The Issue The issue in this case is whether Respondent's employment contract with Petitioner should be terminated for violation of School Board policies.
Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the local school board responsible for hiring, firing and overseeing all employees working for the School Board and/or within the Lee County Public School system (also called the "School District" herein). Respondent is an employee of the School Board, serving as an electronics field technician in the School Board's maintenance department. Respondent has worked for the School Board off and on since 1996, when he was a school bus driver. He has been an electronics technician since 2000. In that position, Respondent oversees the maintenance and repair of clocks, alarms, intercoms, scoreboards, sound and lighting systems, burglary systems, and the like for all schools within the School District. Respondent has never received any form of discipline from the School Board. His record is clear, and he has been commended for his work. His work ethic was viewed by others as consistent with that of similarly-situated employees (although Respondent may take more breaks than others). School District maintenance workers work an eight-hour work day, commencing at 7:00 a.m. (per provisions of the SPALC Contract and Collective Bargaining Agreement). Each worker is expected to arrive at the maintenance area on Canal Street (hereinafter "Canal Street") and be ready to commence work by 7:00 a.m., each morning. The work day generally starts with a briefing of sorts to make sure each worker is aware of his/her tasks for the day. After the briefing, workers pick up tools and supplies from various locations around the Canal Street area and then proceed to the first school site requiring performance of an assigned task. A work day for Respondent could involve driving to any one of the numerous school campuses within the School Board's jurisdiction. Workers are given 30 minutes for lunch each day, including the time it takes to drive to and from the lunch site. In addition, workers are allowed two 15-minute breaks, one in the morning and another in the afternoon. Again, the break time includes the time taken to drive to a break site, if the employee decides to take a break at other than the place he/she is working at that time. Employees are not permitted to do personal business or make unauthorized stops during the work day without prior permission from a supervisor. Respondent is a member of the U.S. Naval Reserve and currently holds the rank/level of E5. He attends regular weekend drills each month and also spends two weeks each year on temporary active duty. Respondent has been in the reserves throughout his tenure with the School Board. There has never been an issue between Petitioner and Respondent concerning Respondent's military status or his taking two weeks each summer to attend to his military duties. Respondent is proud of his military service, as evidenced by the fact that he wore his military uniform during both days of the final hearing.1 In May 2008, Respondent spent 17 days on active duty, serving in Bahrain. This was Respondent's active duty requirement for calendar year 2008. However, he then volunteered for an additional period of active duty in July 2008. This second active duty stint was done in furtherance of his military career and at the suggestion of a superior officer. It was strictly voluntary, but Respondent felt somewhat compelled to "volunteer" based on his superior's comments. Respondent then did his second active duty stint beginning June 28, 2008, and ending July 27, 2008. This period of time coincided with the maintenance department's busiest time for its electronics technicians. The maintenance department annually used the time in between school terms to get various maintenance items completed while it would be the least disruptive to students in the classrooms. The summer period is used to "clean up" things that remain pending from the school year. It is clear that Respondent's supervisors were not happy that Respondent had volunteered to be absent during this busy time, but Respondent was allowed to go on active duty anyway. This left the School Board short-handed as to its needed electronics technicians for that period of time. Respondent's supervisor expressed concern to Respondent about this second period of active duty, specifically that it was occurring during the summer break. Respondent recognized the strain this additional leave put on his co-workers and apologized for that fact. Respondent assured his supervisor it would not happen again. Upon his return from the voluntary active duty, Respondent was told that he was being placed on "suspension of driving privileges," meaning that he could not drive School Board vehicles until further notice. This suspension was based on information gleaned from review of data generated by a new tracking system being used in School Board maintenance vehicles (which will be discussed below). Respondent is of the opinion that the suspension was some sort of retaliation for his having gone on the second active duty tour during June and July. The Global Positioning System--Background Beginning in May 2008, the School Board decided to install global positioning system (GPS) devices in all of its maintenance vehicles. The installation began with 50 randomly selected vehicles of the 150-vehicle fleet. The purpose of the GPS devices was to track School Board vehicles and assure that all vehicles were being utilized properly and in accordance with School Board policies. This measure was prompted by repeated complaints from the public about maintenance vehicles being seen involved in non-school activities or at non-school locations. The GPS system in Respondent's maintenance vehicle was installed on May 22, 2008. The signal from the GPS was instantaneous, but required calibration and installation of certain software before it could be effectively utilized. The GPS became fully functional on June 20, 2008, at 10:07 a.m. The GPS system tracked the location, speed, and duration of stops for the vehicle. This data was maintained on a computer server which could print maps showing a vehicle's movements on any given day or time. The maps could be annotated with the vehicle's speed, length of stay at any one location, and actual driving route. On or about June 27, 2008, William G. Moore, director of School Support for the School Board, was being given a course on the use of the new GPS system and how it worked. During his training, Moore randomly selected some vehicles to review, solely for the purpose of ascertaining how the system tracked and recorded information. One of the vehicles Moore randomly selected was vehicle No. 423, which turned out to be Respondent's work van. Moore did not know Respondent personally and did not know to which of the 150 or so School Board vehicles any one person was assigned. Moore then selected June 26, 2008, randomly as a record to review as part of his training. The June 26, 2008, record for vehicle No. 423 immediately raised red flags in Moore's mind. He observed that the vehicle was at a non-school site for over three hours (although it was later determined to be a training site and a legitimate stop). The vehicle was also shown entering a residential community (although again it was later determined that the driver had permission for that trip). However, based on his initial determination that something was amiss and not having any explanation for those instances, Moore decided to more fully examine the route history for vehicle No. 423. First, he determined that this vehicle was assigned to Respondent. (The vehicle will hereinafter be referred to as the work van.) Moore's further investigation turned up a number of questionable stops and trips by the work van during the period June 20 through June 27, 2008. The findings of his investigation will be set forth in pertinent part below on a day-by-day basis, coupled with explanations from Respondent as to each day's activities. Friday, June 20, 2008 At 10:07 a.m. (when the GPS first started working), the work van was departing from Ft. Myers High School ("Ft. Myers High") en route to Estero High School ("Estero"). Upon arrival at Estero, the van remained parked for five minutes, then left the parking lot and drove around the building to the front entrance of Estero for a period of one minute. Leaving Estero, the work van headed to a residential neighborhood known as the Bimini Circle Subdivision, where it stayed for 11 minutes. The work van then proceeded to a 7-11 Store where it remained for 35 minutes. The next stop was back at Estero where the work van remained for one hour and 46 minutes. At 2:00 p.m., the work van left Estero, stopped briefly at the 7-11 Store, then returned to Canal Street at 2:59 p.m. The School Board perceived several violations of policy gleaned from the information on the GPS for the work van during the June 20, 2008, work day: First, the work van was at Estero for a total of two hours and 13 minutes on this date. The total time at Ft. Myers High for this date is not detailed by the GPS, but would presumably be approximately two and a half hours, i.e., allotting time for driving from Canal Street up until the GPS turned on at 10:07 a.m. Respondent's daily activity log indicates five hours at Estero and three hours at Ft. Myers High. Respondent took two unauthorized stops at a store, presumably for personal reasons, and then spent 11 minutes at a residence during work hours. Respondent took in excess of 30 minutes for his lunch hour (35 minutes at a location, plus an undisclosed amount of time driving to and from that location). Respondent took a longer route back to Canal Street than necessary, presumably wasting time. (Employees were expected to work the entire day, then return to Canal Street precisely at 3:00 p.m. A 30-minute debriefing session, return of tools, etc., would occur and then employees would be released from duty at 3:30 p.m. Employees were told repeatedly NOT to return to Canal Street until 3:00 p.m.) Respondent explained his actions and refuted the School Board's concerns as follows: Upon leaving Canal Street that morning, Respondent went directly to Ft. Myers High and remained there until 10:07 a.m. The rest of his day, approximately five hours, was dedicated to work at Estero, but included travel time, breaks, and lunch. The two hours and 13 minutes actually at Estero should be supplemented by driving time to the school from Ft. Myers, driving time to his breaks and lunch, driving time to and from his personal errand, and driving time back to Canal Street. Respondent remembers asking for and receiving permission to stop by his wife's house (the residence in the Bimini Circle Subdivision) to retrieve his wallet. The stops at 7-11 Stores were for lunch and two allowable breaks. The longer route back to Canal Street was taken in order to avoid an accident on the shorter route. During June of 2008, technicians would fill out their daily work logs using rounded estimates of time. They made no attempt to precisely state exact periods of time spent at any one job site. Rather, the daily logs were a very general statement of which job sites had been involved in the employee's work that day. (This procedure has subsequently changed, but was extant at all times relevant hereto.) It is clear Respondent took a longer than allowable lunch break on this date. Further, the time taken for breaks, if drive time was included, was in excess of the allotted amounts. It is clear Respondent was actually at Estero for only about half the time recorded on the daily work log. However, under the procedures in place at that time, the work log time entry was not dispositive of his actual time at the site. Monday, June 23, 2008 On this date, the School Board gleaned the following violations of policies from its review of the GPS log: Respondent was at Estero for two hours and nine minutes, but his daily work log indicates six hours at Estero and two hours at Gateway Elementary. The work van made stops at McDonalds and Bank of America on the way to Estero, then at the Bimini Circle address for eight and a half minutes after leaving Estero. Petitioner says any stops for personal business are strictly prohibited while in a School Board vehicle. After a 47-minute stop at Dairy Queen, the work van then proceeded to Gateway where it stayed for approximately two hours. Upon leaving Gateway, the work van stopped at Home Depot--an unauthorized stop--for about 18 minutes. Respondent provides the following explanation and rebuttal concerning the School Board's concerns for that day: Again, his work sheet indicates the correct amount of time actually at Gateway. The remainder of his day, including all travel, breaks, and lunch, was allocated on this time sheet to Estero no matter how long he was actually there. The stops at McDonalds and Bank of America were simply to allow his co-worker (Sheryl Reed) to get an iced tea and to get money for lunch. Respondent maintains that these types of stops were not specifically prohibited and were common practice. Respondent maintains the stop at his wife's house was his break time (although a stop at McDonalds and Bank of America had already occurred that morning). The 47-minute lunch hour was caused by Respondent simply losing track of time. That is, he admits that it was a longer lunch break than allowed, but it was not done intentionally. The stop at Home Depot was to obtain a coaxial wire needed for the Estero job, but the wire was not available. Employees are allowed to shop at local retail stores to acquire equipment or supplies not available through the School Board. However, all such purchases must be made by way of a purchase card (P-Card) so that purchases can be tracked. There is no P-Card receipt for the Home Depot visit on this date, but Respondent maintains that is because no purchase was made. That is, the coaxial wire he was looking for was not available. Reed said that Respondent made personal purchases from Home Depot and Lowe's on occasion during the summer of 2008 (because he was in the process of remodeling his house). He had purchased floor tiles and other items a couple of times a week that summer. However, she cannot remember whether he purchased anything on that particular date. Respondent admits that he did make purchases of home improvement products during work hours and transported the products in the work van to his house. He does not remember making any such stops for purposes during the week of June 20 through 27, 2008. Tuesday, June 24, 2008 On this date, Respondent's daily work log indicates three hours spent at Gateway and five hours spent at Island Coast.2 The GPS indicates the work van was at Gateway for three hours and at Island Coast for one hour and 40 minutes. The School Board also found the following other policy violations: A stop at Weaver's Corner for 36 minutes and 40 seconds, presumably a long lunch made longer by travel time to and from the lunch venue. An unauthorized visit for eight minutes and 40 seconds at a bank. A visit to a gas station for eight minutes, then a short drive to another gas station for five minutes. Respondent provides the following explanation and rebuttal to the School Board's findings: As before, the extended period of time for the Island Coast job site includes travel, breaks, and lunch. However, it would have been more accurate on this day to have split the two job sites equally. The stops at the gas stations were intentionally made so as not to return to Canal Street before the allotted 3:00 p.m., return time. Respondent does not provide any explanation for the longer than allowable lunch break. Wednesday, June 25, 2008 There were three stops on this date listed on Respondent's daily work log: Island Coast (4 hours), Dunbar Community (2 hours), and Ft. Myers High (2 hours). The GPS indicates the work van was at Island Coast for two hours and 11 minutes; at Dunbar Community for 11 minutes and 20 seconds; at Villas Elementary for one hour and 14 minutes; then at Ft. Myers High for four minutes and 40 seconds. Other perceived policy violations included: A short stop at a bank in the Wal-Mart parking lot upon leaving Canal Street. A lunch stop of 42 minutes and 30 seconds, not counting driving time to and from the restaurant. Another stop at Bank of America for in excess of ten minutes. A short, seven and a half-minute stop at a shopping center. Respondent provided the following in rebuttal and response to the School Board's perceived violations of policy: The quick stops at the banks were not prohibited and were common practice. They may have been part of Respondent's break time on that date. The lunch hour ran over, but was not excessive or intentional. It may have also included part of a break he never took that day. Thursday, June 26, 2008 This is the date that Moore initially reviewed in his training session that raised red flags concerning Respondent's time issues. On this date, the daily work log indicates seven hours in training and one hour at Villas Elementary. The School Board's concerns about this date are set forth above, but would also include: An authorized trip during the lunch hour for Respondent to retrieve a lap top which was being delivered by overnight delivery (so the computer would not be left sitting on the front porch). This trip which took approximately 18 minutes, of which 30 seconds was spent stopped at his house. Respondent also took time for lunch before returning to the training site. A circuitous, out-of-the-way route between the training site and the next job site (Villas Elementary). A short stop at a 7-11 Store and then a longer-than- usual route back to Canal Street. Respondent's explanation and rebuttal to the School Board's concerns were as follows: Respondent had permission to make a quick visit to his home during the lunch hour to see why his home alarm had activated. (He does not remember anything about a lap top or a need to retrieve it.) Respondent says that in the 30 seconds his work van was at the house, he exited the vehicle, walked to the house, unlocked the door and entered, turned off the alarm (which had been activated by his dog, who had escaped from his kennel), put his dog back in its kennel, re-set the alarm and left. Respondent was able to do his personal errand and get to the restaurant and eat lunch with his co-workers within the time (one hour) allotted for lunch that day by the trainer. The circuitous route was for the purpose of delivering some money to his daughter at her school. She was waiting for him outside, and he didn't even have to stop the work van to hand off the money. Rather, his daughter reached out and grabbed the money as he rolled past. The stop at the 7-11 Store was to use the rest room. Respondent's testimony concerning the stop at his house is not entirely believable. It would seem to take more than 30 seconds to accomplish the things that he did. However, inasmuch as he made the stop and was still able to join his co-workers in time for lunch, the reason for his home visit is immaterial. Also, the rolling delivery of money to his daughter is very unusual, but there is no evidence that the exchange did not take place in that fashion. Friday, June 27, 2008 This day's daily work log indicates three work sites: Dunbar Middle School (4 hours), Ft. Myers High (2 hours), and Cypress High School (Cypress High)(2 hours). The GPS indicates 33 minutes and 50 seconds at Dunbar; one hour and 47 minutes at Ft. Myers High; and five minutes and 50 seconds at Cypress High. The work van then went back to Dunbar for one hour, 51 minutes and 30 seconds. The School Board's other concerns about time and travel on this date are as follows: After leaving Canal Street that morning, the work van made stops at McDonalds for three minutes and at Lowe's for 15 minutes. There is a stop of one hour and eight minutes at a shopping plaza, presumably a long lunch hour. Respondent's response to the allegations of policy violations for this day are as follows: The McDonalds visit was again an allowable stop (as he understood the policies) for his assistant to get an iced tea. The Lowe's stop was for the purpose of getting concrete anchors needed for a School Board job, but none were available and so no purchase was made on the P-Card. The long lunch hour was just that; he was not thinking clearly because this was just one day prior to going on active duty and he was preoccupied with those thoughts. The extra driving time was due to the fact that after leaving Dunbar, Respondent was called on the radio to go back there for an emergency job. The daily work logs do not correspond exactly with Respondent's work day because that was not the purpose of the logs. The logs were, at that time, simply an indicator of which schools had been visited on any given day. There was no effort by anyone to be exact or precise with the times recorded on the daily logs. The daily logs are essentially of no value in determining where an employee might have been at any point in time on any given day. There is no way to reconcile the GPS times with the daily work logs. Each employee is expected to work a full day. If the number of tasks assigned during the morning meetings at Canal Street did not fill a technician's day, he/she was expected to locate additional work or do work on an on-going project to fill the day.3 Nonetheless, it is often difficult to coordinate a day's activities to make the assignments equate to the exact hours and minutes in a work day. A large part of an employee's time during the work day is spent driving his/her vehicle. The driving time is supposed to be factored into the time spent on a particular work site. Thus, if it took 30 minutes to get to a work site, that time would be added to the time spent actually at the site. Then, when driving to a subsequent work site, the drive time would be assigned to that next site, etc. Employees are on their honor to take breaks and lunch only when allowed and for the time allotted. There is no time clock, so each person must attempt to keep time themselves so as to honor the allotted times. This is often difficult due to slow service at a restaurant, inability to take breaks at a particular time, or other factors. The GPS system has provided the School Board with an effective tool for monitoring its employees' movements and location. However, at all times relevant hereto, the GPS system was in its infancy and the School Board was still learning how to assimilate and read the data generated by the system. Thus, Respondent's activities from June 20 through June 27, 2008, were examined in a way no other employee's had been looked at heretofore. It is, therefore, hard to make a comparative determination of Respondent's actions versus an established norm. Nonetheless, the School Board's findings are supported by the GPS data. That is, the daily work logs are not consistent with time actually spent at particular job sites. Respondent's lunch breaks exceed the allotted 30-minute time period almost every day that was examined. There are stops at local establishments that are not part of the employee's work duties. Some of the routes taken by an employee are not the shortest routes, although it is impossible to ascertain whether they are the best routes based on other extraneous factors. The time spent on breaks, versus travel time, is hard to ascertain with any degree of certainty.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by Petitioner, Lee County School Board, rescinding the notice of termination and imposing a less stringent penalty, e.g., a period of probation, a letter of reprimand and/or some remedial training, against Respondent, Christopher Rasmussen. DONE AND ENTERED this 22nd day of June, 2009, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. R. BRUCE MCKIBBEN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of June, 2009.
The Issue The issue is whether there exists good cause for the School Board of Osceola County (School Board) to terminate Respondent as an educational support employee pursuant to section 1012.40(2), Florida Statutes (2018).
Findings Of Fact The School Board is charged with the responsibility and authority to operate, control, and supervise the public schools within Osceola County. It has the authority to discipline educational support employees. § 1012.40(2), Fla. Stat. At all times relevant hereto, Respondent was a part- time custodian at Parkway Middle School. His supervisor was plant manager Don Williams. In the spring of 2018, Mr. Williams reviewed surveillance footage depicting Respondent leaving the job early on numerous occasions. Each time he was confronted with departing work early, Respondent would attribute his departures to family problems. He even showed Mr. Williams a picture of a dead man in a vehicle that Respondent identified as his nephew. Mr. Williams also witnessed Respondent initiate arguments with co-workers over work assignments numerous times and concluded that Respondent is "nasty and hotheaded towards his fellow employees." Because Respondent's primary language is Spanish, he asked co-workers to translate his interactions with Mr. Williams. He often became hostile and upset with the co-workers while they translated for him, to the extent one co-worker asked Respondent to stop asking him to translate. On April 4, 2018, a school administrative assistant approached Respondent in the teacher's lounge to ask him about his leaving work early, without permission. Respondent told the assistant that he left early because of a family incident and asked if he could make up the time. The assistant explained that Respondent could not make up the time and proceeded to enter his work time into the employee portal. During lunch hour that same day, Respondent shouted in Spanish at the administrative assistant while flailing his arms at her for adjusting his time. Based on this unprofessional interaction with the administrative assistant, Respondent was issued a "civility notice" by Assistant Principal Marc Hernandez. On April 13, 2018, Mr. Hernandez met with Respondent again after Respondent threw a student chair across the courtyard during a disagreement with a co-worker, Alfredo Zavala. During that encounter, Respondent ordered Mr. Zavala not to mess with him and told him that "in Puerto Rico, people get killed and thrown into the garbage." Respondent was issued a verbal warning by Mr. Hernandez for his actions in throwing the student chair, his unprofessional interactions with co-workers, and leaving work early, without permission. On May 18, 2018, Mr. Williams asked Respondent to help set up for a dance event at the school which was planned for the following day. In response to that request, Respondent slammed his hand on the table, rose up to approximately two inches from Mr. Williams' face, yelled at him in Spanish, and walked out of work, leaving his job duties incomplete. On May 22, 2018, Respondent, believing that a co-worker, John Kelvey, informed the school administration about the incident on May 18, showed Mr. Kelvey a video of a female being shot multiple times in the face and told Mr. Kelvey, "This is what happens to rats. Watch yourself." Respondent also threatened Mr. Kelvey saying "This could be you," in reference to the video. That same day, Respondent was cleaning the classroom of JoAnn Feliciano, a classroom teacher. He told her he had a letter from Mr. Hernandez, requesting a meeting with Respondent. Ms. Feliciano advised Respondent that he should have a union representative with him at the meeting so as to not be alone. Respondent replied that he would not be alone because he would have a gun with him. Ms. Feliciano told Respondent that she would pray for him so that Respondent would not do anything he would regret. Respondent replied that the only thing he would regret was not being able to get the other two custodians that worked in the hallway once the meeting was concluded. He explained that the two co-workers would be running for their lives. After this interaction with Respondent, Ms. Feliciano experienced high blood pressure, which required medical treatment. On May 23, 2018, Respondent was arrested in Polk County (where he resides) for a violation of section 790.163, a felony, which prohibits an individual from making a false report concerning the use of a weapon and firearm in a violent manner. On June 6, 2018, a Final Risk Protection Order was entered by the circuit court prohibiting Respondent from possessing a firearm and ammunition. Progressive disciplinary measures were taken by the School Board for these actions, including the issuance of a civility notice for Respondent's interaction with the administrative assistant, a verbal warning for Respondent throwing the student chair, and a letter from Respondent's supervisor concerning his poor job performance. Despite these progressive measures, his behavior did not change. Following these events, Sheila Williams, a School Board investigator, conducted an investigation and concluded in her report that Respondent "created a hostile work environment for his co-workers." Sch. Bd. Ex. 6. On June 11, 2018, the superintendent issued her letter informing Respondent that a recommendation to terminate his employment would be made at a School Board meeting in July 2018. This appeal ensued.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Osceola County School Board enter a final order terminating Respondent as an employee. DONE AND ENTERED this 20th day of November, 2018, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S D. R. ALEXANDER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of November, 2018.
Findings Of Fact The Petitioner, Barbara Carroll, has been employed by the Holmes County District School Board as lunchroom manager at Prosperity Elementary School for more than six years. On June 15, 1981, the superintendent of the Holmes County School District formally recommended to the school board that the Petitioner be re-employed for the 1981-82 school year in the same position. On July 20, 1981, the school board rejected the superintendent's nomination on the basis of advice from the then principal of Prosperity Elementary School that the Petitioner was frequently tardy or absent, left work early, spent time away from her work area, was insubordinate and openly defiant to the school principal, and because of threats made by the Petitioner's husband when the principal reprimanded her near the end of the 1981 school year. By letter dated July 29, 1981, the Petitioner was notified of the school board's rejection of the superintendent's nomination and the rationale. Prior to his nomination, the superintendent visited the school where the Petitioner managed the lunchroom, and ate there in the lunchroom. He recommended her because his review of the school records and personnel file, together with his knowledge of the Petitioner and her reputation, for four years, convinced him that she is qualified to perform the duties required of the position. He was aware of the complaints that had been made about the Petitioner, but after he investigated, he still judged her to be the best person for the job. The Petitioner's character is good and she has done a fine job in the position over the years. The Petitioner's qualifications to manage the lunchroom were further supported by the present school principal, and two former principals while the Petitioner worked there. These witnesses corroborated the testimony of the superintendent. The Petitioner was a good manager, and she operated the lunchroom in a satisfactory manner throughout the time she was employed. She was never defiant or disobedient, and she was always punctual. The Petitioner testified in her own behalf and explained that she never intended to be insubordinate or defiant of the principal's authority. She did question his policies relating to lunchroom reports and attendance records, and although she disagreed with the principal, she always followed his instructions. The Petitioner notified the principal when she was going to be absent except on one occasion when a family member died. Even then she arranged for a substitute to operate the lunchroom. Another time the Petitioner left school early to drive a teacher to the hospital, without advising the principal, but this situation arose suddenly and happened after lunch time. The operation of the lunchroom was never interrupted. When the complaining principal came to Prosperity School, he found the Petitioner to be doing a good job managing the lunchroom. Throughout the years he remained principal the Petitioner never performed her job improperly. The lunchroom was always in operation, and the Petitioner had the lunchroom covered when she was not there. With remarkable candor, the principal described the Petitioner as a good employee, and added that perhaps she could work better with another principal. This person is not now principal of Prosperity School, There was a personality conflict between the Petitioner and the principal, especially during the 1980-81 school year. The principal had a right to expect that employees under his supervision comply with his instructions and implement his policies without complaints or grumbling, and particularly without insubordination. However, there was not sufficient evidence presented on behalf of the school board to support a finding that the actions of the Petitioner amounted to defiance of the principal's authority, or insubordination, or were more than fair comment by the Petitioner. The weight of the credible evidence supports a finding that the school board's rejection of the superintendent's nomination of the Petitioner as lunchroom manager at Prosperity School was without just cause.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Petitioner, Barbara Carroll, be reinstated as lunchroom manager at Prosperity Elementary School in Holmes County, Florida, effective the beginning of the midterm of school year 1981-82. An it is further RECOMMENDED that the Holmes County District School Board compensate the Petitioner, Barbara Carroll, for the period from the beginning of the 1981-82 school year to the date of her reinstatement. THIS RECOMMENDED ORDER entered on this 11th day of January, 1982, in Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM B. THOMAS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 11th day of January, 1982. COPIES FURNISHED: Philip J. Padovano, Esquire Post Office Box 873 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Bonnie K. Roberts, Esquire Post Office Box 667 Bonifay, Florida 32425
Findings Of Fact Between December 6, 1994, and October 15, 1995, Respondent was employed by the Petitioner as a school bus driver and, subsequently, as a materials handling technician who delivered textbooks and supplies. His performance evaluations for that work were satisfactory or better. Prior to October 15, 1995, a teacher aide position became vacant at H. L. Johnson Elementary School, one of the public schools in Palm Beach County. This vacancy was in the special education classroom taught by Harriet Lurie. Although he had no experience or training for this type work, Respondent was hired to fill this vacancy. Respondent began this employment on October 15, 1995. The students in this classroom require constant supervision and assistance. Ms. Lurie, an experienced ESE teacher, the Respondent, and one other teacher aide were expected to provide the care and supervision required by these students. Respondent and Ms. Lurie were unable to develop an effective working relationship. The conflicts between Respondent and Ms. Lurie escalated, despite the efforts of the principal, Penelope Lopez, to encourage them to work together. December 15, 1995, was the last day of school prior the Christmas holidays. Following an incident between Respondent and Ms. Lurie earlier that day, Respondent appeared in Ms. Lopez's office and requested that he be transferred from Ms. Lurie's class to any other available position. Ms. Lopez explained to Respondent that there were no other available positions. Because he was adamant about not returning to Ms. Lurie's classroom, Ms. Lopez agreed during that meeting to let Respondent perform custodial duties for the remainder of the day. January 2, 1996, was the first day of school following the Christmas holidays. On that date, Respondent reported to Ms. Lopez's office and met with her prior to the beginning of school. Respondent again asked that he be transferred from Ms. Lurie's classroom. Respondent became upset when Ms. Lopez denied his request for transfer and thereafter gave him a written reprimand. The reprimand, which accurately reflects efforts by Ms. Lopez to resolve the problems between Respondent and Ms. Lurie, provided, in pertinent part, as follows: I have had conferences with you on December 6, 12 and 15, 1995 and numerous other impromptu meetings in which we discussed your concerns, my concerns and conflicts you were having with the teacher and the other teacher aide in the K-1B classroom (Ms. Lurie's classroom). The students in this classroom need consistent supervision in a warm nurturing environment. I am very unhappy with the conflict going on between you and the teacher and you and the other aide, at times in front of the students . . . There appears to be no effective working relationship between you and these associates . . . * * * 6. As a teacher-aide (sic), you report to the teacher in the K-1B class and work under her direct supervision. You are expected to follow directions and not argue with her . . . I have requested at each meeting with you to work cooperatively with the teacher and your coworker to solve problems or enhance the classroom setting and work as a team. I had to remove you from the classroom on December 15, 1995 due to a conflict with the teacher. Since you have not heeded my previous advice, I'm presenting you with this written reprimand as disciplinary action. I expect your behavior to improve immediately in all of these areas. Should you fail to improve your attendance and abide by established and published rules and duties of your position, you will subject yourself to further discipline. After Ms. Lopez gave Respondent the written reprimand, on January 2, 1996, she instructed him to return to his duties in Ms. Lurie's classroom. Respondent refused this instruction and left the school campus. Respondent did not return to the school campus on January 2, 1996. Respondent had seven days of sick leave available for his use as of January 2, 1996. Further, he qualified for additional unpaid leave pursuant to the Family and Medical Leave Act (1993), 29 USC Sections 2611 et seq. Respondent did not requested nor had he been given any type of authorized leave for January 2, 1996. Respondent asserts that the School Board has no grounds to terminate his employment for his conduct on January 2, 1996, because he left school to go visit his doctor. The assertion that he left campus on January 2, 1996, because he was sick or in need of a doctor is contrary to the greater weight of the evidence in this proceeding. Based on the greater weight of the evidence, it is found that after he left the school campus on January 2, 1996, Respondent spent the balance of the day attempting to contact district administrators to complain about the letter of reprimand he had received. The greater weight of the evidence establishes that Respondent did not seek medical attention on January 2, 1996. 1/ Respondent disobeyed Ms. Lopez's clear and direct instructions on January 2, 1996, and he willfully neglected his official responsibilities. This action was not justified by a need for medical attention. On January 3, 1996, Respondent reported to Ms. Lopez's office at approximately 7:45 a.m. Ms. Lopez told Respondent that he was needed in Ms. Lurie's class and told him to report to duty. Respondent replied that he was going to the doctor and left school campus. When Ms. Lopez asked why he had not gone to the doctor when he was away from school on January 2, Respondent replied that he had been too busy attempting to do something about the reprimand he had been issued. Respondent was entitled to use sick leave to visit the doctor on January 3, 1996, and he was entitled to use paid sick leave, to the extent of its availability, between January 3, 1996, and the time of his tests on January 16, 1996. Good Samaritan Primary Care is a group of doctors who have associated for the practice of medicine. Leonard A. Sukienik, D.O., and Karen Kutikoff, M.D., are employed by that group practice. On January 3, 1996, Respondent was examined by Dr. Sukienik. Following that examination, Dr. Sukienik scheduled certain medical tests for Respondent to be conducted January 16, 1996. Dr. Sukienik wrote the following note dated January 3, 1996: To whom it may concern, Mr. Frank Sedor is a patient in my office and is noted to have stress related anxiety attacks with chest pain symptoms. This stress may be related to his job and Mr. Sedor may benefit from time off from work. Respondent returned to Johnson Elementary and met with Ms. Lopez at approximately 1:30 p.m. Respondent gave Ms. Lopez the note written by Dr. Sukienik. When Ms. Lopez asked Respondent to return to work, he informed her that he was not going to return to work until after the tests scheduled for January 16, 1996, had been completed. Respondent thereafter left the school campus. Respondent did not request any type of leave on January 3, 1996. Prior to her meeting with Respondent on the afternoon of January 3, 1996, Ms. Lopez did not intend to recommend that Respondent's employment be terminated because she hoped that the problems between Respondent and Ms. Lurie could be resolved. After her meeting with Respondent on the afternoon of January 3, 1996, Ms. Lopez sent a memorandum to Louis Haddad, Jr., the coordinator of Petitioner's Employee Relations office in which she requested that further disciplinary action be taken against Respondent for his refusal to report to his classroom as instructed on January 2, 1996, and for thereafter leaving the school site. The School Board, based on the superintendent's recommendation, voted to terminate Respondent's employment at its meeting of February 7, 1996, on grounds of insubordination and willful neglect of duty based on Respondent's conduct on January 2, 1996. 2/ The School Board is not seeking to terminate Respondent's employment for conduct after January 2, 1996.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Petitioner enter a final order that adopts the findings of fact and conclusions of law contained herein. The final order should also terminate Respondent's employment as a teacher aide. DONE AND ORDERED this 30th day of December, 1996, in Tallahassee, Florida. CLAUDE B. ARRINGTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of December, 1996.
The Issue Whether just cause exists to sustain Respondent’s ten-workday suspension from employment with the Miami-Dade County School Board (“School Board” or “Petitioner”).
Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto, Petitioner was a duly-constituted school board charged with the duty to operate, control, and supervise all free public schools within the School District of Miami-Dade County, Florida (“School District”), pursuant to article IX, section 4(b) of the Florida Constitution and section 1012.23, Florida Statutes. Respondent was hired as a full-time teacher at Mandarin Lakes K-8 Center Academy (“Mandarin Lakes”) and was employed there as a teacher of emotionally behavior disabled (“EBD”) students when all events material to this case took place. She has been employed in the School District for 14 years and, prior to that, for two years in the School District of Broward County, Florida. She has been an EBD teacher throughout her career. As a teacher, Respondent was subject to School Board policies and the collective bargaining agreement under United Teachers of Dade, as well as the Florida State Board of Education. During the 2019-2020 school year, D.J. and I.N. were students in Respondent’s classroom. D.J. was in the EBD class, which is a class for students with an emotional disability. No evidence of record concerning whether I.N. is an EBD student, as well, was presented. I.N. was a student along with D.J. in Respondent’s class who is currently in the fourth grade, however, they are not friends he said. I.N. had heard Respondent yell at D.J. prior to this incident. On October 10, 2019, D.J. asked Respondent to use the bathroom and Respondent said, “No.” D.J. said he was going to pee on himself. This was known by Respondent as behavior she had seen often after the lunch period when the students were not eager to return to school work. Respondent did not allow D.J. to use the bathroom. Respondent called D.J. “pissy,” and it caused the students in the class, including I.N., to laugh. After that, D.J. started to get mad or angry, and D.J. started to hit his head with his hand. Also, D.J. felt “bad” about the situation. Respondent did nothing to stop the students from laughing at D.J. Respondent then asked D.J. if he wanted to be Baker Acted after she observed him picking a scab, which caused it to bleed, and hitting himself on the head. When he got home later that day, D.J. was still upset, so he told his mother what happened at school and asked her what a Baker Act was. D.J.’s siblings have severe mental health issues and have been Baker Acted before; therefore, it was concerning to C.R. (D.J.’s mother) that Respondent made the Baker Act comment to D.J. D.J. told his mother that Respondent called him “pissy” because he went to the bathroom a lot. D.J. was taking medication at the time, of which Respondent was aware, that caused him to have to use the bathroom a lot. D.J. was seven years old when he testified at hearing and was recalling an incident that happened when he was five to six years old. After the incident, D.J. started to say that he wanted to be Baker Acted so he could be with his brother, who at the time was subject to a Baker Act commitment. At that time, C.R. wrote a statement detailing the incident from her perspective, which was consistent with her testimony at hearing. Respondent admitted to using the word “pissy.” Respondent also admitted to making a comment about Baker Acting D.J. because D.J. pulled at a scab and rubbed the blood on himself and also because he smacked himself on the head. Later, Respondent admitted during cross-examination that the scab incident did not occur on the same day as the Baker Act comment and was unrelated. She further admitted that she is not qualified to Baker Act someone and was not serious about D.J. being Baker Acted. This was an “unfortunate incident,” and Respondent apologized for it. D.J. has remained Respondent’s student for nearly a year and a half since the two incidents occurred in 2019. Respondent has maintained a good relationship with both D.J. and his mother. The School Board and the United Teachers of Dade, the classroom teachers’ union, have agreed to be bound by the principle of progressive discipline and that discipline imposed shall be consistent with that principle. Accordingly, they have agreed that the degree of discipline shall be reasonably related to the seriousness of the offense.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Miami-Dade County School Board issue a written reprimand to Respondent. DONE AND ENTERED this 1st day of April, 2021, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ROBERT S. COHEN Administrative Law Judge 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 1st day of April, 2021. COPIES FURNISHED: Michele Lara Jones, Esquire Miami-Dade County School Board 1450 Northeast Second Avenue, Suite 430 Miami, Florida 33132 Alberto M. Carvalho, Superintendent Miami-Dade County School Board 1450 Northeast Second Avenue, Suite 912 Miami, Florida 33132 Richard Corcoran, Commissioner of Education Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1514 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Mark Herdman, Esquire Herdman & Sakellarides, P.A. 29605 U.S. Highway 19 North, Suite 110 Clearwater, Florida 33761-1526 Matthew Mears, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400
The Issue Is Respondent school teacher guilty of violating Rule 6B-1.006(3), Florida Administrative Code, by failure to make reasonable effort to protect students from conditions harmful to their physical safety? Is Respondent guilty of violating Section 231.36(1)(a), Florida Statutes, by misconduct in office and/or willful neglect of duty?
Findings Of Fact Respondent, Kelly L. Bradley, Florida Teaching Certificate 768569 (expiration date June 30, 2000), is a certificated teacher in the State of Florida and held a teaching certificate in 1998-1999. She taught at Lola M. Culver Elementary School during the 1998-1999 school year and was an employee of Petitioner Duval County School Board. Respondent had been employed by Petitioner from January 1996 through October 1996, as a substitute teacher at several elementary schools and was employed full time at Lola Culver commencing October 1996, teaching emotionally handicapped students. This was her first full-time job as a teacher. She received satisfactory evaluations with favorable comments for each of her three years at Lola Culver. She has no record of prior discipline. During most of the 1998-1999 school year, Respondent and Kristy L. James, another certificated teacher, were co-sponsors of the School Safety Patrol at Lola Culver. Respondent volunteered to replace another co-sponsor who left in mid-year. This was her first experience as a Safety Patrol co-sponsor. A "reward" trip near the end of each school year was traditional for Lola Culver's Safety Patrol members. Ms. James had been a co-sponsor of the Safety Patrol for the 1996-1997, 1997-1998, and 1998-1999 school years, but neither she nor Respondent had received any significant instruction in the duties and responsibilities of sponsors. Near the end of the 1998-1999 school year, Ms. James and Respondent planned an overnight trip to Orlando for Safety Patrol members for June 4-5, 1999, a Friday and a Saturday. Ms. James exclusively handled the paperwork for approval of the June 4-5, 1999, field trip by Lola Culver's current principal, Carolyn Davis. She also exclusively handled the permission slips and medical authorizations signed by parents and all arrangements for "chaperones." Swimming had been on the agenda sent home by Ms. James and approved by the prior principal in each of the previous school years. Swimming was also on the 1999 agenda, which instructed students to pack a swimsuit. For the 1999 trip, Ms. James also sent another document, outlining the cost of the field trip for students and soliciting chaperones, and permission slips/medical releases to all the children's parents. Only the agenda mentioned swimming. The permission slip did not expressly mention swimming or solicit information about a child's ability to swim. It solicited only health information and authority to treat in an emergency. Eight fifth grade students (boys and girls) went on the trip, including Litoria Gibson, a non-swimmer, who ultimately drowned while on the field trip. Nowhere on the signed permission slip returned to Ms. James did Litoria's parents state that she could not swim or should not swim. Unbeknownst to anyone concerned, Litoria's mother had instructed Litoria "not to get in the water" during the field trip.1 Respondent and Ms. James went on the trip as co- sponsors and as chaperones. Respondent invited a personal friend and substitute teacher, Eric Lee, to go on the trip as a chaperone. Ms. James' husband, Joey, came along in the same capacity, and two parents, Gail Brown and Hazel Morningstar, also went on the trip. Hazel Morningstar testified that she had considered herself present on the trip only to watch her own son and, based on an oral promise to Rita Whorten's parents, to watch Rita Whorten. In a conversation during the planning stages, Ms. James stated that Rita Whorten would be "with" Ms. Morningstar and her son. At no time material did Ms. Morningstar affirmatively notify anyone she would not act as a group chaperone. In fact, she considered herself to be a chaperone. Gail Brown is the mother of Marcus Brown, one of the Safety Patrol students. Ms. Brown testified that she only went on the trip because she does not allow her son to go on trips involving water by himself, even though Marcus knows how to swim. She further testified that she did not feel any chaperoning responsibility toward any child but her own. However, she knew the teachers would assume that she was going to chaperone all the children, and she never affirmatively notified anyone that she would not act as a group chaperone. The group traveled via a school bus, driven by Petitioner's approved bus driver, Patricia Benton. Ms. Benton was paid for driving the bus, but personally paid for her teenage son, whom she brought along on the trip. Ms. James had asked Ms. Benton to drive the bus, and Ms. Benton's son's inclusion in the trip was in the nature of a "perk" for Ms. Benton. Ms. Benton's son was never considered either a responsible adult or a chaperone. Ms. Benton had accompanied Ms. James and the Safety Patrol on a similar field trip at the end of the 1997-1998 school year and had participated in watching over the children at that time. However, herein, Ms. Benton testified that on the 1999 trip she considered herself only along to drive the bus and watch over her own son. Indeed, neither Ms. James nor Respondent counted Ms. Benton as a "chaperone" in calculating the "one chaperone per every ten children" that they understood to be Petitioner's requirement for field trips. Nonetheless, both teachers considered Ms. Benton to be another responsible adult. Ms. Benton admitted that at times on this trip she was prepared, if necessary, to discipline any disrespectful children. Neither teacher inquired of Ms. Benton if she could or would swim. Respondent and Ms. James considered themselves, Joey James, Mr. Lee, Ms. Brown, and Ms. Morningstar to be chaperones. Neither teacher ever inquired of Mr. Lee, Ms. Brown, or Ms. Morningstar whether they could or would swim. This was Respondent's first overnight field trip. As teachers and Safety Patrol co-sponsors, Respondent and Ms. James regarded themselves as jointly responsible and in charge. Everyone else appears to have looked to Ms. James for leadership. The bus departed from Lola Culver Elementary School at 7:00 a.m., Friday, June 4, 1999. After arriving in Orlando, the group spent most of the day at Sea World. While the group was at Sea World, Respondent and Ms. James assigned responsibility for specific children to specific adults, except for the bus driver, Ms. Benton. No adult protested the assignments. At Sea World, Respondent and Eric Lee were responsible for Litoria Gibson and Makia Hicks. These assignments were essentially designed to keep everyone together and to keep the children under supervision in the amusement park, but they were not intended to last beyond the Sea World portion of the trip. However, no reassignment of responsibility for any child occurred after the group departed Sea World. In the late afternoon, the group was bused to Howard Johnson's South International, a motel. After they checked in, the students were allowed to go swimming in the motel pool. Upon arrival at the motel at approximately 5:45 p.m., room keys were distributed, and it was agreed that adults and children would meet by Ms. James' room, which fronted on the pool area. The children were instructed not to go to the pool until the adults were ready. The pool at the motel was a very large one located in an interior courtyard. The water was 3.5 feet deep at the shallow end and 5.5 feet deep at the deep end. No lifeguard was provided. Nonetheless, the pool had been used safely for the 1998 Safety Patrol field trip, and Ms. James and Ms. Benton were familiar with the motel layout and the pool. Ms. James considered herself a good swimmer, having been a swimmer since childhood. She was comfortable around water. Respondent was an experienced swimmer and athlete. She had learned to swim in early childhood, had had formal lessons during high school, and had done a lot of pool training in connection with playing college volleyball. She had continued to swim regularly in her adult life. She was trained in CPR. Some of the adults, including Respondent, and all of the children met as agreed and proceeded to the pool area. Prior to going to the pool, Respondent briefed all the children on not running or wrestling in the pool and pool area. Initially, Ms. James remained in her room to make a telephone report to Lola Culver's principal, Carolyn Davis. Joey James and Ms. Morningstar arrived at the pool dressed to swim. Litoria Gibson went to poolside wearing a red jumpsuit which would not be considered an unusual item for a child to wear to go swimming. The children entered the pool for the first time at approximately 6:00 p.m., under the direct supervision of Joey James and Ms. Morningstar, who got into the pool's shallow end with some of them. Ms. Morningstar asked who could not swim. Litoria Gibson and another girl raised their hands. Litoria said, "I can't swim." She never volunteered that she was not allowed in the water. Ms. Morningstar told the two girls that they should stay in the shallow end of the pool. Litoria Gibson was tall for her age, approximately the same height as Ms. Morningstar. Ms. Morningstar invited Litoria into the pool and spent 15-30 minutes with her in the pool's shallow end. They squatted to get wet and acclimated to the water. Ms. Morningstar showed Litoria how to stand so that the water only reached her chest and how to doggie paddle and told Litoria that if she got in trouble she could lie flat on her back and float. Litoria then felt comfortable in the water and, giggling happily, entered into dunking games with the other children. When Ms. Morningstar left the pool for the sauna, she warned Litoria to stay in the shallow end of the pool, only chest-high in the water, or get out of the pool altogether. Ms. Morningstar assumed that all the parents' respective permission slips would have alerted the teachers as to which children could or could not swim, so she did not tell anyone which students could not swim. At various times before 7:30 p.m., Joey James and Ms. Morningstar disciplined students by taking away water toys and calming rowdy behavior. Eric Lee arrived at the pool dressed to swim and able to swim shortly after the children entered the pool, but he stayed on the sidelines at the deep end and would not enter the pool. Respondent arrived at the pool dressed to swim and swam a little while Ms. Morningstar was in the shallow end and Joey James was in the deep end. Makia Hicks got into the pool with Respondent and said "Can you stand in here with me?" Respondent questioned Makia, and determining that Makia indeed could not swim, Respondent told her, "Well, you can come in here and I'll show you how to kick your feet." Respondent did not overhear the similar conversation between Litoria and Ms. Morningstar. (See Finding of Facts 33- 34). Later, Respondent got out of the pool and took Makia and Jessica Hayes to the hot tub. She made sure Makia got out of the pool at that time. Respondent, Makia, and Jessica then returned to the pool and were playing around. Ms. James, dressed to swim, arrived at the pool about the time Ms. Morningstar first went to the sauna. Mesdames Brown and Benton arrived poolside sometime after everyone else and remained there for most of the time until 7:30 p.m., in adjoining chairs and approximately midway between the deep and shallow ends of the pool. During this period, Ms. Benton made several trips to and from the jacuzzi and Ms. Brown made at least one trip to and from her room. Neither woman was dressed to swim. By their own accounts, both women were adequate but not trained swimmers, and neither of them intended to swim. When Ms. James arrived poolside, Respondent got out of the pool and she and Ms. James chatted in adjoining poolside chairs on the side opposite from Mesdames Brown and Benton. Makia sat on the edge of the pool with her feet in the water. Fifteen to 20 minutes after arriving poolside, Ms. Brown overheard that Litoria and one other child (she was not sure which child) could not swim. When Ms. Brown heard this, Litoria was already "walking the wall" (moving via her hands on the lip of the pool wall) into the deep end of the pool. Ms. Brown asked Litoria if she could swim and when Litoria said she could not swim, Ms. Brown ordered Litoria back to the shallow end of the pool. At least twice more before 7:30 p.m., Ms. Brown ordered Litoria back to the shallow end from the deep end, but Ms. Brown did not alert anyone else that Litoria was venturing into the deep end. She also assumed that Litoria's parents had informed the teachers that Litoria could not swim, so she did not tell anyone that information either. At approximately 6:30 p.m., Ms. Benton overheard or otherwise figured out that Litoria could not swim. She also assumed that Ms. James and Respondent knew Litoria could not swim and therefore, she did not mention it to them. After being poolside for awhile, Ms. James and Respondent went to Ms. James's room to telephone for pizza for everyone's dinner. Where, precisely, each of the other adults were during this brief period of time is in some dispute, and it may be that Ms. James and/or Respondent came and went from Ms. James's room more than once. Ms. James and Respondent did not specifically designate any adult to be in charge at the pool in their absence(s). Nonetheless, by all accounts, Mesdames Brown and Benton were fully dressed in poolside chairs most of this time and Joey James, Mr. Lee, and Ms. Morningstar were in and around the pool most of this period of time. Later, when it was anticipated that the pizza delivery man would be arriving, Ms. James and Respondent again left the poolside together. As they walked past Ms. Brown and Ms. Benton, Ms. James said, "We're going for the pizza." Neither Ms. James nor Respondent gave any specific instructions concerning the students. Ms. Brown and Ms. Benton acknowledged that they had heard Ms. James say that both teachers were leaving the pool area. Ms. James and Respondent left the pool area and entered a motel corridor off a door leading to the pool area. The children and pool area could not be adequately observed and monitored from this motel corridor. Joey James and Mr. Lee arrived in the corridor simultaneously with the two teachers. Ms. James gave the men instructions to go to the bus and retrieve a cooler of soft drinks and take the cooler to the picnic area at the far end of the pool. Ms. Morningstar arrived in the corridor in time to hear the foregoing instructions concerning the cooler. This meant there were now five adults not watching the children. Respondent then gave Ms. Morningstar enough specially-printed T-shirts for all members of the party, told her the T-shirts would be distributed during dinner, and asked her to take the T-shirts to the picnic area and set up for dinner. Respondent also asked Ms. Morningstar to "check on the kids."2 Ms. James and Respondent assumed the foregoing instruction meant that a third adult (Morningstar) would then be joining the two adults (Brown and Benton) already poolside to watch over and protect the eight students. Ms. Morningstar immediately went to the pool area, carrying the T-shirts. Ms. James, who had the money to pay the delivery man, and Respondent immediately went up an interior hallway toward the hotel lobby to await the pizza delivery man. The six pizzas Ms. James had ordered would require two people to carry them all, but additionally, Respondent wanted to talk to Ms. James alone because she had a concern and planned to defer to Ms. James's field trip experience as a long-time Safety Patrol sponsor.3 On her way to the picnic area, Ms. Morningstar found all the children, including Litoria, in the deep end of the pool. Most were playing dunking games. Apparently, Litoria sometimes participated in dunking, but when Ms. Morningstar spotted her, Litoria was holding onto the pool wall. She was blowing bubbles in the water between her outstretched arms and occasionally pushing off a few inches, floating on her face, and then grabbing the wall again. Ms. Morningstar said, "Litoria, are you sure you feel comfortable? Because you don't know how to swim." Litoria replied, "No, ma'am, I feel comfortable. I'm here with everybody and everybody's beside me." Ms. Morningstar did not consider Litoria in danger as close to the wall as she was, with children near her in the pool, and with Ms. Brown, Ms. Benton, and other adult strangers nearby. She proceeded to the picnic area, passing Brown and Benton in their chairs, and telling them she was going to set up for pizza. At about this time, a few minutes before 7:30 p.m., Ms. Brown was approached by a little girl who wanted to get her pool shoes from her room. Ms. Brown told the child to get her key and she would go with her so that the child would not be alone in a motel room. As they rounded a corner of the deep end of the pool, Ms. Brown spotted another little girl clinging to the side and sobbing, "She tried to drown me!" Then there was a clamor from the other children and Ms. Brown noticed that Litoria, in her red outfit, was floating face down, only inches from the edge of the pool. Just then, Ms. Benton approached and also saw Litoria. Both women screamed. Ms. Morningstar and Mr. Lee, who were in the picnic area, heard the screams and ran to the deep end of the pool to help. With the help of two of the boys and Eric Lee, Ms. Brown hauled Litoria out of the pool. The adults peeled away from Litoria's face a plastic mask designed to cover the wearer's eyes and nose, but not the mouth. The face mask's breathing tube had been lost. Blood came profusely from Litoria's mouth.4 The teachers were notified where they were waiting for pizza in the motel lobby. They returned immediately to render aid. A qualified bystander rendered CPR. Medical attention was summoned via "911." Although Litoria's pulse and breath sounds were revived at poolside, she ultimately died of drowning Christine Arab, General Director of Human Resources for the School Board, holds Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in Elementary Education, and is a doctoral student in curriculum and education. She has been a certified elementary and exceptional student education classroom teacher. In her opinion, Respondent did not take reasonable efforts to protect her students in that she failed to determine which children could and could not swim and left the pool area without making sure that at least one of the adults was prepared to be in the pool with the children, was able to rescue the children, and had agreed to accept the responsibility to oversee and rescue the children from the water if necessary. It was the absence of these precautions by Respondent that mattered to Ms. Arab, not the length of time that Respondent was absent from poolside. Ms. Arab stated, concerning the other adults' behavior on the field trip that, "[G]iven what they each understood their role to be or commitment to be - I think there's a lot of blame to go around . . .." She also described various acts and omissions of the other adults as either reasonable or unreasonable. However, I do not assign the weight to her personal opinions on these subjects that I do to her professional opinion as an educator concerning Respondent's duty of supervision and effectiveness as a teacher. There is no School Board policy defining the duties of "chaperones." The School Board did not prove that it had any specific written policy against swimming on field trips. Ms. Arab conceded that if Ms. James's prior principal had approved swimming for the previous year's field trip and the current principal, Ms. Davis, had not disapproved swimming in 1999, there was no way the teachers could have divined there was any "no swimming on field trips" policy. Principal Davis was disciplined by a 21-day suspension without pay for her flawed oversight of the field trip. This is a very severe penalty for an administrator. Ms. Arab had input into the School Board's decision to prosecute this case. In her opinion, the severity of a termination recommendation against Respondent was warranted because Respondent's flawed oversight of the field trip itself was such that the public and the School Board could have no future confidence in Respondent. Ms. Arab felt the only way the School Board could trust Respondent henceforth would be under the closest supervision and that would be ineffective teaching in the School system. However, Ms. Arab also conceded that had Litoria not drowned, Respondent's failures would not have risen to the level of a terminable offense.
Recommendation Upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered finding Respondent guilty of a violation of Rule 6B-1.006(3), Florida Administrative Code, through her failure to make reasonable effort to protect students from conditions harmful to their physical safety, and of a violation of Section 231.36(1)(a), Florida Statutes, by misconduct in office, suspending her without pay for six months, and requiring her to repeat her supervised one year of beginning teacher training upon her return to the classroom. DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of June, 2000, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ELLA JANE P. DAVIS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of June, 2000.
The Issue As stipulated by the parties, the issue in this case is whether there is “just cause” to terminate the employment of Patricia Davis.
Findings Of Fact The School Board employs Ms. Davis as a bus paraprofessional. Ms. Davis has satisfactorily served the School Board as a bus paraprofessional for approximately ten years, without any significant discipline. Ms. Davis is a continuing status employee. Ms. Davis is covered by the CTA-CU bargaining unit Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). During the 2009-2010 school year, until February 8, 2010, Ms. Davis was assigned to regularly work on bus number 2407. Ms. Marvel Ann Figueroa was the driver regularly assigned to bus number 2407. During the 2009-2010 school year, Ms. Davis was assigned to supervise Exceptional Student Education (ESE) students during transport to and from school on bus number 2407. During the 2009-2010 school year, until February 8, 2010, C.P.2/ was regularly transported on bus number 2407, to and from Palm Pointe Educational Research School (Palm Pointe). C.P. is a student with autism. During the 2009-2010 school year, until February 8, 2010, C.P. was under Ms. Davis’ supervision during transport on bus number 2407. Ms. Davis was aware that C.P. was non-verbal. Ms. Davis recognized that student C.P. was an ESE student with autism. Ms. Davis knew that C.P. was required to use a safety harness/E-Z vest during transport. As required by School Board rules, C.P.’s Emergency Information ESE Bus Form was provided to the staff on bus number 2407, and located on the bus on February 8, 2010. The form provided minimal information. It provided family information and contact numbers. A block labeled "Non-verbal" is checked. In a space labeled "Special instructions for Dealing with Student," one word appears: "Autism." In the "Special Bus Equipment" section, "E-Z on Vest" is checked. School officials knew that within the past two years C.P.’s behavior included vigorous head banging. They also knew that within the past two years C.P. had worn a protective helmet. C.P.’s educational plans included techniques developed to manage head banging and other self-injurious behavior. The school did not inform Ms. Davis of the history of head banging or of the risk of the behavior. This information did not appear on the ESE form. The School Board did not provide the bus with a helmet or other protective or cushioning gear. On February 8, 2010, Ms. Davis was working on bus number 2407. On the morning of February 8, 2010, before boarding students, Ms. Davis performed the pre-trip inspection required by her job duties. It included verifying that the seat belts were securely attached to the seats and that all seat belts were in working condition. Ms. Davis was not feeling well that morning. But she chose to work rather than call in sick. This was poor judgment that contributed to the events of the morning. Ms. Davis and the driver, Ms. Figueroa, discussed Ms. Davis’ illness. They agreed that Ms. Figueroa would get off the bus to escort the children to their seats. This service was a responsibility of Ms. Davis, the bus paraprofessional. On the morning of February 8, 2010, Ms. Davis sat at the front of the bus. Her training and instructions said that the aide was to sit at the back of the bus. But the Transportation Director had repeatedly approved seating charts for the bus that showed Ms. Davis sitting at the front. Consequently, the School Board had authorized Ms. Davis to sit in the front. Ms. Davis’ job duties also required her to constantly monitor the students. Although Ms. Davis periodically looked around to check on the students, she did not maintain a constant view of them. Due to her illness, Ms. Davis struggled to stay awake. Her head nodded and her eyes periodically closed momentarily. Ms. Davis was fighting sleep. She never fell completely asleep. But she did not maintain constant observation of the students. C.P. and three other students were riding bus number 2407 on the route to Palm Pointe the morning of February 8, 2010. Ms. Figueroa properly placed C.P. in his E-Z vest and secured him by his harness in the middle seat of his bus seat row. He was not seated beside the window. During the ride to Palm Pointe, C.P. became upset. He began engaging in self-stimulatory behavior, looking out the window, shaking his hands, and rocking back and forward in his seat. The self-stimulatory behavior was intermittent. This behavior, while often and typically exhibited by autistic children, was more vigorous behavior than C.P. had previously exhibited while riding the bus. As the drive to Palm Pointe continued, C.P. began to hit his hands and then his head against the side of the bus and the bus window. He rocked back and forward in his seat. He leaned and rocked from side to side as he banged his head on the bus window. This behavior continued for about eight minutes. Before that day, C.P. had never exhibited those behaviors while riding the bus. On February 8, 2010, C.P. had been riding bus number 2407, since the beginning of the school year, about six months earlier. Ms. Davis and the bus driver noticed the behavior quickly. They were very concerned about C.P.'s behavior and safety, as well as the safety of the other children on the bus. The bus driver could not pull over, because of the traffic conditions and restrictions resulting from the roads on which she was driving. Ms. Davis did not move C.P. farther away from the window. Unfastening C.P. from his harness and attempting to move him would have been dangerous for him and for the others on the bus. Ms. Davis and Ms. Figueroa were panicked and frightened. They discussed what steps they could take. They were hesitant to physically approach C.P. because they remembered being told in training that physical efforts to control a child with autism would likely cause them to become more violent. Ms. Davis’ training required her to seek help from a manager if she did not know how to handle a situation. Throughout the bus ride on February 8, 2010, as the situation worsened, Ms. Davis never used the available cell phone to seek assistance from a manager. Near the end of the ride, C.P.’s head banging broke the window and cut C.P. He began bleeding, but not profusely. Ms. Davis got the phone number of C.P.’s mother from the ESE form and called her. C.P.’s mother asked them to continue to the school and said she would meet them there. Ms. Davis’ call for assistance came too late. Her failure to promptly seek assistance was a neglect of her duties and a failure to exercise sound professional judgment. As the bus pulled in and stopped at the school, C.P. calmed. Ms. Davis approached him and comforted him verbally and physically. Other school employees boarded the bus and escorted C.P. off where his mother met him. The emergency intervention duties of a bus paraprofessional, like Ms. Davis, include providing ESE students physical assistance, if needed, during an emergency. Ms. Davis had seen C.P. mildly agitated before February 8, 2010. But there is no persuasive evidence that his actions included banging his head against the window or anything else, or that he had previously engaged in any self-injurious activities in Ms. Davis' presence. C.P.'s activities when agitated had included rocking, jerking, rubbing his fingers together, and humming. These are all typical self-calming behaviors shown by individuals with autism. They were not unusual for a student with C.P.'s disability. The behaviors were to be expected and would not have triggered concerns sufficient to report the behavior. In the past when C.P. became agitated, Ms. Davis had calmed him by offering cookies and speaking quietly to him. On February 8, 2010, these techniques worked briefly. C.P. paused his head banging, but then resumed. During Ms. Davis’ ten years of employment, the School Board provided her 92 hours of job-related training, an average of 9.2 hours per year. Of that, 20 hours were her initial training. Ms. Davis attended the classes and successfully completed them. The instruction covered a wide range of topics including equipment, procedures for emergencies, such as traffic accidents, school board policies, and employee relations. The training provided by the School Board included initial and refresher training in Crisis Prevention Intervention (CPI). Ms. Davis' most recent CPI training was August, 2007. She successfully completed it. The CPI training is general and addressed a range of situations. It includes training in verbal and non-verbal techniques. The techniques range from soothing and calming to physical restraint. There is no persuasive evidence that any of the CPI or other training specifically addressed the unique problems and dangers presented by a student in need of physical restraint in a moving vehicle. The testimony of School Board witnesses who reviewed the video tape of the incident and the reports highlighted the difficulty of the situation. The School Board witnesses believed that C.P. was sitting in a window seat and said Ms. Davis should have relocated him. Other School Board witnesses, and common sense, more reasonably maintained that trying to relocate a physically agitated student in a moving bus would endanger him and the other passengers. The CPI training did not include techniques specific to the unique issues presented by students with autism. It did not provide information about how to address head banging or suggest techniques such as cushioning the blows’ impact when a person is banging his head against a hard object. Typically, the school’s training involved two days of in-service presentations about general issues, transportation, student and personnel issues, including School Board policy, equipment, safety, and duties of bus drivers and aides. The training in aggregate provided little specific information about students with autism and nothing useful about ways to manage behavior such as that exhibited by C.P. on February 8, 2010. The School Board provided Ms. Davis training in non- violent crisis intervention. It involved techniques for dealing with children who are acting out in an aggressive or violent manner. The training did not emphasize or focus on issues involving behavior of students with autism. It presented techniques as equally applicable and effective for all student populations, including ESE students with autism. The training, however, provided that employees should call their manager for assistance when faced with a problem they cannot handle. Autism presents widely varied types of behavior. The crisis intervention techniques suggest engaging students in conversation and establishing a relationship with them through verbal interaction. This is not particularly useful or instructive in dealing with situations concerning non-verbal children. One of the district's training documents is titled "How well do you KNOW YOUR EQUIPMENT ?????." This training document is a representative sample of the training material that the district relies upon as having prepared Ms. Davis for the student's head banging. The information it provided did not. This is all the document had to say about possible behaviors of children with autism and how to react to them. Child may not be able to voice his/her discomfort, this may be apparent by different types of behavior: Rocking Banging with head or hands Biting Yelling, etc. In retrospect things could be fine, and child may exhibit inappropriate language and behavior. Modification training may be required to minimize their actions and reactions, to a more acceptable behavior. DON'T TAKE IT PERSONALLY The information in other training materials is similarly non-specific and not helpful in the emergency Ms. Davis faced. The CBA states: “[a]ny member of the Classified Unit may be dismissed by the School Board during his/her term of appointment, when a recommendation for dismissal is made by the Superintendent, for “just cause.” The CBA defines “just cause” to include “insubordination; neglect of duty; unsatisfactory work performance; and violation of School Board Policy and/or Rules . . .”. School Board Rule 6.301(3)(b), provides a non-inclusive list of infractions that support disciplinary action. They include: neglect of duty; violation of any rule, policy, or regulation; sleeping during working hours; violation of safety rules; violation of the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession; violation of the Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession; violation of the Standards of Competent and Professional Performance; and violation of the Code of Ethics for Public Officers and employees. The Code of Ethics of the Education Profession in Florida (Florida Administrative Code Rule 6B-1.001), and the Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida (Florida Administrative Code Rule 6B-1.006) require Ms. Davis to have concern for the students as her primary professional concern; to seek to exercise the best professional judgment and integrity; and to make reasonable efforts to protect students from harmful conditions.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered pursuant to section 435.06, suspending Respondent, Patricia Davis, from employment for a period of one year, starting November 9, 2010. DONE AND ENTERED this 1st day of November, 2011, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JOHN D. C. NEWTON, II Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 1st day of November, 2011.