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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Aug. 05, 2011 Number: 11-003971RP Latest Update: Oct. 10, 2011

The Issue The issue for determination is whether Respondent's proposed amendment to the Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP), specifically paragraph 16 of the proposed 2012 QAP allowing Respondent to allocate certain tax credits by means of Request for Proposals (RFPs), adopted by and incorporated by reference into Florida Administrative Code Rule 67-48.002(94), constitutes an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority pursuant to section 120.52(8), Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner Allapattah Housing Partners, LLC, is a Florida limited liability company whose address is 1172 South Dixie Highway, Suite 500 Coral Gables, Florida 33146. Petitioner Tower Road Gardens, Ltd., is a limited partnership whose address is 5709 NW 158 Street, Miami Lakes, Florida 33014. Petitioner City River Apartments, Ltd., is a limited partnership whose address is 1666 Kennedy Causeway, Ste. 505, North Bay Village, Florida 33141. Respondent is a public corporation created by section 420.504, Florida Statutes, to administer the governmental function of financing or refinancing affordable housing and related facilities in Florida. Respondent's statutory authority and mandates appear in Part V of chapter 420, Florida Statutes. See §§ 420.501 through 420.55, Fla. Stat. Respondent is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of nine individuals appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate. Respondent's address is 227 North Bronough Street, Suite 5000, Tallahassee, Florida 32301. In the July 1, 2011, Florida Administrative Weekly (FAW), Volume 37, No. 26, pages 1831 through 1872, Respondent gave notice of the proposed amendments to Florida Administrative Code Chapter 67-48 and to forms and instructions that make up the Universal Cycle Application Package, incorporated by reference into Florida Administrative Code Rule 67-48.004(1)(a). The July 1, 2011, Notice of Proposed Rule indicated that a public hearing would be held at Respondent's office in Tallahassee, Florida, on Tuesday, July 26, 2011, at 10:00 a.m. The Amended Petition was filed within ten days of the final public hearing and, thus, is timely pursuant to section 120.56(2), Florida Statutes. Under federal law memorialized in Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC or the Code), each state is given an amount of federal Low-Income Rental Housing Tax Credits (Housing Credits) based upon its population. In 2011, each state is entitled to $2.15 per capita of Housing Credits. Florida is entitled to receive approximately $40,422,817.00 in 2011 Housing Credits. These Housing Credits are then allocated to specific qualifying housing projects and can be utilized by project investors each year for a ten-year period. Accordingly, the 2011 Florida Housing Credits entitlement will represent a total value of $404,228,170.00 ($40,422,817.00 each year for ten years) in Housing Credits. Developers typically sell the tax credits to investors to generate equity investments in such projects. For example, an equity "price" of 90 cents for each dollar of the 2011 allocation of Housing Credits would generate approximately $360 million in investor equity for the statewide allocation. More than seven million seven hundred thousand dollars ($7,700,000.00) of 2011 Housing Credits remain unallocated by Respondent. The amount of Housing Credits available for 2012 will not be known until the Internal Revenue Service publishes its state population estimates in early 2012. As in 2011, the amount will be the product of Florida's population multiplied by $2.15. Section 42 of the Code requires that each state designate a "housing credit agency" which is responsible for the proper allocation and distribution of Housing Credits in compliance with the criteria and guidelines of section 42. Respondent's rules incorporate section 42 of the Code at Florida Administrative Code Rule 67-48.002(71). Respondent is designated as Florida's housing credit agency by section 420.5099, Florida Statutes, and, as such, is responsible for the allocation and distribution of Housing Credits. Respondent administers various federal and state affordable housing programs, including the Housing Credit Program, pursuant to section 420.5099 and chapter 67-48. Respondent's rulemaking authority to implement this process is set forth in section 420.507(12), Florida Statutes. Under federal law, Respondent must distribute Low- Income Rental Housing Tax Credits to applicants pursuant to a specific QAP. IRC § 42(m)(l)(A)v. The QAP must contain certain criteria mandated by federal law, referred to as "Selection Criteria." IRC § 42(m)(l)(B). The Code further provides that a state's federal Housing Credit award will be deemed to be zero if its QAP fails to include a complete plan setting forth (a) selection criteria, (b) preferences for lowest income, longest terms and development in qualified census tracts, and (c) procedures for monitoring and reporting a project's non- compliance. IRC § 42(m)(l)(A). Respondent's QAP must be approved by its Board of Directors and by the Governor and must be adopted as a rule. IRC § 42(m)(A)(i); § 120.56. Typically, each year, Respondent embarks on a public rule-making process to adopt the applicable rule and QAP which control the complex and critical processes for evaluation, review, notice, opportunity to be heard, and, ultimately, ranking and approval of developments to receive allocations of Housing Credits for that year. Because the demand for allocation of Housing Credits exceeds that which is available under the Housing Credit Program, applicants of qualified affordable housing developments must compete for this funding. Applicants apply for funding, under various affordable housing programs, through Respondent's Universal Cycle application process, which is set forth in Florida Administrative Code Rules 67-21.002 through -21.00351 and 67-48.001 through -48.005. Applicants for tax credits provide information as required by the forms and instructions of the Universal Cycle Application Package, which is adopted by and incorporated into rule 67-48.004(1)(a). To assess the relative merits of proposed developments, Respondent has established a competitive application process known as the Universal Cycle. Fla. Admin. Code Chapter 67-48. Respondent scores and competitively ranks the applications to determine which applications will be allocated Housing Credits. Respondent's scoring and evaluation process for Housing Credit applications is set forth in rule 67-48.004. Under these rules, the applications are evaluated and scored based upon factors contained in the Universal Cycle Application Package and Respondent's adopted rules. Respondent then issues preliminary scores to all applicants. Fla. Admin. Code R. 67- 48.004(3). Following release of the preliminary scores, competitors can alert Respondent of alleged scoring errors in other applications by filing a written Notice of Possible Scoring Error (NOPSE) within a specified time frame. Respondent reviews the NOPSE and notifies the affected applicant of its decision by issuing a NOPSE scoring summary. Fla. Admin. Code R. 67-48.004(4). Applicants then have an opportunity to submit "additional documentation, revised pages and such other information as the Applicant deems appropriate ('cures') to address the issues" raised by preliminary or NOPSE scoring. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 67-21.003 and 67-48.004(6). In other words, within parameters established by the rules, applicants may cure certain errors and omissions in their applications pointed out during preliminary scoring or raised by a competitor during the NOPSE process. After affected applicants submit their "cure" documentation, competitors can file a Notice of Alleged Deficiency (NOAD) challenging the sufficiency of an applicant's cure. Respondent considers the challenged cure materials and reviews the NOADs, then issues final scores for all the applications. Fla. Admin. Code R. 67-48.004(9). Florida Administrative Code Rule 67-48.005 establishes a procedure through which an applicant can challenge the final scoring of its application. The Notice of Rights that accompanies an applicant's final score advises an adversely affected applicant of its right to appeal Respondent's scoring decision in a proceeding conducted under chapter 120. Ultimately, Respondent ranks each application and allocates available Housing Credits based on such rankings. The last time the QAP in the State of Florida was promulgated and adopted as a rule was in 2009, which allocated 2009 Housing Credits. During 2010, there were no new amendments to Respondent's rules or the QAP. At the end of 2010, Respondent drafted a 2011 QAP, which was signed by the Governor, but never adopted as a rule. The draft 2011 QAP allocated Housing Credits in accordance with a Universal Application Cycle, but Respondent did not adopt the QAP as a rule pursuant to chapter 120.56. The 2011 Cycle did not take place. On June 26, 2011, Respondent's Board authorized publication of proposed rule amendments to chapter 67-48. The proposed rule amendments adopt and incorporate the 2012 QAP by reference at proposed rule 67-48.002(94). Proposed rule 67-48.002(94) provides: "QAP" or "Qualified Allocation Plan" means, with respect to the HC Program, the 2012 Qualified Allocation Plan which is adopted and incorporated herein by reference, effective upon approval by the Governor of the state of Florida, pursuant to Section 42(m)(1)(B) of the IRC and sets forth the selection criteria and the preferences of the Corporation for Developments which will receive Housing Credits. The QAP is available on the Corporation's Website under the 2011 Universal Application link labeled Related References and Links or by contacting the Housing Credit Program at 227 North Bronough Street, Suite 5000, Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1329. The 2012 QAP proposed rule purports to govern the process and allocation for both 2011 and 2012 Housing Credits. The only mention in the 2012 QAP proposed rule of the allocation of 2011 Housing Credits is contained in Paragraph 16 of the 2012 QAP proposed rule, which states in its entirety: "Any available 2011 Housing Credit Allocation Authority may be awarded by the FHFC [Respondent's] Board by means of Request for Proposals based on criteria approved by the FHFC [Respondent's] Board." Petitioners challenge proposed rule 67-48.002(94) (which incorporates by reference the 2012 QAP proposed rule) and those portions of the 2012 QAP proposed rule which purport to govern the allocation of 2011 Housing Credits. It is undisputed that Petitioners have standing to initiate and participate in this rule challenge proceeding. § 120.56(1)(a).

Florida Laws (11) 120.52120.54120.56120.569120.57120.68420.504420.507420.5087420.5089420.5099
# 1
IN RE: JAN PARTIN vs *, 92-007318EC (1992)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Winter Haven, Florida Dec. 08, 1992 Number: 92-007318EC Latest Update: Mar. 16, 1994

Findings Of Fact Respondent, Jan Partin (Partin), during all times relevant to this proceeding, was the administrative assistant to the executive director of the Winter Haven Housing Authority, in Winter Haven, Florida. In that capacity she exercised responsible administrative, supervisory and technical management functions in assisting the executive director. In the absence of the executive director, she was totally responsible for the operation of the housing authority. Oswald and Leah Carrerou, husband and wife, owned rental property in Winter Haven, and in 1989 and 1990 were landlords in the housing authority's Section 8 program, a program funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to provide rental assistance to eligible tenants. The Carrerous were the second landlords brought into the authority's program, and in late 1989, early 1990, had more tenants than other landlords in the program. As Section 8 landlords, the Carrerous received monthly checks from the housing authority. In January and February 1990, those checks were $3,512.00 and $3,810.00, respectively, representing approximately sixty percent of the Carrerou's total rental income at that time. The Carrerou's primary staff contact with the housing authority with regard to the Section 8 Program was Jan Partin. This included contacts regarding tenants, leases, landlord/housing authority contracts, and rental payments. As it was a new program, the contacts were frequent, several times a week, by telephone and in person at the housing authority office. As executive director, Ash Ahmad was the formal administrator of the Section 8 Program. Ahmad trained Partin and another staff person in the program and Partin's contacts with the Carrerous were part of her routine functions. The Carrerou's perception that she had some control over their continued participation and receipt of rents was reasonable, even if not technically nor legally correct. In early 1990, Partin called Oswald Carrerou and asked if he would consider making a loan to a person who was very important to the housing authority, a witness in a federal case involving a tenant. Partin said the person needed money to pay his lawyer in a child custody dispute. Carrerou was concerned about the appearance and legitimacy of the transaction. He was not in the business of making personal loans, except in the context of his buying and selling real estate, in which cases the loans were secured by a mortgage. When he asked about collateral, Partin said something about a CD coming due and that he would be paid off then. Partin suggested that a note would be prepared, but did not say who would sign the note. Reluctantly, and with the concern that he had little choice, given his financial circumstances and reliance on the Section 8 rents, Carrerou agreed to the loan. Timothy Keaton was the person who was to receive the loan. Keaton met Partin in 1988 when his girlfriend, April Marshall, was living in a Winter Haven Housing Authority housing project. Keaton lived with Marshall off and on without being included in the lease; the couple had two children together. Keaton and Partin developed a close personal relationship and they began dating; Partin loaned and gave him money. Partin became involved in a custody dispute regarding the Keaton/Marshall children, a case which also involved the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services. Partin urged Keaton to hire a lawyer to get custody away from Marshall and she recommended a lawyer to him. This was the lawyer to whom the loan money was to be paid. At the same time that the custody dispute was pending, the housing authority was sued in federal court by Keaton's sometime girlfriend, Marshall, and other plaintiffs who were contesting their evictions. Partin was the legal liaison for the housing authority and worked closely with Sylvia Ibanez, the attorney for the housing authority in the Marshall lawsuit and other litigation. Keaton agreed to testify against Marshall and on behalf of the housing authority in the federal case. He gave a deposition attended by Partin, Attorney Ibanez and Marshall's attorney. This was around the same time that Partin sought the loan to pay Keaton's lawyer. Keaton and another man appeared at Carrerou's office with a note signed by Keaton's mother, Oreatha K. Ogletree, dated February 16, 1990. The note stated that she would be responsible for the loan of $1200 to her son, and that she would make the payment in March 1990, when her CD matured. After assuring himself that the lawyer was indeed representing Keaton, and that Oreatha K. Ogletree was Timothy Keaton's mother, Oswald Carrerou gave Keaton a check for $1200 payable to Robert Doyel, the attorney. The check is dated February 16, 1990. Carrerou had never met nor seen Keaton before that day. Because of cash flow problems, Carrerou borrowed the $1200 from his wife's VISA credit card account at 18 percent interest in order to make the loan to Keaton. Keaton did not sign the note, although there was a space on the note for his signature and social security number. Moreover, instead of taking the check to the lawyer's office that afternoon as was arranged, he tore it into three pieces. He did not want to be responsible for the money and did not want his mother to be responsible either. Sometime later, but before the end of February 1990, Partin called Leah Carrerou and told her that the Keaton children had spilled something on the check or had torn it, and that another check was needed immediately. Keaton had an appointment with the lawyer that afternoon and the lawyer would not see him without the check. Partin said she would send someone over to pick it up, and someone from the Housing Authority did come to get the check from Mrs. Carrerou. Later, Mrs. Carrerou realized her check was written on the wrong account and, after speaking to the lawyer's secretary for approval, she mailed a substitute check for $1200, dated February 28, 1990, to Robert Doyel. The Carrerous were never repaid their $1200. After the end of thirty days, Leah Carrerou called Partin, who assured that she would get her money. After about five or six subsequent similar calls, the Carrerous sued Oreatha Ogletree on the note. A final judgement in favor of Oswald Carrerou was entered on July 9, 1990, by Polk County Judge, Harvey A. Kornstein. Later, Oswald Carrerou filed a satisfaction of that judgement when he learned that Timothy Keaton had torn up his original check to avoid binding himself or his mother. Keaton believed that Jan Partin had come up with the money for the lawyer. Keaton did not know that Partin had obtained another check from the Carrerous. The federal case was eventually settled without the need for Keaton to testify at a trial. Meanwhile, Keaton got back together with April Marshall and appeared at the custody hearing on her side. Commonly, and within the Housing Authority's function of providing services to tenants or other members of the public, housing authority staff make referrals to other social services agencies or resources. The referral of Timothy Keaton to a landlord in a housing authority program was not within the scope of that appropriate function. The greater weight of evidence established that it was Partin's romantic relationship with Keaton, rather than any eleemosynary impulse that motivated her misguided efforts on his behalf.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is, hereby, RECOMMENDED: That the Commission on Ethics enter its final order finding that Jan Partin violated section 112.313(6), F.S., and recommending restitution in the amount of $1200 and a civil penalty of $5000. DONE AND RECOMMENDED this 22nd day of December, 1993, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. MARY CLARK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904)488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of December, 1993. COPIES FURNISHED: Claire D. Dryfuss, Esquire Acting Advocate Commission on Ethics Office of the Attorney General The Capitol, PL-01 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 Robert H. Grizzard, II, Esquire Post Office Box 992 Lakeland, Florida 33802-0992 Bonnie Williams, Executive Director Ethics Commission Post Office Drawer 15709 Tallahassee, Florida 32317-5709 Phil Claypool, General Counsel Ethics Commission Post Office Drawer 15709 Tallahassee, Florida 32317-5709

Florida Laws (6) 104.31112.312112.313112.317120.57120.68 Florida Administrative Code (1) 34-5.010
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:New Port Richey, Florida Jul. 21, 1998 Number: 98-003300 Latest Update: May 06, 1999

The Issue The issue for consideration in this case is whether Petitioner received appropriate relocation assistance for her home and business as a result of the Department’s taking.

Findings Of Fact For several years during the mid to late 1990’s, and specifically during 1996 and 1997, the Department of Transportation was engaged in acquiring property in Pasco County, Florida, for the construction of the Suncoast Parkway, a new corridor which, when completed, will extend approximately 42 miles from the Veteran’s Expressway in Hillsborough County in the south to a connection with US Highway 98 in Hernando County in the north. In support of that project, it became necessary for the Department to acquire approximately 639 individually owned parcels of land. To facilitate the planning for and purchase of this property, the Department utilized the services of several engineering firms, including the firm of Post, Buckley, Schuh, and Jernigan, Inc., (PBS&J). PBS&J’s manager for this project was Norris Smith, who has been employed with the company in this type of work for approximately eight years. PBS&J, as general consultant for the Turnpike District, also manages other firms working on road construction projects for the Department. Included among these firms utilized on the Suncoast Parkway project were Gulf Coast Property Acquisitions (Gulf Coast), and Universal Field Services (Universal). In acquiring the identified individual parcels which make up a specific project, the procedure usually followed calls for a relocation specialist to make the original calculation of the relocation payment to the property owner. This calculation is then put through a review process during which it is evaluated for approval by the project manager. In the instant case, the initial relocation specialist was Gary South, an employee of Gulf Coast, who made the initial relocation contact with the Petitioner. However, Mr. South took ill in January 1997, and was replaced on this project by David Cole. Mr. Cole has worked with Gulf Coast as a relocation specialist since 1993, and, since 1970, has worked as a relocation specialist under the Uniform Relocation Assistance Act (Act) in five states. He has participated in relocations involved in approximately 70 parcel acquisitions on the Suncoast Parkway project. Relocations of individuals displaced as a result of property acquisitions for road construction are accomplished under the guidelines of the Uniform Relocation Assistance Program memorialized in 24 C.F.R., Part 24. These guidelines have been adopted by the State of Florida and are incorporated in the Department of Transportation’s Rule 14-66. Once the Department is tasked to undertake a construction project in which land is to be acquired or businesses are to be relocated, it conducts one or more public hearings in the area of development to explain the scope and dimensions of the project. After that, relocation specialists visit each residence and business to speak with the resident or business owner and conduct a needs assessment survey which is supposed to be used as a guide to determine the type of relocation assistance necessary. It is at this visit that the relocation specialist provides the resident or business owner with a relocation brochure which explains the process and the displacee’s rights and responsibilities in detail. The displacee’s prior term of tenancy of the property determines his/her eligibility level for relocation assistance payments. If the resident/occupant has been in the property for 180 days or more, he or she is eligible for relocation payments of up to $22,500 in addition to benefits to cover moving personal property to the new dwelling. If the resident/occupant has been a tenant in place for 90 to 179 days, he or she is eligible for a rental assistance payment not to exceed $2,500 which may be used either FOR rent payments on a replacement rental property or as a down payment on the purchase of a new home. Consistent with the described procedure, Gary South conducted the needs assessment survey of Petitioner’s household in February 1996 during which he informed Ms. Dornseif of the relocation services available. It was determined during that survey that there were two residences as well as three business on the Dornseif property. One of the residences was occupied by Petitioner and her family. The other residence was occupied by Petitioner’s father, Mr. DeClue. Mr. DeClue was determined to be a 180-day homeowner/occupant eligible for benefits, while Petitioner was classified as a 90-day tenant and eligible for rental assistance payments and move costs. This information was conveyed to Petitioner by Mr. South. After Mr. South became ill and Mr. Cole took over from him as relocation specialist for this property, Mr. Cole met with Petitioner to update the survey and determine that the information previously developed by Mr. South was still accurate. Cole also reiterated the relevant information regarding the relocation advisory services for which Petitioner was eligible. Included in this advice was the information regarding rental assistance payments, as well as the information necessary to calculate that figure. Mr. Cole specifically advised Petitioner that she could utilize the rental assistance payment as down payment on a home. In connection with this move, Mr. Cole updated the household survey relating to the number of people in the home and the number of rooms contained in the house. He also delivered to Petitioner the residential relocation brochure, explained his participation in the process, and delivered the original Notice of Eligibility. He also delivered a statement of eligibility and gave Petitioner a briefing of the amount of money available as a rent supplement and how it was calculated. In addition, he provided Petitioner with a list of available properties. In addition to the verbal communication by Mr. Cole, all the pertinent and necessary information regarding relocation assistance was also included with a Notice of Eligibility which the Department served on Petitioner on July 19, 1996. By this notice, Petitioner was advised of her eligibility for a relocation assistance payment, but because the specific amount of payment is dependent upon financial input from the individual being displaced, the exact dollar amount of the payment may not be available when the eligibility notice is issued. That was the case here. Ms. Dornseif acknowledged receipt of her Notice of Eligibility on July 19, 1996, but because she had not submitted all relevant and required financial information to the Department by the time of eligibility determination, the exact amount of payment had not been determined. Petitioner was informed of that fact and the reason for it. In fact, the required rental and income information needed to calculate the amount of payment to be made was not received by the Department until approximately one year later, when it was submitted by Petitioner’s attorney. Once the required financial information was received by the Department, however, a revised Notice of Eligibility was issued on June 17, 1997, which included the amount to be paid by the Department. According to the Department’s calculations, based on information submitted by the Petitioner, Ms. Dornseif was to receive a rental assistance payment of $7,440.12. This figure was based on the difference between the rental and utility costs at the former dwelling and the rental plus utility costs at the replacement dwelling. Under the formula for calculating payment, the difference is multiplied by 42 so as to provide displacement costs to cover 42 months. In implementing the formula, the replacement rental is based on the rental costs of a comparable dwelling on the market at the time of the assessment. It appears that though the land on which the mobile home occupied by Petitioner was located was owned by her, her husband, and her father, Mr. DeClue, the actual residence was owned by her father. It was for that reason that Petitioner was eligible for the rental supplement as opposed to the other allowance. She claims she made all this information known to the Department in advance and was assured it was “OK,” but now asserts she did not know, and was not told at the time, that there was a maximum for rental supplements. The maximum cap for rental assistance payments is set by law at $5,250. This is less than the amount received by the Petitioner. However, there is a provision in the law for exceeding the cap upon justification by the Department in writing to the federal government. Because of market conditions at the time of the search for comparables for Petitioner, the comparable used in the calculation was the best available. This information regarding the regulatory cap, the calculations made in this case, and the effect that current market conditions had on the calculations, were explained to Petitioner by Mr. Cole. With regard to the actual move by Petitioner from the former residence to the replacement dwelling, Petitioner after being fully briefed both in writing and by Mr. Cole on the procedure to be followed, chose to be reimbursed for the actual costs of the move by a commercial mover. She was instructed to obtain estimates from two commercial movers and advised she would be reimbursed the lower of the two estimates. This was $5,728.62. After the move was completed, Petitioner submitted receipts for the commercial move totaling approximately $6,074.94, but she was reimbursed the $5,662.94. The reduction was made because of some duplications and claims for ineligible items, but Petitioner was dissatisfied with the amount paid. Petitioner also was eligible for reimbursement for the move of her business. In this case, she chose an “in lieu of” payment instead of actual reimbursement for a commercial move. She elected to do this after she had been personally briefed by Mr. Cole on the options available to her for this part of the move. She claims she was told by Department personnel she would receive a fixed amount for the business plus a reimbursement for the business move, but she now contends she received no reimbursement. Petitioner is not satisfied with the relocation assistance payments made to her, claiming that the amounts finally offered were approximately one-half the amount initially estimated by Department personnel. She asserts that all the original estimates by Department personnel were reduced and cut, and she received far less than she was led to expect. She claims her neighbors, who had resided nearby for a far shorter time than she got far more than she did. Petitioner requested that the Department’s calculations of the amounts to be paid to her be independently reviewed. Niether individual who performed the recalculations made any changes to the amounts determined payable. Petitioner then requested another review by a higher authority, and the matter was referred to Paula Warmath, at the time the Right-of Way Manager for the Turnpike District. After her review of the matter, Ms. Warmath did not make any changes to the payment amounts. Petitioner’s next appeal was to Richard Eddleman, the Department’s State Relocation Administrator, the final review authority for relocation assistance appeals. Mr. Eddleman obtained the complete relocation files maintained by the Department on this case, carefully reviewed it, spoke with relevant Turnpike district personnel, and recalculated the relocation assistance payments. Based on his review of the file, Mr. Eddleman concluded that the relocation assistance payments for Petitioner had been properly calculated according to the established rules. This decision was communicated to Petitioner.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Department of Transportation enter a Final Order affirming the relocation assistance payments previously calculated for Petitioner. DONE AND ENTERED this 15th day of December, 1998, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. _ ARNOLD H. POLLOCK Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6947 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of December, 1998. COPIES FURNISHED: Vlenda Dornseif 15331 Penny Court Spring Hill, Florida 34610 Andrea V. Nelson, Esquire Department of Transportation 605 Suwannee Street Mail Station 58 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450 Thomas F. Barry, Secretary Department of Transportation Haydon Burns Building 605 Suwannee Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450 Pamela Leslie, General Counsel Department of Transportation 605 Suwannee Street Suite 562 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450

CFR (2) 49 CFR 2449 CFR 24.2(g) Florida Laws (2) 120.57440.12
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Aug. 23, 2004 Number: 04-003000 Latest Update: Dec. 07, 2004

The Issue The issues in this case are whether the Florida Housing Finance Corporation (“Florida Housing”) employed an unadopted rule when it used rounding on a competing application to place Petitioner’s application for Low Income Housing Tax Credits (“HC” or “Tax Credits”) in the 2004 Universal Application Cycle in the “B” leveraging tie-breaker group, and if so, whether Florida Housing complied with the requirements of Section 120.57(1)(e), Florida Statutes, when it employed rounding.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is a Florida limited partnership. Reliance- Andrews, LLC, the sole general partner of Petitioner, is a non- profit entity under Florida Administrative Code Rule 67- 48.002(81). Petitioner’s address is 516 Northeast 13th Street, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33304. The affected agency is the Florida Housing Finance Corporation (“Florida Housing”), 227 North Bronough Street, Suite 5000, Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1329. Florida Housing is a public corporation organized under Part V, Chapter 420, Florida Statutes, to provide and promote the public welfare by administering the governmental function of financing and refinancing houses and related facilities in Florida in order to provide decent, safe, and sanitary housing to persons and families of low, moderate, and middle income. Petitioner filed an application, number 2004-102C, with Florida Housing for tax credits under the Housing Credit (“HC”) program for a proposed development in Broward County, Florida, known as Flagler Point. Under the HC program, successful applicants receive a dollar-for-dollar reduction in federal tax liability in exchange for the development of units to be occupied by low-income households. Florida Housing is designated as the housing credit agency for the State of Florida and is authorized to establish procedures necessary for the allocation of Tax Credits under Section 420.5099, Florida Statutes. Florida Housing scores and ranks applications for the HC program pursuant to the Universal Application Package Instructions ("Application Instructions") which are adopted as rules pursuant to Florida Administrative Code Rule 67- 48.002(111). The applicants for housing credits are sophisticated, and the application process is highly competitive. Most applicants achieve a perfect score on applications, so Florida Housing has created a series of “tiebreakers” to determine which projects receive allocations of tax credits. These include “leveraging,” (the amount of requested funding over the number of set-aside units), proximity to services, proximity of other Florida Housing developments, and, finally, a lottery. Petitioner and numerous other applicants for the HC program received the maximum score on the application, 66 points. Florida Housing then ranked the applications that received perfect scores to determine priority for funding according to certain Ranking and Selection Criteria as outlined in the Application Instructions. Part of the Ranking Selection Criteria process includes "tie-breakers" as enumerated in the Application Instructions. The first of the applicable tie-breakers separates the applications into groups A and B based upon a formula used by Florida Housing to determine funding request per set-aside unit. Group A is comprised of the 80 percent of applications with the lowest amount of total funding request per set-aside unit. The 20 percent of applications with the highest per unit request amount are placed in Group B. Applications in Group A receive preference over Group B. The A/B leveraging tiebreaker alone does not determine who gets funded. Some leveraging Group B projects are funded. The total number of set-aside units for each Application is computed by multiplying the total number of units within the proposed development by the highest total set- aside percentage the applicant committed to in the Set-Aside Commitment section of the Application. Florida Housing rounded up the total set-aside units on application 2004-084C from 182.7 (the product of the total number of units (203) and the highest total set aside percentage (90%)) to 183. Rounding this figure produces a lower per unit funding request amount for application 2004-084C ($51,857.95 instead of $51,943.10). Petitioner's per unit funding request is $51,882.28, which would be lower than application number 2004-084C if the total set-aside unit figure was not rounded. Petitioner's application was placed in Group B instead of Group A. On May 7, 2004, Petitioner filed a Notice of Possible Scoring Error ("NOPSE") requesting correction of the set-aside unit rounding, which Petitioner contended was in error. Respondent did not adopt Petitioner’s NOPSE, and on May 28, 2004, issued its scoring summary for application number 2004- 084C indicating a per unit Florida Housing funding request of $51,857.95. On July 9, 2004, Respondent issued the 2004 Final Score Corporation Funding Per Set-Aside for A and B Groups indicating that Petitioner had been placed in Leveraging Group B. Florida Housing has used rounding to determine the number of set-aside units in the same manner each year from the 2002 Universal Application Cycle through the 2004 Universal Application Cycle. Applicants are encouraged to, and more often than not do, set aside 100 percent of the units for low or very low income tenants. As most applicants for Tax Credits do just that, rounding is not often an issue. The number of set-aside units represents a commitment the developer makes in return for funding, and the number in the application is the number of set aside units the developer must provide, and is used to determine whether the development is in compliance with its commitment to Florida Housing, and to the Internal Revenue Service. As a practical matter, the number of set-aside units cannot be a fraction of a unit. Rounding up to the next whole number is the only option, because if the unit number is rounded down, the percentage of set-aside units would be below the set- aside commitment, the IRS would deem that the property had not met its set-aside commitment, and the investors would not receive their tax credits. Florida Housing revises its Universal Cycle Application and Instructions through the rulemaking process each year, in response to stakeholder input, in reaction to litigation, and to clarify issues which arise during the year. During the rulemaking process, there is considerable dialogue between developers and Florida Housing. Public hearings (rule development workshops) are noticed in the Florida Administrative Weekly, with the agendas being posted on Florida Housing’s website and also made available for distribution at the public hearings. The affordable housing development community is small and its members pay close attention to Florida Housing’s application process, which is intensely competitive. Petitioner is an experienced developer, and has previously received funding from Florida Housing. Petitioner is a member of a coalition of affordable housing developers, which meets before the rule development workshops to discuss the agenda, and to attempt to reach consensus on agenda issues. Petitioner is part of the development community, which normally participates in the rule development process, and Petitioner has been an active participant in the 2005 rule development process. An active member of the affordable housing developer’s coalition, and a veteran participant in the Florida Housing application and funding process, would have been aware of Florida Housing’s use of rounding to determine the number of set-aside units to which each applicant committed. The rounding issue that is at the heart of this proceeding has been addressed by Florida Housing in its proposed rule amendments to Florida Administrative Code Rule 67-48.002 for the 2005 Universal Application Cycle.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be issued in this case dismissing the petition and denying all relief sought by Petitioner. DONE AND ENTERED this 18th day of November, 2004, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S MICHAEL M. PARRISH Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 18th day of November, 2004.

Florida Laws (4) 120.52120.569120.57420.5099
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Arcadia, Florida May 04, 1999 Number: 99-002050 Latest Update: Dec. 11, 2000

The Issue The issue for consideration in this case is whether the Respondents, individually and jointly, on March 24, 1999, established, maintained, or operated migrant housing on their properties located on Rosebud Lane in Arcadia, Florida, without first obtaining permits from the Department of Health.

Findings Of Fact At all times pertinent to the issues herein, the State of Florida's Department of Health, and the DeSoto County Public Health Unit were the agencies in DeSoto County, Florida, responsible for the management and permitting of migrant labor camps and residential migrant housing within that county. Jack L. Sikes has been an environmental specialist II with the DeSoto County Health Unit for 18 years. His duties comprise the management of the migrant housing program within the county, including permitting and inspection of migrant residential housing units and camps. Migrant housing is defined within the Health Department as any structure housing five or more workers engaged in seasonal work, and who have changed their residence during the preceding year. Inspection standards applied to migrant housing relate to health and safety issues, such as cleanliness, refrigeration, hot and cold water, lights, bedding, and structural problems of the facility which impact safety. For the 1998-1999 growing year, permits were issued for 108 migrant worker camps in the county. In the 1997-1998 year there were only 16-17 permits issued for camps. The increase is due to state emphasis on increased safety for migrant housing. By far the greatest percentage of migrant workers are of Hispanic origin. The migrant population increases significantly in DeSoto County during the citrus harvest period which extends from November through June. On March 23, 1999, Mr. Sikes and a co-worker, as a part of a continuing search for un-permitted migrant housing, conducted a drive-through inspection of several mobile homes situated on Southwest Rosebud Lane in Arcadia, Florida. Eight of the lots on Rosebud Lane have mobile homes on them while the other lots are vacant. On this visit, Mr. Sikes did not see any of the indications normally present when a structure is used for a family home such as toys in the yard, laundry drying, etc. As a result, he suspected the homes, some of which were obviously occupied, were being used as migrant housing. The next day, March 24, 1999, at approximately 5:00 p.m., Mr. Sikes and a Spanish-speaking inspector, Robert Schultz, returned to the area and went to the structure located at 1408 Southwest Rosebud Lane, where in response to the inspectors' knock, the door was opened by an Hispanic individual who identified himself as Mario Hernandez. Through the interpretation services of Mr. Schultz, Mr. Hernandez indicated that he lived at that house with his five cousins, all of whose names were recorded on the "Documentation of Hand Laborer" form on which the answers to the interview questions were written. As recounted by Mr. Sikes, Mr. Hernandez spoke for the group as his cousins were not present when the interview began. Mr. Hernandez indicated that he and his cousins arrived in DeSoto County from another location to pick oranges during the first week of November 1998 and took up residence at 1408 Southwest Rosebud Lane. The mobile home they were occupying was large enough to be permitted for six residents. Mr. Hernandez also indicated he and his cousins were renting the mobile home but did not know from whom. Though this statement is hearsay, it is corroborated by an examination of the electricity billing records and other independent evidence of record. A four-fold November increase in electric usage over the mid-October 1998 electric bill indicates the structure was most likely unoccupied before November 1998 but was occupied for several months thereafter. In fact, just after the inspectors left the home, a bus discharged several other men who appeared to be migrant workers and four of them went in the direction of 1408. When Mr. Sikes and Mr. Schultz went to 1375 Southwest Rosebud Lane they found several Hispanic men getting out of a utility van and going into the mobile home. The inspectors went to the house and were invited in. Mr. Schultz translated. During the course of the conversation, the men indicated they had just returned from the fields where they worked picking oranges. They said they all lived in the mobile home with a sixth man who was not present at the time. They also indicated they had come to DeSoto County from Mexico around the first of the year to pick oranges, and had rented the mobile home from someone whose name they did not know. When the picking season was completed in DeSoto County, they intended to move on to other farm work elsewhere. The inspectors spoke with the driver of the bus who identified himself as a crew leader for Turner Foods for whom the migrant laborers also worked. The driver attempted to interfere with the inspectors' questioning of the workers who got off the bus, and as a result, the inspectors requested that he leave the area. Within five minutes of the driver's departure, Respondent Gary L. Frierson drove up and asked Mr. Sikes what was going on. Mr. Sikes advised Mr. Frierson that he and Mr. Schultz were conducting a housing investigation and that based on what information they had gathered, Mr. Frierson needed to obtain a residential migrant housing permit for the properties. Mr. Frierson did not deny he owned the property, but, by the same token, did not admit to owning it either. Mr. Frierson said he was trying to sell the property, but, due to tax considerations, was restricted to selling a limited number of parcels per year. Taken together, the evidence of record is abundantly clear that the occupants of both 1375 and 1408 Southwest Rosebud Lane on March 24, 1999, were migrant farm workers, and the properties were being used as residential migrant housing without being permitted as such. The question remains, however, as to who owned the property and was utilizing it in the fashion described. The public records of DeSoto County reflect that Alice H. Frierson is the owner of record of the property located at 1408 Southwest Rosebud Lane, and Gary L. and Alice H. Frierson, jointly, are the owners of record of the property located at 1375 Southwest Rosebud Lane. Respondents presented several documents in an effort to establish they did not own the properties in question. As to Lot 14 and Lot 22, Bokara Acres, unrecorded Agreements for Deed dated December 31, 1998, between both Mr. and Mrs. Frierson and Wayne Radloff as to Lot 14, and Ricardo Sanchez as to Lot 22, provide for a future transfer of title to each buyer, providing the buyer pays all amounts due on the purchase price. Identical Agreements for Deed were also issued the same date to Mr. Radloff for four other properties in the subdivision. As to Lot 14, a second Agreement for Deed, dated January 1, 1999, purports to transfer a future interest in the same property to Fernando Gomez, and on that same date, Mr. Radloff executed an Assignment of Agreement for Deed to Fernando Gomez. On January 9, 1999, Mr. Radloff also executed a Quit-Claim Deed for Lots 13 and 14 to Gary L. and Alice H. Frierson. As to Lot 22, on March 28, 1999, Mr. Gomez executed a Rescission of Agreement for Deed and Mutual Release to the Friersons in which the December 31, 1998, transfer of the property to Gomez was rescinded, thereby restoring title to Mr. and Mrs. Frierson. This is four days after the visit on March 24, 1999 by the inspectors, Mr. Sikes and Mr. Schultz. By none of the documents, however, did legal title transfer from Mr. and Mrs. Frierson to Mr. Radloff, Mr. Gomez, or Mr. Sanchez. In fact, Mr. Frierson admitted that he collected the rent from the occupants of both parcels weekly from January through March 24, 1999, though he indicated he had no idea which individuals occupied which property. All Mr. Frierson could recall was that a Hispanic man would come out to the truck each time Mr. Frierson went there and beeped his horn, and would give him the money due. He could not identify the man or even say if it was the same man each time. While the Department contends that the unrecorded Agreements for Deed are a sham designed to isolate Respondents from their legal responsibility to obtain permits for the property which they operate as residential migrant housing, Respondent vehemently denied this and produced a series of witnesses who, over several years past, have purchased real estate from them through the same process. None of these individuals experienced any difficulty in obtaining title to the property when they completed payment in full. It should be noted, however, that while these individuals have had no difficulty with the transactions, they are permanent residents of the area, and the situation regarding the parcels in question differs considerably. On none of the transfer documents in issue are the name and address of the person who prepared the document legible, and other technical deficiencies make the agreements un-recordable. When those factors are considered in conjunction with the coincidental concurrence of the documents with the arrival of the migrant workers, and the fact that all interest in the property reverted to Mr. and Mrs. Frierson immediately after the date of the Department inspection, the inescapable conclusion is that the transfers to Mr. Radloff/Mr. Gomez and Mr. Sanchez were not bona fide transfers of an interest in property, but were an effort to obscure the actual ownership of the property to avoid the responsibilities which go with the ownership of residential migrant housing. Other evidence of record supports that conclusion. For example, Respondents presented no documentary evidence to indicate they had ever received any of the weekly payments called for under the Agreements for Deed as to either property but claim that they received a down payment, and that Mr. Frierson collected "rent" each week. For the five properties sold to Mr. Radloff/Mr. Gomez for a total consideration of $63,000, the total down payment was $300. For the property sold to Sanchez for $20,000, the down payment was $100. Respondent admits he has no records to show the down payment or the monthly rental payments he received on either property. Respondents paid the electricity for both properties during the entire time the properties were under the Agreements for Deed through their account with the utility company and were not reimbursed. They provided water to 1375 Southwest Rosebud Lane free of charge from a well on adjacent property they owned. They paid property, casualty, flood, and hurricane insurance for both properties throughout the entire period and were not reimbursed. They did not advise the county property tax office that they had transferred interest in the property to someone else. Though Respondent gave a key to each property to the respective "purchaser," he never saw either at the property. All but one of the properties in which an interest was transferred to Mr. Radloff, Mr. Gomez, or Mr. Sanchez, are vacant and the location of the "buyers" is unknown. Mr. Frierson indicated that he frequently sells property by unrecorded Agreement for Deed. This is standard procedure for him. He claims he paid the electric bills on the properties when they were previously used as rental properties, and he did not cancel the service -- a thing he has done in the past when the buyer is short of cash or cannot pay the power company deposit. In one case under consideration here, he claims, the tenant paid more than was called for, so he used the accrued overpayment to pay the electric bill. As for insurance, he continued his coverage because he wasn't sure the buyer could get coverage. Respondent asserts he does not want to operate migrant housing and has told this to Mr. Sams of the Health Department. He wants single families, and the family which occupied one of the properties in issue on June 7, 1999, went in after the rescission of the Agreement for Deed. Mr. Frierson claims the family's rental business is far less formal than a normal rental operation. Many renters who terminate usually do so by leaving without notice. Many of the renters are Hispanics, whom he describes as quite naïve about paper work. When Mr. Sanchez advised him he wanted out of their agreement, Respondent prepared a Rescission and Release and a Quit-Claim Deed, though he admits the use of both is probably overkill. As to the transactions with Mr. Radloff, Respondent claims he entered into it on the basis of advice from his tax accountant to avoid a higher tax obligation. When he found that he didn’t have the tax problem after all, he bought the lots back and transferred them to Mr. Gomez, which, he contends was his original intention. Mr. Frierson contends that the money paid to him by Mr. Radloff actually came from Mr. Gomez, which, to Respondent, explains the concurrent transfers. He also contends that shortly after the transfer, Mr. Gomez came to him and wanted out of the deal, as had Mr. Sanchez, and he, Mr. Frierson, agreed. Respondent claims, however, that he had no idea of how the properties were used when Mr. Gomez and Mr. Sanchez had control of them. He overlooks the fact that he collected the rents weekly during that period.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Department of Health enter a final order in this matter imposing administrative fines of $500.00 on Gary L. and Alice H. Frierson for the proven violation at 1375 Southwest Rosebud Lane, and an additional $500 fine on Alice H. Frierson for the proven violation at 1408 Southwest Rosebud Lane, both in Arcadia, Florida. DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of September, 1999, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6947 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of September, 1999. COPIES FURNISHED: Susan Mastin Scott, Esquire Department of Health Post Office Box 9309 Ft. Myers, Florida 33902-0309 James M. Beesting, Esquire 207 East Magnolia Street Suite B Arcadia, Florida 34266 Angela T. Hall, Agency Clerk Department of Health 2020 Capital Circle, Southeast Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 Pete Peterson, General counsel Department of Health 2020 Capital Circle, Southeast Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701

Florida Laws (5) 120.57120.68381.008381.0081381.0083 Florida Administrative Code (1) 64E-14.004
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 76-000538 Latest Update: May 23, 1977

The Issue Whether the Appellant has been paid relocation assistance benefits in accordance with the law and applicable regulations.

Findings Of Fact The Appellant, Mr. Alfred J. Harris, lived in a one bedroom mobile home on property identified as Parcel No. 145 on Interstate 95. The area on which Mr. Harris and his wife and daughter lived was needed for the Interstate Highway and Mr. Harris became eligible for relocation assistance funds. Relocation assistance eligibility was found to be Eleven Thousand One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($11,150.00) which was based on the difference between a comparable home and location and the land of Mr. Harris. The eligibility mistakenly did not include the mobile home on Mr. Harris' land. A comparable mobile home and lot was found for Mr. Harris and his family in the general area where he lived which could have been purchased for Twenty-Six Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($26,500.00) in relocation benefits as well as receiving payment of Fifteen Thousand Three Hundred Fifty Dollars ($15,350.00) for his land. It was not learned until after the computation for relocation assistance was made and paid that Mr. Harris and his wife had living with them a daughter. The fact that the mobile home was a one bedroom home and three people were living there removed the home from the condition of decent, safe and sanitary housing for the occupants therein. Had the computation been made for relocation assistance with the knowledge that the mobile home in which the Appellant lived did not meet the conditions for decent, safe and sanitary housing, the relocation assistance benefits would have been Nine Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($9,250.00) which is less Sixteen Hundred Dollars ($1,600.00), the amount for which Mr. Harris sold his mobile home. Mr. Harris was paid Sixteen Hundred Dollars ($1,600.00) more than he would have been entitled to had the Appellee, the Florida Department of Transportation, not made an error with respect to the mobile home which Mr. Harris later sold by transfer upon the buyer assuming the payments of Sixteen Hundred Dollars ($1,600.00). Mr. Harris and his family decided to buy a conventional type home for the sum of Twenty-Six Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($26,200.00) rather than the comparable mobile home and land found by the Appellee for the Appellant which was valued at Twenty-Six Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($26,500.00) . Mr. Harris then refunded Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) to the Appellee from the Eleven Thousand One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($11,150.00) he had received in relocation assistance. The problem of the overpayment by the Appellee to the Appellant was reviewed by the federal government which refused to absorb the relocation benefits overpaid to Mr. Harris in the amount of Sixteen Hundred Dollars ($1,600.00) but he Appellee, Florida Department of Transportation, agreed that inasmuch as it had made the error and overpaid the Appellant Sixteen Hundred Dollars ($1,600.00), it would absorb the mistake and not collect the amount from the Appellant. The Appellant, Mr. Harris, had misunderstood the error of Appellee and the amount of overpayments and was under the mistaken belief that the Department of Transportation, Appellee, owed him additional relocation assistance monies. Thus, he filed a Complaint on February 18, 1976.

Recommendation Dismiss the appeal inasmuch as the Appellee owes no monies to the Appellant. DONE and ORDERED this 28th day of April, 1977, in Tallahassee, Florida. DELPHENE C. STRICKLAND Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Philip S. Bennett, Esquire George L. Waas, Esquire Department of Transportation Haydon Burns Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Mr. Alfred J. Harris 509 Tumbling Kling Road Fort Pierce, Florida Mr. Joseph A. Alfes, Chief Bureau of Right of Way Department of Transportation Haydon Burns Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304

# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida May 21, 2010 Number: 10-002799RX Latest Update: Feb. 03, 2012

The Issue The issue in this case is whether a portion of Florida Administrative Code Rule 67-48.0072 is an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority.

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner is a limited partnership and developer of affordable housing in Florida. The Petitioner is seeking to construct a 116-unit affordable housing family apartment complex ("Elmwood Terrace") in Fort Myers, Lee County, Florida. The Petitioner has standing to initiate and participate in this proceeding. The Respondent is a public corporation organized under Chapter 420, Florida Statutes (2010), to administer state programs that provide financial support to developers seeking to construct affordable housing. Such support is provided through a variety of mechanisms, including the use of federal tax credits. The federal tax credit program was created in 1986 to promote the construction and operation of privately-developed affordable housing. The tax credits relevant to this proceeding provide a dollar-for-dollar credit against federal tax liabilities for a period of ten years. The Respondent is the designated Florida agency responsible for distribution of the federal tax credits. The tax credits are awarded pursuant to a "Qualified Allocation Plan" (QAP) that must be annually approved by the Governor and adopted as an administrative rule by the Respondent. As a matter of course, developers receiving the federal tax credits sell them through syndicators for discounted cash. The sale of the tax credits generates debt-free cash equity for developers. Developers seeking financial support to build affordable housing units submit applications to the Respondent during an annual competitive process known as the "Universal Cycle." Every three years, the Respondent commissions a study (the "Shimberg Report"), which measures, within each Florida county, the number of "cost-burden" renters earning 60 percent or less of an area's median income (AMI) who pay more than 40 percent of their income in rent. The AMI is determined by the federal government. The cost-burden households are further classified into four groups: families, the elderly, farm workers, and commercial fishermen. The Shimberg Report also assesses needs related to homeless people in the state. Developers seeking to obtain affordable housing financing are required to set aside a portion of the proposed units for income-limited residents. Access to affordable housing units is generally targeted towards persons receiving no more than 60 percent of the AMI. The Universal Cycle process allows the Respondent to target specific housing deficiencies in terms of geographic availability and population demographics and to preserve the stock of existing affordable housing. During the Universal Cycle process, the Respondent identifies areas where additional affordable housing is unnecessary, to discourage additional development in weak markets and to encourage development in those locations where there is a lack of access to affordable housing. The Respondent classifies areas where there is little need for additional affordable housing as "Location A" areas. Each application filed during the Universal Cycle is evaluated, scored, and competitively ranked against other applications filed during the same Universal Cycle. After the Respondent completes the competitive ranking of the applications submitted in the Universal Cycle, the applicants are provided with an opportunity to review and comment on the evaluation and scoring of the proposals. Applicants may also cure defects in their own proposals. After the close of the review and comment period, the Respondent publishes a revised competitive ranking of the proposals. Developers may challenge the second ranking through an administrative hearing. After the second ranking process is final, developers achieving an acceptable score receive preliminary funding commitments and proceed into a "credit underwriting" evaluation process. The credit underwriting process is governed by Florida Administrative Code Rule 67-48.0072. The Respondent selects an independent credit underwriter who reviews each proposal according to requirements set forth by administrative rule (the "Credit Underwriting Rule"). The cost of the credit underwriting review is paid by the developer. The credit underwriter considers all aspects of the proposed development, including financing sources, plans and specifications, cost analysis, zoning verification, site control, environmental reports, construction contracts, and engineering and architectural contracts. The responsibility for the market study is assigned by the credit underwriter to an independent market analyst. The credit underwriter prepares a report for each applicant invited into the process. The reports are submitted to the Respondent's nine-member, statutorily-created Board of Directors (Board). The Board approves or denies each application for financial support. The Petitioner applied for funds for the Elmwood Terrace project during the 2007 Universal Cycle. The Petitioner's application received a perfect score, maximum points, and was allocated tax credits in the amount of $1,498,680. The Petitioner thereafter entered the credit underwriting process. The credit underwriting analysis was performed by Seltzer Management Group (SMG). SMG contracted with a market analyst, Vogt, Williams & Bowen Research, Inc. (VWB), to prepare the required market study. The affordable units at Elmwood Terrace were initially intended for persons receiving incomes no more than 60 percent of the AMI. The VWB research indicated that the Elmwood Terrace project would adversely affect the existing affordable housing developments, if the Elmwood Terrace units were available to the 60 percent AMI population. The existing affordable housing developments, also serving the 60 percent AMI population, included two developments that had participated in the Respondent's "Guarantee Fund" program, addressed elsewhere herein. VWB determined that the impact of the Elmwood Terrace project on the existing developments could be ameliorated were some of the Elmwood Terrace units targeted during "lease-up" to persons at income levels of not more than 50 percent of the AMI. The lease-up period is the time required for a new development to reach anticipated occupancy levels. The issue was the subject of discussions between the Petitioner, VWB, and SMG. To resolve the anticipated negative impact on the existing affordable housing developments, the Petitioner agreed to target the 50 percent AMI population. In September 2008, the credit underwriter issued his report and recommended that the Petitioner receive the previously-allocated tax credits. On September 22, 2008, the Respondent's Board accepted the credit underwriting report and followed the recommendation. In the fall of 2008, after the Petitioner received the tax credits, the nation's economic environment deteriorated considerably. As a result, the syndicator with whom the Petitioner had been working to sell the tax credits advised that the sale would not occur. The Petitioner was unable to locate an alternate purchaser for the tax credits. The Petitioner considered altering the target population of the project in an attempt to attract a buyer for the tax credits, and there were discussions with the Respondent about the option, but there was no credible evidence presented that such an alteration would have resulted in the sale of the Petitioner's tax credits. Lacking a buyer for the tax credits, the Petitioner was unable to convert the credits to cash, and they were of little value in providing funds for the project. The Petitioner was not alone in its predicament, and many other developers who received tax credits in the 2007 and 2008 Universal Cycles found themselves unable to generate cash through the sale of their tax credits. In early 2009, Congress adopted the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (PL 111-5), referred to herein as ARRA, which incorporated a broad range of economic stimulus activities. Included within the ARRA was the "Tax Credit Exchange Program" that provided for the return by the appropriate state agency of a portion of the unused tax credits in exchange for a cash distribution of 85 percent of the tax credit value. The State of Florida received $578,701,964 through the Tax Credit Exchange Program. The ARRA also provided additional funds to state housing finance agencies through a "Tax Credit Assistance Program" intended to "resume funding of affordable housing projects across the nation while stimulating job creation in the hard-hat construction industry." On July 31, 2009, the Respondent issued a Request for Proposals (RFP 2009-04) to facilitate the distribution of the ARRA funds. The Respondent issued the RFP because the 2009 QAP specifically required the Respondent to allocate the relevant federal funds by means of a "competitive request for proposal or competitive application process as approved by the board." The 2009 QAP was adopted as part of the 2009 Universal Cycle rules. Projects selected for funding through the RFP would be evaluated through the routine credit underwriting process. Participation in the RFP process was limited to developers who held an "active award" of tax credits as of February 17, 2009, and who were unable to close on the sale of the credits. The RFP included restrictions against proposals for development within areas designated as "Location A." Although the location of the Elmwood Terrace project had not been within an area designated as "Location A" during the 2007 Universal Cycle process, the Respondent had subsequently designated the area as "Location A" by the time of the 2009 Universal Cycle. The RFP also established occupancy standards for projects funded under the RFP that exceeded the standards established in the Universal Cycle instructions and an evaluation process separate from the Universal Cycle requirements. Although the restrictions in the RFP would have automatically precluded the Petitioner from being awarded funds, the Petitioner submitted a response to the RFP and then filed a successful challenge to the RFP specifications (DOAH Case No. 09-4682BID). In a Recommended Order issued on November 12, 2009, the Administrative law Judge presiding over the RFP challenge determined that certain provisions of the RFP, including the automatic rejection of Location A projects, the increased occupancy standards, and the RFP evaluation criteria, were invalid. The Respondent adopted the Recommended Order by a Final Order issued on December 4, 2009, and invited the Petitioner into the credit underwriting process by a letter dated December 9, 2009. The credit underwriter assigned to analyze the Petitioner's project was SMG, the same credit underwriter that performed the original analysis of the Petitioner's project during the 2007 Universal Cycle. SMG retained Meridian Appraisal Group, Inc. (Meridian), to prepare the required market study. The Respondent was not consulted regarding the SMG decision to retain Meridian for the market analysis. The decision to retain Meridian for the market analysis was entirely that of SMG. The Respondent did not direct SMG or Meridian in any manner regarding the assessment or evaluation of any negative impact of the proposed project on existing affordable housing developments. Meridian completed the market study and forwarded it to SMG on January 26, 2010. The Meridian market analysis included a review of the relevant data as well as consideration of the actual economic conditions experienced in Lee County, Florida, including the extremely poor performance of the existing housing stock, as well as significant job losses and considerable unemployment. The Meridian market analysis determined that the Elmwood Terrace development would have a negative impact on two existing affordable housing apartment developments that were underwritten by the Respondent through a Guarantee Fund created at Section 420.5092, Florida Statutes, by the Florida Legislature in 1992. The existing Guarantee Fund properties referenced in the SMG recommendation are "Bernwood Trace" and "Westwood," both family-oriented apartment developments within five miles of the Elmwood Terrace location. The Guarantee Fund essentially obligates the Respondent to satisfy mortgage debt with the proceeds of Florida's documentary stamp taxes, if an affordable housing development is unable to generate sufficient revenue to service the debt. Because the Guarantee Fund program essentially serves to underwrite the repayment of mortgage debt for a "guaranteed" affordable housing development, the program increases the availability, and lowers the cost, of credit for developers. The Guarantee Fund program has participated in the financing of more than 100 projects, most of which closed between 1999 and 2002. Since 2005, the Respondent has not approved any additional Guarantee Fund participation in any affordable housing developments. The Respondent's total risk exposure through the Guarantee Fund is approximately 750 million dollars. Prior to October 2008, no claims were made against the Guarantee Fund. Since November 2008, there have been eight claims filed against the Guarantee Fund. Affordable housing financing includes restrictions that mandate the inclusion of a specific number of affordable housing units. Such restrictions are eliminated through foreclosure proceedings, and, accordingly, access to affordable housing units can be reduced if a development fails. Presuming that the eight claims pending against the Guarantee Fund eventually proceeded through foreclosure, as many as 2,300 residential units could be deducted from the stock of affordable housing. When there is a claim on the Guarantee Fund, the Respondent has to assume payment of the mortgage debt. The claims are paid from the Guarantee Fund capital, which is detrimental to the Respondent's risk-to-capital ratio. The risk-to-capital ratio is presently four to one. The maximum risk-to-capital ratio acceptable to rating agencies is five to one. The eight claims against the Guarantee Fund have ranged between ten and 18 million dollars each. The Respondent's bond rating has declined because of the eight claims. A continued decline in the Respondent's bond rating could result in documentary stamp tax receipts being used for payment of Guarantee Fund claims and directed away from the Respondent's programs that are intended to support the creation of affordable housing. In an effort to prevent additional claims against the Guarantee Fund, the Respondent has created the "Subordinate Mortgage Initiative" to provide assistance in the form of two- year loans to troubled Guarantee Fund properties. When preparing the 2010 market study, Meridian did not review the VWB market analysis performed as part of the 2007 application. Although the Petitioner has asserted that Meridian should have reviewed the 2007 VWB analysis, there is no evidence that Meridian's decision to conduct an independent market study without reference to the prior market review was inappropriate. On February 8, 2010, SMG issued a recommendation that the Petitioner's funding request be denied "because of the proposed development's potential financial impacts on developments in the area previously funded by Florida Housing and an anticipated negative impact to the two Guarantee Fund properties located within five miles of the proposed development." There is no evidence that the Meridian analysis was inadequate or improperly completed. There is no evidence that the SMG's reliance on the Meridian analysis was inappropriate. For purposes of this Order, the Meridian analysis and the SMG credit underwriting report have been accepted. Elmwood Terrace, a newer development with newer amenities, would compete for residents with the Bernwood Trace and Westwood developments. The financing for Bernwood Trace and Westwood was premised on projections that the affordable housing units would be leased to the 60 percent AMI population; however, the developments have been unable to maintain full occupancy levels, even though a number of units in the two properties are leased at reduced rates based on 50 percent AMI income levels. A rent reduction implemented by an existing development, whether based on economic conditions or resulting from competition, constitutes a negative impact on the development. There is no credible evidence that the occupancy rates are attributable to any difficulty in management of the two developments. It is reasonable to conclude that the leasing issues are related to economic conditions present in Lee County, Florida. In January 2010, VWB conducted an alternative market analysis. The VWB analysis was not provided to SMG or to the Respondent at any time during the credit underwriting process. Based on the 2010 VWB analysis, the Petitioner asserted that economic conditions in Lee County, Florida, have improved since the first credit underwriting report was completed in 2008 and that the improvement is expected to continue. There is no noteworthy evidence that economic conditions have improved or will significantly improve in the Lee County, Florida, market in the predictable future, and the VWB analysis is rejected. The Petitioner offered to mitigate any negative impact on the Guarantee Fund properties by committing affordable units to 50 percent AMI income levels. Given the existing economic and rental market conditions in Lee County, Florida, the evidence fails to establish that the offer would actually alleviate the negative impact on the affected Guarantee Fund developments. The 2010 VWB analysis states that there is substantial unmet demand for housing at 50 percent AMI and that there will be no impact on the Guarantee Fund units if the Elmwood Terrace units were set aside for such individuals. There is no credible evidence that there is a substantial and relevant unmet affordable housing demand in Lee County, Florida. The VWB analysis is rejected. Following the completion of each annual Universal Cycle process, the Respondent actively solicits feedback from developers and the public and then amends the Universal Cycle requirements to address the issues raised, as well as to reflect existing affordable housing needs and general concerns of the Board. The amendments are applicable for the following Universal Cycle. In 2009, the Respondent amended subsection (10) of the Credit Underwriting Rule as part of the annual revisions to the Universal Cycle process. The relevant amendment (referred to by the parties as the "Impact Rule") added this directive to the credit underwriter: The Credit Underwriter must review and determine whether there will be a negative impact to Guarantee Fund Developments within the primary market area or five miles of the proposed development, whichever is greater. The amendment was prompted by the Respondent's experience in the fall of 2008 when considering two separate applications for affordable housing financing. The potential negative impact of a proposed development on an existing Guarantee Fund property was central to the Board's consideration of one application, and the Board ultimately denied the application. In the second case, the Board granted the application, despite the potential negative impact on a competing development that was not underwritten by the Guarantee Fund. The intent of the language was to advise developers that the existence of Guarantee Fund properties within the competitive market area would be part of the credit underwriting evaluation and the Board's consideration. Notwithstanding the language added to the rule, the credit underwriter is charged with reviewing the need for additional affordable housing. Even in absence of the added language, consideration of any negative impact to competing developments based on inadequate need for additional affordable housing would be appropriate. In rendering the 2010 credit underwriting report on Elmwood Terrace, the credit underwriter complied with the directive. Prior to determining that the Petitioner's funding application should be denied, the Respondent's Board was clearly aware of the Petitioner's application, the credit underwriting report and market analysis, and the economic conditions in Lee County, Florida. There is no credible evidence of any need for additional affordable housing in Lee County, Florida. There is no credible evidence that the Lee County, Florida, market can sustain the addition of the units proposed by the Petitioner without adversely affecting the financial feasibility of the existing Guarantee Fund developments. The Board was aware that the Elmwood Terrace development could attract residents from the nearby Guarantee Fund properties and that local economic conditions threatened the financial viability of the properties. Given current economic conditions, approval of the application at issue in this proceeding would reasonably be expected to result in a negative impact to existing affordable housing developments. The protection of Guarantee Fund developments is necessary to safeguard the resources used to support the creation and availability of affordable housing in the state.

Florida Laws (8) 120.52120.56120.57120.68420.507420.5087420.5092420.5099 Florida Administrative Code (1) 67-48.0072
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Feb. 18, 2010 Number: 10-000896 Latest Update: Jun. 07, 2016

The Issue The issue is whether the Florida Housing Finance Corporation ("Florida Housing") properly rescinded the preliminary funding awarded to RST Fruitland Housing, L.P. ("RST"), pursuant to applicable rules, prior agency practice, and the existing case law.

Findings Of Fact RST is a limited partnership authorized to do business in Florida and is controlled by Roundstone Development, LLC ("Roundstone"). Roundstone is in the business of providing affordable rental housing. In addition to Florida, Roundstone operates in Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, and South Carolina. Michael Hartman, the consultant for Roundstone, has been involved in the development of over 70 affordable housing developments, including many in Florida. Florida Housing is a public corporation created by Section 420.504, Florida Statutes, to administer the governmental function of financing or refinancing of affordable housing and related facilities in Florida. Florida Housing's statutory authority and mandates appear in Part V of Chapter 420, Florida Statutes. Florida Housing is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of nine individuals appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate. On July 31, 2009, Florida Housing issued RFP 2009-04 (the "RFP") setting forth criteria and qualifications for developers to seek funding for affordable housing projects from funds that Florida received through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, PL 111-5 ("ARRA"). ARRA was enacted in 2009 by Congress as part of federal economic stimulus efforts. RST received notice of the RFP through e-mail notification on July 31, 2009. The RFP required applicants to submit proposals to Florida Housing no later than 2:00 p.m. on August 14, 2009. RST submitted an application and intended to seek financing for its affordable housing project by applying for funding from the sources that are proposed to be allocated through the RFP. Florida Housing's Programs Florida Housing administers numerous programs aimed at assisting developers to build affordable housing. These programs include: the Multi-Family Mortgage Revenue Bond Program ("MMRB") established under Section 420.509, Florida Statutes; the State Apartment Incentive Loan Program ("SAIL") created pursuant to Section 420.5087, Florida Statutes; and the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program (the "Tax Credit program") established under the authority of Section 420.5093, Florida Statutes. These funding sources are allocated by Florida Housing to finance the construction or substantial rehabilitation of affordable housing. A portion of the units constructed based upon funding from these programs must be set aside for residents earning a certain percentage of area median income ("AMI"). For purposes of these proceedings, the primary program of interest is the Tax Credit program. Tax Credits The Tax Credit program was created in 1986 by the federal government. Tax Credits come in two varieties: competitively awarded nine percent tax credits, and non- competitively awarded four percent tax credits. For the nine percent credits, the federal government annually allocates to each state a specific amount of tax credits using a population- based formula. Tax Credits are a dollar for dollar offset to federal income tax liability over a 10-year period. A developer awarded Tax Credits will often sell the future stream of Tax Credits to a syndicator who in turn sells them to investors seeking to shelter income from federal income taxes. The developer receives cash equity with no debt associated with it. Thus, Tax Credits provide an attractive subsidy and, consequently, are a highly sought after funding source. Florida Housing is the designated agency in Florida to allocate Tax Credits to developers of affordable housing. Every year since 1986, Florida Housing has received an allocation of Tax Credits to be used to fund the construction of affordable housing. Universal Application Florida Housing has historically allocated funds from the MMRB, SAIL, and Tax Credit programs through a single annual application process. Since 2002, Florida Housing has administered the three programs through a combined competitive process known as the "Universal Cycle." The Universal Cycle operates much the same as an annual competitive bidding process in which applicants compete against other applicants to be selected for limited funding. Florida Housing has adopted rules which incorporate by reference the application forms and instructions for the Universal Cycle as well as general policies governing the allocation of funds from the various programs it administers. Typically, Florida Housing amends its Universal Cycle rules, forms, and instructions every year. The typical process used by Florida Housing to review and approve the Universal Cycle applications operates as set forth in Florida Administrative Code Rule 67-48.004, and is summarized as follows: Interested developers submit applications by a specified date. Florida Housing reviews all applications to determine if certain threshold requirements are met. A score is assigned to each application. Applications receive points towards a numerical score, based upon such features as programs for tenants, amenities of the development as a whole and of tenants' units, local government contributions to the specific development, and local government ordinances and planning efforts that support affordable housing in general. Florida Housing has built into its scoring and ranking process a series of "tiebreakers" to bring certainty to the selection process. The tiebreakers are written into the application instructions which, as indicated above, are incorporated by reference into Florida Housing's rules. After the initial review and scoring, a list of all applications, along with their scores, is published by Florida Housing on its website. The applicants are then given a specific period of time to alert Florida Housing of any errors they believe Florida Housing made in its initial review of the applications. An appeal procedure for challenging the scores assigned by Florida Housing is set forth in Florida Administrative Code Rule 67-48.005. Following the completion of the appeal proceedings, Florida Housing publishes final rankings which delineate the applications that are within the "funding range" for the various programs. In other words, the final rankings determine which applications are preliminarily selected for funding. The applicants ranked in the funding range are then invited into a "credit underwriting" process. Credit underwriting review of a development selected for funding is governed by Florida Administrative Code Rule 67-48.0072. In the credit underwriting process, third party financial consultants (selected by Respondent, but paid for by the individual applicants) determine whether the project proposed in the application is financially sound. The independent third party examines every aspect of the proposed development, including the financing sources, plans and specifications, cost analysis, zoning verification, site control, environmental reports, construction contracts, and engineering and architectural contracts. Subsection (10) of Florida Administrative Code Rule 67- 48.0072 expressly requires that an appraisal (as defined by the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice), and a market study be ordered by the Credit Underwriter, at the applicant's expense. The Credit Underwriter is required to consider the market study, as well as the development's financial impact on other developments in the area previously funded by Florida Housing, and make a recommendation to approve or disapprove a funding allocation. RST's Application in the 2008 Universal Cycle RST timely submitted an application in the 2008 Universal Cycle seeking an award of Tax Credits and a supplemental loan to construct a 100-unit garden style apartment complex ("Plata Lago") in Fruitland Park, Lake County, Florida. RST complied with all of the requirements of the 2008 Universal Cycle Application and Instructions, and achieved a perfect score for its application. RST also achieved maximum tie-breaker points. As a result, RST was allocated by Florida Housing $1,334,333 in Tax Credits from the Universal Cycle allocation. Based on the final ranking of its application, RST was invited into the credit underwriting process on October 6, 2008. RST timely accepted the invitation and paid the necessary underwriting fees. Credit Underwriting Under the credit underwriting process, a professional credit underwriter is appointed by Florida Housing to review the proposed project that qualified for funding as a result of the Universal Cycle. The credit underwriter reviews and assesses numerous financial, demographic, and market factors concerning the proposed project. The credit underwriter selected by Florida Housing to review the RST application was Seltzer Management Group, Inc. ("Seltzer"). As required by the applicable 2008 Universal Cycle Application requirements and rule, the credit underwriting process required the preparation of a Market Study by an independent appraiser. Seltzer engaged Meridian Appraisal Group ("Meridian") to perform an independent appraisal and market study as required by the RFP. This initial Market Study was issued with the identified purpose defined as follows: Provide a site analysis for the subject property. Provide regional and neighborhood analyses for the subject property. Provide an Apartment Market Overview for the subject market area. Provide an evaluation of market demand within the competitive area for affordable rental apartment products. Identify and evaluate the relevant competitive supply of affordable apartments. Perform an income band analysis for the subject property based on achievable restricted rents. Perform a Capture Rate analysis for the subject property as a restricted property, and estimate an absorption rate. Establish rental estimates for the subject, both as a market rate project and as restricted by the Housing Credit program. Illustrate the difference between our estimate of the market rental rates and restricted rental rates. Estimate the impact of the subject project on the existing rental inventory. Economic Downturn By the fall of 2008, significant changes were taking place in the economic environment and the affordable housing market in particular. Many of the projects that had been awarded funding through Florida Housing allocation process were encountering difficulties and in many instances were unable to close. By the latter part of 2008, it became evident that the market for Tax Credits had precipitously dropped as a result of the changed economic environment. Shortly before RST was to complete the credit underwriting process, the syndicator who had originally expressed its intent to purchase the Tax Credits awarded to RST announced that it would not go forward with the syndication. This withdrawal was a direct result of the nationwide downturn in economic conditions. Many other projects that were awarded Tax Credits during the 2007 and 2008 (and later the 2009) Universal Cycles similarly experienced difficulty in finding syndicators to purchase the awarded Tax Credits and were also unable to proceed to closing. In early 2009, in recognition of the collapse of the housing market and the difficulty in marketing Tax Credits, the federal government, as part of its economic stimulus efforts, established mechanisms to assist in the development of affordable housing and offset some of the economic devastation to developers. ARRA The ARRA enacted by Congress and signed by the President on February 17, 2009, included specific provisions intended to address the collapse of the Tax Credit market. ARRA gives states the ability to return to the federal government previously awarded Tax Credits that had not been utilized. These Tax Credits are exchanged for a cash distribution of 85 cents for each tax credit dollar returned. The money that is awarded to the states for the return Tax Credits (the "Exchange Funds") is to be used by Florida Housing to fund developers who were unable to syndicate their Tax Credits due to the economic downturn. In other words, the Tax Credits that had not been utilized as a result of the declining economic conditions were allowed to be converted into cash from the federal government to be allocated to developers who were ready to proceed with their affordable housing projects but for the inability to syndicate their Tax Credits. ARRA also included a direct allocation of funds to state housing finance agencies under the Tax Credit Assistance Program ("TCAP"). These funds were allocated to the states to "resume funding of affordable rental housing projects across the nation while stimulating job creation in the hard-hat construction industry." TCAP is a separate program included as part of ARRA to provide gap financing for affordable housing projects that have been affected by the economic downturn. The RFP In response to ARRA, on July 31, 2009, Florida Housing issued RFP 2009-04 (the "RFP"), setting forth criteria and qualifications for developers to seek funding for affordable housing projects from money that had been allotted by the federal government as part of economic stimulus efforts. RST received notice of the RFP through e-mail notification on July 31, 2009. The RFP required applicants to submit proposals to Florida Housing by no later than 2:00 p.m. on August 14, 2009. The RFP solicits proposals from applicants with an "Active Award" of Tax Credits who were unable to close and are seeking alternate funding to construct affordable housing utilizing Exchange Funds from the Tax Credit Exchange Program authorized under Section 1602 of ARRA. The RFP provides a general description of the type of projects that will be considered eligible for this alternate funding. The RFP also sets forth eligibility criteria that are a precondition to award of an allocation of Exchange Funds, and also specifies that projects allocated Exchange Funds and also specifies that projects allocated Exchange Funds will be required to meet new credit underwriting standards. Occupancy Standards Section 5B.1b. of the RFP states that a tentative funding award under the RFP will be rescinded "if the submarket of the Proposed Development does not have an average occupancy rate of 92% or greater for the same Demographic population, as determined by a market study ordered by the Credit Underwriter, and analyzed by the Credit Underwriter and Florida Housing staff, as well as approved by the Board." The RFP does not define "submarket." Likewise, there was no definition of "submarket" in the rules which governed the 2008 or 2009 Universal Cycle. The word "submarket" is included in the 2009 Universal Cycle Rule, but it is not defined. RST timely submitted a response to the RFP on August 14, 2009, which sought additional funding for the Plata Lago project. On August 20, 2009, Florida Housing issued a Notice of Awards for RFP #2009-04. Based on the Notice, RST was one of the responders awarded funds subject to successfully completing the underwriting criteria listed in the RFP. Accordingly, RST was once again invited into credit underwriting. By accepting the invitation, RST was required by the credit underwriter to update its Market Study ("2009 Study"). This Second Market Study, which was completed approximately eight months after the 2008 study, was also prepared by Meridian on July 14, 2009. Likewise, Seltzer was the assigned underwriter. On September 9, 2009, Seltzer issued a letter to Florida Housing concerning the Plata Lago project. In essence, Seltzer in the letter considered the 2009 Market Study and concluded that "the submarket average occupancy rate for the subject does not meet the minimum requirement of 92%." On October 23, 2009, Florida Housing's Board of Directors considered Seltzer's letter and a staff recommendation and voted to rescind funding to RST because of the alleged failure to satisfy the 92 percent occupancy requirement. This action effectively stopped the underwriting process. While RST timely filed its petition with the Division, it also intervened in a challenge to the provisions of the RFP. The challenge specifically involved a review of the 92 percent occupancy standard. In that matter, Elmwood Terrace Ltd. P'ship v. Fla. Hous. Fin. Corp., Case No. 09-4682BID, 2009 Fla. Div. Adm. Hear. Lexis 816 (Final Order entered December 7, 2009), the administrative law judge entered a Recommended Order on November 12, 2009, holding that the provision of the RFP which required a 92 percent occupancy rate is contrary to Florida Housing's governing statutes and rules. The administrative law judge concluded that Florida Housing is limited to using the 90 percent occupancy test established at Florida Administrative Code Rule 67-48.0072(10). Florida Housing issued its Final Order in the Elmwood case on December 7, 2009, adopting the administrative law judge's Recommended Order. Based upon the Final Order in Elmwood, Florida Housing has reevaluated the RST Market Study under the provisions of the 2009 Universal Cycle Rule which established a 90 percent occupancy test. Florida Housing has now concluded that RST's Market Study indicates an 87 percent occupancy rate. Accordingly, Florida Housing has not changed its previous position and refuses to allow Petitioner to move forward in the underwriting process. Unstipulated Findings of Fact Two market studies were commissioned by Florida Housing and Seltzer regarding the proposed Plata Lago development, the first in November 2008 and the second in July 2009. Both the First and Second Market Studies were performed by Meridian Appraisal Group and Robert Von, a state- certified general appraiser. While purported to be a new stand-alone study, the Second Market Study is identical in many respects to the First Market Study. However, the First Market Study predated the requirement of the occupancy test in Florida Administrative Code Rule 67-48.0072(10), while the Second Market Study included the 90 percent occupancy test analysis. In each of the two studies, a circle is drawn extending out 10 miles from the proposed location of the Plata Lago development. That circle represents the primary market area ("PMA") which includes Fruitland Park, Lady Lake, and Leesburg. The PMA is where generally two-thirds to three-quarters of the demand for a facility originates. In the Second Market Study, when the occupancy rate of the three existing senior apartment developments within the PMA is considered, the threshold requirement of 90 percent is met. If the PMA alone were considered, Florida Housing would not have rescinded the Tax Credits, and Petitioner would be entitled to move forward with its project. The Second Market Study, performed in 2009, added an additional factor to the analysis. The concept of a Competitive Market Area ("CMA") was introduced. A CMA was not designated in the 2008 Market Study. CMA is neither defined in the 2009 Universal Cycle Rule or RFP 2009-04. The delineation of a CMA was not a requirement of the RFP, nor was it otherwise requested by Florida Housing. CMA is not a term defined in either the development or market analysis industries. The term appears to have been created or borrowed by Florida Housing's designated market analyst based upon his experience as a certified appraiser. Unlike the PMA, the CMA was not mapped or otherwise designated in the Second Market Study. However, both the First and Second Market Studies included information regarding a development known as Lake Point Senior Village ("Lake Point"). Both Plata Lago and Lake Point are affordable housing developments targeted at the elderly demographic category. Lake Point is not in the PMA of the proposed Plata Lago development as PMA is defined in the Second Market Study. The PMA as defined in the Second Market Study is a predetermined geographic area used for purposes of demographic analysis, but not for competitive analysis. A set unmovable circle on a map could lead to skewed or absurd results if the nature and character of the developments within and without the circle are not considered by the appraiser. Lake Point is an elderly affordable housing development located 13 miles from the proposed location of Plata Lago. It is located in Tavares which is outside the 10-mile radius from the proposed development and is past two lakes that separate Tavares from those developments contained within the PMA. The analysis by Florida Housing's expert was that an individual moving into the Lake County area would look for elderly housing developments in close proximity to his or her work, shopping, health care, and other amenities they deemed important. The tenant does not necessarily look to see if other elderly housing developments are nearby. This is especially true when only four elderly developments are located in the county. Plata Lago and Lake Point are similar to each other, both serve the elderly demographic category, and each would compete with the other for residents if the Plata Lago development were built. It was appropriate for the Second Market Study to include Lake Point in its analysis of occupancy data for the purpose of determining whether Plata Lago passed the test set forth in the rule requiring a 90 percent occupancy rate in its applicable submarket. To address the requirement of the rule regarding occupancy rates for the submarket of the Plata Lago development, it was necessary for Florida Housing's consultant to determine what developments would compete with the proposed project. To do a competitive analysis, it is necessary for the consultant to move beyond the fixed PMA to a study of the market as real people in the real world look at it. In the Second Market Study, the term CMA is used to describe the "submarket" as it applies to the occupancy test of the rule, as well as to distinguish this area from the PMA and from other incidental uses of the term "submarket." Florida Housing's consultant investigated all the comparable properties and interviewed the manager of Lake Point about where the competition lay. The manager mentioned a property around the corner from the proposed Plata Lago (Silver Pointe) as a competitor which led the consultant to expand the CMA to include Lake Point. The manager at Silver Pointe named Lake Point as part of its competition. Florida Housing's appraiser considers the submarket to be where a project's competitive property is located. In this case, the submarket or competitive market is larger than the PMA. Lake Point suffered a drop in its occupancy between the First and Second Market Studies. This was most likely attributable to the nature of elderly developments. Elderly residents tend to expire or suffer health issues that cause them to move to facilities providing health care or assisted living services. On October 23, 2009, Florida Housing's Board of Directors met and considered the market study letter prepared by Seltzer along with its finding that the Plata Lago development did not pass the required occupancy test of 90 percent set forth in the rule. Based upon the occupancy rate being only 87 percent, as well as the results of the market study and credit underwriter recommendations, the Board voted to rescind Florida Housing's commitment to fund the Plata Lago development.

Recommendation it is Based upon the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, RECOMMENDED that the Florida Housing Finance Corporation enter a final order rescinding funding to the Plata Lago development for failing to pass the occupancy standard set forth in Florida Administrative Code Chapter 67-48. DONE AND ENTERED this 9th day of June, 2010, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ROBERT S. COHEN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 9th day of June, 2010. COPIES FURNISHED: Wellington H. Meffert, II, General Counsel Florida Housing Finance Corporation 227 North Bronough Street, Suite 5000 Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1329 Michael P. Donaldson, Esquire Carlton Fields, P.A. 215 South Monroe Street, Suite 500 Post Office Drawer 190 Tallahassee, Florida 32302-0190 Hugh R. Brown, Esquire Florida Housing Finance Corporation 227 North Bronough Street, Suite 5000 Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1329 Della Harrell, Corporation Clerk Florida Housing Finance Corporation 227 North Bronough Street, Suite 5000 Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1329

Florida Laws (8) 120.52120.569120.57120.68420.504420.5087420.509420.5093 Florida Administrative Code (3) 67-48.00467-48.00567-48.0072
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Oct. 21, 2008 Number: 08-005244 Latest Update: May 14, 2009

The Issue The issue in this case is whether Respondent unlawfully discriminated against Petitioner on the basis of her national origin or ethnicity in violation of the Florida Fair Housing Act.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner Fabiola Heiblum ("Heiblum") is a Hispanic woman who, at all times relevant to this action, has owned Unit No. 5C in the Carlton Bay Condominium, which is located in North Miami Beach, Florida. She purchased her unit in 2004 and has resided there continuously since some time in 2005. Respondent Carlton Bay Condominium Association, Inc. ("Association") is the entity responsible for operating and managing the condominium property in which Heiblum's unit is located. In March 2008, the Association's Board of Directors ("Board") approved a special assessment, to be levied against all unit owners, the proceeds of which would be used to pay insurance premiums. Each owner was required to pay his share of the special assessment in full on April 1, 2008, or, alternatively, in three equal monthly installments, due on the first of April, May, and June 2008, respectively. Heiblum's share of this special assessment was $912.81. At or around the same time, the Board also enacted a procedure for collecting assessments, including the special insurance assessment. According to this procedure, owners would have a grace period of 15 days within which to make a required payment. After that period, a delinquent owner would be notified, in writing, that the failure to pay his balance due within 15 days after the date of the notice would result in referral of the matter to an attorney for collection. The attorney, in that event, would file a Claim of Lien and send a demand letter threatening to initiate a foreclosure proceeding if the outstanding balance (together with costs and attorney's fees) was not paid within 30 days after receipt of the demand. This collection procedure applied to all unit owners. Heiblum did not make any payment toward the special assessment on April 1, 2008. She made no payment on May 1, 2008, either. (Heiblum concedes her obligation to pay the special assessment and does not contend that the Association failed to give proper notice regarding her default.) The Association accordingly asked its attorney to file a Claim of Lien against Unit No. 5C and take the legal steps necessary to collect the unpaid debt. By letter dated May 8, 2008, the Association's attorney notified Heiblum that a Claim of Lien against her property had been recorded in the public records; further, demand was made that she pay $1402.81 (the original debt of $912.81 plus costs and attorney's fees) to avoid foreclosure. On or around May 10, 2008, Heiblum gave the Association a check in the amount of $500, which the Association returned, under cover of a letter dated May 16, 2008, because its attorney was now in charge of collecting the overdue debt. Heiblum eventually paid the special assessment in full, together with costs and attorney's fees, thereby obviating the need for a foreclosure suit. Heiblum believes that the Association prosecuted its claims for unpaid special assessments more aggressively against Hispanics such as herself than persons of other national origins or ethnicities, for which owners the Association allegedly showed greater forbearance. Specifically, she believes that the Association did not retain its attorney to undertake collection efforts against non-Hispanic unit owners, sparing them the costs and fees that she was compelled to pay. There is, however, no competent, persuasive evidence in the record, direct or circumstantial, upon which a finding of any sort of unlawful housing discrimination could be made. Ultimately, therefore, it is determined that the Association did not commit any prohibited discriminatory act vis-à-vis Heiblum.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a final order finding the Association not liable for housing discrimination and awarding Heiblum no relief. DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of February, 2009, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. JOHN G. VAN LANINGHAM Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of February, 2009.

Florida Laws (3) 120.569120.57760.23
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Myers, Florida Feb. 21, 2018 Number: 18-000946 Latest Update: Sep. 14, 2018

The Issue The issue is whether Respondent unlawfully discriminated against Petitioner on the basis of her race in violation of the Florida Fair Housing Act (FFHA).

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is an African-American female. Her Housing Discrimination Complaint alleges that Respondent “charged her $300 more than her White neighbor who has the same disability and the same income”; “she did not have a washer/dryer upon moving into the unit, but her white neighbor had a washer/dryer when she moved in[to] her unit”; “she was required to pay her utilities herself while her white neighbor was given a grant to cover her utilities”; and “she was given a fifteen day notice to vacate on March 9, 2017 that required her to vacate the property by March 31, 2017.” To resolve these allegations, the undersigned has relied on a record that consists only of brief testimony by Petitioner, limited cross-examination by counsel, and documentary evidence submitted by the parties. From November 2014 until she was evicted in March 2017 for non-payment of rent, Petitioner rented a two-bedroom unit owned and managed by Respondent. The property is located at 2418 Santa Barbara Boulevard, Naples, Florida. Petitioner’s final lease agreement was executed on March 1, 2016, on a month-to-month basis, and provided that Respondent could terminate the lease with a 15-day written notice prior to the end of the monthly period. It also provided that the agreement could be terminated for a failure to timely pay the rent. Two-bedroom units are normally shared by two residents, who split the monthly rent. Petitioner has two service animals who reside with her, and she testified that a housemate might not wish to share a unit with two service animals. Accordingly, she agreed to pay $800.00 per month for single occupancy of the unit. The lease agreement required Petitioner to pay her rent the first day of each month. Petitioner testified that she had an oral agreement with management to pay the rent on the third Wednesday of each month, when she received her Social Security disability check. There is no written agreement to confirm this arrangement, and even if an oral modification was agreed to by the parties, Respondent’s accounts receivable ledger reflects that Petitioner frequently did not pay her rent until the end of the month. According to the lease, the monthly rent includes a $75.00 allowance for utilities. Presumably, any charges in excess of that amount are the responsibility of the tenant. Petitioner testified that her next door neighbor is not a member of a protected class and was given more preferential treatment than she was. As an example, Petitioner points out that she paid her own electric bills from November 2014 until February 2016, while her neighbor received a utility subsidy. However, there is no competent evidence in the record to establish what type of arrangement the neighbor had for paying electric bills or whether the neighbor received some type of assistance for this expense. In any event, this allegation is based on events that occurred more than a year before the Complaint was filed and is time-barred. § 760.34(2), Fla. Stat. Petitioner also contends she was charged $300 more per month than her neighbor. Records submitted by Respondent show that the next door neighbor was also in a two-bedroom unit, but was assigned a housemate and paid $495.00 per month during the 12 months preceding the filing of the Complaint. Therefore, both the neighbor and Petitioner were charged the correct amount for their units.2/ Petitioner alleges her next door neighbor’s unit had a washer/dryer when the neighbor moved in, but Petitioner’s unit did not receive these appliances until February 2016. No evidence regarding this issue was presented, and a claim based on acts that occurred more than a year before the Complaint was filed is time-barred. Id. Throughout her tenancy, Petitioner consistently paid her rent late and failed to pay any rent during certain months. As of January 17, 2017, Petitioner was $1,521.00 in arrears on rent. Accordingly, that day, a three-day notice for nonpayment of rent and demand for rent or possession within three days was posted on the premises. On February 22, 2017, a second three-day notice for nonpayment of rent in the amount of $800.00 (presumably based on non-payment of the February rent) and demand for rent or possession within three days was hand-delivered to Petitioner. On March 8, 2017, a 15-day notice of termination of tenancy pursuant to section 83.58, Florida Statutes, was posted at the unit. The notice informed Petitioner that she must vacate the premises by the end of the month. On March 31, 2017, Petitioner vacated the premises, without paying the March rent. Petitioner’s Complaint was filed with FCHR on May 22, 2017. The eviction action was taken only because Petitioner failed to pay the rent, and not because of her race. In her Petition for Relief, Petitioner added an allegation that “FCHR’s Determination: No Cause” was based in part on the erroneous assumption that Respondent does not receive federal housing assistance. Petitioner testified that Respondent receives federal funds and is subject to eviction regulations promulgated by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). She points out that a 30-day eviction notice is required under HUD regulations, but she was only given 15 days’ notice pursuant to state law. Even if this is true, it does not support a charge of discrimination, as the eviction here was based on a non-discriminatory reason, a failure to pay rent, and not because of her race. Finally, Petitioner alleges that Respondent “made housing unavailable to her based on her race,” and that other persons similarly situated to her, but outside her protected class, were treated more favorably. The evidence shows that at least ten other tenants, including white tenants, were evicted for non-payment of rent during the same time period. See Resp. Ex. 14. There is no evidence, direct or indirect, to support a claim of housing discrimination.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a final order dismissing the Petition for Relief, with prejudice. DONE AND ENTERED this 20th day of June, 2018, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S D. R. ALEXANDER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of June, 2018.

Florida Laws (3) 760.23760.3483.58
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