Would like to leave state of Tx w/infant
My husband is an alcoholic and I cannot deal with it anymore. My family, and the only place I would have available to go is out of state. Would I be able to leave the state with our infant if it was just a spoken separation or does it need to be a legal separation or an actual divorce?
Hi there - dealing with a BAD uncle.
My mother lives in Asia and has a co-op in Manhattan that was given to her by my Grandmother who recently passed. (her mother)
Bad uncle convinced my mother to add his name onto the title so that he could help manage the property.
He tried selling the co-op without my mother's knowledge, and somehow forged her signature and had it notarized (she was in Asia and could not have signed any papers here in the US). We found out and put a stop to it just before everything was finalized.
Now she wants to sell the co-op as my father passed and she is ill. We want to purchase a place for her in California near where I live, but he refuses to 1) take his name off title 2) agree to sell the property. My feeling is that he is waiting for something bad to happen to her so that the property becomes his.
We have a signed letter from him that states that he added his name onto title just so that he could help manage the property, but he claims not to remember writing/signing it.
What to do?