Both landlords and tenants are suffering major losses due to the impact of COVID-19. Forced closures of businesses have put a strain on many tenants, preventing them from being able to satisfy their obligations under their leases.
Regarding Divorce....
My husband and I own an S-Corp Small business together for the length of our marriage 11 years. He brings in approx. $25,000 a month and I bring in $8,000 a month. We have a 50/50 partnership. However my husband works 50-60 hours a week and I only work 15-20 hours a week. My primary job is to take care of our two children.
He stopped depositing checks into the business when he moved out of the house on 11/24/09. The checks are written out to our company FTC. He also withdrew more than %50 of the money from our business account. Since we are still married and the divorce filing has not begun can he keep this money or does it need to be deposited into the business account? Will all the checks he gets payment required to be deposited into the business account? If he files for a divorce does he get to withhold payments\money made out to our company FTC?
Can he start a new company while we are married and have the check made to this new company? Am I entitled to half the money he is bringing into the company until we get a divorce? Can he hide any money?