Professionalism with Personality
I met Thomas Scarritt a few months ago as a result of asking the legal department in my organization for a list of attorneys they would recommend to represent them on an ethical matter of false allegations possibly leading to criminal charges if not disputed. After reviewing the list of their personal preferences, it quickly became obvious Mr. Scarritt would be my choice as he was the #1 recommendation on each of their list to represent them personally.
I called his office and told his assistant of my situation and the recommendations. She was very attentive to my needs and immediately began the process of gathering information while arranging the opportunity for me to quickly meet Thomas Skarritt.
Upon my first meeting I was instantly aware I had made the right decision. The information provided to his assistant lay before me with an identical copy in front of Mr. Scarritt. The information was bound in a loose leaf notebook with my case information on the front and was indexed, catalogued, and tabbed. He introduced me to his staff and spent several minutes getting to know me before we moved forward with review of the situation. We jointly went through all the information in the notebook tab-by-tab with him personally diligently taking notes along with another member of his firm. He then assured me I was in good hands and he did not feel there was any case at all. Then he really surprised me by walking me all the way to my car with personal assurances all the way of all was going to turn out positive.
There have been multiple meetings since with more notebooks and more information. Thomas also sat by my side through all questioning from the other side by the investigating parties to the accusations. This meeting I had thought would be additional information gathering but seemed to me was hostile against me. And then as was his style after every meeting, he once again made the walk with me for a cup of coffee and then to my car with his personal assurance all would be well.
Thomas returned to his office, prepared another one of the detailed notebooks along with his staff identifying all of the areas of question or concern from the opposition with specific and verified information of contradiction. He then forwarded that notebook to me for review to assure all was accurate. After my review, the information was forwarded to the investigative attorney for rebuttal of the accusations against me.
As a result of Thomas believing in me without question while patiently and professionally documenting the facts, I was notified late Friday afternoon on Monday morning the investigative attorney would announce there is no evidence of any wrong doing on my part on any of the multiple accusations. I am anxiously awaiting tomorrow's announcement.
I can highly recommend Mr. Thomas P. Scarritt, Jr. and his team to anyone seeking legal assistance wanting attentive personal service with legal expertise. His professional courteous personality is a rare commodity in today's environment. I can attest when you make that walk to your car, you will know you are in good hands.
Happy Monday!