Do not confront the other driver. Do not accuse the other driver of anything at the scene of the accident or after the crash. You are unlikely to get any information useful to your case from such a confrontation and you may risk making things more complicated. Do collect evidence at the scene of the...
Shock during pregnancy occurs when the body cannot deliver an adequate supply of blood to vital organ systems. Shock may result from injury, illness or excessive bleeding, and can lead to a loss of consciousness, dizziness, weakness and loss of cognitive abilities. In a pregnant woman, consequences ...
As a nanny, I am concerned about the liability issues I could face with as many as eight neighborhood kids coming over to swim either invited or uninvited. I would be interested in some pool rules also that may protect me in this situation ( i.e. just by saying a parent must be with them, am I no lo...
I did call 911, fire department show up did a report on it also I have a medical record and pictures, the bite ac-cured when passing by going in to grocery store in Plano TX and close by there was a dog adoption campaign in front of a pet store which I had to pass by to go in the grocery store, the ...