Limitations of Contract Documents
Is there a limit on the length of time that a subcontractor would need to keep plans for each project?
contractor stole my money now I have liens
I have filed a suit against him. Can I file a lis penden on his house?
building contractor
Remodeling job done for time and materials. Add ons and changes to these two large additions and remodeling came to over $80,000.00. That is over and above the estimated job. The customer was aware at the time and ok'd the extras and changes, knowing they would be additional expenses. The customer is a lawyer in a big firm in the city. He paid the estimated amount and has now refused to pay extras. He knows he can cheat us and get away with it because he is a lawyer in a large firm. We are a small business and our attourney told us this could be held up in courts for years by the customer and it was not affordable for us to fight even though we have all documentation. We are partners in our small business and stand to lose our home if we don't get paid. This was our big job of the year last year and what the customer paid went to employees and sub contractors, leaving our own income to last. What can we do. I have exhausted my savings in waiting for months to get paid.
contract law
Our church is planning some painting
and minor remodeling. Does
California law require us to use only
licensed contractors if over $500 or
are we within the law if we hire
people we know are not licensed?
Part of our work is painting of inside
rooms, worth about $2000-3000.
We think we are safer and better off
with a licensed contractor, but are we
required to use someone licensed?
Breach of Contract
I hired a contractor on 2/16/07 to do an addition on my home, he has taken $42,300.00 from me and has not finished the job. My home has been damaged from water, my home and yard are torn apart. The work that he has been done is not up to city code. He will not answer any of my calls. Work has not been consistent over the year that has passed and no work has been done on the project since 2/5/08. I have no money left to hire an attorney. The entire job was supposed to cost $49,000.00, however there is still $35,000.00 remaining in work on the project. I went to the civil court however I have no idea which forms I need to submit. I would like to know which forms I need to fill out to take him to civil court and try to recover some of the money on my own. I appreciate any help that can be given. Thank you.
Engineer Stamping
Is it legal for a Structural Engineer to stamp drawings with his expired license? Is there any circumstance this is legal? The project he stamped was for private use (non-governmental).
Business Structure
Me and my partner are starting a general contracting business. I have formed a california corporation and plan to use that business structure for tax purposes. We plan on using his General B type lisence to conduct business and register me, the other partner with the CSLB as a 'salesperson' Is that lawful to establish business as a corp and list the guy with the B licensce as the RMO and the guy without as another one of the corporate officers.??
Payment issue
We expanded and remodeled our home last June and moved back last November. There were lots issues quality issues during the project. We paid contractor the last payment and marked the check Final payment Last February and verbally agreed I will pay him 1200 for fireplace material after fireplace issue and all remaining issues have been fixed. So far fireplace issue had been fixed and the fireplace vendor want the money but I refuse to pay the contractor because none of the remaining issues have been done. We don't have the contract with the fireplace vendor but we did came to the store to select fireplace and we was told the fireplace we selected is around 1500. The fireplace vendor invoiced contractor last year $2900 but contractor didn't pay it and he refuses to pay now because we didn't pay the 1200 (1200 is the price in the construction contract).
My question is can I hold the 1200 for remained unfinished works from contractor? Can fireplace vendor sue me for it?
Who can use a sole contractor's license
I recently hired a contractor whose license seemed to check out. Upon closer examination, I found out the man I hired was using his uncle's contractor's license (sole ownership license). Also, this man indicated he was a ''concrete contractor'', but his uncle's license is for general building. Can a general license be used for specialty work, like concrete? Can an unlicensed guy work under his uncle's license? The uncle was never present, and the guy totally implied that he was the licensed contractor.
Mechanical Lien
What is the time frame that a subcontractor has to legally place a mechanical lien against my home. We did recieve a prelim 20 day notice
home construction
Could you define what the Start of (home) construction means under Florida Law?
Does permanent construction include land preparation, such as a seawall on a Fresh Water Canal?
signed contract
is a signature required as evidence of acceptance on an estimate for residential repair work in california of less than $1000, if done by a california licensed contractor ?
Refund for construction down payment
We contracted with a pool company to build a pool. We gave them a 15% down payment of over $11,000. Five days later, we changed our mind and decided to move. No work ever started. The only cost they incurred was the pulling of county permits, which they did after we called them. The permits cost them $1700. Can we get the remainder of our down payment back?
Underage dating
is it legal for me to go out with a 19 year old even if my parents dont approve.i'm 15 and i was just wondering
small claims court
can an unlicensed subcontractor sue a licensed contractor for labor and materials purchased by the unlicensed sub contractor
contractor's lein
If we received from the contractor at the end of the job a bill titled balance and wrote on the check final payment. Can the contractor after 2 month come back with an additional bill and put a lein on my property if iI refuse to pay
recourse for house renovation not to code
We purchased a house in 2005 that had been renovated and a CO given in 2003.
We have found out that there are many building code voilations in the house.
Do we have any recourse against town, builder or previous owner?
I my personnal credit is very bad can i still become a part of an excisting company?
Town Homes foundation issue
the HOA of my town home that I own sued the builders because there are foundation issues with the homes. They won that was two years ago and they have still not fixed the problem. What can I and the other home owners do about this
what recourse do I have
I hired an attorney to represent me in 2 law suits, he billed and was paid over $ 50,000 by me the case dragged on for 18 months with no end in sight. his original estimate was 2-3 months and $10-$15 thousand, in the end he vaporised the mechanics liens on the 2 suits by not filing his paper work and missing the court dates( 2 seprate dates in 2 counties) and failing to appeal the courts order that the liens be removed, once the liens were ordered removed by the court he filed papers in the court to be relieved as my counsel and told me not to come to the court for the motion hearing date as my presence was not required. after court granted his request, i received papers from the court clearly stating Imust come to court for the hearing or attorney's motion will be granted. Help!! what can I do he has bankrupted me and no other attorney will take the case without a hefty retainer. he also misrepresented his area of law practice.