Findings Of Fact Respondent Robert L. Collins has been employed by the School Board of Dade County, Florida as a teacher for the last twenty-four years and is on continuing contract. For approximately the last seven of those years, Respondent has been teaching Industrial Arts at Miami Killian Senior High School. Between late September 1983, and November 23, 1983, Jonathan Wright was a student in Respondent's Plastics class. On November 23, 1983, Wright came into Respondent's Plastics class wearing a hat, which is against school rules. Respondent directed Wright to remove his hat which he did. Later in that same class Respondent saw Wright sitting by the engraver again wearing that hat. Respondent removed the hat from Wright's head and advised Wright that if he put the hat on another time Respondent would send him to the principal's office. At approximately 5 minutes before the end of the class period, Respondent instructed the students that it was time to clean up the shop area. Wright and some of the other students began gathering at the door. Respondent motioned to those students to come back into the classroom and away from the door, which some of them did. Wright, however, did not. Respondent then specifically directed Wright to get away from the door. Instead of obeying, Wright put up a hand and a foot in a karate type posture but clearly in a playful manner. As a normal reaction in the context of the situation, Respondent did likewise. Respondent then turned back toward the class at which time Wright grabbed him by the legs and pulled him down to the floor. Respondent and Wright were rolling around on the floor in a small alcove area, and Respondent was unable to get loose from Wright's grip. Respondent was afraid that he, Wright, or the other students might be severely injured in the small alcove by the door or on some of the machinery located in the Plastics shop classroom. Unable to free himself, Respondent bit Wright on the back. Wright released Respondent and got up off the floor. After the bell rang, Wright left the classroom. Wright was transferred to the Plastics class of teacher Gerald Krotenberg where he remained for the rest of the school year. On several occasions Krotenberg was required to admonish Wright because Wright often resorted to "horse play" with other students. On occasion Wright would come into the classroom and would "bear hug" the girls, "jostle" the boys, and be disruptive so that Krotenberg could not take attendance or conduct the class. Although Krotenberg followed his normal technique of chastising the student in public, and then chastising the student in private, those techniques did not work and Krotenberg was required to exclude Wright from class on probably two occasions, for two days each, due to Wright's inappropriate behavior with other students. During the two months that Wright was in Respondent's class, Wright had come up behind Respondent on one or two occasions and lightly put his arms around Respondent in the nature of a bear hug. Respondent counseled Wright that that was not appropriate behavior. The only touching of Wright that was initiated by Respondent himself occurred in the form of Respondent placing his hand on Wright's shoulder while discussing a project being worked on at the moment or perhaps a light slap on the back in the nature of encouragement or praise for a job well done. Not all teachers, however, agree that it is appropriate to occasionally give a student an encouraging pat on the back. Although Wright had on one or two occasions given Respondent a playful hug and although Respondent had on several occasions given Wright an encouraging pat on the back or touch on his shoulder, no physical combat ever occurred between them. Although Wright often engaged in "horse play" with other students, no "horse play" occurred between Wright and Respondent. None of Respondent's annual evaluations during the years he has been teaching in the Dade County public School, including the annual evaluation for the the 1983-1984 school year, indicates that Respondent has had any problems with either maintaining good discipline in his classes or that Respondent is anything other than acceptable in the area of classroom management.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered reversing Respondent's suspension, reinstating him if necessary, and reimbursing him for back pay-if he was suspended without pay. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 3rd day of July, 1985 at Tallahassee, Florida. LINDA M. RIGOT, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of July, 1985. COPIES FURNISHED: Thomas H. Robertson, Esquire 111 SW Third Street Third Floor Miami, Florida 33130 Michael D. Ray, Esquire 7630 Biscayne Boulevard Suite 202 Miami, Florida 33138 Phyllis 0. Douglas Assistant Board Attorney Dade County Public Schools 1410 N.E. Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 Dr. Leonard Britton Superintendent School Board of Dade County 1410 NE Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132
The Issue The issues to be determined are whether Respondent, Mr. William Doran, violated sections 1012.795(1)(g) or (j), Florida Statutes (2012),1/ and implementing administrative rules, as alleged in the Administrative Complaint, and, if so, what is the appropriate sanction?
Findings Of Fact The Commissioner is responsible for investigating and prosecuting allegations of misconduct against individuals holding educator's certificates. Mr. Doran holds Florida Educator's Certificate 1013018, covering the areas of general science, social science, and exceptional student education, which is valid through June 30, 2019. At all times relevant to the complaint, Mr. Doran was employed as a teacher at Southport Middle School in the St. Lucie County School District. On or about May 3, 2013, Mr. Doran became involved in a verbal altercation with M.M., a 13-year-old male student. Student A.L. was present in the classroom on May 3, 2013. She made a video recording of a portion of the altercation between Mr. Doran and M.M. on her cell phone. Shortly after the altercation, school authorities took A.L.'s phone. Later, at hearing, A.L. viewed a video and credibly testified that it was the video recording that she had made. A.L. identified Mr. Doran and M.M. on the video. That video, offered into evidence, was the entire video that she recorded. It is clear under all of the circumstances that it fairly and accurately represented the portion of the altercation that A.L. videotaped. A.L. testified that she was aware that she violated a rule of the St. Lucie County School Board that did not allow her to use her cell phone in class. A.L. did not ask Mr. Doran if she could take the video. She testified that no one knew that she was videotaping the incident. There is no evidence that Mr. Doran, occupied with the confrontation with M.M., was aware that he was being recorded. However, Mr. Doran's recorded oral communications took place in a public school classroom, his place of employment. The statements were made publicly in the presence of many students other than M.M., the student he was addressing. Mr. Doran had no reasonable expectation that those comments would remain private between M.M. and himself. The altercation arose as a result of students playing a slap game in which they touch hands and strike each other until one suffers enough pain to let go. As Mr. Doran described in testimony under oath in an earlier proceeding, the incident began after Mr. Doran directed M.M. and another student to stop playing the game: Q: Did they? A: Yes. M.M. did. Although he then told me, "Well, I like playing this game because it makes me feel good, Mr. Doran." Q: What did you reply? A: I said, "I don't care how much you like it. I don't care if you like jumping off a bridge, you're not going to do it in this classroom." Q: Did Mr. M.M. respond? A: He then – he then responded, "Oh, you want me to jump off of a bridge." And I said, "No, that isn't what I said." * * * Well, M.M. continued to protest and I asked him to please quiet down and allow the class to continue its work and I did this a couple of times. He refused to do it and he finally said, "Get out of my face." As Mr. Doran described, he was four to five feet away from M.M. when M.M. said this, but he then moved closer to M.M. and asked M.M., "Well, what are you going to do about it?" M.M. then repeated "get out of my face" several times and began using obscenities in the classroom. During the course of the altercation with M.M., Mr. Doran called M.M. a coward. During the course of the altercation with M.M., Mr. Doran stood over M.M. and repeatedly told M.M. to "[g]o ahead and hit me." During the course of the altercation with M.M., Mr. Doran told M.M., "Come on big man--what you are going to do about it, hit me?" During the course of the altercation with M.M., Mr. Doran told M.M. to hit him because it would "make my day." It is clear that Mr. Doran's response to M.M.'s inappropriate attitude and language did not defuse the situation, and in fact had the potential to escalate it. Mr. Doran's behavior changed the nature of the incident from one of a student defying institutional authority into a personal, potentially physical, confrontation between M.M. and Mr. Doran as an individual. On or about March 7, 2014, Mr. Doran told his students that he was getting a new male student in the class, that it was more common for male students to be disabled (ESE), that the student's name indicated he was black, and that the student had a behavior plan. On or about November 5, 2014, Respondent resigned from his teaching position with the St. Lucie County School District. Prior History On November 9, 2010, Mr. Doran received a Summary of Conference from his principal, Ms. Lydia Martin, for making inappropriate comments to students. On May 2, 2011, Mr. Doran received a Letter of Concern from Ms. Martin for abusive or discourteous conduct toward students. On February 13, 2012, Mr. Doran received a Letter of Reprimand from Ms. Martin for violating a directive by discussing a matter under investigation and taking pictures of misbehaving students. On May 5, 2012, Mr. Doran received a Recommendation for Suspension from Ms. Martin for failing to comply with directives. Mr. Doran received satisfactory ratings in every category on his evaluation forms for school years 2006-2007 through 2010-2011 (the years admitted into evidence). He received a few Above Expectation ratings and only one Improvement Expected rating in 2006-2007 and gradually improved through 2009-2010, when he received a majority of Above Expectation ratings, with only a few Meets Expectation ratings. In 2010-2011, he received several Above Expectation ratings, a majority of Meets Expectation ratings, and one Improvement Expected rating.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Education Practices Commission enter a final order finding Respondent, Mr. William Doran, in violation of section 1012.795(1)(j), Florida Statutes, and implementing rules. It is further RECOMMENDED that the Education Practices Commission revoke his educator's certificate for a period of two years, at the expiration of which time he may receive a new certificate by meeting all certification requirements at the time of his application, subject to terms and conditions determined by the Education Practices Commission to be reasonably necessary to ensure that there will be no threat to students and that he will be capable of resuming the responsibilities of an educator. DONE AND ENTERED this 20th day of June, 2016, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S F. SCOTT BOYD Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of June, 2016.
The Issue The issue for determination in this case is whether Respondent’s Florida Educator’s Certificate should be revoked or otherwise disciplined for misconduct as alleged in the Administrative Complaint.
Findings Of Fact Petitioner, FRANK T. BROGAN, as Florida Commissioner of Education, is statutorily responsible for maintaining teaching certification standards, and is authorized to enforce the provisions of Chapter 231, Florida Statutes. Respondent, JOEL M. BURKI, at all material times hereto, was a certified teacher in the State of Florida. STIPULATED FACTS Respondent holds Florida Educator’s Certificate 686763, covering the area of Art Education, which is valid through June 30, 1997. At all times pertinent hereto, Respondent was employed as an alternative education teacher at St. Pete Challenge School in the Pinellas County School District. During 1992, Respondent was reported to Professional Practices Services for allegedly using excessive force with students. On or about September 22, 1992, the Department of Education and Respondent entered into a Deferred Prosecution Agreement extending through the end of the first semester of the 1992-1993 school year. Respondent satisfactorily completed the agreement, and on or about April 9, 1993, the Commissioner issued a finding of no probable cause to take disciplinary action concerning his educator’s ceritficate. On or about January 30, 1996, the Pinellas County School District investigated Respondent for allegedly engaging in inappropriate conduct with students. The district subsequently reported Respondent to Professional Practices Services. On or about March 20, 1996, Respondent resigned his teaching position effective March 22, 1996. THE ALLEGED INCIDENT OF MISCONDUCT An incident occurred at the St. Pete Challenge School at some time shortly after January 26, 1996, in which five male students, aged nine-to-ten years old, fell down at the door outside Respondent’s art and music classroom. As a result of this incident one student suffered a cut lip, and one other complained of a headache. The students involved in this incident initially had been disrupting Respondent’s class prior to roll call. Respondent had instructed these students to wait outside the classroom door until Respondent attended to the remaining students in the classroom. Respondent then intended to address this disciplinary situation. The five misbehaving students were outside for a very short period of time when they observed another teacher approaching. Upon seeing the teacher approaching, the five students attempted to re-enter Respondent’s classroom; however, Respondent at this time was also opening the door from the other side. The force of Respondent opening the door caused a chain reaction resulting in the fall of the five students on the outside of the door. The injured students were taken to the front office for treatment. None of the injuries sustained was serious. Respondent did not intend to cause any physical contact with the five students, nor to cause any physical harm to the students. Respondent was not physically abusive to the five students involved in this incident. It is the policy of the Pinellas County School District that a teacher shall not use physical force upon a student absent extraordinary circumstances which require physical intervention for the protection of other students or school personnel. Respondent in this incident did not use physical force in a manner inconsistent with the policy of the Pinellas County School District. Respondent is considered mild-mannered, cordial, and friendly in both his professional and personal capacities. MOTION FOR LEAVE TO AMEND THE ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT The Administrative Complaint filed in this matter alleged in paragraph 4 that "Respondent grabbed minor student J.M. and pushed him," and "Respondent also pushed minor student,” A.H. into other students causing A.H. and the other students to fall." No evidence was presented at final hearing to support these allegations; however, there was testimony from minor student, K.D., that Respondent pushed another of these students, B.W., which then caused the chain reaction fall. Petitioner, accordingly, made an ore tenus motion for leave to amend the administrative complaint to conform to the evidence. The student in question, B.W., testified at final hearing and did not state that Respondent pushed him. On cross- examination, B.W. testified that Respondent pushed some other unidentified student during the incident. There was no clear and consistent evidence that Respondent pushed any identified student including B.W. or A.H. during this incident. Another student involved in the incident, C.G., who also testified at final hearing, on cross-examination confirmed Respondent's account of this occurrence.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Petitioner enter a final order dismissing the Administrative Complaint filed in this matter. DONE AND ENTERED this 21st day of July, 1997, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. RICHARD HIXSON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (904) 488-9675 SUMCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of July, 1997. COPIES FURNISHED: Bruce P. Taylor, Esquire 501 First Avenue, Suite 600 St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 Mark Herdman, Esquire HERDMAN and SAKELLARIDES, P.A. 2595 Tampa Road, Suite J Palm Harbor, Florida 34684 Karen B. Wilde, Executive Director Education Practices Commission 325 West Gaines Street, Room 224-E Tallahassee, Florida 32399
The Issue The issue is whether Petitioner may terminate Respondent's contract for immorality, in violation of Section 231.36(1)(a), Florida Statutes, and Rule 6B-4.009, Florida Administrative Code; misconduct in office, in violation of Section 231.36(1)(a), Florida Statutes, and Rule 6B-4.009(3), Florida Administrative Code; and incompetency, in violation of Section 231.36(1)(a), Florida Statutes, and Rule 6B-4.009(1), Florida Administrative Code.
Findings Of Fact Respondent came to the United States from British Guyana in 1977. In 1988, Respondent obtained an educator's certificate and began teaching in Dade County. Petitioner hired him in 1992 and assigned him to Silver Lakes Middle School. For several years, Respondent taught language arts, which is the area in which he is certified, to all grades. Petitioner later assigned Respondent to teach students in the dropout prevention program at Silver Lakes Middle School. The students in the dropout prevention program typically represent greater academic challenges to a teacher than do their counterparts in regular education. For the past five or six years, Respondent taught dropout prevention at Silver Lakes Middle School. His teaching approach is to try to develop rapport with the students during the first nine weeks of the school year while, at the same time, identify specific areas of weakness within each student that may require attention during the school year. On October 17, 2001, Respondent administered a diagnostic test to identify areas in which students needed work. Unable to answer some of the questions, some students asked Respondent for help. Respondent declined to help because his assistance would destroy the purpose of the test. Some of the students began to misbehave. After several attempts by Respondent to control these students, they threatened to go to the office and complain about Respondent. Respondent invited the students to go to the office and complain about him. He wrote passes for several students, and several more students joined the others to visit the office, rather than take the test, and complain to an administrator about Respondent. The principal received the students in her office and listened to their complaints, which appear to have been the source of the allegations in this case. The principal took statements from the students and then returned with them to Respondent's classroom. While in the classroom, the principal helped the students with the diagnostic test that Respondent had been administering. Recognizing that the diagnostic value of his test was lost, Respondent then joined the principal in helping the students with their diagnostic test. Prominent among the students' complaints to the principal was that Respondent had struck a student, J. H. Petitioner produced little direct evidence supporting this allegation. Twice, J. H. ignored subpoenas to testify in this case. Respondent testified that J. H. later admitted to him that other boys in the class made him lie and say that Respondent hit him. J. H.'s failure to comply with subpoenas is consistent with Respondent's testimony. Absent J. H.'s testimony, it is difficult to determine exactly what, if anything, happened with him and Respondent. The most likely scenario is that J. H. succumbed to the pressures of other students in the class and lied that Respondent had hit him, knowing that the only contact that had taken place between Respondent and J. H. was incidental contact during a minor incident of horseplay. Three of the four student witnesses whom Petitioner called to substantiate the charges were unconvincing. The fourth--J. G.--was vague and unable or unwilling to supply evidence against Respondent, whom he described as "the nicest man." Student D. S. testified at the hearing that Respondent ignored the students' questions in class about classroom material, called J. H. "peanut head," called "Jarvis" "bumbleclot," told D. S. that he lacked motivation and was lazy, and told other students that they came to school looking like a "bum." "Bumbleclot" appears to be a derogatory term in a Jamaican patois, although the record does not establish the intended or actual effect that any use of the word would have in Respondent's class. When handed a previous statement, D. S. added to his complaints that Respondent often said "bloody" in class and would . . . like nudge [J. H.], like, hit him in the arm." D. S. also recalled that Respondent said "cock-eyed" in class. D. S. admitted that he never heard Respondent threaten to "pop" a student. Discrepancies exist between D. S.'s testimony and his prior statements. First, he initially omitted the most significant allegation--that Respondent struck J. H.--and, when he later mentioned it, he downplayed it to a "nudge." Likewise, D. S. initially omitted any mention of Respondent's use of "bloody." Also, D. S. never mentioned Respondent's use of "bumbleclot" in his previous statements. D. S.'s testimony establishes the unlikelihood that Respondent actually hit J. H. or that he ever threatened to "pop" a student in class. Student J. P. testified that she heard other students say that Respondent pushed D. V. out the door of the portable classroom after ejecting him from class. Due to J. P.'s admitted failure to have observed the incident, the Administrative Law Judge struck the testimony. However, despite admitting that she did not see this incident, J. P. stated that she went to the office with other students and informed the principal of the incident. J. P. also testified that Respondent often said "bloody" and refused to explain all of an assignment to her after she missed school, which she admitted happened frequently. Lastly, J. P. complained that Respondent issued her a referral for going to the bathroom. In addition to missing school, J. P. was often tardy when returning from various errands, and many times she did not do her work. J. P.'s testimony establishes only that Respondent may have said "bloody" a few times in class. Student J. G. testified that he recalled Respondent using "hell or damn" in class, although, on cross-examination, he denied any recollection of any use of either of these words. J. G. testified that he heard Respondent say something about knocking a student into next week, although he could not recall whether the latter comment was made in jest. J. G. added that he saw Respondent give J. H. "a little hit." Student D. V. testified that he saw Respondent hit J. H., although his description of the conversation accompanying the incident was materially different at the hearing than in a previous statement. D. V. testified that Respondent threatened to "pop" students and told them to "shut [their] bloody mouths." D. V. added that he asked Respondent one time if he could call his mother to bring his medication for attention deficit disorder, and Respondent denied him permission to make the call. D. V. also testified that Respondent, while sitting beside the door, pushed D. V. on the shoulder to get him out of the classroom, and D. V. responded by warning that he would get his sister to "kick [Respondent's] ass." Although D. V.'s testimony is not undermined by the inconsistencies plaguing the testimony of D. S. and J. P., D. V. shares the antipathy of these other two students for Respondent. Each of these students resented Respondent's efforts to discipline and teach them. Each of these students betrayed a desire to act in concert to get Respondent in trouble, as they felt he had gotten them into trouble. Respondent called as a witness one student, W. L., who testified forcefully that she heard the other students coercing J. H. to say falsely that Respondent had hit him. W. L. testified that the only improper word that she heard Respondent use was "bloody" and that Respondent and J. H. engaged in some horseplay in class. Perhaps the most useful witness was an assistant principal at Silver Lakes Middle School. At the end of the 2001-02 school year, the assistant principal completed an evaluation of Respondent in which he assigned him a satisfactory rating, which is the highest, in all categories, including classroom management. It is clear from the testimony of the assistant principal that he gave the complaints of Respondent's students exactly the weight that they deserved. Respondent admitted that he used "bloody" in class, but the record fails to develop the appreciation of his students for the intensity of this word in certain non-American cultures. Respondent admitted that he once used the phrase, "pop you one," but the record fails to develop the context so as to preclude the likelihood that Respondent said these words in jest. Respondent admitted that he used "cock-eyed," "skinny boy," and "bony boy," but, again, the record fails to establish a context as to permit a finding that these terms were abusive or disparaging. Respondent, who is black, mentioned that he had been called "black nugget" and "kiwi," but only as part of an effort to develop tolerance for names among students eager to take offense. Respondent ejected D. V. from the classroom for legitimate reasons. According to D. V. himself, any followup contact was with Respondent in the seated position, so as not likely to have been significant. According to another student, D. V. grabbed Respondent. At most, the record depicts an angry, disruptive student who has stubbornly refused to comply with his teacher's ejection of him from the classroom, so that other students have a chance to learn. Likewise, D. V.'s complaint that Respondent denied him the chance to call his mother for his attention deficit medication suffers for the lack of context. Undoubtedly, D. V. joined in ongoing efforts to disrupt the class and avoid receiving instruction. The only context for this request provided by the record is that D. V. asked for permission immediately after returning from lunch, when he would have had ample opportunity to call his mother. Although it is possible that D. V. first thought of the missing medication after lunch, it is at least as likely that he thought of the missing medication as a convenient excuse to extend his mid-day respite from learning. For the foregoing reasons, Petitioner has failed to prove that Respondent was guilty of misconduct in office, incompetency, or immorality.
Recommendation It is RECOMMENDED that the Broward County School Board enter a final order dismissing the Administrative Complaint against Respondent. DONE AND ENTERED this 2nd day of April, 2003, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ROBERT E. MEALE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of April, 2003. COPIES FURNISHED: Dr. Franklin L. Till, Jr. Superintendent Broward County School Board 600 Southeast Third Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301-3125 Honorable Jim Horne Commissioner of Education Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1514 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Daniel J. Woodring, General Counsel 325 West Gaines Street 1244 Turlington Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Carmen M. Rodriguez Law Offices of Carmen Rodriguez, P.A. 9245 Southwest 157th Street Suite 209 Miami, Florida 33157 Mark F. Kelly Kelly & McKee, P.A. 1718 East 7th Avenue Suite 301 Tampa, Florida 33675-0638
The Issue The issue to be resolved in this proceeding concerns whether the Respondent, Sherry Mixon, should be terminated for cause by the Petitioner, the Escambia County School Board (Board).
Findings Of Fact The Respondent was employed, by the Board, as a teacher's assistant for special needs or handicapped students. In obtaining such employment the Respondent had to complete employment application documents which contained a question concerning her prior medical or physical history as to whether she had any injuries or a debilitating condition. She failed to disclose that she had a prior back injury and associated workers' compensation claim and that therefore she had some degree of physical disability. The job duties of teacher's assistant for special needs students require a teacher's assistant to be in relatively good physical condition. It is a condition and necessary part of the consideration of whether to hire such a teacher's assistant. If he or she has any prior injury or physical condition, such might reflect on his or her ability to physically handle students in appropriate ways, protecting herself or others from injury. A certain physical ability is required for this employment position because, in working with handicapped students, the teacher's assistant needs to be able to physically and safely intervene between violent handicapped students. Thus, the inquiry on the employment application documents concerning prior physical conditions or injuries is directly relevant to the decision of whether or not to hire such a person. The testimony of Kevin Windham as well as the evidence gleaned from the Petitioner's Exhibits one through six, established that the Respondent was hired as a teacher's assistant. After she experienced an accident or injury on a bus, and while delving into her health situation, the Board learned of her prior workers' compensation back injury. It therefore also learned that she had failed to disclose that prior injury on her employment application. The Board needs to know of any prior injuries in order to know whether an applicant for a position meets the physical qualifications for that position and is thus fit for duty. The safety of the job applicant or students or other persons might be placed at risk if an injured or physically unfit person is hired for certain positions such as teacher's assistant for special needs or handicapped students. The facts requested in the question on her application, which she failed to answer, therefore amounted to a condition on the offer of employment to the Respondent. The Respondent thus failed to establish that she was truly physically qualified for the job position in question, by not disclosing her prior injury. Moreover, by knowingly failing to answer this inquiry on her job application documents, the Respondent committed an act of dishonesty, both of which facts constitute misconduct in office. Thus, good cause for termination has been established.
Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record, the candor and demeanor of the witness, and the pleadings and arguments of the party, it is, therefore, RECOMMENDED: That a final order be entered by the School Board of Escambia County terminating the Respondent, Sherry Mixon, for good cause. DONE AND ENTERED this 11th day of July, 2006, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S P. MICHAEL RUFF Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 11th day of July, 2006. COPIES FURNISHED: Joseph L. Hammons, Esquire Hammons, Longoria & Whittaker, P.A. 17 West Cervantes Street Pensacola, Florida 32501-3125 Scherry Mixon 222 Ruby Avenue Pensacola, Florida 32505 Jim Paul, Superintendent Escambia County School Board 215 West Garden Street Pensacola, Florida 32502-5728
The Issue Whether Respondent committed the violations alleged in the Administrative Complaint, and, if so, the penalty that should be imposed.
Findings Of Fact During all times relevant hereto, Petitioner served as head of the Florida Department of Education, the state agency charged with the responsibility of investigating and prosecuting complaints of violations of section 1012.795, Florida Statutes (2015),1/ against teachers holding Florida educator certificates. Respondent holds Florida Educator Certificate 725789, covering the areas of middle school integrated curriculum and physical education, which is valid through June 30, 2020. During all times relevant hereto, Respondent was employed as a physical education teacher at Lehigh Acres Middle School in the Lee County School District. Respondent has been a Florida educator for 24 years, all with the Lee County School District. The Administrative Complaint, as to the material allegations, contends that “[o]n or about February 18, 2016, Respondent engaged in a physical altercation with 13-year-old, female student, A.O., when A.O. refused to give Respondent A.O.’s cellphone [and that] Respondent held A.O. to the ground during the altercation.” The Video The altercation in question took place in the school gymnasium (gym). Activities in the gym are monitored by at least a single video surveillance camera. The images captured by the video camera are somewhat grainy, but it is possible to glean from the images the general nature of the interaction between Respondent and the student in question; there is, however, no audio associated with the surveillance video. Respondent is seen on the surveillance video walking around the gym while students (approximately 40) are positioned on the floor throughout the gym. The video shows student A.O. sitting on the gym floor with her back against the bleachers. It appears from the surveillance video that the nearest student to A.O. is approximately eight to ten feet away. The video also shows that Respondent appears to weigh at least twice as much as A.O. and stand at least four inches taller. It is undisputed that Respondent, while moving about the gym, observed A.O. using her cellphone. The video shows Respondent moving towards A.O. When she is approximately three feet from A.O., Respondent communicates in some way to A.O. that she needs to give Respondent her cellphone. The student, while continuing to sit on the floor, is then seen either placing or attempting to place the cellphone in the right- rear pocket of her pants. Respondent, without pausing, then positions herself over the student and attempts to remove the cellphone from either the student’s pocket or hand. The student then rolls onto her right side and positions herself so that her right rear pocket is pressed against the gym floor. At this time, the student is in a near fetal position. Respondent, while continuing to stand over the student, then tussles with the student for about 10 seconds while attempting to take the cellphone. The student then extricates herself from Respondent’s grasp, and while rising from the floor is then pushed in the back by Respondent, which then creates about an arms-length distance between Respondent and the student. The student, while standing, then turns towards Respondent and appears to swing at Respondent with her left hand. Respondent knocks away the student’s extended left arm and then pushes the student onto the lower bench portion of the bleachers. The student lands on her butt and then immediately rises and moves towards Respondent. Respondent and the student’s arms then become entangled. While their arms are entangled, Respondent pushes the student back several steps, forces the student into a seated position on the bleacher bench, and then pushes the student to the gym floor. Respondent then positions herself on top of the student and subdues her by pinning her to the gym floor with her right leg over the student’s left leg and her left leg across the student’s upper back and shoulder area. Respondent released the student after approximately 40 seconds. Before releasing A.O., the video shows that many of the students in class rushed to the area of the gym where the altercation occurred, formed a semi-circle around Respondent and A.O., and recorded the incident on their cellphones. A cellphone video capturing portions of the incident was admitted into evidence, and on this video, a student is heard suggesting to another student that the recording of the altercation should be posted to YouTube. Student A.O. A.O. was in the eighth grade when the incident with Respondent occurred. A.O. did not testify at the disputed fact hearing, but she did submit written statements to school officials following the altercation with Respondent.2/ On February 22, 2016, A.O. provided the following written statement: I was sitting down on my phone like some other kids were doing to, not knowing I wasn’t allowed to use it because it’s my first day in gym. So Ms. Parsons said give me the phone so I said no, I’m sorry Miss, and when I went to reach for my pocket to put it in and she reached down and pushed her elbow and arm up against my neck and chest so I was on the ground flat by that time and we ended up both getting up and trying to get the phone and she ended up pushing me and then somehow she ended up holding me down by holding my arms and sitting on top of me. After she had pushed me on the bleachers she had lightly hit my leg so I hit her in her head. On August 17, 2016, A.O. provided an additional written statement, which reads as follows: I would like to add, that when she was above me after she put her forearm on me I did not feel safe so I stood up. Also when she had pushed me on the bleachers and kept wrestling with me I had been kicking her so she could leave me alone. After I was escorted to ISS, then Mr. Restino’s office, I was brought to the clinic after he had seen the video and Ms. Garcia took pictures of all my red marks and some scratches, they weren’t deep though. Respondent’s Version of Events On February 18, 2016, the date of the altercation in question, Respondent prepared the following written statement: This afternoon as I was walking around the classroom monitoring the students, I was checking to make sure that the students were working on their projects. I saw that the young lady in question was on her phone. I asked her to give me her phone and I reached my hand out for the phone. She snatched it away and I continued to ask her for the phone. I took the phone and she said I wasn’t getting her phone and struggled with me. I got the phone and she stood up and punched me in my right ear. I pushed her back and she came at me again so I pushed her back again. She kicked me in the stomach. I grabbed one of her arms and her leg as she went to kick me again and I brought her down to the floor. I put my knee on her back as I held her arm and leg. I told her that I could not believe that she would do this over a phone [and] that I probably would have given it back to her at the end of the class period since it was near the end of the day. She said that she didn’t know that because she was new. I told her even if she was new that you don’t hit a grown-up or a teacher like that. I told her that I was going to let her up. She said okay. By that time coach McDowell came over and said th[at] coach Steidl had called for assistance. Deputy Matthews came in and I explained what happened. He talked with her for a few seconds. I asked him if I should give him the phone or give it back to her. He said to give it to her so I did and they left. Later, I noticed that I had some scratches and blood on my arm and I went to the clinic to get my arm treated. On June 30, 2016, Respondent sent an email to the human resources department for the School Board of Lee County. In this missive Respondent notes, in support of her belief that she did nothing wrong in this situation, that during the fracas with A.O. “students were cheering” for Respondent and that throughout the incident she was merely “responding to [A.O.’s] inappropriate and disrespectful behavior.” Respondent testified during the final hearing and her testimony was in material part consistent with her written statements. Cellphone Policy Ms. Neketa Watson was the principal of Lehigh Acres Middle School during the 2015-2016 school year. According to Ms. Watson, the Student Code of Conduct in effect at the time of the incident in question provides as follows: Students may possess cell phones and other personal electronic devices while on school grounds during regular school hours, however they must be turned off at all times unless utilized for an approved activity. Cell phone usage is allowed during non-instructional time or for an approved activity. Possession of all personal electronic devices, including cell phones, is done at the student’s own risk and the school assumes no responsibility, legal or otherwise, with regard to these items. During the 2015-2016 school year, Ms. Watson sent weekly emails to all school personnel reminding them about school policy and procedures. The weekly reminders would often include reference to the school’s cellphone policy, which provides that “if we see it, we hear it, we take the phone.” The cellphone policy reminders sent out by Ms. Watson also explained to school personnel that they should not use physical force when attempting to secure a cellphone from a student and that if a student refused to turn over a phone when requested, then personnel should “call for an administrative administrator who removes the student” and then processes the student for suspension. Ms. Watson explained that she did not include the reminder about the cellphone policy in each of her weekly emails to personnel, but she specifically recalled having done so the week of the incident in question. Ms. Watson testified that the reminder was sent on Sunday night (February 14, 2016). On February 18, 2016, Adrienne McDowell was employed by the School Board of Lee County as an educational paraprofessional for physical education and was assigned to Lehigh Acres Middle School. In explaining her understanding of the cellphone policy, Ms. McDowell testified as follows: A: What we were told via email a couple weeks prior to this event that Ms. Watson sent out, when a student has a cellphone out, if you see it or hear it, you need to ask for it. If they don’t place that phone in your hands willingly, then you call for a specialist to come and deal with that student. It is not our job to take a cellphone away from a student, we just call for a specialist. Q: By specialist, what do you mean? A: Security, administration, someone in the specialist team, guidance counselor, you know. There are different, -- like I said, a specialist is a security guard, administration or guidance counselor; anybody more equipped to handle the situation than we are. Respondent testified that she was unaware of Ms. Watson’s emails to personnel regarding the proper protocol for confiscating cellphones from non-compliant students. On June 17, 2016, Respondent, as part of the investigation conducted herein, sent an email to school board officials and stated therein that it was her belief that “[i]f I had not taken her phone, that the students would have disrespected and challenged me from that day forward.” In the same missive, Respondent, in an attempt to discredit one of the students who witnessed her altercation with A.O., noted that she disciplined the student witness “for his misbehavior by writing him a referral and having him escorted out of [her] classroom.” Given Respondent’s admitted general awareness of the school’s policy of referring misbehaving students to an appropriate administrator for disciplinary action, and her concerns about being challenged and disrespected, Respondent’s testimony that she was unaware of Ms. Watson’s directive regarding students who refuse to hand over their cell phones is not credible. Student Detention, Search and Seizure Lee County School Board Policy 4.03 sets forth procedures related to searching a student’s person and property. Numbered paragraph (3) of the policy provides in part that “[a]n administrative staff member or an instructional staff member designated by an administrator may search a student’s person [and] personal belongings . . . if there is reasonable suspicion to believe the search will result in evidence the student has violated Florida Statute or School Board Rule or if the student consents to such search.” Respondent was neither an administrative staff member nor an instructional staff member with authorization to conduct student searches, and therefore her actions of physically searching A.O. and taking her cellphone violated Lee County School Board Policy 4.03. Aggressor or Victim Respondent challenges the instant proceeding in part on the theory that the facts demonstrate that she was the victim and merely acted in self-defense against the actions of a combative student. Contrary to Respondent’s contention, the credible evidence, as captured by the surveillance video, establishes that Respondent committed the initial act of aggression when she, without hesitation, lorded over A.O. and physically grabbed the student in an unauthorized effort to confiscate A.O.’s cellphone. While it is true that the student, after initially being pinned to the gym floor by Respondent, eventually freed herself from Respondent’s grip and in her agitated state committed reflexive acts of aggression towards Respondent, the credible evidence establishes that these events would not have occurred but for Respondent’s initial use of unauthorized and unreasonable force. Respondent, without question, had the right to protect herself against the aggressive countermeasures initiated by the student. However, it is also the case that under the facts of this case the student equally had the right to protect herself against Respondent’s initial acts of aggression.3/
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Education Practices Commission enter a final order finding Respondent guilty of the violations alleged in counts one through three of the Administrative Complaint. It is further RECOMMENDED that the final order suspend Respondent's Florida Educator Certificate 725789 for a period of two years, to be followed by a one-year period of probation. The terms and conditions of Respondent's suspension and probation shall be established by the Education Practices Commission. DONE AND ENTERED this this 16th day of January, 2018, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LINZIE F. BOGAN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of January, 2018.
The Issue Whether Petitioner proved by clear and convincing evidence that Respondent left a kindergarten student, K.M., alone in her classroom on April 2, 2018, as alleged in Petitioner’s Administrative Complaint.
Findings Of Fact Based on the record and evidence presented at the hearing, the undersigned makes the following findings of relevant and material fact: Stipulated Facts Respondent holds Educator Certificate 1168653, covering the areas of Elementary Education, English for Speakers of Foreign Languages, and Exceptional Student Education (“ESE”), valid through June 30, 2021. At all relevant times, Respondent was employed as a kindergarten teacher at Sunland Park Academy, in the school district of Broward County, Florida. Evidence Presented at the Hearing Samiyeh Nasser During the 2017-2018 school year, Samiyeh Nasser (“Nasser”) was employed as a Teacher’s Assistant at Sunland Park Academy in the Broward County School district. She worked with the kindergarten classes. Nasser “pulled out” students, removing them from a teacher’s class and bringing them to her own room to provide extra help with reading, spelling, and word pronunciation. She regularly went to Leger’s classroom during first period each day, at approximately 9:00 a.m., and would take four or five students to her own classroom. She would then bring them back to their regular class to attend “specials,” which are elective classes. On April 2, 2018, when Nasser returned children to Leger’s classroom, at 10:05 a.m. that day, she noticed that the other students had already left the room, but that there was one student, K.M., there alone. When Nasser found her, K.M. was crying. When Nasser asked her why she was alone, K.M. said that her classmates had gone to physical education class (“P.E.”), and that she had been told by her teacher, Respondent, to stay in the classroom. Based on other credible evidence, K.M.’s comment to Nasser regarding having to “stay in the classroom” referred to a counseling conversation which Leger had with K.M. earlier in the morning, prior to the class leaving for P.E. She did not mention anything to Nasser about Steven Bynes (“Bynes”), a pool substitute who had assumed responsibility for the class in Respondent’s absence. Nasser opened the back door to the classroom, saw the other students at P.E., and instructed the small group of students she brought back to the classroom to join them outside. She did not see either Leger or Bynes with the students at P.E. when she found K.M. Nasser remained with K.M. briefly, hugged her to calm her down, and then left her in the room as she went on to assume her other duties. She was in Leger’s classroom a total of approximately five to seven minutes. Steven Bynes, Jr. Steven Bynes, Jr., was employed as a pool substitute at Sunland Park Academy during the 2017-2018 school year. He provided coverage when teachers were absent or out, and no outside substitute was hired for the day. On April 2, 2018, he was instructed to cover Leger’s class while Leger attended a meeting.1 Bynes was in Respondent’s classroom for approximately 20 minutes. Leger returned to the classroom while Bynes was still there and advised him that the class had “specials.” Bynes claimed that he advised Leger that it was two minutes before the class was to go to P.E., and advised her that she “still had time” to take them there. 1 This was a meeting between Leger, the guidance counselor, and a parent mentioned later in this Recommended Order, paragraph 60 infra. He claimed that Leger did not say anything to him, and he left the classroom to return to the front office. After the fact, Bynes was told that a student had been left in the classroom, but he denied knowledge of it and denied responsibility for leaving K.M. in the classroom. He claimed he left the class with Leger. He also denied having any conversation with K.M. in the classroom. Bynes denied taking the class to P.E. and stated that when he left the classroom, he left the students with Leger.2 Nikia Ragin Nikia Ragin (“Ragin”) was the Assistant Principal at Sunland Park Academy during the 2017-2018 school year. She was told by the Principal that Nasser had reported an incident concerning a student, K.M. After speaking to Nasser, she spoke to K.M. Ragin spoke to K.M. approximately two hours after the event took place, and then reported to the Principal. Ragin was also present when Leger explained to the Principal that Bynes, not she, had taken the students to P.E. Other than Leger’s statement, Ragin found no other evidence to conclude that Bynes had taken the students to P.E. Ragin’s conclusion regarding the evidence, at that point, was misguided and affected because the school surveillance cameras that would likely show who took the students to P.E. were not operating properly.3 Leger elaborated and explained to Ragin that she was in a meeting with the guidance counselor when the students went to specials. 2 Notably, Bynes said he didn’t really remember what Leger said or did after he advised her that she still had time to take the class to specials. Curiously, after he said this, he testified that he simply “walked out of the classroom.” This description by Bynes was significantly at odds with Leger’s testimony and recollection of the same discussion. Bynes seemed vague and uncertain at times regarding the incident. Leger’s description of her encounter and discussion with Bynes when she returned, is more persuasive and credible, and is adopted. 3 The camera tapes had been reviewed by Ragin because of Leger’s claim about not taking the students to P.E. Had the surveillance cameras been working, there would have been clear images of the kindergarten hallways and other relevant areas. There were also other inoperative cameras, that if working properly, would have shown relevant views of the hallway leading to and from the office of the guidance counselor. Sharonda Bailey Sunland Park Academy Principal, Sharonda Bailey (“Bailey”), received a report from Nasser about a student in Leger’s class. She referred the matter to Ragin, and saw her speaking with Nasser and also with K.M. Bailey recalled that Bynes had been in the classroom that day to cover the class. She asked him if anything had occurred when he was in the classroom. Bynes told Bailey that Leger had returned to the classroom and said something about the students being late for specials. Bynes recounted to Bailey that he explained to Leger that they weren’t that late, that she should take them herself, and that he then walked out the front door. When she spoke with Respondent, Leger stated to her that she did not leave a student in the classroom and that Bynes was the person who took the students to P.E. Bailey also attempted to verify who took the students to P.E. through the school’s security cameras. However, because the camera system was antiquated, it had not captured or recorded what she needed to see. The security cameras glitched and froze, and the time stamp was off. In short, the cameras were not capable of adequately displaying Respondent’s location or movement in the hallways because its quality was so poor.4 4 The security videos of the kindergarten hallway and the area outside the office of the guidance counselor were requested by Leger during discovery. However, they were not provided to her and were not used or shown at the final hearing. Bailey contacted K.M.’s mother and told her that her child was left alone in the classroom while the rest of the class was taken to specials. She explained that she would investigate the incident. Because Bailey was not able to find anyone during the investigation to validate Respondent’s position that she did not leave the student behind, she issued a written reprimand to Leger. Bailey did not speak at length with K.M. about the incident, but merely asked if she was okay. Private Investigator William Miller William Miller (“Miller”) was retained by Leger’s counsel to attempt to locate K.M. He ultimately located her in Gulfport, Mississippi. He telephoned K.M.’s mother, Shirelle M. He reached her in her car on her way to pick up K.M. from school. Later that day, Miller was also able to speak directly to K.M.5 Miller asked K.M. if she remembered the incident. K.M. explained that Respondent went to a meeting, and that the class had been turned over to a substitute teacher by the name of Mr. Bynes. She told him Bynes took the class to P.E. outside the classroom. K.M. related to Miller that she told Bynes she had been bad, and that Respondent had told her she could not go outside for P.E. K.M. stated that Bynes then told her to “wait in the classroom” and he took the rest of the class to P.E. Miller testified that neither he nor K.M.’s mother provided her with any background, mentioned Bynes, or in any way suggested what information they wanted from her. Miller had work experience interviewing juvenile witnesses and testified that he “assiduously avoided” leading K.M., because they are so prone to being improperly led when questioned. 5 Shirelle M. had called back about 30 minutes later and Miller spoke to K.M. on her mother’s speaker phone while they were in the car together. Miller recounted that K.M.’s mother expressed surprise that K.M. recalled the name of Bynes, and assured Miller that she had not coached K.M. in any way.6 Based on his interviews over the phone, affidavits were prepared for K.M. and her mother, which documented the verbal information they had provided to Miller. The affidavits were given to K.M.’s mother. Miller explained to her that the affidavits should be their testimony, and not the testimony of either Miller or the attorney in the case. He also explained that if there were any changes that needed to be made, she should make the changes, send the affidavit back to him, and that the affidavits could be redone, if necessary. Miller asked the mother to read and go over the affidavit that K.M. was being asked to sign. Miller arranged to have a notary go to their apartment in Mississippi to have the mother and the child execute the affidavits. Before this occurred, he was able to reach Shirelle M. by telephone. She apologized and told him that the delay in executing the affidavit stemmed from the fact that she had changed jobs, and that the Gulf Coast had experienced three separate hurricanes since he had last spoken to her. Miller explained to her that he did not want it to be inconvenient and that he would make the arrangements necessary to get a notary to her to be able to notarize the affidavits. The notary was given specific instructions to tell Shirelle M. and K.M. that they did not have to sign the affidavits, and could make any changes to them that they wanted. Despite the delay in securing her signature, Miller still felt that the mother did not have any hesitation signing her affidavit. 6 K.M.’s mother had been told of the incident, but had not been told about Bynes at the time of the incident. Ruth Galliard Leger Respondent was K.M.’s kindergarten teacher at Sunland Park Academy during the 2017-2018 school year. She recalled that K.M. was a good student and they got along well. Sometime during the morning of April 2, 2018, Respondent requested an emergency meeting with the school’s guidance counselor and the parent of a male student. The male student had come in late to class that day. He became disruptive, knocking teaching items, like posters and magnets, to the floor.7 The meeting was scheduled by the guidance counselor. Respondent left for the meeting when Bynes arrived at her classroom to provide coverage. Earlier that morning, K.M. had also been disruptive. Respondent counseled her and told her that if she did it again, Respondent would take some time from her P.E., consistent with the class rules, and that she would have to stay behind in the classroom with Respondent for a few minutes of her P.E. time.8 On the day of the incident, the class had P.E. scheduled at 10:10 a.m. When Respondent left for her meeting, the class had not yet gone to P.E. During the meeting with the guidance counselor, Respondent excused herself and returned briefly to her classroom to retrieve a form that needed to be signed by those in attendance at the conference. Resp. Ex. 1. When she entered the room to get the form, Bynes was there with her students. Respondent explained to Bynes that she forgot the form, and that her meeting with the counselor and parent was not over. Respondent asked Bynes what time it was and when he told her that it was approximately 10:15 a.m., she reminded him that the class had specials at 10:10 a.m. 7 This was out character for him, prompting Respondent to request the emergency meeting. 8 Four other students had also been counseled that morning about their conduct and the consequences before Respondent went to her meeting with the counselor. Bynes said that they had only missed five minutes, and the class could still go to P.E. Respondent retrieved the form she needed, went out the front door into the kindergarten hallway, and back to her meeting. The class was in the room with Bynes when Respondent departed to go back to the meeting. However, she did not see Bynes take the students to P.E. After the meeting with the counselor and the parent, Respondent left the counselor’s office. Respondent and the student’s parent stood in the first- grade hallway talking for several minutes.9 Respondent then walked the mother to the front door of the school, where there are more cameras, and parted company with her. Leger then proceeded down the hallway back to her classroom. When she got back, she was shocked to find K.M. standing in the room by herself. When she asked K.M. why she was in the room, K.M. explained that she had remembered that Leger previously told her that she owed time from P.E. for misbehaving. As a result, she decided to stay behind in the room when the others went to P.E. Respondent did not recall telling K.M. to “stay back” from P.E. Leger told K.M. that she did not have to remain behind, that she wasn’t upset with her, and that she should have gone to P.E. with the rest of the kids. Since there were five minutes left in the P.E. class, Respondent took K.M. out to P.E. When Respondent picked up her students from P.E. five minutes later, K.M. was fine and the class went to lunch. The next day, at the end of school, Principal Bailey handed Respondent a letter advising her that she was under investigation for leaving a child unattended. 9 This hallway was covered by the same faulty security cameras previously mentioned. At her disciplinary meeting, Respondent told Bailey that she did not leave K.M. in the classroom, and that she was at a meeting with the guidance counselor and a parent at the time. To support her defense, Respondent asked Bailey for the school videos which would show her in different hallways, entering the counselor’s office, and speaking with and walking the mother to the front door when her students went to P.E. Leger later asked her first lawyer on two separate occasions to obtain the relevant videos from the Broward County School District through a Freedom of Information Act request. Resp. Exs. 12a and 12b. She wanted the security videos to be subpoenaed for this case.10 K.M. remained in Respondent’s class for the balance of the year and Respondent had a good year with her. Leger never spoke to K.M. or her mother about the incident. Shirelle M. Shirelle M. is the mother of K.M. She recalled Miller calling and speaking to her and K.M. on the speaker phone. She heard K.M. tell Miller that it was Bynes that had left her in the classroom. She heard K.M.’s entire conversation with Miller. The affidavit that K.M. signed was an accurate recitation of the phone conversation she heard between Miller and her daughter in the car. She also signed her own affidavit that accurately set forth her conversation with Miller. Resp. Ex. 8. She knew that she could make any changes to her affidavit before signing it. 10 The undersigned took administrative notice of the DOAH file, which included Respondent’s subpoena to the Broward County School District seeking the videos, the District’s response, and Respondent’s Motion to Compel seeking access to the videos. Shirelle M. was there when K.M. signed her affidavit, and read it with her beforehand. She testified that no person forced her daughter to sign the affidavit. She explained the long period of time that elapsed between the time that she got the affidavit and the time that she signed. The delay was due to her work schedule, which involved four or five jobs, since the COVID-19 pandemic. She testified that she had no hesitation executing her affidavit, and did so freely and voluntarily, since it was accurate and correct. Concerning the day of the classroom incident, she saw her daughter before speaking with the Principal when she picked K.M. up from aftercare. She did not get much detail from the Principal, who said that the matter was still under investigation. The Principal never told her that it was Respondent who left K.M. in the room. She never overheard K.M. tell anyone that Respondent had left her in the classroom. K.M. Before beginning her testimony, eight-year-old K.M. was questioned by the undersigned. She was polite, alert, and calm. She understood the oath and the importance of telling the truth. She remembered when she lived in Florida. She also recalled Respondent as her kindergarten teacher and the incident of being left in the classroom. K.M. testified that it was Bynes who left her in the classroom when Respondent was at a meeting. 11 She recalled that when Bynes arrived at the classroom, Respondent then left for a meeting. 11 The Transcript mistakenly phonetically wrote Barnes. It should have been Bynes. K.M. stayed behind when the rest of the class went to P.E. She did so because Respondent had told her earlier that morning to stay behind because of minor discipline issues with her. More specifically, as the class left to go to P.E., K.M. told Bynes that she was supposed to remain in the classroom, and Bynes said “okay” and took the remainder of the class to P.E. K.M. remained in the classroom while the class was at P.E., until Respondent returned from her meeting. When asked by Leger why she was there alone, K.M. reminded Respondent that she had previously told her to stay in the class. K.M. executed an affidavit that she read and that her mother read to her. It accurately reflected what happened. Resp. Ex. 13b. K.M. recalled speaking to a man on the phone (Investigator Miller), and told him the same thing as what she testified to in court. K.M. unequivocally stated twice during the hearing that she never told anyone that Respondent, Leger, had left her in the classroom. Nobody told K.M. what to say in the hearing, and she remembered on her own that to which she testified. K.M. liked Respondent and stated that she was “a pretty good teacher.”
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Education Practices Commission enter a Final Order dismissing the Administrative Complaint and the charges contained therein. DONE AND ENTERED this 10th day of February, 2021, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ROBERT L. KILBRIDE Administrative Law Judge 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of February, 2021. COPIES FURNISHED: Matthew Mears, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Mark S. Wilensky, Esquire Dubiner & Wilensky, LLC 1200 Corporate Center Way, Suite 200 Wellington, Florida 33414-8594 Randy Kosec, Jr., Chief Office of Professional Practices Services Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 224-E 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Charles T. Whitelock, Esquire Charles T. Whitelock, P.A. 300 Southeast 13th Street Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316 Lisa M. Forbess Interim Executive Director Education Practices Commission Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 316 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400