Very expensive attorney offering mediocre & indifferent results
Ralph came very highly recommend to me from a mutual friend of ours, a non family law attorney in the area. Despite his above the norm hourly rate, I liked what I heard during our initial consultation and hired Ralph to handle my divorce in Spring, 2015. The results were dreadful. If you are looking for an overpriced attorney to give you mediocre and indifferent service, Ralph is your guy. Ralph was slow to respond on many emails and in my opinion, never showed any serious interest or creativity in trying to move the case along to conclusion. He always seemed to be in court or mediation and in my opinion appeared to have too much on his plate. Overall, he seemed happy going at his pace and never took serious efforts with opposing counsel to try to move the case along. The tipping point for me was when he took a phone call in our 1st mediation from another attorney, yet billed me for my time during this call. I fired Ralph soon thereafter and moved onto a different attorney. With my new attorney's help and creativity, our stalled case that seemed headed for trial was resolved and successfully mediated in less than a month. Proceed with caution with Ralph Mangione and Burr & Forman LLP.