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Supreme Court of the United States

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U. STATES v. the Cargo of the Fanny, (1815)
Supreme Court of the United States Filed: Mar. 01, 1815

13 U.S. 181 (1815) 9 Cranch 181 THE UNITED STATES v. THE CARGO OF THE SHIP FANNY, JENNINGS, MASTER. Supreme Court of United States. February 24, 1815. March 1, 1815. Absent ... . TODD, J. *182 The cause was argued by JONES, for the United States, and DAGGETT, for the Claimants. JOHNSON, J. delivered the opinion of the Court as follows: This case bears every feature of fairness. The voyage was undertaken upon the repeal of the orders in council. The vessel was laden in the short space of four...

# 1
U. States v. Job L. Barber, (1815)
Supreme Court of the United States Filed: Mar. 18, 1815

13 U.S. 243 (1815) 9 Cranch 243 THE UNITED STATES v. JOB L. BARBER. Supreme Court of United States. March 7, 1815. Absent. ... TODD, J. *244 Absent ... . TODD, J. This Court ordered it to be certified to the Circuit Court, that it is the opinion of this Court that fat cattle are provisions, or munitions of war, within the true intent and meaning of the act, entitled "an act to prohibit "American vessels from proceeding to or trading with "the enemies of the United States, and for other purposes....

# 2
U. States v. Giles & Others, (1815)
Supreme Court of the United States Filed: Mar. 18, 1815

13 U.S. 212 (1815) 9 Cranch 212 THE UNITED STATES v. GILES AND OTHERS. Supreme Court of United States. February 23, 1815. March 7, 1815. Absent ... . TODD, J. *221 The cause was argued in this Court at February term, 1812, by DALLAS & PINKNEY, for the United States, and by HARPER, for the Defendants. *230 LIVINGSTON, J. delivered the opinion of the Court as follows: This is a joint action of debt on a bond dated the 9th of January, 1801, in the penalty of 20,000 dollars. The condition of the...

# 3
The United States v. The Cargo of the Ship Fanny, Jennings, Master, (1815)
Supreme Court of the United States Filed: Mar. 18, 1815

13 U.S. 181 9 Cranch 181 3 L. Ed. 698 THE UNITED STATES v. THE CARGO OF THE SHIP FANNY, JENNINGS, MASTER. Feb. 24, 1815 Absent . TODD, J. APPEAL from the sentence of the Circuit Court for the district of Connecticut, restoring the property to the Claimants. The American ship Fanny, was laden at Greenock, in Scotland, with a cargo of British goods, the property of citizens of the United States, and sailed from thence on the 4th day of July, 1812, after the repeal of the orders in council, and...

# 4
The United States v. Bryan and Woodcock. (Garnishees of Hendrickson.), (1815)
Supreme Court of the United States Filed: Mar. 11, 1815

13 U.S. 374 9 Cranch 374 3 L. Ed. 764 THE UNITED STATES v. BRYAN AND WOODCOCK. (Garnishees of Hendrickson.) March 10, 1815 Absent . TODD, J. ERROR to the Circuit Court for the district of Delaware This was an attachment of the effects of Hendrickson, a bankrupt, in the hands of his assignees, Bryan and Woodcock. Hendrickson was surety for George Bush, late collector of the customs at Wilmington, in an official bond dated in 1791. Bush died on the 2d of February, 1797, By an adjustment of his...

# 5
The Town of Pawlet v. D. CLARK & OTHERS, (1815)
Supreme Court of the United States Filed: Mar. 10, 1815

13 U.S. 292 (1815) 9 Cranch 292 THE TOWN OF PAWLET v. DANIEL CLARK, AND OTHERS. Supreme Court of United States. March 10, 1815. Absent ... . TODD, J. *295 This cause was argued at last term by PITKIN, and WEBSTER, for the Plaintiffs, and by SHEPHERD, for the Defendants. SHEPHERD, contra. *322 STORY, J. delivered the opinion of the Court as follows: The first question presented in this case is, whether the Court has jurisdiction. The Plaintiffs claim under a grant from the state of Vermont, and...

# 6
The St. Lawrence, Webb, Master, (1815)
Supreme Court of the United States Filed: Feb. 25, 1815

13 U.S. 120 (1815) 9 Cranch 120 THE ST. LAWRENCE, WEBB, MASTER. (M`Gregor and Penniman Claimants.) Supreme Court of United States. February 23, 1815. February 25, 1815. Absent ... . TODD, J. Absent ... . TODD, J. STORY, J. delivered the opinion of the Court as follows: *121 The only claims in this case now remaining for the consideration of the Court, are those of Mr. Penniman and M`Gregor. Further proof was directed, at the last term, to be made in respect to those claims; and no additional...

# 7
The Schooner Adeline, (1815)
Supreme Court of the United States Filed: Mar. 10, 1815

13 U.S. 244 (1815) 9 Cranch 244 THE SCHOONER ADELINE AND CARGO. Supreme Court of United States. March 3, 1815. March 10, 1815. Absent. ... TODD, J. *245 The case was submitted to the Court by J. WOODWARD, and EMMET. for the re-captors, and by IRVING, and D.B. OGDEN, for the Claimants, upon their written notes for argument. D.B. OGDEN, for all the Claimants. *283 STORY, J. delivered the opinion of the Court as follows: The American letter of marque, schooner Adeline, with a valuable cargo on...

# 8
The Nereide, Bennett, Master, (1815)
Supreme Court of the United States Filed: Mar. 11, 1815

13 U.S. 388 (1815) 9 Cranch 388 THE NEREIDE, BENNETT, MASTER. Supreme Court of United States. March 6, 1815. March 11, 1815. Absent. ... TODD, J. *391 HOFFMAN, of New York, for the Appellant. DALLAS, contra, for the captors. *412 MARSHALL, Ch. J. after stating the facts of the case, delivered the opinion of the court as follows: *413 "In support of the sentence of condemnation in this case, the captors contend, 1. That the Claimant, Manuel Pinto, has neither made sufficient proof of his neutral...

# 9
The Mary, Stafford, Master, (1815)
Supreme Court of the United States Filed: Feb. 25, 1815

13 U.S. 126 (1815) 9 Cranch 126 THE MARY, STAFFORD, MASTER Supreme Court of United States. February 20, 1815. February 25, 1815. Absent ... . TODD, J. *128 STOCTON, for the Claimant. J. WOODWARD, for the Captors. *139 MARSHALL, Ch. J. delivered the opinion of the Court as follows: Nanning J. Visscher, an American citizen, administrator of general Garret Fisher, deceased, went to Great Britain in the year 1811, for the purpose of collecting the estate of the said general Garret Fisher in that...

# 10
The Grotius, Sheafe, Master, (1815)
Supreme Court of the United States Filed: Mar. 10, 1815

13 U.S. 368 9 Cranch 368 3 L. Ed. 762 THE GROTIUS, SHEAFE, MASTER. March 10, 1815 Absent . TODD, J. THIS case was continued from last term, for further proof, ( See ante, vol. 8, p. 456) and was now submitted, upon the further proof produced, without argument. WASHINGTON, J. delivered the opinion of the Court as follows: 1 This case comes before the Court upon an order for further proof, made at the last session in relation to the validity of the alledged capture of this vessel. The master, the...

# 11
The Frances, (1815)
Supreme Court of the United States Filed: Mar. 18, 1815

13 U.S. 183 (1815) 9 Cranch 183 THE FRANCES, BOYER, MASTER, (Dunham and Randolph's claim.) Supreme Court of United States. February 18, 1815. March 2, 1815. Absent ... . TODD, J. PINKNEY, for the Claimants. DEXTER, contra. *187 JOHNSON, J. delivered the opinion of the Court as follows: This claim is interposed to obtain restitution of three bales and nineteen boxes of goods captured in the Frances. As early as the 23d of July, 1811, these Claimants, anticipating a repeal of the orders in...

# 12
The Brig Concord, Taylor, Master, (1815)
Supreme Court of the United States Filed: Mar. 11, 1815

13 U.S. 387 9 Cranch 387 3 L. Ed. 768 THE BRIG CONCORD, TAYLOR, MASTER. March 11, 1815 Absent . TODD, J. THIS was an appeal from the sentence of the Circuit Court, affirming that of the District Court, which restored to the Claimants, neutral Spanish merchants at Teneriffe, 20 pipes of wine, part of the cargo of the British brig Concord, captured by the American privateer Marengo, in August, 1812, without payment of duties; although the same had been, by consent of the proctors for the parties,...

# 13
The Brig Ann, McLain, Master, (1815)
Supreme Court of the United States Filed: Mar. 10, 1815

13 U.S. 289 (1815) 9 Cranch 289 THE BRIG ANN, M`CLAIN, MASTER. Supreme Court of United States. March 10, 1815. Absent ... . TODD, J. STORY, J. delivered the opinion of the Court as follows: This is an information against twelve casks of merchandize, part of the cargo of the brig Ann, alleged to have been imported or put on board with an intent to be imported contrary to the non-importation act of 1st March, 1809, ch. 91, ยง 5. It appears from the evidence that the Ann sailed from Liverpool for...

# 14
The BRIG ALERTA & CARGO v. Blas Moran, (1815)
Supreme Court of the United States Filed: Mar. 10, 1815

13 U.S. 359 (1815) 9 Cranch 359 THE BRIG ALERTA, AND CARGO, (Brosquet, Claimant,) v. BLAS MORAN, LIBELLANT. Supreme Court of United States. March 10, 1815. Absent ... . TODD, J. *361 J. WOODWARD, for the Appellant. *364 WASHINGTON, J. delivered the opinion of the Court as follows: The only question for the consideration of this Court is, whether the Court below had jurisdiction of this cause for the purpose of restoring the property to the Libellant The jurisdiction is asserted upon two...

# 15
TERRETT & OTHERS v. Taylor & Others, (1815)
Supreme Court of the United States Filed: Feb. 17, 1815

13 U.S. 43 (1815) 9 Cranch 43 TERRETT AND OTHERS v. TAYLOR AND OTHERS. Supreme Court of United States. February 17, 1815. Absent. ... JOHNSON, J. and TODD, J. *45 The cause was argued at last term by JONES, for the Plaintiffs in error, and by E.I. LEE and SWANN, for the Defendants in error. STORY, J. delivered the opinion of the Court as follows: The Defendants not having answered to the bill in the Court below, it has been taken pro confesso, and the cause is therefore to be decided upon the...

# 16
Taber v. Perrott and Lee, (1815)
Supreme Court of the United States Filed: Feb. 15, 1815

13 U.S. 39 9 Cranch 39 3 L. Ed. 649 TABER v. PERROTT AND LEE. Feb. 14, 1815 Absent . TODD, J. 1 ERROR to the Circuit Court for the district of Rhode Island, 2 in an action of assumpsit to recover from the Defendant's Perrott and Lee , the amount of certain bills of exchange put into their hands, to collect, by the Plaintiff Taber and his deceased partner, Gardner . 3 At the trial below several exceptions were taken, in which the following facts appeared. 4 The Plaintiff produced a witness, John...

# 17
Speake & Others v. U. States, (1815)
Supreme Court of the United States Filed: Feb. 16, 1815

13 U.S. 28 (1815) 9 Cranch 28 SPEAKE AND OTHERS v. THE UNITED STATES. Supreme Court of United States. February 10, 1815. February 16, 1815. Absent ... TODD, J. Absent TODD, J. *32 SWANN and C. LEE, for the Plaintiff's in error. JONES, contra. *34 STORY, J. delivered the opinion of the Court as follows: This is an action of debt brought upon a bond given under the first section of the embargo act of the 9th of Jan. 1808. h. 8. After oyer of the bond and condition, various pleas were pleaded by...

# 18
Simms v. Guthrie, (1815)
Supreme Court of the United States Filed: Feb. 14, 1815

13 U.S. 19 (1815) 9 Cranch 19 SIMMS v. GUTHRIE AND AL. Supreme Court of United States. February 8, 1815. February 14, 1815. Absent ... . LIVINGSTON, J. STORY, J. and TODD, J. Absent ... . JOHNSON, J. and TODD, J. *21 SWANN, for the Plaintiff in error. *22 JONES, contra. *23 MARSHALL, Ch. J. after stating the facts of the case, delivered the opinion of the Court as follows: The first error assigned is that the entry and survey of the Plaintiff in error being prior to the claim made by Ash before...

# 19
Ship Societe, Martinson, Master, (1815)
Supreme Court of the United States Filed: Mar. 18, 1815

13 U.S. 209 9 Cranch 209 3 L. Ed. 707 SHIP SOCIETE, MARTINSON, MASTER. March 3, 1815 1 Absent . TODD, J. 2 APPEAL from the sentence of the Circuit Court for the district of Georgia, affirming the decree of the district Court which allowed freight pro rata itineris , to the Swedish ship Societe , captured on her outward voyage from England to Amelia Island, with a British cargo on board, which was condemned as prize of war. 3 By the charter-party, the outward cargo to Amelia Island was to be...

# 20

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