Agency: Agency for Health Care Administration
Locations: Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Filed: Nov. 21, 2000
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Thursday, February 22, 2001.
Latest Update: Jan. 10, 2025
Oct-23-2000 03:14pm — From-LEGAL 1-501-201-4801 T-317 ; P.002/010 F837
a> Vf
vA. ARICA NO: 10-00-074 NH
Respandent. )
8 ca AIN
YOU ARE HERERY NOTIFIED that after twenty one (21) days from the receipt
af this complaint, the Agency for Health Care Adminisration (hereinafter referred to a5
the "Agency”) intends to impose an administrative fine in the amount af Two Thousand
Eight Hundred ($2,800) Dollars upan Beverly Enterprises-Floride, Inc., d/b/a Beverly
Gulf CoastFlorida Inc., d/o/a Waabingion Manor Nursing & Rehabilitation Center
(hereinafter referred to as “Reapondent"). As graunds for this administrative fine, the
Agency alleges as fallows:
1. The Agency has jurisdiction aver Respondent by virtue of the provisions of
Chapter 400, Part I, Florida Statutes (F.S.)
2, Respondent is licensed wo operate at 4200 Washington Street, Hollywood,
Florida 33021, 25 # nursing home in compliance with Chapter 400, Part I, (F-S.), and
Chapter 594-4, Florida Administrative Cade FAL)
3. Fron ume $-8, 2000, as a result of @ survey conducted by personnel from the
office af the Agency for Health Care Administration it was found:
Oct-23-2000 03:14pm = From-LEGAL 1-501-201-4801 T3170 P.003/010 = F-BE7
(a) The resident bas the right to be free from any physical restraints imposed
for purposes of discipline or canvenience, and not required to treat the residant’s medical
symptoms. ,
" Based on abservetion, record review, and interview with facility staff, it was
determined that the facility did not ensure that 1 of 33 residents was fee from physical
restraints imposed for purposes of discipline ar convenience. The findings include the
(1) During initial toar on 6/05/00 at 9:52 a.m., it was observed that
Resident #28 had a mitt ta the left hand. An inquisy was made by the surveyor to
ascertain the reason for the use of the mift, and the staff member on tour with surveyor
reported that the mitt was to prevent the resident from the Gastrastamy the (G-tube).
(2) During record review on 6/07/00 at 10:00 azn. the following etry
was abssrved in a nurses note dated 6/02/00 at 9:00 am. “Residsar with mittens on both
hands af spouse's request. Spouse wants miten on because she is fearful resident will go
atk to hospital if G-mbe dislodge.” The following entry in the nurse’s notes, on 6/05/00
ar 8:00 am.: “Resident with minens on to prevent resident from pulling ow G tube.
Resident's spouses requen minens, she is fearful resident will have to go back to hogpital
if be pulls G the from stamach.” There was no documentation noted in the chart that the
resident was assessed for the need of the minens, a physician's order ar a care plan prias
to the application of mistens 10 the resident, A physician’s arder was also noted diving
shis review. The order dared 6/05/00 at 10:15 p.m. documented the following: “Hand
mittens to prevent pulling G-tuhe. Check visually Q 30 minutes, release Q 2 hours for
exercise.” Ths findings were brought to the arenrion of the ADON. During imerview
with the ADON at 10:20 aum., the nurses stated “The wife is very anxious and she wanted
the mitt epplied for safety, so thar he won't pull our the G-rube.
(3) Frher review of the clinical record did not result in
documentation that the facility demonstrated the presence af a specific medical symptom
Oct-23-2000 03:14pm = From-LEGAL 1-801-201-4801 T3170 P.004/010 = F-B87
that would required the use of the mit and how the sé of the min would aasist the
resident in reaching his or her highest level of physical and psychnsocial well-being.
There was na documentation thar the inverdisciplinary team addressed the risk of decline
at the time the mit was applied. The care plan noted in the seaident clinical record is
dated 6/05/00. This is in violation of eaction 400.022(3)(a), (F-S.). Class III deficiency.
This ia in violation of section 400.022(1)(), ¥.8. THIS 18 A BEPEAT
DEFICIENCY FROM THE survey of §/05/99. $700 Fine.
(b) The facility must promote care for residents in a manner and in an
environment that maintains or enhances each resident's dignity and respect in full
recognition of his or her individually.
Based on observation and interview, the facility did not pramaote care for residents
in 2 manner and in an environment that maintains or enhances each resident's dignity.
The findings include the following:
(1) During an interview with an pusampled resident an 6/06/00 at 9:00
am., it wes revealed that this resident had placed his/her call light on at approximately 3
am. on 6/05/00 because he/she needed to urinate. According to this resident, no staff
answered the call light for about 2 hours. After waiting approximately 2 hours, the
resident had to begin to screams in order to get the attention af facility staff. The resident
indicated that when the staff finally arrived to render assistance he/she had glready
urinated on himvheraelf. Further investigation and a review of this resident's clinical
secord revealed an MDS dated 3/18/00, which indicated thar, this resident has no
cognitive impairments.
(2) During the resident group imeriew sanducted on 6/06/00 st 9:00
am./ it was revealed that 6 of 21 residents could not get assisrance from staff unless that
staff member has them on their assignment. Specifically, ane resident indicated thar
he/she asks staff for assisvance when his/her leg falls of the wheelchair's leg rts.
According ta this resident he/she will ask a staff passing by for assistance, and staff will
Oct-23-2000 03:14pm = From=LEGAL 1-801-201-4801 T3817 P.008/010 = F857
seply by saying, “You'rs not my resident”. Jn addition, another resident indicated that
he/she experience the same problem when he/she needs their diaper changed. According
to this resident the sraff tell the resident, You're not on my assignment”, and leave them
to sit in a wet diaper.
"This is in violation of section 400.022(1}(a), F.S. Class I deficiency. $700 Fine.
{c) The facility must store, prepare, distribute, and serve fond under sanitary
assed on observation wes determined that the facility did not store, prepare,
distribute, and serve {had under sanitary conditions. During the sanitation tour of the
dietary department conducted on 6/05/00, the following sanitation violations were noted:
(1) The entry doat of the walk-in-freezer did not close properly, which
caused a heavy ice build up om the foods that were stared within the unit. Jt was
determined thar the non-fitting deor could not properly cantro! the temperature of the unit
within the temperature requirements.
(2) Leftover turkey and cheese slices Were not properly labeled with 2
date. ,
(3) Paper napkins, plastic silverware, and adaptive eating wrensils were
being stored within the mop roam/chemical storage closet.
(4) The rear exit door of the kitchen did not close tightly; leaving 2 gap
to the outdoors that canld allow the entrance of pests into the facility.
(5) The rear wall of the kitchen was noted ta be coumbling and had
Joose fitting tiles. .
,(Q Numerous ceiling venrs and ceiling tiles that were located
throughout fond starage, dish room, and preparation areas were noted by rusted, molded,
and with dust build up.
Oet-28-2000 03:15pm = From-LEGAL 1-601-201-4801 T-317?-P.006/010 F-B57
(7) The temperature of the breaded fish patty located in the tray line
steam tables did not mest the required minimal temperarure of 140 degrees F. The
termperarure of the fish was recorded at 130 degrees F.
-@) Cold foods were not kept refrigerated during the mes that the line
wes in operation. ‘The lunch dessert (apple slices) and the thickened juices were eR aut
at roors temperature While the line was in operation.
(9) The walls, floors and doors of the main resident dining room were
heavily soiled and in disrepair. .
This is in violatian of section 400.141(9), F.8. Class tm deficiency. $700 fine.
(a) __A facility must provide pharmaceutical services (including procedures that
assure the accurate acquiring, receiving, dispensing, and administering of all drugs and
biologicals) to mact the needs of each resident.
It was determined that the faciliry did not ensure thar residents receive accuratn,
acquiring, and adminimrasion of medications ordered by the physicians to mect the needs
of the residents. The findings include;
(1) - During clinical record reconcilistian following a medication
pbservation on 6/06/00 at 8:00 am., it was noted thet the medication administration
record for Resident #32 documented that the resident had been receiving 5 mg Coumadin
po. on a daily besis since 4/10/00. During clinical recard reconriliation, it was
determined tha the resident had a physician's onder dated 4/10/00 for Coumadin 2.5'mg
gd po. Review of the Medication Administratin Records (MAR) far this resident
revealed that the ardey for Coumadin 2.5. mg had been transcribed as Coumadin 5 mg.
On 5/24/00, an order was noted to “Hald Coumadin for 4 days” as a reguit of an
abnormally high Prothrombin Time, (8 laboratory test used ta determing the effectiveness
Oct-23-2000 03:15pm — From-LEGAL 1-501-201-4801 Teal? -P.O07/010 = F887
of blood thinners such as Coumadin). On 5/31/00, 2 physician's order was noted to
ssesuart Coumadin AO” JAO being used as an abbreviation for “as ordered”) The
medication wes restarted as Coumadin 5 mg p.o. qd. Review of the rasults of laboratory
teats from 4/10/00 to 6/05/00 revealed frequent indications of Prothrombin Time levels
above normal limits, sometimes indicated as “critical” levels. Turing thet time, a Demtal
Comme” was indicared with a diagnosis of bleeding gums and “coagulepathy”, both
possible indications for an abnormally high Prothrombin Time. Interview with the
ADON and the DON revealed that ‘the facility had transcribed and administered the
wrong dose of Coumadin for this resident since 4/10/00. Interview with the Advanced
RN Practitioner (ARNP) caring Sor this resident revealed that he/she was aware of the
Prothrombin Time levels and the administration of 5 mg of Coumadin on @ daily basis
since 4/10/00, However, he/she did not feel that the double douse had heen harmful to
the resident. Following surveyor intervention, the ARNP wrote an order for “Coumadin 5
mg p.o. qd.” However, the resident had received the wrong dose af the medication far 69
days prior to the record review.
(2) 0m 6/05/00, dusing the review of Resident #9 clinical recand, i was
observed that a Social Service note dated 3/20/00 specified “Pt. Was seen by a
paychianist on the 15" day of March. She was diagnosed of depressive mood end put her
an antidepressant Paxil S mg daily.” A psychiatrist consult contained in the record dated
3/15/00 was noted 10 specify, “Impression-Major Depression." The Tecammendation
noted was Paxi) 5 mg Q am. An order for Paxil was tranacribed 3/18/00 for Paxil 5 mg
QD. Furher review of the recard revealed that the record did not contain any
docurnentation ta substantiate the sdministration af the madication as ordered. The MAR
for 3/20/00 revealed that the medication was not administered for 15 days. The MAR
contained documentation on 3/16, 3/17, 3/20, 3/22. 3/25 snd 3/27, that the reason why
Paxil 5 mg 3 tab was aot given “nor available, pharmacy called.” Qn 3/29 the reason
Oct-23-2000 03:15pm — From-LEGAL 1-801-201-4801 T7317 -P.008/010 = F857
specified for why the Paxil 5 mg was not adroinistered was “Social Services working on
financial stevis.” ‘The Social Services’ note dated 3/20/00 specified that “The social
worker had a long meeting with the resident to discuss with the usefulness of the
medication. She agreed ther she wil] take the medication and alsa pay for it.” Interview
with the consultant phannacist and clinical manager on 6/06/00 at 3:09 p.m. reported that
she has to pull records to see Why medications were not dispensed for resident #9 4s to
the computer states resident is “Label Only” which is why it may not have been dispensed
“Label Only” is the category when medications are not seat 10 facility Som pharmacy.
The Resident may heve never had medications sent i Sarility from pharmacy much as on.
the occasions when they are private pay, private insurance or HMO reimbursement. “If it
is the first time request for medications for @ patient, the pharmacy usually verifies payer
source." The DON specified in an interview on 6/07/00 at 2:27 p.m. that “the day shift
nurses were the only ones aware of this and all they would have to d 9 wes to call the
pharmacy and me or the ADON would have given approval and they would have sent it.
The day nurses tied to take care of it on their own and just war's with Social Services.”
The yesident did not receive the ordered medication becanse of canfusion regarding the
payer status of the resident. ,
(3) During the review ofthe MAR as it relates to the abave example, it
was observed that Megace was not administered to Resident #9 for 12 days. Review of
the physician order sheet specifies an arder on 3/17/00 for Megace oral susp 40 mg/ml 20
ec po QD. Decumenration on the MAR dared 3/18/00 specifies that the reason the
Megace was not edministered was “not availabls, pharmacy called.” On 3/27/00, the
MARA specifies “Megace 40 cc” as not given — social services working on financial
status.” The resident did not receive the medication as ordered because confusion
regartling the payer syarus of the resident.
_ Oct-28-2000 03:16pm From-LEGAL 1-801-201-4801 T-317-P.008/010 © F857
This is in violation of rule 594-4.1 12(1), F-AC. Class I deficiency. $700 Fine.
4, The ahove ¢ referenced violations canstimte grounds to levy this edministrative
fine pursuant, to Section 400.121, (FS.), in that Respondent has violated the minimum
standards, rulgs and regulations promulgared by the Agency under Chapter 400, Part I,
€-.8.). ,
All requests for hearings shal! be made to:
Agency for Health Care Administration
Manchester Building, Ist Flaar
£355 N.W. SSrel Soret
Miami, Florida 33166
‘Anention: Alba M. Rodriguez, Assistant Geneval Counsel
Payment of fines shall be made to:
Agency for Health Care ‘Administration ®
P.O. Box 13749
Tallahassee, Florida 323 17-3749
5. Respondent is notified thar it has a right to request an administrative , hearing
pursuant to Section 120.569, (F.8.}; to be represented by counsel (at its expense); to take
teatimeny, to -call and cross-examine witnesses, 1a have subpeenas and/or subpocnas
duces tecum issued, and to present writen evidence or argument if jt requests ¢ hearing.
In order to obtain a formal proceeding, your request for an adminiswarive hearing must
conform to the requirements in Rule 28-106.201, (F-A-C.), and must state which issues of
material fact you dispute. Failure to dispute material issues-af fact in your request for @
hearing may he treated by the Agency és an election hy you of an. informa] proceeding
under Section 120.57(2), F.5.)
Oct-28-2000 03:18pm — From-LEGAL
+ 4
1-801-201-4801 T3177) P.O10/010 «= F-887
L HEREBY CERTIFY that a tus copy hereof was sent by U.S. Certified Mail,
Return Receipt Requested to Adminimratar. Washington Manor Nursing and
Rehabilitation Center, 4200 Washington Srrect, Hollywood, Florida 33021, Corporation
Service Company, Registered Agent, 1201 Hays Sreet, Tallahassee, Florida 32301-2525,
and to Beverly Pricrprises-Florida Ine., 1000 Beverly Way, Forth Smith, AR 72919%0n
this / Pray of Ocbabers 2000.
: \ ats
8 igor er rau
1400 We West =: Commer By Suste 100
Fr, Lauderdale, Florida 33
Mam Florida 33166
“Copy to:
Alba M. Rogriguer, : Aasistant General Counsel
for Fist Health C are
Manchester pring Yat Flaor
8355 N.W. Sand Sr :
Miami, Florida 33 ie
Nuraing Home Pra Oise
Agency f pa Health th Care
2727 397 Mahan “an Drive
Tallahassee, Florida 32308
Finance and Accounting
Agency for Health Care Administration
_ 2727 Mahan Drive
Tallahassee, Flarida 32399
NOTE: In accordance with the Amerisand with Disabilities Act, persans needin 8 Bpecial
accommodation to parti in this procesding shavld contact Alba M. Radriguez no
laves than fauroen (1°) prior te the proceeding or hearing & wt which such ape ecias
aceommoda’ Alba M. Radri Bay be ar 8355 NW S3rd
Street, Miami, ni, Florida jaa 33166. Telephone: (305) 499-2165 or eae Ss 8770 (voice) vie
Florida Relay Service.
Docket for Case No: 00-004734
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Oct. 23, 2001 |
Final Order filed.
Mar. 29, 2001 |
Transcript (3) volumes filed. |
Feb. 22, 2001 |
Order of Severance and Closing File issued. CASE 00-4734 ONLY unconsolidated and CLOSED.
Feb. 16, 2001 |
Amended Joint Prehearing Stipulation (filed via facsimile). |
Feb. 15, 2001 |
Subpoena Duces Tecum (A. Cruz), Subpoena Duces Tecum (C. Ramos), Verified Return of Service 2 filed. |
Feb. 09, 2001 |
Notice for Deposition of Richard Patterson (filed via facsimile). |
Feb. 01, 2001 |
Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing issued (hearing set for February 20 and 21, 2001; 10:00 a.m.; Fort Lauderdale, FL).
Jan. 31, 2001 |
Agreed Motion for Continuance (filed via facsimile).
Jan. 30, 2001 |
Order Granting Motion to Amend issued.
Jan. 29, 2001 |
Amended Administrative Complaint (filed via facsimile).
Jan. 29, 2001 |
Notice of Deposition Duces Tecum of Cliff Ramos (filed via facsimile). |
Jan. 29, 2001 |
Notice of Deposition Duces Tecum of Alex Cruz filed. |
Jan. 29, 2001 |
Motion to Amend the Adminsitrative Complaint (filed via facsimile).
Jan. 26, 2001 |
Joint Prehearing Stipulation (filed via facsimile).
Jan. 11, 2001 |
Order Allowing R. Davis Thomas, Jr., to Appear as a Qualified Representative on Behalf of Petitioner issued.
Jan. 04, 2001 |
Amended Notice of Deposition Duces Tecum of Agency Representative (filed via facsimile). |
Jan. 04, 2001 |
Affidavit of R. Davis Thomas, Jr. (filed via facsimile).
Jan. 04, 2001 |
Motion to Allow R. Davis Thomas, Jr. to Appear as Petitioner`s Qualified Representative (filed via facsimile).
Jan. 03, 2001 |
Notice of Deposition Duces Tecum of Agency Representative (filed via facsimile). |
Dec. 14, 2000 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions issued.
Dec. 14, 2000 |
Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for February 6 and 7, 2001; 10:00 a.m.; Fort Lauderdale, FL). |
Dec. 04, 2000 |
Joint Response to Initial Order (filed via facsimile).
Nov. 22, 2000 |
Order of Consolidation issued. (consolidated cases are: 00-004035, 00-004734, 00-004735) |
Nov. 22, 2000 |
Initial Order issued. |
Nov. 21, 2000 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Nov. 21, 2000 |
Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Nov. 21, 2000 |
Notice filed by the Agency.