Post on Oct. 31, 2013
The Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals has reaffirmed its position that privately reached settlements of FLSA claims are unenforceable even if it involves former......
Post on Oct. 31, 2013
The Florida Supreme Court has finally close the door on the Economic Loss Rule in Florida. What was once a widely used doctrine that served to defeat claims in tort seeking economic damages, now has been stripped of......
Post on Oct. 13, 2012
Long arm personal jurisdiction can be achieved in Florida in certain contractual disputes without satisfying traditional long arm requirements or satisfying normal due process......
Post on Oct. 10, 2012
Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing in Commercial Landlord tenant Setting can extend to the use of the common areas of the......
Post on Dec. 16, 2010
Unfortunately, several county and circuit judges in the state have adopted this argument and reasoned that the court either lacked jurisdiction to proceed in the absence of a valid default notice or that the condition precedent of a valid default notice needed resolution before the action could be...
Post on Oct. 20, 2010
In yet another affirmation of the strength of the Florida Landlord Tenant Act, the Fourth District Court of Appeal recently held that a commercial tenant's failure to pay accruing rent into the court registry during the pendency of an eviction proceeding provides an automatic non-discretionary...
Post on Jun. 05, 2009
Just like physicians, lawyers have different specialties and different experiences. You would not visit a dermatologist for a broken wrist. You should not hire a criminal attorney to handle your contract dispute. Find a lawyer that answers your questions off the top of his head with confidence, not...
Post on Apr. 14, 2009
One of the biggest mistakes clients make that jeopardize their case is retaining counsel too late. Whenever clients try to resolve their legal matters on their own they typically do not anticipate the consequences of their words or conduct. They do not realize that their adversary has likely...