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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida May 31, 2005 Number: 05-001982PL Latest Update: Oct. 17, 2019

The Issue The issues in the case are whether the allegations of the Administrative Complaint are correct, and, if so, what penalty should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner is the State of Florida agency responsible for regulating the practice of medicine pursuant to Section 20.43 and Chapters 456 and 458, Florida Statutes (2004). As set forth herein, the Respondent was a physician licensed to practice medicine in the area of critical need (ACN), and holding Florida license number ACN144. A physician holding an ACN licensed must practice in a facility that meets certain statutory requirements or which is designated by the State Health Officer as an entity providing health care to an indigent population, and must submit documentation establishing employment at an ACN-designated facility for licensing. The secretary of the Florida Department of Health is the state health officer. Prior to the events at issue in this proceeding, the Respondent practiced medicine as medical director at "Mariner's Medical Center" (Mariner's), which closed in October 2002. Mariner's was an approved ACN facility. After the closure of the Mariner's facility, the Respondent accepted a position in Miami at Jackson Memorial Hospital (Jackson) in October 2002; however, prior to commencing his employment, circumstances at Jackson changed and the Respondent's position at Jackson was eliminated. The Respondent's employment contract at Jackson was terminated and, he received payment under the terms of the agreement. The Respondent subsequently returned to central Florida, apparently intent on opening a medical practice. By letter to "Sandy Condo," from the Respondent dated July 17, 2003, the Respondent sought responsibility for Mariner's medical records. The letter did not further identify Sandy Condo, but the address was that of the Petitioner. The letter, which identified the practice as an entity called "Boriquen Healthcare Plus," stated as follows: This is to certify my desire for the responsibility of the medical records of Mariner's Medical Center, where I was the Medical Director until October 24, 2002. I am willing to be the custodian of these medical records and I would like the computer data base (sic) be transferred to my care. I intend to follow up on the care of all these patients. In August 2003, the Respondent opened a private practice at 931 West Oak Street, Suite 103, Kissimmee, Florida, and began treating patients. The practice was initially named "Boriquen Health Care" (reflecting the historical name for Puerto Rico), but within a few days of opening was renamed "Physician's Health Care Plus." Towards the end of August 2003, the Respondent made efforts to acquire the ACN designation for his practice. Materials seeking the designation were submitted by Glenda E. Gonzalez-Cortes, M.D., the Medical Director for Physician's Healthcare Plus, to the Board of Medicine (Board). Although the materials were received by the Board, the Board was not the agency responsible for ACN facility designations. It is unclear whether the Board forwarded the materials to the appropriate office within the Department of Health for processing. It is likewise unclear whether the Respondent understood the distinction between the "Department of Health" and the "Department of Health, Board of Medicine." In any event, the fact that materials were submitted seeking ACN designation for the practice clearly establishes that the Respondent was aware that the practice was not designated as an ACN facility. A memo dated October 2, 2003, from Melinda K. Gray, Regulatory Supervisor of the Board of Medicine, to Larry McPherson, Jr., Executive Director of the Board of Medicine, stated as follows: Attached please find a letter dated July 17, 2003, from Dr. Jose A. Gutierrez, expressing his desire to take responsibility for the medical records of Mariner's Medical Center. Based on my conversation today with Dr. Gutierrez, he again expressed his desire to take responsibility of the medical records and to follow-up on the care of these patients who received medical treatment at Mariner's Medical Center Please be advised of the following: Mariner's Medical Center is closed. Mariner's Medical Center is owned by a non-health care licensee. The medical records located at Mariner's Medical Center are currently inaccessible and are being maintained by a leasing company. Dr. Gutierrez or the patients do not have access to these medical records. Dr. Gutierrez is willing to take custody of these records, which are located on a computer hard drive, and paper records. The hard drive is necessary to be able to link between the patient's name and patient identification numbers. Dr. Gutierrez indicated he intends to follow the care of these patients. Dr. Gutierrez holds a clear active medical license in the area of critical need in the state of Florida and reflects no prior discipline. Dr. Gutierrez indicated that either the leasing company or the owner of Mariner's Medical Center would not release these records to him until the Board of Medicine reviews his request to take custody of the records and the Board grants his request. Dr. Gutierrez agrees, accepts and acknowledges the responsibility to maintain the medical records and follow-up patient care of the patients who received medical treatment at Mariner's Medical Center, beginning July 17, 2003. By letter dated October 7, 2003, from the executive director of the Board of Medicine, the custodial request was approved. The letter stated as follows: It is my pleasure to advise you that, pursuant to your request, the Board of Medicine voted on October 4, 2003, to permanently appoint you as the Custodian of Records for the former Mariner's Medical Center. This appointment is pursuant to Section 456.057(19), Florida Statutes, which authorizes the Board of Medicine to permanently appoint a person as a custodian of medical records in the event of the death of a practitioner, the mental or physical incapacitation of the practitioner, or the abandonment of medical records by a practitioner. The custodian appointed shall comply with all provisions of this section, including the release of patient records. The Respondent suggests that the release of the records to his custody constituted approval of his July 17 request to provide treatment; however, the October 7 letter clearly did not address issues regarding provision of patient care. The statutory citation referenced in the letter addresses only custody, maintenance, and use of medical records. There is no credible evidence that the ongoing dialogue between the Respondent and representatives of the Petitioner constituted approval of the Respondent's request to provide medical care to Mariner's patients. Further, there is no evidence that the Respondent's practice at "Boriquen Health Care" or "Physician's Health Care Plus" was limited solely to patients who had received care at Mariner's. By letter dated November 25, 2003, to Kimberly Rivers, Regulatory Supervisor for the Department of Health, Board of Medicine, the Respondent referenced a conversation of November 21, 2003, wherein a discussion allegedly occurred regarding the requirements for ACN designation. The letter clearly establishes that the Respondent was aware that the practice had not yet received the ACN designation. The Respondent's ACN license was due to expire on January 31, 2004. On January 30, 2004, the Respondent submitted his ACN re-licensure application. Because he was not practicing at an ACN facility as of the expiration date, the ACN license was not automatically renewed. By letter dated February 5, 2004, the Petitioner notified the Respondent that his ACN license renewal could not be completed until submission of a letter from "your employer in an area of critical need." The letter referenced an enclosure that allegedly identified the ACN-designated facilities. An email dated February 16, 2004, from Joanne Davis-Trexler to the Respondent references a prior conversation and advises that the Respondent's license can not be renewed without "proof of employment in a facility approved as an Area of Critical Need." The email further advises that the Respondent's license is "delinquent" and that "practice with a delinquent license is a violation of Florida Statutes." An exchange of email between the parties indicates that subsequent to February 16, 2004, additional information, including Medicaid/Medicare billing records, was submitted by the Respondent to the Petitioner to document the patient population being served by the Respondent. On March 8, 2004, the secretary of the Department of Health, acting as the state health officer, approved Physician's Health Care Plus as an ACN-designated facility based on the staff's recommendation. On March 24, 2004, following the facility's ACN designation, the Respondent's ACN licensure was renewed. Between August 2003 (when the Respondent's practice began operating absent the ACN designation) and March 8, 2004, the Respondent failed to comply with licensure requirements limiting his practice to ACN-designated facilities. Between February 1 and March 24, 2004, the Respondent failed to comply with requirements related to timely renewal of his ACN licensure. The Respondent has moved to Texas, is no longer practicing medicine in Florida, and has placed his Florida license into a "retired" status.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Health, Board of Medicine, enter a final order issuing a letter of concern to the Respondent related to the licensing violations cited herein. DONE AND ENTERED this 12th day of May, 2006, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S WILLIAM F. QUATTLEBAUM Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of May, 2006. COPIES FURNISHED: Patrick L. Butler, Esquire Katharine B. Heyward, Esquire Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C-65 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3265 George F. Indest, III, Esquire Joanne Kenna, Esquire The Health Law Firm 220 East Central Parkway, Suite 2030 Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701 Timothy M. Cerio, General Counsel Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 Larry McPherson, Executive Director Board of Medicine Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701

Florida Laws (8) 120.569120.5720.43381.0261456.057456.072458.315458.331
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Sep. 26, 2005 Number: 05-003533 Latest Update: May 10, 2006

The Issue Whether Petitioner's application for medical licensure by endorsement has expired and Respondent is therefore without authority to act on the application, as Petitioner claims? If not, whether the application should be denied on the grounds that Petitioner is guilty of violating Section 458.331(1)(a) and (gg), Florida Statutes,1 as Respondent has preliminarily determined.

Findings Of Fact Based on the evidence adduced at hearing, and the record as a whole, the following findings of fact are made to supplement and clarify the factual stipulations set forth in the parties' December 8, 2005, Prehearing Stipulation3: Petitioner is now, and has been since 1998, a Napperville, Illinois anesthesiologist licensed to practice medicine in the State of Illinois. At no time has she resided in Florida or used a Florida mailing address. "[A]t the end of 2002," Petitioner hired US Medical Licensing (USML) to help her obtain licenses to practice medicine in Florida, California, and Nevada, including "put[ting] together the application[s for such licensure] for [her]." In making these arrangements with USML, Petitioner dealt with USML's Melinda Hilterbrand, with whom she spoke over the telephone. Petitioner paid USML by credit card. USML first "charged [Petitioner's] credit card in January" of 2003 (using the credit card number Petitioner had given Ms. Hilterbrand during their telephone conversation). Petitioner provided USML, at USML's request, information and documentation (including a "standard credentialing application [she used in] Illinois") for USML to utilize in "put[ing] together [her Florida, California, and Nevada] application[s]." None of the information and documentation Petitioner provided was, to her knowledge, false or inaccurate. USML "put together the application[s]," as it had agreed to do. It then submitted them to the Florida, California, and Nevada medical licensing agencies without Petitioner's review, approval, or signature, notwithstanding that Petitioner had not given USML authorization to make such submissions. On June 16, 2003, Respondent received the Florida application that USML had "put together" for Petitioner (Petitioner's Florida Application) using the appropriate Respondent-developed form . Petitioner's Florida Application gave Petitioner's mailing address as "5631 Ballybunion Drive, Pace, Florida" (Pace, Florida Address). This was actually USML's mailing address, not Petitioner's. Petitioner's Florida Application gave Petitioner's telephone number as "(850) 994-4646." This was actually USML's telephone number, not Petitioner's. 10. Items 12, 12a., 12b., 15a., and 19b. on the application form on which Petitioner's Florida Application was submitted (Florida Application Form) asked the following questions: 12. Was attendance in Medical school for a period other then the normal curriculum? (If "yes," explain on a separate sheet providing accurate details.) 12a. Did you take a leave of absence during medical school? (If "yes," explain on a separate sheet providing accurate details.) 12b. Were you required to repeat any of your medical education? (If "yes," explain on a separate sheet providing accurate details.) 15a. Have you ever been dropped, suspended, placed on probation, expelled or requested to resign from a postgraduate training program? (If "yes," explain on a separate sheet providing accurate details.) 19b. Have you ever applied for, taken an examination for, or failed to receive specialty board certification or recertification for any reason?" (If "yes," explain on a separate sheet, providing full details). Each of these questions was incorrectly answered "no" on Petitioner's Florida Application. Item 15 on the Florida Application Form asked the applicant to "[l]ist in chronological order from date of graduation from Medical school, to present, all professional/postgraduate training (Internship/Residency/ Fellowship)." In response to this request, Petitioner's Florida Application listed her participation (following graduation from medical school) in programs at the University Medical Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, at the Medical College of Ohio in Toledo, Ohio, at the Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center in Chicago, Illinois, and at St. Anthony's Hospital in Chicago, Illinois. No other post-graduate programs were listed, notwithstanding that Petitioner had also received post-graduate training at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center. At the time, Petitioner did not even know that her Florida Application had been submitted, much less that it contained any erroneous information, inasmuch as she had not seen it or been made aware of its contents. As will be discussed in more detail below, it was not until approximately three months later that she first learned of her Florida Application’s submission, and it was even later, at her July 24, 2004, appearance before Respondent’s Credentials Committee, that she first became aware "that there was any incorrect information on [her] application." No one from USML had ever contacted Petitioner and asked her for her responses to items 12, 12a., 12b., 15, 15a., 19b. or any other item on the Florida Application Form. Item 18 on the Florida Application Form was an Affidavit of Applicant, which read, in pertinent part, as follows: I affirm that these statements are true and correct and recognize that providing false information [ma]y result in disciplinary action against my license or criminal penalties pursuant to Sections 456.067, 775.083 and 775.084, Florida Statutes. I hereby authorize all hospitals, institutions, my references, personal physicians, employers (past and present) and all governmental agencies and instrumentalities (local, state, federal or foreign) to release to the Florida Board of Medicine information which is material to my application for licensure. I have carefully read the questions in the foregoing application and have answered them completely, without reservations of any kind, and I declare under penalty of perjury that my answers and all statements made by me herein are true and correct. Should I furnish any false information in this application, I hereby agree that such act shall constitute cause for denial, suspension or revocation of my license to practice Medicine in the State of Florida. * * * Date of Expiration (Signature of Applicant required) 4 (Date Signed required) The Affidavit of Applicant in Petitioner's Florida Application contained what purported to be, but was not, Petitioner's signature. It was dated May 30, 2003. Petitioner had not authorized USML to sign her Florida Application on her behalf or otherwise "submit documents using [her] signature," nor was she "aware that [USML was] going to do [so]." On July 14, 2003, Respondent prepared and sent to the Pace, Florida Address (which, as noted above, was USML’s, not Petitioner’s, mailing address) a notice advising that Petitioner's Florida Application was "deficient" and explaining what needed to be done in order for the application to be considered "complete" (July 14, 2003, Deficiency Notice). The July 14, 2003, Deficiency Notice read, in pertinent part, as follows: We will consider no application complete for licensure until we receive all requested documentation by the board. The applicant must ensure that the board receives all requested documentation. Verbal responses are inadmissible. * * * YOUR APPLICATION'S EXPIRATION DATE IS: June 15, 2004 APPLICATION SUBMITTED REMAINS DEFICIENT FOR LACK OF THE FOLLOWING: We are in receipt of medical school transcripts from St. George's University Medical School and Ross University Medical School. It appears you transferred to Ross University after your third year. The transcript received from Ross University indicates your third year of medical school was repeated. Please submit a written explanation regarding attend[ing] two medical schools and why you answer[ed] no to question 12 (Was attendance in Medical School for a period other than the normal curriculum?) and 12b (Were you required to repeat any of your medical education?). A letter has been sent to St. George's University to confirm you left the medical school in good standing. Your file has been submitted in for advisement regarding your examination score reports submitted to the board office. It appears question 1 of your licensure application was left blank. However, you should apply by endorsement. Enclosed is a copy of page 1, please check the appropriate box. On page 3, question 10 needs to list the date your medical degree was granted. On page 3, question 15 needs to list the specialty area of training. Please complete the enclosed copy of page 4. Explain why you switched training programs from Medical College of Ohio to Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center. Did you leave the program in good standing? Were you offered a contract to continue and complete the program? A letter has been sent to the Medical College of Ohio to retrieve[] further information on your performance. Submit a written explanation on why you started your training programs with Medical College of Ohio and Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center off cycle. Please complete the enclosed fingerprint card. Submit a written account of your employment/non-employment activities from 1/89 to 6/92 and 6/93 to 4/94, and 5/96 to 1/97, and 11/98 to 2/99, and 11/02 to Present. Submit a copy of your legal name change document. Explain in writing why the name "Randa Mariana Prochazka" appears on your supporting documentation. The copy of your valid ECFMG certificate submitted to the board office is unreadable. The valid through area is not readable. Please resubmit a copy to the board office. We await verification of ECFMG examination results, direct from ECFMG, which must be requested by the applicant. Submit two current letters of recommendation, addressed to the Florida Board of Medicine. "To Whom It May Concern" is not acceptable. Recommendation letter(s) must be current, original, personable and from physician(s). We await licensure verification from the Illinois State Medical Board. The National Practitioner Data Bank, self-query has not been received. You may contact the NPDB at (800)767-6732. The AMA Physician Profile sheet has not been received. You may contact the AMA at (312) 484-5199. We await responses to inquiry/evaluation forms, which were mailed from our office to the following: -University Medical Center, regarding your Internship, from 6/92 to 6/93 -Medical College of Ohio, regarding your Residency, from 4/94 to 5/96 -Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, regarding your Residency, from 1/97 to 11/98 -Valley Ambulatory Surgery Center, verifying your staff privileges and good standing. * * * On August 15, 2003, Respondent prepared and sent to the Pace, Florida Address a notice advising that Petitioner's Florida Application was still "deficient" and explaining what needed to be done in order for the application to be considered "complete" (August 15, 2003, Deficiency Notice). The August 15, 2003 Deficiency Notice read, in pertinent part, as follows: We will consider no application complete for licensure until we receive all requested documentation by the board. The applicant must ensure that the board receives all requested documentation. Verbal responses are inadmissible. * * * YOUR APPLICATION'S EXPIRATION DATE IS: June 15, 2004 APPLICATION SUBMITTED REMAINS DEFICIENT FOR LACK OF THE FOLLOWING: We are in receipt of medical school transcripts from St. George's University Medical School and Ross University Medical School. It appears you transferred to Ross University after your third year. The transcript received from Ross University indicates your third year of medical school was repeated. Please submit a written explanation regarding attend[ing] two medical schools and why you answer[ed] no to question 12 (Was attendance in Medical School for a period other than the normal curriculum?) and 12b (Were you required to repeat any of your medical education?). We are in receipt of the evaluation form submitted by Valley Ambulatory Surgery Center. They indicate you did not perform competently and you were not regularly appointed. Please submit a written explanation. It appears question 1 of your licensure application was left blank. However, you should apply by endorsement. Enclosed is a copy of page 1, please check the appropriate box. On page 3, question 10 needs to list the date your medical degree was granted. On page 3, question 15 needs to list the specialty area of training. Please complete the enclosed copy of page 4. Explain why you switched training programs from Medical College of Ohio to Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center. Did you leave the program in good standing? Were you offered a contract to continue and complete the program? Submit a written explanation on why you started your training programs with Medical College of Ohio and Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center off cycle. Please complete the enclosed fingerprint card. Submit a written account of your employment/non-employment activities from 1/89 to 6/92 and 6/93 to 4/94, and 5/96 to 1/97, and 11/98 to 2/99, and 11/02 to Present. Submit a copy of your legal name change document. Explain in writing why the name "Randa Mariana Prochazka" appears on your supporting documentation. The copy of your valid ECFMG certificate submitted to the board office is unreadable. The valid through area is not readable. Please resubmit a copy to the board office. We await verification of ECFMG examination results, direct from ECFMG, which must be requested by the applicant. Submit two current letter of recommendation, addressed to the Florida Board of Medicine. "To Whom It May Concern" is not acceptable. Recommendation letter(s) must be current, original, personable and from physician(s). The National Practitioner Data Bank, self-query has not been received. You may contact the NPDB at (800) 767-6732. The AMA Physician Profile sheet has not been received. You may contact the AMA at (312) 484-5199. We await responses to inquiry/evaluation forms, which were mailed from our office to the following: -University Medical Center, regarding your Internship, from 6/92 to 6/93 -Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, regarding your Residency, from 1/97 to 11/98 * * * It was not until sometime in or around September of 2003, during a telephone conversation (she had initiated) with USML's Ken Carroll, that Petitioner first learned that her Florida Application had been submitted to Respondent. Petitioner was "very surprised" when Mr. Carroll told her about the application's submission because she had thought that she was "going to get to look at the application" and "go over it" before it was sent to Respondent and she had not been given this opportunity. Nonetheless, she did not voice any objections to Mr. Carroll during her telephone conversation with him. Rather, "[she merely] asked him if there were any problems with [the application], and he said that everything was okay." Petitioner assumed, erroneously, that USML had completed the application accurately. She did not, at that time, request a copy of the application to verify the application's accuracy, nor did she do anything to indicate that she did not want Respondent to treat the application as hers. Indeed, until becoming aware of the actual contents of the application, it was her desire that Respondent act on the application and grant her licensure, and her actions were consistent with such a desire. On September 17, 2003, Respondent prepared and sent to the Pace, Florida Address a notice advising that Petitioner's Florida Application remained "deficient" and explaining what needed to be done in order for the application to be considered "complete" (September 17, 2003, Deficiency Notice). The September 17, 2003, Deficiency Notice read, in pertinent part, as follows: We will consider no application complete for licensure until we receive all requested documentation by the board. The applicant must ensure that the board receives all requested documentation. Verbal responses are inadmissible. * * * YOUR APPLICATION'S EXPIRATION DATE IS: June 15, 2004 APPLICATION SUBMITTED REMAINS DEFICIENT FOR LACK OF THE FOLLOWING: We are in receipt of medical school transcripts from St. George's University Medical School and Ross University Medical School. It appears you transferred to Ross University after your third year. The transcript received from Ross University indicates your third year of medical school was repeated. Please submit a written explanation regarding attend[ing] two medical schools and why you answer[ed] no to question 12 (Was attendance in Medical School for a period other than the normal curriculum?) and 12b (Were you required to repeat any of your medical education?). We are in receipt of the evaluation form submitted by Valley Ambulatory Surgery Center. They indicate you did not perform competently and you were not regularly appointed. Please submit a written explanation. It appears question 1 of your licensure application was left blank. However, you should apply by endorsement. Enclosed is a copy of page 1, please check the appropriate box. On page 3, question 10 needs to list the date your medical degree was granted. On page 3, question 15 needs to list the specialty area of training. Please complete the enclosed copy of page 4. Explain why you switched training programs from Medical College of Ohio to Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center. Did you leave the program in good standing? Were you offered a contract to continue and complete the program? Submit a written explanation on why you started your training programs with Medical College of Ohio and Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center off cycle. Please complete the enclosed fingerprint card. Submit a written account of your employment/non-employment activities from 1/89 to 6/92 and 6/93 to 4/94, and 5/96 to 1/97, and 11/98 to 2/99, and 11/02 to Present. Submit a copy of your legal name change document. Explain in writing why the name "Randa Mariana Prochazka" appears on your supporting documentation. The copy of your valid ECFMG certificate submitted to the board office is unreadable. The valid through area is not readable. Please resubmit a copy to the board office. We await verification of ECFMG examination results, direct from ECFMG, which must be requested by the applicant. Submit one current letter of recommendation, addressed to the Florida Board of Medicine. "To Whom It May Concern" is not acceptable. Recommendation letter(s) must be current, original, personable and from physician(s). The National Practitioner Data Bank, self-query has not been received. You may contact the NPDB at (800) 767-6732. The AMA Physician Profile submitted to the board office list[s] your graduation year incorrectly. Please have the AMA [Physician Profile] corrected. You may contact the AMA at (312) 464-5199. The AMA Physician Profile submitted to the board office indicates you had training with Vanderbilt University in Anesthesiology from 7/93 to 11/93. However, this training is not listed on question 15 of your licensure application. Please submit a written explanation. Also, a training evaluation form will have to be completed. A letter has been sent to the training program to retrieve[] further information on your performance. The AMA Physician Profile submitted to the board office indicates your training with Medical College of Ohio is incomplete. Please provide a written explanation. A letter has been sent to the program to retrieve[] further information on your performance. The AMA Physician Profile submitted to the board indicates you have an inactive resident license in Nevada. Please have the Nevada State Medical Board send a license verification letter to . . . our office. We await responses to inquiry/evaluation forms, which were mailed from our office to the following: -Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Department of Anesthesiology, regarding your Residency from 7/93 to 11/93 -Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, regarding your Residency, from 1/97 to 11/98 * * * On September 26, 2003, Respondent received a letter, dated September 23, 2003, that was addressed to one of its employees, Lakeisha Henderson, and purported to be, but was not, from Petitioner and signed by her (September 26, 2003, Letter). The September 26, Letter, of which Petitioner had no knowledge, read as follows: In answer to your questions in the letter you sent me 9/17/03 [sic], I am providing these answers: I left St. George's because of the war in Grenada. I waited till I was sure the situation was stable and I also took a leave to study for my ECFMG. I was not satisfied with the situation at the school so I transferred/moved to Ross. One course prior to the start of my clinicals was required at Ross before I could start there in the clinical phase. This was a repeat from St. George[']s, but the only one. During this period, I had numerous child care and child health issues with my children which caused me to not be available for work and surgery. Page one is attached. Page three is attached. Page 4 is attached. In answer to question #7, there was a change at Medical College of Ohio. The Program Director left due to illness and subsequently the program started changing, so I finished my second year and then did my third year at another program. I left in good standing, getting credit for everything. I could have continued if I had elected to do so but I declined. In question 8, I started my third year based on what was needed to complete and where the class was. I was having a child and was allowed to start off cycle. Non-Employment Dates: 01/89-6/92-Child Birth and child care, studied for tests. 05/96-01/97-Unemployed 11/98-02/99-Moving and vacation 11/02-04/03-Unemployed 05/03-Present @ Surgical Center of Downers Grove, IL I thought the fingerprint card had been sent to your office (Question #9) Item #11 has been requested. Question #12. I was married for a short period of time and while married took the last name of husband Prochazka. When we divorced I retained my maiden name. Question #18- The program was overfilled with Residents and I elected to leave with no credit as I only attended for a short period of time. Question #19- I was given full credit for my training there, so I do not understand the question. I have attached my diploma. All other items have been requested and will be sent directly to you. On September 30, 2003, Respondent received another letter, also dated September 23, 2003, that was addressed to Ms. Henderson and purported to be, but was not, from Petitioner and signed by her (September 30, 2003, Letter). The September 30, 2003, Letter, of which Petitioner had no knowledge, read as follows: I am sorry I forgot to include the fact that I was arrested for disturbing the peace. I have included all those documents. I forgot till Ken Carroll asked. I thought it was not needed as it was over 10 years ago, sorry to cause any issues. I have also included my divorce papers. Among the documents that were "included" with the September 30, 2003, Letter to Ms. Henderson was a statement in Petitioner’s handwriting, dated June 10, 1996, which provided an explanation of the circumstances surrounding Petitioner’s arrest. This handwritten statement was among the materials that Petitioner had furnished USML for use in the application preparation process. On October 16, 2003, Respondent prepared and sent to the Pace, Florida Address a notice advising that Petitioner's Florida Application was still "deficient" and explaining what needed to be done in order for the application to be considered "complete" (October 16, 2003, Deficiency Notice). The October 16, 2003, Deficiency Notice read, in pertinent part, as follows: We will consider no application complete for licensure until we receive all requested documentation by the board. The applicant must ensure that the board receives all requested documentation. Verbal responses are inadmissible. * * * YOUR APPLICATION'S EXPIRATION DATE IS: June 15, 2004 APPLICATION SUBMITTED REMAINS DEFICIENT FOR LACK OF THE FOLLOWING: We are in receipt of the evaluation from Advocate Illinois Medical Center. The evaluation form indicates they recommend you with some reservation. Please review the enclosed copy of the evaluation and provide a written response. Also, a letter has been sent to Advocate Illinois Medical Center to retrieve[] further information. We are in receipt of the letter dated September 23, 2003, [in which] you indicate employment with Surgical Center of Downers [Grove]. Do you hold staff privileges with this hospital? If so, an evaluation form will have to be completed. On page 3, question 10 needs to list the date your medical degree was granted. A letter has been sent to the Medical College of Ohio to confirm your written explanation. Submit a written account of your employment/non-employment activities from 6/93 to 4/94. The copy of your valid ECFMG certificate submitted to the board office is unreadable. The valid through area is not readable. Please resubmit a copy to the board office. We await verification of ECFMG examination results, direct from ECFMG, which must be requested by the applicant. We are in receipt of the letter of recommendation from Dr. Kianoosh Jafari. Please submit an additional letter of recommendation, addressed to the Florida Board of Medicine. "To Whom It May Concern" is not acceptable. Recommendation letter(s) must be current, original, personable and from physician(s). The National Practitioner Data Bank, self-query has not been received. You may contact the NPDB at (800) 767-6732. The AMA Physician Profile submitted to the board office list[s] your graduation year incorrectly. Please have the AMA [Physician Profile] corrected. You may contact the AMA at (312) 484-5199. A letter has been sent to Vanderbilt University Medical Center to retrieve[] further information on your performance. The AMA Physician Profile submitted to the board indicates you have an inactive resident license in Nevada. Please have the Nevada State Medical Board send a license verification letter to our office. 19. We await responses to inquiry/evaluation forms, which were mailed from our office to the following: -Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Department of Anesthesiology, regarding your Residency, from 7/93 to 11/93 -Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, regarding your Residency, from 1/97 to 11/98 * * * Respondent received, in response to the October 16, 2003, Deficiency Notice, a letter that purported to be, but was not, from Petitioner and signed by her. The letter, of which Petitioner had no knowledge, read as follows: Question #5 from letter of 10/13/03 [sic] I left [the] program after one year to move closer to my husband at the time wh[o] was in the Midwest. I spent the time from 7-93 till 4-94 looking for a program and applying to programs. Petitioner was not married during the time period referenced in the letter. To the extent that the letter suggests otherwise, it is inaccurate. In or around the end of October of 2003, Petitioner received a letter from the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners (Nevada Board) concerning an application for licensure that USML had submitted to the Nevada Board on her behalf. The letter, which was dated October 28, 2003, read as follows: Dear Dr. Sawan: Please find enclosed a new application for medical licensure for the State of Nevada. You will be required to complete this application without the assistance of a credentialing service. The Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners does not accept any documentation from the credentialing company U.S. Medical Licensing and Credentialing. After receiving this letter, Petitioner telephoned Mr. Carroll and asked him why "this Nevada licensure application . . . was not accepted." Mr. Carroll, in response to Petitioner’s inquiry, explained that "there were some other doctors that did not get their licenses and they were upset with [USML]" and had complained to the Nevada Board. Having received this response to her inquiry, Petitioner "did not dig anymore" into the matter. Petitioner subsequently completed the application form she had been sent by the Nevada Board and then returned it. Approximately, four and a-half months later she received her Nevada medical license On November 17, 2003, Respondent prepared and sent to the Pace, Florida Address a notice advising that Petitioner's Florida Application was still "deficient" and explaining what needed to be done in order for the application to be considered "complete" (November 17, 2003, Deficiency Notice). The November 17, 2003, Deficiency Notice read, in pertinent part, as follows: We will consider no application complete for licensure until we receive all requested documentation by the board. The applicant must ensure that the board receives all requested documentation. Verbal responses are inadmissible. * * * YOUR APPLICATION'S EXPIRATION DATE IS: June 15, 2004 APPLICATION SUBMITTED REMAINS DEFICIENT FOR LACK OF THE FOLLOWING: We are in receipt of the evaluation from Advocate Illinois Medical Center. The evaluation form indicates they recommend you with some reservation. Please review the enclosed copy of the evaluation and provide a written response. Also, a letter has been sent to Advocate Illinois Medical Center to retrieve[] further information. We are in receipt of the letter dated September 23, 2003, [in which] you indicate employment with Surgical Center of Downers [Grove]. Do you hold staff privileges with this hospital? If so, an evaluation form will have to be completed. On page 3, question 10 needs to list the date your medical degree was granted. A letter has been sent to the Medical College of Ohio to confirm your written explanation. The copy of your valid ECFMG certificate submitted to the board office is unreadable. The valid through area is not readable. Please resubmit a copy to the board office. We await verification of ECFMG examination results, direct from ECFMG, which must be requested by the applicant. The AMA Physician Profile submitted to the board office list[s] your graduation year incorrectly. Please have the AMA [Physician Profile] corrected. You may contact the AMA at (312) 484-5199. A letter has been sent to Vanderbilt University Medical Center to retrieve[] further information on your performance. The AMA Physician Profile submitted to the board indicates you have an inactive resident license in Nevada. Please have the Nevada State Medical Board send a license verification letter to our office. We await responses to inquiry/evaluation forms, which were mailed from our office to the following: -Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Department of Anesthesiology, regarding your Residency, from 7/93 to 11/93 -Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, regarding your Residency, from 1/97 to 11/98 * * * Respondent received, in response to the November 17, 2003, Deficiency Notice, a letter that purported to be, but was not, from Petitioner and signed by her. The letter, of which Petitioner had no knowledge, read as follows: Question #2 from letter of 11/14/03 [sic] Downers Grover Surgical Center is an out patient center. Not a hospital. Question #5 A copy of my ECFMG is enclosed. On December 19, 2003, Respondent prepared and sent to the Pace, Florida Address a notice advising that Petitioner's Florida Application was still "deficient" and explaining what needed to be done in order for the application to be considered "complete" (December 19, 2003, Deficiency Notice). The December 19, 2003, Deficiency Notice read, in pertinent part, as follows: We will consider no application complete for licensure until we receive all requested documentation by the board. The applicant must ensure that the board receives all requested documentation. Verbal responses are inadmissible. * * * YOUR APPLICATION'S EXPIRATION DATE IS: June 15, 2004 APPLICATION SUBMITTED REMAINS DEFICIENT FOR LACK OF THE FOLLOWING: We are in receipt of the evaluation from Advocate Illinois Medical Center. The evaluation form indicates they recommend you with some reservation. Please review the enclosed copy of the evaluation and provide a written response. Also, a letter has been sent to Advocate Illinois Medical Center to retrieve[] further information. On page 3, question 10 needs to list the date your medical degree was granted. A letter has been sent to the Medical College of Ohio to confirm your written explanation. We await verification of ECFMG examination results, direct from ECFMG, which must be requested by the applicant. The AMA Physician Profile submitted to the board office list[s] your graduation year incorrectly. Please have the AMA [Physician Profile] corrected. You may contact the AMA at (312) 484-5199. A letter has been sent to Vanderbilt University Medical Center to retrieve[] further information on your performance. The AMA Physician Profile submitted to the board indicates you have an inactive resident license in Nevada. Please have the Nevada State Medical Board send a license verification letter to our office. We await responses to inquiry/evaluation forms, which were mailed from our office to the following: -Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Department of Anesthesiology, regarding your Residency, from 7/93 to 11/93 -Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, regarding your Residency, from 1/97 to 11/98 * * * The December 19, 2003, Deficiency Notice was accompanied by a letter from Ms. Henderson, addressed to Petitioner at the Pace, Florida Address (December 19, 2003, Deficiency Letter), which read as follows: Your application remains incomplete. Please review the attached update [the December 19, 2003, Deficiency Notice] outlining the remaining deficiencies. Please be advised previous malpractice, criminal charges, discipline, addictions/impairment, unfavorable evaluations, etc. may require that you appear before the Credentials Committee for determination of eligibility for licensure. If your appearance is required, you will be notified in writing once your file is complete. Any information received by this office may require additional explanation and/or documentation to be requested in order to further determine licensure eligibility. After all requested documentation is received, your file will be submitted for a standard supervisory review. Should additional information be required, you will be notified. Once your file is determined complete, it will be presented to the Board for consideration at the next scheduled meeting. As documentation is received in our office, an updated list of deficiencies will be mailed to you. Your application will remain incomplete until all deficiencies are completed. In addition, notify the Board office immediately in writing of any occurrence(s) that would in any way change or affect any answer given in the application or an answer provided in response to any of our direct questions to you. If I can be of any assistance, please contact me at (850) 245-4131 extension 3512 or e-mail me at Lakeisha_Henderson @doah.state.fl.us. On January 22, 2004, Respondent prepared and sent to the Pace, Florida Address a notice advising that Petitioner's Florida Application was still "deficient" and explaining what needed to be done in order for the application to be considered "complete" (January 22, 2004, Deficiency Notice). The January 22, 2004, Deficiency Notice read, in pertinent part, as follows: We will consider no application complete for licensure until we receive all requested documentation by the board. The applicant must ensure that the board receives all requested documentation. Verbal responses are inadmissible. * * * YOUR APPLICATION'S EXPIRATION DATE IS: June 15, 2004 APPLICATION SUBMITTED REMAINS DEFICIENT FOR LACK OF THE FOLLOWING: We are in receipt of the evaluation from Advocate Illinois Medical Center. The evaluation form indicates they recommend you with some reservation. Please review the enclosed copy of the evaluation and provide a written response. Also, a letter has been sent to Advocate Illinois Medical Center to retrieve[] further information. On page 3, question 10 needs to list the date your medical degree was granted. A letter has been sent to the Medical College of Ohio to confirm your written explanation. We await verification of ECFMG examination results, direct from ECFMG, which must be requested by the applicant. The AMA Physician Profile submitted to the board office list[s] your graduation year incorrectly. Please have the AMA [Physician Profile] corrected. You may contact the AMA at (312) 484-5199. A letter has been sent to Vanderbilt University Medical Center to retrieve[] further information on your performance. The AMA Physician Profile submitted to the board indicates you have an inactive resident license in Nevada. Please have the Nevada State Medical Board send a license verification letter to our office. We await responses to inquiry/evaluation forms, which were mailed from our office to the following: -Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Department of Anesthesiology, regarding your Residency, from 7/93 to 11/93 -Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, regarding your Residency, from 1/97 to 11/98 * * * On February 24, 2004, Respondent prepared and sent to the Pace, Florida Address a notice advising that Petitioner's Florida Application was still "deficient" and explaining what needed to be done in order for the application to be considered "complete" (February 24, 2004, Deficiency Notice). The February 24, 2004, Deficiency Notice read, in pertinent part, as follows: We will consider no application complete for licensure until we receive all requested documentation by the board. The applicant must ensure that the board receives all requested documentation. Verbal responses are inadmissible. * * * YOUR APPLICATION'S EXPIRATION DATE IS: June 15, 2004 APPLICATION SUBMITTED REMAINS DEFICIENT FOR LACK OF THE FOLLOWING: We are in receipt of the evaluation from Advocate Illinois Medical Center. The evaluation form indicates they recommend you with some reservation. Please review the enclosed copy of the evaluation and provide a written response. Also, a letter has been sent to Advocate Illinois Medical Center to retrieve[] further information. A letter has been sent to the Medical College of Ohio to confirm your written explanation. We await verification of ECFMG examination results, direct from ECFMG, which must be requested by the applicant. The AMA Physician Profile submitted to the board office list[s] your graduation year incorrectly. Please have the AMA [Physician Profile] corrected. You may contact the AMA at (312) 484-5199. A letter has been sent to Vanderbilt University Medical Center to retrieve[] further information on your performance. The AMA Physician Profile submitted to the board indicates you have an inactive resident license in Nevada. Please have the Nevada State Medical Board send a license verification letter to our office. We await responses to inquiry/evaluation forms, which were mailed from our office to the following: -Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Department of Anesthesiology, regarding your Residency, from 7/93 to 11/93 -Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, regarding your Residency, from 1/97 to 11/98 * * * On March 24, 2004, Respondent prepared and sent to the Pace, Florida Address a notice advising that Petitioner's Florida Application was still "deficient" and explaining what needed to be done in order for the application to be considered "complete" (March 24, 2004, Deficiency Notice). The March 24, 2004, Deficiency Notice read, in pertinent part, as follows: We will consider no application complete for licensure until we receive all requested documentation by the board. The applicant must ensure that the board receives all requested documentation. Verbal responses are inadmissible. * * * YOUR APPLICATION'S EXPIRATION DATE IS: June 15, 2004 We will consider no application complete for licensure until we receive all requested documentation by the board. The applicant must ensure that the board receives all requested documentation. Verbal responses are inadmissible. * * * YOUR APPLICATION'S EXPIRATION DATE IS: June 15, 2004 APPLICATION SUBMITTED REMAINS DEFICIENT FOR LACK OF THE FOLLOWING: We are in receipt of the evaluation from Advocate Illinois Medical Center. The evaluation form indicates they recommend you with some reservation. Please review the enclosed copy of the evaluation and provide a written response. Also, a letter has been sent to Advocate Illinois Medical Center to retrieve[] further information. A letter has been sent to the Medical College of Ohio to confirm your written explanation. We await verification of ECFMG examination results, direct from ECFMG, which must be requested by the applicant. The AMA Physician Profile submitted to the board office list[s] your graduation year incorrectly. Please have the AMA [Physician Profile] corrected. You may contact the AMA at (312) 484-5199. A letter has been sent to Vanderbilt University Medical Center to retrieve[] further information on your performance. The AMA Physician Profile submitted to the board indicates you have an inactive resident license in Nevada. Please have the Nevada State Medical Board send a license verification letter to our office. We await responses to inquiry/evaluation forms, which were mailed from our office to the following: -Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Department of Anesthesiology, regarding your Residency, from 7/93 to 11/93 -Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, regarding your Residency, from 1/97 to 11/98 * * * The March 24, 2004, Deficiency Notice was accompanied by a letter from Ms. Henderson, addressed to Petitioner at the Pace, Florida Address (March 24, 2004, Deficiency Letter). The body of the March 24, 2004, Deficiency Letter was identical to the body of the December 19, 2003, Deficiency Letter. On March 31, 2004, Respondent prepared and sent to the Pace, Florida Address a notice advising that Petitioner's Florida Application was still "deficient" and explaining what needed to be done in order for the application to be considered "complete" (March 31, 2004, Deficiency Notice). The March 31, 2004, Deficiency Notice read, in pertinent part, as follows: We will consider no application complete for licensure until we receive all requested documentation by the board. The applicant must ensure that the board receives all requested documentation. Verbal responses are inadmissible. * * * YOUR APPLICATION'S EXPIRATION DATE IS: June 15, 2004 APPLICATION SUBMITTED REMAINS DEFICIENT FOR LACK OF THE FOLLOWING: We are in receipt of the evaluation from Advocate Illinois Medical Center. The evaluation form indicates they recommend you with some reservation. Please review the enclosed copy of the evaluation and provide a written response. Also, a letter has been sent to Advocate Illinois Medical Center to retrieve[] further information. We are in receipt of the training evaluation form from Valley Ambulatory Surgery Center. The evaluation form indicates you resigned and your staff privileges were terminated. It appears you should have answered yes to question 18c. Please submit a written explanation as well [as] explain the no answer given for question 18c. A letter has been sent to Valley Ambulatory Surgery Center to retrieve[] further information. Enclosed for your review is a copy of the evaluation form. A letter will be sent to each training program requesting a copy of your training file. A letter has been sent to the Medical College of Ohio requesting further clarification on the letter submitted from them dated July 22, 2003. A letter has been sent to Vanderbilt University Medical Center to retrieve[] further information on your performance. We await verification of ECFMG examination results, direct from ECFMG, which must be requested by the applicant. The AMA Physician Profile submitted to the board indicates you have an inactive resident license in Nevada. Please have the Nevada State Medical Board send a license verification letter to our office. We await responses to evaluation forms, which were mailed from our office to the following: -Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Department of Anesthesiology, regarding your Residency, from 7/93 to 11/93 * * * The March 31, 2004, Deficiency Notice was accompanied by a letter from Ms. Henderson, addressed to Petitioner at the Pace, Florida Address (March 31, 2004, Deficiency Letter). The body of the March 31, 2004, Deficiency Letter was identical to the bodies of the December 19, 2003, and March 24, 2004, Deficiency Letters. In or around March of 2004, during a telephone conversation with Mr. Carroll, Petitioner inquired as to whether her "talk[ing]" to Respondent "could help expedite" the processing of her Florida Application. Mr. Carroll, in turn, gave Petitioner Ms. Henderson’s name and telephone number and suggested Petitioner call Ms. Henderson. Petitioner followed Mr. Carroll’s suggestion and spoke with Ms. Henderson. Petitioner asked Ms. Henderson "if there [was] any problem with the application" and offered to provide "anything extra that [Ms. Henderson] may need." Ms. Henderson "did not say that there were any problems," but she did indicate "that she would like additional information," which she described for Petitioner. After speaking with Ms. Henderson, Petitioner prepared a handwritten letter, which she sent to Ms. Henderson by facsimile transmission on April 9, 2004. The letter read as follows: You requested an explanation for why staff privileges at Valley Ambulatory Surgery Center were terminated. It has been my understanding from their contract agreement that once I stop working there (resign), the staff privileges are automatically terminated. The following day, April 10, 2004, Petitioner sent to Ms. Henderson by facsimile transmission a handwritten list of references, as well as letters of recommendation (from others about her). Ms. Henderson had not asked Petitioner to provide these materials, but Petitioner sent them anyway, thinking that Ms. Henderson "might like to have them." On May 4, 2004, Respondent prepared and sent to the Pace, Florida Address a notice advising that Petitioner's Florida Application was still "deficient" and explaining what needed to be done in order for the application to be considered "complete" (May 4, 2004, Deficiency Notice). The May 4, 2004, Deficiency Notice read, in pertinent part, as follows: We will consider no application complete for licensure until we receive all requested documentation by the board. The applicant must ensure that the board receives all requested documentation. Verbal responses are inadmissible. * * * YOUR APPLICATION EXPIRATION DATE IS: June 15, 2004. APPLICATION SUBMITTED REMAINS DEFICIENT FOR LACK OF THE FOLLOWING: We are in receipt of the evaluation form from Advocate Illinois Medical Center. The evaluation form indicates they recommend you with some reservation. Please review the enclosed copy of the evaluation and provide a written response. Also, a letter has been sent to Advocate Illinois Medical Center to retrieve[] further information. A letter will be sent to each training program requesting a copy of your training file. A letter has been sent to Medical College of Ohio requesting further clarification on the letter submitted from them dated July 22, 2003. The AMA Physician Profile submitted to the board indicates you have an inactive resident license in Nevada. Please have the Nevada State Medical Board send a license verification letter to our office. * * * The May 4, 2004, Deficiency Notice was accompanied by a letter from Ms. Henderson addressed to Petitioner at the Pace, Florida Address (May 4, 2004, Deficiency Letter). The body of the May 4, 2004, Deficiency Letter was identical to the bodies of the December 19, 2003, March 24, 2004, and March 31, 2004, Deficiency Letters. Petitioner never received the May 4, 2004, Deficiency Notice or the May 4, 2004, Deficiency Letter; nor had she ever received any of the previous deficiency notices and letters. On June 15, 2004, Petitioner’s Florida Application was still incomplete inasmuch as Respondent had not received all of the information it had requested in the May 4, 2004, Deficiency Notice (including the letter from Petitioner requested in item 1 of the notice, the training files from University Medical Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, and Vanderbilt University Medical Center requested in item 2 of the notice, and the "license verification letter" requested in item 4 of the notice, which were all materials that were reasonable for Respondent to have asked for as part of the application review process). On June 28, 2004, Chandra Prine, Respondent’s Program Operations Administrator (and Ms. Henderson’s supervisor), prepared and sent to the Pace, Florida Address a letter addressed to Petitioner (June 28, 2004, Letter) advising her that she was required to make a personal appearance before the Credentials Committee on July 24, 2004, to discuss: Your medical education and your failure to answer yes to questions numbers 12, 12a & 12b on the licensure application. Failure to list your training at Vanderbilt from 7/93-11/93 and your failure to answer yes to question number 15a on the licensure application. In addition, the Committee may inquire into any other issues relating to your application and eligibility for licensure. Petitioner did not receive this letter. In July of 2004, Petitioner telephoned Ms. Henderson to inquire about the status of Petitioner’s Florida Application. She was unable to speak with Ms. Henderson, so she left a message asking Ms. Henderson to return the call. Petitioner subsequently received a telephone message from Ms. Henderson. In her message, Ms. Henderson stated that she thought Petitioner "was going to be going to a hearing" on her Florida Application, but suggested that Petitioner telephone Ms. Prine "just to be sure." Ms. Henderson did not say anything about there being "questions that were answered incorrectly on [the] application." After receiving Ms. Henderson’s message, Petitioner telephoned Ms. Prine and spoke with her. Petitioner told Ms. Prine that Ms. Henderson had left a message about an upcoming hearing concerning Petitioner’s Florida Application and had suggested that Petitioner contact Ms. Prine regarding the matter. Ms. Prine responded, "Yes, we sent you a letter saying you have to show up for this hearing," referring to the June 28, 2004, Letter. Petitioner replied that she had "not received any letter" from Respondent. Ms. Prine then "gave [Petitioner] the address" to which the June 28, Letter had been mailed. Petitioner informed Ms. Prine that this address (the Pace, Florida Address) was not hers. She then "gave [Ms. Prine] her home address for [Ms. Prine] to send [her] another letter." Petitioner asked Ms. Prine during their telephone conversation "what the hearing was going to be about." Ms. Prine's response was that Petitioner should be prepared to answer questions at the hearing regarding certain specific items on her Florida Application, which Ms. Prine identified by number. Petitioner told Ms. Prine that she "had never seen the application," to which Ms. Prine retorted, "Oh, but you signed it." Petitioner insisted that she "didn’t remember signing anything" and asked Ms. Prine to send her, along with the letter concerning the hearing, "a copy of whatever [she supposedly] signed." At no time during the telephone conversation did Ms. Prine tell Petitioner that her Florida Application contained any incorrect information, nor did she reveal to Petitioner anything about those items on the application that Petitioner would be questioned on at the hearing other than what their numbers were and that they pertained to her "schooling and training." It did not come as surprise to Petitioner that the Credentials Committee "wanted to hear from [her]" about her "schooling and training" given the difficulties she had encountered in these areas. Petitioner did not ask Ms. Prine to elaborate any further on what the Credentials Committee would inquire about at the hearing. Two days after her telephone conversation with Ms. Prine, Petitioner received a letter dated July 14, 2004, from Ms. Prine (July 14, 2004, Letter). The July 14, 2004, Letter was addressed to Petitioner at her Naperville, Illinois address and read as follows: This is in further reference to your application for licensure by endorsement. Please be advised that you are required to make a personal appearance before the Credentials Committee of the Board of Medicine to discuss the following: Your medical education and your failure to answer yes to questions numbers 12, 12a & 12b on the licensure application. Failure to list your training at Vanderbilt from 7/93-11/93 and your failure to answer yes to question number 15a on the licensure application. In addition, the Committee may inquire into any other issues relating to your application and eligibility for licensure. Date: Saturday, July 24, 2004 Time: 8:00 a.m. Location: Radisson Hotel 415 N. Monroe St. Tallahassee, FL 32301 (850) 224-6000 The meeting room will be posted in the lobby of the Hotel. Additionally, the Committee's recommendation on your application will be presented to the Board of Medicine, August 6-7, 2004 for final action. Thank you for your continued cooperation. Should you have any question regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me. Along with the July 14, 2004, Letter, Petitioner received from Ms. Prine the signature page of the September 26, 2003, Letter. After reviewing the latter, Petitioner telephoned Ms. Prine and left a message advising Ms. Prine that the signature on that document was not hers. The July 14, 2004, Letter was not accompanied by a copy of Petitioner’s Florida Application. Petitioner made a "personal appearance" before the Credentials Committee on July 24, 2004, as scheduled. As noted above, it was during this appearance that she first learned that her Florida Application contained information that was incorrect. In response to questioning, Petitioner truthfully told the Credentials Committee that she had not "even seen the application" and that it was "not [her] signature" that was on the application in that she did not sign it. The Credentials Committee voted to recommend the denial of Petitioner’s Florida Application, a recommendation that Respondent subsequently followed. On August 2, 2004, following her appearance before the Credentials Committee, Petitioner prepared and sent a letter to Ms. Prine formally requesting, for the first time, a "complete copy of [her] application for the Florida medical license [be] mailed to [her]" at her Napperville, Illinois address. On August 10, 2004, Petitioner prepared and sent to Ms. Prine another letter, which read as follows: I am writing to ask that you do not accept any communication from the USML agency regarding my application. I am not working through them anymore. Please call me directly at (773) 405-3718, or send all mail to: RANDA SAWAN M.D. 1304 Dunrabin Road Naperville, IL 60540 Your assistance with this matter will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. After Petitioner had made several post-Credential Committee hearing requests to Mr. Carroll that he send her copies of "anything [he had] involving [her] application," Petitioner received the following letter, dated September 23, 2004, from Mr. Carroll: I am sorry to inform you but your files along with several hundred other physicians' files were destroyed while in our storage area due to Hurricane Ivan which made a direct hit on Pensacola. Our Pensacola office is operating but has limited phone and no internet or cable. Again I apologize for this inconvenience. Petitioner never received any of the documents she had requested from Mr. Carroll.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that Respondent issue a final order finding that Petitioner's Florida Application expired, without being acted on, one year after it was filed and that it is therefore too late for Respondent to either approve or deny the application. DONE AND ENTERED this 7th day of March, 2006, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S STUART M. LERNER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 7th day of March, 2006.

Florida Laws (17) 120.569120.57120.60120.68286.011455.225456.013456.067456.072456.50458.311458.313458.331475.25641.495775.084790.001
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Oct. 17, 2013 Number: 13-004126 Latest Update: Sep. 30, 2024
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Nov. 25, 2015 Number: 15-006764 Latest Update: Feb. 27, 2017
# 4
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Jul. 25, 2014 Number: 14-003507PL Latest Update: Aug. 19, 2015

The Issue Whether Respondent, a medical doctor, in his treatment of Patient M.A., failed to keep legible medical records in violation of section 458.331(1)(m), Florida Statutes (2007); prescribed or administered inappropriate or excessive quantities of controlled substances in violation of section 458.331(1)(q), Florida Statutes (2007); committed medical malpractice by practicing below the standard of care in violation of section 458.331(1)(t), Florida Statutes (2007); failed to perform a statutory or legal obligation placed upon a licensed physician in violation of section 458.331(1)(g), Florida Statutes (2007); and violated any provision of chapter 458 or chapter 456, or any rules adopted pursuant thereto in violation of section 458.331(1)(nn), Florida Statutes (2007), as Petitioner alleges in the Third Amended Administrative Complaint; if so, whether (and what) disciplinary measures should be imposed.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Board of Medicine enter a final order: Finding that Paul M. Goldberg, M.D., violated sections 458.331(1)(g) and (nn), Florida Statutes, as charged in Counts IV and V of the Complaint; Dismissing Counts I-III of the Complaint; Imposing $20,000 in administrative fines; issuing a reprimand against Dr. Goldberg's medical license; requiring Dr. Goldberg to complete the "Laws and Rules" Course; suspending Dr. Goldberg's medical license until such time as Dr. Goldberg undergoes a "UF CARES" evaluation; and placing Dr. Goldberg's license on probation for three years under indirect supervision with 100 percent chart review of cosmetic surgery patients and 25 percent chart review of all other patients. DONE AND ENTERED this 4th day of March, 2015, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S TODD P. RESAVAGE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 4th day of March, 2015.

Florida Laws (9) 120.569120.57120.68456.057456.072456.50458.305458.331766.102 Florida Administrative Code (1) 64B8-8.0011
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Apopka, Florida Apr. 29, 2013 Number: 13-001557 Latest Update: Jun. 11, 2013

Conclusions Having reviewed the Amended Administrative Complaint, the Notice of Intent to Deny, and all other matters of record, the Agency for Health Care Administration finds and concludes as follows: 1. The Agency has jurisdiction over the above-named Respondent pursuant to Chapter 408, Part II, Florida Statutes, and the applicable authorizing statutes and administrative code provisions. 2. The Agency issued the attached Amended Administrative Complaint, Notice of Intent to Deny and Election of Rights forms to the Respondent (Ex. 1 & 2). The Election of Rights forms advised of the right to an administrative hearing. 3. The parties have since entered into the attached Settlement Agreement (Ex. 3). Based upon the foregoing, it is ORDERED: 1. The Settlement Agreement is adopted and incorporated by reference into this Final Order. The parties shall comply with the terms of the Settlement Agreement. 2. The Respondent’s Extended Congregate Care (“ECC”) license is SURRENDERED 30 days from the date of this Final Order. If it has not done so already, the Respondent shall promptly provide notice to all of its ECC residents that it will no longer be licensed to provide such services. The Respondent shall also take all necessary steps to ensure the prompt and safe discharge of any ECC resident that may need to be discharged to another facility. 3. With respect to ECC services, the Respondent is given notice of Florida law regarding unlicensed activity. The Respondent is advised of Section 408.804 and Section 408.812, Florida Statutes. The Respondent should also consult the applicable authorizing statutes and administrative code provisions. The Respondent is notified that the cancellation of an Agency license may have ramifications potentially affecting accrediting, third party billing including but not limited to the Florida Medicaid program, and private contracts. Filed June 11, 2013 8:34 AM Division of Administrative Hearings 4. The Respondent retains its standard assisted living facility license. If the Agency has not already completed its review of the renewal application, it shall resume its review of the application and process it accordingly noting the surrender of the ECC specialty license. 5. The Respondent shall pay the Agency $5,500.00. If full payment has been made, the cancelled check acts as receipt of payment. If full payment has not been made, payment is due within 30 days of the Final Order. Overdue amounts are subject to statutory interest and may be referred to collections. A check made payable to the “Agency for Health Care Administration” and containing the AHCA ten-digit case number(s) should be sent to: Office of Finance and Accounting Revenue Management Unit Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 14 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 ORDERED at Tallahassee, Florida, on this_ 10. day of _Jmne. 2013. Elizabét Dudek, 3 Agency for Health Care Administration

Other Judicial Opinions A party who is adversely affected by this Final Order is entitled to judicial review, which shall be instituted by filing one copy of a notice of appeal with the Agency Clerk of AHCA, and a second copy, along with filing fee as prescribed by law, with the District Court of Appeal in the appellate district where the Agency maintains its headquarters or where a party resides. Review of proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the Florida appellate rules. The Notice of Appeal must be filed within 30 days of rendition of the order to be reviewed. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I CERTIFY that a true and corre of this Final Order_was served on the below-named persons by the method designated on this OP Jane , 2013. Richard -_=>- —— Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3 Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403 Telephone: (850) 412-3630 Jan Mills Facilities Intake Unit (Electronic Mail) Shaddrick Haston, Unit Manager Licensure Unit Agency for Health Care Administration (Electronic Mail) Finance & Accounting Revenue Management Unit (Electronic Mail) Patricia Caufman, Field Office Manager Local Field Office Agency for Health Care Administration (Electronic Mail) Katrina Derico-Harris Medicaid Accounts Receivable Agency for Health Care Administration (Electronic Mail) Suzanne Suarez Hurley Office of the General Counsel Agency for Health Care Administration (Electronic Mail) Shawn McCauley Medicaid Contract Management Theresa E. Morris, Administrator Pine Acres Golden Age Centre Agency for Health Care Administration 5030 Cub Lake Drive (Electronic Mail) Apopka, FL 32703 (U.S. Mail) Elizabeth W. McArthur JoAnne Kenna, Esq. Administrative Law Judge The Health Law Firm Division of Administrative Hearings (Electronic Mail) 1101 Douglas Avenue Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 (U.S. Mail) NOTICE OF FLORIDA LAW. 408.804 License required; display.-- (1) It is unlawful to provide services that require licensure, or operate or maintain a provider that offers or provides services that require licensure, without first obtaining from the agency a license authorizing the provision of such services or the operation or maintenance of such provider. (2) A license must be displayed in a conspicuous place readily visible to clients who enter at the address that appears on the license and is valid only in the hands of the licensee to whom it is issued and may not be sold, assigned, or otherwise transferred, voluntarily or involuntarily. The license is valid only for the licensee, provider, and location for which the license is issued. 408.812 Unlicensed activity.-- (1) A person or entity may not offer or advertise services that require licensure as defined by this part, authorizing statutes, or applicable rules to the public without obtaining a valid license from the agency. A licenseholder may not advertise or hold out to the public that he or she holds a license for other than that for which he or she actually holds the license. (2) The operation or maintenance of an unlicensed provider or the performance of any services that require licensure without proper licensure is a violation of this part and authorizing statutes. Unlicensed activity constitutes harm that materially affects the health, safety, and welfare of clients. The agency or any state attorney may, in addition to other remedies provided in this part, bring an action for an 3 injunction to restrain such violation, or to enjoin the future operation or maintenance of the unlicensed provider or the performance of any services in violation of this part and authorizing statutes, until compliance with this part, authorizing statutes, and agency rules has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the agency. (3) It is unlawful for any person or entity to own, operate, or maintain an unlicensed provider. If after receiving notification from the agency, such person or entity fails to cease operation and apply for a license under this part and authorizing statutes, the person or entity shall be subject to penalties as prescribed by authorizing statutes and applicable rules. Each day of continued operation is a separate offense. (4) Any person or entity that fails to cease operation after agency notification may be fined $1,000 for each day of noncompliance. (5) When a controlling interest or licensee has an interest in more than one provider and fails to license a provider rendering services that require licensure, the agency may revoke all licenses and impose actions under s. 408.814 and a fine of $1,000 per day, unless otherwise specified by authorizing statutes, against each licensee until such time as the appropriate license is obtained for the unlicensed operation. (6) In addition to granting injunctive relief pursuant to subsection (2), if the agency determines that a person or entity is operating or maintaining a provider without obtaining a license and determines that a condition exists that poses a threat to the health, safety, or welfare of a client of the provider, the person or entity is subject to the same actions and fines imposed against a licensee as specified in this part, authorizing statutes, and agency rules. (7) Any person aware of the operation of an unlicensed provider must report that provider to the agency.

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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Sarasota, Florida Sep. 01, 2011 Number: 11-004459 Latest Update: Dec. 08, 2011

Conclusions THIS CAUSE came on for consideration before the Agency for Health Care Administration (“the Agency”), which finds and concludes as follows: 1. The Agency issued the Petitioner (“the Applicant”) the attached Notice of Intent to Deem Application Incomplete and Withdrawn from Further Review (Ex. 1). The parties entered into the attached Settlement Agreement (Ex. 2), which is adopted and incorporated by reference. 2. The parties shall comply with the terms of the Settlement Agreement. If the Agency has not already completed its review of the application, it shall resume its review of the application. The Applicant shall pay the Agency an administrative fee of $100.00 within 30 days of the entry of this Final Order. A check made payable to the “Agency for Health Care Administration” containing the AHCA number(s) should be sent to: Agency for Health Care Administration Office of Finance and Accounting Revenue Management Unit 2727 Mahan Drive, MS# 14 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 3. Any requests for an administrative hearing are withdrawn. The parties shall bear their own costs and attorney’s fees. This matter is closed. DONE and ORDERED in Tallahassee, Florida, on this 7) day of Deeerber , 2011. © be ge oan cret 1 Administration 1 Filed December 8, 2011 3:10 PM Division of Administrative Hearings

Other Judicial Opinions A party that is adversely affected by this Final Order is entitled to seek judicial review which shall be instituted by filing one copy of a notice of appeal with the agency clerk of AHCA, and a second copy, along with filing fee as prescribed by law, with the District Court of Appeal in the appellate district where the agency maintains its headquarters or where a party resides. Review of proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the Florida appellate rules. The notice of appeal must be filed within 30 days of rendition of the order to be reviewed. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of this Final Order was served on the below- named persons/entities by the method designated on this ge day of _/f A _, 2011. Richard Shoop, Agency Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop #3 Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403 Telephone (850) 412-3630 Jan Mills Facilities Intake Unit Agency for Health Care Administration (Interoffice Mail) Roger Bell Health Care Clinic Unit Manager Agency for Health Care Administration (Interoffice Mail) Finance and Accounting Revenue Management Unit Agency for Health Care Administration (Interoffice Mail) Zachary B. Buffington, Esquire Florida Bar No. 0087748 Williams Parker Harrison Dietz & Getzen 200 South Orange Avenue Sarasota, Florida 34236 (U. S. Mail) Warren J. Bird, Asst. General Counsel Office of the General Counsel Agency for Health Care Administration (Interoffice Mail) | lizabeth W. McArthur Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (U.S. Mail) 08/16/2011 TUE 16:05 PAX Wo11/ 027 FROM ‘NEUROMUSCULAR THERAPY CENTER FAX NO. 1941-926-3342 Jul, 29 2011 @1:4 RICK SCOTT eaetter Heat car forall Flridans BUZARETH DUDEK GOVERNOR fore SECRETARY CERTIFIED MAIL / RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED July 28, 2014 Nouromusculge Therapy Center Inc Liconse Number: Po Box 1922) Case #; 2011 00 8175 Certified? Article Number SENDERS RECORD PUIG 9008 9411 4739 £330 | FURTHER REVIEW Your appllcatipn for licanse Is deemed Incomplete and withdrawn from further consideration pursuant to Section 408,806(3)(b), Florida Statutes, which states that “Requested Information omilted from an application for llcensure, liesnse renewal, or change of ownership, other than an Inspection] must be filed with the agency within 24 days after the agenoy's request for omitted Information or the application shall be deemed Incomplete and shall bs withdrawn from further consideration and the fees shall be forfeited”. You wore notified by correspondance dated July 6, 2011 to provide further information addressing Idpntified apparent errors ar omisatons within twenty-one days from the recelpt of the Agency's correspondence. Our records indicate you tacelved this correspondence by certified mail bn July 14, 2011. The Agency recelved your response to this requested Information on July 18, 2071. After careful review of your responge, your applicatian Is‘ deemed incomplete and withdrawn from further consideration. The outstanding Issues remaining for licansure are Medical/Ciinfe Director - The Medical/Clinic Director listed on the appiication ie not a qualified health care plofessional, You falled to provide the required licensure by the Florida Department of Health on the appileation. (AHCA Form 31 40-0013 July 08; Rute 69A-33.002 (1), F.A-. and 400,991 (3), F-S.) Finanglal Officer - No financial officer was listed on the application, You must furnish the full name, complete residence and business address, telephone number, and positlonititle for the Financial Officer. (AHCA Form 3110-0013 July 06; Rule 69A-33.002 (1), FAC.) Backgroun Sereaning — You falled to provide evidence of Level Hl background screening for the followinglindividual(a); & Van Vyven, Kathleen Gorman, Gregory Wlegers and Susan Peace. cement — Visit ANCA online at 2727 Mahan Prive, MS-53 Tallahassee, Fiogida 32308 ahco.myflorida.com 08/26/2011 TUE 16105 FAX FROM :NEUROMUSCU! : ULAR. THERAPY eee eT CENTER FAX ND. $941-926-3342 ha ul, 29 2041 1341 T41PM PS Neuromusoular' nerapy Center Inc Page 2 July 26, 2017 alive tearing. 1 o Section 420.589, F.S., YO ding before the Division of Administrative Hearings under Section the requirements in order to obtain a formal proceeding dminietrative hearing must co ), and must state the material facts you 420.87(4), Fog YOur request for an & Section 28-196.201, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C). an dispute. SEB ATTACHED ELECTIO! Pursuant | AND EXPLANATION OF RIGHTS FORMS. lanage Clinic Unit ce: Agency Clerk, Mail Stop 3 Legal Intake Unit, Mall Stop 3 @o12/027 STATE OF FLORIDA AGENCY FOR HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION NEUROMUSCULAR THERAPY CENTER INC., Petitioner, FRAES No.: 2011008175 vs. Case No. 11-04459 STATE OF FLORIDA, AGENCY FOR HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION, Respondent. / SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT The Petitioner (“the Applicant”) and the Respondent (“the Agency”) voluntarily enter into this Settlement Agreement (“Agreement”) and agree as follows: 1. Parties/Background. The Applicant filed an application seeking licensure within the jurisdiction of the Agency. After initial review, the Agency issued the Applicant a Notice of Intent to Deem Application Incomplete and Withdrawn From Further Review (“NOI”). The Applicant has since tendered to the Agency additional information and/or documentation in support of the application, which the Agency is willing to review. 2. Purpose and Effect of Settlement. Both parties wish to resolve this case without further litigation and recognize that by entering into this Agreement, both are expressly waiving their right to any legal proceeding they are entitled, including, but not limited to, formal and informal proceedings under Section 120.57, Florida Statutes, and appellate review. Both parties consent to the withdrawal of any request for formal or informal hearing if such a request has been made, as well as the relinquishment of jurisdiction of the informal hearing officer or administrative law judge. 3. Resumption of Application Review. The parties agree that this Agreement shall supersede the NOI and that the application will no longer be deemed to be incomplete and withdrawn from further review and the NOI is deem deemed superseded by this agreement . If the Agency has not already completed its review of the application, it shall resume its review of the application upon entry of the Final Order adopting this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement, however, shall prohibit the Agency from denying the application based upon any statute, rule, or regulation, and, if applicable, an unsatisfactory licensure survey. 4. Administrative Fee. The Applicant agrees to pay the Agency an administrative fine of ($100.00) within 30 days of the entry of the Final Order. 5. Release. The Applicant releases and forever discharges the Agency, its employees and agents, both past and current, from any and all claims, including, but not limited to, damages, attorney’s fees and costs, arising from or relating to the issuance or litigation of this NOI. 6. Costs and Attorney’s Fees. Each party shall bear their own costs and attorney’s fees. Page | of 2 EXHIBIT 2 FROM :NEUROMUSCULAR THERAPY CENTER FAX NO. :941-926-3342 Oct. @5 2011 89:18AM PZ OCT-@5-2811 18) AHCA paz GENERAL COUNSEL OFFI 850 413 5313 P.e3 O42 miei te. Counsel. The Applicant acknowledges the right to retain independent counsel and has either o! its own counsel or voluntarily waived the right to counsel. The Applicant further acknowledges that Agency counsel represents solely the Agency and that Agency counsel has not previded any legal advice to, or influenced, the Applicant in the voluntary decision to enter into this Agreement. _ & Agreement. Thi: Agreement contains the entire understandings of both parties. This Agreement supersedes any prior oral or written agreements thet may have existed between tho parties, This ent may not be amended by either party except in writing. 9 of Agreement. Both parties agree that an electronic signature suffices for an cal shut htm ene o fine copy efi ania ees a tht i Agreement may be executed in counterparts. This Agreement shal] be effective upon full execution by all parties and adoption into a Final Order. After full cxecution of this Agreement, the Agency will enter a Final Order adopting this Agreement and closing the case. . The following representatives have read and understand this Agrecment, are signing it freely and voluntarily, and ainowledge that they are authorized to enter into this Agreement. f. Bew ny B n, oe Florida Bar No. 0087748 Williams Parker Harrison Dietz & Getzen 200 South Orange Avenuc Sarasota, Florida 34236 DATED: 12 “/7 “h 2727 Maban Drive, Mail Stop #3 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 DATED: |° il aan Page 2 of 2 TOTAL P.@3

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