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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Feb. 13, 1995 Number: 95-000649 Latest Update: Oct. 16, 1995

Findings Of Fact Respondent, Jean-Baptiste Guerrier (Guerrier), holds Florida Teaching Certificate No. 59692 covering the area of English which is valid through June 30, 1995. Guerrier was employed as a teacher at Miami Edison Middle School during the 1992-93 school year. On September 20, 1993, the following disciplinary action was taken by the Dade County School System against Guerrier for conduct unbecoming a school employee: Directives were issued to Respondent to refrain from making inappropriate remarks. Respondent was issued a letter of reprimand. Respondent was placed on prescription. Respondent received an unacceptable rating for Category VII and an overall summary rating of unacceptable on his 1992-93 TADS Annual Evaluation. On November 29, 1994, the Commissioner of Education issued an Administrative Complaint against Guerrier alleging that he made inappropriate comments of a sexual nature to three eighth grade female students during the 1992-1993 school year. Based on the evidence presented Guerrier did not make such comments. The Administrative Complaint alleged that Guerrier engaged in inappropriate behavior of a sexual nature with two eighth female students during the 1992-1993 school year. Based on the evidence presented Guerrier did not engage in such behavior. A teacher at Miami Edison Middle School observed Guerrier putting his arm around female students during the changing of classes. He did not identify the students. During these occasions, Guerrier's back was turned towards the teacher. The teacher characterized Guerrier as a gregarious teacher. During the 1992-1993 school year, Guerrier had three female cousins who were attending Miami Edison Middle School. Guerrier would put his arm around his cousins' shoulders when he would see them at school. Guerrier did not put his arm around any other female students.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Administrative Complaint against Jean-Baptiste Guerrier be DISMISSED. DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of July, 1995, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. SUSAN B. KIRKLAND Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of July, 1995. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 95-649 Neither Petitioner nor Respondent filed proposed findings of fact. COPIES FURNISHED: Karen Barr Wilde, Executive Director Education Practices Commission 301 Florida Education Center 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Ronald G. Stowers, Esquire Department of Education Suite 1701, the Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 William Du Fresne, Esquire 2929 Southwest 3rd Avenue, Suite One Miami, Florida 33129 Kathleen M. Richards, Administrator Professional Practices Services 352 Fla. Education Center 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

Florida Administrative Code (1) 6B-1.006
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-003668 Latest Update: May 24, 1990

Findings Of Fact Based upon the testimony of the witnesses and the documentary evidence received at the hearing, the following findings of fact are made: The Board is the agency charged with the responsibility of operating and supervising the free public schools within the Dade County school district. As such, it is responsible for the discipline of instructional personnel employed by the district. The Education Practices Commission is responsible for the discipline of teachers who hold teaching certification from the Department of Education. At all times material to the issues of these cases, Respondent, Terrice Stevens, teaching certificate number 187207, was employed by the Board and assigned to instruct a fifth grade class at Stirrup Elementary School. Respondent is 48 years of age, has been employed by the Board for 17 or 18 years, and has taught fifth grade at Stirrup for at least 6 years. Respondent holds a bachelors degree from Bethune Cookman College and a masters degree from Nova University. During the 1984-85 school year Respondent had a student named Sasha Petersen assigned to his class. On or about November 2, 1984, Sasha's parents filed a complaint with the school principal against Respondent regarding an incident which had occurred between Sasha and the Respondent. At the end of the school day, Sasha, the last student to leave the classroom, was grabbing her personal belongings and vacating the room when Respondent blocked the doorway and wouldn't allow her to leave. Respondent grabbed Sasha by the waist and told her to give him a kiss if she wanted to leave. In order to expedite her departure, Sasha kissed Respondent on the cheek and exited to go home. She subsequently told her mother of the foregoing and they requested that Sasha be removed from Respondent's class. As a result of the incident with Sasha, on February 13, 1985, Respondent received a written reprimand which included the following instructions: Cease and desist from any physical contact with students in the performance of your duties that may give cause for students and/or adults to question your actions. Cease and desist from any action that would intentionally expose a student to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement. Deal with all students and adults in a professional and ethical manner. Maintain a positive classroom climate free from threat or embarrassment in which mutual respect develops between students and teacher. Failure to abide with the above directives will be deemed as insubordination. During the 1988-89 school year students Johanna Diaz and Monique Lafuente were assigned to Respondent's class. During this time, a number of incidents occurred in Respondent's classroom wherein Respondent unnecessarily embarrassed students or touched them inappropriately. On one such occasion, Respondent placed his hand in Johanna's front pocket and touched her breast. This touching was not accidental, nor was it prompted by the student's conduct. Other incidents which occurred included: Respondent's constant referral to female students who sat on the front of their chairs as "Bertha Butt" Respondent's statement to the students that their parents had made a big mistake (referring to the night of their conception) which he wished he could have stopped; Respondent repeatedly told the class that one day he would marry Maria Alcazar (a student in the class); Respondent took a female student (Monique) into a rear workroom on two occasions, hugged her, and attempted to touch her breast; Respondent grabbed a female student by the hips to push her back into her chair; and Respondent accused a student of cheating which embarrassed the student in front of the class. When students advised the Stirrup administration of the activities described above, Respondent was relieved of his classroom assignment. Respondent's explanations regarding the acts and his denial of the incidents were not credible. As a result of the foregoing conduct, Respondent's effectiveness to instruct in the Dade County public schools has been significantly impaired. Respondent failed to abide by the terms of the written reprimand and demonstrated an indifference to his students which resulted in repeated incidents of embarrassment and disparagement for them.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That the School Board of Dade County, Florida, enter a final order dismissing the Respondent from his employment with the public school district. That the Department of Education, Education Practices Commission enter a final order revoking the Respondent's teaching certificate. DONE and ENTERED this 24th day of May, 1990, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. JOYOUS D. PARRISH Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of May, 1990. APPENDIX TO CASE NOS. 89-3668 AND 89-6802 RULINGS ON THE PROPOSED FINDINGS OF FACT SUBMITTED BY THE PETITIONER, SCHOOL BOARD OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Paragraph 1 is accepted. With regard to paragraph 2, the first three sentences are accepted. The remainder of the paragraph is rejected as irrelevant or unsupported by the record. Paragraph 3 is accepted in substance. Paragraph 4 is accepted. Paragraphs 5 and 6 are accepted. Paragraph 7 is rejected as cumulative to the findings reached regarding students named Sasha, Johanna, and Monique. Except as listed in findings of fact paragraph 6, paragraph 8 is rejected as cumulative or unnecessary. Except as listed in findings of fact paragraph 6, paragraph 9 is rejected as cumulative, repetitive, or unnecessary. Paragraph 10 is accepted. Paragraph 11 is rejected as recitation of testimony. RULINGS ON THE PROPOSED FINDINGS OF FACT SUBMITTED BY THE PETITIONER, BETTY CASTOR: Paragraphs 1 through 11 are accepted. Paragraph 12 is rejected as cumulative. Paragraphs 13 through 16 are rejected as cumulative. Paragraph 17 is accepted. Paragraph 18 is accepted. Paragraph 19 is accepted. Paragraph 20 is accepted. Paragraph 21 is rejected as cumulative. Paragraphs 22 through 24 are accepted. Paragraph 25 is rejected as recitation of testimony. Paragraph 26 is accepted. To the extent that substantively paragraphs 27 through 28 correctly state the community concern regarding this Respondent they are accepted; otherwise rejected as irrelevant or recitation of testimony. Paragraphs 29 through 31 are rejected as recitation of testimony. It is accepted as fact that Respondent has embarrassed and disparaged students and that such conduct reached a level which demonstrates Respondent's effectiveness in the school and in teaching has been significantly impaired. RULINGS ON THE PROPOSED FINDINGS OF FACT SUBMITTED BY THE RESPONDENT: Paragraphs 1 through 3 are accepted. Paragraph 4 is rejected as contrary to the weight of credible evidence. Paragraphs 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 are rejected as contrary to the weight of the credible evidence, irrelevant, or supposition not supported by the weight of the evidence. COPIES FURNISHED: Frank Harder Twin Oaks Building, Suite 100 2780 Galloway Road Miami, Florida 33165 Mrs. Madelyn P. Schere Assistant School Board Attorney School Board of Dade County Board Administration Building, Suite 301 1450 Northeast 2nd Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 John A. Rudolph, Jr. HUEY, GUILDAY, KUERSTEINER & TUCKER, P.A. Post Office Box 1794 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 William DuFresne DuFRESNE AND BRADLEY 2929 S.W. Third Avenue, Suite One Miami, Florida 33129 Karen B. Wilde, Executive Director Education Practices Commission 301 Florida Education Center 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Martin Schaap, Administrator Professional Practices Services 319 West Madison Street Room 3 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Honorable Betty Castor Commissioner of Education State of Florida The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Dade County School Board Paul W. Bell, Superintendent 1444 Biscayne Blvd., Suite 215 Miami, Florida 33132

Florida Administrative Code (2) 6B-1.0016B-4.009
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 76-001950 Latest Update: Nov. 22, 1977

The Issue Whether the teaching certificate of Respondent John Eugene Armstrong should be suspended, revoked or annulled.

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner Professional Practices Council seeks to revoke Respondent John Eugene Armstrong's teaching certificate based on a recommendation filed September 20, 1976, by Hugh Ingram, Administrator of the Council. The Council alleges that the Respondent is guilty of gross immorality and that he failed to perform his duties as educator as required by Section 231.09, Florida Statutes. Pursuant to the raising of the issue of fairness and constitutional guarantees by the hearing panel of the Professional Practices Council and without admitting the validity of the issue, the Council relinquished jurisdiction of the cause and requested that jurisdiction be assumed by a Hearing Officer from the Division of Administrative Hearings. The Petition for the Revocation of Teacher's Certificate filed by the Petitioner on October 7, 1976, contended that Respondent John Eugene Armstrong: "1. On August 16, 1967, at 4:00 p.m. made two threatening phone calls to Mr. Claude O. Hilliard, former principal, using pro- fane language; On or about January 14, 1975, made an obscene gesture with his fingers to Linda Rhodes, a student; On or about June 20, 1975, confronted Mrs. Marilyn H. Bagby, Coordinator EMR, in a classroom and made threatening remarks; On or about November 10, 1975, entered the girls' locker room when the girls were dressing out for class as observed by Coach Ruth Stevens and Coach Geraldine Williams; On or about November 10, 1975, in rela- tion to the incident in Number 4, threatened Ms. Ida L. Shellman, Administrative assistant; On or about December 10, 1975, fondled the upper portion of Gwendolyn Lowe's, a student's, body; On January 29, 1976, in the presence of Mr. R. L. Ballew, Director, Area I, made accusations against Mr. Milton Threadcraft, principal, in a threatening manner; On March 3, 1976, struck Lavern White, a student, on or about his neck causing bruises; On March 12, 1976, struck Johnny Hill, a student lacerating his upper lip; The Respondent Armstrong was first employed by the Board of Education in the public schools of Duval County, Florida, in 1952. He holds valid Florida Teaching Certificate Number 401436. In 1973 he was assigned to Northwestern High School to teach industrial arts and was assigned to teach classes of educable mentally retarded (EMR) students. He taught special education industrial arts classes consisting of seventh and eighth grade students. Respondent stated that he had attempted to obtain a transfer from the Northwestern School on a number of occasions both because of dissatisfaction with the facilities and because of harassment he received from the administration. He stated that discipline was a major problem among EMR students. Various witnesses were called to testify and findings in regard to the aforementioned charges are as follows: The charge that Respondent made threatening phone calls to Mr. Claude O. Hilliard, former principal, using profane language was not proved. The charge that Respondent made an obscene gesture with his fingers to Linda Rhodes, a student, was denied by the Respondent who stated that he did not know what an obscene gesture meant. The student testified that he "shot a bird" at her and demonstrated by position of her fingers. She was a member of Respondent Armstrong's class two years ago and was advised by her counselor, Mrs. Shellman, to write out a complaint against Respondent. Upon observing the demeanor of the witnesses, I find the Respondent did make such a gesture to Linda Rhodes, a sixteen year old student. Considering the testimony of the Respondent and of Mrs. Marilyn H. Bagby, the Hearing Officer finds that Respondent was upset and did in fact make remarks to her concerning a report she made subsequent to her observation of Respondent's teaching and room atmosphere which he had not received and that the witness Bagby was in fact frightened by the presence of the Respondent in her room alone, his close proximity and his tone of voice on or about June 20, 1975. She verbally reported the incident to her supervisors and later made a written report of the incident. Respondent testified that if he threatened her he did not recall it. The Respondent admitted that he did in fact enter the girls locker room when the girls were dressing out for class on or about November 10, 1975. The evidence does not show that the entrance into the girls locker room was for an immoral purpose although he knew or should have known he should not have entered when the girls were in various stages of undress. Considering the testimony of the Respondent and Mrs. Ida L. Shellman, Administrative Assistant, concerning the locker room incident, the Hearing Officer finds that by Respondent's presence with his hands in his pockets, his remarks and his general tone of voice, Mrs. Shellman was in fact threatened and frightened. Respondent testified that he did not recall his conversation relative to the incident as being threatening. The charge that on or about December 10, 1975, Respondent fondled the upper portion of Gwendolyn Lowe's, a student's, body was not proven by the evidence. The charge is that on January 29, 1976, in the presence of R. L. Ballew, Director, Area I, Respondent made accusations against Mr. Milton Threadcraft, the principal, in a threatening manner. The testimony of Mr. Threadcraft is believable when he testified that Respondent accused him of being incompetent and said that he, Respondent, was not going to put up with it. The remarks of Respondent were subsequent to a commotion in the school room in which wood was being thrown about and the Respondent had taken a student by the arms to discipline him. The principal, Threadcraft, was called by other students to witness the actions of Respondent. Respondent was relieved of his duties for the remainder of the day after a later confrontation with the principal and director. The testimony and evidence supports the charge. Charge Number 8 that Respondent struck Lavern White on March 3, 1976, on or about his neck causing bruises was proven by the testimony of the student, Lavern White, and also by a fellow student, Johnnie Hills. Sufficient evidence was not shown that Respondent in fact did strike Johnnie Hills on March 12, 1976, lacerating his lip although the evidence shows that Respondent did use corporal punishment by pushing the student against the wall to discipline him. Respondent attempted to discipline students through physical restraints. The Respondent was dissatisfied with his teaching position in the school to which he was assigned. He had asked to be transferred, he testified, about ten times in three years. The students were a discipline problem. The method of discipline of the students was to use force which, among other things, caused the students to be dissatisfied with their classwork. Order was not kept in the class and objects were thrown about the class from time to time. The Respondent was feared by some of the other teachers and by some of the students. From the general comments of the students of Respondent and the adult staff members, it is evident that the classes of Respondent did not reflect an atmosphere for optimum learning. Respondent appeared resentful of his professional status and uncooperative toward the other members of the educational community. He displayed no interest in the education of his students.

Recommendation Suspend the teaching certificate of the Respondent Armstrong for a period of time not to exceed three (3) years. DONE and ORDERED this 29th day of June, 1977, in Tallahassee, Florida. DELPHENE C. STRICKLAND Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: David A. Barrett, Esquire Post Office Box 1501 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Donald Nichols, Esquire 320 East Adams Street Jacksonville, Florida 32202

# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Oct. 06, 2017 Number: 17-005526PL Latest Update: Jun. 25, 2018

The Issue Whether Respondent violated section 1012.795(1)(j), Florida Statutes (2016), or Florida Administrative Code Rules 6A- 10.081(2)(a)1. and 5.; and, if so, what penalty should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact The Florida Education Commission is the state agency charged with the certification and regulation of Florida educators. Respondent, Lillie Williams-Graham, holds State of Florida Educator’s Certificate 973805, authorizing her to teach Health Education. Respondent was employed by Duval Charter Scholars Academy (Duval Charter) in Jacksonville, Florida, as an eighth- grade English/Language Arts (ELA) teacher from August 29 to September 13, 2016. Respondent taught classes for only three days during that timeframe. Duval Charter is a Title I school where many students have behavioral problems. The school’s Principal, Carin White, testified that “historically the school has been a difficult school to work in.” She explained, “We did have a resource officer there for a reason, because students do tend to misbehave.” On August 31, 2016, student L.C. came to Principal White around 1:00 p.m., and complained to Principal White that Respondent had grabbed L.C. by the arm in the cafeteria and pulled her away from the table, out of the cafeteria, and up the stairs. Principal White was familiar with L.C. from Principal White’s internship with the prior principal during the last nine weeks of the 2015-2016 school year. Principal White testified she knew L.C. to be a good student who “did not typically get in trouble” in class, had no behavior record, and had no referrals on L.C. from the deans. At roughly the same time L.C. came to Principal White with her complaints about Respondent, students K.B. and S.H. came to Merralee Block, the school’s Guidance Counselor. K.B. complained to Ms. Block that Respondent had hit her on the head in class while her head was down on her desk. K.B. and S.H. also related that Respondent had grabbed another student, D.W.’s, face during class. Ms. Block had some familiarity with K.B. because K.B. volunteered in Ms. Block’s classroom with younger students. Otherwise, Ms. Block’s relationship with K.B. was no different from any other student to whom she was guidance counselor. Ms. Block also had a relationship with S.H. prior to the 2016-2017 school year. During the prior school year, S.H. worked with a group of younger students in Ms. Block’s classroom on a weekly basis. Ms. Block described S.H. in glowing terms: “a fine young woman,” “a really beautiful person,” and a good student. Ms. Block deemed the students’ complaints serious enough to bring to the attention of Principal White. Ms. Block stepped into Principal White’s office, where Principal White was speaking to L.C. Principal White stepped into the hallway with Ms. Block where K.B. and S.H. were waiting. Ms. Block informed Principal White that the students had complaints about Respondent touching them. It was an early dismissal day and students began crowding the hallway. D.W. and I.H. were walking together, saw K.B. and S.H., and stopped to talk.1/ As Principal White explained, “[T]hey just kind of all converged, and they started their, you know, oh, yeah, that happened.” At some point in this informal setting, D.W. stated something to the effect of “oh, yeah, she grabbed my face one day too.” Principal White “shushed them all” and asked to speak with each student individually. Because it was dismissal, Principal White took only verbal statements and informed them she would take written statements the following day. About 4:00 p.m. on August 31, 2016, Principal White asked Assistant Principal Meagan Connolly to join her in a meeting with Respondent. During the meeting, Principal White informed Respondent of the students’ complaints and asked to hear Respondent’s side. Respondent admitted touching student D.W.’s face in class, “gently” to get his attention. Respondent admitted touching L.C. on the arm to get her attention in the cafeteria, but denied pulling her. Respondent denied touching K.B. During the interview with Respondent, Principal White described Respondent as “extremely calm, quiet, and stoic in response to what I was telling her the students had reported.” Principal White informed Respondent that an investigation would be conducted. On September 1, 2016, Principal White took written statements from the students, as well as Respondent, contacted her Supervisor, April Williams, and conducted a conference call with the human resources department.2/ Following the conference call, Respondent was asked to turn in her keys, escorted to her car, and placed on leave pending the outcome of an investigation into the students’ allegations. Respondent was terminated by Duval Charter effective September 13, 2016. During the investigation by the Education Practices Commission, each of the students was questioned by, and gave additional written statements to, Lisa Robinson, an Investigator with the Florida Department of Education. Administrative Allegations Petitioner’s Amended Administrative Complaint contains the following material allegations: 3. During the 2016-2017 school year, Respondent repeatedly touched students improperly when: Respondent grabbed L.C., a female eighth-grade student, by the arm and pulled her out of the cafeteria. Respondent struck K.B., a female eighth-grade student, on the head when K.B.’s head was down on her desk. Respondent grabbed D.S., a male eighth- grade student, by the jaw and turned D.S.’s head so that he was looking at her. Throughout the final hearing, Respondent’s demeanor was calm and respectful. She was patient with the students, not argumentative when she cross-examined witnesses, and respectful and courteous to both the undersigned and Petitioner’s counsel. Respondent expressed concern that some of the students conspired together and exaggerated certain events in order to get her in trouble at the school. Alleged Pulling of L.C. On August 31, 2016, L.C. and her classmates ate lunch in the cafeteria at a table close to the exit door to the stairwell. L.C. testified that, while she was getting up from the cafeteria table, Respondent “came up to me and grabbed me [by the left arm above the elbow] and pulled me through the cafeteria and up the stairs.” L.C. testified she told Respondent not to touch her and tried to pull away from Respondent, but Respondent was holding her arm too tightly. Respondent testified that she had taken her students after their lunch period upstairs to go to their next class, when another student told her that L.C. was still in the cafeteria. Respondent went back to the cafeteria to retrieve L.C., whom she found engaged in an argument with another student at the lunch table. Respondent said L.C.’s name to get her attention, but the cafeteria was too loud for Respondent to be heard. Respondent testified she touched L.C.’s arm to get her attention and told her to come with Respondent upstairs to her next class. Respondent denied pulling L.C. by the arm, but admitted hearing L.C. tell Respondent not to touch her. Petitioner introduced video footage of the cafeteria on the date in question, and had L.C. testify contemporaneously about the actions unfolding in the video. The video is of poor quality and especially grainy in the area of the cafeteria farthest from the camera--precisely the area in which the incident allegedly transpired. The date/time stamp on the video recording further obscured the undersigned’s view. The video footage is not competent evidence to support a finding that Respondent grabbed L.C. by the arm and pulled her through the cafeteria. At best, the video depicts Respondent approaching L.C. at the cafeteria table and L.C. leaving the cafeteria with Respondent quickly and slightly ahead of Respondent. Ms. Connolly viewed the school’s “live feed” video of the cafeteria during the school’s investigation of the incident. She testified that the live feed video was of the same view as that introduced in evidence, but had no time/date stamp. Ms. Connolly viewed, rewound, and reviewed the video a few times. In Ms. Connolly’s written statement regarding the incident, she stated, “After playing and rewinding the video, it does appear that [Respondent] does make contact with L.C.’s arm to get her to move out of the cafeteria and up the stairs.” During her testimony at final hearing, Ms. Connolly added that there was “a pulling motion,” but she could not say it was a “continual motion.” She testified, in pertinent part, as follows: What I recall seeing after playing and rewinding is that it does look like there is contact, like, that there is a pulling motion. There are spaces in the video, like I saw here, where someone may be sort of directly in the view, but I don’t know if it was continual motion. But it does look like there was a pulling initially, and a pulling towards the stairwell. * * * So the video that I watched and played at the school live feed, I watched a few times, and I do see spots where there is a pulling motion. * * * I do feel what I saw was a contact. It looked like a pulling motion initially. Again, the view, it’s hard to recall. Like, you can’t see all the way through. And then it does look like there’s still that sort of thing, contact, towards the stairs. That’s what I do remember. That is not fully what I wrote. Ms. Connolly’s testimony is not competent evidence to support a finding that Respondent grabbed L.C. by the arm and pulled her through the cafeteria. K.B. was the only witness claiming to have seen the incident in person. K.B. testified that Respondent “like pulled L.C.’s arm and like—not dragged her, but like pulled her up the stairs.” Later she clarified that she did not actually see L.C. and Respondent go up the stairs, but saw Respondent pull L.C. by the arm through the stairwell door. The troubling part of K.B.’s testimony is that she is one of L.C.’s cohorts, who, according to Principal White, followed the same schedule as L.C. If so, K.B. would have already been upstairs on her way to her next class at the time of the incident. Respondent testified that, at the time of the incident, “None of my students were at the table at that time. She was the only one that was left in the cafeteria. Everybody else was upstairs.” K.B.’s testimony is not competent evidence to support a finding that Respondent grabbed L.C. by the arm and pulled her through the cafeteria to the exit. As to Petitioner’s first allegation, the evidence supports a finding that Respondent did make physical contact with L.C. and accompanied her out of the cafeteria. The evidence does not support a finding that Respondent pulled L.C. from the table and out of the cafeteria. Alleged Striking of K.B. K.B. had her head down on her desk in Respondent’s class while Respondent was teaching from the front of the room. K.B.’s desk was in the back of the classroom. K.B. testified as follows: I put my head down and I was sleeping. And she - I don’t remember like everything that happened, but she came and like - you know, how like a normal teacher, like nudge you on the shoulder and say can you please wake up; she like hit me on my head, but not like – not hard like a fight hard, but like – kind of like where it hurted. And I text my mom and told her. K.B. did not see Respondent hit her. K.B. determined Respondent hit her because when she sat up she saw Respondent walking up the row of desks toward the front of the room. In the written statement K.B. gave to Principal White on September 1, 2016, K.B. wrote, “I had my head down in class and [Respondent] came up and hit my head and said ‘No sleeping’ and I got mad.” In the written statement K.B. gave during Ms. Robinson’s investigation, K.B. wrote, “I had my head down on the desk because I wasn’t feeling well, so [Respondent] came and hit me on my head, in the middle of it, and her hand was open, it hurted from on a scale 1-10, 10 being the worst, it was a 5.” K.B. did not see who hit her on the head. It would have been impossible for K.B. to know whether the person who hit her had their hand open or closed. K.B.’s mother testified that she received a text from K.B. during school about the incident. Ms. Brooks did not testify about the content of the text. Ms. Brooks testified that, when she came home from work, “[K.B.] just said that the teacher popped her in the back of the head to wake her up.” Ms. Brooks testified that K.B. was upset about the incident, and that K.B. was embarrassed and crying. K.B. testified that she was “kind of embarrassed because I thought everybody saw, but nobody saw.” The student witness accounts of the incident were just as conflicting as that of K.B. Student L.C. testified that she saw Respondent “walk up to K.B.” but that L.C. looked away and then heard K.B. say “don’t touch me” and saw K.B. “move her shoulder.” L.C. testified that she did not see Respondent touch K.B. However, in her statement given to Ms. Robinson, L.C. stated, “I saw [Respondent] lightly tap K.B.’s shoulder and told her to get up.” L.C.’s account was neither credible nor reliable. The most credible student witness was S.H. S.H.’s demeanor was calm, respectful, and serious. S.H. no longer attends Duval Charter and testified via video from her new school. If the students did conspire to get Respondent in trouble, as Respondent suggests, S.H. was in a position to come clean without suffering retaliation from the other students. S.H.’s credibility was bolstered, as well, by Ms. Block’s glowing description of S.H. S.H. testified that her seat in Respondent’s classroom was about three feet away from K.B. S.H. testified that K.B. had her head down on her desk and Respondent said “if your partner is sleeping” wake them up. S.H. tapped K.B., but she could not say for sure whether it was on K.B.’s head or her shoulder. K.B. did not wake up when S.H. touched K.B. S.H. testified, “And [Respondent] came over and tapped [K.B.’s] head.” In her written statement given to Principal White, S.H. wrote, “K.B. . . . was laying her head on the desk, [Respondent] stated ‘if your partner is laying on the desk give them a shove’ so I tapped K.B. Then [Respondent] came over to wake her up hitting her head. I (S.H.) was not aware it hurt her.” S.H. testified that Respondent “tapped” K.B. on the head, but wrote that Respondent “hit” K.B. on the head. At the final hearing, S.H. explained that her written statement was “a poor choice of wording.” In response to the undersigned’s request that S.H. clarify what she meant, S.H. explained, “At the time, I didn’t have such a wide vocabulary, so like – I’m assuming the only word I could use to describe what happened was a hit.” The competent, substantial evidence supports a finding that Respondent patted K.B. on the head to wake her and reengage her in the class. Petitioner alleges Respondent “struck” K.B. on the head while K.B.’s head was down on her desk. Merriam Webster defines “Strike” as follows3/: Definition of strike struck play \'str?k\; struck also stricken play \'stri-k?n\; striking play \'stri- ki?\ intransitive verb 1: to take a course: go struck off through the brush. 2a: to aim and usually deliver a blow, stroke, or thrust (as with the hand, a weapon, or a tool). b: to arrive with detrimental effect disaster struck c: to attempt to undermine or harm something as if by a blow. struck at . . . cherished notions--R. P. Warren. 3: to come into contact forcefully two ships struck in mid channel. The evidence does not support a finding that Respondent touched K.B.’s head forcefully or that she took aim and delivered a blow to K.B.’s head. Alleged Grabbing of D.W.’s Jaw D.W. was a student in Respondent’s eighth-grade ELA class. D.W. testified that he was talking in class and Respondent asked him to stop. When he did not, D.W. testified that Respondent “grabbed my face and told me to look at her when she is talking to me.” D.W. demonstrated that Respondent placed her hand on his jaw and “turned [his face] toward her.” D.W.’s testimony at the final hearing was consistent with both his written statement he gave to Principal White and the statement he made to Investigator Robinson. Both students, K.B. and I.W., witnessed the incident and testified about it during the final hearing. Their testimony was consistent with both D.W.’s testimony and his written statements. D.W. testified that he became angry with Respondent for putting her hands on him. Respondent does not deny touching D.W.’s face in an attempt to get his attention. She maintains that she spoke calmly with affirming words and was neither angry nor frustrated. On cross-examination by Respondent, D.W.’s attitude changed dramatically. D.W.’s demeanor transformed from matter- of-fact to subdued, almost shy. His tone was apologetic. On cross-examination, D.W. admitted that Respondent was, at the time of the incident, speaking words into his ear. He remembered Respondent saying “Please stop, look at me son, I don’t want you to get in trouble.” D.W. also recalled Respondent saying, “I’m trying to give you a chance to be better, I need you to show me that you can, okay?” D.W. agreed with Respondent that she was trying to change his mind about his actions in a positive way. Further, D.W. admitted on cross-examination that he did not feel as if he were in danger or that Respondent was going to hurt him. The evidence supports a finding that Respondent did grasp D.W.’s face in class and turn it so that he was facing her. D.W.’s testimony that he became angry was credible. The greater weight of the evidence supports a finding that D.W. was embarrassed by the incident occurring in front of his classmates. Intentional Embarrassment D.W. was embarrassed by having Respondent grab his face and ask him to look at her when she was talking to him in front of his classmates. Likewise, K.B. was embarrassed when she thought her classmates saw Respondent touch her head to wake her. L.C. did not testify that she was embarrassed by Respondent’s contact with her in the cafeteria. L.C. was certainly angry about the interaction, as were D.W. and K.B. The evidence is insufficient to support a finding that Respondent intended to subject the students to embarrassment or to disparage them in front of their classmates. As to D.W., Respondent’s intent was clearly to redirect the student and encourage more positive behavior. As to L.C. and K.B., the evidence is insufficient to establish that Respondent’s intent was anything other than to get the students’ attention and keep them on track.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Administrative Complaint be dismissed in its entirety, and the Education Practices Commission take no action against Respondent’s certificate. DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of February, 2018, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S SUZANNE VAN WYK Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of February, 2018.

Florida Laws (5) 1012.011012.795120.569120.57120.68
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Pensacola, Florida Aug. 11, 1997 Number: 97-003763 Latest Update: Oct. 15, 1998

The Issue The issues are whether Respondent had good cause to reject the Escambia County School Superintendent's nomination of Petitioner to be principal of Woodham High School, and, if not, what relief should be granted to Petitioner.

Findings Of Fact Pensacola High School (PHS) is located in Pensacola, Escambia County, Florida. It is an inner city school of approximately 2000 students with a diverse population. Petitioner was appointed principal at PHS for the 1994- 1995 school year by Dr. Bill Malloy, the former Superintendent of Escambia County Schools. Petitioner served in that capacity until Superintendent Malloy transferred him in March of 1996 to the position of Director of Student Transfers. At all times material to this proceeding, Respondent had a policy requiring principals to report incidents of suspected child abuse immediately to the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS)(currently the Department of Children and Families.) Another policy required principals to immediately report bomb threats to the district office and to proceed with the evacuation of the school property as instructed. Before school began in the fall of 1995, Petitioner assigned Kevin Sanders to be the teacher in charge of the In School Suspension (ISS) class. Petitioner made this assignment because Mr. Sanders previously had developed and successfully operated a similar class at PHS. The school district approved the plan at PHS for an ISS unit as designed by Mr. Sanders. Mr. Sanders also served as a weight training coach at PHS. He was not the only teacher/coach to run an ISS program for Respondent during the 1995-1996 school year. At least three other schools had coaches running their respective ISS programs in the fall of 1995. There is no persuasive evidence that the assignment of a coach to be in charge of an ISS class was in direct contravention of the Superintendent's instructions. No one ever told Petitioner that the Superintendent did not want a coach-like person in charge of the ISS class. Mr. Sanders wanted to work in the weight room at the stadium during the last period of the school day. Petitioner told Mr. Sanders that he could work in the weight room, provided he found someone to supervise his ISS class during that period. There is no credible evidence that Mr. Sanders had permission from Petitioner to take his ISS students to the stadium and leave them unattended in the bleachers. On October 16, 1995, a fifteen-year-old female student skipped school. The police returned the female student to PHS. As a consequence of her actions, the female student was temporarily assigned to the ISS class taught by Mr. Sanders. Normally, the female student attended a class for special students in the Exceptional Student Education (ESE) program. She functioned academically on a third or fourth grade level. On October 17, 1995, Ms. Sanders took his ISS class to the stadium and told them to sit in the bleachers. He then went to the weight room leaving the class unsupervised. The female student went into one of the restrooms in the stadium. She performed fellatio on a number of male students, primarily football players, in the presence of many other students. In the fall of 1995, PHS had several deans who served the general student population. Richard Sousa was the dean of students for ESE participants. He also served as the crisis teacher for the total student population at PHS. On October 18, 1995, Mr. Sousa saw a group of students outside the dean's office. When he investigated, Mr. Sousa found the female student sitting in a chair with her hands on her head. After Mr. Sousa closed the door to the deans' office, the female student stated that other students were falsely accusing her of performing oral sex with some boys. Mr. Sousa then took the female student to an ESE self-contained classroom so that she would not be harassed. Next, Mr. Sousa called the female student's mother and reported the facts as he understood them. The mother told Mr. Sousa that her daughter was not sexually active. Mr. Sousa asked the mother to pick up her daughter from school because the child was visibly upset. Later that day, Mr. Sousa reported to Petitioner that he had heard a rumor about sexual activity occurring in the stadium, on the fifty-yard line, or on the practice field. Mr. Sousa told Petitioner that other students were teasing the female student who denied being involved in any sexual behavior. After receiving this report, Petitioner directed Assistant Principal Leo Carvalis to contact Coach David Wilson, the head football coach. Petitioner instructed Coach Wilson and Mr. Sousa to investigate the rumor regarding the sexual activity. Coach Wilson talked to the football team that afternoon. The team assured him that they knew nothing of any sexual incident in the stadium, the football field, or the practice field. Coach Wilson and Petitioner discussed the situation again later that day. Petitioner told Coach Wilson to continue to listen to what was going on among the students, to ask questions, and to make his findings known. Petitioner gave other members of his staff and faculty the same instructions. Petitioner wanted to determine whether there was any truth to the rumor about the sexual incident. He wanted to discipline any students involved, including football players. However, Petitioner did not want to accuse any student, including the alleged victim, of inappropriate behavior until he had more facts. At the end of the day on October 18, 1995, Mr. Sousa did not believe that the sexual incident had occurred. He knew that special education students are often harassed, ostracized and picked on. Mr. Sousa thought the teasing would blow over and the female student could be returned to her regular classroom. Mr. Sousa expressed this opinion to Petitioner. For the rest of the week, Mr. Sousa took lunch to the female student in the ESE self-contained classroom because other students teased and pointed fingers at her. Mr. Sousa had to walk to the bus with the female student for the same reason. Nevertheless, Mr. Sousa continued to believe the rumor was false. His disbelief was based in part on the female student's persistent denials. Additionally, it was not uncommon for a rumor such as the one at issue here to prove to be unfounded. The next week, the female student requested that she be permitted to return to her regular ESE classes because she believed the teasing was over. Mr. Sousa granted the female student's request; however, after a couple of class periods, Mr. Sousa returned her to the self-contained classroom because even the special education students were saying things about her. Amanda Williams and Naomi Ferguson were guidance counselors at PHS during the fall of 1995. On October 26, 1995, Ms. Ferguson indicated to PHS Assistant Principal Sarah Armstrong that Petitioner knew about the sexual incident involving some of the football players. According to Ms. Ferguson, Petitioner was trying to cover up the situation because the football team was doing well. Later that day, Petitioner held a meeting in his office with Ms. Ferguson, Ms. Williams, Mr. Sousa, Ms. Armstrong, and Mr. Carvalis. During the meeting, Ms. Armstrong advised Petitioner that Ms. Williams had information from a male student (an informant) confirming the sexual incident but would not reveal her source because of confidentiality concerns. Petitioner asked Ms. Williams to speak with him in private. During their private conversation Ms. Williams revealed that an informant had given her information about a second male student who was involved in the sexual incident at the stadium. Ms. Williams gave Petitioner the names of both students. When he and Ms. Williams returned to the meeting, Petitioner stated, "I believe something must have happened. This is a credible witness." He also stated, "To hell with the football team. If these players can get away with this now, what will they think they can get away with in the future?" For the first time, Petitioner began to suspect that the sexual incident was factual and not an unfounded rumor. Ms. Ferguson revealed additional information about the female student at the meeting on October 26, 1995. Ms. Ferguson stated that the female student's mother intended to send her daughter to live with an uncle in Tampa, Florida. The female student did not want to make this move. The female student told Ms. Ferguson that the uncle had sexually molested her in the past. Ms. Armstrong stated that someone needed to call HRS to report the suspected sexual abuse by a family member. The group decided that HRS should also look into the allegations of sexual activity at the school. Petitioner instructed Ms. Ferguson to call HRS. He asked her to wait just long enough for someone to advise the female student's mother that an investigation was pending. There is no persuasive evidence that Petitioner ever intended to cover up the sexual incident. Likewise, he did not unreasonably delay his staff from reporting their suspicions to HRS. On October 26, 1995, Petitioner mistakenly understood that cases of suspected child abuse had to be reported to HRS within 24 hours instead of immediately. The last instructions he gave in the meeting on October 26, 1995, was to remind Ms. Ferguson to call HRS. She made that call on October 27, 1995. The female student was isolated from the general student population in the self-contained ESE classroom at PHS. Therefore, Mr. Sousa recommended at the meeting on October 26, 1995, that the school conduct an Individual Education Plan (IEP) meeting to review the female student's placement. He believed that the female student should be transferred to another school so that she could attend classes with the general population. After receiving Petitioner's authorization, Mr. Sousa contacted the Exceptional Student Education (ESE) district staff to arrange for an IEP meeting. Mr. Sousa also called the female student's mother on October 27, 1995, to advise her of his recommendation. On October 27, 1995, Petitioner talked to the male student who, according to Ms. Williams' informant, participated in the sexual incident at the stadium. The male student confirmed that the sexual incident occurred in the stadium. However, there is no evidence that the student admitted his personal involvement in the sexual activity to Petitioner at that time. The police investigation later revealed that the male student was one of the students who had participated in the sexual incident. At the IEP meeting on October 31, 1995, the entire IEP team, including ESE teachers from PHS and Woodham High School (WHS), ESE district staff, and the female student and her mother, discussed the reasons for changing the student's placement to WHS. Everyone on the IEP team, except the female student, believed that she should be transferred to a new school environment with peers who did not know her. The female student begged her mother not to permit the transfer. However, the parent agreed that the transfer was in her daughter's best interest and offered to provide transportation. On November 1, 1995 or November 2, 1995, the female student was supposed to enroll at WHS. Instead, she returned to PHS. Mr. Sousa called the mother to pick up her daughter and take her to WHS. On November 3, 1995, Mr. Sousa called the female student's mother. She stated that everything was all right with her daughter at WHS. On Monday, November 6, 1995, the female student's mother called Mr. Sousa because her daughter had run away from home. The mother wanted Mr. Sousa to be on the lookout for her daughter. During the conversation, the mother stated for the first time that the rumors about the sexual incident might be true because, despite her daughter's denials, it had been confirmed by one of her daughter's friends. Mr. Sousa informed Petitioner about the suspicions of the female student's mother. Petitioner then directed Coach Wilson to talk with the football team again. No one on the team would admit their involvement in the sexual incident. Petitioner also told the deans and the assistant principals to see if they could determine what had happened and who was involved. The efforts of the faculty and staff to verify the rumors were unsuccessful. On November 9, 1995, Petitioner received a letter from Ms. Ferguson suggesting that he was responsible for trying to cover up the sexual incident. He also received a call from Special Assistant to the School Superintendent Jerry Watson, stating that he had heard "bad things" were going on at PHS. Petitioner called a meeting with the appropriate PHS staff to discuss information about the alleged sexual incident. They reviewed information furnished by the male students and the female student's mother. During this meeting, Petitioner expressed his concern that someone in the group was acting unprofessionally by leaking confidential information about students to persons outside of PHS. Petitioner advised the group that he would try to transfer anyone who breached the students' confidentially. Petitioner did not make these comments to threaten or intimidate his staff and faculty or to cover up the sexual episode. After the meeting on November 9, 1995, Petitioner took Ms. Ferguson's letter to the district office where he met with Sherman Robinson, Deputy School Superintendent. Petitioner told Mr. Robinson about the facts leading up to the receipt of the letter. Mr. Robinson told Petitioner to contact Joe Hammons, the Superintendent's attorney, for advice as to the appropriate action. Petitioner then made an appointment with Mr. Hammons for Monday, November 13, 1995, because Friday, November 10, 1995, was a holiday. On November 13, 1995, Mr. Hammons met with Petitioner. At this meeting, Petitioner told Mr. Hammons what he knew concerning the sexual incident. Mr. Hammons then scheduled a meeting for November 14, 1995, with Petitioner, Mr. Robinson, and two members from the school district's risk management department. At the meeting on November 14, 1995, the group determined that information available from the male students and the female student's mother, justified contacting the Pensacola Police Department. Upon leaving that meeting, Petitioner contacted Sergeant Potts at the police department. The deans at PHS generally handled all disciplinary problems until they determined that a crime had been or might have been committed. At that point, the staff involved the school resource officer. In this case Petitioner relied on his staff to investigate the rumors of the sexual incident and did not involve the school resource officer. Until November 1995, Petitioner was not aware that, if the rumors of the sexual incident proved true, a crime had been committed. Shortly thereafter, Dusty Cutler of the Pensacola Police Department was assigned to investigate the sexual incident at PHS. On November 15, 1995, Officer Cutler talked to the female student who continued to deny all allegations. The female student did not admit to being involved in the sexual incident for several weeks after Officer Cutler began her investigation. Pursuant to Petitioner's suggestion, Officer Cutler also talked to the male student identified by Ms. Williams' informant as one of the participants in the sexual incident. The female student's mother told Officer Cutler that she did not want a police investigation. The mother became upset with the way Officer Cutler was talking to her. Petitioner complained to Lieutenant Knowles of the Pensacola Police Department about Officer Cutler's "abusive" behavior to the mother of the female student. From that time forward, Officer Cutler never spoke to Petitioner even though she spent six months investigating the sexual incident on a daily basis. There is no persuasive evidence that Petitioner interfered with Officer Cutler's investigation or failed to cooperate with her in any way. Officer Cutler reported the sexual incident to HRS. The agency gave her the same response they had given Ms. Ferguson, i.e., HRS would not investigate or follow the case because the sexual activity was not a rape and a family member was not involved. After Officer Cutler was assigned to the case, Petitioner was instructed by the school district to do nothing further until the police investigation was concluded. The Grand Jury released its Amended Report on Pensacola High School on April 15, 1996. The report indicted several male students involved in the sexual incident. Petitioner did not have an opportunity to discipline the students because he was not working at PHS at that time. In the spring of 1996, a number of middle school and high schools in the Pensacola area received bomb threats over the telephone. PHS received bomb threats on at least three occasions. The school evacuated to the adjoining football stadium on one occasion, to the fairgrounds on another occasion, and to Pensacola Junior College on a third occasion. On March 29, 1996, about 7:00 a.m., a school secretary, received a bomb threat call at PHS. Mr. Sousa received a second bomb threat call at PHS around 7:15 or 7:30. On both occasions the caller's voice was a raspy, young man's voice. The school secretary and Mr. Sousa recognized the voice of the caller as a young man in one of the self-contained classrooms. The student had created problems in the past. Each time he behaved improperly, the student would use his raspy voice. Mr. Sousa reported the first bomb threat to Mr. Carvalis. Mr. Carvalis called Petitioner at his home. Petitioner was not at school because he was not feeling well because he had been at the emergency room much of the night before. Petitioner instructed Mr. Carvalis to initiate a search. The search included a sweep of the stadium in case the school had to evacuate to that area. Petitioner advised Mr. Carvalis that he was on his way to the school. When Petitioner arrived at PHS, Mr. Carvalis informed him of the second threatening call. The staff again assured Petitioner that they knew the caller's identity, and that both calls had been made by the same student. The student was not at school. Therefore, Petitioner directed Mr. Sousa and the resource officer, Max Cramer, to go to the student's home and request the student's parent to bring the student to school. In the meantime, a third call was received from the same caller. Next, Petitioner phoned Deputy Superintendent Sherman Robinson. Petitioner explained to Mr. Robinson about the bomb threat and the school's discovery of the identity of the caller. Jones believed from his discussion with Mr. Robinson that his handling of the situation and his decision not to evacuate the school had the tacit approval, if not the explicit permission, of the district office. Petitioner believed Mr. Robinson concurred in his decision not to evacuate. The student with the raspy voice and his parent subsequently arrived at the school. After questioning the student, Petitioner believed the student was the caller. Petitioner decided to continue the search of the school without evacuating it. Petitioner directed Mr. Carvalis and the maintenance men to divide into teams and sweep the campus using the techniques taught by a handler of a bomb sniffing dog after previous threats. On one occasion a bomb sniffing dog and his handler came to PHS from Eglin Air Force Base in Ft. Walton. The PHS campus was so large that the dog got tired and refused to work about half way through the search. On that occasion, the search continued in the same manner employed by Petitioner on March 29, 1996. During the search on March 29, 1996, seven different groups looked for anything that was out of place. All of the deans had assigned areas where they searched trash bins, open lockers, and open classrooms. Later in the school day, Mr. Carvalis reported that the entire campus, including the portables, had been swept and nothing found. Petitioner does not dispute that he did not follow the Superintendent's policy regarding bomb threats on the day in question. Petitioner believed that he knew the identity of the caller. He also was concerned about the disruption that the bomb threats were causing to the academic programs at PHS. The students in the gifted program were preparing to take their advanced placement tests. The students in the International Baccalaureate program were studying for their exams. Additionally, March 29, 1996 was the last chance for some students to take the high school competency test before graduation. Superintendent Malloy was particularly concerned that Petitioner failed to evacuate the school. The previous day he had reiterated his policy of evacuation to all principals. However, Petitioner did not attend the meeting; one of Petitioner's assistant principals attended that meeting in his absence. On March 30, 1996, Superintendent Malloy placed Petitioner on administrative leave with pay, pending an investigation of his failure to evacuate PHS after a bomb threat. Superintendent Malloy subsequently assigned Petitioner to his current position as Director of Student Transfers. On June 3, 1996, Superintendent Malloy issued a letter reprimanding Petitioner for the following reasons: (1) failing to ensure that the ISS class had appropriate supervision; (2) failing to follow up on information regarding sexual activity in the stadium in a timely manner; and (3) failing to evacuate the school after receiving a bomb threat. In November of 1996, Jim May was elected Escambia County School Superintendent. On or about June 10, 1997, the Commissioner of Education, Frank T. Brogan, filed an Administrative Complaint against Petitioner in Education Practices Commission (EPC) Case Number 956-1609-B. This complaint alleged that Petitioner failed in his responsibilities to ensure that all students under his charge were properly supervised. The complaint also alleged that Petitioner failed to evacuate the school after receiving a bomb threat. On June 24, 1997, Superintendent May nominated Petitioner to be principal of WHS. At the time of the nomination, Superintendent May was aware of the relevant facts concerning the PHS sex incident and bomb threat incident. Additionally, he had been in contact with counsel for the Florida Department of Education regarding EPC Case Number 956-1609-B. Respondent rejected Petitioner's nomination to be principal of WHS. On a 3 to 2 vote, Respondent found good cause to reject the nomination based on the following: Among the reasons articulated by the three Board Members who voted against the nomination were, in addition to the reasons presented by the other speakers, Mr. Jones' unsatisfactory past performance of his duties when he served as Principal of Pensacola High School (which events were the subject of a grand jury report and are the subject of an administrative complaint by the Commissioner of Education now pending before the Education Practice Commission proceeding, . . . his lack of subsequent training to improve his skills in the areas in which his poor performance resulted in his 1996 removal as Principal of Pensacola High School, and his apparent violation of certain of the principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida, in addition to gross insubordination and willful neglect of duty in connection with the Pensacola High School incidents. In sum the three Board Members who voted against the nomination felt that Mr. Jones is presently unqualified to be a Principal. After Respondent rejected his nomination, Petitioner told Superintendent May that it was unfair to the students of WHS to make them wait for a principal. On July 22, 1997, Superintendent May nominated another person to be principal at WHS. On or about November 6, 1997, the Florida Department of Education decided that it would withdraw its probable cause determination against Petitioner and enter into a Deferred Prosecution Agreement with him. The department requested the Education Practices Commission to close EPC Case Number 956-1609-B. On or about March 9, 1998, Superintendent May advised the Florida Department of Education that Petitioner had performed his assigned duties and responsibilities in a professional manner during the period of January 10, 1997 and March 1, 1997. Petitioner had fully complied with all district and state rules and regulations. On or about March 26, 1998, Education Commissioner Brogan determined that there was no probable cause to suspend or revoke Petitioner's teacher's certificate. Petitioner was released from his Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the department. Petitioner holds the proper state certification for a high school principal. Except for the two incidents in question, Petitioner's performance at PHS was exemplary. Under his leadership, the school population was stable and well under control. Petitioner created an atmosphere at PHS where high quality performance on the part of a number of students was recognized, encouraged, and supported by the faculty and staff. Petitioner had an excellent relationship with students, teachers, and the PHS Advisory Council. Petitioner genuinely cared for the health, safety and welfare of the students at PHS. He was concerned more about the feelings and self-esteem of the students than with winning academic and athletic competitions, and he did not make accusatory judgments about his students until he had the necessary facts and proof to support those accusations.

Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is, RECOMMENDED: That Respondent enter a Final Order finding that there is no good cause to reject Superintendent May's nomination of Petitioner to be principal at WHS, promoting him to that position, and awarding him any back pay to which he may be entitled. DONE AND ENTERED this 15th day of October, 1998, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. SUZANNE F. HOOD Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of October, 1998.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (1) 6B-1.006
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-001180 Latest Update: Nov. 28, 1988

Findings Of Fact Respondent in this proceeding is Lloyd Wright. At all times pertinent to these proceedings, he was a social studies teacher employed by the St. Lucie County School District on a professional contract status and assigned to Westwood High School. He holds Florida Teaching Certificate No. 395537. On February 17, 1987, Respondent was suspended from his duties as a teacher for the school district. After an administrative hearing on issues relative to his employment, final order dismissing Respondent from his employment was issued by the school district on September 8, 1987. James Andrews is the principal of Westwood High School. Andrews has known Respondent as a friend, and as a member of the teaching staff at the school, for many years. On February 4, 1987, Andrews was at home with his ill son. His secretary telephoned him regarding allegations being voiced against Respondent by a female student. That student's allegations, and statements of other students alleged to be witnesses, were reduced to writing at Andrews' instruction and reviewed by him upon his return to the office on February 5, 1987. That evening he met with the complaining student, Tenecia Poitier, and her father. He assured them that the matter would be taken up with his superiors. On the morning of February 11, 1987, Andrews brought the allegations to the attention of the school district's Director of Secondary Education during a visit by the director to the Westwood Campus. That afternoon, the director telephoned Andrews and requested that additional statements be obtained from the students. Pursuant to those instructions, Andrews met with the students who had given the previous statements and instructed them to provide the additional statements to him. He forwarded these statements to the district school board office. Andrews has been the principal at Westwood High School for seven and a half years. He holds a master's degree in guidance and counseling and has completed course work in the areas of administration and supervision in excess of 30 academic credit hours. He has served in the educational system for approximately 35 years. Service in the positions of classroom teacher, guidance counselor, assistant principal and principal are included in the scope of his experience. Andrews regularly instructed the staff at the school to refrain from using slang in the classroom, becoming familiar with students or putting their hands on students unless necessary to prevent injury to a student or others. This admonishment by the principal was applicable to all students without regard to race or sex. He does not think it appropriate for a teacher to use the word "fuck" or the phrase "I am going to fuck your brains out" in the classroom. Andrews also finds the use of the phrases "Girl, I want that thing" and "Girl, I'm going to take you to the bushes" inappropriate for a male teacher to use in conversation with a female student. He would not want a male teacher who touched female students intentionally on the buttocks or thighs, or used such words or phrases in the classroom, on his teaching staff. Tenecia Poitier graduated from Westwood High School in 1988. In the 1986-87 school year, she was a student in Respondent's World History class. On one occasion, Respondent pushed Poitier against the wall of the classroom with other students present and told her "One of these days, I'm going to fuck your brains out." Once, when she was going to the school cafeteria, Respondent told her "Girl, I want that thing." Respondent touched Poitier on the leg and buttocks on other occasions and made suggestive statements to her. In response, Poitier rejected Respondent's advances by cursing him and, on one occasion, striking him. Another incident occurred when Respondent seated himself in front of Poitier's desk and propped his feet on her desk in a crossed fashion. The result of Respondent adopting this seating posture meant that Poitier had to look between Respondent's legs when she looked up from her desk work. Poitier got out of her desk, struck Respondent with her notebook, cursed him and told him to get his legs off her desk. Poitier did not observe Respondent engage in this seating conduct with other students. JoAnna McGee was a ninth grade student when she had Respondent as her teacher for World History. Respondent saw McGee walking down the street one day. He sounded his automobile horn at her. Later, when he saw her in the classroom, he told her that if he saw her walking on the street again he would take her "in the bushes." Respondent hugged McGee and other female students on occasion. Tony Lee was a student in Respondent's World History class, along with Poitier. Lee was aware of Respondent's joking and bantering with students. Female students would congregate around Respondent's desk when these sessions occurred. On one of these occasions, female students laughingly said they needed some candy to suck, and Lee heard Respondent reply "I've got something to suck on right here." Lee also heard Respondent make the statement "fuck your brains out" during an exchange with students. Lee overheard Respondent using the phrase "pull your clothes down" in a conversation with Poitier. Lisa Frazier was also a classmate of Poitier during the World History class taught by Respondent. She observed Poitier curse Respondent and strike him with her notebook. Frazier also testified that Poitier had a reputation for disruptive behavior and that Respondent used slang language with students. Respondent admitted using slang expressions, including the phrases "take you to the bushes" and "take you to the woods," in classroom settings with female students. Respondent admitted to a practice of hugging male and female students. Respondent also testified that he never told Poitier that he wanted to "F--- her brains out." When confronted with his sworn testimony from a previous proceeding that he did not recall making the statement, Respondent explained that his previous answer was made upon advice of his counsel at that time. Respondent's denial in this proceeding that he never made such a statement to Poitier, along with his testimony that hugging of students was an unintentional result of previous coaching experience, is not credited in view of his demeanor while testifying. Further, his testimony that his use of the phrases "take you to the bushes" or "take you to the woods" resulted from a film observed in the class and were meaningless slang terms devoid of sexual innuendo, is not credible. Also, the testimony of students Lee and McGee corroborates Poitier's version of Respondent's behavior and further discredits Respondent's testimony, including his explanation that Poitier's complaint against him resulted from Respondent writing up Poitier for academic and disciplinary reasons. Other students were also written up as often as Poitier.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered revoking Respondent's teaching certificate. DONE AND ENTERED this 28th day of November, 1988, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DON W. DAVIS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904)488-9675 Filed with the clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of November, 1988. APPENDIX The following constitutes my specific rulings, in accordance with Section 120.59, Florida Statutes, on findings of fact submitted by the parties. Petitioner's proposed Findings 1.-2. Addressed. Unnecessary to result reached. 4.-12. Addressed. 13. Unnecessary to result. 14.-15. Adopted in substance. 16. Unnecessary to result reached. 17.-21. Addressed. 22.-24. Unnecessary to result reached. Addressed in part, remainder unnecessary to result. Unnecessary to result reached. 27.-28. Addressed. 29.-30. Adopted in substance. 31. Unnecessary to result reached. 32.-33. Addressed. 34.-35. Unnecessary to result reached. Addressed. Rejected as a conclusion of law. Respondent's Proposed Findings 1.-2. Addressed. 3.-6. Unnecessary to result reached. 7.-8. Cumulative, subordinate and unnecessary to result. 9.-13. Unnecessary to result reached. 14. Addressed. 15.-17. Unnecessary to result reached. Rejected as cumulative. Rejected, contrary to weight of the evidence. Rejected as a conclusion of law. Rejected, not supported by weight of the evidence. Unnecessary to result reached. Addressed in substance. 24.-25. Unnecessary to result reached. 26.-27. Addressed in substance. 28. Unnecessary to result. 29.-30. Addressed. COPIES FURNISHED: Betty J. Steffens, Esquire Post Office Box 11008 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Lorene C. Powell, Esquire 208 West Pensacola St. Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Sydney H. McKenzie, Esquire. General Counsel Department of Education The Capitol, PL-08 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Hon. Betty Castor Commissioner of Education Department of Education The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 =================================================================

Florida Laws (2) 120.57120.68 Florida Administrative Code (2) 6B-1.0066B-4.009
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Daytona Beach, Florida Feb. 13, 2009 Number: 09-000822PL Latest Update: Sep. 30, 2024
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Myers, Florida Nov. 30, 1992 Number: 92-007075 Latest Update: Sep. 15, 1994

Findings Of Fact At all times material to this case, Respondent Carl B. Dietz (Dietz) was employed as a member of the instructional staff of Trafalgar Middle School, Lee County School District (District) pursuant to a professional service contract. Throughout Dietz's employment with the District, his annual evaluations indicate that the quality of his work was deemed an "effective level of performance". Dietz was initially employed by the District as a regular teacher on August 15, 1985. Dietz holds Florida Teaching Certificate #543771 issued by the Florida Department of Education. He is certified to teach secondary-level history and junior high school mathematics. For six years prior to the 1991-92 school year, Dietz taught advanced level American history and math at Cypress Lakes High School. Most of Dietz's students at Cypress Lakes were approximately 16-18 years old. A decrease in enrollment at Cypress Lakes resulted in a reduction of teaching staff at Cypress Lakes. Because no other high school instructional positions were open, Dietz was offered and accepted a position at Trafalgar Middle School. During the 1991-92 school year, Dietz taught history to Trafalgar eighth graders. During the school year 1992-93, Dietz was assigned teaching responsibilities for the Trafalgar Middle School sixth grade PASS program math and social studies classes. The PASS (Pupils Achieving School Success) program is a state funded project developed to focus specific attention on students identified as at risk of withdrawal from school prior to high school graduation. Dietz had no previous experience as an instructor in a PASS program. Dietz received no special training for the PASS program. The sixth grade students in the PASS program were approximately 11-12 years old. The nature of the PASS program may result in students who are less disciplined and more disruptive than the students Dietz had previously taught. Dietz taught two PASS classes, a morning group and an afternoon group. Students from both classes testified during the hearing. Conflicts in testimony have been resolved as indicated in the following Findings of Fact. It is alleged that on one day in October, 1992, Dietz, yanked a chair from under a student, resulting in the student's head striking the desk as he fell to the floor. The evidence establishes that the student was sitting sideways in the chair and was rocking back on the rear legs of the chair. Dietz grabbed the seatback and the chair slid from under the student who fell to the floor. The greater weight of the evidence is insufficient to establish that the student struck his head during the fall. In any event, the student was not physically injured in the incident. Dietz asserted that the student had been previously warned about sitting improperly, and that he grabbed the seatback to startle the child and "make the point" that he should sit properly. There is no evidence that the action of Dietz was an appropriate manner in which to discipline the child for sitting incorrectly in the chair. It is alleged that in October, 1992, Dietz addressed a child (whose pronunciation of his first name was poor) by a mispronunciation of the child's name as a means of encouraging the child to pronounce the name correctly. Upon requesting Dietz to correctly pronounce the name, Dietz discontinued his practice. The evidence fails to establish that the child was harmed by the mispronunciation of his name. In October, 1992, Dietz removed a non-functioning clock from the classroom wall and threw it down. The battery came out of the clock and struck a female student's leg, but no injury resulted. The allegation that Dietz's removal of the clock was accompanied by a remark that the "piece of shit" clock was not working is not supported by the greater weight of credible evidence. It is alleged that Dietz threw a pencil and book at one student who came to class without materials. The greater weight of the evidence establishes that Dietz slammed a book down on the table in front of the student, who was being seated away from class as a disciplinary measure. The evidence also establishes that Dietz tossed a pencil to the child. The evidence fails to indicate that tossing a pencil to a sixth grade child is an appropriate method of distributing school supplies. The pencil would have hit the child had he not moved from the path of the projectile, however the evidence does not establish any intent to injure the child by Dietz. In October, 1992, four female students from Dietz's afternoon class locked themselves in a bathroom stall during a rest room break and remained there when the break ended. Standing in the school hallway, Dietz reached into the bathroom, knocked on the stall door and directed the female students to return to class. It is alleged that upon exiting the bathroom, Dietz addressed the students as "lesbians," "perverts" and "gaywads." The greater weight of the evidence fails to establish that Dietz used such language in the presence of the female students or that his action in directing the students to return to class was inappropriate. It is alleged that at various times in the classroom during the 1992- 93 school year, Dietz uttered the following words and phrases: "nigger," "nigger shit," and "nigger talk," and instructed one student to "take your black ass back to Africa." The greater weight of the evidence fails to establish that Dietz used such language in the classroom. It is alleged that at various times in the classroom during the 1992- 93 school year, Dietz uttered the following words: "ass," "assholes," "shit," "hell," "fucking assholes," and "fucking jerks." The greater weight of the evidence fails to establish that Dietz used such language in the classroom. It is alleged that on one occasion at the end of the class session during the 1992-93 school year, Dietz instructed a student in the completed class to get his "fat ass" out of the classroom. There was testimony that Dietz directed the student to get his "fat carcass" out of the classroom. While the greater weight of the credible and persuasive evidence establishes that Dietz indeed addressed the child as "fat", it is insufficient to establish that Dietz used the word "ass" in the presence of the child. The evidence fails to establish that use of the descriptive word "fat" resulted in injury to the child. It is alleged that in October, 1992, Dietz threw a plastic cup at a student. The evidence fails to support the allegation. It is alleged that in October, 1992, Dietz threatened to tell the mother of a student that the child was "a big fat lump of nothing." The evidence fails to support the allegation. In October, 1992, a student inquired of Dietz as to whether he believed the students in the class were "brats." Dietz replied in the affirmative. The student then asked if Dietz thought the inquiring student was a "brat." Dietz again replied in the affirmative. It is alleged that Dietz drove onto the school grounds with a loaded and cased handgun locked in the glove box of his car. It is alleged that on the day questioned about the gun, Dietz admitted having the gun in the car. The evidence fails to establish that, on the day questioned, Dietz (who owned several vehicles) had the gun in the glove box of the car driven. However, the evidence establishes that, on at least one occasion, Dietz drove onto the school grounds with a loaded and cased handgun locked in the glove box of his vehicle. The all times material to this case, there was no written School Board policy prohibiting a loaded and cased weapon from being on the school grounds locked in a vehicle glove box. There were no oral directives to faculty that a loaded and cased weapon, locked in a vehicle glove box, was prohibited from school grounds. At one time in the Spring of 1992, the school principal brought a firearm onto school grounds, the thereafter loaded and fired the weapon as part of a demonstration. The District's assertion that the related alleged violation of federal law is sufficient to support termination is rejected. On October 28, 1992, a number of Dietz's students went to the office of a school guidance counselor and voiced a number of complaints about alleged conduct. The counselor noted the complaints and reported the matter to the assistant principal of the school. On October 29, 1992, the assistant principal met with Dietz to discuss the allegations. According to the assistant principal, Dietz admitted to the alleged behaviors, except for one specific accusation regarding addressing a specific student as a "fucking ass." According to Dietz, he did not admit that such behaviors occurred and instead asserts that he attempted to explain some of the reasons for the allegations, including the grades assigned to some of the complaining students. The conflict in recollections is reconciled in favor of Dietz. On October 30, 1992, Dietz met with the principal of the school, during which time Dietz admitted that he had previously stored a loaded and cased handgun in the glove box of one of the vehicles he drove onto school grounds. On October 30, 1992, Dietz was suspended with pay based on the allegations of improper conduct. In November, 1992, an employee of the superintendent of the Lee County school district undertook an investigation of the allegations regarding Dietz. On November 10, 1992, a predetermination conference was held. On November 13, 1992, Dietz was advised that on November 17, 1992, the district superintendant would recommend to the school board that Dietz be suspended without pay and benefits pending termination of employment. Effective November 17, 1992, the board elected to suspend Dietz without pay and benefits. Dietz was notified of the board action by letter dated November 25, 1993. The letter provided that Dietz could request a formal administrative hearing on the matter. By letter dated November 19, 1992, Dietz requested formal hearing of the board's November 17 action.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the School District of Lee County enter a Final Order reinstating the employment of Carl B. Dietz and providing for back pay and benefits retroactive to November 17, 1992. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 27th day of July, 1993 in Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM F. QUATTLEBAUM Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of July, 1993. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 92-7075 To comply with the requirements of Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, the following constitute rulings on proposed findings of facts submitted by the parties. Petitioner The Petitioner's proposed findings of fact are accepted as modified and incorporated in the Recommended Order except as follows: 6-8. Rejected, immaterial. Rejected, not supported by greater weight of credible and persuasive evidence. Rejected. The rest room discussion is irrelevant. The greater weight of credible and persuasive evidence fails to establish that the chair was "yanked" from under the student or that the student struck his head. The alleged lack of an apology is irrelevant. Rejected as to Dietz interaction with Mr. Nolan, irrelevant. Rejected, as to the discussion of poster touching, irrelevant. Rejected, as to the alleged "black talk" remark, not supported by the greater weight of credible and persuasive evidence. Rejected, not supported by the greater weight of credible and persuasive evidence. Rejected as to alleged remark that the class "sucks", not supported by the greater weight of credible and persuasive evidence. 20-21. Rejected, not supported by the greater weight of credible and persuasive evidence. 23-25. Rejected, not supported by the greater weight of credible and persuasive evidence. 26. Rejected, subordinate. 28-29. Rejected, not supported by the greater weight of the evidence. 30, 32. Rejected, subordinate. Recitation of testimony not appropriate finding of fact. 33. Rejected, unnecessary. 34-40. Rejected, subordinate, unnecessary. Rejected, irrelevant. Rejected, unnecessary. Respondent The Respondent's proposed findings of fact are accepted as modified and incorporated in the Recommended Order except as follows: 11. Rejected as to allegation of child striking head in fall, not supported by greater weight of credible and persuasive evidence. 13, 15. Rejected, subordinate. 16. Rejected as to force of toss or intent to strike child, irrelevant, no evidence that such action is appropriate regardless of intent. 17-20, 22. Rejected, subordinate. Rejected, subordinate. Rejected, unnecessary 25-30. Rejected, subordinate. 31-38. Rejected, goes to credibility of witnesses which has been determined as reflected in the Findings of Fact set forth herein. 42, 44. Rejected, unnecessary. COPIES FURNISHED: Dr. James A. Adams Superintendent Lee County School District 2055 Central Avenue Fort Myers, Florida 33901-3988 John J. Hament, Esquire 1800 Second Street, Suite 785 Sarasota, Florida 34236 Robert J. Coleman, Esquire 2300 McGregor Boulevard Post Office Box 2089 Fort Myers, Florida 33902

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (3) 6B-1.0016B-1.0066B-4.009
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 84-002204 Latest Update: Jan. 22, 1985

Findings Of Fact Respondent, Milton Aaron Wetherington, holds Florida teacher's certificate number 035136 issued by the State Department of Education covering the areas of physical education, history and administration/supervision. The certificate is valid through June 30, 1991. This proceeding involves an administrative complaint filed against Wetherington by petitioner, Ralph D. Turlington, as Commissioner of Education. The complaint stems from various complaints lodged with the Volusia County School Board by several students and parents who alleged that Wetherington engaged or attempted to engage in improper relationships of a romantic nature with female high school students assigned to his classes. The filing of the administrative complaint precipitated the instant action. Wetherington, who is 57 years old, has been a teacher for some twenty seven years, the last seventeen in the Volusia County school system. From 1975 until 1984 Wetherington was a teacher at Spruce Creek School in Port Orange, Florida. Because of the pending disciplinary proceeding, he was reassigned to a non-instructional position as an assistant manager of purchasing and property for school year 1984-85. However, after the charges came to light in early 1984, Wetherington was allowed to continue as a teacher for the remainder of the school year, and was a chaperone on the senior class trip to Walt Disney World. In his twenty seven years of teaching, he has had no prior disciplinary action taken against him. In school year 1983-84 Wetherington taught a political systems course to first semester seniors. Two of his students were Lisa and Tammy, both seventeen years of age at the time, and the best of friends. Seven of the specific charges in the complaint involve respondent's relationship with Lisa, and to a lesser extent, Tammy. Lisa lived at home with her mother and step father for a part of her senior year. Because of problems with her stepfather, who beat her, she moved out at the end of January, 1984, to live with a girlfriend. She was involved with drugs, including cocaine and marijuana, and was experiencing financial problems. Lisa needed a social studies course to graduate, and transferred into Wetherington's class about two weeks after the semester started. She had not met or known Wetherington prior to that time. Wetherington immediately took a special interest in Lisa, and selected her to assist him during office hours with grading papers and the like. Lisa spotted an opportunity to take advantage of the situation, and began cultivating the relationship in an assiduous manner. Her testimony reveals she had two goals in mind: to obtain money from Wetherington and to get a good grade without studying. She also saw the opportunity to get her friend Tammy a good grade since she had access to Wetherington's grade book. The relationship was non-sexual, and all parties agree that Wetherington made no sexual advances or demands upon Lisa. One evening during the fall of 1983, Wetherington asked Lisa if she and Tammy wanted to get a pizza after a football game. Lisa agreed and Wetherington gave her $20 to purchase the food. The three met briefly in separate cars at a local Pizza Hut, but after the girls saw other students there, they all drove in Wetherington's car to the Breakers Restaurant and Lounge, an establishment in New Smyrna Beach. They arrived around 12:45 a.m. or so, and after being seated in a booth next to the stage on which a band was playing, they placed an order for pizza. Because of the lateness of the hour, the waitress informed there the kitchen had closed. They then departed the premises and returned to Daytona Beach where all went their separate ways. The two girls claimed Wetherington purchased them an alcoholic drink at the Breakers, but a member of the band, who happened to be a teaching colleague of Wetherington disputed this and observed the three had no drinks during their five to seven minute stay at the restaurant. His testimony is deemed to be more credible and it is found respondent did not "purchase alcoholic beverages for both students" as alleged in the administrative complaint. At some point in the first semester, Wetherington gave Lisa a key to his house in Holly Hill where he lives alone. According to respondent, he did so since he wanted Lisa to have a place to go in the event she suffered a beating from her stepfather. Lisa visited his house approximately five times in the company of a girlfriend when Wetherington was home, and an undisclosed number of times when he was not at home. One of Wetherington's sons lives at Bunnell, and visited his father regularly. The son kept a stash of marijuana at the house which the son used when he visited. Wetherington acknowledged that this was true, but maintained he did not know where it was hidden at the time. Indeed, he claimed he never used drugs himself, and objected to their use by other persons. Wetherington gave Lisa instructions to use the key only when she had problems with her stepfather, but Lisa ignored these instructions. While at Wetherington's home, she used both alcohol and marijuana on at least one occasion in his presence. The alcohol (wine) was taken from Wetherington's refrigerator while the marijuana was either brought onto the premises by Lisa, or came from the son's hidden stash. 1/ There is no credible evidence that Wetherington himself used "marijuana and alcohol at his residence with female students" as charged in the complaint. During the school year, Wetherington gave Lisa a friendship ring valued at $12, some $500 in cash, between $400 and $500 worth of clothes, and lent her an Amoco gasoline credit card for gasoline purchases to get her to and from the part-time job she held. Lisa charged some $120 worth of gasoline on the card as well as $247 in auto repairs. With her mother's consent, and after clearing it with the school principal, he also paid Lisa's mother $500 for the equity in Lisa's car, transferred the title to his own name, and financed it with a Miami bank. Lisa got to use the car with the understanding that she would pay him $125 a month, which was Wetherington's obligation on the bank note. Wetherington considered all this to be a "loan," and kept a book detailing the total amount advanced to Lisa. As a part of the social studies course, Wetherington required each student to prepare a term paper. Wetherington gave fourteen students, including Lisa and Tammy, copies of term papers written in the prior year with instructions to use them as a "format" or "guideline" in preparing their own. Lisa and Tammy simply changed the title page, and turned the papers back in as if they were their own. They each received a grade of 25, which was the highest grade in the class. Lisa claimed she simply did what Wetherington told her to do, and Tammy corroborated this claim. Although Wetherington was negligent in failing to detect that the papers turned in by Lisa and Tammy were identical to those previously given them to be used as a "formats" the evidence does not support a finding that Wetherington gave them the papers for the purpose of evading any academic requirements. The final charge concerning Lisa and Tammy is that Wetherington "[o]n at least one occasion kissed and hugged a female student." This charge apparently stems from Wetherington kissing Lisa on the cheek one day and giving her a paternal hug. Wetherington does not deny this, but contends it was not romantic in nature but done in a fatherly way. Wendy was a seventeen year old senior at Spruce Creek High School in school year 1983-94. She is the source of some four separate charges against respondent in the administrative complaint. Wetherington approached her at the beginning of the year and asked if she wanted to be his teacher's aide. She said yes, and he accordingly rearranged her schedule so that she worked in his office or classroom during first period as an aide, and was a student in his social studies class the following period. During the first nine weeks, Wetherington gave Wendy two rings, one for her birthday and the other to simply keep till the end of the school year. He also gave her $230 in cash over this period of time. He kept a log detailing each amount of money given to her, and considered the payments to be a loan. While working in Wetherington's classroom one day, Wendy walked by Wetherington who pulled her onto his lap and began rubbing her upper thigh. He also approached her one day in his office and put his arms around her waist and pulled her towards him. After she told him, "I don't want this," he released her. She then pulled away and claimed she immediately reported the incident to the principal. The principal could not recall such a conversation. The next day Wetherington apologized to her in his office, but he then turned off the lights in the room and began hugging her. She pushed him away and ran out of the room. Although Wendy again claimed that she immediately reported the incident to the school principal, the principal could not recall such a meeting. In any event, Wendy went to her parents, disclosed the various incidents and gave them the two rings given to her by Wetherington. The parents were understandably irate, and went to the principal demanding that Wendy be transferred out of Wetherington's class. A meeting was held by the principal, with Wetherington and the two parents in attendance. At the meeting Wetherington simply acknowledged that he admired Wendy very much, that she was a good student, and that the cash given to her ($230) was a loan for car payments and voice lessons because he trusted her. However, Wendy does not own a car, and her another paid for all voice lessons. Moreover, her father is a physician who has provided well for his family. The mother then wrote Wetherington a check for $230 to repay the "loan." Wendy was also transferred out of respondent's class. Wendy acknowledged that she "took advantage" of Wetherington, and characterized their relationship as simply a friendship. In a note written to him in a school yearbook at the end of the year, she apologized for "putting (him) through hell" and wished she "could erase it all." Wetherington denied any romantic involvement with Wendy, and acknowledged only that he had kissed her twice on the cheek, once at a football game and another time outside his house. He attributes Wendy's story to emotional problems she was experiencing that fall caused by her relationship with a married man. Wetherington portrayed himself as a teacher genuinely interested in his students. He estimated he has given financial aid in the form of loans and gifts to students over the years in excess of $10,000. Because he has raised seven children of his own, he vigorously denied having any illicit or sinister purpose in his dealings with Lisa and Wendy. Instead, he contended he was merely helping them overcome personal and financial problems so that they would be better persons after graduation.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that respondent be found GUILTY of violating Rules 6B- 1.06(3)(a) and (e), and Subsection 231.28(1)(c), as set out more specifically in the Conclusions of Law portion of this order. All other charges should be DISMISSED. It is further RECOMMENDED that respondent be placed on probation for three years and that he be retained by the school board during his probationary period only as a non- instructional employee. DONE and ENTERED this 22nd day of January, 1985, in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of January, 1985.

Florida Laws (2) 1.01120.57
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Jan. 21, 2003 Number: 03-000179PL Latest Update: Sep. 30, 2024
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