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Initially I visited Alicia for law advice prior to attorney's being brought into my case with my ex. Alicia gave the advice I was seeking. I visited Alicia again after my ex hired an attorney and she stated" I can give you legal advice, but I can't teach you to be a lawyer", and she was right. I hired Alicia and it was the best decision I could have made. She is one dedicated, determined, and trustworthy attorney, if you don't want the truth oh how to proceed and what needs to happen she is not the PA for you. Alicia told me the truth at every point even if I didn't agreed, and even if it hurt my feelings. I was emotionally bound to the divorce proceedings but her focus was the final outcome and how to get the most favorable outcome. I'm so appreciative for her realness and her passion for her craft that my outcome was more than I could have even imagined. If you hire Alicia you won't be disappointed. Thank you Alicia for all you do for the community and the people you serve.
Alicia Washington is very professional, ethical, knowledgeable, confident and has a passion for her career.
I hired her for my friend and I'm very pleased with her in all aspects.