What Should My Car Insurance Policy Cover?
At a minimum, motorists are required to purchase liability insurance in order to compensate for injuries or vehicle damage to other motorists (which depends on who's liable). State insurance laws set minimum liability coverage amounts for bodily injury and property damage to others. Common insurance policy coverage areas include the following:
What Is Uninsured Motorist Coverage?
Assuming that some motorists are going to either have inadequate liability insurance coverage or will flaunt the law entirely, uninsured motorist coverage helps fill in the gaps. Without it, you may be unable to be compensated for injuries or vehicle damage following an accident where an uninsured (or underinsured) driver is at fault. Some states require uninsured motorist coverage, but others offer it as an add-on to basic policies.
Uninsured motorist coverage can reimburse claimants for medical expenses, lost wages, injuries to passengers, and vehicle damage. However, uninsured motorist coverage doesn't help you in a hit-and-run.
State Car Insurance Laws at a Glance
State automobile insurance laws generally set minimums for liability coverage of bodily injury (per person and per incident) and property damage. Some states also require a minimum amount of coverage for uninsured and underinsured motorists as well. These limits range from roughly $20,000 to $100,000 per accident for injury liability and generally less per accident for property damage liability.
For instance, Florida law requires at least $10,000 in property damage liability per accident and $10,000 in personal injury liability coverage, which is toward the low end of the scale. Illinois, which is somewhere near the average, requires at least $50,000 in bodily injury and $20,000 in property damage liability coverage; while also requiring at least $50,000 in uninsured motorist coverage per accident.
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