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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-000132 Latest Update: Jul. 30, 1982

Findings Of Fact Marvel O. Warren and his brother Dan own a parcel of beachfront property in Walton County, south of State Road 30A (SR30A) near Seagrove Beach. Like Mr. Warren, the other intervenors own beachfront in the area, which lies in County Commission District Five. In 1954, before the Warrens built their house landward of the dunes, no road ran toward the beach from SR30A. Construction traffic to the house site beat down a path, however. In Walton County, each county commissioner is responsible, within the district he represents, for road maintenance and, on existing county right-of- way, for construction of new roads. DNR's Exhibit No., 7; Testimony of Owens. Expenditures in excess of $500 for materials beyond what the county has stockpiled require approval by the full commission, however. Testimony of Owens. FIRST ROAD BUILT Albert Gavin of Freeport was county commissioner for District Five when, in 1958 or 1959, he caused a red clay road to be built from SR30A southerly along the eastern edge of the Warren property over sand dunes and onto the beach to within 20 or 30 feet of the water's edge. During Mr. Gavin's tenure, the county owned a borrow pit and kept no records of how much clay was placed where. (No records of the quantity of clay deposited on the beach at any time were offered in evidence at the hearing.) Fishermen used the road to launch boats into the Gulf of Mexico. Except for any portion that may have extended onto sovereignty land, the road lay on county-owned right-of-way. UPLAND SEGMENT PERMANENT The clay road landward of the sand dunes leading along the eastern edge of the Warren property to SR30A (the upland road) has been consistently maintained and in existence since it was originally built. The upland road ends at the bluff line, which is practically congruent with the coastal construction control line at that point on the coast. DNR's Exhibit No. 4; Testimony of Hill. At some time between 1960 and 1969, also landward of the subsequently established coastal construction control line, a clay parking lot was built adjacent to the upland road. BEACH SEGMENTS EVANESCENT Whenever clay has been placed on the beach, seaward of the crest of the landwardmost sand dune, the gulf has washed it away. Many clay roads at the site did not last the summer. Virtually no clay deposit has lasted longer than a full year. One attempt after another to construct a clay road seaward of the sand dunes (the beach segment) has failed. Witnesses testified that the sun bleached the red clay and that wind covered it with white sand but wave action has been the clay's principal nemesis. When Harold C. Lucas was commissioner for District Five from March, 1968, to January, 1969, no clay was deposited on the beach and there was no beach segment. Except for three months in 1975 when Van Ness R. Butler, Jr., of Grayton Beach, served as District Five's county commissioner, Conley Martin of Portland represented the district from 1969 to 1976. As county commissioners, both of these men directed clay to be placed on the beach at various times. COASTAL CONSTRUCTION CONTROL LINE ESTABLISHED A beach segment was in existence at the time the coastal construction control line was established, and recorded, on June 4, 1975, although the beach segment that then existed went straight from the foot of the sand dune toward the edge of the gulf, instead of veering east like the new; longer beach segment built last September. THEN EXISTING ROAD DESTROYED, REPLACED In September of 1975, Hurricane Eloise removed not only the beach segment of the road but much of the beach, including the dunes themselves. As road foreman for District Five at the time, Robert N. Budreau used a road grader and other equipment to fill a large hole between the Warren house and the sand dune and to cover over broken toilets and other debris with a mixture of sand and yellow clay. After the filling, a roadway was constructed with the same sand and clay mix, extending about 25 feet seaward of the dunes along a line perpendicular to the gulf shore. REPLACEMENT ROAD RECLAIMED BY ELEMENTS In 1976, Freddie M. Bishop was elected county commissioner for District Five. After the beach segment built by Mr. Budreau washed out, at least one constituent, Gene Wesley, asked Mr. Bishop to replace it, but Mr. Bishop broke with sisyphean tradition, and declined to place any clay on the beach, or otherwise attempt to reconstruct or replace the beach segment. By the time petitioner McLean succeeded Bishop as commissioner for District Five, the beach segment had been completely obliterated. The end of the upland road continued, however, to be one of some half-dozen points of access for four-wheel drive vehicles to Walton County's gulf beaches. Commissioner Bishop did cause two truckloads of oyster shells to be deposited on the "hump" of the landward sea dune, on or near the bluff line. NEW BEACH SEGMENT In response to constituents' requests, Mr. McLean ordered a new road built. He caused clay and gravel to be placed and compacted seaward of the coastal construction control line by county workmen and machinery, including some "borrowed" for the purpose from colleagues on the Walton County Commission. Built without a DNR permit in September of 1981, this new beach segment extends 180 feet seaward of the coastal construction control line and takes an unprecedented veer to the east. The only preexisting foundation for the new beach segment was the beach itself. Like Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner W. F. Miles "lent" county trucks he had charge of to respondent McLean, but Mr. Miles did not know in advance that Mr. McLean intended to use them to build a road on the beach. Commissioners Matthews, Miles, and Owens were aware of the existence of the coastal construction control line in Walton County and, in a general way, of DNR permitting requirements and procedures, including the fact that the County Commission itself acts on certain coastal construction applications. Commissioners Anderson and McLean did not testify on these matters. DNR has issued no permit for anything like the new beach segment at any time since the coastal construction control line wad established. DNR has no record of any inquiry concerning the new beach segment by or on behalf of petitioners McLean or Walton County, before the new beach segment was built. There was no showing that Mr. McLean sought legal advice before ordering construction of the new beach segment. Paragraphs 1 through 8 of DNR's "Final Order," as amended at the final hearing and set forth above, have been established by stipulation of the parties. The hearing officer has had the benefit of posthearing submissions, including proposed findings of fact, filed by all parties. Proposed findings have been adopted, in substance, where relevant, except when unsupported by appropriate evidence.

Recommendation Upon consideration of the following, it is RECOMMENDED: That DNR order petitioner Walton County to remove the new beach segment seaward of the Walton County Coastal Construction Control Line within 30 days of entry of a final order. That DNR remove the new beach segment seaward of the Walton County Coastal Construction Control Line itself, in the event of petitioner Walton County's noncompliance with the final order; and take steps to recover the cost from petitioner Walton County. That DNR impose no civil or administrative fine against petitioner W. L. "Billy" McLean. DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of July, 1982, in Tallahassee, Florida. ROBERT T. BENTON, II Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of July, 1982. COPIES FURNISHED: George Ralph Miller, Esquire Post Office Box 687 DeFuniak Springs, Florida 32433 W. Dennis Brannon, Esquire Post Office Box 1503 Fort Walton Beach, Florida 32549 Deborah A. Getzoff, Esquire Department of Natural Resources 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32303 M. Stephen Turner, Esquire Post Office Drawer 591 Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Elton J. Gissendanner Executive Director Department of Natural Resources 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32303

Florida Laws (3) 120.57161.053161.054
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Key West, Florida May 19, 1994 Number: 94-002843DRI Latest Update: Jun. 06, 1996

The Issue At issue in this proceeding is whether development orders (building permits) issued by Monroe County to John F. Myers are consistent with the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan and land development regulations.

Findings Of Fact Findings based on parties' stipulations John F. Myers is the owner of real property known as Lot 43, Block 3, Lower Matecumbe Beach subdivision, Lower Matecumbe Key, in unincorporated Monroe County, Florida. Monroe County is a political subdivision of the State of Florida, and is responsible for issuing development orders for development in unincorporated Monroe County. Monroe County issued the development orders which are the subjects of this proceeding. Petitioner Department of Community Affairs is the state land planning agency with the responsibility to administer the provisions of Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, and regulations promulgated thereunder; and with authority to appeal any development order issued in an area of critical state concern to the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission. Sections 380.031(18), 380.032, 380.07(2), Florida Statutes. Most of Monroe County, including the subject property, is within the Florida Keys Area of Critical State Concern, as designated under Sections 380.05 and 380.0552, Florida Statutes. These statutory provisions require that Monroe County adopt and implement a comprehensive plan and land development regulations consistent with the Principles for Guiding Development. Section 380.0552(7), Florida Statutes, formerly Chapter 27F-8, F.A.C. Monroe County has adopted a comprehensive plan, effective September 15, 1986, which complies with the Principles for Guiding Development and which has been approved by the Department in Chapter 9J-14, F.A.C., and by the Administration Commission in Chapter 28-29, F.A.C. The Monroe County comprehensive plan is implemented by and through its adopted land development regulations, codified primarily in Chapter 9.5, Monroe County Code (MCC). On December 10, 1993, Monroe County issued to Respondent Myers seven (7) building permits, each numbered 9230005763, for development of a 4,418 square foot single-family residence with 1,363 square feet of porches, and a 2,300 square foot ground slab. The permits also authorize development of a 183 square foot retaining wall, 38 pilings, and a "dock 183 sq. ft x 8ft." on the subject property. The permits were rendered to the Department on December 14, 1993. The open water shoreline on the subject property has accreted. Included in the environmental standards of the Monroe County land development regulations is Section 9.5-345, Monroe County Code, entitled "Environmental design criteria," which provides, in relevant part: Disturbed Lands: All structures developed, used or occupied on land which are [sic] classified as disturbed on the existing conditions map shall be designated, located and constructed such that: * * * (3) On lands classified as disturbed with beach berm: * * * b. No beach-berm material is excavated or removed and no fill is deposited on a beach berm; * * * f. No structure shall be located within fifty (50) feet of any portion of any beach-berm complex which is known to serve as an active nesting or resting area of marine turtles, terns, gulls or other birds; Lower Matecumbe beach is an active nesting area for marine turtles. Loggerhead turtles, the primary marine turtles which nest on Atlantic beaches in the Keys, are a threatened species under the federal Endangered Species Act. There are thirty beaches in the Florida Keys which consist of loggerhead nesting habitat. The beach on Lower Matecumbe Key, including that portion of the beach which fronts on Mr. Myers' property, is a known turtle nesting beach that is ranked as the second most heavily nested beach in the Keys. The Monroe County comprehensive plan recognizes the beaches on Lower Matecumbe Key as known loggerhead turtle nesting beaches. Pursuant to the comprehensive plan, the County has prepared endangered species maps as a tool to be utilized in identifying known turtle nesting areas. Surveys of turtle nesting behavior in the Florida Keys are accomplished through a network of volunteers. The nesting survey information obtained from this volunteer network provides very general locations with varying degrees of accuracy depending on the number and ability of the volunteers and the extent to which they can obtain access to privately owned beach front property. Because of the limitations in the survey data, it is not generally possible to determine whether turtles have nested on a particular lot. Marine turtles most commonly nest within the first 50 feet landward of the mean high tide line, although they have been known to go farther upland. Because of the compressed beach and berm habitat in the Keys, loggerhead turtles have been known to nest in grassy vegetation and woody vegetation more than 50 feet landward of the mean high water line. Mr. Myers' property is properly designated as "disturbed lands" and there exists on this property a "beach-berm complex" which is known to serve as an active nesting area of marine turtles within the meaning of Section 9.5-345, Monroe County Code. The setback requirement found in Section 9.5-345, Monroe County Code, applies to this development. Consequently, no structure may be located within fifty (50) feet of any portion of the beach-berm complex which is known to serve as an active nesting area of marine turtles. Section 9.5-4(B-3), Monroe County Code, contains the following definition that is pertinent to this proceeding: (B-3) "Beach berm" means a bare, sandy shore- line with a mound or ridge of unconsolidated sand that is immediately landward of, and usually parallel to, the shoreline and beach. The sand is calcareous material that is the remains of marine organisms such as corals, algae and molluscs. The berm may include forested, coastal ridges and may be colonized by hammock vegetation. According to the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan, the biota characteristic of beach systems in the Keys occur in up to four distinct generalized zones or associations, assemblages of plants and animals that have adapted to the environmental conditions of that zone. The zones on Keys beaches are described by Volume I of the Comprehensive Plan as follows: The strand-beach association is dominated by plants that are salt tolerant, root quickly, germinate from seed rapidly, and can withstand wave wash and shifting sand. Commonly found species include Sea Purslane (Sesuvium portulacastrum), Railroad Vine (Ipomoea pescaprae), Beach Grass (Panicum amarulum), Sea Oats (Uniola paniculata), Sea Lavender (Tournefortia gnapholodes), Coastal Ragweed (Ambrosia hispida) Bay Cedar (Suriana maritma), Cenchrus and Chamaesyce. On most Keys beaches this association occurs only at the base of the berm since the beach zone is very narrow. These plants also occupy the most seaward portion of the berm and continue some distance landward. * * * The next zone, "strand-dune" association begins with a steep and distinct increase in slope upward from the beach. This sloping portion of the berm receives the effects of the highest spring tides as well as storm-generated wave wash. The berm may be elevated only several inches or as much as several feet above the level of the beach and may extend landward hundreds of feet as a flat-topped plateau or beach ridge. The foreslope of the berm, or beach ridge, is vegetated primarily by the above-listed species of beach association. Grasses and herbaceous plants, which serve to stabilize this area, are most common. Proceeding landward, these pioneer species are joined by other species. * * * The strand-scrub association is generally considered a transition zone between strand-dune and hammock forest. Shrubs and occasional trees occur more frequently here and become more abundant as one proceeds landward. Species often found include Seagrape, . . . Wild Sage (Lantana involucrata), [and] Gray Nicker. . . . The most landward zone on the berm is occupied by tropical hardwood hammocks. On September 11, 1986, Monroe County issued building permit no. 20360 to John Brockway, Respondent Myers' predecessor in title, for development of a single-family residence on the subject property. The permit was issued prior to the effective date of the current Monroe County comprehensive plan and land development regulations, and prior to adoption of the setback provision in Section 9.5-345(o)(3)f., Monroe County Code, which is the subject of this proceeding. The Department of Community Affairs did not challenge the Brockway permit. In 1990, the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund issued to John and Patricia Brockway a deed for sovereignty submerged lands adjacent to the subject property. The County-approved site plans for the subject permits indicate that excavation for a stormwater swale will occur seaward of the proposed residence. Mr. Myers has no intent to excavate a stormwater swale seaward of the proposed residence. The subject building permits and approved plans shall be revised to eliminate the stormwater swale and demonstrate the means by which stormwater runoff will be addressed, as required by the Monroe County Code. Based upon this agreement, the Department will not pursue its allegation that the permits are inconsistent with section 9.5-345(0)(3)b., Monroe County Code, and considers that issue to be resolved by this agreement. The parties agree that that portion of the subject permits which authorizes development of a dock on Lot 43 is acceptable, and a dock may be developed on Lot 43, so long as the permits are amended to specify that (a) the dock shall be developed adjacent to Lot 43 on an existing dredged channel and not on the jetty or open water shoreline, and (b) development of the dock is conditioned upon the Owner obtaining permits for a principal use. Findings based on evidence at hearing The subject property is generally triangular in shape. It fronts on a cul-de-sac on the northeast side. Along the west side of the property is a dredged channel and a jetty or riprap revetment. Along the south side the property fronts on the Atlantic Ocean. On the east side of the property is a single-family residence. The subject property is undeveloped except for a fill pad or fill pile established some time ago around the cul-de-sac to the western side of the property. The purpose of the setback requirement in Section 9.5-345(o)(3)f., Monroe County Code, is to provide a habitat buffer to protect marine turtles from direct and indirect impacts of development, such as lighting impacts, noise, and clearing activities behind structures when people use their back yards. Buffers are a commonly used planning technique for both planning purposes and environmental purposes. The beach berm on the subject property has not moved over time. The shoreline has accreted in recent years and therefore the mean high tide line has moved seaward. This accretion provides additional habitat for marine turtles and affects the setback measurement when it is expressed as a number of feet from mean high water, as both parties have done in this case. However, the fact that a shoreline is either accreting or eroding is not relevant to a determination of the location of the beach berm. The parties agree that the berm is identified, at least in part, by a visual assessment of the increase and decrease in elevation of the property. A berm is essentially a rise in elevation which, moving landward from the water, rises up to a high point then begins to drop back off gradually until one reaches the adjacent grade or the natural grade beyond the berm. When the grade flattens out, that is generally the landward extent of the berm. The greater weight of the evidence shows that the landward extent of the beach berm complex on Respondent's property, and the area commonly utilized by marine turtles as nesting habitat are each approximately 50 feet landward of the mean high water line depicted on the June 1994 survey of Respondent's property. Expressed as a measurement from mean high water, the setback required by Section 9.5-345(o)(3)f., Monroe County Code, on Respondent's property is approximately 100 feet. A variance from the setback provision in Section 9.5-345(o)(3)f., Monroe County Code, is not authorized. However, a variance from the front yard setback may be available to Respondent if he wishes to develop the particular single-family residence shown on the plans approved with the subject permits. The Monroe County comprehensive plan, Vol. I, Background Data Element, Section (3) entitled "Community Character," provides: A principal focus of growth management is the protection and enhancement of quality of life. Community character is a fundamental element of the circumstances described as quality of life. Community character refers to the nature of an area and can be described in terms of both the natural and the built environment. For example, the character of an undeveloped area is determined by the natural environment and is characterized by extensive open space and other environmental values. In contrast, the character of a city is defined by the built environment and the quality of life depends upon the design and effect of buildings. * * * . . . . In the Keys there are readily identifiable community characters that can be defined by the nature and extent of various land uses per community. These community character types are: Native, Sparsely Settled, Sub-Urban, Urban Transition and Urban. The comprehensive plan goes on to describe each type of community character, and includes a lengthy discussion of the criteria for determining community character. These criteria include land use, design of man-made elements including intensity of buildings and the nature of open spaces, landscaping, and social interactions and experiences. Setbacks are not mentioned in the list of criteria for determining community character or in the descriptions of the various community character types. Regardless of whether other homes in the neighborhood meet the setback requirement in Section 9.5-345(o)(3)f., Monroe County Code, requiring Respondent to do so will not affect the community character of the neighborhood as defined in the Monroe County comprehensive plan.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission enter a final order denying permission to develop under Monroe County building permits no. 9230005763 as issued on December 10, 1993. It is further RECOMMENDED that the final order state that Respondent will become eligible for permits if his development plans are modified as provided in paragraph 40 of the Conclusions of Law. DONE AND ENTERED this 15th day of August 1995 in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. MICHAEL M. PARRISH Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of August 1995. APPENDIX The following are the specific rulings on all proposed findings of fact submitted by all parties. Findings proposed by Petitioner: Paragraphs 1 through 7: Accepted. Paragraph 8: Rejected as constituting a conclusion of law, rather than a proposed finding of fact. Paragraphs 9 through 14: Accepted. Paragraphs 15 and 16: Rejected as statements of position or legal argument, rather than proposed findings of fact. (The statements in these paragraphs are essentially correct, but they are not proposed findings of fact.) Paragraphs 17 through 20: Rejected as further statements of position or legal argument, rather than proposed findings of fact. (To the extent necessary, the parties' positions are addressed in the conclusions of law portion of this Recommended Order.) Paragraph 21: Accepted. (This is a stipulated "fact".) Paragraphs 22 through 24: Accepted, with some minor clarification. Paragraphs 25 through 34: Rejected as subordinate and unnecessary details. (Most of the details proposed in these paragraphs are supported by the evidence and all were considered in the formulation of the ultimate findings of material fact, but none of these details need to be included in the findings of fact in this Recommended Order. The findings proposed in paragraph 33 are rejected for the additional reason that they are supported only be uncorroborated hearsay evidence.) Paragraphs 35 and 36: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 37: Rejected as a statement of position, rather than a proposed finding of fact. Paragraphs 38 and 39: Accepted. Paragraph 40: Rejected as constituting argument, rather than proposed findings of fact. Paragraph 41: Accepted. Paragraphs 42 and 43: Rejected as constituting argument, rather than proposed findings of fact. Findings proposed by Respondent: Paragraphs 1 through 14: Accepted. (These are all stipulated facts.) Paragraph 15: Accepted. Paragraph 16: Rejected as subordinate and unnecessary details. Paragraph 17: First and last sentences rejected as irrelevant. Middle sentence accepted. Paragraph 18: First sentence accepted. Last sentence rejected as subordinate and unnecessary details. Paragraph 19: Most of this paragraph is rejected as subordinate and unnecessary details or as irrelevant. Some portions are rejected as not fully supported by persuasive evidence. Paragraph 20: First sentence rejected as too broadly worded to be meaningful. The last sentence is rejected as being a conclusion that is not warranted by the evidence. Paragraph 21: Accepted. Paragraph 22: First three sentences rejected as subordinate and unnecessary details. Last sentence accepted. Paragraph 23: First sentence rejected as not fully supported by the evidence. The berm line is, in general, a gentle curve that for the most part runs parallel to the gentle curve of the shore line. Second sentence is rejected as irrelevant or as unduly repetitious. Paragraph 24: Second sentence accepted. The remainder of this paragraph is rejected as subordinate and unnecessary details or as irrelevant. Paragraph 25: The first sentence is rejected as not fully supported by the persuasive evidence; the evidence is too vague to support the use of the word "immediately" in this context. The second sentence is rejected as irrelevant. The third, fourth, fifth, and sixth sentences are rejected as being contrary to the greater weight of the persuasive evidence. Paragraph 26: The first four sentences are rejected as subordinate and unnecessary details because the greater weight of the evidence is consistent with the version put forth by the Petitioner's witnesses. Greater confidence has been placed in the measurements by the Petitioner's witnesses than in the conflicting measurements described by Respondent's expert witness. The fifth sentence is accepted in substance. The sixth and seventh sentences are rejected as consisting of arguments or of conclusions that are contrary to the greater weight of the evidence. Paragraphs 27 and 28: Rejected as subordinate and unnecessary details. Paragraph 29: First two sentences rejected as argument. Third and fourth sentences rejected as contrary to the greater weight of the evidence and as apparently based on testimony that has been taken out of context or has been misunderstood. Fifth sentence rejected as argument. Sixth sentence rejected as an over-simplification. Seventh sentence rejected as an argument or conclusion that is contrary to the greater weight of the evidence. Paragraph 30: Rejected as unnecessary summaries of testimony, rather than proposed findings of fact. Further, these summaries are, for the most part, either not fully supported by persuasive competent substantial evidence or are contrary to the greater weight of the evidence. Some of these summaries also emphasize details that are apparently based on a misunderstanding or misinterpretation of selected portions of the evidence and ignore the greater weight of the evidence. Paragraph 31: First sentence rejected as not supported by persuasive competent substantial evidence. (To the contrary, it appears to be based on a misunderstanding or a misinterpretation of Mr. Metcalf's testimony.) The second, third, and fourth sentences are rejected as argument; specifically, argument that is contrary to the greater weight of the evidence. Paragraph 32: Rejected as argument; specifically, argument that is contrary to the greater weight of the evidence. COPIES FURNISHED: Sherry A. Spiers, Esquire Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Stephanie M. Gehres, Esquire Department of Community Affairs 2796 Overseas Highway, Suite 212 Marathon, Florida 32301-1859 Chris Haughee, Esquire Akerman, Senterfitt & Eidson, P.A. 216 South Monroe Street, Suite 200 Post Office Box 10555 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Randy Ludacer, Esquire Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 Carolyn Dekle, Director South Florida Regional Planning Council 3400 Hollywood Boulevard, Suite 140 Hollywood, Florida 33021 Linda Loomis Shelley, Secretary Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Dan Stengle, General Counsel Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Bob Bradley, Secretary Florida Land & Water Adjudicatory Commission Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (11) 120.57163.3161163.3194163.3201163.3213163.3215380.031380.05380.0552380.07380.08
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Key West, Florida May 04, 1994 Number: 94-002560DRI Latest Update: Nov. 01, 1995

The Issue Whether Permit Number 9220003617 issued by Monroe County, Florida, to Jeanne and Aldo Faga is inconsistent with the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan and Monroe County Land Development Regulations. Three areas of dispute were involved in this proceeding: Whether the permitted development (as modified by stipulation) is inconsistent with provisions requiring development to be clustered on the least environmentally sensitive portion of the site; Whether the permitted development (as modified by stipulation) is inconsistent with provisions pertaining to construction in mangroves and submerged lands; and Whether the permitted development (as modified by stipulation) is inconsistent with provisions establishing setback requirements from beach berms that are known turtle nesting areas.

Findings Of Fact THE PARTIES Petitioner is the state land planning agency charged with the responsibility to administer the provisions of Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, and the regulations promulgated thereunder. Petitioner has the authority to appeal to the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission any development order issued in an area of critical state concern. Jeanne Faga and the Estate of Aldo Faga, deceased, hereafter referred to collectively as the "Fagas," are the owners of approximately ten acres of real property known as Lots 23 through 32, Block 21, Coco Plum Beach subdivision, Fat Deer Key, in unincorporated Monroe County, Florida. This property, acquired by the Fagas in 1971, has been subdivided by the Fagas into four parcels. Lots 23-24 have been consolidated and will be referred to as Parcel A. The remaining lots have been divided into Parcels B, C, and D. Grill Construction, Inc., is a Florida corporation and is the general contractor for Respondent for the building permit at issue. Monroe County, Florida, is a political subdivision of the State of Florida. Monroe County did not actively participate in this proceeding. THE DEVELOPMENT ORDER AND ITS HISTORY Most of Monroe County, including the subject property, is within the Florida Keys Area of Critical State Concern, as designated under Sections 380.05 and 380.0552, Florida Statutes. These statutory provisions require that Monroe County adopt and implement a comprehensive plan and land development regulations consistent with the Principles for Guiding Development found at Section 380.0552(7), Florida Statutes. Monroe County has adopted a comprehensive plan, effective September 15, 1986, which complies with the Principles for Guiding Development and which has been approved by the Petitioner and by the Administration Commission. The Monroe County comprehensive plan is implemented by and through its adopted land development regulations, codified primarily in Chapter 9.5, Monroe County Code (M.C.C.). While Respondent originally applied for a development permit for one residence on each of the four parcels and for an access bridge on Parcel A, the subject of this permit appeal proceeding is the development order for Parcel A only. If the project is permitted, it is contemplated that the access bridge at issue in this proceeding will provide access to the residences the Fagas hope to build on Parcels B, C, and D. The initial permit application for a residence on each of the four (4) parcels and an access bridge on Parcel A capable of use by motor vehicles was denied by Monroe County staff. The Fagas thereafter appealed the staff denial to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission reviewed the project and affirmed the denial by staff. The Fagas thereafter appealed the denial by the Planning Commission to the Monroe County Commission. On July 28, 1993, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 299-1993, which reversed the denial of the appeal by the Planning Commission, and authorized the Fagas to go forward with the building permit applications. On September 23, 1993, Monroe County issued to the Fagas and Grill Construction Co. building permit number 9220003617, the development order that is the subject of this proceeding. This development order includes public works permit number 0764 and building permit number 9220003615, which address the proposed access bridge on the subject site. The development order approves the permit for the access bridge that was issued by the Department of Environmental Protection. This development order authorizes the construction of a 4,501 square foot single family home with 2,426 square feet of porches, a 813 square foot enclosure for parking and storage, fill for a driveway, a separate guest house and an elevated bridge approximately 12 feet wide and 160 feet long. The building permit issued by Monroe County at issue in this proceeding did not include construction on Parcels B, C and D. The Department timely filed its challenge to the subject development order pursuant to Section 380.07, Florida Statutes. STIPULATED PERMIT CONDITIONS The parties stipulated that the following modifications to the development order would be made if the project is permitted: 2/ The subject development permit conditions shall be amended to state that the subject site plan shall include no drainage swales and no concrete slabs. The subject development permit conditions shall be amended such that the site plan shall include no fill or excavation between the proposed structures and the salt water slough, for a driveway or for any other purpose, except for minimal fill necessary for the ramp at each end of the proposed bridge. No fill or excavation shall occur within the existing mangrove habitat as depicted on the site plan and as verified in the field prior to construction. The subject development permit conditions shall be amended to reflect that the access bridge reflected on the site plan rendered with the building permit application shall be of a length so as to clear the mangroves and salt water slough on site such that either end of the access bridge will terminate beyond the end of the mangrove lines and the boundaries of the slough. The subject development permit conditions shall be amended to reflect the guest suite be connected to the main structure (single family residence, or "SFR") by an enclosed interior hallway, atrium or the like, so as to form a single habitable unit. In addition, the Fagas will execute a restrictive covenant to run with the land which prohibits rental, sale or lease of the guest suite, or anything less than the entire single family residence. Each stairwell to the SFR will access a deck which provides uniform access to each room in the SFR, and the site plan shall include no additional independent access to the guest suite. Only minimal excavation will be allowed for transplantation on the beach berm, i.e., the absolute minimum amount necessary to transplant the native species identified in the County-approved transplantation plan. The transplantation shall occur in a manner which preserves the contour of the beach berm and ground cover resources on site and restores the area cleared for development to natural conditions which include native plant species transplanted on site. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PARCEL A Most of the land constituting the four Faga parcels was "created" in the late 1950s, by depositing seaward (south) of the then existing shoreline spoil material from offshore dredging. The original "beach" in this area of Fat Deer Key (prior to the dredge and fill activities) existed just south of Coco Plum Drive, which now serves as the northern border of the Faga parcel. As a result of this dredge and fill activity, most of the dry land that presently exists on Parcels A-D was created from lands that were submerged. Additionally, the saltwater slough that exists on Parcels A-D was created as a result of this dredge and fill activity. The subject site, Parcel A, is bordered on the north by Coco Plum Drive, on the West by a multistory condominium development, on the South by the Atlantic Ocean, and on the East by Parcel B. Parcel A is rectangular, with the East - West measurement being approximately 215 feet and the North - South measurement being approximately 375 feet. The Eastern third of the central portion of the Faga parcel contains a shallow, manmade water body (the "saltwater slough"), which is fringed with mangroves. Because the saltwater slough was created by the dredge and fill activity, it is appropriate to classify the saltwater slough as a manmade water body pursuant to Section 9.5-4 9(M-4), M.C.C., which defines the term "manmade water body" as follows: (M-4) Manmade water body means a water body that was created by excavation by mechanical means under human control and shall include a canal, cut basin or channel where its edges or margins have subsequently been modified by natural forces. All of Parcel A, meets the following definition of "disturbed land" found at Section 9.5-4(D-14), M.C.C.: (D-14) "Disturbed Land": Disturbed land means land that manifested signs of environmental disturbance which has had an observable effect on the structure and function of the natural community which existed on the site prior to the disturbance. The remainder of the property, including the sandy beach area and beach berm, will be discussed in detail below. CLUSTERING REGULATIONS Section 9.5-345(a), M.C.C., requires clustering of development as follows: "Clustering": When a parcel proposed for develop- ment contains more than one (1) habitat type, all development shall be clustered on the least sensitive portions of the parcel subject to the maximum net densities of Section 9.5-262, the open space requirements of Sections 9.5-262 and 9.5-269 and the performance standards of this section. For the purposes of this subsection, the sensitivity of habitat types shall be as listed with subsection being the most sensitive and subsection (18) being the least sensitive. The least sensitive part of the parcel shall be fully utilized prior to the distribution of density to the next least sensitive habitat type. High hammock (high-quality); Palm hammock; Cactus hammock; Beach/berm; Pinelands (high-quality); Salt marsh and buttonwood associations; High hammock (moderate-quality); Low hammock (low-quality); Low hammock (moderate-quality); Pinelands (low-quality); High hammock (low-quality); Low hammock (low-quality); Disturbed with hammock; Disturbed with salt marsh and buttonwood; Disturbed beach/berm; Disturbed with exotics; Disturbed with slash pines; Disturbed. Landowners are required to cluster development on the least sensitive portions of their property, subject to open space requirements for the respective classifications and subject to the maximum density for a parcel. An area classified as "disturbed" has a twenty percent open space requirement. Parcel A has a maximum density limit of 2.5 units per acre. HABITAT DETERMINATION -- GENERALLY To determine whether it is necessary to cluster this development, it is necessary to determine the habitat classification for Parcel A. Monroe County has adopted an existing conditions map that purports to show the existing habitat classifications on Parcel A. The existing conditions map reflects two habitat classifications for Parcel A: open water (the area of the saltwater slough) and disturbed with buttonwood and salt marsh. The area designated on the Aslan survey 3/ as the saltwater slough is properly designated as open water. The parties agree that the classification on the existing conditions map for the remainder of Parcel A as "disturbed with buttonwood and salt marsh" is incorrect. The parties disagree as to the appropriate habitat classification for the portions of Parcel A landward and seaward of the saltwater slough. Brian Winchester, on behalf of the Fagas, spent in excess of 80 hours on the four Faga parcels, conducting visual observations and taking core samples. He conducted field surveys of the four parcels during July 9-11, September 23- 24, October 20-22, and November 11-12, 1992. Staff of the Monroe County Environmental Resources Department conducted a joint site visit to the parcels with Mr. Winchester on September 23 and October 21, 1992. Mr. Winchester identified each small area of the parcel that he believed justified a distinct habitat classification and, based on a qualitative and quantitative analysis (which included counting individual stems in some areas), determined whether there was a dominate species for each area. In October and November, 1992, Mr. Winchester staked the edges of each portion of Parcel A that he believed constituted a distinct habitat. Those staked areas reflecting a plant community were then measured by Aslan, Inc. and depicted on the Aslan survey. The Aslan survey also marks the mean high water line on the property and measures the topography of all four parcels. Kathleen Edgerton and Patricia McNeese, the biologists who testified for the Petitioner, disagreed with Mr. Winchester's habitat evaluation. They conducted separate on-site inspections of the property, each with the benefit of the Aslan survey, and each determined what she considered to be the appropriate habitat classifications on Parcel A. Ms. Edgerton and Ms. McNeese were in agreement as to how the habitats of Parcel A should be classified. Petitioner's experts determined the extent of the saltwater slough and the mangrove fringe surrounding it. They determined the extent of the beach berm (which they consider to extend to the mangrove fringe on the seaward side of the slough) and determined the habitat of Parcel A seaward of the mangrove fringe. They then determined the habitat classification for the portion of Parcel A lying landward of the mangrove fringe. Based on their on-site evaluations of the property, Petitioner's experts did not believe that the portion of Parcel A lying landward or seaward of the mangrove fringe justified more than one habitat classification. In resolving the conflicting testimony between Respondents' expert and Petitioner's experts, more weight is given to the opinions expressed by Ms. Edgerton and Ms. McNeese because they have had extensive experience in conducting habitat classifications for lands in the Florida Keys as a part of their official responsibilities. While Mr. Winchester is an accomplished biologist, his experience in making habitat determinations in the Florida Keys is limited. The undersigned is persuaded by the testimony from Petitioner's experts that observations of species on site for making habitat determinations involve the subject parcel in larger perspective than that used by Mr. Winchester. HABITAT DETERMINATION -- LANDWARD OF THE SLOUGH Mr. Winchester expressed the opinion that the following habitat classifications exist on the portion of Parcel A lying landward of the mangrove fringe: a small strip of land adjacent to the road that should be classified as "disturbed"; a larger strip of land that should be classified as "disturbed with exotics"; and a third strip of land that should be classified as "disturbed with salt marsh and buttonwood". Petitioner's experts testified that the entire portion of Parcel A landward of the mangrove fringe should be classified as "disturbed". This dispute is resolved by finding that the greater weight of the evidence establishes that the portion of Parcel A landward of the mangrove fringe should be classified as "disturbed". While exotics, including Australian Pines and Brazilian peppers, exist in different areas of this part of the property, Petitioner's experts established that other vegetation exists and that exotics do not dominate the portions of the property classified by Mr. Winchester as "disturbed with exotics". Likewise, it is concluded that the portion of the property classified by Mr. Winchester as "disturbed with salt marsh and buttonwood" should be classified as "disturbed" since there is little salt marsh and buttonwood does not dominate. Further, there exists in this area trees and vegetation that are not typically found in an area designated as "salt marsh and buttonwood". THE MANGROVE FRINGE AND THE SALTWATER SLOUGH The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has claimed jurisdiction of the saltwater slough, an assertion that is not challenged in this proceeding. The parties disagree as to whether the saltwater slough is tidally influenced and whether the mangrove fringe around the saltwater slough meets the definition of a "mangrove community". The salt water slough consists of shallow, landlocked water over mud, sand and marl bottoms. The water level increases with heavy rains and infrequent storm tides, and decreases during periods of drought. The slough has been observed to be dry during time of drought, negating any inference of regular tidal influence. Based primarily on Mr. Winchester's observations and quantitative measurements, it is concluded that there is no regular tidal influence on the slough. That the saltwater slough is ecologically significant and provides a valuable resource for birds, especially during storms, was not seriously disputed at the formal hearing. The birds that normally use the beach will come into the slough, where they can stay within the protection of the mangroves. They feed there, and are not subjected to wave force and wind that they would receive if they were on the outside. The salt water slough is encircled by a fringe of mangroves. Mr. Winchester classified the mangrove fringe as "disturbed with mangroves". This classification is consistent with similar classifications on Monroe County's existing conditions maps, but the classification is not separately listed in the County's land development regulations pertaining to clustering because specific regulations limit development in mangroves. 4/ Whether the areas delineated by the Aslan survey as being the mangrove fringe is classified as "mangroves" or as "disturbed with mangroves" is irrelevant for determining the issues presented by this proceeding. HABITAT DETERMINATION - WATERWARD OF THE SLOUGH Section 9.5-4(B-3), defines the term "beach berm" as follows: Beach berm means a bare, sandy shoreline with a mound or ridge of unconsolidated sand that is immediately landward of, and usually parallel to, the shoreline and beach. The sand is calcareous material that is the remains of marine organisms such as corals, algae and molluscs. The berm may include forested, coastal ridges and may be colonized by hammock vegetation. Parcel A contains a sandy beach, including a seaweed wrack and some low vegetation which is typical of beach berm vegetation as defined in the Monroe County Code. Behind the low vegetation, lies an area of Australian Pine trees that extends to the seaward extent of the mangrove fringe. Petitioner asserts that the beach berm on Parcel A extends to the mangrove fringe and that the proper classification for all of Parcel A seaward from the mangrove fringe is "disturbed beach berm". Respondents assert that seaward from the mangrove fringe on the east side of the parcel there is a small section that should be classified as disturbed with salt marsh and buttonwood, that the area with the Australian Pines should be classified as disturbed with exotics, and that the remaining portion should be classified as disturbed beach berm. The accepted characteristics of beach berm soil, as defined in the LDRs and Comprehensive plan, are "calcareous" and "unconsolidated". Reference to the soil as calcareous refers to its origin, while the consolidation of the soil refers to its compression and its cohesiveness. The soil from the mean high water line to the mangrove fringe seaward of the slough is unconsolidated, calcareous sand. The only area that appears to exhibit consolidated soils is that which has been compacted by vehicular use in the property. Vegetation typical of beach berms is scattered throughout the parcel between the mean high water mark and the mangrove fringe. The area of Parcel A that lies between the mean high water mark and the mangrove fringe seaward of the saltwater slough, is beach berm. This portion of Parcel A is properly classified as "disturbed beach berm" as opposed to "beach berm" because the entire parcel is disturbed lands and because Australian Pines have encroached on a portion of the beach berm. CLUSTERING ANALYSIS Petitioner established that development on Parcel A (with the exception of the access structure to be discussed below) should be limited to the area landward of the slough that should be classified as "disturbed". The Petitioner established that this area of Parcel A is large enough to accommodate a reconfigured version of the development. TURTLE NESTING SETBACK Section 9.5-345(3)(f), M.C.C., provides for a setback of construction from turtle nesting areas in areas designated as disturbed beach berm as follows: f. No structure shall be located within fifty (50) feet of any portion of any beach-berm complex which is known to serve as an active nesting or resting area of marine turtles, terns, gulls or other birds . . . While no specific sites on Parcel A were identified as active nesting sites, the beach on which Parcel A is located is a known turtle nesting area. The expert testimony from Patrick Wells established that marine turtles most frequently nest within 50 feet of the mean high water line. The expert testimony of Mr. Metcalf established that the setback of fifty feet required in Section 9.5-345(o)(3)f, M.C.C., should be typically measured from the backslope of any beach berm crest. If there is no beach berm crest on a parcel or if the beach berm crest is more than fifty feet from the mean high water line, the setback should be measured from a line that is parallel to and fifty feet landward of the mean high water line. 5/ Mr. Winchester identified the existence of a beach berm "crest" within the area of Parcel A that is designated on the Aslan survey as disturbed beach berm. Mr. Winchester testified that he observed a three or four inch drop behind the crest and was of the opinion that the beach berm crest was formed by wind and wave action. The crest, as identified by Mr. Winchester, is marked on the Aslan survey and is just a few feet from the mean high water line. Petitioner's experts testified that there was no crest and that there was a gradual rise in the beach berm elevation from the mean high water mark to the beginning of the mangrove fringe. This conflict in the evidence is resolved by finding that there is no discernible beach berm crest until it reaches the mangrove fringe. This finding is consistent with the expert testimony presented by the Petitioner, the photographic evidence, and the topographical markings on the Aslan survey. Further, this finding is consistent with the manner in which this property was created by the depositing of fill. Based on the foregoing findings, it determined that the beginning of the setback line should be from a line parallel to and fifty feet landward of the mean high water line. The distance of the setback itself should be fifty feet as required by Section 9.5-345(o)(3)f, M.C.C. The development order at issue in this proceeding does not comply with the turtle nesting setback requirement. THE ACCESS STRUCTURE Section 9.5-345(m), M.C.C., authorizes construction of piers, docks, utility pilings and walkways on areas with mangroves and submerged lands. All structures on any submerged lands and mangroves are required to be designed, located, and constructed on pilings or other supports. DEP has issued a permit for the access structure that, if constructed, will be on pilings that are set in areas of the mangrove fringe and in areas of the slough. As permitted by DEP, the access structure would be 12 feet wide and 160 feet long. As noted above, the parties have stipulated that the subject development permit conditions shall be amended to reflect that the access bridge reflected on the site plan rendered with the building permit application shall be of a length so as to clear the mangroves and salt water slough on site such that either end of the access bridge will terminate beyond the end of the mangrove lines and the boundaries of the slough. The DEP permit contains appropriate special and general conditions to assure that the access structure will be constructed consistent with pertinent permitting criteria. The primary objection to the access structure raised by the Petitioner is to the width of the structure. Mr. Metcalf testified, without contradiction, that the acceptable standard in the planning profession for the maximum width for a walkway is six feet. Based on that testimony, it is found that the access structure should be authorized with the conditions imposed by DEP and as modified by the parties's stipulation, but with the additional condition that the width of the structure be changed from twelve feet to six feet.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission enter a final order that adopts the findings of fact and conclusions of law contained herein and denies the subject development order number 9220003617. The permit can be approved if the Fagas choose to modify its application to conform to the findings and conclusions contained herein. DONE AND ENTERED this 1st day of November, 1995, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. CLAUDE B. ARRINGTON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 1st day of November 1995.

Florida Laws (9) 120.57163.3161163.3194163.3201163.3213380.04380.05380.0552380.07
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Bunnell, Florida Dec. 18, 2003 Number: 03-004758GM Latest Update: Nov. 07, 2005

The Issue The issue in the case is whether the Town of Beverly Beach's Comprehensive Plan Amendment 03-1, initially adopted by Ordinance 2003-ORD-6 and amended by Ordinance 2004-ORD-6, is "in compliance," as required by Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes (2004).

Findings Of Fact The Department is the state land planning agency and has authority to administer and enforce the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes (2004). One of the Department's duties under the Act is to review proposed amendments to local government comprehensive plans to determine whether the amendments are in compliance with the Act. The Town of Beverly Beach is a small municipality in Flagler County, Florida, and has the duty and authority to adopt a local government comprehensive plan pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida Statutes (2004), and to amend the plan from time to time. In June 2002, the Town proposed to amend its Future Land Use Map (FLUM) to change some of the land uses within the 37-acre Shelter Cove Planned Unit Development (PUD). The Shelter Cove PUD was the subject of an earlier lawsuit in the circuit court for Flagler County brought by the owners and developers of the property after the Town denied their PUD application. In 2002, the court entered judgment against the Town and ordered the Town to approve the PUD application. In its order, the court included a statement that the Shelter Cove PUD was consistent with the Beverly Beach Comprehensive Plan. The purpose of the plan amendment proposed in June 2002 was to re-designate 14.25 acres from Conservation/Spoil Area to Low Density Residential, 0.75 acres of Conservation/Spoil Area to Medium Density Residential, and 8.25 acres of Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential. The proposed amendment was transmitted to the Department for compliance review. In its July 2003 ORC Report, the Department set forth four objections to the proposed amendment: 1) increased density in a Coastal High Hazard Area; 2) no traffic impact analysis regarding emergency evacuation; 3) inadequate potable water and sanitary sewer services; and 4) unsuitability for development because of saltwater marsh and potential use by threatened and endangered animal species. The Town made changes to the proposed amendment to address the Department's objections and adopted Plan Amendment 03-1 on October 6, 2003. One significant change made by the Town was to reduce the size of the land affected by the amendment from 23.25 acres to 14.5 acres. The stated purpose of the revised amendment was to deal exclusively with the spoil areas within the Shelter Cove PUD; to convert them from Conservation to Low Density Residential. The Department was not satisfied with the changes made by the Town and on November 17, 2003, it issued a Statement of Intent To Find The Comprehensive Plan Amendment Not In Compliance. This statement did not reassert the four objections of the ORC Report, but identified only two reasons for its determination that Plan Amendment 03-1 was not in compliance: 1) increased density in a Coastal High Hazard Area that would increase evacuation clearance times and 2) inadequate sanitary sewer facilities based on the denial of the utility's permit renewal by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). The Department recommended remedial actions that would bring Plan Amendment 03-1 into compliance. Thereafter, the Department and Town entered into a compliance agreement to identify remedial actions by the Town that would bring the plan amendment into compliance. Pursuant to the agreement, the Town adopted remedial measures in Ordinance 2004-ORD-6 (the Remedial Ordinance) that caused the Department to determine that the plan amendment was in compliance. The Remedial Ordinance (with additions and deletions as indicated in the ordinance) states in pertinent part: Limiting Density on the 14.5-acre amendment site & Hurricane Evacuation Plan Future Land Use Element: contains policies controlling the density and intensity of development (both residential and non- residential) in the Town of Beverly Beach. Policy A.1.1.9 The Low Density Residential (LDR) land use (up to 5 dwelling units/acre) shall be applied to 14.5 acres of upland spoil sites in the Shelter Cove development as shown in Exhibit A, not to exceed a total gross density of 28 residential units. In addition to the provisions described in Policy 1.1.4, the following provisions shall apply to the Shelter Cove Development: Residential land use for the Shelter Cove Planned Unit Development(PUD)shall be limited to a maximum of 115 dwelling units. The Town of Beverly Beach shall not issue a permit or certificate of occupancy until the Building Official certifies the required public facilities and services will be provided consistent with Chapter 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code (see Policy A.1.1.1). * * * Policy A.1.1.10 No later than December 2005, Beverly Beach shall revise its comprehensive plan to update the goals, objectives and policies and future land use map series and transmit such revisions to the Department of Community Affairs. The updated plan shall reflect changes to Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, and Rule 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code, since the plan went into effect in 1991. This revision shall be based on a planning period through Year 2015, with current and forecasted conditions and satisfy data and analysis requirements. * * * Revise policies under Objective D.2.1, Beverly Beach Comprehensive Plan regarding the provision of potable water and sanitary sewer Public Infrastructure/Facilities Element: refers to the protection of water quality by specific policies that require deficiencies in wastewater treatment facilities be corrected in accordance with DEP requirements. Objective D.2.1 By December 31, 1992 December 31, 2005, the Town shall require that existing deficiencies in the wastewater treatment package plants owned by Surfside Utilities operated by Ocean City Utilities be corrected in accordance with FDER Department of Environmental Protection [DEP] requirements. Policy D.2.1.1 As the Town does not own the wastewater treatment plants nor has operational control over the same, the Town shall formalize a coordination committee to include the owner/operator of Surfside Utilities Ocean City Utilities, the members of the Town Commission, members of the Flagler County Board of County Commissioners or their appointee, members of the City of Flagler Beach Commission or their appointee, and FDER the Department of Environmental Protection [DEP] and any other identified stakeholder in the Town. Policy D.2.1.2 The Town shall use the coordination committee to address the deficiencies in the wastewater plants, to set priorities for upgrading and replacing components of the plants, and to request FDER the Department of Environmental Protection [DEP]to increase and enforce their regulations requiring periodic monitoring and maintenance of package treatment plants. Policy D.1.2.3 The Town shall use the coordination committee to investigate the feasibility of assuming operational responsibility of the wastewater treatment system by another entity. Applying the five dwelling units per acre density allowed in the Low Density Residential category to 14.5 acres would generate 72.5 units. However, as indicated above, the Remedial Ordinance also restricted the total allowable dwelling units in the 14.5 acres to 28 units. The 28 units coincide with the site plan for the Shelter Cove PUD that was the subject of the circuit court judgment. The site plan called for 28 single- family lots in the former spoil areas. Charles Osbourne, Bernard Knight, and Mary Jo Knight were residents of the Town of Beverly Beach when the Town adopted Plan Amendment 03-1. They intervened against the Town in the original proceedings initiated by the Department. Following the Department's determination that the plan amendment had been brought into compliance by the Remedial Ordinance, they filed an Amended Petition to Intervene and were realigned as the Petitioners. On some date between the filing of their original petition in this case and the date of the final hearing, Petitioners Bernard Knight and Mary Jo Knight moved out of Beverly Beach. They are no longer residents of the Town. In their Amended Petition to Intervene, the Petitioners assert that the Remedial Ordinance did not resolve all the problems originally identified by the Department's ORC Report, and Plan Amendment 03-1 is still not in compliance. The Petitioners' objections to the amendment fall into three categories: insufficient and inaccurate data and analysis, insufficient legal description for the lands affected by the plan amendment, and inadequate wastewater services available for the increased density resulting from the amendment. These three categories will be used to organize the findings of fact that follow. Data and Analysis/Maps The Petitioners assert that the maps used for Plan Amendment 03-1 and the Remedial Amendment are not the official maps currently contained in the Beverly Beach Comprehensive Plan. They contend the unofficial maps contained errors that caused some of the area designated as Conservation/Saltwater Marsh to be included in the 14.5 acres re-designated Low Density Residential. At the hearing, the Petitioners also attempted to show that maps used by the Town with Plan Amendment 03-1 were not consistent with the Beverly Beach FLUM with regard to the depiction of saltwater marsh areas outside the 14.5 acres affected by the plan amendment. Whether such discrepancies exist is not a relevant inquiry for determining whether Plan Amendment 03-1 is in compliance. A 1997 report regarding threatened and endangered animal species, prepared by Lotspeich and Associates for the developer of the Shelter Cove PUD, includes a statement that there are 10.3 acres of spoil on the 37-acre PUD site. That figure is inconsistent with the Town's claim that the lands affected by Plan Amendment 03-1 consist of 14.5 acres of spoil. Lindsay Haga, a regional planner with the Northeast Florida Regional Planning Council (Council), made the determination that there are 14.5 acres of spoil area. Because the Town does not have a professional planning staff, the Council was providing planning services to the Town under contract. Ms. Haga worked on Plan Amendment 03-1 on behalf of the Town. Ms. Haga obtained a mapping of the land uses within the Shelter Cove PUD from information maintained by the St. Johns River Water Management District (District). The land use categories are based on the Future Land Use Classification Categorization System, and were applied by the District using aerial photography. Using professional software called "ArcView," Ms. Haga derived the size of the various land uses mapped within the Shelter Cove PUD by the District. The software calculated the size of the spoil areas as 14.5 acres. According to Ms. Haga, planners use this method "100 percent" of the time to delineate land uses on future land use maps. Ms. Haga was called as a witness by the Petitioners and by Beverly Beach and testified at length on direct and cross-examination on how she determined the size of the spoil areas. Nevertheless, some ambiguity remains as to whether the size and position of the spoil areas designated in the official Town FLUM are the same as their size and position as delineated by Ms. Haga for Plan Amendment 03-1 using information from the St Johns River Water Management District. The Town and the Department seem to suggest in their joint post-hearing submittal that the size and position of the spoil areas on the FLUM can be "cleaned up" or re-drawn using more site-specific information presented at the final hearing. The implication is that, if the Town's FLUM delineated less than 14.5 acres as Conservation/Spoil Area, but better data is presented at the hearing to show that the spoil areas actually cover 14.5 acres, the FLUM delineation can be ignored or treated as if did cover 14.5 acres. The redrawing of land uses as they are depicted on an adopted FLUM is arguably beyond the authority granted to the Department in Chapter 163. That issue need not be decided on this record, however, because the more credible and persuasive evidence shows there were no material changes to the size and position of the spoil areas in Plan Amendment 03-1, and no saltwater marsh was re-designated as Low Density Residential. Data and Analysis/Topographic Information The Petitioners assert that topographic data used by the Town was flawed and did not accurately reflect that much of the Shelter Cove PUD is within the 100-year floodplain. For example, the June 2002 Transmittal Packet sent to the Department included a statement that, "According to FEMA the 100 year floodplain is confined to the saltwater marsh areas located adjacent to the Intracoastal Waterway." At the hearing, the Town admitted that some of topographic information was inaccurate and described it as a "scrivener's error." The parties stipulated to the introduction into evidence of topographic information that indicates a portion of the 14.5 acres affected by Plan Amendment 03-1 lies within the 100-year floodplain. The Petitioners have not shown how the inclusion of inaccurate topographic in the data and analysis causes Plan Amendment 03-1 to be not in compliance; or, put another way, the Petitioners have not shown how the accurate topographic information proves Plan Amendment 03-1 will be inconsistent with the Beverly Beach Comprehensive Plan or applicable state laws and regulations. The Beverly Beach Comprehensive Plan does not prohibit Low Density Residential uses in the 100-year floodplain. Data and Analysis/Clustering The Petitioners contend that the data and analysis was flawed because it included a reference to the possibility of clustering dwelling units to avoid adverse impacts to areas unsuitable for development, but the Town has no regulations that allow for or address clustering. Neither the Amended Petition to Intervene nor the evidence presented by the Petitioners makes clear how this alleged error causes Plan Amendment 03-1 to be not in compliance. Any alleged error must relate to the 14.5 acres affected by the amendment. The Petitioners did not show that clustering of dwelling units is planned or necessary on the 14.5 acres. Data and Analysis/Scrub Jays The Petitioners contend that the data and analysis is insufficient because it fails to describe and account for the current use of the site by the Florida scrub jay, a bird listed as threatened by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. The Town and Department stipulated that scrub jays have been seen on the property. Charles Osbourne and Gail Duggins, a birdwatcher, testified that they have seen scrub jays in the Shelter Cove PUD area on several occasions. They marked Petitioners' Exhibit 15 to indicate eight specific sites within the PUD where they had observed scrub jays. None of the marked sites are located on the 14.5 acres affected by Plan Amendment 03-1. Lotspeich and Associates conducted a scrub jay survey on the 37-acre Shelter Cove PUD in 1997. They observed no scrub jays on the 14.5 acres that will be affected by Plan Amendment 03-1. In the written report of the survey, Lotspeich and Associates concluded that, "no jays reside on-site nor did any birds react as though they were defending territory which extended onto the property." Following a second survey in 2002, Lotspeich and Associates reached the same conclusion that the property "is unlikely to support a resident Florida scrub jay population." The observations of scrub jays made by Mr. Osbourne and Ms. Duggins do not contradict the conclusions of the Lotspeich and Associates reports. Mr. Osbourne and Ms. Duggins did not offer an opinion (and no foundation was laid for their competence to offer such an opinion) that scrub jays reside on the 14.5 acres affected by Plan Amendment 03-1. The Department's ORC Report stated that the originally-proposed amendment was not consistent with Policy E 1.4.3 of the Town's comprehensive plan which calls for the Town to obtain information from appropriate agencies concerning the known locations of listed plant and animal species. The Department recommended in the ORC Report that the Town conduct a survey for gopher tortoises and other listed species. The Department's objection about listed species, however, was not included its subsequent Statement of Intent to Find The Comprehensive Plan Amendment Not in Compliance. The Town had available to it, as part of the data and analysis to support Plan Amendment 03-1 and the Remedial Amendment, the Lotspeich and Associates reports prepared for the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. The reports convey the results of Lotspeich and Associates' surveys of the Shelter Cove PUD property for gopher tortoises, scrub jays and other listed species. It is likely to be the best information available since it is a site-specific, scientific study. The Petitioners did not show that better data were available or that the Lotspeich and Associates reports are flawed. In fact, the Lotspeich and Associates reports were exhibits offered by the Petitioners. Policy E.1.4.3 of the Beverly Beach Comprehensive Plan directs the Town to adopt land development regulations that provide protections for known listed species. Land development regulations are the usual and appropriate tools for applying specific protective measures to specific development proposals. No regulations have yet been adopted by the Town to protect listed species. Listed species are not left unprotected from development activities in the Town, however, since there are both state and federal laws to protect listed species and their habitats. Data and Analysis/Beach Access The Petitioners contend that the data and analysis was insufficient because it indicated that there are five locations in the Town where the public can gain access to the beach, but the Petitioners allege there are only two public beach walkovers that qualify under the Beverly Beach Comprehensive Plan. The beach access issue relates to the Town's recreational level of service standard adopted in the Recreation and Open Space Element of the Beverly Beach Comprehensive Plan. Policy F.1.1.1 specifies that the adopted level of service standard is "Five publicly-owned beach access facilities." The Petitioners apparently believe that the easements acquired by the Town that provide for public beach access across private property do not qualify as publicly-owned beach access facilities as contemplated by the Beverly Beach Comprehensive Plan. The term "publicly-owned beach access facilities" is not defined in the Recreation and Open Space Element, but one can find a statement at page F-2 that, "Access points and parking areas are support facilities for public owned beaches." Therefore, the Town considers an access point, without any man- made structures, to be a "facility." Furthermore, the comprehensive plan, itself, includes a map that depicts the location of the five public beach access points. It must be assumed that these access points met the Town's intent and meaning. By raising the issue of whether the data and analysis for Plan Amendment 03-1 is accurate in referring to the existence of five public beach access points, the Petitioners are collaterally attacking the existing comprehensive plan. Stephen Emmett, the mayor of Beverly Beach, stated that the five public beach access points depicted in the Beverly Beach Comprehensive Plan, as well as a new sixth beach access point, are currently maintained by the Town. Description of the Land Affected The Petitioners alleged in their Amended Petition to Intervene that the Town did not have an adequate legal description for the lands affected by the plan amendment. The issue was not raised in the Petitioners' Pre-Hearing Statement. When the Department objected to the Petitioners' presentation of evidence on this issue because it was not raised in their Pre- Hearing Statement, the Petitioners voluntarily withdrew the issue. Sanitary Sewer Services The Petitioners contend that sanitary sewer services are not adequate for the increased residential density that would result from Plan Amendment 03-1. The Beverly Beach Wastewater Treatment Facility is operated by Ocean City Utilities. Ocean City's application to renew the permit for the facility was denied by DEP in September 2003 because the facility was not in compliance with several DEP regulations. As a result of the denial of Ocean City's permit renewal application, DEP would not allow new customers to connect to the Beverly Beach Wastewater Treatment Facility, including the Shelter Cove PUD. DEP subsequently approved the connection of the Shelter Cove PUD wastewater collection system to the Beverly Beach Wastewater Treatment Facility. Permitting problems associated with the treatment plant was one reason for the Department's objection to the originally proposed plan amendment and the Department's subsequent determination that Plan Amendment 03-1 was not in compliance. No evidence was presented to show that Ocean City Utilities has corrected the deficiencies in the wastewater treatment plant or has obtained a renewal permit from DEP. Nevertheless, the Department determined that Plan Amendment 03-1 is in compliance based on the changes to the Beverly Beach Comprehensive Plan called for in the compliance agreement and adopted in the Remedial Ordinance. Objective D.2.1 of the Beverly Beach Comprehensive Plan was amended to require that existing deficiencies in the wastewater treatment plant be corrected by December 31, 2005. Policies D.2.1.1, D.2.1.2, D.2.1.3 were amended to re-constitute and re-energize a coordination committee to address the deficiencies in the wastewater plant and the feasibility of giving operational responsibility to another entity (such as Flagler County). In addition, the Remedial Ordinance amended Policy A.1.19 of the Beverly Beach Comprehensive Plan to prohibit the Town from issuing a permit or certificate of occupancy for the Shelter Cove PUD "until the Building Official certifies the required public facilities and services will be provided consistent with Chapter 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code." No dispute was raised about the available capacity of the Beverly Beach Wastewater Treatment Facility to serve the Shelter Cove PUD.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Community Affairs enter a final order determining that the Town of Beverly Beach Plan Amendment 03-1, and Remedial Ordinance 2004-ORD-6, are "in compliance" as defined in Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes (2004). DONE AND ENTERED this 29th day of August, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S BRAM D. E. CANTER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29th day of August, 2005. COPIES FURNISHED: Shaw P. Stiller, Esquire Department of Community Affairs 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Sidney F. Ansbacher, Esquire Upchurch, Bailey and Upchurch, P.A. Post Office Box 3007 St. Augustine, Florida 32085-3007 Robert J. Riggio, Esquire Riggio & Mitchell, P.A. 400 South Palmetto Avenue Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Thaddeus Cohen, Secretary Department of Community Affairs 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Heidi Hughes, General Counsel Department of Community Affairs 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Suite 325 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100

Florida Laws (9) 120.569163.3177163.3178163.3180163.3184163.3191163.3245187.20157.105
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Stuart, Florida Apr. 19, 2011 Number: 11-002016 Latest Update: Dec. 16, 2011

The Issue Whether the petition that initiated this case was timely as to Petitioner Fullman? If so, whether Petitioner Fullman has standing? Whether Petitioner Burgess has standing? Whether the record demonstrates reasonable assurances for approval of Martin County's application for a Consolidated Environmental Resource Permit and Sovereign Submerged Lands Lease to construct and operate a public mooring field in the Jensen Beach to Jupiter Inlet Aquatic Preserve and to construct and operate a "dinghy" dock immediately south of the Jensen Beach Causeway to support the mooring field?

Findings Of Fact The County, the Lagoon and the Aquatic Preserve Martin County (the "County") is located on the Atlantic Coast in southeast Florida. The Indian River Lagoon (the "Lagoon") runs along the eastern edge of the County in a north-south direction parallel to the coast. The Lagoon is separated from the Atlantic Ocean by barrier islands except for a connection to the ocean through the St. Lucie Inlet. The Lagoon is designated an "Outstanding Florida Water" ("OFW") and its waters are classified as Class III by the Department. The portion of the Lagoon within the County's boundaries is part of the state-designated Jensen Beach to Jupiter Inlet Aquatic Preserve (the "Aquatic Preserve"), one of three aquatic preserves in the Lagoon. The waters and submerged lands of the Aquatic Preserve are used extensively by the public for commercial, recreational, and scientific purposes consistent with statutory authority that allows uses other than preservation. Uses include commercial docking facilities, defined by rule 18-20.003(16) as "docking facilities for an activity which produces income, through rental or any other means " The Parties Martin County Board of County Commissioners The Martin County Board of County Commissioners (the "Board of County Commissioners") is the County's governing body. In the name of the Board of County Commissioners, the County applied for the permit and sovereignty submerged lands lease that is the subject of this proceeding. The Permit and Lease will allow the County to construct and operate a managed mooring field for boats (the "Mooring Field" or the "Project") to be located within a near-shore area of the Aquatic Preserve. Boats now commonly anchor in the area in a random, un-regulated manner and will continue to do so without the permit and the lease. b. The Department The Department is the state agency with responsibility to conserve, protect, and control water resources pursuant to Part IV, chapter 373, Florida Statutes, and chapter 62, Florida Administrative Code. The Department also has the authority to administer the state's program for leases of sovereignty submerged lands, unless such responsibility has been delegated by the Board of Trustees to a water management district or the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services by an operating agreement. The parties agree that the Department has the authority to administer the sovereignty submerged lands lease applied for in this case. See Petitioners' Proposed Recommended Order, para. 3 at 6; Martin County's Proposed Recommended Order, para. 5 at 7; and the Department's Proposed Recommended Order, para. 2 at 6. Petitioners Petitioner Joseph Burgess resides with his wife in an unincorporated area of the County known as Jensen Beach. He has a direct view of the Lagoon from the rear deck of his home, approximately six-tenths of a mile west of the Project site. Mr. Burgess's wife holds record title to the property, acquired before their marriage. He has a spousal interest in the homestead. He helped his wife to design and build their home on the property and the two have lived there for the past 14 years. They intend to live there for the foreseeable future. Mr. Burgess visits the area of the Project several times a week. He frequently takes his grandchildren and out-of- town friends to the area to appreciate the beauty of the Aquatic Preserve, watch the fishermen, and enjoy the environmental diversity of the Lagoon. When Mr. Burgess drives to the area by way of the Jensen Beach Causeway (the "Causeway") he often finds it difficult to find a parking spot. Mr. Burgess attended community meetings when the Mooring Field was proposed and discussed its impact to the area with other members of the community including Petitioner Fullman. He contacted the Department regarding the status of the Project and requested notice of permit activity. Notice, however, was not provided to him directly; he learned of the Department's intent to issue the permit from counsel. Mr. Burgess has a number of concerns about the Project. He fears it will diminish his way of life and the character of the area in which he resides. He worries that it will add congestion to a near-by rotary for vehicular traffic that he negotiates to get to and from his home nearly every day. He is concerned that the Project will destroy habitat for marine life and the birds which nest and feed in the ecosystem of the Aquatic Preserve and the Lagoon. Petitioner Thomas Fullman owns and resides in a home in Jensen Beach overlooking the Project site. He and his family have enjoyed the Lagoon and the Aquatic Preserve for the past 20 years and he has a deep appreciation for them. Mr. Fullman's concerns for the Aquatic Preserve and the Lagoon led him to challenge the issuance of a permit to construct a seawall in another administrative proceeding. The seawall was proposed to be constructed on the opposite side of the Causeway several hundred feet north of the proposed Mooring Field. The challenge was successful. See Reily Enterprises, LLC v. Fla. Dep't of Envtl. Prot., 990 So. 2d 1248 (Fla. 4th DCA 2008). Mr. Fullman boated in the Lagoon frequently when his children were growing up. He now boats in the Lagoon once or twice a year. He enjoys fishing in the Lagoon. He is an avid bird-watcher who enjoys looking for osprey and hawks in particular. Mr. Fullman often walks by the site proposed for the Project and enjoys the natural scenery and wildlife that populates the Lagoon and the Aquatic Preserve. He frequently visits the Causeway Park adjacent to the Project site to observe the scenery and wildlife and to picnic with his family. In his practice as a family therapist, Mr. Fullman occasionally takes clients to the Causeway to view the Lagoon and the Aquatic Preserve because they provide a pleasant setting conducive to productive therapeutic discussion. Mr. Fullman plans to remain in his home. He is concerned that the Mooring Field, if installed, will affect his continued enjoyment of his property, cause an increase in vehicular traffic and traffic safety hazards on the route he takes to and from his home daily, limit public parking on the parkway he frequents for recreation and professional purposes, and cause harm to the Lagoon and Aquatic Preserve environmental resources important to him and his family. Mr. Fullman learned of the Department's intent to issue the permit through counsel and authorized counsel to request an extension of time to file a petition for a formal proceeding on his behalf. Mr. Burgess was "taking the lead on keeping in touch with DEP," tr. 714, but Mr. Fullman did not have a formal arrangement with Mr. Burgess regarding securing an extension of time for the filing of an administrative hearing. The Department issued an Order on April 5, 2011, that granted "a request made by the Petitioner, Joe Burgess, to grant an extension of time to file a petition for an administrative hearing." The Order extended the time for the filing to April 14, 2011. The Order did not mention Mr. Fullman. On April 14, 2011, a petition was filed with the Department on behalf of both Mr. Burgess and Mr. Fullman. Unlike Mr. Burgess, however, Mr. Fullman, had not been granted an extension of time for the filing of a petition on his behalf at the time the petition was filed. The County's Application The County submitted its application for the Permit and the Lease on December 24, 2009. The application was prepared by a consulting firm, Coastal Systems International ("CSI"), whom the County had hired to obtain the necessary approvals for the Project from the Department and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (the "Corps"). The Department acknowledged receiving the County's application in a letter to the County dated January 22, 2010. Beginning with a request for additional information ("RAI") included with that letter, the Department conducted a review process that included more RAIs from the County and from other State agencies. Nearly a year later, the Department notified the County by letter dated January 26, 2011, that the application had been deemed complete. After the application was deemed complete but before the Consolidated NOI (see, below) was issued, the County's consultant submitted additional information to the Department that included copies of documents submitted to the Corps in response to the Corps' requests for additional information. The additional information was overlooked by the Department and, therefore, was not incorporated into the Permit and Lease. During the review process, significant changes were made to the Project proposed by the application. For example, the configuration or "footprint" of the mooring field was made smaller than originally proposed and the number of buoys allowed was lowered. The dinghy dock was relocated and altered in design and materials. Additional terms and conditions were added to the operational requirements. The Project was modified to address the site specific conditions in the Preserve and the possible adverse impact of shading on seagrasses. (This included reduction and relocation of the Mooring Field, re- siting of the Dinghy Dock, and elimination of a proposed "wave attenuator.") The design of the Project considered the characteristics of the vessels that would use the Project, both in the Mooring Field and at the Dinghy Dock. On February 22, 2011, the Board of Trustees determined pursuant to rule 18-20.004(1)(b) that it is in the public interest to lease approximately 34.47 acres of sovereignty submerged lands to the County for 25 years for the Project. The amount of acreage to be leased is 25% less than what was originally proposed, consistent with the changes made to the Project during the review process. The Consolidated NOI, the Project Design and its Location On March 4, 2011, the Department issued a Consolidated Notice of Intent to Issue an Environmental Resource Permit and State Lands Authorization (the "Consolidated NOI") to the County. The Consolidated NOI authorizes the County to construct and operate a public mooring field within 34.29 acres of the Aquatic Preserve just south of the Jensen Beach Causeway. The proposed site of the Mooring Field is an area that was dredged for the filling of submerged lands to create the nearby west island of the Causeway. The general area of the Project is a busy waterway that has heavy boat traffic from the north, south, east and west. It is approximately 500 feet from the Intracoastal Waterway near the Intracoastal's intersection with the Okeechobee Waterway. The Project area is close to established upland facilities such as boat ramps, fish cleaning stations, a fishing pier, restrooms, picnic shelters, and public parking for cars and boat trailers, all maintained by the County on the west island of the Jensen Beach Causeway. The Causeway on its eastern end connects the mainland to a large, populated barrier island. On the mainland shore, several hundred yards west of the Project area is SunDance Marina, a commercial facility that offers fuel, repair, docking and other services for boaters. The facilities operated by the County, the marina, the local population and the heavy boat traffic in the area contribute to the per capita boat ownership in Martin County, among the highest for counties in Florida. Amenities in or near a county park at the west island of the Jensen Beach Causeway include 140-car parking spaces, 58 car/trailer parking spaces and a wooden viewing platform adjacent to the boat ramp on the south side of the Causeway. There is currently a small dock and a sandy beach along the causeway near the boat ramp along the south portion of the Causeway enjoyed by boaters while they also use the park facilities. Boaters would lose the use of the existing dock and the beach if the Project is constructed but would gain the benefits provided by the Project. The Causeway has a vertical concrete seawall parallel to the Project area. There is a section of the Causeway that connects to the shoreline, called a relief bridge that promotes flushing and circulation otherwise impeded by the Causeway. Prevailing winds are out of the southeast. Since the Lagoon is a large, open, water body, the wind traveling across it contributes to wave height which increases turbidity. At present, in the absence of a mooring field, approximately 20 vessels anchor in and around the Jensen Beach area at any one time. Many anchor in the shallow seagrass area and remain for extended periods of time. The anchoring is haphazard and poses a risk of scarring and otherwise damaging seagrass beds. The Project area has been plagued by dilapidated and sunken vessels. The County has removed seven of them recently, plus another three from nearby waters of the Aquatic Preserve. Dilapidated vessels pose the potential to leak hazardous materials, be navigational hazards and prevent seagrass growth, all of which can damage the Aquatic Preserve. The Project Area is not currently managed or maintained by the County. The Project is proposed as a management tool to encourage boaters to utilize mooring buoys located in an area where seagrass is either sparse or barren instead of anchoring in shallow seagrass areas where the boats may damage the seagrass. Known as the Jensen Beach Managed Mooring Field, the Project is authorized for 51 buoys permanently attached to helical mooring anchors drilled into the submerged bottom lands of the Preserve and a new Dinghy Dock on the south shore of the nearby west Causeway Island. The helical mooring anchor is approximately 12 inches in diameter and will be secured to the Lagoon bottom by hydraulic methods. The anchoring system contains a shock absorber designed to provide flexibility when a vessel is moored by allowing the vessel the ability to swing with wind and wave energy. This swinging mechanism reduces potential impacts to seagrass from shading. Vessels moored in a boat slip or at a marina do not have swinging capability. The anchors are designed to provide safe mooring withstanding winds up to 80 miles per hour. Removal of vessels is mandatory in the event of a Category One hurricane (74 miles per hour) or above. The Mooring Field will accommodate vessels from 20 to 60 feet in length. The Mooring Field will be open to the general public on a first-come, first-serve basis as defined in rule 18- 21.003(27). Furthermore, as a mooring field of buoys rather than a dock or marina with fixed boat slips, the waters of the Aquatic Preserve within the Mooring Field will remain open and accessible to public use by any vessels especially in the open, buoy-free lanes (or "Fairways") 75 feet wide. The fairways will bisect the Mooring Field in north-south and east-west directions and thereby create four quadrants in which buoys will be present. Permanent markers will mark the perimeter of the Mooring Field to provide notice of its existence. The Mooring Field will be operated by the County as a not-for-profit operation. A fee will be collected from users with the proceeds to pay for the County's management by a Harbormaster and for maintenance of the buoys, the Dinghy Dock and associated upland amenities available to the users of the Mooring Field. The design of the Mooring Field was determined by bathymetric depths taking into consideration the draft of the vessels that would occupy the field to ensure that there will be at least one foot between the draft of the vessels and the submerged bottom land. The depth inside the Mooring Field varies within a foot or so of 9 feet. The anticipated draft of the vessels entering the field will be 2 to 4 1/2 feet. Vessels traversing the field should not disturb the submerged land. In addition, 34.29 acres of sovereign submerged land in the Aquatic Preserve occupied by the Mooring Field, the Dinghy Dock will be 1,832 square feet and occupy .178 acres of the Preserve. It will L-shaped, with a 5' x 163.5' "access walkway" from shore out to a 5' x 203' "terminal platform" designed to allow temporary mooring of up to 18 small vessels. The access walkway at the Dingy Dock will be constructed from Fiberglass light-transmitting grates atop pilings and elevated as high as 6 feet above the water level. The terminal platform will float on the water in order to comply with requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act for access by handicapped boaters. The Dinghy Dock is designed to ensure that environmental resources will not suffer impacts. It will connect to the bulkhead and existing riprap on the uplands. The pilings of the dock will be constructed of concrete. The slips will be 13 feet wide and 20 feet long and will accommodate a vessel up to 20 feet in length. A 20-foot vessel has a maximum draft of 2 to 2 1/2 feet. The water depth below the proposed Dinghy Dock's slips ranges from 7 to 10 feet. The Dinghy Dock's terminal platform will be located over an area with no seagrass or other submerged aquatic resources. Publication of Consolidated NOI On March 17, 2011, the County published the Department's Consolidated NOI in the Stuart News. Resources Located at the Site In the summer of 2010, Coastal Systems International, Inc. ("Coastal Systems") performed an inspection of the existing upland structures on the Jensen Beach Causeway west island and the submerged lands located southwest of the Causeway. "The surveyed area is the site of the proposed Jensen Beach Managed Mooring Field Project . . . ." MC Ex. 11. Three prior surveys had been conducted by Coastal Systems in the general Project area. In each of the surveys, in 2005, 2008 and 2009, "seagrass was observed along the mainland shoreline of Jensen Beach, west of the proposed Project area, and in the nearshore shoreline region of Jensen Beach Causeway, just north of the proposed mooring field." Id. at 2. Four species of seagrass were observed in the nearshore area: Manatee Grass, Shoal Grass, Paddle Grass and Johnson's Seagrass. Seagrass beds serve several functions important to the Aquatic Preserve. They stabilize sediments; entrap silt; recycle nutrients; provide shelter, habitat and substrate for animals and other plant life forms; are nursery grounds for fish and shellfish; and are important direct food sources for various species, including the endangered manatee. Many commercially important fishes spend at least part of their lives in seagrass beds. Coastal Systems submitted its Field Observation Report (the "Report") to the Department on July 16, 2010. The Report describes its purpose as follows: Id. The purpose of this inspection was to verify the previous marine resource survey of the submerged lands conducted in 2009 by Coastal Systems and to confirm the location, composition and density of marine resources, including the federally listed species Johnson's Seagrass (Halophila johnsonii . . .) . The Report concluded that consistent with the previous marine resource survey conducted in 2009, seagrasses were found in shallower portions of the survey area. The most extensive areas of seagrass "were observed in the immediate nearshore area along the southwest portion of the Causeway, the southwest quadrant of the survey area [different from the quadrants into which the Mooring Field is divided] and the southeast quadrant of the survey area (See sheet 5 in attachment 1)." MC Ex. 11, "Conclusion" at 3. Sheet 5 in Attachment 1 to the Report is entitled "Resources and Proposed Work" for the "Jensen Beach Mooring Field." It shows seagrass patches consistent with the description in the Report's Conclusion. Depicting the proposed Mooring Field divided by Fairways into four quadrants, Sheet 5 shows the two eastern quadrants to be barren of seagrass. Portions of the two western quadrants are shown to be sparsely inhabited by seagrass at a level of 1 percent or below. The northwest quadrant and the southwest quadrant are inhabited by seagrass at the 1 percent or below level. The area of sparse seagrass is no more than 10 percent of the northwest quadrant. In contrast, most of the southwest quadrant, at least 75 percent of its area, is shown to be inhabited by seagrass. The 2009 survey was confirmed in 2010 when the Report was prepared. Field work done both in 2009 and the next year in 2010 were done during the growing season when the seagrass, including federally-listed Johnson Seagrass, would be most prevalent and easily observed. The seagrass that was observed in the footprint of the Mooring Field was "paddle grass decipiens." Tr. 73. No Johnson Seagrass was observed within the footprint of the Mooring Field in either the 2009 survey or the field work done in July of 2010 during the growing season in advance of the Report. Fish and manatees feed in seagrass areas. They would likely feed in the areas of dense seagrass in the Project Area found outside the Mooring Field where the sediments consisted of shelly, sandy materials and where Paddle, Manatee and Johnson's Seagrass were identified. Macroalgae was present throughout the Project area in varying densities. The types observed included Common Caulerpa, Graceful Red Weed, Green Feather Algae, Hooked Red Weed, Spiny Seaweed, and Y Branched Algae. Macroalgae is a leafy algae and important marine resource. It provides habitat, shelter and food for various species in the Aquatic Preserve including the manatee and different fish species. Fish observed included Atlantic Spadefish, Gray Snapper, Gulf Pipefish, Leopard Sea Robin, Sheepshead, Southern Puffer and other unidentified juvenile fish. Other marine fauna observed during one field inspection included Amber Penshell, Blue Crab, Caribbean Spiny Lobster, Feather Duster Worms, Hermit Crabs, Horseshoe Crab, Hydroids, Lightning Whelk, Spaghetti Worms, Spider Crab and Sponges. The Project area is also habitat for various endangered and threatened species and species of special concern such as birds, reptiles and mammals, including the wood stork, manatee, Atlantic green turtles, and the saltmarsh snake. Wading birds such as the great blue heron and roseate spoonbill inhabit the area. The Florida Manatee uses the area and is known to feed on the types of seagrasses found there. Fish and manatees are unlikely to feed within the footprint of the Mooring Field because seagrass is either not present or extremely sparse. The Mooring Field's Footprint: Seagrass Opportunity The sediments within the mooring field are silty and muddy. Dependent on sunlight for growth, seagrass grows best in shallow areas of good water clarity that allows for sunlight penetration. Silty bottoms interfere with sunlight penetration whenever there is turbidity in the area that kicks up the silt. Seagrass is also more prone to grow in sandy sediments as opposed to silty or muddy sediments. Seagrass root systems hold fast in sandy sediments; they do not adhere well in silty sediments. The Mooring Field's sediment explains why its footprint is either barren of seagrass or inhabited by seagrass at such a sparse level. Nonetheless, the presence of seagrass within the Mooring Field indicates that seagrass has the opportunity to grow there, that is, at least in the parts of the two western quadrants of the Mooring Field which constitute seagrass habitat. Mr. Egan elaborated at hearing: [S]ince the footprint of the mooring area already contains sparse seagrass, that area which is within the footprint of the mooring field itself, though quite sparse now, could easily rebound in much thicker growth were water quality conditions to be good for it . . . . [T]o put a source of water quality impacts in close proximity to . . . the sparse seagrass fields . . . [eliminates] the opportunity for these seagrass beds to expand in an area where we have evidence to see that seagrass beds have been expanding. Tr. 859-60 (emphasis added). The impacts referred to by Mr. Egan are from shading caused by vessels moored in the four quadrants of the Mooring Field and the bioaccumulation in plants of toxic substances and biocides, like copper and zinc, that typically leach from the bottom paint of vessels. While Mr. Egan did not predict with certainty the impact of substances leaching from the bottoms of vessels in the Mooring Field, he was able to opine that in areas where circulation is reduced like the Project area because of the nearby Causeway, the levels of the toxic substances will increase and the plants and animals in the area can be expected to accumulate the substances to a degree that produces "a certain level of concern." Tr. 850. That seagrass beds are expanding in the Project area is evident from a comparison of images provided by the South Florida Water Management District between 2006 and 2009. They show a doubling of the seagrass beds on the side of the channel opposite the Mooring Field site. Whether such expansion will, in fact, occur in the Mooring Field footprint, however, were the footprint free of shading and toxic substances leached from boat bottoms, is speculative. The sediment would still remain silty and unlikely to provide a good basis for seagrass root structure. The Dinghy Dock The types of vessels that will most likely use the Dinghy Dock include johnboats, dinghies, and sailboats. The Project allows sufficient distance for boats to traverse the Mooring Field and gain access to the Dinghy Dock without encroaching on seagrass beds. The edge of the Dinghy Dock slip closest to the seagrass beds is approximately 25 feet away from the beds. Boater can avoid traversing marine resources whether seeking ingress or egress from their slips. Seagrass, moreover, is not likely to suffer impacts from vessels at the Dinghy Dock because there is a 7 to 10-foot depth under the slips. There is sufficient room between the Dinghy Dock and the Johnson's Seagrass. A small portion of the Dinghy Dock's walkway from the Causeway Island traverses a narrow band of nearshore seagrass. The access walkway is constructed of fiberglass grated decking material and is elevated 6 feet above high water to minimize the impact of shading. The grated decking allows sunlight to reach the seagrass when the sun is directly overhead. Keeping the walkway at a 6-foot elevation above high water allows light to penetrate under the walkway as the sun moves from east to west. The potential for impacts to seagrass from shading by the walkway is not significant. FWC and Archaeological/Historical Resources Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission ("FWC") recommended approval of the Project if two manatee conditions are added to the permit. The Department relies on FWC for its expertise related to impacts to endangered or threatened species and their habitats, including impacts to manatees or seagrass habitat. There are no archaeological or historical resources in the area. Resource Protection Areas Resource Protection Areas ("RPAs") are divided into three categories. The three categories are defined in rule 18- as follows: "Resource Protection Area (RPA) 1" - areas within the aquatic preserves which have resources of the highest quality and condition for that area. These resources may include, but are not limited to, corals; marine grassbeds; mangrove swamps; salt- water marsh; oyster bars; archaeological and historical sites; endangered or threatened species habitat; and, colonial water bird nesting sites. "Resource Protection Area 2" - Area within the aquatic preserves which are in transition with either declining resource protection are 1 resources or new pioneering resources within resource protection area 3. "Resource Protection Area 3" - Areas within the aquatic preserve that are characterized by the absence of any significant natural resource attributes. The existence of sparse seagrass in the footprint of the Mooring Field, the Johnson's Seagrass, and the dense seagrass beds nearby are indicia that the Project area is within a Resource Protection Area 2. Water Quality and the Management Plan Adverse impacts to water quality caused by haphazard anchoring will be eliminated when boaters instead use the Mooring Field. The Mooring Field will enable boaters to secure their vessels to mooring buoys instead of dropping anchors into the substrate. Anchors hitting bottom cause turbidity. Vessels anchored to the substrate are a continual source of turbidity because the anchor can move back and forth with the wind or water current. Impacts of turbidity from prop dredging when boats anchor in shallow areas would also be reduced because the Mooring Field is in deeper water. The Project will enhance water quality in the Jensen Beach area through the implementation of the Jensen Beach Management Plan (the "Management Plan"). The Management Plan is a list of best management practices. The provisions most significant to water quality enhancement include: 1) all vessels must pump out their septic tank waste within 24 hours of entering the Mooring Field and every three days thereafter; 2) all major repairs are prohibited; 3) the scraping of a vessel's hull is prohibited; 4) throwing trash overboard is prohibited; 5) cleaning a vessel is prohibited; 6) throwing anchor in the leased area is prohibited; and 7) all vessels are required to be operational. The Mooring Field and the Dinghy Dock will be regulated and managed by a harbor master under the plan. The harbor master is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Mooring Field under the Management Plan. For example, if there is an illegal discharge, the harbor master is charged with notifying FWC so that it can conduct enforcement. The Board of Trustees proposed a lease condition that requires vessels to contain their graywater in onboard holding tanks so that it will not be discharged into the Aquatic Preserve. (Graywater is not potable and not contaminated with sewage but has been used, for example, dishwashing water.) Tierra Consulting Group, Inc. performed the water quality analysis at the Project site. Its findings indicate that water quality in the area meets water quality standards. Flushing in the area is adequate due to strong currents and the relief bridge which assist in offsetting the effects of the Causeway's presence. The Permit addresses water quality during the construction phase by implementing a turbidity management plan. The turbidity plan requires a curtain to be deployed during construction. The curtain will prevent water quality violations from occurring outside the curtained area during construction. The curtain will protect seagrass and microalgae outside the curtain from the effects of turbidity. The County has also agreed to conduct post-construction water quality monitoring to confirm that water quality in the Project area has not been impaired by construction. Navigation The Project is located a safe distance from the Intracoastal, existing boat ramps, and the Sundance Marina. The Mooring Field design provides adequate distance between buoys to ensure that vessels will be properly spaced. The Fairways provide safe corridors for two vessels to pass each other in the Fairways. Board of Trustees Authorization The Project requires a lease because it involves placing mooring buoys over sovereignty submerged lands. The lease is required to be approved by the Board of Trustees and could not be delegated to the Department for two reasons: 1) it was deemed to be a matter of "heightened public concern"; and 2) it would result in the addition of 50 slips. The Board's approval was unanimous. The upland portion adjacent to the Project is owned by the Board of Trustees. The public interest benefits from the Project include enhancement to water quality in the Aquatic Preserve; the first- come, first-serve basis on which it is open to the public; accessibility to the upland public amenities for patrons; protection of seagrass beds; and removal of dilapidated vessels in the area. The Board of Trustees agreed to waive lease fees because all of the revenue the County collects associated with the Project will be used to operate and maintain the facility. There are approximately 19 mooring fields currently in operation on lands owned by the Board of Trustees. None is located in an aquatic preserve. Two are located in the National Marine Sanctuary in the Florida Keys. The Aquatic Preserve Management Plan that applies to the Project area is the 1985 Indian River Lagoon Management Plan. The Conceptual State Lands Management Plan also applies to the Project area. The Conceptual State Lands Management Plan emphasizes balancing the resources of aquatic preserves with public use and benefit of the preserves. Most Current Permit Drawing and Management Plan The Department's Consolidated NOI does not contain the most current permit drawings or the most current management plan. Changes to the drawings and the plan occurred after the Department deemed the application complete. The changes were submitted by County with the intention that they be included. The most current drawings were attached to a Response to an Army Corps RAI. These drawings should have been included in the Department's Consolidated NOI but were overlooked. The changes clarify the dimensions of the Mooring Field boundary and elevated the dinghy dock from 5 feet to 6 feet to allow for more light penetration for the benefit of the seagrass. The most current management plan (also attached to the Response to the Army Corp RAI and submitted by the County to the Department in a timely fashion) includes two revisions. First, it revises section 2.5.1 to require the harbor master to fill Mooring Field Quadrants 1, 2 or 3 ahead of quadrant 4. Quadrant 4 is the quadrant with the seagrass. The order of filling was prescribed to protect the sparse seagrass observed by Coastal Systems in Quadrant 4. Second, the Management Plan was revised to address waste management and marine pollution by adding section 2.7. It provides a schedule for Martin County's waste management vessel to pump out the septic tanks of vessels that use the facility. It specifies how often vessels should be pumped out and requires that information be provided to each patron on arrival. If authorized, the changes to the drawings and the Management Plan not included in the Consolidated NOI will not have to be reviewed by the Board of Trustees because the Department regards them to be "minor modifications." See Fla. Admin. Code. R. 62-343.100(1)(a). The County's Aspiration and Past Department Action The County seeks authorization for the Project in hopes for less adverse impacts from boaters anchoring in seagrass, traversing seagrass, and discharging wastewater, graywater and waste materials into the Aquatic Preserve. Prior to this case, the Department has not authorized a Mooring Field within an Aquatic Preserve.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Department enter a Final Order issuing Consolidated Environmental Resource Permit and Sovereign Submerged Lands Lease, Department File No. 43-0298844-001 and Lease No. 430345996, to the County. It is also recommended that the Consolidated Environmental Resource Permit and Submerged Lands Lease incorporate the current drawings and revised management plan submitted by the County after the application was deemed complete. DONE AND ENTERED this 7th day of November, 2011, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DAVID M. MALONEY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 7th day of November, 2011. COPIES FURNISHED: Virginia P. Sherlock, Esquire Howard K. Heims, Esquire Littman, Sherlock & Heims, P.A. Post Office Box 1197 Stuart, Florida 34995-1197 Ronald Woodrow Hoenstine, III, Esquire Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Mail Station 35 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 David A. Acton, Esquire Martin County 2401 Southeast Monterey Road Stuart, Florida 34996-3322 Herschel T. Vinyard, Jr., Secretary Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Mail Station 35 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Tom Beason, General Counsel Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Mail Station 35 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Lea Crandall, Agency Clerk Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Mail Station 35 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000

Florida Laws (7) 120.52120.569120.57120.60258.42373.414403.412 Florida Administrative Code (1) 18-21.0051
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-000072 Latest Update: Sep. 05, 1989

The Issue The issue is whether the application of Thomas J. White Development Company for the establishment of a uniform community development district under Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, and Rule Chapter 42-1, Florida Administrative Code, should be granted.

Findings Of Fact The facilities and services that will be provided by the St. Lucie West Services District are the financing, constriction, ownership, operation, and maintenance of the surface water management and control system for the area, and necessary bridges and culverts. The land encompassed by the proposed development district is a development of regional impact. The final revised development order for the area was issued on February 27, 1989, by the City of Port St. Lucie. Exhibit 4. The land within the proposed district is composed of approximately 4,600 contiguous acres located in the city. The proposed district is bounded on the north and south by the city. The western and eastern boundaries are Interstate 95 and the Florida Turnpike, respectively. A map showing the location of the area to be serviced by the proposed district is found in Exhibit 2; a metes and bounds legal description of the proposed district is attached to the petition as Exhibit 1. The overall development to be serviced by the district will include a variety of single family and multifamily housing units, as well as commercial, industrial, and educational uses. A portion of the future land use map for the City of Port St. Lucie was received in evidence as Exhibit 3, and shows approved land uses for the St. Lucie West area. In the proceedings leading to the issuance of the development order, the city determined that the St. Lucie West development would be consistent with all applicable state, regional, and local comprehensive plans and policies. The proposed development of the district is consistent with the City of Port St. Lucie Comprehensive Plan: 1985, as amended. Exhibit 12. Ernest R. Dike, Jr. is the director of development of Thomas J. White Development Company. He is an expert engineer experienced in the planning, construction and management of large scale communities. Mr. Dike has substantial experience as a civil engineer, and holds an advanced academic degree in planning. He served as director of public works and as city engineer for the City of Port St. Lucie for the three years preceding his employment by White. As White's director of development over the last three and a half years, Mr. Dike assisted in the preparation of the petition; he also identified and explained the exhibits which were admitted into evidence. He assisted in crafting the development order for St. Lucie West which was adopted by the City of Port St. Lucie in February, 1987 and amended on February 27, 1989. Dike has been personally involved with the sales of land from White to other developers of property within the proposed district. All the owners of the real property to be included in the district have given their written consent to the establishment of the proposed district. Since the Thomas J. White Development Company purchased the approximately 4,600 acres which became St. Lucie West, Dike has directed the permitting and approval for all aspects of the project. In the design, White Development Company has accommodated the desires of St. Lucie County to obtain a spring training facility for a professional baseball team. White Development Company agreed to give the county 100 acres of land to build a training facility for the New York Mets. A predevelopment order for the stadium was obtained, which permitted the development of certain roads, a bridge over the Florida Turnpike, and an interchange with Interstate 95 which will all provide access to St. Lucie West These transportation facilities were completed without the use of any state or federal funds. None of these expenses will be born by the proposed district. The establishment of the district would not be inconsistent with any of the elements or provisions of the state comprehensive plan, the regional plan, or the local comprehensive plan. Creation of the district would be the best alternative available for providing water management and control facilities for the land encompassed by the proposed district. The South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) and the City of Port St. Lucie have concluded that when fully developed, the land would discharge no additional water into the city's stormwater system as compared to the contribution of stormwater by the land made before it was developed by White. Mr. Dike also testified about the debt service required to amortize the debt on any benefit bonds issued by the proposed district, and the cost of operation and maintenance of the surface water control facilities to be constructed by the proposed district. Mr. Dike prepared a spread sheet entitled "Projected Statement of Cash Flow for the Years 1990-2000". (Exhibit 18). The estimated construction costs for water management facilities in the projection are reasonable. Based on White's plans for the district, and utilizing the assumptions for absorption of the residential and commercial space to be constructed, the benefit and maintenance taxes are projected to begin at $114 per taxable unit per year. These benefit and maintenance taxes will rise to no more than $170 per taxable unit per year in 1996. These projections are consistent with the testimony of Mr. Dike and of Dr. Henry Fishkind, an economist. All assumptions made in projecting future benefit taxes are reasonable. While these projections do not bind the district, which is not yet formed, and the district's electors could ultimately decide to assume additional responsibilities, the evidence shows that the benefit and maintenance taxes projected are adequate to pay the debt to be incurred by the proposed construction of surface water management facilities. Lester L. Solin, Jr., testified as an expert in land use planning. He was a planning consultant with the City of Port St. Lucie when the development of St. Lucie West by White Development Company was first under consideration, and worked with the city to formulate the overall development plan. St. Lucie West has been integrated into the future land use map for the City of Port St. Lucie Comprehensive Plan: 1985. Mr. Solin is also familiar with the state comprehensive plan. He has reviewed the application for development approval for the St. Lucie West development of regional impact. The proposed district would be consistent with the state comprehensive plan, Chapter 187 Florida Statutes. Mr. Solin is also familiar with the City of Port St. Lucie Comprehensive Plan: 1985 (Exhibit 12). The creation of the St. Lucie West Services District would not be inconsistent with any of the goals, objectives or policies in that plan. Peter L. Pimentel is the current executive director of the Northern Palm Beach County Water Control District (NPBWD). Mr. Pimentel testified as an expert in special district management, planning, staffing, reporting, and coordination with local governments. As the director of the Northern Palm Beach County Water Control District, he oversees a staff which works with other regulatory agencies on permitting, implementation, planning, construction and operation of water management systems. He coordinates construction with contractors, and engineers, and works with lawyers in carrying out the policies established by the district board of directors. The land encompassed by the NPBWD is approximately 200,000 acres. Mr. Pimentel has substantial experience, having worked as the executive director for two large independent special taxing districts, which are similar in structure and have similar powers as the community development district which White Development Company wishes to establish. Mr. Pimentel's testimony was especially persuasive due to his experience with water control entities. The proposed district is the best alternative available for financing, constructing, owning, operating and maintaining the surface water management and control facility for the area encompassed by the proposed district. It provides a more efficient use of resources, and provides the opportunity for new growth in the district to pay for its own surface water management, rather than imposing that cost on general government. The proposed district would not be incompatible with the capacity or uses of existing local and regional community services and facilities. The area to be served by the proposed district is amenable to separate special- district government. Henry H. Fishkind, Ph.D. testified as an expert economist about the economic consequences of establishing a community development district under Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, the economic consequences of financing the surface water management and control system through the use of tax exempt bonds, and the cost of operating and maintaining those structures by a community development district. Dr. Fishkind prepared the economic impact statement for the proposed district required by Section 120.54, Florida Statutes. The costs to the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission, and to state and local agencies in reviewing the petition are minimal. The costs to the City of Port St. Lucie and to St. Lucie County have been covered by the $15,000 filing fee which White paid to each of those governments. The cost to the City of Port St. Lucie once the district is operating would be negligible. The potential debt of the proposed district will not become general obligations or debts of the city or county governments. The cost of the surface water improvements will be paid by those who benefit from them. The economic impact statement is adequate, and meets the requirements of Section 124.54(2)(b), Florida Statutes. During the first six years, the proposed district would be controlled by Thomas J. White Development Company since White still would be the largest landowner. Tax exempt benefit bonds would be issued to construct the surface water management facilities. Both White and residents of the proposed district would share the burden of amortizing these bonds through benefit taxes. According to Dr. Fishkind, whose opinion is credited, from an economic perspective: The creation of the St. Lucie West District is not inconsistent with the state and local comprehensive plan; The land to be served by the proposed district is of sufficient size, is sufficiently compact and is sufficiently contiguous to be developed as a functional interrelated community; The proposed district is the best alternative for providing surface water management for the community, since other alternatives such as municiple service taking units or homeowners' associations are more expensive or more cumbersome; The area to be served by the proposed district is amenable to separate special-district government. All factors which are required to be considered in establishing a community development district under Section 190.005(1)(e), Florida Statutes, were analyzed by the witnesses presented by the Thomas White Development Company. Their testimony was persuasive, and the application meets all requirements of Chapter 190.

Conclusions Based on the record made, it is concluded: That all statements contained in the petition are true and correct; The creation of the proposed district is not inconsistent with any applicable element of the state comprehensive plan, or the City of Port St. Lucie Comprehensive Plan; The area in the proposed district is of sufficient size, is sufficiently compact, and is sufficiently contiguous to be developed as one functional, interrelated community; The district is the best alternative for delivering water management services to the area to be serviced by the district, and would be superior to the creation of a municipal service taxing unit, a homeowner's association, or to providing water management by the general county government of St. Lucie County; The community development services provided by the proposed district will not be incompatible with the capacity or uses of existing local and regional community development services and facilities; The area to be served by the proposed district is amenable to separate special district government. Accordingly it is recommended that the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission grant the petition of the Thomas J. White Development Company and adopt a rule pursuant to Section 190.005(f), Florida Statutes (1987), establishing the St. Lucie West Services District. DONE AND ENTERED this 5th day of September, 1989, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. William R. Dorsey, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 5th day of September, 1989 APPENDIX A Case No. 89-0072 Witnesses Earnest R. Dike, Jr., 590 NW Peacock Loop, Port St. Lucie, Florida. Lester L. Solin, Solin and Associates, 901 Douglas Avenue, Suite 207, Altamonte Springs, Florida. Peter Pimentel, 5725 Corporate Way, Suite 203, West Palm Beach Florida. Dr. Henry H. Fishkind, 201 North New York Avenue, Suite 300 Winter Park, Florida. APPENDIX B Case No. 89-0072 List of Documentary Evidence Exhibit 1. Petition for Rulemaking filed by Thomas J. White Development Company, Inc., including seven exhibits. Exhibit 2. Location Map for the proposed St. Lucie West Services District. Exhibit 3. Future Land Use Map for the area Exhibit 4. Resolution 89-R7 of the city council of Port St. Lucie, Florida, which is the development order for the St. Lucie West Development of Regional Impact. Exhibit 5. Transmittal letter for the Petition for the establishment of the Services District to the City of Port St. Lucie and filing fee, and transmittal letter for the St. Lucie West Development District to the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners, and filing fee. Exhibit 6. Transmittal letter for the Petition for the establishment of St. Lucie West Services District to the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission. Exhibit 7. Letter from the staff of the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission determining that the Petition appears to satisfy the requirements of Section 190.005, Florida Statutes, and Rule 42-1.009 Florida Administrative Code. Exhibit 8. Resolution 89-R6 from the City of Port St. Lucie, Florida supporting the petition of the Thomas J. White Development Company, Inc. for the establishment of the St. Lucie West Services District. Exhibit 9. Resolution 89-41 of the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County supporting the petition of Thomas J. White Development Company, Inc. for the establishment of the St. Lucie West Services District. Exhibit 10. Proof of publication in the local newspapers and in the Florida Administrative Weekly of the Notice of the Hearing on the petition for the establishment of the community development district and notices to other interested persons. Exhibit 11. Copy of the State Comprehensive Plan Chapter 187, Florida Statutes (1987) Exhibit 12. Copy of the Comprehensive Plan: 1985 of the City of Port St. Lucie, Ordinance 85-102. Exhibit 13. Resume of Ernest R. Dike, Jr., P.E. APPENDIX B CONT. Case No. 89-0072 Exhibit 14. Permit granted to Thomas J. White Development Company, Inc. by the South Florida Water Management District for the construction and operation of a water management system. Exhibit 15. The prepared testimony Lester L. Solin, Jr. Exhibit 16. The resume of Peter L. Pimentel. Exhibit 17. The prepared testimony of Henry H. Fishkind, Ph.D. Exhibit 18. The additional prepared testimony of Mr. Dike including the computer generated spread sheet. COPIES FURNISHED: E. Lee Worsham, Esquire HONIGAMAN MILLER SCHWARTZ and COHN 1655 Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard Suite 600 West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 James C. Vaughn Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission Office of the Governor The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0001 William Buezett The Governor, Legal and Legislative Office The Capitol, Room 209 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0001 Carla Stanford, Esquire Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerville Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 David McIntyre, Esquire County Attorney 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 Roger Orr, Esquire City Attorney 220 South Second Street Fort Pierce, Florida 33450 Patty Woodworth, Director Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission Planning & Budgeting Executive Office of the Governor The Capitol, PL-05 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0001

Florida Laws (2) 120.54190.005 Florida Administrative Code (3) 42-1.00942-1.01042-1.012
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-001106EPP Latest Update: Sep. 18, 1985

Findings Of Fact The Resource Recovery Facility The purpose of the proposed resource recovery facility (RRF), a solid waste-fired electrical power plant, is to dispose of solid waste and recover energy. This "waste to energy" facility will initially dispose of up to 2,352 tons of refuse each day, and generate up to 62.5 megawatts of electrical power. The ultimate capacity of the facility is 3,300 tons of refuse each day, and a generating capacity of 96.1 megawatts. The proposed RRF complex will include a gatehouse and weigh station, refuse receiving and handling building, turbine generator building, administrative building and two landfills for the disposal of ash residue and non- processable solid waste. The site development plans for the project contemplate that solid waste will be delivered by truck to the enclosed refuse and receiving building. All waste will be stored and processed inside the main facility. The Site The site for the proposed RRF is a predominantly undeveloped 248-acre parcel of land situated at the southeast intersection of US 441 (State Road 7) and State Road (SR) 84, an unincorporated area of Broward County. The site is bounded on the north by the right-of- way for I-595, the northerly part of its east boundary by the proposed Ann Kolb Park, the southerly part of its east boundary and the south by the South Fork of the New River Canal (New River Canal), and the west by US 441. The uses surrounding the site are mixed. Located east of the site, and south of the proposed Ann Kolb Park, is a large fossil fuel electric generation facility owned by Florida Power & Light Company (FP&L). To the south, across the New River Canal, is a mixed residential- commercial area of single family residences, duplex residences, and marine-oriented businesses (marinas and fish wholesalers). To the west of US 441 is a mixture of light, medium, and heavy industry, including industrial office space, auto salvage facilities and prestressed concrete pouring yards. North of the right-of-way for I- 595, and SR 84, is a mixture of strip commercial and residential usage. Although the site itself is predominantly unoccupied pasture land, some of its lands have been developed. The southern portion of the site, abutting the New River Canal, is occupied by a marine engineering firm which operates dry dockage and related facilities (heavy industrial use). The other uses currently existing on the site are for a nursery and the sale of prefabricated sheds. Bisecting the site is a parcel of land presently being developed by the City of Fort Lauderdale (City) for a sludge composting facility. Broward County proposes to locate the RRF south of the City's facility, and the landfills north of the City's facility. Consistency of the site with local land use plans and zoning ordinances Broward County has adopted a Comprehensive Plan, pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, which establishes guidelines and policies to promote orderly and balanced economic, social, physical, environmental and fiscal development of the area. Pertinent to this proceeding are the Broward County Land Use Plan-map and the Unincorporated Area Land Use Plan (the land use plan element of the comprehensive plan) and Broward County's zoning ordinances. The proposed site is designated industrial under the Broward County Land Use Plan-map and the Unincorporated Area Land Use Plan. The proposed RRF, with attendant land fill, is a utility for solid waste disposal and, as such, an allowable use under the industrial designation of both plans. Prior to rezoning, various portions of the site were zoned A-I Limited Agricultural, B-3 General Business, M-3 General Industrial, and M-4 Limited Heavy Industrial. Permitted uses ranged from cattle and stock grazing (A-1) to asphalt paving plants, junk yards and the storage of poisonous gas (M-4). On March 16, 1984, the Board of County Commissioners of Broward County approved the rezoning of the site to a Special Use Planned Unit Development District (PUD), and approved the RRF conceptual site plan. The proposed RRF, and attendant landfill, constitute a Planned Special Complex under Broward County's PUD zoning ordinances and, as such, are permitted nonresidential uses. The Department of Community Affairs, the Department of Environmental Regulation, and the South Florida Water Management District concur that the proposed RRF appears to be consistent and in compliance with existing land use plans and zoning ordinances. The Public Service Commission did not participate in this land use portion of the power plant siting process. South Broward Citizens for a Better Environment, Inc. (SBC) was the only party to contest the consistency of the proposed RRF with existing land use plans and zoning ordinances. SBC asserted that the proposed RRF violates: (1) the coastal zone protection element of the Broward County Comprehensive Plan, because the environmental impact assessment required by that element of the plan was inadequate or not done, (2) the urban wilderness inventory guidelines of the Broward County Comprehensive Plan, because the environmental effects of the proposed RRF on the area proposed to be designated as an urban wilderness area (proposed Ann Kolb Park) would outweigh the benefits of the project, and (3) Section 13 of Ordinance numbers 84- 6(2) and 84-7(2), which approved the rezoning for the site, because the impact assessment required by the Ordinances had not been prepared. While the coastal zone protection element and urban wilderness inventory guidelines of the Broward County comprehensive plan were germane to Broward County's decision to rezone the site and approve the development, they are not pertinent to this land use hearing. Broward County's decision is final, and these proceedings do not provide a forum to collaterally attack it. The relevance of SBC's assertions aside, the evidence presented established that the proposed RRF did not violate the coastal zone protection element, the urban wilderness inventory guidelines, or any other element of the Broward County Comprehensive Plan. SBC's assertion that the proposed RRF will violate Section 13 of the rezoning ordinances is ill- founded. Section 13 provides: PRIOR TO LANDFILL DEVELOPMENT, AN IMPACT ASSESSMENT SHALL BE PREPARED BY THE RESOURCE RECOVERY OFFICE OF BROWARD COUNTY TO ADDRESS THE POTENTIAL HYDROLOGICAL IMPACTS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE LANDFILL ON ANN KOLB PARK. DATA AND INFORMATION UTILIZED TO OBTAIN FDER PERMITS WILL BE USED TO CONDUCT THIS ASSESSMENT. IN THE EVENT POTENTIALLY SIGNIFICANT IMPACTS ARE IDENTIFIED, A MANAGEMENT PLAN SHALL BE DEVELOPED TO OFFER RECOMMENDATIONS AND MITIGATIVE ACTIONS TO INSURE THE INTEGRITY OF ANN KOLB PARK. (Emphasis supplied) The evidence is clear that an impact assessment is only required before development commences. Consequently, the proposed RRF does not violate the rezoning ordinances. Notice of the land use hearing was published in the Fort Lauderdale News/Sun-Sentinel, a daily newspaper, on July 4, 1985, and also in the Florida Administrative Weekly on June 28, 1985.

Florida Laws (4) 403.502403.507403.508403.519
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