30 U.S. 224 (_) 5 Pet. 224 WILLIAM YEATON vs. ADAM LYNN, EXECUTOR OF JOHN WISE, USE OF THOMAS C. LYLES AND REBECCA HIS WIFE, DENNIS M. LYLES, HENRY S. COOMBS AND LOUISA HIS WIFE. Supreme Court of United States. *225 Mr. E.J. Lee, for the plaintiff in error. *226 Mr Chief Justice MARSHALL delivered the opinion of the Court. This is an action on the case brought by Adam Lynn as executor of John Wise, for the use of Thomas C. Lyles and others, against William Yeaton, in the circuit court of the *...
30 U.S. 529 (_) 5 Pet. 529 JOHN WINSHIP AND OTHERS, PLAINTIFFS IN ERROR vs. THE BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, DEFENDANT IN ERROR. Supreme Court of United States. *541 The case was argued by Mr Sprague, for the plaintiffs in error: and by Mr Sergeant and Mr Webster, for the defendants. *552 Mr Chief Justice MARSHALL delivered the opinion of the Court. This was an action brought in the court for the first circuit and district for Massachusetts, against John Winship, Amos Binney and John Binney,...
30 U.S. 115 (_) 5 Pet. 115 THE UNITED STATES, PLAINTIFFS IN ERROR vs. THOMAS TINGEY, DEFENDANT IN ERROR. Supreme Court of United States. *120 The case was argued by Mr Berrien, attorney general, and Mr Swann, district attorney, for the United States; and by Mr Coxe and Mr Jones for the defendant. *125 Mr Justice STORY delivered the opinion of the Court. This is a writ of error to the circuit court of the district of Columbia, sitting at Washington. The original action was brought by the United...
30 U.S. 131 (_) 5 Pet. 131 THE UNITED STATES vs. THOMAS TINGEY'S ADMINISTRATORS. Supreme Court of United States. Mr Swann, of counsel for the plaintiff in error in this cause, moved the court to amend the judgment entered in this cause, by instructing the court below to permit him to withdraw his demurrer: on consideration whereof, this court is of opinion that although this might have been done upon a reversal, yet it cannot be done where the judgment of the court has been affirmed, as this...
30 U.S. 641 (_) 5 Pet. 641 THE UNITED STATES vs. ROBERTSON. Supreme Court of United States. *647 The case was argued by Mr Berrien, attorney general, for the United States; and by Mr Martin for the defendant. Mr Chief Justice MARSHALL delivered the opinion of the Court. This suit was brought in the court of the United States for the fourth circuit and district of Maryland, on the following bond: Know all men by these presents, that we, Thomas Robertson, Levin Ballard, Arnold E. Jones, Mathias...
30 U.S. 99 (_) 5 Pet. 99 THE UNION BANK OF GEORGETOWN, APPELLANT vs. ANNA GEARY, APPELLEE. Supreme Court of United States. *105 The case was argued by Mr Swann for the appellants, and by Mr Coxe and Mr Jones for the appellee. *107 Mr. Justice THOMPSON delivered the opinion of the Court. The appellee, who was the complainant in the court below, and administratrix of-her late husband, filed her bill in the circuit court for the district of Columbia, and for the *108 county of Washington, for the...
30 U.S. 580 (_) 5 Pet. 580 LUKE TIERNAN, DAVID WILLIAMSON, JUN. AND CHARLES TIERNAN, PLAINTIFFS IN ERROR vs. JAMES JACKSON, DEFENDANT IN ERROR. Supreme Court of United States. *587 The case was argued by Mr Scott and Mr Taney for the plaintiffs in error; and by Mr Wirt for the defendant. *592 Mr Justice STORY delivered the opinion of the Court: This is a writ of error from the circuit court for the district of Maryland, in which the defendant in error was the original plaintiff. The suit was an...
30 U.S. 398 5 Pet. 398 8 L. Ed. 168 THOMAS S. HINDE AND WIFE, PLAINTIFFS IN ERROR v. THE LESSEE OF CHARLES VATTIER. January Term, 1831 THIS was a writ of error to the circuit court of the district of Ohio. The case was submitted to the court by Mr Doddridge on the following case. 'This is an ejectment originally brought in the common pleas of Hamilton county, in the state of Ohio, and afterwards removed to the circuit court of the United States for the district of Ohio, for a part of lot No. 86,...
30 U.S. 604 (_) 5 Pet. 604 THE PATAPSCO INSURANCE COMPANY, PLAINTIFFS IN ERROR vs. JOHN SOUTHGATE AND WRIGHT SOUTHGATE, DEFENDANTS IN ERROR. Supreme Court of United States. *606 The case was argued by Mr Mayer and Mr Writ for the plaintiffs in error; and by Mr Stewart and Mr Taney for the defendants. Mr Stewart and Mr Taney, for the defendants. *615 Mr Justice THOMPSON delivered the opinion of the Court. This case is brought here on a writ of error to the circuit court of the United States for...
30 U.S. 1 (_) 5 Pet. 1 THE CHEROKEE NATION vs. THE STATE OF GEORGIA. Supreme Court of United States. *14 The case was argued on the part of the complainants by Mr. Sergeant and Mr. Writ. No counsel appeared for the state of Georgia. *15 Mr Chief Justice MARSHALL delivered the opinion of the Court. This bill is brought by the Cherokee nation, praying an injunction to restrain the state of Georgia from the execution of certain laws of that state, which, as is alleged, go directly to annihilate...
30 U.S. 358 (_) 5 Pet. 358 JOHN TAYLOE, PLAINTIFF IN ERROR vs. EDWARD THOMSON'S LESSEE, DEFENDANT IN ERROR. Supreme Court of United States. *359 The case was argued by Mr Jones for the plaintiff in error; and Mr Key and Mr Dunlop for the defendant. Mr Dunlop and Mr Key, for the defendant. *364 Mr Justice BALDWIN delivered the opinion of the Court. In the court below this was an action of ejectment, brought by Thomson to recover possession of a lot in the city of Washington. It came up on a case...
30 U.S. 284 (_) 5 Pet. 284 THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY, COMPLAINANT vs. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Supreme Court of United States. *287 Mr Chief Justice MARSHALL delivered the opinion of the Court. This is a bill filed by the state of New Jersey against the state of New York, for the purpose of ascertaining and settling the boundary between the two states. The constitution of the United States declares that "the judicial power shall extend to controversies between two or more states." It...
30 U.S. 292 (_) 5 Pet. 292 JOHN SMITH, T. PLAINTIFF IN ERROR vs. THE UNITED STATES, DEFENDANT IN ERROR. Supreme Court of United States. *294 The case was argued by Mr Benton for the plaintiff, and by Mr Berrien, attorney general, for the United States. *295 Mr Justice M'LEAN delivered the opinion of the court. A writ of error is prosecuted in this case, to reverse the judgment of the district court of Missouri, which exercises the powers of a circuit court. In December 1824, the United States...
30 U.S. 518 (_) 5 Pet. 518 CLEMENT SMITH, ADMINISTRATOR OF SAMUEL ROBERTSON, DECEASED, PLAINTIFF IN ERROR vs. THE PRESIDENT AND DIRECTORS OF THE UNION BANK OF GEORGETOWN, DEFENDANT IN ERROR. Supreme Court of United States. *519 The case was argued by Mr Coxe and Mr Lear, for the plaintiff in error; and by Mr Key and Mr Dunlop for the defendants. *523 Mr. Justice JOHNSON delivered the opinion of the Court. The judgment below is rendered upon an agreed case, on which the following state of facts...
30 U.S. 141 (_) 5 Pet. 141 JOHN W. SIMONTON, PLAINTIFF IN ERROR vs. SAMUEL WINTER AND SAMUEL G. BOWMAN, SURVIVORS OF JOSHUA BOWMAN, DEFENDANTS IN ERROR. Supreme Court of United States. *145 The case was argued by Mr. Coxe for the plaintiff in error, and by Mr Jones for the defendants. Mr Jones, for the defendants in error. *146 Mr Justice THOMPSON delivered the opinion of the Court. This case comes before the court upon a writ of error to the circuit court of the district of Columbia. The...
30 U.S. 675 (_) 5 Pet. 675 JAMES SHEPPARD AND OTHERS, APPELLANTS vs. LEMUEL TAYLOR AND OTHERS, APPELLEES. Supreme Court of United States. *687 The case was argued by Mr Mayer and Mr Hoffman for the appellants: and for the appellees by Mr Taney and Mr Wirt. Mr Hoffman and Mr Mayer, for the appellants. *707 Mr. Justice STORY delivered the opinion of the Court. This is an appeal from a pro forma decree of the circuit court of the district of Maryland, in a case in admiralty, for mariners' wages....
30 U.S. 390 (_) 5 Pet. 390 ALEXANDER B. SHANKLAND, PLAINTIFF IN ERROR vs. THE MAYOR, ALDERMEN AND COMMON COUNCIL OF WASHINGTON, DEFENDANTS IN ERROR. Supreme Court of United States. *391 The case was argued by Mr Wirt and Mr Swann for the plaintiff; and by Mr Jones and Mr Key for the defendants. Mr Justice STORY delivered the opinion of the Court. This is a writ of error to the circuit court of the district of Columbia, sitting in the county of Washington. The original action was brought by the...
30 U.S. 718 (_) 5 Pet. 718 ELISHA R. POTTER, APPELLANT vs. HANNAH GARDNER AND OTHERS. Supreme Court of United States. The cause was argued by Mr Pearce, for the appellants; and by Mr Bridgham and Mr Webster, for the appellees. Mr Justice M'LEAN delivered the opinion of the Court. This is a suit in chancery, brought by Potter, the appellant, from a decree of the circuit court in Rhode Island. The controversy arises out of the following decree of this court, between the same parties, in 1827; and...
30 U.S. 485 (_) 5 Pet. 485 TOWNSEND D. PEYTON AND OTHERS, APPELLANTS vs. JOSEPH STITH, APPELLEE. Supreme Court of United States. *487 The case was argued by Mr Taylor and Mr Jones for the appellants; and by Mr Bibb and Mr Daniels for the appellees. Mr Justice BALDWIN delivered the opinion of the Court. The subject of this controversy is a tract of land situated on Kingston fork of Licking creek, and Buck Lick creek a branch thereof. Stith, the complainant below, claims title under an entry made...