A Small Business Owner's "Best Friend"
We would have never been able to get through this without Mr. Taylor. When you find yourself in an arena that you don't understand under circumstances you had no control over, facing adversaries with and incredible amount of monetary capacity - you only get one chance to select the right counnsel. Mr. Taylor was that correct choice. As victims of the recession we were able to preserve our assets, credit and dignity with the help of Mr. Taylor. Every detail, consequence and challenge was carefully and completely explained to us during those difficult times. His ability to negotiate and work with opposing counsel is second to none. Had Mr. Taylor not interveened on our behalf we would have lost everything. Knowledge and experience counts. Genuine compassion and respect are a hallmark of Mr. Taylor's. We feel we were very well represented and achieved the best results possible with each case Mr. Taylor has handled for us. We hired an attorney and wound up with a true friend.