Olivia S Benson
, Banking, Estate planning, General practice, Guardianship, Landlord or tenant, Litigation, Probate, Real estate, Real Property, Trusts, Wills and living wills
Practice Area: Trusts and Estates
endorsement on Jan. 28, 2016
Relation Ship: Legal Professional
One of the best probate attorneys in our area. Paul Steinberg is also outstanding.
Olivia S Benson
, Banking, Estate planning, General practice, Guardianship, Landlord or tenant, Litigation, Probate, Real estate, Real Property, Trusts, Wills and living wills
Practice Area: Trusts and Estates
endorsement on Dec. 19, 2015
Relation Ship: Co-worker
Olivia S Benson
, Banking, Estate planning, General practice, Guardianship, Landlord or tenant, Litigation, Probate, Real estate, Real Property, Trusts, Wills and living wills
Practice Area: Civil Litigation
endorsement on Dec. 18, 2014
Relation Ship: Legal Professional