legal question
I was recently arrested for possesion of a controlled substance and i was never read my miranda rights before during or after i was let go from jail...i got out on a PR bond and i am just curious to the legal tender as to what happens to not being read my rights??
Simple Assault
If simple assault is threatening someone, then how can someone threaten to kill someone, telling them when and with what, and it not being a case of simple assault?
If you had something expunge 8 years ago can you have diffrent charge expunge? Misdermeanor charge
sexual abuse allegation
a minor whom was a foster child in our family over a year ago, has now come forward to state he was sexually ''touched'', by myself. This male is mentally unstable and developmentally disabled. . This never occured. There is no evidence ,besides what he is stating. Can an arrest be made?
public defender talking 4 u to da
what happens or can happen when a public defender tell you he is your lawyer then tells you he cant be your lawyer do to confick because he he is a persons lawyer who is againts you on another matter then talks to the da about your case and he already told you he can't work for you and you never asked him to talk to the da and he talks to the da about your case ???? can this case go to court still ? can this make it a mistrial
drug crimes
I receved indictments after a grand jury trial for possession of crack cocaine. However i for sure possessed cocaine is there a possibility of error?
We'll a guy at a party wet up to me saying I was looking at his ''girl'' and then all of a sudden he pushed me and I fell to the floor and he got on top of me and started to hit me with a close fist! Well when I got home my mom got mad and decided to press charges they now identified the man but since I hit him back in self defence they are telling me now that i can't do anything and I'm going to get a ticket for fighting when technically i wasn't all I did was defend myself. Well waht I would like to know is what can I do for example can I prees charges and also what can he do to me thank you for your time I will be waiting for your responce!
sentenced on a case that has been terminated
Iwould like to know what can be done about a sentence that was recently recieved.The probation my husband has been on since 2002 was terminated in 2002.We were unaware of this he was violated on probation and sent to prison.I need to know how can one violated something that does not exist?Is there a motion that he can file to a higher court and have them look into it?He has reported to probation for the last 5 years and paid fees monthly.
threatened with gun
I was walking home from work, I was shouted at by an ex girlfriends new boyfriend. I shouted back and he pulled out a gun and threatened to shoot me. I called the police, I don't know if he was arrested or not. I was given a case number and told to call today. I will be talking to the Det. of the case today. Besides any possible criminal charges, do I have any possible legal recourse ie, civil suit etc?
change to a public defender
My brother paid an attorney to attend frist and second hearing in a federal trail, but he ran out of money. How can he request a public defender?
false testimony
I was in an emergency hearing against my ex husband. He supplied a letter from his coworker on company letter head that stated I called him at his job 20 times a day, i harrassed him at work. All the allegations are completely false. What recourse do I have against this person and can the company held liable also because she used their letterhead.
Yard Destruction
I had 3 teenagers that were skipping school intentionally drive over my yard multiple times, and do over $800 worth of damage. The driver was sent to a juvenile detention center, but the 2 passengers got away free. I want all 3 kids to be punished, how?
my son who is now 35 , has had a felony against him for 7 yrs- check forgery he has done real good in this 7 yr time. he lives in tenn but the forgery was in mich, he isnow trying to support his two little girls, he did spend 3 mths in jail in mich. everytime he gets a job theydo a background and let him go . I am his mother is there anything we can doto get this off his record?? please help!!! its a continous unpleasant cycle
state vs federal jurisdictions
can a state charge be dropped or reduced on the authority of federal jurisdictions?
staute of limitations for comtempt of court resulting in a
need to know if there is a statue of limitations on bench warrent in divorce case of payment of marital bills befre bankruptcy. It is a county only warrant
Class 6 Felony
How many days do we have to file a motion to reconsider after the court hearing. I heard something about 21 days. I was wondering if it is 21 business days or just 21 days because the trial ended on like 18th but most law offices and courts were closed for the holidays.
Writing checks from a company account and cashing them with a total of approx. $3,000 What would this be considered and what are the penalties?
Dropped Charges
I have an appointment for a court date but have been informed by the person pressing the charges that they are going to call and drop them. What is my next step? Do I still have to show up at court at the assigned time? What is the court process when I show up?
child assault/battery
my second husband has beaten my son badly a week ago. i was afraid to press charges but now i,m there a time limit to press charges?
Suing a cleaning company who stole from you
We had items stolen from our home right after 2 women came in to clean. We filed a police report and the detective believes that only 1 women was involved. We want to sue the company that sent this woman out (who was named in another thief with the same company and has other charges on her record). The cleaning company told us they screen their employees, but obviously they do not. How do we go about suing in court to get back some of the money of what was stolen?