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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Mar. 02, 2005 Number: 05-000791PL Latest Update: Oct. 05, 2024
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Myers, Florida Dec. 15, 2008 Number: 08-006220TTS Latest Update: Aug. 03, 2009

The Issue The issue in this case is whether Respondent's employment contract with Petitioner should be terminated for violation of School Board policies.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the local school board responsible for hiring, firing and overseeing all employees working for the School Board and/or within the Lee County Public School system (also called the "School District" herein). Respondent is an employee of the School Board, serving as an electronics field technician in the School Board's maintenance department. Respondent has worked for the School Board off and on since 1996, when he was a school bus driver. He has been an electronics technician since 2000. In that position, Respondent oversees the maintenance and repair of clocks, alarms, intercoms, scoreboards, sound and lighting systems, burglary systems, and the like for all schools within the School District. Respondent has never received any form of discipline from the School Board. His record is clear, and he has been commended for his work. His work ethic was viewed by others as consistent with that of similarly-situated employees (although Respondent may take more breaks than others). School District maintenance workers work an eight-hour work day, commencing at 7:00 a.m. (per provisions of the SPALC Contract and Collective Bargaining Agreement). Each worker is expected to arrive at the maintenance area on Canal Street (hereinafter "Canal Street") and be ready to commence work by 7:00 a.m., each morning. The work day generally starts with a briefing of sorts to make sure each worker is aware of his/her tasks for the day. After the briefing, workers pick up tools and supplies from various locations around the Canal Street area and then proceed to the first school site requiring performance of an assigned task. A work day for Respondent could involve driving to any one of the numerous school campuses within the School Board's jurisdiction. Workers are given 30 minutes for lunch each day, including the time it takes to drive to and from the lunch site. In addition, workers are allowed two 15-minute breaks, one in the morning and another in the afternoon. Again, the break time includes the time taken to drive to a break site, if the employee decides to take a break at other than the place he/she is working at that time. Employees are not permitted to do personal business or make unauthorized stops during the work day without prior permission from a supervisor. Respondent is a member of the U.S. Naval Reserve and currently holds the rank/level of E5. He attends regular weekend drills each month and also spends two weeks each year on temporary active duty. Respondent has been in the reserves throughout his tenure with the School Board. There has never been an issue between Petitioner and Respondent concerning Respondent's military status or his taking two weeks each summer to attend to his military duties. Respondent is proud of his military service, as evidenced by the fact that he wore his military uniform during both days of the final hearing.1 In May 2008, Respondent spent 17 days on active duty, serving in Bahrain. This was Respondent's active duty requirement for calendar year 2008. However, he then volunteered for an additional period of active duty in July 2008. This second active duty stint was done in furtherance of his military career and at the suggestion of a superior officer. It was strictly voluntary, but Respondent felt somewhat compelled to "volunteer" based on his superior's comments. Respondent then did his second active duty stint beginning June 28, 2008, and ending July 27, 2008. This period of time coincided with the maintenance department's busiest time for its electronics technicians. The maintenance department annually used the time in between school terms to get various maintenance items completed while it would be the least disruptive to students in the classrooms. The summer period is used to "clean up" things that remain pending from the school year. It is clear that Respondent's supervisors were not happy that Respondent had volunteered to be absent during this busy time, but Respondent was allowed to go on active duty anyway. This left the School Board short-handed as to its needed electronics technicians for that period of time. Respondent's supervisor expressed concern to Respondent about this second period of active duty, specifically that it was occurring during the summer break. Respondent recognized the strain this additional leave put on his co-workers and apologized for that fact. Respondent assured his supervisor it would not happen again. Upon his return from the voluntary active duty, Respondent was told that he was being placed on "suspension of driving privileges," meaning that he could not drive School Board vehicles until further notice. This suspension was based on information gleaned from review of data generated by a new tracking system being used in School Board maintenance vehicles (which will be discussed below). Respondent is of the opinion that the suspension was some sort of retaliation for his having gone on the second active duty tour during June and July. The Global Positioning System--Background Beginning in May 2008, the School Board decided to install global positioning system (GPS) devices in all of its maintenance vehicles. The installation began with 50 randomly selected vehicles of the 150-vehicle fleet. The purpose of the GPS devices was to track School Board vehicles and assure that all vehicles were being utilized properly and in accordance with School Board policies. This measure was prompted by repeated complaints from the public about maintenance vehicles being seen involved in non-school activities or at non-school locations. The GPS system in Respondent's maintenance vehicle was installed on May 22, 2008. The signal from the GPS was instantaneous, but required calibration and installation of certain software before it could be effectively utilized. The GPS became fully functional on June 20, 2008, at 10:07 a.m. The GPS system tracked the location, speed, and duration of stops for the vehicle. This data was maintained on a computer server which could print maps showing a vehicle's movements on any given day or time. The maps could be annotated with the vehicle's speed, length of stay at any one location, and actual driving route. On or about June 27, 2008, William G. Moore, director of School Support for the School Board, was being given a course on the use of the new GPS system and how it worked. During his training, Moore randomly selected some vehicles to review, solely for the purpose of ascertaining how the system tracked and recorded information. One of the vehicles Moore randomly selected was vehicle No. 423, which turned out to be Respondent's work van. Moore did not know Respondent personally and did not know to which of the 150 or so School Board vehicles any one person was assigned. Moore then selected June 26, 2008, randomly as a record to review as part of his training. The June 26, 2008, record for vehicle No. 423 immediately raised red flags in Moore's mind. He observed that the vehicle was at a non-school site for over three hours (although it was later determined to be a training site and a legitimate stop). The vehicle was also shown entering a residential community (although again it was later determined that the driver had permission for that trip). However, based on his initial determination that something was amiss and not having any explanation for those instances, Moore decided to more fully examine the route history for vehicle No. 423. First, he determined that this vehicle was assigned to Respondent. (The vehicle will hereinafter be referred to as the work van.) Moore's further investigation turned up a number of questionable stops and trips by the work van during the period June 20 through June 27, 2008. The findings of his investigation will be set forth in pertinent part below on a day-by-day basis, coupled with explanations from Respondent as to each day's activities. Friday, June 20, 2008 At 10:07 a.m. (when the GPS first started working), the work van was departing from Ft. Myers High School ("Ft. Myers High") en route to Estero High School ("Estero"). Upon arrival at Estero, the van remained parked for five minutes, then left the parking lot and drove around the building to the front entrance of Estero for a period of one minute. Leaving Estero, the work van headed to a residential neighborhood known as the Bimini Circle Subdivision, where it stayed for 11 minutes. The work van then proceeded to a 7-11 Store where it remained for 35 minutes. The next stop was back at Estero where the work van remained for one hour and 46 minutes. At 2:00 p.m., the work van left Estero, stopped briefly at the 7-11 Store, then returned to Canal Street at 2:59 p.m. The School Board perceived several violations of policy gleaned from the information on the GPS for the work van during the June 20, 2008, work day: First, the work van was at Estero for a total of two hours and 13 minutes on this date. The total time at Ft. Myers High for this date is not detailed by the GPS, but would presumably be approximately two and a half hours, i.e., allotting time for driving from Canal Street up until the GPS turned on at 10:07 a.m. Respondent's daily activity log indicates five hours at Estero and three hours at Ft. Myers High. Respondent took two unauthorized stops at a store, presumably for personal reasons, and then spent 11 minutes at a residence during work hours. Respondent took in excess of 30 minutes for his lunch hour (35 minutes at a location, plus an undisclosed amount of time driving to and from that location). Respondent took a longer route back to Canal Street than necessary, presumably wasting time. (Employees were expected to work the entire day, then return to Canal Street precisely at 3:00 p.m. A 30-minute debriefing session, return of tools, etc., would occur and then employees would be released from duty at 3:30 p.m. Employees were told repeatedly NOT to return to Canal Street until 3:00 p.m.) Respondent explained his actions and refuted the School Board's concerns as follows: Upon leaving Canal Street that morning, Respondent went directly to Ft. Myers High and remained there until 10:07 a.m. The rest of his day, approximately five hours, was dedicated to work at Estero, but included travel time, breaks, and lunch. The two hours and 13 minutes actually at Estero should be supplemented by driving time to the school from Ft. Myers, driving time to his breaks and lunch, driving time to and from his personal errand, and driving time back to Canal Street. Respondent remembers asking for and receiving permission to stop by his wife's house (the residence in the Bimini Circle Subdivision) to retrieve his wallet. The stops at 7-11 Stores were for lunch and two allowable breaks. The longer route back to Canal Street was taken in order to avoid an accident on the shorter route. During June of 2008, technicians would fill out their daily work logs using rounded estimates of time. They made no attempt to precisely state exact periods of time spent at any one job site. Rather, the daily logs were a very general statement of which job sites had been involved in the employee's work that day. (This procedure has subsequently changed, but was extant at all times relevant hereto.) It is clear Respondent took a longer than allowable lunch break on this date. Further, the time taken for breaks, if drive time was included, was in excess of the allotted amounts. It is clear Respondent was actually at Estero for only about half the time recorded on the daily work log. However, under the procedures in place at that time, the work log time entry was not dispositive of his actual time at the site. Monday, June 23, 2008 On this date, the School Board gleaned the following violations of policies from its review of the GPS log: Respondent was at Estero for two hours and nine minutes, but his daily work log indicates six hours at Estero and two hours at Gateway Elementary. The work van made stops at McDonalds and Bank of America on the way to Estero, then at the Bimini Circle address for eight and a half minutes after leaving Estero. Petitioner says any stops for personal business are strictly prohibited while in a School Board vehicle. After a 47-minute stop at Dairy Queen, the work van then proceeded to Gateway where it stayed for approximately two hours. Upon leaving Gateway, the work van stopped at Home Depot--an unauthorized stop--for about 18 minutes. Respondent provides the following explanation and rebuttal concerning the School Board's concerns for that day: Again, his work sheet indicates the correct amount of time actually at Gateway. The remainder of his day, including all travel, breaks, and lunch, was allocated on this time sheet to Estero no matter how long he was actually there. The stops at McDonalds and Bank of America were simply to allow his co-worker (Sheryl Reed) to get an iced tea and to get money for lunch. Respondent maintains that these types of stops were not specifically prohibited and were common practice. Respondent maintains the stop at his wife's house was his break time (although a stop at McDonalds and Bank of America had already occurred that morning). The 47-minute lunch hour was caused by Respondent simply losing track of time. That is, he admits that it was a longer lunch break than allowed, but it was not done intentionally. The stop at Home Depot was to obtain a coaxial wire needed for the Estero job, but the wire was not available. Employees are allowed to shop at local retail stores to acquire equipment or supplies not available through the School Board. However, all such purchases must be made by way of a purchase card (P-Card) so that purchases can be tracked. There is no P-Card receipt for the Home Depot visit on this date, but Respondent maintains that is because no purchase was made. That is, the coaxial wire he was looking for was not available. Reed said that Respondent made personal purchases from Home Depot and Lowe's on occasion during the summer of 2008 (because he was in the process of remodeling his house). He had purchased floor tiles and other items a couple of times a week that summer. However, she cannot remember whether he purchased anything on that particular date. Respondent admits that he did make purchases of home improvement products during work hours and transported the products in the work van to his house. He does not remember making any such stops for purposes during the week of June 20 through 27, 2008. Tuesday, June 24, 2008 On this date, Respondent's daily work log indicates three hours spent at Gateway and five hours spent at Island Coast.2 The GPS indicates the work van was at Gateway for three hours and at Island Coast for one hour and 40 minutes. The School Board also found the following other policy violations: A stop at Weaver's Corner for 36 minutes and 40 seconds, presumably a long lunch made longer by travel time to and from the lunch venue. An unauthorized visit for eight minutes and 40 seconds at a bank. A visit to a gas station for eight minutes, then a short drive to another gas station for five minutes. Respondent provides the following explanation and rebuttal to the School Board's findings: As before, the extended period of time for the Island Coast job site includes travel, breaks, and lunch. However, it would have been more accurate on this day to have split the two job sites equally. The stops at the gas stations were intentionally made so as not to return to Canal Street before the allotted 3:00 p.m., return time. Respondent does not provide any explanation for the longer than allowable lunch break. Wednesday, June 25, 2008 There were three stops on this date listed on Respondent's daily work log: Island Coast (4 hours), Dunbar Community (2 hours), and Ft. Myers High (2 hours). The GPS indicates the work van was at Island Coast for two hours and 11 minutes; at Dunbar Community for 11 minutes and 20 seconds; at Villas Elementary for one hour and 14 minutes; then at Ft. Myers High for four minutes and 40 seconds. Other perceived policy violations included: A short stop at a bank in the Wal-Mart parking lot upon leaving Canal Street. A lunch stop of 42 minutes and 30 seconds, not counting driving time to and from the restaurant. Another stop at Bank of America for in excess of ten minutes. A short, seven and a half-minute stop at a shopping center. Respondent provided the following in rebuttal and response to the School Board's perceived violations of policy: The quick stops at the banks were not prohibited and were common practice. They may have been part of Respondent's break time on that date. The lunch hour ran over, but was not excessive or intentional. It may have also included part of a break he never took that day. Thursday, June 26, 2008 This is the date that Moore initially reviewed in his training session that raised red flags concerning Respondent's time issues. On this date, the daily work log indicates seven hours in training and one hour at Villas Elementary. The School Board's concerns about this date are set forth above, but would also include: An authorized trip during the lunch hour for Respondent to retrieve a lap top which was being delivered by overnight delivery (so the computer would not be left sitting on the front porch). This trip which took approximately 18 minutes, of which 30 seconds was spent stopped at his house. Respondent also took time for lunch before returning to the training site. A circuitous, out-of-the-way route between the training site and the next job site (Villas Elementary). A short stop at a 7-11 Store and then a longer-than- usual route back to Canal Street. Respondent's explanation and rebuttal to the School Board's concerns were as follows: Respondent had permission to make a quick visit to his home during the lunch hour to see why his home alarm had activated. (He does not remember anything about a lap top or a need to retrieve it.) Respondent says that in the 30 seconds his work van was at the house, he exited the vehicle, walked to the house, unlocked the door and entered, turned off the alarm (which had been activated by his dog, who had escaped from his kennel), put his dog back in its kennel, re-set the alarm and left. Respondent was able to do his personal errand and get to the restaurant and eat lunch with his co-workers within the time (one hour) allotted for lunch that day by the trainer. The circuitous route was for the purpose of delivering some money to his daughter at her school. She was waiting for him outside, and he didn't even have to stop the work van to hand off the money. Rather, his daughter reached out and grabbed the money as he rolled past. The stop at the 7-11 Store was to use the rest room. Respondent's testimony concerning the stop at his house is not entirely believable. It would seem to take more than 30 seconds to accomplish the things that he did. However, inasmuch as he made the stop and was still able to join his co-workers in time for lunch, the reason for his home visit is immaterial. Also, the rolling delivery of money to his daughter is very unusual, but there is no evidence that the exchange did not take place in that fashion. Friday, June 27, 2008 This day's daily work log indicates three work sites: Dunbar Middle School (4 hours), Ft. Myers High (2 hours), and Cypress High School (Cypress High)(2 hours). The GPS indicates 33 minutes and 50 seconds at Dunbar; one hour and 47 minutes at Ft. Myers High; and five minutes and 50 seconds at Cypress High. The work van then went back to Dunbar for one hour, 51 minutes and 30 seconds. The School Board's other concerns about time and travel on this date are as follows: After leaving Canal Street that morning, the work van made stops at McDonalds for three minutes and at Lowe's for 15 minutes. There is a stop of one hour and eight minutes at a shopping plaza, presumably a long lunch hour. Respondent's response to the allegations of policy violations for this day are as follows: The McDonalds visit was again an allowable stop (as he understood the policies) for his assistant to get an iced tea. The Lowe's stop was for the purpose of getting concrete anchors needed for a School Board job, but none were available and so no purchase was made on the P-Card. The long lunch hour was just that; he was not thinking clearly because this was just one day prior to going on active duty and he was preoccupied with those thoughts. The extra driving time was due to the fact that after leaving Dunbar, Respondent was called on the radio to go back there for an emergency job. The daily work logs do not correspond exactly with Respondent's work day because that was not the purpose of the logs. The logs were, at that time, simply an indicator of which schools had been visited on any given day. There was no effort by anyone to be exact or precise with the times recorded on the daily logs. The daily logs are essentially of no value in determining where an employee might have been at any point in time on any given day. There is no way to reconcile the GPS times with the daily work logs. Each employee is expected to work a full day. If the number of tasks assigned during the morning meetings at Canal Street did not fill a technician's day, he/she was expected to locate additional work or do work on an on-going project to fill the day.3 Nonetheless, it is often difficult to coordinate a day's activities to make the assignments equate to the exact hours and minutes in a work day. A large part of an employee's time during the work day is spent driving his/her vehicle. The driving time is supposed to be factored into the time spent on a particular work site. Thus, if it took 30 minutes to get to a work site, that time would be added to the time spent actually at the site. Then, when driving to a subsequent work site, the drive time would be assigned to that next site, etc. Employees are on their honor to take breaks and lunch only when allowed and for the time allotted. There is no time clock, so each person must attempt to keep time themselves so as to honor the allotted times. This is often difficult due to slow service at a restaurant, inability to take breaks at a particular time, or other factors. The GPS system has provided the School Board with an effective tool for monitoring its employees' movements and location. However, at all times relevant hereto, the GPS system was in its infancy and the School Board was still learning how to assimilate and read the data generated by the system. Thus, Respondent's activities from June 20 through June 27, 2008, were examined in a way no other employee's had been looked at heretofore. It is, therefore, hard to make a comparative determination of Respondent's actions versus an established norm. Nonetheless, the School Board's findings are supported by the GPS data. That is, the daily work logs are not consistent with time actually spent at particular job sites. Respondent's lunch breaks exceed the allotted 30-minute time period almost every day that was examined. There are stops at local establishments that are not part of the employee's work duties. Some of the routes taken by an employee are not the shortest routes, although it is impossible to ascertain whether they are the best routes based on other extraneous factors. The time spent on breaks, versus travel time, is hard to ascertain with any degree of certainty.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by Petitioner, Lee County School Board, rescinding the notice of termination and imposing a less stringent penalty, e.g., a period of probation, a letter of reprimand and/or some remedial training, against Respondent, Christopher Rasmussen. DONE AND ENTERED this 22nd day of June, 2009, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. R. BRUCE MCKIBBEN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of June, 2009.

Florida Laws (8) 1012.271012.331012.40120.569120.577.047.107.11
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Aug. 03, 2007 Number: 07-003574PL Latest Update: Oct. 05, 2024
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-000555 Latest Update: Sep. 19, 1988

Findings Of Fact Introduction At all times relevant hereto, respondent, Michael A. Graham, was a middle school teacher at West Miami Junior High School (WMJHS) in Miami, Florida. He is under a continuing contract as a teacher for petitioner, School Board of Dade County (Board). He has been an employee in the school system since 1975 and a full-time teacher since 1981. Graham holds bachelor and master degrees from the University of Miami and is currently taking course work at Florida International University towards a second master's degree. On January 12, 1988 the Board voted to suspend Graham without pay for thirty days effective January 20, 1988 for "just cause and misconduct in office." On July 1, 1988 the Board issued a Notice of Charges containing six counts of alleged misconduct. 1/ The charging document alleged that respondent failed to disclose on his job application dated September 24, 1981 that he had been previously arrested on numerous occasions, (b) intentionally exposed a student, I.M., to unnecessary embarrassment, (c) intentionally exposed a student, V.E., to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement, (d) intentionally committed a battery on U.C., a student, (e) continually and intentionally refused to discontinue uttering profane and/or vulgar language in his classroom during school years 1985-86, 1986-87 and 1987-88, and (f) continually and intentionally refused to discontinue excessive tardiness and excessive absences during the same school years. These charges will be taken up separately below. Filing A False Application (Counts I and II) During the course of his employment with the Board, Graham has filled out various applications and other informational forms. Relevant to this proceeding is an application for an instructional position filed with the Board on September 24, 1981. The application asked the following question: Have you ever been convicted of anything other than minor traffic violations? Graham responded in the negative. Sometime after Graham filed the above application, the Board had an occasion to run a background check on him. Among other things, the Board uncovered the fact that Graham had been arrested on February 29, 1976 for resisting an officer without violence to his person and disorderly conduct, both misdemeanors. The first charge was nolle prossed while Graham was found guilty of the second charge and received a suspended sentence. Certified copies of these records have been introduced into evidence as petitioner's exhibit 10. Although petitioner did not introduce into evidence certified copies of other arrests, there was testimony, without objection, that Graham had been arrested for the following charges: 12/17/71 - public drunkenness 6/05/74 - theft 5/14/76 - worthless checks 4/08/77 - "warrant arrests" 5/18/77 - worthless checks 9/11/79 - worthless checks 9/17/81 - aggravated battery 11/05/82 - worthless checks 2/21/86 - worthless checks During a conference with a school administrator on August 21, 1987, Graham acknowledged that, with the exception of the May 14, 1976 arrest which he did not remember, and the April 8, 1977 matter which he stated involved a voluntary return on his part to the State of Indiana, all other arrests occurred. However, there is no evidence that Graham was convicted of any of these charges, and his testimony that all charges were later dropped was not contradicted. At hearing Graham explained that he thought the question concerning prior arrests on the employment application meant whether his civil rights had ever been taken away. Since they had not, he stated he believed his negative answer was appropriate. Exposing Students to Embarrassment or Disparagement (Counts III and IV) It is alleged that in school year 1986-87, respondent exposed I.M., a seventh grade female student, to "unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement." The student did not appear at hearing but gave post-hearing deposition testimony. As clarified at hearing, this charge stems from alleged off-color remarks about I.M.'s clothing made by Graham to I.M. in front of the class. I.M. was a student in Graham's history class in school year 1986-87. While in class on May 11, 1987, I.M. left her desk to go to the restroom. She was wearing tight fitting pants. When she returned, Graham remarked in a loud voice, and in front of the class, that her pants were so tight he "could see her crack and count the hairs." Graham also made her perform a "fabric test" to ascertain whether she could pinch the cloth on the pants without pinching her skin. If I.M. pinched both skin and cloth, this confirmed that the pants were too tight. After Graham made his comments and required I.M. to take the "fabric test," I.M. became embarrassed, felt "cheap," began crying and left the room. She reported the incident to her counselor and prepared a written statement which is attached to her deposition. Also, she described the incident to a school investigator the same day, giving essentially the same version of events described above. This account is deemed to be more accurate and credible than a slightly different version of events given by I.M. by deposition some fifteen months later. Graham recalled the incident differently. According to his recollection, when I.M. returned from the bathroom to the classroom, he told her she had "inappropriate clothing," and if she disputed this, she would be given a hall pass to visit the principal. If the principal approved the pants, she could wear them to school. Otherwise, Graham told her not to wear them to his class in the future. Graham contended also that he said "Your clothing is too tight around the hips and crotch" and denied using the words "hairs" or "crack." He conceded he may have asked her to perform a "fabric test." However, this version of events is not deemed to be credible and is hereby discredited. Student V.E. is a fundamentalist Christian who was in Graham's American History class for the first three days of school year 1987-88. On the first or second day of class Graham gave a class assignment requiring the students to use the Bible as a historical reference but to explain the story without the (i ideas of miracles and deity. V.E. understood this to mean that she was to "take all miracles" out of the story and to "not have God in it." During class that day, V.E. asked a question about a Bible parable being discussed by Graham and, after she gave the biblical version of what happened, Graham asked her if she believed in magic. V.E. felt "bad" and "intimidated" by Graham's question. When she went home that evening, V.E. told her mother about the class assignment. The mother was upset and prepared a letter for Graham and the assistant principal questioning the subject matter of the assignment. V.E. was told by her mother to hand carry a copy of the letter to Graham the next day. Before she could do this, the assistant principal told Graham that V.E.`s mother had sent a letter. When she entered the classroom the next day, V.E. was asked by Graham if she had a letter for him. After being handed the letter, Graham asked V.E. why she told her mother about the assignment and added "I'm pissed." This episode took place in front of the entire classroom. This caused V.E. to be very "upset" and "embarrassed." She immediately transferred out of Graham's class. Graham countered that there was no "homework assignment" per se and that he was merely seeking to obtain "critical thinking" from his students. According to Graham, his discussion was consistent with the approved curriculum and was intended to have the students reconcile biblical stories with other theories of evolution of men. Graham believed that V.E. had misunderstood the discussion as being an attack on religion when in fact it was not. He added that, of all the students, only V.E. reached that erroneous conclusion. He conceded that he "may have" used the words "I'm pissed" but contended that he was justified in questioning her in front of the entire classroom because students frequently hurried off to other classes once the end-of-period bell rang. Battering Urbano (Count IV) In school year 1986-87, Urbano was a fifteen year old male student. He has since departed the state. It is alleged that Graham committed battery on Urbano. According to Graham, who gave the only eyewitness account of the entire fray, Urbano was still a student when the incident occurred but was in the process of withdrawing from school and moving to California. Urbano had been in several classes taught by Graham and had a history of disruptive conduct. Urbano returned to the campus one day to speak with a girlfriend who was in Graham's classroom. Urbano entered the classroom during a change in classes. Not wanting a confrontation, Graham requested the girl to ask Urbano to leave. When she did this, Urbano began cursing Graham and slowly backed into the hallway outside of Graham's classroom. As Graham attempted to close his door, Urbano blocked the door and pushed Graham who responded by pushing Urbano out of the doorway. Urbano then threw a four pound textbook into Graham's chest. After Graham asked Urbano to follow him to the principal's office, Urbano drew back his fist to strike Graham. At that point, and in self-defense, Graham struck Urbano with a blow to the side of his face. In retaliation, Urbano threw a karate kick into Graham's left knee. Graham followed by administering a second blow to Urbano's face. A female physical education teacher then approached the melee, grabbed Urbano on the shoulder and escorted him to the principal's office. According to Graham, Urbano was immediately suspended from school. This was not contradicted. There is no evidence that Graham was criminally charged with battery or disciplined by the school for the incident. Using Profane and Vulgar Language in Class (Count V) It is charged that in school years 1985-86, 1986-87 and 1987-88 Graham was given direct orders to discontinue "uttering profane and/or vulgar language while in the performance of assigned duties as a classroom teacher," and that respondent "continually and intentionally refused to discontinue" doing so. The allegations stem from disciplinary action taken in the fall of 1985. On October 17, 1985 respondent participated in a conference for the record with WMJHS principal Kavenaugh for using "very salty language" in the classroom. Neither Kavenaugh or Graham could recall what words were actually used by Graham. As noted in finding of fact 11, Graham used the words "I'm pissed" while talking to student V.E. in September, 1987. About the same time, he recited a "parable" in V.E.'s class which went generally as follows: A large flock of birds immigrated south one winter but one bird's wings froze, and it fell to the ground. A horse came along and deposited cow shit on the bird. Although the cow shit did not smell good, it kept the bird warm. A cat then came upon the fallen bird, wiped the cow shit off of its wings and ate it. The moral: not everyone who shits on you is your enemy, and not everyone who does you a favor is your friend. Graham acknowledged reciting the above story in class but claimed he used the word "chip" instead of "shit." However, V.E. stated she heard the word "shit," and this version of the events is accepted as being more credible. Principal Kavenaugh gave some vague testimony about other incidents of vulgarity but could not give specifics as to when this occurred or what was said. Other than the order to quit using "very salty language" in October 1985, there is no evidence of any other orders given to Graham by a principal or administrative officer directing him to refrain from using vulgarity or profanity. Excessive Tardiness and Absences (Count VI) The notice of charges alleges that in school years 1985-86, 1986-87 and 1987-88 Graham was "given direct orders to discontinue his excessive tardiness and/or excessive absences," and that he "continually and intentionally refused to discontinue" doing so. Assistant principal Sotolongo authored memoranda to respondent on May 27, 1986 and March 25, 1987 regarding class absences. The first concerned respondent sitting in the teacher's lounge ten minutes after class had started on May 23, 1986. For this infraction, Graham received a reprimand. The assistant principal stated that Graham was "periodically" absent from class but could not recall the number of times this occurred or the dates of such absences. The second memorandum was prompted by Graham being absent from school during the afternoon of March 24, 1987. Graham's explanation of having to see a doctor for a workers' compensation injury was not accepted as being satisfactory. Principal Kavenaugh authored a memorandum on May 6, 1986 concerning punctual attendance by Graham. The memorandum was prepared after Graham had been late to school at least ten times between January 10, 1986 and May 5, 1986. Respondent promised to make an "extra effort" to comply with attendance requirements. There is no evidence that, after the May 6, 1986 memorandum, Graham was late for school or that he refused to comply with attendance requirements. Miscellaneous Graham was told by principal Kavenaugh on one occasion "to be courteous and free of sarcasm" while teaching his students. This order was memorialized in a memorandum dated June 19, 1987. There is no evidence he disobeyed this order. On November 10, 1987 Graham was placed on prescription for one item of performance. This meant he had to correct a deficiency in professional performance and responsibilities. The prescription was prompted primarily by the V.E. incident and the parable given in the history class, both occurring in September, 1987. There is no evidence that Graham did not fulfill the terms of the prescription. According to Dr. D. Patrick Gray, who was accepted as an expert in professional ethics, performance appraisal and professional or personnel management, Graham violated the teachers' code of ethics by intentionally exposing a student to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement, unreasonably denying a student access to a diverse point of view, and failing to keep the confidence of personally identifiable information concerning a student. He opined further that, given respondent's conduct as described in the Notice of Charges, Graham's effectiveness as a teacher had been seriously impaired.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that respondent be found guilty of those charges in Counts I and II and a portion of Count III. All others should be dismissed. Respondent should also be suspended without pay for thirty days as proposed by the agency in its suspension notice effective January 20, 1988. DONE AND ORDERED this 19th day of September, 1988, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of September, 1988.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (3) 6B-1.0016B-1.0066B-4.009
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:North Port, Florida Feb. 19, 2009 Number: 09-000956TTS Latest Update: Aug. 21, 2009

The Issue The issue in this case is whether the termination of Respondent's employment by Petitioner is justified and consistent with the requirements of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between Petitioner and the Sarasota Classified/Teachers Association (of which Respondent is a member).

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the Sarasota County School Board, the entity responsible for operating, monitoring, staffing, and maintaining the public schools of Sarasota County. The School is a public high school established in 2001. It is located at 6400 West Price Boulevard, North Port, Florida. The school had a student body in excess of 2,600 students at the beginning of the current (2008-2009) school year, but that has declined to 2,500 as of the date of the final hearing in this matter. Respondent, Ronald Davenport, was employed at the School as a campus security monitor (also known as a security aide) from 1988 until December 5, 2008. Respondent is an African-American male. Respondent is a "classified" employee under the Classified Bargaining Unit Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Sarasota Classified/Teachers Association and the District (the "Collective Bargaining Agreement"). On December 5, 2008, Respondent was reassigned or transferred from the School to McIntosh. The reasons for the transfer will be more fully discussed below. During Respondent's tenure as a security monitor at the School, he received a number of written disciplinary letters or memoranda. Under the District disciplinary policies, written reprimands are issued only after verbal reprimands have been issued and proven ineffective. Respondent's discipline to-date has included the following: On November 22, 2004, Respondent was given a Record of Verbal Reprimand concerning his failure to responsibly monitor students while on duty. A written reprimand was given to Respondent on January 4, 2005, concerning improper contact with students and work performance. In April 2005, Respondent was suspended without pay for a period of three days. The basis of the suspension was Respondent's insubordination to superiors. In January 2006, Respondent was again suspended without pay, this time for a period of ten working days. This suspension was based on Respondent's failure to perform his work responsibly, use of school computers for personal reasons, and insubordination. A letter of instruction (which is not technically a disciplinary action) was given to Respondent on April 12, 2007, concerning his actions while driving on campus. Respondent received other verbal reprimands and letters (memoranda) of instruction in addition to those set forth above. It is noted that two suspensions for a single employee is very unusual; grounds for a second suspension would normally warrant termination of employment. However, Principal Kenney stated that at the time of the second suspension, he wanted to give Respondent another opportunity, even though dismissal was probably warranted. (Likewise, the aforementioned transfer from the School to McIntosh was another effort by Kenney to sanction Respondent without resorting to termination of employment.) In the Fall of 2008, a student at the School spat water on Respondent. The student received a three-day suspension and a deferred expulsion1 for his actions. A few weeks later, a different student spat water on a Caucasian security monitor. That student received a five-day suspension and a deferred expulsion for the remainder of the year. The student in the second incident, however, had a disciplinary history while the student who spat on Respondent did not. That is the reason for the slight disparity in punishment. Respondent was unhappy about the second student being treated more harshly and surmised that the reason for the difference in punishment was that he (Respondent) was African- American while the other security monitor was Caucasian. That being the case, Respondent contacted Mr. Trevor Harvey, president of the local NAACP chapter, to complain. Harvey contacted Principal Kenney, and the two agreed to meet at Kenney's office on December 5, 2008, to discuss possible racial issues at the School. On December 4, 2008, Respondent was observed handing out a note or flyer to students. The flyer, which was copied from a handwritten original, included the following bullet points: An instruction asking the reader to make a copy and tell a friend about the contents of the flyer. A request to have parents and students call various news agencies (whose telephone numbers were listed at the bottom of the flyer) and request that reporters be sent to the School the following day (December 5) to attend an NAACP meeting at the School. A statement of the writer's belief that the District and the School promote intolerance, bias, and double standards concerning people of color. A statement specifically addressing Respondent's confrontation with a student earlier in the year. Another statement urging the reader to submit their own concerns to administration that day or early on the following day. Respondent denies writing the flyer or having anything to do with its distribution to students. However, he does admit distributing copies of the flyer to other employees at the school, including Jacqueline Pollard, a teacher, and Wesley Johnson, the senior head custodian at the School. Both Pollard and Johnson are African-Americans. Other employees, including Mr. Johnson, saw Respondent handing out a sheet of paper to students on December 4, 2008, which they presumed to be copies of the flyer. The flyer had been discovered by administrative staff at the School on December 4, 2008, after an altercation between some girls on campus. While the girls were being questioned in the administrative offices, one of them provided staff with a copy of the flyer. The student did not know from whom she had received the flyer, but said it was being distributed around campus. At least one teacher told the administrative office that a student in her class received the flyer from Respondent. Respondent was seen distributing an unidentified sheet of white paper to students on the afternoon of December 4, 2008, and the morning of December 5, 2008. Respondent maintains that all he gave students was a handwritten Christmas greeting which said, "Happy Holidays and [peace sign] on Earth. God bless Obama & God bless the U.S.A. Mr. Ron, Security." On the morning of December 5, 2008, Respondent was observed by Assistant Principal Wilks talking to a group of students. Wilks heard Respondent tell the students to go to the Performing Arts Center ("PAC") for the purpose of attending the NAACP meeting. Many of the students then headed toward the PAC. Wilks then redirected the students toward their assigned classrooms. Respondent denies he told students to go to the PAC for a meeting; he says he directed them all to return to class. Based on Wilks' interaction with students shortly thereafter in the area of the PAC, her testimony on this point is more credible. After hearing Respondent talking to the students, Wilks went to the PAC, which is located at the front of the campus. Several groups of students showed up at the PAC and said they wanted to attend the NAACP meeting. They were told that there was no meeting at the PAC that day in which students were authorized to attend. One of the students advised Wilks that her "uncle" had told her to go to the PAC for the meeting. Respondent concedes that the student was referring to him (although she is not actually his niece). Respondent denies telling her to go to the PAC for a meeting. There was in fact a meeting at the School on December 5, 2008, between the principal, Dr. Kenney, and the NAACP representative, Mr. Harvey. However, that meeting was held in the principal's office, not at the PAC. The meeting went well and Mr. Harvey left the campus seemingly in agreement with how the School was handling interactions between racial groups.2 It was determined by the School administration that Respondent's apparent involvement in the effort to disrupt the NAACP meeting made his continued employment at the School impractical. However, rather than seeking to terminate Respondent, it was decided that he could be transferred to McIntosh to serve as a security monitor at that school.3 On the evening of December 5, 2008, after school hours, Respondent was called at home and told that he was being reassigned. On December 6, 2008, Respondent came to the School to empty out his employee locker and retrieve his personal items. He asked that this process be supervised and/or taped, so there were persons observing him as he did so. Respondent then reported to McIntosh for duty. Employees are not allowed to use school copying machines for personal use (without prior approval from administration). Each employee is assigned a code to use when making copies so that the School can monitor the use of copy machines. On the Monday following Respondent's reassignment to McIntosh, a media specialist printed out a "user chart" for one of the school copy machines located in the mailroom. The user chart showed that Respondent had made 465 copies on that machine since the beginning of the 2008-2009 school year. Principal Kenney could not think of any justification for Respondent making that many copies. Respondent does not remember what he copied, but notes that another security monitor made many more copies than Respondent did. Respondent did not deny making the copies, but was unaware of the requirement to get permission first. Just three weeks before the NAACP meeting incident, while Respondent was still working at the School, his supervisor was looking for him on campus. Respondent did not respond to calls over the walkie-talkie (radio) system used for communication purposes. Respondent had not signed out in accordance with the well-known policy to do so, but was observed off-campus at a gas station. The failure to sign out is an actionable violation of Respondent's employment. On December 18, 2008,4 Larry Leon (chief of school police and director of safety and security) and Sam Wilson went to McIntosh to provide Respondent a sealed envelope. The envelope contained a notice concerning an upcoming meeting. After Respondent failed to answer numerous radio calls from Wilson, Wilson asked McIntosh's assistant principal, Hazuda, to make an attempt to call Respondent. Hazuda called Respondent, who showed up at Hazuda's office in a matter of minutes. Upon seeing Wilson in the office, Respondent was visibly upset. He said something to Hazuda about being "set up" and that he was being harassed. Respondent refused to accept the envelope, said he was sick, and left Hazuda's office to go to the school clinic where he signed out for the day. When Wilson tried to talk to him, Respondent simply raised his hands above his head and walked away. Hazuda's efforts to make Respondent remain at the school and go back to work were not successful. Hazuda's testimony on this point is extremely credible. As Respondent was leaving the clinic, Leon called out to him. Respondent ignored Leon and continued to leave the building. Leon followed and called out loudly to Respondent, asking him to stop. Respondent swore at Leon, saying "F**k you" and continued to walk toward his car. At no time did Respondent turn around and engage in face-to-face conversation with Leon.5 On January 5, 2009, Police Chief Leon and Wilson returned to McIntosh with another written notice to be delivered to Respondent. Letters had been sent to Respondent about the upcoming meeting, but no response had been received. (Respondent had signed one copy of a notice, but left it on the counter in the administration offices rather than returning it as asked.) So, Wilson and Leon again tried to hand-deliver a copy of the notice to Respondent. Numerous attempts to contact Respondent via radio on January 5, 2009, were unsuccessful. Finally, someone who had heard the radio calls advised Respondent that he was being summoned to the front office. Respondent surmises that his radio might not have been functioning properly at that time, so he didn't hear the calls. When Respondent got to the office, he decided to check out for the day because he was feeling ill. He left without accepting delivery of the written notice. Subsequently, on January 15, 2009, a Weingarten hearing was conducted on the issues relating to the December 5, 2008, NAACP meeting at the School and the two incidents at McIntosh. Respondent attended the hearing and presented responses to the allegations of misbehavior. Based upon the information gathered at the Weingarten hearing, the District decided that termination of Respondent's employment was warranted.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the Sarasota County School Board terminating the employment of Respondent effective February 18, 2009. DONE AND ENTERED this 26th day of June, 2009, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. R. BRUCE MCKIBBEN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of June, 2009.

Florida Laws (6) 1012.221012.271012.331012.40120.569120.57
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-001725 Latest Update: Jan. 30, 1990

Findings Of Fact At all times pertinent to this proceeding, Respondent was employed by Petitioner as a classroom teacher on an annual contract basis. For the 1988-89 school year, Respondent was assigned to teach algebra and general math at Miami Agricultural School, one of the schools in the Dade County public school system. During a part of the 1988-89 school year, Respondent lived with Sandra Wilkenson and with the child they had parented. The child was two years old at the time of the hearing. On November 21, 1988, Respondent and Ms. Wilkenson met at her place of employment at the Aventura Mall in Miami, Florida. Respondent was in a hurry because he had several errands to run in preparation for his planned trip to St. Croix, Virgin Islands, to visit his family and to attend to a family business matter. Respondent and Ms. Wilkenson planned for Respondent to return to the mall so that he could drive her to the apartment they shared after she had completed heir work day. Later in the day of November 21, 1988, Respondent returned to the Aventura Mall to take Ms. Wilkenson to their apartment. Ms. Wilkenson met Respondent in the public parking area of the Mall where he had parked. For reasons unknown to Respondent, Ms. Wilkenson refused to ride to their home with him. This refusal made Respondent very angry and started a loud argument between them that lasted between five and ten minutes. Respondent tried to lead Ms. Wilkenson to the car by pulling her hand, but there was no evidence that he injured her in any way or that he committed any criminal act during the course of the incident. When she continued to refuse to accompany him, Respondent got in his car and left the parking area. A man in a uniform observed the dispute, but he did not speak to Respondent or attempt to intervene in the dispute. After the incident at the Aventura Mall, Respondent travelled to St. Croix as he had planned. While in St. Croix, Respondent spoke to Ms. Wilkenson by telephone, but she did not indicate that she considered anything to be wrong. While Respondent was in St. Croix, criminal charges stemming from the incident at the Aventura Mall were brought against him by Ms. Wilkenson. Respondent was charged with aggravated assault with a firearm, using a firearm during the commission of a felony, and battery on the person of Sandra Wilkenson. While Respondent was still in St. Croix, three police officers visited the campus of Miami Agricultural School searching for Respondent. Two of the police officers were in plainclothes and one was in uniform. The police officers spoke to the Principal, Mr. Lewis and to the Secretary, Ms. Scott, in private. While the visit of the police officers aroused the curiosity of a one or two faculty members and a few students, the visit did not cause a disturbance or disrupt the educational process. When Respondent returned to Miami from St. Croix, he found a note on his automobile asking that he contact the police detective who had left the note. Upon calling the police detective, Respondent learned that he was to be arrested. Respondent voluntarily surrendered himself to the police. Respondent spent four days in jail before he was arraigned. At arraignment, he entered a plea of not guilty. Respondent was released from jail after Ms. Wilkenson posted his bond. Respondent informed the principal of Miami Agricultural School of his whereabouts while he was in jail. After his release from jail, Respondent was transferred from his classroom to an administrative assignment away from the campus of Miami Agricultural School. Several students and faculty members at Miami Agricultural School became curious because of Respondent's absence. Although one student indicated to the principal that he knew that Respondent had been in jail and the administration at the school had information as to what had happened, the incident and subsequent arrest did not become common knowledge at Miami Agricultural School or in the community. Respondent's conduct was not sufficiently notorious to bring either Respondent or the education profession into public disgrace or disrespect. His conduct did not impair his service to the community. On March 22, 1989, Petitioner suspended Respondent without pay and instituted proceedings to terminate his annual contract. Respondent timely demanded a formal hearing of the matter On April 25, 1989, all of the criminal charges that had been filed against Respondent were nolle prossed and the criminal case against him was closed.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is: RECOMMENDED that the School Board of Dade County, Florida, enter a final order which finds Respondent, Michael Durrant, not guilty of immorality, and which reinstates his annual contract for the 1988-89 school year with back pay. DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of January, 1990, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. CLAUDE B. ARRINGTON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 904/488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division f Administrative Hearings this 30th day of January, 1990. APPENDIX TO THE RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 89-1725 The following rulings are made on the proposed findings of fact submitted by Respondent: The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 1 are adopted in material part by paragraphs 1 of the Recommended Order. Those proposed findings of fact not adopted are rejected as being unnecessary to the conclusions reached. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 2 are adopted in material part by paragraph 2 of the Recommended Order. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 3 are rejected as being unnecessary to the conclusions reached. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 4 are adopted in material part by paragraph 3 of the Recommended Order. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 5 are adopted in part by paragraph 4 of the Recommended Order. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 6 are adopted in material part by paragraph 4 of the Recommended Order. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 7 are adopted in material part by paragraph 5 of the Recommended Order. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 8 are adopted in part by paragraphs 5 of the Recommended Order and are rejected in part as being unnecessary to the conclusions reached. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 9 are adopted in part by paragraph 5 of the Recommended Order and are rejected in part as being subordinate to the findings made. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 10 are rejected as being subordinate to the findings made or as being unnecessary to the conclusions reached. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 11 are adopted in part by paragraph 9 of the Recommended Order and are rejected in part as being unnecessary to the conclusions reached. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 12 are adopted in part by paragraph 14 of the Recommended Order, are rejected in part as being subordinate to the findings made, and are rejected in part as being unnecessary to the conclusions reached. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 13 are adopted in material part by paragraph 8 of the Recommended Order. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 14 are adopted in part by paragraph 10 of the Recommended Order, and are rejected in part as being unnecessary to the conclusions reached. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 15 are adopted in material part by paragraphs 11 and 14 of the Recommended Order. 16.-18. The proposed findings of fact in paragraphs 16, 17, and 18 are rejected as being subordinate to the findings made. COPIES FURNISHED: Madelyn P. Schere, Esquire School Board of Administration Building 1450 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 Jaime C. Bovell, Esquire 1401 Ponce de Leon Boulevard Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Lorraine C. Hoffman, Esquire 2929 Southwest Third Avenue Suite One Miami, Florida 33129 Honorable Betty Castor Commissioner of Education The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Mr. Tee Greer Acting Superintendent of Schools Dade County Public Schools Office of Professional Standards 1444 Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 215 Miami, Florida 33132

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (1) 6B-4.009
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Aug. 05, 1991 Number: 91-004936 Latest Update: Mar. 23, 1992

The Issue The issue presented is whether Respondent is guilty of the allegations contained in the Notice of Specific Charges filed against him, and, if so, what disciplinary action should be taken against him, if any.

Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto, Respondent has been employed by Petitioner as a high school teacher assigned to Miami Norland Senior High School. Respondent holds a continuing contract. Respondent began teaching for the Dade County Public Schools during the 1968-69 school year. During that school year, the annual evaluation form utilized by Petitioner provided that a score of below 3.5 indicated unsatisfactory work. During that, his first year of teaching, Respondent received a score of 3.2 on his annual evaluation. For the next 15 years thereafter, Respondent was rated as being acceptable on his annual evaluations for each and every year. During the 1984 summer session, an incident occurred between Respondent and one of his students. As a result of Petitioner's investigation into the allegation that Respondent had committed a battery on that student, conferences were held between Respondent and administrative personnel. Respondent requested a leave of absence for the 1984-85 school year due to personal reasons, and his request for leave of absence was granted. Respondent was required, however, to undergo a psychological evaluation prior to returning to his duties as a classroom teacher. During that school year while Respondent was on leave of absence, he was evaluated by Dr. Gail D. Wainger, a psychiatrist to whom he was referred by Petitioner. Respondent thereafter saw Dr. Albert C. Jaslow, a private psychiatrist, on two occasions. Dr. Jaslow submitted two reports which contained, inter alia, a recommendation that Respondent be transferred to a different school. Dr. Wainger reviewed Dr. Jaslow's reports and her own earlier report and, on May 21, 1985, submitted a report to Petitioner stating, inter alia, that there was no barrier to Respondent's being reinstated into active teaching. Based upon that evaluation, Petitioner permitted Respondent to return to the same teaching position previously held by him for the 1985-86 school year. At the conclusion of that school year, Respondent was rated as being acceptable on his annual evaluation. Respondent again received acceptable annual evaluations for the following two years, i.e., the 1986-87 and the 1987- 88 school years. On his annual evaluation for the 1988-89 school year Respondent was rated as being unacceptable in the area of classroom management, one of the six categories of classroom performance. Pursuant to the rules governing the TADS evaluation system, a rating of unacceptable in any of the categories covered by the annual evaluation instrument requires an overall rating of unacceptable. On his annual evaluation for the 1989-90 school year Respondent was rated as being acceptable in all six categories of classroom performance, including the area of classroom management. It was specifically noted on his annual evaluation form that Respondent had performed satisfactorily during both of the official observations made of his classroom performance. However, Respondent was rated as unacceptable in the non-classroom category entitled professional responsibility. That rating of unacceptable in that one category required that Respondent's overall rating be unacceptable. The basis for the unacceptable rating in the area of professional responsibility involved the determination that Respondent had been disrespectful to students on two separate occasions. On April 16, 1990, one of Respondent's students called another of his students who had an unusual skin pigmentation condition "two-toned." Respondent immediately told the offending student, "do not call the girl two-toned." A conference for the record was conducted with Respondent on April 30, 1990, and Respondent was given a supervisory referral to the Employee Assistance Program. During the week of May 7, 1990, one of Respondent's students was being verbally abusive to the other students, and Respondent told him to stop. That student thereupon began being verbally abusive toward Respondent and using profanity. Respondent then said to that student, "you should talk. You look like Mr. Spock from Star Trek." A conference for the record was conducted with Respondent, and he was issued a formal reprimand. The summary of the conference for the record dated June 1, 1990, prepared by the principal of Miami Norland Senior High School states that the student involved has physically-deformed ears. On his annual evaluation for the 1990-91 school year Respondent was rated as being unacceptable in the areas of classroom management, techniques of instruction, and professional responsibility. Accordingly, he received an overall evaluation of unacceptable. During the 1990-91 school year there were no reported incidents of Respondent allegedly making disrespectful remarks to students. That basis for being rated unacceptable in the area of professional responsibility during the prior academic year was cured. The rating of unacceptable in the area of classroom management was based upon a number of observations of Respondent during the school year wherein the observers noted a lack of control in the classroom, Respondent's failure or inability to re-direct students who were off-task, Respondent's failure or inability to enforce classroom rules, and Respondent's failure or inability to deal with students who were tardy in coming to his class. As to his techniques of instruction, observers during that school year noted that Respondent was teaching from sub-standard books (without noting whether that was a matter within Respondent's control), that the students were confused by Respondent's directions on several occasions, that the students did not understand the lessons being taught, and that on several occasions Respondent made errors in math when writing examples on the board. Some of the observers also noted that Respondent spent too much time on some of the lessons that he was teaching. Numerous prescriptions were given to Respondent during that school year to improve his instruction and to manage his classroom, such as reading sections of the TADS manual and observing other teachers. Respondent complied with each and every prescription given to him. As to being unacceptable in the area of professional responsibility, Respondent failed to properly maintain student folders reflecting their work to justify grades being given to the students, and there were errors in Respondent's gradebook. It also became apparent that Respondent was not making parental contact for students that were performing unsatisfactorily. By March of the 1990-91 school year Respondent was directed in writing to make parental contact as required by Dade County Public School policy. By memorandum dated June 3, 1991, Respondent was notified that he was required to produce within 48 hours a complete up-to-date gradebook, a parent contact log substantiating parent contacts for the entire school year, and all student folders substantiating Respondent's gradebook. He was advised that if he did not do so, he would receive an unsatisfactory rating in the area of professional responsibility. The principal and assistant principal understood the directive to mean that Respondent must produce those documents by noon on June 6, and Respondent understood the directive to mean that he was to produce the documents on June 6. At noon, the principal was not available to Respondent. Respondent did produce many of the documents later that day. There was, of course, no parental log for the entire year since one did not exist. At the end of the 1990-91 school year a recommendation for dismissal was made. Based upon that recommendation, the School Board of Dade County, Florida, suspended Respondent from his employment effective at the close of the workday on July 25, 1991, for incompetency and gross insubordination. In 1984 Respondent filed a grievance against Assistant Principal Wessel and Principal Fowler at Miami Norland Senior High School. The subject of the grievance was that Assistant Principal Wessel had in a loud voice and in a demeaning manner criticized Respondent's lesson plans in front of other teachers, staff and students. The grievance was also filed against Principal Fowler to enlist his assistance in making Wessel refrain from repeated conduct of that nature. The Union considered the grievance to be valid and processed it through the grievance procedures. Thereafter, Respondent was advised by Fowler and Wessel that he had made a big mistake and he would be sorry for having filed that grievance. Respondent began to believe that he had lost the support of the administration and that his job was in jeopardy. When Respondent returned to his teaching duties after his leave of absence during the 1984-85 school year he was moved to a classroom directly across from the main office. Respondent considered that action to be demeaning. He still achieved acceptable evaluations for that year and the following year. During the next school year, in the middle of February, the administration moved Respondent to an old metal shop room and gave his classroom to a new teacher. He still achieved an acceptable annual evaluation that year. For the following school year the administrators assigned Respondent to teach five low-level math classes using five different classrooms. For the last three years of his teaching career, the ones during which he received unacceptable ratings in different categories, Respondent was required to teach all low-level math classes. Although administrative personnel testified that some teachers like low-level classes, Respondent repeatedly made it clear that he did not want that assignment. Further, there is a specific contract provision between the Dade County Schools and the teachers' union prohibiting teachers from being locked into low-level classes year after year, as Respondent was. During the last several years while Respondent was achieving unsatisfactory ratings in some categories, while he was being switched from classroom to classroom, and while he was being required to teach only low-level classes year after year, the administrative staff actively undermined Respondent's authority and demeaned him in front of students and other teachers. They told teachers and students that they were trying to get rid of Respondent and that Respondent was a bad teacher. When Respondent referred disruptive students to the office, the administrative staff laughed or simply refused to take any follow-up action. On one occasion when Respondent referred a student to the office for throwing an eraser at another student, an assistant principal told the misbehaving student that he should have thrown the eraser at Respondent instead. Respondent "lost face" around the school. It became known that the students could misbehave in Respondent's classes with impunity. Even the students understood that Respondent was assigned only the most difficult of students. Although there was a new principal at Miami Norland Senior High School during Respondent's last year of teaching, the new principal, coincidentally, had been the principal for the 1984 summer session at Parkway Junior High School where Respondent had been involved in an incident with a student prior to taking his year's leave of absence from teaching. Under the new principal's administration, Respondent was retained in his assignment of five low-level math classes and was moved to the classroom directly across from the office. No evidence was offered that the new principal understood that efforts had been made to keep Respondent's authority undermined and to make him quit. It is clear, however, that no steps were taken to stop or reverse the damage to Respondent's reputation and ability to teach. In response to Respondent's referral to the Employee Assistance Program, Respondent did make the contact required of him. In fact, there were numerous contacts between Respondent and the personnel involved in that program. Additionally, Respondent was seen by Dr. Goldin, a mental health professional, on four occasions between April and June of 1990. Between June and September of 1990, he also saw an associate of Dr. Goldin eight times in individual sessions and four times in joint sessions with his wife. Respondent repeatedly requested transfers from his teaching assignment at Miami Norland Senior High School. Some of the requests were made to his principals and some of them were sent to the Office of Professional Standards. From the time that Respondent returned to his teaching duties after his leave of absence during the 1984-85 school year, he requested transfers each and every year. He requested a transfer at least twice during his last year of teaching. Some of the requests for transfer were hardship requests and others were normal requests. Additionally, both Dr. Jaslow in 1985 and Dr. Goldin in 1990 recommended to the Office of Professional Standards that Respondent be transferred to a different school. All requests for transfer were ignored. During the last years of Respondent's teaching career, in addition to the stress placed upon him by the administrative staff's efforts to undermine and ridicule him, he experienced additional stress as a result of his wife's serious illness. He told a number of the administrative staff about the problem at home. The difficulty under which that placed him was part of the reason for the referral to the Employee Assistance Program. During those last years, during conferences with administrative staff regarding his performance, Respondent exhibited anxiety and showed signs of stress. He accused the administration of undermining him and of treating him unfairly. He even attributed some of the problems he was experiencing in the classroom to the administrators. Their reaction to Respondent's accusations was to accuse Respondent of being paranoid.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered suspending Respondent without pay for the 1990-91 school year and reinstating him as a full-time classroom teacher thereafter at a school other than Miami Norland Senior High School. DONE and ENTERED this 27th day of January, 1992, at Tallahassee, Florida. LINDA M. RIGOT Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of January, 1992. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER DOAH CASE NO. 91-4936 Petitioner's proposed findings of fact numbered 1, 4, 33, 35-37, 65, 67, 68, 72, and 74 have been adopted either verbatim or in substance in this Recommended Order. Petitioner's proposed findings of fact numbered 2, 3, 8, 11, 19, 32, 38, 58, 71, 75, and 77 have been rejected as not being supported by the weight of the credible evidence in this cause. Petitioner's proposed findings of fact numbered 5-7, 9, 10, 12-18, 20-31, 39-57, 59-64, 66, 69, 70, 73, and 76 have been rejected as being unnecessary in determining the issues involved in this proceeding. Petitioner's proposed finding of fact numbered 34 has been rejected as being contrary to the weight of the evidence in this cause. Respondent's proposed findings of fact numbered 1, 4-11, 13, and 14 have been adopted either verbatim or in substance in this Recommended Order. Respondent's proposed findings of fact numbered 2, 3, 12, and 15 have been rejected as not constituting findings of fact but rather as constituting argument of counsel, conclusions of law, or recitation of the testimony. Copies furnished: Honorable Betty Castor Commissioner of Education Department of Education The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Octavio J. Visiedo Superintendent of Schools Dade County Public Schools School Board Administration Building 1450 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 Madelyn P. Schere, Esquire 1450 N.E. Second Avenue, Suite 301 Miami, Florida 33132 William Du Fresne, Esquire Du Fresne and Bradley, P.A. 2929 S.W. Third Avenue, Suite One Miami, Florida 33129

Florida Laws (2) 120.57120.68 Florida Administrative Code (1) 6B-4.009
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Myers, Florida Aug. 19, 2004 Number: 04-002955 Latest Update: Nov. 18, 2004

The Issue The issue in this case is whether Respondent, Mary Chung ("Respondent"), committed the alleged conduct and, if so, whether Petitioner, Lee County School Board ("School Board"), has just cause to terminate her employment as a food service worker.

Findings Of Fact Respondent is a food service worker at Lehigh Senior High School ("Lehigh") in Lehigh Acres, Lee County, Florida. She was employed in this capacity for the 2003/2004 school year. Respondent was present for work at Lehigh on May 21, 2004. Respondent was scheduled to work from 6:15 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. on this date. This had been her work schedule all year. On May 21, 2004, Respondent reported for work at least 10 minutes late. She arrived at work at approximately 6:25 a.m. Respondent had not called in to notify anyone that she would be late to work that morning and did not advise or explain to her supervisor the reason for her tardiness. Accordingly, Respondent's tardiness on the morning of May 21, 2004, was not excused by her supervisor, Carol Lewis ("Lewis"), who was the food service manager at Lehigh. Respondent and the other employees in the kitchen are given rotating assignments. They rotate to new assignments every two weeks. During the time period which included May 21, 2004, one of Respondent's responsibilities was to open cans of fruit. In accordance with her assigned duties, upon Respondent's arrival in the kitchen on May 21, 2004, Respondent began opening cans of fruit. Lewis approached Respondent while she was opening the cans and directed her to take two coffee pots to the school's media center for a staff appreciation breakfast. It was not unusual for Lewis to direct workers to stop the tasks they were working on to attend to other tasks that needed to be done. In fact, other food service workers in the kitchen that morning were helping with preparations for the staff breakfast in addition to their other assigned tasks. Respondent first ignored Lewis's request, and when directed again by Lewis to move the coffee pots, Respondent told a fellow employee, Lucy Roan ("Roan"), to move them. Lewis overheard Respondent's remark to Roan and corrected her by saying that she wanted Respondent to move the pots. Respondent then proceeded to where the pots were located and indicated to Lewis that she could not lift them onto the cart that she was to use to take them to the media center. According to Respondent, the reason she could not lift the coffee pots and place them on the cart was because of a problem with her foot. Lewis then put the coffee pots on the cart for Respondent and, again, directed Respondent to take them to the media center. When Lewis came back by the area a few minutes later, Respondent had still not taken the coffee pots to the media center. Lewis then directed Respondent to leave the school and said Respondent was fired. Lewis reported the incident to Ronald E. Davis ("Davis"), the principal of Lehigh during the 2003-2004 school year and at the time of the incident. Davis met with Respondent about the incident and gave her a written reprimand dated May 26, 2004. The reprimand was delivered to her on May 28, 2004. The reprimand indicated that Davis was also recommending that Respondent be dismissed. Davis contacted Georgianna W. McDaniel, director, Personnel Services ("McDaniel"), regarding the May 21, 2004, incident. McDaniel advised the principal to forward documentation regarding the incident to Personnel Services. McDaniel has certain responsibilities with regard to employee discipline. She counsels supervisors and administrators regarding appropriate disciplinary action; she suspends employees (with pay) when recommended by the superintendent; and she acts as the predetermination conference administrator. On or about June 1, 2004, Davis forwarded the May 26, 2004, letter of reprimand that had been given to Respondent to the School District's Personnel Services office. He also sent four written statements from the food service manager and three food service workers who were present in the kitchen when the incident involving Respondent occurred. These statements were written at Davis' direction A predetermination conference was scheduled for July 2, 2004, to give Respondent an opportunity to respond to Davis' recommendation for her dismissal based upon the incident on May 21, 2004. Respondent was notified of the conference by McDaniel by certified letter dated June 23, 2004. Respondent attended the predetermination conference and was given an opportunity to address the complaint filed by Davis. However, the matter was not resolved, and the School District superintendent recommended that Respondent's employment as a food service worker be terminated. The School Board met on August 12, 2004, to consider the Petition. At that meeting, the School Board suspended Respondent without pay and benefits pending receipt of the recommended order of the Administrative Law Judge. Prior to the May 21, 2004, incident, Respondent had experienced work-related problems and/or areas of concern while working as a food service worker. These problems had been discussed with Respondent and documented in her record. On May 9, 2002, Respondent was put on Procedures for Improvement by her then assistant principal, James Buchanan. Procedures for Improvement is a tool used by the School District to notify employees of unacceptable conduct and to give them an opportunity to correct their behavior and desist in any further conduct of that nature. In Respondent's case, the May 9, 2002, Procedures for Improvement noted the following specific deficiencies in Respondent's behavior: "Employee refused to leave area to discuss a problem/situation with the supervisor." The desired improvement in her behavior was: "1) Employee will interact appropriate [sic] with supervisor; 2) Employee when asked to go to an area by a supervisor will go, and follow any other directives by a supervisor; [and] 3) Employee will conduct herself properly with co-workers." Respondent was advised she could achieve this desired result as follows: "Employee will do what is told of her to do by a supervisor. Do the work that is assigned to her and complete it in a timely manner." Her success in reaching the desired result would be judged as follows: "No further incidents of refusing to go to a private area to talk out differences. Employee will have no other incidents with co-workers and supervisors." Respondent was also notified in her 2003-2004 Performance Assessment that she was deficient in certain areas and that she needed to "focus" on the following areas in the future: "6) Is punctual in attendance; 8) Exhibits dependability; 11) Exhibits positive attitude; 14) Has good rapport with others; and 15) Accepts criticism constructively." Her supervisor also noted in the comments section that she: "Calls in sick or late too much. Not dependable at all — Gripes about others or duties." She also noted that as of the date of the Performance Assessment (March 2004), Respondent had been absent for 231 hours (or 33 days) and tardy 15 times. Lewis prepared Respondent's 2003/2004 Performance Assessment. It was her responsibility as the food service manager to prepare an annual Performance Assessment for all the food service workers. Lewis prepared the Performance Assessment on March 24, 2004, and reviewed it with Respondent on March 30, 2004, the same date that Respondent signed the Performance Assessment. As a food service worker, Respondent was considered a "10-month employee." She did not work during the summer months. Her last day of work for the 2003-2004 school year was Friday, May 28, 2004.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the School Board enter a final order terminating Respondent's employment as a food service worker with the Lee County School District. DONE AND ENTERED this 3rd day of November, 2004, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S CAROLYN S. HOLIFIELD Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of November, 2004. COPIES FURNISHED: J. Paul Carland, II, Esquire Lee County School Board 2055 Central Avenue Fort Myers, Florida 33901-3916 Mary Chung 2147 Gulfside Village Drive Lehigh Acres, Florida 33972 Dr. James W. Browder, III Superintendent of Schools Lee County School Board 2055 Central Avenue Fort Myers, Florida 33901-3916 Honorable John Winn Commissioner of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1514 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

Florida Laws (6) 1001.421012.271012.40120.569120.577.09
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Deland, Florida Jul. 17, 2008 Number: 08-003474 Latest Update: Aug. 10, 2009

The Issue The issue to be resolved in this proceeding concerns whether the School District of Volusia County has just cause to terminate the Respondent from her position of employment due to insubordinate behavior and unsatisfactory performance of her job duties.

Findings Of Fact The Respondent, Vannesther Smith, was employed at times pertinent hereto by the Board as a custodian. The Respondent was hired as a custodian in 2003 and initially assigned to Hurst Elementary School. While at Hurst she was disciplined for inappropriate behavior. She was issued a record of being counseled for inadequate employee performance by Assistant Principal, Dwayne Copeland. He counseled with Ms. Smith concerning her reporting to work late, repeatedly, without informing her supervisors and for not adhering to proper work procedures concerning repeatedly leaving work early. The Respondent was then disciplined and counseled sometime later by Mr. Copeland for not adequately cleaning her assigned area and for insubordination. Thereafter, on October 12, 2006, less than two months later, the Respondent was disciplined yet again and counseled for poor employee performance, by failing to follow proper directives and again for not cleaning her work area. A report was made to the Board's Office of Professional Standards to the effect that the Respondent was not performing her work duties during her scheduled work time, and was speaking and interacting with supervisors in an unprofessional, inappropriate manner. The Office of Professional Standards conducted an investigation into the allegations regarding unprofessional inappropriate conduct. James Holland, the Director of the Office of Professional Standards, determined that the evidence from his investigation supported the allegations. On April 5, 2007, the Respondent was issued a letter of reprimand and ultimately suspended without pay for 20 days by the Board for failing to follow proper procedures and directives from administrators and for losing her temper and screaming at two administrators. She accused them of being "liars" when she was found sleeping on duty. On June 26, 2007, Principal Maryann Bull observed the Respondent again failing to perform her duties while supposedly on duty. When the Respondent was confronted about this she acted in an inappropriate, unprofessional and insulting manner, mocking the principal and refusing to do as directed, thus committing insubordination. An investigation was again conducted by the Office of Professional Standards and the Respondent was reprimanded for insubordination and inappropriate confrontation with Principal Bull. On July 17, 2007, Mr. Holland informed the Respondent that she would be transferred to Mainland High School. On September 24, 2007, the Respondent went on leave for an extended period of time. The Assistant Principal at Mainland High School, Patricia Corr, asked the Respondent to return the school-issued door keys, while she would be on leave. The Respondent had a key to the front door at Mainland High School. The Respondent told Ms. Corr she would turn them in, but never did return the keys. Ms. Corr repeatedly asked for the keys, but the Respondent never delivered them. The Respondent was informed then that she would be transferred to Seabreeze High School. She was instructed to report there for duty, but failed to do so. The Board did not then terminate the Respondent but instead gave her another chance to reform. On April 8, 2008, the Respondent was assigned to Discovery Elementary School. Just two days after reporting for duty the Respondent engaged in inappropriate behavior and was counseled by Principal Laura Williamson for failure to use School Board chemicals and equipment properly, for failing to complete duties as assigned, as well as for insubordination. On April 14, 2008, the Respondent was found sleeping in her car while supposedly on duty. She was again found not to have cleaned her area properly. Because of that behavior the Respondent was issued a letter or reprimand. Assistant Principal Corr, from Mainland High School, contacted the Professional Standards Office concerning the Respondent's failure to return the keys to Mainland High School. An investigation of this matter was initiated by the Professional Standards Office. On June 9, 2008, Ms. Williamson, from Discovery Elementary School, contacted the Professional Standards Office with a new allegation of unprofessional behavior. Specifically, the Respondent left work on Friday, June 6, 2008, without permission. The Respondent placed her keys in the keyhole of the custodial closet located on the exterior of the building and placed her two-way radio on the floor next to the door. On Monday, June 9, 2008, Yolanda Cintron, the Head Custodian, confronted the Respondent about leaving early. The Respondent became very irate and began yelling and cursing. The other custodians were somewhat frightened by the Respondent's behavior. Upon conclusion of the Professional Standards investigation into the Respondent's behavior, a recommendation was made to the Board that the Respondent be terminated, based on the incidents described at Discovery Elementary School and the extensive history of the Respondent's failure to adhere to Board policies and procedures and insubordination. The recommendation of termination was approved by the Board on June 24, 2008.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record, the candor and demeanor of the witnesses, it is, therefore, RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the School Board of Volusia County, Florida, terminating the employment relationship of the Respondent and the School Board of Volusia County, Florida. DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of March, 2009, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S P. MICHAEL RUFF Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of March, 2009. COPIES FURNISHED: Erin G Jackson, Esquire Thompson, Sizemore, Gonzalez, & Hearing, P.A. 201 North Franklin Street, Suite 1600 Tampa, Florida 33602 Vannesther Smith Post Office Box 250322 Daytona Beach, Florida 32125 James R. Hollins Director of Professional Standards Volusia County School Board Post Office Box 2118 DeLand, Florida 32721-2118 Dr. Margaret A. Smith Superintendent of School Volusia County School Board Post Office Box 2118 DeLand, Florida 32721-2118

Florida Laws (2) 120.569120.57
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 80-000903 Latest Update: Feb. 05, 1981

The Issue Whether Respondent's teaching certificate should be revoked, or otherwise disciplined, on grounds that he is guilty of engaging in grossly immoral conduct, as alleged.

Findings Of Fact Based upon the evidence presented at hearing, the following facts are determined: The COUNCIL alleges that, on or about April 3, 1979, PAGE engaged in a lewd, lascivious, immoral, and indecent act in the men's restroom of the St. Johns Marina, Jacksonville, Florida, by touching Officer Michael Legan in an unnatural manner; PAGE denies it. (Pre-trial Stipulation, Petition for Revocation, Testimony of Page.) The men's bathroom where the alleged incident took place is adjacent to the St. Johns Marina. The marina is adjacent to the St. Johns River, and across the street from the Alexander Breast Planetarium. A park area nearby is used by groups of children and other visitors to the planetarium. Prior to the time of the incident in question, the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office had received complaints from people at the planetarium, and nearby park visitors, concerning indecent exposure-type incidents occurring in the Marina's bathroom and surrounding area. (Testimony of Legan.) On April 3, 1979, because of this history of reported indecent exposure incidents, Officer Michael Legan, attached to the Morals Squad of the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office, had the Marina's men's bathroom under surveillance for possible homosexual or indecent exposure-type criminal violations. He was accompanied by his partner, Detective Sam Durden, who remained outside the bathroom. At approximately 3:30 or 4:00 p.m., in the afternoon, Officer Legan was wearing civilian clothes and standing inside the bathroom, alongside the wall directly across from a partition which separates the toilets from the urinals. At the time, he was trying to determine whether an unidentified individual using the toilet was there "for a legitimate purpose or whether or not he was attempting to expose himself." (Tr.20) 2/ Shortly thereafter, PAGE entered the bathroom and walked directly to the urinal closest to the door, located across from where Officer Legan was standing. At the same time, Officer Legan moved toward the door, and stopped alongside the wall almost directly behind PAGE. While standing at the urinal, PAGE made what appeared to be a rubbing motion with his hands in his genital area, and glanced over his shoulder in the direction of Officer Legan. This activity continued for about 30 seconds; then PAGE turned 90 degrees to his left, towards the toilet area and away from the bathroom door, held his penis in his hand and rubbed it with a masturbating-type motion. PAGE continued this activity for approximately 20 seconds, while he looked at Officer Legan, then looked down. While Officer Legan observed this activity at a distance of from seven to eight feet, no conversation took place. PAGE then replaced his penis in his pants, started to walk toward the door, and made a motion with his head which Officer Legan understood as a request to follow. In response to what he discerned as PAGE's nonverbal request, Officer Legan followed PAGE toward the door, with the intent to place him under arrest after exiting the bathroom, where Dective Durden would be available to provide assistance. There is a small alcove in the foyer of the bathroom, which separates an inner bathroom door from another bathroom door leading to the outside. As Officer Legan followed PAGE out of the inner bathroom door into the foyer area, PAGE stopped and said, "How are you doing?" Legan answered "Okay," and started to reach into his pocket for his badge. Simultaneously, PAGE grabbed and squeezed Legan in the groin area, and said, "It looks like you're okay." Officer Legan then identified himself as a police officer, placed PAGE under arrest, searched him, gave him the Miranda warnings, and took him to jail for booking. The findings indicated in paragraphs 4(a) through (c) above are, in the main, determined from the testimony of Officer Legan. Respondent PAGE denied, under oath, engaging in the activity described by Officer Legan. It is concluded that Officer Legan's testimony is more worthy of belief and should be accorded greater weight than the conflicting testimony of PAGE. Officer Legan testified with the detached, unbiased manner of a professional law enforcement officer; his narrative testimony was clear, positive, logical, and internally consistent. His prior testimony, by deposition, introduced into evidence by PAGE, is also consistent with and supports his testimony given at final hearing. No significant defects were shown in his capacity, ability, or opportunity to observe, remember, or recount the matters about which he testified. In comparison, PAGE is a teacher accused of grossly immoral conduct justifying suspension or revocation of his teacher's license. As the accused, he has an obvious bias and interest which affects his credibility. Officer Legan's lack of any discernible bias of interest, coupled with the failure to impeach him or discredit his testimony in any significant way, renders his testimony persuasive. (Testimony of PAGE, Legan; R.E. 3.) All Court and Sheriff's Office records pertaining to PAGE's arrest for the above-described conduct were expunged on August 28, 1979, by order of the County Court of Duval County, Florida. In order to qualify for such statutory expungent, the Court necessarily determined that PAGE had never been convicted of a criminal offense or municipal ordinance violation. The effect of expungent is to restore the accused, in the contemplation of the law, to the status he occupied before the arrest. (R.E. 1.) PAGE'S PERFORMANCE AS A TEACHER PAGE has been a competent and effective elementary school teacher in the Duval County School System since 1972. His area of particular expertise has been teaching disadvantaged children reading skills through structured, federally sponsored, reading programs. He has consistently been rated by his supervisors as a "satisfactory" teacher--the highest rating possible. Principals of the schools where he has taught have commended him for his knowledge and performance in teaching remedial reading, good rapport with students, and his ability to understand deficiencies of disadvantaged children and enhance their self-concept. Because of his skills, he was selected to operate the Hoffman Laboratory, a structured reading program for disadvantaged children, at Oceanway Elementary School, Jacksonville. Under his leadership, the Laboratory has been so effective that teachers from other counties have visited to observe and learn. (Testimony of Baker, Sandberg; R.E. 3,7.) PAGE'S CHARACTER PAGE, honorably discharged from the U.S. Marine Corps in 1960, has been an active and responsible ember of his community and the Baptist religion for many years. His church pastors know him as a moral, honest, and religious man, a person of flawless reputation and integrity. He has been married for 32 years, led a normal family life, and successfully raised three children. The charges against him are not in keeping with his wife's view of his character. (Testimony of Evelyn Page; R.E. 4,5.) The policy of the Duval County School Board is to ensure that teachers accused of sexual misconduct are not left in a position where they have contact with children. The Board perceives that such action, on its parts, is necessary in order to provide assurances to parents that their children will be safe. The ability of PAGE to effectively continue to teach at Oceanway Elementary School has been reduced, due to the expected reaction of parents and staff members to the charges against him. (Testimony of Gary Simmons, Sandberg.) To the extent that proposed findings of fact submitted by the parties have not been incorporated herein, they are rejected as being irrelevant to the decision reached, or unsupported by the evidence.

Recommendation Accordingly, based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED: That Respondent's teacher's Certificate No. 137251, be SUSPENDED for two (2) years commencing upon entry of the Final Order in this case. DONE AND ORDERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 16th day of October, 1980. R. L. CALEEN, JR. Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of October, 1980.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 10

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