Mortgage Note
I live in PA, just outside of Harrisburg.
I sold a property for 50,000.00 and I held the mortgage. That was back in 1997.
We hade a note drawn and it stated an interest rate, monthly payments for a certain # of years and
of course pay off date as well as penalties for lateness. We had a settlement, recorded deed and recorded
mortgage, which I am able to see on-line. But the recorded mortgage shows the 50,000.00 debt, but no other
info. I researched on line, everything I read keeps talking about a note. I can't find it! The guy who owes me
the money says he doesn't know what I am talking about. He feels once his payments reach 50,000.00 he is done.
He say's he doesn't know about any note. He says we agreed to a total price, and nothing more. I lost my copy.
Is there a copy of this somewhere? Was it recorded, but I am looking In the wrong place??? Is it like a dollar bill, lose it and tough? do I have any legal recourse?