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United States Attorneys General

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Whether Uruguay Round Agreements Required Ratification as a Treaty, (1994)
United States Attorneys General Filed: Nov. 22, 1994

H olm es v. Jenni-, son, 39 U.S. (14 Pet.Professor Tribe has also argued that the U ruguay Round Agreements must be, ratified as a treaty because its W T O dispute settlement procedures undermines, State sovereignty d ire c tly , rather than by vesting the power to do so in the Presi-, dent.

# 1
Whether the Office of the Vice President Is an "Agency" for Purposes of the Freedom of Information Act, (1994)
United States Attorneys General Filed: Feb. 14, 1994

This m em orandum responds to your request for the opinion of the Office of Le-, gal Counsel as to w hether the Office o f the Vice President (O V P) is an agency, for purposes o f the Freedom o f Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552 (FOIA). 4, because the FO IA does not apply to C ongress.

# 2
Whether Members of the Sentencing Commission Who Were Appointed Prior to the Enactment of a Holdover Statute May Exercise Holdover Rights Pursuant to the Statute, (1994)
United States Attorneys General Filed: Apr. 05, 1994

U.S. Const, art. (As so construed, the, [extension legislation] presents no constitutional difficulties).2 See a lso Pension, A gents an d A gencies, 14 Op. Atty Gen. 147 (1872) (discussing the Presidents, power to remove officer serving a term extended by statute).

# 3
United States Assistance to Countries That Shoot Down Civil Aircraft Involved in Drug Trafficking, (1994)
United States Attorneys General Filed: Jul. 14, 1994

T h e special airc ra ft ju risd ictio n o f the U nited States includes civil aircraft o f the U nited, S ta te s w hile su ch aircraft is in flight Id. Acts of assistance.USG personnel may employ deadly force against civil aircraft without subjecting, themselves to liability under § 32(b)(2).

# 4
The Twenty-Second Decennial Census, (1994)
United States Attorneys General Filed: Oct. 07, 1994

is generally expected to, be a head count); Read in the, light o f the testimony, the statutes preclusion o f sam pling need not have meant, that statistical adjustm ent o f census figures was forbidden: Congress may well, have intended only that the decennial census not be a sample census.

# 5
Sixth Amendment Implications of Law Enforcement Contact with Corporate Executives, (1994)
United States Attorneys General Filed: Apr. 15, 1994

, U.S. Const, amend.Once the governm ent files criminal charges against a corporation, the Sixth, Am endm ent forecloses interrogation of the corporation outside the presence of, corporate counsel. Therefore, the civil penalty, amounted to punishm ent as contemplated by the Double Jeopardy Clause.

# 6
Review of 1988 Opinion Concerning the Applicability of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act to Individuals Infected With HIV, (1994)
United States Attorneys General Filed: Jul. 08, 1994

as such sections relate to employment. HIV infection, w hether or not an individual has developed any overt symp-, toms as a result o f that infection, is a disability under the Rehabilitation Act and, under the A m ericans with Disabilities Act. at 410-11 (Interpretive Guidance to 29 C.F.R.

# 7
Reconsideration of Applicability of the Davis-Bacon Act to the Veterans Administration's Lease of Medical Facilities, (1994)
United States Attorneys General Filed: May 23, 1994

We have, concluded that the 1988 Opinion erred in concluding that the plain language of the, Davis-Bacon Act bars its application to any lease contract, whether or not the lease, contract also calls for construction of a public work or public building. at 1261 (1988), 11 and a variety of cases.

# 8
Presidential Authority to Decline to Execute Unconstitutional Statutes, (1994)
United States Attorneys General Filed: Nov. 02, 1994

As we noted in, our m em orandum on Presidential signing statements, the President may properly, announce to Congress and to the public that he will not enforce a provision o f an, enactm ent he is signing. The opinion found, that a provision o f the bill was unconstitutional and severable.

# 9
Prejudgment Interest Under the Back Pay Act for Refunds of Federal Insurance Contributions Act Overpayments, (1994)
United States Attorneys General Filed: May 31, 1994

Under, FICA, every employer must deduct its employees share of the FICA tax from their, wages as and when paid., Even if the Back Pay Act were generally applicable here, OPMs proposal that, each agency pay additional interest to its Anderson employees is inconsistent with, § 3102(b) of FICA.

# 10
OCC Mortgage Lending Testing Program, (1994)
United States Attorneys General Filed: Mar. 08, 1994

, The O fficial S ta ff In terp retatio n does state th a t an inquiry becom es an application w hen bank personnel, d eterm ine that the in d iv id u al m ak in g the inquiry w ould not q u alify for a loan, and that determ ination is, c onveyed to the individual on the spot.1518 (5th C ir.

# 11
Mutual Consent Provisions in the Guam Commonwealth Legislation, (1994)
United States Attorneys General Filed: Jul. 28, 1994

Sections of the Guam Commonwealth Bill requiring the mutual consent of the Government of the, United States and the Government of Guam raise serious constitutional questions and are legally, unenforceable. As Chief Justice Marshall stated in Gibbons v. Ogden, 22 U.S. (9 Wheat.

# 12
MARAD Rulemaking Authority Under Cargo Preference Laws, (1994)
United States Attorneys General Filed: Apr. 19, 1994

MARAD has explicit authority to issue regulations governing fed-, eral agencies in the administration of their cargo preference programs, and there, is persuasive historical evidence that such program administration, as understood, by Congress, encompasses the promulgation of charter party terms.

# 13
Equitable Transfers of Forfeited Monies or Property, (1994)
United States Attorneys General Filed: Apr. 19, 1994

You have requested our assistance in determ ining whether equitable transfers of, forfeited property to state and local law enforcem ent agencies should be viewed as, contracts or as conditional gifts. Guidelines at 1. If the obligation is not performed, the donor is entitled, to restitution.

# 14
Eligibility of Involuntary Wartime Relocatees to Japan for Redress Under the Civil Liberties Act of 1988, (1994)
United States Attorneys General Filed: May 10, 1994

In that analysis, claimants counsel contend that the use of the active, voice in the language of the relocation exclusion provision renders the statute am-, biguous as to the eligibility of relocatees who were involuntarily returned to Japan. Co. v., Gilbert, 429 U.S. 125, 143 (1976).

# 15
Deputization of Members of Congress as Special Deputy U.S. Marshals, (1994)
United States Attorneys General Filed: May 25, 1994

See Steele v. United States, 267 U.S. 505, 508 (1925) (deputy mar-, shals are chiefly charged with the enforcement of the peace of the United States); indeed, Members of Congress cannot, perform the functions of the Marshals Service without running afoul of separation, of powers principles.

# 16
Deployment of United States Armed Forces Into Haiti, (1994)
United States Attorneys General Filed: Sep. 27, 1994

T h e p la n n e d d e p lo y m e n t a cc o rd e d w ith th e sen se o f C o n g re ss, s a tisfie d the re q u ire m e n ts o f th e W ar, P o w ers R e s o lu tio n , an d w as not a w a r w ith in th e m e a n in g o f the C o n stitu tio n . 11 ([t]he Congress shall have Power .

# 17
Denial of Public Access to Trial Exhibits in Child Pornography Prosecutions, (1994)
United States Attorneys General Filed: Feb. 10, 1994

By interposing, concern for the privacy of the children who appear in the pornographic exhibits, admitted at trial, the government can defeat common law claims asserted in support, of public access to such exhibits, and courts can take action to prevent the public, availability o f the exhibits.

# 18
Constitutionality of Legislation Extending the Terms of Office of United States Parole Commissioners, (1994)
United States Attorneys General Filed: Jul. 15, 1994

B e c a u se U n ite d S ta te s P a ro le C o m m is sio n e rs m a y be re m o v e d b y the P resid e n t at w ill, le g islatio n, e x te n d in g th e te rm s o f o ffic e o f certain P a ro le C o m m is sio n e rs , d oes no t v io la te the A p p o in tm e n ts, C la u se . U.S. Const, art.

# 19
Congressional Testimony of an Assistant United States Attorney on Behalf of the National Association of Assistant United States Attorneys, (1994)
United States Attorneys General Filed: Nov. 07, 1994

half o f NAAUSA., Although the question might be closer in circumstances involving testimony on, matters on which the views of AUSAs might not be deemed to be o f significant, congressional interest, we do not view this hypothetical as presenting a close ques-, tion.

# 20

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