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If you need a lawyer that would get the job done, its Zeljka Bozanic, I was facing 10-15 years on a charge that was Publishable By Life if I were to be found guilty, It was my first time in jail and didn't know what to do because there was evidence I was there even though I wasn't completely involved. Zeljka comforted my mother and father while I remind in incarcerated while meant the world, God always made sure I was okay but he sent a lawyer that was the best and did everything to get me out of jail with out House arrest, Probation, or even a jail sentence. She's always involved and very caring of your situation no matter what the circumcise of the crime may be. Because of God and the BEST Criminal Defense Attorney in Miami, I'm a free man and now in Law school to be a Defense Lawyer myself. I just wanted to say Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you did for me and my family.
You shouldn't look no where else for a more Aggressive, Genuine, Passionate & Hard-working Defense Attorney.
Got my charge of 15 years minimum dismissed - I trust her completely. I got arrested for drugs and my old attorney told me to take a deal the prosecutor was offering and sign to go to prison for years. I hired zeljka and she filed motions, investigated the case for months and argued for me. The cops searched my car for no probable cause and she was able to show all their lies. I am here today with my kids thanks to zeljka and I don't know what I would do without her. She fights with her heart and she cares about her clients. I am thankful that I was able to stay here with my family and will never forget what she did for me.