I plead guilty to 5th degree domestic assault under duress and shock. I have sentencing on the 17th, can I withdraw the plea?
My neice is 15 -1/2 , she is going down the wrong path...smoking marajuana, F's in school and very very disrespectful. She has quite a bit of $$$ in a C.D. custodial account that I am in charge of that I set up for her with money that she has recieved from mostly from my late grandmother and us ( her family ) over the 15-1/2 years intended for college or something good. I am afraid that when she turns 18, and I have to give this money to her, she will blow it all for drugs and what have you.
She is NOT responsible now and I highly doubt that she will be responsible enough in 2 -1/2 years from now. What can I do to hold off until she is 25 or making her have to be drug free and in College in order for her to get this money ? In California I am required to hand it all over to her at 18 and I need to figure out something else until she is ready.