He's the best, period...He cares, is honest, works very hard, does the legal research and he did not lose...
All of what I'm about to write is a matter of court record and can be corroborated as true:
- I'm a non-biological father who when I met Bill, "I thought I WAS the biological father"... As soon as you can wrap your mind around that,, know he litigated the PA. law case in 2000-1 that won (me) legal parental status for my daughter. The biological parents had tried to take my 3 (and later 4) yr old away from myself and our family (after the Mother and I had at 1st amicably split). We were not able to see Morgan for almost 4 months (12/1 - approx 4/1/2001, and yes we left the Christmas tree up for her). They intended for us to never see Morgan /again (and they put that in writing!) and were almost successful. Pretty sure this is close to the worse in terms of treating families, especially a child; but luckily and w/Gods and Bills help, we won. For more details on (the extensive legal briefs and research done by Councilor Friedlanders Firm, including his Mother/ who was a Judge), you can search PA. Law "Parent By Locatis", non-biological parents winning dual custody/legal parental status, and Judge Mott's ruling, from the Towanda PA. Ct House.
Later, in 2003-5 he again won a 2nd case:
- Where the biological father (who had been physical custody by the mother) had promised me that if I signed the papers to allow the legal status switch, nothing would change from our relationship of the last 2 years. Once signed, he sued myself and the mother for child support, made visitation a nightmare and this, after I had already and all along been supporting "our" daughter. Long story made short, Judge Mott ruled that a non-biological Father can not be held liable for support, any more than an Uncle, Grand-parent, stepfather or a friend could be held liable. Thus, the "Clerk's! initial ruling out of Towanda was over turned and we won. Again, for more details on (the extensive legal briefs and research done by Councilor Friedlanders Firm, including his Mother/ who was a Judge), you can search PA. Law "Parent By Locatis", non-biological parents w/dual custody/legal parental status, Legal obligation for support, and Judge Mott's ruling, from the Towanda PA. Ct House.
Full disclosure:
- I was referred to "Billy" in 12/2000 through my Mother, She met him when she was dating Tommy Hilfiger in the late 70's, when TH was still in Elmira & owned People's Place.
- I continued to support my daughter after the 2004-5 case and still do as of this writing. She is pretty happy about that, because it now goes directly to her as an allowance for being a good kid, a straight A student and a wonderful daughter.