If you have a slip and fall case, and you file a lawsuit, you will have to attend a deposition, so it helps to have an idea of how depositions work, and the kinds of questions to expect.
A deposition is a procedure in which you typically go to the defense attorney’s office and answer questions under oath about the case. These questions are asked primarily by the defense attorney.
A deposition is a very important event in any kind of civil lawsuit, for two reasons. First, it allows the defense attorney to really figure out what your claims are all about. Although by the time the deposition takes place you will have answered written questions (interrogatories) and provided documents to the defense attorney, there is no substitute for face-to-face questioning to find out someone’s story. And second, it is typically the defense attorney's first chance to meet you and size you up as a witness. This is more important than you might think. Even if you have a great case, but you are just not a good witness, the insurer is going to offer you less money because it will assume that you won’t make a good witness in the eyes of the jury if your case makes it to trial.
Learn more about What Happens at a Personal Injury Deposition.
So what types of questions will a defense attorney typically ask the plaintiff in a slip and fall case? Depositions in personal injury cases are typically divided into several parts: background questions, how the accident happened, and the plaintiff’s damages and injuries, including the plaintiff’s medical history.
Background questions are typically all about the plaintiff’s educational, family, military, and employment background, as well as whether the plaintiff has a criminal record.
How the accident happened will be the key focus of the deposition. This is where you tell the defense attorney exactly how you got hurt. You will have to explain in exhaustive (and potentially exhausting) detail every minute aspect of the incident. As an example of this line of questioning, let’s look at what the plaintiff would likely be asked in a claim where the slip and fall occurred on accumulated ice:
And so on and so on. You will probably feel drained after a thorough deposition. You may even feel like you now have no idea how you slipped and fell. The key to making sure you're a good deposition witness in a slip and fall case is to practice, practice, practice with your lawyer beforehand.
The third section of a slip and fall deposition (although questions can be asked in any order) will cover the plaintiff’s medical history, damages, and injuries. With respect to medical history, defense attorneys typically ask you to describe your entire medical history, even things that would seem to have no relationship to your slip and fall injury. For example, they might ask, “What is the name of every health care provider that you have seen in the past fifteen years?” You should rely on your lawyer to decide if these questions are reasonable, too invasive, or irrelevant.
For questions about the plaintiff’s injuries and damages, the defense attorney wants to know how the slip and fall affected you, including not just injuries but the overall impact on your life:
Learn more: Will I Have to Give a Deposition in My Personal Injury Case?