12 U.S. 371 8 Cranch 371 3 L. Ed. 593 VOWLES AND OTHERS v. CRAIG AND OTHERS. March 14, 1814 Absent . MARSHALL, Ch. J. THIS case, as stated by TODD, J. in delivering the opinion of the Court was as follows: 1 This suit was instituted on the chancery side of the Circuit Court of the United States for the Kentucky district, by the Complainants, now Appellants as the heirs and legal representatives of Mary Vowles formerly Mary Frazer. 2 The bill alleges that in the year 1774 a survey was made for...
12 U.S. 30 8 Cranch 30 3 L. Ed. 478 VAN NESS v. FORREST. Feb. 8, 1814 Absent . WASHINGTON, J. 1 ERROR to the Circuit Court for the district of Columbia. 2 The case as stated by MARSHALL, Ch. J. in delivering the opinion of the Court was as follows:The Defendant in error, who was president of a commercial company, consisting of four or five hundred members, sold certain merchandize, the property of the company, to Jehiel Crossfield, and took his note payable in twenty days to Joseph Forrest,...
12 U.S. 417 (1814) 8 Cranch 417 THE UNITED STATES v. THE BRIGANTINE MARS. Supreme Court of United States. March 15, 1814. JOHNSON, J. delivered the opinion of the Court as follows: "This case depends upon the principle established in the case against the coffee, the Bohlens, Claimants. [*] *418 The decision, as in that case, was founded upon the ground of a sale to a bona fide purchaser without notice. The decree of the Circuit Court of Massachusetts district, in this case is therefore reversed,...
12 U.S. 398 (1814) 8 Cranch 398 THE UNITED STATES v. 1960 BAGS OF COFFEE. Supreme Court of United States. February 15, 1814. Absent ... . WASHINGTON, J. ( MARSHALL, Ch. J. being absent,) *399 PINKNEY, late Attorney General for the United States. *401 BOYD, contra. *404 JOHNSON, J. delivered the opinion of the Court as follows: This case has been argued very elaborately and has been a long time under consideration. But from the decision which the Court has at length come to, its merits are...
12 U.S. 253 (1814) 8 Cranch 253 THE VENUS, RAE, MASTER. Supreme Court of United States. March 12, 1814. *255 PITMAN, for the captors. *261 STOCKTON, contra, for M'Gregor, contended. Absent. ... LIVINGSTON. J. *273 WASHINGTON, J. after stating the facts of the case, delivered the opinion of the majority of the Court as follows: The claims of Maitland, M`Gregor and Jones are resisted, in toto, upon an objection to the national character of the Claimants. The general question affecting *274 these...
12 U.S. 421 (1814) 8 Cranch 421 THE THOMAS GIBBONS, ROCKWELL, MASTER. Supreme Court of United States. March 16, 1814. *422 JONES, for the captors. HARPER, contra. Absent MARSHALL, Ch. J. and JOHNSON, J. *426 STORY, J. delivered the opinion of the Court. *427 The ship Thomas Gibbons, laden with a cargo of British manufactures, on account of British and American merchants, sailed from Liverpool, in Great Britain, on the 16th August, 1812, bound for Savannah, in Georgia, and was captured on the...
12 U.S. 434 (1814) 8 Cranch 434 THE ST. LAWRENCE, WEBB, MASTER. Supreme Court of United States. March 16, 1814. *437 IRVING, for all the Claimants except M'Gregor and Penniman. PITMAN, contra, contended. Absent. ... MARSHALL, Ch. J. *440 LIVINGSTON, J. after stating the facts of the case, delivered the opinion of the Court as follows: *441 From the manner in which the Appellants have argued this cause, it does not appear that they are very sanguine in their expectations of our reversing the...
12 U.S. 382 (1814) 8 Cranch 382 THE SALLY, PORTER, MASTER. Supreme Court of United States. March 15, 1814. *383 Absent ... . MARSHALL, Ch. J. STORY, J. delivered the opinion of the Court. This case cannot be distinguished from that of the Rapid. It was there decided that property engaged in an illicit intercourse with the enemy, is liable to confiscation *384 as prize of war, and the only remaining question now before us, is, to whom it shall be condemned to the captors, or to the United...
12 U.S. 155 (1814) 8 Cranch 155 THE RAPID, PERRY, MASTER. Supreme Court of United States. March 7, 1814. Absent ... . TODD, J. HARPER, for Harrison. PITMAN, contra. RUSH, Attorney General. *156 *159 JOHNSON, J. delivered the opinion of the Court as follows: This capture was made on the high seas, about a month after the declaration of war. The Claimant, Harrison, had purchased a quantity of English goods in England, "a long time," to use his own language, before the declaration of war, and...
12 U.S. 317 8 Cranch 317 3 L. Ed. 575 THE MERRIMACK. Mar. 12, 1814 THIS was an appeal from the decree of the Circuit Court for the district of Maryland. The following are the material facts of the case: The ship Merrimack, owned by citizens of the United States, sailed from Liverpool for Baltimore, a few days after the declaration of war, by the United States against Great Britain, was known in that country, having on board a carge of goods shipped by British subjects, and consigned to citizens...
12 U.S. 388 (1814) 8 Cranch 388 THE MARY, STAFFORD, MASTER. Supreme Court of United States. March 15, 1814. *390 STOCKTON, for the Claimants. J. WOODWARD, contra. Absent ... . MARSHALL, Ch. J. The Court made the following order: *398 It is ordered that the Claimant have leave to make further proof, by affidavits, as to the following points: 1. As to his own citizenship. 2. As to the names of the heirs of general Fisher who are interested in the property, the places of their residence, and their...
12 U.S. 181 (1814) 8 Cranch 181 THE JULIA, LUCE, MASTER. Supreme Court of United States. March 7, 1814. D. DAVIS, for the Claimants. RUSH, Attorney General, in behalf of the United States. Absent ... TODD, J. *189 STORY, J. delivered the opinion of the Court as follows: *190 The facts of this case, and the grounds upon which a decree of condemnation was pronounced in the Circuit Court, fully appear in the opinion of that Court which accompanies this record. That opinion has been submitted to my...
12 U.S. 451 (1814) 8 Cranch 451 THE JOSEPH, SARGEANT, MASTER. Supreme Court of United States. March 16, 1814. *453 PITMAN, for the captors, contended. Absent ... . MARSHALL, C.J. *454 WASHINGTON, J. after stating the facts of the case, delivered the following opinion of the Court: After the decision of this Court in the cases of the Rapid and of the ship Alexander, it is not to be contended that the sailing with a cargo, on freight, from St. Petersburg to London, after a full knowledge of the...
12 U.S. 444 (1814) 8 Cranch 444 THE HIRAM, BARKER, MASTER. Supreme Court of United States. March 16, 1814. *446 SWANN, for Claimants. *447 DEXTER, contra. *448 Absent. ... MARSHALL, Ch. J. WASHINGTON, J. delivered the opinion of the Court. This vessel was the property of Samuel G. Griffith, an American citizen. On or about the 24th of September, 1812, she sailed, with a cargo of flour and bread, from Baltimore to Lisbon; and on her voyage thither, was captured, on the 15th of October following,...
12 U.S. 456 8 Cranch 456 3 L. Ed. 623 THE GROTIUS, SHEAFE, MASTER. March 16, 1814 APPEAL from the sentence of the Circuit Court for the district of Massachusetts. The Grotius , an American ship owned by Thomas Sheafe and Charles Coffin, the Claimants, sailed from Portsmouth, New Hampshire, March 2d, 1812, on a voyage, according to the shipping paper, from Portsmouth to one or more southern ports, and from thence to one or more ports in Europe, and back to her port of discharge in the United...
12 U.S. 418 (1814) 8 Cranch 418 THE FRANCES, BOYER, MASTER. (Irvin's claim.) Supreme Court of United States. March 15, 1814. IRVING. for Appellant. PINKNEY, for Captors. Absent. ... MARSHALL, Ch. J. WASHINGTON, J. delivered the opinion of the Court as follows: Thomas Irvin is a merchant of New York, and claims certain packages of merchandize consigned to him by Robertson and Hastie, and also three boxes of merchandize consigned to him by Pott and M`Millan. The consignors were British subjects,...
12 U.S. 335 8 Cranch 335 3 L. Ed. 581 THE FRANCES, BOYER, MASTER. ( Thompson and al. Claimants .) Feb. 1, 1814 1 THIS was an appeal from the sentence of the United States' 2 Circuit Court of the district of Rhode Island. The facts were as follow: 3 War was declared by the United States against Great Britain on the 18th of June, 1812. 4 The ship Frances , having on board a cargo of goods of British manufacture, consigned to various persons in the United States, sailed from Greenoch, in Scotland,...
12 U.S. 348 (_) 8 Cranch 348 THE FRANCES, BOYER, MASTER. (Graham's claim.) Supreme Court of United States. HARPER, for Claimant. PINKNEY and DEXTER, for the Captors. The material facts of the case, and the substance of the argument on both sides, are stated in the following opinion of the Court, [*] delivered March 12th, by MARSHALL, Ch. J. John Graham, a merchant of New York, claimed sundry parcels of goods shipped on board the Frances, as his sole property. The goods were shipped by William...
12 U.S. 354 (1814) 8 Cranch 354 THE FRANCES, BOYER, MASTER. (Dunham and Randolph's claim.) Supreme Court of United States. March 12, 1814. *355 PINKNEY, for the Appellants. HUNTER, contra. Absent ... . LIVINGSTON, J. *357 MARSHALL, Ch. J. after stating the facts of the case, delivered the opinion of the Court as follows. It has been argued for the Appellants, that, by the invoice and bill of lading, and the true construction of the letter of Alexander Thompson, the property was vested in Dunham...
12 U.S. 363 (1814) 8 Cranch 363 THE FRANCES, BOYER, MASTER. (Gillespie's claim.) Supreme Court of United States. March 12, 1814. *364 JONES, for the Claimant. PINKNEY, for the captors. Absent ... . LIVINGSTON, J. *371 MARSHALL, Ch. J. delivered the opinion of the Court as follows: Colin Gillespie, a naturalized American citizen residing in Glasgow, claimed sundry goods, shipped on his own account, as his property. This claim depends entirely on his national character, and is decided in the case...