Scholarly and Cultivated Nick Ortiz
Nick Ortiz, firmly established quality performance: as my social security attorney. Example, he handled my paperwork with an airtight plan of understanding. In addition, Nick represents the essence of right attitude and masterful use of attention to detail. He is also highly proficient in the knowledge of the Social Security System. Earning my deepest respect were experience matters: Nick is the face of experience, marshaling in the sheer weight, and winning combination of being tried, tested, researched and recorded: as a person of better methods and tailored solutions; in social security cases *****This is essential when your health is declining in front of you, and you are scared. This is important when , -because of being scared your source of who to talk to is on a short list; other than God (Jesus). When your emotional decline leaves you narrow visioned to express yourself clearly. Results can have and abrupt halt, to what was once normal to achieve. Nick was the hand up and not hand out, and with that, I thank GOD, and you Nick. Where there was a mess, GOD, ----and Nick showed a message. "The message" is you can get higher help with GOD; and when its comes to social security, you can get the a powerful resource helper from GOD, --- attorney Nick Ortiz. Alica, also provides and productivity of increased professionalism, and beauty. Mr. Ortiz Sr., I call him "papa, is a pillar of strength, and I believe played full measure in Nick's extreme intelligence in social security knowledge. I place high premium of respect of persons mentioned; and I hope I paved the way for more clients for the Ortiz law firm. Daily living is a challenge for me, but with Nick as my lawyer, I believe I can keep from getting knocked life . Much respect to you Nick. Alicia is thoughtful, beautiful, receptive, discerning, and scholarly in her persona understanding; a strong supporting personnel at the law firm. I am humbled to the law firm. If you ever need me, I am there LORD willing.