Why would a buyer offer more than asking price?
I have a small townhouse for sale.
It's been for sale on and off for 3
years, and finally, I lowered the
asking price to $152,000 and finally
got an offer. However, the offer is for
$159,000--more than the asking
price, with the condition that I pay
forty-five hundred dollars toward the
down-payment AND pay forty-five
hundred dollars toward the buyer's
closing costs. My realtor told this is
because the buyer doesn't have a
decent down-payment & all. I really
want to sell this place, so do I take
this offer? Is this a ''normal but real
creative'' offer in these times? Would
I pay taxes on the selling price of
$159,000 even though the real price
(after I pay out $9000 to sell it)
would be $150,000??? Thanks for
any help! I don't know anyone savvy
to ask, and my realtor is doing one of
those ''dual relationship'' things.
Please please help, and thank you!!!