was assigned as a co-teacher in two intensive language classes, fifth and sixth period. Anita Bass, a Reading Coach, was primarily responsible for planning and teaching the two intensive-language classes. Respondent, as a co-teacher, was supposed to provide assistance in general and to specifically provide help to ESE students. When Ms. Bass was absent, Respondent would teach the intensive-language class. On one occasion, Respondent taught a lesson on fables. On another occasion, Respondent taught a lesson on neurosurgeon, Dr. Ben Carson. In August 2008, Respondent was assigned a new classroom. She moved her materials from the room behind the cafeteria to a more traditional classroom. On September 12, 2008, Ms. Arnold visited Respondent's classroom for 15 minutes. During that time, Ms. Arnold observed Respondent reading from a text. Only three students had their books open and there was very little student participation. On September 15, 2008, Ms. Arnold sent Respondent an e-mail, advising that her lesson plans and weekly course outline were past due. On September 16, 2008, Ms. Arnold sent Respondent an e-mail regarding her classroom observation on September 12, 2008. The message also requested submission of Respondent's lesson plans and weekly course outline along with a written explanation as to Respondent's reason for not meeting the deadline. On October 13, 2008, Ms. Arnold visited Respondent's classroom. Ms. Arnold found the students talking, sleeping, and watching CNN because the movie described in Respondent's lesson plan was over. None of the students had books or papers on their desks. Respondent stayed behind her desk for approximately ten minutes then handed some graded brochures back to the students. Respondent spoke to her students for about five minutes during the 22 minutes of Ms. Arnold's visit. The students did nothing during that time. In an e-mail written later on October 13, 2008, Ms. Arnold noted that Respondent's weekly syllabus dated October 13, 2008, showed that the students were scheduled to watch a movie then complete a reading guide and a quiz. The e- mail discussed Ms. Arnold's observations earlier in the day and requested revised lesson plans for the week. Referring to the lesson observed that morning, Ms. Arnold also requested an explanation of the learning objectives and teaching strategies employed by Respondent. Ms. Arnold reminded Respondent that required tasks were to be completed in a timely and accurate fashion. A subsequent e-mail dated October 13, 2008, stated that Ms. Arnold had received Respondent's ESE Mainstream Report for four students. According to the message, the reports were given to Respondent on September 29, 2008, were due on October 3, 2008, and not given to the teacher of record until October 7, 2008. Because the Mainstream Reports were incomplete for several students, Mr. Arnold requested Respondent to review her Professional Growth Plan, requiring tasks to be completed in a timely and accurate fashion. Ms. Arnold also requested Respondent to provide the missing information. On October 21, 2008, Ms. Arnold sent Respondent an e- mail, requesting lesson plans that were due on October 17, 2008. Joyce Menz is Petitioner's Director of Staff and Program Development. In November 2008, Ms. Menz provided Respondent with an opportunity to attend a workshop related to classroom management. Petitioner did not attend the workshop. In the fall of 2008, Ms. Menz hired Jimi Buck, a retired language arts resource teacher and reading curriculum specialist, to sit and plan a lesson with Respondent. Ms. Buck then demonstrated instruction of the lesson plan in one of Respondent's classes. Ms. Menz arranged for Respondent to observe Ms. Drake, an English IV teacher at another school. Respondent and Ms. Drake spent some time going over Ms. Drake's yearlong plan of how and what she would be teaching. Ms. Menz hired a substitute for Respondent's classes so that she could consult with Ms. Drake. Ms. Menz hired Ms. Mealing, another consultant, to meet with Respondent and work on a week of lesson plans. During their time together, Respondent and Ms. Mealing viewed and discussed a DVD entitled "Strategies for Secondary English Teachers." Ms. Menz purchased the DVD specifically for the purpose of helping Respondent. Ms. Menz provided a substitute for Respondent's classes while she reviewed the materials with Ms. Mealing. Ms. Arnold made it possible for Respondent to observe Ms. Barlow's classes at Fernandina Beach High School, by hiring a substitute for one-half day. Ms. Barlow taught Advanced Placement and English IV Honors. Ms. Arnold also provided additional help to Respondent when school began in the fall of 2008. First, Ms. Arnold did not assign Respondent as a teacher of record for any ESE students. As a teacher of record, Respondent would have been required to keep track of what was happening with her ESE students. Ms. Arnold also excused Respondent from participating in any extracurricular activities. Ms. Arnold hoped that Respondent would devote all of her energy to improving her instruction. At times, Ms. Arnold would go into Respondent's class to get it under control in response to disruptive behaviors. Ms. Arnold then would make suggestions to Respondent about how to keep control, reminding her of the need to use the three-step discipline procedure. On November 6, 2008, Ms. Arnold and Respondent signed a performance appraisal. Respondent's overall rating on the evaluation was unsatisfactory. Respondent indicated that she thought her overall rating should have been "needs improvement," which would have still required a plan of assistance. Mr. Gaus observed Respondent during the PDP period and completed a performance evaluation. Mr. Gaus found that there was no improvement in keeping students on task. During the post-observation conference with Respondent, she continually acknowledged that she had problems with administrative tasks, lesson plans, submitting grades and managing the behavior of her students. On November 17, 2008, Ms. Menz observed Respondent's classroom. Ms. Menz found that Respondent's overall planning was not based on students' needs and was not clear and engaging. Ms. Menz observed two students who appeared to be sleeping and another texting. While Ms. Menz was in Respondent’s class, six students lost their early-lunch privilege. On the November 17, 2008, performance appraisal prepared by Ms. Menz, Respondent received an overall rating of unsatisfactory. Respondent made a comment on the evaluation form, indicating that she had learned a lot from the post- observation conference with Ms. Menz and looked forward to receiving further assistance. On November 21, 2008, Mr. Gaus, sent Respondent an e- mail. The message advised that Respondent had not posted her grades on Edline since October 21, 2008, and should do so as soon as possible. Edline is the computer program that Petitioner uses to record grades. Despite the PDP, Respondent's deficiencies did not improve. In her semester exam, she used materials that the students had not read. When the students questioned Respondent, she told them, "If you want to read it, look it up on the internet." In response to the PDP, Respondent developed a behavioral incentive plan to implement in the reading classes where she was the co-teacher. Respondent sent a letter to inform parents about the plan. The behavior incentive plan sought to reward positive student behavior with bathroom passes, snacks, and paper money. However, there were school rules against having food in the classroom and allowing bathroom passes except for emergencies. Moreover, the plan was not well received because the students thought Respondent was tallying their actions. As a co-teacher, Respondent was required to help implement a computer-directed reading program. Because Respondent was unable to provide assistance with the program, a third person had to be called in to perform the task for Respondent. An additional concern of Ms. Arnold's was that Respondent continued to ignore Petitioner’s policy regarding makeup work. Ms. Arnold was also concerned that Respondent was losing her temper and taking points from students who asked for clarification on assignments. In January 2008, Ms. Arnold observed Respondent's classroom again. Her comments on the performance appraisal were as follows: Planning/Preparation: Second 9-weeks spent on "Pygmalion" [.] Based on lesson plans, there were no novels, short stories, or poems by British writers included in the material taught (See eval. #1)[.] Classroom activities lack relevance and timeliness. (See eval. #2) Strategies and Objectives listed in lesson plans were not reflected in actual classroom activities. Classroom Management: Inappropriate student behavior during classroom observation was addressed and corrected by instructor. Developed behavioral incentive plan for students in Reading Classes with reward system for positive student behavior and achievement (bathroom passes, snacks, paper money)[.] Assessment/Management: Portions of the semester exam do not correlate to stated learning objectives, learning strategies, or class activities listed in the semester outline, lesson plans, or weekly syllabus. Students have not read "Julius Caesar" or "Heart of Darkness." Neither have they studied the three poems they are to compare. Students were told to "look up" the meaning of the literary terms that they were given to use in analyzing the poems on the exam. Many questions given to student in advance. Intervention/Direct Services: Ms. Autry does not demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the English IV curriculum. Significant works by British writers have not been taught. (See observation #1) Pacing is slow, with 9-weeks spent on "Pygmalion" to the exclusion of British novels, short stories and poems. Activities are not aligned with student needs. In- depth skills development is lacking. Technology: Ms. Autry utilizes technology for administrative and instructional tasks[.] However, on December 16th, Edline grades had not been updated since 10/23[.] Also on that date, the last weekly syllabus posted was for week 11. Collaboration: Ms. Autry's written complaints about ESE co-workers in which she stated the need for colleagues to provide accommodation for her [medical condition] resulted in strained working relationships. Ms. Autry attends department meeting and faculty meetings as outlined in the Plan of Assistance. Staff Development: Completed training in ESE/IEP, Tablet PC, Edline/Grade Quick and ELMO. Received direct training by Ms. Menz, Ms. Mealing & Ms. Buck to address instructional deficiencies. Declined suggested training opportunities in Discipline & Motivation Strategies, Behavior Management Strategies, Classroom Management, Lesson Planning, Parental Input, Classroom Assessment and Professional Responsibilities. (Based on identified needs in PDP and classroom observations.) Parental Input: Edline/Grade Quick posting irregular. Few documented parent contacts. Professional Responsibilities: Ms. Autry is teaching four sections of English IV and is the co-teacher in two sections of Reading taught by the Reading Coach. She in (sic) not the teacher of record for any ESE students. During the 90- day plan of assistance, lesson plans were submitted late 15 out of 18 weeks. Grades were not posted in a timely fashion on Edline. (Ms. Autry was excused from participating in extra curricular activities in order to focus on her plan of assistance. Interim Student Growth: Students who had not passed the FCAT were assigned to the Reading Coach who provided individual/group instruction during the first 9-weeks. 96% of Ms. Autry's students received semester grades of 70% or higher. No other assessments are available at this time. Ms. Autry and Ms. Arnold signed the performance appraisal dated January 7, 2009. Ms. Autry requested that Ms. Arnold attach information about a disability and its accommodations to the evaluation. Ms. Arnold complied with the request. Two weeks before the expiration of the PDP, Respondent requested a two-month extension because she could not comply with the plan. Respondent's request was denied. Petitioner's Superintendent, Dr. John Ruis, placed Respondent on paid suspension when she did not improve. Dr. Ruis then recommended that Respondent be suspended without pay pending termination.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That Petitioner enter a final order terminating Respondent's employment as a teacher. DONE AND ENTERED this 22nd day of April, 2010, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S SUZANNE F. HOOD Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of April, 2010.

Florida Laws (3) 1012.33120.569120.57 Florida Administrative Code (1) 6B-4.009
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