If your child has been caught bullying another kid online, as a parent you could face a personal injury lawsuit, in addition to other legal consequences. ...
When a minor is injured, there are usually special procedural issues to consider when making a personal injury claim (especially if the matter is taken to court). ...
When an employee's negligence causes an accident, and someone gets injured as a result, the employer may be on the financial hook. ...
Self-defense rarely comes into play in a personal injury case, but sometimes the defendant can raise this argument in response to certain kinds of personal injury lawsuits. ...
When you miss a wedding, vacation, birthday, or other event because of an accident, it can become part of your claimed damages in a personal injury case. ...
Sleep problems can be a sign of anxiety, traumatic head or brain injury or even PTSD, and can be considered part of "pain and suffering" or "emotional distress" damages in a personal injury claim. ...
Punitive damages aren't typically an option in most personal injury cases, but when they do play a role, it's often a significant one. ...
When you're forced to use sick days or vacation time because of your injuries, or to attend medical appointments, that PTO can become part of your claim for damages. ...
Medical records play a key role in determining the value of a personal injury claim, so keeping your records private will undermine your case and leave you with no medical documentation to substantiate your claims. ...
When the person who caused your injury is an undocumented immigrant, there are a number of factors that could affect any personal injury claim you want to file. ...