Professional misconduct - in ER
I was admitted into the ER about 4
years ago for blacking out. while i
was there a nurse called the dmv and
had my license revoked. I have been
unable to drive since then. I recently
was looking into how and why they
could do this... None of the reasons
listed were applicable to me. The
nurse was under the impression that
I had a seizure, she made the call
without knowing what exactly was
wrong and before the neurologist
even examined me. I was never
diagnosed with epilepsy or anything
else that has seizure's as a result. I
have also read about how to
reinstate my license, and it says I
must prove that i have not had a
seizure in 2 years... there is
absolutely no proof that I have never
had one. If anything was done out of
line with the legal means for taking
away someone's license. i would like
to sue for false clams and
professional misconduct, along with
the reinstatement of my license