Respondent: PAUL G. REYNOLDS
Agency: Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Locations: Sarasota, Florida
Filed: Jan. 14, 2000
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Tuesday, May 1, 2001.
Latest Update: Feb. 03, 2025
vs. FDBPR Case N° 98-80346
State of Florida, Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Division of Real
Estate (hereinafter "Petitioner") files this Administrative Complaint against Paul G. Reynolds
(hereinafter "Respondent") and alleges:
1. Petitioner is a state government licensing and regulatory agency charged with the
responsibility and duty to prosecute Administrative Complaints pursuant to the laws of the State
of Florida, in particular § 20.165, Fla. Stat., Chapters 120, 455 and 475, Fla. Stat., and the rules
promulgated pursuant thereto.
2. Respondent is and was at all times material hereto a licensed Florida real estate broker,
issued license number 0596424 in accordance with Chapter 475, Fla. Stat.
3. The last license issued was as a broker %J & P Empire Group, Inc.. 232 Pedro Street,
Venice, Florida 34285.
+. At all times material hereto, from January 11. 1994 through June 5. 1996. Respondent,
FDBPR Case N° 98-80346
aul Reynolds
e Complaint
Paul Reynolds was licensed as a real estate salesperson in the State of Florida. Certification of
iicensure 1s attached hereto, incorporated herein, and made a part hereof by reference as
Administrative Complaint, Exhibit |.
5, 1996, Respondent
anuary 11, 1994 through June
5. Atall times material hereto, from J
n trading as RE/MAX
was registered with The Crowley Group, Inc., 4 broker corporatio
pondent s employing broker.
Properties (RE/Max), Res
pondent drafted a contract for t!
about November 27, 1995, Res he purchase and
known as 4007/4009 Bell Av
BPR, dated February 23, 1998,
6, Onor
enue, Sarasota, Florida,
sale of a certain real property commonly
from a certain buyer, Paulette Flaherty. Copy of letter to the D
from Melinda A. Delpech, attorney for Respondent, referencing and attaching the contract and
incorporated herein, and made @ part hereof by reference
copy of the contract are attached hereto,
as Administrative Complaint Composite Exhibit 2.
dences that the parties had agre
300 (N inety-Three Hundred
ed that the escrow agent for the earnest
7. The contract evi
Dollars) was to be
money non-refundable deposit in the amount of $9
the seller, W. Bryant.
jected the money in his own
s of the Contract, Respondent col
g. Contrary to the term
erein. and made a part hereof b
name. Copy of check is attached hereto. incorporated h ry reference
as Administrative Complaint Exhibit 3.
iter to the DBPR from his attomey, Melinda Delpech,
9. Respondent admits, via le
FDBPR vs J. Faul Reynolds FDBPR Case N° 98-80346
Administrative Complaint
dated February 23, 1998: “The buyers[sic] were entitled to retain the $9,300.00 non-refundable
deposit, which had been made payable to Mr. Reynolds. Mr. Reynolds used this money to pay a
roofer ... and to pay taxes.” Refer to Administrative Complaint Composite Exhibit 2.
10. Respondent claims he had an interest in the property, but has failed to provide
‘competent evidence of such interest.
11. Chapter 475.42(1)(b), F: Ja. Stat.. states: “No person licensed as a salesperson shall
operate as a broker or operate as a salesperson for any person not registered as her or his
11. Chapter 475.01(3), Fla. Stat. states: ‘Operate’. . . shall be deemed to mean the
commission of one or more acts described in (chapter 475, Fla. State.],... as constituting or
defining a broker, broker-salesperson, or salesperson, not including, however, any of the
exceptions stated therein.”
12. Chapter 475.01(1), Fla. Stat., states, in pertinent part: Salesperson’ means a person
who performs any act specified in the definition of ‘broker,’ but who performs such act under the
direction, control, or management of another person ” (emphasis added).
13. Chapter 475.01(1)(k), Fla. Stat., states, in pertinent part:
‘Broker’ means a person who, for another, and for a compensation or
valuable consideration directly or indirectly paid or promised, expressly
or impliedly, or with an intent to collect or receive a compensation or
valuable consideration therefor, appraises, auctions, sells, exchanges,
buys, rents, or offers, attempts or agrees to appraise, auction, or negotiate
the sale, exchange, purchase, or rental of business enterprises or business
ZDBPR vs J- paul Reynolds FDBPR Case we. 38-80346
Admin2strative Complaint
opportunities or any real property or any interest in OF concerning the
same, including mineral rights or leases, or who advertises oF holds out
to the public by any oral or printed solicitation or representation that she
or he is engaged in the business of appraising, auctioning, buying,
selling, exchanging, leasing, OF renting business enterprises OF pusiness
opportunities or real property of others or interests therein, including
mineral rights, or who takes any part in the procuring of sellers,
purchasers, lessors, or lessees of business enterprises OF business
opportunities or the real property of another, or leases, OT interest therein,
including mineral rights. or who directs or assists in the procuring of
prospects OF in the negotiation or closing of any transaction which does,
or is calculated to, result in a sale, exchange, or leasing thereof, and who
receives, expects, OF is promised any compensation oF valuable
consideration, directly or indirectly therefor; and all persons who
advertise rental property information or lists. A broker renders @
professional service and is a professional within the meaning of s.
14. Respondent negotiated a real estate transaction for “another,” 2 seller/owner of the
certain property and a buyer, without processing the transaction through his proker of record.
Based upon the foregoing, Respondent is guilty of having operated as @ proker without being
the holder of a valid and current license as a broker in violation of § 475.42(1)(a); Fla. Stat. and,
therefore. in violation of § 475.25(1)(e), Fla. Stat.
Based upon the foregoing, the Respondent is guilty of having collected money in connection
with a real estate brokerage transaction in his own name without the express consent of the employer
in violation of § 475.42(1)(d), Fla. Stat. and, therefore, in violation of § 475.25(1)(e), F la. Stat.
FDBPR vs J. Paul Reynolds FDBPR Case N° 98-80346
Administrative Complaint
Based upon the foregoing, Respondent is guilty of fraud, misrepresentation, concealment, false
promises, false pretenses, dishonest dealing by trick, scheme or device, culpable negligence, or breach
of trust in a business transaction in violation of § 475.25(1)(0); Fla. Stat., and, therefore, §475.25(1)@),
Fla. Stat.
Based upon the foregoing, Respondent is guilty of failure to immediately place with the
registered employer a deposit entrusted to him as agent of the registered employer in violation of Fla.
Admin. Code r. 61J2-14.009 and § 475.25(1)(k), Fla. Stat. and, therefore, in violation of § 475.25(1)(@),
Fla. Stat.
WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully requests the Florida Real Estate Commission, or
the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, as may be appropriate, to issue a Final
Order as final agency action finding the Respondent(s) guilty as charged. The penalties which
may be imposed for violation(s) of Chapter 475, Fla. Stat., depending upon the severity of the
offense(s), include: revocation of the license or registration or permit; suspension of the license,
registration or permit for a period not to exceed ten (10) years, imposition of an administrative
fine of up to $1,000 for each count or offense; imposition of investigative costs; issuance ofa
reprimand; imposition of probation subject to terms including, but not limited to, requiring the
licensee. registrant or permitee to complete and pass additional real estate education courses,
FDBPR vs J. Paul Reynolds FDBPR Case N° 98-80346
Administrative Complaint
publication; or any combination of the foregoing which may apply. See § 475.25(1), Fla. Stat.
and Rule 61J2-24.001, Fla. Admin. Code. The penalties which may be imposed for violation(s)
of Chapter 455, Fla. Stat., depending upon the severity of the offense(s), include: revocation of
the license, registration, or permit: suspension of the license, registration, or permit for a period
not to exceed ten (10) years; imposition of an administrative fine of up to $5,000 for each count
or offense; imposition of investigative costs: issuance of a reprimand; imposition of probation
subject to terms including, but not limited to, requiring the licensee, registrant, or permitee to
complete and pass additional real estate education courses; publication, restriction of practice;
injunctive or mandamus relief; imposition of a cease and desist order; or any combination of the
foregoing which may apply. See § 455.227, Fla. Stat. and Rule 6152-24.001, Fla. Admin. Code.
SIGNED this Lo ay of L-bbor , 1999.
"4 Pend, > :
D \epartment of Bukiness and~ :
mS Professional Regulation
: By: Herbert S. Fecker, Jr.
Director, Division of Real Estate
FDBPR vs J. Paul Reynolds FDBPR Case N° 98-80346
Administrative Complaint
Nancy P. Campiglia
Florida Bar N° 164259
Senior Attorney
Department of Business and
Professional Regulation,
Legal Section - Suite N 308
Hurston Bldg. North Tower
400 West Robinson Street
Orlando, Florida 32801-1772
(407) 481-5632
(407) 317-7260 FAX
PCP: HF/JR 10/99
PLEASE BE ADVISED that mediation under § 120.573, Fla. Stat, is not
available for administrative disputes involving this type of agency action.
PLEASE BE FURTHER ADVISED that pursuant to this Administrative
Complaint you may request, within the time proscribed, a hearing to be conducted in this
matter in accordance with Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Fla. Stat.; that you have the right,
at your option and expense, to be represented by counsel or other qualified representative
in this matter; and that you have the right, at your option and expense, to take testimony,
to call and cross-examine witnesses, and to have subpoena and subpoena duces tecum
issued on your behalf if a formal hearing is requested.
PLEASE BE FURTHER ADVISED that if you do not file au Election of
Rights form or some other responsive pleading with the Petitioner within twenty-one (21)
davs of receipt of this Administrative Complaint, the Petitioner will file with the Florida
Real Estate Commission a motion requesting an informal hearing and entry of an
FDBPR vs J. Paul Reynoids FDBPR Case N° 98-80346
Administrative Complaint
appropriate Final Order which may result in the suspension or revocation of your real
estate license or registration. Please see the enclosed Explanation of Rights and Election of
Rights form.
Oe oS)
cay, ‘4
Lawton Chiles
’ pficnere © Farrel!
DATE: MARCH 19, 1998
in necoraance witn vour E-Mail dated March if. i396.
enciosecd riease find re
tne above subjectisi
Hurston North Tower 400 West Robinson Street» Orianao, Fiortda 3239; -1~~>
Telephone (497) 245-0800
Lawton Chiles Richara T. Farrell
Governor Secretary
vs it, 2994 through June =.
broker corporation trading as Realty
located at 2OC Nortr Tamiami Trail.
thet from lertemcer OD. LSS" snreust Iertember OS. LEST ne was
2 broker-salesperscrn in agsocristion witn =: 2 Empire rour inc.
that from Sertemner 3 i907 through tne present he nas been
a orcker-officer cf Realty Executives cr Venice Ine & broker
corporation locates 2+ 232 Pedro Street - Venice. Florida 24235
° elt &
ckey. Recon
a |
Hurston Nortn Tower 400 West Robinson Street Orlanao, Fiortda 32801-1772
Telephone (407) 245-0800
69 fs 5 f
27 S. ORANGE AVENUE, SUITE 3, ")'; Loe
Robert P. Watrous ‘ (941) 953-9771
Melinda A. Delpech * Fax (941) 953-9426
« -also admitted North Carolina Bar
February 23. 1998
Marjorie G. Bennett
Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Bureau of Investigative Services
2295 Victoria Avenue. Suite 263
Fort Myers. Florida 33901
RE: Paul G. Reynolds
DBPR Case No. 98-80346
Dear Marge:
I am writing in response to William Bryant's letter to DBPR dated January 25. 1998. I
understand that you have already met with Mr. Reynolds and are familiar with the factual
background of this situation. Therefore. [ will not run through all of the details. When we spoke
on the telephone last week. you indicated that the only issues raised in Mr. Brvant’s complaint
which merit investigation by DBPR are: (1) did Mr. Reynolds have an ownership interest in the
Bell Avenue property; and (2) if not. was the contract for sale done through a licensed broker.
The remainder of this letter will present evidence establishing Mr. Reynolds’ ownership of the
Bell Avenue property. Since he was an owner. DBPR’s second concern is moot.
By way of background. Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Bryant have had a long-term triendship
and real estate investment relationship that began in Canada over ten years ago. They bought
and sold numerous pieces of property together. Essentially. they had an unwritten partnership
agreement whereby the parties invested. rented and sold real property Recently. their
relationship began to sour and Mr. Bryant is now attempting to deny the existence of the long-
term partnership and investment relationship. Before filing his DBPR complaint. Mir. Bryant
wrote a letter to Mr. Reynolds wherein he characterizes certain investments as “loans.” and
demands repayment of $150.C00.00 worth of oid “loans” dating back to 1987. (.\ copy of his
letter dated November 22. 1997 is attached hereto as Exhibit A.) When Mr. Reynoids refused to
acknowledge the “loans.” \fr. Bryant filed this DBPR complaint. [t would appear that that Mr.
Bryant may be using the DBPR as leverage in an attempt to exact money from Mr. Reynolds.
The Bell Avenue property was purchased in coniunction with two other pieces oF
property’ 1708 Nebraska Avenue avid a vacant lor in Lynnwood Park. fhe purchases were
— —————
Cee VU
structured so that Bell and Nebraska were purchased with ten per cent down ($4,027.84 on Bell
and $9.954.39 on Nebraska). The down payments were made from the proceeds of a mortgage
taken against the vacant lot for $14,250.00. All three properties were purchased from the same
seller. James Wallace. Essentially, Mr. Wallace “gave Mr. Bryant and Mr. Reynolds the vacant
lot in exchange for them meeting his purchase price on the Bell and Nebraska properties. The
bank was willing to loan the $14.250.00 against the lot. which the buyers used to make the down
payments on the other two properties. The only out-of-pocket expenses for the buyers on any of
these properties were the $100.00 per property earnest money. Mr. Reynolds made these
payments. Mr. Reynolds also made all mortgage payments with the proceeds of the rent from
Bell and Nebraska. Attached hereto as composite Exhibit B are copies of the following: closing
statements for the purchase of Bell, Nebraska and the vacant lot; the agreement to apply the
proceeds from the vacant to Bell and Nebraska: and Mr. Reynolds’ three checks for the earnest
money on each property.
The Bell Avenue property was purchased for use as a rental. Since Mr. Bryant did not
live locally, Mr. Reynolds agreed to be primarily responsible for collecting the rent. paving the
mortgage and maintaining the property. Attached as Exhibit C are copies of checks written by
Mr. Reynolds for repair and maintenance, as well as mortgage payments. (Note, the Bell
property was managed jointly with another investment rental owned by Mr. Bryant and Mr. Beil
on Nebraska Street. The attached records overlap to some extent with the Nebraska property.)
Mr. Reynolds was acting in his capacity as owner of the property when he collected the rents and
expended money on maintenance and repair. He was not a “managing agent” as Mr. Bryant
suggests. He neither received nor expected any financial remuneration for his services other than
the expectation of increasing his return on the eventual sale of the property.
Mr. Reynolds found a buyer for the Bell Avenue property in November of 1997. The
buyer. Paulette Flaherty, entered into a Contract for Sale. which was also executed by Mr.
Bryant, as title owner. On the face of the contract. in paragraph 16, all parties acknowledged
that Paul Reynolds had an ownership interest in the property. A copy of the Contract for Sale
is attached hereto as Exhibit D. Furthermore. in response to the DBPR complaint. Ms. Flaherty
made a written statement on February 4. 1998 declaring the following: “Please be advised that
upon reviewing Bell & Nebraska, and eventually doing a contract on Bell that Paul [Reynolds]
and Sandy [Bryant] were the owners of the properties.” The original statement from Ms.
Flaherty is attached hereto as Exhibit D.
Unfortunately, the saie under the Flaherty contract did not go through. The buyers were
entitled to retain the $9,300.00 non-refundable earnest money deposit. which had been made
payable to Mr. Reynolds. Mr. Reynolds used this money to pay a roofer for work pertormed
(Tay Williams. $500.00). and to pay taxes on both Nebraska and Bell ($1.245.12 and $1.063.63.
respectively). The remaining sum of $6.491.25 was split evenly between the two partners as
evidenced by Mr. Reynolds’ check to Mr. Bryant for $3.245.63 dated November 28. 1997.
Copies of Ms. Flaherty’s check. Mr. Reynolds accounting with supporting documents. and Mr.
Reynolds’ check to Mr. Bryant are all attached hereto as composite Exhibit E.
I believe that the foregoing clearly establishes that Mr. Reynoids and Mr. Bryant were co-
owners of the property. If you have any questions regarding the ownership issue or any of the
documents enclosed in this package, please call me to discuss them. Because Mr. Reynolds was
an owner of the property. the Flaherty contract was properly entered into without the use of a
If there are any additional issues raised in Mr. Bryant's complaints which you feel merit
discussion. please let me know and I will put together another package for you. I look forward to
hearing from you and resolving this matter as expeditiously as possible.
Sincerely, et
. Leg” ° es A |
ALL * ae
Melinda A. Delpech
ce: Client
™sn coheed roved by the Sarasota REALTOR® Attorney Joint Com:
Coninacr ron 64L0 OF NEAL. ESTATE _
8 St eT onan Poet Anse
using BROKER and Cooperating BROKER Ss
ee an
“g Agent Cooperating Agent: ae
see Fax: Phone: Fe
ZROW AGENT im 2 Ane ‘A Licensed Reat Estate Broker or Anommey,-"
wt Yara
VER vereby rarest buy from ‘SELLER and SELLER cerees 1 sell t© BUYER Se propeny and improvements (ccated “AV
Gye 7/26 bbl Pu «GALA ELTPY County, Figrida, legally desctibed as: SM pe >
“TETHER WITH the following personal property (if tavs
fg Yn
am ty
¢ - NOW ~ = ny -
s_ 7 foo" Eamest Money Deposic in U.S. funds, 10 be paid lo BREROWKOENT. uw. Bayt val
s Additional Earnest Money Deposit, In U.S. funds, to be paid to ESCROW AGENT within____dtys after the date wis Contract
is accepted by BUYER and SELLER (the “Contract Date").
$ Existing Mortgnge: See Optional Provisions “A* and °C” and General Condition 8.
$s New Mortgage: See Optional Provisions “pt and "C*,
Note and Mortgage t9 SELLER: See Optional Provision “D°.
SB iad “_ Galance to Close, n U.S. funds, certified or cashier's check only; See Generai Condition &.
[%) OCD. 20" Sunt Purchase Price. (BG, AVY i
CROW AGENT acknowiedges receiot of the Eamest Money Deposit afd agrees to hold il and any ‘Additional Eamest Money Deposits in escrow pursuant
‘the terms of cnis Contract. A. checks are sucvect lo c:earance,
«ude insurance commitment and peiicy covering the croperty 19 the amount of the Full Purchase Price shall be obtained anc paid for by
{i L SELLER wiii credit $ a ‘owara we Ue insurance premium.
1 Except as othemwlse provided herein, this saie shall be closed and the deed, note and mortgage, bill of sale, deposits and monies shail be delivered on
ee | Dity jf 197, SELLER shall deliver possession of the property to BUYER on closing.
“ if this Contract Is not accepted by BUYER and SELLER on or before My 20 7S, all deposits shall be retumed to BUYER and
thy Contract snail be of no cifect. A facsimile copy of this Contract and any ‘amenaments hereto, and any signatures thereon, snail be considered for ail ourposes
as originals.
UNISTING \ BUYER'S obligations are contingent uoon BUYER'S procuring the written approval of the existing mortgage lender for
MORTGAGE mortgage by BUYER at the prevaring assumption rate. BUYER shail make application for the epproval within the Contract Date.
ONTINGENCY BUYER shail pay tne costs of assuming ne memgage. BUYER may terminate this Contract and receive a retum ‘deposits sf BUYER has not
Seen able lo obtain the soproval by 19 and notifies SELLER or SELLER'S. ‘of that fact in writing by nat date.
tion of the
NEW B BUYER'S obligations are contingent uson BUYER'S procuring a writen commitment, subject to customary closing contingencies, for a mon
MORTGAGE rage loan from wiencing insitution for $. BUYER shall m: Dolication for the loan within ___ ays of the
ONTINGENCY Zonuact Date. SUYER may terminate Unis Conyact and receive # rerum of all deposits if BUYER has not been able to coun Le Commiament
yD and notifies SELLER, LER'S agent of that fact in wrung by that date.
TYER shail be deemed to have waived the above contingenc ‘BUYER fails to (a) diligently pursue the approval or commitment cromouly
Sumish credit ang other informauon recuired by the Lend ‘d fully cooperate with the Lender, or (b) notify SELLER or SELLER'S agent in
writing by the appricable date set forn ah election to terminate this Contract,
SATE AND 7 TUYER shail execute and deliver to SELLERS note and mortgage on the property in the amount of ST
MORTGAG TEArINg interest at + oer annumfayadie as follows:
The note and Mortgage snail be in torm satisfactory (0 SELLER'S attorney ana shai contain
TPanceieranon facse Ure “aya, soasl give BUYER the rignt to oreoay aii oF any part of principal at any me win interest
Ory Ans sa feo) to keep Ine ‘morovements on tne procerty insured for fire ana extenaed ccversee icr the full
sf locates wiunin e food zene area, snail reavite BUYER to keep tne improvementt insurea for food covers
asurabie vaue,
Othe full insrbie varue or ne maximum amount of flood insurance available wrougn We National Flood Insurance Program
rouey, have a ceauchioie cisuse of no mere than $7$0 and snail conuin & Suandard mortgagee ciause in favor of SELLER.
‘sat4TROKERS are reieased from any napiiity as to the credit worthiness of BUYER. 7" note and morgage snail contain & c-
CONVEYANCE Seller shall convey marxetavic ue by Statutory Warranty Deed in recordable form, sudject only to mortgages assumed, taxes for the year of
closing, zoning and other pronibitions ang regulations imposed by goveramenta authorities, and casements, resinctions and reservations of record
that de not pronibit the property from peing used for __ Wn Fc Ae Xe purposes. Personal property sna be conveyed
by bill of sale with warranty of ue.
SVIDENCE 1 The tide insurance commitment shall be obtained by RUYER, or delivered by SELLER. to BUYER as mentioned in Paragrepn il, no later than
2 S97 iT examination of the title evidence discloses that SELLER cannot comply win Genera Condition
SELLER shai De notifies cr ine deficiencies in writing wit:n 4 days (rom rece:pt of re commiument SELLER shall use ciigence to correct
the deficiencies, and the cicsing snail be extended, if necessary, to no Jeter ian 10 days alter such deficiencies nave been correct if SELLER
Tannot correct the deficiencies wisn 120 days from receiving we notice, BUYER may terminate this Contract and receive # return of aii deposits.
Sotning hi cocies or aiert tne brocerage agreement berween SELLER and ine Listing BROKER
SURVEY > Prlor to casing BUYER av cetain a survey of the provery at his expense. If ths survey discloses a violstion of deed ceszittons, zoning
: cemenis (other Unan plantings, driveways of walkways) wre oui.t cver an casement
me snail be deemed a tt cefect and weated as provided in G adition 2
coaslar construction controt line as & in §161.053, FS, BUYER #8 cs rent under
ey from SELLER delineating ine iceation cf the line on the property.
SSSOCIATION LER shall prompuy apply lo ine & on for sucn
approval of an association, BUYER anc S
SPPROY AL, iy pay anv sociation fee. If the approval 's not obtained, aii deposns snani be sers7t3 © BUYER
snail be
FPMITES At beast 12 favs peter: vements inspected at nis expense by a licensed pest control cpersicr to determine
= prior infestauon of the imorovements SELLER shall
suing costs of repairing or repiacin? morovements
sion of jerminating wis Congact “ia .o cays ater
5 chen exisuing
mune property,
LEK WO oss
. , Se B05 gene in wrung Suinin 19 Gays OLE Cunwens eo
furs nonce wainin whe ur “pectic, BUYER shail og ucemea to have ecentea We groperty, IMIpLOVEMEHu. ee Keer
Concition as of he Con! » if BUYER gives Sucn nouce within whe lime specticy, SCLLER shan omy ui costs of reoats recurred ©
iemeuy the additonal m: { ceserioed in the notice, As used Nesein, maurini acfects” rot inetude cosmeuc OF cecorstive welecks.
7 iiew of paying such Coss shan nave we opuon of terminating Us ‘Conuact wiunin 10 spt of BUYER'S 7auce oy giving
BUYER unicsa BUYER elects to accept the property, improvements, ana pers yan their wen exisung condiucn
«S00 i ;
eaten ie pe nen ch AO erry inspected al rcasonaoie mes Crh w ciosing upon reasonapie nouce, @
ICER a (cewsrmun Crees eden ea Doo oy se moat ve ene LORGIUOR & gach party agrees Wa GROKERS
SEU ER ae hom any hiapiiity a8 w ine conaiton of we propery, imo! Sens, and personal oroperty.
OF if the property improvements are damaged Oy fire or other casusity before closing and can 0F restored to suostanusily the same conaition as how
. eee pr period of 00 days Wnercaller, SELLER shall restore be improvements and the ci0sing Gale and denvery of possession snasi be extenged
sscordingly, 2 sugn reswarauion cannot pe compicted within bv days, BUYER may, a BUYER'S option, euner terminate unis Contact anc receive
aera Bt aii ceoosits, oF purchase Lie Dfoperty in we camaged ys, Elon and receive ue Denesiis of any insurance ‘on ine property
‘usumes une rsx of loss unul closing.
1 The Balance io Close shail be adjusted, ss of the closing date, by the proration of real property taxes and tangible personal property wxes (if
AAY), aller anoweoie discounts, mainiensnce charges, (ess, jums, ang interest if any. Atl special assessments, ingivging Wnose
mpased Dy & condominium oF homeowners associauon, fore inc Contract Date shail be charged lo SELLER. BUT may
ww assume SELLER'S insurance poucies 4) 6 ‘amount of (axes and assessments for the year of ciosing cannot oe determines, ne Amount from
‘ne previous year, with KNOWN cnanges, snui be used. If ube actual taxes of assessmens vary from tne figure used Wo c.ose unis Sansacuon,
SUYER or SELLER shail pay ine acorcpriare agjusunent upon aemand, and Unis PrOVISION shalt Survive NE closing. The Amount of ary assumed
Exisung Mortgage 1s an estimate and the Balance to Close snail be adjusted at Ci0siNg 10 Tefiect the acwal aMOUne
. 3 SELLER shait pay the documentary tax on the decd. BUYER shail pay for recording the deed. If Optional Provision “D* is aopuicacie, BUYER
snail pay for Socumentary and Intangicre tax on the note and morgage, and SELLER shail pay (or recoraing we mortgage.
. . it SELLER is a fercian erson’ under 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code, BUYER. my, be required to collect from SELLER, of deduct
HONG ang withnold fom SEL R's closing proceeds, a (ax on SELLER equal to (0% of the Full Purchase Price. The tax snail mot be collected oF
aubhetd from SELLER if an exempuon Trom such collection of wiunnolding 1s avaiiable by virtue of facts inal may be esubiuhed by affidavits
Dursuant to 91445 and accompanying (eguistio’s. if exemouons are avariadle, BUYER and SELLER (as ropropae agree to fumish affidavits
closing esiaonshing ine pertinent exemouons, if BUYER collects or winholds tne tax trom ELLER, BUYER shai pay ine Ux witnin LO
cays aller receipi 10 Che interna Revenue Service for He deneft of SELLER pursuant 0 g 1445 ang accompanying teguiauons.
Synt Ss Af BUYER fails w perform BUYER'S obligations, all deposits shall be rewined by or for the account of SELLER as considerauon for the
execubon of nis Contact and in fuil seplement of any claim for damages, or SELI by giving writen NOLICE to BI R within 10 days from
SMe of default, may clect to enforce sny equitable remedy avaiiabic to SELLER because of BUYER'S default. If SELLER faiis to perform
yaavauale to SELLER SSPE grail nol DereDy ave WY TEN Oe Oe le
ve because ov such (allure. Faiivee or refusal of & spouse Of SELLER or HUYER to execule a deed oF Thorigage necessary w pass good WUE
of to creaus a vand mortgage shall be deemed a defauit of such SELLER of BU’
RNEY'S 2 if any litigation occurs berween the parties as 4 result of this Contract or any other documents required by this Contract, ‘he prevaiiing party
ry shall be enuued t recover agomey $ fees incurrea and all court costs.
a 12} No agreement unless 1s incorporated into tis Conuact is binding, Time is of the essence of this Contract, This Contract shail bind and inure
la the bene! of whe successors and assigns of the parties. where the context requires, We singuiar snciudes the pluras, ine mascusine gender
includes ure lemming, and vice versa.
ENCY ‘4 SELLER AND BUYER confirm tne following agency teiationship(s).
Listing BROKER, includingListing agent. Cooperating BROKER, i ag Cooperating Agent,
us the agent of (chegxones: is the agent of ck oner:
SELLER'S exclusively a3 SELLER'S agent. of
ELLER an "YER as a dual agent, of R exclusively as BUYER'S agent oF
thet SELLER nor BUYER. ELLER and BUYER as a dual agent, of
Listing BROKER, including Listing Agent, 1s acting as neuher SELLER nor BUYER.
Cooperating BROKER, including
is acting as @ wansacuon broker.
SMIMISSION 15 CO(F A LISTING AGREEMENT 1S CURRENTLY IN EFFECT): SELLER agrees to pay Listing BROKER & commission accordance with
. che uerms of an exuung SEPaenle listing agreement, Cooperaung BROKER en be paid by Listing BROKER tn accordance win & separate agrece
ent, of
Ly ment between such BROKERS uniess otherwise ‘Sued herein or by eddendum.
“ i) ’ 3 UF NO LISTING AGREEMENT IS CURRENTLY [N EFFECT): SELLER segrees to pay BROKERS, at the ume ofciosing, from the
“y L Tspursements of the proceeds of the sate, & commission of ™% of the Full Purcnase Price for BROKERS services in effecting ine sale of
nn -
¢ propery cursuant to this Conuack in the evens BUYER Tails to pertorm and. any ceposis we reuained, 50% thereof, but not exceeding the
SWG Lommsgica orovided BOOvE. 5! ¢ paid to BROKERS as full conssceration ior BROKERS® services, including Costs ‘expendes Sy BROK!
oy wag ihe baiarce shai de ped SELLER. If ihe Wansaction shail not d¢ closed Decause of tne refusal or fatiure of SELLER op
\ shail pay Wie commission in fu BROKERS on demand. In any ligation arising ‘out of this Contract CONcEMINg ROKERS mission,
the prevauing party shail be enuued 10 recover reasonabie attomey s ices incurred, ‘and ail coum costs. BROKERS wii oe para Cy SELLER os
Wit Ponh aoowe, unicss otherwise stated herein or by eddendum.
SDENDA 18 The foliowing described addende are attached to this Contract and incorporated herein: x2 atte Bro Feri etn
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reviewing neves De given: *RADON GAS: Radon is a naturaily occurring radioactive gas qnau when mes BeoS acd ine
gon suicient quanuues, may present nzain fses lO persons who sre exposed to it over time. Leveis of radon wal exceed Federas anc Suse gy .ceunes
ve a¢en found in buildings in Fionda, Acdiucng rmauon regarding radon and radon testing May be obtained from your County Pubic Heaun unt”
cs pustules requires Ws
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Docket for Case No: 00-000250
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Jun. 28, 2001 |
Final Order filed.
May 01, 2001 |
Order Closing File issued. CASE CLOSED.
Apr. 30, 2001 |
Motion to Hold Case in Abeyance (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Apr. 16, 2001 |
Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (filed via facsimile). |
Apr. 12, 2001 |
Amended Notice of Hearing issued. (hearing set for May 1, 2001; 9:30 a.m.; Sarasota, FL, amended as to location).
Apr. 12, 2001 |
Notice of Substitute Counsel (filed by R. Soliman via facsimile).
Apr. 11, 2001 |
Motion to Change Location of Hearing (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Apr. 09, 2001 |
Letter to Judge Pollock from B. Lamb requesting that 20 subpoenas be provided to his office for use at hearing filed.
Apr. 03, 2001 |
Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for May 1, 2001; 9:30 a.m.; Orlando, FL).
Jan. 17, 2001 |
Notice of Change of Firm and Address (filed by B. Lamb via facsimile).
Jan. 12, 2001 |
Status Report (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Dec. 29, 2000 |
Order Continuing Case in Abeyance issued (parties to advise status by January 12, 2001).
Dec. 27, 2000 |
(Petitioner) Unilateral Request for Extension of Time to File Status Report and Interim Status Report (filed via facsimile).
Nov. 29, 2000 |
Order Continuing Case in Abeyance issued (parties to advise status by December 29, 2000).
Nov. 20, 2000 |
Status Report and Motion to Continue Holding Case in Abeyance (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Nov. 01, 2000 |
Order Continuing Case in Abeyance issued (parties to advise status by November 20, 2000).
Oct. 20, 2000 |
Status Report and Motion to Maintain Case in Abeyance (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Oct. 19, 2000 |
(Petitioner) Motion for Extension of Time to File Status Report (filed via facsimile).
Jul. 13, 2000 |
Order Granting Continuance and Placing Case in Abeyance sent out. (parties to advise status by October 16, 2000.)
Jul. 12, 2000 |
Joint Motion to Place Case in Abeyance. (filed via facsimile)
Apr. 20, 2000 |
Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing sent out. (hearing set for July 27, 2000; 9:00 a.m.; Sarasota, FL)
Apr. 17, 2000 |
(Respondent) Motion to Reschedule Hearing filed.
Apr. 10, 2000 |
Petitioner`s Response to Respondent`s Second Request for Production filed. |
Apr. 10, 2000 |
Petitioner`s Response to Respondent`s First Request for Admissions filed. |
Apr. 10, 2000 |
Petitioner`s Response to Respondent`s First Request for Production filed. |
Mar. 31, 2000 |
Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing sent out. (hearing set for June 14, 2000; 9:00 a.m.; Sarasota, FL)
Mar. 23, 2000 |
(Petitioner) Motion to Continue and Reschedule Hearing (filed via facsimile).
Feb. 03, 2000 |
Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for April 27, 2000; 9:30 a.m.; Sarasota, FL)
Jan. 27, 2000 |
Joint Response to Initial Order (filed via facsimile).
Jan. 20, 2000 |
Initial Order issued. |
Jan. 14, 2000 |
Letter to N. Campiglia from B. Lamb (re: confirmation of request for formal hearing) filed.
Jan. 14, 2000 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Jan. 14, 2000 |
Petition for Hearing filed.
Jan. 14, 2000 |
(Respondent) Notice of Appearance filed.
Jan. 14, 2000 |
Agency Referral letter filed.